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Home Explore WE-BE MAGAZINE February-March 2013

WE-BE MAGAZINE February-March 2013

Published by jieff.ak, 2014-07-02 03:49:11

Description: WE-BE MAGAZINE February-March 2013


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HELLO WE-BE! Our First Edition The Why & How And Our Purpose What Inspires It’s All About The You To BOYS & Their Your Valentines Greatness? YOUTH IMAGE POWER CAN Posture & Core Strength CHANGE Says It All THE WORLD The BIG Chill’s RED DONE Still On BLING IT RIGHT WITH HATS, SCARVES & The Chief Editors SWEATERS Interview Movie Producer Austin Vickers About His Compelling Movie 1

~ Chief Editors ~ Megan Praat & Olivia Jensen ~Feature Articles Writers and Interviewers~ Megan Praat, Olivia Jensen and Lauren Head ~ Photography ~ Laura T.J. Praat Lauren Head ~ Digital Operations ~ Megan Praat Olivia Jensen Laura T.J. Praat If you are interested in joining our creative team, please email us at [email protected]. We would like to hear from you! \" W eW e W e - - -Be making a difference in our world Be making a difference in our world Be making a difference in our world by inspiring and creating change, one issue at a time\" by inspiring and creating change, one issue at a time\" by inspiring and creating change, one issue at a time\" Official Sponsors & Clothing Supporters Official Sponsors & Clothing Supporters Official Sponsors & Clothing Supporters Suzy Shier, Sirens, Forever 21, Classic Insight, Bloomz n’ Herbs Farm, Fraser Valley Women’s Expo, Genta Bella, Blue Notes, Premium Bloomz If you would like to support our efforts to inspire and support local Youth, and Youth around the World, we believe you belong here on our team- we would like you to be a part of our success story. Please contact us at [email protected] and come join the dynamic team of sponsors that are helping the Youth to stand up, step out and create inspirational change in their World. 2

What’s In Our Special Super Fashion Launch Issue February-March 2013 FASHION FEATURES 6-11 17-19 21-23 The Chill IT’S ALL Factor ABOUT Red Done Warm Weather THE LOVE Right clothing is still What’s in fashion How to wear for young men red with class wearing strong. and their and style. Hat & Scarf Valentines? Bling. I N E V E R Y I S S U E 24 16 14-15 Posture says it all! Inner Those cheesy clichés -you core strength is want to hate Say I Love the key to a Those Little them but you you with a strong Self Golden know they’re Valentine Nuggets Of IMAGE. Truth speaking Truth cookie. to your heart... F E A T U R E D S T O R I E S 4-5 25-26 20 WE-BE Goes YOUTH Live! POWER! The Why, What the youth What the How And are doing to INSPIRES Our Purpose. make healthy you to your change happen in their world. GREATNESS? 12-13 Cover model Olivia Jensen, dressed for success and on her The Editors and Chiefs, way to a POWER lunch with a Megan Praat and WE-BE sponsor. Silver, gray and Olivia Jensen, go one-on- red done right, a powerful combi- nation. Clothing and jewelry from one with producer Austin Forever 21. Hair, make-up and Vickers in a candid and photo by Laura T.J. Praat. personal interview. Read how science is proving A special thanks to Sean & Brenda Nixon who provided their little that our thoughts form our piece of Heaven here on Earth for reality. We are what we our on location shoot spot and the think we are... great towns of Poulsbo & Kingston WA– USA. 3

The Why, How And Our Purpose We the Youth have a powerful voice that needs and yearns to be heard. Statis- tics show that the youth determine, for the most part, what the media will pro- mote in the fun, fashion, make-up, food and health industries; to what is aired on TV or produced for the big screen by the entertainment industry; to what will be made and sold in most marketplaces all around the world. If we, the Youth, have this kind of influence on how our world thrives, then we also have the power to create meaningful and significant change in our world. We are sisters and two dedicated youths who believe in living with our eyes wide open. We care about the condition of our world, especially the challenges that youth face today. We believe young adults have the power to bring about real change in their communities and in the world, and that there are those who are doing it right now, successfully and powerfully. We believe that if one sees a humanitarian need or a need to take action, stepping up to meet that challenge or to make our voices heard is a moral responsibility. Knowing this, we decided to create and publish an online magazine through our newly formed business called WE- BE. In every issue we publish we’ll reach out to the hearts of young people, around the world, about such topics as style, health, issues youth face, overcoming challenges, and we will be sharing stories that will bring young people hope and inspiration. Our magazine generates funds to support 3 very important causes cause.html we are passionate about supporting which needs our help. As we continue to sign up sponsors and fundraise for our causes, we will bring to our project more financial support as well as project partnering to help us make our goals a reality. This is where you, our public come in...Every time someone clicks the LIKE BUTTON on our Facebook fan page or fills in the subscription form on our website at, our sponsors will match your clicks with dollars. 4

“It takes a noble person to plant the seed for a tree that will one day provide shade to people they may never meet.” ~Dr. David Trublood~ We ask that you share the WE-BE Magazine website or Facebook fan page as often as you can with your friends and family, since the more LIKES we have, the more money we generate to spread hope in our World. WE-BE Magazine issues come out bi-monthly (6 a year). We will be featuring fabulous topics, fashion styles, fun ideas and inspirational stories about how the youth of our world have purpose and the ability to step up, step out and help to make healthy change happen in themselves and in our world. Our mission is to rise up to live and be Inspirational, Responsible, Accountable youth who take Action in our world to create healthy change with and for the youthful hearts’ of humanity in our community locally, globally and for the next generations of young people to come. We do hope you will enjoy WE-BE’s online magazine. If you have any ideas or thoughts you would like to share with us, please visit our contact us page on our website We look forward to hearing from you! Megan Praat: (Left) Megan is a sophomore in high school. She has been involved with Youth Leadership Programs in her schools for 4 years; she has been involved in the Scout program of Canada since the age of 10 and continues to serve her community as a Scout. Megan has been an “A” honors student for most of her school career. She loves hik- ing, snowboarding, baking and writing. Olivia Jensen: (Right) Olivia is an eighth grader. She has been involved with dance, drama, singing, writing stories and modeling since she was a 4 year old and loves animals. Olivia volunteers as a Peer Tutor in her school for the elementary students, likes to play volleyball, hike and has been an outdoor girl for most of her life. 5

It’s All About The Love 6

Young Men & Their Valentines. Dressing up the black, white and red for that special day. Megan’s vegan leather coat is from Sirens, shirt and headband from Free People, skirt from Suzy Shier. Cory is wearing a vegan leather jacket with a gray sweatshirt lining by Point Zero, shirts by Levi and scarf by Julest James - boots by Blowfish. 7

Cory is wearing Jr. Men's fashions from Sears. Gray scarf by Julest James. (Upper right) Cory is wearing a black vegan jacket and shirt by Levis. (Upper left) Taupe hoodie by Point Zero. (Bottom left) Levis ribbed sweater with Julest James’ gray scarf. (Bottom right) MaKenzy is wearing a blue shirt by Levi and Cory is wearing a sweater by Nevada. 8


MaKenzy (both left and right) is wearing Jr. Men's fashions from Sears. Sweater and shirt by Nevada. (Right) MaKenzy is wearing a plaid shirt by Columbia. Olivia is wearing a turquoise vegan leather coat and headband from Suzy Shier -skirt from Nordstrom. 10


PEOPLE V THE STATE OF ILLUSION An Exclusive Interview with Austin Vickers, Producer. By Megan Praat and Olivia Jensen Bringing us into his world of questioning, Austin Vickers, brought the world the movie \"People vs. the State of Illusion\" to help us examine what occurs in our life by looking at the thoughts we think in our mind. His script and the characters he cast for the movie, play out and shows the audience how our perceptions, beliefs and illusions actually form what we create as our reality. The storyline was based on a man named Aaron Roberts, who is a single father struggling to keep his life together. He was making poor choices by drinking too much alcohol and working overtime too much which brought his stress levels to extremes; this caused him to act out in destructive ways. He blamed the world around him for the way he was and what had happened to him in his life, instead of owning up to his actions and his part in what he had helped to create in his life. The two other main characters in the movie, who interact with him while he is in jail, are the janitor and the guard who watches over his section. The guard comes around to Aaron’s cell to harass him daily and taunts him in a mean way to jab at his already frustrated life. The janitor comes to help him to see the truth about his situation and the way he has been the creator of his life story. It was interesting to see this movie play out because as soon as Aaron starts to understand and take to heart the words of the janitor and reads a book that he gives to Aaron, Aaron starts to see his life and the life around him through a dif- ferent set of eyes. As Aaron starts to shift his perceptions of the world around him, the world around him shifts too. In a nutshell, this movie explores the power of perceptions and the idea that what you put your attention on is what your reality will become in your life. It is like, if two people walk in- to a room and one walks in looking for hate, they see and get hate– because that’s what they are looking for and are drawn to. If one walks in looking to be liked and to like others, that’s what they see and that’s what they get. What we put our at- tention on is what we will get as our world. 12

This is what we came away with but I can guarantee those who watch it will come away with the feeling that there was so much more to understand in the way of les- sons and topics to think about. One would have to watch it a few times to absorb every detail. We enjoyed this movie and interview- ing Mr. Austin Vickers very much and wish him great success with his endeavor to help those who will benefit from his message and gift as a movie producer. Some of the questions we asked Austin during our interview: OLIVIA & MEGAN: You say you give a practical application to transcend one’s illusions in your movie, and you have a course you offer called the Trial; can you tell us about what that is about? AUSTIN: What we all go through in life is much like a trial, we all have to figure out Who we are; most people’s issues are internal conflicts of values. You know like– I want freedom, but I also want to be in relationship. I feel we get blinded by stories or assump- tions we make about life that aren’t necessarily true. Life could be a certain way because of the way we were raised. So self awareness is what I am a big proponent of and teach – to really learn about who we are and why our mind thinks in a particular way. OLIVIA & MEGAN: If you were 13 again, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? AUSTIN: I would follow my own heart more often, do what I felt was my passion instead of listening to what others thought I was sup- posed to do. OLIVIA & MEGAN: Okay, you’re still 13 you still know what you know now, what would you launch into the world in this time? AUSTIN: I would have started do- ing what I am doing right now, making movies, much earlier in my life. I know all that I have learned has brought me to where I am now. Megan Praat, Austin Vickers and Olivia Jensen 13

Hand Made ntines Day Happy Vale 2 cookie designs- 1 recipe, for the cookie Lovers Valentines 14

First Design & tips for the doily design: -A doily with a good amount of open space in the pat- tern is your best bet. And you want it to have some depth, so that it stamps the dough well. But play around with what you’ve got. Dough is forgiving. Just scrap it and roll again if your print doesn’t work! -Really chill your dough. At least two hours. Or over- night if you can, so the gluten relaxes. -Work only with the amount you need, and keep the rest in the fridge. -Roll dough on parchment paper (or a non-stick bak- ing mat). Press the doily into the dough, then careful- ly peel away. Cut around your pattern and remove any excess dough. Then simply transfer your dough— on the paper—to your baking sheet. No messing around with trying to get your doughy creation off your work surface! -Work quickly when pressing doily into dough. Just a few gentle rolls should do. I was uncertain whether the doily would resist the dough, or get filled with it. As it turns out, this dough has just the right ratio of butter:sugar:flour, and it didn’t tend to stick to the doily. Hurrah! Dust with colored sugar. How to make colored sugar: Place sugar in a jar with a tight fitting lid. Drip the food coloring onto the sugar, close lid tightly and shake jar vigorously for about one minute. Thanks Bliss Images for sharing your recipe and pictures with us ♥ Second Design- Sweet Sugar Belle designs: Made with the same cookie dough reci- pe; cut into desired shapes. Using col- ored frosting, decorate your valentine cookies to look like cookies shown be- low. Icing Recipe: 2 cups confectioners’ sugar 3 Tablespoons milk Red food coloring creates both pink and red frosting 15

Those Little Golden Nuggets Of Truth, Found In The Cheesy Clichés... Little Golden Nuggets Of Love advice doesn’t always work, but classic quotes like “follow Truth your heart” and “Your heart lies with where your mind wanders” will not always fix a relationship, but will help you to either work through a tough time in love, or may help you to search for happiness elsewhere. It seems that most search for answers outside themselves. It is commonplace to ask others’ opinions and for their advice, which is helpful, but these quotes are saying “look inside and ponder your own truth”. No two friends will have the same opinion on your relationship, be- cause their opinions will be based on their past experiences. Even though this information is always good to consider, you are the only one who knows what will make you truly happy in the long run. Our mind and hearts don’t always agree, so it can be difficult to figure out what we really want. That’s where the cheese comes in. We look at our social media sites, read a book about relationship or something comes to mind when we close our eyes, as we ponder what our heart desires and up pops one of those cheesy clichés or cheesy poetic lines that brings us to our knees in a moment of “That’s just what my heart needed to hear!”, and some truth rings true to our core. That’s when you start to pay attention to those little clichés found all wrapped up in what seems, most of the time, like a cheese cliché ball. No matter how corny they may seem at times, when we need one, the right one always seems to appear, right when you need one the most….So when in need, I say “pass the cheese please”. 16 By Megan Praat.

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