Title:Do You Have the Balls? Do the Fitness Ball WorkoutWord Count:608Summary:The article is about the health benefits that can be acquired by incorporating fitness andmedicine balls in exercise programs. These exercise equipments may improve the health ofindividuals who do have the luxury of going to gyms and workout. Fitness and medicine ballexercises can be done at the comfort of one's home.Keywords:anxiety, stress, dietArticle Body:Regular physical activity and exercise is essential in weight loss, weight control, and improvedhealth. Exercise when incorporated into one's daily regimen may help reduce heart disease,cancer, certain types of diabetes, and other metabolic conditions. In addition, exercise may alsoimprove brain chemistry and reduce anxiety.Because of its physical and mental health benefits, many people have incorporated exercise intheir lifestyles. However because of money constraints, certain individuals are not able to go tothe gym or purchase the necessary equipments. One of the best options these individuals canconsider is using a medicine ball and fitness ball. These equipments which has become popularamong many health and exercise enthusiasts.
A medicine ball is a heavy exercise equipment, about the size of a basketball or volleyball. Thisball is often sold as five to 15 pound balls. This ball is often used for circuit training andplyometrics programs. The weight of the medicine ball allows exercises to be performed in adynamic manner, or what fitness experts terms as explosive movement. Medicine balls are oftenused by professional boxers to improve the strength of their abdominal muscles. Other athletesuse this ball to increase core strength and improve the strength of their arms, chest, and legmuscles. Medicine ball exercises are most effective if training closely mirrors the movementswithin a sport.Things to be remembered in performing medicine ball exercises include:Perform warm-ups thoroughly before starting a medicine ball routine;Ensure ample space and a competent partner when doing drills;Medicine ball exercises, like other types of power training, should be done before heavy aerobicor anaerobic training if done in the same day;Do not choose a ball that is too heavy, replace it if it slows down the movement of the exercise;Complete one to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions for each exercise; andTake extreme caution when doing exercises that require standing positions and throwing theball behind the head. Improper execution of this exercise may hyper extend and put unnecessarystress to the spine.A fitness ball, also known as Pilates ball, stability ball, Swiss ball, and gym ball is made ofelastic rubber which usually has a diameter of 14 to 34 inches. Instead of exercising directly ona flat surface, exercising with a fitness ball provides instability that create tension to certainmuscle parts. These muscles gain strength as they try to maintain balance. With frequenttraining, these muscles may become stronger and gain mass overtime. In addition, fitness ballsworks effectively while causing minimal strain or injuries. Many fitness experts reveal thatfitness ball exercises, if executed wrongly may cause injury. Nonetheless, training on a fitnessball is one way of working out many hard-to-reach muscles. Adding a fitness ball in a fitnessprogram may help surpass some difficult levels involved during exercise. Studies show that bysimply sitting on the ball, stabilizer muscles are activated, these muscles are essential inimproving one's posture.Fitness balls come in different sizes. Individuals who want to engage in fitness ball trainingshould choose the correct size to achieve their health goals. The following list shows theappropriate ball size to height ratios:Ball DiameterHeight30 cm ?11.8?Under 4'6?45 cm ?17.7?4'6?to 5'0?55 cm ?21.6?5'1?to 5'7?65 cm ?25.5?5'8?to 6'1?75 cm ?29.5?6'2?to 6'785 cm ?33.5?6'7?and upRegular exercise coupled with nutritious diet are vital components of good health. Individualswho seek to improve their health should seek the advice of health professionals to maximize theeffects of exercise and healthy food regimen. Obtaining the right information from experts isimportant to improve one's health. Good health is a lifetime journey and is one of the
components of a happy life.Title:How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In MarylandWord Count:541Summary:For many people health insurance has become so expensive that they are forced to do without it.Unfortunately this leaves them wide open to the financially devastating effects of a catastrophicillness or a severe accident, which can wipe out a lifetime of savings and decimate other assetsin the blink of an eye.The health insurance crisis has gotten so bad that almost 17% of all Maryland residents nolonger have any health coverage at all, and more than 50% of Maryland r...Keywords:Article Body:For many people health insurance has become so expensive that they are forced to do without it.Unfortunately this leaves them wide open to the financially devastating effects of a catastrophicillness or a severe accident, which can wipe out a lifetime of savings and decimate other assetsin the blink of an eye.The health insurance crisis has gotten so bad that almost 17% of all Maryland residents no抰longer have any health coverage at all, and more than 50% of Maryland residents admit thatkeeping their health insurance is a severe financial burden. It won take much to push manyof these people over the edge and create a health care nightmare.Fortunately there are things you can do to help keep the cost of your health care down ?and formany people it may be necessary to completely re-think the reason for having health careinsurance in the first place.抯But let start with a few simple things you can do to help keep your health insurancepremiums as low as possible.First, if your company offers group insurance you need to consider participating in it. Groupinsurance is almost always less expensive than individual health insurance.抰Of course, if you are self employed or if your company doesn offer insurance then this won抰 be an option.抰Don smoke or use tobacco products ?and if you already do, stop. The amount of money you
抰can save on health insurance if you don smoke is significant. Think about it.Consider increasing your current co-payment. Your co-payment, or copay, is the percentage ofyour doctor visit charges that you pay out of your own pocket, and the percentage of your labwork and other medical expenses that you pay. Increasing your copay from 25% to 50% candramatically decrease your monthly health insurance premiums.But even with these savings health insurance may still be too expensive for many people. Somepeople may be forced to re-think health insurance entirely and look at health insurance as asafety net for the protection of your assets and not as a way to pay for routine health care.By this I mean people may want to look at purchasing a low-cost high-deductible healthinsurance policy. Such a policy, with a deductible of $2,000 or even $3,000, would pay nothingat all for your routine doctor office visits or routine lab work or most out-patient surgery. Youwould pay those health expenses yourself.Where your health insurance comes into play is any time you have a major illness or acatastrophic accident, the type of medical emergency that can cost tens or even hundreds ofthousands of dollars in just the blink of an eye.In this way low-cost high-deductible health insurance is used only to protect your life savings,your home and other assets that you may have acquired over a lifetime.But whether you choose to go the low-cost high-deductible route or take the more traditionalpath, the best place for you to get cheap health insurance is online. The multitude ofhealth-insurance-comparison websites makes it relatively quick and easy to compare policiesand prices, allowing you to create the perfect policy for your needs at a price that you canafford.Title:The Jedi Code: A Guide To Better Mental HealthWord Count:813Summary:The Jedi Order, though fictional, espoused a set of principles that make sense, even in the realworld. By adapting and applying those core principles, you can attain a peace of mind and innerharmony that becomes increasingly hard to have in the modern world.Keywords:fear and anxiety, stress and anxiety, nausea, anxiety disorders, anxiety and phobias揟Article Body:While entirely fictional, the enigmatic concept knowns as he Force?is based on some very
揊real principles. In the movie, Star Wars, the orce?is often spoken of by members of areligious order called the Jedi. The warrior-priests of the Jedi Order served as the mainproponents of what they believed to be the core concepts of The Force.The concept and the order are fictional, but the principles by which the Jedi lived their lives are揇excellent guides to living one's life, especially amidst all the chaos of the modern world. For aslong as the ark Side?of The Force is equated not to evil but to negative influences in one'slife, the principles of the Jedi Code can easily be used to form a personal philosophy for living agood life, complete with a healthy mental attitude. Below you'll find the core principles of theJedi philosophy, and some ideas on how they can be adapted to the trials and tribulations ofmodern life.There is no emotion; there is peace.Being able to control one's emotions was critical to a Jedi, as their tasks often required that theyremain as objective as possible. Fear and anxiety can have negative effects on one'sdecision-making, which in turn can wreak havoc on one's life. By taking control of one's stressand anxiety, separating it from the tasks that need to be done, you can effectively find bettersolutions to your problems than you would have if you let your anxiety affect your analysis ofthe situation. This concept does not advise denying one's emotions, since doing so can result inmore anxiety disorders and psychological issues than it solves. It merely says that people shouldlet logic and analysis guide their decisions, not their feelings.There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.The Jedi Order espoused the determined pursuit of knowledge. To support the quest forenlightenment, they built a grand library that contained volumes of information on varioustopics and disciplines that were necessary to educate and train a Jedi. They also shared thatknowledge, to better enlighten the same people they were attempting to protect. Many problemswith anxiety and phobias can be alleviated if people just took the time to understand things. Alittle knowledge can help someone overcome the fear and anxiety that one encounters whenexposed to a totally alien culture. In some cases, anxiety disorders can also be overcome simplyby equipping one's mind with sufficient knowledge about the source of the anxiety, thusallowing a person to better understand and face the problem.There is no passion; there is serenity.Similar to the first principle, the Jedi believed that being too passionate about something wasdangerous, as it could cloud one's judgment and objectivity. For people in their position,objectivity was critical in nearly all situations. The same can be said of pretty much anyone inthe modern world. Emotions and passion can cloud our ability to make good decisions, as wellas have an adverse effect on our ability to recognize our mistakes and correct them to avert揼further damage. Being calm amidst the face of an impossible bureaucracy can go a long way tokeeping one's state of mental health stable and far away from oing postal.?As long as youdon't let your stress and anxiety build up by dwelling on the negative,then your mind is sereneand you can then make better decisions and take a clearer look at what is going on in one's life.There is no death, there is only The Force.The Jedi believed that when someone dies, they become one with The Force. This allowed them
to see death not as a negative event, but merely a transition that one was inevitably going to get揹past. Adapting this to modern life, negative events can be portrayed as the eath?the揟philosophy mentions, with he Force?acting as a metaphor for life itself. In other words, it isbasically stating that, regardless of all the negative events in one's life, regardless of all the fearand anxiety, the nausea induced by corporate and familial duties, there is still life itself. To useone metaphor to explain another, if something bad comes your way, take some time out to stopand smell the roses. Your entire life will not be dictated by one car crash or an unfairtermination. Life goes on and moves on, and so should you.Taking all of the above principles into account, it is difficult to see how they could fail to leadto a better state of mind, even amidst the chaos of modern life. That is, if they are followed likea personal philosophy and not taken as mere guidelines. Besides, if one espouses the opposite ofthe above principles, one is liable to burn out rather quickly.
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