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Home Explore Mine_health_and_safety


Published by peter.nyirenda, 2022-01-25 14:03:57

Description: Mine_health_and_safety


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QUARTER 3 JANUARY 2022 THE USE OF DIGITAL X-RAYS FOR MEDICAL SURVEILANCE IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN MINING INDUSTRY The MHSC will be hosting a webinar on the use Ultimately, the aim is to provide a platform for of digital X-rays for medical surveillance in the engaging in discussions on digital vs analogue South African mining industry (SAMI). This half- radiography; to find solutions for the existing gaps day webinar will take place on 1 February 2022. and challenges in diagnosing pneumoconiosis, We invite all occupational medical practitioners with reference to the findings from the studies (OMPs), radiologists, medical doctors with an as well as from a broader perspective; and to interest in pneumoconiosis, radiographers, reach relevant professionals in the SAMI to share members of the Mine Health and Safety information and promote technology transfer. Inspectorate, compensation houses, researchers, organised labour and other affected or interested Experts in the field will deliver presentations on parties to register. the current status of pneumoconiosis in the SAMI. They will be sharing the outcomes from research The webinar will explore the changeover from conducted on the equivalence of digital versus analogue to digital radiography in recent years with analogue formats, discussing the challenges reference to research studies commissioned by the experienced and current best practice in the field of MHSC. These studies set out to determine whether digital radiography within the SAMI, and evaluating mining surveillance chest radiography using digital new technologies within the digital screening technology gave similar results for silicosis and sphere of radiology. tuberculosis as the previously used analogue chest radiography. The studies also considered The Mine Health and Safety Council and its practical and technical issues encountered in the stakeholders remain committed to achieving a radiographic surveillance of miners in the SAMI, mining industry in which every mineworker returns with recommendations for enhancing the efficiency home unharmed every day. We invite you to and effectiveness of the system. stay abreast of developments by clicking here to register for this industry-enhancing webinar. You The purpose of the webinar is to share the outputs are welcome to email Thebogo on TMonokofala@ of the studies and introduce attendees to the for more information. handy summary booklet, with a discussion on the use of digital radiography in the diagnosis of silicosis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Another objective is the exploration of opportunities to use recommendations from the study in training radiologists, radiographers and OMPs.

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