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Home Explore Term 2 Newsletter | MET Leeton

Term 2 Newsletter | MET Leeton

Published by donaldr18, 2016-07-26 16:23:45

Description: Term 2 Newsletter | MET Leeton


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Edition 2 2016

CA ReportStudent Leader ReportRSL FundraiserRed Nose DayGet Up 2 Get AheadGoodbye Mr. PapasideroWalk Like You Want to be Here AwardOneschool AwardsTextiles WorkMandatory TechnologyEnglish WritingYear 7 – 10 AFL WorkshopYear 10 Geography ExcursionYear 12 Business Studies ExcursionCotton Gin Excursion7/8 Junee ExcursionFashion Drawing IncursionLast Day of Term 2 A big THANK YOU to CongratulationsHarvey & Kylie Hester for Mrs. Sloan!! the donation of the Thermomix to the MET Leeton canteen And another big THANK YOU to Geoff and Esther Sargeant for donating the frames and engraving in our updated entry way!!!

Hello All,Trust you all enjoyed the school holidays. We are now into Term 3 with an action packed &busy schedule ahead of us all! It has certainly been encouraging to see our students workinghard & putting their all into their work.All the best year 11 students, who have their end of preliminary HSC course exams later thisterm and we also wish the Year 12 students all the very best with their HSC trialexaminations starting Monday 1/8/16 & finalising their major projects.Remember to give it your best shot! This is a wonderful opportunity to set you in good steadfor your future and enable you all to hit the ground running.Well done to all those students that have excelled and received rewards to date, your efforts& dedication has been most impressive & commendable. Keep up the good work everyone,your efforts & hard work does not go unnoticed!We have a new teacher, Mrs Shaw, commencing work at our campus in the next couple ofweeks to cover for teachers that are going on leave. Please make sure to welcome her to ourgreat school when you meet her!You would be all interested to know we have a very good candidate for another scienceteacher we are working on to start next year.Great news!! – our learning centre has been approved by OneSchool, with just the finaldesign and funding to be signed off now.Our campus has a new alarm/fire system installed along with new LED lighting in the MPC.Thank you to the directors for approving this, helping make our campus a more safe andsecure environment.Many thanks to all those volunteers & cooks who spend many hours involved with the dailyduties in the canteen – much appreciated! …and a big thankyou to those that have spenttheir time in the ongoing improvements and developments with our school shop “TheAvenu”! Well done, this is certainly an enjoyable place to shop with more and more tasty &innovative products for sale each week. Good work & thank you everyone! Moving forward, we have a some action packed market and fun days coming up at ourcampus! Remember your support in every way possible is greatly appreciated and valued!Again, we are open to any suggestions from students, teachers and parents on any ideas thatcan help make our school an even better place for all.Thank you to all students, staff, parents and volunteers for your ongoing support and for allyou do in helping share the load which keeps our campus running smoothly!Tom HesterCampus Administrator

To begin with, we finally got the result for the Term 1 National Fundraiser, which was forSurf Life Saving Australia – OneSchool Australia raised a massive $21 193.92 for this greatservice. The team there was apparently blown away so thanks for your support everyone!Now for Term 2…Excursions, fundraisers, assemblies, subject selections, work placementand exams…The list goes on for all the exciting things that made up this great term!…but we’ll start at the beginning. Week 2 Friday we raised $140 for the ReturnedServicemen’s League, selling Poppies and holding a fundraiser recess consisting of Miloand Anzac biscuits in honour of Anzac Day. Friday 20th May, Week 4, was a definitely adate to remember – Leeton Campus was privileged to hold the OneSchool AchieversAssembly for NSW, and we outdid ourselves with 3 of the 10 Gold and Silver awardrecipients coming from Leeton, consisting of Rochelle Dalziel (Silver), Dean Dalziel (Silver)and Shari Small (Silver). Congratulations!We had a number of excursions, including to the Junee Liquorice Factory for 7/8, anotherto the Cotton Gin (Textiles 9-11), and also an excursion to Sydney to visit Taronga Zooand Centrepoint Tower (Yr 12 Business Studies), just to mention a few. All of these, andmore will be covered later on in the newsletter, suffice to say they were much enjoyed byall! Week 8 was not so agreeable for most, as it was half-yearly exam week for years 7-11.The Get Up 2 Get Ahead program, also covered in more detail later in the newsletter, wasrun throughout the month of June and was a great success. A huge thanks to all sponsorsand those who made the effort to get up, even if it was just a few days! Week 9Wednesday, the 22nd June was an exciting and busy day – we held the Rednose DayFundraiser, this term’s national fundraiser. There was some slight confusion over the finalamount raised in this for SIDS and Kids, but it was finally calculated to be $559.50. Thefundraiser consisted of selling Red noses, Pens, Wristbands and Soft Toys as well as alunch of Steak Stacks & Chips which was in conjunction with the farewell lunch for MrPapasidero. We ended the term with a free day, as much to the delight of many students,the Athletics Day in Albury was cancelled due to bad weather. Instead games, sport andwatching videos (that these were educational goes without saying!) were the order of theday.As a final note, the plans for the new Learning Centre were put up for student inspectionand a number of students wrote down their suggestions and comments for theimprovement of these. Trial HSC exams will be in Week 3 Term 3 for Year 12, so we willbe (or probably should be….) stuck at our desks these holidays! Good luck!

YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND IT ANYWAY!Good Guys cards now WHY NOTavailable to order from SUPPORT $20 to $49,999! THE SCHOOL AT THE SAME TIME?

Our canteen has now gone online! We thank you for your support in taking this exciting initiative up!Any questions, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] DON’T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR GOLDEN APPLE DOCKETS!! EVERY $10 SPENT, EARNS 5c FOR OUR SCHOOL PLEASE PUT YOUR DOCKETS IN THE BOX AT SCHOOL OR HAND THEM TO MR DONALD

The Friday after ANZAC day we held a day raisingmoney for the RSL which supports serving and ex-servicepersonnel and their families. We were treated to a recessof ANZAC biscuits and milos, and could also buy redpoppies to support the RSL.

This terms national fundraiserwas Red Nose Day, the majorfundraiser for SIDS and Kids.The SLT sold red noses, wristbands, teddies and pens, as wellas doing a delicious steak stackfor lunch to raising a total of $559.50.

The ProgramThe Get Up to Get Ahead program was an awakening for the students at MET Leeton.Theirs was a discovery that rivalled that of Columbus, Cook, and Abel Tasman. It had oftbeen thought that somewhere, distanced by great oceans of laziness and seeminglyinsurmountable ranges of the status quo, there lay more hours, rich with resources, andholding great potential gain. Never before, though, had there been one brave enough torise to the challenge of this great crossing.But, like the Endeavour itself, there arose out of the humble minds of the studentleadership team, the very means to make this crossing possible. An idea so great, the likeof which the world had not seen before, as grand as the titanic, and, may we say, onlyslightly better thought out. It brought these modern day explorers to the shores ofsuccess and left them there to succeed. ***Useless ramblings aside, there remains the key data from the whole expedition. And that'sprecisely why one has been rambling, because due to the incompetency of certainmembers, the key data is spread across numerous excel sheets, emails and one’s less-then-perfect mind. However, it can be said with some authority that the whole programwas a great success, and that a certain amount of money was raised. Somewhere inbetween $3500 and $4095, to be precise.But back to those unearthly hours of four and five in the morning, when the rest of theworld is sleeping, and you are wondering why the heck you aren't too; it is quite amazingwhat can be achieved in these bonus hours. It’s like creating another life for yourself. Itgives you control of your day, and gives you a sense of achievement, before you’veactually done anything.Some didn't quite make four, or five, but even six still carries with it some benefits,though they probably felt something like the aforementioned Tasman, as he discoveredthe Great Southern Disappointment.So in conclusion, we must thank you all for your great part in this scheme. Theencouragement that you gave, (and the money, incidentally), spurred us on each day andgave us the strength to resist the ever present wiles of our pillows.Oh, and who gets the money, you say? Before we go any further here, it may be wise tomention that due to the extreme hours we put in, coffee expenses have been rather high.But rest assured, whatever is left will be put to good use in upgrading our invaluablelearning centre. Thankyou everyone for al your support!!!

This term we fareweled Mr Papasidero after 7 years at MET Leeton.

Criteria 1. Team Player: The student must be a team player and have the ability to work with others.2. Positive Attitude: The student must be positive towards all aspects of school life. 3. Encouragement: The nominee should be one who is consistently encouraging others, whether through action or encouraging words.4. Affable: The nominated student should be affable in all that they do and hold a desire to help others.

This term the Leeton Campus was privileged to host the MET OneSchool Awards assembly. The Dux and OneSchool Gold and Silver awards were presented, with speeches from recipients and OneSchool directors. The Wagga, Albury and Leeton high school choirs also performed. Congratulations to the Recipients! DUX- Terrianne Dartnall GOLD- Jenna Sanderson SILVER- Shari Small Lara Larsen Tamara Horsfall Alyssa Taylor Dean Dalziel Jessica Ellis Aiden Craddock Sarah Davis Rochelle DalzielGOLD DUX SILVER


Drifting throughout a sublime and unearthly world…I saw it for the first time, whilst drifting throughout a sublime and unearthly world. Its geometricshapes and patterns began to form, tracing their delicate silvery tendrils around a thin, flimsy stick.The thought wandered through my mind…of how beautifully camouflaged this vile and malicious trapof death was. Exquisite droplets of dew trailed and hung upon those slender, elusive threads, sendingshudders down my spine, filling the air with mystery and intrigue. An ethereal and ghostly glow ofblue began to form at the centremost point of the web, fading away into a mysterious grey andblack…making it seem like it was part of a fragile, mystical world.Feeling myself begin to float away, on an endless river of time, I tried to pull back, back to that whichI had left. It was impossible…the magnetism in the air dragged me on, taking me away. Suddenly,everything around me became an obscure and baffling darkness, I felt myself begin to whirl around ina wind so strong, so turbulent, that I began to wonder if I had come under the power of some villainousreprobate…Without warning, the wind around me turned into a graceful and elegant web, through which I wasmoving. Ground beneath me seemed to subtly move upwards, suddenly meeting my feet. Gazingaround, my mind slowly began to function once more.The ground underneath me seemed to be made of finespun lace, so filmy and delicate was it. The airstill held that mystical, spiritual feel, filling me to the soul with peace and quiet. The trees themselvesappeared to be laced with precious jewels, they gleamed so as delicate fingers of light pierced them.Whilst scrutinizing this fascinating realm, I realised with astonishment the web that had firsttransformed me was once again at my feet…-By Trudie Haak-

Each in His Own WayThe battle was bloody. It was obvious to me we were on the losing side. My men were scattering andthe enemy was after us, chasing us through the ferns and bracken, felling us like flies to the heather.We were scattered far and wide, separated from the group I ran through the forest and towards a glenthat was hidden in the heart of the Beechwood. I scurried down over mossy stones and leapt over atrickling stream that wound its way under the ferns, bubbling along towards a pond concealed in waterlilies. Frantically I sought shelter and was fortunate to stumble upon a cave in the side of a grassyhillock. In it I took refuge and planned to wait the afternoon out till they came across me.It was not long before night fell. It fell quickly in the glen. The darkness threw eerie shadows overgrove and the night echoed with the haunting hoots of owls and the scurrying of mice. It was not longbefore sleep overcame me and drew me into its magical world of leprechauns, fairies and peculiarhappenings. ********The morning sun was only young and had barely cast its golden rays over the glen. I lay stretched outon the cold rock floor, my eyes resting lazily on its silken threads that glimmered in the early light.Large pearly drops of dew mirrored their surroundings and distorted them beyond recognition. Thetips of the web shone a stately blue and each strand clung from the drooping twigs, then arced acrossto another object creating a perfect geometrical hammock.A calmness had flowed over me and I was restful, though there was still doubt in my mind. Had I notprayed for safety from my enemies and yet I had been sent a spider? How can an insignificant creatureof shining silver save me? By now I was sure that they would be scouring the area. All hope was lost.Then I heard voices, they were coming closer, they would find me, I was doomed. Then it happened,one soldier slowly strolled up to the cave’s entrance. I cowered in the darkest corner furthest from theopening, hoping to surprise the foe in one last-minute desperate attempt to save my life, my heart waspounding wildly inside my chest.As the soldier cautiously moved forward to enter the cavern, he came upon the spider’s web, whichwas now by this stage completely strung across the opening with silver and blue, interlaced threads, socarefully and tenderly laid. He stepped back and called out to a comrade, “There can’t be anyone inhere. They would have had to break this web to enter. Let us move on.”Relief gashed through my terrified body and I was filled with joy. Soundlessly I arose, beaming at themarvellous web and the spider whom had fashioned it. A sparkling object caught my eye. I turned andstared, astounded at what was met. On the stony wall to my right were words written in glittering goldletters:“Where God is, a spider's web is as a stone wall. Where God is not, a stone wall is as a spider'sweb.” Author Unknown-By Dean Dalziel-

Year 10 Geography students from Albury, Leeton andWagga have been studying a unit on Urban Growth andDecline. On the 26th May we travelled to Sydney andjoined with other campuses for an excursion looking aturban growth and decline at The Rocks, Barangaroo andPyrmont.We started with some mapping activities and looking atchanges in land use at The Rocks (First Fleet Park).Following that we had an awesome (and chilly!) ferryride over to Barangaroo….We then wandered through Pyrmont and looked at theimpact of urban growth, and examples of buildings thathave been modernised inside, whilst keeping theoriginal façade (gentrification).It was a long but very interesting day and the studentsreally enjoyed working with students from othercampuses. Once again a huge thank you to those whovolunteered to drive the students. Mrs Cooper

AFL DayAt Wagga for Yr 7-10 boys

On the 29th of June, Year 12 Business Studies students from Leeton,Wagga, Albury, Mt Victoria, Condo and Maitland joined to visit the Sydney Tower and Taronga Zoo to learn about the marketing strategies used by both businesses. A big thankyou to Mr & Mrs Rendell for taking us!

Southern Cotton has only beenoperating since 2012, and took 18months and $25 billion to become fullyoperational. In its first year ofprocessing it set the record in Australiafor productivity. Today it produces1700 bales a day. The MIA contributes over 5 million dollars to the Australian economy each year, a lot of this comes from the production of the finest cotton.

Students from Leeton, Wagga and Albury attended a Fashion Illustration workshop at Leeton on 23rd June 2016. Students were assisted by Anita McAdam with the preparation of their Production Drawings, animportant component of the Portfolio presentation. The results were amazing, and we would like to thank Megan Martin from Leeton Campus for organising this worthwhile workshop for the students.

the feast... board games...

Visit ‘the avenu’; the Leeton store; or [email protected] to purchase. Now 30% off!

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