WHEREVER WE WANT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE Establishing a National Security Control Center T.R.S works with Governments to develop national security strategic plans and overseas implementation alongside all relevant agencies and offices. Our multidisciplinary team of experts in the fields of national security, counter terrorism, countertrafficking intelligence and anti-corruption work with local teams to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges being faced and craft a vision for the country that takes into accountgovernment structure, culture and existing national and regional frameworks. The following is an example of projects that can be adopted: A. NSOC Deliverables The NSOC will deliver to the leadership: Real-time situation awareness and analysis on all strategic issues Integrated intelligence to transform policing and other law-enforcement agencies to intelligence-led bodies. The capability to carry out joint operations between security, military, law enforcement and emergency services within the county The capability to carry out joint operations with regional actors. Emergency and crisis management capabilities. Shlomo Harnoy: +972-54-6330222 | [email protected] Lior Tuvia: +972-50-3282661 | [email protected] Barak Leshem: +972-54-4575489 | [email protected]
WHEREVER WE WANT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE B. Security Concept The NSOC will be based on the model used by security agencies in Israel today and will function according to a national security concept to be developed by local officials. he national security concept is the foundation of the operational reality of the NSOC. It is the development of this concept that gives the ultimate technologies and systems put into place a framework within a larger operational reality (consisting of leaders, agencies, procedures, etc.) to meet the threats facing the country. Absent this essential concept which is based on decades of Israel Security Agency, hands-on experience working in the most challenging security environments, the NSOC is merely an empty integration of technologies. C. NSOC Structure & Functions Intelligence National Situation & Command Room Coordination Integration Center Emergancy Management Center Room for VISINT Liaison Officers: IMINT SIGNIT Analyzing Defense Strategic HUMINT Center Forces Services OPEN Police Agencies SOURCE Advisory Fire Bodies and Services Committees Dissemination Area for Press Center (in crisis/ emergency case) Area for International Forces The NSOC will have six main functions: Routine & National Situation & Command Room: Carry out real-time situation analyses Emergency regarding threats facing the country and enable operational command and control over national bodies. Routine & Intelligence Integration Center: Intelligence gathering and analysis to deliver Emergency real-time, coordinated information to support decision making. Routine & Coordination Room: Liaison Officers from all relevant agencies (security, military, Emergency emergency, coast guard, etc.) coordinate during routine activities and provide infrastructure for interoperability during crises and emergencies. Emergency Crisis/Emergency Management Center: Provides full capabilities to Government to manage any type of national emergency or crisis. Emergency Press Work Space: In the event of a national emergency, work space is designated to media for reporting all necessary information to citizens and internationally. Emergency International Forces Work Space: In the event of a national emergency, work space is designated to international agencies or forces aiding in crisis management. Shlomo Harnoy: +972-54-6330222 | [email protected] Lior Tuvia: +972-50-3282661 | [email protected] Barak Leshem: +972-54-4575489 | [email protected]
WHEREVER WE WANT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE D. NSOC Technological Concept Mass Data Heart of System Output • Orders Collection of • Procedures • Training System • Respponders • Control Dealing with • Collecting all system sensors Mass Data • Connection to external DB’s Transferring mass data • Connection to internal DB’s into Knowledge • Strong fusion • Knowledge dissemination • Real time control E. National Situation & Command Room Functions: 1. To give the Government maximum control over national activities via a real-time situation awareness and analysis of all activities going on in the country. 2. To coordinate between all agencies within the country and command joint operations locally and regionally. Technology & Systems: The national situation room receives inputs from pre-determined sources throughout the country to deliver a unified situation awareness and analysis of the comprehensive range of relevant threats facing the nation at any given time. A Unified Situation Picture synthesizes all information flowing into the National Situation Room to deliver an effective situation awareness to decision makers. This tool serves as the basis for national command, interoperability, and the ability to carry out unified, joint operations. All of the information received by the inputs will be managed by advanced Command & Control software. Shlomo Harnoy: +972-54-6330222 | [email protected] Lior Tuvia: +972-50-3282661 | [email protected] Barak Leshem: +972-54-4575489 | [email protected]
WHEREVER WE WANT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE F. Intelligence Integration Center The Intelligence Integration Center will be separated physically from all other areas of the NSOC as the most sensitive data will be controlled here. It will be connected to all relevant national databases (as determined by National Security Concept) and receive all types of data including voice, video and digital. Functions: 1. Intelligence gathering and analysis to deliver to the Government real-time, coordinated information to support decision making. 2. Delivering of intelligence packages to appropriate security, military and law enforcement gencies to enable intelligence-led activities so that resources are more effectively allocated to areas and issues where real-time threats and challenges exist. G. Coordination Room for Liaison Forces Functions: 1. The routine function of this room is to coordinate between all relevant agencies and the NSOC. 2. During emergencies, this room provides the infrastructure for interoperability during crisis management. Shlomo Harnoy: +972-54-6330222 | [email protected] Lior Tuvia: +972-50-3282661 | [email protected] Barak Leshem: +972-54-4575489 | [email protected]
WHEREVER WE WANT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE H. Emergency Management Center Enabling the Government to manage all national emergencies by controlling and coordinating all entities addressing homeland security. Functions: n the event of a national crisis or emergency, the Trinidad and Tobago leadership will manage the event from this center which is activated by the leadership and becomes fully operational. This state-of-the-art, fully-equipped room, shares a glass wall with the National Situation and Command Room providing the national leadership with real-time situation reports and the capability to coordinate between all agencies within the country, command joint operations and also carry out regional coordination. Capabilities & Technology This room, activated in national emergencies and crises, recreates the routine work spaces of a pre-determined number of leaders (as defined by the national security concept) who together will be responsible for managing the crisis. This can include the Prime Minister, President, Minister of National Security, Chief-of-Staff, etc. All technologies and access regularly used by officials in their bureaus will be available at in this room. In addition, the National Situation and Command Room will input into this room providing the leadership with the command and control needed to carry out a comprehensive range of activities, operations, etc. Press Work Space Functions: The press work space is activated during a national emergency or crisis when the leadership decides that the presence of local or a combination of local and international media is essential. Shlomo Harnoy: +972-54-6330222 | [email protected] Lior Tuvia: +972-50-3282661 | [email protected] Barak Leshem: +972-54-4575489 | [email protected]
WHEREVER WE WANT ANYWHERE WE CHOOSE J. International Forces Work Space Functions: o provide coordination space for international security forces or NGOS aiding and assisting in the management of national emergencies and crises. K. Additional NSOC Properties The NSOC will be constructed with Layers of Protection to ensure its operability through a comprehensive range of emergency scenarios. Protected Location/Redundancy he Center needs to be built in a protected location which is secured against natural disasters. Redundancy of capabilities is needed to protect against damage to the National Control Center and its capabilities. This can be achieved by duplicating the main capabilities in a secondary and remote center. Shlomo Harnoy: +972-54-6330222 | [email protected] Lior Tuvia: +972-50-3282661 | [email protected] Barak Leshem: +972-54-4575489 | [email protected]
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