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Home Explore August Newsletter 2021

August Newsletter 2021

Published by steve, 2021-07-29 09:13:38

Description: August Newsletter 2021


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Ice Cream Workshop AUGUST 2021 This month some of the residents had NEWSLETTER a go at making their own ice creams. If you have any comments or questions Yum, yum! about the contents, please let us know. Please note that we welcome correspondence by email to [email protected] July has been another busy month for us at Cedar House... We continue to try old and new things! A BIG HELLO FROM ALL AT CEDAR HOUSE! Exercises Lot’s of love from all the residents and staff. We are thinking of you all xxxx 1|Page

The residents did their weekly exercises throughout the body. They started at the head and moved down to the feet. We looked at strength, posture, flexibility, speed and repetition. The residents attended the monthly, COVID friendly, church service. Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Magazine Below is the link to the next Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Magazine: /docs/07parmagjuly2021plusgc Football Spirit Church Service COME ON ENGLAND from the Cedar House TEAM! 2|Page

Art Workshops Galore! A bit of colour here... a bit of colour there! The residents find art very relaxing. We even had our own pre-football match concert! There was lot’s of dancing, singing, football and props! Unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be, but staff and residents got into the spirit! NEXT TIME IT WILL COME HOME! 3|Page

One to One Sessions One to one sessions... It's lovely to spend time with our residents. 4|Page

Water Skittles A bit of fresh air and water today... Water skittles... The residents didn't mind getting a little wet today... It helped them to cool down. Ready, aim, firreeeeeee! 5|Page

Cedar House in BLOOM! 6|Page

A lovely sunny day at Cedar House! Cedar House in bloom! Summer Olympics Party 7|Page

Our Summer Olympics Party, at Cedar House in Leicestershire, with homemade torch and medals up for grabs! 8|Page


Birthday Celebrations This month we celebrated Marion Bunker’s and Barbara Chadwick’s birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MARION LEARNING HOW TO DO A BIRTHDAY SELFIE! 10 | P a g e

For Marion’s birthday she wanted a party with all of her friends. WE HOPE YOU BOTH HAD A FABULOUS TIME! 11 | P a g e

Lisa’s 50th Birthday Celebrations For Barbara’s birthday… she asked for a chocolate cake. Chocolate is one of her favourite indulgences! 12 | P a g e

Lisa’s 50th Birthday Celebrations ahead of time at Cedar House in Rothley! We hope you had a fabulous time in our COVID secure bubble! 50 and fabulous! 13 | P a g e

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