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Home Explore infiniti brochure PROOF 11-07-2018

infiniti brochure PROOF 11-07-2018

Published by yojimbofilms, 2018-07-11 10:13:49

Description: infiniti brochure PROOF 11-07-2018


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DISCOVER THE PRESERVATION OF PERFECTION Infiniti Total Protection will keep An active polymer shield so your vehicle looking like new not durable, that brilliance is locked :HNQRZKRZSDVVLRQDWH\RXDUHDERXW\RXUQHZ just from day one but for years in for years. YHKLFOH7KDW¶VZK\ZH¶YHLQWURGXFHG,Q¿QLWL7RWDO to come... 3URWHFWLRQRIIHULQJ\RXWKHXOWLPDWH¿QLVKDQGWRWDO For paint, glass, alloy and fabrics, SHDFHRIPLQGZLWKWKHZRUOG¶VPRVWGXUDEOHSURWHFWLRQ This system is not a polish or a it is the ultimate in total vehicle conventional surface treatment. protection from environmental It is a state-of-the-art process; a damage. genuine scientific breakthrough.

PRECISION THE SCIENCE OF SURFACES %RUQRIODERUDWRU\VFLHQFHWKH75,%26®SDLQWSRO\PHU LVDFKHPLFDOO\FRPSOH[KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHVDFUL¿FLDO EDUULHUVSHFLDOO\IRUPXODWHGWRSURWHFWWKHJORVVDQG LQFUHDVHWKHGHSWKRIFRORXURISDLQWHGVXUIDFHV Silicone Layer Aluminium oxide layers for inertness To achieve the highest performance This acts as a seal to prevent Titanium oxide core Size: 200 nanometers the Infiniti Total Protection paint contaminants damaging the to reflect UV light in diameter treatment is mechanically applied surface forming the unbeatable, and then forms a chemical bond ultra-thin, ultra smooth, high gloss to the surface. During curing, the barrier. ‘tails’ of each individual polymer cross-link together to form the ultimate finish. 3527(&7,21)520&2/285)$'( To provide UV protection, Infiniti Total Protection contains titanium oxide, which reflects UV light, preventing colour fade.

PEACE OF MIND APPLICATION IS THE KEY ,QWKHZRUOGRIVXUIDFHFRDWLQJVSUHSDUDWLRQLVRQHRIWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWIDFWRUV 8VLQJRQO\WKHYHU\EHVWPDWHULDOVDQGEHVSRNHWRROLQJWKHSUHSDUDWLRQSURFHVV HQVXUHVDFRQWDPLQDQWIUHHVXUIDFH:LWKRXWSUHSDUDWLRQSURWHFWLYHFRDWLQJV VLPSO\GRQ¶WZRUNDVZHOODQGZLOOIDLOSUHPDWXUHO\Flatter, smoother 100% contaminant Contaminants Protective coating painted surface free corss linked TRIBOS® (dirt, oxidation) polymer coating :,7+75,%26®35(3$5$7,21 :,7+28775,%26®35(3$5$7,21 All products are applied only by our certified applicators; this enables us to provide a genuine guarantee of quality and performance.

PERFORMANCE BORN IN THE WORLD’S HARSHEST ENVIRONMENT 7KH,Q¿QLWL7RWDO3URWHFWLRQXVHVDXQLTXHSRO\PHUGHYHORSHGE\VXUIDFHVFRDWLQJ VSHFLDOLVWV75,%26®,W¶VWKHRQO\SURGXFWDYDLODEOHIRUDXWRPRWLYHDSSOLFDWLRQSURYHQ WRZRUNLQWKHPRVWDJJUHVVLYHHQYLURQPHQWRIDOO0DULQHDQG$YLDWLRQ • A “better-than-new” shine that lasts and lasts without polishing or waxing. • Surfaces are protected from UV, acid rain, oil & exhaust fumes and traffic film. • Visibility is improved on glass surfaces leading to improved safety. • Smoother surfaces mean dirt is easier to remove with a simple wash down. • Easy to maintain; regular washing is all that is required to keep your surfaces looking like new, making polishing and waxing a thing of the past. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE )URPWKHPRPHQW\RXUYHKLFOHGULYHVRXWRIWKH IDFWRU\WKHSDLQWVXUIDFHVFRPHXQGHUDWWDFNIURP HQYLURQPHQWDOIRUFHVVXFKDV89UDGLDWLRQVDOW DFLGUDLQRLOVDQGGLUWDOORIWKHVHHOHPHQWVGDPDJH WKHVXUIDFHRI\RXUSDLQWZRUNDQGVSHHGWKHDJLQJ SURFHVV This advance polymers protection system delivers the worlds most durable protection not just from day one but also over the years to come.

PEACE OF MIND INFINITI TOTAL PROTECTION OFFERS A FULL SOLUTION FOR YOUR VEHICLEPAINT: ALLOY: GLASS: INTERIOR:An advanced, non-ceramic, An ultra hard, ceramic-based The highest performing A high-performing hydrophobicmechanically applied, flexible polymer coating, specifically hydrophobic barrier on the market barrier for interior vehicle fabrics.protective coating. Developed to designed to resist brake dust and today. A 3-stage application, Engineered to resist most liquidscreate the ultimate deep gloss general road contaminants. Makes advanced protective coating that and staining.finish making waxing and polishing cleaning wheels noticeably easier. improves visibility and enhancesa chore of the past and cleaning safety.noticeably easier. To arrange your treatment ask For more information your local Infiniti Centre about TRIBOS®

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