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Cambridge Quantum Optics
For the purposes of this book,quantum opticsis the study of the interaction of individual photons, in the wavelength range from the infrared to the ultraviolet, with ordinary matter—e.g. atoms, molecules, conduction electrons, etc.—described by nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Our objective is to provide an introduction to this branch
of physics—covering both theoretical and experimental aspects—that will equip the
reader with the tools for working in the field of quantum optics itself, as well as its
applications. In order to keep the text to a manageable length, we have not attempted
to provide a detailed treatment of the various applications considered. Instead, we try
to connect each application to the underlying physics as clearly as possible; and, in
addition, supply the reader with a guide to the current literature. In a field evolving
as rapidly as this one, the guide to the literature will soon become obsolete, but the
physical principles and techniques underlying the applic

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