DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 6 Issue 2 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 10th to 14th November 2019 Enroll yourself for the Stu- “Kindness is the language which the dumb dent Enhancement Program can speak, the deaf can hear and the blind by submitting the parent can see.'' - Mark Twain consent form and money to Students of grade 4C presented a beautiful your class teacher latest by assembly on 12th November, 2019 on the top- 17th November 2019. ic ‘Kindness.’ The assembly comprised of a very interesting mime that showcased the Science weekly test will be talent of the children and effectively con- conducted on 17th November veyed the message that kindness is an act of 2019. compassion, love, concern and sympathy. Being kind to others instils a positive feeling Kindly refer the portion for and makes this world a better place to live. schedule and portions for The skit was followed by a kind at heart Periodic Test 2 song.
“ Children are the future. Nurture them right, so that they grow up to be able leaders and lead the world towards light”. On November 14 every year, Children's Day is celebrated all across India. It commemorates the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, who, due to his love for children was fondly known as Chacha Nehru. The day emphasizes on the importance of giving love, attention and affection to children This day signifies to increase awareness of the rights, care and education of children. Every child is unique and precious and this day is purely meant for them, a day filled with joy and merriment . Special assembly was conducted by teachers to mark this occasion. Various games were orga- nized for our students. They even enjoyed watching videos and exchanged delicious dish- es amongst themselves.
We teach our children water .V safety and road safety — it is equally important to teach our children ‘body safety’ from a very young age. The sexual abuse of children has no social boundaries and any child anywhere can become a victim. Educating children with body safety skills is an empowering and crucial life-skill that could save them from the irreversible damage of childhood sex- ual abuse. A very informative session on safe touch was con- ducted by our school counsellor where children real- ized how important their body is and how to defend when someone tries to abuse them.
Understanding poems makes a child sensitive and writing them makes him creative. Writing a rhythmic poem or a melodious song is the best way to express oneself. A poem is something that comes from the heart. Poems usually bring out the deepest thoughts and expressions. All students composed their respective poems describing their favourite char- acter. Their talent and confidence was uplifted as they went on to pen down their innova- tive ideas which further enhanced their thinking and learning skills.
“Children are great imitators, give them something great to imitate.” Role Play is an activity presenting a small act where the participants get an opportunity to imitate different character. It offers a chance to the participants to gain experience, showcase speaking and presentation skills and uncover personal aptitude. . It blends creativity with structure to help actors hone their craft and is an important skill for an actor to develop. The objective was not only to blend learning with fun but also to develop confidence. The excite- ment of our young actors knew no bounds as they waited eagerly for their turn to perform. It was a great way to learn various life skills like decision making, problem solving, creative thinking and teamwork.
A soil's age plus the type of rock it is made from gives it different properties as a key resource for food systems. Knowing some basics of soil formation helps us to understand the soil resources that farmers use when they engage in food production Soil minerals form the basis of soil. They are produced from rocks (parent material) through the process of weathering and natural erosion. Before analyzing the need of conserving soil ,which is a major natural resource students should be able to analyze, draw and describe the process of soil formation. Students repre- sented the different stages in soil formation. di- agrammatically and also described the steps . They learnt that soil takes millions of years and now we are destroying the fertility of the soil by using excess fertilizers , chemical pesticides, weedicides etc. Its high time for us to adopt for some innovative measures in farming that does harm the soil and all the biotic components de- pending on it
Measurement of length Learning measurement skills helps children to provide lots of opportunities to sort objects by size. Using everyday activities and experimenting with real objects help children understand measurement concepts. Students describe the general relationship between different metric units of length. Students were asked to measure any object in any stand- ard unit of measurement of length. They were able to mark the given measurement convert it to its higher and lower units, they were able to say the measured length in km, m cm and mm. It help them to thorough with concept of conversion of length from higher units to lower units and lower units to higher units.
Speaking skill: Speaking is one of the important skills in foreign language learning .To enhance the Arabic speaking skill an activity was conducted ” lets interview a famous horse rider “.The students were confident in speaking and were active learners through out this enact.
Let’s Role Play When it comes to theater, role playing is a fundamental skill that allows actors to be successful in their roles. Role playing allows an actor to step into the shoes of a charac- ter. It's a skill that requires a lot of practice before an actor can do it comfortably and well. The purpose of this activity was to create a role play based on the value self-esteem. This helped the little ones to collaborate, plan, create , assign characters , and enact their role within the time provided. This not only developed their self-confidence but also helped them to learn the importance of teamwork , develop their way of thinking and help them to develop feelings of empa- thy and respect others view points.
Students were involved to explain the reasons for the emergence of the villages in moun- tains and plain areas in the UAE. Students presented their work by discussing with each other , writing the reasons and pasting the picture supporting them.
Keeping rhythm is very important for staying calm. Morning assemblies are a very important part in a student’s life. Students learnt actions to go along with the song, which gives a sense of happiness and excitement to start the day. Singing boosts confidence and dancing keeps one active and fit.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al COUNSELLOR’S DESK Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, announced the Homework reinforces and extends ghaf tree as the theme for the Year of Toler- classroom learning and helps kids ance 2019. practice important study skills. It de- velops a sense of responsibility and a The logo, which is inspired by the ghaf, the work ethic that benefit them beyond UAE's national tree, is set to be used by gov- the classroom. While your child does ernment, private and media entities in all cam- homework, be available to offer guid- paigns, initiatives and programmes launched ance and review the completed work. during 2019. But resist the urge to provide the cor- rect answers or complete the assign- Tolerance is a universal value, and ghaf is our ments yourself. Learning from mis- authentic national tree, a source of life and takes is part of the process and you symbol of stability in the middle of the desert. don't want to take this away from Under its shadows ancestors gathered to con- your child. Homework helps to \"develop learn- ers' knowledge and allow them more choice in how they express their work\". Jamboree 2- 14.11.19 (today) Sunday 17.11.2019 Science Weekly test Tuesday 19.11.2019 Solo Dance competition
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