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Home Explore December 2020

December 2020

Published by hamiltonl, 2021-01-12 15:58:02

Description: December 2020


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December 2020 DPS Newsletter Here's to a DPS year of exceptional achievement, valuable services provided, simplicity to complexity and staying healthy, safe and positive!! As 2020 comes to an end, the COVID-19 pandemic has not slowed DPS down one bit. We experienced a successful construction season and have many accomplishments to be proud of this past year: Kudos to all the public  Completing Water main projects at Bedford Square, service employees who Tienken Court and the Glidewell Subdivisions did an amazing job  Successfully finishing, major concrete and asphalt following the recent snow projects throughout the City events by clearing the  Updating the GIS/ARC Map and Road Soft snow and ice from our Programs for enhanced asset management roads and pathways.  Finishing the year under budget An extra special thank  Bruce Halliday receiving and Hall of fame you to those of you recognition for Fleet Management as well as a that spent your Lifetime Achievement award Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New  Paul Shumejko receiving the Years Day sitting President’s Award for his behind the wheel of outstanding contribution to traffic your plow truck. engineering The residents of our Despite a year filled with many challenges City are safer because related to the pandemic we have persevered and have many other accomplishments to be of you! proud of as seen on the following pages. “Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas” -Charles Kettering

Appreciation Hi Bryan, Kudos for the Auburn There have been two snow events Road Corridor: Good Morning Mr. so far this year and the City's response Schneck, I'm hoping that has been excellent with putting salt I've contacted the right down and some plowing. person and if I haven't, please forward this email Thank you, Ronald DiLiddo to the appropriate person. I just wanted to Paul Harding from Christian Hills commend your staff for called to say he’s been very pleased the good job that they with the plowing services this year. did on clearing the new Keep up the good work!! sidewalks in \"Old Town\" from our first snow fall. I Shout out to Tracey and Paul D. walk through there every morning and sometime over the last 24 hours, the sidewalks were cleared completely of snow and ice. They are literally bone dry. It's greatly appreciated by those of us that walk that route daily. Thanks, Erin

GARAGE NEWS The whole Fleet office area has been updated and repainted. The fleet parts room has been cleaned out and reconfigured, providing a more efficient and effective parts inventory management system RTA software is being updated and getting increased utilization The parking area has been reviewed and revised for better utilization of space The new Vactor truck has arrived and is prepared and ready to put into use The new Intercom for the scale has been installed to make for much clearer communication between the office and field staff Fleet took in $42, 501 worth of outside work, pretty good considering the pandemic this year.

2020 BY THE NUMBERS Our Inspectors responded to 8,0570 Miss Dig calls for construction projects to mark where our water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines run. The Engineering Aides processed close to 20 FOIA’s (Freedom of Information Act) requests throughout the year. Some of the many other activities completed by our Engineering staff: • 28 As-built Reviews • 24 Land Division Reviews • 36 Site Plan Reviews • 9 Master Deed Reviews • 17 Construction Plan Reviews • 10 Construction Plan Approvals • 253 Right of Way Permits issued • 23 Special use permits (COVID) reviewed We recently closed out 38 Consumer Energy permits for a total of $7,815.

DPS Happenings DPS/MIS Partnership for GIS Upgrades MIS has been working with many members of our staff to update our GIS information.The new apps that the front administrative can use include: • Public Notification App that makes creating mailing labels efficiently • Service Request Manager to access citizen requests and complaints through the City Website • The Utility Viewer holds water, sewer and storm data • The Street and Right of Away viewer provides information on streetlights, sidewalks, pathways and mowing areas. UNFUNDED MANDATES Engineering has completed the numerous year-end, unfunded mandates required with strict and daunting deadlines including: • WAMP - Drinking Water Asset Management Program with EGLE • Risk & Resiliency Assessment • UCMR4 Testing • Lead & Copper Sampling • Water Reliability Study & General Plan Update

Did you know? Stuff a Snow Plow Be on the lookout for one of our Plow Trucks being used at the Village for a Neighborhood House Charity fund raiser On January 22nd FYI... We took in meter scrap materials to the recycler today and received $2,469.40 for it…. I'll deliver the check up to the Treasury Dept. on Monday. Grand total for this year is $4,046.82. -Jeff Rudd Meter Department Info Item 2019 2020 Meter Dept Work orders 1495 1248 New Meter Installation 292 231 Old Meter Replacements 599 421 *Not too much difference considering working with the pandemic this year

More DPS Info GOOD DPS has submitted a grant application to EGLE for NEWS $1,000,000 to assist with verification of the material used in the City’s service lines that are connected to the water distribution system. ****NEW PHOTO CONTEST**** Submit your best photo of 2020 and we will put it to a vote in our department. Any picture you took at work over the last year is suitable. Please email them to Lori by January 22nd and we will put them together to send out for the vote. One entry per person please.

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