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Home Explore 1978


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-13 11:45:50

Description: 1978 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1978,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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Mr. Garrison Vice Principals The computer attendance sys- tem, under the constant vigi- lance of Denny Kastelic, was refined this year to an exacting measurement of Husky attend- ance. Besides spending ardu - ous days with the computer and other educators interested in the system, she maintained an open-door policy with students - sometimes for a chat, some- times for a reprimand. She had a broad appreciation for stu- dent life and more especially individual student problems. A newcomer to Hillcrest, although not an unfamiliar per- sonality to many students, was Bruce Garrison. His success came from a firm but friendly manner, acquaintances with kids and their families, and a fluency in Spanish. He had spe- cial rapport with sophomores and juniors. He and Mrs. Kas- telic were known to cut through bushes, make illegal U-turns, and chase through alleys in heroic efforts to improve attendance. 17

S.A.Y means Shenff Ass1sting Y uth. Th1 was a program des1gned and et up by the Sher- iff's Off1ce to help students become acqua1nted with tne law. 20

Enn Lee 1s busy putting Information together for the school newspaper. Shirley McDonald and George Thrower Top: Cathy Free, Tonya Talbot, Sh1rley McDonald, Donna Schoenf1eld, Kerry Steele Middle: comb1ne the1r creat1ve 1deas to make the paper more exc1tmg Leann Maynes, M1chel C1sneros. Becky Stannard, J1m Youman, Mrs . Mitchell Bottom: Allen Markus. George Thrower. 22

Under the direction of Earlene Mitchell and the ed1tor, Kerry Steele, the Sentry staff ran on a tight production schedule. They produced the school newspaper and provided us with the facts we needed to know about the school and the activities per- formed at HHS. Comprom1se 1s the name of the game . Gosh! It hurts to thmk . A past paper 1s good reference matertal

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