Haiyan Dance StudioChildren's Dream Dance Performance
Haiyan Dance Studio Haiyan Dance Studio Founded by professional dancer, Ms. Grace Haiyan Lu, in 2012, Haiyan Dance Studio is a nonforprofit educational organization based in Ottawa Ontario and incorporated in federal scale. The Studio offers courses in Chinese classic dance as well as a variety of ethnic dances, and aims at raising awareness and promoting Chinese arts culture by organizing and performing in goodquality showcases and cultural events. The Studio is working on a nonstop basis with overseas Chinese and their next generation to design a way forward to maintain and promote the distinctive, wideranging and profound Chinese arts culture.
ContactContact Phone: 6138010951 Email: [email protected] Website: http://haiyandance.com/
Grace LuMs. Grace Lu, Yi nationality, is a famous dancer in Ottawa, Canada.She graduated from Dance Department of Art Institute in the YunnanProvince with donors in 1994 and engaged in an advanced studies fordance professional choreographer at Beijing Dance Academy in 2000. So far, Ms. Lu has 20 years of teaching experience. She is good at teaching both children and adults, at creating dances, at learningcompleted ones. Dances choreographed and performed by her have been awarded many times. Since coming to Canada Ms. Lu has taught dance in Toronto and Ottawa successively. She is loved and praised by her students. She has participated in planning largescale celebrations and performances in Ottawa and in Toronto. The Chinese Central Television and Universal Mandarin Television jointly organized a competition named \"I want on the Spring Festival Gala” in Canada in 2014, she entered the finals. Her dance performance, \"Moonlight\", is also a favorite of Canada audiences. Ms. Lu founded Integrated Haiyan Dance Studio in Ottawa, Canada. in 2012.
薛 Allison Xue敏怡 As a Chinese Canadian and a dancer, Chinese dance provides a fun way for me to experience and learn from my culture, have fun with friends and get exercise. Aside from my immediate family, most of my relatives live in China and for me, dance is a way to feel closer to them. Living in such a multicultural country has given me the opportunity to explore my culture. The combination of music, costumes and dance make Chinese dance very special and beautiful.Since the age of five, I’ve practiced RhythmicGymnastics and many different genres of danceincluding Ballet, Modern Theatre and Jazz. Chinesedance is very similar to Ballet in terms of technicality, butI think Chinese dance has a lot more freedom and ismore fun. Most of the time, Chinese dance is performedduring celebrations or festivals, so it’s really exciting toperform. For me, Chinese dance provides a very uniqueexperience; while most of types of dance I have done inthe past involve competitions or examinations, Chinesedance focuses on performance. Chinese dancepossesses an attribute of festivity that makes it very funto do and to watch and has allowed me to perform atmany different occasions for many different people. I take pride in being able to show others my culture and I love performing at celebrations and parties.
Carolina Deng Hi there! My name is Carolina and I've been doing ChineseClassical/Folk Dance for about one year now. Last year on ChineseNew Year, I saw this program perform one of their peacock dances. I thought that the dance was very original and their costumes were pretty (they were green and sparkly, with red umbrellas).Despite the fact that the practices are long, tiring and repetitive, I still love to dance. My teacher helps me and my classmates by showing us the moves,help us develop some basic move in dance, correcting us when we're wrong, and letting us practice with a partner. I've already performed at the Tulip Festival and Centrepointe Theater. When I'm onstage, I feel proud to show the audience what I can do and what I've learnt I've learned. I've learned so much from when I just started Chinese Dance to now and I hope to learn even more over the next few years! To me, I think that to learn Chinese dance from a professional in Canada is very rare. That is why I hope to continue to learn more about Chinese Dance from my teachers and my peers.
Jennifer Fan 范 佳 As a child, traditional Chinese dance was nothing to me but a 琪 spectacle. It wasn't an art form. It wasn't real dance. Despite being the child of immigrants, I was decidedly Canadian. At the time, exoticism was its only appeal. To me, and countless others, wedidn't see saw past the waving sleeves and colourful silk to the hours of dedication and sacrifice. We never saw more than the grace and dainty steps onstage, like the art form itself was simple and amusingly basic. I regret it. Yet, I'm glad I was wrong. Today, even those with Chinese heritage areadopting a new identity, forgetting the depth of their culture and ancestry. After learning traditional Chinese dance for several years and adopting different styles, I've come to realize that the art form itself is as varied andvibrant as China itself. All of its different ethnicgroups, ideals, and symbols come alive in vivid dances playful, elegant, and courageous.Having the chance to experience and express this type of dancing is something I'm very thankful for. I hope that someday, we'll see more than the bright colours of the costumes and makeup. In their place, we'll see the brilliance in every dancer, everychoreographer, every dreamer that ever dared to make their ideas a reality.
Catherine Ma Admittedly, I’m not an expert at dance. I need to add that disclaimer, just in case. I’m no prodigy; in fact, I’m much more of a curledupunderblankets bookworm than a great dancer. Still, even I, as a generally inflexible andclumsy person, can write about the merits of both dance and the lessons I go to. Despite not being particularly graceful or flexible, I find that I can still participate in the dances instead of constantly being shoved in the back row (which did occur to me in my previous dance school). Being involved withChinese dance is also much more relaxed than many other schools. We learn various skills and styles of dance, but we don’t need to devote our lives to dance, nor do we need to throw away our other hobbies. In general, it’s both educational and physically challenging while not being a burden. Personally, my favourite parts are not the lessons themselves, but the performances we go to and the fellow students you befriend. The dance group is constantly performing current and previous dances at a variety of locations. One day, we might be dancing at Centrepointe Theatre, the next, at the Canadian Tulip Festival. This presents a unique atmosphere for each time we perform, meaning we can experience both the more casual setting of Chinese New Year festivals, and the formalities of being on stage as lights blaze around you and the audience awaits a good performance.
As I mentioned before, the peers you meet and dance with are perhaps the best part in my opinion. Our class is a generally accepting and delightful community, with friendly students and awelcoming and helpful teacher. To avoid sounding cheesy, I’ll just say I have really great friends that I would have never met had I not attended Chinese dance. The people there are bothenthusiastic and encouraging, not to mention more than willing to hastily inform me if I’m messing up on a move. They’re fun to hang out with, and great to dance with. Honestly, they’re really cool people. With all that in mind, I, as someone who (despite having danced for a pathetically long amount of time) still cannot achieve even the splits, am obligated to say that Chinese dance is a delightful and eyeopening experience for me, one that, despite not crafting me into an exquisite ballerina, has certainly taught me various values and given me bucketfuls of great stories to tell.
李 Hannah Li可欣 The Haiyan (pronounced sorta like high yeah nn) dance group is a group of Chinese girls that learn and perform dances of many different Chinese dances. In a friendly environment, the we practice together every week to improve our skills and to learn more sequences from our dances.Dance is a really fun extracurricular activity for me. Although it can be exhaustingand it requires extra efforts at home throughout the rest of the week, I find that it isworth it. I enjoy the thrill of going to perform a new dance for the first time and it's usually the first that seems the most serious and also the most exciting. No oneother than us, our teacher, and maybe a few parents have seen the dance before and we get to show them how amazing it is.It's really enjoyable being backstage with my friends, chatting about random stuff while getting ready to perform. The rush of comments we have when we finally get off the stage is amazing too. After focusing somuch on not messing up, we disappear from the audience's sight and the adrenaline is still rushing through our heads. It’s arelieving feeling and it’s really satisfying too. I also love the things we use to do our dances such as fans, umbrellas, etc.
Selina Li 李 可 I am a (almost) sixteen year old Chinese Canadian girl. I have been 悦 dancing since a very young age, experiencing many styles of dance,such as ballet, latin and chinese dance. After countless hours of practiceand with the teachings of multiple different teachers, I have been able to convey many beautiful dances to audiences around Ottawa. For me, chinese dance is a way to sharethe chinese culture. Having grown up in a Canadian society, it is difficult to express pride in the chinese arts. Through dancehowever, the many styles of the numerous ethnic groups of China can be seen andshared with the world. The beautiful music, elegant movements and magnificent costumes (a part of dancing which I have always adored) demonstrates the culture where our ancestors come from.
Winny Peng 彭 ⼦To be honest, I’ve never been a big fan 真 of dancing. In fact, if I could, I wouldmuch rather watch anime or play video games. However, after taking danceclass for a while, I’ve come to realize its importance in both my health and my social life. I don’t consider myself athletic at all; I don’t really do any other sports or physical activities outside of school other than dance and skiing. But I eventually found that dance offers an activity for people like me who may notconsider themselves as ‘sporty’. Not only does dancing keep both the mind and body active, but it also helps improve my strength and flexibility, which alsokeeps my muscles and joints healthy. Additionally, I’ve found that dancing helps me improve both my posture and balance. Dancing also allows me to meet other people and offers an insight into Chinese culture. After all these of years of dancing, I still don’t consider dance as a hobby that I enjoy. Rather, I see dancing as a method of maintain my physical and mental health.
Emily Su I think that Chinese dance is very different and unique from other types of dances such as ballet or jazz. You don’t need to be advanced in this class because you get taught the basics as well. Over the years, I’ve learned many dances: some calm and smooth, others fun and energetic. We perfect our dances then get the opportunities to perform at places like Centrepointe theatre for bigevents. During the class, you get the chance to learn and socialize with your friends as well as learn new things. It doesn’t matter how advanced you are at dance, you just have to enjoy what you're doing.
Winnie Fan 樊 温 Hi there! I'm Winnie and I'm 16 years old. I've been 妮doing gymnastics since I was little, but when I started traditional Chinese dance last year, I fell completely in love with it. Thanks to coach Haiyan's dedication and support, I've become more graceful andconfident not only on stage, but also in everyday life. I love Chinese dance because it's a wonderful way to exercise and it deepens my connection with my Chinese heritage. My passion fordance motivates me to always be my best and constantly try to improve.
Linda Zheng 琳Dance is more than just moving rhythmically to musicor following a sequence of set moves. Dance is an art form, in which human movement becomes the medium for self expression. Through my years of dancing at the Haiyan Dance Studio, I learned how to communicate my thoughts, ideas and feelings using dance. The academy hasprovided me with so many learning experiences developing communication abilities, problem solving techniques, creative and critical thinking skills, and kinesthetic abilities. I’m forever thankful to the academy for teaching me so many life lessons.Never giving up when you fall (especially in our fan dance). Always pushing through to achieve your goals (Mom, I’ve almost got the splits down!). Nevertheless, myfavorite part about dance is how happy it makes me feel. I love the feeling of the air flowing from my head to my toes, and the ground turning beneath my feet. Thank you dance for giving me such joy! As we conclude our journey at the academy, I would like to thank the parents and teachers for making everything possible. Without you, none of this would exist. Finally, there is no doubt in my mind, that the wonderful things that I will cherish the most, are the people I danced with. My dear friends, we have made so many beautiful memories (like singing Let it go! at the Timmies)together! I couldn’t have asked for a better group of dancers! Although our paths may lead us in different directions, I hope that somewhere in the future, they will cross again.
Performance Information Come watch us!Saturday December 3, 2016 at 7:30pm Tickets Info: Algonquin Commons Theatre kanata: 6137914416 Ticket: $15, $20, VIP $35 Barrhaven: 6134404280 Downtown and east area: 6138167115 More info at:http://haiyandance.com/eventen/
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