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Home Explore Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook

Published by Cora Cora Maldives, 2021-08-30 10:04:20

Description: Employee Handbook

Keywords: Handbook


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INTRODUCTION This Associate Handbook of Cora Cora Maldives has been created to comply with the Maldives Employment Act (2008), in order for every associate to understand the rights and duties outlined in the Employment Act, as well as rules & regulations of Cora Cora Resorts & Cora Cora Maldives. The Handbook is part of the Employment Contract between the associate and the company. Please study carefully and have a clear understanding. Associates are required to abide by terms and conditions of the employment. Every effort was made to accurately reflect current provisions when this handbook was circulated. However, in case of any omission or conflict between this handbook and the applicable text, the complete policy or plan document will apply. Like all successful organizations, Cora Cora Resorts is growing and changing, and so are the needs of our business and associates. That’s why the resort reserves the right to change or discontinue policies or benefits at any time. The resort believes it’s important for you to have accurate information about policies that affect you. Your handbook will be updated periodically to reflect these changes, or you will be updated by various forms of communication channels. The Management expects that this Handbook will guide associates to be informed, perform better and to be successful with in the company.   With best regards, The Management Team 2

WELCOME Dear Freedom Fighters,  Maruhaba! On behalf of everyone here at Cora Cora Maldives, we welcome you to an exciting new future. Your decision to become a part of us is the first step in joining a team dedicated to success. Success goes far beyond financial achievement. Our company’s culture is based on people, performance and accountability in an environment of trust, support and care. We strive to be the most preferred hotel, not only for our guests, but also for everyone who is a part of our team. The key element is that we use our heart, to do our work, to guide our behavior, our attitudes and our operations. Our resort owners, HMM Pvt. Ltd., expects performance and accountability from our resort team. Our owners have trusted us with this excellent asset. It is you and all of us, which give this resort life, character and heart. Just as we are committed to you, your development and aspirations for excellence, we demand your commitment to us. Your commitment will be demonstrated through active involvement, continual improvement through study and practice, dedication and respect for your fellow Associates, and a diligent and intelligent focus on delighting our guests. Your success is our success. This two- way commitment will develop you into a respected, valuable and competent hospitality professional. We will also give you our commitment to your success and we strive to build an environment of trust, support and care. Yours Sincerely General Manager 3


TMheALDIVES ABOUT MALDIVES Language : Dhivehi Access : chartered & scheduled flights Time : +5 GMT Visa : 30 days on arrival Capital : Malé Language : Dhivehi & English widely Total Number of Islands : 1190 spoken Inhabited Islands : 198 Climate : Tropical Population : 540, 544 (2020) Transport : Airplanes, Seaplanes, Speed- Major Industries : Tourism & Fisheries boats and Dhoni  Resorts : 100+ Currency : Maldivian Rufiyaa (All major WORKING HOURS currencies, credit cards and travellers’ Banks : Sun to Thu cheques accepted) Government : 08:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Private Sector : 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. LOCATION The Maldives consists of 1190 islands grouped into 26 atolls scattered over the area of 90,000 straddling the equator between latitudes 7o 6” north and 0o 42” south and longitudes 72o 32” and 73o 46” east. GEOGRAPHY The atolls of the Maldives are formed from coral structures. The atolls are part of a greater structure known as the Lac- cadives – chagos ridge, which stretches over 2000 kilometres. The islands are low lying with the highest point at ap- proximately eight feet above sea level. Ring shaped reef structures form the atolls, and these reefs provide the nat- ural defence against wind and wave ac- tion on these delicate islands. 5

TMheALDIVES ABOUT MALDIVES MUSIC HISTORY ART & CRAFT Bodu Beru is the most popular form The early history of the Maldives is en- of music and dance in the country, shrined in myth and legend. Archaeo- The Maldivians are skilled crafts- believed to have been introduced logical records indicate that the first men. This can be seen in several of in the early 10th century by Afri- visitors to the Maldives stepped ashore Maldivian arts and craft; the deft can slaves. Historians believe that over 5000 years ago. According to folk- coral stone carvings at Hukuru Mi- Thaara, which also holds a special shore the Maldives was first colonized skiiy, the intricate lacquer are, the place in local entertainment, have by an Indo-Aryan race between the fine mats woven by the women of been introduced from the Middle fourth and fifth centuries B.C Fioari in the south and the work of East in the seventeenth century. skilled calligraphers whose works • 1st century AD Roman manual of navi- old and new that can be viewed in Other forms of dance such as Bandi- gation periplus Mari Erithraei mentions mosques around the country. ya Jehun have a strong South Asian islands assumed to be Maldives flavour. Today western pop and Indi- CULTURE an music is popular with the young • 2nd century AD Ptolemy refers to Mal- and old dives in his geography Located at the crossways of the Indi- an Ocean shipping lanes on the main • 362 AD Roman historian records visit seaway around the Indian subconti- of delegation to Rome bearing gifts to nent, the Maldives has long been a Emperor Julian meeting point for African, Arab, Malay and Indonesian Mariners. Throughout • 662 AD historical Chinese document the centuries these influences have records the King of Maldives sent gifts shaped the Maldivian way of life. This to Chinese Emperor Kao-Tsung of Tang can be seen from the many facets of dynasty Maldivian lifestyle such as dining, mu- sic, art and craft. • 1153 Maldives convert to Islam • 1558 Portuguese invade Maldives • 1573 Mohamed Thakurufaanu liberates Maldives from the Portuguese • 1752 The Malabar’s invade Maldives and rule for 3 months • 1887 Protectorate agreement with Great Britain • 1932 First constitution enacted • 1965 Independence from the British • 1953 The First republic • 1954 Failure of the First Republic • 1968 End of the monarchy, beginning if the second republic • 1972 Development of first island resort • 1972 Arrival of first tourists to island resorts 6

Telephone and mobile phone services in TMheALDIVES the country are provided by Dhiraagu, the Maldives telecommunications com- The Maldives post limited provides pany. GSM mobile services are also pro- postal services in addition to their ex- vided by Dhiraagu and Ooredoo Tele- press courier service EMS. Most of the coms; post and prepaid services are international courier services are also available. Roaming arrangements are represented in Malé, such as FedEx & available for customers of major mobile DHL. operators in the world. The local currency is the Rufiyaa (MVR). There are several cyber cafes located A rufiyaa is 100 Laari (other form of www in different areas of Malé. Internet ser- Cents). The rufiyaa is in denominations of 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 rufiyaa vices in the Maldives are provided by notes, 1 and 2 rufiyaa coins and 50, 25, 10, two ISP’s licensed by the government. 5, 2 and 1 Laari coins. The exchange rate Telephone packages are buddle with in- is fixed by the government and it is fixed ternet, which can be available from Dhi- to MVR. 15.42 against the United states raagu & Ooredoo. dollar. All resorts, hotels and most major shops and restaurants are authorized money Changer. STATE BANK OF INDIA COMERCIAL BANK BANK OF CEYLON BANK OF MALDIVES PLC THE MAURITIUS OF MALDIVES COMMERCIAL BANK (Maldives) H. Sunleet, Gadhage Mohamed 12, Aage, BML Head Office, Fulhu Building H.Filigasdhoshuge Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé, 11, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, H. Sifa Building Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé, Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Malé, Republic of Maldives Malé, Republic of Maldives Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé, Republic of Maldives Republic of Maldives Tel: (+960) 332 3045 Tel: (+960) 332 2948 Republic of Maldives Tel: (+960) 331 2111 Tel : +960 333 2668 Fax: (+960) 332 0575 Fax: (+960) 332 8233 Tel: (+960) 330 5656 Fax: (+960) 332 3053 Fax : +960 330 2668 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: (+960) 330 5757 Email: [email protected] Email : [email protected] Email: [email protected] View Details of Head Office View Details of Head Office View Details of Head Office View Details of Head Office View Details of Head Office 7

TMheALDIVES RAA MAAMIGILI OUR LOCATION GEOGRAPHY its SW quarter, close to Kandholhudhu The capital of Northern Maalhosmadulu Cora Cora Maldives is located in the Island Northern Maalhosmadulu Atoll is 35 Island (where there is the place most Atoll is Ungoofaaru. Recently, the island called Maamigili. Maldives is administra- miles in length from N to S, and 15 miles crowded with small reefs and shoals in has been reclaimed up to the edge of the tively divided in to 26 Atolls ( equivalent across at its broadest part. Its western the whole Maldives), but its narrower reef in order to provide land for social to states), where we belong to 5th most fringe is composed of a series of round northern end is quite clear of reefs. The and economic activities for the growing North Atoll of the country called R. Atoll or oval reefs (FARU) irregularly placed (a general depths of the lagoon are from population. or Northern Maalhosmadulhu. feature peculiar to all the larger North- 23 to 27 fathoms. ern Atolls). The center is heavily dotted with coral patches (GIRI), some sub- merged and some awash. The concen- tration of giri is especially dense towards RAA ATOLL Country Maldives Raa Atoll (also known as Maalhosmad- Corresponding geographic Northern Maalhosmadulhu ulh Atoll) is an administrative division of atoll(s) the Maldives. Its abbreviation is R. Location 5° 58” N and 5° 20” N There are a total of 88 islands in the atoll 05°40’ 05 N 72° 52’30” E of which only 14 are inhabited. Capital Ungoofaru Population ECONOMY  Total 24,753 Fishing and agriculture form the mainstay Letter code E of the atoll’s economy. Fishing is engaged Dhivehi letter code R( ) in throughout the year, with pole, line and Inhabited islands Alifushi, Angolhitheemu, Fainu, Hulhudhuffaaru, Inguraidhoo, Innamaadhoo, Kinolhas, Maakurathu, Maduv- reef fishing practiced in various islands in varee, Meedhoo, Rasgetheemu, Rasmaadhoo, Ungoofaaru & Vaadhoo the atoll. The atoll is also famous for its Uninhabited islands Aarah, Arilundhoo, Badaveri, Bodufarufinolhu,Bodufenmaaenboodho, Bodufushi, Boduhaiykodi, Boduhu- skilled boatbuilding carpenters as well raa,Ekurufushi, Etthingili, Dhigali, Dhoragali, Dheburidheythereyvaadhoo, Dhikkurendhdhoo, Dhinnaafushi, as craftmanship, such as mat and rope Dhuvaafaruhuraa, Faarafushi, Fasmendhoo, Fenfushi, Filaidhoo, Fuggiri, Furaveri, Gaaudoodhoo, Giraavaru, weaving. Several inhabitants work in the Goyyafaru, Guboshi, Hiraveri, Hulhudhoo, Huruvalhi, Ifuru, Kaddogadu, Kothaifaru, Kottafaru, Kottefaru, tourism industry and other commercial Kudafushi, Kudahaiykodi, Kudakurathu, Kudalhosgiri, Kudathulhaadhoo, Kukulhudhoo, Kuroshigiri, Lhaanbu- trades in the Maldivian capital, Malé. gali, Lhaanbugau, Lhohi, Liboakandhoo, Lundhufushi, Maafaru, Maamigili, Maamunagaufinolhu, Maanenfushi, Maashigiri, Madivaafaru, Mahidhoo, Meedhupparu, Muravandhoo, Mullaafushi, Neyo, Thaavathaa, Ufuland- hoo, Ugulu, Uthurumaafaru, Vaffushihuraa, Vandhoo, Veyvah, Viligili, Wakkaru Resort islands, airports and industrial islands are also considered uninhabited. 8


BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept Now You’re Free ISSUED 2021 to Roam 6 Again 10 Life gets a lot more colorful at Cora Cora we’ve got tons of options for everyone, plus it’s all Maldives Raa Atoll. made from top-quality ingredients and prepared with fiery passion - it’s so good you’ll be desperate for more. We’re talking hair down, feet up, check in, chill out. What’s lost can always be found - reconnect with Get to know our history and be one of us at our the real you: play like a kid, eat what you want, sing heritage site, art exhibitions, our Sandy Toes boutique like you’re in the shower and dance like there’s no one and through each and every member of the Cora Cora around. family. We’re here to help make sure you’re living the best life, every moment, everyday. You’ve got to see it for yourself. Our island is your own panoramic paradise, with 100 hectares of lagoon, a It’s freedom time. Made by us, lived by you. pristine coral reef, crystal oceans and pearly white sands. Have whatever you want, whenever you want - it’s all unlimited. So forget the rules; have breakfast at midnight and drinks in the morning! Whether vegan, vegetarian or all-out cheat meals,

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept FIrt’seedom ISSUED 2021 Time Why Freedom Matters What’s it All About? Freedom is the endgame. It’s the ultimate goal of taking a vacation. It’s what comes after all the We often hear: “I want to be free again!”, that build-up, the excitement and the escape from desire to getaway and see the world and what it normal life. Freedom is fulfilled when you arrive has to o er. That’s why we’re all about Freedom at Cora Cora and start experiencing the way we Time. Think of it like a ‘Yes’ day: we throw out live life. That’s why we put so much attention the rule book and let freedom flow. There’s no into finding out what our guests want and what guilt and no need to feel self-conscious, just makes them feel free. We want everyone to pure you time to do as you please. Think shoes have an unlimited experience across everything o , sand on; lagoon swimming at dusk or dawn; they do, because true freedom has no limits. eating what you want when you want. It’s about freeing yourself from all the things in life that 7 can be put on hold for a while. At Cora Cora, time is yours, and it’s time for you to be free 11 again.

BRACNoDncept It’s time to lose your shoes again #CoraCoraMaldives #FreedomFound 12

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept ISSUED 2021 Luxury Never Felt so Natural When nature’s this good, nothing quite beats it. That’s why luxury instinct is in our nature, making everyone feel like they belong. The ocean, the coral reef, the lagoon, the beach - the entire island is a picture perfect destination which we expand our resort upon. It inspires our lifestyle philoso- phy of living life unlimited, flowing into everything we do, from the best natural ingredients in our food, the curvature of our pools, the architecture of our villas and the ambience of our bars and restaurants 8 13

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept In(nLoost)cence is ISSUED 2021 Our Essence 9 Our core values really is as simple as being who you want to be, because freedom = genuine. To us, that’s the 14 ultimate way to live life. We can define them with four simple F Words: Freedom Freedom gives our guests the confidence to be themselves, and fundamentally, the Cora Cora family as well. Family Our family is all about inclusion; the more diverse the better, we have no boundaries. Fun Without fun, what is life? Whatever is fun for you, is a win for us. Feel - Good We want you to have that feel-good factor all the time. Your wellness is our priority, whether that’s in cuisine, spa treatments, fitness or simple quiet time.

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept ISSUED 2021 Created By Us #CoraCoraMaldives The Freedom Fighter Internal Keeper of Heritage We’re here to make freedom real. Touchpoints Aside from the modern luxuries, we That means taking the weight o know about the origins of the Mal- our guests’ shoulders and making dives and the rich cultural and artis- sure they only need to think of tic artefacts left behind that influ- having fun. ence us today. The Island Life Expert The Color Composer That sandbar over there? We know Making life colorful for guests only every grain of sand (nearly). The adds to their experience of freedom. point being, we know life here in and We help them rediscover their in- out and we can o er expert tips on ner passions and introduce them to how to enjoy it best. things they may never have imag- ined they’d love. 10 15

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept Forget Fed-Up, ISSUED 2021 Let’s 17 Feed-Up 22 Food plays a major role at Cora Cora, It’s not just food, drinks flow freely round the because: a) what’s life without great clock as well. Healthy smoothies and juices are food? and b) we just love to eat. always ready or if you want more of a kick, our mixologist can shake up a tasty cocktail or two. We’re big on food and we’re big on freedom We’ve got all your favorites too, from beers and dining. We’re talking wholesome home cooked wine through to teas and delicious co ee from foods, packed with all the good stu , with our 24 7 barista. plenty of choice for vegans, vegetarians, meat- lovers and everything in-between. In fact, it’s all We hope you’ve got an appetite. so good, we’ll doubt you can tell the di erence. Dine in, dine in-room…dine on the beach! With friends, family or solo, we’ll serve it up however you want.

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept Collect Smiles Like ISSUED 2021 They’re 18 Air Miles 23 Everything we do at Cora Cora promotes our passion for wellness. To us, wellness is subjective; each and every one of our guests have their own needs and desires that will ultimately give them a sense of wellness once fulfilled. That’s why we’re genuinely curious about your desires and follow your directions to ensure you’re left with that warm feeling of joy and satisfaction. What makes you smile, we’ll help you to find. If that means a day on the beach sipping cocktails with a good book, we’ll make sure to keep things flowing. Or perhaps it’s an early start with yoga overlooking the ocean with an afternoon snorkelling around the coral reef - we’ll have the snorkel ready.

BRAND COMMUNICATIONS BRACNoDncept Our Heritage & the ISSUED 2021 Art Scene 19 We’re really excited to share our museum. 24 Not only is it totally unique to any other resort in the Maldives, but it acts as a truly inspiring window into the past before the Maldives became the freedom space we know it as today. We don’t just look into the past either, we’re passionate about exhibitions that showcase contemporary Maldivian culture and will continue to add the splash of homegrown creativity whenever we can.

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives EMPLOYMENT PRINCIPLE PROBATION PERIOD It is the policy of Cora Cora Resorts to seek these and all other employment related The three months probation gives the Re- such as work performance, job skills, safe- and employ the best qualified personnel, activities in a non-discriminatory manner. sort and associate a chance to determine ty record, disciplinary record, attendance, to provide equal opportunity based on This policy is administered without re- whether each other’s initial expectations cooperation with fellow Associates and merit for all associates in training, promo- gard to race, color, sex, age, sexual orien- are met. Towards the end of this three responsiveness to guests. Should perfor- tion and advancement, and to administer tation, disability or national origin. months probation period immediate su- mance in these areas be unsatisfactory perior will conduct a performance dis- associate employment with Cora Cora cussion with the associate covering areas Maldives will be terminated. OFFER & CONFIRMATION VOLUNTARY SEPARATION Cora Cora Maldives has 3 categories of ment in writing through a letter of Confir- If Associate wish to resign from the em- the equivalent remuneration form final employment. mation of Employment. Confirmation of ployment, He / She is required to write a settlement. • Employment for a Definite Period or employment is subject to:- letter to the Human Resources Depart-   • A medical examination conducted by ment as describe in employment con- Once the resignation is accepted the for a Definite Work. tract. Resort will issue a letter of acceptance • Employment for a Indefinite Period a medical practitioner agreed by the confirming resignation and final day of • Employment for Daily or Casual resort or its designated insurance If Associate refuse to work during the no- employment. agent. tification period, the Resort may deduct Work • The approval and issuance of a Work   Permit by the government of Mal- ASSOCIATE CLASSIFICATION Cora Cora Maldives offers employment dives in case of expatriate associate. only in writing through a Letter of Ap- • The successful completion of a pro- It is the intent of the Company to clarify efit eligibility. These classifications/levels pointment / Employment Contract. A bationary period of at most three the definitions of employment classifi- do not guarantee employment for any person below the age of 18 years shall not months. cations/levels so that Associate under- specified period of time. Each Associate be competent to enter into an Employ- • Clear Police Clearance from Maldives stand their employment status and ben- is assigned one of the following categorie. ment Contract with Cora Cora Maldives Police Service ( Applicable to Locals) unless a written consent form the par-   BANDS CLASSIFICATION ents or from the guardian. If, for any reason, the result of one or more Non-Band E &F Rank & File / Supervisors   of the above is unsatisfactory, Contract Band D Managers & Assistant Managers The Contract of Employment signed by of Employment is rescinded. Band C Head of Departments (HODs) the appointing authority in Cora Cora Band B Executive Committee (Ex Com) Maldives signifies the Resort has offered In all three 3 categories of employment Band A General Manager employment in the Resort while a signed Cora Cora Maldives does not offer ten- and returned copy of the duplicate of the ured or guaranteed employment. Your Contract of Employment by the associate employment is at will and may be termi- signifies my acceptance of the offer of nated by yourself or by Cora Cora Mal- the employment with its terms and con- dives at any time, including after the eval- ditions. This Contract of Employment is uation period. binding only when confirmed in employ- 43

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives TERMINATION The Resort shall be entitled to terminate mum notice stated above when automat- failing or neglecting to any material being guilty of serious misconduct or employment in accordance with proce- ically terminated in the following instanc- extent competently to discharge the behavior calculated or likely to affect dures set out in General Terms of con- es: duties hereunder or willful refusal prejudicially the interests of the Re- tract or Employment Act after giving the without proper legal cause to mate- sort or likely to negatively affect the minimum notice below. • At the end of the term specified in rially perform, or gross negligence in reputation of the Hotel; or be guilty the Letter of Appointment if it is for a performing my duties and responsibil- of a convicted criminal offence or any • Two week’s notice for any person in Definite Period or for a Definite Work. ities; or act of bankruptcy or arrangement or employment for more than six months composition with your creditors. but less than one year. • In the event Associate fail to success- RETIREMENT AGE fully complete the probation period. nent contract basis shall be entitled to • One month’s notice for any person in The retirement age is 65 years of age. The the same benefits granted to permanent employment for more than one year • The results of the medical examina- Associates who have reached the retire- Associates. but less than five years. tion conducted by a medical prac- ment age but are re-employed on perma- titioner agreed by the Resort, or its attitude and qualifications necessary to • Two month’s notice for any person in designated insurance agent is unsat- PROMOTION perform the job will be considered. All employment for more than five year. isfactory. vacant positions will be advertised on the When an opening occurs within our notice board. For an associate wishing to In the event Associate fail or be unable, • In the event of work permit, if required Resort those Associates who have ex- apply for the advertised position he/she by reason of illness or other incapacity, is not approved or is cancelled by the pressed a desire and demonstrated the has to undertake the application via the to perform the assigned duties for a cu- government for whatever reason. Human Resources Department. If the ap- mulative period of ninety (90) days in any plied associate’s qualifications are up to consecutive twelve (12) months period • In the event If the associate reached standard, they will undergo an interview the Resort may elect to terminate the the mandatory retirement age or se- process. employment by giving notice as specified lect to early retirement. above. Decisions to promote will be based on The Resort shall be entitled to terminate The Resort may terminate the employ- entire history of employment, including: the employment without giving the mini- ment specified summarily without no- • skill and ability; tice or payment in lieu of notice if, after • efficiency; ‘due inquiry’ you have been found guilty • experience; of misconduct inconsistent with the ful- • Disciplinary records; filment of the expressed or implied terms • responsiveness to guests and patrons and conditions of the employment or of any willful breach or non-observance of any of the stipulated Resort rules on em- ployees. The misconducts include though not limited to: being in material breach of fiduciary duty to the Resort through the mis- appropriation of or failure to properly account for funds and property; or 44

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives TRANSFER PERSONAL RECORDS All associates interested in an advertised In cases of transferring within the Cora Associate to keep the information on the job description from the immediate position are required to express their Cora Resorts Group without a break-in personal file up to date by communicat- superior within one week of commencing interest in writing by completing service and through proper termination ing the changes with Human Resources employment associate to inform the an Internal Vacancy Application. process with the previous Hotel, the Department regular basis. It enables the Human Resources Director. This form must be signed by their service year in the previous Hotel will Resort to assist associate with respect to current Department Head prior to be be recognized for purposes of benefits any necessary emergency contact. drawn up by my immediate superior, submitted to Human Resources. Internal entitlement only. and applications without form submission • Name • if required to work on a Friday, you will not be entertained. Except for internal transfers without a • Address shall be paid 1½ times my hourly wage break-in service, associates joining the • Telephone number for both the normal hours of work and The Human Resources Department will Hotel and enjoying salary increased after • Person to notify in an emergency overtime forward the completed form, a copy of September 30th of the current year will • Completion of training and educa- CV and latest Performance Management not receive a merit increase in the next Profile to the Department Head of Hiring review cycle. tional courses. Department or Sister Hotel, indicating the position applying for. The application can be submitted Human JOB DESCRIPTION Resources Department and will be Applicants for transfer within the Hotel reviewed prior to setting up an interview The Resort shall provide the associate will only be considered after the associate with the Associate. with a job description within one has been in their present position for month of commencing employment. a minimum period of 6 months. This Eligibility criteria includes: If the associate do not receive this restriction can be waived under special • Designated tenure service period is circumstances by the General Manager. REST DAY completed as per Regional SOP or longer in current position Rest Day / Day Off (RDO/DO) is in effect • skills and abilities the Weekly Rest Day after 48 hours • efficiency in current position of consecutive work in that week. The • attendance, safety, performance and weekly RDO/DO has been determined to disciplinary record fall on a Friday however : • attitude • proper grooming • Rest day can be scheduled to fall on • qualifications for the position applied any day of the week by way of a roster for • cooperation with fellow associates • responsiveness to guests • approval from current immediate superior 45

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives WORKING HOURS ATTENDANCE • The aggregate normal working hours ee’s normal working hours and shall The success of our Resort depends on before the shift starts. If the associate is for each work week shall not exceed determine the same based on opera- team efforts. Absence or tardiness at absent more than one day, He / She to re- 48 (Forty-eight) hours per work week. tional needs and requirements. work puts an extra burden on the rest of port the immediate superior each day un- For the avoidance of any doubt: • The normal working hours for asso- our associates. There is a clear connec- less other arrangements are made. ciates working in shifts will vary de- tion between attendance and success at • Time taken for rest, meals, tea, pending on a weekly roster that will the Resort. Good attendance will work to When the associate next report for work prayer or other breaks will not be be determined by the associate’s su- advantage of the associate. Frequent or he/she should produce a medical certifi- included in the calculation of the pervisor or unit manager. unexplained absences, or tardiness, will cate (if absence is more than a day) issued working hours; • Employees working on shift basis seriously harm the chances for promo- by the Resort Doctor / Authorized Medi- will be advised of the work times and tion or transfer, and are cause for disci- cal Practitioner. • Overtime work required from time shifts based on a rotating roster as de- plinary action. to time due to operational needs termined by the relevant supervisor or If associate is absent for 3 consecutive and requirements in accordance unit manager. The Resort operates on For any given reason associates is not days and fail to inform the immediate su- with clause 6.13 below will not be 24 hours basis and operational team able to come to work , associate should perior of the reasons thereof, the Resort included in the calculation of nor- members are required to work on contact immediate superior as soon as will consider that the associate have vol- mal working hours. shifts including split shift as assigned possible and should inform the reason untarily resigned. by a duty roster. • The Company has full and complete TIME KEEPING discretion in determining the employ- OVERTIME from the employee’s immediate All associates are required be sign in an superior for each occasion, in the attendance sheet. This may be a manual • Depending on the operational needs form required by the employer. or electronic system. Since time sheets and requirements, and subject always • Overtime work shall not exceed 2 are the basis for record of attendance and to Company policy as determined (two) hours per day, any excess needs computation of pay, it is the responsibili- by the Management, the associate to be authorized by the associate’s ty of associate to ensure that the time re- may be required to work beyond his Head of Department. ported on the time sheet is accurate. normal working hours, for which the • Where breaks are granted pursuant associate will be remunerated with to clause 9 during the overtime work, Signing on the time sheet for anyone oth- overtime pay. time taken for such breaks will not er than yourself, as is your signing in at an be included in the overtime working incorrect time, a serious violation of the • Overtime work is not permitted hours. time sheet rules and will result in serious except upon written authorization disciplinary action taken against the as- sociate. Overtime will be permitted only with the associate immediate superior’s approval. 46

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives PUBLIC HOLIDAY MEALS My weekly Public Holiday (PH) is in ef- roster drawn up by my immediate su- 3 meals per day will be provided to all as- In the event of Night Shift, you will be pro- fect the Weekly Rest Day after 48 hours perior, and sociates. Meals are to be taken only in the vided with an additional meal. of consecutive work in that week. The • if I am required to work on a Friday, I Associates’ Restaurant (Raha) during the weekly Public Holiday (PH) has been de- shall be paid 1½ times my hourly wage restaurant’s opening hours. Certain asso- You must comply with the Associate termined to fall on a Friday however : for both the normal hours of work and ciates are allowed to take their meals in Restaurant’s rules and regulations. Failure overtime. the Resort Guest Restaurants in accor- to comply with rules and regulations may • My rest day can be scheduled to fall dance with hotel policy. Please refer to HR result in disciplinary action as deemed ap- on any day of the week by way of a Department. propriate. ABSENTEEISM PAYMENTS AND SALARY If an associate is absent, it will be consid- paid Leave of Absences at the discretion For administrative purposes monthly As an Expatriate associate, please ensure ered as absent with disciplinary actions. of the Human Resources Manager/Direc- salary is calculated from 21st of previous that you open a bank account as soon It cannot be treated as any other sort of tor and/or General Manager based on cir- month to 20th of current month. Salaries as your visa is received. Local associates leave. If the associate is absent without cumstances of the absence. will be paid monthly by a bank transfer should provide the bank account details notice for consecutive 3 days , resort will to your respective bank accounts in the within 3 days of commencement of assume the voluntary termination as In cases of excessive and/or continuing Maldives before the 5th of following employment. Should a local employee gross misconduct. absenteeism or tardiness, disciplinary ac- month. If the payday falls on a day that is a don’t have a bank account, it needs to   tion up to and including termination may holiday for financial institutions, payment be opened and information provided Unavoidable absences or special circum- be undertaken according to policy. shall be made on the following business to HR Department within 2 weeks of stances that do not have prior written day. commencement date. approval are eligible for deductions from   MEDICAL EXAMINATION SERVICE CHARGE Prior to commencement of employment, Where a service charge is levied on cus- Service charge will not be paid to associ- you are required to undergo a medical ex- tomers by the company, the previous ates during unauthorized absence, leave amination at Hotel designated hospital or month’s service charge shall be distrib- without pay, maternity leave or suspen- medical examination center. If you fail to uted to employees before the end of the sion from work. meet the legal requirement of work con- current month after deduction of any ad- ditions due to the health reason, hotel will ministrative fee due to the company. reserve the right to keep the employment    contract. 47


EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives UNIFORMS GENERAL APPEARANCE All uniforms have been carefully chosen beled with the associate’s number given If any feature of this General Appearance pearance, you may be counseled or sub- to reflect the standards and style of the by the uniform room. and Grooming Standard is inconsistent ject to disciplinary action. Resort. Associates should wear the as- with country, state or local law (e.g. food If you are uncertain about the appropri- signed uniform proudly, treating it with The uniforms are supplied and laun- handling/preparation positions) will su- ateness of your attire, you should bring the utmost care and always making sure dered free of charge and associates are persede this standard. the item(s) in question to your manager it is cleaned, pressed, tidy and in good re- responsible for turning their uniform for for approval. pair. cleaning. If the associate uniform is gets Any attire or appearance deemed inap- Management reserves the right to make stained or requires repair, the associate propriate will not be allowed and you may the final determination on the appropri- As an on-duty associates, the associate shall exchange it immediately. be asked to change or leave work. ateness of the style and attire. Exceptions is not permitted to wear emblems, badg- can be made for medical or religious rea- es or buttons with messages of any kind No associate is allowed to wear the uni- While these standards are not all inclu- sons with approval from HR or the GM. other than the issued nametags and pins form or part of the uniform outside the sive, if you display an unprofessional ap- (except for the instruction given by Hu- hotel, except during on duty. Uniforms Avoid “anti-social” habits like chewing man Resources). must be buttoned up and hooked as de- PERSONAL HYGIENE or applying tobacco preparations to the signed. It has to be well maintained with teeth and chewing gums in public areas. The associate must always wear the is- no missing or loose buttons, loose seams, Shower every day before and after you sued uniform when on duty. The appear- spots or stains and tears. Appropriately shift. ance is important, and the associate is fitted, of the correct size with no unau- required to change uniform daily. thorized alterations. The pockets should Use soap, deodorant and antiperspirant not be overstuffed with items. Bright to minimize body odors The resort will issue a set number of uni- colored underwear that shows through forms on taking up the employment at the uniform must not be worn. T-shirts Do no apply heavily scented perfumes, Cora Cora Maldives; each set will be la- may only be worn under shirts, must be colognes and lotions white and plain with no logos, designs or patterns and should not be visible unless Ensure your hands are always clean and part of uniform. Sweaters, pullovers and remember to wash them regularly af- other similar clothing or bags should not ter visit to the toilet, after handling raw be worn. foods, after performing cleaning duties and before meals. Associates will wear the issued nametag and pin at all times when on duty. Ensure your breath is fresh by brushing Nametag and Pride Pin must be in good your teeth after each meal. condition and worn in the correct posi- tion. Uniforms are not to be worn when off duty. 49

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives ACCESSORIES HAIR NETS No radical cuts like extreme Spikes or Mo- Product such as gel, mousse, pomade or hican . Hair on the temples not over mid- spray should be used to achieve a con- Always take the time to complete your All Associates in kitchen/food prepara- dles ear, hair on the back not touch the trolled style. look and only wear items from the tion areas are required to wear compa- collapsible. approved list. Substitutions are not ny-provided hair and beard nets or hats. Acceptable hair accessories include permitted. Head coverings for medical or religious Neatly trimmed and maintained facial headbands, hair clips, barrettes (black reasons are permitted. hair and sideburns are permitted in all and silver). MAKE-UP work areas and positions within the prop- SAFETY GEARS erty. If you wish to grow a mustache, goa- Color must complement natural hair and If worn, make-up should be professional tee or beard, it must be fully grown during skin tone and should be well maintained. and tastefully applied; extreme shades or All Associates in roles that require time-off periods; partially grown or “spot- colors are not permitted. protective/safety gear must wear those ty” mustaches, goatees or beards are not Extreme styles are not permitted. items as part of their wardrobe (e.g., permitted. Exceptions may be made for JEWELRY goggles, back belts, mask/respirator, medical or religious reasons. However, management discretion may gloves, etc.) decide on what is appropriate - passed Jewelry should be professional and worn However, management discretion may by Executive Committee Members if de- in moderation. It should be functional and HAIR decide on what is appropriate - passed cision has to be taken. Hats or nets to be not extreme in style. Jewelry worn to raise by Executive Committee Members if de- worn in food preparation area. awareness of a specific cause is not per- Hair should be clean, neat and regularly cision has to be taken. Hats or nets to be mitted. Visible body piercings and facial washed, and worn in a style that is ac- worn in food preparation area. More information available on; ornamentation, including jewelry and ear ceptable to the style and standards of the HR0014 – Grooming Standards clips, are generally not permitted unless Resort and if long pulled back away from Should there be any hair coloring, it should in accordance with the style or theme of face. be natural color, mild color that goes with a property’s outlet (e.g. restaurant). This the skin tone. Strong accent hair colors excludes nose piercings. A stud style, will not be allowed. one-sided nose piercing is acceptable. FEMALE - HAIR FINGERNAILS Hair be clean, neatly trimmed, and con- Fingernails should be neatly trimmed servatively styled. and moderate in length. Extreme or multiple polish colors or designs are not Hair longer than shoulder length must be permitted. Polish must be maintained secured up in a bun, twist or ponytail. with no chips or cracks. If you’re wearing open-toed shoes, toenails should be well Hair shorter than shoulder length should maintained. Associates in food handling be pulled back if possible or styled and se- positions may not wear fingernail polish. cured so that it does not fall forward onto the face during meal services. 50

WORKING ENVIRONMENT It is the right, obligation and intent of the resort to protect life and property of associates and guests and maintain an equal opportunity environment that is safe and healthy for working as well as dwelling for all of our associates. The resort will treat every associates with dignity and respect. The resort will strive to be fair and just. Towards this aim the resort has established the following practices.

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives COMMUNICATION COMPANY PROPERTY You should understand in no way this General Associates meetings held as Your immediate superior maintains an property conditional upon fulfilling the Associate Member Handbook be con- and when required provide an infor- ‘open door’ for communications with terms of his contract of employment, sidered as the only source of information mal means of exchanging information you at all reasonable and convenient and that any unauthorized interruption regarding practices in the resort. You with your immediate superior and times. This gives you the opportunity to of the associate’s fulfillment of his con- should understand that your own inter- your  co-associates. discuss any work problems or disputes tract of employment shall render such est and effort is an essential part of good and personal issues, e.g., complaints or permission to enter and remain on the communication. It is especially important grievances that you may have. In addi- property null and void. to keep each other informed in our busy tion, the Resort welcomes any ideas and resort. The resort has designed ways to suggestions on ways to improve your ef- The associate understands, accepts and ensure you are  always well informed. ficiency. You shall present your ideas and acknowledges that industrial action suggestions in writing to your immedi- being likely to result in the withdraw- • Written communication: These are ate superior, who will forward them to al of service to guests at the Resort; or either personally addressed mem- your manager for evaluation. personal injury to any person; or the de- orandums or posted as a general struction of, or damage to, property; or communication on Bulletin Boards. The associate shall be responsible for the unlawful taking, keeping or use of The Bulletin Boards are maintained the proper use, maintenance and up- property; or substantial loss or damage for my information; You will check keep of all company property entrusted to the employer’s business, his participa- them frequently to keep informed of to his care. tion in industrial action shall not absolve the items that relate to your job and The associate shall compensate the em- him of liability for any injury, loss or dam- my working environment. ployer for any damage caused, except age caused as a result of such industrial for that caused by normal wear and tear, action. • Verbal communication: These are as to the company property entrusted to announced in Associates meetings. his care. Where any loss to the associate’s prop- erty or business is caused by the employ- The associate understands and ac- ee knowingly performing, or refraining knowledges that the Resort is private from performing, any act, the employee property and that the employer has the shall reasonably compensate the em- absolute right to grant, and withdraw at ployer for such loss. any time, permission to enter and remain on such property, and also to prevent The associate shall return any and all any unauthorized use of such property. company property in his care or posses- sion immediately upon demand by the The associate further understands, ac- employer for the same and shall make cepts and acknowledges that he is only full clearance of dues for any damage permitted to enter and remain on the caused to such property. 52

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives PERFORMANCE DISCUSSION sociates in all circumstances, except were sexual favors will in any way affect the doing so would either be a breach of law. creation, continuance, or termination The resort’s performance management You are free to discuss any problem of the employment relationship, or the scheme is an opportunity and a useful with your immediate superior on a daily If an associates feel, at any time, that the conditions under which the Associates vehicle for your immediate superior basis, as well as during performance comments or actions of management, works. and you to exchange ideas about your discussions. Should this process does guests or associates are offensive, he/she department and communicate on issues not take place in a timely manner, You are should immediately talk to the Human Sexual harassment is a form of miscon- of your employment and what progress encouraged to involve Human Resources Resources Manager/Director. duct and thus any disciplinary action you are making in your job.  for further actions against the accused associates should be (ii) Sexual Harassment preceded by a proper domestic inquiry. A formal performance discussion will Sexual harassment encompasses var- To defer false and fabricated accusation take place twice per annum and yor will ious conducts of a sexual nature that against any person, disciplinary penalties be evaluated on standards of efficiency can manifest themselves in five possible will be made against those who make and objectives expressed in your forms, namely: such false and fabricated accusations. Performance Evaluation Form. During the • Verbal harassment: e.g., offensive or discussion you will have the opportunity (iii) Verbal Harassment to set objectives with your immediate suggestive remarks, comments, jokes, The resort specifically re-affirms that superior which may be used as a basis jesting, kidding, sounds, questioning. no associates may engage in conduct or for evaluation in your next performance • Non-verbal/gesture harassment: e.g., make comments to any Associates that discussion.  leering or ogling with suggestive tend to create a hostile environment. overtones, licking lips or holding or Your evaluations become part of your eating food provocatively, hand signal personnel file and are used for future or sign language denoting sexual employment decisions such as transfers, activity, persistent flirting. promotions, demotions, and discipline. • Visual harassment: e.g., showing pornographic materials, drawing sex- HARASSMENT based sketches or writing sex-based letters, sexual exposure. Harassment, intimidation or coercion of ing cause for allegations for the below. • Psychological harassment: e.g., re- any kind and based on any criteria is con- peated unwanted social invitations, trary to the philosophy and principles of (i) Cultural Harassment relentless proposals for dates or the resort and will not be tolerated or Our guest and associates come from ev- physical intimacy. condoned. ery part of the world. Their languages, • Physical harassment: e.g., inappro-   religious beliefs, cultures and traditions priate touching, patting, pinching, All associates are expected to set an ap- are varied and may not be familiar to each stroking, brushing up against the propriate example by behaving in a pro- of us. Each associate will respect the cus- body, hugging, kissing, fondling, sexu- fessional manner so that they avoid giv- toms and traditions of our guests and as- al assault. No supervisor may state or otherwise im- ply that the granting or refusal to grant 53

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives INTERNAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY Most of the grievances can be settled heard and fairly decided. Therefore, the The Resort retains the right to assure the Participation in an assembly by demon- promptly by discussion of the facts be- Resort has developed a procedure to as- safety of guests and Associates, the pro- strations, picketing and protests or in any tween the parties involved. We recognize sure grievances are resolved in this fash- tection of property and the continuity of other form violates the Code of Conduct the need for a system that will ensure ion. It is called the ‘Internal Grievance Pro- the good reputation of the Resort. and makes participants subject to disci- more substantial disputes will be fully cedure’. It works as follows: plinary action. To that end, support for any cause or dis- STEP PROCEDURE pute does not license the right of assem- Step 1: bly by demonstrations, picketing and pro- Associate to raise the matter personally or in writing to the immediate tests or in any other form. superior. If the outcome is not satisfactory or not resolved within 7 working days that the grievance was received or if associate have diffi- The Resort has established fair and effi- culty talking to the immediate superior, he/she can go on to Step 2 of the cient processes as described in this sec- Grievance Procedure, as outlined below. tion for Associates to seek redress for work problems or disputes and personal Step 2: Associate will raise the matter personally or in writing with the Depart- issues, e.g., complaints or grievances. ment Head. Where the Department Head is my immediate superior, the procedure starts at this stage. If the outcome is not satisfactory or not COMPANY PROPERTY resolved within 7 working days that the grievance was received or if the associate have difficulty talking to the Department Head, he/she can go on to Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure, as outlined below. Step 3: Associate will file a Grievance Report with the Human Resources Man- Import of firearms, liquor, drugs, dogs, Personal pets apart from dogs can be Step 4: ager/Director using the Grievance Report Form available at the Human pigs, pork products and pornography into brought with a special permission and all Resources office. the Maldives is strictly prohibited. Pork animals require veterinary certificate.   and Alcohol may be imported only with   • Upon receipt of the written grievance, the Human Resources Manag- an official license. The following, among other things, may   not be exported in any form: black corals, er/Director will: Import of pornographic literature, idols stony corals, Triton shells, Pearl Oysters, • inform the General Manager of the receipt of the grievance, of worship, certain animal products, ex- lobsters, Turtles and Turtle shells. • conduct an investigation and hearing, if necessary, and plosive and weapons and  alcoholic bev-   • inform me and the General Manager of the outcome. erages are not allowed into the Maldives. Following animals are prohibited for col-   Drugs are strictly prohibited and the pen- lection and fishing: Black corals, Conches, If the outcome is not satisfactory or not resolved within 7 working days alty of importing drugs for personal or Giant Clams, Berried and small lobsters, that the grievance was received or if the associate have difficulty talking other use is life imprisonment. turtles, napoleon Wrasses, Dolphins, to the Human Resources Manager/Director, he/she can go on to Step 4 Whale sharks and Wales. of the Grievance Procedure, as outlined below. Associate will raise the matter personally or in writing with the General Manager. The General Manager will then make a final decision liaising with the Human Resources Manager/Director where necessary and the General Manager’s decision shall be binding. 54

ETHICA&LWCOORDKE EOTFHCICOSNDUCT Every organization needs to have standards of conduct and work rules that are clear and well understood. They help us work together effectively as associates and to understand what we have a right to expect from each other, as well as from our immediate superiors. The Resort requests that all associates respect the local customs and traditions. As a devoted Islamic country, these standards of conduct extend to regulations pertaining to alcohol, drugs, pork, dogs and pornography. It is important to be familiar with and accept these standards of conduct and work rules. The Resort will enforce these standards of conduct and work rules on a fair and consistent basis

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives CANODMPPLRIOAHNCIBEITWIOITNHOTFHFERLAOUCDAL LAW CONFLICT OF INTEREST All associates must comply with the letter which may impact, directly or indirectly, Associates must avoid all situations in ment with the Company, or by the use and spirit of all applicable laws, rules and the Company’s business, Associates are which their personal interests, the actions or misuse of confidential information of regulations in the various jurisdictions in strictly prohibited from engaging in fraud they take and the decisions they make in the Company. Should a relative or some- which the Company conducts business. or illegal acts of any kind. Such actions their sphere of responsibility, directly or one in a close personal relationship with may subject the offending Associate indirectly, conflict or may be perceived to a Colleague gain improper financial ben- While engaged, directly or indirectly, to immediate disciplinary action which conflict with their duties to the Company. efit from the Colleagues’ employment or in the Company’s business activities, may lead to termination with immediate Associates are prohibited from: confidential information, the Colleague or while conducting personal activities effect. must report this benefit. Improper finan- appropriating, for their personal benefit, cial benefits may subject to severe disci- FAIR DEALING AND TRADE PRACTICES any opportunities that are discovered plinary action which may lead to termina- through the use of Company property tion. or information or their position with the The Company’s business activities must be conducted in a fair and ethical manner and Company; in accordance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the various jurisdictions in which the Company conducts business, including any appli- using Company property or information cable competition and trade practice laws and regulations. or their position with the Company for personal gain; h) engaging in any busi- Each Associate must deal fairly with the Company’s Guests, Associates, customers, ness, commercial or financial interests suppliers and competitors. No one should take unfair advantage through manipula- or activities that might reasonably be tion, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation or omission of regarded as competing with or is comple- material facts or any other unfair trade. mentary to the Company, its business or its activities; DATA PROTECTION associates must not gain improper finan- cial benefit as a result of their employ- The associate shall keep secret and shall WEAPONS not at any time either during the employ- ment, or after its termination, for what- The possession or use of firearms, pellet Violators will be subject to disciplinary ever reason, use, communicate or reveal guns, bows and arrows, slingshots, action and/or criminal action.  The laws to any person for the associate’s own pur- fireworks, knives or other objects which of the Maldives are strictly followed by poses or those of any other person, com- may endanger guest and Associates the Resort in regard to possession of pany or undertaking, any secret or confi- welfare and safety is strictly prohibited weapons of any kind. dential information about the business, on the Resort and all Resort owned boats.  finances or organization of the Company or any associated company, or its or their suppliers or customers obtained in the course of employment. 56

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives &COTNRFAIDDEENSETCIARLEITNSFORMATION The Associate agrees to take such actions The Associate agrees that decisions relat- and execute such deeds and other docu- ing to the substantiation, protection and It is an express and fundamental term of that all information provided to the Re- ments that the Company consider may maintenance of any intellectual preparty my employment agreement that confi- sort, whether of a business nature or per- be necessary to substantiate, protect and originated by him / her shall be at the sole dentiality of all information in respect of sonal nature or whatsoever, be always maintain the intellectual property rights discretion of the Company and he / she the business affairs of the Resort, owners maintained in the strictest confidence.  of the company, without compensation shall have no claims against the company and its various subsidiaries, including the Any breach of this provision will inevita- additional to that provided for in his con- in the event of any decision not to proceed guests, guests and persons visiting the bly result in automatic dismissal without tract of employment. This clause will con- with any such substantiation, protection Resort be always maintained absolutely.   notice. tinue to apply following the termination and maintenance. of employment for whatever reason. During the employment, you will be ex- You note that the requirement in respect SOLICITATION posed to sensitive information relating to of maintaining confidentiality applies not the Resort’s business affairs and relating only to information that comes into my The resort feels very strongly that authorization of the Human Resources to the affairs of those persons dealing knowledge in the course of my employ- working time is for work and private Manager/Director. with the Resort.  It is of paramount im- ment, but also as a result of my having time is not to be disturbed. Therefore, portance to the Resort that the persons access to the Resort premises and sur- solicitation or distribution of literature is You understand that violation of any part dealing with the Resort have confidence roundings. prohibited in all associates’ areas of the of this policy will be subject to appropriate resort. This is for my protection and to disciplinary action. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY avoid any disruption in work or personal day. Any intellect incretion invention made in Company or any of its Associates, Offi- Additionally, You understand that the the course of employment or originated cers or agents in any intellectual property solicitation of guests, at any time for any using equipment of facilities owned by originated by him in the course of his / her purpose, is completely inappropriate.  the company shall belong to the company. employment by the Company. Persons not employed by the Resort cannot solicit or distribute, for any The associate agrees to assign to the purpose, anywhere or at any time, on company with full title guarantee all the Resort property without written present and future intellectual property rights in any invention made by him / her SMOKING during the course of his / her employment with the Company and agrees to disclose Smoking is not permitted within any ‘no-smoking’ sign. You will smoke only in promptly to the Company all documents guest rooms, all kitchens, indoor area the open areas of the Resort and will use and other materials relevant to any such of the associate restaurant, offices, ashtrays. You will ask your immediate intellectual property. associates’ quarters, installations prone superior about any additional smoking to fire risks and all areas that display the rules for your work area. The Associate agrees to waive any moral rights that he has or may have against the 57

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives GAMBLING agency if the associates violates govern- accordance with the Disciplinary Proce- or not they were drinking. ment gambling regulations. dures, are imposed upon associates who It is illegal to gamble in the resort at all Associates are eligible to participate in host alcohol for associates of the Muslim Associates are responsible for their be- times. Gambling is the wagering of mon- legal gambling (sport pools, lotteries, raf- faith in their rooms or elsewhere in the re- havior while in the company of their ey (cash or credit) or other valuables on fles) if licensed by the government and sort. Persons found in a room shared with guests. No associate may report for work, the outcome of events or games of skill only when they are outside the Resort. associates of the Muslim faith where al- go on duty or remain on duty or on an on- or chance for material gain. This includes, The Resort strictly prohibits bookmaking cohol is present and/or being consumed call status, while under the influence of or but is not limited to, card and dice games, by Associates. The Associate-Manage- is subject to disciplinary action whether impaired by alcohol. sport pools, lotteries, electrical amuse- ment Committee can organize events or ment devices and Internet gambling. If games of skill or chance, e.g., lucky draws DRUGS & SUBSTANCE ABUSE you engage in illegal gambling, this will or raffles only when money (cash or cred- be treated as gross breach of conduct it) is not involved. These events or games The resort aims for a substance-free envi- drug; the Associates will be handed to the and the appropriate steps will be taken of skill or chance must be approved by the ronment. The resort firmly believes that it appropriate government authorities. for dismissal in accordance with the Dis- General Manager. is in the interests of our guests, our asso- ciplinary Procedures. In addition, criminal ciates and the image of the resort to take The resort is following a drug free resort charges may be filed against the associ- or possess alcoholic beverages in quar- all reasonable and legally required steps program initiated by the appropriate ates by the appropriate law enforcement ters shared with associates of the Mus- to ensure that the workplace is main- government authorities. A general drug lim faith. Severe sanctions, including the tained as an environment in which use of screening day may be set up at any time. POLITICAL ACTIVITY possibility of suspension or dismissal in illegal drugs is controlled and eliminated. You also understand that your behav- ior may cause suspicion with respect to You have the right and are encouraged A drug will be considered an “illegal drug” any potential misuse of either alcohol or to hold your own political views and if its use is prohibited or restricted by law.  drugs. Where management or your im- opinions. However, your participation in The term includes prescription drugs not mediate superior has reasonable cause to any political activities or process must legally obtained and prescription drugs suspect that any associates may be under be done voluntarily and in your own time. not being used for prescribed purposes. the influence of alcohol or drugs, the as- We as a company do not hold any political A “legal” drug includes prescribed drugs sociates may be required, as a condition opinions and do not make any political and over-the-counter drugs which have of continued employment, to undertake contributions whether in cash or kind. As been obtained legally and are used for the an appropriate test. If you test positive, such, you are not permitted to engage purpose for which they were prescribed this will be treated as gross breach of in any political activities on behalf of the or manufactured, in the manner in which conduct and the appropriate steps will ownership or the resort. they are to be consumed.  be taken for dismissal in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures. ALCOHOL No associate may use, possess, trans- fer, distribute, manufacture, or sell drugs In respect of religious customs, no alcohol while on the resort property, whether can be sold or given to any Muslim Asso- that is on or off duty. The law of the Mal- ciates of the Muslim faith. In addition all dives will govern any breach. If an asso- associates are not permitted to consume ciate improperly uses or possesses the 58

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives DATA PROTECTION CONFLICT OF INTEREST shall result in immediate termination of The restriction in this clause do no apply tive administration of the Company may employment. to; be collected, held (in hard copy and com- • any disclosure authorized by the puter readable form) and processed by Examples of the types of information that the Company. will beregardedassecretandconfidential, Company or required by any court or will include, but not be limited to, the tribunal or other authorized regulato- The Associate agrees that the Compa- following examples, whether relating to ry authority; or ny may process sensitive personal data the Company, an associated company or • any information which the Associate relating to him including medical details to any client, customer or supplier of the establishes has in its entirety become and details of gender, race and ethnic ori- Company or any associated company: public knowledge otherwise than gin. The personal data relating to gender, through any unauthorized disclosure race and ethnic origin will be processed • Marketing and sales policies and or other breach on his part of this by the Company only for the purpose of information, price lists, pricing clause or of any equivalent provision. monitoring the Company’s equal oppor- structures, credit management tunity policy and for ensuring that equal policies and procedures, payment The Associate agrees that personal data opportunities in employment are pro- policies and procedures; relating to him and to his employment moted and maintained. with the Company required for the effec- The Associate shall also use his best • Business plans; endeavors to prevent the publication, • Supplier and their production and PACKAGE PASSES disclosure or use of any such information. delivery capabilities; Any package leaving the Resort is sub- All records (electronic and otherwise) • Customer and details of their ject to inspection by the Loss Preven- documents, drawings and other papers tion Team.  If you leave the Resort with a including private notes concerning the particular requirements; package, You will first obtain a package Company and all copies and extracts • Financial information and plans; pass from your immediate superior. Back of them made or acquired by the • Information about officers and Pack, purses and other handbags may be Company in the course of the Associate’s inspected by the loss Prevention Officer employment shall be used to further the employees and their entitlements; on duty or any person appointed by the purpose of the Company only and shall • Any information marked ‘confidential’ Human Resources Manager/Director at be property of the Company and shall my arrival or departure from the Resort. be returned to it on demand at any time. or which Associate has been told A failure to comply with this provision is confidential or which he might reasonably expect to be regarded as confidential; or • any information given in confidence by clients, customers, suppliers or any other person 59

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS & TIPPING OUR COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT The general rule is that it is improper for spect to gifts over $200 value in keeping Managing sustainable operations in which we operate. We appreciate local a Associates to receive any gift from an with the overall purpose of this policy. communities and recognise that they are existing or prospective guest or suppli- Cora Cora Maldives endeavours to con- a source of our talented associates and er.  The general rule may, however be re- A “gift” includes anything of value serve and protect its ecological surround- esteemed guests. we encourages asso- laxed in the case of small invaluable gifts whether it is tangible or intangible, in- ing by committing to operate sustainably ciates to volunteer and participate in e.g. diaries, pens etc.  If in doubt you shall cluding but not limited to consumer and responsibly. support of local community initiatives, in- consult my immediate superior. goods, services, discounts, use of recre- cluding education, health and protection ational facilities, trips, tickets to sporting Through our respect for the local envi- of wildlife and the environment. Gratuities and tips should not be expect- or theatrical events (other than in con- ronment and our ongoing process of sus- ed.  At no time during their stay in the Re- nection with permissible entertainment, tainable growth, we seek out innovative Supporting human rights sort must a guest feel any obligation or as further described below), or member- solutions to reduce the amount of waste hint that they are expected to leave a tip.  ships. No exception to this dollar limit is and consumption on our property and we We supports and works to safeguard the If a guest wishes to reward, You may of permitted for gifts of consumables or constantly seek to improve our recycling/ fundamental human rights of our associ- course accept it graciously.  Good hospi- “perishables” without supervisory ap- reuse practices in order to minimise envi- ates and guests. We condemn all forms tality and making our guests feel relaxed proval as provided in this policy. Thus, ronmental impact. of slavery, forced labour, human traffick- and comfortable must remain the first gifts that include gourmet food, wine ing and the exploitation of children. We priority at all times. or high value “gift baskets” are subject Engaging with our community are committed to responsible workplace to the same limits imposed on all other practices and compliance with the appli- No Associate or immediate family mem- gifts by this policy. All Associates will plays an important role cable laws and regulations. Colleagues ber may give or accept a gift or gifts from in the local community. We recognise our are encouraged to report any suspicions any single Business Partner, customer, Gifts that consist of the offer of dis- responsibility to create shared value and of human trafficking or forced labour to contractor, vendor or supplier that have counted or free services or goods from a make every effort to respect and have a your manager, so that appropriate ac- an individual or aggregate annual value vendor to an Associate who is responsi- positive impact on the communities with- tions can be taken. greater than $200, unless the Associate ble for the procurement of the same ser- has obtained the approval of his or her vices or goods from such vendor, could TELEPHONE CALLS Unless you have received direct approv- immediate supervisor. Associates are constitute kickbacks and are prohibited al from your supervisor, personal cellu- responsible for retaining evidence (e.g., under “Ethical Conduct”. Our telephone lines must be kept clear for lar telephones, pagers, and other similar email, memo, or note to file) of the super- customers and resort business. Except in devices should be turned off or kept on visory approval. Gifts of nominal value which are usual emergencies, associates should not use silent mode while on duty. These can be and customary for the business, not ex- the telephone for personal calls. Please disruptive and disturbing to others work- Managers who hold financial account- cessive in frequency, and within regular remember, too, that on any Resort tele- ing and our guests. Those who are using ability for specific business units and op- standards for the hospitality industry phone there is no expectation of privacy Radio handle set should be connected to erations retain the authority to require (e.g., items containing corporate adver- and by using it, all associates consent to the earpiece. The communication via the their subordinates to comply with strict- tising such as pens, coffee mugs, calen- our right to monitor calls. Likewise, per- dedicated channels should be seamless er supervisory documentation, disclo- dars, logoed sportswear, and portfolios) sonal mail shouldn’t be sent or received to the guests. sure, and approval procedures with re- are not subject to supervisory review. through Resort paid postage. 60

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives LOST AND FOUND COMPANY PROPERTY The resort is not responsible for items ager who will prepare the necessary doc- The associate shall be responsible for the business, his participation in industrial lost or stolen from a associates.  If lost umentation and reporting.  proper use, maintenance and upkeep of action shall not absolve him of liability for or misplaced property is found by you or all company property entrusted to his any injury, loss or damage caused as a re- handed to you by an associate or guest, Other than property of a perishable na- care. sult of such industrial action. you will follow the guidelines for lost and ture, lost and found property unclaimed found set by the Resort. You will be mind- or whose rightful owner cannot be traced The associate shall compensate the em- Where any loss to the associate’s proper- ful of security, safety and legal implica- after a period of time decided by man- ployer for any damage caused, except for ty or business is caused by the employee tions that could arise from the handling agement may be disposed of or given to that caused by normal wear and tear, to knowingly performing, or refraining from of lost property. the finder. Medicines (ointment, tablets, the company property entrusted to his performing, any act, the employee shall liquid and any other forms of medica- care. reasonably compensate the employer for Any item you find will be handed to the tions) and partially used bottles of bev- The associate understands and acknowl- such loss. designated associates immediately for erages (wine, spirits, liquor and cordials) edges that the Resort is private property the purpose of locating and returning the will be disposed of after a period of three and that the employer has the absolute The associate shall return any and all item to the rightful owner. The designat- months. Management’s decision is dis- right to grant, and withdraw at any time, company property in his care or posses- ed Associates will report and hand over cretionary for property likely of high val- permission to enter and remain on such sion immediately upon demand by the the item directly to the Loss Prevention ue and may not be given to the finder. property, and also to prevent any unau- employer for the same, and shall make full Department. If the items are unlawful, thorized use of such property. clearance of dues for any damage caused e.g., small arms, ammunition or illegal Items found in the hotel should be to such property. weapons. As a rule, any item you find in cross-referenced with all reported lost The associate further understands, ac- within my working area will be hand- items on the hotel’s Lost & Found log for cepts and acknowledges that he is only ed over to my immediate superior and possible matches. permitted to enter and remain on the any item  you  find in within in check-out property conditional upon fulfilling the rooms and public areas will be reported Found items must be secured based upon terms of his contract of employment, and and handed over to the Executive House- their value using the following guidelines: that any unauthorized interruption of the keeper. If my immediate superior or the • If the item is valued at less than $50 associate’s fulfillment of his contract of Executive Housekeeper is not available, employment shall render such permis- You will report and hand over the item di- USD, it must be stored in a secured sion to enter and remain on the property rectly to the Loss Prevention Team.  area at the hotel for 90 days, or null and void. longer if required by local/state law The designated associates will record • If the item is valued at more than $50 The associate understands, accepts and and make an effort to find and return the USD, it must be kept in a safe deposit acknowledges that industrial action be- item to the rightful owner. If the designat- box or other locked area for 180 days, ing likely to result in the withdrawal of ed Associate is unable to find and return or longer if required by local/state service to guests at the Resort; or person- the item to the owner within the hour of law al injury to any person; or the destruction the find, the item must be reported and • Cash must be kept in a safe deposit of, or damage to, property; or the unlawful handed over to the Loss Prevention Man- box or other locked area for 180 days, taking, keeping or use of property; or sub- or longer if required by local/state stantial loss or damage to the employer’s law 61

OMF YABLSEEANVCEE You are entitled to the following paid leave of absence. Unless advised by the Human Resources Manager/Di- rector, all administrative associates will take the Weekly Public Holiday on every Friday and the Gazetted Public Holiday on the same day it falls. 

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives ANNUAL LEAVE MATERNITY LEAVE PATERNITY LEAVE Annual Leave of thirty (30) days after Associates will earn a yearly ticket to the Maternity leave is a period allowed to Paid paternity leave days of 3 will be pro- the completion of twelve (12) months home destination at the end of the 12 a married female Associate for resting vided to male associates on the occasion continuous service to the Resort from months service. Should the Associate not purpose, pre or post delivery of the of the birth of his child. the date of commencement. Howev- use the Annual leave ticket by the end of baby. Only fulltime permanent female er, You  may be granted the leave on a the year, and the Associate wishes not associates with pregnancy are eligible for A medical certificate issued by a medical prorated basis at the discretion of my to renew the contract, the company will maternity leave. Paid maternity leave is practitioner certifying the birth of the immediate superior. Resort shall de- provide one-way air ticket as repatriation 60 days. To claim this leave, the associate child and date of birth must support any cide date of commencement of leave to home destination. must submit the relevant document of claim for Paternity Leave. after consultation with me. Such com- delivery mencement date shall fall no later than Every associate must do vacation plan in The leave should be supported by a med- 12 months from the expiry of the year in a way that does not affect the operation- CIRCUMCISION LEAVE ical certificate issued from the medical which the leave was acquired. al commitments. The Annual Leave ap- practitioner certifying the date of circum- plication should be logged in the Fusion Paid circumcision leave of maximum five cision. The Employment year operates from the system 30 days prior to the date of leave. days shall be provided to all Muslim Asso- date of joining to 12 months. My entitle- ciates in the occasion of their son being days should be utilized within 120 days of ment for Annual Leave will be calculated You are granted the following Gazett- circumcised. collection. Unutilized accumulated leaves on a pro rata basis, balance will be based ed Public Holidays: National Day, Day of after 120 days (without prior authoriza- on 2.5 days per month of tenure com- Commemoration of the Birth of Prophet DAY OFF tion of extension) shall be automatically mencing from the date of join. Mohamed, Day of Commemoration of Is- forfeited. lam in Maldives, Independence Day, First All Associates are entitled to a day off af- Annual Leave not taken in the employ- Day of Ramazan, Day of Eid-ulF­ itr,: Victo- ter working for 6 consecutive days. Only where there are exigencies Associ- ment year it is due can be carried over ry Day, Republic Day, Hajj Day and Day of ate may be called on a weekly off. into another calendar year up to 6 month Eid­ul-Ad’ha. The Department Heads / The Manag- ( with approval of Human Resources) and ers should ensure that weekly roster is Under no circumstance, Associate is not any  Annual Leave balances fall behind the If you are not rostered to take the Gazett- assigned in advance with a day off and allowed to work an entire month without 6 months of grace period will be forfeited ed Public Holidays on the day in which it upload in the Fusion system. Subject to a day off. without recompense, unless, postpone- falls, You can apply to take the leave at a Manger’s approval, Associate may re- ment has been approved in writing by my later date but within 30 days after the ga- quest to accumulate up to maximum of 8 Collected day off(s) cannot be encashed. immediate superior. In no circumstances zette holiday date. If you are required to days in a row up to 4 months with maxi- except in cases of separation, can you work on a Gazetted Public Holidays, You mum of 2 days accumulated per month to claim cash payment in lieu of the unused shall be paid half of the day wage for both maintain a healthy work life balance. The part of my Annual Leave.  the normal hours of work and overtime. Accumulation can only be done if there is a business need and if the manager has requested to work on a rest day. All such 63

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives SICK LEAVE LEAVE WITHOUT PAY All the permanent Associates are entitled leave. This decision is up to the discretion Leave without pay is only sanctioned in an lowance, after completing the required to 30 days of Sick Leave. Sick leaves are of the management. event where all the authorized leaves have month of service there will be no encash- not accumulated and cannot be trans- been utilized in full. Leave without pay will ment of the benefit. (airfare & cash allow- ferred from one year to another. The allot- When declared medically unfit during the require the approval of Department Head ance) ment of 30 days is for every calendar year, work ( by hotel physician) the Associate & Human Resources. Absenteeism will not starting from January onwards ( irrespec- may be unable to work and may need a be regularized either as ‘leave’ (though the No carryover of the R&R benefits from tive of the joining date). Associate may period of rest to recover until fit to work Associate may have adequate leave bal- one period to the next is permitted. declare themselves on medical/sick leave again. In such case, the Associate can vail ance or leave without pay) Should a carryover take place, written for a period of up to 2 days without ap- the Sick Leave as per the Employment Act confirmation from General Manager is proved medical certificates. However, as of Maldives and will be entitled to receive REST & RELAX required. the guardian of the Associate at work, the a paid salary for the period of absence Associates who tendered resignation or company reserve the rights to ensure the due to illness. In case of continued and The Rest & Relax vacation is entitled as serving the notice period will not be al- Associate gets medically checked with prolonged sickness and absence from per the benefit grids are given to the in- lowed to claim the R&R benefits, even if the in-house physician for the right opin- the work, the company reserve the rights dividuals. Each R&R trip contains 7 days they have served the required month of ion and professional advise. In this case, more detailed medical report from a including the weekly off day of the week. service. his/her medical condition will be docu- company nominated medical practitioner mented as a reference. If the Associate is and if its considered that continued em- The R&R cannot be taken before comple- ** This leave is applicable only for certain absent for more than three consecutive ployment is not possible, under which tion of probation period. Those individ- grades and above. Please refer to your in- days due to sickness or illness, the Asso- the Associate may be terminated from uals who are entitled to more than 1 R&R dividual benefit matrix. ciate must provide a medical certificate the company on the ground of medically should take the 1st R&R within the first 4 ** Please refer to the R&R policy for de- from an approved medical practitioner. unfit to comply with the assigned work. months of the year and the 2nd R&R af- tailed explanation In the case of the Associate is on an ap- ter the 8 months of the year. The 2nd R&R Return to work without a medical certifi- proved leave ( such as Annual Leave, day cannot be taken before three months of More information available on; cate after a period of 3 days after a medi- off, emergency leave…etc.), and has fallen the 1st R&R. CCM-HR- 013- Local Leaves cal or sick leave may result in possible dis- sick during the leave, the leaves cannot Procedures ciplinary action against the Associate. In be converted to sick leave as the associ- The R&R ticket is purchased by the Asso- such case, the absent days could be offset ate is on any other leave which has been ciate. The allowance for the R&R will be with Annual Leave or consider it as no pay approved paid with the salary preceding the R&R subject to the form having been submit- FAMILY EMERGENCY LEAVE ted on time. A fixed allowance for the tick- et and the maintenance allowance will be In the event of a family emergency, the as- leave should not be taken unless it is abso- paid to the associates salary. sociate is entitled to take a maximum of lutely needed and the nature of the situa- 10 days within a calendar year. Emergen- tion warrants the associate to be with the R&R will not be paid out as cash. cy leave is for genuine emergencies only family. This leave is only eligible to attend whereby your assistance or presence is emergencies of the immediate next-of- In case the associate resigns before uti- required for the family as a caretaker. This kin. They are parents, spouse & children. lization of the R&R trip(s) and cash al- 64


EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives RESPONSIBILITIES a tremendous asset in this effort.  other information about their stay.​ You as an associate,  have a particular re- Resort operates in order to meet its • Things you should remember: • Do not leave cash banks unattended.​ sponsibility for ensuring that the required legal obligations. standards of Health, Safety and Security • Do not discuss who is staying in • Never give out any information at work are maintained.  These include • Reporting to your immediate supe- the resort at any time or give out a about fellow associates, including such things as fire regulations, the rules rior any conditions or systems that guest’s  name, room number or any names, addresses, phone numbers etc.​ covering food hygiene, the systems of you consider are unsafe or potentially work used in all jobs, the environment in unsafe. REPORTING INJURIES & ACCIDENTS which you work etc.  You however do not carry out this duty alone, every associate In order to create and maintain a safe You will report all on-the-job injuries or • You  can obtain first aid supplies for must take care that the rules are followed, working environment, You will fol- accident that happens in the Resort, no minor injuries from the pharmacy by and systems used. We all have a duty to low these policies:​ matter how slight, to your  immediate contacting your immediate superior. care for one another in health and safe- ​ superior immediately. You will then com- In no circumstances must you treat ty at work and anyone not following the • Read, be familiar with and follow all plete an Accident Report with your im- a guest or other Associates if you correct procedures or breaking the rules mediate superior. are not a qualified first aider as you will be subject to the normal Disciplinary safety measures presented to me could actually cause more damage.  Procedure, which may result in dismissal. in training and orientation;​ You should understand that failure to fol- Also, you will not give anyone pills of low these simple steps could result in dis- any kind e.g. aspirin as they may be al- Your Responsibilities are: • Report any unsafe conditions or po- ciplinary action.  If you injure yourself at lergic to them. tential hazards to your immediate su- work and do not report it, the Resort will • Taking care for your health and safety perior or other management repre- not be liable for giving you any assistance IF THE INJURY INVOLVES AN ASSAULT: at work. sentative immediately;​ should the problem become worse. • You will call Loss Prevention In charge • Taking reasonable care of everyone ​ IF YOU DISCOVER AN ACCIDENT and or Human Resources Manager/ else using the Resort’s premises, and • Report any accident or injury which INVOLVING A GUEST, YOU WILL Director. that includes colleagues, guests, visi- occurs to you, a fellow associates, or a tors and even those delivering goods guest of the resort to your immediate • Be empathetic and helpful but will IF THE INJURY INVOLVES A DEATH: and supplying hospitality. superior or other management repre- not make any statements regarding sentative immediately; and​ the relative severity or lack of severity • You will call security and the Risk and • Fully co-operating with and adher- of the injury.  Once remedial action is Security Manager or Human Resourc- ing to any rules or systems that the ​ taken, you will then complete an Acci- es Manager/Director. • Read and follow operating instruc- dent Report. • The room should not be disturbed un- tions on any equipment or machin- • Try to make the guest as comfortable til the local appropriate government ery you may use. as possible. authority’s authority has released the room back to the Resort. RESORT AND GUEST SECURITY • You should  understand that you are rity of our guests, fellow associates, responsible for exercising reason- buildings,  equipment and supplies.  able care in the protection and secu- Your awareness and assistance will be 66

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives SUSPICIOUS PACKAGES OR PEOPLE FIRE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Should you notice a suspicious person or riors or the Human Resources Manager/ It is extremely important that you know package you shall report it immediately Director. You shall not remove any pack- the fire procedures so that you can act to the Loss Prevention Manager / Loss age or parcel myself.   quickly and effectively in case of an emer- Prevention Officer, any immediate supe- gency. RECYCLING Cora Cora Maldives supports environ- The three variables that need to be pres- mental awareness by mandating recy- ent to cause a fire are heat, oxygen and RECYCLING cling in the workplace. associates should fuel. The most effective way of fighting dispose of bottles can and paper in the a fire is by cutting off the oxygen supply, Only guests and authorized visitors appropriate bins. Associates are also thereby smothering the fire. are permitted at Cora Cora Maldives. If encouraged to conserve energy by shut- you  notice an unauthorized visitor,  you ting down their computers, monitors Interestingly, the main culprits of death in will notify your superior immediately. and printers and night and turning of the a fire are not the fire itself, but the smoke lights when not needed. and toxic gases that are generated. MEDICAL The fire safety measures that are built • If safely possible, you will restrict the If you suffer from any disorder, taking into the Resort include smoke detectors, fire by closing off the area. medication or have any allergies that may which are activated by smoke. Fire extin- affect your job performance you will noti- guishers, fire blankets and a movable fire • You will not attempt to fight the fire fy your immediate superior, as this is vital pump. When smoke detectors are acti- alone unless you have the knowledge about your health and safety in the work- vated, they send an alarm throughout the of handling the necessary extinguish- place. building. ing equipment. You will stay calm and continue to communicate. If you discover smoke or suspect a fire, You will • You will position yourself in a safe lo- cation until the internal fire brigade • Find the fire. arrives. • If you are  located in the area, you will • If instructions over the loudspeaker activate the fire alarm  inform you to evacuate a given area, • Inform Operator by calling extension you will escort guests and other asso- ciates to the Assembly Point. ‘0’ immediately and report the condi- tion you see and give your name and location and you  shall alert the next nearest associates member. 67

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