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CONTENTS 02 Message from Managing Director 03 Health, Safety & Environment Performance Data October - December 2020 05 Events October - December 2020 23 People of Chemsain

MESSAGE FROM MANAGING DIRECTOR This December issue of Chemsain Newsletter will be out in the new year 2021. Looking back, it has been so stressful and challenging for the business sector due to Covid19 pandemic. Many businesses have suffered so terribly due to serious economic downturn caused by the pandemic that they have no other alternative but to close down. For Chemsain, we are proud of our resilient members for their strong team spirit with determined efforts to face the adversities and various challenges. For this we are very thankful to all dedicated members of Chemsain for their commitment, cooperation and creativity. They have our highest gratitude and appreciation for helping Chemsain go through the very bad times. Just hope the pandemic will not be around for too long. It is expected that with the successful containment of the pandemic and the effective use of vaccine in the near future will lead to faster recovery of the economy with greater investor confidence and consequently more robust recovery in domestic activities in 2021. For recovery, Chemsain will have to continue to focus on hard work to gain more market share of of business opportunities with more efficiency, higher productivity at reduced cost. So we call on all Chemsain members to do their best for the growth of business in the post pandemic As there is still uncertainty for the new year, we have to prepare plans to meet whatever is coming our way. For this we have had team meeting sessions end of December to make plans for 2021. At the same time, we also looked back and learned from past experiences, the good and the bad. We believe, by sharing and interacting, a lot can be achieved, even getting benefits out of adversities. It can be considered adversity situations as teachings. Trying to avoid adversities will cause us to miss out some of the greater lessons in life. Chemsain has gone through various challenges from which we have learned that we are strong, determined and resourceful in overcoming them. So, as much as hardships hurt, they can bring out the best in us. For the past year with social distancing and travel restrictions, one good thing that has come out of it is that we have found new ways to facilitate several hybrid or online events such as meetings, training and talks. With this arrangement, participants from far away places can also join in. In addition, there will be a great saving in travelling cost and time. To ensure the control of the spread of Covid19, all are encouraged to comply with the regulations in force in our area and country. Let us show our commitment to safety of our people as top priority. In life, we learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow. So look after ourselves well and continue to be safe and stay healthy. CHAN WOON PENG

H E ALTH , S AF E T Y & E NV I RO N M E N T P E RF ORMANCE DATA VOL. 4 KEY PERFORMANCE INDEX (KPI) SAFE MAN-HOURS WORK Without Lost Time Injury (LTI) FATAL CASES (LTI) MAJOR INJURY (LTI) Hospitalized, incident resulting four & more lost days. MINOR INJURY (Non-LTI) Injury without medical leave or resulting in less than three lost work days. NEAR MISS OCCUPATIONAL POISONING & DISEASES INCIDENT RATE FATALITY RATE INJURY RATE FIRE RATE CHEMICAL SPILL OTHER INCIDENTS Resulting in eg.Property/Equipment damage, theft, negligent; Road accident before/after work etc. CHEMSAIN MAN HOURS CHART FOR YEAR 2020 Safe M an- Hours for Yea r 2020 DEC 69,339 924,052 NOV 727,56,77435 854,713 OCT SEPT 74,421 778,978 AUG 74,318 703,557 JULY 72,674 629,239 JUNE MAY 76,506 556,565 APR 79,509 480,059 MAR FEB 77,285 400,550 JAN 81,810 323,265 82,488 242,455 8820,8,18717 115693,9,96677 Total Manhours Accumulative Manhours 79,150 03

VOL. 4 OCT 2020 NOV 2020 DEC 2020 YTD YTD JAN - DEC 2020 JAN 2015 - DEC 2020 74,421 75,735 0 0 69,339 924,052 5,337,695 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 4 6 cases CCHHEEMMSSAAININhahsasacahciehiveevde6d97,343,391s8asfaefmeamna-hno-uhroiunr Dweictheomubtearn2y0L2o0stwTiitmhoeutInajunryyL(oLTstI)Tiinme Injury (SLTeIp).tCemhebmesra2in02ha0s. Taocthailesvaedfe9m24a,n0-5h2ousar ffeormYaena-rho2u0r2s 0intYoedara2te02is07a0n3d,5t5o7ta. lCoufm5m,3u3l7a,6ti9v5elsyafe msinacne-hJoaunrsuaarcyc2um01u5la, tsiavefely msinacne-hJoaunruarcyh2ie0v1e5d. by CHEMSAIN is 5,118,200 hours. HSE Activity (October - December 2020) HSE Department continues to actively conduct COVID-19, awareness program via email and in-house briefing. Body temperature of staff before entering the office has been conducted and recorded. HSE Department also keeps updated accordingly on the new guidelines by Government during Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). HSE Day was successfully held on 20 October 2020, with the theme “The Greatest Wealth is Health”. The activities carried out were as follows: 1. Health talks by Sarawak General Hospital 2. Blood donation by Sarawak General Hospital 3. Launching CHEMSAIN 9 Golden Rules (HSE) 04

VOL. 4 DRONE PILOTING TRAINING LAST DAY (PPKKKK) Organised by : CHRD Venue : Chemsain, Kuching Date : 6th October 2020 Write-up by : Gillespie Medan The PPKKKK Drone Piloting Training participants successfully completed their three months training at Chemsain, Kuching. It was a great training program where the participants not only obtained drone knowledge but also gained real life experience of drone videography, photography, and aerial mappings. Thank you to Mr. Lim Guang Ming who came all the way from Cyberjaya, Selangor to be part of this training to train the participants. The participants stayed committed throughout the three months training and their participation and team work spirit made this training even more interesting and meaningful. 05

VOL. 4 Motivational speech from Chemsain Director, Dr. John Chan A thank you speech by the students. 06

VOL. 4 HSE DAY BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN & HEALTH TALK Organised by : HSE Venue : Chemsain, Kuching Date : 19 - 20 October 2020 Write-up by : Joanne Chew 07

VOL. 4 Opening speech from Chemsain Director, A special thank you to all the staff Dr. John Chan who participated in the blood donation drive during HSE Day 2020. Launching of Chemsain HSE 9 Golden Rules The show of support and compassion will definitely make a big difference in the lives of many patients. Blood donation talk by a representative from SGH Weight management talk by Mr. Brian Lian Ding 08

VOL. 4 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN CHEMSAIN KONSULTANT SDN BHD (CHEMSAIN) AND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY SARAWAK (UCTS) From left to right: Assoc Prof Dr Azlan Bin Ali (Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) UCTS, Prof Datuk Dr Khairuddin Ab Hamid (Vice Chancellor UCTS), Mr Chan Woon Peng (Managing Director, Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd) and Mr Mohammad Bin Siphon (Director, Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd) Organised by : Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd Venue : Chemsain Building, Kuching Date : 14th December 2020 09

VOL. 4 Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd (CHEMSAIN) and the University College of Technology Sarawak (UCTS) had signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Monday, 14th December 2020 at Chemsain Building, Kuching, Sarawak. The MOU is intended for UCTS and CHEMSAIN to establish mutual beneficial cooperation in – Information Communication Technology (ICT) Research and Development and Industrial Application; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Research and Development and Industrial Applications; Rural Water Supply Research and Development and Industrial Applications; and Technical, Vocational Education Training (TVET) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Training. Professor Datuk Dr Khairuddin Ab Hamid, Vice Chancellor of UCTS, was pleased to see the CHEMSAIN-UCTS collaboration formalized. “We believe that this cooperation would benefit UCTS’ staff and students by giving them opportunity in consultancy work, training and education; and Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd is a suitable partner as they have vast experience and great professionalism in these fields. ” said Dr. Khairuddin. Mr Chan Woon Peng, Managing Director of CHEMSAIN, welcomed the delegates from UCTS to the Chemsain Building in Kuching. Mr Chan commented “CHEMSAIN has always valued education and research in order for the industry to progress and compete with international counterparts. Applicable education is key in producing quality workforce and we are honoured to be part of this meaningful collaboration”. CHEMSAIN was represented by Mr Chan and Mr Mohammad Bin Siphon, Director of CHEMSAIN while representatives from the University included Professor Datuk Dr Khairuddin and Assoc. Prof Dr Azlan Bin Ali, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic). Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd is a Sarawak based company established in 1984 to provide services in Environment, engineering, occupational safety and health, scientific research & development, laboratory services, environmental monitoring and information management. UCTS is a University wholly owned by the Sarawak State Government, committed to provide world-class educational programmes aiming at producing global enterprising professionals for the benefit of the nation and mankind. 10

VOL. 4 Carlos Mamat in the middle with the other 3 winners of the IFC Quiz. INJURY FREE CLUB (IFC) QUIZ Organised by : Hurrican Geo Inspection Survey (HGIS) Venue : MV Cassandra VI vessel Date : 3rd December 2020 Write-up by : Gwendoline Sim Injury Free Club (IFC) Quiz organized by Hurricane Geo Inspection Survey (HGIS) during Shell’s 2nd Half Offshore Campaign 2020 took place on MV Cassandra VI vessel, 3rd December 2020 while Chemsain’s offshore team was on the way back to Miri waters. This club is set up to raise awareness and promote zero-injury / injury-free while at the worksite. The quiz was “open-book” and the main part determining the winner with the most outstanding Safety Pledge – to be chosen by the CSR onboard, representative of Shell. Carlos Mamat from Monitoring Department (MO1) went home happy with a certificate and a prize money of RM300.00 after winning First Prize with his winning and outstanding Safety Pledge. 11

VOL. 4 MANGROVE SITE VISIT Organised by : Chemsain & Rotary Club of Kuching Venue : Kuching Wetlands National Park Date : 11th December 2020 Write-up by : Kofod Eivind & Joanne Chew On the 11th December 2020, a number of staff from Chemsain as well as Rotarians decided to head over to the Kuching National Wetlands Park to check on the mangrove trees that were planted there during their collaboration in 2017. The trip was quite enlightening for the Chemsain team as they’ve learnt how to navigate through the muddy ground with the guidance of the Rotarians. When the group arrived at the Chemsain/Rotary planting zone, it was pleasing to see that the trees grew really well as the trees stood tall and were thick with leaves. 12

VOL. 4 The planting site is the remnants from the abandoned project to connect Sg Sarawak at Batu Kawa to Sg Santubong in order to lead storm water around the old Kuching. The dredging material was dumped inside the Kuching Wetland National Park mangroves. The mangroves cannot on their own re-invade this barren dump. The centre of the dump is a dry, sandy dome, where the only sensible thing to plant would be Aru (Casuarina sp.) or Umbrella Tree (Terminalia camaldulensis) as these are beach species well adapted to sandy soils. There are, however, low lying pockets of grey mud where the Forestry Department (Now management has been transferred to Sarawak Forest Corporation, SFC) wants to revegetate with Bakau Minyak (Rhizophora apiculata). Some botanists call it Mangium. Acacia mangium gets its species name from this as its natural habitat is close to Australian mangroves. Mangroves normally line the seaward shores. They are a good place to study succession. We have basically for genera of mangrove species: Sonneratia, Avicennia, Rhizophora and Bruguiera. Succession means that there is a distinct list of species or species groups that succeed each other. One comes first, dies out while the next takes over, which dies out again while the third group takes over and so forth. On a muddy coast, the first species group to establish itself consists of Avicennia sp and Sonneratia sp. You can recognize these by their breathing-roots or pneumatophores. Plants need oxygen around their roots and since the mangrove soil is very anaerobic, they grow these pneumatophores. For both Avicennia and Sonneratia, the pneumatophores are pencil like nails sticking straight up. The Avicennia pneumatophores are in general thinner than those of Sonneratia, but in both cases, you can see the root systems cover large areas around each tree. Avicennia and Sonneratia must daily be flooded by salty tide water. They will trap mud and other sediment wherefore the seabed gets higher. The two species cannot thrive in this environment but that is where Rhizophora comes in. Rhizophora is the one with a myriad of stilt roots where it is impossible to walk. That is also the one with the long seeds, that germinate while still hanging on the mother tree. It will then drop like a dart and plant itself in the mud. Rhizophora still wants daily flooding but not as semi-permanent as Avicennia and Sonneratia. Mud will continue to accumulate under the Rhizophora. Flooding will therefore become less frequent or each tidal flood will become shorter in duration. This paves the way for Bruguiera sp. Bruguiera also has pneumatophores, but these are like knees popping up and down again. When even they must give up, land is prepared for the dryland species such as Catappa and Casuarina as mentioned earlier. Or in Australia, you will find the Acacia mangium. Mangrove timber is very dense and therefore perfect for firewood or charcoal. The mangroves are also attractive places to make shrimp farming, unfortunately often with disastrous impact on the mangrove areas. Mangroves are teaming with life, both over and below the water or even buried in the mud. This is an important link in a food chain that even involves crocodiles and deep-sea creatures. It also protects the coast from the forces of the ocean and by trapping the mud and silt, mangroves are part of the land forming processes. 13

VOL. 4 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN TRAINING LAST DAY (PPKKKK) Organised by CHRD Venue Chemsain, Kuching Date 15th December 2020 Write-up by Gillespie Medan After 6 months of hard work and gaining experience from the Laboratory Technician Training for all 16 students, the training has come to an end. It was an exciting adventure for them throughout the course as most of them got to explore on-site experience obtaining samples for laboratory purposes. The times and energy spent have paid off with knowledge, experience and self-development in the laboratory during their 3 months of internship at Chemsain Kuching together with the first 3 months of theoretical studies. 14

VOL. 4 CHEMSAIN TEAM MEETING - PLANS FOR YEAR 2021 Venue : Board Room, Chemsain Date : 17th December 2020 Write-up by : Sharon Chai The team meeting of Chemsain members was chaired by Managing Director, Mr. Chan Woon Peng, and attended by Dr. John Chan, Ir. Brian Chong, Mr. Mohammad bin Siphon, Mr. Sim Hang Thiew, Chiam Yu-Mien, Shirley Yeo, Elizabeth Yeo, Alvin Saches, Fhung Lin, Kimberley Chan, Larry Ong and Ivy Ting. 15

the 1.APRIL.2021 CHEMSAIN BUILDING.KUCHING REPURPOSED Organised by : CK1 Venue : Chemsain Building, Kuching Write-up by : Joanne Chew Chemsain Art Exhibition is a month-long event in April 2021 with various activities held throughout. The main aim is to explore ideas about the environment, our place within it and to reveal the human impact on the planet, in line with one of Sarawak’s core principles of environmental sustainability for economic development towards 2030. Based on the theme “The Repurposed”, we select artists who are able to stir an interest in our visitors through the art they produce by repurposing waste, nature or depicting nature in a compelling manner that viewers are moved to preserve it. This is not your usual art exhibition; experience the fusion of science and art from scientists and artists in our society and beyond, to bring about environmental awareness and change. SHOWING 1.APRIL.2021 - 28.APRIL.2021

VOL. 4 CHRISTMAS GATHERING (ENV & ENG) Organised by : Engineering Venue : Chemsain, Kuching Date : 22 December 2020 Write-up by : Alex Tsok Tis the season to be jolly! 2020 has been a challenging year with the pandemic affecting our lives. However, it is not stopping us to have a little bit of good time together while adhering to the SOP set as the “new normal”. This year’s Level 4 Christmas Dinner and Gift Exchange were jointly organised for Consultancy, Engineering, Monitoring, Water Business and HSE Departments. The event started with a brief opening note by our Senior Director, Brian Chong, who also gave out homemade cookies to all and followed by dinner thereafter. 17

VOL. 4 Kofod surprised everyone by dressing up as Santa while carrying a 12 kg bagful of cheesy rings! Yup, you read it right. CHEESY RINGS. This generous amount of cheesy rings is courtesy of our Director, Mohd. Siphon. After spreading the cheesy ring goodness around, gift exchange took place. The night ended with joy and laughter (and full tummies). 18

People of Chemsain

VOL. 4 UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN PEOPLE OF CHEMSAIN Date : 14 November 2020 Write-up by : Margaret Bain In memory of our beloved colleague who called to be with God on 14th November 2020. Gone but not forgotten. Your presence we miss, your memory we treasure, forgotten you never. May your soul rest in peace dear beloved friend, Justin Bunyau. Outside the morgue. Paying our last respect to late Justin. 20

VOL. 4 THE INTERVIEW PEOPLE OF CHEMSAIN Date : 10 December 2020 Interviewer : Joanne Chew Interviewee : Erwin Sylvester Jospeh Industrial Hygiene Executive OSH4 What is part of your daily routine that you look forward to every day? I look forward to just having some simple exercises after work or just chilling at home watching Youtube and Netflix. There are now 25 hours in a day! How do you spend your extra hour? -I love kids. I like to spend my extra hour just chilling and playing with my niece and nephews. They are like the cutest creatures ever! 21

VOL. 4 At a company field day, what is the event that What is something — a food or activity you would most likely win? that you tried reluctantly, and it turns out you like it? Talent Show it is! I have this passion of dancing and I know when I move through the Swimming with a huge shark whale in beats, people can feel the vibes and I like the Philippines and eating exotic foods entertaining my audiences. FYI, when I have free (scorpion & snakes) in Cambodia which time I sometimes teach fitness dance as well but turns out to taste just like “ayam”. At not because of the pay but because of the FUN! least that was what everyone said. What’s the bravest thing you have ever done? I like trying new things and challenge myself with new experiences. However, joining a male cultural pageant was absolutely the bravest thing I’ve ever done since I needed to pose and talk in front of hundreds of people. Thank God I won third place. Yeay! 22

C H EM S A IN KONSULTANT Committed to Excellence

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