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Home Explore A case report of HELLP syndrome

A case report of HELLP syndrome

Published by iaim.editor, 2015-01-12 06:15:45

Description: How to cite this article: Aesha A. Patel, Tushar M. Shah. A case report of HELLP syndrome. IAIM, 2015; 2(1): 108-111.

Keywords: HELLP syndrome, Pre-eclampsia, Hemolysis, Diagnosis, Treatment.


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HELLP syndrome ISSN: 2394-0026 (P)Case Report ISSN: 2394-0034 (O) A case report of HELLP syndrome Aesha A. Patel1*, Tushar M. Shah2 1PG Student, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India2Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India *Corresponding author email: [email protected] to cite this article: Aesha A. Patel, Tushar M. Shah. A case report of HELLP syndrome. IAIM,2015; 2(1): 108-111. Available online at www.iaimjournal.comReceived on: 30-12-2014 Accepted on: 07-01-2015AbstractHELLP syndrome is a serious complication in pregnancy characterized by hemolysis, elevated liverenzymes and low platelet count. This case demonstrated the importance of rapid and early diagnosisand treatment of HELLP syndrome to reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. 26years old, 2nd gravida with 31 weeks of gestation with severe pre-eclampsia was admitted toDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad. Patient suddenly developedepigastric pain, blood tinge urine (not frank hematuria) and decrease urine output within 24 hours ofadmission. Investigations revealed platelet count 44,300, serum bilirubin 12, direct bilirubin 3.44,and indirect bilirubin 8.56, SGPT 193.5 and was diagnosed as a HELLP syndrome class 1. Sheunderwent cesarean section and there was dramatic improvement of her symptoms and all bloodinvestigations (S. bilirubin, Platelet count) were declined to normal limit within 48 hours postoperatively. HELLP syndrome, a variant of severe pre-eclampsia, if diagnosed and manage timelyensure favorable maternal and perinatal outcome.Key wordsHELLP syndrome, Pre-eclampsia, Hemolysis, Diagnosis, Treatment.Introduction perinatal mortality and morbidity is very high in this case. Timely diagnosis and management ofHELLP Syndrome (H – Haemolysis, EL - Elevated HELLP syndrome reduces the maternal andliver enzymes, LP - Low platelet count) is a perinatal mortality and morbidity [1].serious complication of severe pre-eclampsia. Itsincidence is reported as 0.5-0.9% of all Case reportpregnancies, and 10-20% of women with severepre-eclampsia. Incidence of maternal and 26 years old, 2nd gravida female with 31 weeks of gestation presented to us with chiefInternational Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January, 2015. Page 108Copy right © 2015, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.

HELLP syndrome ISSN: 2394-0026 (P) ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)complaints of bilateral pedal edema since one platelet 1,1700 cells/cumm , bilirubin 3.72month. She had a history of severe pre- mg/dl, direct 1.42 and indirect 2.35, SGPT 85.6,eclampsia in past pregnancy and undergone INR 0.98. Patient was given total 5 pint PCV, 21lower section cesarean section (LSCS) for pint Platelets, 15 pint Cryoprecipitates, and 8transverse lie before three years. Her blood pint FFP.pressure was 150/100 mmHg and had bilateralpedal edema. Rest of the findings of general Discussionexamination was normal. Random urine albuminwas +2 by dip stick method. Obstetrical HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening pregnancyexamination found abdominal wall edema, complication of pre-eclampsia. The severity ofprevious cesarean section scar, 28-30 weeks size HELLP syndrome is measured according to theuterus, cephalic presentation, regular fetal heart blood platelet count of the mother and dividedsound (FHS) and relaxed, per vaginal into three categories.examination showed os closed. On admission,hemogram (Hemoglobin 9 gm/dl, Platelet count Mississippi classification of HELLP syndrome [2]3,68,000 cells/cumm), liver function test (serumbilirubin 0.71mg/dl) including liver enzymes and Platelets Class 1 Class 2 Class 3prothrombin time were within normal limit. (Severe) (Moderate) (Mild)Ultrasound for fetal well being showed 31 weeks AST or ≤50,000/ 50,000- 100,000-mature intrauterine fetus with early diastolic ALT µL 100,000/µL 150,000/µLnotch in right uterine artery on Doppler study. LDH ≥70 IU/L ≥70 IU/L ≥40 IU/LPatient was kept on antihypertensive (T. Methyl ≥600 ≥600 IU/L ≥600 IU/Ldopa and T. Nifedipin) and 2 doses of steroids IU/Lgiven for fetal lung maturity. Next day, shesuddenly developed epigastric pain, blood tinge The pathogenesis of HELLP syndrome is noturine (not frank hematuria) and decrease urineoutput. At that time, blood pressure was completely understood. Those currently160/100 mmHg and urine albumin was +2. In aview of HELLP syndrome, repeat investigations considered important includeswere sent which revealed hemoglobin 11.2gm/dl, platelet count 64,300 cells/cumm, • Placental implantation with abnormalbilirubin 12 mg/dl, direct bilirubin 3.44, indirectbilirubin 8.56, INR 1.01, SGPT 193.5. At that trophoblastic invasion of uterine vessels.time, blood components were given (1 pint PCV,8 pint FFP, 12 pint Platelets, 4 pint • Immunological maladaptive toleranceCryoprecipitates). Non stress test was donewhich was equivocal. Decision of emergency between maternal, paternal (placental)LSCS was taken. After counseling, the patientwas posted for surgery. Emergency LSCS was and fetal tissues.done, delivered a male child 1.5 kg. Peroperative blood components were given. Post • Maternal maladaptation tooperative period was uneventful. Herinvestigations revealed hemoglobin 7 gm/dl, cardiovascular or inflammatory changes of normal pregnancy. • Genetic factors including inherited predisposing genes as well as epigenetic influences. Hemolysis, one of the major characteristics of the disorder, is due to a microangiopathic hemolytic anaemia. Elevation of liver enzymesInternational Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January, 2015. Page 109Copy right © 2015, IAIM, All Rights Reserved.

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