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Home Explore 1984


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-13 23:14:35

Description: 1984 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1984,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Theme .............. 2· 17 Dear Studentbody of Hillcrest High, The Leaders . . . . . . . . 18- 33 Wf' as editors of Tomarctu 84 feel this is a very special Huskies . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-101 book, and we have tned to captur tho e special moments Academics . . . . . . . . . 102·121 that have touched your hearts and thoughts. We hope that Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-165 what this hook presents will stay w1th you for many years m Clubs ............. 166·209 the future. Activities ......... 210-231 Feature . ........... 232-238 We know that the yf'ars we sp nd in h1gh school are the Index ..... . ....... 239-248 highlights of our life, that's why we have chosen \"\"H1gh lights•· as our theme. We have also chosen Tomarctus as our name Tomarctus was born 15 million years ago. He was the first form of the dog on th1s earth. All the de cendants of Tomarctus have developed into the Huskies. the wol· ves-the canines. Therefore, we would like Tomarctus. the leader of the pack, to represent the mighty husk1es for all the years to come. As our last words we would like to say. ''May the highlights of 1983-84 remain a g lowing ember in your memories forever'' Sincerely. Erica Sharp-Editor·in·chief Wendy Gillen-co-Editor Kathy Wright·Copy Editor

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BOARD OF EDUCATION The Decision Makers ( Maurine JensenVice President Raymond Whittenburg· Jane Callister·President Supenntendent Marlin Fairbourn·Asst. Richard Gourley·Asst . Superintendent Superintendent Kenneth Prince·Deputy Mark Klotovich·Member Richard Blomquist-Member Don Carpenter-Member Superintendent BOARD OF EDUCATION

PRINCIPAL, DELMAR SCHICK Leader Of The Pack Students-Congratulations on mak· equally as successful. Best wishes with ing the 1983·84 school year another suc- all your future endeavors. cessful year. You have achieved well in many areas and have brought many Huskies are the greatest! honors to our school. You have carried on old traditions as well as establishing Sincerely , new ones . May your future years be DelMar F. Schick PRI CI PAL

VICE PRINCIPALS Awesome Administrators Address Authority CCRRKK- \"Ted- There are a couple of M rs. Smith, who is over Sophomores, students on Sr. Bench, will you please feels that setting goals is important for take care of the problem?\" our education. \"Providing memorable CCRRKK - \"Sure thing Lee, I'll get events in academics and in activities is right on it.\" one of our major goals in order to ac· complish excellence in education . We V.P.- \"Hey, where are you supposed to have the type of studentbody that can be?\" excel in learning, accomplishing, and Student: - \"Well, I have Seminary right reaching high goals.\" now.\" V.P. - \"Well let's get there then .\" Our Vice Principals are the best of their kind, but Mr. Lavato seems to Just because the V.P.'s try to main· tain order in the school , doesn't mean think that the students are the best of they're all bad . They really do have soft hearts. Even Mr. Jenson says, \"I still their kind. \"This 1983-1984 school year think we have the best students in the has been one of great challenge and we state.\" Vice Principals have to have have been faced with many challenges. enough patience and control to keep Our fantastic students and staff have their sanity with all the problems that met these challenges with vigor and en- go on in the halls and out on the park- thusiasm. Our Senior Class has exhibit· inglot. Sometimes that can be a very ed extraordinary leadership and have hard task . They take their job very seri· been good role models for our under· ously, but they find time- to socialize and classmen. I wish them the best of luck joke around. M r. Hicks says, ' 'I'm for in the future .\" See, V.P.' s are not all fast times at Hi llcrest High!!\" bad . Mr Jenson keeps buzy all day long. Mrs. Smith takes time out to smile from her busy Mr. Hicks takes a minute to relax after work1ng Mr Lovato hardly has a spare minute. schedule with the SBO's. VICE PRINCIPALS

Mr Lovato enJOYS visiting w1th Marty Haws Mr. H1cks and Mr. Jenson work intently with the school pollee. Mr H1cks and Mr. Jenson take a mmute to talk about a problem ICE PRI CIPALS

COUNSELORS Busy, Busy, Busy . . . Many of us probably don't realize just how busy the counselors of Hillcrest are. They have endless responsibilities including schedule changes, credit checks, for juniors and seniors, work releases, college information, testing re· suits, vocational aide, and basically helping all students find a way to make it through the four years of high school to receive their diplomas. The school psychologist is Doctor Robert Gleave. Richard Bird directs the seniors, Belva Cline directs juniors, and Frank Fenlon is in charge of the sophomores. All three are in charge of the small freshman class. Boyd Mousley is in charge of vo· cational education. So, if you need any advice, just look to your Hillcrest coun· selors!!! Frank Fenlon Rtchard Bird Robert Gleave Boyd Mousley Belva Cline COUNS LORS

MEDIA CENTER WORKERS Dedicated And Diligent Wayne Fagg If you need it, chances are that the Media Center people have it!! These hard-working people dedicate a lot of time to their jobs, which include keep- ing the library and reproduction rooms in working order. If you need or can't find just the right book, look to either Linda Hess or Sharon Stott For a quick copy, Ra lph Ferrin is the man for the job. And for everything else to do with reproduction work, Wayne Fagg and Dana Tripp do it aiL Dana Tnpp Ralph Fernn Sharon Stott Linda Hess MEDIA CE TER

FACULTY . The Good, The Needed And The Underpayed Syd Aland Gymnastics Mario Alba Span1sh AthletiCS Ryan Anderson Y S P Families Melinda Andrus Foods Owen Andrus 'Officer at Larg Glade Bailey Prmtmg Process Ross Baum Cons. Math Geometry Sharlene Beck English Sentry Adv1sor Sonja Beere English (A P) Ron Brailsford Draftmg Arch Drdw1ng Victoria Brinton Wrld CulturPs U .S History Sterl1ng Scholar~ Annette Caine Reading Rick Carlson World H1story;sociologyI Athletics Peggy Caughey Dance Dance Company M.R. Chansamone Bilingual (E.S L .) Sandy Clark English FACULTY

Leo Dean Cho1r j German Max Dickson Type Kay Evans B.S.P. English (, Soc Studs Dept Cha1rman Jeanne Farley Accounting / Bustness Math Brad Gibbs Special Ed Athlet1cs Nancy Gillette English Tom Godfrey English Steve Golding Metals !Vocational Auto Marie Green Health P E. Athletics Don Gust Dr Ed Athletic D1rector James Hadlock A P U.S History Teen (, Law Dept. Chairman Mark Hancey Soc1al Stud1es (, Math Susan Hawkins Humanities Engltsh Don Haywood Electronics Helen Higbee Health Occupations Duayne Houtz Algebra Geometry Jeanne Howell Algebra Trigonometry Sp1rit Leader Adv . Glen Howlett Woods Tom Huddlestone Y S.P Athletics I FACULTY

Frank lacobazzi Fr Soc St Wrld H1s. Athlet1cs Doris Jenson Computer Algebra Jim Jimas P E Athletics Robert Johnson Algebra Athlet1cs Jack Jorgensen Biology Frank Kelley Ceram1cs Crafts Photo Sharon Kerns History Wayne Killpack Drawmg Pamting (A P ) Mel Labrum H1story Dennis Larsen U S H1story French John Lyon English Steve Mergetts Geometry Trig. Athletics Lorene Mark Engli&hj Dept Cha1rman Calvin Maxfield Algebra/Calculus D pt Chairman Jodi Maxfield Drill Team Bruce McGuire Geology Sc1ence Janeen McMillan English Coleman McVea Jr. Auto Carol Milne nghsh Span1sh Earlene Mitchell Engl1sh Humanities FACULTY

Dave Montgomery Comm Art Prod Art Mt Surv Craft Leon Moyes l S P AthletiCS Don Neff Health Athletics Raynor Pearce Dr Ed J Health j Track Eunice Pixton Clothmg Robert Pixton Biology (A P.) Patty Puzey Business Yearbook Pepe Quintero Reading Mark Rasmussen Speech Debate Jay Ronk Band Orchestra Track Kathy Rudelich Child Development Dorothy Schmidt Health PE. Tennis Dept Chairman Tony Siegenthaler AthletiCS Special Ed Jerry Simonson Bus Math Amer Govt Paul Smith U.S H1story Athletics Leroy Soderquist Sc1 Fact Fic.f Physics Ann Swift English Express1ons Adv. Debbie Teasley Computer Geometry Byron Thompson Psychology Paul Thomson Dr Ed . FACULTY

Pouwe/1 Vuyk Speech Drama Lane Walsh B1ology Tom Watrous E S.L. -nghsh M ont Widerberg Soc1al Studlesf Athl t1cs Jeanne Wilson Not Pictured: English Phys1ology/ AthletiCS Paul Argy le Carole Baade Carol Winter Jerry Haslam Foods Parentmg Carol VandenAkker Marilyn Yates Engli~h Social Studies Dept. - JUST A FEW TEACHERS' FAVORITE QUOTES Soderquist - Quintero - \" Take a social studies class and see the world - Europe, Hawaii , Washington , D.C. , and Thompson - the Carribean.\" Killpack - \" I HEAR and I forgot; I SEE and I remember; I DO and I LEARN .\" \" No life can be great Mitchell - until it becomes focused , dedicated, and disciplined.\" Maxfield - \" To teach is a privilege . To help any student learn something every day makes the day Brinton - worthwhile.\" Hawkins - \" I am not what I think I am. I am not what you think I am. But I am what I think you think Johnson - I am.\" Walsh - \" You can 't teach anyone anything; you can only help them discover within themselves.\" Yates - Beere - \" Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be.\" Beck - Kerns - \"Just keep on crank in ' and it 'll fall right out the end of your shirt sleeve.\" \" If you wanna stay up late, study 'till your eyes fall out, write 'till your fingers cramp, read 'till your mind turns to mush , take honors classes.\" \" A one-liner? Is that a phrase you want or a clause.\" \" Life by the yard is hard, but by the inch it's a cinch .\" \" This assignment is easy . Now be QUIET!\" \" Have a happy day!\" \" Write to express, not to impress.\" \" Knowledge is the only good, ignorance the only eviL \" \" I am the chief! You are the indians.\" FACULTY

SECRETARIES AND AIDES Serving With Style Jamce Stowe Lynn Varoz Jan1ce Troester Karen Mitchell D1an Babco k Lynne Deluca Carol Gunn rson Marlene Powell ancy Martm Ela1ne Johnson , er , .Dana R1ceSharon Stott Dana Tripp Flor nee Dowdmg .. ':·1 ···j Renae Hatf1eld Julie Gunnarson IDE ECRETARIE

CUSTODIANS Keep The Act Clean One of the custodians . Steve Winslow . watches as others load the student pop mach1ne If a stranger walked into Hillcrest after lunch on any day of this year; he could have said that the Huskies have had a litter problem. That is, if one of our custodians had not passed nearby. The janitorial staff provided a clean·up service for messy students. They swept halls, kept garbage cans conveniently located, and repaired the school. Jammed lockers and forgotten combi· nations were also serviced by these men and women. In addition they kept the grounds clean. Working hard these peo· pie kept Hillcrest looking immaculate. Another custodian puts drinks in one of several machines which are frequented by students dur· mg lunch each day. A custodian hard at work in one of the halls. CUSTODIANS

LUNCH LADIES Sugar, Spice, Everything Nice Edwma the managPr of the lunch lad1es fixes a meal for hedrty Husky appetites What has received more abuse than Besides makmg regular hot lunch, the anything else throughout history. cafeteria staff prepared sack lunches School lunch, of course. The ladies re for students who were gomg to the state sponsible for school lunch did an excel football games. This was especially nice lent job of providing nutritional meals for students who could not afford the for hearty Husky appetites. Each morn price of hot dogs, drinks. and popcorn ing these women toiled to make a lunch at the games. for the faculty and students. Tantalizing aromas were often found drifting down Although they have been repeatedly in· the halls. Two main dishes were offered suited, the cafeteria staff did an excel· as well as fruits and vegetables, rolls, or lent job. To manager, Edwina, and her some other type of bread and butter. staff-THA KS' dessert, and milk. A chef salad and milk· shakes were also available. The pnce of a good lunch was just eighty cents. Left The production art department hanged a s1gn in the hall thankmg the lunch lad1es for the yumm1es Below · Joan1e puts on one of many soil d aprons • • The staff respons1ble for f edmg hungry students -Loa Tawny, Lynda, Jul1e. nca, Joan1e. Edw1 na . and eme LU CH LADI

// / / \\

SBO'S . Lords Of Democracy __ _ President Brent Burnham works hard President, Brent Burnham to plan for the year , activities and as- semblies you liked to see and hear. Brian Jones is V.P. i t's plain to see he fulfilled his duty faithfully . When the president was out Brian did not pout. He Jumped into place as quick as an ace. Se retary Susan Swapp was always ready with pen in hand to take notes on meetings, and open assemblies with a cheery greeting. P.R . and Libby go to- gether to make H.H.S. organized and better. She strived hard to fulfill her po- sition, as Public Relations she followed Husky tradition. Becky Poulsen, Activi- ties Coordinator, was often found busy planning out schemes, for a more enjoy- able year, and ways to get students out to support Husky teams. Vice President, Brian Jones ' Secretar y, Susan Swapp A ct. Coord mator. Bec k y Poul sen () SB.O'S Publi c Relat ions, libby Wal ster

Voices Of The Elite. H.H.S. was pnviledged to be lead un· der such prestigious Student Body Offi· cers. Brent and the gang took Hillcrest \"One Step Beyond\". The officers worked hard to plan better activities. and improve school pride. Brent stated \"Hillcrest has the potential to be the best in everything they do. all we have to do is DO IT\". Through all the1r work H.H.S. Student Body Officers have sue· ceeded in their goals for making 83-84 a better year. 1) H H.S Student Body Off1cers workmg hard to serve you' 2) Pres . Brent Burnham is harras~ed by Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum 1n the Homt>com ing assembly 3) Just hurry and take the p1ctur we 're missmg A P H1story for th1s 1 '(The S.B 0 s are always busy w1th furthermg the1r kno11.ledge) 23 BO S

CHEERLEADERS, SONGLEADERS . SUZY PARCELL PAM POLLICK SHELLEY PETERSEN LAURA DAYTON-HEAD \"Oh Pooh! \" \"Sabrina! !! I'm clueless too! Oh my \"Like, I'm shur like, WHATEVER!!\" \" Ughh!! Ouch! I think I broke my gosh , I forgot how to do that one! \" foot , HA HA!! DANELLE BAXA \"I refuse to do the wave' \" STACIE JACOBSEN \"Did I ever learn the words to that one? \" VARSITY CHEERLEADERS

\"HUSKIES, DON'T TAKE NO UMPH JIVE! \" KIM BUTTERFIELD Toe Touches. \" Shooot!\" \" Fine'\" EMILY CASPER The Goldie Hawn Girl. LESLIE LUNDBERG-HEAD SABRINA SEARLE STACY SHULSEN DEA A SNOW 'Yet 's Yo Yusk1es' ' \" Get serious \" Pam\"' Now how does that one go? \" Oh my gosh. I ktcked my head ·· o way' I'm not doing THAT' \" you guys' I am soc embarrassed '\" agam! lm cut! \" \" Get 1t sharper' \" SO GLEADERS




Tue a Abbott RobE-rt Ackl• y Rolando Alba Dav1d AldPr Cw1g Alldredg\" onn11' Allsop Brent AndPrsl'n Amy Anderson M, I'> lie Anderson R1chard Anderson Mark Andreason Tracy Andrews M1ke Antczak Me' ssa Anzures John Armstrong Collette Artu•burn DavP Atk1nson tE've Atkmson Doug Austm Wendy Ltsa Barber M1chelle Baros Todd Balliett Steve Barton Brooks BatPman SENIORS. FIRST ClASS'

Danell~ Baxa R1< hard B~ard Garry Bentley Br~nda Berstler Kurrm BKkmore Collette B1rd Berntce Bla1mer Barry Blough Scott Blu< k cott Boatnqht Kelly Bourdon John\"ly Bown Jana Boynton Boyd Bradshaw M1ke Brenneman Jerrald Bre, 1 k1 Br~ggs Joey Buhler Ken Bulkley M1ke Bullett Karen Burke SE IORS, FIRST CLASS1

M ry llmphell l onr Cml~on Juht moll Mrke (drson on)d Cdrter fro ,uter Ema Chanq Jdf Ctm (hrt~ Chnst n en lnUriP ( hrt t n t•n Kerrr Chrr~tenson Karen Clark Rrle\\ Cld~ ton ht>ldon \\ole Phrlhp Conder Blak•• Cook Just n Crow I<'\\ Maryann Cunliffe Krm Dahl ENIOR FIRSl Cl ASS'

Kathy Dame Chns Darueb Pete Dasov1ch Jeff Da~trup Ch •yl Dav1s Dma Dav1s K1m Dav1s Lat..ra Dayton Tammy Deason Tracy Delello Mtke Denn1son R1ck Despam Dar1n Dockstader Ann Doherty John Dmrance John Dowd Karen Duncan Randy [vPrPtt Ron FaPrber StPphaniP Farr Ph1ll1p Fe1gh M1ke FessendPn S JORS. FIRST CLASS1

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