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Home Explore St Mark's College Newsletter- 23 March 2018

St Mark's College Newsletter- 23 March 2018

Published by ccaspers, 2018-04-04 02:04:21

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Issue 4 23 March 2018 Crenie and Clem proudly represented St Mark’s at the Chrism Mass and Diocesan Assembly Photo credit: Hip Photography The Diocesan Assembly reminds us of the importance of the young. The AGM with Sacramental Night and Harmony Day set the agenda. The Diocesan Assembly The whole service is full of pomp and ceremony. There were nearly 200 delegates from around There is incense and the richness of symbols, the Port Pirie Diocese who met over the last some powerful musical moments and grand and couple of days. They gather from parishes far ancient prayers. There is a full gathering of the and wide. They attend at the invitation of Bishop diocesan community and I felt very fortunate Greg O’Kelly to what is called the Diocesan that we as a College can be part of something Assembly. It is a time when big Church matters so special. are discussed. It is where ideas are shared and issues analysed. There is a spirit of listening Annual General Meeting and hope and people talk about their Church On Wednesday night the College held its Annual experience and how they want to see the General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting future. There was an emphasis on youth at this of the Board is one of the most important assembly. The Pope has called this year ‘The evenings in the College calendar and it is one Year of Youth’ and young people were especially that is quietly missed. It is the formal reporting invited. Our most public representatives of committees and the executive of the College were Crenie Kumar and Clem Stanley. They are accountable for their leadership. It is the addressed the assembly as guest speakers time when the College Board are answerable and talked about their faith, their experience of to our families for their vision and work. It is Church and what inspires them. They covered when we say what has been achieved and how topics including the Philippines Immersion, the much everything costs. It is where we look at Australian Youth Conference and what Church accomplishments and answer questions about means. What impressed me was their articulate our future. I assume people think things are and wise presentation. I was proud of their going well. It was a quiet meeting and not too insight and authenticity. They spoke with a many in attendance. sincerity that touched the audience. The whole assembly was very impressed. On Wednesday we reported formal business and tabled our spending. We spoke about plans To conclude the assembly was the Chrism Mass. and we held the election of the new Board for It is when all of the priests of the diocese are 2018. It was a seamless occasion and mostly present on the altar and in a special ritual during uncontroversial. Alan Zubrinich counselled the Mass, the oils that we use at Baptism and me happily “If they were not happy they would Confirmation are specially blessed. It is a grand be here”. So I had a chance to table a little of occasion and Mr Isaac Ellis, a Bosco Science the vision for the school in the next few years teacher plays the organ for the Cathedral Choir without much turbulence. I thank Father Francis and all of our Year 7s are present as are the Montero for his management as President of Benedict and Bosco student leaders. Crenie the Board and I thank those people who felt it and Clem proclaimed the readings and our so necessary to attend and oversee the good representative during the ceremony of the oils management of our College. was Antonio Amato. His walk, all by himself to the Bishop at the altar and was very dignified. When I was writing my official Principal Report in preparation I felt myself becoming very proud at what had been achieved. In fact, I was

Bella and Jackson spoke with Catholic Education Director Nichii Mardon, Brishop Greg O’Kelly and students from Caritas, St Joseph’s and St James’.Ag Sponsors BBQ astonished. The year in reflection was about of God. I think we are helping the childrenWednesday 28 March, 6.30pm excellence in learning and there was significant search for the mystery of God and togetherMcNally Farm growth. It was about the building of community we are part of the unfolding of the mystery.Holy Thursday and a real commitment to seeing how the sacred The night seemed cohesive and positive. TheThursday 29 March becomes present in our great moments and in children have our prayers and love. We launchedGood Friday each other. an experience, about mysterious and sacredFriday 30 March insights and we are enriched by this beginningHoly Saturday I am delighted to announce our College Board: moment. There are great rituals ahead. It’s a signSaturday 31 March Chairperson – Alan Zubrinich. Alan is joined of God’s loving presence.Easter Sunday by Father Francis Montero (President) ChrisSunday 1 April Rafanelli (Deputy Chair) Greg Hay (Principal) Bullying No WayEaster Monday Marc Forster (Deputy Principal) Melissa There is a part of our humanness that is fragileMonday 2 April Gadaleta (Deputy Principal) Darryll Johnson, and sensitive and there is a part that can be Emily Williams, Katrina Butterick, Daniel Lauder angry and selfish. We can misinterpret an and Jo Court (Executive Officer). experience thinking we are victimised and feel simply terrible or we can lack empathy and hurt I acknowledge the generosity and work of others. That happens. That’s part of what we Kingslee Stanley and Megan Congdon who discern and wrestle with when things go wrong finish their time on the Board. They brought in relationships. We tumble around a bit trying insight and a generosity of spirit to the group. to work out what went wrong and how to avoid We have a talented group now to guide us. We it. Sometimes we wonder if it is bullying. What launch out into a new year with an energetic and is much clearer, however, is if we experience or vibrant committee system and a determined and witness something that happens which hurts us hardworking group. or others and that is deliberate and repeated. That seems clearer. That doesn’t need as much Sacramental Night interpretation. That is bullying and it does not I was very pleased to see many parents gather have a place in our school. The deliberate and with us last week for the Sacramental Night. This intentional focus on another person to upset is an information night when the Parish Priest Fr or disempower is simply not part of our ethos Francis, the teachers and the parents of children and certainly not permitted. The College stands involved in the Sacramental program meet. united with all communities to celebrate the eighth National Day of Action against Bullying There were Year 4 families who will be learning and Violence. Our students are involved in about the process of Reconciliation. There were creative activities, surveys and discussions. Year 5s who will have their First Eucharist this They get to wear a shade of orange as a symbol year and there was the Year 7 group who will be and they certainly are reminded that we can’t learning about the sacrament of Confirmation. stand by and ignore intentional and hurtful behaviour. I thank the teachers for their work I was excited about the gathering and with students in helping to grow awareness and the program that will unfold. It is about a prevent bullying. I ask the families to let us know partnership with school and parish and family if we can support you in confronting situations and our own personal journey in faith. The and growing resilience. The College says Bullying teachers spoke about the learning and the – No Way. formation of the children. The parents seemed highly committed. I know that together we will Greg Hay, Principal create moments with a sense of the presence

ARreoliugniodutshEedCuoclaletgioenFrom the APRIMArtworks representing the four sub-themes of the Assembl y were created by Deb McArthurwith the Year 10 Religion classSacramental Preparation Stations of the Cross Antonio leads the procession at the ChrismLast week a number of our families gathered Our Year 5 and 6 students are busy preparing Mass Photo credit: Hip Photographyfor the annual Sacramental Meeting for to present the Stations of the Cross for thefamilies wishing for their child to celebrate the Benedict community. They will presented on STATIONS OF THE CROSSsacraments in 2018. For a number of reasons Tuesday 27 March in the Good Samaritan Hall.there were families who were unable to attend There will be 2 timeslots on that day at 9:45am Tuesday 27 Marchthis meeting. Given the large number of families and again at 11:40am. I encourage all families 9:45 and 11:40amstill seeking the information and input into the to come along and see this presentation of the2018 program a second date has been set: Stations, which are a significant part of our Good Samaritan Hall, Benedict Campus Church tradition.Tuesday March 27 at 7pm in St Mark’s DON BOSCO YOUTH CAMP Diocesan Assembly Fun - Games – Sports – Music - FriendsCathedral. This week I attended the 22nd Annual Diocesan Assembly. At this event people from all parts of Activities IncludeThose families still wishing for their child to our vast Diocese gather together for formationcelebrate one of the Sacraments need to and also planning based on a theme set by the Indoor + outdoor Gamesbe represented at this meeting so that they Bishop. This year we considered the Year of Sportscan gain the necessary information and the Youth as announced by Pope Francis. There weredocumentation to undertake the program. also some very open and frank conversations Team ChallengesWe will assume you are making your own taking place as we considered and had input on Cookingarrangements to do this outside of the College if the Plenary Council of the Church of Australiayou are not present. set to take place in 2020. Board/ card games Chants/ SingingProject Compassion Fundraising The last Plenary Council was held 80 years ago Movie nightThis year’s Project Compassion fundraising has in 1937. A Plenary Council is the highest formal And more…been both generous and heartfelt. At Benedict, gathering of the Church. It has been set by thethere has been weekly Lenten Liturgies and Australian Bishops to discuss the future of the Don Bosco Youth Camp Gawler for children aged 10-15 in the traditionacross the College there have been class lessons Catholic Church here in our country. Over the of the Salesians of Don Bosco. Activities are led by adult and youngproviding a sound knowledge and understanding next 2 years there will be many opportunities leaders in a supportive environment.for the students of where and how their money to be in dialogue about the Catholic Church ofraised is used by Caritas Australia. The M Team Australia as it moves into the future. We will be Dates: 15th of April until the 18th of April 2018currently have an Easter Egg Raffle. You will called to ‘speak bravely and boldly’ as we listensee the team out in the mornings and during to God by listening to one another in a spirit Kentish Road Gawler Belt.breaks in the Benedict yard selling tickets over filled encounter. Let us pray for the work thatthe next week. Bosco Campus have focussed will be done over the next 2 years in the lead up For further information visit our website fundraising efforts within the Harmony to the Plenary Council.Day celebrations. Groups of students have led Email [email protected] DON BOSCO YOUTH CAMPtheir own initiatives during Lent and the P&F A video overview explaining the Council can beCommittee have also contributed a portion of viewed on the following by clicking here. DON BOSCO YOUTH CAMP DON BOSCO YOUTH CAMPtheir Sports Day fundraising to boost our total. [email protected] look forward to hearing the Grand total of our Katie Pole, APRIMcommunity effort in a week’s time.

From the Deputy Principal Last Friday saw the launch of the SMC Benedict - Say No to Bullying Awareness Campaign at an R-6 assembly. Students and staff were provided with the official wristband to wear as part of their uniform for as long as the wristband lasts! It has been great to see so many reappearing each day. Please encourage your child/ren to wear them. Whilst conversations and surveys are occurring in class, visual reminders are being thoughtfully created and displayed throughout the school. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our Year Level Coordinators, Mrs Jenna George and Mr Matt Mead for their development of the week and their thorough planning. I’d also like to acknowledge the support of all staff with this very important campaign.Easter Re-enactment A few thoughts from the students on the week Students wore wristbands as a mark of theirStations of the Cross thus far: commitment to ending bullyingTuesday 27 March , GSH9.45am and 11.40am “You can tell a parent or a teacher.” Treats. 50c each or 3 for $1. All proceeds to Anna Frkic, Reception Red Outreach Projects in our community (ie Fred’sParent Teacher Interviews Van, St Joseph’s Home etc). A big ‘thank you’ toTuesday 3 - “With your friend you say, ‘Stop bullying’!” the M Team for organising and for the generousThursday 5 April Caiden McMahon, Reception Red support of their families in supplying the prizes. “When someone is bullying you, you get company Next Tuesday, 27 March, the Year 5 and Year 6 with your friends and you walk away with them.” students will present the Stations of the Cross Saesha Nannapaneni, Reception Red to the Benedict Community as part of Holy Week. You are most welcome to join us at 9.45am or “I’m seeing people inviting more people to play 11.40am in the Good Samaritan Hall. Please note: with them because they are listening to the this is a prayerful time and not a performance, messages about being friendly. It is good that therefore, we ask that you enter and leave the the school has done this to let us know that hall in silence and refrain from clapping. bullying doesn’t just happen at school but out of school too!” Mia-Lee Bateson, 5 Blue A number of meetings have been held to discuss the vacant area since the removal of Rooms “I’m definitely seeing a lot more kindness in the 11 and 12. We have decided to go ahead with a yard because students are more aware of not Sensory Garden and Reflection Area primarily being a bully, especially during Anti-Bullying for the middle and upper primary students to Week. It is reminding people of the Golden Rule use. As we get closer to the actual planting which is; treat others the way you would like to of plants, we would welcome any expertise / be treated.” Trey Luteria, 5 Blue donations in this area. Interested ‘green thumbs’ can leave their name at the Office for future “People who are bullied don’t usually bully others contact. Watch this space! because they know it’s wrong and how horrible it feels. If you see someone getting bullied, you It is also time to wish Mrs Jenna George all the should lend a hand.” Hamish Webb, 5 Blue very best as she begins Maternity Leave. We are looking forward to meeting baby George As a school community we hope that the and wish Jenna and Simon lots of love and best Awareness Week helps to empower students wishes as they begin their next chapter. with a voice to speak up and confidence to have these often difficult conversations with school In Jenna’s absence, Mrs Kayla Hastings will be staff or families and to know they are not alone. teaching in Reception Blue and Mrs Annie Keane Most importantly, after the displays fade and will be teaching in 1 Red. Miss Sophie Porcelli the wristbands break, we hope the students will will be our R-2 Coordinator and Mrs Michelle continue to treat each other kindly and say no Malchow will also be working longer hours to to bullying. With your support, we know this can support our students. happen. Melissa Gadaleta, Also around the school; Deputy Principal, Benedict Campus The M Team are selling raffle tickets for Easter

Benedict CampusSay No to Bullying - Awareness Week Learning at BenedictJoseph, Natalia, Ryan, Isabel and Hamish proudly showing their wristbands Olivia with the Gruffalo she madeReception Green learning about bullying Bailey and Eden showing their posters Eva, Addison and Nicholas painted Koala LouAmaliyah, Mekayla, Leo, Cooper and Caprie made orange ballons with anti-bullying messages Lilli, Kealee and Jaida with their paintings M-Team Easter Raffle! Tickets just 50c or 3 tickets for $1! Tickets are on sale until Wednesday 28 March, prizes will also be drawn that day! Sloan, Lukas and Jett growing a beanstalk

From the Deputy Principal Our student leaders gathered for a successful formation day. Formation of new leaders attend and would like to schedule a meeting, Last week our Year 6 to 12 student leaders please contact the Bosco Office or your child’s gathered for a day of formation, each arriving subject teacher directly. a little shy about their role as a leader. As the day unfolded, they awoke to their calling to School Based Apprenticeships (SbAT) leadership, embracing the experience and Australian school based apprenticeships and emerging as confident and capable young traineeships (SbAT) combine schooling at leaders by the end of the day. The day was the senior secondary level with training and led with excellence by our experienced team employment. of House Leaders and support staff. Their enthusiasm, dedication and vibrant presence Planned learning in school and work is balanced was instrumental in the success and spirit of between the needs of the student, the employer the day. and the school, and compliments, but does not compromise achievement of the South Students participated in a number of sessions Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) or that explored different ideas and concepts equivalent. of leadership. There were insights shared, ideas discussed and actions to be taken. It I congratulate Jake Noble, who has recently was exciting to see students working in house been signed up as a School Based Apprentice groups as they explored their own personal with the Master Plumbers Association. His host leadership style. employer is Lucivero Plumbing. This is a great start to a career as a plumber. I look forward to seeing what the 2018 Leadership group achieve. They are a If you are interested in becoming the next committed group, bursting with ideas and ready School Based Apprentice, please contact our to take on the St Mark’s world. I wish them every VET Coordinator, Ms Simone Atkinson. success over the coming year. Bullying –Zero Tolerance Partnerships to success St Mark’s College has a zero tolerance to The Bosco Centre was filled with energy bullying. All incidences of bullying reported to on Wednesday evening as Year 12 parents, the College are followed up and acted upon. teachers and students gathered to discuss The safety of our students is very important to progress and learning. This partnership is an us. We do rely on parents keeping us informed, important one and reflects the dedication so please report any incidences of bullying to to educational excellence in our community. your child’s Year Level Coordinator by lodging The evening was well attended and full of a Bullying/Harassment Form. This form can be productive conversations. I am confident that downloaded from our website (click to follow parents and students left the evening feeling link). informed, supported and affirmed by how much we care as a community. If you were unable to To notify the school of a bullying incident can be scary, however, bullies thrive on this fear.Year 8 Retreat Our leaders completed many challenges to promote team bonding... and a bit of fun!Tuesday 3 AprilYear 10 RetreatWednesday 3 April

Bosco CampusI strongly encourage students to stand against bullying, be strong and report incidents using the Congratulations on your apprenticeship Jake!above form so that we are able to ensure that our College is a place of care, welcome and safety.What is bullying?Bullying is behaviour that is meant to be hurtful, targets a person or group of people, happens morethan once and embarrasses, threatens or intimidates the person being bullied. It may happen inperson but can also happen out of sight or online. Single incidents and conflict or fights betweenpeers, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.Examples of repeated behaviour that can be considered bullying:• Intentionally keeping someone out of a group (online chat or in yard)• Giving nasty looks, making rude gestures, calling names and constantly negative teasing.• Spreading rumours or lies, or misrepresenting someone (i.e. using their Facebook account to post messages as if it were them)• Harassing someone based on their race, sex, religion, gender or a disability• Intentionally and repeatedly hurting someone physically or making hurtful/negative comments about them onlineParent Response: Year 12s enjoyed their final Harmony Day at• Find out as much as you can about what has happened. This will assist you in communicating St Mark’s with the school about the situation.• Stay calm and positive. Although you may feel some strong emotions about your child’s experience, try to keep calm to avoid more distress to your child.• Discuss strategies to manage bullying (refer to for some great strategies)• Do not advise your child to fight with the other child• Report the bullying to the school- this is most important, if the school is not aware they cannot respond- do not assume the school knows• Seek help for your child to learn about dealing with bullying- our College Counsellor Ellen is available at Bosco on Tuesday and Thursday’s (see over the page for more information).If your child is being bullied via social media, encourage your child:• not to respond to the message or image,• to save the evidence,• to block or delete the sender,• to report the situation to the Internet Service Provider or phone service provider; they can help you block messages or calls, and• inform the school – provide any screenshots that will aid in follow up.School response: Bailey and Jackson on Harmony Day• Investigate and action all reported bullying.• Work with you to document and resolve the situation.• Work with the other student and their parents. Please note that due to privacy laws, the school will not be able to share information about any other students involved.• Document all incidences of bullying and follow up- track and respond to any repeat offenders.Harmony Day Our Year 9 girls were looking brightOn Thursday we celebrated diversity through our commitment to Harmony Day. It was a day ofOrange filled unity. Various celebrations were had around the College, each raising funds for ProjectCompassion. It was wonderful to see our leaders raising awareness around the importance ofharmony. Their key message to our community was about creating an inclusive environment, whereeveryone is welcomed, valued and accepted.Marc Forster,Deputy Principal, Bosco Campus

Around the CollegeHarvesting Chickens at McNally Farm Welcome Ellen!Our Year 7s have been researching the development of the Our new School Counsellorchicken from egg until an adult - and it’s caused quite theexcitement across both campuses!Noah, Ryder, Kayla and Milana holding the newly hatched chicks at McNally Farm My name is Ellen Bunfield and I am the new School Counsellor at Saint Mark’s at bothElise was fascinated with the new chicks Jack was happy to see the chicks had arrived Bosco and Benedict campuses. Within my role as the School Counsellor I will provide a Teacher and Old Scholar friendly, private and confidential service to Exhibition 2018 assist the students at St Mark’s College with a range of school and personal issues. Current and former teachers as well as old scholars are invited to participate in St Mark’s I am an Old Scholar of St Mark’s College and biannual SALA (South Australian Living Artist) was also a member of the Salesian Boarding exhibition in August. If you are a past St Mark’s House for the duration of my 5 years at the student or teacher who is either working as an College. I am in my final year of university, artist or get creative in your spare time we would studying a bachelor of social work and have love to hear from you. Registrations close 8 June. a very strong passion and an assortment of experiences working with youth. For information or to register contact: Megan - [email protected], or I will be based at Benedict Campus: Alix- [email protected] • Tuesday 9:30am-12:00pm • Wednesday 9:00am-3:30pm Bosco Campus: • Tuesday 12:00pm-4:30pm • Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm If you would like to access my service or refer someone please make contact with the office at the relevant campus or alternatively my contact details are, E: [email protected] P: 0439 162 764 Ellen Bunfield, School Counsellor

Around the CollegeSAPSASA Summer Carnival Little LionsOn Friday 9 March the Year 6 students from Benedict and Year 7 Students from Bosco attended the Our 2018 mid-year Receptions have been gettingInterschool Summer Carnival. Approximately 150 students were involved with either softball, cricket ready for school with the Little Lions’ Transitionor tennis. It was a very warm day, but fun was had by all students. Program each Friday.Thank you to the older students from Bosco who came to assist with umpiring at all venues. Thank youalso to the wonderful parents who volunteered their time to help either manage or umpire different The children have been very busy engaging inteams and sports during the day. meaningful play, arts, literacy and numeracyJo Wilsdon, experiences. Some of their favourite experiencesBenedict Sports Coordinator are creating with play dough, painting with watercolours, cooking and playing in the Nature One of our Year 6 / 7 teams that represented St Mark’s at the Summer Carnival Play Area, reading stories and spending time with their Year 6 buddies. Next term we will also practise joining the Junior Primary students for fruit and recess play under the guidance of buddies and Ms Gadaleta. Each week the Little Lions engage in a special learning experience at school. So far we have taken a school tour to visit the Office, Canteen, Technology Room and play areas, visited the Library to borrow a book to take home, had a special Music and Dance lesson with Miss Caputo, were spectators at the Bosco Athletics Day and took part in Clean Up Our School Day. Soon we will visit McNally Farm and have a PE lesson! All of the Little Lions have shown a wonderful interest in school and are very excited about joining us every day in Semester 2. Our current Reception students are also very excited to welcome their new friends into their classes later in the year. Teresa Gadaleta, Little Lions CoordinatorThe cricket boys having a break in the shade Students were proud to represent the College Our Little Lions enjoying Music, Dance and Drama with Miss CaputoMilana pitching during the game Batters up!

2019 Scholarship Applications close on 6 April. Apply now for one of our College Scholarships: • Boarding • Indigenous • Bosco (Academic) • Creative Arts • Agriculture Visit the website to download the Application Form.Community Notices P+F Fundraiser: Hot Cross Buns! Collection will be from the Good Samaritan Hall at Benedict as follows: Students surnames starts with A-L: Monday 26 March Students surnames starts with M-Z: Tuesday 27 MarchBenedict Movie Night Port Football & Thursday 12 April Community Sporting Club Doors open at 6.30pm Open daily from 9.00am Movie starts at 7pm $5 entry, wear your PJ’s!

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