Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “roll technique” ISSN: 2394-0026 (P)Case Report ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “roll technique” – A case report Deepak Grover1, Gurpreet Kaur1*1Reader, Dept. of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, National Dental College and Hospital, Derabassi, Punjab, India *Corresponding author email: [email protected] to cite this article: Deepak Grover, Gurpreet Kaur. Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “rolltechnique” – A case report. IAIM, 2014; 1(4): 80-85. Available online at www.iaimjournal.comReceived on: 05-12-2014 Accepted on: 11-12-2014AbstractThe defects of the alveolar ridge can result from various causes, most common being the collapse ofalveolar bone during extraction. Localized defects of alveolar crest impair prosthetic rehabilitationdue to poor emergence profile of the pontic which in turn adversely affects the aesthetics andfunction. Several alternatives have been proposed to restore the damaged ridge by hard and softtissue augmentation. Various soft tissue ridge augmentation techniques have been used to augmentalveolar ridge with varying success. The present clinical report describes the “roll technique” as ameans of soft tissue ridge augmentation to treat alveolar ridge defects.Key wordsRidge augmentation, Roll technique, Alveolar ridge defects.Introduction pathologies, developmental disorders, external trauma and tumors [2].Localized alveolar defects are frequently found Seibert (1983) classified these defects into threein partially edentulous patients that impair the different categories [3]:prosthetic restoration of damaged ridge area Class 1 defect: buccolingual loss of tissue withcausing aesthetic, phonetic and oral hygiene normal height in apicocoronal dimension.complications [1]. These defects are associated Class 2 defect: apicocoronal loss of tissue withwith the deficit in the volume of bone and soft normal ridge width in buccolingual dimension.tissues within the alveolar process resulting Class 3 defect: combination of buccolingual andfrom tooth extractions, advanced periodontal apicocoronal loss of tissue resulting in loss ofdisease, abscess formations, periapical normal height and width.International Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 4, December, 2014. Page 80Copy right © 2014, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.
Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “roll technique” ISSN: 2394-0026 (P) ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)Allen, et al. (1985) classified the ridges as to the of roll flap procedure, this article describes thedepth of the deformity in relation to the roll technique to treat the alveolar ridge defects.adjacent alveolar level, as [4]:1. Mild: depth less than 3 mm Case report2. Moderate: ranging from 3-6 mm3. Severe: more than 6 mm A 32 years old, female patient referred to the Department of Periodontology and OralVarious techniques have been employed to Implantology, National Dental College andcorrect these tissue deformities like guided bone Hospital, Derabassi presented with Seibert classregeneration, bone grafts, bone substitutes, and I deformity in the edentulous ridge followingsoft tissue ridge augmentation. The later extraction of maxillary anteriors several yearsincludes the epithelial connective tissue graft back. Prior to fabrication of definitive prosthesis,(Meltzer, 1979) [5], onlay grafts (Seibert, 1983) it was decided to augment the defect by ‘roll[3], subepithelial connective tissue graft (Langer technique’.and Calanga, 1980) [6], and roll pedicle grafttechnique (Abrams, 1980 [7]; Scharf and Prior to surgery, patient was instructed to rinseTarnow, 1992 [8]; Barone, et al., 1999 [9]; with 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution forGasparini, 2004 [10].). 30 seconds. The area was anesthetized by nerve block and infiltration anesthesia using localThe roll technique, described by Abrams [7] in anesthetic solution, 2% lignocaine with 1:80,0001980, comprises de-epithelialization of a palatal epinephrine. The technique involves dissecting aflap. The length of the pedicle should be de-epithelialized palatal flap and creating acompatible with the height of the defect on the pedicle toward the vestibular aspect bybuccal aspect and similar to the crest in reflection of full thickness flap towards themesiodistal direction. This pedicle is rolled under palatal mucosa. (Photo - 1, Photo - 2, Photo - 3)the buccal mucosa to increase the buccolingual Two full thickness vertical incisions were madedimension of the edentulous ridge for later from the crest of the ridge towards the palate.fabrication of a fixed prosthesis. The flap is The length of the incision depends on the lengthreleased by two vertical incisions extended of tissue desired. The incisions were placed 2beyond the mucogingival junction. This mm away from the sulci of adjacent teeth totechnique may be employed for correction of preserve the papilla. Once the flap was reflectedmoderate defects, Seibert’s Class 1 and early to the crest of the ridge, a pouch was createdclass 2 ridge defects. It provides the advantages between the buccal mucosa and the alveolarof: bone. (Photo - 4, Photo - 5) The tissue was then1. Increased vascularity to the tissue rolled in a pouch created between the facial2. Good color match with the surrounding mucosa and the alveolar ridge and secured withtissues interrupted braided silk sutures. (Photo - 6,3. Involvement of a single surgical site. Photo - 7, Photo - 8)Over the years, new techniques are constantly Post operatively patient was prescribedbeing developed to treat alveolar ridge defects. antibiotics (amoxicillin 500 mg t.d.s. for 5 days),The choice of technique should be based on and analgesic (ibuprofen b.d. for three days).predictability of the outcome and may vary from Patient was advised to rinse with 0.2%case to case. Taking into account the advantages chlorhexidine gluconate mouth wash twice dailyInternational Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 4, December, 2014. Page 81Copy right © 2014, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.
Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “roll technique” ISSN: 2394-0026 (P) ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)for two weeks. Healing was uneventful and the Photo – 4: Two vertical incisions and asutures were removed after ten days. (Photo - horizontal incision.9) Patient was followed at 14 days and after onemonth post operatively for the prostheticrehabilitation. (Photo - 10, Photo - 11)Photo – 1: Preoperative photograph. Photo – 5: Elevation of the flap.Photo – 2: Preoperative photograph. Photo – 6: Flap rolled.Photo – 3: De-epithelialization. Discussion The ridge defects create a functional and aesthetic challenge to maintain normal anatomyInternational Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 4, December, 2014. Page 82Copy right © 2014, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.
Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “roll technique” ISSN: 2394-0026 (P) ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)of the oral tissues. The standard restorative Photo – 10: 14 days post operatively.treatment procedures cannot be carried outbecause tooth to gingival relationship is notmaintained resulting in unattractive prosthesis[11].Photo – 7: Suture placement (incisal view). Photo – 11: One month post operatively.Photo – 8: Suture placement (palatal area toheal with secondary intention).Photo – 9: 10 days post operatively. Localised alveolar ridge defects may be corrected by two different approaches: hard tissue ridge augmentation and soft tissue augmentation procedures. However, when planning fixed partial denture as definitive prosthesis, soft tissue augmentation procedures alone provides a satisfactory aesthetic outcome in majority of cases [12, 13]. Various surgical approaches have been proposed to augment ridge defect using soft tissue and have been widely accepted [13, 14, 15]. The roll flap procedure, originally proposed by Abrams [7] in 1980, is widely accepted technique. The free gingival graft and sub epithelial connective tissue graft techniques, although established procedure, have certainInternational Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 4, December, 2014. Page 83Copy right © 2014, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.
Soft tissue ridge augmentation using “roll technique” ISSN: 2394-0026 (P) ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)disadvantages. In free gingival graft and sub 2. Miller PD Jr. Ridge augmentation underepithelial connective tissue graft [5, 6], original existing fixed prosthesis. Simplifiedvascularization is not maintained, which technique. J Periodontol, 1986; 57: 742–predisposes it to necrosis and shrinkage of graft. 745.Moreover, there are chances of haemorrhage at 3. Seibert J. S. Reconstruction of deformed,the donor site and postoperative pain and partially edentulous ridges, using fulldiscomfort related to second surgical site. In thickness onlay grafts. Part 1. Techniqueaddition, free gingival graft also poses problems and wound healing. Compend Cont Edof colour match and therefore cannot be used in Gen Dent, 1983; 4: 437.aesthetic areas [10]. 4. Allen EP, Gainza CS, Farthing GG, Newbold DA. Improved technique forThis case report explains the treatment of a localized ridge augmentation. A reportSeibert class 1 alveolar ridge defect involving of 21 cases. J Periodontol, 1985; 56:two teeth with satisfactory result. The 195–199.advantage is a good colour match of the 5. Meltzer JA. Edentulous area tissue graftsurrounding tissues involving a single surgical correction of an aesthetic defect. A casesite; however, the disadvantage is the inability report. J Periodontol, 1979; 50(6): 320-to treat larger defects because of the lack of 322.donor tissue availability and postoperative 6. Langar B, Calagna L. The subepithelialdiscomfort due to healing by secondary connective tissue graft. J Prosthet Dent,intention. 1980; 44(4): 363-367. 7. Abrams L. Augmentation of theConclusion deformed residual edentulous ridge for fixed prosthesis. Compendium ContinThe replacement of missing teeth is only a part Educ Dent, 1980; 1(3): 205-213.of the treatment. Another important aspect of 8. Scharf DR, Tarnow DP. Modified rolltherapy consists of replacing the lost portion ofthe alveolar process and the associated soft technique for localized alveolar ridgetissue. The reestablishment of a normal alveolar augmentation. Int J Periodonticscontour is a critical step in aesthetic success. The Restorative Dent, 1992; 12(5): 415-425.procedure described in this case report showed 9. Barone R, Clauser C, Prato GP. Localizedsatisfactory results in an aesthetic region with a soft tissue ridge augmentation at phasesingle surgical procedure that overcomes the 2 implant surgery: A case report. Int Jlimitations of the other soft tissue graft Periodontics Restorative Dent, 1999;techniques along with better healing and 19(2): 141-145.stability post-operatively. 10. Luiz Gustavo Nascimento de Melo, Jose Sergio Maia Neto, Wendel Teixeira, Frederico Ciporkin, Caio MarcioReferences Figueiredo. Application of a Modified Roll Technique to Ridge Augmentation Before Implant Surgery: A Case Report.1. Atwood DA. Reduction of residual Perio - Periodontal Practicesridges: A major oral disease entity. J Today, 2006; 3: 49-56.Prosthet Dent, 1971; 26: 266–279. 11. Studer S, Kadl P, Glauser R, Scharer P. Semi-quantitative short-term results ofInternational Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 4, December, 2014. Page 84Copy right © 2014, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.
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