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Home Explore evo2e_outdoor_flooring_en_03-2015


Published by Nikolay, 2015-05-21 08:52:22

Description: evo2e_outdoor_flooring_en_03-2015


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garden settings, leaving nothing to chance. For uncompromising green comfort. 49



(1) Grooved riser 15x120 (6”x48”) / 15x90 (6”x36”) (13) Conduit - 15x8x60 (6”x31/8”x24”)(2) Large step 30x120 (12”x48”) / 30x90 (12”x36”) (14) Cover - 30x120 (12”x48”)(3) Riser 15x120 (6”x48”) / 15x90 (6”x36”) (14a) End cover - 30x120 (12”x48”)(4) Grip large step 30x120 (12”x48”) / 30x90 (12”x36”) (15) Top - 40x40 (16”x16”)(5) U edge - 15x15x60 (6”x6”x24”) (16) Top - 50x50 (20”x20”)(6) L edge - 15x15x60 (6”x6”x24”) (17) Assembled countertop - 40x40 (16”x16”)(7) Grille 15 - 15x60 (6”x24”) (18) Assembled countertop - 50x50 (20”x20”)(8) LH corner grille 15 - 15x60 (6”x24”) (19) Reverse countertop - 40x40 (16”x16”)(9) RH corner grille 15 - 15x60 (6”x24”) (20) Reverse countertop - 50x50 (20”x20”)(10) End conduit - 15x8x60 (6”x31/8”x24”) (21) L large step(11) LH corner conduit 15x8x60 (6”x31/8”x24”) 30x60 (12”x24”) / 30x90 (12”x36”) / 30x120 (12”x48”)(12) RH corner conduit 15x8x60 (6”x31/8”x24”) (22) L grip large step 30x60 (12”x24”) / 30x90 (12”x36”) / 30x120 (12”x48”) (1) (21) (2) (3) (22)(4) (5) (7) (6) (7) (14)(10) (8) (9) (13) (14a) (11) (12) (19)(15) (17) (16) (14) (18) (20) (19-20) (1) (15-16) (17-18) 52

RANGE OF SPECIAL PIECES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14a 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22AD 02 IslandAD 03 African StoneAD 05 VulcanAW 01 FenceAW 03 CabinAW 05 BenchAW 07 BoatEP 01 Cremo delicatoEP 02 Pietra piasentinaEP 03 Lagos greyEP 04 Crema lunaJW 02 Calacatta RealeJW 04 Travertino ClassicoJW 06 Fumo di LondraLB 04 Lab_mouLB 07 Lab_fogMP 02 WayMP 03 BlockMP 04 RoadNA 01 FadoNA 02 IndieNA 03 EpicOF 02 RomanticOF 03 DarkOF 04 GothicRR 01 VitRR 02 GråRR 03 SvartQR 01 GlacierQR 02 MountainQR 03 WaterfallQR 04 RiverQR 05 MantleSI 01 ArticoSI 04 HavanaSI 05 DakotaSO 05 ChambrodSO 10 Pierre BleueSO 11 P. Bleue SabléeSD 01 OriginSD 02 ClassicSD 03 SpiritTB 02 HarrisonTB 03 HudsonTB 04 GreenwichTB 05 Broadway 53

SPECIAL PIECESFOR GARDENING L Border U Border Channel Terminal channel Angular channel DX - SX(internal marking) (internal marking) (external marking)Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions A: 598 mm A: 598 mm A: 598 mm A: 598 mm A: 598 mm B: 148 mm B: 148 mm B: 148 mm B: 148 mm B: 148 mm C: 148 mm C: 148 mm C: 78 mm C: 78 mm C: 78 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Cover End Cover Top A A AB B BTrim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm A: 398 mm A: 498 mm B: 298 mm B: 298 mm B: 298 mm B: 298 mm B: 398 mm B: 498 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mmdecorated rib and dripstone 120 cm sides decorated rib and dripstone 120 cm sides more Decorated rib and through dripstone / not-through than one side by 30 cm dripstone 54

L large step L grip large step Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm A: 598 mm A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm A: 598 mmB: from 280 to 400 mm B: from 280 to 400 mm B: from 280 to 400 mm B: from 280 to 400 mm B: from 280 to 400 mm B: from 280 to 400 mmC: from 140 to 200 mm C: from 140 to 200 mm C: from 140 to 200 mm C: from 140 to 200 mm C: from 140 to 200 mm C: from 140 to 200 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mmRectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Top rear side Assembled topwith assembled inferior slab decorated on 4 sides at 45° Column cover with assembled upper slab decorated on 4 sides at 45° A A C A A CB B B B C C D D D D Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensionsUpper slab - A: 398 mm B: 398 mm Upper slab - A: 498 mm B: 498 mm Inferior slab - A: 398 mm B: 398 mm Inferior slab - A: 498 mm B: 498 mmInferior slab - C: 298 mm D: 298 mm Inferior slab - C: 398 mm D: 398 mm Upper slab - C: 298 mm D: 298 mm Upper slab - C: 398 mm D: 398 mm plates: 20 mm total: 40 mm plates: 20 mm total: 40 mm plates: 20 mm total: 40 mm plates: 20 mm total: 40 mmDecorated rib and through dripstone / not-through dripstone Decorated rib and through dripstone / not-through dripstone 55

SPECIAL PIECESFOR GARDENING Riser Riser with shutterTrim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions A: 1198 mm A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm A: 1198 mm A: 1198 mm A: 898 mmB: Cut to 148 mm B: Cut from 148 to 198 B: Cut to 198 mm B: Cut to 148 mm B: Cut from 148 to 198 B: Cut to 198 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm C: 10 mm C: 10 mm C: 10 mm D: 5 mm D: 5 mm D: 5 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mmRectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified 1 Decorated sideRISER AND RISER WITH SHUTTER SIDE DECORATION:no decorated side 1 Decorated side 2 Decorated sidesFlower bed Bench Flower box Bike rackTrim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions A: 600 mm A: 600 mm A: 550 mm : 20 mm B: 1200 mm A: 600 mm A: 600 mm B: 340 mm C: 600 mm B: 600 mm B: 1200 mm C: 300 mm C: 600 mm C: 600 mm 56

Large step Grip large step B Five millings for A A anti-slipperiness BTrim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions Trim dimensions A: 1198 mm A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm A: 1198 mm A: 1198 mm A: 898 mm B: 298 mm B: 298 mm B: 298 mm B: 298 mm : 20 mm B: from 299 to 398 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm B: from 299 to 398 mm : 20 mm : 20 mm : 20 mmRectified toro/mezzotoro Rectified toro/mezzotoro Rectified toro/mezzotoro Rectified toro/mezzotoro Rectified toro/mezzotoro Rectified toro/mezzotoroSTEP SIDE AND GRIP STEP SIDE DECORATION:1 Decorated side 2 Decorated sides 2 Decorated sides 3 Decorated sidesAdjusting key Slab carrying handle Slab carrying handle Slab carrying handle for large sizesCod. WC73 Slabs size: 60x60 cm Slabs size: from 50 to 65 cm Slabs size: 90x90 - 60x120 cm Cod. WX40 Cod. WX80 Cod. WX39 57

DSPOEUCBILAEL STIRDIEMD:UNICOSIZE 33x60 cm (13”x24”) - 20 mm (3/4”) THICKTwo installation needs, a single solution. UNICO, size 33x60 cm (13”x24”), is processedon both sides, on one side it has a rounded edge and on the other a square edge.An extremely versatile special piece, which can be used both as a step and as aspecial piece for swimming pools, with bullnose edge or straight edge, both colouredalong the side. A highly attractive result, with all the excellent technical performanceexpected of Mirage® porcelain stoneware.ROUNDED EDGE SQUARED EDGE Available in stock 58

Installation with square edge Installation with rounded edge AVAILABLE COLOURS NORRVit RR 01 Grå RR 02 Svart RR 03QUARZITI_2.0Glacier QR 01 Mountains QR 02 Waterfall QR 03 River QR 04 Mantle QR 05STONES_2.0Chambrod SO 05 Pierre Bleue SO 10 P. B. Sablée SO 11 Swimming pool edge made entirely using the UNICO. UNICO 59


Mirage® EVO_2/E™ offers a whole range of special solutions for public areas.Special pieces coordinated with the flooring, designed with a modular approach:so you can fit your design to small or large spaces. Practical solutions that simplifyyour work, ensuring top quality for the most important contracts.FLOWER BOXES Flower boxes, like the otherBICYCLE RACKS furnishing elements, can beBED BORDERS used in any laying pattern withBENCHES 60x60 (24”x24”) and 60x120 (24”x48”) tiles, maintaining the required modularity. The bicycle rack is also designed with a modular approach, so that the elements can be combined together to create a continuous rack. For finishing green areas in public spaces, the Curved Corner 15 and the Edge 15 were designed to create a wide range of different shapes. The bench was designed to be fully modular, fitting in to laying patterns using 60x60 (24”x24”) and 60x120 (24”x48”) slabs, its design coordinated with the flooring slabs. 61


PUBLIC SPACES: HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Collection: SUNDECK Colour: SD 02 Classic RD Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)63




PUBLIC SPACES: HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Collection: QUARZITI 2.0 Colour: QR 03 Waterfall NAT Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 60x120 cm (24”x48”)67


PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS: PRIVATE VILLA Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 04 Crema Luna ST Sizes: 60x120 cm (24”x48”)69

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: STONES 2.0Colour: SO 11 Pierre Bleue Sablée STSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 70



PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS: PRIVATE VILLA Collection: QUARZITI 2.0 Colour: QR 02 Mountains NAT Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)73

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: ESPRITColour: EP 03 Lagos Grey STSizes: 60x120 cm (24”x48”) 74


PUBLIC SPACES:HOTELS & RESTAURANTSCollection: STONES 2.0Colour: SO 11 Pierre Bleue Sablée STSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 76

PUBLIC SPACES: SHOWROOM Collection: STONES 2.0 Colour: SO 05 Chambrod ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)77

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: ESPRITColour: EP 03 Lagos Grey STSizes: 60x120 cm (24”x48”) 78

PUBLIC SPACES: TEMPORARY SHOP Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)79


PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS: PRIVATE VILLA Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 04 Crema Luna ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 60x120 cm (24”x48”)81

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: STONES 2.0Colour: SO 05 Chambrod STSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 82



PUBLIC SPACES: GOLF CLUB Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)85

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: ESPRITColour: EP 04 Crema Luna STSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 60x120 cm (24”x48”) 86


PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: SUNDECKColour: SD 02 Classic RDSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 88

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS: PRIVATE VILLA Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 03 Lagos Grey ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)89

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: SUNDECKColour: SD 03 Spirit RDSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 90


PUBLIC SPACES:HOTELS & RESTAURANTSCollection: ESPRITColour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina STSizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”) 92

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS: PRIVATE VILLA Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)93


PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS: PRIVATE VILLA Collection: ESPRIT Colour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina ST Sizes: 60x60 cm (24”x24”)95

PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: ESPRITColour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina STSizes: 60x120 cm (24”x48”) 96


PRIVATE BACKYARD GARDENS:PRIVATE VILLACollection: ESPRITColour: EP 02 Pietra Piasentina STSizes: 60x120 cm (24”x48”) 98

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