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SSRVM eMagazine SEPTEMBER 2021

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Vishalakshi SEPTEMBER 2021 Volume:01 Issue: 04 SSRVM Bangalore East EMagazine September 2021

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 “Jai Guru Dev” Guru's Message on Raising kids... The world is changing at a rapid pace, and while that can be exciting and inspiring, it also means that we as parents and teachers are dealing with a set of challenges. We have to set the right balance to strike with our kids in this scenario. We have the responsibility in making the young generation be thoughtful and productive. It is our duty to set the limits for our children and to make them understand their roles and responsibilities. So first we have to respond to their questions and needs rather than reacting to their deeds as it will help them have a greater control over the emotions. Kids learn far more from our presence, from our behavior, than what we tell them to do. “When every action of yours is preceded by witnessing, then every move you make in this world becomes perfect and significant. ”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

SSRVM 1 3 Bangalore East 5 6 CONTENT 7 9 Principal's Message 11 Editorial part 13 New Ganesha Temple 15 School Tour 17 Experiential Interactive & Joyful Learning 19 Language Development Skills 21 Numeracy Development Skills 23 Cognitive Development Skills 25 Physical & Motor Development Skills 27 Health & Nutrition 29 Arts & Cultural Development 30 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Cooperative & Collaborative Learning 39 Social & Emotional Development Skills 41 360 Degree Assessment Special Educator Corner 43 Special Assembly & Celebrations 51 Students’ Corner ¤Art & Craft activities Leaders’ Talk Teachers’ Corner ¤Views & Experiences Parents’ Corner

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Principal’s Message Dear Parents, How life must have been during pre- It was 2.40 p.m., sitting comfortably in the Independence period? The sound of bullets, cushioned chair in my room after a sumptuous canons, harsh words, harsh treatments British nutritious meal loaded with healthy vegetables, patrolling / marching with those rough rhythmic I was witnessing the change in the weather sounds from their boots. conditions. From a bright sunny day, it started Hearing these sounds would have made the becoming gloomy and dusky. heart beat at a rate that would have easily broken As the weather changed, I was introspecting Usain Bolt's record. that my inner self was becoming quiet and still. How life must have been living then in slavery, It began to pour and suddenly there was this oppression, domination, subjugation, torture…… huge bolt of light accompanied by a rumbling If a thunder could rouse this jolt in me, then, how sound. Yes! It was thunder and lightning. much of jolts would it have created for every Why did I experience this electric wave within Indian living under the British rule? me when the lightning struck with huge Are we not grateful to our \"Father of Nation\" and terrifying sound of thunder? all those who braved it, as well as fought for our Why did it create such discomfort in me? Independence? After all it is just thunder and lightning, which I Yes! Of course, we are grateful!! am familiar right from my childhood, isn't it? Great! Now let us introspect. As it is, I am within the four walls with a well- *What value did we add to ourself or to our structured roof over my head and of course the family, or to the country on this day of Gandhi doors are bolted. But still this racing heart beat Jayanthi? when I heard the thunder……. ¤Did we have a conversation or a discussion Today is October 2nd and India celebrates on, how Gandhiji took up the responsibility or Gandhi Jayanthi… did he just crib & complain about the situation? ¤Why did he initiate Dandi March, Charkha, Satyagraha? ¤Did we discuss about the valuable lessons and virtues that we can learn from Gandhiji's life? A big salute to all those wonderful citizens who have done this. Now, why does a school take up the efforts to celebrate this National Day? Why are the staffs and students spending their time and energy in organising these events? Contd... 1

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Principal’s Message Does it have any benefits? If we see it with a lazy mind then we are at a haze, but if we can awaken our mind then we can understand the essence that these celebrations have an enormous potential in shaping your child to be a highly principled human being with great ethical values of benevolence and integrity. It is the desire of every parent to want their child to be a citizen with great moral values, but then when it comes to participating and utilising the opportunities to be a part of such events, are we encouraging our dear ward? Do we really encourage them to participate and attend the events hosted by the institution? It is equal responsibility of the school as well as the parents that there is active participation in commemorating these special days. Only then we can rightly say we have contributed to our nation and have done our level best in shaping the life of our child / student – 'The patriotic citizens of our country'. I congratulate and appreciate all parents who have motivated their child to be a part of the Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations hosted by the school. Mother India will definitely be overwhelmed that she is hosting such precious gems who are serving her with pride and humility. Jai Hind! Dr Reshma Ganesh Founder Principal and Campus Director SSRVM, Bangalore East 2

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Editorial part Dedicated to all the Teachers…… The year 2020 and 2021 has brought many challenges in everybody's life. Various business have been shut without bail to cope with the new challenges. There are professionals like doctors, nurses, police, government officials, and teachers who have helped us to face the challenges of the outside world successfully. They have burnt the midnight oil so that we can stay at home safely. We have thanked our frontline workers who are protecting us by risking their lives daily, but have we acknowledged the challenging work of our teachers? Yes... it's time for us to thank our teachers as they are putting superfluous effort so that their students are not deprived of proper learning while they are away from school. It has not been easy for the teachers to cope up with the online classes. For many educators, the transition from teaching in a physical classroom to a fully virtual environment is a new experience and possess several challenges. Adjusting to the changes has not just been difficult for the students but equally for the teachers. Getting well-versed with the whole concept of online education was laborious for the teachers. Teaching in a conventional working environment is certainly quite different from online teaching. The teachers are thinking out of the box so that they can keep their students engaged throughout the class. Despite the absence of physical presence, teachers are creating opportunities to encourage student collaboration and discourse. Discussion boards, which provide a great venue for idea sharing, are commonly utilized while designing assignments using shareable online documents allow students to collaborate in small groups. Students, as well as the teachers, were not prepared for this sudden shift to online education. Both are trying their best to come in terms with reality and adapt to the changes. Contd... 3

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Dedicated to teachers In their working lives, teachers often face challenging and uncertain situations that require careful navigation and adaptability. These may include adjusting the pace of lessons to engage students in a better way, minimizing frustration when results are not according to plan, and even during interactions with colleagues and parents. Parents play a crucial role on a students' remote learning success. Teachers are establishing open lines of communication with parents to help keep their children on track. Now more than ever, we find ourselves in a situation where teachers and parents need to work closely together as an educational team. Therefore, it is so important that teachers and parents continue to effectively engage with each other about student learning. Maintaining effective communication with parents and careers to create a suitable home learning environment, and to create a supportive online community of learners, will be a key focus for teachers in setting up successful online and distance learning. Ms. Vishnupriya & Ms. Varshini Facilitator SSRVM, Bengaluru East 4

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 New Ganesha Temple In ancient times, temples were used as the place to learn the lessons about life. The teachers were worshiped as Gods and students would bow down their heads in respect. One thing that has not changed is the meaning of school i.e., the temple of learning. A new Ganesha temple was constructed at SSRVM BE campus on September 9th. On 10th all rituals were performed with due respect followed by 48 days of continuous pooja. Staffs of SSRVM BE contributed towards Ganesh Mandir and prayed lord Ganesha to bless us all with good health and prosperity. 5

SSRVM Biology Lab Magazine Bangalore East Physics Lab E September 2021 Computer Lab School Tour Smart Classroom Play area “Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by the experiences in the environment.” Dr. Maria Montessori An ideal school environment embraces the idea that all students can learn. Students are given opportunities to explore the little world around them when they are in the school. An ideal school environment works to build safe learning spaces for students. Teachers care about students and their learning and adapt themselves to create a perfect learning environment for their learners. Students are our future and SSRVM BE school campus is designed keeping in mind the safety of our students. Our classes and labs are well aerated and spacious that suit our young minds and give them an opportunity to experience their learning. Hygiene is given more importance and the campus restrooms are regularly cleaned. In the primary block, our support staff are always there to help kids when needed. All blocks are cleaned regularly to maintain the safety and hygiene of our students. Inclusive education is an integral part of SSRVM BE right from inception. Our school campus is designed with required support equipments, ramps, low commodes to make learning easy for everyone. We are proud that our school is a host of lot of plants as we support an eco- friendly environment. Our classes are designed in a way that supports digital learning. Here are few snaps that explains about our school. 6

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning This type of learning includes being highly engaged in the task or experience while having a sense of wonder or curiosity. The students benefit and feel synchronicity in the learning experience. There is a sense of shared interest and purpose among the students. Through this type of learning students are given flexibility, openness, easy access to resources. Pre-primary Grade 5 At SSRVM, children learnt the body parts of birds Weather forecast activity was conducted, where and insects through fun activities. Students made students observed everyday weather and a an owl with handprint and made an origami bird report was prepared and discussed about the to learn about body parts of the birds. Students whole week’s forecast. were involved in activities like making ladybug, coloring a butterfly to learn in detail about insects. Grade - 6 To make students understand the need of seperation, students were asked to get an empty glass, some sand/tea leaves/uncooked rice, a glass filled with half water and strainers of different sizes. Students enjoyed the activity and understood the separation techniques used in daliy life. 7

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Grade - 7 Grade - 8 To introduce the concept of uniform and The concept of sound produced due to vibration nonuniform motion, the story of 'hare and was well explained by students with the help of tortoise' was discussed in the class. The story musical instruments. Students explained which helped the students to understand the concept part of the musical instrument vibrates and very well. produces the sound. This activity helped to boost the motor skill ability as well as aesthetic ability. Grade - 9 Grade - 10 Practical skills forms one of the main parameters Practical skills forms one of the main parameters of science. In chemistry, simulations-based of science. In chemistry, simulations-based practicals in OLABS was conducted. Students practicals in OLABS was conducted. Students carried out the simulations to understand the carried out the simulations to understand nature of the reaction and also analysed the the nature of the reaction and also analysed the inference based on their observation w.r.t the inference based on their observation w.r.t the simulations. simulations. 8

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Language Development Skills The best way to encourage your child’s language development is to do a lot of talking together about things that interest or give them an opportunity to think and open up. Through language development, students chose the right targeted activities that promote and accelerate learning while matching child’s current language skills. Pre-Primary Grade-1 We at SSRVM BE School celebrated Hindi Diwas with great fervor every year on 14th September to instill spirit of celebrating diversity, promoting language learning, and honoring our country’s official language Hindi. Children enjoyed being a part of this celebration. Opposites and action words were introduced to our Grade-5 tiny tots with lot of flash cards, animated pictures to make learning more interactive. They also learnt the sounds of “Nn”,”Oo”,”Pp” \"\"Qq\"and they learnt the new words starting with these sounds. Grade 2 Students made a comic strip on different characters based on the story of 'Aladdin' and quoted their famous dialogue. Hindi Diwas is celebrated every year on 14th September. In the spirit of celebrating diversity, promoting language learning, and honoring our country’s official language, we at SSRVM celebrated Hindi Diwas with great fervor. 9

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Language Development Skills Grade- 6 Grade-7 LSRW skills is an integral part of our learning. Activity of the month was based on the poem - 'The Shed'. Students were asked to recall if they have seen any shed or an abundant structure and asked to describe it in the class Grade- 8 Grade-9 Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. Stories are used as a successive tool for teaching more complex ideas, such as the importance of sharing, the passage of time, compassion for others etc. Students showcased their creativity and trickle their imagination and produced brilliant scenarios with the clues provided. 8£Éà vÀgÀUÀwAiÀÄ ªÀÄPÀ̽UÉ CªÀÄä£À ¨sÁªÀavÀæªÀ£ÀÄß Can¹, CªÀÄä£À MAzÀÄ ¥ÀlzÁzÀ ¥ÀzÀåªÀ£ÀÄß §gÉAiÀÄ®Ä ºÉüÀ¯ÁVvÀÄÛ. PÉ®ªÀÅ ªÀÄPÀ̼ÀÄ ¥ÀzÀå §gÉzÀgÉ E£ÀÄß PÉ®ªÀÅ ªÀÄPÀ̼ÀÄ CªÀÄä£À §UÉÎ vÀªÀÄä C¤¹PÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÀåPÀÛ¥Àr¹zÀgÀÄ. Grade- 10 Speaking skill is an important part in communication skill. Being intelligible using appropriate word stress, sentence stress and intonation patterns. Presenting their ideas and eliciting others' views. A speaking assessment was conducted to help students be more confident. 10

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Numeracy is the knowledge, skills, behaviors and dispositions that students need in order to use mathematics in a wide range of situations. It involves recognizing and understanding the role of mathematics in the world and having the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical knowledge and skills purposefully. At SSRVM BE all concepts are introduced with the help of activities. Pre-primary Grade 5 Children learnt number 4 and its value with Equivalent fractions can be obtained by an activity integrated with art. They made flowers multiplying the numerator and the denominator using 4 leaves which helped them to improve of a fraction by the same non-zero number. their counting and motor skills. They also learnt Students shaded 5 rectangles of the same length about 'triangle' by showing different objects from of 10cm and same width of 1cm to make their daily life and made fish using cutouts of equivalent fractions. The shaded part of 1st triangles. rectangle can be denoted as ½. In the same way, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rectangles can be denoted as 2/4, 3/6, 4/8 and 5/10. Students learnt and understood to generate equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by doing this fun activity. Grade - 6 An activity on algebra was conducted to reinforce the concept. Students showed a pattern of their choice using matchsticks. For e.g. To make one 'Z' - 3 matchsticks are used, for 2 'Zs' - 6 matchsticks are required and so on... 11

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Grade - 7 Grade - 8 An activity was conducted on An activity on Exponents and Powers was Algebraic Expressions. Students were asked conducted to make students clear on the concept. to prepare three rectangles of different areas in such Students made 3 concentric circles, wrote the a way that sum of area of two small rules, generalized form and examples in each rectangles equal to area of big rectangle. Areas circle and displayed it as a wheel to be familiar were represented in terms of Algebraic Expressions. with the concept. This activity helped students to understand that only numerical coefficients are added and not the variables. Grade - 9 Grade - 10 Students were asked to make a tetrahedron by Students were asked to toss a coin for 30 times folding a paper and to find the area of the same. and were asked to find the probability of getting This activity helped students to understand Head's and Tail's. Heron's formula in an easier way. Students became more creative by preparing an art out of the triangles made and found its area. 12

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Cognitive development helps in information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development and memory. This means how children think, explore and figure things out. Our classes are preplanned with activities/quizzes to make learning more conscious. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Critical thinking and crucial skills enable children to process sensory information. Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and were able to perform well. Hindi Worksheets were done as a practice sheet to help them do better. Children learnt about yellow color and the objects related to yellow color. They also identified objects that are in yellow color in their surrounding environment. They enjoyed the activity of making a yellow lamp using cutouts. Grade 3 Grade-3 Cognitive skill development in children involves the progressive building of learning skills, such as attention, memory and thinking. These skills helps students to evaluate, analyze, remember, make comparisons and understand cause and effect. Worksheets were solved in all subjects prior to the assessment. Cognitive development skills are crucial skills that enable children to process sensory information and eventually learn to evaluate, analyze, remember, make comparisons and understand cause and effect. Worksheets were solved in all subjects prior to the assessment. 13

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Grade- 5 Grade-6 Students were given Map skills based on the lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their comprehending skill based on the social cognitive theory where the students implemented their understanding by perceiving the knowledge gained through the learning and teachings. Cognitive skills helps students to process new information by taking that information and distributing it into appropriate areas of the brain. Worksheets were solved in all subjects to apply their cognitive learning. Online map practices were given to the students to make them familiar with the art of map pointing and help them in locating places. Grade- 7 Grade-8 Students were given worksheets based on lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their grasping skill based on their learning. Assessment is based on the social cognitive theory where the students implement their underst anding by perceiving the knowledge gained through the learning and teaching. Students were given worksheets based on the lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their comprehending skill based on the social cognitive theory where the students implemented their understanding by perceiving the knowledge gained through learning and teachings. Grade- 9 Grade-10 A worksheet on agriculture was given to students and were asked to solve. This helped the students to revise the chapter learnt. The students were then asked to do a self- correction. PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ d£À¥ÀzÀ PÀ¯ÉUÀ½UÀÆ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ EvÀgÉ gÁdåzÀ PÀ¯ÉUÀ¼À §UÉÎ ªÀiÁ»wAiÀÄ£ÀÄß vÀgÀUÀwAiÀÄ°è ZÀað¸À¯ÁVvÀÄÛ. ¨ÉÃgÉ gÁdåUÀ¼À d£À¥ÀzÀ PÀ¯ÉUÀ¼À PÀ¯ÉUÀ°UÀÆ £ÀªÀÄä gÁdåzÀ PÀ¯ÉUÀÆ EgÀĪÀ ªÀåvÁå¸ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß UÀÄgÀÄw¸À¯ÁVvÀÄÛ. 14

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills “Play is the highest form of research” - Albert Einstein Typical motor skill development follows a predictable sequence. It starts from the inner body, including the head, neck, arms and legs, and then moves to the outer body such as hands, feet, fingers and toes. Motor development is important throughout a child’s early life, because physical development is tied to other development areas. SSRVM BE focuses on both Physical and Motor Development skills by giving equal importance for PE and Yoga. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Exercise plays an important role in enhancing the energy levels. To ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. Regular fitness activities are included in our online classes as a lifestyle, so it is possible for our little ones to stay fit. Activities like tracing the letters and making letters using blocks helped in improving their fine motor skills. Gross motor activities like jogging, running, backward walking, balancing in one leg helped them to improve their physical development. Grade 2 Grade-5 Students were oriented on the importance of National Sports Day. SSRVM BE celebrated National Sports Day by taking Khelo India Fitness online assessment. To make students understand the importance of games.A video on Major Dhyanchand – The greatest Hockey player was shown. Physical fitness is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. When regular fitness activities are included in the lifestyle of a student, it is possible for them to maintain fitness. To ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed as a part of our weekly routine. 15

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills Grade- 6 Grade-7 Recreational sports are those activities where the primary purpose of the activity is participation, with goals related to improving physical fitness and fun. Recreational sports are usually perceived to be less stressful, both physically and mentally. Students were oriented on the importance of National Sports Day. SSRVM BE celebrated National Sports Day by taking Khelo India Fitness online assessment. To make students understand the importance of games, a video on Major Dhyanchand – The greatest Hockey player was shown. Grade- 8 Grade-9 : Lumosity and Posit Science – the famous online brain games offers both web and mobile series. These games helps to improve students' memory, attention to detail, processing speed, mental flexibility and problem solving. Students were active participant of these games that helped them to improve their learning skills. Students were oriented on the importance of National Sports Day. SSRVM BE celebrated National Sports Day by taking Khelo India Fitness online assessment. To make students understand the importance of games, a video on Major Dhyanchand – The greatest Hockey player was shown. Grade- 10 arm up helps to prepare your body for aerobic activities. A warmup gradually revs up your cardiovascular system by increasing your body temperature and thereby increases the blood flow to your muscles. 16

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Health and Nutrition “Good health is above wealth” Healthy diet boosts immune system. A healthy nutrition affects the health of a body. Healthy food is essential as it provides all the required vital nutrients. At SSRVM BE, our aim is to instill the importance of a healthy diet in the young minds. This is incorporated in their minds by the help of various seminars and activities every month. Pre-Primary Grade-1 National Nutrition Week is celebrated every year from September 1st to 7th. The theme of National Nutrition Week of 2021 is 'feed smart right from start'. Children were asked to make lemonade at home as an activity. They were also asked to find out the benefits of lemon. Children also had a session on the right sitting posture and regular exercise as a part of the Health and Nutrition learning. Children learnt about good eating habits and how they help us growing in a healthier way. The session was made interactive where children brought vegetables to celebrate Indian nutrition week and also learnt about the uses of coconut for world coconut day. Grade 2 Grade-3 \"Feed smart right from start\" was the theme for National Nutrition Week 2021. Children were asked to create a ‘vegetable person’ using real vegetables. They were encouraged to eat their vegetable. The theme of National Nutrition Week of 2021 is 'feed smart right from start'. Children were oriented and made aware about the importance of healthy food and the benefits of eating a balanced diet. Children were asked to make fruit salad at home as an activity. They were also asked to find out the benefits of all the fruits that were used. 17

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Health and Nutrition Grade- 4 Grade-5 The theme of National Nutrition Week of 2021 is 'feed smart National nutritional week was celebrated from September 1 to right from start'. A special assembly was conducted wherein September 7. \"Healthy Snacking\" - activity was conducted to students were oriented that nutrition is the science or practice help students understand the importance of consuming and utilizing foods. Children performed a Salty of nutrition. Students prepared fruit or vegetable salad/ mixed Potato Experiment to understand that just like the potato salad and served to all members in their family. loses water when put in a salty solution, salty food and drinks They discussed the importance of eating healthy snacks make people thirsty, and that these items should only be and avoiding junk food. eaten occasionally. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 National nutritional week helped the As we welcome September, we also In Culinary Club, students were students understand the importance of usher in the festivals across various parts encouraged to make protein bars and nutritional values in each food. Students of our country. Sweets and Desserts laddus which added a sense of happiness forms an integral part of every as it is the beginning of festive season. preapared fruit/vegetable salad a celebration. In this month, the topic was Students learnt the nutritional value of 'Healthy Snack' and shared it with their no bake cake using Oreo biscuits n milk. each ingredient used in making of protein. This helped students to develop their They also presented the protein bars with family. They were oriented on the fine motor skills and promotes asthetic various food arts which enhanced importance of eating healthy snacks. ability. their creativity. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Students were emphasized on healthy nutrition and the importance of nutrients in it. To make students understand about malnutrition, they were asked to do a research on enrichment of nutrients in a crop and find out ways to increase the micro-nutrient and prepare a bio- fortification report. National nutritional week was celebrated from September 1 to September 7. An activity on food allergies was conducted that helped students understand the importance of nutrition and the reason behind food allergies. 18

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Art varies greatly between cultures and at the same time it can be as a medium that bridges the gap between cultures. It is used to represent the core beliefs of a society. Art is also used by everyone to express power, culture etc. Arts and culture play an important role in promoting social bonds. At SSRVM BE we keep in mind the different cultures and plan virtual tour to promote artistic thoughts in the young minds. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Indian Culture plays an important role in the development of children at a young age. Virtual field trip to Golconda Fort was an enriching and interactive experience to children. They got to explore the beauty of this place and were amused by the impressive structure. Art integrated activities was conducted across all subjects to reinforce the concepts taught. Children performed multiple art and craft activities related to the concepts like making owl with handprints, birds made by origami, Ganesha made by paper cup and cutouts and kite made by sticking pieces of paper. Grade 2 Grade-5 Ganesha Idol Making activity was conducted. Children used turmeric powder and prepared an eco-friendly Ganesha idol. They used this idol to worship lord Ganesha. They enjoyed preparing the idol and displayed their creativity. It is through the knowledge of our own cultural history, arts, languages, and traditions that we can build a positive cultural identity and self-esteem in children. Virtual field trip of Golconda Fort was an enriching and interactive experience to children. They got to explore the beauty of this place and were amused by the impressive structure. 19

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Grade- 6 Grade-7 Pencil shading plays a major role in realistic art. Drawing is a two-dimensional imaginative piece of art. Through shading the picture is represented in three-dimensional form that takes drawing to the next level. Students enjoyed learning pencil shading. Students were introduced to warli painting, an art form created mainly by tribal communities. Its origins lies from Maharashtra. This art form helps students respect different cultures and diversity. Grade- 8 Grade-9 : Students were introduced to 'Mandala Art'. The word Mandala in Sanskrit means 'circle'. It is a traditional art of Buddhists and Hindus. It is considered as a symbol of universe. Mandala is a geometric design or pattern that represents the cosmos and deities. Still life drawing are drawings of non-living objects arranged in a specific way, to create meaning and visual effects. Common still life objects include things like flowers, fruits, vegetables, other foods and beverages. Children showed their creativity in still life drawings. Grade- 10 The word Mandala in Sanskrit means 'circle'. It is a traditional art of Buddhists and Hindus. It is considered as a symbol of universe. Mandala is a geometric design or pattern that represents the cosmos and deities. 20

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Creativity, adaptability, critical reasoning and collaboration are the key features of integrated learning. Through integrated and cross curriculum learning, a variety of learning styles, theories and multiple intelligence can be inculcated to students. Students are able to learn on their own and take responsibility for their learning. At SSRVM BE, activities are organized through integrated and cross curriculum. Pre-primary Grade 5 Through STEM learning, students develop their Social and Science integrated activity was soft skills like creativity, collaboration and conducted where students noted the changes in thinking skills. Our tiny tots made portrait of birds temperature every day. with leaves and twigs as a STEM activity. This They observed the daily change in the weather activity helped them to integrate their learning and shared their views in class. with art and develop their creativity. Grade - 6 Students' were given worksheets based on the chapters taught in the month. Practice was given on some part of grammatical words as a practice to improve their vocabulary. 21

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Grade - 8 Grade - 9 As a part of art integration students were asked to As a part of art integrated learning, students were present a pictorial demonstration on natural and asked to display the electron dot structure of ionic synthetic fibres and the source from which they are compounds and represent it in formula using the obtained. materials available at home. Grade - 10 As a part of art integrated learning, students were asked to display the electron dot structure of ionic compounds and represent it in formula using the materials available at home. 22

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning In collaborative learning student makes progress individually in line with the progress made by their peers. Students learn to manage the method with no further instructions. In cooperative learning students take accountability for their learning. Activities like information exchange activities, working in pairs are a part of the lessons to enhance their learning. Grade 5 Grade 6 Collaboration helps to create an environment where students feel valued and heard. Phases of Moon activity was conducted, and students showed the decreasing and increasing order of the moon through art. Students understood the change between new moon (Amavasya) and full moon. Collaboration helps to create an environment where students feel valued and heard. An activity was conducted where, students presented the class about the festival and the cuisine they prepare during a festival. They also got the chance to present their respective state by wearing traditional dress. Students got information about various states and festivals associated with it. Grade 7 Grade 8 \"Who Am I?\" activity was conducted to introduce the topic 'Why do we need a parliament?'. Pictures of personalities associated with parliament was shown and students were asked to identify them with their portfolios. Collaboration helps to create an environment where students feel valued and heard. In Hindi, an activity was conducted to make students know that there are so many difficulties in a peddler's life. Through this activity students were able to understand that there is a learning in every difficult situation of life. 23

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Grade- 9 Grade-10 d£À¥ÀzÀ ¸Á»vÀå ¨É¼ÉzÀÄ §AzÀ §UÉÎ, d£À¥ÀzÀ £ÀÈvÀå ¥ÀæPÁgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ d£À¥ÀzÀ PÀ¯ÉUÀ¼À §UÉÎ «±ÉõÀ ªÀiÁ»wAiÀÄ£ÀÄß w½AiÀįÁVvÀÄÛ. ªÀÄPÀ̽AzÀ vÀgÀUÀwAiÀÄ°è PÀ¯ÉUÀ¼À §UÉÎ £ÀÈvÀå ¥ÀæPÁgÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥Àæ¸ÀÄÛvÀ ¥Àr¸À¯ÁVvÀÄÛ. 24

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Social and emotional development is the change over time in children’s ability to react and interact with their social environment. It is complex and includes many different areas of growth like attachment, emotion regulation etc. We keep in mind the social and emotional needs of our students and classes are planned and prepared as it helps them have a healthy mind. Pre-Primary Grade-1 World Peace Day is celebrated on 21st September. Our little ones were oriented on the importance of peace and how it helps them to become better souls. At SSRVM, children learnt a prayer under the guidance of teacher. Prayers have a power of creating a pious atmosphere that helps instill certain values such as humility and discipline in the students. Prayer also helps children in realizing the importance of our ethical values. Grade 2 Grade-3 As a part of celebration of Poshan Maah, we encouraged all the students to share or offer nutritious food to the needy children. This helped our students not only understand the nutritional levels in the society, but also to imbibe a sense of social responsibility, inclusion and volunteerism. To enhance the artistic and creative skills of students, they were asked to draw a Ganesha and instead of colors they were asked to use cereals and pulses. Children put together great ideas and expressed their creative ideas in the form of their drawings. The International Peace Day also known as World Peace Day is celebrated on 21st September. PEACE begins with a smile, so smile a lot it costs you nothing. 25

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 The students were divided into 2 groups and had a discussion on impact of video games on children. They were asked to bring out the negative and positive effects of playing video games. As a part of celebration of Poshan Maah, we encouraged all the students to share or offer nutritious food to the needy children. This helped our students not only understand the nutritional levels in the society, but also to imbibe a sense of social responsibility, inclusion and volunteerism. To enhance the artistic and creative skills of students, they were asked to draw a modern version of Ganesha in any form they could imagine. Children came up with great ideas and expressed their creative ideas in the form of their drawings. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 The students were divided into 2 Words of wisdom are showered Words of wisdom are showered groups and had a discussion on impact throughout our formative years. In this throughout our formative years. In this of video games on children. They session students were requested to session students were requested were asked to bring out the reflect on the best advice, the words of to reflect on the best advice, the words wisdom they have received. This deeply negative and positive effects of of wisdom they have received. This playing video games. This activity personal experiences enriched the deeply personal experiences enriched helped students to understand the session. the session. impact of their health. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Listening to others is a positive approach that helps to calm a mind and solve many problems. Considering students mind, a class teacher period is a part of the timetable that helps the students to spend quality time with their teacher. This helps the teacher to understand his/her students better and it is an opportunity for the students to open up if they have any concerns. 'Listening' helps to comfort a person and solve many problems. Considering the present scenario -- Class teachers dedicate some quality time with their students aiming to understand them in better light and to give them an opportunity to speak about their concerns. 26

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 360 Degree Assessment Well-designed assessment can encourage active learning when it is innovative and engaging. Peer and self-assessment can foster a number of skills such as self-reflection, critical thinking etc. Assessment allows students to engage in continuous quality improvement Pre-Primary Grade-1 NEP 2020 emphasizes on overall development of students and therefore encourages 360-degree assessment. Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children Healthy competition inspires kids to do their best. Through assessments kids become more inquisitive and start working independently. Our little ones participated in slokas, rhymes recitation competetions Grade 2 Grade-3 Assessment was conducted in all subjects during the month of September to assess the students learning and their understanding of concepts. It was a combination of objective and subjective format. NEP 2020 emphasizes on overall development of students and therefore encourages 360-degree assessment. Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. 27

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 360 Degree Assessment Grade- 4 Grade-5 : Assessment is a key component that helps students to know what they have learnt. Through assessments they will be able to determine whether they have understood the concept or not. It motivates students to give their best. NEP 2020 focuses on overall development of students and therefore emphasizes 360-degree assessment. Assessment was conducted in all subjects during the month of September to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children It was a combination of objective and subjective format. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Assesments helps students to see/know Regular assessments helps the child to Test/assessments helps students to recti their level of learning and enhance their preparations. Every test fy their mistakes and gives them an idea understanding of each concept. and assessment helps students to to present a better paper. Subjective and objective form of rectify their mistakes and gives them For 360-degree assessment apart assessments were conducted to display an idea to present a better paper. 360- from activities, pen and paper type of degree assessment are conducted to their learning. assessments evaluate student's performances. are conducted to evaluate students performances. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Assessment helps students to rectify their mistakes and gives them an opportunity to present the paper in a better way. It is a revision, where students know their mistakes and find steps/solution to rectify it. Pen and Paper types of assessments were conducted to evaluate students' performances. Assessment helps students to rectify their mistakes and gives them an opportunity to present the paper in a better way. It is a revision, where students know their mistakes and find steps/solution to rectify it. Pen and Paper types of assessments were conducted to evaluate students' performances. 28

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Educator Corner LISTENING SKILLS Listening is a cognitive act that requires the students to pay attention, think and mentally process what they hear. Listening is an important component of learning. A student's ability to actively listen has a major impact on building the communication skills needed both inside and outside of the classroom. Active listening is a soft skill like problem solving, leadership and teamwork, it can be acquired and developed - but it takes time and patience to master. Besides better comprehension in the classroom, active listeners tend to be better communicators and problem solvers. Points to improve active listening Activities to help develop and sharpen a It goes without saying If you want your child's listening skills children to be good listeners you need to ¤Have conversations about things your model that behaviour. ¤Maintain eye contact and give full child is interested in. This gives your child a chance to engage in a real attention to your child. conversation, practising both speaking ¤Don't interrupt when your child is and listening. ¤Give short simple instructions and ask speaking. your child draw according to the ¤Ask questions. It can be open ended, directions they hear. ¤Chinese whisper/Simon says etc. are close-ended questions, leading and games which would involve you giving reflective. commands to your child and your child ¤Get down to your child's level and have to listen with keen attention to play communicate. and enjoy the game. ¤Listen for the total meaning of the ¤Play musical statue game - you need content and the underlying feeling or some music and space to dance, play and attitude. stop the music at intervals. You will see ¤Read stories to your child and ask the difference over the time as your child him/her to predict what will happen next. refines his/her listening skills. ¤Praise your child when they listen well by using specific language. Ms. Abirami Umashankar Special Educator, SSRVMBE 29

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Ganesh Chaturthi Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival celebrated in Hinduism. Ganesh is a God of wisdom, success and good luck. He is also known as 'Vigneshwara' means the one \"who removes obstacles.\" The celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi take place for 10 days. It begins on the chaturthi when people install the idols of Ganesh in their homes and temples. Various temporary stages known as pandals are also built for celebrating Chaturthi. Towards the end of the festival when the Visarjan is about to take place, people carry out of full-fledged procession. Ganesh Visarjan also performed on the third, fifth, seventh or eleventh day of Ganesh Chaturthi. When Ganesh Chaturthi ends, they pray for the return of Lord Ganesh very year. At SSRVM BE, a special assembly was organized on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi where students involved in various cultural activities. A Ganesha temple was constructed and pooja was done. 30

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Teachers’ Day Teachers' Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of September, which also marks the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was an Indian philosopher and the second President of India. To celebrate this occasion, students perform songs and plays, acknowledging the contribution of their teachers. On Teachers’ Day, students hold different activities to entertain teachers at schools and colleges. These activities include singing, dance, recitations of poems, mimicry of teachers, lots of games, and at last, they thank teachers by expressing their gratitude Teachers’ Day is a great occasion for celebrating and enjoying the relationship between teachers and student. 31

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations National Nutrition Week National nutritional week was celebrated from September 1 to September 7. A special assembly was held to orient the students he importance of eating nutritional foods. Activities was conducted across grades to help the students to understand the significance of nutrition. Healthy Snacking, fruits and vegetable salads were prepared by students and served to all members in their family. They discussed the importance of eating healthy snacks and avoiding junk food. 32

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Global Literacy Day Global Literacy Day takes place on September 8 every year to raise awareness and concern for literacy problems that exist within our own local communities as well as globally. International Literacy Day was founded by proclamation of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, in 1966 “to remind the public the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights.” International Literacy Day brings ownership of the challenges of illiteracy back home to local communities where literacy begins, one person at a time. International Literacy Day ( 2021 was celebrated under the theme “Literacy for a human-centered recovery: Narrowing the digital divide”. Global Literacy Day 2021 has explored how literacy can contribute to building a solid foundation for a human-centered recovery, to remind the international community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies, and the need for intensified efforts towards more literate societies.” It is rightly said that Teaching is not a service, profession, or job. It is a pillar of the society. 33

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Hindi Diwas 34

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations International Day of Democracy International Day of Democracy is celebrated annually on the 15th of September. It’s a chance to review the state of democracy around the world, encourage democratic movements and promote freedom, peace and human rights. Every year, the UN holds various events geared towards spreading awareness about democracy. These activities revolve a unique theme urging the public to take part in democracy and promote civility in the society. One such initiative was taken by SSRVM Bangalore East as well and we have celebrated the International day of democracy on 15 September 2021 by keeping class assembly where students learnt about democracy and how they can be part of it. 35

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Parents Talent Show - (PP) Parents' Talent Show event was conducted virtually on 18th September for our PP students. Children and parents participated with full enthusiasm by showing their talents like singing, artwork, recited a poem, chocolate making, painting, making flower using old clothes etc. Children along with their parents enjoyed being a part of the assembly as it gave them an opportunity to spend quality time with each other. 36

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations International Day of Peace This year, the theme for International Peace Day was ‘Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world'. September 21 is commemorated as the International Day of Peace world over. This day promotes global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. To enlighten the importance of this day an exclusive general assembly was conducted. With the help of PPT and the video the importance, significance and peace message was conveyed productively. Stress free and violence free society is only possible by practicing global peace, conflicts can end only through peace and nonviolence was the significant message of the assembly conveyed by our very own Ambassador of Peace - Sri Sri Ravishankarji. Students were inspired to start to think creatively and collectively about how to help everyone and practice peace by only sharing a smile with others. 37

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Swacchta Pakhwada In correlation with the 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' following pledge was taken by our students. I will initiate the quest for cleanliness with myself, my family, my locality, my village and my work - place. because their citizens don't indulge in littering, nor do they allow it to happen. With this firm belief, I will propagate the message of Swachh Bharat Mission in villages and towns. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi exhorted people to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi's vision of Clean India. The 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' is a massive mass movement that seeks to create a Clean India. Cleanliness was very close to Mahatma Gandhi's heart. A clean India is the best tribute we can pay to Bapu when we celebrate his 150th birth anniversary in 2019. Mahatma Gandhi devoted his life so that India attains 'Swarajya'. Now the time has come to devote ourselves towards 'Swachchhata' (cleanliness) of our motherland. The 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' is a massive mass movement that seeks to create a Clean India 38

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts 39

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts 40

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Leaders Talk Leaders' thoughts… An assembly is when the school community children to develop their confidence by meet together to share aspects of life that are speaking up and sharing their ideas with worth. Assemblies act as a medium for everyone. communicating matters of significance from At SSRVM BE we plan and execute assemblies one generation to another. At SSRVM BE and celebrations by considering all the above special assemblies are organized to impart factors and help our students grow with a rich cultural values in young minds through knowledge in culture. celebrations and activities. Here are few thoughts from our leaders about How do these celebrations influence the the importance of celebrations. young minds? Celebrations creates a sense of The power of connection: togetherness: Through these celebrations we are able to ¤Attending the celebrations and Special ignite the school spirit thereby instilling the core values in our students minds and also Assemblies creates awareness in students gives them an opportunity to participate in the about the particular event or festival and events the school offers during these helps in the all-round development of the celebrations. students. Builds curiosity: ¤They get to know about our cultural It is a stage where students actively participate heritage and diversity and makes them feel in the activities with their friends by building proud of being an Indian. interest in extracurricular activities. ¤It helps them to understand and develop Develop fundamental and core values: respect for each other's customs and Students are able to develop core values traditions which fosters unity. through these special celebrations and can be ¤Celebrating National Festivals helps them significantly influenced from the life lessons of to understand the great sacrifices made by famous people, festivals etc. Their main take our national heroes and they understand away being - diversity, accountability, the value of freedom. leadership and responsibility. ¤When kids actually perform for an event, it boosts their self-esteem and confidence Learning Social Discipline: and helps in shaping the attitude of the Celebrations and assemblies are prime ground child by building their character and for students that gives them an opportunity to attitude. mold their behavior, and become a well- ¤Along with fun and enthusiasm for such disciplined person. These celebrations help activities it also helps to promote qualities students to come out of their comfort zone. like creativity, sensitivity and the feeling of Builds confidence: togetherness. Overall, it helps in shaping Special assemblies provide an occasion for the attitude of the child which helps in their holistic development. 41

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Leaders Talk Leaders' thoughts… Creates a strong cultural belief: ¤Students are inspired by the great ¤The present generation kids do not know deeds of the leaders and try to implement them in their life. about festivals and its importance so we make them aware of it by having ¤C a n d e v e l o p t h e f e e l i n g o f celebrations in school. togetherness. ¤Celebrating events and festivals in school is an integral part of learning and building a Helps in overall development: strong cultural belief. These celebrations ¤Special assemblies help students in bring students closer to each other's traditions and cultural beliefs and develop knowing the importance of the respect and understanding for each other's particular day. customs and traditions. ¤By conducting these assemblies, the ¤It also helps to commemorate the hard students will know the history, work and sacrifices of its citizen to build the traditions and culture about our nation. country. ¤In a country like India with so much of ¤By participating and organizing these cultural diversity, festivals like these really assemblies, it helps them learn, create help the citizens of the country stay united. and improve their skills. Celebrating national festivals are ¤These assemblies make students take important because they are the pride of up responsibility and makes them to be our country: more confident. ¤It is utmost important for every nationality Builds confidence and develops (Indians) to know the history, culture and social skills: traditions of their country and the roles ¤Special assembly helps them to learn played by National heroes and the about the importance or significance of sacrifices made by them. the festival. ¤As future ambassadors /representatives ¤It helps to improve the creativity of the of the country, it is important for every child. student to know the ideologies of these ¤It helps them in fighting stage fear and great leaders. Needless to mention that motivate them for public speaking. their ideologies were internationally Increase the involvement of parents. accepted. Helps to develop interest in festivals: ¤It is important for student to understand ¤Special Assemblies help to develop that because of the deeds of these great unity among all students and teachers. leaders, they(students) are able to compete ¤Children gain confidence when they and walk hand in hand with other present themselves in front of their peer international countries. group. Creates a sense of awareness: ¤They get an exposure to understand ¤Strong cultural belief the customs religious beliefs and values ¤Get clear understanding of our rich of each and every festival. heritage. ¤Enhancing the Indian culture is truly ¤Get to know about the struggles of our important. freedom fighters. ¤Each and every performance turns out to be innovative and unique in its own way. 42

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Teachers’ Corner Experience during Teachers’ Day The teacher's day celebrations held by the The students have conducted a wonderful students of SSRVM was mesmerizing and event for Teacher's Day. It is truly heart- thoroughly enjoyable. The students made warming to see how much these students love every effort to make the assembly interactive and respect their teachers. and engaged teachers in interesting quizzes I had a lot of fun during the program which and games. The dance presented by the made me feel as if I was on cloud nine. I students was well choreographed and I was remembered my childhood days during the incredibly happy to see some of the students games conducted by the students. During the who I had taught highlight their various talents program I forgot my role as a teacher and in various extra-curricular activities. The enjoyed the events. The performances of the anchors on behalf of the students expressed students were truly energetic. This has become their gratitude to the teachers for teaching and one of the fondest memories of my life. Thanks guiding them over the years. to the students and management who helped in organizing this wonderful program. Ms. Priya Sharma Facilitator, Primary, SSRVMBE Ms. Kamala Ponnaluri Facilitator, SSRVMBE 43

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Teachers’ Corner “TOMORROW NEVER COMES\" - WHATEVER YOU WISH TO START - START IMMEDIATELY. The above quote means - If it's worth Doing, “Time is second to none” it's worth doing right away. Start any work that is needed right away. Good Time is very precious and try to utilize it work needs to be started and never wait for efficiently and effectively every day. Be tomorrow. Love the job what you're doing and grateful to Mother Nature and everybody give your best and put your efforts every day whom we meet in our life. Take utmost care of and never postpone the work. everything that is available in the nature and enjoy today's day as the saying goes. My father once used to tell me never waste your time for unnecessary things and gossips I would like to end my thoughts on this by a and give your best each day. Live every very popular quote: moment of your life by giving your best and “Dream big, Achieve big.” helping others in all possible ways. Always be a dreamer and set your goals in your life and Ms. Akshatha don't sleep until you achieve it. When we climb Facilitator, Primary, SSRVMBE a hill, we put all our energy, efforts and climb, but while coming down we feel relaxed, lighter and feel like we have achieved something in our life or feel like a bird while coming down. Likewise, if we have to achieve anything in our life, we have to put all our efforts and mind in achieving it until we succeed in it. We should never postpone it by saying will do it tomorrow. Whatever work we do, we have to love doing it and not doing it for namesake. Love each and every task you do each day of your life. It may be small things like watering the plants, cooking and helping others etc. Whatever new thing we would like to start – start immediately and do it every day. 44

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Teachers’ Corner ¥ÁæxÀð£É - ¢£ÀPÀgÀ ¨É¼ÀPÀ£ÀÄ ¤ÃqÀĪÀ ¢£ÀPÀgÀ£É ±ÀĨsÀªÀ£ÀÄ vÀA¢ºÀ ±ÀĨsÀPÀgÀ£É ¤£ÀUÉ £À«Ä¥É¥ÀÄ ¦æAiÀÄPÀgÀ£É F ¢£ÀªÀ ±ÀĨsÀªÁV¸ÀÄ ¢£ÀPÀgÀ£É £ÀªÀÄäAiÀÄ ¥Á°£À PÀµÀÖªÀ ¤ÃUÀÆ ¨Á¼À° C£ÀÄ¢£À ¸ÀÄRªÀ£ÀÄ ¤ÃqÀÄ DqÀ®Ä-¥ÁqÀ®Ä ±ÀQÛAiÀÄ ¤ÃqÀÄ C£ÀÄ¢£À £ÀªÀÄä° ¦æÃwAiÀÄ vÉÆÃgÀÄ ±Á¯ÉUÉ ºÉÆÃUÀĪÀ ªÀÄ£À¸À£ÀÄ ¤ÃqÀÄ UÀÄgÀÄUÀ¼À ªÀZÀ£ÀªÀ ¥Á°¸ÀĪɪÀÅ £ÁªÀÅ F ¢£ÀzÀ PÉ®¸ÀªÀ ªÀÄÄV¸ÀĪɪÀÅ £ÁªÀÅ UÀÄgÀÄUÀ¼À ªÉÄZÀÄÑUÉ ¥ÀqÉAiÀÄĪɪÀÅ £ÁªÀÅ Ms. Bhavya K N Facilitator, Primary, SSRVMBE 45

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Teachers’ Corner My take away from the life of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan \"When we think we know, we cease to learn.\" Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan These inspirational words always motivate us to since then, Dr. Radhakrishnan's birthday do higher learning in every phase of life, as has been celebrated as Teacher's Day learning is a life-long process. Inside us, the every year on 5th September. student will never fail if we have a teacher of par excellence, like Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. On Teachers Day we thank our teachers for all the efforts that they have put in to make A symbol of academics and education, us successful people. Teachers play a very Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a renowned important role in our lives. Without them, philosopher, statesman as well as a teacher. He growth as an individual and being was one of the most recognized and influential successful in a career is not possible. On Indian thinkers in academic circles in the 20th 5th September, Dr. Sarvepalli century. He was a great teacher who realized the Radhakrishnan is always remembered to problems of education from the root level. His mark a tribute to his great contribution report of 'University Commission, 1948-49' towards the nation. makes us aware about his educational ideas and it was the greatest contribution in education. He Ms. Susmita Sahoo is remembered as India's most renowned Facilitator, Primary, SSRVMBE academician on comparative religion, philosophy and for introducing Indian philosophy to the West, by bridging the gap between both the cultures. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan served as the first Vice President of India and the second President of India. When he became President many of his students expressed their desire to celebrate his birthday. On the contrary, Dr. Radhakrishnan told them that he would be honoured if his birthday was celebrated as 'Teacher's Day' instead. Ever 46

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E September 2021 Teachers’ Corner Teaching methodologies 10-15 years back and current teaching methodologies Over the past 10 years as a classroom teacher, dramatic shift in the education ecosystem as a When I first started teaching, I wore a bare spot whole and now online education and blended in the rug at the front of the class. I spent hours classes have become a norm in all the levels of planning my lesson delivery, and often education. Pupil engagement has been noted wondered why only some students “got it”. For to increase in schools already integrating tech a long time, I believed it was my lack of and mobile tech into their learning process. presentation skills, and I just needed to find Different teaching styles are easier to better ways to teach at the front of the room. I implement with mobile tech – distant was working HARD! Thank goodness, I soon learning and collaborative learning. realized the best teaching and learning occurs A teacher's role has changed from being a when I am next to my students, rather than sage on the stage to a facilitator of learning standing in front of them. I learned to make processes. Teachers elicit a response, them do the challenging work, so they could challenge thinking, stretch the students' reap the benefits of learning. capability, provide tools to learn and create a Now the technology is playing a big part in psychologically safe and comfortable changing the dynamics in my classroom. It was environment for learning. my own ego that I had to set aside when I realized it. The emergence of blended learning, Ms. Shalini KB online classes, experiential learning has Facilitator, Primary, SSRVMBE changed the way how students are interacting with the educational content. There has been a 47

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