Do You Need A College Health Insurance Plan?When you are finally done with your high school education, there is no doubt that you'll beenrolling into a college. Many times when a child reaches the age of 20, they are no longercovered by their parents' insurance and this can lead to a troubling situation if they are notworking and just strictly going to college. However, many colleges offer health insurance plans.Whether one of these insurance plans are right for you or not takes a lot of deliberation.College health insurance benefits are going to vary from campus to campus. Although manypeople think that they are free, this is not true. While there is usually no charge for an officevisit and routine checkups, the student will have to pay for lab work and other specialist type ofvisits. Benefits will usually pay completely for only types of covered services at the campushealth center. In the event that you have to see an outside doctor then the student's coverage candrop up to 70% and run the risk of being required to pay a high deductible.If you have a pre-existing condition, then you may have a problem with getting treatment at thecollege health center. Having a pre-existing illness or disability does not mean that you will bedisqualified for obtaining a college health insurance plan, but you may not be able to gettreatment for that pre-existing illness. This can lead to a number of problems if a new problemarises and is a product of a pre-existing illness.All plans are different, so be sure you find out everything you can about your college's plan. Besure to check if you or your child will be covered during summer break when students are nottaking classes. This is important because you don't want to have an accident and find out thatthe insurance becomes inactive when they are not in class. Many colleges have coverage duringsummer break, but some do not.
Make sure you understand the plan. Is it an HMO, or can the member use any provider theywant? This is just as important because you want to know where you can go in the event of anemergency, and there is nothing worse than finding out after the fact that you will be stuck withpaying the full amount for a medical bill.There really is no definitive answer as to whether you should or shouldn't commit to gettingcollege health insurance. Be sure that you understand your plan fully so that no problems canarise in the event of an emergency. While it is not free insurance, it surely will save you moneyin the event of an accident or illness.Title:How To Get Affordable Health Insurance In South CarolinaWord Count:638Summary:Health insurance is probably one of the most-contested political issues facing this country rightnow, and it's possible that someday something will be done to make health care insurance moreaffordable for more people. But in the meantime it is going to be up to each and every one of usto do the best we can and to find ways to lower the cost of our health insurance on our own.But there is a lot more we can all do to find lower-cost health care insurance.Start by dev...Keywords:Article Body:Health insurance is probably one of the most-contested political issues facing this country rightnow, and it's possible that someday something will be done to make health care insurance moreaffordable for more people. But in the meantime it is going to be up to each and every one of usto do the best we can and to find ways to lower the cost of our health insurance on our own.But there is a lot more we can all do to find lower-cost health care insurance.Start by developing a healthier lifestyle. This includes quitting smoking and using all tobaccoproducts. As difficult as this is for most people the fact is that people who do not smoke andwho do not use chew or other tobacco products pay a lot less for their health insurance. If youreally want affordable health insurance then you'll bite the bullet and quit smoking.Unfortunately the same goes for being overweight. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) helps todetermine your cost of health insurance. However, even if you can just lose a few pounds youcan sometimes drop down a notch on the insurance company's BMI index and if that happensyou can potentially save hundreds of dollars a year in health care costs.
Don't engage in extreme sports or dangerous hobbies. And sell that sleek and fast sports car ifyou are truly serious about affordable health insurance.If you have a home based business or if you are self employed there may be ways for youragent to qualify you for group rates. But even if you can't qualify for group rates your healthinsurance premiums may be tax deductible and once your tax-break is figured into the equationyou may find that your health insurance is not so expensive after all.An HMO or a PPO may be part of the answer. Health Maintenance Organizations are lessexpensive than individual health insurance but they require that you only see plan doctors - ifyour current doctor is not a plan member then you may have to switch doctors.Do you belong to any clubs, organizations or associations? You'd be surprised how often groupsthat you would never think of offer their members discount group health insurance. Ask if yourfriends belong to any groups, clubs or organizations that offer group health - and if so, jointhem. Even some religious organizations are now offering group health insurance, so askaround.Obviously the larger of a deductible you can afford the lower your monthly premium cost forhealth insurance. Be honest with yourself when it comes to your deductible since you will haveto find this money yourself to pay for your own health care before your insurance companybegins picking up the tab.If you're still having trouble affording health insurance but you have a home, a savings accountor other assets that you really need to protect, consider purchasing a super-high-deductiblepolicy, a health insurance policy with a deductible of $2,000 or even more. Thesecomparatively cheap policies are not designed to help with normal doctor's visits or even mostout-patient procedures. The purpose of these policies is to cover your medical expenses if youshould have a catastrophic accident or suffer a major illness.Now take the tips you have gathered from this article and then find at least 3 websites that allowyou to compare the cost of medical insurance from different insurance companies. Fill out theforms on all 3 websites exactly the same, so you are comparing the same policy on all 3 sites.Now your job is simple. All you need to do is to pick the company with the lowest price. This isthe way to get affordable health insurance in South do your homework, youcompare prices and you pick the winner!Title:The Hidden Health Hazards of Grilling And BarbecuingWord Count:679Summary:Natural health expert Frank Mangano outlines the dangers of barbecuing meats and providesuseful tips to make for a healthy barbecue.
Keywords:barbecuing, barbecue tip, carcinogenic, cancer, prostate cancer, PhIPArticle Body:Copyright 2006 Frank ManganoMany people enjoy a tender grilled chicken breast, sirloin steak, or filet of fish, and nothing抰says summer quite like a good old fashioned barbecue. But if you aren careful, a summer ofenjoying barbecued cuisine can prove deadly to your health.抯It has been well documented that undercooking meat can cause a variety of food borne diseases.But it now apparent that overcooking can be just as bad, if not worse, as studies reveal that itcan cause cancer.抯The true culprit is charred meat, the portion of the meat that essentially turned into charcoaldue to overheating. Scientists found that charred meat produces a compound called PhIP, whichhas been shown to cause various types of cancers in rats.The findings were revealed at a conference for the American Association for Cancer Researchin April, wherein they showed that when PhIP was mixed in with rats?food, their spleens,prostates and intestines underwent cancerous genetic mutations after four weeks.抰 抰If this isn bad enough, other evidence suggests that PhIP isn the only malignant抯compound that produced when meat is charred. Another compound called heterocyclicamines, or HCAs, can increase the risk of various cancers in humans, including prostate, colon,stomach and breast cancer.Yet another compound worthy of concern is called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs.PAHs form when fats from chicken, steak and types of fish are re-deposited onto the barbecuedslab, due to the high heat and smoke brewing from the hibachi, after the fatty oils have drippedon the hot coals below.抯So, do findings like this mean you should swear off barbecuing forever? Certainly not. Andeven if it did, it not likely that the thousands of Americans who barbecue regularly evenwould. However, caution can and should be taken when eating and preparing for a barbecue:挆 抰Get the Grill Goin If you haven used the grill for awhile, its best to give it a good clean byturning up the heat to high and closing the lid for about 10 minutes. This will remove the cakedoil and grease from past grilling桸Cut the Fat ot only does trimming the fat off meat reduce saturated fat content, it also greatlyreduces the likelihood of PAH compounds formingRemove Charred Meat Portions from the Meat Before Serving or Eating桵Marinade Meat arinating does mean extra preparation, but scientists believe that theingredients in marinades act as a sort of shield for the meat, reducing the chances of
carcinogenic compounds forming significantly桾 梖Wash Your Hands his is common sense, but cleaning your hands thoroughly or at least 20梚seconds s essential when handling raw meat桾Avoid Cross Contamination he easiest way to avoid this is to use two different plates whenhandling food: One plate for raw meat, another plate for cooked meats. The same standardshould apply for cutting raw and cooked meat products (i.e. different utensils and cuttingboards)桞Pre-cook Meats oiling chicken wings or heating up pieces of swordfish or steak in the oven抯prior to grilling is a great way to ensure it fully cooked桹 抳 抰Flip Frequently nce you e made it to the grill, don just leave it alone only to flip theburger once or twice. Research indicates that flipping frequently at a low heat hastens the timeit takes to get the barbecued fare from the grill to the dinner table.桾Exercise Portion Control he thicker the meat, the longer it takes to cook thoroughly. Keepingthe cuts small will fix this桱Keep a Thermometer Handy udging whether or not meat is cooked thoroughly enough抰shouldn be done just by examining its inner color. The U.S. Department of Health advisesthat chicken should be cooked to at least 165 degrees, hamburger to 160 degrees, pork to 150degrees and hot dogs to at least 140 degrees. Steak should be cooked to 145 degrees formedium rare and 160 degrees for mediumFollowing these 10 tips will help provide you with yet another fun, safe and delicious season ofbarbecue bonanza.
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