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Home Explore Nicaragua Mission Trip Handbook

Nicaragua Mission Trip Handbook

Published by scottaguirre, 2015-12-14 16:59:25

Description: Here you will find what you need to prepare for your mission trip to Nicaragua

Keywords: Mission,Trip,Nicaragua


Read the Text Version

¡Bienvenidos!              We   are   excited   that   you   have   made   the   decision   to   join   us   on  a  short-­‐term  mission  trip!  Whether  you  are  interacting  with   the   children,   working   in   construction,   or   ministering   through   Christmas  for  the  Forgotten;  your  life  will  be  forever  changed.                      Our   prayer   for   you   is   that   you   will   go   on   this   trip   with   a   servant's   heart   and   take   away   more   than   just   a   suntan.   We   pray   that  this  experience  will  change  your   life.  Not   merely   for   the   duration   of   the   trip,   but   so   changed   that   when   you   return   home,  the  way  you   see  life,  how   you  make  decisions  and  the   manner  in  which  you  serve  God  is  altered  in  an  incredible  way!                    PAWN  Ministries'  staff  and  volunteers  are  here  to  make  sure   you   get   the   most   out   of   this   experience.   If   at   any   time   during   the   preparation   process   or   trip,   you   have   questions   or   concerns,  do  not  hesitate  to  let  us  know.            Thank  you  for  helping  us     Prepare Approved Workmen for Nicaragua! Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.   2 Timothy 2:15

  TRIP  HANDBOOK  P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.   TABLE  OF  CONTENTS   About  Nicaragua   Page  1-­‐2     Paperwork  Checklist   Page  3     Refund  Policy   Page  4     Travel  Insurance   Page  5     Airport,  Customs,  Vaccinations   Page  6     Water,  Bathrooms,  Electricity   Page  7     Luggage,  Landry   Page  8     Greetings  and  Goodbyes   Page  9     Emergency  information   Page  10     Dress  Code  &  Packing  List   Page  11-­‐12     Spanish  Phrases   Page  13-­‐14     Tips  and  Hints   Page  15     Spanish  Children’s  Songs   Page  17-­‐18   Revised  January  2014  

1   18   L   OCATION:    Where is Nicaragua?   Spanish  Children’s  Songs:  Let’s sing! Cont.   Nicaragua   is   located   in   Central   America   Yo Tengo un Amigo (I Have a Friend) Yo Tengo Gozo en Mi Corazon between   Honduras   and   El   Salvador   to   the   North   and   Costa   Rica   to   the   South.   It   Yo tengo un amigo que me ama, (I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy) borders   both   the   Pacific   Ocean   and   the   me ama, me ama. Caribbean  Sea.     Yo tengo un amigo que me ama Yo tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo Su nombre es Jesus en mi corazón (donde?) Managua   is   the   capital   En mi corazón (donde?) city   of   Nicaragua   and   is   Tu tienes un amigo que te ama, En mi corazón. located   on   the   southern   te ama ,te ama. Yo tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo shore  of  Lake  Managua.         Tu tienes un amigo que te ama en mi corazón Su nombre es Jesus. Porque Cristo me salvó. CLIMATE:    What’s the Weather like?   Tenemos un amigo que nos ama, Yo tengo paz, paz, paz, paz Nicaragua  has  a  tropical  climate.  They  only  have  two  seasons:   nos ama, nos ama. en mi corazón (donde?) Summer  and  Winter  (also  known  as  Dry  &  Wet).   Tenemos un amigo que nos ama En mi corazón (donde?) Su nombre es Jesus. En mi corazón. THE  DRY  SEASON   Yo tengo paz, paz, paz, paz January  –  June  there  is  virtually  no  rain.  It  gets  really   Todo El Mundo en mi corazón hot  and  trees  and  plants  start  to  dry  out.     Porque Cristo me salvó. (He’s got the whole world in His hands) THE  RAIN  SEASON   Yo tengo alegría, alegría When  the  rain  comes  everything  starts  growing  and   Y todo el mundo esta en sus manos en mi corazón (donde?) blossoming.  During  this  season,  it  often  rains  once  a   Todo el mundo esta en sus manos En mi corazón (donde?) day.  Fortunately,  it  rains  for  a  short  period  of  time  and   Todo el mundo esta en sus manos En mi corazón. these  are  often  spectacular,  tropical  downpours!       Pues todo fue hecho por Él. Yo tengo alegría, alegría en mi corazón   Go  to  and  type  Managua,  Nicaragua  in  the  “Search”  box.   Él tiene el aire y la lluvia en sus manos Porque Cristo me salvó.P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.   tiene el aire y la lluvia en sus manos tiene el aire y la lluvia en sus manos Yo tengo gozo, paz y alegría Pues todo fue hecho por Él en mi corazón (donde?) En mi corazón (donde?) Él tiene a todos los pequeños en sus En mi corazón. manos Yo tengo gozo, paz y alegría tiene a todos los pequeños en mi corazón en sus manos Porque Cristo me salvo. tiene a todos los pequeños en sus manos Qué Felíz Estoy Pues todo fue hecho por el (Happy All the Time (Inright, Outright)) Él tiene a mis padres y abuelos en sus manos Adentro, Afuera, Arriba, Abajo, tiene a mis padres y abuelos ¡Que feliz estoy! en sus manos Adentro, Afuera, Arriba, Abajo. tiene a mis padres y abuelos ¡Que feliz estoy! en sus manos Pues Cristo me salvo Pues todo fue hecho por el y mi corazón limpió. Adentro, Afuera, Arriba, Abajo, Él tiene a todo sus creacion en sus manos ¡Que feliz estoy! Tiene a todo sus creacion en sus manos Tiene a todo sus creacion en sus manos Revised  January  2014   Pues todo fue hecho por el

17   2   Spanish  Children’s  Songs:  Let’s sing!   CULTURE  &  RELIGION:    What are the people like?   Cristo Me Ama (Jesus Loves Me) Q(Wu h  ioeins es el Rey de la Selva        Nicaragua   has   a   diverse   and   colorful   culture   that   is   a   unique   Cristo me ama, bien lo sé, the King of the Jungle) combination   of   tradition   and   Su palabra me hace ver, history.   Nicaraguans   are   very   Que los niños son de Aquél Quien es el rey de la selva? friendly   people   and   love   to   meet   Quien es nuestro Amigo fiel. Quien es el rey del mar? people  from  different  countries!   Quien es el rey del universo? Cristo me ama, Y también quien es me rey?        In   Nicaragua,   the   majority   claim   Cristo me ama, Roman   Catholic   religion.   About   15%   Cristo me ama, Su nombre es J-E-S-U-S, Jesús! of  the  population  attends  evangelical   La Biblia dice así. Jesús es el rey de la selva. churches.   Unfortunately,   the   Jesús es el rey del mar. evangelical   churches   are   very   Cristo me ama, pues murió, Jesús es el rey del universo spiritually  poor  due  to  lack  of  Biblical   Y el Cielo me abrió, Y también El es me rey! training  available  for  the  pastors.     Él mis culpas quitará, Y la entrada me dará. Mi Dios es Tan Grande GOVERNMENT:    Who is President?   Cristo me ama, es verdad, (My God is So Great)        Nicarag ua   is   un d er   a   co mmunist   g ov ern men t.   D anie l   O rte ga   is   Y me cuida en Su bondad, the   president   of   Nicaragua.   He   was   president   from   1985-­‐1990   Cuando muera, si soy fiel, Mi Dios es tan grande, and  was  later  reelected  in  2006.  For  much  of  his  life,  he  has  been   Viviré allá con Él. poderoso y fuerte; the  leader  of  the  Sandinista  National  Liberation  Front.       No hay nada que no puede hacer.        During   President   Ortega’s   first   term   as   president   he   greatly   Cristo Ama a los Niños oppressed   the   people   of   Nicaragua   by   taking   their   land   and   Mi Dios es tan grande, mo ne y.   This   c urren t   te rm   he   has   b e en   mo re   res erv e d.   Nicarag ua   (Jesus loves the little children) poderoso y fuerte; boasts   of   religious   freedom   and   is   not   opposed   to   the   gospel   or   No hay nada que no puede hacer. the  Bible  being  taught.     Cristo ama a los niños Sí de todo corazón. Las montañas son suyas, Revised  January  2014   Nicaragua, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, El los ríos son suyos, Salvador Las estrellas son suyas también Cristo ama a los niños por doquier. Mi Dios es tan grande, Cristo ama a los niños poderoso y fuerte; A los niños por doquier No hay nada que no puede hacer. Guatemala, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Paraguy Si Mi Copa Rebosa de Amor Cristo ama a los niños por doquier. Si mi copa rebosa de amor, Este Es El Dia (This is the day) Si mi copa rebosa de amor, Es muy fácil orar, obedecer y Este es el día, Este es el día cantar si mi copa rebosa de amor. Que hizo el Señor, Que hizo el Señor Día de alegría, Día de alegría, Si mi copa esta sin amor, Y de gozo, Y de gozo Si mi copa esta sin amor, Este es el día que hizo el Señor, Es muy fácil llorar, entristecerme y Día de alegría y de gozo, dudar, si mi copa esta sin amor. Este es el día, Este es el día,   Que hizo el Señor. Si mi copa rebosa de amor, Si mi copa rebosa de amor,P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.   Es muy fácil orar, obedecer y cantar si mi copa rebosa de amor.

3     16   P   aperwork  Checklist:    What to fill out first?   M   iscellaneous:  Anything Else I Should Know?   APPLICATION     -­‐  Due  150  days  before  trip  date   NAMETAG  PICTURE   Anyone  participating  on  a  PAWN  Ministries’  trip  is  REQUIRED   You   need  to   send  PAWN   Ministries  a  recent   (school-­‐type)  digital   to  fill  out  an  application.     photo   of   yourself.   This   picture   will   be   used   on   your   nametag.   Snapshots   are   allowed   as   long   as   they   meet   the   requirements   APPLICATION  FEE     -­‐  Due  150  days  before  trip  date   below.  Nametags  are  to  be  worn  at  all  times  while  in  Nicaragua.       This  MUST  be  sent  with  application.  Application  fee  is  non-­‐ <  Solid  (plain)  white  or  beige  background.    refundable.       No  trees,  building,  scenic,  etc.       RELEASE  OF  LIABILITY     -­‐  Due  90  days  before  trip  date   <     e ad   s ho u ld  b e   fa c i n g  c am er a   .     Please  read  carefully  before  signing.  This  form  MUST  be   H notarized.  If  you  are  under  age  18  please  request  the  Minor  Release  of   No  side  or  profile  shots     Liability  form.     1 inch <     h o to   s h oul d   ca p t ur e   s p a ce   a bov e   t o p   of   P head  to  middle  chest.     MEDICAL  RELEASE  FORM   -­‐  Due  60  days  before  trip  date   <     ix   glare   on   glasses   by   tilting   head   a     This  form  MUST  be  notarized.  If  you  are  under  age  18  please   F request  the  Minor  Medical  Release  form.     little  up  or  down.     <     l o t he s   w o r n   in   p ic t ur e   m u s t   m ee t   d r e s s   C code  standards.     NAMETAG  PICTURE   -­‐  Due  60  days  before  trip  date   Email   pic ture   to   the sco tt s@ pawn min is tries .o rg   unle ss   o the rwis e     Please  see  requirements  on  page  16.       instructed  by  your  team  leader.     TRAVEL  INSURANCE   -­‐  Due  30  before  trip  date   GROUP  DEVOTIONS  &  DEBRIEFING     If  you  are  traveling  with  a  church  or  group  your  leader  should   The   Team   Leader   is   in   charge   of   providing   group   devotions   and   take  care  of  this  step.  If  you  are  an  individual  traveling  with   debrief   during   the   trip.   PAWN   Ministries   will   schedule   time   for   PAWN  Ministries  please  see  page  5     this   important   detail   but   it   is   the   group’s   responsibility   to   use   this   time   accordingly.   PAWN   Ministries   can   provide   group          Please   talk   to   your   team   leader   about   any   special   arrangements   for   devotional  and  debrief  materials  upon  request.         sending   in   the   forms.   Otherwise   send   all   forms   by   dates   listed   above   to:   Pawn  Ministries,  4828  S.  120th  Road,  Adams,  NE  68301.   EXTRA  COPIES  OF  HANDBOOK          -­‐  Please  put  your  name  and  team  (church/group)  on  all  correspondence.     It   is   absolutely   essential   that   EVERY   trip   participant   have   his   or   her   own   copy   of   the   Trip   Handbook.   PAWN   Ministries   gives          -­‐  Forms  must  be  correct  and  complete  or  they  will  be  returned.   permission   to   make   copies   of   this   handbook   to   distribute   to   trip   participants   only.   You   can   also   contact   PAWN   Ministries   by          -­‐   Items   must   be  postmarked  by   due   date  or   they  will   be   subject   to   late   phone   402-­‐610-­‐3186   or   email   [email protected]   to   fees.  Notify  us  before  the  date  if  you  cannot  meet  a  deadline  and  you  may   request  more  copies  of  this  Handbook.     not  be  charged  the  additional  fee.   Revised  January  2014          If  you  have  any  questions   about  or  need   duplicate  forms  please   talk  to   your  team  leader  or  contact  us  at  [email protected].      P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.  

15     4   T   ips  &  Hints:    Any Little Helpful Details?   R   efund  Policy:    What happens if I can’t go?   HOW  TO  BEAT  THE  HEAT   Please  read  and  understand  the  refund  policy  and  procedures.         It   can   take   tim e   for   a   body   to   adjust   to   the   heat.   One   thing   that   can   If  I  cancel…   help   keep   you   cool   is   to   wear   a   t-­‐shirt   under   your   clothes   to   so ak   up   the   sweat.   Ladies   should   wear   cotton   camis   or   undershirts   under   …121  or  more  days  before  the  trip   their  clothing.  Nylon  or  spandex  fabrics  will  make  you  hotter.   100%  refund     …91  -­‐120  days  before  the  trip   75%  refund   Your   water   bottle   will   be   your   best   friend   while   in   Nicaragua.   You   may  want  to  consider  bringing  a  water  bottle  holder  or  strap  to  use.   …61  -­‐90  days  before  the  trip   50%  refund     …31  -­‐60  days  before  the  trip   Most   places   in   Nicaragua   do   not   have   air   conditioning.   It   is   always   25%  refund   useful  to  bring  a  hand  held  fan  to  cool  you  down.         …30  -­‐1  days  before  the  trip   0%  refund   PACKING  LIST  HELPS          The  date  the  email  or  letter  is  postmarked,  starts  the  count  of   Most   items   are   readily   available   in   Nicaragua   but   it’s   best   to   bring   how  many  days  before  the  trip  (see  table  above).  All  cancelations   everything  you  need  just  in  case.     must  be  in  writing.     Towel  and  Washcloths:  The  towel  will  be  used  for  taking  showers  and          You  will  receive  the  refund  in  the  form  of  a  check  made  out  to   will  be  hung  to  dry  to  be  used  the  next  time.  Some  have  found  it   whomever  the  payment  was  made  by.  Example:  If  the  payment   helpful  to  bring  disposable,  1  time  use,  face  cloths  instead  of  a   check  was  written  by  the  church,  the  refund  check  will  be  made  out   terrycloth  washcloth.   and  sent  to  the  church.  It  is  your  responsibility  to  get  your  refund     from  the  church.     Medicine  for  Upset  Stomach:  Some  Nicaraguan  foods  do  not  agree   with  everyone.  This  is  easily  fixed  by  Pepto-­‐Bismol®.  It  is  not          Deposits  are  non-­‐refundable.  Deposits  or  trip  payments  can  be   uncommon  for  the  change  in  diet  to  cause  constipation.  Many  bring   transferred  to  a  new  participant.             little  individual  packets  of  BeneFiber®  that  you  dissolve  in  a  water   bottle.  They  use  it  daily  as  prevention  measure.          It  may  take  up  to  60  days  to  receive  refund.     Waterproof  Flip-­‐flops:  You  need  to  wear  some  type  of  foot  protection   Revised  January  2014   while  showering.  We  recommend  cheap  plastic  flip-­‐flops.     Snacks:  PAWN  Ministries  provides  3  meals  and  2  snacks  every  day.   But  if  you  need  a  Snickers®  or  some  other  daily  craving  you  may   want  to  bring  some  along.  Most  American  snack  foods  are  not   readily  available  in  Nicaragua.         Umbrella  or  Water  Poncho:  This  is  only  necessary  during  the  rainy   season  (June-­‐November).      P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.  

5     1 4   T   ravel  Insurance:    What Is It and Do I Need It?   S   panish  Phrases:    How Do I Say That? Cont.          If  you  are  traveling  with  a  church  or  group  your  team  leader  will  be   English Spanish Pronunciation in  charge  of  attaining  Travel  Insurance  for  the  whole  group.   What  time  is  it   Que  hora  es?   Kay OH-rah ehs Travel   insurance   is   insurance   that   covers   trip   cancellations,   Good  morning   Buenos  dias   BWEHnos DHEE ahs loss   or   delays,   medical   emergencies,   emergency   evacuation,   I  (don’t)  like  it   (No)  me  gusta   Meh GOOS-tah/No meh GOOS-tah and  24/7  assistance  while  abroad.   I  don’t  know   No  se   NOH say. I’m  hungry   Tengo  hambre   TEHN-go AHM-breh        PAWN  Ministries  requires  Travel  Insurance  coverage  for  any   I’m  thirsty   Tengo  sed   TEHN-go SAY-dh participant  under  18  years  of  age.  We  highly  encourage  all   I’m  tired   Estoy  cansado   Ehs-TOY kahn-SAH-dho other  participants  to  have  international  medical  coverage.   I’m  ready   Estoy  listo   Ehs-TOY LEEsto Right  now   Ahora  mismo   Ah OHR ah MEES mo        It  is  important  to  know  that  MOST  HEALTH  INSURANCE   Just  a  minute   Un  momento     Oon mo-MEHN toh PLANS  DO  NOT  COVER  YOU  OVERSEAS.   Come  in!   Entre   EHN-treh It’s  expensive   Es  caro   Ehs KAH-ro      Here  are  three  different  suggestions  for  travel  insurance.  Each   It’s  cold  (weather)   Hace  frio   AH-say FREE-o It’s  hot  (weather)   Hace  calor   AH-say kah-LOHR package/price  depends  on  what  type  of  coverage  you  want.  These   A  little   Un  poco   Oon POH-ko three  companies  offer  Emergency  Medical  Evacuation.   A  lot   Mucho   MOO-cho Tomorrow   Mañana   Mah-ny-AH-nah Brotherhood  Mutual   Next  week   La  semana  proxima   Lah-say-MAHN-ah PROK-see-mah Waiter/waitress   Camarero/camarera   Kah-mah-REH-roh/rah I’d  like….   Quiero   KYEH-ro Phone:  800-­‐333-­‐3735     Breakfast   Desayuno   Dhay-sah-YOO-noh Email:  through  website   Lunch   Almuerzo   Ahl-MWEHR-so   Dinner   Cena   SAY-nah Knife   Cuchillo   Koo-CHEE-yo RBC  Insurance   Fork   Tenedor   Tay-neh-dh-OHR Spoon   Cuchara   Koo CHAH-rah Tea   Te   Tay Phone:  877-­‐722-­‐5100     Black   Café  negro   Kah-FEH naygro Email:  [email protected]     Coffee  with  milk   Café  con  leche   Kah-FEH kahn LEH-cheh Milk   Leche   LEH-cheh   Ice   Hielo   Yellow World  Trips     Revised  January  2014 Contact:  through  website            These  are  just  some  options  to  get  you  started.  There  are  many  other  companies  that  offer  International  Travel  Insurance.      P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.  

12 13     6   S   panish  Phrases:    How Do I Say That?   T   ravel  Information:  Things I need to know.   English Spanish Pronunciation Yes   Si   SEE AIRPORT  PICK-­‐UP  &  TRANSPORTATION   NOH Groups   must   arrange   to   fly   to   Managua,   Nicaragua   into   the   Managua   No   No   Pore fah-VORE International   Airport.   Please   arrange   for   your   flight   to   arrive   in   GRAH-see-ahs Nicaragua  before  2:00pm.   From  the  moment   your  plane  lands   until   it   Please   Por  favor   De-NAW-da takes   off   again   at   the   end   of   the   trip,   PAWN   Ministries   No GRAH-see-ahs Representatives   will   be   with   the   group   24/7.   While   in   Nicaragua,   Thank  you   Gracias   Loh see-EHN-toh secure  ground  transportation  will  be  provided.   BWEHnos DHEE ahs You’re  Welcome   De  nada   BWEHnahs TAHRdh ehs PASSPORT,  VISA  &  ENTANCE  FEE   BWEHnahs NO chehs A   valid   passport   is   required   for   all   trip   No,  thank  you   No,  gracias   Ah dhee OHS participants.  Passports   must   have  at  least  6   OH lah months   of   validity   remaining.   US   Citizens   Sorry   Lo  siento   AH-stah LWEH-go visiting  Nicaragua  do  not  need  to  apply  for  a   KOH-moh say YAHmah visa.   Upon   arriving   at   the   Managua   airport   Good  morning   Buenos  dias   Mee NOMBreh ehs each   person   (non-­‐Nicaraguan   citizen)   will   be   required   to   pay   a   $10   KOH-mo ehs-TAH OOS-THE-dh entrance  fee.       Good  afternoon   Buenas  tardes   MOOay bee en GRAH see ahs AH-bla een-GLASE CUSTOMS   Good  evening   Buenas  noches   Soy nohr the ah meh ree KAH noh On   the   plane,   en   route   to   Nicaragua,   you   will   be   required   to   fill   out;   Noh kohm-PREHN-dho Customs,   Health,   and   Tourist   information   forms.   Instructions   on   how   Good  bye   Adios   HAHbleh dhehs-PAH-see-oh t o   fill   out   e ach   for m   and   th e   ne ces s ary   infor ma tio n   w ill   be   prov ide d   to   DHOHN-dheh ehs-TAH you  or  your  team  leader  prior  to  your  trip.   Hello/Hi   Hola   KWAHNdho Kee-EHN VACCINATIONS   See  you  later   Hasta  luego   Pohr kay PAWN  Ministries  requires  an  updated  Tetanus  shot  and  Hepatitis  A  for   Kay all   trip   participants.   All   other   precautionary   vaccines   or   treatments   What  is  your  name?   Como  se  llama?   KWAHN-toh TYEHM-po such  as  Malaria  and  Typhoid  are  left  to  the  participant’s  discretion.    As   KWAHN-toh KWEH-stah to   this   date   we   have   not   had   any   participants   come   in   contact   with   My  name  is…   Mi  nombre  es   Ah kay dhees-Tan-syah Malaria   or   Typhoid.       See   for   more   vaccine   PWEH-dhe ah-yoo-dh-AHR-meh information.   How  are  you?   Como  esta  usted   Yo PWEH-DOE ah-yoo-dh-AHR Fine,  thank  you.   Muy  bien,  gracias   Do  you  speak  English?   Habla  ingles?   I’m  American.   Soy  norteamericano   I  don’t  understand.   No  comprendo.   Speak  slowly.   Hable  despacio.   Where  is/are…?   Donde  esta/estan…?   When?   Cuando?   Who?   Quien?   Why?   Por  que?   What?   Que?   How  long…?   Cuanto  Tiempo?   How  much  does  it  cost?   Cuanto  cuesta?   How  far?   A  que  distancia?   Can  you  help  me?   Puede  ayudarme?     I  can  help!   Yo  Puedo  Ayudar!   P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.   Revised  January  2014  

21 7     1 2   T   ravel  Information:  Things I need to know. Cont.   P   acking  List:  What Should I Bring?   MONEY          Items   you   bring   should   have   little   value   to   you   in   case   they   are   lost   or   You   need   to   bring   cash,   (no   Traveler’s   stolen.   All   clothing   and   personal   items   should   be   marked   with   name   or   Checks).   Nicaragua   does   have   ATMs   (with   initials.  See  page  8  for  more  packing  details.     applicable   fees)   but   they   are   not   readily   available.   Take   small   bills,   no   larger   than   a   Check  out  for  other  travel  requirements.   $20.   You   will   not   be   able   to   use   ripped   or   marked   up   American   bills.   You   only   need   money   for   souvenirs   and   PERSONAL   HYGIENE:   snacks.  We  do  not  recommend  bringing  more  than  $150.      PASSPORT*  Toothpaste  &  Brush    $10  BILL*  Soap  &  Shampoo      Clothes    Deodorant    Towel  &  Washcloths    Comb/Hairbrush   Du rin g   t h e   be ginnin g   o f   t he   t rip   y ou   w ill   h av e   a   ch an ce   t o   ex c ha nge    Makeup    Shaving  Items   your  money  into  Nicaraguan  currency.  We  will  do  this  as  a  group  in  a    Camera  (charger/batteries)    Feminine  Necessities   secure   location.   DO   NOT   exchange   money   on   the   street   or   at   the    Water  Bottle*    Hand  Sanitizer*(travel  size)   airport.      Spending  Money*  (see  pg  6)    Bug  Repellent*    Sunglasses    Sun  Block*   ELECTRICITY      Small  Flashlight*    Waterproof  Sandals*     The   voltage   in   Nicaragua   is   120   Volts   with   electrical   frequency   of   60   Hz    Small  First  Aid  Kit    Medication  for  headache,   which   makes   it   compatible   to   the   United   States.   The   voltage   is   the    Umbrella  or  Water  Poncho   same  in  Nicaragua  as  in   the   United   States  so   your  electrical   items   will    Hat   upset  stomach,  diarrhea,  etc.     work   in   the   wall   outlets   in   Nicaragua   without   a   voltage   adaptor.   In   the    Sunglasses   older   structured   buildings   they   only   have   2   prong   plug   outlets   so   you    Alarm  Clock  (battery  powered)     M   INISTRY:   may  want  to  bring  a  3-­‐prong  to  2-­‐prong  adaptor.      Extra  Batteries    Bible*      Watch      Personal  Devotional  Material*   WATER,  SHOWERS,  AND  BATHROOMS      Pen  &  Small  Notebook    Small  Backpack  or  Bag*   F or   h ea lth   r ea so ns ,   y ou   w il l   n ot   b e   allo we d   t o   drin k   w at er   out   of   t he   tap   while   in   Nicaragua.   PAWN   Ministries   will   have   clean   drinking     w at er   a v aila ble   a t   a ll   time s .   Sin ce   ice   is   mad e   fr om   t ap   w at er   w e   a s k   you  refrain  from  using  ice  unless  it  is  provided  by  PAWN  Ministries.     Don’t  forget  socks,  underwear,  belt,  shoes,  hair  ties,  etc.     Previous   trip   participants   put   this   packing   list   together.   Items   marked   with  *  are  required.    For  more  helpful  tips  and  packing  hints  see  page  18.     Nicaragua   does   not   have   hot   water   in     showers   or   sinks.   Managua   has   very   hot   weather   all   year   around   so   water   comes   out   Revised  January  2014   lukewarm.   In   Northern   Nicaragua   it   gets   coo l   at   night   so   water   m ay   be   cooler.   Please   wear   waterproof   flip-­‐flops   or   sandals   while   s     howering.       The   sewer   system   in   Nicaragua   is   not   as   efficient   as   here   in   the   US   for  this  reason  you  will  not  be  able  to  flush  the  toilet  paper.  All  toilet   paper  must  be  put  in  the  wastebasket  that  is  next  to  the  toilet.     P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.  

213 11   8   D   ress  Code:  What should I wear?   T   ravel  Information:  Things I need to know. Cont.   FOR  MINISTRY  WORK     LUGGAGE  AND  LAUNDRY   Jeans     Mos t   air lines   a llow   1   Ch ec ke d   B ag   (a   la rge   suit ca se   w hich   w ill   t rav el   in   the   cargo   hold   of   the   plan)   1   Carry-­‐on   (a   smaller   suitcase/bag   -­‐  not  too  tight   which   you   will   carry   onto   the   plan   with   you)   1   Personal   Item   -­‐  no  skinny  jeans   (   b     ackpack,  purse,  laptop  bag  or  other  small  item.)   -­‐  no  large  or  excess  rips/tears   Ma ke   sure   all   t oile tr y   ite ms   ar e   put   int o   y our   checked   bag.   Any   liquids   and   gels   you   want   Shirt  or  T-­‐Shirt   to  carry  with   you  on  the  plane  in  your  carry-­‐ -­‐  no  sleeveless   on   must   be   in   containers   of   3.4oz   or   smaller   -­‐  no  midriff  or  low  cut   and   fit   comfortably   in   a   single   clear   quart   -­‐  no  skulls  or  scary  graphics   size   zip-­‐lock   bag   and   be   able   to   close   -­‐  no  inappropriate  words  or  pictures   completely.   No   aerosol   cans,   scissors,   nail   clippers,   knives   etc.   are   allowed   in   the   carryon   or   personal   item.   Tennis  Shoes       These  items  must  be  placed  in  the  checked  bag.     -­‐  with  socks     FOR  CHURCH  SERVICE   According   to   the   type   of   trip   you   choose   (Construction,   Children’s   Girls   Guys   Ministry   or   Christmas)   we   ask   that   you   pack   all   your   personal   Skirt  or  Dress   Dress  Shirt  or  Polo  Shirt   belongings   in   your   carry-­‐on.   This   will   free   your   checked   bag   to   be              -­‐  below  the  knee  (including slits)                -­‐  no  words     filled   with   m inistry   supp lies,   too ls,   donatio ns,   etc.   Be   sure   to   comply   with   the   airline   guidelines   above   which   means   your   toiletries   may       need  to  be  packed  in  your  checked  bag.     Shirt  (no  t-­‐shirts)   Dress  Pants,  Slacks  or  Dark  Jeans                -­‐  same  rules  as  above                       -­‐  no  rips  or  tears   If  space  does  not  permit  you  to  bring  enough  clothing  you  will  be  able   Dress  Shoes   to   wash   your   clothes   halfway   through.   Please   mark   all   clothing   with     name  or  initials.  (See  pages  11-­‐12).   Sandals  or  Dress  Shoes     BEGGERS,  HELPERS  AND  OTHERS   FOR  FREE  TIME  &  SIGHTSEEING   -a2Nan-ldeodclAaiaoovfrpwnmririktseieyhbNnidrecboic.gyoonnlielntsaeopetgrtirma:ine ss o tf.tahneeoOyoarotr.cnsotwh/lsesyewahariirrmat On   arrival   in   Nicaragua  there  will   be  many   people   waiting   to  “help”   Shirt  or  T-­‐Shirt   you   with   your   luggage.   If   yo u   accept   their   assistance,   never   let   yo ur     -­‐  same  rules  as  above   ba gs   out   o f   sigh t.   Y ou   will   a lso   ne ed   t o   prov ide   a   $1   t ip.   Ot he rw ise   a   Shorts   firm  “no”  (repeated  as  necessary)  is  understood.         -­‐  no  more  than  2\"  above  knee     -­‐  not  super  tight     Sandals  or  Flip  Flops   Everyone   knows   you   are   from   America.   You   will   get   lots   of   people   asking   for   money,   food   or   gifts.   ALWAYS   ask   a   PAWN   SWIMWEAR   Guys   representative  before  handing   out   tips   or   other  gifts.   If   you   are   in  a   Girls   -­‐  no  speedos   situation   where   you   think   a   tip   or   gift   is   appropriate   let   a   PAWN                          -­‐  no  excessively  baggy  shorts   representative  know  and   they  will  give  the  person  a  tip/gift  on  your   One  Piece  Suits  or  Tankinis   behalf.       -­‐  no  bikinis   Revised  January  2014     P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.  

21 9   10   T   ravel  Information:  Things I need to know. Cont.   T   ravel  Information:  Things I need to know. Cont.   INTERNET  AND  PHONE     EMERGENCY  CONTACT  INFORMATION     Make  sure  to  leave  a  copy  of  your  passport  at  home  or  at  the  church.       To   avoid   distractions,   you   are   not   allowed   to   Your  emergency  contact  will  be  notified  immediately  in  the  event  of   bring   or   use   personal   laptops   or   cellphones   an  emergency.   during   the   trip.   The   team   leader   will   have     Internet   access   while   in   Nicaragua   in   order   to   PAWN   has   an   on-­‐call   doctor   if   any   type   of   send  and  receive  emails  to  parents  if  needed.     Medical  situation  should  arise.         Before   yo u   leave,   yo u   will   be   given   a   phon e   number   where   you   can   As   mentioned  on  the  previous   page,  you  will  be   be  reached   while  in   Nicaragua.  Applicable  international  long  distance   given  a  phone  number  where  you  can  be  reached   fees   may   apply.   You   will   be   able   to   make   calls   home   for   a   small   while  in  Nicaragua  in  the  case  of  an  emergency.     charge.     POLITICS   ALCOHOLIC  BEVERAGES   We  ask  that  you  refrain  from  talking  about  politics  while  on  the  trip.   Drin kin g   al cohol   of   any   kind   is   con sidered   a   sin   in   most   Nicaraguan   Even   though   Nicaragua   boasts   of   having   freedom   of   speech   it   churches.   For   this   reason,   Pawn   Ministries   does   not   allow   the   remains   a   communist   country.   Many   of   the   people   you   come   in   purchase  or  consumption  of  alcoholic  beverages  while  in  Nicaragua.     contact   with   (including   people   in   the   church)   will   have   differing   political   views.   We   do   not   want   to   ruin   our   witness   by   speaking   MAKING  PROMISES   negatively  about  their  country  or  arguing.   Nicaragua   does   not   have   access   to   many   things   that   are   easily   GREETINGS  AND  GOODBYES     attained   in   the   US.   Something   that   we   use   everyday   may   not   be   readily   available   in   Nicaragua.   This   may   cause   you   to  want  to   tell   In   most   Latino   cultures,   greetings   and   someone,  \"I   will   send   it   to   you.\"  Or  \"I   can   get   you   one.”  While   these   goo dbyes   are   a   very   impo rtant   tradition.   pro mis es   a re   m ad e   w ith   good   in te nt ions ,   m an y   re tur n   to   t he   US   a nd   You   will   need   to   greet   everyone   you   fin d   out   it   is   n ot   as   sim ple   to   ship   to   Nicaragua   as   earlier   believed   or   unfortunately  others  just  simply  forget.   meet   with   a   handshake.   When   you   enter   a   room   full   of   people   you   should   go   around   the   room   shaking   and   verbally   greeting   each     person.   If   you   fail   to   do   so,   you   may   be   considered   rude   and   unm ann ere d.   P lea se   lea rn   th e   b as ic   gre et ings   a nd   ph ra se s   o n   pa ges   For  this  reason,  we  ask  that  you  do  not  tell  Nicaraguans  that  you  will   13-­‐14  in  order  to  be  prepared.     do/give/buy   something   for   them   until   you   have   cleared   it   with   a   PA W N   R epre se nt at iv e.   It   is   sa d   b ut   m any   N icar agua ns   ha ve   com e   t o     believe  that  US  mission  teams  do  not  keep  their  promises.           When   you   get   ready   to   leave,   shake   hands   and   say   goodbye   to   as   many   people   as   possible   unless   otherwise   directed   by   PAWN   PEDESTRIANS     Representatives.       Unlike   the   US,   pedestrians   DO   NOT   have     the   right   away.   Just   like   traffic   rules   are   In   Nicaragua   it   is   not   as   common   as   in   other   Latino   countries   to   different   than   the   US   so   is   crossing   the   greet   with   a   cheek-­‐to-­‐cheek   kiss.   It   may   be   seen   but   is   not   street.  Some  like   to   say   there   are   two   types   of   expected.       pedestrians   in   Nicaragua,   “The   quick   and   the     dead!”    J       Revised  January  2014   P.A.W.N.  Ministries,  Inc.  

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