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Home Explore 2022 Mighty Catalog Book_WEB_nospine

2022 Mighty Catalog Book_WEB_nospine

Published by sergey.lisovtsov, 2022-05-10 16:59:25

Description: 2022 Mighty Catalog Book_WEB_nospine


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Cleaners and Degreasers MN152 MN159 Garage Floor Cleaner Bench Pro Degreaser Part No. Description MN147 VS7 Concrete Cleaner - White 100 lbs. MN148 VS7 Scrubber Hand Cleaner - 1 gal. MN149 VS7 Bench Pro Quarts MN150ZZ VS7 Aqua Scrub Hand Cleaner - 4L MN151 VS7 Cherry Scrub - 4L MN152 VS7 Garage Floor Cleaner - 100 lbs. MN153 VS7 Garage Floor Cleaner - 50 lbs. MN154 VS7 Garage Floor Cleaner - 25 lbs. MN155ZZ VS7 Gruff Hand Cleaner - 1 gal. MN156 VS7 Degreaser - 1 gal. MN157 VS7 Tire Bead Lubricant - 1 gal. MN158 VS7 Homerun Hand Cleaner - 1.25 gal. MN159 VS7 Bench Pro - 5 gal. Chemicals (MCM-53) 49

Instant Lubricant Diagnostics MN150 2 in 1 Full Service Inspection Kit • This is a 2 in 1 Full Service Inspection Kit that ccan change into a Fluids Only Inspec- tion Kit by removing just one panel. • Can be easily changed into a Fluids Only Kit by just removing a panel • Covers: Brake Fluid, Motor Oil, Transmission, Power Steering, Coolant, Tires, Fuel Injec- tion, Brakes & More! • To see a video on how it works visit MN122 Antifreeze Coolant Bottle • These test strips provide exceptional quality and value in the measurement of all types and colors of automotive coolant for freeze point and boil over as well as corrosion protection. • Covers: All Coolant Types • 70 strips per bottle, 12 bottles per case MN165 Brake Fluid PH Test Strips • These test strips provide exceptional quality and value in the measurement of DOT 3, DOT 4 & DOT 5.1 brake fluids. • Covers: DOT 3, DOT 4 & DOT 5.1 Brake Fluids • 100 strips per bottle, ,12 bottles per case MN170 Fluid Test Strips • These test strips provide exceptional quality and value in the measurement level of wear metals in fluids. • Covers: Motor Oil, Power Steering Fluid, Transmission Fluid, Gear Oil • 50 strips per bottlle, 12 bottles per case (MTE-40) 50 Chemicals

OL120 VS7® Oil System Engine Oil Fortifier (EOF) OL105 Oil System Cleaner Advanced oil fortifier additive enhancement for gas or diesel. Stay clean technology helps Restores and rejuvenates. remove sludge, gum and 16 ounces | 12 per case varnish from the oil system. 15 ounces | 12 per case OL106 OL107 Complete Engine High Mileage Oil Treatment Clean Enhanced formula for protec- This concentrated tion of high mileage engines. formula helps remove Conditions seals and gaskets. sludge, gum and varnish 15 ounces | 12 per case from severe or abused oil systems. 1 gallon | 4 per case OL113 OL150 Heavy Duty Oil Engine Shield with Cermilon Stabilizer Fluoro-Ceramic Helps stop or eliminate engine Ceramic Fluoropolymer circulates knock, protects new engine with the oil, burnishing the metal- components and optimizes to-metal contact points in the performance of older engines. engine, reducing drag and heat, 32 ounces | 12 per case and dramatically reducing engine wear. The result: unparalleled performance! 16 ounces | 12 per case Chemicals 51

VS7® Power Steering System PS101 Honda Power Steering Fluid Synthetic specially formulated for Honda/Acura vehicles. 12 ounces | 12 per case Power Steering Fluid Power Steering Fluid Keeps system clean and operating Conventional fluid formulated smoothly. Formulated with deter- for domestic and imported vehicles. gent-action and stabilizer additives to help make steering easier, quieter PS112 Red and smoother. Reduce bearing, 64 ounces | 4 per case piston and valve noise and wear. PS113 Clear (Honda/Acura Approved) Prevents hardening and shrinkage 64 ounces | 4 per case of seals. PS107 (Honda/Acura Approved) 32 ounces | 12 per case PS102 - 12 ounces | 12 per case PS104 (Honda/Acura Approved) PS103 - 32 ounces | 12 per case 12 ounces | 12 per case PS110 - 1 gallon | 4 per case PS111 PS115 Synthetic Power Universal Power Steering Fluid Steering Fluid Formulated for use in all power Kit steering systems. Including CH+ and electric hydraulic assist power Conventional Power steering units. Not for use in EPS - Steering cleaning full electric type systems. and conditioning kit. 64 ounces | 4 per case Use with equipment 207100M, PSX2000, 52 PSX3000, 40400050 4 kits per case Chemicals

VS7® Power Steering System SB103 Synthetic Universal Power Steering Fluid Protectant Synthetic Power Steering Protectant lubricates and protects the system. Use with equipment 207100M, PSX2000, PSX3000, 40400050 4 ounces | 12 per case SB104 Synthetic Power Steering Clean Synthetic Power Steering cleaner designed to remove abrasive par- ticles and clean the system. Use with equipment 207100M, PSX2000, PSX3000, 40400050 4 ounces | 12 per case SB120 SB105 Synthetic Power Steering Clean Universal & Protect System Kit Power Steering Fluid Kit Synthetic Power Steering Cleaning and Conditioning kit. Use with equipment Synthetic Power 207100M, PSX2000, PSX3000, 40400050 Steering cleaning 6 kits per case and conditioning kit. Use with equipment 207100M, PSX2000, PSX3000, 40400050 4 kits per case Chemicals 53

VS7® Transmission System SB100 KIT Synthetic Transmission Clean & Fluid Protectant Kit for Automatic Transmissions 2-Step Automatic Transmission System Clean- ing Kit. Pour in Mighty Transmission Synthet- ics and protect your investment. Use with equipment 500-1125M, 40400031 6 per case Synthetic 2-Step Clean and Protect Kit for Automatic Transmissions Step 1: Flush (SB200) Cleans the transmission with a unique polar action that suspends and flushes away unwanted contami- nants. Prepares the transmission for new fluid. It will not clog filters, or affect seals or clutch plate friction. Step 2: (SB201) Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant Premium Full Synthetic ATF protectant eliminates shudder and extends fluid life. 10 ounces 54 Chemicals

VS7® Transmission System TR300 Multi functional CVT Step/ATF Fluid New ATF and CVT Combination Fluid. Refer to MIC for applications. 1 quart | 12 per case TR103 500-1125M ATF Automatic Transmission Inline/Dipstick Transmission Exchange MotorVac Fluid TransTech IV Excellent anti-wear, Demo video rust and corrosion pro- available! tection for step type transmissions. (MCM-75) 1 quart | 12 per case Chemicals 55

VS7® Transmission System SB201 ATF Protectant • Stops shudder instantly • Keeps valves and governors free • Protects and coats gears and pumps • Extends fluid life 10 ounces SB200 Synthetic Transmission Power Flush • Safe for ALL flushing equipment • Will not clog filters or affect seals • Contains NO alcohol, mineral spirits or harsh solvents 10 ounces Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle ATF Premium Full Synthetic low viscosity ATF. Refer to MIC for applications. TR120 - 1 quart | 12 per case TR200 - 1 gallon | 6 per case TR125 - 5 gallons TR155 - 55 gallons 56 Chemicals

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Hot Blue High pH Presoak Foamy Lube CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Hot High pH Presoak is a high Low pH Presoak foaming concentrate which performs excellently as a high CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Blue Foamy Lube is a concentrated, low pH presoak, ideal for touchless and conveyor car washes. pressure soap for hand guns, self-serve and tunnel car The product contains both natural and synthetic cleaners to deliver outstanding performance. Degreasing is achieved with washes. Cinnamon fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC d-limonene, while industrial co-solvents attack additional stub- born soils. High levels of chelating agents give great hard water Compliant. Dilute up to 1:100 depending on application. stability. 100% active surfactants allow for great foam proles at high dilution rates. The blue color gives a nice foam signal and AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW1000-5 contains a pleasing citrus fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC 30 gal CW1000-30 Compliant. Dilute up to 1:540. Magic AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW1005-5 30 gal CW1005-30 High pH Presoak CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Magic High pH Presoak is a Foamy concentrated liquid which easily breaks down road film, windshield wiper residue and other road soils. Ideal for Detergent prep gun application in tunnel car washes or use as a low pressure presoak application in frictionless or hybrid type CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Foamy Detergent is a concen- systems. Magic excels in hard water applications. Biode- trated liquid detergent that combines alkalinity for cleaning and gradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute Soft water: 1:240; abundant foam for visual appeal. The high viscosity of Foamy Hard water: 1:64 up to 1:98. provides for outstanding lubricity and lavish foam levels. May be applied through a foamer or directly on cloth or bristle. Makes AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW1001-5 cloth quiet. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 30 gal CW1001-30 1:640. Summer Orange AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW2000-5 30 gal CW2000-30 Low pH Presoak CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Summer Orange Low pH Cherry Presoak is a great first step for touchless and conveyor car washes. With abundant foam and great lubricity, Summer Brush Orange brightens chrome and glass along with featur- ing an aromatic orange scent. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Detergent Compliant. Dilute up to 1:540. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW1002-5 30 gal CW1002-30 Blush CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Cherry Brush Detergent is a specially formulated, heavy lathering foam brush soap. Features Low pH Presoak excellent sudsing action with a cherry fragrance. Easy to rinse. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:150. CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Blush Low pH Presoak is a AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW2001-5 great first step for touchless and conveyor car washes. 30 gal CW2001-30 With abundant foam and great lubricity, Blush brightens chrome and glass along with featuring an aromatic cherry scent. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:540. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW1003-5 30 gal CW1003-30 Ultimate 55 gal CW1003-55 Tire & Wheel Cleaner Fresh Start CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Ultimate Tire & Wheel Cleaner High pH Presoak is a concentrated non-acid whitewall/wheel and rim cleaner. Ultimate is fast acting and very agressive on wheel dust and CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Fresh Start is a biodegrad- whitewalls. Excellent foam levels. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC able, high pH liquid presoak concentrate. Formulated to Compliant. Dilute from 1:4 up to 1:10 (up to 1:25 in warm easily break down windshield wiper residue, road film and seasons). other road soils. Recommended for use as a low pressure presoak application in frictionless or hybrid type systems. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW3000-5 Great for prep gun application in tunnel car wash. Biode- 30 gal CW3000-30 gradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:150. 55 gal CW3000-55 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW1004-5 30 gal CW1004-30 55 gal CW1004-55 Chemicals 57

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Tire Cleaner Purple Non-Acid Hi-Gloss CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Tire Cleaner is a non-acid wheel, Polish/Conditioner white wall and tire cleaner. Slightly buffered to control clean- ing ability. Works well in warm climates, hard water and great CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Purple Hi-Gloss Polish/Condi- in self serve car wash. Features a spearmint fragrance. Also tioner Concentrate is formulated to produce high levels of works as an engine cleaner. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compli- foam with vibrant color and deliver a high gloss, rinse free ant. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:23. shine. Features a cherry fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute from 1:100 up to 1:300. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW3001-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5003-5 15 gal CW5003-15 Wipe Out Orange Bug Remover Hi-Gloss CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Wipe Out Bug Remover is an ag- Polish/Conditioner gressive formula designed to remove all types of bug residue. Wipe Out is ideal for all online uses and can be used with a CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Orange Hi-Gloss Polish/Con- thumb gun or pump style sprayer. Biodegradable. Phosphate ditioner Concentrate is formulated to produce high levels of free. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:100 as per application. foam with vibrant color and deliver a high gloss, rinse free shine. Features a cherry fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW4000-5 Compliant. Dilute from 1:100 up to 1:300. 15 gal CW4000-15 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5004-5 15 gal CW5004-15 Gold Green Polish/Conditioner Hi-Gloss CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Gold Polish/Conditioner is a Polish/Conditioner concentrate formulated to deliver a high gloss, rinse free shine. Gold Polish/Conditioner produces copious amounts of CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Green Hi-Gloss Polish/Condi- vibrant gold colored foam with an aromatic cherry fragrance. tioner Concentrate is formulated to produce high levels of Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:300. foam with vibrant color and deliver a high gloss, rinse free shine. Features a cherry fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/ OTC Compliant. Dilute from 1:100 up to 1:300. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5000-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5005-5 15 gal CW5000-15 15 gal CW5005-15 Econo Pink Blue Polish/Conditioner Polish/Conditioner CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Pink Polish/Conditioner is a CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Econo Blue Polish/Conditioner concentrate formulated to deliver a high gloss, rinse free shine. is a high sudsing foam polish specially formulated for auto- Pink Polish/Conditioner produces copious amounts of vibrant mated car washes. An economical product which produces pink colored foam with an aromatic cherry fragrance. Biode- vibrant colored foam, free rinsing and excellent shine. gradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:300. Features a bubble gum fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:100. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5001-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5006-5 15 gal CW5001-15 15 gal CW5006-15 Econo Blue Pink Polish/Conditioner Polish/Conditioner CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Blue Polish/Conditioner is a CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Econo Pink Polish/Conditioner concentrate formulated to deliver a high gloss, rinse free shine. is a high sudsing foam polish specially formulated for auto- Blue Polish/Conditioner produces copious amounts of vibrant mated car washes. An economical product which produces blue colored foam with an aromatic cherry fragrance. Biode- vibrant colored foam, free rinsing and excellent shine. gradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:300. Features a bubble gum fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:100. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5002-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5007-5 15 gal CW5002-15 15 gal CW5007-15 58 Chemicals

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Econo Ceramic Yellow Protectant Polish/Conditioner CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Ceramic Protectant is a revo- lutionary ceramic fortified surface protectant developed for CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Econo Yellow Polish/Conditioner is automatic car washes. Consumers can enjoy the benefits of a high sudsing foam polish specially formulated for automated whole vehicle ceramic protection from the ease of use of the car washes. An economical product which produces vibrant drive through wash. The ceramic material forms a chemi- colored foam, free rinsing and excellent shine. Features a cal bond to all exterior surfaces and creates a wear resistant bubble gum fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. coating. Treated surfaces have increased gloss and shine along Dilute up to 1:100. with great water beading. A touch of slickness is added to the AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW5008-5 painted surfaces to reduce buildup of dirt, grime, bugs and 15 gal CW5008-15 industrial fallout. Fine spray nozzles from the arch allows the product to penetrate hard to reach areas. VOC/OTC Compliant. All Over Dilute up to 1:200. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 1 gal CW6004-1 Protectant Citrus 5 gal CW6004-5 CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 All Over Protectant is designed 15 gal CW6004-15 to promote water beading, detergent resistance, gloss and Fire 30 gal CW6004-30 sheeting action to the total vehicle. Ideal for use in touchless tunnel and in-bay automatic vehicle wash system applications. Lava Wax Features an aromatic banana fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/ OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:300. CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Citrus Fire Lava Wax is micronized carnauba infused with vivid orange colored foaming wax. Richly AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW6000-5 scented and will provide a bubble gum fragrance throughout 15 gal CW6000-15 the wash, Citrus Fire is an excellent nonstaining orange foam. 30 gal CW6000-30 Lava Wax promotes excellent water beading, increases luster and gloss. Excellent two week vehicle surface protection. Perfect Finish Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:400. Protectant AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW7000-5 30 gal CW7000-30 Electric CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Perfect Finish Protectant is an Cherry excellent non-streaking economical clearcoat protectant for painted surfaces. Perfect Finish promotes water beading, Lava Wax prevents water spotting, adds gloss and great shine. For use in automatic and coin operated car washes. Features CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Electric Cherry Lava Wax is mi- an aromatic mulberry fragrance. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC cronized carnauba infused with vivid red colored foaming wax. Richly scented and will provide a cherry fragrance throughout Compliant. Dilute up to 1:200. the wash, Electric Cherry is an excellent nonstaining red foam. Lava Wax promotes excellent water beading, increases luster AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW6001-5 15 gal CW6001-15 and gloss. Excellent two week vehicle surface protection. 30 gal CW6001-30 Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:400. Seal AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW7001-5 Drying Agent Grape 30 gal CW7001-30 CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Seal Drying Agent is a highly Infusion concentrated, non-streaking, non-spotting formula for rinse cycle in automatic car wash applications. Seal, when added Lava Wax to the final rinse water cycle, promotes water beading, al- lows the water to be easily blown off, and leaves a spot free CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Grape Infusion Lava Wax is surface. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute from micronized carnauba infused with vivid purple colored foam- 1:100 up to 1:300. ing wax. Richly scented and will provide a grape fragrance throughout the wash, Grape Infusion is an excellent nonstain- AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW6002-5 ing purple foam. Lava Wax promotes excellent water beading, 30 gal CW6002-30 increases luster and gloss. Excellent two week vehicle surface 55 gal CW6002-55 protection. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:400. Fast Dry AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW7002-5 30 gal CW7002-30 Drying Agent Water Based CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 Fast Dry Drying Agent is a highly Online concentrated, non-streaking, economical rinse aid for tunnel Tire Dressing wash applications. Serves as a great spray wax for self-serve, Mighty VS7 Water Based Online Tire Dressing is a silicone rollover and automatic car wash applications. When added to blend formulated to impart outstanding shine and durabil- the nal rinse water cycle, promotes water beading and allows ity. Designed for application with online tire equipment, used the water to be easily blown off. Features a cherry fragrance. correctly will not sling. VOC/OTC Compliant. For complete Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Dilute up to 1:200. coverage and high shine, use 2 oz. per application. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW6003-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal CW8000-5 15 gal CW6003-15 30 gal CW6003-30 30 gal CW8000-30 55 gal CW8000-55 Chemicals 59

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Very Cherry Bug Remover Car Wash CONCENTRATE. An aggressive blend of detergents, glycol ethers, SUPER CONCENTRATE. Our thickest formula, fortified with water softening agents and neutralizing agents formulated to grease cutting detergents, foam boosters, and water softening remove june bugs, flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects from agents. Use in hard or soft water. Dilute up to 1:640. Biodegrad- automotive bumpers, hoods, roofs, plastics, chrome and painted able. Phosphate Free. Cherry fragrance. surfaces. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Phosphate Free. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL1000-1 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3300-1 Very Berry 5 gal DL1000-5 5 gal DL3300-5 55 gal DL1000-55 Tropical Orange Car Wash Degreaser CONCENTRATE. An all purpose cleaner that is a combination CONCENTRATE. A thick high foaming soap that leaves a “just of water miscible solvents, alkaline hydroxides, and nonionic waxed” look; rinses easily and leaves no residue. Very Berry has detergents designed to remove grease and grime from any hard a rich long lasting lather of excellent lubricity. Biodegradable. surface areas. Dilute up to 1:50. Biodegradable. Phosphate free. Berry fragrance. Citrus fragrance. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL1001-1 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3000-1 5 gal DL1001-5 5 gal DL3000-5 55 gal DL1001-55 55 gal DL3000-55 Violet Shine Precious Purple Wash & Wax All Purpose Cleaner CONCENTRATE. Performs like a car wash. It leaves a “just waxed” look and excellent beading action. Makes for fast CONCENTRATE. An economical cleaner degreaser for use on drying. Dilute up to 1:200. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. engines, tires, hard surface areas, vinyl upholstery, carpets, and Grape fragrance. more. Use in hot or cold water. Safe on aluminum. Dilute up 1:4 to 1:10 for floors; 1:3 for general and 1:1 for heavy duty cleaning. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL1002-1 Grape fragrance. 5 gal DL1002-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3001-1 Wash & Wax 5 gal DL3001-5 Sap Car Wash 55 gal DL3001-55 Remover CONCENTRATE. A blend of non-ionic detergents, foam boosters and wax like surface active agents designed to give excellent car A fully active tree sap remover, without useless fillers. The product washing results; gloss combined with sheeting action. Features quickly penetrates the most stubborn tree sap to allow effortless high foaming action and a cherry fragrance. Excellent hard water removal without heavy rubbing or buffing. The formula is not stability. Formulated for ease of pulling through a metering greasy and does not utilize a traditional petroleum distillate base. device. Rinses easily and leaves no residue. Dilute up to 1:200. Any excess product will quickly evaporate from the surface and Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. will not damage surrounding trim or rubber seals. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL1003-1 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 32 oz DL3301 5 gal DL1003-5 (4) 1 gal DL3301-1 Suds 55 gal DL1003-55 Comprehensive Car Wash Remover SUPER CONCENTRATE. Produces a rich, long-lasting lather. Formulated thin for hand or automatic car washes, Suds rinses Easily removes adhesives, grease, tar, and undercoating easily and lowers wipe down time. Features excellent hard water overspray. This solvent-based remover may be used on vinyl, stability and works with metering devices. Dilute up to 1:640. upholstery and all hard surfaces. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC compliant. Fresh air fragrance. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 32 oz DL2001 (4) 1 gal DL2001-1 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL1004-1 5 gal DL1004-5 5 gal DL2001-5 OTR Road Paint Truck Wash Remover CONCENTRATE. Mighty VS7 OTR Truck Wash Concentrate is designed to clean polished aluminum, painted surfaces, truck Designed to remove white and yellow traffic paint without exhaust deposits, road film and bug residue. Biodegradable. damaging most types of automotive paint surfaces. VOC/OTC Compliant. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 32 oz DL3302 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal DL1005-5 55 gal DL1005-55 (MCM-53) 60 Chemicals

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Non-Acid Tire & Wheel Glass Cleaner HYPER CONCENTRATE. An ammonia-free formula that cuts Cleaner through smoke residue and film. Leaves a streak-less finish. 1 gallon makes 5 gallons. 5 gallons makes 55 gallons. A revolutionary formula allowing a thick, gel-like cleaner to Biodegradable. cling to the surface, aggressively removing even the toughest brake dust, dirt & grime. Perfect for the hard to clean Euro- AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL4002-1 pean brand wheels with brake dust problems. Biodegradable. 5 gal DL4002-5 VOC/OTC Compliant. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3100-1 5 gal DL3100-5 DL3100-55 Extractor 55 gal Shampoo Presto Whitewall CONCENTRATE. designed for use in all carpet extractor ma- chines. This concentrated shampoo is a phosphate free, low Tire Cleaner foaming detergent which does not leave a soapy residue. Works with hot and cold water. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. CONCENTRATE. A water based formula which removes factory coating including tire blue, curb burns, dirt and stains. Dilute up AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL4004-1 to 1:6. VOC/OTC Compliant. Biodegradable. 5 gal DL4004-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3101-1 55 gal DL4004-55 5 gal DL3101-5 High Foaming Wheel Acid Interior Shampoo Tire & Wheel CONCENTRATED. Formulated for use on all vinyl, fabrics, carpeting, and vinyl tops. High Foaming Interior Shampoo easily Cleaner removes stains soil and dirt. Dilute 4-8 oz. to 1 gallon water. CONCENTRATE. A powerful acid based formula. Use on wire Biodegradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Citrus fragrance. wheels, chrome, and alloys. Wheel Acid is a professional strength wheel cleaner and brightener. Instantly removes road film, oxidized AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL4001-1 metals, and brake cleaner. Restores luster. Dilute up to 1:6. Biode- 5 gal DL4001-5 gradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3102-1 5 gal DL3102-5 Econo Smoke Eliminator Wheel Acid Kit for the generation of chlorine dioxide for the elimination of odors in confined spaces. Industrial strength. Fast one hour CONCENTRATE. A powerful acid based formula. Use on wire treatment. wheels, chrome, and alloys. Wheel Acid is a professional strength wheel cleaner and brightener. Instantly removes road film, oxidized AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 24/case DL4003 metals, and brake cleaner. Restores luster. Dilute up to 1:4. Biode- gradable. VOC/OTC Compliant. Leather AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3103-1 Conditioning 5 gal DL3103-5 Cream Hard & Soft Surface A lanolin-based product which penetrates leather quickly. Leaves leather soft and supple, restoring its natural look, while Enzyme Cleaner leaving a pleasant new leather scent. A blend of microbes designed to remove blood stains, coffee AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5008-1 stains, food stains, pet stains from carpet, fabric and upholstery, plus the benefits of odor control. Hard & Soft Enzyme Cleaner Leather meets Green Smart criteria for Green Technology. Dilute 1:4 to 1:8 parts per quart. Fresh fragrance. Cleaner AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL4000-1 A pH balanced cleaner which produces a rich foam to 5 gal DL4000-5 quickly remove trapped dirt and residue from leather surfaces. Phosphate free, pH balanced. 55 gal DL4000-55 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5009-1 5 gal DL5009-5 (MCM-53) Chemicals 61

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Laundry Shine Detergent Dressing Solvent Based Exterior Dressing. A blend of high viscosity Can be used to pretreat tough and set in stains. Laundry Deter- silicones designed to give excellent gloss and leveling proper- gent has a pleasant fresh scent and fabric brightening agents. ties to tires and exterior surfaces. Shine is a fast dry dressing Economical to use. Biodegradable. Phosphate Free. that produces a high gloss, long lasting finish. Flammable. Vanilla fragrance. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL3200-1 5 gal DL3200-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5000-1 55 gal DL3200-55 VOC 5 gal DL5000-5 Powdered 53 gal DL5000-53 Laundry Shine Detergent Dressing CONCENTRATE. Fully dispersible powder with a powerful Solvent Based Exterior Dressing. Made with a premium blend blend of builder, alkalis, surfactants & brighteners. Great of VOC compliant solvents and silicones, this OTC and VOC for towels. Dilute up to 1/2 cup per standard load. Lemon compliant dressing is a fast dry solvent/silicone system which fragrance. produces excellent shine and durability with fast setup time. This reduced sling formula performs well on all brands of tires. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 35 lb DL3202-35 Flammable. Vanilla fragrance. VOC COMPLIANT IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 50 lb DL3202-50 Machine AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5001-1 5 gal DL5001-5 Blue Dress 53 gal DL5001-53 Dressing Floor Cleaner CONCENTRATE. An industrial strength floor cleaner for use Solvent Based Exterior Dressing. Formulated to produce a high on mop applications and for automatic scrubbing equipment. shine with very little setup time. This solvent/silicone blend for- Dilute up to 1:8; for automatic equipment: 1:20 gallons warm mula features reduced sling. Blue Dress is not greasy and is very water. durable. Blue Dress is the answer to fast dry with great results. Flammable. Vanilla fragrance. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 5 gal DL3400-5 55 gal DL3400-55 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5002-1 VOC 5 gal DL5002-5 53 gal DL5002-53 Powdered Blue Dress Floor Cleaner Dressing A professional quality powdered detergent for cleaning greasy, Solvent Based Exterior Dressing. Formulated to produce a high oily buildup on concrete floors in garages, transmission shops, shine with very little setup time. This solvent/silicone blend for- service stations, oil change facilities, auto repair shops, facto- mula features reduced sling. VOC Blue Dress is not greasy and is ries, and much more. Offers excellent detergency against tire very durable. VOC Blue Dress is the answer to fast dry with great marks, road grime and greasy soil buildup. Dissolves quickly results. Flammable. Vanilla fragrance. and completely without leaving white residue. Dilute 4-6oz per gallon. Pine fragrance. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5003-1 5 gal DL5003-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 35 lb DL3401-35 100 lb DL3401-100 53 gal DL5003-53 Industrial Wheel Protectant Purple Floor Cleaner Ceramic Fortified Mighty VS7 Wheel Protectant provides ceramic fortified surface CONCENTRATE. A cleaner/degreaser formulated for floors, protection for both OEM and aftermarket wheels. The product engines, tires, wheels, spot removing, and whitewall tires. once sprayed onto the wheel instantly begins to bond to the sur- Industrial Purple Floor Cleaner is economical to use, phosphate face giving maximum protection and gloss. The treated surface free and has excellent hard water stability. Biodegradable. VOC/ will resist road dirt, grime and brake dust, making future clean- OTC Compliant. ings easier. The protection is seen with the tight water beading and the wheel will have more luster. The protection will last up to AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL2000-1 3 months under normal driving conditions. 5 gal DL2000-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 32 oz DL3104 55 gal DL2000-55 (4) 1 gal DL3104-1 (MCM-53) 5 gal DL3104-5 62 Chemicals

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Water Based Detail Spray Dressing Ceramic Fortified One of the easiest ways to get ceramic protection. Can be used Exterior/Tire Dressing. A fourth generation development in tire as a standalone or with the Light Cut Polish to aide in removal. dressing which utilizes water in place of slow and fast evaporat- Delivers exceptional gloss and slickness to the treated surfaces, ing solvents, and utilizes high and low molecular weight silicones. along with unparalleled surface protection. The product can be Water Based Dressing has greater durability than water based used wet or dry. Only a few sprays per panel are needed for systems and equal durability to most solvent based tire dress- adequate coverage. This versatile product can be used on all ings. VOC/OTC Compliant. Biodegradable. Watermelon fragrance. exterior surfaces, including glass, plastic trim, chrome, moldings, and wheels. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC compliant. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5004-1 5 gal DL5004-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6014 55 gal DL5004-55 (4) 1 gal DL6014-1 5 gal DL6014-5 Water Based New Car Non-Silicone Detail Spray Dressing Cleaner/Polish Body Shop Safe Dressing. This dressing will out perform all types of glycerin type tire dressings. Water Based Non-Silicone An easy to use, safe, anti-static formulation. New Car Detail Dressing may be used on all exterior car surfaces that are Spray removes finger marks, cleans and polishes paint, glass, exposed to sunlight. Bubble gum fragrance. chrome, rubber and plastic. It also lifts abrasive dust particles while cleaning. Spray on and wipe off formula. Helps release pet AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5007-1 hair from fabric and upholstery. 5 gal DL5007-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL6000-1 5 gal DL6000-5 Interior Last Step Dressing Liquid Water Based. Renews tires, weather-stripping, rubber, floor mats, interiors, bumpers, engines, and more. Can be cut 1:1 with Body Shop Safe water and will remain detergent resistant for 30 days or more. Cures in 24 hours. Contains no silicone or wax. An excellent clay lubricant. Works great on all painted surfaces. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5005-1 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL6001-1 5 gal DL5005-5 Headlight 55 gal DL5005-55 Restoration Instant Kit Interior Mighty Headlight Restoration Kit rejuvenates unsightly yellowed or faded headlights. Avoid replacement costs with this easy pro- Cleaner & Conditioner cess that includes resurfacing plus the application of a unique A pH balanced cleaner and conditioner which quickly removes coating to help restore clarity and brightness to your vehicle’s trapped dirt and residue from leather, vinyl and plastic surfaces. lenses. Improve appearance, as well as dramatically increasing light output, visibility and driving safety at night, with this long- AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (4) 1 gal DL5006-1 lasting and cost effective treatment. 5 gal DL5006-5 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) Kits/case DL6135 Ceramic Mighty Black Coating Trim Restorer Restores faded plastic and protects against acid rain, sun dam- Mighty VS7 Ceramic Coating is the purest form of protection age, chalking and detergents. Mighty Black is a low viscosity you can apply to your vehicle. The ceramic resin acts like an ad- methoxy-methylphenyl oligomer coating that cures at room ditional layer of clear coat which gives increased depth of gloss temperature. May be used on vinyl, polystyrene, rubber and and enhanced color creating an almost nonstick layer. polyvinyl chloride. Restore bumpers, truck beds, RV trim, car carrier trim and other plastic, black and grey surfaces that are AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) 2 oz DL6015 exposed to fading. (MCM-53) AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) 2 oz DL3201 Chemicals 63

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Midnite Used Car Madness One Step Cleaner/Glaze The complete one step pre-owned vehicle correction/protec- tion product. It cleans, polishes and waxes in one step. Easy to A Body Shop Safe oil based cleaner glaze designed to fill fine use. Used Car One Step is a blend of high quality dimensioning surface scratches, remove minor to moderate paint imperfections abrasives, VOC compliant solvents and carnauba wax that allow and oxidation from new and used vehicles. Midnite Madness may enough working time to remove oxidation and micro imperfec- be applied by hand, orbital or variable speed polisher. Works well tions from any painted surface, old or new. When used as di- with wool or foam pads. rected, it will leave the surface leveled, clean, glossy, and waxed. VOC/OTC Compliant. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6004 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6008 (4) 1 gal DL6004-1 (4) 1 gal DL6008-1 Swirl Remover/ Pink Polish Polish Restores color depth to the paint finish safely with no swirls. Removes pre-existing compound marks with an easy on/easy off Swirl Remover process and generates no dust. Safe for most paint finishes. A specially formulated cleaner ideal for removing hairline scratches and swirl marks. Contains no harsh abrasives. Great AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6005 for hand or machine application. Pink Polish Swirl Remover is (4) 1 gal DL6005-1 formulated for sale and use in California and OTC states. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6010 (4) 1 gal DL6010-1 Final H2O Wax Wax Protectant H2O Wax combines drying and protection steps into one. Simply A silicone fortified easy on/easy off, non-abrasive, wax-free, du- spray on to a wet or dry surface and buff it to a high gloss finish. rable type finish. Final Wax contains detergent resistant, amino H2O Wax is great for just rinsed or clean, dry vehicles. Provides functional, cross-linking silicone resins to enhance the gloss and up to four (4) months of protection. color depth of the painted surface. Offers a durable virtually dust-free coating that lasts up to 12 months. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 32 oz DL6011 (4) 1 gal DL6011-1 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6006 (4) 1 gal DL6006-1 Level Gold Compound Wax Level Compound will level and polish. Easy to use. It removes A silicone fortified wax which helps restore color and gloss. Gold medium imperfections. Level Compound is a blend of high Wax provides a protective coating with excellent durability. Fast quality dimensioning abrasives and VOC solvents that will allow drying, high quality. Formulated for use in OTC States. enough working time to remove 1500 grit scratches from any painted surface, old or new. When used as directed, it will leave AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6012 the surface leveled, clean and ready for the next step. Body (4) 1 gal DL6012-1 Shop Safe. VOC Compliant. No Dust Formula. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6007 (4) 1 gal DL6007-1 Light Cut Polish Ceramic Fortified Contains fine milled polishing agents to give a consistent cut throughout the buffing cycle, while ceramic material is deposited into the pores of the clear coat. The base layer works synergisti- cally with either the liquid or spray, so there is no need to have an additional prep step prior to additional ceramic application. This ceramic fortified polish can be used as a standalone or as an ex- cellent choice for preparing any vehicle’s surface for ceramic coat- ing or detail spray application. Biodegradable. VOC/OTC compliant. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (6) 16 oz DL6013 (4) 1 gal DL6013-1 (MCM-53) 64 Chemicals

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Glass Cleaner 14” This safe and easy to use cleaner dissolves smudges, film, scum, Spoke Brush smears, bugs and other soil. Spray and wipe windows, mirrors and glass. 14” white tampico fiber twisted on rust proof wire. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) 19 oz DL7000 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6108 Carpet Spotter Multi-Purpose Carpet Spotter is a powerful spot remover specifically formulated Cleaning Brush to remove tough spots and stains from carpets instantly, without rubbing or scrubbing. This product is also excellent for removing 7” double-sided brush ideal for fine detail work & small areas. difficult stains and spots from household carpets. ELIMINATES grease, tar, coffee, cola, wine, urine, shoe polish, ink, lipstick, AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 50/case DL6109 blood, and hundreds of other stains. It is unequaled because of its effectiveness on both OIL and WATER-BASED stains. Premium AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) 18 oz DL7001 Wood Handle 5’ length wooden handle with threaded metal tip for extra strength. For use with DL6110, DL6132, DL6133 and more. Interior Detailer AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6128 Interior Detailer is a fast drying dressing formulated to shine Bi-Level vinyl and plastic surfaces. Designed to lay flat with no wiping necessary. Hides wax marks on trim. Misting action shines hard Truck Wash Brush to reach areas like vents. Not for use on rubber. 10” block. 2” green polystyrene trim, flagged. Order with Pre- AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) 12 oz DL7002 mium Wood Handle. Foaming Upholstery Cleaner AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6110 Foaming Upholstery Cleaner is specially formulated to gently foam away soil, dirt and stains from velour, cloth, carpet and other similar surfaces. Will not soak into fabric - leaves the 9” Premium surface clean and dry. Car Wash Brush AVAILABLE SIZE(S): (12) 19 oz DL7003 9” block. 2.5” green nylon trim, flagged. Order with DL6128 Premium Wood Handle. 8” AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6132 Wheel/Fender Brush Wheel Brush 8” brush with durable flagged yellow synthetic bristles. 5” block. 2.5” red polypropylene trim. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6103 21” 12/case DL6133 Wheel/Fender Brush Pet Hair 21” durable synthetic flagged brush. Stone AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6104 Removes pet hair quickly & efficiently with its unique texture without damaging the surface. Use the Pet Hair Stone on interior 8 1/2” surfaces such as fabric seats, carpets, inside trunks, etc.! Made from 90% post-consumer recycled materials; it’s also hypoal- Nylon Tire Brush lergenic and odor free. 8.5” heavy duty nylon tire brush. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6136 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6105 Gray 1 1/2” Clay Detailing Paint Brush A fine surface clay bar that safely eliminates rail dust & minor paint overspray on all automotive paint finishes. 1.5” detailing paint brush. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 24/case DL6106 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6002 7” Purple Detail Brush Clay 7” horsehair detail brush. Cleans small parts, joints & seams. A medium surface clay bar that safely eliminates rail dust & minor paint overspray on all automotive paint finishes. 200 grams. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 36/case DL6107 (MCM-53) AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6003 Chemicals 65

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products Foam 100% Wool Applicator Pad Cutting Pad Poly sponge for applying wax, polish or tire dressing. 7.5” heavy cut, 100% twisted wool Velcro® pad. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 144/case DL6100 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 24/case DL6115 Knit Pre-Washed Wax Applicator Pad Lambswool Pad 4.5” x 3.5” x 1’. Plush pile keeps dirt & grit away from 7” 100% lambswool knitted, hook & loop pads with Velcro® back. vehicle surface. Machine wash & dry. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 144/case DL6101 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 12/case DL6140 Do-All Scrubber Blue When used wet, this specially designed honey comb material Window Huck Towel will carry an abundance of soap & water to safely scrub away stubborn bugs, bird droppings & other contaminants without Measures approximately 20 x 24”. harming the clear coat. Easily rinses clean. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 48/case DL6102 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 25lb case DL6116 Steel Wool 1/2 Each pad approximately 3” x 4” x 2.5”. Bath Towel AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 96/case DL6112 16” x 21”. 100% absorbent cotton loops, excellent for detailing. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 120/case DL6147 Flex Orbital Polisher Bulk The orbital rotation simulates the circular movement of the hu- Microfiber Towels man hand while polishing & promises a smooth, precise finish with very little heat generated on the surface. This will ensure Assorted colors. Measures approximately 16” x 16”. the safety of your customers most sensitive finishes. This unit features an automatic shut-off if it becomes too hot, to protect AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 200/case DL6143 the motor. 10 amps, 5.7lbs. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6142 Two-Sided Red Microfiber Towels 6” Waffle Pad One of the thickest in the industry, this two-sided microfiber is actually two towels sewn together. Measures approximately 6” x 1.5” Velcro® backed, Euro foam pad designed to keep 16” x 24”. life up & heat down, unique design allows for better air flow during use. Red - Final Finish. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 50/case DL6144 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 36/case DL6137 Yellow Premium 6” Waffle Pad Synthetic Chamois - Large 6” x 1.5” Velcro® backed, Euro foam pad designed to keep life up 791 square inches. & heat down, unique design allows for better air flow during use. Yellow - Heavy Cut. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 24/case DL6118 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 36/case DL6138 Blue Premium 6” Waffle Pad Standard Wash Mitt 6” x 1.5” Velcro® backed, American foam pad designed to Measures approximately 12” x 8” (including the cuff). keep life up & heat down, unique design allows for better air 100% American made & assembled. flow during use. Blue - Polish. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 24/case DL6119 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 36/case DL6139 (MCM-53) 66 Chemicals

VS7® Car Wash & Detailing Products General Purpose 1-Port Trigger Sprayer Proportioner White A wall mount 1-port proportioner. 4 gpm. Spray head fits 32 oz. spray bottle. 200/case DL6120 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6146 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Chemical Resistant 3-Port Each DL6131 Trigger Sprayer Proportioner 40% higher output than standard sprayers. Adjustable nozzle A wall mount 3-port proportioner. provides the finest mist to jet stream. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 200/case DL6121 48 oz. Acid Resistant Hydro-Foamer Sprayer Trigger Sprayer Gun/hose attaches to Hydro-Foamer to produce thick, rich foam for more cling time. On/off function, quick rinse. 40% higher output per stroke reduces the amount of times trig- ger needs to be pulled. Outer body protects piston assembly to AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6124 prevent damage during use and storage. Designed specifically for use with acid-based wheel cleaners, aluminum and stainless Foam-A-Nator steel cleaners. Reduce cleaning time with the Foam-A-Nator. Prepares the AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 200/case DL6122 cleaning fluid into a solid foam. Less cleaning fluid and less water consumption than conventional washing. Ideal for laying foam 32 oz. that coats and clings to large surfaces. Spray Bottle AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6141 Graduated measurement for use with many cleaners. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): 100/case DL6126 Tornador® Black 12 oz. Each DL6123 Cleaning Tool Squeezable Bottle Double the power, lower wear, maintenance, air consumption, noise emissions than the original Tornador®. Uses a concentrated blast of Pours cleaners directly onto the surface. solution to remove dirt from crevices. Effortlessly cleans the interior & exterior of your vehicle. Works with your air compressor to create AVAILABLE SIZE(S): a cyclone of cleaning power that blasts solution into crevices and areas you cannot reach by hand. Clean carpet, plastics, & upholstery Drum/Pail inside the car. Clean wheels, convertible tops & body seams on the exterior. Fine mist of cleaning solution that does not over saturate. 3/4” Faucet Must be used with an air compressor capable of producing a con- stant air pressure of at least 60 psi. Do not to exceed 110 psi. Fits 5 gallon pail up to 55 gallon drum. Features a 360° spray head. AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6125 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6129 Velocity Vac Gallon This attachment turns the Tornador® Black Cleaning Gun into a quick, easy-to-use wet / dry vac that will help detailers optimize Pump Dispenser the time they spend on the interiors of each car. Vacuuming, cleaning & air drying all in on device means time & cost savings Fits standard gallons & flat, round hand cleaner dispensers. for everyone. Pumps 1 oz. per stroke. **Note - this device is only compatible with the DL6125 Tornador® Black** AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6145 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6134 Exterior/Tire Water Based Pump Precision Applicator Dispenser Delivers the product as evenly a solvent based dressing with no waste, no sling & a high gloss. Featuring an adjustable spray tip Fits 5 gallon pail up to 55 gallon drum with extensions. for any size side wall. **For use with 5004 & 5005 Dressings** AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6130 AVAILABLE SIZE(S): Each DL6127 (MCM-53) Chemicals 67

VS7® Tools & Equipment PSX3000 40400050 Power Steering DFPSX 500 Differential Exchange FloDynamics & Power Steering FloDynamics 40400031 RADCVAC3 Transmission Coolant Inline Inline/Dipstick Exchange Exchange FloDyynamics FloDynamics TSD450 with RedVac 3 Chem Injector 98002 PSX2000 Brake Fluid Power Steering Exchange Exchange FloDynamics FloDynamics Brakemate Jr 68 Chemicals

VS7® Tools & Equipment 500-0220M 500-1125M MotorVac Carbon Transmission Inline/Dipstick Clean 1000 Exchange Premium Injection MotorVac Cleaning Tool TransTech IV Demo video Demo video available! available! 500-8100M (MCM-75) Brake Fluid 500-5100M Exchange Coolant MotorVac MotorVac BrakeVac II Coolant Clean Fluid Exchange Demo video available! (MCM-75) 207100M Power Steering Exchange MotorVac 69 Steer Clean 1000 Chemicals

VS7® Tools & Equipment MMX134 • Durable steel frame design to stand up to shop environment • Patented oilless compressor • Patented motor-controlled valves • Wi-fi and Bluetooth enabled • Vehicle database included • 10’ service hoses • Compatible with electric and traditional engine driven compressors • 1 Year Labor/2 Years Parts/3 Years Compressor Warranty MMX1234 • Durable steel frame design to stand up to shop environment • Patented oilless compressor • Patented motor-controlled valves • Wi-fi and Bluetooth enabled • Vehicle database included • Refrigerent ID included • 10’ service hoses • Compatible with electric and traditional engine driven compressors • 1 Year Labor/2 Years Parts/3 Years Compressor Warranty MMX3030 • First SAE certified J3030 dual refrigerant unit brought to market • Converts to both R134A and R1234 refrigerants • Includes two tanks and two sets of service hoses • Durable steel frame design to stand up to shop environment • Patented oilless compressor • Patented motor-controlled valves • Wi-fi and Bluetooth enabled • Vehicle database included • Refrigerant ID included • 10’ service hose 500-9025M Diff-Vac Fluid Exchange MotorVac (MCM-75) 70 Chemicals

VS7® Tools & Equipment DFS910 Diesel Fuel Extractor Kenvo DFS920 Diesel EGR Fuel System Machine Service Features: Machine Features: • Versatile-connects to • 1 Fluid Tank • Shop Air all diesel systems • Pressure regulator • Fast and efficient service to • Durable steel structure • Stainless steel top and tank thoroughly clean and eliminate • 2 Fitting Drawers EGR deposits • Operation Manual • Removes carbon build up • Easy to move around • Helps keep DPF/SCR clean • Avoid costly tear-down of EGR manifold system • Avoid replacement of contaminated EGR cooler and valve • Lowers exhaust emissions N2-900 & N2-930 Nitro Tire Inflator Machine • 5 tire hook up N2-900 • Makes 95-97% nitrogen 25 Gallon Tank, 170 lbs. • Vacuums tires before filling 15-25 Vehicles per day • Easy two valve operation (22” x 17” x 47”) • Auto shut-off when N2 tank is full • Whole process takes only minutes N2-930 • Only needs shop air, 52 Gallon Tank, 225 lbs. 30-50 Vehicles per day no electrical power (25” x 20 1/2” x 56”) (MCM-75) Chemicals 71

VS7® Tools & Equipment A1002 Sure Shot® Sprayer • Sure Shot sprayers are a great way to apply bulk chemicals like cleaners, degreasers, penetrating oils, solvents and lubricants • It uses readily available compressed air, instead of flammable or dangerous propellants • Sprayers are reusable so you don’t have to worry about disposal of empty can • It is designed to be used with solvent based products K10-602W/156 Repair Kit for A1002 Includes: 108, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 156ZZ & P602 (MSL-30) S400A S400A-55 & S405A-55 S405A Automated Filling System for Sure Shot Sprayer • Works exclusively with Sure Shot® Sprayers • Lever control fills and pressurizes in seconds without removing the filler cap • Unit comes with special chemical resistant seals to handle almost any product • Top fill port eliminates leaking seals • S400A-55 and S405A-55 (includes table) are designed for 55 gallon drums ZE365 ZE369-2 07362 Nylon Pump Polyethylene Pump Sure Shot Measur- Without Hose ing Device (32 oz.) • Fits 55 gal. drums with • Fits 15 - 55 gal. drums 2” bung opening with 2” bung opening • Used for windshield • Used for antifreeze and washer fluid and anti- brake clean freeze 72 Chemicals

VS7® Tools & Equipment Top Engine Delivery Devices FL114 FL136 FL113 Deluxe Delivery Device Delivery Device Economy Delivery Use when applying VS7® Use with FL135 and FPT290 Device Top Engine Cleaner. FPT290 VS7® Economy Top Engine Deluxe Fuel Injection Delivery Device is easy to use Cleaner Adapter Kit and serves as a great economy delivery tool. Miscellaneous Tools • Convenient adapter kit allows you to easily con- nect your existing cleaner cannister to virtually 6074181 any vehicle 3/8” Quick Connect Clips • Universal 21-piece kit fits over 90% of domestic and foreign vehicles 6074182 • Specially designed inline t-connector 1/2” Quick Connect Clips • Exclusive quick connects with push button, thumb release convenience 2845V 2550 Air S Tool Adapter Premium Injection Adapter Kit 2540V 2845BR Air Intake Cleaning Tool Air S Map Adapter 1835BR Air Map Adapter 160 Brake Fluid Pumps Multi-Purpose • For pumping brake fluid and Pump other non-corrosive fluids Use with 1-gallon container • Fastens directly to many 1 to 2 1/2 gallon containers • Includes 3 cap sizes • Includes 3” plastic extension ZE10120 • 36” hose included • Dispenses 3/4 oz. per stroke • Ball check in outlet nozzle Use with 5-gallon prevents drainage and blocks moisture container • Aluminum construction Chemicals 73

Glass Treatment 98994 Aquapel® Glass Treatment Professional Installer Kit Kit Includes: • 24 Aquapel® Glass Treatment applicators • 24 static cling stickers • 24 consumer sales brochures • 24 mirror hangers • 1 application instruction sales aids • 1 safety data sheet (SDS) Aquapel® at Work Treated Untreated • Remarkably improved (MCM-30) vision in the rain • Rain beads up and rolls off • Eases snow, ice and bug removal • Performance lasts for months DL6135 Headlight Restoration Kit Mighty Headlight Restoration Kit rejuvenates unsightly yel- lowed or faded headlights. Avoid replacement costs with this easy process that includes resurfacing plus the application of a unique coating to help restore clarity and brightness to your vehicle’s lenses. Improve appearance, as well as dra- matically increasing light output, visibility and driving safety at night, with this long-lasting and cost effective treatment. 12 kits per case. 74 Chemicals

Pre-Owned Vehicle Protection Program Used Car Kit UC100 1 2 VS7 Used Car Kit UC100 includes 3 the following four products: 4 FL106 Fuel System Cleaner Supreme fuel additive helps improve emissions and restore and maintain performance. 8 ounces The Mighty VS7 Pre-Owned OL120 Vehicle Protection Program Engine Oil Fortifier (EOF) gives buyers peace of mind knowing their new Advanced oil fortifier additive enhancement investment comes with for gasoline engines. Restores and rejuvenates. added protection. 16 ounces Here’s how it works: CL104 Cooling System • Install the four products in the Mighty VS7 Used Car Kit (UC100) Protectant • The vehicle purchaser receives repair Premium universal conditioner coverage on the four system services in- enhances additives in any volved, namely, fuel, engine, cooling and coolant system for prolonged transmission performance and efficiency. 12 ounces • Amount of Coverage: Up to $1500 • Length of Coverage: SB201 Synthetic Automatic 6 months or 6,000 miles Transmission Fluid • Mileage to Qualify: Vehicles Protectant with less than 150,000 miles at time of sale. Premium Full Synthetic ATF protectant eliminates shudder See your and extends fluid life. Mighty representative 10 ounces for details. Chemicals 75

Notes Notes 76 Chemicals

Lubricants Engine Guard Lubricants...........................................78-80 Royal Purple®..........................................................81-82 Red Line®..................................................................... 83 Total........................................................................... 84 Performance Grease....................................................... 85 Transmission Lubricants...........................................86-87 Lubrication Equipment...............................................88-90 Static Cling Label Printer............................................. 91 Lubricants 77

Engine Guard Lubricants Engine Guard Lubricants Mighty Engine Guard Lubricants are premium quality high detergent Synthetic Blend and Full Synthetic motor oils. Engine Guard is specially formulated to provide a high viscosity index, utilizing a select additive package that provides outstanding protection against wear, rust corrosion, oxidative thickening, acid formation, sludge and varnish deposits. Engine Guard Motor Oil meets the latest requirements of the American Petroleum Institute (API) Service Category SP and the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) GF-6A / GF-6B Standard, where applicable. Continuous use of Engine Guard Motor Oil will help: • Increase sludge protection • Reduce oil consumption • Minimize start-up wear • Enhance engine cleanliness EG Full Synthetic Lubricants Viscosity Quarts Drums Totes 0W-16 0W-20 0W-20 dexos® 5W-20 5W-30 5W-30 dexos® 5W-40 Euro 10W-30 EG Synthetic Blend Lubricants Viscosity Quarts Drums Totes EG Diesel 0W-20 Lubricants 5W-20 5W-20 High-Mileage Viscosity Gallons Drums Totes 5W-30 5W-30 High-Mileage 5W-40 CK4 10W-30 10W-30 CK4 10W-40 15W-40 CK4 20W-50 (MLP-11) 78 Lubricants

Engine Guard Lubricants Engine Guard M-Pak Lube System Mighty Engine Guard M-Pak Bag N’ Box Lube System offers convenience of having 6 gallons of oil per box in a rack system. Up to 8 different grades in one rack. Boxes come in various viscosity grades of full synthetic, synthetic blend, full synthetic gear oils, high-mileage oils, diesel oils and multi-vehicle transmission fluid. BNBRACK Durable Mighty Rack • 6 or 8 transfer pitchers with spouts for easy pouring. • Environmentally friendly, eliminates quart bottles • Drip pans under each shelf to prevent spills • BNBRACK Dimensions: 44”W x 21” D x 79.5”H • ENVIRACK Dimensions: 37.5”W x 22.5”D x 72”H Full Synthetic Viscosity 0W-16 0W-20 dexos® 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 dexos® 5W-30 5W-40 Euro 10W-30 ENVIRACK Synthetic Blend Diesel Viscosity Viscosity 0W-20 10W-30 CK4 5W-20 15W-40 CK4 5W-20 High-Mileage 5W-30 VS7® ATF 5W-30 High-Mileage 10W-30 Viscosity 10W-40 20W-50 MV-ATF Lubricants (MLP-10) 79

Engine Guard Lubricants Engine Guard Bulk Lubricants Mighty Engine Guard Bulk Lubricant Motor Oils are offered in synthetic blend, full synthetic, full synthetic dexos®, high-mileage oils and diesel oils. Delivered in specially equipped, compartmentalized trucks with metered delivery for quality assurance. Full Synthetic Synthetic Blend Diesel Please contact your local Mighty Rep for Viscosity Viscosity Viscosity information on this 0W-20 dexos® 0W-20 10W-30 CK4 0W-20 5W-20 15W-40 CK4 program. 5W-20 5W-20 High-Mileage 5W-30 5W-30 dexos® 5W-30 High-Mileage 5W-30 10W-30 5W-40 10W-30 (MLP-12) Sell Sheets When needing to confirm specifications of a motor oil, gear oil, transmission fluid or grease, refer to the Mighty Lubricants Sell Sheets. MLP100 MLP101 MLP100 - Lubricants Brochure Lubricants Lubricants Pocket MLP101 - Lubricants Pocket Folder Brochure MLP102 - Synthetic Blend Folder MLP103 - Full Synthetic MLP104 - Full Synthetic dexos® Full Synthetic Full Synthetic MLP105 - Euro Motor Oil dexos ® Motor Oil MLP106 - High-Mileage MLP107 - Diesel Oil Mighty Engine Guard Full Synthetic is a premium quality, high detergent motor oil. Mighty Engine Guard dexos® motor oils are approved for dexos motor oil MLP108 - Conventional Gear Oil Engine Guard is specially formulated to provide a high viscosity index, utilizing a select specifications designed by GM Powertrain engineers. These oils are intended MLP109 - Synthetic Gear Oil additive package that provides outstanding protection against wear, rust, corrosion, specifically for GM engines. dexos is designed to increase fuel efficiency, extend MLP110 - HD Diesel Oil oxidative thickening, acid formation, sludge and varnish deposits. the life of the vehicles emissions system, reduce oil changes and extend the life of MLP111 - Full Synthetic CK4 the vehicle. MLP112 - Diesel Conventional CK4 MLP113 - VS7 Multi-Vehicle ATF Features and Benefits MLP114 - VS7 Multi-Purpose Grease MLP115 - Full Synthetic 0W/16 Enhanced performance benefits at extreme Features and Benefits MLP116 - VS7 3% Moly Grease temperatures compared with conventional motor oils FULL SYNTHETICWorld Class Protection FULL SYNTHETICWorld Class Protection Outstanding resistance to viscosity and thermal (MIS-82) MOTOR OIL Outstanding resistance to viscosity and thermal MOTOR OIL breakdown at high temperatures OW-20 breakdown at high temperatures OW-20 Excellent low-temperature pumpability for 41418618 Protects against sludge and varnish formation 41418616 protection during cold starts 1 US QT / 946 mL and rust and bearing corrosion 1 US QT / 946 mL Low volatility for reduced oil consumption Excellent low-temperature pumpability for protection during cold starts Formulated to protect turbochargers and emission control system catalysts Formulated to protect turbochargers and emission control system catalysts Formulated for use in vehicles operating on ethanol-containing fuels up to E85 Formulated for use in vehicles operating on ethanol-containing fuels up to E85 SAE SAE MLP103 MLP104 Full Synthetic Full Synthetic dexos® 80 Lubricants

Royal Purple® Royal Purple® High Performance Engine Oil Royal Purple High Performance engine oils are formulated from top quality synthetic base stocks. Robust additives provide 6x* greater wear protection for vital engine parts to maximize engine life and 2x* better oxidation resistance for maximum protection against deposits and performance-robbing sludge buildup. Royal Purple High Performance engine oils meet the most current OE specs for warranty compliance. *Comparisons based on dexos®, API SP and/or ILSAC GF-6A requirements HMX® XPR® Royal Purple HMX high mileage engine Royal Purple XPR (Extreme Performance oils provide all the benefits of the Royal Racing) oils are recommended for use in Purple HP engine oils plus additional seal various racing applications, and are popu- conditioning agents to revitalize hardened/ lar in a variety of motorsports including: marginal seals common in engines with NASCAR, NHRA, World of Outlaws and more than 75,000 miles. Additionally, Bonneville Salt Flats. Contains Royal HMX engine oils are formulated with Royal Purple’s proprietary Synerlec additive Purple’s proprietary Synerlec additive tech- technology. nology which creates a polar attraction to ferrous metals essentially eliminating dry starts where most engine wear occurs. HPS® Duralec® Super Motor Oil Royal Purple HPS Series motor oil is Duralec Super motor oil is specifically specifically formulated to maximize per- formulated to maximize component life, formance and meet the demands of high extend drain intervals and improve fuel performance and modified engines. HPS is performance with excellent high tem- recommended for vehicles no longer un- perature break down resistance and low der manufacturer warranty and for those temperature pumpability to minimize seeking a higher level of performance and cold-induced startup wear. protection. Max ATF® Automatic Duralec® Ultra Motor Oil Transmission Fluid Royal Purple Duralec Ultra motor oil Royal Purple Max ATF is more oxidation- is specifically formulated to maximize stable than other transmission fluids, performance and meet the demands and greatly resists breakdown from heat of today’s heavy-duty engines. Dura- and loss of proper lubricity. It is fully lec Ultra is fortified with a high level compatible and can be mixed with other of zinc/phosphorous anti-wear ad- automatic transmission fluids; however, ditive and Royal Purple’s proprietary for the best results, drain or flush your Synerlec additive technology. current oil and then fill your transmission with Max ATF. (MLP-13) Lubricants 81

Royal Purple® Max-Cycle® Motorcycle Engine Oil HP 2-C® 2-Cycle Motor Oil Royal Purple Max-Cycle is specifically formulated to exceed the demands of Royal Purple HP 2-C is a high performance highly stressed engines/transmissions. engine oil that improved performance and It is recommended for use in both reduces wear in both standard and high air-cooled and liquid-cooled 4-cycle performance 2-cycle gasoline engines. engines and is compatible with wet- Royal Purple HP 2-C is recommended for clutch transmissions. use in both pre-mixed and oil injected gaso- line 2-cycle engines in outboard motors, motorcycles, jet skis, chain saws, etc. For cold weather oil injected applications, Royal Purple recommends its Snow 2-C. Synchromax® Manual Max Gear® Synthetic Trans Fluid Gear Oil Royal Purple Synchromax is recommended Royal Purple Max Gear is recommended for manual transmissions that specify an for use in automotive front and rear automatic transmission fluid or other light- differentials, manual transmissions and viscosity oil. Synchromax is also ideal for transfer cases that specify use of an API transfer cases and 2-cycle motorcycle gear GL-5 or GL-4 fluid. It is noncorrosive boxes that specify light-viscosity lubricants. to soft yellow metals (brass, bronze, It offers improved shift quality over a wide copper), and is synchronizer safe. Max temperature range and reduces gear noise. Gear also works great in marine gear applications. Not for use in gear boxes, TRUFUEL® 50:1 transmisions and lower units with wet clutches. Ready-to-use Trufuel is precision- engineered with proprietary lubricants Ultra-Performance® and advanced stabilizers to provide Grease maximum protection to your 2-cycle engines. Trufuel 50:1 mix is designed Royal Purple Ultra-Performance Grease to work with outdoor power equipment (UPG) is a high performance, multi- that requires a 50:1 gas to oil ratio. purpose, aluminum-complex, synthetic EP grease which significantly increases bearing life and equipment reliability. It also makes bearings run smoother, cooler and quieter. 82 Lubricants

Red Line® Red Line® Synthetic Oil Lubricants High-Performance Motor Oil The most advanced formulation available on the market today in the widest variety of viscosity. Ester-based, full-synthetic lubricant for passenger vehicles and performance applications, offering superior high-temperature stability, more cleanliness and extended drain intervals compared to most other full-synthetic oils. Higher levels of ZDDP antiwear additives protect camshafts and bearings. Not for engine break-in. • Stronger film strength for improved durability High-Performance Automatic Transmission Fluid • Compatible with conventional synthetic oils • Viscosity shear protection The widest selection of fully-synthetic ATF on the market • For high and low-mileage engines today. Offers improved thermal stability, maintains viscosity • Withstands extreme temperatures levels, and feature lower volatility while providing the required • Superior low temperature flow frictional characteristics of each fluid’s OEM-style replacement. High-Performance GL-5 Gear Oil • Reduced oxidation and lower volatility at high temperature • Allows high-temp operation without varnishing valves and Ester-based, full-synthetic gear oil for hypoid differentials, blended for clutches shear stability, less gear noise and more consistent viscosity. Extra friction modifiers are included for use with limited-slip differentials (additional friction modifier additive not required unless chatter occurs). This product offers more wear protection and extended drain intervals. Compatible with conventional and synthetic oils. Powersport Products Red Line motorcycle and powersports lubricants are designed to resist chopping and shearing action and keep the viscosity within the desired specification while providing superior wear protection. Specifically cre- ated for the latest high-revving four-stroke motocross bikes and ATVs, Sportbikes, and V-Twins. High-Performance GL-4 Gear Oil • High levels of antiwear chemistry like zinc and phosphorous • Less friction modifier for better-wet clutch operation Full-synthetic ester-based lubricant designed for use in manual • Superior film strength for protection and ring seal transmissions and front-wheel-drive transaxles. The shear-stable • Extended drain intervals over other brands formula resists breakdown for extended periods and offers more consistent viscosity in warm and cold temperatures for less gear Professional-Series Motor Oil noise and improved shifting. This fluid is less slippery for improved sychronizer coefficient of friction and offers stronger film strength These API-certified motor oils are engineered to Original Equipment for better wear protection. Manufacturer specifications. Professional-Series offers a lower price • Quicker shifting point for installers yet carries the quality and reputation only Red • Improves synchro coefficient of friction Line can provide. • Eliminates notchy shifts in cold and warm weather • Low fluid friction to improve power transfer • Fully-synthetic OEM- and API-approved formulas • Compatible with conventional and synthetic oils • Exceeds ILSAC GF-6A / GF-6B specifications and OEM Perfor- • Not designed for hypoid differential mance • Excellent low-temp flow during cold starts and thermal stabil- ity at high temps • API SP approved products designed to prevent LSPI in turbo- charged GDI engines • Resists oxidation to help prevent sludge WaterWetter® • Low volatility for reduced oil consumption and longer drain intervals Product Details: • Unique agent for cooling systems that doubles the wetting ability of water • Improves heat transfer and reduces cylinder head temperature • Compatible with new or used antifreeze (including DEX-COOL® and long life versions) to improve the heat transfer of ethylene and propylene glycol 80204 systems (MLP-14) • Contains no ethylene glycol Lubricants 83

Total INEO XTRA INEO Life LL OW20 OW20 1 Liter Bottle 1 Liter Bottle 9000 Energy Size Description Size OW30 3/5L INEO Racing 10W60 12/1L 12/1L 12/1qt 1 or 5 Liter Bottle 12/1L INEO MC3 5W30 12/1qt 12/1L 9000 Energy 5W40 12/1qt Description 12/1L INEO LIFE 5W30 12/1L 9000 Energy 0W30 12/1L 12/1L 9000 Energy 0W30 12/1L 9000 FGO 5W40 3/5L INEO XTRA Dyn 0W20 9000 NFC 5W30 INEO XTRA Dyn 0W20 9000 Energy 5W30 9000 Energy 0W40 INEO XTRA LL 0W20 INEO LIFE 0W30 84 Lubricants

Performance Grease Performance Grease Line Mighty Performance Greases are available in Multiple NLGI grades and fluid vis- cosities to support a broad range of applications. Today’s automotive, commercial and industrial equipment are more technologically advanced and complex. Mighty Performance Greases are manufactured to meet and exceed the requirements of those highly evolved components. Wheel bearings, roller bearings, plain bearings, gears, couplers, and sliding surfaces are but a few of the uses. Features & Benefits • Enhanced tackiness, anti-wear, rust and corrosion capabilities • Extreme Pressure additive package • Superior high load, vibration, water contamination and high temperature protection • Especially recommended for automotive wheel bearings and general purpose lubrication • For high loads, high temperature, including occasional impacts for overload of the equipment • Provides outstanding reduction in friction and wear • Longer equipment life • Optimizes maintenance cost and uptime Part No. Description Size MPG100HT High Temp Red 1 lb. 1 lb. MPG114HT High Temp Red 14 oz. 14 oz. MPG114M 3% Moly Grease 14 oz. 14 oz. MPG114MP Multi-Purpose Grease 14 oz 14 oz. (MLP-30) Lubricants 85

Transmission Lubricants SB106 Limited Slip Differential Supplement • Protects against metal-to-metal wear • Specially formulated for vehicles with limited slip differentials • Replaces need to stock GL5 product • Resists thermal breakdown • 4 oz. SB202 Multi-Vehicle CVT Transmission Fluid Mighty VS7® Multi-Vehicle CVT Fluid with Advanced SYNTEUM® Technology is specifi- cally designed and formulated to meet performance requirements and specifications of Continuously Variable Transmissions. • Suitable for use in ALL Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) applications. When using in Honda applications, 20,000 mile service intervals are recommended • Optimized for excellent metal-metal friction requirements • Provides advanced wear protection, anti-shudder performance and oxidation stability • Provides excellent low temperature fluidity for proper operation in cold weather conditions • Protects against sludge and varnish build-up • Helps ensure proper performance and operation of CVTs • 32 oz. TR103 — ATF D3-M • Excellent anti-wear, rust and corrosion protection • Oxidation resistant • Controls deposit formation • 32 oz. Full Synthetic Part No. Description Limited Slip EG75W/90 Full Synthetic Gear Oil Gear Oils EG75W/140 Full Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W-90 GL5 EG80W/90 Conventional Gear Oil & 75W-140 GL5 EG85W/140 Conventional Gear Oil • Recommended for use in Ask Your Mighty Representative for all standard and limited slip Our Complete Line of Specialty Gear hypoid differentials (conven- Oils like 75W/85, 80W/250 and others! tional and high performance) • Helps increase driveline effi- ciency and reduce gear noise • Sizes: 32 oz., 5 gal., 6 gal., 16 gal. & 55 gal. (MLP-80) 86 Lubricants

Transmission Lubricants TR120, TR120S6B, TR125 & TR155 Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF Mighty VS7® Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF is formulated for the newest generation of high efficiency transmissions and is also a fuel efficient choice for older models. This product is uniquely formulated with synthetic base stocks, unique seal conditioners, long-life friction modifiers and anti-wear additives. • Excellent friction stability for smooth shifting • Optimum performance in GM 6-speed transmissions • Excellent performance in hybrid transmissions, including Ford and Toyota • Superior shear stability and wear protection • Protection against varnish, corrosion and sludge formation • Superior thermal stability and oxidation resistance • Outstanding low-temperature performance • Exceeds low viscosity transmission fluid requirements • One fluid for virtually every global transmission application • Cannot be sold in California • TR120 - 32 oz., TR120S6B - 6 gal., TR125 - 5 gal. & TR155 - 55 gal. TR200, TR200D & TR330 87 Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF • Compliant in all 50 states • Replaces over 149 different types of ATF • TR200 - 1 gal., TR200D - 55 gal., TR330 - 330 gal. Lubricants

Lubrication Equipment Roth Tanks Roth tanks are lightweight, double walled oil dispensing tanks. Packages are available that include the tank, pump, reel, control handle, gauge and fill cap. Features: • Inner tank made of blow-molded, high-density, seamless polyethylene that is leak-proof and will never corrode • Outer tank is made of weld-free galvanized steel and roll seamed with an oil and fire-resistant seal • Outer tank holds 110 percent of inner tank for maximum protection • Extremely light, up to 50 percent lighter than conventional steel tanks • Can be used for DEF, diesel and bio fuels, motor oil and ATF • Compact, economical design (8 sq. ft. for 1000L) • Wide handles on each end allow you to transport and handle with ease • UL 2258 certified* 165 Gallon Roth Tanks • 4 x 2” bung openings • 1135-004 - Lynx 3:1 Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-005 - Lynx 5:1HD Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-006 - Panther 3:1 Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-010 - Lynx 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' • 1135-011 - Lynx 5:1HD Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' • 1135-012 - Panther 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' 275 Gallon Roth Tanks • 1135-016 - Lynx 3:1 Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-017 - Lynx 5: 1HD Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-018 - Panther 3:1 Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-022 - Lynx 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' • 1135-023 - Lynx 5:1 HD Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' • 1135-024 - Panther 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' 400 Gallon Roth Tanks • 1135-028 - 400 GAL. Lynx 3:1 Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-029 - 400 GAL. Lynx 5:1HD Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-030 - 400 GAL. Panther 3:1 Pump, EVO Hose Reel 50' • 1135-034 - 400 GAL. Lynx 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' • 1135-035 - 400 GAL. Lynx 5:1HD Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' • 1135-036 - 400 GAL. Panther 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 50' Vertical Obround Tanks Choose vertical Obround tanks when floor space is limited. Vertical Obround tanks have the smallest footprint per gallon of oil. Packages are available that include the tank, pump, reel, control handle, gauge and fill cap. 330 Gallon Vertical Obround Tanks • 1134-027 - 330 GAL. Single Wall, Lynx 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel • 1134-025 - 330 GAL. Single Wall, Panther 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel • 1134-028 - 330 GAL. Double Wall, Lynx 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel • 1134-026 - 330 GAL. Double Wall, Panther 3:1 Pump, Classic Hose Reel 88 Lubricants

Lubrication Equipment Poly Stackable Tankless Packages Various stackable tanks Packages include available. Contact • Hose reel - choice of Evolution or Classic series hose reel, 30’ or 50’ your Mighty Rep for • Pump - Choice of Lynx 3:1, CF15 or CF30 • DR handle w/ flex-m ext. and 1/4 manual tip details. • F/R auto drain 1/4” NPT(F) • Pump and reel bracket Tanks include embossed and inked tank level markings for clearer volume readings. Metered Dispense Handles Digital Registry Meter (DR) - comes with a precision machined aluminum die-cast fluid chamber for repeatable accuracy, sealed battery compartment, meter uses 2-standard AA batteries, auto-sleep mode, trip mode to reconcile fluid inventory, nonresettable totalizer; maintains total volume dispensed by meter, flange coupled design; prevents leakage around meter body and grip, economic designed grip for less hand fatigue, swivel protective cover and a 1/4 turn manual nozzle. • 3330-157 - Rigid Extension, 1/4 Turn Manual Nozzle • 3330-159 - Flex Memory Extension, 1/4 Turn Manual Nozzle • 3330-161 - Flex Extension, Auto Nozzle 1300-019 1300-021 1310-006 Poly Lever Pump Steel Lever Pail DEF Pump Steel Pumps Poly Pumps Pump 1300-001 1300-019 1300-021 1300-029 1300-022 1300-030 1300-033 1310-005 1310-006 Lubricants 89

Lubrication Equipment Gravity Feed Tanks Maximize valuable floor space by storing fluids in stackable rhino tank systems. HDPE constructed and ULC listed. All available sizes share a 36” x 36” footprint and can be stacked in any combination up to 360 gal- lons. Provides storage that is clean, efficient and easy to use. Gravity Feed Packages include: Part No. Description 500257 45/45 Gallon System • Tank(s) 500258 45/45/45 Gallon System • Stand Kit with 24” Legs 500259 45/45/45/45 Gallon System • Drip Tray Kit 500260 45/80 Gallon System • Gravity Feed Accessories 500262 45/120 Gallon System • Brass Spring Release Valves (1 per Tank) 500301 80 Gallon System 500034 80/80 Gallon System 500030 500035 80/80/80 Gallon System 500307 80/80/80/80 Gallon System 500302 120 Gallon System 500030 120/120 Gallon System 500266 120/120/120 Gallon System 500033 80/120 Gallon System 500303 180 Gallon System 500031 120/180 Gallon System 500032 180/180 Gallon System 500304 225 Gallon System 500193 120/225 Gallon System 500306 45/80/225 Gallon System 500305 310 Double Ring System 500032 500035 Pump System Tanks Pump Systems provide versatile options for clean, convenient and accurate dispensing from the tank, directly to your equipment. Side mount systems are compatible with Rhino Tuff’s stackable tanks. All Side Mount and Top Mount Pump Systems are assembled at the factory. Wall Mount Systems are shipped unassembled. Tanks and Stand sold separately. Part No. Description 500440 (MTE-14) 500434 Top Mount Standard Duty 3:1 Pump Package (Assembled) 500440 Side Mount Standard Duty 3:1 Pump Package (Assembled) 500448 Wall Mount Pump Package (Unassembled) 500438 Top Mount Heavy Duty Pump Package (Assembled) 500444 Side Mount Heavy Duty Pump Package (Assembled) 500452 Wall Mount Heavy Duty Pump Package (Unassembled) 500475 Side Mount 3/4” Diaphragm Pump Package (Assembled) 90 Lubricants

Static Cling Label Printer Professional Service Reminder Program GX001-05 Service Reminder Kit • Print your customer’s reminder labels the professional way • Eliminate the hassle and worry regarding tech’s handwriting • Use 24 pre-programmed label designs • Complete kit functions as a stand alone unit • Includes printer, keyboard display, 3 year parts and labor warranty (6 mos. on print head), 1 ribbon Accessories and Labels P9944-02 M7505-02 Replacement Ribbon Mighty Sticker Kit (Prints approx. 1,500 labels) Contains two rolls of labels (500 per roll) and one ribbon. Ask about custom options! M7505-03 P9933-45 P9933-94 (MSL-30) Mighty Label Red Oil Can Label Blue Wrench 91 (500 Roll) (500 Roll) (500 Roll) Lubricants

Notes Notes 92 Lubricants

Personal Protective Equipment Disinfectants.................................................................... 94 Gloves ............................................................................. 95 Masks & Face Shields ....................................................... 96 Sanitizer..................................................................... 97-98 Vehicle Protection............................................................ 99 Wipes............................................................................. 100 Personal Protective Equipment 93

Disinfectants Disinfectant, germicidal Detergent, Multi-Surface Cleaning Deodorizer and Sanitizer Solvent One-step disinfectant that is EPA reg- • Contains 70% Isopropyl Alcohol istered as a germicidal detergent and • Evaporates quickly and leaves deoderant. • Meets OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen nearly zero oil traces compared to ethanol Standard for HIV, HBV and HCV • 70% IPA solutions penetrate the • One-step germicidal, disinfectant, cell wall more completely to kill microorganisms cleaner and deoderant • The presence of water is a crucial • Effective in hard water up to 400 factor in destroying or inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microor- ppm hardness in the presence of ganisms with isopropyl alcohol 5% soil • Comes in a 1 quart sprayer • Non-dulling to floors (#67237) and 1 gallon refill bottle • Comes in lemon, pine and winter- (#67176) green scents (MSL-20) MiST™ In-Air Quality Machine 590160 MiST™ treats mold on contact and prevents new mold growth throughout the vehicle’s HVAC system and passenger cabin surfaces. MiST™ is an award-winning technology aimed at the health of the driver and occupants, not the vehicle. Features: • Easy to operate: Any employee can safely operate the system with minimal training. • Performance and precision: Amazing performance and out- standing energy efficiency. • Durable and reliable: Rugged design stands up to the wear and tear of everyday use. • On-board Diagnostics (OBD): Includes a low level sensor, high level sensor and polarity sensor. (MTE-75) MiST™ X-Treme Sanitizing Kits are designed to disinfect and sanitize vehicle interior touch points while treating the entire HVAC system and interior air spaces for sources of mold, mildew and bactera. • Sanitizing Kits available with two formulas--590250SK and 590260SK (12 bottles) • 1 quart (590275) MiST™ X-Treme with sprayer • 12 MiST™ X-Treme service vent tags • 24 MiST™ X-Treme point of sale brochures (MCM-30) 94 Personal Protective Equipment

Gloves Mighty Black Nitrile Glove • Strong black color, superior strength • Chemical resistant nitrile glove • Powder free & latex free • Textured surface • 9” long, 5 mil thick • Mighty part number series: NG99xx Mighty Black Nitrile Glove • Strong black color, superior strength • Chemical resistant nitrile glove • Powder free & latex free • Textured surface • 9” long, 4.5 mil thick • Mighty part number series: NG79xx Mighty Blue Nitrile Glove • Chemical resistant nitrile glove • Available in powder and powder free • Textured surface • 9” long, 4 mil thick • Mighty part number series: NG56xx & NG56xxP Mighty Heavy Duty Latex Glove • Powder free • Fully textured surface secure grip wet/dry • 9” long, 8 mil thick latex gloves • Mighty part number series: LG22xx Mighty Latex Glove • Low cost hand protection • Available in powder and powder free • 9” long, 5 mil thick latex gloves • Mighty part number series: LG11xx & LG11xxP (MSL-30) Personal Protective Equipment 95

Masks & Face Shields BARRIERMASK - Reusable Cloth Face Mask • Made from 100% woven polyester • Features 5.5” interior pocket and two ear straps • Double-layered • One size fits all NSAMASK3B8BK FR Control 2.0™ Face Mask • 3-layer face covering • Superior moisture-wicking and dry rate • Lightweight breathable fabric • One size fits most FS-VF50 - ProWorks® VentFoam Face Shield • Double-sided anti-fog • Foam head band with elastic strap for comfort • Use together with a face mask to enhance protection • Made of PET MM005 MASK3W MASKFK4 FEL110B Disposable Medical Mask 3-Ply Cotton Mask Flat Knit Mask Four Pleated Face Mask MAGID® Cooling Neck Gaiter and Face Cover • Cools in under 60 seconds and keeps cool for up Part No. Color to 2 hours D0S04150 Navy Blue D0S05150 Lime Yellow • Can be worn 12 ways including a face covering, neck gaiter or head wrap (MSL-19) • Machine washable • Protects from the sun with UPF 50 blocking up to 98% of UV rays 96 Personal Protective Equipment

Sanitizer DEFEND Foaming Hand Sanitizer Uses 61160 dispenser DEFEND Foaming Hand Sanitizer is an instant, dye-free, non-alcohol sanitizer confirmed to kill 99.99% of the most common germs that may cause illness in as little as 15 seconds. Formulated with mois- turizers and skin conditioners, hands will feel soft and clean even after repeated use. The rich, mild foaming lather spreads quickly and easily over hands, leaving no sticky residue. Pleasant lemon scent and free of harmful VOCs. Part No. Description Size 62512-0000004 DEFEND Foam Sanitizer 1 gal. 62512-0000518 DEFEND Foam Sanitizer 5 oz. DEFEND+ Instant Hand Sanitizer DEFEND Plus Alcohol Hand Sanitizer is an instant, clear, dye-free gel confirmed to kill 99.9% of the most common germs that may cause illness in as little as 15 seconds. Formulated with 70% Ethyl Alcohol and aloe vera, hands will feel soft and clean even after repeated use. • 70% Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) Part No. Description Size clear gel 62514-0000004 DEFEND+ Gel Sanitizer 1 gal. 62514-0001624 DEFEND+ Gel Sanitizer 16 oz. • Kills 99.9% of most common germs • Contains aloe vera • 24 bottles per case • 16 ounces / 480 mL • 1 gallon pump uses the 61165 dispenser • Made in USA PHS231-6 Hand Sanitizer Spray Pure Hand & Surface Sanitizer • Ethanol-based formula • 80% Ethyl Alcohol • Contains 80% v/v ethanol • Antibacterial sanitizer • Sizes: 4oz., 12oz., 1gal. • Multi purpose formula • Kills germs on contact Part No. Description Size • Great for home, office and 130045 Hand Sanitizer Spray 4 oz. auto 130046 Hand Sanitizer Spray 12 oz. 130046 130095 Hand Sanitizer Spray (Refill) 1 gal. (MSL-20) Personal Protective Equipment 97

Sanitizer Allshield Hand & Surface Sanitizer Allshield offers a solution for protection against bacteria Part No. Allshield Gel Sanitizer Size and germs with their American-made cleaning products, a 2252 2 oz. comprehensive lineup of sanitizers and surface cleaners. 2254 Description 4 oz. Each exceed the CDC’s recommended alcohol content, 2258 Squeeze Bottle - Gel 8 oz. protecting what matters most 22516 Squeeze Bottle - Gel 16 oz. • Safe for skin and surfaces Hand & Surface Gel 1 gal. • Exceeds CDC recommendation Hand & Surface Gel 32 oz. • Made in the USA 64 oz. 16 oz. 22528 Hand & Surface Gel (Refill) 1 gal. 22532 Round Bottle with White Cap - Gel 22564 Bottle with Hand Pump 22616 Sanitizer & Surface Cleaner Spray 22628 Sanitizer & Surface Cleaner Spray (Refill) 2258 22528 22616 Allshield Bundle Protection Packs Part No. Description 225BP1 B2B Spray Pack 225BP2 B2B Small Pack 225BP3 B2B Mega Pack 225BP4 B2B Big Pack • Exceeds the CDC’s recommended alcohol content level • FDA approved formula Refillable Sanitizer Dispensers • Eliminates hand pumps and shared contact point, reducing the chances of spreading germs • Refillable internal tank can be filled to dispense gel hand sanitizer, liquid sanitizer and soap • 33oz. capacity, dual-stage dispenser can be set for either .02oz. or .05oz. dosage • Ideal for retail entrances, offices, schools, food service, medical facilities and more • Battery powered, can be placed nearly anywhere that best suits its need (DC optional) 22534 • One fill can last up to a month, 25 people using it Wall-Mounted Unit twice a day • Units made with ABS plastic, all metal stands with 22535 a sturdy, heavy base Countertop Unit (MSL-20) 22536 Floor Stand Unit 98 Personal Protective Equipment

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