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Home Explore Data-driven human resource management

Data-driven human resource management

Published by Lyn Thanaporn, 2022-08-31 04:41:30

Description: Data-driven human resource management


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Presentation of results/findings/insights and actions 51

4-ways to look “what happen” Ranking Trends/change Who is no. 1 and why? How data change over times Comparison Relationship Compare brand or interested topics Find relationship, correlation, causation between 2 datasets. 52

Trend 53

Ranking 54

Comparison 55

Relationship 56


Root cause solution Insight Good Data scientist always start with good question 58

การเกบ็ Data อะไรท่จี ะตอบโจทย์ 59

Data เปน็ เหมือนเขม็ ทศิ 60

What data can do? If you can not measure it, You can not improve it. 61

Revolution of succesful organisations 62


What is big data? 64

Spotlight on Legal Issues Legal Implications of Big Data With regard to employment, the report recognized that modern algorithmic and automated recruitment and selection systems do, in fact, have the potential to reduce bias, but the report cautions that algorithms are designed by humans. As a result, bias can inevitably find its way into algorithms and models. In fact, algorithms and models can even magnify biases in the data. Nonetheless, the report contends that the use of data-driven approaches in hiring can reduce bias if designed properly. However, without careful consideration, analytics can be susceptible to bias, potentially leading to poor decisions and legal issues. 65

Data Analytic 66

Level of data analytics Descriptive Diagnostic Predictive Prescriptive 67

Goals of data What/who/ How and Why What can analytics where/when happen Predictive/ Recommendation Result What’s likely Prediction Action result Evaluation/ Create future Feedback 68

Making the Transformation Possible 69

The beginning of this transformation 70

Key dimensions Support (leadership and culture) Structure Staff Systems (process Strategy and technology (HR strategy) Data presentation and Skills communication 71

Skills Business acumen: complete understanding of business of the company/BU, how company/BU makes money, and key value drivers of the business from the HR perspective Statistical skills: basic knowledge of statistics to be able to use and understand the meaning of various statistical tools Research methodology skills: familiarity with the research methodology field, like familiarity with sample selection techniques 72

Staff Legal & Compliance Finance Marketing IntelligenceBusinessReHsouumrcaens IT Software HR analytics Data ventor Managing a scientist blend of capabilities IT architect Consultant 73

Structure HR analytics group is at the corporate level and rolls out the HR analytics framework Centralized and data analysis results organization wide. Each division or business unit has its own HR Decentralized analytics team for implementing HR analytics. There is an expert team at the corporate/central Center of excellence level coupled with an embedded HR analytics (CoE) member for each function or BU who is supported by the CoE team. Each function of HR, such as, learning and development, workforce planning, or Functional compensation and benefits, etc., has its own analytics team or a person to do analytics. 74

Systems This dimension deals with the systems or processes and technology assets required to produce and store data for analysis—reports and dashboard types, generation periodicity, tools or software assets or technology requirements, data standards, protocols, templates, etc.— to ensure consistent application of HR analytics across the organization. 75

Strategy 5. : Essentially, this piece covers HR strategy encompassing HR analytics strategy and roadmap. Unless HR analytics is made an integral part of the overall HR strategy for the organization, utility of HR analytics diminishes. Strategy dimension also includes covering , , in a phased manner Clarity on HR analytics strategy Analytics roadmap Objectives Business outcomes 76

Support b) Culture: another key sub-dimension of support a) Leadership: means the piece. Culture of an C-level team of the organization has various organization and they nuances impacting being on board for implementation of HR sponsoring analytics. Basically implementation of HR organizations either have analytics by providing a culture on a spectrum budgetary and other where one end is the resources required for its culture that believes in implementation. use of data for various types of decision-making including HR decision making, and on the other end is culture which does not believe in the use of data in decision making. 77

Presentation i. Know the audience: tailor presentation of analysis results according to the audience. ii. Avoid cluttering: too many analyses at a single place can lead to confusion or inability to grasp the message. iii. Focus on key points: identify the purpose of presentation and restrict to that like whether it is for employee engagement analysis or exit survey findings, etc. 78

Communication i. Storification: weaving a story around the data results and insights makes attention, understanding, and retention of analysis findings easier. Story also helps in contextualizing the analysis findings and, thus, gives organizational flavor, increasing the receptivity. II. Visualization: along with story, use of visuals adds power to results and insights communication. In fact, story and visuals make the results and insights self- explanatory for audience to a large extent. But the fact is that visualization is a poorly used and exploited technique in HR data presentation and communication. 79

Analytics technique 80

พฒั นาภาวะผนู้ าํ ในยุคดิจิทัล (Leadership in Digital Era)

!\"#$%&'%()&%*&+,-./0*,1\".# 2*3,&4,#-.\"5-%\"*. 82


84 84


The mindset shifts within Share a common set public sector organisations of organisational transformation Senior leaders Oversea teams differently, Managers of the allowing problems and future opportunities to be identified and addressed organically, 21st-Century driven from the bottom up. employees Focus on identification and definition of problems instead of task and process management. 86

The future of work management mindset Set the vision for and drive a collaboratiive, innovative team culture by listenning to and engaging the workforce and customer. Design teams of the future that include multiple sources of skills, capabilities, and workforces, a combination of human resources (full-time employees, contractors, external crowds, and public-private partnerships) and machine resources. Prioritize problems through modified work processes that harness human-machine coordination. Coach employees through the process of identifying and defining problems to ensure a broader context is considered in designing and implementing human-machine coordination workflows and solutions. 87

The future of work leadership mindset Create the platform to Thinking horizontally, Prioritise workforce enabler new ways of not just vertically. engagement. Senior leaders should also working. Work Organisations should relentlessly try to engage transformation will focus on aligning employees in helping require management and incentives through design jobs of the future. senior leaders to enable Employees see problems new ways of working, shared performance on the front line and from competing tasks to objectives across senior opportunities to create bottom-up problem- value that management leadership to help and senior leadership solving achieve these goals. often don’t see. 88

Digital leaders 89

Chief digital officer archetypes The disrupter REPORTING INTO CEO CDO has mandate to transform PROS existing business models and ways of • High decision efficiency working • Very agile and responsive to customer demands The innovative integrator CDO integrates customer sensing and REPORTING INTO CEO insights with operational capability PROS improvements • Focused on highest-priority innovations • Able to respond with agility to customer The market-minded maven need CDO drives new digital solutions for customer-facing channels and routes REPORTING INTO CMO/CRO to market PROS • Digital initiatives prioritized on customer The technology integrator and growth impact CDO is technology-centric and uses • Accountability for end-to-end customer digital innovation to accelerate experience change REPORTING INTO CIO/CTO PROS • Stable demands and work plans increase development efficiency • Focus on single outcomes can result in optimized operations 90

Key elements of a digital function Digital strategy Establishes a well-defined digital strategy and policies that align with the broader business priorities, and develops a prioritized road map for digital transformation efforts Digital investment Develops the funding governance mechanism for transformation efforts, drives alignment of investments to the strategy, and attains cross-functional buy-in on the road map Digital operations Drives accountability across the organization through scorecards and business capability maps; facilitates alignment and execution of road map across business and technical teams Customer-centricity Implements structured mechanism to aggregate customer feedback and develops customer-sensing capabilities that use insights to deliver solutions that respond to customer needs Digital DNA Embeds an adaptive and responsive culture across the business to strengthen the adoption of digital mindset, especially a product-centric mindset and agile ways of working 91

DIGITAL STRATEGY: Creation of a digital road map Inputs Process to prioritize and schedule Sense customer needs Aggregate capability view Digital function will aggregate pain points and goals across the inputs Inside-out assessment Leadership review and prioritization Initiative list Digital transformation leaders, in partnership with funding stewardship, will prioritize initiatives and approve funding Digital road map creation Digital function will place initiatives onto a road map 92

DIGITAL Very digital transformation initiative is INVESTMENT evaluated on predetermined business- value dimensions and ease-of- Filter execution dimensions, including cost estimates. Scores are weighted, based on predefined weights. Score Prioritize Digital transformation initiative Digital transformation initiatives are requests are collected and filtered mapped onto a 2X2 matrix (figure 4) to through a centralized intake channel, determine priority level and ranking. An with those lacking qualifications for executive view is generated and investment—for instance, unaligned presented for review during investment with the digital strategy—rerouted to meetings, with approved initiatives other funding sources. added to the road map for execution. 93

Prioritizing initiative funding: Zone overview Initiatives in this zone will deliver The no-brainer zone the greatest impact and should be pursued immediately Big strategic bets zone Initiatives in this zone will deliver high impact but will take longer to complete and should be started quickly Initiatives in this zone require sizable In the pipeline zone resources but will still address critical capability gaps Low-hanging fruit zone Initiatives in this zone are quick wins and should be prioritized

Funding stewardship prioritization matrix Big strategic bets zone The no -brainer zone Relative business value Wave 1 or 2 Focus for wave 1 In the pipeline zone Low-hanging fruit zone Focus for wave 2 Wave 1 or 2 Hard Ease of execution Easy 95

Decentralized The federated model Unified The decentralized model The unified model Digital function acts as a Digital function collaborates with Digital function establishes strategy center of excellence that functions to create strategic direction and evaluates all digital initiatives A digital team member is embedded The digital function owns end-to- shares knowledge and end execution teams for all digital enables delivery teams within the delivery teams to drive end-to-end execution of initiatives initiatives 96

The decentralized model is best suited for organizations with: Well-communicated and accepted digital strategy across the company Established ways of working and governance mechanisms on digital efforts across functions Sufficient openness, trust, and digital knowledge for functions/regions to operate independently

The federated model is best suited for organizations with: Executive mandate to deliver sustainable operational change through digital investments Digital initiatives that will affect multiple teams and require cross-functional collaboration for success Strong domain expertise within functional and product teams

Low levels of digital capability maturity across functions Less complex organizational Unified model Digital strategy focused on structure requiring limited specific marquee projects coordination and program governance 99

Digital Aligning with digital strategy. Digital operations’ most function critical role is to align the digital functions’ goals with the activities executive vision of the organization’s digital strategy Defining governance. Digital operations builds and owns a governance framework with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, accountability of stakeholders in transformation initiatives, and reporting structures for every entity involved in the transformation program. Identifying execution gaps and additional initiatives. Following road map design and funding distribution, execution of the digital initiatives commences. Defining metrics to track and measure value realized. 100 Digital operations, in partnership with initiative owners, defines and measures the key outcomes of executed initiatives, holding stakeholders accountable for initiative performance. Defining processes to resolve issues. Digital operations defines processes for resolving critical and noncritical issues during initiative execution.

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