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Home Explore Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. Frequently Diagnosed Health Problems

Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. Frequently Diagnosed Health Problems

Published by demi, 2015-01-07 07:15:43

Description: There are nearly 44 million U.S. households that own approximately 74 million dogs. Although
many of these owners treat their dog more like a family member and less like an animal, most
are unaware of one of the biggest health risks for their dog.

Keywords: Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. Frequently Diagnosed Health Problems


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Title:Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. Frequently Diagnosed Health ProblemsWord Count:335Summary:There are nearly 44 million U.S. households that own approximately 74 million dogs. Althoughmany of these owners treat their dog more like a family member and less like an animal, mostare unaware of one of the biggest health risks for their dog.Keywords:Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. Frequently Diagnosed Health ProblemsArticle Body:Do you consider yourself a good dog owner? Is Fido not only the happiest pup on the block, butalso the healthiest?There are nearly 44 million U.S. households that own approximately 74 million dogs. Althoughmany of these owners treat their dog more like a family member and less like an animal, mostare unaware of one of the biggest health risks for their dog.Periodontal disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem in pets. In fact, more than80 percent of dogs have it by the time they are 4 years old.

Periodontal disease begins when bacteria and food debris build up along the dog's gum line.Plaque is created and, soon after, tartar forms on the teeth. Eventually the gums swell, andpockets form that can trap bacteria and lead to more serious problems.\"Doggy breath, loose teeth, bleeding gums, mouth pain and even infections in the heart, liverand kidney are signs of advanced periodontal disease,\" says Jan Bellows, DVM and owner ofHometown Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic in Weston, Fla. \"To avoid these health problems,owners must take steps to care for their dog's teeth-much like they care for their own.\"Only one in five owners have ever attempted to brush their pet's teeth and only 2 percent brushwith enough frequency to maintain proper oral health.In addition to brushing, Dr. Bellows uses ORAVET™, a plaque-prevention gel that stopsdisease-causing bacteria from attaching to the teeth. It is the only sealant available on themarket.After an in-clinic cleaning, the sealant is applied to the dog's teeth, creating an invisible barrierthat reduces bacterial plaque adhesion. Owners then apply the odorless, tasteless homecare gelto the dog's teeth once a week. It typically takes less than a minute to apply.\"As a veterinarian and as a pet owner, this gel gives me a valuable tool in preventing oraldisease in dogs,\" says Dr. Bellows. \"It's easy to use and is a perfect complement to toothbrushing, dental diets and dental chews.\"Title:How To Get Affordable, Low Cost Health InsuranceWord Count:332Summary:抮There are several ways you can obtain affordable, low cost health insurance. If you eemployed, your employer may offer a group health insurance plan for employees. Marriedindividuals can usually opt to be covered under their spouses?health insurance ?their childrencan be covered, too. If you belong to a club or organization, you may be able to take advantageof group medical benefits offered by the club or organization. Of course, you may be able toafford an individual...Keywords:Article Body:抮There are several ways you can obtain affordable, low cost health insurance. If you eemployed, your employer may offer a group health insurance plan for employees. Marriedindividuals can usually opt to be covered under their spouses?health insurance ?their childrencan be covered, too. If you belong to a club or organization, you may be able to take advantage

of group medical benefits offered by the club or organization. Of course, you may be able toafford an individual health insurance plan.However, if none of these apply to you, and purchasing an individual health insurance plan isn抰 抯 抯a financial option, perhaps it time to contact your state department of insurance. Most抯 抰state in America offer some sort of medical benefits package to residents who canotherwise afford an affordable, low cost health insurance plan. Or, perhaps you can afford topurchase an individual health insurance plan, but are continually denied coverage due to apre-existing health condition. Some states also offer health insurance plans for individuals inthis situation, too.Each state sets forth its own criteria for state-sponsored health care coverage eligibility. Youmay need to meet certain financial requirements, i.e., not make enough money to be consideredable to purchase your own health insurance plan. You may need to have a certain number ofindividuals in your household, or you may need to have a certain number of dependents. If you抮 抰e looking into a state-sponsored health care program because you haven had successfinding an independent health insurance plan due to a pre-existing health condition, you mayneed to show proof of a certain number of attempts before your state considers you eligible.抮Remember, regardless of whether you e eligible for affordable, low cost health insurance from抯your state health care program, your child or children may be eligible. Always find out your抯state criteria for children eligibility, and make sure your children have adequate healthcoverage.Title:The Importance Of Equine Supplements To Promote Good HealthWord Count:423Summary:If you own a horse, you are probably aware of the money, effort, and time you must invest inorder to insure your horse maintains good health. It is just as important for horses to receiveyearly check ups as it is for people, and to find the right products, supplies, and supplementsthat will help your horse maintain its healthy status. Supplements are often a good way to dojust that.As with humans, there are a number of different types of supplements available for your...Keywords:Horse BridleArticle Body:If you own a horse, you are probably aware of the money, effort, and time you must invest in

order to insure your horse maintains good health. It is just as important for horses to receiveyearly check ups as it is for people, and to find the right products, supplies, and supplementsthat will help your horse maintain its healthy status. Supplements are often a good way to dojust that.As with humans, there are a number of different types of supplements available for your horsethat cover a variety of equine needs, and will help your horse stay on the track to good health.You can consult your veterinarian for a list of the necessary supplies, and to learn what they doand how they can actually benefit your horse.One of the most important aspects of a horse's health is maintaining healthy feet. It is absolutelyessential that you be sure to re-shoe your horse whenever necessary and that you check its feetfrequently. There are various problems that can occur with a horse's feet that can causelameness, so this should be done regularly. There is an array of supplements available that canhelp promote foot and hoof health.Antioxidant supplements are also a good idea. This can be just as important in horses as it inpeople, and making sure your horse has the right antioxidants can most definitely promote goodequine health.Calming supplements can also help your horse by keeping it more relaxed and comfortable.Since horses are alert creatures, they are often very aware of their surrounding sand can reactvery quickly.One of the most important aspects of equine health is keeping your horse free of worms. Thereare supplements that can help you do just that. Give your horse one of these supplements on adaily basis, and he or she will most likely remain worm free.Another important equine supplement is that used for digestion. Keeping your horse's digestivetract working smoothly is quite important, since digestive problems can lead to major healthissues. There are a bunch of supplements from which to choose that will help promote yourhorse's digestive health.It is important to remember that not every supplement or type of supplement will work for yourhorse. It may be a good idea to consult your veterinarian about whether or not you shouldconsider giving them to your horse before actually doing so. You can also get more informationabout which ones are okay to give your horse.

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