PUZZLES & BRAIN TEASERS by Donna Pettman Each numbered row contains two clues and two 6-letter answers. The two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you change the A from MASTER for an I, you get MIS- TER. Do not change the order of the letters. MAGIC MAZE SUDOKU Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from 1-9. HIGH Adventure Horse On the hog Time Command Jump School Waters Explosive Life Seas Wire Gear Noon Stepper ANSWERS/SOLUTIONS To check answers, flip page upside down. GO FIGURE: CRYPTOQUOTE: FEAR NOT: STICKELERS: SNOWFLAKE: EVEN EXCHANGE: SUDOKU: MAGIC MAZE: What is more enchanting The answer is 5. than the voices of young anteater. The other people when you can’t four are marsupial hear hear what they say? characterized by the — Logan P. Smith pouches. DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 49
SUPER CASH PUZZLE WIN A CASH PRIZE OF $50, $30 OR $20 PICTURE OF ANCIENT CONFLICT DOWN 60 “Absolutely” 1 Japanese 61 Bits of sparkly ACROSS 31 Riddle, part 2 “Hairspray” 99 Element #26 cartoon style 1 Jokester 36 Writer — 68 Mob group 100 Cake portion 2 Secure in stuff Johnson 71 Step face 102 Disgusting position again 62 Atypical 5 Witch trials Calvino 72 “Which way 104 End of the 3 Little Richard’s 64 Former New town 38 “— So Vain” “— Frutti” 39 RSVP encl. — he go?” riddle 4 Character of a York senator 10 “Presto —!” 40 Roomy auto 73 Riddle, part 5 108 Eritrea’s capital culture Al D’— (magician’s 44 Home of the 78 “Now — the 113 TV “Drag 5 Most aching 65 Trial promise cry) 6 Years and 66 Alphabet Buccaneers time” Race” host years quintet 16 Super Sunday 47 Deborah of 80 Strength 114 Nemesis 7 “Holiday” 67 Ryder Cup org. stats 81 Find a new 115 Reverend actor Ayres 69 Illuminated by “Quo Vadis” 8 Austin-to- a flame 19 Big skin-care 48 Lacking depth, abode for, as a famous for Boston dir. 70 Bartender’s brand pet swapping 9 Traveler Polo “rocks” briefly 82 — -pitch sounds 10 Apt to gab 74 Bill Gates’ wife 21 Former veep 49 Riddle, part 3 softball 116 Enzyme suffix 11 Drone 75 Tier Humphrey 52 Superpower 84 An inning has 117 Riddle’s answer 12 Actress 76 Modest “As six 123 Pitch source Maryam d’— I see it,” to 22 Sound from a until 1991 86 Leisurely gait 124 Pinwheel- 13 Reno’s st. texters boozer 54 Toy brick 88 Riddle, part 6 shaped roll 14 Mourning 77 Rhythm 91 Landlocked 125 Started again, people 79 Go-ahead 23 Start of a brand African land as a former 15 Cheri formerly signals riddle 55 Kid-friendly 94 Alan of the habit of “Saturday 82 Exerciser’s screen 126 Urban rails Night Live” moisture 25 That, in card game 97 Great Plains 127 Trio plus three 16 Constellation 83 Tax write-off Chihuahua 56 Jump for joy, natives 128 Sharif and Cygnus 85 — Paulo 98 Prefix with Bradley 17 A drug might 87 Bumps that 26 Methods of cell perhaps physics 129 Have a slant cure it contain taste division 59 “It takes two to 18 Left a lasting buds mark on 89 Author 27 Adult kitten —” Morrison 28 It gets the 63 Kidney-related 20 Napping, say 90 Arranges like 65 Riddle, part 4 24 Water, in Lille a graphic graphite out 67 Zadora of 29 Election loser, designer 30 Has life 91 Fly south, say e.g. 92 Excitement 31 Texas siege 93 Some roller coasters setting 95 Costa — Sol 32 Total flop 96 Top card 33 Just dandy 101 Exertion 34 Actor’s signal 103 Gradually 35 Bursts in narrows 105 Some diving suddenly positions 37 Rate — (be 106Sock-in-the-gut sound perfect) 107 Back in style 40 Hollywood’s 109 Super 8, e.g. 110 Battery part Mineo 111 “— -Cop” 41 Salon boards 112 Bad lighting? 42 Place-marking 115 Suffix with prank or poll folds 118 — -en- 43 In a little bit Provence, 45 Ill-gotten France 119 Old boomer wealth 120 Tee- — 46 Location 121 Skirt line 50 A Disney 122 Bond girl player Green princess 51 Baglike part 53 Roils up 57 French for “father” 58 “Ella” author Geller NAME: WIN CASH! Complete this puzzle and send it in for your chance to ADDRESS: win a cash prize of $50, $30 or $20. Winners to be drawn on Au- gust 31, 2015. Mail the completed puzzle – along with your name, address and telephone number – to: August Cash Puzzle, c/o The Newfoundland Herald, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7. 50 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015
T he 31st annual George Street Festival kicks off this week, and Stephen and Stephanie have more tickets up for grabs all week on The OZFM Rush! Tune in at 7:10 a.m. for your chance to win with George Street trivia! And you know, they’ll have all the news, weather, traffic, and music to get your day going right! Don’t miss The Rush, weekdays at 6 a.m., only on Newfoundland’s OZFM! SUMMER CRUISER TEAM You still have just over a month left to get in on the winning with the 2015 OZFM Winners Circle and Anna, Bailey, and Devon, the Summer Cruiser Team! They’re still beating the streets every weekend, with their eyes peeled for OZFM listeners sporting their Winners Circles, with lots of cash and prizes on board! Get yours now at participating sponsor locations, and be sure to enter for this year’s grand prize – $10,000 compliments of Quik Cash! Don’t miss out, get your 2015 OZFM Winners Circle now! DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 51
SPECIAL FEATURE BY: DILLON COLLINS AMAZING RACE CANADA C o-conspirators in crime crack-down, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary’s resident attending separate schools in Conception Bay South. power-duo of Dana Hayward and Amanda The pair were competitors on opposing cheerlead- Johnston are making waves as Newfoundland and er and rugby squads, but before long, they became Labrador’s first ever tandem in one of the nation’s big- acquainted through mutual friends, leading to what gest reality series, Amazing Race Canada. would become a lasting friendship. The premise sees teams compete in a host of skill Upon finishing high school, Hayward ap- testing and sometimes nerve-wracking challeng- plied and was accepted as a member of the Royal es, all while globe-trotting and competing for their Newfoundland Constabulary, an exceptional feat for stake in a host of life-changing prizes. someone her age. Johnston, whose father is retired Chief Robert Johnston, would follow suit a year later, #TEAMBLUENL with both women winding up in the same platoon in Labrador West, where the pair continue to work Production on season three of the Canadian today. spinoff of the American classic series ended in ear- ly May and now that the series has seen its an- As active police officers, who regularly face exhaus- ticipated debut, the pair affectionately known as tive physical and mental stresses, the girls’ fellow com- #TeamBlueNL can finally share their wild experi- petitors couldn’t help but feel some slight intimidation ence with the masses. when it came to their RNC branded counterparts. Hayward and Johnston met as teenagers while “When some of the other teammates found out we were police officers, you could tell they were pretty intimidated,” Hayward said. “We were just really down to earth with them. As you can see from the show, you can be mentally trained and physically fit, but “These past two seasons it was teams of double males that won. We wanted to go in there as two young, strong females and represent and show that women could go in there and kick butt too.” — Amanda Johnston 52 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015
SPECIAL FEATURE: AMAZING RACE CANADA “Our province is amazing for supporting people. We can’t thank everyone enough for what people have done for us thus far ... It’s been such a posi- tive experience.” — Dana Hayward sometimes it comes down to luck.” honour on being the first team of NLers to com- Composure, a trait taught and passed down to pete for the coveted Amazing Race title, Hayward and Johnston seek to broaden the profile of strong, every new RNC recruit, was an attribute which came empowered female figures. As young, independent in handy during the strenuous competition. Several women and RNC employees, they hope their partic- of the challenges and trials were high pressure and ipation in the series will help inspire young girls ev- certainly high stakes. erywhere. “These past two seasons, it was teams of “It was stressful, but we kept our cool,” Hayward double males that won. We wanted to go in there said. “That just goes back to our careers and who we as two young, strong females and represent are as people. We have those situations, but we have and show that women could go in there to be brave and we have to keep calm ... Although we and kick butt too,” Johnston said. were stressed, you just have to keep going.” LIFE-CHANGING WELL BALANCED TEAM Though the duo were eliminat- Hayward and Johnston both pos- ed from the competition in the sess qualities which help round out the duo. While Hayward is orga- third episode, that does not nized and concise, Johnston is more understate the impact the ex- of a free-flowing spirit, who is well perience had on their lives equipped to handle some of the and friendship. The pair more stressful scenarios where planning and diligence fly out have this life-changing experi- the window. ence between them, which will al- ways serve as a unifying force. Factor “Anyone who knows us in the always unbelievable support knows Dana is very organized, from their fellow Newfoundlanders, particular and anal in how she and it is no surprise to hear that the does things,” Johnston shared question of the series experience be- with a laugh. “Kudos to her, be- ing worth it for the team as being met cause I wish I could be more like with a resounding ‘YES!’ it. I can be very relaxed, easy- “It’s definitely overwhelming, the going and sometimes forget- support, and I wouldn’t expect any- ful. I know that when I put my thing less from Newfoundland and mind to it I can be organized, Labrador,” Hayward said. “Our with work and everything else I province is amazing for supporting just need to focus, but in my person- people. We can’t thank everyone al life it’s nothing for me to lose and enough for what people have done break phones. I think we definite- for us thus far ... It’s been such a ly compliment each other, because positive experience.” with Dana, I knew that we would have everything together ... I’d be Catch Amazing Race Canada there to calm her down, tell her to Wednesday at 9:00 on CTV take it easy and relax. We compli- ment each other and we did not fight, argue, bicker once or whine. It definitely helped us.” Outside of the immense DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 53
Check out the HERALD’S MOVIE REVIEWS by Dillon Collins: www.NFLDherald.com * “Images (c) Alliance , Buena Vista, DreamWorks, Lions Gate, MGM, Paramount, Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal Studios or Warner Bros - Home Entertainment/Video. All rights reserved.” Movie info provided by movies.yahoo.com and Dillon Collins. WHAT’S NEW... IN THE CINEMAS TOP 3 AT THE BOX OFFICE! MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 5 Ethan & his team take on their toughest mission yet, eradicating an internation- al rogue organization. Rated PG-13. VACATION Rusty Griswold takes his own family on a road trip to ‘Walley World’ in order to spice up their lives. Rated R. A re-imagining of Marvel’s original superhero team, which centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The team must learn to harness their PIXELS daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from When aliens misinterpret videos of clas- a former friend turned enemy. sic arcade games as a declaration of war, Rated PG-13. they attack the Earth. Rated PG-13. NEW ON DVD/BLU-RAY INSURGENT TRUE STORY CHILD 44 Beatrice and her friends must con- A disgraced reporter’s identity is A crestfallen member of the mili- tinue the fight against a powerful stolen by an accused killer, result- tary police investigates a series of alliance, which threatens to tear ing in a dangerous game of cat- child murders during the Stalin- apart society. Rated PG-13. and-mouse. Rated R. era Soviet Union. Rated R. COMING SOON TO DVD/BLU-RAY: IN STORE OR ON-DEMAND HOT PURSUIT H UNFRIENDED H THE SALVATION H ADULT BEGINNERS H MADAME BOVARY 54 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015
‘FREE TV’ SCHEDULE AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015 Reality Children Sports News Local Movies TIME: SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NTV Early Morning News Royal St. John’s 06:00 AM NTV Entertainment News NTV Early NTV.ca Regatta 06:30 AM NTV Eyewitness News Highlights Morning News NTV News: 1st Edition 07:00 AM NTV.ca Padma Yoga: Blissful Living NTV Early Canada AM Morning News 07:30 AM Meeting With… NTV.ca Canada AM 16:9 Bigger 08:00 AM Issues & Answers Picture 08:30 AM Made Right Here Marc and Mandy 09:00 AM Ancestors in the Attic Dive Detectives 09:30 AM Six Degrees of TV 10:00 AM Heart Matters 10:30 AM NTV.ca The Morning Show 11:00 AM Church of the Rock 100 Huntley Street NTV.ca 11:30 AM Meetings With… NTV.ca NOON Issues & Answers NTV Newsday NTV Eyewitness News 12:30 AM NTV Week in Review The Young and the Restless NTV Entertainment News Days of Our Lives Made Right Here 01:00 PM W-5 Legend City Wrestling 01:30 PM Go Riding TV 02:00 PM Syllables: Our… 02:30 PM Canadian Made The Rachael Ray Show Dimestore Fishermen 03:00 PM William Shatner’s Ex-Wives of Rock 03:30 PM Weird Or What? Judge Judy 04:00 PM Made Right Here Judge Judy Lost Girl 04:30 PM Nfld. Sportsman Jeopardy On the Mark 05:00 PM Jeopardy Wheel of Fortune The Simpsons 05:30 PM Wheel of Fortune NTV News: First Edition NTV Evening NTV News: First Edition The Simpsons NTV Week in Review 06:00 PM NTV Sunday NTV Evening Newshour Newshour NTV Evening NTV Eyewitness News 06:30 PM Evening Global National Newshour Entertainment Tonight Royal St. John’s Newshour Global National 07:00 PM Global National Regatta Entertainment Tonight Entertainment Tonight Canada championship 07:30 PM America’s races Global National 08:00 PM Funniest Home Global National Entertainment Tonight Canada Videos 08:30 PM Border Security Running Wild NCIS: Rookie Blue Under the Dome NCIS: NTV Saturday 09:00 PM Bob’s Burgers With Bear Grylls New Orleans Big Brother New Orleans Movie: Me, Myself 09:30 PM Big Brother Continuum NCIS Food Fighters Mr. Robinson Pilot and Irene 10:00 PM Finale The CarmPiilcohtael show Twilight Zone 10:30 PM Madam Secretary Remedy NCIS: Big Brother Hawaii Five-0 Rookie Blue 11:00 PM Finale Los Angeles CTV National News Extant NTV 11:30 PM CTV National News Entertainment 12:00 AM NTV Latenight News Royal St. John’s NTV Latenight News News 12:30 AM Entertainment Regatta Saturday 01:00 AM The Twilight Zone Highlights The Twilight Zone Night Live 01:30 AM Tonight Weekend WWileliiardmOSrhWatnheart’?s CTV National News WWileliiradmOSrhWathnaert?’s Entertainment Tonight ATLANTIC/LABRADOR - .5hr. earlier H EASTERN - 1.5hr. earlier H CENTRAL - 2.5hr. earlier H MOUNTAIN - 3.5hr. earlier H PACIFIC - 4.5hr. earlier 56 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015
ACTION PACKED SPORTS HIGHLIGHTSPROGRAMMING SUNDAY Sonoma Raceway -- Sonoma, Calif. FRIDAY SUN/3:00PM 2:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. SWIMMING [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Kansas City [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Minnesota [3] [CBC] [20] [CBCN] Para Pan at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- Toronto, Ont. at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- Toronto, Ont. American Games Live World Championship. - Kazan, Russia, Live Live [23] [TSN] CFL On TSN Live on NBC. 3:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Toronto at N.Y. Yankees. Yankee Stadium -- Bronx, MON/9:30PM [11] [NBC] Swimming World [23] [TSN] IIHF Hockey Canada N.Y. Live MLB BASEBALL Championship. -- Kazan, Russia. vs. Czech Rep. World Junior Showcase. [31] [SN360] WWE Main Event 4:20 p.m. Markin MacPhail Centre -- Calgary, Alta. 9:00 p.m. Tampa Bay at Chicago White Sox. Live U.S. Cellular Field - Chicago Illinois, [23] [TSN] Soccer International 12:30 a.m. [23] [TSN] CFL Football Montreal at Champions Cup. ACF Fiorentina vs. FC Ottawa. TD Place Stadium -- Ottawa, Ont. on RSE. Barcelona. Stadio Artemio Franchi -- [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Baltimore at Live Florence, Italy. Live Oakland. O.co Coliseum -- Oakland, Calif. 12:30 a.m. NTV/6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY 5:30 p.m. Live ROYAL ST. JOHN’S REGATTA [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Baltimore [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball N.Y. WEDNESDAY at L.A. Angels. Angel Stadium -- Anaheim, CHAMPIONSHIP RACES Yankees at Chi. White Sox. U.S. Cellular 3:30 p.m. Calif. Live Field -- Chicago, Ill. Live WWW.NTV.CA 6:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Tampa Bay SATURDAY at Chi. White Sox. U.S. Cellular Field -- 1:30 p.m. [11] [NBC] Equestrian Breeder’s Cup Chicago, Ill. Live Challenge Series. William Hill Haskell 4:20 p.m. [5] [NTV] Legend City Wrestling Invitational. Monmouth Park -- Oceanport, [23] [TSN] Motoring N.J. [23] [TSN] Soccer International [26] [GLOBAL] Fish’n Canada 7:00 p.m. Champions Cup. Chelsea vs. Fiorentina. 2:00 p.m. Stamford Bridge -- London, England. Live [30] [RSE] MLB Blue Jays in 30 6:30 p.m. [5] [NTV] Go Riding TV Kansas City at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- 2:30 p.m. Toronto, Ont. [5] [NTV] Rowing Royal St. John’s 9:30 p.m. Regatta. Championship. -- St. John’s, Nfld. [5] [NTV] The Dimestore Fisherman Live [26] [GLOBAL] Powerboat [30] [RSE] FA Soccer Arsenal vs. 8:30 p.m. Television Chelsea. Community Shield. Wembley [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Toronto at Stadium -- London, England. [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Minnesota N.Y. Yankees. Yankee Stadium -- Bronx, at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- Toronto, Ont. N.Y. Live MONDAY Live 4:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. [11] [NBC] Swimming World [23] [TSN] Fitness CrossFit Games. [23] [TSN] IIHF Hockey Canada vs. 2:30 p.m. Russia. World Junior Showcase. Markin Championship. MacPhail Centre -- Calgary, Alta. Live 5:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Minnesota 12:00 a.m. at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- Toronto, Ont. [3] [CBC] Para Pan American Live [5] [NTV] Royal St. John’s Regatta Games -- Toronto, Ont. Live 8:30 p.m. [11] [NBC] AMA Motocross THURSDAY [23] [TSN] MLS Soccer Sporting KC at [23] [TSN] CFL Football Toronto at 2:30 p.m. Toronto. BMO Field -- Toronto, Ont. Live Hamilton. Tim Hortons Field -- Hamilton, [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball San Ont. Live [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Kansas City Francisco at Chi. Cubs. Wrigley Field -- [31] [SN360] The WWE Experience at Detroit. Comerica Park -- Detroit, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Live 9:30 p.m. Live 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Tampa Bay [23] [TSN] CFL Football Saskatchewan at Chi. White Sox. U.S. Cellular Field -- [23] [TSN] IIHF Hockey Canada vs. at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- Toronto, Ont. Chicago, Ill. Live Czech Rep. World Junior Showcase. Live Live [31] [SN360] WWE Monday Night [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Minnesota [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Boston at Raw Live at Toronto. Rogers Centre -- Toronto, Ont. Detroit. Comerica Park -- Detroit, Mich. Live 11:30 p.m. Live [54] [FOX] Ring of Honor Wrestling 11:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] IIHF Hockey Canada vs. Russia. World Junior Showcase. Markin [23] [TSN] CFL On TSN Live [3] [CBC] Para Pan American MacPhail Centre -- Calgary, Alta. Live [31] [SN360] Plays of the Month Games -- Toronto, Ont. Live 11:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. TUESDAY 2:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] CFL Football Edmonton [23] [TSN] MLS Soccer Salt Lake at B.C. B.C. Place Stadium -- Vancouver, at Vancouver. B.C. Place Stadium -- [23] [TSN] NHRA Drag Racing B.C. Live Vancouver, B.C. Live Sonoma Nationals. Mello Yell oSeries. “Talent is never enough. With few exceptions “NQOTUABOLE TSPEOR”T the best players are the hardest workers.” — MAGIC JOHNSON DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 57
MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST MOVIES ON TELEVISION MON/1:30AM SUNDAY 5:00 p.m. (1998) Wesley Snipes. (3h) FREE WILLY 7:30 a.m. 1:30 a.m. [34] [SHOW] Indiana Jones and the When a boy learns that a beloved [306] [MPIX] Stuart Little +++ Last Crusade ++++ (1989) Harrison [21] [VIS] An American in Paris killer whale is to be killed by the (1999) Geena Davis. (1h25) Ford. (2h30) ++++ (1951) Gene Kelly. (2h30) aquarium owners, the boy risks 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 1:45 a.m. everything to free the whale, [35] [BRV] The Help +++ (2011) [36] [SLICE] The Mummy +++ [50] [TCM] The Pride of the on YTV. Emma Stone. (3h) (1999) Brendan Fraser. (2h30) Yankees ++++ (1942) Gary Cooper. [55] [CHCH] They Made Me a 10:30 p.m. (2h15) FRI/6:05AM Criminal +++ (1939) John Garfield. 3:00 a.m. (2h) [55] [CHCH] Kiss Kiss Bang Bang JETSONS: THE MOVIE 5:00 p.m. +++ (2005) Robert Downey Jr.. (2h) [53] [AMC] Donnie Brasco +++ 11:00 p.m. (1997) Al Pacino. (3h) George Jetson is forced to uproot his [306] [MPIX] Fur +++ (2006) Nicole 4:55 a.m. family when Mr. Spacely promotes Kidman. (2h5) [50] [TCM] Gold Diggers of 1935 him to take charge of a new factory 5:30 p.m. +++ (1935) Dick Powell. (1h45) [306] [MPIX] 2001: A Space 12:45 a.m. Odyssey ++++ (1968) Keir Dullea. on a distant planet, on MPIX. [3] [CBC] Babe: Pig in the City +++ (2h45) NTV/12:30 P.M. (1998) Magda Szubanski. (2h) [50] [TCM] Stage Door ++++ [50] [TCM] The Private Lives of (1937) Katharine Hepburn. (1h45) WEDNESDAY SUNDAY NTV/9:31 P.M. Elizabeth and Essex +++ (1939) 1:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Bette Davis. (2h) [51] [PEACH] Road Trip +++ (2000) [36] [SLICE] The Mummy +++ [50] [TCM] Swing Time ++++ Breckin Meyer. (2h) (1999) Brendan Fraser. (2h30) (1935) Fred Astaire. (1h45) 7:05 p.m. 1:30 a.m. 6:15 p.m. [306] [MPIX] Beetlejuice +++ [21] [VIS] Singin’ in the Rain ++++ [50] [TCM] The Belle of New York (1988) Michael Keaton. (1h35) (1952) Gene Kelly. (2h) +++ (1952) Fred Astaire. (1h30) 9:30 p.m. [24] [YTY] Free Willy +++ (1993) 7:30 p.m. Jason James Richter. (2h30) [36] [SLICE] Here Comes the Boom [53] [AMC] The Godfather ++++ [306] [MPIX] When Harry Met +++ (2012) Kevin James. (2h) (1972) Marlon Brando. (3h58) Sally +++ (1989) Billy Crystal. (1h40) [50] [TCM] The Adventures of 1:40 a.m. 7:45 p.m. Robin Hood ++++ (1938) Errol Flynn. (2h) [306] [MPIX] An Officer and a [50] [TCM] The Story of Vernon [55] [CHCH] Crazy Heart +++ Gentleman ++++ (1982) Richard and Irene Castle +++ (1939) Fred (2009) Jeff Bridges. (2h30) Gere. (2h10) Estaire. (1h45) 10:30 p.m. 2:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m. [35] [BRV] The Help +++ (2011) [50] [TCM] The Hucksters +++ [46] [FAM] Double Teamed +++ Emma Stone. (3h15) (1947) Clark Gable. (2h) (2002) Mackenzie Phillips. (1h35) [51] [PEACH] Underworld +++ [50] [TCM] Shall We Dance? ++++ (2003) Kate Beckinsale. (2h30) TUESDAY (1937) Fred Astaire. (2h15) 1:45 a.m. 5:10 p.m. [53] [AMC] Con Air +++ (1997) Nicolas Cage. (2h30) [35] [BRV] An Education +++ [306] [MPIX] Walk All Over Me 11:45 p.m. (2009) Carey Mulligan. (2h5) +++ (2007) Leelee Sobieski. (1h40) 2:25 a.m. 6:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] You Were Never Lovelier +++ (1942) Fred Astaire. [306] [MPIX] Stuart Little +++ [50] [TCM] The Best Years of Our (1h45) (1999) Geena Davis. (1h30) Lives ++++ (1946) Myrna Loy. (3h) 1:30 a.m. 3:30 a.m. [53] [AMC] True Lies +++ (1994) Jamie Lee Curtis. (3h) [21] [VIS] Meet Me in St. Louis [34] [SHOW] Raiders of the Lost 8:20 p.m. ++++ (1944) Judy Garland. (2h) Ark ++++ (1981) Harrison Ford. (2h30) [306] [MPIX] Paper Moon Affair THURSDAY [55] [CHCH] Lady in the Water +++ +++ (2005) Misa Shimizu. (1h25) 4:00 p.m. (2006) Paul Giamatti. (2h) 9:30 p.m. [53] [AMC] Back to the Future II MONDAY [46] [FAM] Minutemen +++ (2008) +++ (1989) Michael J. Fox. (2h30) 2:40 p.m. Luke Benward. (1h30) 5:00 p.m. [50] [TCM] The Little Foxes +++ [306] [MPIX] The Best of Times (1941) Bette Davis. (2h15) [50] [TCM] The Man Who Would +++ (1986) Kurt Russell. (1h50) 11:45 p.m. Be King +++ (1975) Sean Connery. 3:00 p.m. (2h15) [50] [TCM] Shadow of a Doubt 6:30 p.m. [53] [AMC] The Godfather ++++ +++ (1943) Teresa Wright. (2h) (1972) Marlon Brando. (4h) 12:00 a.m. [53] [AMC] Back to the Future III +++ (1990) Michael J. Fox. (2h30) [53] [AMC] U.S. Marshals +++ BIG BROTHER “QUOTE”NOTABLE MOVIE “I’ve always been a better rule breaker than rule maker, myself.” — FREE WILLY WWW.NTV.CA 58 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
THE BEST MOVIES MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS ON TELEVISION 9:00 p.m. Mimi Kuzyk. (1h30) +++ (2006) Abigail Breslin. (2h30) FRI/11:30PM 9:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. THE BLIND SIDE [53] [AMC] Back to the Future +++ (1985) Michael J. Fox. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Alice Adams +++ [34] [SHOW] The Blind Side +++ A homeless and traumatized boy 9:30 p.m. (1935) Katharine Hepburn. (2h) (2009) Sandra Bullock. (3h) becomes an All American football 10:30 p.m. [47] [COM] About a Boy +++ player and first round NFL draft pick [50] [TCM] Hannah and Her Sisters (2002) Hugh Grant. (2h) with the help of a caring woman and +++ (1986) Woody Allen. (2h) [36] [SLICE] The Social Network 5:20 p.m. [55] [CHCH] Lethal Weapon +++ +++ (2010) Jesse Eisenberg. (2h30) her family, on SHOW. (1987) Mel Gibson. (2h30) [58] [APTN] A Cry in the Dark +++ [306] [MPIX] Caddyshack +++ 11:30 p.m. (1988) Meryl Streep. (2h30) (1980) Chevy Chase. (1h40) FRI/5:30AM 11:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. THE BUCKET LIST [50] [TCM] The Ipcress File +++ (1965) Michael Caine. (2h) [34] [SHOW] The Blind Side +++ [5] [NTV] Me, Myself and Irene ++ Two terminally ill men escape from a [53] [AMC] Back to the Future II (2009) Sandra Bullock. (3h) (2000) Jim Carrey. (2h30) cancer ward and head off on a road +++ (1989) Michael J. Fox. (2h30) [50] [TCM] The Sea of Grass +++ 10:00 p.m. trip with a wish list of to-do’s before 1:30 a.m. (1947) Spencer Tracy. (2h30) [53] [AMC] Fantastic Four +++ [46] [FAM] Hatching Pete ++++ they die, on SHOW. [24] [YTY] Marley and Me +++ (2005) Ioan Gruffudd. (2h30) (2009) Jason Dolley. (1h30) (2008) Owen Wilson. (2h30) [56] [OWN] Precious +++ (2009) 10:30 p.m. NTV/7:30 P.M. SATURDAY [50] [TCM] Get Carter +++ (1971) Gabourey Sidibe. (2h30) Michael Caine. (2h) 2:30 a.m. [36] [SLICE] Sherlock Holmes: A MOVIE: ME, MYSELF AND 2:00 a.m. Game of Shadows +++ (2011) IRENE [34] [SHOW] The Blind Side +++ Robert Downey Jr.. (2h30) [53] [AMC] Back to the Future III (2009) Sandra Bullock. (3h) [306] [MPIX] My Sister’s Keeper WWW.NTV.CA +++ (1990) Michael J. Fox. (2h30) [36] [SLICE] The Social Network +++ (2009) Abigail Breslin. (2h) 3:30 a.m. +++ (2010) Jesse Eisenberg. (2h30) 11:30 p.m. [58] [APTN] A Cry in the Dark +++ [50] [TCM] The Romantic (1988) Meryl Streep. (2h30) [33] [MM] Dark Skies +++ (2013) Englishwoman +++ (1975) Michael 4:00 a.m. Keri Russell. (2h) Caine. (2h) 12:30 a.m. 4:30 a.m. [53] [AMC] Fantastic Four +++ (2005) Ioan Gruffudd. (2h30) [53] [AMC] The Shawshank [53] [AMC] Groundhog Day +++ 5:30 a.m. Redemption ++++ (1994) Tim (1993) Bill Murray. (2h30) Robbins. (3h) [34] [SHOW] The Bucket List +++ [306] [MPIX] Being There ++++ FRIDAY (2007) Jack Nicholson. (2h) (1979) Peter Sellers. (2h10) 6:05 a.m. [48] [TOON] Shrek +++ (2001) 1:00 a.m. Voices of Mike Myers. (2h) [306] [MPIX] Jetsons: The Movie 5:40 a.m. [36] [SLICE] Sherlock Holmes +++ +++ (1990) Voices of Mel Blanc. (2009) Robert Downey Jr.. (3h) (1h25) [306] [MPIX] Lost Song +++ 1:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (2008) Suzie LeBlanc. (2h) [50] [TCM] Desperate Journey [50] [TCM] Bringing Up Baby SATURDAY +++ (1942) Errol Flynn. (2h) ++++ (1938) Cary Grant. (1h45) 1:00 p.m. 2:30 a.m. [53] [AMC] Groundhog Day +++ (1993) Bill Murray. (2h30) [18] [W] Marley and Me +++ [34] [SHOW] Resident Evil: 2:45 p.m. (2008) Owen Wilson. (2h30) Afterlife +++ (2010) Milla Jovovich. [50] [TCM] Santa Fe Trail +++ (2h) [50] [TCM] Pat and Mike +++ (1940) Errol Flynn. (2h) 2:40 a.m. (1952) Spencer Tracy. (1h45) 1:40 p.m. 3:20 p.m. [306] [MPIX] The Fugitive +++ [306] [MPIX] Being There ++++ (1993) Harrison Ford. (2h20) [306] [MPIX] Groundhog Day +++ (1979) Peter Sellers. (2h10) 2:45 a.m. (1993) Bill Murray. (1h50) 2:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. [14] [M3] Music and Lyrics +++ [36] [SLICE] Sherlock Holmes +++ (2007) Hugh Grant. (2h15) [50] [TCM] Adam’s Rib ++++ (2009) Robert Downey Jr.. (3h) 3:30 a.m. (1949) Spencer Tracy. (1h45) 3:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. [55] [CHCH] The Painted Veil +++ [50] [TCM] Seven Angry Men +++ (2006) Naomi Watts. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Woman of the Year (1955) Raymond Massey. (1h45) 3:45 a.m. ++++ (1942) Spencer Tracy. (2h) [53] [AMC] The Shawshank 8:30 p.m. Redemption ++++ (1994) Tim [50] [TCM] God is My Co-Pilot Robbins. (3h) +++ (1945) Dennis Morgan. (1h45) [53] [AMC] Jaws ++++ (1975) Roy 3:30 p.m. 5:00 a.m. Scheider. (3h) 9:00 p.m. [56] [OWN] Little Miss Sunshine [306] [MPIX] U.S. Marshals +++ (1998) Wesley Snipes. (2h20) [306] [MPIX] Kardia +++ (2006) “NQOTAUBOLE TMOEVI”E “Forty-five years goes by pretty fast.” — THE BUCKET LIST DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 59
TV HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST PROGRAMMING AIRING TODAY SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS SUN/9:00PM 7:30 p.m. Bob enters a burger-tasting contest, only to family’s road trip essentials include an discover that he is missing an ingredient. arsenal of weapons. BOB’S BURGERS [5] [NTV] America’s Funniest Home {115} {CIHF} The Simpsons When [47] [COM] Just for Laughs: All Videos One lucky finalist will walk away Homer gets an old film roll developed, the Access Performances from Hannibal Bob enters a burger-tasting contest, with the $100,000 prize money. family takes a trip down memory lane. Buress, Todd Barry, Paul F. Tompkins and only to discover that he is missing an [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: [51] [PEACH] The Big Bang Theory Gina Yashere. Canada’s Front Line In Alberta, serial Sheldon faces a personal crisis after [54] [FOX] Family Guy Peter claims he ingredient, on NTV. numbers aren’t piecing together in a gun deciding he’s wasting his time with string would beat Liam Neeson in a fight, but his shipment. theory. claim is put to the test. NTV/12:30 P.M. [51] [PEACH] The Big Bang Theory 9:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. Wolowitz asks Sheldon to go to Houston MONDAY NTV/9:30 P.M. with him in an attempt to improve their [5] [NTV] Big Brother A group of [17] [OLN] The Liquidator Cardinal friendship. strangers live together in a house outfitted rule is to never fall in love with your 8:30 p.m. with cameras and microphones. merchandise; Jeff decides to sell statue. [40] [E!] I Am Cait Follow Cait Jenner [20] [CBCN] Doc Zone Take a look at [5] [NTV] Border Security: Canada’s as she lives as the person she was born to what happens to lottery winners after they Front Line Officers confront an American be for the first time. cash their cheque. soldier running scared; an actor fails his [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory [26] [GLOBAL] Family Guy Peter audition. Sheldon is accused of sexual harassment claims he would beat Liam Neeson in a [7] [ABC] America’s Funniest Home and winds up getting his friends in trouble. fight, but his claim is put to the test. Videos One lucky finalist will walk away [54] [FOX] The Simpsons When [27] [A&E] Intervention Amanda with the $100,000 prize money. Homer gets an old film roll developed, the used drugs as an escape after losing her {115} {CIHF} Family Guy Peter claims family takes a trip down memory lane. husband; James has lost everything. he would beat Liam Neeson in a fight, but 10:00 p.m. [34] [SHOW] Dominion Alex takes a his claim is put to the test. dangerous step in his hunt as he uncovers [10] [A] Spun Out Nelson is thrilled [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: the truth of Julian’s origin. when Abby offers to do all ‘gay guy stuff’ Canada’s Front Line A pleasant [36] [SLICE] Emergency A 13-year-old with his husband. American jumps the gun when he decides boy breaks his arm for the second time [34] [SHOW] Rookie Blue Oliver to go on a quick day-trip. and a young woman collapses. prepares Andy to defend herself at [51] [PEACH] Modern Family Jay [40] [E!] Reign Catherine finds herself Duncan’s dismissal hearing. takes Manny out to cut down their own in the middle of a romantic triangle with [35] [BRV] Flashpoint A standoff Christmas tree. the Duke of Guise. erupts between gang members and a man [54] [FOX] Brooklyn Nine-Nine After [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: trying to protect his wounded brother. a streak of really bad luck, Jake thinks he’s Canada’s Front Line A repeat currency [28] [AMC] The Walking Dead The being sabotaged by an enemy. offender must prove he’s learned his group learns that someone dangerous may 10:30 p.m. lesson. be on the loose near the farm. [45] [HGTV] Home Free With just five [54] [FOX] Bob’s Burgers Bob [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} [22] [CBS] days to make over a home, see who will becomes Teddy’s workout buddy after Madam Secretary Elizabeth and impress Mike with their skills. Teddy is told he is in bad health. Henry must cut short their 25th wedding [49] [HIST] Alone The hunt for food 9:00 p.m. anniversary vacation in NYC. becomes the top priority in brutally [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: freezing temperatures. [5] [NTV] [54] [FOX] Bob’s Burgers Canada’s Front Line An American CONTINUUM (FINALE) “QUOTE”NOTABLE “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — WINSTON CHURCHILL WWW.NTV.CA Name: Cheque VISA MasterCard AMEX Address: Postal Code: Card #: Province: Exp.: Signature: Mail to: Subscription Department, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7, Tel: 709-570-5394 or 1-800-901-4901 60 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
THE BEST PROGRAMMING TV HIGHLIGHTS AIRING TODAY MONDAY HIGHLIGHTS 8:00 p.m. {115} {CIHF} Running Wild With 10:30 p.m. MON/8:30PM Bear Grylls Ed Helms pushes himself to RUNNING WILD WITH [5] [NTV] Entertainment Tonight the limit as he joins Bear atop the Colorado [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} Remedy Mel Canada Covers news stories, film Mountains. does everything in her power to save a BEAR GRYLLS and television projects, and Hollywood [44] [SPC] Stargate: SG-1 Sam and gravely wounded Sandy. celebrity interviews. Teal’c try to contact the Asgard, and Daniel [53] [FX] Sons of Anarchy Chibs Kate Winslet goes on the ride of [3] [CBC] Coronation Street Steve is deals with Goa’uld System Lords. Part 2 of makes a secret deal with Agent Stahl in her life to the top of the Snowdonia dreading the prospect of returning Rover to 2 (continued from July 31) order to protect his wife and daughter. her rightful owners. 9:00 p.m. [14] [M3] Crash Kenny tries to save his Mountains in Wales, on NTV. [47] [COM] Corner Gas Lacey learns marriage with Amy; Cesar gets a job at a what it means to be a victim of success [10] [A] eTalk Exclusive backstage car wash. TUE/10:30PM when she invents a new sandwich. access to Aussie pop punk sensations 5 [22] [CBS] Scorpion Cabe’s ex-wife TOTAL DIVAS [54] [FOX] Modern Family When Seconds of Summer. uncovers evidence that suggests foul play Luke and Manny’s hot-tempered basketball [53] [FX] 2 Broke Girls Han fires in the death of a congressman. Alicia wants to confess her love to coach quits, Jay and Phil fill the position. Caroline after she insults his diner and Max 11:30 p.m. her ex; Jonathan takes heat for Eva’s 8:30 p.m. tries to mend their relationship. [42] [DTOUR] 101 Amazing Thrills [53] [FX] Sons of Anarchy Jax bruises, on E! [5] [NTV] Running Wild With Bear Visit New Jersey’s insane whirligig and gets closer to the truth but there are still Grylls Kate Winslet goes on the ride California’s massive swing arm ride. obstacles in his way. of her life to the top of the Snowdonia 9:30 p.m. [35] [BRV] Murder in the First The Mountains in Wales. investigation is dealt a lethal setback, [3] [CBC] Murdoch Mysteries A land [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} Continuum forcing Hildy and Terry to close their case. surveyor’s murder is linked to the silver Alec reactivates Travis’ military chip in [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory boom in Northern Ontario. order to hunt him, but Alec becomes the Sheldon is forced to work with Barry [10] [A] Degrassi Imogen can’t hunted. Kripke and faces a crisis of confidence. imagine saying goodbye to Fiona and tries [10] [A] Flashpoint Team One is drawn [28] [AMC] The Making of the desperately to keep them together. Part 2 into the dangerous and nightmarish world Mob: New York Vito Genovese and of 2 (continued from July 31) of ‘express kidnapping.’ Carlo Gambino finally make their move. TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS 8:30 p.m. father asks her to go on a talk show to [10] [A] Mike & Molly Mike’s birthday NTV/10:30 P.M. MONDAY defend him. wish is to have his wife and mother along. [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} NCIS: New [21] [VIS] Columbo Columbo [22] [CBS] [26] [GLOBAL] NCIS: Orleans The team investigates a possible investigates a crime show host when his New Orleans The team investigates a assassination attempt and Agent Brody rival is murdered. Part 2 of 2 (continued possible assassination attempt and Agent confronts her past. from Aug 3) [34] [SHOW] Beauty and the Beast [44] [SPC] Castle Castle and Beckett Brody confronts her past. Gabe asks Vincent to help him track down learn that their new case is linked to a [27] [A&E] Big Smo For the past the beast after being stonewalled by Cat. mysterious homicide from 1947. year, Smo has been haunted by a bad [35] [BRV] Person of Interest When [54] [FOX] Are You Smarter Than a a POI is poisoned, Reese and Finch have 5th Grader? A bowling alley manager performance at the biggest mud park. 24 hours to find the person responsible. and a middle school principal test their [33] [MM] Tosh.0 Daniel profiles a [36] [SLICE] ‘Til Debt Do Us Part knowledge. heathen in a halter top and shares his chat Simone is a champion shopper who 10:30 p.m. manages to make 53 shopping trips in a with an Alaskan politician. single month. [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} NCIS: Los [34] [SHOW] Lost Girl When an oracle [40] [E!] CSI: Crime Scene Angeles A murdered homeless man who goes missing, Bo poses undercover on a Investigation A shooting at a store was a former marine was connected to the may be linked to the death of a woman Mexican cartel. dating website to lure the suspect. involved in a suicide pact. [2] [PBS] JFK & LBJ: A Time [42] [DTOUR] Big Crazy Family 9:30 p.m. for Greatness Examine how LBJ Adventure The Kirkby’s and their boys transformed America with the Civil Rights begin their journey from British Columbia [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} [22] [CBS] Act and the Voting Rights Act. NCIS DiNozzo Sr. assists the NCIS team [40] [E!] Total Divas Alicia wants to to Ladakh, India. on a murder case with his knowledge of confess her love to her ex; Jonathan takes [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory Raj black market art. heat for Eva’s bruises. and Stuart throw a ‘lonely people’ party at [7] [ABC] CMA Music Festival: 11:30 p.m. Country’s Night to Rock the comic book store for Valentine’s Day. Performances by the top stars of country [2] [PBS] Frontline Investigates how [49] [HIST] America Unearthed music along with back stage interviews. the NRA uses its political power to stop Scott investigates a large boulder inscribed [53] [FX] 2 Broke Girls Caroline’s gun regulation in America. with a mysterious bull symbol. “You know more than you think you do.” “QNUOOTABTLEE” REMEDY (FINALE) — BENJAMIN SPOCK WWW.NTV.CA DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 61
TV HIGHLIGHTS THE BESTTPHREOBGERSTAMMMOIVNIEGS AIRING TOONDATYELEVISION WEDNESDAY HIGHLIGHTS WED/8:30PM 8:30 p.m. turning 72 and he’s due for a colonoscopy Alma to a special Mother’s Day event ROOKIE BLUE the same week. featuring celebrity mothers. [5] [NTV] Rookie Blue [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: [33] [MM] South Park The boys find it Stakes are high for five young cops [3] [CBC] Dragons’ Den A chic Canada’s Front Line An American necessary to uncover the true happenings fresh out of the Academy and ready entrepreneur makes a splash in the Den marijuana user learns about Canadian drug at the girl’s sleepover. for their first day with one of the and gest one Dragon’s temperature rising. laws; Texan with hunting gear. [41] [TLC] Leah Remini: It’s All most elite units in the city, on NTV. [10] [A] Degrassi Friendships and 10:30 p.m. Relative Leah and Angelo end up buying romances are tested as summer time a new house. WED/10:30PM arrives. Part 2 of 2 (continued from Aug [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} [22] [CBS] [42] [DTOUR] Watt’s World Nick EXTANT 4) Extant explores an abandoned island and [40] [E!] CSI: Crime Scene [11] [NBC] Mr. Robinson Premiere befriends an aristocrat in Venice. An astronaut struggles to learn how Investigation Two women are Musician Craig takes a substitute teacher 11:30 p.m. she became pregnant while on a murdered and the CSI’s discover an gig to impress his high-school sweetheart. 13-month-long solo space mission, unusual killer during the investigation. [14] [M3] Dating Naked Kerri gives a [2] [PBS] Nova A study of Easter Island, [41] [TLC] I Am Jazz Jazz gets a nude massage to laidback Frankie and is a remote location that has mystified many on NTV. glimpse into what college life has to offer. serenaded in the buff by Mason. for centuries. NTV/12:30 P.M. 9:30 p.m. [40] [E!] I Am Cait Follow Cait Jenner [53] [FX] American Horror Story: as she lives as the person she was born to Freak Show Stanley and Maggie hatch [5] [NTV] Big Brother A group of be for the first time. a plan to murder the Freaks; Gloria hides strangers live together in a house outfitted [41] [TLC] Leah Remini: It’s All evidence. with cameras and microphones. Relative When the family’s beloved [10] [A] Mike & Molly Molly decides [7] [ABC] The Middle Frankie attempts dog, Blue, passes away, everyone is in that she and Mike need to pursue new to help a socially inept Brick make some mourning. hobbies before becoming parents. friends on a school field trip. [42] [DTOUR] Watt’s World Nick [11] [NBC] Last Comic Standing [36] [SLICE] Princess Lee is discovering searches for a Bush statue and downs The third group of Invited Comics takes the hazards of living in the heart of a high 160-proof plum liquor. the stage to compete for a spot in the end-shopping district. [55] [CHCH] CSI: Miami When semifinals. [41] [TLC] Leah Remini: It’s All Horatio’s son Kyle returns from war, he [14] [M3] The Mentalist A case Relative Leah discovers Angelo made a seeks his father’s help to solve a murder. involving a grad student exposes the terrible commercial for the family’s diner 11:00 p.m. cutthroat world of academics. featuring zombies. [33] [MM] South Park The boys 10:00 p.m. [7] [ABC] Black-ish Bow learns from prepare to battle the crowds already lining her colleague that Dre never had the up for Christmas shopping. Part 1 of 3 [7] [ABC] The Goldbergs Thinking vasectomy that he scheduled. (continued next) Pop’s luck can rub off on him, Adam [11] [NBC] The Carmichael Show [34] [SHOW] NCIS A merciless drug gambles and loses his toys as a result. Premiere A man moves in with his dealer holds an unarmed Dinozzo and his [41] [TLC] Leah Remini: It’s All girlfriend and is afraid to tell his parents. girlfriend captive. Relative Leah’s stepfather, George, is [27] [A&E] Wahlburgers Paul escorts THURSDAY HIGHLIGHTS TUESDAY NTV/9:30 P.M. 8:30 p.m. the oldest buildings in Halifax. [10] [A] The Mentalist When a prison [5] [NTV] Under the Dome A small [49] [HIST] Yukon Gold Cam and his guard is stabbed to death, Patrick Jane town is suddenly and inexplicably sealed team are in a rush to begin sluicing. Chris believes an inmate is responsible. off by an enormous transparent dome. and Nika’s sluice plant breaks. [14] [M3] Reign Mary aligns herself [10] [A] Degrassi Despite her illness, 9:00 p.m. with France; Conde makes a bold move Clare is determined to remain a regular that would tie him to England. girl. [53] [FX] 2 Broke Girls Caroline tries [18] [W] Cedar Cove Olivia weighs [53] [FX] 2 Broke Girls Max and to raise money for an expensive pair of whether she can trust Jack, Maryellen Caroline spend Valentine’s Day at the pants through an online site. returns to Cedar Cove. hospital after Earl has a heart attack. 9:30 p.m. [35] [BRV] Blue Bloods An undercover [37] [DISC] Megaspeed The world’s detective from Danny’s precinct is killed; fastest street cars are out for bragging [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} [11] [NBC] Frank puts on a full-court press. rights on a half-mile air strip. Food Fighters A stay-at-home mom [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: [40] [E!] CSI: Crime Scene from Dallas competes against renowned Canada’s Front Line A parcel from Investigation The team delves into chef Brian Malarkey. China contains a surprise; Corey Feldman the world of professional golf when a [3] [CBC] Doc Zone A backyard defends his criminal record. legendary player is found dead. discovery in France and DNA lead to the [44] [SPC] Castle Castle and Beckett [42] [DTOUR] Massive Moves A men of World War I’s 78th Battalion. race to stop a chain of events that could community comes together to save one of [53] [FX] 2 Broke Girls Max becomes plunge the U.S. into war. Part 2 of 2 smitten with an old stray cat that’s been (continued from Aug 5) hanging around the apartment. NCIS “QNUOOTABTLEE” “The less routine the more life.” WWW.NTV.CA — AMOS BRONSON ALCOTT 62 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
THE BEST PROGRAMMING TV HIGHLIGHTS AIRING TODAY THURSDAY HIGHLIGHTS 10:00 p.m. Saturday brunch with Sally’s mother leads learn that Oliver is the prime suspect in IA’s THU/9:30PM [53] [FX] Modern Family Phil and to trouble. corruption investigation. Claire try to orchestrate a kid-free week [25] [CNN] The Seventies American [10] [A] Mike & Molly Mike goes on a FOOD FIGHTERS during the kids’ summer activities. music explodes into new formats; junk food binge to cope with missing Molly [22] [CBS] Mom An unexpected death established artists find new creative voice. while she’s out of town. A stay-at-home mom from Dallas rocks the Plunkett household. [33] [MM] Tosh.0 Daniel puts an end to [14] [M3] The Mentalist Jane and the competes against renowned chef [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: spam mail, beats a world record, and gives team investigate the murder of an elderly Canada’s Front Line An angry a political redemption. heiress found in her spooky home. Brian Malarkey, on NTV. businessman from China hides the real [36] [SLICE] Emergency A truck driver [25] [CNN] The Seventies American reason for his hostility. experiences numbness and a fussy toddler music explodes into new formats; has a persistent cough. established artists find new creative voice. 10:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] Bones The Jeffersonian [37] [DISC] Tanked! The guys work team investigates the death of an ex-con with Mario Lopez to transform a coin [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} [22] [CBS] in a robbery gone wrong. operated video game into an aquarium. Big Brother 11:00 p.m. [42] [DTOUR] Booze Traveler Jack [2] [PBS] Doc Martin The postman celebrates the Day of the Dead with spreads the news of Martin and Louisa’s [17] [OLN] The Liquidator Jeff faces tobacco liquor and voodoo room service. engagement. off with a couple of smooth-talking [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory [14] [M3] Reign Mary goes to extremes regulars looking for a favour. Sheldon and Leonard hire the host of their to halt Francis from his quest to catch [36] [SLICE] Emergency A scorpion favorite childhood TV show to perform. Condé at any cost. bite sends a woman to emergency and a [49] [HIST] Alone Everyone struggles teacher trips and suffers an injury. with the ongoing effects of isolation and [18] [W] Good Witch Cassie is back to 11:30 p.m. freezing temperatures. her bewitching ways; Middleton’s Heritage Festival has everyone taking. [7] [ABC] Rookie Blue Andy and Sam [21] [VIS] McMillan and Wife FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS 8:30 p.m. [17] [OLN] I Shouldn’t Be Alive [44] [SPC] Castle Castle and Beckett FRI/8:30PM After crashing into a snowy mountainside, find themselves on a hunt to catch a NCIS: NEW ORLEANS [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} NCIS: New a pilot must hike for miles to save his fairytale killer. Orleans As New Orleans celebrates friends. [45] [HGTV] House Hunters As New Orleans celebrated Halloween, the team investigates the [18] [W] Property Brothers James International Tanny is ready to settle Halloween, the team investigates the murder of a Judge Advocate. and David are desperate to escape their down with her Danish boyfriend Jonas in murder of a Judge Advocate, on NTV. [10] [A] Degrassi Scared Clare tries to nightmare townhouse. Denmark. break free from the hospital with Drew’s [21] [VIS] Last of the Summer Wine [47] [COM] Just for Laughs: All NTV/8:30 P.M. THURSDAY help. Seymour has a new invention for men and Access Performances from Hannibal [27] [A&E] Criminal Minds The BAU volunteers Compo to test the product. Buress, Todd Barry, Paul F. Tompkins and UNDER THE DOME goes to North Carolina when a woman [22] [CBS] Elementary Holmes and Gina Yashere. is found injured and another reported Watson follow a blood trail into the world [49] [HIST] Alone Everyone struggles WWW.NTV.CA missing. of wrongful deaths. with the ongoing effects of isolation and [40] [E!] CSI: Crime Scene [27] [A&E] Criminal Minds The BAU freezing temperatures. Investigation A teen’s death leads the heads to Florida to investigate a number of [54] [FOX] Masterchef In the next team into the world of street racing and bodies found buried in the ocean. mystery box challenge, the remaining deadly competition. [34] [SHOW] Continuum Kiera and home cooks must prepare a flambé. 9:30 p.m. Carlos must stop a devastating chemical [55] [CHCH] The Pinkertons When a attack on the city. dog is killed, its owner hires the Pinkertons [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} Mr. Robinson [35] [BRV] Blue Bloods Danny to learn which of his enemies did it. Premiere Musician Craig takes a substitute disobeys orders and investigates a case he 10:00 p.m. teacher gig to impress his high-school was told was off-limits. sweetheart. [36] [SLICE] Fatal Vows Murder [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} The [53] [FX] 2 Broke Girls Max and becomes a family affair after a man Carmichael Show Premiere A man Caroline find themselves losing business to catches his wife cheating. moves in with his girlfriend and is afraid the new cronut craze. [37] [DISC] Highway Thru Hell to tell his parents. [10] [A] Castle Castle deals with Wrecks on two different highways mean [53] [FX] Modern Family Luke and Beckett’s ex-boyfriend while working on both Al and Adam face their own night Manny have their first day of high school; the case of a missing girl. from hell. Claire returns to the workforce. [14] [M3] Hollywood Game [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: [21] [VIS] Keeping Up Appearances Night Two contestants lead a team of Canada’s Front Line An American oil Hyacinth’s delivery of a new suite goes three celebrities in hopes of winning the rig worker gets drilled on his shady past. awry as she tries to get the neighbours $25,000 prize. “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” “QUOTE”— BUDDHA NOTABLE DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 63
TV HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST PROGRAMMING AIRING TODAY FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS FRI/9:30PM to notice. with an Alaskan politician. a biology teacher who has been harvesting [42] [DTOUR] Border Security: [34] [SHOW] Continuum Alec finds a the glands of his victims. MR. ROBINSON Canada’s Front Line An inebriated recording of dead Kiera’s final moments [55] [CHCH] The Simpsons Fat Tony snowboarder causes trouble at the airport. from her CMR. invites Homer and Marge to a weekend Premiere Musician Craig takes a 10:30 p.m. [35] [BRV] Missing The parents of a getaway at the Jersey Shore. substitute teacher gig to impress his teenage girl disappear in broad daylight 11:00 p.m. [5] [NTV] {115} {CIHF} [22] [CBS] from a highway gas station. high-school sweetheart, on NTV. Hawaii Five-0 The team must hunt [36] [SLICE] Movie +++ \"The [41] [TLC] Brides Gone Styled A down a presumed dead Congolese warlord Social Network\" (2010,Biography) heavy metal singer is taught she can rock who is living well on Oahu. Jesse Eisenberg, Rooney Mara. A Harvard a classic wedding without losing her edge. [14] [M3] Masterchef In the next student creates a social networking [55] [CHCH] The Simpsons Homer mystery box challenge, the remaining website that later becomes Facebook. discovers a genius talent for styling hair home cooks must prepare a flambé. (2h30) and opens his own salon in Springfield. [17] [OLN] Forbidden Anna Strong [37] [DISC] Highway Thru Hell 11:30 p.m. is a power-packed body builder and her Howie faces an impossible challenge; the favourite customer is Luca. Rotator and its crew are tested. [14] [M3] The Mentalist Lorelei [25] [CNN] The Hunt With John [44] [SPC] Killjoys A Black Rain storm Martins returns to find out if Red John had Walsh A mother vanishes with her over Westerley forces John and Pawter to a role in her sister’s death. two-year-old daughter and a serial child take shelter in the Royale. [22] [CBS] Blue Bloods Baez is held molester is caught. [49] [HIST] Mysterious Ruins: hostage by an emotionally distraught man [27] [A&E] Criminal Minds The BAU Cape Breton An expedition to a who demands to see his daughter. searches for a human trafficking ring and a mysterious mountaintop ruin on Canada’s [26] [GLOBAL] NCIS: New Orleans team member returns to the fold. Atlantic coast. As New Orleans celebrates Halloween, the [33] [MM] Tosh.0 Daniel profiles a [54] [FOX] Gotham Gordon tries to stop team investigates the murder of a Judge heathen in a halter top and shares his chat Advocate. SATURDAY HIGHLIGHTS SAT/8:55PM 6:00 p.m. [26] [GLOBAL] The Simpsons Selma Leonard’s friendship with Sheldon is put to realizes that she missed her chance to the test when he returns from the North MOVIE: “FREE BIRDS” [5] [NTV] NTV Week in Review have a baby and decides to adopt a baby Sea. [27] [A&E] Storage Wars Jarrod and girl. 10:00 p.m. Two turkeys go back in time to Brandi buy a unit and find something that [49] [HIST] Mysterious Ruins: change the course of history, on M1. sets off sirens. Cape Breton An expedition to a [5] [NTV] The Twilight Zone In [40] [E!] Keeping Up With the mysterious mountaintop ruin on Canada’s another dimension, the extraordinary NTV/F12R:3I0DPA.M.Y NTV/10:00 P.M. Kardashians Kourt decides to house Atlantic coast. becomes ordinary and anything is possible. hunt in NYC and the family must rally to [301] [M1] 8:55 Movie “Free [14] [M3] Chasing Maria keep her in Los Angeles. Birds” (2013,Animated) Voices of Menounos When Maria leaves for a girls 6:30 p.m. Woody Harrelson, Owen Wilson. Two weekend in Palm Springs, Keven throws a turkeys go back in time to change the party at the house. [10] [A] Corner Gas Hank believes course of history. (1h35) [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory he can run a gumball-selling business but 9:30 p.m. The gang competes in a cutthroat Oscar steps in to help him. scavenger hunt that tests their science [53] [FX] American Horror Story: [7] [ABC] America’s Funniest Home knowledge. Murder House Moira persuades a Videos A little boy terribly embarrassed 10:30 p.m. prospective buyer to make an offer. by his dad who is wearing an ugly sweater. [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory [53] [FX] Murdoch Mysteries Two [5] [NTV] Rookie Blue Five ambitious Sheldon and Penny are thrown for a loop Beaton heirs died in strange circumstances, rookie cops, fresh out of the Academy, when Leonard is offered an overseas job. and Murdoch sets out to find their killer. plunge into the world of policing. 8:00 p.m. [11] [NBC] Running Wild With Bear [10] [A] Comedy Now Mark Little Grylls Ed Helms pushes himself to the discusses his life as a jerk magnet and [26] [GLOBAL] The Simpsons Fed up limit as he joins Bear atop the Colorado shows off his talent as a Rapper. with Bart’s endless taunting, Lisa files a Mountains. 11:00 p.m. restraining order against him. [22] [CBS] Hawaii Five-0 Five-O 8:30 p.m. enlists the help of an ATF Agent to find an [2] [PBS] ‘60s & ‘70s Slow Songs arsonist targeting couples on Oahu. (My Music) Relive memorable nights of {115} {CIHF} Canada Sings The [25] [CNN] The Seventies American slow dancing and romancing to favorite Hamilton Police team competes against music explodes into new formats; love songs. the Goodlife Fitness team. established artists find new creative voice. [10] [A] Comedy Now Paul talks about [53] [FX] Da Vinci’s City Hall Da [47] [COM] The Big Bang Theory being married to a ninja, his wedding in Vinci schemes to placate Chief Jacobs with Cuba and apartment living. an offer of more police officers. THE CARMICHAEL SHOW “QNUOOTABTLEE” “Life is an adventure in forgiveness. ” WWW.NTV.CA — NORMAN COUSINS 64 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES SuMMNOODNARDYA, NYAuAIGPNRuILSG2T7 2 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/02 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV Entertain. Eyewitn- NTV.ca Meetings Issues & Made Ancestor Six Heart NTV.ca Church Meetings 1/2 Answers Here H s in Attic Degrees Matters H of Rock Pt. 2 of 2 (5) 310 199 12 News H ess News CBC (3) 299 200 3 Edible I. Dirtworld Poko News Artzooka CorrieSt CorrieSt CorrieSt CorrieSt CorrieSt MarketP. Recipes PBS (2) 364 284 8 Trekker Painting Paint Religion Interfaith C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger W.Week Journal Motor. _ Old School Old School Chevy Top 20 Countdown Brownlee CMT (6) 583 575 22 Last Man Wipeout Canada ABC (7) 361 281 11 Chronicle NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye GMA/Sunday NewsCenter 5 Eyeopener ThisWeek CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid Frisky Juicebox Paid Paid Degrassi CornerG Operation Smile NBC (11) 360 280 9 Paid Paid Paid Jewish Paid Tree Fu 7 News Sunday Today 7 News Today in New England M3 (14) 581 571 217 Tattoos Dating Naked M3 Country Brunch M3 Country Brunch M3 Country Brunch M3 Country Brunch Country TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Big Big Guppies Octonaut Mike the Truckt. OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid The Happenings Departures Python Hunters Anglers Canadian Dirt Trax Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 Ghostly Paid Paid Cedar Cove Good Witch Property Brothers W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace CBCN (20) 390 502 13 N.Things National National CBC News Now News Youngren Copeland _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 Tomorrow Beyond J. Meyer Yoga Believe In Touch Ministries Super. Lead Way Creflo CBS (22) 362 282 7 HomeT. WBZ This Morning CBS Sunday Morning TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC Reporter Golf _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly Parents Sponge Sidekick Squirrel Charmers Charmers Pet Shop Pet Shop Bella Bella Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 News CNN Newsroom New Day Sunday New Day Sunday New Day Politics State of the Union Zakaria Paid Paid Paid Off Air WhatNme C. Made Sunday Morning News _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Dog Bounty Hunter Dog Bounty Hunter Dog Bounty Hunter Duck D. AMC (28) 609 293 564 CSI CSI: Miami Rifleman Hell on Wheels The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Dead Sportsnet Central Central _ Morning Highlights Highligh Playlist Playlist RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore The Final Score Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Cleveland Fresh P. Fresh P. Playlist Playlist Playlist SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Movie House The Outer Limits Beauty and Beast Paid Paid Paid Paid NCIS BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 \"Love's Kitchen\" (‘11) Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing Twice in a Lifetime Flash Emerg. _ Yukon Hot In SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark Stranger Home Handsome Devils Paid Paid Paid Paid _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Overhaul Cash Cab Cash Cab Licence to Drill Mayday Cash Cab Cash Cab Bush People _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Parks Parks Parks Pop Quiz Pop Quiz InsideBox Couch Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid I Found I Found I Found DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 D.Files Ghost Adventures Eat St. Eat St. Eat Here! Eat Here! Paid Moves Fishful Paid Border Movie _ KC Under SPACE (44) 528 627 209 \"Aliens\" (‘86) Fanboy Ink \"Killer Mountain\" (‘11) Aaron Douglas. Panic Button _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Warthogs Wingin' It Slugterra The 7D Gravity Gaming Dog Blog Austin I Didn't COM (47) 548 625 208 The Comedy Central Roast G. Iglesias Aloha... Aloha Fluffy Part 2 \"Heartbreakers\" (‘01,Com) Sigourney Weaver. (CC) DrDimen. Johnny TOON (48) 544 554 254 Movie Adv.Time Annoying Jimmy Camp Canadian Pickers HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Canadian Pickers Spies Endangrd \"Scooby-Doo! Frankencre... Paid Paid Paid Paid Pickers TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Toys in the Attic\" (‘63) \"Alibi Ike\" (‘35) \"My Love Came Back\" (‘40) \"It's Love I'm After\" (‘37) Bette Davis. _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Office FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Intellig. _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Home Knock Knock Live Paid Paid Paid Paid Dragon Paid Fox News Sunday Paid _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Spin Off Watchlist Life Fellow. Watchlist Paid Spin Off Paid Tomorrow Paid Listed + Paid OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid Ghostly Paid ER Vets ER Vets Pet Pet Pet Pet GroceryB GroceryB Oprah APTN (58) 350 239 23 The Young Riders Kingstar Inuk Mouki Wapos Louis Morning Nature Kagagi Nature Kagagi CIHF (115) 204 4 Off Air News Huntley Huntley 16x9 W. Vision Fishful Context J.Osteen Paid Haven _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid Saw Dogs CityLine Murdoch Mysteries The Quon Paid Paid Church Eye Asia _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Power Power Power _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"The 40-Year-Old Virgin\" \"Stuart Little\" (‘99) \"Stuart Little 2\" \"Nancy Drew\" (‘07) Emma Roberts. (CC) _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 65
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNSuSNuDNADYA,YAAuPGRIuL S26T 2 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/02 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV Issues & Week in W-5 Syllables: Canadian William Shatner's Made Sport- Jeopardy! Wheel of (5) 310 199 12 Answers Review sman H Culture Made Weird or What? Here Fortune H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Kitchen LandSea One/One Steven and Chris Nature of Things q CBC Pass Mr. D Movie PBS (2) 364 284 8 AutoLine Contrary Record McLaugh CharlieR New View The Dust Bowl Forsyte CMT (6) 583 575 22 A. Doyle CMT Music Yukon Medium Wipeout Canada Home Videos Home Videos Deal/It ABC (7) 361 281 11 ThisWeek OnRecord Auditions CityLine Paid The Pinkertons Xterra Xterra Sanctuary Paid Paid Paid The Social _ CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Church Breaking Point Engraved Nation eTalk Cash Cab Marilyn NBC (11) 360 280 9 Meet the Press Update Paid Mecum Auto Swimming World Championship Red Bull Vans Pool... M3 (14) 581 571 217 Country Family Family \"Uptown Girls\" (‘03) Brittany Murphy. (CC) \"Just Married\" (‘03) Ashton Kutcher. (CC) Tattoos _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Pony Charmers Dora&Fr. Big Big Toopy Caillou Cat/ Hat Zak Quak Octonaut Backyard Mike the Truckt. OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Paid Paid On the Hunt On the Hunt On the Hunt On the Hunt Dog Beth W (18) 567 602 274 W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace Rules Rules Rules \"The Devil Wears Prada\" (‘06) Meryl Streep. (CC) Movie Youngren CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now _ CBC News Now VISION (21) 394 650 64 Facts Islam Hour of Power Foundat. Living Truth Faith Live FoodLife Q.Study Israel CBS (22) 362 282 7 Face the Nation Paid Through Decades Paid Resorts PGA of America Golf Quicken Loans National TSN (23) 400 400 100 Golf LPGA Women's British Open E:60 Cabbie Cabbie /Soccer International Champions Cup _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Thunder H.Danger H.Danger Game On Game On Nicky Nicky \"Beethoven\" (‘92) Charles Grodin. (CC) Movie CNN (25) 500 500 234 Zakaria Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Sunday Morning News Ancest. Context J.Osteen Paid Haven Ice Pilots NWT Simps. _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Duck Dyn. Duck D. Lachey's Lachey's Lachey's Big Smo Big Smo Big Smo Big Smo Wahlbrg Wahlbrg Wahlbrg AMC (28) 609 293 564 Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Dead _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Month Blue Jays Baseball MLB Kan./Tor. Site: Rogers Centre Toronto, Ont. Baseball _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights SN360 Update Darts Premier League Month Poker European Tour Poker _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist Clevela. Clevela. Fresh P. Fresh P. \"Warm Bodies\" (‘13) Nicholas Hoult.(CC) Midnight _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS \"Raiders of the Lost Ark\" (‘81) Harrison Ford. (CC) \"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom\" (‘84) Dominion _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Flash Missing Boston's Finest \"Darling Companion\" (‘12) Kevin Kline. \"The Help\" (‘11) _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. \"Twister\" (1996,Action) Helen Hunt. (CC) \"The Island\" (‘05) DISC (37) 505 520 286 Yukon Don't Drive Here... Dangerous Flights JadeFev. JadeFev. Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Overhaul _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Hot In #RichKids of B.H. #RichKids of B.H. #RichKids of B.H. #RichKids of B.H. Total Divas H Cycle TLC (41) 560 521 288 I Found I Found I Found I Found I Found Little People, Big World Little People People DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border Border Border Airport Airport Airport Airport Border Border Border Border Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 \"Killer Mountain\" (‘11) Face Off \"Executive Decision\" (1996,Action) Kurt Russell. (CC) \"Armageddon\" _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Jessie Liv/Mad Playlist \"Tinker Bell & t... D. Tales Hank Z Phineas Gravity GoodLk NextStep NextStep COM (47) 548 625 208 \"About a Boy\" (‘02) Hugh Grant. (CC) BigBang BigBang The Comedy Central Roast G. Iglesias Aloha... Fluffy TOON (48) 544 554 254 Johnny \"Air Bud 3: World Pup\" (‘00) Spies Grojband Battle 5 Battle 5 Battle 5 Battle 5 Battle 5 HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pickers _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Great Garrick\" (‘37) \"The Male Animal\" (‘42) Henry Fonda. \"Princess O'Rourke\" (‘43) Movie PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Atlanta Office Paid \"Just Like Heaven\" (‘05) Paid Browns Paid Payne Movie FX (53) 251 Intellig. Da Vinci's City Hall The Americans The Americans The Americans The Americans The Amer _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Commun. McCarver Press Modern Modern \"Ella Enchanted\" (‘04) Anne Hathaway. Paid Paid Paid CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Paid Embassy Key David Trucker TopAgent \"Cheers for Miss Bishop\" (‘41) \"They Made Me a Criminal\" OWN (56) 507 526 285 Oprah Super Soul Sunday HelpDesk Shift Oprah's Lifeclass \"The Queen\" (2006,Drama) Helen Mirren. (CC) _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 Vitality Kingstar Kingstar Arctic Air Heartland \"The Color Purple\" (‘85,Drama) Oprah Winfrey. (CC) CIHF (115) 204 4 Haven Ancest. Leash Ice Pilots NWT Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. \"Rise of the Gargoyles\" (‘08) _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 Operation Smile Festival Italiano di Johnny Lombardi VemComig Shopping Channel Mantracker Wild SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Power Coaching Bad Coaching Bad Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Charlie's Angels\" (‘00) \"Charlie's Angels: Full Thr... \"The Far Country\" (‘55) James Stewart. \"Fur\" (‘06) 66 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES PSuMMRNOIODNMARDYA,ENYAuTAIGPNIRuIMLSG2T7E2 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/02 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV NTV Sunday Evening Global America's Funniest Border Bob's Big Brother Madam Secretary National (5) 310 199 12 Newshour National Home Videos H Security BurgersH H H News CBC (3) 299 200 3 _ \"Babe: Pig in the City\" Heartland When Calls Heart Canada Standing News: The National National PBS (2) 364 284 8 Forsyte Masterpiece Classic News. MetroArt Father Brown Last Tango Halifax Masterpiece Classic _ CMT (6) 583 575 22 Deal/It JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Wheels ABC (7) 361 281 11 Paid Golf Women's Brit... News News Home Videos Bachelor (SP) Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Aug 3 Castle CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Marilyn W5 CornerG eTalk Spun Out Spun Out \"At First Sight\" (‘99,Dra) Val Kilmer. (CC) M&M NBC 7 News News M3 _ TREE (11) 360 280 9 Red Bull Equest. Breeder's ... Hwood Game Night Sweden Sweden American Ninja Warrior _ \"Making Mr. Right\" (‘87) Retro 30 Movie (14) 581 571 217 Tattoos Dating Naked (16) 546 553 20 Dinopaws Machines Guppies Octonaut Charmers Dora&Fr. Peg Cat Toopy Mike the Truckt. Charmers Caillou OLN (17) 457 411 102 DogBeth On the Hunt Liquid.. Liquid.. Liquid.. St. Wars Mantracker Liquid.. St. Wars Liquid.. _ W (18) 567 602 274 \"Confessions of a Shopaholic\" (‘09) \"The Time Traveler's Wife\" (‘09) Rachel McAdams. \"The Other Woman\" (‘09) _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News MarketP. Doc Zone Cdn Connections The Passionate Eye News: The National Doc Zone _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 Key David Arise! Tomorrow Beyond D.Hope Day Disc. VanImpe Turning Facts Lead Way J. Meyer J.Osteen Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBS (22) 362 282 7 Golf PGA Quicken Loans National Live News 60 Minutes Big Brother Madam Secretary CSICyber _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 Soccer Soccer MLS Portland vs San Jose Baseball T. Live Baseball MLB Live _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 \"Beethoven's 2nd\" (‘93) \"Air Bud\" (1997,Family) Michael Jeter. (CC) JFL: Gags JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Haunting _ CNN (25) 500 500 234 News CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Spotlight The Hunt The Hunt DeathRow _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Simpsons Simps. \"Rise of the Gargoyles\" (‘08) National News Hour Border B.Burger FamilyG A&E (27) 520 615 202 Wahlbrg Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention Canada Intervention Inter. AMC (28) 609 293 564 Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead HUMANS Halt Month Jays 30 _ WWE Experience Soccer Community Shield Ars./Chel. Central Now & Then RSE (30) 416 406 110 Baseball MLB Best Jays 30 Sportsnet Central Jays 30 MLB Best Poker European Tour Highligh _ Now & Then MuchMusic Countdown SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Poker NatlIcon Month WWE Main Event _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Midnight Midnight Midnight Now & Then SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Dominion Defiance Lost Girl Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast Defiance Dominion _ Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing \"The Help\" (‘11) Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. NakedAfr BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 \"The Help\" (‘11) Cash Cab Cash Cab Mighty Ships Reign Angels _ \"Here Comes the Boom\" (‘12) Border SLICE (36) 562 601 272 \"The Island\" (‘05) _ To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC (37) 505 520 286 Overhaul Bering Sea Gold Couch InsideBox Pop Quiz Pop Quiz I Am Cait Stewarts & _ My Giant Life My Giant Life Think You Are Think You Are E! (40) 527 621 212 H Cycle E! News Weekend Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 People My Giant Life _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border Border Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 \"Armageddon\" (1998,Adventure) Bruce Willis. (CC) Dark Matter Killjoys The Last Ship Movie _ Hank Z KC Under NextStep Wingin' It Girl FAM (46) 540 556 258 Next Step NextStep NextStep NextStep NextStep The X Factor COM (47) 548 625 208 Fluffy BigBang BigBang Just for Laughs LOL :-) LOL :-) BigBang BigBang Just for Laughs Laughs _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Battle 5 Endangrd Rocket Johnny DrDimen. Camp Drama Planet X B-Psycho Awesome Fugget \"Paul\" HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Alone _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Private Lives of Eliz... \"In This Our Life\" (‘42) Bette Davis. (CC) \"The Adventures of Robin Hood\" (‘38) Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 \"Road Trip\" (‘00) BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Modern Modern \"Underworld\" (‘03) _ FX (53) 251 TheAmer The Americans Intelligence Da Vinci's City Hall Murdoch Mysteries The Strain Strain _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Paid RingHonorWrestling Monopoly Club B.Burger B.Burger Simps. Brooklyn FamilyG Last Man News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Movie TinyTal. Spin Off Evening News 60 Minutes \"Crazy Heart\" (2009,Drama) Jeff Bridges. (CC) OWN (56) 507 526 285 Candice Makeover: Home Livin' Lozada Celebrity Damage Celebrity Damage Where Are They? Be/Boss APTN (58) 350 239 23 Movie Nature of Things APTN News Arctic Air Longmire Longmire Black CIHF (115) 204 4 Movie News National Border B.Burger FamilyG Simps. Big Brother Madam Secretary News CITY (133) 344 214 19 Wild St. Wars Package CityNews CityNews St. Wars St. Wars Bachelor (SP) Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Aug 3 Shame. _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Bar Res. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue CoachBad _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Fur\" (‘06) \"Beetlejuice\" (‘88) \"The Legend of Zorro\" (‘05) Antonio Banderas. (CC) \"Stripes\" (‘81) _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 67
LATENIGHTSuSNuDNADYA,YAAuPGRIuL S26T 2 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/02 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV (5) 310 199 12 NTV Latenight News Entertainment Family TheSim- Bob & Meetings TheSim- TheSim- Scenes of H Tonight Weekend H Guy H psons Doug psons psons Newfoundland H CBC (3) 299 200 3 the fifth estate Reflect. Dragons' Den Africa on the Move The Exchange One/One LandSea St&Chris PBS (2) 364 284 8 Masterp. British Murder Last Tango Halifax Masterpiece Classic Wealth Record McLaugh _ CMT (6) 583 575 22 Wheels JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Home Videos Home Videos Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Snake G. Videos ABC (7) 361 281 11 Castle News Sports Castle Bianca Glee ABC World News Now News The Mentalist Comedy Comedy Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid _ CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Hot In CTV News LOL :-) NBC (11) 360 280 9 Ninja W 7 News Xtra In Depth Extra Weekend Access Hollywood Animal R. Paid Meet the Press M3 TREE _ (14) 581 571 217 \"Making Mr. Right\" (‘87) \"Bring It On\" (‘00) Kirsten Dunst. (CC) \"Drumline\" (2002,Family) Nick Cannon. (CC) _ (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy Mike the Guppies Big Big OLN (17) 457 411 102 Liquidator Mantracker Haunted Collector MeatEat. MeatEat. The Happenings Paid Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 \"The Other Wo... \"The Other Woman\" (‘09,Dra) Natalie Portman. (CC) Say Yes Paid Paid W&Grace W&Grace Tribal News: The National Canadian _ Tomorrow J.Osteen P. Popoff CBCN (20) 390 502 13 Doc Zone News: The National Doc Zone _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 To Reign Foundat. P. Popoff Jewish In Touch VanImpe Tomorrow Super. CBS (22) 362 282 7 CSICyber News Sports Final McCarver Paid Judy Paid Paid Up to the Minute News _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 Baseball SportsCentre Top 10 Top 10 E:60 SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Haunting Haunting Haunting \"Air Bud\" (‘97,Family) Michael Jeter. (CC) \"Beethoven's 2nd\" (‘93) Charles Grodin. So Weird CNN (25) 500 500 234 DeathRow The Hunt The Hunt Death Row Stories CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Early _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Simpsons Big Brother Madam Secretary News Ancest. WhatNme WhatNme Ent. Tonight Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Inter. The First 48 Intervention Canada Intervention Intervention The First 48 Info-Doc. _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 Halt HUMANS Halt and Catch Fire HUMANS Halt and Catch Fire Making the Mob CSI _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Jays 30 Month Adventur Spartan ... Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Night Highlights Night Highlights The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score FScore _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Countdwn Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Funniest Wins Funniest Wins Funniest Wins Funniest Wins Clevela. _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Dominion Beauty and Beast Defiance Dominion \"Raiders of the Lost Ark\" (‘81) Harrison Ford. (CC) _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 \"The Help\" (‘11) \"An Education\" (‘09) Carey Mulligan. (CC) \"Autumn in New York\" (‘00,Rom) Richard Gere. (CC) _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. \"The Island\" (‘05) Scarlett Johansson, Ewan McGregor. Housewives NJ Big Bro. DISC (37) 505 520 286 NakedAfr Dual Survival 1/2 To Be Announced To Be Announced Naked&Afraid XL To Be Announced TBA _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Reign Pop Quiz Pop Quiz I Am Cait Stewarts & Reign Hot In Hot In Hot In _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Angels Think You Are Angels Angels Think You Are My Giant Life Paid Paid Paid DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Airport SPACE (44) 528 627 209 \"I, Robot\" (‘04) Will Smith. \"Atlantic Rim\" (2013,Action) (CC) The Last Ship \"I, Robot\" (‘04) Will Smith. _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Liv/Mad Wizards Derek Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Spun Out Spun Out \"Heartbreakers\" (‘01,Com) Sigourney Weaver. (CC) \"About a Boy\" (‘02) Hugh Grant. (CC) _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 \"Paul\" (2011,Comedy) Nick Frost. (CC) \"Paul\" (2011,Comedy) Nick Frost. (CC) Spies Rocket Johnny _ HIST (49) 506 522 287 Alone American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pickers _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Proud Rebel\" (‘58) \"Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte\" (‘65) Bette Davis. \"Light in the Piazza\" (‘62) Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 \"Underworld\" The Closer Paid Paid \"The Ring Two\" (‘05) Naomi Watts. (CC) ThereYet Paid _ FX (53) 251 Strain The Strain The Strain The Strain The Strain Sons of Anarchy Anarchy _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 RingHonorWrestling Paid Seinfeld Seinfeld Paid RingHonorWrestling The R.S. Friends Friends Raising CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Watchlist Evening News Watchlist P. Popoff Paid Watchlist \"Lady in the Water\" (‘06) Paul Giamatti. Morning OWN (56) 507 526 285 Be/Boss Undercover Boss _ Where Are They? Be the Boss Flex & Shanice Ghostly Rescue Rescue APTN (58) 350 239 23 Black Nature of Things Longmire Longmire Blackstone APTN Candy Kingstar _ Ent. Tonight Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Happened CIHF (115) 204 4 Ancestors WhatNme Paid CITY (133) 344 214 19 Shame. CityNews CityNews The Beat G.Martin CityLine My Life My Life Amazing Amazing CityLine _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 CoachBd Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Coaching Bad Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Paid _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie \"Charlie's Angels\" (‘00) \"Stuart Little\" (‘99) \"Stuart Little 2\" \"Being There\" 68 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES MMOMNOODNARDYA,NYAAuIPgNRIuL Gs27t 3 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/03 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV NTV Early Morning Padma NTV.ca NTV.ca Canada AM Featuring the latest in H Morning 100 NTV.ca (5) 310 199 12 News H Yoga international news, weather and interviews. Huntley H CBC (3) 299 200 3 St&Chris News: The National SaveUms Arthur Moblees D.Tiger SuperW! Napkin Bookaboo Bo on Go Heart. Odd Sqd Wild K. C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Scully America Journal News Yoga CMT (6) 583 575 22 Videos Home Videos CMT Morning CMT Morning CMT Morning #1's Music Kelly and Michael S. Harvey _ ABC (7) 361 281 11 News NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye Good Morning America CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CTV News Atlantic CTV Morning Live Atlantic CornerG CornerG Celebri Celebri Dr. Phil NBC (11) 360 280 9 News 7 News Today in New England Today Show 7 News Today Today M3 (14) 581 571 217 Family Family Family Playlist Playlist 80s@8 90s@9 Retro 30 TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Sesame Ni Hao Dora&Fr. Guppies P. Pig OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid The Happenings Departures Python Hunters Paid RCTV Beyond Survival Python W (18) 567 602 274 W&Grace Paid Paid Candice Candice Say Yes Property Love/List Love It or Say Yes Say Yes MAsters CBCN (20) 390 502 13 Canadian News: The National CBC News Now News Copeland J. Meyer _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 To Reign Turning Creflo Yoga Believe Q.Study David Mass ShineLght Life Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBS (22) 362 282 7 News WBZ This Morning CBS This Morning HotBench HotBench MakeDeal TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly Parents Sponge Kid Kat Naked Squirrel Parents Sponge Sponge Penguins Penguins Penguins CNN (25) 500 500 234 Early Early Start New Day New Day New Day CNN Newsroom News Paid Paid Trashopolis Storm Planets Storm P. _ Paid Off Air Weird or What? GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 CSI Stooges Stooges Paid Program Stooges \"Scarface\" (‘83) Sportsnet Central _ Morning Highlights Playlist RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central Morning Highlights Morning Highlights _ Playlist Playlist SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore The Final Score Morning Highlights Highligh _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Cleveland Fresh P. Fresh P. Playlist Playlist SHOW (34) 521 616 201 House Engels The Outer Limits Rookie Blue \"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade\" (‘89) BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Couch Boston's Finest Cold Squad Due South Flashpoint The Listener Squad SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark ET Can. Handsome Devils Handsome Devils Handsome Devils Handsome Devils _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 TBA Cash Cab Cash Cab Mayday Mighty Planes Cash Cab Cash Cab Airshow Cash Cab _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Hot In Hot In Hot In InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk The Social InsideBox TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Gypsy Sisters 7 Little Johnstons CakeB. CakeB. My Shocking Story Hoarding DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Airport Airport Airport Border Border Border Border Airport Airport Airport Airport Thrills SPACE (44) 528 627 209 \"I, Robot\" (‘04) InnerSp. Being Human InnerSp. InnerSp. Being Human Star Trek: Voy. 2/2 Fanboy _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Justin Justin Phineas Phineas Gravity Warthogs Wizards A.N.T. GoodLk Wingin' It COM (47) 548 625 208 Movie KeyPeele KeyPeele Just for Laughs R.Green R.Green CornerG MatchGm JFL: Gags Spun Out Laughs TOON (48) 544 554 254 B-Psycho Camp Drama Jimmy Johnny DrDimen. B-Psycho Johnny Rocket NinjaGo Pokémon Adv.Time HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pickers American Pickers Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Battle of the Mace Museum _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Government Girl\" (‘43) \"The Sheik\" (‘21) \"A Woman of Paris\" (‘23) \"The Easiest ... Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Office Paid Friends ThereYet Commun. Commun. SVU FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Raising Paid Paid Paid Good Day Good Day Rochester Dr. Phil Springer CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Morning Live First Edition Morning Live NewsNow _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid Ghostly Paid Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine Candice Simple Simple Paid APTN (58) 350 239 23 Arctic Air Kingstar Au Nord du 60e Makush' Makush' TAM TAM Rythme Rythme Nord 60e CIHF (115) 204 4 Life Today Trashopolis Storm Planets Storm Planets Pitchin Fresh Morning Huntley R. Ray CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid BT Early Breakfast Television CityLine MakeDeal Auction _ Movie SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Auction Auction _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Being There\" (‘79) Proposal / \"The Best of Times\" (‘86) \"Dumb and Dumber\" (‘94) Jim Carrey. _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 69
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNMOsNuNDADYA,YAAuPgRILu2s6t 3 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/03 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV NTV The Young and the Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Judge Judge Jeopardy! Wheel of NTV First (5) 310 199 12 Newsday Restless Show Judy Judy H Fortune Edition H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Heart. News MarketP. Recipes Kitchen Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle LandSea LandSea Here Now PBS CMT _ ABC CTV2 (2) 364 284 8 Sesame DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg Cat Peg Cat SuperW! Thomas Sesame Cat/ Hat C.George C.George Arthur NBC M3 _ TREE (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Wide Open CMT Music CMT Music Music _ (7) 361 281 11 S.Harvey The View News Million.. The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Ellen _ (10) 340 202 5 Dr. Phil CTV News eTalk Marilyn Denis Show B & B B & B The Social The Dr. Oz Show Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 Today Today Show III 7 News at Noon Days of Our Lives The Doctors Feud Feud 7 News _ (14) 581 571 217 Retro 30 Playlist CornerG Hot In M&M Cash Cab Cash Cab CornerG Hot In _ (16) 546 553 20 Toopy & B Max/Rby Caillou Fresh B. Dora Charmers Cat/ Hat Caillou Mike the Zak Quak Guppies P. Pig OLN (17) 457 411 102 Python St. Wars St. Wars Mantracker On the Hunt St. Wars St. Wars Liquid.. Liquid.. S. Wars Masters of Flip Masters of Flip Masters of Flip Masters of Flip MAsters _ CBC News Now CBC News Now Mass River Tribal Israel Mysterious Island Sue Thomas M. Welby W (18) 567 602 274 MAsters Masters of Flip _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 700 Club Israel New Day CBS (22) 362 282 7 M'Deal The Price Is Right News Young & Restless B & B The Talk Dr. Phil Judy _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC Motoring Motorc. Cabbie Fitness CrossFit Games First Take Journey _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Penguins Penguins Penguins KungFu P KungFu P KungFu P KungFuP KungFu P KungFu P KungFu P Numb Ch. Sponge CNN (25) 500 500 234 News At This Hour Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead 16x9 Days of Our Lives The Talk _ Pitchin 'Til Debt Rachael Ray The First 48 The First 48 First 48 GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Storm P. Morning Huntley CSI: Miami CSI: Miami _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Dog B.H. CSI: Miami AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Scarface\" (‘83) Michelle Pfeiffer, Al Pacino. \"The Godfather\" (‘72) Al Pacino, Marlon Brando. _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Month Blue Jays Baseball MLB Min./Tor. Site: Rogers Centre Toronto, Ont. MLB Best _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights SN360 Update Poker European Tour Poker Borgata Open Darts World Champ. Sports _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist Playlist MuchMusic Countdown Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 \"Raiders of the Lost Ark\" (‘81) Harrison Ford. (CC) \"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom\" (‘84) \"Indiana Jones... BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Squad Due South Blue Bloods Person of Interest Flashpoint Cold Squad Listener _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Handsome Devils Handsome Devils Handsome Devils \"Fool's Gold\" (‘08,Adv) Matthew McConaughey.(CC) Movie DISC (37) 505 520 286 Cash Cab Alaska Alaska Mighty Planes Mayday Alaska/Frontier Highway Thru Hell Driver E! (40) 527 621 212 Pop Quiz Celebri eTalk InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk Supernatural CSI TLC (41) 560 521 288 Hoarding Half-Ton Killer? Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Swimming Holes Thrills _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Thrills Thrills Thrills SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Ink Stargate: SG-1 2/2 Being Human InnerSp. InnerSp. Stargate: SG-1 2/2 Castle ST:TNG FAM (46) 540 556 258 Dog Blog Gaming Jessie Girl NextStep Austin Derek KC Under Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Frasier Frasier BigBang BigBang CornerG Laughs Just for Laughs JFL: Gags Spun Out Frasier _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Johnny Camp Planet X Rocket Grojband Johnny Spies Jimmy B-Psycho Jimmy Jimmy Rocket HIST (49) 506 522 287 Museum Canadian Pickers Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Movie _ Queens 2½Men TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Men Call it L... \"Great Lover\" \"Milky Way\" (‘69) \"Journal of a Crime\" (‘34) Judy _ Medium PEACH (51) 650 294 200 SVU Law & Order: S.V.U. Million.. Paid Divorce Divorce Justice Justice HotBench Paid _ FX (53) 251 Murdoch American Horror Modern Girls 2½Men 2½Men Girls Girls Modern Girls _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Springer Judge Mathis Steve Wilkos Show Divorce Divorce HotBench HotBench Maury _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Now AM News Now Midday Justice Justice News Now PM _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid GroceryB GroceryB Ghostly Ghostly Ghostly Ghostly Ghostly Ghostly Medium Medium APTN (58) 350 239 23 Nord60e Notre peuple Orignal Route Pacha La Cité Bacon Bacon TAM TAM Frontièr Ricardo 'Til Debt Days of Our Lives The Talk Young & Restless M. Vieira _ Feud Feud The Chew General Hospital NameG. NameG. CityLine Cops Cops Cops Jail Wild Police Videos Wild Police Videos Cops CIHF (115) 204 4 R. Ray Princess ET Can. _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 M'Deal The Price Is Right _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Auction Auction Auction MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Deuce Bigal... \"The Bone Snatcher\" (‘03) \"The Best of Times\" (‘86) Kurt Russell. \"Dumb and Dumber\" (‘94) _ 70 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES PMMOMRNOIODNMARDYA,ENYATAuIPgNIRIuML Gs27tE3 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/03 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV NTV Evening Ent. Global E.T. Running Wild With Continuum Remedy CTV (5) 310 199 12 Newshour H Tonight National Canada Bear Grylls H H H National CBC (3) 299 200 3 Here and Now Murdoch Mysteries CorrieSt Murdoch Mysteries Banished News: The National CBCNews _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Odd Sqd Wild K. The D PBS NewsHour Business Aging Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow JKF:News CMT (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Spotlight CashCari CashCari JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels ABC News News CTV2 _ The Listener News News InsEd. Chronicle Bachelor 2/2 After Paradise (P) Whispers NBC 7 News 7 News (7) 361 281 11 Ellen CTV News Atlantic Degrassi eTalk Flashpoint BigBang Anger M. M&M _ 7 News News Access Extra American Ninja Warrior Run Wild (10) 340 202 5 Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 7 News M3 (14) 581 571 217 M&M The Mentalist The Social James Corden Played Crash Mentalist TREE (16) 546 553 20 Truckt. Machines Guppies Pony Charmers Zak Quak Mike the Toopy Peg Cat Truckt. Cat/ Hat Caillou OLN (17) 457 411 102 S. Wars I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars St. Wars Storage Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive S. Wars S. Wars Storage W (18) 567 602 274 MAsters Masters of Flip Property Brothers Property Brothers Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or Exchange with Lang CBC News Now _ Emily of New Moon Murder, She Wrote Columbo 1/2 News News Wheel Jeopardy! Girls Couple CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News Power and Politics News: The National News _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 M.Welby Doc Martin theZoomer Organic Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 Judy News News Scorpion NCIS: LA TSN (23) 400 400 100 Top 10 Off Rec. Interrupt SportsCentre Football CFL Tor./Ham. Site: Tim Hortons Field Hamilton, Ont. Hockey YTV (24) 542 551 21 KungFu P Parents Sponge Assembly Assembly Assembly Max Just Kid. Just Kid. JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Haunting CNN (25) 500 500 234 TheLead The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 CNN Ton. _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News National News Hour ET Can. ET Run Wild _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 First 48 _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"The Godfather\" \"The Godfather II\" (‘74) Robert De Niro, Al Pacino. Making _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Month Tim & Sid Live Jays 30 Month Baseball MLB T.B./Chi.W. Site: U.S. Cellular Field SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Prime Time Sports Live WWE Experience WWE Monday Night Raw Live _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Tonight Fresh P. Simps. Spotlight MuchMusic Countdown Tosh.0 SouthPk ComBang _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 \"Indiana Jones & the Las... Beauty and Beast Beauty and Beast \"Behemoth\" (2010,Sci-Fi) Ed Quinn. (CC) Rookie B _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Listener Criminal Minds Flashpoint Person of Interest Blue Bloods Cold Justice Murder1 _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 \"The Mummy\" (‘99) Brendan Fraser. (CC) \"Into the Blue\" (2005,Action) Jessica Alba. (CC) \"Fool's Gold\" (‘08) _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Driver Mighty Ships H.Made H.Made To Be Announced To Be Announced \"Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!\" _ E! (40) 527 621 212 CSI Hollywood Cycle TMZ eTalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live! The Soup Sex BH Pawn _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Yes Dress Say Yes Say Yes Randy/ Rescue Randy/ Rescue Little People Little People People DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Swimming Holes Thrills SPACE (44) 528 627 209 ST:TNG Star Trek: Voy. 2/2 InnerSp. Tactics Stargate: SG-1 2/2 Castle Dark Matter Atlantis Jessie Friends _ BigBang BigBang Friends NextStep Girl Girl \"Skyrunners\" (‘09) Wingin' It Derek FAM (46) 540 556 258 Jessie MatchGm CornerG Laughs JFL: Gags Spun Out Simps. Just for Laughs BigBang COM (47) 548 625 208 Frasier TOON (48) 544 554 254 Rocket Johnny Johnny Uncle Uncle TotalDra TotalDra Grojband Grojband Futurama Fugget Archer HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Broadway Gondolier\" (‘35) \"A Star Is Born\" (‘37) Fredric March. (CC) \"Father Takes a Wife\" (‘41) \"Gold Diggers ... _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Queens Middle Paid Seinfeld Modern BigBang BigBang Browns Payne Browns Payne Modern FX (53) 251 2½Men Girls Girls Murdoch Mysteries Girls Girls Girls Modern Sons of Anarchy Anarchy FOX (54) 363 283 10 Judy The People's Court Modern Modern BigBang BigBang So You Think You Can Dance News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Sports Square Evening News Sports Access 20/20 \"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang\" (‘05) _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline APTN (58) 350 239 23 Nations Adrénaline Deerskin News APTN Rythme Adrénaline Bacon Bacon Orignal Route TAM CIHF (115) 204 4 Vieira News National ET ET Can. Running Wild Continuum Remedy News CityNews at 6 Modern Modern _ Cops Jail Cops Cops CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine CityNews at Five Bachelor in Paradise Pt. 2 of 2 from Aug 2 Girls _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie \"Karakara\" (‘12) \"Ghostbusters\" (‘84) Bill Murray. (CC) \"Ghostbusters II\" (‘89) Bill Murray. (CC) DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 71
LATENIGHTMOsNuNDADYA,YAAuPgRILu2s6t 3 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/03 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV (5) 310 199 12 NTV Latenight News Twilight William Shatner's Ent. The Meredith Vieira The Talk Scenes NTV First H Zone Weird or What? Tonight Show H H of NFLD Edition CBC (3) 299 200 3 CBCNews 22 Mins. Mercer 22 Mins. CorrieSt CBC News Now Exchange with Lang Mercer 22 Mins. St&Chris _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 JKF:News Kennedy Century T. Smiley Charlie Rose Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow JFK: Breaking News _ CMT (6) 583 575 22 Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels ABC (7) 361 281 11 Whispers News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Paid Paid ABC World News Now News _ CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Hot In CTV News The Tonight Show James Corden Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NBC (11) 360 280 9 RunWild 7 News The Tonight Show Seth Meyers Last Call Today Show Paid Access H. Live M3 TREE _ (14) 581 571 217 Mental. Cash Cab Cash Cab Played Crash James Corden The Mentalist _ (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy Mike the Guppies Big Big OLN (17) 457 411 102 Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive S. Wars S. Wars Storage Storage The Happenings Paid Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 Love It Hockey Wives Cougar T Cougar T Paid Paid Paid Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Ghostly _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News: The National News: The National CBC News Now News: The National Exchange with Lang National _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Messages Emily of New Moon \"Singin' in the Rain\" (‘52) Gene Kelly. Unscript P. Popoff Tomorrow Super. P. Popoff CBS (22) 362 282 7 NCIS: LA News Scorpion James Corden Paid Paid Paid Up to the Minute News _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 Hockey World Junior Showcase Can./Rus. SportsC Top 10 Top 10 SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Haunting JFL: Gags JFL: Gags \"Free Willy\" (1993,Family) Jason James Richter. (CC) Victori. Assembly Assembly Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 CNNTon. A. Cooper 360 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Early _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 RunWild Continuum Remedy News Hour Final ET Can. The Doctors ET PrtyMama _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Info-Doc. _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 Making Making the Mob \"The Godfather\" (‘72) Al Pacino, Marlon Brando. Making _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Baseball Sportsnet Central Jays 30 Month Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 WWERaw Night Highlights WWE Monday Night Raw The Final Score FScore _ MM (33) 580 570 220 ComBang Commun. Simps. Midnight Conan Commun. ComBang ComBang Midnight SouthPk Conan SHOW (34) 521 616 201 RookieB NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS South. _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Murder1 The Listener Criminal Minds Cold Justice Murder in the First Blue Bloods ..Interest _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 \"Fool's Gold\" \"The Mummy\" (1999,Adventure) Brendan Fraser. (CC) Million Dollar List Big Brother: After Dark _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Movie H.Made H.Made \"Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!\" (‘15) To Be Announced To Be Announced IceGold E! (40) 527 621 212 TMZ eTalk Pop Quiz TMZ Live! The Soup Sex BH Pawn TMZ E! News Super. TLC (41) 560 521 288 People Little People Little People Little People Randy/ Rescue Paid Paid Paid Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Thrills Swimming Holes Eat St. _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Thrills Thrills Thrills SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Atlantis InnerSp. Tactics Castle Dark Matter Atlantis 1/2 Face Off Voyager _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Warthogs Wizards GoodLk Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek COM (47) 548 625 208 BigBang Daily Sh. Nightly Jimmy Kimmel Live Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Frasier Frasier Daily Sh. Nightly J. Kimmel TOON (48) 544 554 254 AmerDad FamilyG Fugget Futurama AmerDad FamilyG Archer Fugget Fugget TotalDra Johnny Uncle HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. TCM (50) 539 292 204 Movie \"Stage Door\" (‘37) Katharine Hepburn. \"The Hucksters\" (‘47) Clark Gable. (CC) \"The Tall Target\" (‘51) PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Seinfeld FamilyG FamilyG AmerDad AmerDad Jeffers. Break \"The Pacifier\" (‘05,Com) Vin Diesel. (CC) Paid FX (53) 251 Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Anarchy _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 News Seinfeld Hometwn Paid Cougar T Anger M. Paid Dish Anger M. Commun. Commun. Friends _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Movie Evening News Square Sports Paid Watchlist Sports Square Spin Off Watchlist Morning OWN (56) 507 526 285 Dateline Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Oprah Winfrey Show Paid Rescue Rescue _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 TAM Rythme News APTN La Cité Bacon Bacon TAM TAM Adrénaline La Cité Kingstar CIHF (115) 204 4 ET Can. The Doctors ET PrtyMama Paid Paid Paid Paid Huntley Paid Happened CITY (133) 344 214 19 2½Men CityNews Tonight EP Daily Reviews Extra G.Martin My Life My Life Amazing Amazing CityLine SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Stings Stings Stings Paid MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Summer\" (‘02) Joe Cobden. \"An Officer and a Gentleman\" (‘82) \"Karakara\" (‘12,Dra) Megumi Tomita. (CC) Movie 72 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES tuMMesOODNARDYA, NYAuAIPgNRuILsG2t7 4 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/04 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV NTV Early Morning Padma Canada AM Featuring the latest in international news, weather Morning 100 NTV.ca (5) 310 199 12 News H Yoga and interviews. Huntley H H CBC (3) 299 200 3 St&Chris Here and Now You & Me Arthur Moblees D.Tiger SuperW! Napkin Bookaboo Bo on Go Heart. Odd Sqd Wild K. C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Locomotion MetroArts News Yoga CMT (6) 583 575 22 Wheels JFL: Gags JFL: Gags CMT Morning CMT Morning CMT Morning #1's Music ABC (7) 361 281 11 News NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye Good Morning America Kelly and Michael S. Harvey CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CTV News Atlantic CTV Morning Live Atlantic CornerG CornerG Celebri Celebri Dr. Phil NBC (11) 360 280 9 News 7 News Today in New England Today Show 7 News Today Today M3 (14) 581 571 217 Family Hot In M&M Playlist Playlist 80s@8 90s@9 Playlist TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Sesame Backyard Dora Big Big Peg Cat OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Dynamo: Magician Departures Python Hunters Paid Paid Beyond Survival Python W (18) 567 602 274 Rescue Paid Paid Candice Candice Say Yes Property Love/List Love It or Love It or List It Love/List CBCN (20) 390 502 13 National News: The National CBC News Now News Copeland J. Meyer _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 Tomorrow DivineP. Creflo Yoga Believe Q.Study David Mass ShineLght Life Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBS (22) 362 282 7 News WBZ This Morning CBS This Morning HotBench HotBench MakeDeal TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC Wayside _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly 1/2 Parents Sponge Kid Kat Naked Squirrel Parents Sponge Sponge Sidekick Naked CNN (25) 500 500 234 Early Early Start New Day New Day New Day CNN Newsroom News Huntley Paid Off Air _ Early Morning News Morning News GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 Making Halt and Catch Fire Paid Program Stooges \"Donnie Brasco\" _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore The Final Score Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Highligh _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Conan Commun. Tosh.0 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 South. NCIS: Los Angeles The Outer Limits Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"Goodnight for Justice: Qu... _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Interest Criminal Minds Cold Squad Due South Flashpoint The Listener Squad _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark ET Can. 'Til Debt Princess Princess Property Property 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Property _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 IceGold MythBusters Mayday Mighty Planes Cash Cab Cash Cab Dangerous Flights Yukon _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Super. CSI: Crime Scene InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk The Social InsideBox _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Gypsy Sisters Johnston Johnston CakeB. CakeB. Conjoined Twins: Hoarding DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Eat St. Eat St. Eat St. Eat Here! Eat St. WRest. Eat Here! Moves Moves Eat Here! WRest. Moves SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Voyager Star Trek: Next Gen. Being Human Tactics InnerSp. Being Human Star Trek: Voyager Dark _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Justin Justin Phineas Phineas Gravity Warthogs Wizards A.N.T. GoodLk Wingin' It COM (47) 548 625 208 Kimmel Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Just for Laughs R.Green R.Green CornerG MatchGm JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Laughs _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Uncle Gumball Adv.Time Jimmy Johnny Dino B-Psycho Johnny Rocket NinjaGo Pokémon Adv.Time HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Restoration Garage Museum TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"New Moon\" (‘30) \"California Conquest\" (‘52) \"Escapade In Japan\" (‘57) \"The Steel Trap\" (‘52) PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Office Office Friends ThereYet Paid Commun. SVU FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Raising Victory Paid Paid Good Day Good Day Rochester Dr. Phil Springer CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Morning Live First Edition Morning Live NewsNow _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Ghostly Ghostly Rescue Gourmet Simple GroceryB GroceryB Candice Candice Gourmet Gourmet Paid APTN (58) 350 239 23 Au Nord du 60e Kingstar Au Nord du 60e Tamânevu Tamânevu Niqitsiat Niqitsiat Ilinniq Ilinniq Qanurli? CIHF (115) 204 4 Life Today Morning News Pitchin Fresh Morning Huntley R. Ray CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid BT Early Breakfast Television CityLine MakeDeal _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bar Rescue Bar Res. _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"The Nanny Diaries\" (‘07) \"Paper Moon Affair\" (‘05) \"When Harry Met Sally\" \"Dumb & Dumberer: Whe... _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 73
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNtuseusDNADYA,YAAuPgRIuL 2s6t 4 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/04 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV NTV The Young and the Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Judge Judge Jeopardy! Wheel of NTV First (5) 310 199 12 Newsday Restless H Show Judy Judy Fortune Edition H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Heart. CBC News Now Recipes Kitchen Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle Dragons' Den Here Now PBS CMT _ ABC CTV2 (2) 364 284 8 Sesame DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg Cat Peg Cat SuperW! Thomas Sesame Cat/ Hat C.George C.George Arthur NBC M3 _ TREE (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Wheels Top 20 _ (7) 361 281 11 S.Harvey The View News Million.. The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Ellen _ (10) 340 202 5 Dr. Phil CTV News eTalk Marilyn Denis Show B & B B & B The Social The Dr. Oz Show Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 Today Today Show III 7 News at Noon Days of Our Lives The Doctors Feud Feud 7 News _ (14) 581 571 217 Playlist Playlist Playlist Spun Out Hot In M&M Cash Cab Cash Cab Spun Out Hot In _ (16) 546 553 20 Toopy Max/Rby Dinopaws Scarlett Toopy Caillou Cat/ Hat Zak Quak Truckt. Umizoo Wiggles P. Pig OLN (17) 457 411 102 Python St. Wars St. Wars Mantracker On the Hunt St. Wars St. Wars Liquid.. Liquid.. Escape \"Tipping Point\" (‘07,Act) Karl Pruner. (CC) Love It or _ Love It or List It Love It or List It M. Welby W (18) 567 602 274 LoveList Love It or List It CBC News Now CBC News Now _ Mass NationsH Tribal Eternally Mysterious Island Sue Thomas CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 700 Club Youngren New Day CBS (22) 362 282 7 M'Deal The Price Is Right News Young & Restless B & B The Talk Dr. Phil Judy Tonight _ Sponge TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC FishFlat Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Drag Racing NHRA Sonoma Nationals Mello Yell oSeries _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Kid Kat Rated A Rated A Numb Ch. Squirrel Naked Sidekick Numb Ch. Kid Kat Sidekick Nerds CNN (25) 500 500 234 News At This Hour Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead Morning Huntley Noon News Hour Days of Our Lives The Talk _ CSI: Miami Pitchin 'Til Debt Rachael Ray The First 48 The First 48 Big Smo GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 News CSI: Miami CSI: Miami _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Donnie Brasco\" (‘97,Cri) Al Pacino. (CC) \"The Godfather II\" (‘74) Robert De Niro, Al Pacino. _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central NatlIcon Darts Premier League Champion Poker European Tour Poker _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights Baseball Live Brady and Walker Live Sports _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Conan Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Movie Continuum Continuum Beauty and Beast NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 NCIS BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Squad Due South Blue Bloods Person of Interest Flashpoint Cold Squad Listener _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Property Property Property Surviving Evil Surviving Evil Suburg. Suburg. Million Dollar List Million DISC (37) 505 520 286 Yukon MythBusters Mighty Planes Mayday H.Made H.Made To Be Announced TBA _ InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk Supernatural CSI E! (40) 527 621 212 Pop Quiz Celebri eTalk TLC (41) 560 521 288 Hoarding My 600-lb Life Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes The Dead Files Parks Parks Big Crazy Family Border Border D.Files _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Moves Border Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Dark Stargate: SG-1 Being Human Tactics InnerSp. Stargate: SG-1 Castle ST:TNG _ Girl NextStep Austin Derek KC Under Liv/Mad Liv/Mad Liv/Mad Liv/Mad FAM (46) 540 556 258 Dog Blog Gaming Jessie COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Frasier Frasier BigBang BigBang CornerG Laughs Just for Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Frasier _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Johnny Camp Planet X Rocket Grojband Johnny Spies Jimmy B-Psycho Jimmy Jimmy Rocket HIST (49) 506 522 287 Museum Canadian Pickers MASH MASH Ice Road Truckers Restoration Garage Ancient Weather Ancient _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Actress\" (‘53) Spencer Tracy. (CC) \"Casanova Brown\" (‘44) Gary Cooper. \"Mrs. Miniver\" (‘42) Greer Garson. (CC) PEACH (51) 650 294 200 SVU Paid Paid Million.. Million.. Divorce Divorce Justice Paid HotBench HotBench Queens _ FX (53) 251 Murdoch American Horror Modern Girls 2½Men 2½Men Girls Girls Modern Girls 2½Men _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Springer Judge Mathis Steve Wilkos Show Divorce Divorce HotBench HotBench Maury Judy _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Now AM News Now Midday Justice Justice News Now PM _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid GroceryB GroceryB \"Taken Back\" (‘12) Amanda Tapping. Rescue Ghostly Waters of Crime D.Waters APTN (58) 350 239 23 Qanurli? Heartland The Young Riders Beachcm Beachcm HardRock HardRock Back Day Back Day Sivummut CIHF (115) 204 4 R. Ray Princess ET Can. Ricardo 'Til Debt Days of Our Lives The Talk Young & Restless M. Vieira _ Feud Feud The Chew General Hospital NameG. NameG. CityLine CITY (133) 344 214 19 M'Deal The Price Is Right Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. _ \"Desperate Measures\" (‘97) \"When Harry Met Sally\" \"Walk All Over... SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Bar Res. Bar Rescue _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"All Hat\" (‘07) 74 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES PtuMMResOIODNMARDYA,ENYATuAIPgNIRuIML sG2t7E4 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/04 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV NTV Evening Ent. Global E.T. NCIS: New Orleans NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles CTV (5) 310 199 12 Newshour H Tonight National Canada H H H National CBC (3) 299 200 3 Here and Now Murdoch Mysteries CorrieSt Mercer Canada Creek Standing News: The National CBCNews _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Odd Sqd Wild K. Wider W. PBS NewsHour Business Performs Secrets of the Dead JFK & LBJ: A Time Frontline CMT (6) 583 575 22 Chevy Top 20 Countdown CMT's Hottest JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Home Videos Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley ABC News News CTV2 _ CTV News Atlantic InsEd. Chronicle CMA Music Festival: Country's Night to Rock NBC 7 News News (7) 361 281 11 Ellen News News Degrassi eTalk The Flash BigBang Anger M. M&M _ Access Extra America's Got Talent GmeNight (10) 340 202 5 Ellen The Listener _ (11) 360 280 9 7 News 7 News 7 News M3 (14) 581 571 217 M&M The Mentalist The Social James Corden Pretty Little Liars Wonderland Mentalist TREE (16) 546 553 20 Walykzm Machines Guppies Pony Charmers Zak Quak Mike the Toopy Peg Cat Truckt. Cat/ Hat Caillou OLN (17) 457 411 102 Illusions I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars St. Wars Storage Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive Escape Illusions Storage W (18) 567 602 274 Love It Buying and Selling Property Brothers Love It or List It Property Brothers Masters of Flip MAsters Exchange with Lang CBC News Now _ Emily of New Moon Murder, She Wrote Columbo 2/2 News News Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News Power and Politics News: The National News _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 M.Welby Doc Martin \"Hard to Forget\" (‘03) Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 Judy News News Zoo NCIS:New TSN (23) 400 400 100 Tonight Off Rec. Interrupt SportsCentre That's H. Hockey IIHF World Junior Showcase Can./Cze. SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Numb Ch. Parents Sponge Assembly Assembly Max Game On Just Kid. Just Kid. JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Haunting CNN (25) 500 500 234 TheLead The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront A. Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Ton. _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News National News Hour ET Can. ET NCIS:New _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Big Smo Big Smo Big Smo S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars Wars S. Wars Big Smo AMC (28) 609 293 564 Movie \"True Lies\" (‘94) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. \"Gone in 60 Seconds\" (‘00,Act) Nicolas Cage. (CC) RSE (30) 416 406 110 Poker Tim & Sid Live Blue Jays Baseball MLB Min./Tor. Site: Rogers Centre Toronto, Ont. Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Prime Time Sports Live Month Drift Poker Borgata Open Poker European Tour Highligh _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Tonight Fresh P. Simps. Brand New Sh*T Playlist Playlist Tosh.0 SouthPk Tosh.0 _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS NCIS Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"End of the World\" (‘13) Caroline Cave. Lost Girl _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Listener Criminal Minds Flashpoint Person of Interest Blue Bloods Saving Hope Hope _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Million Law & Order: S.V.U. Surviving Evil 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Princess Princess Real Housewives Wives _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 TBA H.Made H.Made H.Made H.Made JadeFev. JadeFev. To Be Announced Deadliest Catch D. Catch _ E! (40) 527 621 212 CSI The Soup N. Money TMZ eTalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live! Total Divas H Cycle _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Yes Dress Say Yes Say Yes Little People Little People Little People Little People My Giant DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 D.Files Ghost Adventures Eat Here! Eat St. Moves Moves Border Border Parks Parks Big Crazy Star Trek: Voyager _ Liv/Mad Liv/Mad InnerSp. Tactics Stargate: SG-1 Castle Face Off Geeks/ BigBang BigBang SPACE (44) 528 627 209 ST:TNG Gaming NextStep Derek Derek \"Minutemen\" (‘08) Wingin' It Derek _ MatchGm CornerG Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Simps. Just for Laughs BigBang FAM (46) 540 556 258 Liv/Mad COM (47) 548 625 208 Frasier TOON (48) 544 554 254 Rocket Johnny Johnny DrDimen. DrDimen. TotalDra TotalDra Grojband Grojband Futurama Fugget Archer HIST (49) 506 522 287 Ancient MASH MASH Ice Road Truckers Ancient Weather Ancient Impossible Pawn S. Pawn S. America \"The Little Foxes\" (‘41) Bette Davis. (CC) Movie _ Modern TCM (50) 539 292 204 Movie \"The Best Years of Our Lives\" (‘46) Fredric March, Myrna Loy. Browns Payne Browns Payne PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Middle Middle Seinfeld Modern Paid BigBang FX (53) 251 2½Men Girls Girls Murdoch Mysteries Girls Girls Girls Modern Tyrant Tyrant FOX (54) 363 283 10 Judy The People's Court Modern Modern BigBang BigBang Smarter-5th Grader Knock Knock Live News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Sports Square Evening News Sports Access \"The Affair of the Necklace\" (‘01) Hilary Swank. (CC) _ GroceryB GroceryB Livin' Lozada Flex & Shanice Medium OWN (56) 507 526 285 D.Waters Oprah Winfrey Show Oprah's Lifeclass Heartland Solstice Solstice Arbor Live Nuts _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 Under The Young Riders News APTN CIHF (115) 204 4 Vieira News National ET ET Can. NCIS: New Orleans NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles News _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine CityNews at Five CityNews at 6 Modern Modern America's Got Talent Girls _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Bar Res. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie \"Dumb & Dumberer: Whe... \"Paper Moon Affair\" (‘05) \"Spy Game\" (2001,Drama) Brad Pitt. (CC) DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 75
LATENIGHTtuseusDNADYA,YAAuPgRIuL 2s6t 4 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/04 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV (5) 310 199 12 NTV Latenight News Twilight William Shatner's Ent. M. Vieira Bethenny The Talk Scenes H NTV First H Zone Weird or What? Tonight Frankel, Billy Gardell H of NFLD Edition H CBC (3) 299 200 3 CBCNews 22 Mins. Mercer 22 Mins. CorrieSt CBC News Now Exchange with Lang Mercer 22 Mins. St&Chris Frontline _ T. Smiley Charlie Rose Secrets of the Dead JFK & LBJ: A Time Chrisley Chrisley PBS (2) 364 284 8 Frontline POV Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Chrisley _ CMT (6) 583 575 22 Chrisley Home Videos ABC (7) 361 281 11 CMA News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Paid Paid ABC World News Now News _ CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Hot In CTV News The Tonight Show James Corden Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NBC (11) 360 280 9 GmeNght 7 News The Tonight Show Seth Meyers Last Call Today Show Paid Access H. Live _ M3 (14) 581 571 217 Mental. Cash Cab Cash Cab Pretty Little Liars Wonderland James Corden The Mentalist Super. _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy Mike the Guppies Big Big OLN (17) 457 411 102 Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive Escape Illusions Storage Storage Dynamo: Magician Paid Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 MAsters Buying and Selling Cougar T Cougar T Paid Paid Paid Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Ghostly _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News: The National News: The National CBC News Now News: The National Exchange with Lang National _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Movie Emily of New Moon \"An American in Paris\" (‘51,Musical) Gene Kelly. (CC) P. Popoff Tomorrow Super. P. Popoff CBS (22) 362 282 7 NCIS:New News Scorpion James Corden Paid Paid Paid Up to the Minute News _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC Top 10 Top 10 Cabbie Cabbie Journey Top 10 SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Haunting JFL: Gags JFL: Gags \"Free Willy: Escape From Pirate's Cov... So Weird Victori. Assembly Assembly Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 CNNTon. A. Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Early _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 NCIS:New NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles News Hour Final ET Can. The Doctors ET Comebck _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Big Smo S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars Wars S. Wars Big Smo Big Smo S. Wars S. Wars Info-Doc. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"U.S. Marshals\" (‘98) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. \"Donnie Brasco\" (‘97) Johnny Depp, Al Pacino. RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Baseball MLB Baltimore vs Oakland Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central FScore _ Conan SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Night Highlights Night Highlights The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Another Commun. Simps. Midnight Conan Commun. Tosh.0 Another Midnight SouthPk SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Lost Girl NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS South. _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Hope The Listener Criminal Minds Marshal Law: Texas Marshal Law: Texas Blue Bloods ..Interest _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Wives Real Housewives Law & Order: S.V.U. Real Housewives Real Housewives Big Brother: After Dark _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 D.Catch ColdWaterCowboy Deadliest Catch Deadly Catch 2/2 ColdWaterCowboy To Be Announced Catch _ E! (40) 527 621 212 H Cycle eTalk Pop Quiz TMZ Live! Total Divas Hollywood Cycle E! News Super. _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 MyGiant Little People My Giant Life Little People Little People Paid Paid Paid _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 BigCrazy Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Parks Parks Big Crazy Family Extreme RVs Foods _ SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Geeks/ InnerSp. Tactics Castle Face Off Geeks/ Geeks/ Face Off Voyager FAM (46) 540 556 258 Warthogs Wizards GoodLk Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek COM (47) 548 625 208 BigBang Daily Sh. Nightly Jimmy Kimmel Live Schumer Schumer Frasier Frasier Daily Sh. Nightly J. Kimmel TOON (48) 544 554 254 AmerDad FamilyG Fugget Futurama AmerDad FamilyG Archer Fugget Fugget TotalDra Johnny DrDimen. HIST (49) 506 522 287 America Treasures Decoded Pawn S. Pawn S. Restore Restore American Pickers Counting Counting Pawn S. _ \"The Pride of the Yankees\" (‘42) Gary Cooper. (CC) \"The Happy Ending\" (‘69) TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Shadow of a Doubt\" (‘43) _ AmerDad AmerDad Jeffers. Break \"Year One\" (‘09,Adv) Jack Black. (CC) Paid Anarchy PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Seinfeld FamilyG FamilyG FX (53) 251 Tyrant Tyrant Tyrant Tyrant Tyrant Sons of Anarchy Seinfeld Hot In _ Evening News FOX (54) 363 283 10 News Paid Hometwn Anger M. Paid Dish Anger M. Commun. Commun. Friends _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Spin Off Square Sports Watchlist Watchlist Sports Square Spin Off Watchlist Morning OWN (56) 507 526 285 Medium Rescue Rescue Ghostly Ghostly Medium Medium Oprah Winfrey Show Paid Rescue Rescue APTN (58) 350 239 23 Nuts Bannock News APTN Candy Solstice Solstice Arbor Live Bannock Candy Kingstar CIHF (115) 204 4 ET Can. The Doctors ET Comebck Paid Paid Paid Paid Huntley Paid Happened CITY (133) 344 214 19 2½Men CityNews Tonight EP Daily Reviews Extra G.Martin My Life My Life Amazing Amazing CityLine SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Bar Res. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Paid _ \"Clay Pigeons\" (‘98) \"Where the Buffalo Roam\" (‘80) \"2001: A Spac... MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"All Hat\" (‘07) 76 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital WeMDNOeNsDAYY, AAPuRgIL u27st 5 MORNINGH MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/05 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV NTV Early Morning Padma Canada AM Featuring the latest in international news, weather Morning 100 NTV.ca (5) 310 199 12 News H Yoga and interviews. Huntley H H CBC (3) 299 200 3 St&Chris Here and Now You & Me Arthur Moblees D.Tiger SuperW! Napkin Bookaboo Bo on Go Heart. Odd Sqd Wild K. C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Locomotion Performs News Yoga CMT (6) 583 575 22 Chrisley JFL: Gags JFL: Gags CMT Morning CMT Morning CMT Morning #1's Music ABC (7) 361 281 11 News NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye Good Morning America Kelly and Michael S. Harvey CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CTV News Atlantic CTV Morning Live Atlantic CornerG CornerG Celebri Celebri Dr. Phil NBC (11) 360 280 9 News 7 News Today in New England Today Show 7 News Today Today M3 (14) 581 571 217 Super. Hot In M&M Playlist Playlist 80s@8 90s@9 Playlist _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Sesame Backyard Dora Big Big Peg Cat OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Dynamo: Magician Departures Python Hunters Mantracker Beyond Survival Python W (18) 567 602 274 Rescue Paid Paid Candice Candice Say Yes Property Love/List Love It or Property Brothers Buying CBCN (20) 390 502 13 National News: The National CBC News Now News Copeland J. Meyer _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 Youngren J. Meyer Creflo Yoga Believe Q.Study David Mass Devotions Life Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBS (22) 362 282 7 News WBZ This Morning CBS This Morning HotBench HotBench MakeDeal TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC Wayside _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly 2/2 Parents Sponge Kid Kat Naked Squirrel Parents Sponge Sponge Sidekick Naked CNN (25) 500 500 234 Early Early Start New Day New Day New Day CNN Newsroom News Huntley Paid Off Air _ Early Morning News Morning News GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 Making the Mob Stooges Paid Program \"Eagle Eye\" (‘08) RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Highligh SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore The Final Score _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Conan Commun. Tosh.0 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist _ The Outer Limits Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"Intimate Stranger\" (‘06) Cold Squad Due South SHOW (34) 521 616 201 South. NCIS: Los Angeles _ Flashpoint The Listener Squad BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Interest Criminal Minds _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark ET Can. 'Til Debt Princess Princess Property Property 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Property _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Catch Deadly Catch 2/2 Mayday JadeFev. JadeFev. Cash Cab Cash Cab Drain the Titanic Salvage _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Super. CSI: Crime Scene InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk The Social InsideBox _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Gypsy Sisters 7 Little Johnstons CakeB. CakeB. Pregnant Hoarding DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Foods Ghost Adventures Eat Here! Eat St. WRest. Eat Here! Moves Moves Eat Here! WRest. Moves Tactics InnerSp. Being Human Star Trek: Voyager Panic _ Phineas Gravity Warthogs Wizards A.N.T. GoodLk Wingin' It SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Voyager Star Trek: Next Gen. Being Human _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Justin Justin Phineas COM (47) 548 625 208 Kimmel Schumer Schumer Just for Laughs R.Green R.Green CornerG MatchGm JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Laughs _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 DrDimen. Gumball Adv.Time Jimmy Johnny Spiez B-Psycho Johnny Rocket NinjaGo Pokémon Adv.Time HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. MASH MASH Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Treasures Decoded Museum TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Count the Hours\" (‘53) \"Flying Down to Rio\" (‘33) \"The Gay Divorcee\" (‘34) Fred Astaire. \"Roberta\" (‘35) PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Office Office Friends Paid Commun. Commun. SVU FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Raising Paid Paid Paid Good Day Good Day Rochester Dr. Phil Springer CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Morning Live First Edition Morning Live Puppy NewsNow Paid _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Ghostly Ghostly Rescue Gourmet Simple GroceryB GroceryB Candice Candice Puppy APTN (58) 350 239 23 The Young Riders Kingstar Au Nord du 60e Samaqan Samaqan Wabana Wabana Rythme Rythme ChicChoc CIHF (115) 204 4 Life Today Morning News Pitchin Fresh Morning Huntley R. Ray CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid BT Early Breakfast Television CityLine MakeDeal Ink Mstr _ Movie SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ink Master _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" \"All the Pretty Horses\" (‘00) \"The Witches of Eastwick\" (‘87) _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 77
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNWeDsNueNsDDAAY,AAPuRIgL 2u6st 5 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/05 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV NTV H The Young and the Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Judge Judge Jeopardy! Wheel of Evening Show H Judy Judy (5) 310 199 12 Newsday Restless FortuneH Newshour CBC (3) 299 200 3 Heart. CBC News Now Recipes Kitchen Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle Dragons' Den Here Now PBS CMT _ ABC CTV2 (2) 364 284 8 Sesame DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg Cat Peg Cat SuperW! Thomas Sesame Cat/ Hat C.George C.George Arthur NBC M3 _ TREE (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Wide Open CMT Music CMT Music Music _ (7) 361 281 11 S.Harvey The View News Million.. The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Ellen _ (10) 340 202 5 Dr. Phil CTV News eTalk Marilyn Denis Show B & B B & B The Social The Dr. Oz Show Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 Today Today Show III 7 News at Noon Days of Our Lives The Doctors Feud Feud 7 News _ (14) 581 571 217 Playlist Playlist Playlist CornerG Hot In M&M Cash Cab Cash Cab CornerG Hot In _ (16) 546 553 20 Toopy Max/Rby Dinopaws Scarlett Toopy Caillou Cat/ Hat Zak Quak Truckt. Umizoo Wiggles P. Pig OLN (17) 457 411 102 Python St. Wars St. Wars Mantracker On the Hunt St. Wars St. Wars Liquid.. Liquid.. Dog Beth \"Love Notes\" (‘07) Laura Leighton. (CC) Love It or _ Buying and Selling Buying and Selling M. Welby W (18) 567 602 274 Buying Buying and Selling CBC News Now CBC News Now _ Mass Devotions Tribal Eternally Mysterious Island Sue Thomas CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 700 Club Israel New Day CBS (22) 362 282 7 M'Deal The Price Is Right News Young & Restless B & B The Talk Dr. Phil Judy First Take _ Squirrel Naked Top10 /Soccer International Champions Cup TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC Golf Talk PGA Tour SC Sidekick Numb Ch. Kid Kat Sidekick Numb Ch. Sponge _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Kid Kat Rated A Rated A Nerds CNN (25) 500 500 234 News At This Hour Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead Morning Huntley Noon News Hour Days of Our Lives The Talk _ CSI: Miami Pitchin 'Til Debt Rachael Ray The First 48 The First 48 Donnie GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 News CSI: Miami CSI: Miami _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Eagle Eye\" (‘08) \"True Lies\" (‘94) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. \"U.S. Marshals\" (‘98) Wesley Snipes. _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central NatlIcon Month Poker World Champ. Baseball MLB T.B./Chi.W. Site: U.S. Cellular Field _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights Baseball Live Brady and Walker Live Sports _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Conan Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Movie Continuum Continuum Beauty and Beast NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 NCIS BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Squad Due South Blue Bloods Person of Interest Flashpoint Cold Squad Listener Wives _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Property Property Property Surviving Evil Surviving Evil Suburg. Suburg. Real Housewives DISC (37) 505 520 286 Salvage Dude, You're... JadeFev. JadeFev. Mayday To Be Announced Deadliest Catch D. Catch CSI _ InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk Supernatural E! (40) 527 621 212 Pop Quiz Celebri eTalk TLC (41) 560 521 288 Hoarding My 600-lb Life Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes The Dead Files _ Ghost Adventures Border Border Border Border D.Files DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Moves Border Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Panic Stargate: SG-1 Being Human Tactics InnerSp. Stargate: SG-1 Castle 1/2 ST:TNG _ Girl NextStep Austin Derek KC Under KC Under KC Under KC Under KC Under FAM (46) 540 556 258 Dog Blog Gaming Jessie COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Frasier Frasier BigBang BigBang CornerG Laughs Just for Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Frasier _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Johnny Camp Planet X Rocket Grojband Johnny Spies Jimmy B-Psycho Jimmy Jimmy Rocket HIST (49) 506 522 287 Museum Canadian Pickers MASH MASH Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Treasures Decoded Pawn S. _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 Movie \"Top Hat\" (‘35,Musical) Fred Astaire. (CC) \"The Barkleys of Broadway\" (‘49) \"Swing Time\" (‘35) PEACH (51) 650 294 200 SVU Law & Order: S.V.U. Million.. Million.. Divorce Paid Justice Justice HotBench HotBench Queens _ FX (53) 251 Murdoch American Horror Modern Girls 2½Men 2½Men Girls Girls Modern Girls 2½Men _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Springer Judge Mathis Steve Wilkos Show Divorce Divorce HotBench HotBench Maury Judy _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Now AM News Now Midday Justice Justice News Now PM _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid GroceryB GroceryB \"Unstable\" (‘09) Charlotte Sullivan. (CC) Rescue Ghostly Addicted Addicted Murder APTN (58) 350 239 23 Chic Choc Heartland The Young Riders Exhibit A Exhibit A Arctic Air Gourmet Marmalad Run Wild CIHF (115) 204 4 R. Ray Princess ET Can. Ricardo 'Til Debt Days of Our Lives The Talk Young & Restless M. Vieira CityLine _ Feud Feud The Chew General Hospital NameG. NameG. Ink Mstr Movie CITY (133) 344 214 19 M'Deal The Price Is Right Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master _ \"Crash\" (‘96,Psy) James Spader. (CC) \"Return to Paradise\" (‘98) SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Ink Mstr Ink Master _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Days of Darkness\" (‘07) _ At right is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Solution is accomplished by trial and error. Clue: J equals L. PUZZLE PAUSE: CRYPTOQUIP Answer: If you get sudden inspiration to write perfect words for a song, one might call that a lyrical miracle. 78 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital WeDMNOeNsDDAAYY, AAPuRgIL u27st 5 PMRIOMRENTIINMGEH MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/05 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV Evening Rowing Royal St. John's Regatta Global Rookie Blue Big Brother Extant CTV (5) 310 199 12 N_ ewshour St. John's, Nfld. ChampionshipH National H H NationaHl CBC (3) 299 200 3 Here and Now Murdoch Mysteries CorrieSt Dragons' Den X Company News: The National CBCNews _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Odd Sqd Wild K. Getaways PBS NewsHour Business Journal Life on the Reef Nova Nova CMT (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Spotlight BestChow BestChow JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Yukon Medium Wife Swap W. Swap ABC News News CTV2 _ The Listener News News InsEd. Chronicle Middle Goldberg Modern Black-ish Wife Sw. NBC 7 News 7 News (7) 361 281 11 Ellen CTV News Atlantic Degrassi eTalk Arrow BigBang Anger M. M&M _ 7 News News Access Extra America-Talent Robinson Carm. Comic (10) 340 202 5 Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 7 News M3 (14) 581 571 217 M&M The Mentalist The Social James Corden Tattoos Tattoos Dating Naked Mentalist TREE (16) 546 553 20 Walykzm Machines Guppies Pony Charmers Zak Quak Mike the Toopy Peg Cat Truckt. Cat/ Hat Caillou OLN (17) 457 411 102 DogBeth I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars St. Wars Storage Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive On the Hunt Storage Property Brothers Love It or List It Property Brothers Love It or List It Love/List _ Exchange with Lang CBC News Now News: The National News Emily of New Moon Murder, She Wrote Columbo 1/2 Doc Martin Abbey W (18) 567 602 274 Love It Buying and Selling News News Wheel Jeopardy! Big Brother Extant Extant _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News Power and Politics _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 M.Welby Doc Martin Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 Judy News News TSN (23) 400 400 100 Soccer Off Rec. Interrupt SportsCentre That's H. CFL 30 UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed Hockey _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Penguins Parents Sponge Assembly Assembly Bella H.Danger Just Kid. Just Kid. JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Haunting CNN (25) 500 500 234 TheLead The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront A. Cooper 360 Anthony Bourdain CNN Ton. ET Can. ET Border _ Duck D. Wahlbrg Donnie GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News National News Hour _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Donnie Lachey's Lachey's Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"U.S. Marshals\" \"Gone in 60 Seconds\" (‘00,Act) Nicolas Cage. (CC) \"Con Air\" (1997,Action) Nicolas Cage. (CC) _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Baseball Tim & Sid Live Blue Jays Baseball MLB Min./Tor. Site: Rogers Centre Toronto, Ont. Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Prime Time Sports Live Month Drift WWE Super Smackdown Aft.math _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Tonight Fresh P. Simps. Much Curated By Playlist Playlist Tosh.0 SouthPk SouthPk _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS NCIS Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"Sink Hole\" (‘13,Sci-Fi) Eric Roberts. (CC) NCIS _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Listener Criminal Minds Flashpoint Person of Interest Blue Bloods Suits Proof _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Wives Real Housewives Surviving Evil 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Princess Princess 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Brainwsh _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 D.Catch Ice Cold Gold H.Made H.Made Mighty Ships Mighty Ships Deadly Catch 2/2 TBA _ E! (40) 527 621 212 CSI Total Divas TMZ eTalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live! I Am Cait Brave _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Yes Dress Say Yes Say Yes My Giant Life I Am Jazz I Am Jazz Relative Relative Relative Relative I Am Jazz DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 D.Files Ghost Adventures Eat Here! Eat St. Moves Moves Border Border Watt's Watt's Trip Flip _ SPACE (44) 528 627 209 ST:TNG Star Trek: Voyager InnerSp. Tactics Stargate: SG-1 Castle 1/2 \"Shark Week\" (‘12) _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 KC Under KC Under KC Under Hank Z NextStep The X Factor \"Double Teamed\" (‘02) Wingin' It Derek COM (47) 548 625 208 Frasier BigBang BigBang MatchGm CornerG Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Simps. Just for Laughs BigBang TOON (48) 544 554 254 Rocket Johnny Johnny Camp Camp TotalDra TotalDra Grojband Grojband Futurama Fugget Archer HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. MASH MASH Canadian Pickers Pawn S. Pawn S. America Unearthed Swamp People Aliens TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Belle of New York\" (‘52) \"The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle\" \"Shall We Dance?\" (‘37) Fred Astaire. Movie PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Queens Middle Paid Seinfeld Modern BigBang BigBang Browns Paid Browns Payne Modern FX (53) 251 2½Men Girls Girls Murdoch Mysteries Girls Girls Girls Modern AHS: Freak Show AHSFreak FOX (54) 363 283 10 Judy The People's Court Modern Modern BigBang BigBang Masterchef Home Free News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Sports Square Evening News Sports Access Bones CSI: Miami Burn D.Waters _ GroceryB GroceryB 20/20 20/20 Exhibit A OWN (56) 507 526 285 Murder Oprah Winfrey Show Where Are They? Reel Insights Marmalad Run Wild Arctic Air _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 Deerskins The Young Riders News APTN CIHF (115) 204 4 Vieira News National ET ET Can. Border Border Big Brother Extant Extant Modern America-Talent _ Cops Cops Cops CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine CityNews at Five CityNews at 6 Modern \"Mail Order Bride\" (‘08) Modern Black-ish Girls _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Ink Mstr Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"The Witches of Eastwick\" \"When Harry Met Sally\" \"About Last Night\" (‘86) _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 79
LATENIGHTWeDsNueNsDDAAY,AAPuRIgL 2u6st 5 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/05 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV REoxytaalnSt t. JoRhony'sal St. JoThwn’islight WCTiVlliaNmewSshTawtnileigr'hst Ent. Vieira Guest(s): Nick The Talk Scenes Rowing Jonas, John O'Hurley H of NFLDH H (5) 310 199 12 Regatta Regatta HigZholinghets H Weird or WZhoante? H Tonight CBC (3) 299 200 3 CBCNews 22 Mins. Mercer 22 Mins. CorrieSt CBC News Now Exchange with Lang Mercer 22 Mins. St&Chris PBS CMT _ W. Swap ABC News CTV2 (2) 364 284 8 Nova SciTech Weapons T. Smiley Charlie Rose Life on the Reef Nova Nova Paid _ (6) 583 575 22 W. Swap Yukon Medium Wife Swap Wife Swap JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Wife Swap _ (7) 361 281 11 Wife Sw. News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Paid Paid ABC World News Now _ (10) 340 202 5 Hot In CTV News The Tonight Show James Corden Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NBC (11) 360 280 9 Comic 7 News The Tonight Show Seth Meyers Last Call Today Show Paid Access H. Live _ M3 (14) 581 571 217 Mental. Cash Cab Cash Cab Tattoos Tattoos Dating Naked James Corden The Mentalist The Flash _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy Mike the Guppies Big Big OLN (17) 457 411 102 Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive On the Hunt Storage Storage Dynamo: Magician Paid Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 LoveList Love It or List It Cougar T Cougar T Paid Paid Paid Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Ghostly _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News: The National News: The National CBC News Now News: The National Exchange with Lang National _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Abbey Emily of New Moon \"Meet Me in St. Louis\" (‘44) Super. P. Popoff Tomorrow Super. P. Popoff _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 Extant News Scorpion James Corden Paid Paid Paid Up to the Minute News _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 Hockey World Junior Showcase Can./Rus. SportsC CFLTable Top 10 SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Haunting Just Kid. Just Kid. \"Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts\" Big Time Victori. Assembly Assembly Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 CNNTon. A. Cooper 360 Anthony Bourdain CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Early _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Border Big Brother Extant Extant News ET Can. The Doctors ET A&E (27) 520 615 202 Lachey's Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahlbrg Donnie Lachey's Duck D. Duck D. Info-Doc. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"I, Robot\" (2004,Sci-Fi) Will Smith. (CC) \"Con Air\" (1997,Action) Nicolas Cage. (CC) HUMANS RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central MLB Best Jays 30 Darts World Champ. Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score FScore SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highlights Night Highlights Night Highlights MM (33) 580 570 220 SouthPk Commun. Simps. Midnight Conan Commun. SouthPk SouthPk Midnight SouthPk Conan SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS South. Proof Blue Bloods ..Interest _ The Hero Real Housewives Big Bro. To Be Announced H.Made H.Made Rush BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Proof The Listener Criminal Minds Suits The Soup TMZ E! News Super. _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Brainwsh Surviving Evil Law & Order: S.V.U. Suburg. Suburg. _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 TBA H.Made H.Made Mighty Ships Bush People _ E! (40) 527 621 212 TMZ eTalk Pop Quiz TMZ Live! I Am Cait TLC (41) 560 521 288 I Am Jazz Relative Relative I Am Jazz I Am Jazz Relative Relative I Am Jazz I Am Jazz Paid Paid Paid DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Trip Flip Ghost Adventures Border Border Watt's Watt's Trip Flip Trip Flip Houseboats Foods SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Movie InnerSp. Tactics Castle 1/2 \"Shark Week\" (‘12) Patrick Bergin. (CC) Face Off Voyager FAM (46) 540 556 258 Warthogs Wizards GoodLk Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek COM (47) 548 625 208 Buress Daily Sh. Nightly Jimmy Kimmel Live Work Work Frasier Frasier Daily Sh. Nightly J. Kimmel TOON (48) 544 554 254 AmerDad FamilyG Fugget Futurama AmerDad FamilyG Archer Fugget Fugget TotalDra Johnny Camp HIST (49) 506 522 287 Aliens Yukon Gold Pawn S. Pawn S. Restore Restore American Pickers Counting Counting Pawn S. _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"You Were Never Lovelier\" \"Bandwagon\" (‘96) Kevin Corrigan. (CC) \"Silk Stockings\" (‘57) Fred Astaire. (CC) Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Seinfeld Paid FamilyG AmerDad AmerDad Jeffers. Break \"Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time\" (‘10) AHS: Freak Show AHS: Freak Show FX (53) 251 AHSFreak AHS: Freak Show _ AHS: Freak Show Sons of Anarchy Anarchy FOX (54) 363 283 10 News Seinfeld Hot In Paid Cougar T Anger M. Paid Dish Anger M. Commun. Commun. Friends _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Burn Evening News Square Sports Paid Watchlist Sports Square Spin Off Watchlist Morning _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 D.Waters 20/20 20/20 Waters of Crime Oprah Winfrey Show Paid Rescue Rescue _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 Exhibit A Side News APTN Candy Arctic Air Reel Insights Exhibit A Candy Kingstar CIHF (115) 204 4 Extant News ET Can. The Doctors ET Paid Paid Paid Huntley Paid Happened G.Martin My Life My Life Amazing Amazing CityLine _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 2½Men CityNews Tonight EP Daily Reviews Extra SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Cops Cops \"To Be Announced\" (CC) RepoG RepoG RepoG RepoG Paid MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie \"eXistenZ\" (‘99) \"Crash\" (‘96,Psy) James Spader. (CC) \"Pour L'Amour De Dieu\" (2012,Drama) 80 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital thuMrOsNDDAYA,YAAuPRgILu2s7t 6 MORNINGH MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/06 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV Rowing Royal St. Padma Canada AM Featuring the latest in international news, weather Morning 100 NTV.ca and interviews. H Huntley H (5) 310 199 12 _John's Regatta Live H Yoga CBC (3) 299 200 3 St&Chris Here and Now You & Me Arthur Moblees D.Tiger SuperW! Napkin Bookaboo Bo on Go Heart. Odd Sqd Wild K. C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Locomotion WellRead News Yoga CMT (6) 583 575 22 W. Swap JFL: Gags JFL: Gags CMT Morning CMT Morning CMT Morning Chevy Top 20 Countdown Kelly and Michael S. Harvey _ ABC (7) 361 281 11 News NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye Good Morning America CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CTV News Atlantic CTV Morning Live Atlantic CornerG CornerG Celebri Celebri Dr. Phil NBC (11) 360 280 9 News 7 News Today in New England Today Show 7 News Today Today M3 (14) 581 571 217 Flash Hot In M&M Playlist Playlist 80s@8 90s@9 Playlist _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Sesame Backyard Dora Big Big Peg Cat OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Dynamo: Magician Departures Python Hunters Mantracker Beyond Survival Python W (18) 567 602 274 Rescue Paid Paid Candice Candice Say Yes Property Love/List Love It or Love It or List It Love It or CBCN (20) 390 502 13 National News: The National CBC News Now News Copeland J. Meyer _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 P. Popoff Super. Creflo Yoga Believe Q.Study Believe Mass Israel Life CBS (22) 362 282 7 News WBZ This Morning CBS This Morning HotBench HotBench MakeDeal TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC Wayside _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly Parents Sponge Kid Kat Naked Squirrel Parents Sponge Sponge Sidekick Naked CNN (25) 500 500 234 Early Early Start New Day New Day New Day CNN Newsroom News Huntley Paid Off Air _ Early Morning News Morning News GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog Bounty Hunter Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 Halt and Catch Fire Stooges Paid Program Stooges \"I, Robot\" (‘04) RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Highligh SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore The Final Score _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Conan Commun. Tosh.0 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist _ The Outer Limits Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"Christie's Revenge\" (‘07) Cold Squad Due South SHOW (34) 521 616 201 South. NCIS: Los Angeles _ Flashpoint 1/2 The Listener Squad BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Interest Criminal Minds _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark ET Can. 'Til Debt Princess Princess Property Property 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Property _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Rush Ice Cold Gold Mayday Mighty Ships Cash Cab Cash Cab Mighty Cruise Ships Ships _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Super. CSI: Crime Scene InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk The Social InsideBox _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Gypsy Sisters Johnston Johnston CakeB. CakeB. Secretly Pregnant Hoarding DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Foods Ghost Adventures Eat Here! Eat St. WRest. Eat Here! Moves Moves Eat Here! WRest. Moves Tactics InnerSp. Being Human Star Trek: Voyager Movie _ Phineas Gravity Warthogs Wizards A.N.T. GoodLk Wingin' It SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Voyager Star Trek: Next Gen. Being Human _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Justin Justin Phineas COM (47) 548 625 208 Kimmel Work Work Just for Laughs R.Green R.Green CornerG MatchGm JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Laughs _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Camp Gumball Adv.Time Jimmy Johnny Planet X B-Psycho Johnny Rocket NinjaGo Pokémon Adv.Time HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. MASH MASH Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Yukon Gold Museum TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Royal Wedding\" (‘51) \"Beyond the Poseidon Adventure\" (‘79) \"Prisoner of War\" (‘54) \"Billion Dollar ... _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Office Office Paid ThereYet Commun. Commun. Paid FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Raising Paid Paid Paid Good Day Good Day Rochester Dr. Phil Springer CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Morning Live First Edition Morning Live NewsNow _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid Ghostly Paid Gourmet Simple GroceryB GroceryB Candice Candice Pet Pet Paid APTN (58) 350 239 23 The Young Riders Kingstar Au Nord du 60e Marmalad Marmalad Fish Out Fish Out With Fire With Fire Warrior CIHF (115) 204 4 Life Today Morning News Pitchin Fresh Morning Huntley R. Ray CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid BT Early Breakfast Television CityLine MakeDeal _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Cops Cops Cops _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Mail Order Bride\" (‘08) \"Another Silence\" (Drama) \"Eve and the Fire Horse\" \"Mad Dog and Glory\" (‘93) DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 81
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNthusrusNDDAAYY, AAuPRgILu2s6t 6 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/06 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV NTV H The Young and the Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Judge Judge Jeopardy! Wheel of NTV First Show (5) 310 199 12 Newsday Restless Judy H Judy Fortune Edition H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Heart. CBC News Now Recipes Kitchen Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle Dragons' Den Here Now PBS CMT _ ABC CTV2 (2) 364 284 8 Sesame DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg Cat Peg Cat SuperW! Thomas Sesame Cat/ Hat C.George C.George Arthur NBC M3 _ TREE (6) 583 575 22 Top 20 CMT Music CMT Spotlight CMT Rewind CMT Music _ (7) 361 281 11 S.Harvey The View News Million.. The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Ellen _ (10) 340 202 5 Dr. Phil CTV News eTalk Marilyn Denis Show B & B B & B The Social The Dr. Oz Show Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 Today Today Show III 7 News at Noon Days of Our Lives The Doctors Feud Feud 7 News _ (14) 581 571 217 Playlist Playlist Playlist Satisf. Hot In M&M Cash Cab Cash Cab Satisf. Hot In _ (16) 546 553 20 Toopy Max/Rby Dinopaws Scarlett Toopy Caillou Cat/ Hat Zak Quak Truckt. Umizoo Wiggles P. Pig OLN (17) 457 411 102 Python St. Wars St. Wars Mantracker On the Hunt St. Wars St. Wars Liquid.. Liquid.. St. Wars Love It or List It Love It or _ Love It or List It \"The Perfect Roommate\" (‘11) Mass Israel CBC News Now M. Welby W (18) 567 602 274 Love It Love It or List It _ CBC News Now CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now Tribal Foundat. Mysterious Island Sue Thomas _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 700 Club Youngren New Day CBS (22) 362 282 7 M'Deal The Price Is Right News Young & Restless B & B The Talk Dr. Phil Judy STIHL First Take Sidekick Nerds Tonight _ Sidekick Numb Ch. Kid Kat Sponge TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC Piece of Piece of Top 10 Top 10 Storm _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Kid Kat Rated A Rated A Numb Ch. Squirrel Naked CNN (25) 500 500 234 News At This Hour Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead _ Pitchin 'Til Debt Rachael Ray Noon News Hour Days of Our Lives The Talk GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 News Morning Huntley CSI: Miami CSI: Miami The First 48 The First 48 First 48 _ \"Back to the Future\" (‘85,Com) Michael J. Fox. (CC) \"Back to the Future II\" (‘89) A&E (27) 520 615 202 DogB.H. CSI: Miami _ Poker Bellagio Cup Baseball MLB Kan./Det. Site: Comerica Park Detroit, Mich. MLB Best AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"I, Robot\" (‘04) Will Smith. Baseball Live Brady and Walker Live Sports _ Playlist Playlist Conan Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Continuum Beauty and Beast NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 NCIS _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Movie Continuum BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Squad Due South Blue Bloods Person of Interest Flashpoint 1/2 Cold Squad Listener _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Property Property Property Surviving Evil Surviving Evil Suburg. Suburg. 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Surviving DISC (37) 505 520 286 Ships Mighty Planes Mighty Ships Mayday H.Made H.Made Mighty Ships Bush CSI _ InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk Supernatural E! (40) 527 621 212 Pop Quiz Celebri eTalk TLC (41) 560 521 288 Hoarding My 600-lb Life Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes The Dead Files _ Miracles Decoded Border Border Border Border D.Files DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Moves Border Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Movie Stargate: SG-1 Being Human Tactics InnerSp. Stargate: SG-1 Castle 2/2 ST:TNG FAM (46) 540 556 258 Dog Blog Gaming Jessie Girl NextStep Austin Derek KC Under Girl Girl Girl Girl COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Frasier Frasier Sullivan BigBang CornerG Laughs Just for Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Frasier _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Johnny Camp Planet X Rocket Grojband Johnny Spies Jimmy B-Psycho Jimmy Jimmy Rocket HIST (49) 506 522 287 Museum Canadian Pickers MASH MASH Yukon Gold Dive Detectives Yukon Gold Swamp _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Billion Dollar ... \"Pulp\" (‘72,Comedy) Michael Caine. (CC) \"The Wilby Conspiracy\" (‘75) \"The Man Who ... _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Friends Law & Order: S.V.U. Million.. Million.. Divorce Divorce Justice Justice HotBench HotBench Queens FX (53) 251 Murdoch A Horror: Asylum Modern Girls 2½Men 2½Men Girls Girls Modern Girls 2½Men Judy _ Boss FOX (54) 363 283 10 Springer Judge Mathis Steve Wilkos Show Divorce Divorce HotBench HotBench Maury 1 Nature _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Now AM News Now Midday Justice Justice News Now PM _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid GroceryB GroceryB \"A Nanny's Revenge\" (‘12) Rescue Ghostly Undercover Boss APTN (58) 350 239 23 Warrior Heartland The Young Riders Beachcm Beachcm Nature of Things Reel Insights CIHF (115) 204 4 R. Ray Princess ET Can. Ricardo 'Til Debt Days of Our Lives The Talk Young & Restless M. Vieira The Price Is Right Feud Feud The Chew General Hospital NameG. NameG. CityLine _ Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Wild Police Videos Police CITY (133) 344 214 19 M'Deal _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Cops MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"The Mexican\" (2001,Crime Story) Julia Roberts. (CC) \"Sense and Sensibility\" (‘95) \"1941\" (‘79) Dan Aykroyd. 82 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital thuMrOsNDDAYA,YAAuPRgILu2s7t 6 PMRIOMRENTINIMGEH MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/06 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV NTV Evening Ent. Global E.T. Under the Dome Food Fighters Big Brother CTV H (5) 310 199 12 Newshour H Tonight National Canada H National H H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Here and Now Murdoch Mysteries CorrieSt Nature of Things Doc Zone News: The National CBCNews _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Odd Sqd Wild K. AutoLine PBS NewsHour Business MiWeek Michigan U. Radar Doc Martin Paradise CMT (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Spotlight Yukon Medium JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Undercover Boss \"The Banger Sisters\" (‘02) ABC News News News News InsEd. Chronicle Astronaut Wives CTV2 _ The Listener CTV News Atlantic Degrassi eTalk The Mentalist NBC 7 News 7 News 7 News News Access Extra Food Fighters (7) 361 281 11 Ellen Mistresses Rookie B _ BigBang Anger M. M&M (10) 340 202 5 Ellen Dateline NBC _ (11) 360 280 9 7 News M3 (14) 581 571 217 M&M The Mentalist The Social James Corden Reign Reign Mentalist TREE (16) 546 553 20 Walykzm Machines Guppies Pony Charmers Zak Quak Mike the Toopy Peg Cat Truckt. Cat/ Hat Caillou OLN (17) 457 411 102 Liquidator I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars St. Wars Storage Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars Liquid.. Storage W (18) 567 602 274 Love It Buying and Selling Property Brothers Masters of Flip Cedar Cove Good Witch Love/List News: The National News _ Emily of New Moon McMillan and Wife News News Big Brother Dome CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News Power and Politics Exchange with Lang CBC News Now _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 M.Welby Doc Martin Murder, She Wrote Columbo 2/2 Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 Judy News News Wheel Jeopardy! BigBang Mom TSN (23) 400 400 100 Tonight Off Rec. Interrupt SportsCentre Hockey IIHF World Junior Showcase Can./Cze. CFL Football _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 KungFu P Parents Sponge Assembly Assembly Nicky Stanley Just Kid. Just Kid. JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Haunting CNN (25) 500 500 234 TheLead The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Seventies Seventies Dome _ Behind B Movie GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News National News Hour ET Can. ET Central _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 First 48 Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Extreme Teens Scared Straight _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 Movie \"Back to the Future III\" (‘90) Michael J. Fox. (CC) \"Back to the Future\" (‘85,Com) Michael J. Fox. (CC) RSE (30) 416 406 110 Month Tim & Sid Live Blue Jays Baseball MLB Min./Tor. Site: Rogers Centre Toronto, Ont. SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Prime Time Sports Live Darts Premier League NatlIcon NatlIcon Month Highligh _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Tonight Fresh P. Simps. Throwback Thursday Throwback Thursday Throwback Thursday Tosh.0 SouthPk Triumph _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS NCIS Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"Christie's Revenge\" (‘07) Cynthia Gibb. Movie _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Listener Criminal Minds Flashpoint 1/2 Person of Interest Blue Bloods Complications Gracelnd _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Survive Law & Order: S.V.U. Surviving Evil 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Stranger Home Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Bush To Be Announced H.Made H.Made Megaspeed Dual Survival 2/2 Naked&Afraid XL Tanked! _ E! (40) 527 621 212 CSI I Am Cait TMZ eTalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live! Stewarts & 1/2 Couch _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Styled Styled Styled Styled Styled Extreme I Do's Love, Lust or Run LoveLust Styled BadDates DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 D.Files Ghost Adventures Eat Here! Eat St. Moves Moves Border Border TimeTrav TimeTrav Booze Star Trek: Voyager _ Girl Girl InnerSp. Tactics Stargate: SG-1 Castle 2/2 The Last Ship Killjoys Sullivan BigBang SPACE (44) 528 627 209 ST:TNG Gaming NextStep The X Factor \"Sharpay's Fabulous Adve... Wingin' It Derek _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Girl MatchGm CornerG Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Simps. Just for Laughs BigBang COM (47) 548 625 208 Frasier TOON (48) 544 554 254 Rocket Johnny Johnny Clarence Clarence Endangrd Endangrd Endangrd Endangrd FamilyG Awesome Archer HIST (49) 506 522 287 Swamp MASH MASH Yukon Gold Yukon Gold Swamp People American Pickers Alone Movie _ \"Deathtrap\" (‘82) Michael Caine. (CC) Carson \"Hannah and Her Sisters\" (‘86) Paid TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Man Wh... _ Middle Seinfeld Modern BigBang BigBang Browns Payne Browns Payne PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Queens Middle FX (53) 251 2½Men Girls Girls Murdoch Mysteries Girls Girls Girls Modern Sex&Drug Married Sex&Drug FOX (54) 363 283 10 Judy The People's Court Modern Modern BigBang BigBang BOOM! Bones News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Sports Square Evening News Sports Access \"Lethal Weapon\" (1987,Action) Mel Gibson. (CC) Oprah Winfrey Show Undercover Boss _ The Young Riders News APTN GroceryB GroceryB Our America 20/20 20/20 OWN (56) 507 526 285 Boss Nature of Things 1 Nature Chaos With Fire Under Back Day _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 Fish Out CIHF (115) 204 4 Vieira News National ET ET Can. Under the Dome Food Fighters Big Brother News _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine CityNews at Five CityNews at 6 Modern Modern Leaders' Debate Hannibal _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Police Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie \"Mad Dog and Glory\" (‘93) \"Eve and the Fire Horse\" \"The Mexican\" (‘01,Cri) Julia Roberts. (CC) DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 83
LATENIGHTthusrusNDDAAYY, AAuPRgILu2s6t 6 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/06 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV (5) 310 199 12 NTV Latenight News Twilight William Shatner's Ent. Meredith Vieira The Talk Scenes H NTV First Zone Weird or What? H of NFLD Edition Tonight H Patricia Arquette CBC (3) 299 200 3 TheTable 22 Mins. Mercer 22 Mins. CorrieSt CBC News Now Exchange with Lang Mercer 22 Mins. St&Chris PBS (2) 364 284 8 Paradise Scott and Bailey T. Smiley Charlie Rose Michigan U. Radar Doc Martin Death in Paradise CMT ABC _ CTV2 (6) 583 575 22 \"The Banger Si... JFL: Gags \"The Banger Sisters\" (‘02,Com) Goldie Hawn. (CC) \"The Banger Sisters\" (‘02) _ (7) 361 281 11 RookieB News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Paid Paid ABC World News Now News _ (10) 340 202 5 Hot In CTV News The Tonight Show James Corden Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NBC (11) 360 280 9 Dateline 7 News The Tonight Show Seth Meyers Last Call Today Show Paid Access H. Live M3 James Corden TREE _ Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy (14) 581 571 217 Mental. Cash Cab Cash Cab Reign Reign The Mentalist Arrow _ (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Mike the Guppies Big Big OLN (17) 457 411 102 Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars Liquid.. Storage Storage Dynamo: Magician Paid Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 LoveList Love It or List It Cougar T Cougar T Paid Paid Paid Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Ghostly News: The National Exchange with Lang National _ Super. P. Popoff Tomorrow Islam Hope CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News: The National News: The National CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Yes, PM Emily of New Moon EastEnder EastEnder EastEnders CBS (22) 362 282 7 Dome News Scorpion James Corden Paid Paid Paid Up to the Minute News _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 Football CFL Edm./BC Site: B.C. Place Stadium SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Haunting Just Kid. Just Kid. \"Marley and Me\" (2008,Drama) Owen Wilson. (CC) Victori. Assembly Assembly Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 The 70s A. Cooper 360 The Seventies CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Early _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Dome Food Fighters Big Brother News Hour Final ET Can. The Doctors ET Happened _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 BehindB The First 48 Extreme Teens Scared Straight Behind Bars The First 48 Info-Doc. _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Back to the Future II\" (‘89) \"Back to the Future III\" (‘90) Michael J. Fox. (CC) \"Groundhog Day\" (‘93) _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Month Jays 30 Poker Bellagio Cup Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Night Highlights Night Highlights The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score FScore _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Review Commun. Simps. Midnight Conan Commun. Triumph Review Midnight SouthPk Conan SHOW (34) 521 616 201 \"Arctic Blast\" (‘10) NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS South. Graceland Blue Bloods ..Interest _ Criminal Minds Complications Emerg. Emerg. Real Housewives Big Bro. BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Gracelnd The Listener Law & Order: S.V.U. Emerg. Emerg. _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Emerg. Surviving Evil DISC (37) 505 520 286 Tanked! To Be Announced Dual Survival 2/2 Naked&Afraid XL Tanked! To Be Announced Naked Stewarts & 1/2 Sex TMZ _ E! (40) 527 621 212 TMZ eTalk Pop Quiz TMZ Live! E! News Super. TLC (41) 560 521 288 BadDate LoveLust Styled 3 Bad Dates Love, Lust or Run Extreme I Do's Paid Paid Paid _ Border Border TimeTrav TimeTrav Booze Traveler Extreme Specials Foods DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Booze Ghost Adventures Castle 2/2 The Last Ship Killjoys Face Off Voyager _ Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Killjoys InnerSp. Tactics Jimmy Kimmel Live Kroll S. Kroll S. Frasier Frasier Daily Sh. Laughs J. Kimmel _ Awesome FamilyG Archer Robot Fugget Fugget TotalDra Johnny Endangrd FAM (46) 540 556 258 Warthogs Wizards GoodLk COM (47) 548 625 208 KeyPeele Daily Sh. Laughs TOON (48) 544 554 254 Robot Fugget Dating HIST (49) 506 522 287 Alone Canadian Pickers Pawn S. Pawn S. Alone American Pickers Counting Counting Pawn S. _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Ipcress File\" (‘65) \"Get Carter\" (‘71,Dra) Michael Caine. (CC) \"The Romantic Englishwoman\" (‘75) Movie _ AmerDad AmerDad Jeffers. Break \"S.W.A.T.\" (2003,Action) Samuel L. Jackson. (CC) PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Seinfeld FamilyG FamilyG FX (53) 251 Married Sex&Drug Married Sex&Drug Married Sex&Drug Married Sex&Drug Married Sons of Anarchy Anarchy FOX (54) 363 283 10 News Seinfeld Hot In Paid Cougar T Anger M. Paid Dish Anger M. Commun. Commun. Friends _ Square Sports Watchlist Watchlist Sports Square Spin Off Watchlist Morning CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Watchlist Evening News OWN (56) 507 526 285 20/20 The Devil You Know 20/20 20/20 Oprah Winfrey Show Paid Rescue Rescue Candy Chaos Fish Out 1 Nature Under Hook Up Candy Kingstar _ Hook Up News APTN Happened Paid Paid Paid Paid Huntley Paid Happened APTN (58) 350 239 23 Fish Out The Doctors ET CIHF (115) 204 4 ET Can. CITY (133) 344 214 19 Hannibal CityNews Tonight EP Daily Reviews Extra G.Martin My Life My Life Amazing Amazing CityLine RepoG RepoG Paid _ \"Another Silence\" (Drama) SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail RepoG RepoG MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming\" (‘07) \"The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc\" (‘99) 84 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES FMMriODOANYRD,AANYuAgIPNuRILsGt277 H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/07 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV NTV Early Morning Padma Canada AM Featuring the latest in international news, weather Morning 100 NTV.ca (5) 310 199 12 News H Yoga and interviews. H Huntley H CBC (3) 299 200 3 St&Chris Here and Now You & Me Arthur Moblees D.Tiger SuperW! Napkin Bookaboo Bo on Go Heart. Odd Sqd Wild K. C.George C.George D.Tiger Sesame Street _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Scott and Bailey MiWeek News Yoga CMT (6) 583 575 22 Movie JFL: Gags JFL: Gags CMT Morning CMT Morning CMT Morning #1's Music ABC (7) 361 281 11 News NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye Good Morning America Kelly and Michael S. Harvey CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CTV News Atlantic CTV Morning Live Atlantic CornerG CornerG Celebri Celebri Dr. Phil NBC (11) 360 280 9 News 7 News Today in New England Today Show 7 News Today Today M3 (14) 581 571 217 Arrow Hot In M&M Playlist Playlist 80s@8 90s@9 Playlist _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Sesame Backyard Dora Big Big Peg Cat OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Wild Things Departures Python Hunters Mantracker Beyond Survival Python W (18) 567 602 274 Rescue Paid Paid Candice Candice Say Yes Property Love/List Love It or Masters of Flip Buying CBCN (20) 390 502 13 National News: The National CBC News Now News Copeland J. Meyer _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 Youngren J. Meyer Creflo Yoga Believe Q.Study Poetry Mass Kingdom Life Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBS (22) 362 282 7 News WBZ This Morning CBS This Morning HotBench HotBench MakeDeal TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC Wayside _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly Parents Sponge Kid Kat Naked Squirrel Parents Sponge Sponge Sidekick Naked CNN (25) 500 500 234 Early Early Start New Day New Day New Day CNN Newsroom News Huntley Paid Off Air _ Early Morning News Morning News GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Groundhog ... Stooges Paid Program Stooges \"Caddyshack\" _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore The Final Score Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Highligh _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Conan Commun. Tosh.0 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 South. NCIS: Los Angeles The Outer Limits Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast \"Crimes of the Mind\" (‘14) Cold Squad Due South _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Interest Criminal Minds Flashpoint 2/2 The Listener Squad _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark ET Can. 'Til Debt Princess Princess Property Property 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Property _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Naked Shred! Auction Mayday Megaspeed Cash Cab Cash Cab Jacked! Drill _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Super. CSI: Crime Scene InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk The Social InsideBox _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Gypsy Sisters 7 Little Johnstons CakeB. CakeB. Secretly Pregnant 600-lb DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Foods Ghost Adventures Lost Lost Baggage Baggage Border Border Border Border Lost Tactics InnerSp. Being Human Star Trek: Voyager Killjoys _ Phineas Gravity Warthogs Wizards A.N.T. GoodLk Wingin' It SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Voyager Star Trek: Next Gen. Being Human _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Justin Justin Phineas COM (47) 548 625 208 Kimmel Kroll S. Kroll S. Just for Laughs R.Green R.Green CornerG MatchGm JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Laughs _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 Endangrd Endangrd Endangrd Jimmy Johnny Yu-Gi-Oh B-Psycho Johnny Rocket NinjaGo Pokémon Movie HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. MASH MASH Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Canadian Pickers Museum TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Swarm\" (‘06) \"Little Women\" (‘33) \"Sylvia Scarlett\" (‘35) Movie Commun. SVU _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Office Office Friends ThereYet Paid FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Raising Paid Paid Hometwn Good Day Good Day Rochester Dr. Phil Springer CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Morning Live First Edition Morning Live NewsNow _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid Ghostly Paid Gourmet Simple GroceryB GroceryB Candice Candice Candice Candice Paid APTN (58) 350 239 23 The Young Riders Kingstar Au Nord du 60e Chaos Chaos Under Under Hit Ice Hit Ice Voices.. CIHF (115) 204 4 Life Today Morning News Pitchin Fresh Morning Huntley R. Ray CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid BT Early Breakfast Television CityLine MakeDeal _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bar Rescue Movie _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Jetsons: The Movie\" (‘90) Celebri \"The Exorcism of Emily Rose\" (‘05) \"Lost Song\" (‘08,Dra) Suzie LeBlanc. (CC) DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 85
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNFrsiuDNADY,AAYuAgPRuILs2t67 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/07 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV NTV H The Young and the Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Judge Judge Jeopardy! Wheel of NTV First Show (5) 310 199 12 Newsday Restless Judy H Judy FortuneH Edition H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Heart. CBC News Now Recipes Kitchen Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle Dragons' Den Here Now Arthur _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Dinosaur Train DinoTrain Peg Cat Peg Cat SuperW! Thomas Cat/ Hat C.George Curious George CMT (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Wide Open CMT Music CMT Music Music ABC Ellen CTV2 _ Ellen NBC 7 News M3 (7) 361 281 11 S.Harvey The View News Million.. The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Hot In TREE P. Pig _ (10) 340 202 5 Dr. Phil CTV News eTalk Marilyn Denis Show B & B B & B The Social The Dr. Oz Show _ (11) 360 280 9 Today Today Show III 7 News at Noon Days of Our Lives The Doctors Feud Feud _ (14) 581 571 217 Playlist Playlist Playlist CornerG Hot In M&M Cash Cab Cash Cab CornerG _ (16) 546 553 20 Toopy Max/Rby Dinopaws Scarlett Toopy Caillou Cat/ Hat Zak Quak Truckt. Umizoo Wiggles OLN (17) 457 411 102 Python St. Wars St. Wars Mantracker On the Hunt St. Wars St. Wars Liquid.. Liquid.. MythHunt Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Love It or _ CBC News Now CBC News Now Mass FoodLife Tribal David Mysterious Island Sue Thomas M. Welby W (18) 567 602 274 Buying Buying and Selling _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 700 Club Healing New Day CBS (22) 362 282 7 M'Deal The Price Is Right News Young & Restless B & B The Talk Dr. Phil Judy Top 10 E:60 First Take _ Squirrel Naked Tonight Sidekick Numb Ch. Kid Kat TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC Piece of Piece of Top 10 Sidekick Numb Ch. Nicky _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Kid Kat Rated A Rated A Nerds CNN (25) 500 500 234 News At This Hour Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead Morning Huntley Noon News Hour Days of Our Lives The Talk _ Scared Straight Pitchin 'Til Debt Rachael Ray The First 48 The First 48 First 48 GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 News Scared Straight The First 48 _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Dog B.H. AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Caddyshack\" \"Groundhog Day\" (1993,Comedy) Bill Murray. (CC) \"The Rookie\" (2002,Family) Dennis Quaid. (CC) _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central NatlIcon Darts Premier League Champion Barclays Review Poker _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights Baseball Live Brady and Walker Live Sports _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Conan Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Movie Continuum Continuum Beauty and Beast NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 NCIS BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Squad Due South Blue Bloods Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint 2/2 Cold Squad Listener _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Property Property Property Surviving Evil Surviving Evil Suburg. Suburg. Emerg. Emerg. Emerg. DISC (37) 505 520 286 Drill Airshow Megaspeed Mayday To Be Announced Dual Survival 2/2 NakedAfr _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Pop Quiz Celebri eTalk InsideBox Pop Quiz Marilyn Denis Show Celebri eTalk Supernatural CSI TLC (41) 560 521 288 600-lb My 600-lb Life 2/2 Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes _ Border Border Border Border Border Border D.Files DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Lost, Sold Border Border The Dead Files SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Killjoys Stargate: SG-1 Being Human Tactics InnerSp. Stargate: SG-1 Castle ST:TNG Austin Austin _ Girl NextStep Austin Derek KC Under Austin Austin FAM (46) 540 556 258 Dog Blog Gaming Jessie COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Frasier Frasier Sullivan BigBang CornerG Laughs Just for Laughs JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Frasier _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 \"Shrek\" (‘01) Rocket Grojband Johnny Spies Jimmy B-Psycho Jimmy Jimmy Rocket _ HIST (49) 506 522 287 Museum Canadian Pickers MASH MASH Canadian Pickers Dive Detectives Canadian Pickers Pickers _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Quality Street\" \"Bringing Up Baby\" (‘38) \"Pat and Mike\" (‘52) Spencer Tracy. (CC) \"Adam's Rib\" (‘49) _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 SVU Law & Order: S.V.U. Million.. Million.. Divorce Divorce Justice Justice Paid HotBench Queens _ FX (53) 251 Murdoch A Horror: Asylum Modern Girls 2½Men 2½Men Girls Girls Modern Girls 2½Men _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Springer Judge Mathis Steve Wilkos Show Divorce Divorce HotBench HotBench Maury Judy _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Now AM News Now Midday Justice Justice News Now PM _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid GroceryB GroceryB \"A Mother's Nightmare\" (‘12) Rescue Ghostly Be the Boss Be/Boss APTN (58) 350 239 23 Voices.. Heartland The Young Riders Nature of Things Down 1 Nature Dene: A Journey Back Day _ CIHF (115) 204 4 R. Ray Princess ET Can. Ricardo 'Til Debt Days of Our Lives The Talk Young & Restless M. Vieira _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 M'Deal The Price Is Right Feud Feud The Chew General Hospital NameG. NameG. CityLine _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 \"To Be Announced\" (CC) \"To Be Announced\" (CC) Cops Cops _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Kardia\" (‘06) Mimi Kuzyk. \"The Wedding Planner\" (‘01) \"Groundhog Day\" (‘93) Bill Murray. (CC) \"The Good Ger... 86 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES PFMMrRiODIOANMYRD,AAENYuTAgIPNIuRIMLsGt277E H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/07 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV NTV Evening Ent. Global E.T. NCIS: New Orleans Mr. H Carmic- Hawaii Five-0 CTV (5) 310 199 12 Newshour H Tonight National Canada H Robinson hael (P)H H National CBC (3) 299 200 3 Here and Now Murdoch Mysteries CorrieSt Para Pan American Games Live News: The National CBCNews _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Odd Sqd Wild K. Process PBS NewsHour Business Record Aging Backwards Il Volo: Live From Pompeii CMT (6) 583 575 22 Music CMT Spotlight CMT's Hottest JFL: Gags JFL: Gags Home Videos Wheels Wheels Movie ABC News News News News CTV2 _ The Listener CTV News Atlantic InsEd. Chronicle Shark Tank You Do? 20/20 NBC 7 News 7 News 7 News News (7) 361 281 11 Ellen Degrassi eTalk Castle BigBang Anger M. Spun Out _ Access Extra America's Got Talent Dateline (10) 340 202 5 Ellen _ (11) 360 280 9 7 News M3 (14) 581 571 217 M&M The Mentalist The Social James Corden Hwood Game Night Masterchef Mentalist TREE (16) 546 553 20 Walykzm Machines Guppies Pony Charmers Zak Quak Mike the Toopy Peg Cat Truckt. Cat/ Hat Caillou OLN (17) 457 411 102 MythHunt I Shouldn't Be Alive St. Wars St. Wars Storage Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive Forbidden Storage Property Brothers Love It or List It Property Brothers _ Para Pan American Games Live Emily of New Moon Murder, She Wrote S.Wine Appear. W (18) 567 602 274 Love It Masters of Flip News News Wheel Jeopardy! Elementary \"Mr. and Mrs. Smith\" (‘05) _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News Power and Politics News: The National News _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 M.Welby Doc Martin Gaither Gospel H. Sing Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 Judy News News Hawaii Five-0 B. Bloods TSN (23) 400 400 100 Tonight Off Rec. Interrupt SportsCentre CFL Football CFL Mtl./Ott Site: TD Place Stadium Ottawa, Ont. _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Hathaway H.Danger Bella Stanley Assembly Thunder \"The Prince and Me\" (‘04) Julia Stiles. Game On Just Kid. CNN (25) 500 500 234 TheLead The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Hunt DeathRow _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News National News Hour ET Can. ET NCIS:New _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 First 48 Behind Bars Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds C.Minds _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 Movie \"Tremors\" (‘90,Horror) Kevin Bacon. (CC) \"Jaws\" (‘75) Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider. Movie RSE (30) 416 406 110 Poker Tim & Sid Live Blue Jays Baseball MLB Tor./N.Y. Y. Site: Yankee Stadium Bronx, N.Y. Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Prime Time Sports Live WWE Main Event WWE Super Smackdown Aft.math _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Tonight Fresh P. Simps. Dance Party Friday Dance Party Friday Dance Party Friday Tosh.0 Midnight Midnight _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS NCIS Rookie Blue Beauty and Beast Continuum Continuum Movie _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Listener Criminal Minds Flashpoint 2/2 Twice in a Lifetime Blue Bloods Missing Missing _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Emerg. Law & Order: S.V.U. Surviving Evil 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Fatal Vows \"The Social Network\" (‘10) DISC (37) 505 520 286 NakedAfr Tanked! H.Made H.Made Mighty Planes Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Mayday _ E! (40) 527 621 212 CSI Stewarts & 1/2 TMZ eTalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live! Hollywood Cycle The Soup _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Yes Dress Say Yes Say Yes To Be Announced To Be Announced Love, Lust or Run LoveLust Styled BadDates DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 D.Files Ghost Adventures Eat Here! Eat St. Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Star Trek: Voyager _ Austin Austin InnerSp. InnerSp. Stargate: SG-1 Castle Killjoys Dark Sullivan BigBang SPACE (44) 528 627 209 ST:TNG Hank Z NextStep Playlist Playlist \"Teen Beach Movie 2\" (‘15) The X Factor _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Austin MatchGm CornerG Laughs JFL: Gags Just for Laughs Just for Laughs BigBang COM (47) 548 625 208 Frasier TOON (48) 544 554 254 Rocket Johnny Johnny NinjaGo StarWars T.Cats T.Cats T.Cats T.Cats \"Fantastic 4: Rise of the ... HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pickers MASH MASH Canadian Pickers Ice Road Truckers Alone _ The Dick Cavett Show Seinfeld Modern BigBang BigBang Mysterious Ruins Vikings TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Woman of the Year\" (‘42) \"Alice Adams\" (‘35) Katharine Hepburn. Movie PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Queens Middle Middle Browns Payne Browns Payne Modern FX (53) 251 2½Men Girls Girls Murdoch Mysteries Girls Girls Girls Modern \"Fatal Trust\" (‘06) Carol Alt. FOX (54) 363 283 10 Judy The People's Court Modern Modern BigBang BigBang Masterchef Gotham News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 News Sports Square Evening News Sports Access The Pinkertons Simps. Simps. 20/20 _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Be/Boss Oprah Winfrey Show Makeover: Home GroceryB GroceryB \"The Many Trials of One Jane Doe\" Movie _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 U=US The Young Riders News APTN Exhibit A Exhibit A Longmire \"A Cry in the Dark\" (‘88) CIHF (115) 204 4 Vieira News National ET ET Can. NCIS: New Orleans Robinson Carm. Hawaii Five-0 News CityNews at 6 _ Cops Jail CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine CityNews at Five Modern Modern Escape Illusions Between Girls _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops To Be Announced MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"The Good Ger... \"The Exorcism of Emily Rose\" (‘05) \"Kardia\" (‘06) Mimi Kuzyk. \"Air Force One\" (‘97) _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 87
LATENIGHTFrsiuDNADY,AAYuAgPRuILs2t67 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital LOCAL MOVIES H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS 08/07 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV (5) 310 199 12 NTV Latenight News Twilight Ent. Captain Atlantis Special Presentation William Shatner's Scenes of Zone Tonight Weird or What? H Newfoundland H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Like Me Like Me CorrieSt Standing Canada CBC News Now Exchange with Lang Mercer 22 Mins. St&Chris PBS (2) 364 284 8 Il Volo: Live From Pompeii '60s & '70s Slow S. 30 Days Young Heart '60s & '70s Slow S. CMT (6) 583 575 22 \"Friday Night Lights\" (‘04) Wheels \"Friday Night Lights\" (‘04) Lucas Black, Billy Bob Thornton. ABC CTV2 _ (7) 361 281 11 20/20 News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Paid Paid Comedy.TV Latino America Paid _ James Corden Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid (10) 340 202 5 Hot In CTV News The Tonight Show NBC (11) 360 280 9 Dateline 7 News The Tonight Show Seth Meyers Last Call Today Show Paid Access H. Live _ M3 (14) 581 571 217 Mental. Cash Cab Cash Cab Hwood Game Night Masterchef James Corden The Mentalist Family _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy Mike the Guppies Big Big OLN (17) 457 411 102 Storage I Shouldn't Be Alive Forbidden Storage Storage Wild Things Canada Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 \"Mr. & Mrs. ... \"Bride Wars\" (‘09) Kate Hudson. (CC) Say Yes Say Yes Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Ghostly _ News: The National News: The National National Super. P. Popoff VanImpe Israel Hope CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News: The National News: The National CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Sing Emily of New Moon EastEnder EastEnder EastEnders CBS (22) 362 282 7 BlueB. News Scorpion James Corden Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Homes SC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ SC SportsCentre TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsCentre YTV (24) 542 551 21 Just Kid. Haunting Haunting \"The Prince and Me\" (‘04) Julia Stiles. Big Time Victori. Assembly Assembly Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 DeathRow Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories CNN Newsroom News _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 NCIS:New Robinson Carm. Hawaii Five-0 News Hour Final ET Can. The Doctors ET Treasure _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 C.Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Info-Doc. _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Fantastic Four\" (‘05) Ioan Gruffudd. \"Tremors\" (‘90,Horror) Kevin Bacon. (CC) \"Fantastic Four\" (‘05) Ioan Gruffudd. (CC) _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Baseball MLB Bal./L.A. A. Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highlights Night Highlights Night Highlights The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score FScore MM (33) 580 570 220 Midnight Midnight Simps. Work Tosh.0 Simps. Simps. Another Triumph Review Tosh.0 Tosh.0 SHOW (34) 521 616 201 \"The Blind Side\" (2009,Sport) Sandra Bullock. (CC) \"The Blind Side\" (‘09) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. Movie B. Bloods _ Big Bro. Tanked! BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Missing The Listener Criminal Minds Perception Perception Perception Super. _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 \"The Social Ne... Emerg. Law & Order: S.V.U. \"The Social Network\" (‘10,Bio) Jesse Eisenberg. (CC) Suburg. _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Mayday Mayday Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Mayday Mayday _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Comments eTalk Pop Quiz TMZ Live! Hollywood Cycle The Soup Comment E! News TLC (41) 560 521 288 BadDates LoveLust Styled 3 Bad Dates To Be Announced To Be Announced Paid Paid Paid _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border Border Border Border Border Baggage Baggage BorderNZ BorderNZ Border Border Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Dark InnerSp. InnerSp. Killjoys Dark Matter Castle Face Off Voyager _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 The X Factor GoodLk Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek COM (47) 548 625 208 BigBang Just for Laughs Jimmy Kimmel Live KeyPeele Buress Frasier Frasier Just for Laughs J. Kimmel TOON (48) 544 554 254 Movie Robot Dating \"Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer\" Robot Canyon T.Cats T.Cats Movie HIST (49) 506 522 287 Vikings Canadian Pickers \"The Last Samurai\" (‘03) Ken Watanabe, Tom Cruise. Pawn S. Pawn S. _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Sea of Grass\" (‘47) \"Mary of Scotland\" (‘36) The Dick Cavett Show Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid FamilyG FamilyG AmerDad AmerDad Jeffers. Break \"The Stepfather\" (‘09) Dylan Walsh. (CC) Paid FX (53) 251 Movie \"Fatal Trust\" (2006,Drama) Carol Alt. (CC) \"Fatal Trust\" (2006,Drama) Carol Alt. (CC) Sons of Anarchy Anarchy FOX (54) 363 283 10 News Seinfeld Hot In Paid Cougar T Anger M. Paid Dish Anger M. Commun. Commun. Friends _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 20/20 Evening News Being Frank Watchlist Watchlist Sports Square Spin Off \"His Girl Friday\" _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 \"Precious\" (‘09) Gabourey Sidibe. (CC) \"Precious\" (2009,Drama) Gabourey Sidibe. (CC) Paid Rescue Rescue _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 \"A Cry in the D... News APTN Candy \"A Cry in the Dark\" (‘88,True Story) Meryl Streep. (CC) Candy Kingstar _ CIHF (115) 204 4 ET Can. The Doctors ET Treasure Paid Paid Paid Paid Huntley Paid Paid CITY (133) 344 214 19 2½Men CityNews Tonight EP Daily Reviews Extra G.Martin Paid Paid Paid Paid CityLine SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 TBA Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Wild Police Videos Paid \"Normal\" (‘07,Dra) Carrie-Anne Moss. (CC) \"Margarita\" (‘12) \"Not Another Teen Movie\" Movie _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie 88 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital sAMtuOrNDADYA,YAAuPgRILu2s7t 8 MORNINGH MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/08 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 NTV NTV.ca NTV First NTV Early Morning 16x9 Marc and Dive Detectives NTV.ca NTV.ca Edition H News Mandy (5) 310 199 12 H H H CBC (3) 299 200 3 St&Chris Dirtworld Poko MathSqd News Animal SuperW! RubySkye Fun Hunt Arthur Goldfish Edible I. F&Porter Sew Easy C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Yoga for Arthritis Financial _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Brain Maker With CMT (6) 583 575 22 \"Friday Night Lights\" (‘04) Old School CMT Music #1's Music _ NewsCenter 5 Eye Wild C. Ocean M. S.Rescue ABC (7) 361 281 11 Chronicle NewsCenter 5 Eye NewsCenter 5 Eye GMA Saturday CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid Frisky Paid Paid Worst Handyman Paid Paid Degrassi Marilyn Denis Show Op. Smile NBC (11) 360 280 9 1st Look Hollywd. Money 7 News Today Saturday Today 7 News Today in New England Earth to M3 (14) 581 571 217 Family Hot In M&M Now & Then Now & Then Now & Then Now & Then NowThen TREE (16) 546 553 20 Wonder Cat/ Hat Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Rby Dinopaws Big Big Guppies Octonaut Mike the Truckt. OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Wild Things Departures Python Hunters Dirt Trax RCTV Canada Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 Rescue Paid Paid Masters of Flip Love It or List It Love It or List It W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBCN (20) 390 502 13 National CBC News: The National Believe Islam CBC News Now News Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier Invasion Mass Kalam Gurbani Interfaith Fursat _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 P. Popoff Super. Creflo Yoga CBS (22) 362 282 7 CARS.TV WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning CBS This Morning Saturday LuckyDog TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre Soccer _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 iCarly Parents Sponge Sidekick Sidekick Squirrel Nerds Numb Ch. Sponge Sponge Parents Parents CNN (25) 500 500 234 News CNN Newsroom New Day Saturday New Day Saturday New Day Saturday Smerconish News Huntley Paid _ Paid Off Air Paid Paid A.North Fishful Saturday Morning News GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid A&E (27) 520 615 202 Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Dog Bounty Hunter Dog Bounty Hunter Flipping Vegas Flipping AMC (28) 609 293 564 Movie HUMANS Hell on Wheels Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central NatlIcon Soccer EPL Live The Final Score _ Work Tosh.0 Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Highligh SN360 (31) 403 410 101 FScore Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Another SHOW (34) 521 616 201 \"The Bucket List\" (‘07) The Outer Limits Beauty and Beast Paid Paid Paid Paid NCIS Twice in a Lifetime Flash _ Paid Paid FatalVow Highway Thru Hell Ships BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 BlueB. Criminal Minds Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing Parks Parks Parks Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Big Brother: After Dark 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Princess Princess Paid Paid _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Tanked! Edge of Alaska ColdWaterCowboy Don't Drive Here... Highway Thru Hell _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Super. CSI: Crime Scene Spun Out Spun Out InsideBox Brave Parks Parks _ TLC (41) 560 521 288 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border Border Border Live Here Live Here Live Here Live Here Paid Moves Moves Paid Border SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Voyager Star Trek: Next Gen. Stargate: SG-1 Stargate: SG-1 Stargate: SG-1 Stargate: SG-1 SG-1 _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Buzz ReallyMe Warthogs Wingin' It Slugterra The 7D Gravity Gaming Warthogs Austin I Didn't KC Under COM (47) 548 625 208 Kimmel KeyPeele Buress Just for Laughs Comedy Now Cash Cab Cash Cab Just for Laughs Movie TOON Jimmy Camp Movie HIST _ Canadian Pickers Endangrd NinjaGo TomJerry Adv.Time Annoying Johnny Pickers (48) 544 554 254 \"Shrek\" (‘01) Canadian Pickers Paid Paid Paid Paid _ (49) 506 522 287 Pawn S. MASH MASH TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Undercurrent\" (‘46) \"Things to Come\" (‘36) \"Drum\" (‘76) Warren Oates. \"Scarlet Pimper... _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid D.Tales Animal R. Dragon Think Big On Spot Places P.Affair FX (53) 251 Anarchy Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Murdoch Mysteries Da Vinci _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Raising Paid BigBang Paid Paid Live Life America Career Think Big Stanton Y. Icons Market CHCH (55) 345 218 17 \"His Girl Friday\" Spin Off Watchlist TopAgent Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Puppy Puppy Puppy GroceryB GroceryB Oprah _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Paid Ghostly Paid ER Vets ER Vets Puppy APTN (58) 350 239 23 The Young Riders Kingstar Garderie Bizou Raven Doggy Takuginai Louis Morning WaposB P. Echo CIHF (115) 204 4 Paid News Ancest. Re-Inv. WhatNme RealFish FishCan. A.North Fishful Trashopolis Power TV CITY (133) 344 214 19 CityLine Paid Stuffed CityLine Murdoch Mysteries Gente Da Nossa The Quon Panorama Eye Asia _ SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program \"To Be Announced\" (CC) _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Lost Song\" (‘08) Granpa / \"I Now Pronounce You Chuc... \"Crash\" (‘96,Psy) James Spader. (CC) Movie _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 89
ALFATTEERNNIGOHOTNsAtsuurNDDAAYY, AAuPRgILu2s6t 8 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/08 R SD Vu 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 NTV Eyewit- Enterta- Made L. City H Go Dimes- Ex-Wives Lost Girl On the TheSim- The (5) 310 199 12 ness News in. News Here H Wrestling Riding TV tore Fish. of Rock H Mark H psons H Simpsons CBC (3) 299 200 3 Cat/ Hat Edible I. Edible I. Recipes Kitchen Edge of East Doc Zone Nature of Things Pan Am PBS (2) 364 284 8 Financial Solutions 30 Days Young Heart Aging Backwards Brain Maker With Travel Chevrolet Countdown _ News RawTrav. Paid CMT's Hottest BestChow BestChow CashCari CMT (6) 583 575 22 CMT Music Traveler Hazelton World of X Games Olympics _ ABC (7) 361 281 11 Wildlife D Outback Explore CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Op.Smile Breaking Point Paid Paid The Social Once Upon a Time \"Luna: Spirit of the Whale\" LazyTown Soccer EPL _ NBC (11) 360 280 9 Poppy Cat Ruff-Ruff Astro Swimming World Ch. Motocr. M3 (14) 581 571 217 NowThen Chasing Chasing Hwood Game Night Masterchef So You Think You Can Dance Wonder _ TREE (16) 546 553 20 Pony Charmers Dora&Fr. Big Big Toopy Caillou Cat/ Hat Zak Quak Wiggles Backyard Mike the Truckt. OLN (17) 457 411 102 Paid Paid Paid Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild W (18) 567 602 274 W&Grace W&Grace \"Marley and Me\" (2008,Drama) Owen Wilson. (CC) Masters of Flip Masters of Flip Say Yes Pyar Hi CBCN (20) 390 502 13 CBC News Now CBC News Now _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Gurbani Watno Dur Gaunda Mehak TV Punjabi Vatan Virasat Quran S. Punjab Pyar Hi CBS (22) 362 282 7 Dr. Chris Innovate RecRehab All In Changers PGA Tour Special Golf PGA Bridgestone Invitational TSN (23) 400 400 100 Soccer EPL Live Motoring Curling Brier Calgary, Alta. Final Top 10 Soccer _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Brdwnrs Ninja SanjayCr \"Ella Enchanted\" (‘04) Anne Hathaway. Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 News CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Saturday Morning News FishCan. RealFish Power TV Driving Golf PGA Bridgestone Invitational _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 Flipping Flipping Vegas Lachey's Lachey's Lachey's Lachey's Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie S. Wars _ AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Jaws\" (‘75) Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider. \"The Shawshank Redemption\" (‘94) Tim Robbins. RSE (30) 416 406 110 Soccer EPL Live MLB Best Blue Jays Baseball MLB Tor./N.Y. Y. Site: Yankee Stadium Bronx, N.Y. Baseball _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Morning Highlights WWE Monday Night Raw WWE Super Smackdown _ MM (33) 580 570 220 Playlist Playlist Clevela. Clevela. Fresh P. Fresh P. \"Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming\" Movie _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS \"The Blind Side\" (‘09) _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Flash Missing Cold Justice Proof Complications Murder in the First Gracelnd _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 FatalVow Stranger Home 'Til Debt \"Sherlock Holmes\" (‘09) Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr.. \"Sherlock Holm... _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Ships Mayday Alaska/Frontier Mayday Mayday Barrett-Jackson Live _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Parks Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Kardash Kardash Kardash Kardash Kardash TLC (41) 560 521 288 Yes Dress Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life 600-lb DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border BorderNZ BorderNZ Border Border Border Border Baggage Baggage Border Border BorderNZ SPACE (44) 528 627 209 SG-1 Panic Button Geeks/ Geeks/ Face Off \"To Be Announced\" (CC) Movie _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Jessie Liv/Mad Playlist \"Teen Beach Movie 2\" (‘15) Hank Z Phineas Gravity GoodLk I Didn't Liv/Mad COM (47) 548 625 208 \"About a Boy\" (‘02) BigBang BigBang \"Road Trip: Beer Pong\" (‘09) \"About a Boy\" (‘02) _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 \"Scooby Doo ... Spies Pokémon Dino Yu-Gi-Oh Transf. Battle 5 Planet X Planet X Planet X Planet X _ HIST (49) 506 522 287 Pickers Restoration Garage Ice Road Truckers Counting Counting America Unearthed America Unearthed Aliens _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Scarlet Pimp... \"Santa Fe Trail\" (‘40) Errol Flynn. (CC) \"Seven Angry Men\" (‘55) \"The Naked and the Dead\" _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Atlanta TrustDale Paid \"Confessions of a Shopaholic\" (‘09) Paid Friends Paid Friends Movie FX (53) 251 Da Vinci American Horror American Horror American Horror Amer.Horror 1/2 Amer.Horror 2/2 A.Horror _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Weekend Marketplace \"Cold Mountain\" (‘03) Jude Law, Nicole Kidman. Paid Paid Judy _ CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Paid Home Paid Marc Paid Watchlist \"The Fabulous Dorseys\" (‘47) \"Lucky You\" (‘07) OWN (56) 507 526 285 Oprah Master Class Iyanla, Fix My Life Livin' Lozada \"Little Miss Sunshine\" (‘06) Abigail Breslin. (CC) _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 P. Echo P. Echo T.Drama The Young Riders Longmire \"A Cry in the Dark\" (‘88,True Story) Meryl Streep. (CC) CIHF (115) 204 4 Driving TV Junk Junk To Be Announced Collect Simps. Simps. Simps. Ancest. Re-Inv. Weird CITY (133) 344 214 19 Buy/Sell Polish Studio World Vision Murdoch Mysteries Shopping Channel Shopping Channel Liquid.. SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 \"To Be Announ... \"To Be Announced\" (CC) \"To Be Announced\" (CC) _ MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Equilibrium\" (‘02) \"Being There\" (‘79) Peter Sellers. (CC) \"Legend\" (‘86) Tom Cruise. \"Caddyshack\" _ 90 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %% Bell Aliant Digital sAMtuOrNDADYA,YAAuPgRILu2s7t 8 PMRIOMRENTINIMGEH MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/08 R SD Vu 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 NTV NTV Week Eyewitn- Global \"Me, Myself and Irene\" (‘00) Chris Cooper, Jim Twilight Rookie Blue National (5) 310 199 12 in ReviewH ess News National Carrey. H Zone H H News H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Pan American Live News MarketP. Reel East Coast Para Pan American Games Live Child _ PBS (2) 364 284 8 Europe Travel Skills Starlight Ballroom (My Music) Alfio: In Concert '60s & '70s Slow S. _ CMT (6) 583 575 22 CashCari Deal/It Deal/It Wheels Wheels Wipeout Canada Reba Reba Yukon Medium Last Man ABC (7) 361 281 11 Olympics E:60 News News Ins. Ed. Chronicle Home Videos Boston EMS My Life Social _ CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Movie CornerG CornerG eTalk Flashpoint Primeval Comedy Comedy W5 NBC (11) 360 280 9 Motocr. Equest. Breeder's ... 7 News News Access Hollywood Running Wild Aquarius Hannibal M3 Reign Reign TREE _ Pony Chasing Chasing Tattoos Tattoos DateNakd Charmers Dora&Fr. Peg Cat (14) 581 571 217 Wonder Pretty Little Liars Toopy Mike the Truckt. Charmers Caillou _ (16) 546 553 20 Dinopaws Machines Guppies OLN (17) 457 411 102 Wild Wild Things Liquid.. Liquid.. St. Wars Liquid.. Mantracker St. Wars Liquid.. Liquid.. _ W (18) 567 602 274 \"Bride Wars\" (‘09,Com) Kate Hudson. (CC) \"Monster-in-Law\" (‘05,Comedy) Jennifer Lopez. (CC) \"What to Expect When You... CBCN (20) 390 502 13 News News At Issue National One/One Nature of Things the fifth estate National MarketP. Pass. Eye _ Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier VISION (21) 394 650 64 Rangli D. Tehlka Sardari Gaunda Dharkan S. Punjab Punjab Mulaqat Punjab Des Pardes Aikam Time Zones: Atlantic/Labrador: .5hr earlier • Eastern: 1.5hr earlier Central: 2.5hr earlier • Mountain: 3.5hr earlier • Pacific: 4.5hr earlier CBS (22) 362 282 7 Golf Bridgestone Invitational News News Wheel Jeopardy! Hawaii Five-0 48 Hours 48 Hours SportsCentre _ Assembly Max Football CFL Sask./Tor. Site: Rogers Centre Toronto, Ont. Soccer Smerconish TSN (23) 400 400 100 Soccer MLS K.C./Tor Simps. Simps. Beach Bash Live \"My Babysitter's a Vampire\" So Weird JFL: Gags S. Wars S. Wars The Seventies _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Thunder Thunder Thunder The Seventies The Hunt The Hunt CNN (25) 500 500 234 News CNN Newsroom Simps. National News Hour 16x9 Canada _ S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Golf Bridgestone Invitational _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Joe Kidd\" (‘72,West) Clint Eastwood. (CC) \"High Plains Drifter\" (‘73,West) Clint Eastwood. (CC) Hell on Wheels Hell on RSE (30) 416 406 110 Baseball MLB S.F./Chi.C. Site: Wrigley Field Baseball MLB Bos./Det. Site: Comerica Park Detroit, Mich. Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 WWE WWE Main Event Soccer EPL Soccer EPL Highligh _ MM (33) 580 570 220 \"Dark Skies\" (‘13) VideoFlow VideoFlow Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. Movie _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 \"The Blind Side\" (‘09) Beauty and Beast \"Ghost Storm\" (‘12) Crystal Allen. (CC) \"Resident Evil: Retribution\" _ BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Gracelnd Suits Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing \"Tom Dick and Harriet\" (‘12) _ SLICE (36) 562 601 272 \"Sherlock Holmes: A Ga... Fatal Vows Handsome Devils Stranger Home \"Sherlock Holmes: A Ga... _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Bar-Jack Highway Thru Hell H.Made H.Made Cash Cab Cash Cab Deadliest Catch Deadly Catch 2/2 Outlaws _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Kardash TMZ Brave InsideBox Spun Out Spun Out BH Pawn BH Pawn \"The Good Times Are Killi... TLC (41) 560 521 288 600-lb My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Border NZ Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Ghost Adventures D.Files SPACE (44) 528 627 209 \"Transmorphers: Fall of ... Geeks/ Geeks/ Face Off Doctor Who \"Reign of Fire\" (‘02) _ FAM (46) 540 556 258 Dog Blog Jessie Gaming Derek NextStep The X Factor Hank Z \"Hatching Pete\" (‘09) Movie COM (47) 548 625 208 Movie BigBang BigBang Just for Laughs Just for Laughs BigBang BigBang Just for Laughs Laughs TOON (48) 544 554 254 Planet X B-Psycho B-Psycho B-Psycho B-Psycho \"Good Boy!\" (‘03) Molly Shannon. (CC) Awesome Fugget Movie HIST (49) 506 522 287 Aliens Hangar 1: UFO Files Ice Road Truckers Mysterious Ruins Battle Castle \"Robin Hood: Prince of Th... _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"The Naked &... \"Action in the North Atlantic\" (‘43) Julie Bishop. \"East of Eden\" (‘55) James Dean. (CC) Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 \"The Spy Next Door\" (‘10) Family Mr. Box Commun. Atlanta Middle Middle \"The Taking of Pelham 1,... _ FX (53) 251 A.Horror American Horror Murdoch Mysteries Da Vinci's City Hall Murdoch Mysteries Seed Package Murdoch _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Judy Paid BigBang BigBang Paid RingHonorWrestling Home Free Knock Knock Live News CHCH (55) 345 218 17 \"Lucky You\" (‘07) Eric Bana. Evening News Operation Smile 48 Hours 48 Hours _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Locator Murder in Paradise Murder in Paradise Waters of Crime Motives & Murders Motives & Murders Final 24 APTN (58) 350 239 23 With Fire The Young Riders Heartland Longmire HardRock HardRock \"The Affair of the Necklace\" CIHF (115) 204 4 Weird News National 16x9 Canada Sings Canada Sings True Crime Scene News _ CITY (133) 344 214 19 Paid Modern Modern CityNews CityNews Out There Out There Family Seed Package Package Murdoch SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Auction Auction Auction Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Auction Auction Cops MPIX (306) 612 304 570 \"Caddyshack\" \"Dumb and Dumber\" (‘94) Jim Carrey. \"Dumb & Dumberer: Whe... \"My Sister's Keeper\" (‘09) _ DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 91
LATENIGHTsAtsuurNDDAAYY, AAuPRgILu2s6t 8 R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite %%Bell Aliant Digital H MUST SEE TV REALITY CHILDREN SPORTS NEWS LOCAL MOVIES 08/08 R SD Vu 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 NTV Entertain. Enterta- Saturday Night Live Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight TheSim- Scenes of (5) 310 199 12 News in. News H Zone H Zone Zone Zone psons H Newfoundland H CBC (3) 299 200 3 Child \"Barrymore\" (‘11) Christopher Plummer. Janet King Dragons' Den Recipes Kitchen Edible I. _ Pain Prescription Yukon Medium Last Man PBS (2) 364 284 8 Songs Simon & Garfunkel 30 Days Young Heart Disease Proof _ CMT (6) 583 575 22 Last Man Reba Reba Yukon Medium Last Man Last Man Reba Reba ABC (7) 361 281 11 My Life News Bianca Castle Glee Sanctuary House Garden Homeown CTV2 Paid NBC _ Paid M3 Tattoos TREE (10) 340 202 5 W5 CTV News LOL :-) The Mentalist Laughs Tactics Paid Paid Paid Paid Big Big _ (11) 360 280 9 Hannibal 7 News Saturday Night Live AStanley Extra Weekend 1st Look OpenNYC Paid _ (14) 581 571 217 DateNakd \"Two Weeks Notice\" (‘02) \"Music and Lyrics\" (‘07,Romance) Hugh Grant. (CC) Family _ (16) 546 553 20 Mike the Big Big Max/Rby Backyard Guppies Umizoo Fresh B. Max/Rby Toopy Mike the Guppies OLN (17) 457 411 102 Liquidator Mantracker On the Hunt Conspiracy Theory Wild Things Canadian Paid Paid W (18) 567 602 274 \"What to Exp... \"Monster-in-Law\" (‘05,Comedy) Jennifer Lopez. (CC) Say Yes Paid Paid Rescue Ghostly _ CBCN (20) 390 502 13 Pass.E Doc Zone National One/One The Passionate Eye National At Issue National One/One N.Things _ VISION (21) 394 650 64 Aikam PunjabDi Lashkara Waqt 4 U Success Vehra J. Meyer 5Seekers J. Meyer Tomorrow _ CBS (22) 362 282 7 48Hours News Gourmet White Collar Leverage Murdoch Mysteries DestinTV Storm Paid _ TSN (23) 400 400 100 Soccer MLS RSL/Van SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC _ YTV (24) 542 551 21 Haunting Haunting Haunting \"My Babysitter's a Vampire\" So Weird Big Time Victori. Assembly Assembly Thunder CNN (25) 500 500 234 TheHunt The Hunt F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files News _ GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Canada Canada Sings True Crime Scene News Saturday Night Live PartyPoker Paid _ A&E (27) 520 615 202 S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars Info-Doc. AMC (28) 609 293 564 Hell on \"The Shawshank Redemption\" (‘94) Tim Robbins. Hell on Wheels \"Jeepers Creepers 2\" (‘03) _ RSE (30) 416 406 110 Central Jays 30 GottaSee Poker European Tour Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central _ SN360 (31) 403 410 101 Highligh Night Highlights Night Highlights The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score FScore _ MM (33) 580 570 220 \"Dark Skies\" (‘13) Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Clevela. _ SHOW (34) 521 616 201 Movie \"Resident Evil: Extinction\" (‘07) \"Resident Evil: Afterlife\" (‘10) NCIS NCIS BRAVO (35) 523 620 203 Movie \"Bandits\" (2001,Comedy) Bruce Willis. (CC) \"Heartbreakers\" (‘01) Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sigourney Weaver. SLICE (36) 562 601 272 \"Sherlock Ho... \"Sherlock Holmes\" (‘09) Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr.. Real Housewives Suburg. Big Bro. _ DISC (37) 505 520 286 Outlaws To Be Announced Deadly Catch 2/2 Street Outlaws Deadliest Catch Gold Rush _ E! (40) 527 621 212 Movie Spun Out Spun Out \"The Good Times Are Killing Me\" (‘08) BH Pawn BH Pawn Parks Parks Parks TLC (41) 560 521 288 MyGiant My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life Paid Paid Paid _ DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 D.Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files The Dead Files Ghost Adventures D.Files _ SPACE (44) 528 627 209 Movie \"Age of Dinosaurs\" (‘13) Treat Williams. \"Alien III\" (1992,Sci-Fi) Sigourney Weaver.(CC) \"AVP: Alien vs.... FAM (46) 540 556 258 \"Avalon High\" GoodLk Wingin' It Wingin' It Buzz Wizards ReallyMe Derek Slugterra Warthogs Derek _ COM (47) 548 625 208 Laughs Comedy Now \"21 and Over\" (‘13,Com) Miles Teller. (CC) \"Road Trip: Beer Pong\" (‘09) KeyPeele _ TOON (48) 544 554 254 \"Scary Movie\" (‘00) \"Scary Movie\" (‘00) Shannon Elizabeth. Fugget Awesome \"Good Boy!\" (‘03) _ HIST (49) 506 522 287 \"Robin Hood: Prince of ... Hangar 1: UFO Files Ancient Aliens America Unearthed America Unearthed Hangar 1 _ TCM (50) 539 292 204 \"Abe Lincoln in Illinois\" \"Desperate Journey\" (‘42) Errol Flynn. \"God is My Co-Pilot\" (‘45) Movie _ PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Movie FamilyG FamilyG Seinfeld Seinfeld Queens Queens \"Bad Boys II\" (2003,Action) Martin Lawrence. (CC) FX (53) 251 Murdoch Da Vinci's City Hall Seed Package Murdoch Mysteries Seed Package Sons of Anarchy Anarchy _ FOX (54) 363 283 10 Paid Golan Lucas RingHonorWrestling Anger M. Paid Cougar T Anger M. Paid BigBang Burn CHCH (55) 345 218 17 48Hours Evening News Game Time Watchlist \"The Painted Veil\" (‘06,Romance) Naomi Watts. (CC) _ OWN (56) 507 526 285 Final 24 Rescue Ghostly Unfaithful Unfaithful Unfaithful Ghostly Rescue Rescue _ APTN (58) 350 239 23 \"The Affair of t... Blackstone Candy \"The Affair of the Necklace\" (‘01) Hilary Swank. (CC) Candy Kingstar _ CIHF (115) 204 4 TV With TV With Saturday Night Live PartyPoker Paid Paid Paid Off Air CITY (133) 344 214 19 Murdoch CityNews Weekends The Beat G.Martin CityLine Paid Paid Paid Paid CityLine Paid _ \"U.S. Marshals\" SPIKE (279) 584 628 211 Cops Cops \"To Be Announced\" (CC) \"To Be Announced\" (CC) MPIX (306) 612 304 570 Movie \"Being There\" (‘79) Peter Sellers. (CC) \"The Fugitive\" (1993,Thriller) Harrison Ford. (CC) 92 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AuGuST 2 - 8, 2015
SNAPPY CASH PUZZLE WIN A CASH PRIZE OF $50, $30 OR $20 Each evening, during The NTV ACROSS 39 Mouse’s cousin chart Evening Newshour and The NTV 1 Nut’s partner 41 Norse thunder 11 Firetruck need Sunday Evening Newshour, 5 Encountered 17 Female deer join Danielle Butt to see if the 8 “The lady — god 19 Drench number on the front cover of protest too 42 Tolerates 22 French much” 45 Cheap your Newfoundland Herald 12 Great Lake 49 Serves as a legislature matches one of the three 13 Raw mineral 24 Speedometer LUCKY NUMBERS on screen. 14 Franc go-between replacement 51 — Minor stat If so, the first 15 On the briny 52 Andy’s pal of 25 Midafternoon, person to call NTV 16 Legally at (709) 722-5015 requires old radio in a way or 1-855-NTVUWIN 18 Fluffy dessert 53 Have bills 26 Discard within 30 minutes 54 Hammer’s 27 Take a will ... WIN CASH! 20 Butter-and- sugar candy target vacation tour * Every eligible qualifier must provide 55 Dexterous 29 Fish eggs NTV with the winning Herald Cover. 21 Billions of 56 Tiny 30 Wifely address years 57 Dilbert’s 33 Winter forecast 36 Cruel person 23 Always, in workplace 38 In the vicinity verse DOWN 40 Earl Grey, e.g. 42 “Diary of — 24 Flies south for 1 Shaft of light the winter, e.g. 2 Approximately Housewife” 3 Stead 43 Everlys’ hit, 28 Standard 4 Quick preview 31 Bakery offering 5 Impetus “Let It —” 32 Mila of “That 6 Historic time 44 Pack away 7 Camp shelter 46 Scottish hillside ’70s Show” 8 Be way too 47 Egyptian 34 Neither mate 35 Slugs loud for fertility 37 Captains of 9 Leading goddess 10 Genealogy 48 Chat industry 50 Ram’s mate WIN CASH! Complete this puzzle and send it in for your chance to win a cash prize of $50, $30 or $20. Winners to be drawn on August 31, 2015. Mail the completed puzzle – along with your name, address and telephone number – to: August Cash Puzzle, c/o The Newfoundland Herald, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7. NAME: ADDRESS: DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 93
BOOK BONUS: BY JACK CANFIELD THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES HOW TO GET FROM WHERE YOU ARE TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE “Jack’s message is simple, powerful, and practical. If you work the principles, the principles work. A must- read for those who want to create the successful life about which they dream.” – Andrew Puzder, president and CEO of CKE Restaurants, Inc., Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s, and La Salsa WFOREWORD and had a 2-year-old son. He was on top of the world. ith stories like these – and thousands more That is, until his world turned upside down. Literally. that have poured in – when it came time to He was in an automobile accident that threw his car prepare the 10th Anniversary Edition of The end-over-end three times, leaving him with a cata- Success Principles, I quickly real- strophic brain injury. ized that I could produce an en- Suddenly, Forrest found tire companion book filled with himself incapable of doing even just the inspiring and fascinat- the simplest tasks – with his ing stories we’ve received from beautiful wife now teaching him readers over the last decade. to brush his teeth and comb Countless others have used what his hair. Although he knew he they learned to become bestsell- was lucky to be alive, he began ing authors, start businesses, to spiral faster and faster into purchase investment properties, a deep pit of depression, anger, get married, lose weight, achieve and despair. professional honors, get job pro- In the beginning, like a motions, travel the world, get stroke survivor, he had difficul- out of debt, raise amazing kids, ty conversing on even the most and so much more. basic level. His humiliation ren- But while many of these dered him housebound, and readers knew exactly what soon, fatigue and apathy dom- they wanted to achieve when inated his existence. For hours, they picked up their copy of Forrest lay on the sofa, sleeping The Success Principles, many or watching television. The doc- more didn’t. For some readers, Forrest Willett gave up all hope of tors, his speech therapist, his oc- achievement seemed so far away ever having a normal existence, let cupational therapist, his physical that their only “want” was for alone a life that fulfilled his dreams. therapist – essentially all of the life to simply get better. experts – told him that return- Forrest Willett was one of those readers. ing to a productive life with the promise of success At 31 years old, Forrest’s life was right on track. wasn’t possible. So Forrest gave up all hope of ever He owned three homes and seven businesses. He’d having a normal existence – let alone a life that ful- been married for seven years to a beautiful woman filled his dreams. JACK CANFIELD, co-creator of Chicken Soup For the Soul Dubbed as “America’s #1 success coach” and the man Time called “the publishing phenomenon of the decade,” Jack Canfield has been inspir- ing and redefining greatness for decades. Co-author of the Chicken Soup For the Soul series, which has sold millions of copies, this Harvard graduate with a Master’s Degree in psychological education, Canfield is among the world’s leading experts in creating peak performance. He has frequented Newfoundland on multiple occasions, with fans turning out in droves to see a master of his field speak live and in person. 94 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015
© Worldwide copyright of Stirling Communications International DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: www.NFLDHERALD.com AUGUST 2 - 8, 2015/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 95
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