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Home Explore Risk Management

Risk Management

Published by David Culberson, 2016-07-27 00:13:23

Description: Risk Management


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RISK MANAGEMENTPROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCEThe District has a broad and complex blanket of property insurance coverage of all fourteen (14)main campuses as well as support facilities, which have an insured value of almost $285,768,000.The District purchases the following insurance coverage from our contracted vendor:- Automobile Liability- Crime- Equipment- General Liability- Property- Flood InsuranceAny incidents and/or accidents should be reported to the Business Office, Risk ManagementDepartment, as soon as the event becomes known.FRAUD REPORTINGSharyland Independent School District prohibits fraud and financial impropriety in the actions of itsTrustees, employees, vendors, contractors, consultants, volunteers, and others seeking ormaintaining a business relationship with the District. Fraud and financial impropriety shall includebut not be limited to:1. Forgery or unauthorized alteration of any document or account belonging to the District.2. Forgery or unauthorized alteration of a check, bank draft, or any other financial document.3. Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, or other District assets, including employee time.4. Impropriety in the handling of money or reporting of District financial transactions.5. Profiteering as a result of insider knowledge of District information or activities.6. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or proprietary information to outside parties.7. Unauthorized disclosure of investment activities engaged in or contemplated by the District.8. Accepting or seeking anything of material value from contractors, vendors, or other persons providing services or materials to the District, except as otherwise permitted by law or District policy.9. Inappropriately destroying, removing, or using records, furniture, fixtures, or equipment.10. Failure to provide conflicts of interest as required by law or District policy.11. Any other dishonest act regarding the finances of the District. Page 1Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual

Any person who suspects fraud or financial impropriety in the District shall report the suspicionsimmediately to any supervisor, the Superintendent or designee, the Board President, or local lawenforcement. Sharyland ISD provides an Anonymous Reporting Fraud Hotline, (956) 584-6453, toemployees, citizens and general public who wish to report any incidents. Reports of suspectedfraud or financial impropriety shall be treated as confidential to the extent permitted by law.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF VENDORSCampus principals should always secure a certificate of insurance (with SISD named as anadditional insured), (reviewed by the Risk Management Department), and any necessarywaivers/releases during the planning period for a special activity and/or event with a vendor.LIABILITY COVERAGEPublic school districts are immune for bodily injury to students and the public (except for limitedliability for negligent operation and use of a motorized vehicle) as provided in the Texas Tort ClaimsAct § 101.021 and §101.051. Board Policy CRBSTUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCEThe District provides student accident insurance coverage plan to students that participate in UILSanction Activities.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 2

EMPLOYEE BENEFITSEMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCEThe District has a self-funded medical plan and provides employees insurance through a ThirdParty Administrator, Frates Benefit Administrators. The District makes a monthly contribution forevery employee to the plan and the remaining amount is taken by payroll deductions eachpaycheck run in order to cover the total premium amount for the month. Board Policy CRD, DEBPremiums for health insurance coverage may be paid under the IRS Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Inmost cases, coverage becomes effective on the first day of the month following the date ofemployment or the 1st day of the month if employee’s employed on the 1st and provided theemployee is actively at work and has completed the enrollment process.For details of the plan structure and benefits payable, contact The Risk Management Department at956-580-5200 x 1032.OTHER OPTIONAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITSIRS Section 125 Cafeteria PlanAll employees who work at least 30 hours per week may elect to shelter their voluntary benefitsunder the IRS Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Please contact The Risk Management Department formore details.Dental InsuranceThe District offers a voluntary dental plan. Premiums for this coverage may be paid under the IRSSection 125 Cafeteria Plan.Vision InsuranceA voluntary vision program is available through payroll deduction for employees and dependents atthe employee's expense. This plan requires the employee to use a network provider. Premiums forthis coverage may be paid under the IRS Section 125 Cafeteria Plan.Supplemental Term Life InsuranceSupplemental term life insurance is offered. Employees may purchase up to five times their yearlysalary in individual coverage, but not to exceed $130,000, $30,000 for their spouse and $10,000 incoverage for each of their children. Premiums are age-rated. Group term life is only availableduring employment. The life insurance policy includes a Conversion Privilege.Disability InsuranceShort-term and long-term disability insurance is available through payroll deduction at theemployee's expense.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 3

Legal ShieldVoluntary legal shield plan is available for purchase by employees and is available through payrolldeduction at the employee's expense.Air EvacAir Evac plan is available for purchase by employees and is available through payroll deduction atthe employee's expense.Cancer PlanCancer Plan is available for purchase by employees and is available through payroll deduction atthe employee's expense.Critical Illness PlansCritical Illness plans are available for purchase by employees and is available through payrolldeduction at the employee's expense.Accident PlanVoluntary accident plan is available for purchase by employees. The policy will pay a scheduledbenefit in the event of an accidental injury.Group Hospital Confinement Indemnity InsuranceVoluntary Group Hospital Confinement Indemnity Insurance plan are available through payrolldeduction at the employee's expense.Information and brochures are available at open enrollment in the Risk Management Office or onthe SISD Website – Insurance Department website page. The individual insurance company willissue a policy to the employee directly.Medical Expense ReimbursementThe Medical Expense Reimbursement is a voluntary reduction of salary in the amount of anemployee's current expenditures for various medical benefits. The current maximum amount anemployee may deduct annually is $2,550. Employee contributions toward a medical expensereimbursement plan (MERP) allows for medical and other optional benefit bills to be paid by thisaccount. This plan is authorized and controlled under IRS Section 125 Cafeteria Code. Participationin the SISD Medical Expense Reimburse Plan should result in the employee paying less incometax. The District cannot guarantee favorable tax results due to the uncertainty of Internal RevenueService guidelines and their effects on the tax exempt status of the plan. Detailed questions shouldbe discussed with your personal tax advisor.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 4

Dependent Expense ReimbursementThe Dependent Expense Reimbursement is a voluntary reduction of salary in the amount of anemployee's current expenditures for eligible dependent care expenses. The current maximumamount an employee may deduct annually is $5,000. This plan is authorized and controlled underIRS Section 125 Cafeteria Code. Participation in the SISD Dependent Expense Reimburse Planshould result in the employee paying less income tax. The District cannot guarantee favorable taxresults due to the uncertainty of Internal Revenue Service guidelines and their effects on the taxexempt status of the plan. Detailed questions should be discussed with your personal tax advisor.Information and brochures are available at open enrollment in the Risk Management Office or onthe SISD Website – Insurance Department website page. The individual insurance company willissue a policy to the employee directly.Annual EnrollmentCafeteria Plan year runs from May 1st to April 30th. Annual enrollment of the Cafeteria Plan isadministered during the month of March for an effective date of May 1st. At this time employees arefurnished information as to how they may elect, add or drop dependents or benefits listed above.These changes will be reflected on the May paycheck for a May 1st effective date.The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)COBRA gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose tocontinue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time undercertain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked,transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events.HIPAAThe District complies with all HIPAA rules and regulations and is handled by each health provider.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 5

WORKERS’ COMPENSATIONWorkers’ Compensation InsurancePolicy CREThe district, in accordance with State law, provides workers’ compensation benefits to employeeswho suffer a work-related illness or are injured on the job. Benefits help pay for medical treatmentand make up for part of the income lost while recovering. Specific benefits are prescribed by lawdepending on the circumstances of each case.All work-related accidents or injuries should be reported immediately to one of the following:Workers’ Compensation Clerk, Campus Nurse, Campus Administration, Campus Office Personnel,or Employee Supervisor. Employees who are unable to work because of a work-related injury willbe notified of their rights and responsibilities under the Texas Labor Code.Reporting Procedures for Incidents or InjuriesSharyland ISD employees are covered by provisions of the Texas Workers’ Compensation Lawthrough a self –insurance policy which utilizes its own district 504 medical network.1. If an injury or incident occurs to an employee while he/she is on duty and the incident or injury is an “emergency” call an ambulance or take the employee to the nearest Hospital.2. It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor, head custodian, or cafeteria manager to immediately report any incident/injury to the campus administrator or director.3. The campus nurse or department secretary is responsible to obtain all the necessary information regarding the “emergency” incident/injury from both the employee and district personnel. The campus nurse/secretary will submit a “First Injury/Incident Report”, “Body Diagram Form”, and “Authorization for Health Information Disclosure” to the Risk Management Office via fax (956-580-5224) or email ([email protected]).4. If the incident is not an emergency, the campus nurse and/or secretary will obtain the necessary first aid and evaluate the need for further medical attention. The employee must verbally report the incident to his/her supervisor as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after the date of the incident/injury. Maintenance and transportation employees will report incidents to the Maintenance or Transportation department secretary. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.5. Employees requiring additional medical treatment must notify the Risk Management Office prior to treatment to qualify for Workers’ Compensation medical benefits. Employees must complete all necessary documentation for a referral to a workers’ compensation approved doctor.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 6

6. After the first doctor visit employees must report to Workers’ Compensation Office before returning to work.7. It is the responsibility of the employee to report or contact the Risk Management Office after each doctor’s appointment. An employee placed on leave for an extended period of time must make personal contact with the Risk Management Office on a weekly basis through the duration of the medical leave. Should an injured employee be absent for more than five (5) consecutive days, the employee must make contact with the Human Resources Department.8. Employees must acquire a “Return to Work Status” (RTW) from the Insurance Office prior to returning to work.9. For questions or concerns, contact the Risk Management Office at 956-584-6406. Risk Manager – 956-580-5200 Ext. 1012 Insurance Specialist – 956-580-5200 Ext. 1032 Workers’ Compensation Clerk- 956-580-5200 Ext. 1076Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 7

FACILITIESGeneral:The Facilities Department is responsible for maintaining all school buildings in the district to providea safe, secure, comfortable, and functional environment for the students and staff and protects thecapital investment made by Sharyland ISD taxpayers.The Facilities Department is organized into two functional areas: building maintenance/constructionand custodial services.Maintenance activities include scheduled preventive maintenance, integrated pest managementand routine and emergency repair of all building systems, weekend building checks and on callemergency response services. Responsibilities include defining the scope of work for capitalprojects, procuring and managing design services, reviewing design document, bidding projects,and construction contract management.Requesting Services:With the exception of emergencies and high priority work, all requests for service are made usingthe “School Dude” maintenance management system. For emergencies and urgent requests callthe Maintenance Facilities Office. DO NOT e-mail requests to the Director of Facilities nor theMaintenance Facilities secretary. If you have a question about your service request please call theFacilities Office (956) 580-5246.Emergencies:Emergencies are situations that have or may result in personal injury or property damage.All emergencies should be immediately reported to the Principal’s Office or custodian on duty.In the case of fire, gas leak or other event that threatens the students’ safety contact 911.Notify the Facilities Department of the emergency by calling (956) 580-5246. If the emergencyoccurs after hours or no one answers call the Custodian/Grounds Supervisors or Director ofFacilities. In reporting an emergency, be prepared to provide the following information: Your Name,Building Address, Location (floor and room number) and Nature of the problem.Routine Maintenance:Routine maintenance is all repair work except emergencies and building improvement projects.Routine maintenance is requested using the web based maintenance management system “SchoolDude.” A designated person at each campus enters the request into the web based maintenancemanagement system. In entering a maintenance request, the designated person will be promptedto select the following: Location (name of campus), Building, Area, Area Number (room number),Description (explanation of what is needed), and Required Completion Date. Our district has set upa password when submitting requests. The designated person has been made aware of this.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 8

Preventive Maintenance:The Facilities Department has an on-going program to identify building systems and equipment thatneed periodic lubrication, adjustment and inspection. A schedule and checklist is established foreach system or piece of equipment.Capital Projects:Renovations, alterations and enhancements are typically projects funded and scheduled as part ofthe Facilities Department Capital Program. Capital projects are identified during the annual buildinginspection and through meetings with the Building Administrator. Specific requests for a project canbe made via e-mail. The request should include the requestor’s name, contact information, building,location, description of work, and explanation of need. Requests should be submitted no later thanJanuary for the next budget year.Priority of Work:High – Problems that are not an emergency as defined above which prohibit the occupants fromusing a space for its intended purpose. Examples are no lights or power, heating and coolingproblems effecting one or more classrooms, entire building system is not working, inoperative doorhardware, etc.Medium – Problems that limit the occupants from using a space for its intended purpose. Examplesare one row of lights is out, heating, cooling and ventilation problems effecting offices, seldom usedspaces, storage areas, and door hardware sticks.Low – An annoyance problem that does not limit the occupants from using a space for its intendedpurpose. Examples are painting, window sticking, missing screw, furniture move, etc.Work Request Follow Up:Call the Facilities Office at (956) 580-5246 or e-mail the Director of Facilities to upgrade the priorityor follow up on a work request.Sharyland ISD Business Procedures Manual Page 9

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