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Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

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Closs Book Noomi Simmons oxroRD \\-INIVERSITY PRESS

Sforter: Hd[oE you.Hello. Goodbye. How are you? I'm fine, thank What's your name? My name's ... How old are gou? I'm... NumbersL-10 Dogsoftheweek ColoursoJthe roinbow What's this? i rnitiol. soundsr Reoding: o description I obcd Listening : identifyin g objects It's a pen. Speoking: What's this? It's ... I Writing: counting words in o | Ao: apple sentence, writing obout mg schooI things \\ Bb: bird (Workbook) iInitiol. sounds: R: o poem: 'Mg Jovourite things' my / your efgh i L:identifgingJovouritethings Ee: egg Is this your teddy? | 5t What's your favourite ...? FJ: Jig I W: dividing sentences into words, Yes, it is. Gg: goat I writing obout mg Jovourite Hh: hat i togs (WB) No, it isn't. Mg bodg arm / arms ijkr R: instructions L: identiJging different onimots This is ... li: ink Tj: jam S: describing on onimot'sJeotures These are ... Kk: kite W: identiJging fu[[ sentences, LL: lion writing obout mg bodg (WB) She's/He'sateacher. InitioI sounds: R: on outobiogrophg mnoP Lr identiJging people bg theirjobs /Is she he a teacher? Mml.mum Sz Is he a doctor? W: copito[ [etters ond JuLl, stops, Yes, she is. Nn: nurse Oo: orange writing obout mg fomiLg (WB) No, he isn't. Pp: pen R: o puzzte text The pork Where's the baLL? InitioI sounds: L: identifging objects bg tocotion S: Where's the kite? in/on/under qrstu W: copitol letters ot the stort of Mg fomity IPossessive Qq: queen nomes, writing obout the pork Rr rabbit Ss sofa (WB) Tt teddg R: o coption storg L: distinguishing detoiLs Uu: umbreLLa S; Who's this? W: question morks, writing obout InitioI sounds: mg JomiLg's things (WB) vwxgz Vv van \\Alw: window Xx: box Yg: yo-go Zzt zebra

Grommor /This is her his T-shirt. R: o coption storg Are these his socks? [: identifging clothes Yes, theg are. 5z What co\\our are these trousers? No, they aren't. W: controctions: 's, writing obout 60 lye Is she in the kitchen? Digrophs: sh mg fovourite cLothes (WB) Yes, she is. No, she isn't. shoes Where are Dad and sheep R: inJormotion on o webpoge BilLy? fish L: listening for locotion Are they in the garden? S: Where are the bedrooms? No, they aren't. Digrophsz ch W: identifging vowels, writing chair I've got two sandwiches. teacher obout mg home (WB) I haven't got my Lunch chick box. R: informotion texts an appLe L: identiJging keg words (an + a, e, i, o, u) Sz I've got a banana and a pear ... W: using o ond on, writing obout mg lunch box (WB) Mg friends /He ihe's got ... Digrophs: th R: o descriptive letter He / She hasn't got ... three 5ho pes bath L: identifging dffirent friends It's got ... teeth S: She's got bLond hair. Who is it? It hasn't got ... CVC words: a W: controctions:'s /'ve, writing cat I like monkeys. man obout mg Jriend (WB) I don't Like eLephants. fan R: o poem: 'Whot om I?' They're big. L: identifging preferences CVC words: e S: It's got four Legs. It's black and I'm LittLe. bed pen orange. Food I Yes,Ido. red W: identifg ing odjectives, writing Drinks I No,I don't. obout onnimol\"s I Like (WB) I What do you like? R: inJormotion texts *L: identifg ing food preferences Whot do gou Like? W: negotive controctions: n't, writing oboutfood I Like (WB) Mg There's ... CVC words: i R: o descriptive letter bedroom There ore bin L: distinguishing detoi[s St Where are the shoes? Numbers fis W: question morks ond Ju[[ stops, tin 1L-20 writing obout mg bedroom CVC words: u He con / con't flg. ru9 (WB) Con he tolk? jug R: descriptions L: identifging onimots Yes, he con. sum 5: It can run. It's brown and big. No, he can't. W: controctions: coil't, writing 100 The beoch lett + verb obout whot I con do (WB) R: on informotion poster [: distinguishing detoi[s 5: Let's ptay balL! W: identifging verbs, writing obout the beoch (WB)

5fr*rfer Lesson One 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ,, 2 Listen ond chont. @ o, Hello, Rosy. Hello, Tim. Hello, everyone. Hello, ailly and Miss Jones. Come and have some fun! 3 Listen ond reod. @ o, 5torfer Hello Goodbye

lerson Two I Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. 2 Ask ond onswer. Hello. What's your name? My name's Jon. 3 Listen ond sing Uour nome. @ oo Hello, hello! Hello, hello, How are you? l'm fine, thank you. l'm fine, thank you. Hello, hello, What's your name? My name's That's my name. Coodbye, goodbye, Goodbyetoyou... What's your nome? Storter

w1 Listen, point ond repeot. @d Z Listen ond tick (/1. (.) ** f\"isht I a: Gh-.f @ ii' , 3 Look of the picture ogoin. Point, osk ond onswer. 4 Listen ond point. Listen ond chont. @ r,

2 Listen ond sing .@ o\" 3 Sing ond do. tr., - :l? Sing o roinbow! Red and yellow, And pink and green, Purple and orange, And blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too. (o'*Fl @ \\, t bl..*-l t green l fue-tt\"* I tiiTl t@l Colours Storter 7

Lesson One Words 2 Listen ond chont.@ r, , 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ,, 3 Listen ond reod.@ r, Unit 1 Schoolthings

Lesson Two Grommar ffi1 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. 2 Look ond sog. Whot's = Whot is It's = It is 3 write. Whot's this? Whot's this? Whot's this? Whot's this? o rubber. o pencit. o ruLer. lls o pen. 4 Point, osk ond o nswer. pen pencil rubber ruler book W - Whot's this? lt's o ... Unit I

Lesson Three 5on9 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ,, 2 Listen ond sing . @ ,o 3 Sing ond do. Open fhe book! what's thisz what's thisz It's a book. open the book. Close the book. What's thisz What's thisz It's o door ... What's thisz what's thisz It's a bag ... What's thisZ what's this? It's awindow ... 10 Unit I 5chool things

Lesson Four Phonics 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ,' f&f* iffi xffiffi% ffffii* * Wff*f*fi&i.#wWffffiiffffi i eefideffi w@i*@ ffi%ffi ffi'W,s*W*offi #gl I &.w* ffi b- WffidsEffi 2 Listen ond chont. @ ,u rlrhiqrJ riJc rvtt,*'1{l/m{/rL*t nlp Ur,tr,}trt^ Orty,trrsrUn\"lo Tkrs is m bird, h, b, hsrd. Tn{$ !$ # effe, {, {, rd;}t\" fhis is * *;{*9, d, *;f, d*9. Listen to the sounds ond join the Letters.@ ,, W@ffi-&& * # Whot hos the dog got? trsx fr a-ffi-. ffi rfu e' t#/',, fu .,tr ffi 1} 1ryru ffi gw*& 4 Reod ond circle the sou nds a, b, c, d of the stort of the words. The 6at Iikes birds. The dog likes opptes. Here's the cat with the btrd. Here's the dog with the appl,e. lnitiol sounds Unit I 11

Lesson Five 'tl1!$5q't..-#', r':';i;r;':;i:;, .: ', 1 Point to four schoot things. Sog the words. This is mg pencit cose. 2 Listen ond reod. @ ,, It's green. Mg nome's Emmo. This is mg schoot bag. And this is mg pencit. This is mg btue pen. And this is mg pink pen. 3 Reod ogoin. Tick (tl or cross (x). Con I see gour bog? r'L pencil 2 pen 3 book 4 ru[er 6 rubber 5 door 12 Unit I Reoding: o description

Lesson Six I Listen ond tick (rz) the correct pictu re. @ ,t 1 A 4 # @. 2 Open Uour bog. Ask ond onswer. Count the words in eoch sentence. This is mU 123 L This is mg pen. 3 Thonk gou. 5 This is o red pencil. Listening, speoking, writing Unit I 13

Lesson One Words 2 Listen ond chont. @ r, 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ro 3 Listen qnd reo d. @ ,, 14 Unir 2 Toys

r1 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. lesson Two Grommor 2 Look ond sog. This is mg bog. 3 write. mg uour This ir _UgLt1_ boLL. This is bog. cor. This is puzzl,e. 4 write. is.Yes, it No, it isn't. my / your ls this ... ? Unit 2 15

Lesron Three 5on9 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ r, 2 Listen ond sing .@ ro 3 Sing ond do. Iryr, foys, foys, foysf Toys, toys, toys, toys, Toys, toys, toys! rhis is my big red kite, ntty big red kite, My big red kite. rhis is my big red kite, I love toys! Toys, toys, toys, toys, ... This is my big blue bike, . Toys, toys, toys, toys, ... rhis is my big, green train, 1//\"ffi,1,',liti I /) ,9/l l5 tJnit 2 Toys

Lesson Four Phonics 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ,u k&,* L ww &ffi&Kmmmffmi tnmffi re ffffiifjvlI-8ffffii re m m ffi fmf5%Yvh:*ruRv H &wffi ffim&w{c a ssffi#c ffi trI-Ee!rcffi ffffi i fmfffii.r\"iu*l.!!*f*f-i!fB.fxima& ...tttttlrt, {* } iai{ ir. * ,4r:{'- 'aa, s ''{i,$,-'-,'-,r..?' 2 Listen ond chont. @ r\" |' finf nv,\"rri \\pv)tYttl't; utr, P!/ {e,y{j1sfllA\" ri'urp'L gr;.n.,rt. ru.ti\"Xfltry*!t |l, $,, l{tirSa. 1i'rrvpq-' rdi4trLi/it rl YnUrt',n4Lf') ltrs\" h 1{4rL\\rrLa',i!|,.. '\"r1 Y:J, r,, v[ l r,, r L.,1iJL 14 ri{\"4;-, ri, rrL{1\" Listen to the sounds ond join the lett ers. @ zt Whot hos the goot got? '{:il':'a \\&ffi gffgi &x&xf6fi & w{lP ;tt\"l gx i ,.--...,... \\ \\* *;.d w -...' rl I t,F& 6 --- * & #g g ,&\" H* wx KX .w \\-& B & 4 Reod ond circte the sounds e,I, g, h otthe stort of the words. There's an@gg with a yettow hot. --..\".*\".';.;\"$;'';:tu ka 4 Look, the goot's got a IrL. ?' The goqt Iikes Jrgs. r ,1\\ lnitiolsounds 2Unit 17

!'Lesson Five .$.*fi{ii$ryrciql}1fl$.bfft.. 'e ''r ,,,*,*,*,.i,t,i,iffil I Point to on onimol ond o tog. 5og the words. 2 Reod ond listen to the poem.@ r, \\,Yhoaut'srnarrnj \"tLIIckrevoitYttol*oc. ol\"our? ti ;r grd*n? Icso,L&o*rre{h-tl,us. ii',Nlo, the 3 Reod ogoin ond write. aMy favourite toy is ba[[ . My favourite colour is My favourite animal is a t8 unit 2 Reoding: o poem

-=*ffi*\"-G++t**,ll+u-titmi+ltltt++' lesson Six I Listen ond mqtch. @ r' ',m Mi@re ITHM @ 2 Ask ond qnswer obout gou. (rJr: 3 Circte the words. L ThisismUteddg. 2 ThisisUou rcor. 4Tt'smUUe[[owboLt. 3 It'sUourredbike. 6 CLosethedoor. 5 It'sm gbog. Listening, speoking, writing

Lesson One Words 2 Listen ond chont.@ z, 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ro 3 Listen ond reo d. @ ,, 20 Unit 3 Mybody

l1 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Lesson Two Grommor 2 Look ond sou. one orm These ore mU orms. This is mg nose. 3 Write. This is These ore These are m g Legs. mg orms. @ m g foce. mu nose. 4 Circle. tr mu eors. tr Cr.tD7 t\"s orm f orms legs / leg orms / orm 21

Lesson Three Song 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ r, ro2 Listen ond sing .@ 3 Sing ond do. Tem fimgers om my hemds Ten fingers on my hands, on my hands. ten fingers on my hands, on my hands. Two eyes, one nose, All on my face. Ten fingers on my hands, y on my hands. Unit 3 My body

Lesson Four Phonics 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ r' &-&s m* wWffiffi & HxMffi&# lWW t- ffffiigs*:ekfxf\"i ,ffi W - - W# m !-***-\"\"'--*M\" 2 Listen qnd chont.@* *!^,\" i,,^!, i ;r|.lc,!k,/^1., !,r{\".F !9-r ,ri,( .,1, :'^1. Ir, !., tifrlX r!qr {-**k mt fk* j i*rm. i\" r\" i*rx\" 'J'J', J k' ,iltunUt\\ 1r;4t i-f;|,a{tt;, tlzuiil-aL\" !l,\\, ,b\\, r?{giNi-L*. '1t-nLi.rrj.f;,;tLlt- *L-lLit:t-: i;,;,Unf*lr, ;l, ;;, l,!,rut;,t':l, Listen to the sounds ond join the lett ers. @ ,, ,.4//// Whot hos the lion got? ffi && l$,c/K& ww&se -{p qs ffi#ffi ffi g 4 Reod ond circle the sounds i, j, k,l of the stort of the words. The @ion', got some Jam. The [[on's got some ink. Look! Her e i,s o, kite. Oops! The Iion ls a mess. lnitiolsounds Unit 3 23

Lesson Five Skills Tirre.r I 1 Point to ports of the bodu. SoU the words. 2 Listen ond reo d. @ ,, Hi. I'm Tom. Let's moke a poper tion! ff .lllllli #X,.r',,- trll oooo { Colour the Joce, the bodg Cut out the bodg. FoLd the toiL. ond the Legs. Then colour Now cut the foce. FoLd the foce. the pows ond toit too. .*.# (f, h',,,.8 #e$ -rJ \\i:r: lrlr,: ili:. \"P t: rN,***d l\\'ui'cl,li V Cut out the four Legs Stick the pows on the tegs. Look! It's o Lion. ond pows. FoLd the [egs. Stick the Legs on the bodg. 3 Reod ogoin. Number the pictures in the correct order. 24 Unit 3 Reoding: instructions

Lesson Six 1 Listen ond number. @ rt 2 Look of the pictures ogoin. Ask qnd onswer. 3 Circle eoch sentence. Then count. This is m g ?oper tog. It's o [ion. Cotour the foce ond the bodg. Fotd the foce ond the toil.. Cut out the four legs. Stick on the Legs ond the pows. !How mong sentences? Listening, speoking, writing

Review I *w ffi :: I Circle the odd-one-out. Write. @ jW Frt.7-l --elghL 1I @ Frbu\"'--l C#\\D @ (;;-l [,,*l ( t.ddul ffi M @@ Ib*n t h\"r,df GG-] @ e @ ry [th'*--] 1*-l ril-l \\G-! ;;]) & ru ffi* 1+ry-At f\\mffif.i.ffi @ Gird\"*-l Wca@#m@ (-titE-} (-d\"ii-l Motch. Btr o I'm ten. tr L Whot's this? tr b Yes, it is. 2 Whot's gour nome? tr c lt's o teddg. 3 How old ore gou? 4 Is it gour penciL? d I'm fine, thonk gou. 5 How ore gou? e Mg nome's ALex. Z6 Review I

-{Effiffiffi ffiffim@ ffiw*-fig$$H@- ,@ Review I 3 Write. This is These ore Uour mU This is *rnA doll. teddy. cars. 4 Reod ond circle. t B# Is it o kite? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Is it o troin? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 2 ffi Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Iffiru3 Is it o ruLer? Yes, it is. @4 Is it o puzzle? 5 Circ[e. 2& ..,., r.','..,,..,.,i:i':r:ii:iil 6&. 1 fl-/$gx)BsEi{*t\\dryr*&. .f*6€{-jFrfdS\"-r*- e@o l,,i'::1,;i.,.,.;* be o isk c dAL-'?l\\- e LJ T 5 Reod ond colour. My work in Units I, 2 ond 3 is ffioK ffiffi, Good ,|;*'i',H#';;S: Exceuenr Review 1 27

Le*smm 2 Listen ond chont.@* 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @o, 3 Listen ond reo d.@ o, ls Grandma a teacher? Look! The meat ... No, she isn't. She's a housewife. Look at Grandpa. ts he a fireman? No, he isn't. Butheis a hero! Linit 4 ,!*bs

&essorx Yww'm Grommor I Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. 2 Look ond sog. she's = she is he's = he is 3 Write. He's She's T She's o housewife. o piLot. o firemo n. o pupil. She's a housewife. 4 Sog ond onswer. fs &c s fece&erP Yes\" he rs. 4&\"fnit 29

Lesson V&xrcm Song , 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @u, oo2 Listen ond sing. @ 3 Sing ond do. Two kind docfors Two kind doctors Meet in a lane. Hello, hello, what's your name? How are you? How are you? How are you, again? Wvo kind policemen ... Two kind farmers ... Two kind teachers ... Two kind pupils 3e Unit 4

&essom Fowr Phonics 1 Listen, point qnd repeot. @ot Wffiffi wffffi i\" ffie..&: &ffi ffi &-# ffi ffireffi% & I ffiwfrffi1 @ 2 Listen ond chont. @ou fkis ;s ,ryly ffirl€,c$,?{, fl}?, ffi, rxMry}. T$tis is rffiy y;i,{rsc, ffi, ffi,ffit{rs*. rfuis is rc,',y sruxffiSff, *, s, **.e*,''#g. This $s rr;y peffi, p, p, prpl. 3 Listen to the sounds ond join the Lett ers. @ o, Whot hos the nurse got? I&gf&f3tirm !fitr8 ss 6$ &fMfi #& &ffi .w wxx H*& f6fSigffiffi Csmtr & ffi 4 Reod ond circle the sounds m, fr, o, p otthe stqrt of the words. @y mum is a nurse. She's got on orange and o. pen. She con eat the orange. She con write with the pen. lnitielsounds Unit 4 31

?--€a#*i*i*l#mtE s-:i:i:-:i' r.- &e,&&&&s W,$m@*$ I Point to the jobs. Sog the words. 2 ond reo d. @ *x Mg nome's MiLLg. This is mg dad. This is mu mum. I'm seven. He's o firemon. This is mg fomitg. She's o n u rse. ,il \\ I I ii i He's o doctor. pupiLs.*ll.,:ltlt,,r.1.t.ll He's ten. We're |li.llllll'';iiil1liliil Wee''rr,e o rlli:'llrliiii'i 3 Reod ogoin. Write Yes or No. L Is Dod o piLotT lr 2 Is Mum o nurse? 4 Is MiLLg o pupiL? 3 Is ]oe seven? ek 4L$a:it ffi**d!mq; *n *rur*bi*grcphy

&esswm S&x 1 Listen ond number. @ot 2 Point, osk ond onswer. (\\_N_o, he isn't. \\-- _ ... doctor? \\-.p\"e1, ... pilot? 3 Circle the copitol, Letters ond ful.l, stops. 6n,s is mU fomi tD L We're pupil\"s. 2 He's o Jor mer. 3 This is mu mum. 4 She's o nurse. 5 We're o ho?pg f omi tg. 6This is mU uncLe. Listenin,q, speckir:g, wniting

1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ uo 2 Listen ond chont.@ s, 3 Listen ond reo d. @ u, ts it under the seesaw? No, it isn't. Look! The ball's on the slide. And now it's in the net! ':1,\"; -.r:irt i -I= l,\"-:e L\"-ru*\"i-i{;- **l

1 Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. 2 Look ond sog. Where's = Where is i 3 write. in on under It's under the tree. It's the seesow. __ the swing. 4 Point; osk ond o nswer. ballz ji:', *z,i \"1 &rmder Unit 5 35

Lessmm Y$xr*e 5on9 . 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @', 2 3Listen ond sing . @ ,o Sing ond do. Ar the pork! Atthe park, It's so much fun. For you, for me, for everyone! Play on the seesaw, elay in the pool. Eat an ice cream, It's nice and cool. elay with a frisbee, Play with a ball. Play on the slide, It's fun for all. Atthe park, It's so much fun. For you, for me, for everyonel 3fr It*i+( Tt-*-\"L ?H

&essom FCIs,xx, Phonics 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ut wf,f&im%ffi # ffiw ffiq%dme#fwfi ffiffffiiffi H& It wwffiffi Mwffi ffi 2 Listen ond chont. @ ,u & whcre is thE queen? Q, q., que*n, tf,lhere ls lhe rabhit? R, 4 nabhil. W&*r* is tltc so$f S, s, s*fl*\" Whcre fs N$re t*ddy? {, f, **ddy. Wfu*r* is tke s,*rxi:r\"riim? {J, #, Nrmhrc{i*\" Listen to the sounds ond join the Lett ers. @ u, Whot hos the queen got? &&g 4&. tr;e{nu&b BEF4- ww &ffi 6 s s /,\"ryw elp .& &&w[ * &m#x B **e3u# w {B%bfNwr IqHdH Bf*l{p & &# ryH w d& ffi:frF o& 4 Reod ond circle the sou nds q, r, s, t, u otthe stort of the words. The @ueen is on the soJa. Ihe queen has got a rabblt. The teddg is on the soJo. The teddg has got on umb rel,La. lnitiElsounds Unit 5 ,7

See&&Xs W$m@.& Whot con gou see in the pork? Point ond sog. Listen, reod qnd point. @ uu Look! This is o pork. Con Uou see the bogs and girls in the pork? Where ore their togs? Con gou help? This is Tobg. #q? Her nome is Soro. tree.His tog is under o ;ffi& Con gou see her tog? Whot is it? ' - I It is on the slide. e9 net. g#i. #& His nome is Pete. :r ffi This is Anno. it?kd His togJ is in the JfootboL[ - ,.\"m--*&nR Her togJ'i-s-'under the swing. .',,,,,,,', '{{i\\rrp} Con gou see whot is it? 'l:li::ll 3 Reod ogoin. Motch the chitdren ond togs. f-fffii ffi [k',61 fj,irnee-l !-\"* Uiiil .j 1lqllut;l{1. i! t\":UlZlq iC65

$f, \"esssffi 34te$t H 1 Listen ond number. @ tn 2 Askondonswer.@ She's under the tree. 3 Circle the copitol, Letters of the stort of the nomes. This is 0tm Mg n a m e's Rosg. 2 This is BiLl.g. Look ot Biil.g ond Rosg. 4Good trg, Tim. s BitLg is two. 6 Rosy ond Tim ore pupiLs. tr-ist*;'rin6, sp*akin6, writir: g

Words 2 Listen o nd cho nt. @ a', 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @uo 3 Listen ond reo d. @ u, Look. rhis is Mum's book. And this is eilly's teddy. Let's find Grandma and the others. And this is Crandma's umbrella. -- tr'-*?i;...,',\"':. I don't know. Ah, thankyou! Ss;e ;1ff-ae &S 6&_tt t-rnit fdv tqr\"rilv

,,X* iliitif ,ilt$ &csscpm Ywo Grommor :i:!i:ia a Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. ,:ri9i - ,l$ti .r::il&:. xsffi, 2 Look ond sog. 3 Fo[low ond write. L@ 1 t? \\-Yl #fitil Ftotd Irt-\\,fefI/i\\l\\ m )& a6prffih Grondmo Grondpo Possessive's Unit 6 41

Lesswxx Y$xree 5on9 , 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @u, 2 Listen ond sing . @uo 3 Sing ond do. &e Unit 6 fvty fomilY

&wsswm ffiwwr Phonics lill i,rl!.:itliilltl!ltliltilrliltl;r 'iiil$lrif',t1111' r,11i!..,'1l,li ,tliti| {u,[ ,rrrtt, ':i}ii\"' lltili| rllliii llllri ,rllliil ,',ur'1,il!,l,ili'1ll1is1a;!,i:t1ritltli,t1lil.lf! li:llitl{rll ltfxl,ti-{ul-{t i.itli:lt,i*,!$'liIil]1}i:i{|ititt:l .uit111t1{tlt,i: l.t ..tiu$i r. .t, r {.. il}r.. rJ It-r\"')ll |lllltl\"r.:L'-I '' lll : l 2 Listen ond chont. @ uu llll :li ..t ;Irlll1r;*':::,li ,r'1 /,rr i1ill \"-l I' %3.i ; -4 i/! 3 Listen to the sounds ond join the Lett ers. @ ot Whot is in the von? _C\\ri-*Tll.-r--r__--1\\ \\ TI-r-+ 4 Reod ond circle the sounds V w, x, A, z. frrll:'\\l+i-;l'1l: :y i Look out oJ the (Eindow. What con gou see? I co.n see a. zebra in a\" von. And a Ao-Ao on o\" box. i*;t;:ti scunds #nit S ,&3

ikills Tf;me$B k;a** 1 Point to the bog's fomitg. Sog the fomiLg words. 2 Listen ond reo d. @ *u ffi* Hi. I'm OLi. Look ot mg photos of mU fomilg ot the pork. ffi/i ...... -'..t.,\"',trat'\"\"'''::' w 'wffE&ffii Con gou see Mg dod throws o botl. ,,,:. mg sister's kite? , Look, it's in the tree. No. The kite's still in MU ount ond uncle ore the tree. here too. Mg uncte throws his hot. But sti[[ no kite. ,i-a _! Now o bird's in the tree. The bird's got the kite, 3 Reod ogoin. Write T (true) or F (fotse). L The fomilg is ot the pork. I It is O[i's kite. 3 The kite is in the net. 4 Oti's sister is hoppu now.

LE e$ssffi S#r sli 1 Listen ond tick (/) the correct picture. @u, *! 4ffi2 Point, osk ond onswer. -=.i w,r,,- rtffit) [,tt ai{ ura]<= M 3 Circle the question morks ond underline the sentences. Whot's Uou r no m.@ nnU no me's OLi. 1 How old ore Uou? I'm seven. 2 Who's this? It's OLi's ount. 3 How ore Uou? I'm fine, thonk gou. 4 Whot's this? It's o bird. 5 Where's the kite? It's in the tree. 6 Where's OLi? He's of the pork. Lrstening. speak:ne, virit!$g

XRewXew : 1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. Jrisbee ho u sewife fuhe-e- ,@ G\"=rr*-l @ rtitt*- ,@ [r\".t.-l [br\"thdl rce creom tr dod & Ffi=l firemon po[icemo n -.l B grondmo [p-rt\"t @ grondpo '@ @\"'rl -] E ount I p\"\"L @ u nc[e @ brother 2 Number the picture. @ cousin @ mum trD +g ,\\evlew /

&ewXew 2 3 Write. He's She's L He's o doctor. o nurse. o firemon. o pupiL. 4 Look of the picture ogoin ond write. L Where's the doLL? It's U-ndel* the tog box. 2 Where's the teddg? It's the tog box. 3 Where's the ruter? It's the bog. Circte. #e WVU num sro P&W tLo Obs WSZ 6 Reod ond cotour. $kXy wwwr$< &m &Sxx&xs q\", S wmd & &s :xaDIT ffimed if,ii{.ffiffi E- xsellenf 2!?eview W

Lesson One Words i 2 Listen ond chqnt.@ r, 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @ ,o ffiHffiffitJ tJ(Aa!a# odAi*kf @.v \\€fl 3 Listen ond reod. @ r, +8 Unit 7 My clothes

I I Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act. Lerson Two Grommor 2 Look ond sog. I oren't = oI€ rot l 3 Write. his her These ore her socks. T-shirt. This is dress. 4 Point,oskondonswer. @ --\\ ... her socks? 4strousers?_1 Are these his / her socks? Yel they ore. Unit 7 49

lerson Three Song ] 1 Listen, point ond repeot. @r, 2 Listen ond sing.@ro 3 Sing ond do. Every doy! Every day, I put on my socks, I put on my socks, Every day. Every day, I put on my socks, I put on my shoes, Every day. Every day, I put on my socks, I put on my shoes, I put on my coat, tvery day. Every day, I put on my socks, I put on my shoes, I put on my coat, I put on my hat, Every day. Coodbye, Mum! 50 Unit 7 My clothes

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