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Home Explore College Newsletter 31 August 2018

College Newsletter 31 August 2018

Published by ccaspers, 2018-08-30 20:56:34

Description: 31 August 2018


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Issue 13 31 August 2018 Our Year 8s were excited to officially open the Science Centre Our Year 4s gathered in Eucharist. We walked into a brand new Science building. We searched for treasure. We celebrated our Salesian legacy in games and the Old Scholars created pictures at an exhibition. The Science Centre Year 4s had been involved in lessons, visits The Bosco staff and students have been from Fr Francis, Sunday engagement and watching the transformation of a dusty a personal commitment. There had been old gymnasium over the last eight months. moments of procession, introduction and They have watched the whole thing being announcement at Masses. Around the school stripped to a skeleton. They have wondered they were clearly getting well prepared by at what would happen. They thought about the teachers and it finally came together last the imagination of an architect and the weekend at our three parish Masses. Our Year skills of a building company. They saw big 4s gathered in the Cathedral or St Anthony’s machines, hoists, trucks, girder carrying wearing white robes looking reverent and cranes and cement mixers. They saw an army reflective. The sense of sacredness made of high viz trademen and heard the beeping connection with us all. It was grace filled. We noise of reversing vehicles and the thudding shared First Holy Communion. We shared a rhythms of construction. It finally concluded little of Year 4 innocence and faith. We shared in a breathtaking moment when we saw the their special kind of holiness and a connection creation of an outstanding STEM and Science to sacred mystery. Congratulations to all of Centre. We got a chance to walk in last week. our First Holy Communion candidates. I join There were no more balls bouncing around with the parish and families in wishing our Besser blocks, no more echoes of badminton students faithfulness and life in receiving the efforts or chattering students in the vastness Sacrament of the Eucharist. of the Bosco gym. Something had happened. Finally, we had a chance to see the creation, Book Week Treasure the extraordinary development of a building Book Week became an enormous celebration that invites us to science and scholarship. We of costume, fantasy and literature. There were led by a Year 8 class who created a small was an invitation to discover some treasure ceremony that made the locked doors opened. and in the middle of the Good Samaritan Hall The Year 8s had based a play around curiosity sat a pirate ship with its invitation for fun and the mystery of science. The Dr Who and fantasy and literary discovery. The hall music that they used created an excitement. teemed with beautiful blood curdling pirates This was our own TARDIS; our own special threatening with cutlasses and growling surprising space. This is a most significant with sabres. Then there were hundreds of building and sits symbolically in the heart of characters that make literature so appealing the Bosco community. Curiosity, learning, all excited and full of love for a book. It was working together and excellence sit at the a special pageant of imagination and unity. I heart of the Bosco community. There were acknowledge the wonderful effort of parents distinctive smiles on the faces of Jo Court and to make the dress up day work so well. I Paul Cagney who had the role of making sure remained stunned that the staff have such everything went as planned. We will now watch extensive wardrobes and imaginations. It the mysteries of Science unfold. was all quite extraordinary and the children just loved it. There were classrooms and First Holy Communion costumes in the discovery treasure themes. Our Year 4 students have just received their There was energy and creativity, decorations First Holy Communion. It was a beautiful, and celebration. Our Benedict community family Sunday. I was conscious of the process always enjoy a grand parade and it was that preceded First Holy Communion. Our simply a delight. Book Week is about reading

Students celebrating their First Communion on Sunday morningFathers’ Day as a community and it is about a community Handley Cup in Gawler this year. Xavier wonSunday 2 September engaging in literacy. It was a stunning but they will be up here next year to face much success. I know that the treasure has already steely determination. Dennis Handley wouldBlessing of the Fleet been discovered when we experience the have it no other way.Mass for Youth enthusiasm of the students. I hope we keepTuesday 4 September reading with as much enthusiasm. SALA Art Exhibition Our College hosted a quite unique part ofBlessing of the Fleet Dennis Handley Cup SALA, the South Australian Living ArtistsTriduum Father Dennis Handley, once a Principal at Festival. The Creative Arts department ofTuesday 4 - Thursday 6 St Mark’s and Xavier College would have the College organised a ‘teachers and oldSeptember delighted in walking the very beautiful fields scholars’ art exhibition. It showcased the and courts of Xavier College last week. He talents of visual artists and designers, oldBlessing of the Fleet would have been watching the enthusiasm scholars and teachers who have been creating,Deb Ball and the skill of our Bosco sportspeople and drawing, fashioning, painting, photographingSaturday 8 September their Xavier hosts. They were involved in the and sculpting. There was a range of styles: sporting interchange that celebrates the life abstract, realism, surrealism. We saw thatP+F Meeting of our Salesian past principal and affirms which is eclectic and imposing, skilful andMonday 10 September, our shared Salesian heritage. There were remarkable.6.30pm plenty of St Mark’s teams playing. It was Xavier versus St Mark’s in Soccer, Netball In enjoying the visual feast I think what and Football. Our ‘intercoll’ was a wonderful touched me most about the night was not experience of sporting endeavour and school only the quality of the art but the label next pride. There was plenty of cheering at the to it that said old scholar 1988, old scholar skill and all were inspired by the effort of our 2008, old scholar 2014, teacher 2002, teacher students. Our students played with heart 2018, old scholar 2012. I was delighted that and they played with determination. Some this had happened. These past students and of them are very, very good. However, it is teachers can’t stop an impulse to create and less about an individual and more about a they have such an important voice. I mention school. We encouraged this effort and we a particular old scholar, Fashion Designer and also emphasise the connection in a Salesian Artist Tori-Anne Gill (2012). Tori helped launch context. A feature of the exchange was the the exhibition just before she heads off to a quality of sportspersonship. People played Paris catwalk to display her own fashion work. fairly. There was a respect and friendship Amazing! She spoke beautifully about her time even in the competitive environment. I thank at St Mark’s and her exciting ambition. The Damien Introna for his management and the exhibition was a very significant moment for staff/coaches for their support. I congratulate our College. the students who tried their best but fell in the last moments of the day. We had to leave the Greg Hay, Principal Book Week fun with our Year 2 pirates Liam, Jett, Amarlee, Jack, Ronan and Brendan

ARreoliugniodutshEedCuoclaletgioenFrom the APRIM Congratulations on your First Communion!Students celebrating their First Communion onSaturday night Ryder Arnold, Mahalia Bateson, Ruby Champion, Oscar Chivell,First Communion day this week. The focus was building and Tyron Congdon, Jay Conradi,Congratulations and God’s blessings to the being community. It was pleasing to see how Madison Curtis, Jacob Davis,following students who received the Sacrament enthusiastic they were in responding to each Danniella DiGeronimo, Declan Dunbar,of Holy Communion for the first time. of the activities. I would like to acknowledge Kyleah Dunstall, Cleo Farrugia, the work of Mrs Pia Keain in putting theHere are some reflections from the students: day together and the team of teachers who Kale Ganley, Aspen Gebert, presented the program to our students. A Jack Hurst, Whitney Johns,One of the ways I prepared was when I wrote a highlight of the day was our time spent out at Orlando Krommendijk, Linkoln Leske,letter to thank my parents and say how much Napperby in the natural environment. (See someI loved them, they both wrote a letter to me as of the students reflections and photos over the Bailey Luteria,well! I also had fun preparing a family meal! page.) Khyleen Joice Macatangay,Whitney Michael McGinnis, Tahlia Pendry, Catholic Women’s League Lacie Pisani-Yuke, Jack Rafanelli,One of the ways I prepared was by making a It was a pleasure to be asked to speak to the Jackson Raftery, Samuel Richards,family meal and saying a prayer that I wrote Catholic Women’s League of our diocese. They Finley Roberts, Liam Saler,myself. Kobe were interested in hearing about Youth and Sienna Sheasby, Archie Simpson, faith as part of the Year of Youth. We shared Poppy Swinton-Brewin, Tyler Talbot,My Holy Communions was a special time some insights on the differences between Mitchell Taylor, Ariel Tee, Charlie Watt,because it was exciting for me to receive Jesus generations but also the commonalities. Maelie Williams, Kobe Wright andfor the first time. Tahlia While the experience lived reality of faith, for young peoples is somewhat different to their Bailey YarrowAt communion time, my family and I went up grandparents, there is much common groundtogether and I received the wine from my Nonna. that can be found in their values and beliefs. It was great to have Alice, Scarlett and LucyJack R join the Fred’s Van volunteers on a recent Katie Pole, APRIM Sunday afternoon. The girls had a reallyOne of the ways I prepared was by doing the enjoyable time and rolled their sleeves up toEucharist Booklet at school. My favourite get involved with the preparation of food,activity was preparing a family meal. Aspen serving and cleaning.One of the ways I prepared was by having aretreat day where we have a tasting of the breadand wine. We tasted the bread and the wine sothat we wouldn’t be surprised at the taste on ourcommunion day. KhyleenMy first Holy Communion was a special timebecause I am now even more a member of theCatholic Church. MahaliaYear 6 Retreat Mahalia and Lachlan celebrated their FirstOur Year 6 students participated in a reflection Communion Sunday night

From the Deputy Principal Benedict Campus has been a hive of activity in the last two weeks. In Melissa’s absence I would like to acknowledge the professionalism of staff in their efforts to facilitate some very rich experiences for our students. We have had a number of arts and literary experiences, Sacraments, Book Week, dance and choir performances, Sporting events and College team finals, Science Week, visits to the Ag Open Days, the opening of our SRC led Sensory Garden and Retreat days. Throughout all of this staff have so generously given of their time to enable all of these things to happen for our students. As a community we have much to be grateful for. We also farewell Lukas Kort from our College Community, we wish him and his family every blessing as they move. Katie Pole on behalf of Melissa Gadaleta, Deputy Principal, Benedict Campus Year 6 Retreat Year 6 students on Retreat On Tuesday 28 August the Year 6’s went on their Retreat. Our day started at the Parish Centre. We started with a prayer as a whole grade. After prayer we got split up into 5 groups and did 5 different activities. They were all to do with ‘Building community’ as that was the theme of our day. Our favourite activities were ‘The Giving Cycle’ and ‘Build a Bridge’. In the Giving Cycle we had to give and receive lollies but if someone offered us a lolly we had to take it. It made us think what it is like to be giving and receiving at the same time. Build a Bridge was about building a bridge in groups but with only limited materials. We had to build a bridge using straws, toothpicks, pipe cleaners and pop sticks. It made us think about how some people only have certain things to live with and they must make the most of what they have got. Isabella Martlew and Jessica Evely, 6 Red After our morning activities we boarded the bus and headed out to Napperby to the Scout Camp. We ate lunch when we got there whilst enjoying the quiet and peaceful surroundings. When we finished lunch we went on a hike up through the gorge. On the way we looked at giant cliff faces and little creeks with tadpoles and frogs in them. After the walk we finished off with a prayer and headed back to school on the bus. It was a marvellous day and we all went home with a smile on our faces. Jasper Cotton and Abbas Shah, 6 RedStaff Retreat Day Katherine, Dakota, Maea and Taya Prayer at the end of the dayStudent Free DayFriday 7 SeptemberBenedict Sport and SpecialPhoto Day (includingReception Class Photos)Wednesday 12 September

Benedict CampusInternational Cooking Sensory Garden The teamwork of our SRC leaders and staff have created a fantastic sensory garden space. Thank you to our school community for their donations to create this colourful space!Reagan and Chelsea Jacob, Ms Wilsdon, Khyleen and Amity Taylah placing her handprint on the cross Celebrating the completed garden Jacob, Sophie and Cleo adding plantsMrs Lavis kindly invited Year 1 Red to cook with Molly, Angus, Jack and Taylahthe Year 12 students at Bosco last week.The international food theme was lots of funand the children enjoyed preparing and tastingfood from around the world. They also had anopportunity to learn about the country theirfood originated from and participated in acraft activity. The children enjoyed recountingtheir experience:On Thursday we walked over to Bosco. Whilewe were waiting to cook Mrs Bell read us astory about cooking. It was called WombatStew. Then we put a name tag on and Mrs Lavisput us into groups. We cooked special food thatwas tasty. Eva GrieseI was in the group cooking food from China. Wemade spring rolls. The filling was vegetables.The vegetables were carrot, cucumber andlettuce. They were cut into squares. We madefried rice. We got to put them in a Chinesecontainer. We also opened a fortune cookie. Iam going to have good fortune and luck. I worean apron and a panda hat. Cooper GanleyMeredyn Bell, 1 RedCara with Jace and Zara Year 4 students performed a traditional Italian Dance at the International Dinner

Benedict CampusBook WeekAshton leading the Year 2s in the Book Week Parade Brayden and Max dressed as piratesBrendan sharing a story with Michael Thing 1 and Thing 2, Isabella and Karly Mason and Sienna dressed for the paradeThe Teletubbies, Ruby, Lara, Mia and Charlie Sharing stories after the parade, Maelie, Grace, Sophie, Kallie and CaprieSeth, Cohen, Kylan and Drae after the parade Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum Matilda and Year 6s performed plays during lunchtime in Charlie Book Week

From the Deputy PrincipalStaff Retreat Day Final Assessments and Deadlines for Year 12 Online interactions and BehavioursStudent Free Day With social media and internet becoming moreFriday 7 September Students prevalent in the lives of young people, I have As the end of the Year 12 academic year been spending some time attempting to seek aRoyal Adelaide Show approaches the pressure of final assessments better understanding of the impact it is havingLed Steer / Goat and preparing for examinations intensifies. on the lives of young people and subsequently,Friday 31 August - It is a busy time of term where good time the impact this is having on the dynamics of theSunday 9 September management skills and a high level of modern family. organisation and planning is essential. For theBosco Sport and Special short term, Year 12 students should consider Alarmingly, research carried out by thePhoto Day placing a larger focus on their studies by Australian Communications and MediaThursday 13 September reducing external commitments. Authority highlights that teens are knowingly accessing information, images and websites At this time, it is important for students to that they know their parents would not approve recognise that deadlines are critical. As the of. They are also interacting on Social Media in year draws to an end, the possibilities for a way that may surprise some parents. What extensions are reduced as teachers must makes this possible though is the way teens mark and submit results to the SACE Board seek comfort in knowing the odds are in their by set dates. These dates are not negotiable, favour, with most parents not challenging them and students must therefore carefully plan about their online behaviour or interactions. their final weeks and talk with their teachers immediately if they feel like they are not Below are some quotes from students, keeping up. extracted from the study, within age brackets found at Bosco. The quotes are not surprising, I also take this opportunity to remind Year however, a good reminder that as parents we 12 students that their Trial Examinations will need to challenge our children about what they take place in Week 1, Term 4 (15 – 19 October). are doing and begin surprising them with some The Exam timetable along with expectations interrogation! We need to question deeper and and protocols will be distributed to parents via establish a better understanding of their online CareMonkey, and students via their email. interactions and behaviours. Philippine Immersion Trip 2019 – More information about this study can be found on the ACMA website. Faith, Formation and Fun! Plans are well underway for the Philippine 10 -12 Years: Immersion in 2019. Already, most positions have been filled for this wonderful experience. “I have seen stuff that I think my mum would There are currently limited positions left and I be angry at if she knew, but I just have a quick strongly encourage anyone wanting to attend look and make sure I close it down so they don’t to register their interest immediately through know.” the Bosco Office. Registration forms can also be downloaded from the College website or 13 – 14 Years: keep up with all the info on Facebook. “They don’t really pay much attention. Subject Counselling Sometimes they’ll ask me what I’m looking at or Over the past two weeks, conversations at the what I’m doing. I just say something like ‘talking dinner table have undoubtedly revolved around with my friends’.” subject selections for the coming academic year. This week, Year 10 and 11 students, and 15 – 17 Years: their families, met with our senior staff to discuss pathways and subject choices. I would “Sometimes my Dad warns me about spending like to thank the students, parents and carers money online or about looking at stuff he thinks who attended these important counselling I shouldn’t, but hasn’t really got a clue what I sessions. Subject selection in the senior years look at anyway. Most of the stuff he says not to can be filled with many difficult decisions do I’m sort of doing anyway.” as students begin to take important steps towards their future pathway. A confronting, but insightful read can be found on the Carly Ryan Foundation website. Our staff take pride in the care and effort taken to educate your child about this process For parents seeking support with managing the and acknowledge and value the important online interactions and behaviour of their child, role you as parents play in subject selection. I strongly suggest investing some time reading The interviews were very well attended, and the information found on the ESafety website. we hope that you found the process both informative and valuable. Marc Forster, Deputy Principal, Bosco Campus

Bosco CampusFr Dennis Handley Cup St Mark’s won the Netball Shield on the day Our exchange students enjoyed the dayOn Wednesday 22 August, St Mark’s students and staff travelled to Xavier College in Gawler forthe annual Fr Dennis Handley Cup. Each year, the sporting exchange takes place between the twoSalesian schools in South Australia, St Mark’s College and Xavier College of Gawler in memory ofFr Dennis Handley, a past Principal of both schools.It was the second consecutive year that we were required to travel down the highway to Gawler,as Bosco Campus is still under development. It was beautiful sunshine in Gawler as the Year 9and 10 football boys took the field, where they defeated a competitive Xavier team by 20 points.Jack Tiller was recognised as the best player of the match. Meanwhile, the Open Boys soccerplayed out a very high-scoring game, with St Mark’s leading 2-0 very early on before a very strongXavier team played some excellent soccer to win the game 10-4. Finnish exchange student LuukasMeriririnne was identified by the Xavier coach as St Marks’ best player.In the gymnasium it was the Year 11 and 12 girls who took the netball court first. The Year 11 teamproved too strong for their counterparts, winning comfortably. Millie Tubb was recognised forher best-on-court performance. The Year 12 team were unfortunately defeated by a very strongXavier outfit, levelling the Netball shield at 1-1. Our Year 8 Netball team proved too strong,defeating Xavier convincingly. Our Year 9 netball team remarkably won their match by a massive60 goals! Georgia Pryor was also recognised for her best-on-court performance. The Year 10Netball unfortunately lost their match in a nail-biter, going down by 4 goals. However, 3 wins out of5 matches was enough to regain the Netball shield and bring it back to St Mark’s.The day came down to the Open Boys Football Match, where St Mark’s led by as much as 4 goalsduring the second quarter but unfortunately were beaten in an excellent display of football byXavier in the second half. Well done to Mason Munzberg who was recognised as the best St Marks’player on the field. Xavier ran out 34 point winners, resulting in them winning the football shield (onaggregate) and therefore, the overall shield.The contest was an outstanding display of sportsmanship and determination from both schools.Congratulations to Xavier College, but we are looking for revenge next year on our home turf!Damien Introna, Sports Coordinator BoscoThe St Mark’s College team for the Fr Dennis Handley Cup

Around the CollegeTeacher and Old Scholar Art ExhibitionOld Scholar and Local Fashion Designer Tori-Anne Gill with Megan Congdon Old Scholar Annette Hadges with her piecesExhibiting Teacher Paul Matthews with Exhibiting Old Scholar Kylie Coomblas with Exhibiting Old Scholar Renee Brentson withMegan Congdon Greg Hay Allan McDonaldExhibiting Teacher Alix Schuppan with Megan Exhibiting Old Scholar Joshua Harris (second on left) with Dylan, Ruby, Christie, Archie, Eliza,Congdon Mary and FionaMcNally Farm Open Days Sophie and Sophie feeding the goats Bayleigh showing Ruby one of the lambsOver 350 visitors from our local childcarecentres, kindergartens, Mid North EducationCentre and Benedict Campus visited McNallyFarm during week 5. The children were veryexcited to visit and enjoyed seeing and feedingthe cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens andyabbies.Our Year 10 - 12 Agriculture students were vitalto the success of the 3-day event, ensuringthat everything was ready and taking groupson tour of the farm. We also were grateful forthe help of old scholar George Seppelt whocame back specially for the event and broughtchicks for the children to see.Catherine Caspers, Marketing Coordinator

College SportsKnock Out Hockey Gymnastics State Champs Our ‘golden girls’ the 8/9 Girls Hockey Team On Saturday 24 August Gymastics SA hosted WAG Level 4-6, 2018 State Championships atOn Monday and Tuesday last week our 8/9 and Open boys and girls competed in the Knock Out Marion Leisure Centre. Three of our students,hockey competition against other various schools in the State. Molly Lavis, Molly Hudson and Isabel Irving, competed in the competition. Molly H andThe Open Boys came runners up, after a very close grand final match and losing 2 – 1 due to a goal Isabel performed very well in Under 9’s andscored off of a defensive short corner on the siren. Both the 8/9 Boys and Girls teams made it to Molly L came 1st on Balance Beam and 3rdthe play off for top spot with the boys coming off second best, and the girls coming away with overall for the Under 10’s. Congratulations!the gold. The girls match went down to one-on-ones after a final score of 1 – 1 and in a magnificentdisplay of skills we won the fight scoring 3 – 1. A special mention to our goalie Alyce Ferme for risingto the occasion under the pressure! Well done to all those involved!Elke Holze, Knock Out HockeyAround our College Sports Sports Assembly Data CollectionFootballCongratulations to all our footballers on a really successful and fun season. It was great to see so On 25 September the College will hold itsmany at the Presentation Night to celebrate the season. annual Sports Assembly. During this event,Our U13 team put up a great fight in the Preliminary final going down in the last quarter to Lions. students who have achievedCongratulations to Kye Boulton, Marshall Mieglich, Henry Hunter, Kalan Caputo, Beau Allen and State or National selection in their chosenDeakin Murphy for their selection in the U13 Team of the Year. sport are recognised.A special thanks to all sponsors, coaches and parents for their support throughout the 2018 If your child is eligible for recognition due toFootball Season. We hope to see you all in the blue, yellow and red next year. selection in state or national events,Netball please respond to the Caremonkey that wasBest wishes to our ST MARK’S CELITCS TEAMS competing the PPNA Netball Grandfinals thisweekend- U11 Div2 Gold, U11 Div2 Blue, U11 Div 1 Gold, U11Div 1 Red, U12 Red, U12 Blue, U13 Red, U13 recently emailed.Gold, G Grade, F Grade Red, E Grade, D Grade and B Grade Blue. If you have any queries regarding this pleaseJunior Presentation (U9 - U13) will be held Wednesday 5 September, 5.00 - 6.30pm at the Savoy contact Damien Introna via email atSoccer Club. Drinks and snacks are available to purchase at the bar. [email protected] Presentation (G - A Grade) will be held Sunday 16 September, 12.00pm for lunchand 2.00pm Damien Introna, Sports Coordinator Boscopresentation at the Risdon. Please RSVP to your coach by 1 September.TennisSt Mark’s Tennis registration forms have been issued. Please remember that forms need to bereturned by Thursday 6 September.

RSPCA Cupcake Day Maea, Taylor, Kloe and Minette selling cupcakes to raise money for the RSPCAOn Monday 20 August, RSPCA Cupcake Day,eleven Year 6 students sold cupcakes for theRSPCA to help animals in need.RSPCA Cupcake Day ended amazingly with usraising $355. We believe that all this moneywas definitely for a good cause.Taylor Anderson, 6 BlueCommunity NoticesPerforming on: REGISTER TO BECOME AN ALLFriday 21 September, 11.00am and 7.30pm STAR CHEERLEADER TODAY!Saturday 22 September, 7.30pm SQUAD AGES FROM 4 TO 35Tickets available at the Northern FestivalCentre TUESDAY EVENING TRAININGS AT THE AIRDALE PRIMARY SCHOOLCome and Try Tee-ball and Softball for ages5-9 years GYMNASIUM, PORT PIRIEWhen: Saturday 15 October, 9.30 - 11.30amWhere: Leonard Park, Port Pirie Diamond FROM ONLY $12-$16 PER WEEKCost: First session free, following 7 sessions $35 (**This does not include competition pack and club registration**).Please wear a hat, sunscreen and awaterbottle, all equipment provided Phone: 0456 368 146 FB: @midnorthallstarsFor information contact: Email: [email protected]• Ngaire 0417 886 773• Evelyn 0447 620 385 Softball 2018/19 Season If you are interested in playing softball duringHOT SHOTS for 5, 6 and 7 year olds this year in the 2018/19 season, all clubs areTo register for Tennis Hot Shots contact Grant looking for junior and senior players.Hanlon, Hot Shots Coach, 0414 320 840. There are 4 great clubs to choose from, whoEmail: [email protected] you can contact to get more information:Term 3 Sunday Sessions start on 2 September atthe Port Pirie Tennis Centre. • Cougars (Anthea) 0429 330 740 • Checkmates (Sharon) 0409 692 35 • Solly Cats ( Mandy) 0424 943 301 • Tigers (Evelyn) 0447 620 385 Port Football & Community Sporting Club Open daily from 9.00am

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