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Home Explore Nikon Microscope Range

Nikon Microscope Range

Published by rahulkumarchandan143, 2021-02-04 06:36:53

Description: Nikon Microscope Range

Keywords: Nikon Microscope Range


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Measuring Microscopes Measuring Microscopes MM-Series

MM-400 Series Nikon Measuring Microscopes MM-Type MM Series P4-5 Innovative measuring microscopes designed for MM-800 Series industrial measurement and image analysis. MM-Type • Greater accuracy P6-7 • Digital imaging and vision processing metrology • Stage sizes to handle larger stages for increased sample handling MM-400/800 Series • Non-contact Z-height measurements U-Type • Coordination with data processing systems P8 MM-400/800 Specifications P10-11 MM-200 Series P12-13 Stages P14-15 Accessories P16-22 System/Dimensional Diagrams P23-25

Focused on high-precision and easy operability, a wide range of MM products are available. Basic Model Large-Stage Model Compact Model MM-400 MM-800 MM-200 50×50 mm / 5 kg Stage Size/ 100×100 mm / 15 kg — — Loading 150×100 mm / 15 kg — — Capacity 200×150 mm / 20 kg — — 250×150 mm / 20 kg 150 mm — — 300×200 mm / 20 kg 110 mm Maximum Sample Height 200 mm — — Optical Monocular — Head Binocular * X-Y-Z 2-axis 1×/3×/5×/10× 3-axis CCD Obj. Magnification 1×/3×/5×/10×/20×/50×/100× *For C-mount video head only : Available / —: Not available MM Type Universal Type With Nikon's optical technology Offers a lineup compatible with stages, high-precision measurement dimensional measurement and various can be achieved. observation methods. 3

MM-4FA0T 0 AF MM-Type Series VT UFAVM FA MAMFM -4U0-EP0I /LMUFA UF-EAPI LED T ULEFDA L M T L U2-EPI M AF 2 T LED U-EPI AF FA ML LED AF FA UFA U-EPI 2 L FA UFA LED LED 2 UFA AF T L L ConfiRgured with PS 6x4B stage, T FAM trinocular optical FA head 2 DUAL VT VM UU-EFAPI MM-400/LV MAMF M -4U-0EPI0/LLVEDFA AF UF-EAPI LED LT FA ULEFDA L 2M UFA L 2 U-EPI 2T LED AF T AF M L FA V UV-EPI 2 AF M FA UFA AF FA UFA LED LED U-EPI FA UFA Universal Epi-illuminator FocusLing ALid R T Focusing Aid Function Icons UFA The Focusing Aid (FA) ensures accurate Z-axis focusing. A universal epi-illuminator with LED Focusing Aid (FA) mechanism. 2 DUAL L Built-in Z-axis Linear Scale T Trinocular Optical Head M Monocular Optical Head Z-axis reading is possible for T For applications where cost 2 non-contact height measurement. Ideal for configuration with performance is priority. 4 photomicrography equipment. U-EPI M M T U-EPI LED

AF M T FA T U-EPI M UFA M LED U-EPI LED MM-400/L MM-4U0-EP0I /SLL L 2 AF LED AF T 2 FA L FA M AF UFA 2 AF UFA U-EPI FA FA LED AF UFA LT UFA T FA M AF M 2 UFA T U-EPI FA T U-EPI M LED Configured with PS 4x4B stage, UFA M AF LED trinocular optical head MMT -4U0-E0PI L MM-4U0-EP0I /FSA L 2 M LED T LED UFA 2 U-EPI L ML LED 2 AF U-EPI 2 AL F FA T 2FA UFA LED AF M UFA FA L Configured with PS 2x2B stage, T monocular optical head U-EPI UFA 2 ConfiguredLwEitDh PS 2x2B stage, trinocular optical head L T M 2 Dual Side Coarse/Fine Focus Knob Variable Magnification Z-axis Motorized Motion Coarse/fine focus knobs are on both sides. M Two objective lenses can be U-EPI A dedicated controller provides attached, making magnification T easy and accurate up/down 5 changeover easy. movements. U-EPI Universal Epi-illuminator LED LED Illuminator LED Supports a wide range of M A high-intensity white LED applications. illuminator for brightfield use. L U-EPI L 2

MM-8FA0T 0 AF MM-Type Series TV UFAVM FA MAMFM -8U0-EP0I /LMUFA U-FEAPI LED T LUEFDA LM T L U2-EPI M AF 2 T LED U-EPI AF FA ML LED AF FA UFA U-EPI 2 L FA UFA LED LED 2 UFA AF T L ConLfiguredRwith PS 10x6B stage, T FAM trinocular optical FA head 2 DUAL VT VM UU-EFAPI MM-800/LV MAMFM -8U0-E0PI /LVLEFD A AF UF-EAPI LED LT FA ULEFDA L 2M UFA L 2 U-EPI 2T LED AF T AF M L FA V V 2 AF U-EPI FA UFA M AF FA UFA U-EPI FA LED LED UFA Universal Epi-illuminator T Focusing Aid Function Icons UFA FocusLing ALid R The Focusing Aid (FA) ensures A universal epi-illuminator with LED accurate Z-axis focusing. Focusing Aid (FA) mechanism. 2 DUAL L Built-in Z-axis Linear Scale T Trinocular Optical Head M Monocular Optical Head Z-axis reading is possible for T For applications where cost 2 non-contact height measurement. Ideal for configuration with performance is priority. 6 photomicrography equipment. U-EPI M M T U-EPI LED

T AF M FA T T U-EPI UFAM M MM-800/L MM-800/SLLAEFD U-EPI U-EPI AF AF FLA LED T LED FA LM L FA U2FA AF UFA U2-EPI 2 AF UFA FA FA T LED UFA TM L UFA T AF M AF M U-EPI 2 FA T U-EPI FA T U-EPI UFA LED M LELD Configured with PS 8x6B stage, UFA M AF LED trinocular optical FA head MM-8U0-EP0I L MM-8U0-EP0I /FSA L 2 T LED 2 T LED UFA 2 ML ML U-EPI 2 AF U-EPI 2 FA T LAEDF UFA LED AF M FLA FA L U2 FA U-EPI 2 Configured with PS 8x6B stage, trinocular optical head LED Configured with PS 8x6B stage, T L trinocular optical head UFA T M 2 Dual Side Coarse/Fine Focus Knob Variable Magnification Z-axis Motorized Motion Coarse/fine focus knobs are on both sides. M Two objective lenses can be U-EPI A dedicated controller provides attached, making magnification T easy and accurate up/down 7 changeover easy. movements. U-EPI Universal Epi-illuminator LED LED Illuminator LED Supports a wide range of M A high-intensity white LED applications. illuminator for brightfield use. L U-EPI L 2

UAFFA UFA MM-400/80FA0 SeT rieAFs U-Type UFAT MT FA MM-400/LMU MMM -8U0-EP0MI /LMUFAU U-EPTI ULE-EDPI LEDM LLED T AF U-LEPI 2L M AF U-EPI FA AF FA V V L2ED 2 LED AF UFA FAAF UAFFA AF L FA FA 2 L FA UFFAA Configured with PS 12x8B stage, UFAT UAFFA LV-U EPI2 universal epi-illuminator AF T UFA 2 UFA MMM -40FA0/U MMV -40FAV0M/LU T MU-EMPTI -4U0FA0T /SU MAMF T -4UU0-FEAP0I /SLUMT MM-800/U MM-800/LU MLEMDM -800M/SU MFAMM -8L0ED0/SUL-EPUMI U-ALEFPI U-EPTI UU-FEAPI L T UL-EEDPI L2EFAD LLEEDDM LED 2M LELD ULFA L U-LEPRI L T U-EPI 2L 2 DUL2EADL 2M LED 2 AF L AF U-EPI L FA T V AF Configured with PS 12x8C stage, LV-U EPI2 V universal epi-ill2uminator, tilting trinocular FA LED LE2D UFA eyepieMce tube with built-in reticle AF FA UFA FA L LR U-EPI UFA Focusing Aid DUAL UFA Universal Epi-illuminator T Focusing Aid Function Icons 2 A universal epi-illuminator with LED The Focusing Aid (FA) ensures Focusing Aid (FA) mechanism. accurate Z-axis focusing. L Built-in Z-axis Linear Scale T Trinocular Optical Head M Monocular Optical Head Z-axis reading is possible for T For applications where cost 2 non-contact height measurement. Ideal for configuration with performance is priority. 8 photomicrography equipment. U-EPI M M T U-EPI LED

MM Series High-Precision Type Nikon offers high-precision type measuring microscopes for Combination precision Standard precision: (2.5+L /50) µm customers who need higher precision. Type 1 is calibrated (example) High-precision Type 1: (2.0+L /50) µm by a certified engineer for customer site. Type 2 (available High-precision Type 2: (1.5+L /100) µm only for MM-800) is calibrated with high-precision stage at Nikon factory before shipment. Accuracy (with MM main body) Stage Error • 1.5+L/100 μm (Type 2)*1*2 PS 12x8C, PS 10x6B, PS 8x6B • 2.0+L/50 μm (Type 1)*2 PS 12x8C, PS 10x6B, • 2 .5+L/50 μm PS 8x6B, PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B, PS 2x2B (Standard Type; calibration data included) To ensure accuracy, both types require a temperature controlled room. Travel distance *1 Type 2 requires objective lens higher that 10x and vibration isolation table. *2 Please contact Nikon for details regarding Type 1 and Type 2. Plastic Gear Teeth with Smaller Module Laser AF Tracking on FPC AF FA UFA Black Injection Molding Parts - Connector AF AF FA T M FA UFA U-EPI PGAU-FInAsertion Pin AF Drill Bits LED Connector - Housing Inside L FA 2 Dual Side Coarse/Fine Focus T Knob UFA Coarse/fine focus knobs are on both sides. T M 9 Variable Magnification Z-axis Motorized Motion M Two objective lenses can be U-EPI A dedicated controller provides attached, making magnification T easy and accurate up/down changeover easy. movements. U-EPI Universal Epi-illuminator LED LED Illuminator LED Supports a wide range of M A high-intensity white LED applications. illuminator for brightfield use. L U-EPI L 2

MM-400/800 Specifications MM-400 Series MM-400 MM-400/S MM-400/L MM-400/SL MM-400/LM Built-in — Type Manual Motorized Z-axis movement (dual side coarse/fine focus knob) (max. speed: 10 mm/sec) MM contoller backpack interface Optical head — Built-in Built-in Z-axis linear scale Eyepiece inclination angle Monocular optical head, Trinocular optical head Monocular optical head, Trinocular optical head, Trinocular optical FA head Eyepiece — Built-in 25° MM Eyepiece for Monocular optical head, CFWN10x (Field No. 20) for Trinocular optical head Objective Measuring microscope objectives PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B, PS 2x2B Stage Diascopic Light source Episcopic LED diascopic illuminator (standard), 12V-50W halogen light source (option)*1 LED episcopic illuminator Maximum sample height 150 mm Dimensions (W x D x H) 300 x 600 x 638 mm Weight (approx.) 50 kg *1 TI-PS100W power supply is required MM-800 Series MM-800 MM-800/S MM-800/L MM-800/SL MM-800/LM Built-in — Type Manual Motorized Z-axis movement (dual side coarse/fine focus knob) (max. speed: 10 mm/sec) MM contoller backpack interface Optical head — Built-in Built-in Z-axis linear scale Eyepiece inclination angle Monocular optical head, Trinocular optical head Monocular optical head, Trinocular optical head, Trinocular optical FA head Eyepiece — Built-in 25° MM Eyepiece for Monocular optical head, CFWN10x (Field No. 20) for Trinocular optical head Objective Measuring microscope objectives PS 12x8C, PS 10x6B, PS 8x6B, PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B, PS 2x2B*2 Stage Diascopic LED diascopic illuminator (standard), 12V-50W halogen light source (option)*1 Light source Episcopic LED episcopic illuminator Maximum sample height 200 mm Dimensions (W x D x H) 385 x 785 x 725 mm 72 kg Weight (approx.) *1 TI-PS100W power supply is required *2 For PS 6x4B stages or smaller, a stage adapter is required 10

MM-400/LV MM-400/LVFA MM-400/U MM-400/SU MM-400/LU MM-400/SLU MM-400/LMU Built-in — Manual (dual side coarse/fine focus knob) Manual (dual side coarse/fine focus knob) Motorized (max. speed: 10 mm/sec) — — Built-in Built-in Variable magnification optical head, Variable magnification optical FA head C-TB binocular tube, LV-TI3 trinocular eyepiece tube, LV-TT2 tilting trinocular eyepiece tube (with built-in reticle) — — Built-in — 25° CFI10x (Field No. 22), CFI10x CM (Field No. 22) MM Eyepiece for Monocular optical head, CFWN10x (Field No. 20) for Trinocular optical head CFI60-2 TU Plan Fluor EPI series, CFI60-2 TU Plan Fluor BD series, CFI60 L Plan EPI CR series Low magnification: 1x, 3x, 5x, 10x PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B, PS 2x2B High magnification: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x LED diascopic illuminator (standard), 12V-50W halogen light source (option)* LED episcopic illuminator White LED illuminator LV-EPI LED, Universal epi-illuminator LV-U EPI2*1, Universal epi-illuminator U-EPI*1, Universal epi-illuminator with Focusing Aid LV-U EPI FA1, MM-LL LED Lamphouse (option for LV-U EPI and LV-U EPI2)*1 150 mm 300 x 600 x 638 mm 50 kg MM-800/LV MM-800/LVFA MM-800/U MM-800/SU MM-800/LU MM-800/SLU MM-800/LMU Built-in — Manual (dual side coarse/fine focus knob) Manual (dual side coarse/fine focus knob) Motorized (max. speed: 10 mm/sec) — — Built-in Built-in Variable magnification optical head, Variable magnification optical FA head C-TB binocular tube, LV-TI3 trinocular eyepiece tube, LV-TT2 tilting trinocular eyepiece tube (with built-in reticle) — — Built-in 25° — CFI10x (Field No. 22), CFI10x CM (Field No. 22) MM Eyepiece for Monocular optical head, CFWN10x CFI60-2 TU Plan Fluor EPI series, CFI60-2 TU Plan Fluor BD series, CFI60 L Plan EPI CR series (Field No. 20) for Trinocular optical head PS 12x8C, PS 10x6B, PS 8x6B, PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B, PS 2x2B*2 Low magnification: 1x, 3x, 5x, 10x High magnification: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x LED diascopic illuminator (standard), 12V-50W halogen light source (option)*1 White LED illuminator LV-EPI LED, Universal epi-illuminator LV-U EPI2*1, Universal epi-illuminator U-EPI*1, Universal epi-illuminator with Focusing Aid LV-U EPI FA, MM-LL LED Lamphouse (option for LV-U EPI and LV-U EPI2)*1 200 mm 385 x 785 x 725 mm 72 kg 11

MM-200 Compact, light, precise and easy to use measuring microscope for dimensioning and tolerancing Shortens measurement time with its built- in 50 x 50 mm stage and rotating table. Built-in light sources are all long-life white Features a space-saving design with a LEDs. The optional LED ring light enhances footprint equivalent to an A3 size sheet, edge observation with the use of an oblique or 420 x 297 mm*. illumination angle. *Value does not include handles A3 Size E-MAX set Combine digital camera with E-MAX software for advanced edge detection. Type Monocular Eyepiece Tube Type C-mount Video Head Type Optical head XYZ stroke MM-200 monocular optical head C-mount video head for MM-200 Stage accuracy Scale resolution 50 x 50 x 110 mm Max. loading weight Magnification accuracy 2.5 + L/50 μm (with LEC), 3 + L/50 μm (L = measurement length in mm) Objective lenses (WD) 0.01 / 0.1(default) / 1 / 10 μm Light sources 2 kg for guaranteed accuracy, 5 kg for operation Dimensions & weight 0.1 % Input voltage range MM-200 with E-MAX V2 set Standard: 3x (75.5 mm) Optional: 1x (79 mm), 5x (64 mm), 10x (48 mm) Standard: diascopic/episcopic (white LED) Optional: 8-segmented ring light (white LED) 316 x 455 x 533 mm (W x D x H), 40 kg 100 - 240 V (Max. 1.8 A) 12

MM-200 System Diagram MBJ99000 EDH20410 EDD52000 Eye Guard for Concentric Circles Epi-illuminator for CFWN 10x Eyepiece MM Monocular (0.2-4.6 mm diameters Optical Head in 0.2 mm increments) C-mount Camera MM Camera V2 EDG20100 EDG40105 EDC50100 J PPL00200 XY Reset Switch Eyepiece 10x MM Eyepiece Lens 10x MM-200 for Monocular Head C-mount Video PPL00100 Counter Remote Switch EDG20600 Head Protractor 10’ Reading EDC50305 EFE00202 Foot Switch 4 MM-200 Monocular Optical Head PXA20224 Connection Cable for Simultaneous Use EDG20701 of Remote and Foot Switch Protractor 1’ Reading A EFB50200 EDG50700 Digital Protractor for S H H 2-axis Digital Counter Monocular Head S S SC2-E1 EDF20010 EDF50001 TM Objective Lens 1x Measuring Microscope EDF20031 Objective Adapter TM Objective Lens 3x EDF20052 PPG40000 TM Objective Lens 5x Tilting Center Fixture A EDF20102 TM Objective Lens 10x P EXA20409 H MME39610 Illuminator Adapter C-FID Bifurcated Fiber Light Guide MNF52760 C-FLED LED2 EXK30024 MXK60234 MMF34910 MME39610 Light Source for Fiber C-FIR Ring Fiber Illuminator 8-segment LED Ring C-FRL Fluorescent Illuminator Guide LED Ring Light Illuminator Ring Lamp 8 W J MMF32920/MMF32940 EDA52000 C-FPS115/230 MM-200 Stand EXA20411 E-BUS Cable Fluorescent Ring MM Controller Backpack Interface Illuminator with Transformer Z: Manual Motion PAE08210 P P PAE00102 Power Cord (100-120V) MM AC Adapter PAE08410 Power Cord (220-240V) EFB51500 DP-E1A Data Processor Unit MM-200 Dimensional Diagram Unit: mm 99 94 Ø107 Ø150 198 Ø174 6XM6 7 mm Depth 13

Stages Stages for MM-800 series PS 12x8C Stage PS 10x6B Stage PS 8x6B Stage Stages for PS 6x4B MM-400 series Stage PS 4x4B Stage PS 2x2B Stage 14

Stage specifications Stage glass Stroke Reading Min. reading Rotation range Tool installation Loading capacity Weight (approx.) Type Surface area dimensions method screw hall 20 kg 67 kg 52 kg PS 12x8C 448 x 320 mm 330 x 230 mm 300 x 200 mm ±3° 16-M6 depth 10 15 kg 49 kg PS 10x6B 398 x 260 mm 305 x 190 mm 250 x 150 mm (Swivel plate) 12-M6 depth 10 5 kg 27.5 kg PS 8x6B 348 x 260 mm 255 x 190 mm 200 x 150 mm 10-M6 depth 10 23.5 kg PS 6x4B — 10-M6 depth 10 15.5 kg PS 4x4B Linear encoder 0.0001 mm 8-M6 depth 10 350 x 230 mm 210 x 160 mm 150 x 100 mm 284 x 230 mm 160 x 160 mm 100 x 100 mm PS 2x2B ø174 mm ø107 mm 50 x 50 mm 360° 6-M6 depth 7 Stage Accessories Stage Adapter Used to mount PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B, or PS 2x2B stages to MM-800. Rotating Tables Rotating Table Type 3 Used to rotate the sample and align it in the direction to which the stage moves. For PS 6x4B, PS 4x4B Rotating Table Type 4 For PS 12x8C*, PS 10x6B, PS 8x6B *When using rotating table type 4, stage stroke is limited for X and Y axis. Rotating table specifications Large Stage Adjustment Knob Table size Glass insert size Rotation range Tool installation screw hole Weight Enables fine adjustment of swivel (approx.) plate rotation for PS 12x8C, PS Rotating table type 4 ø282 mm ø262 mm 360° (uncalibrated) 6-M6 depth 9 10x6B and PS 8x6B. Rotating table type 3 ø204 mm ø165 mm 360° (uncalibrated) 6-M6 depth 10 8 kg 5 kg Tilting Center Fixture A Used to hold machined samples for MM-200, PS 2x2B, and Rotating Table Type 3. Max. sample diameter and Center height Tilting angle Weight (approx.) length when held level 45 mm 10° (in 1° increment) 2.2 kg ø68 x 120 mm 15

Accessories E-Max Series FOV Measurement with advanced digital image processing technology Combined with the V2 digital camera, E-MAX series software provides various Larger icons support touch screen advanced measurements and processing functions, ranging from 2D data processing operation environment and image measurement, to data storage. Automated edge detection with sub-pixel processing enables more precise and repeatable measurement. Finer video images and fast image transfer with Nikon’s innovative image processing technologies Navigation function Interactive operation wizards Functions provided by each set V2 set D set Data processing ✓ ✓ Navigation during replay ✓ Live video monitoring ✓ ✓ Chart measurement ✓ – Automated video edge detection ✓ – – DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Function Measured data can be immediately transferred to spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel®, making real-time SPC analysis possible. 16

DP-E1A Data Processor with improved accuracy and ease of use Effectively used in combination with a measuring microscope/profile projector, the DP-E1A quickly calculates geometrical features with simple and interactive operations. Measurement results are automatically memorized as teaching steps and can be easily used as a measurement routine. Simple & interactive operation Control panel LCD Coordinate reset keys Feature Oriented Operation allows the user to conduct measurements by following the graphics, providing a seamless measuring environment. Measurement results are automatically memorized as teaching steps and can be easily used as a measurement routine. DRO display List FILE INSERT GD&T compliance Measurement File control keys prompts, results EXT1 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing defined by the PRINT ANSI Y 14.5M Specification is supported. In addition to FILE FILE DISP. Numeric keys INSERT Location Tolerancing such as True Position, MMC and Function keys FILE DISP. RUN EXT1 LMC, determination of Form, Orientation and Runout INSERT DELETE F4 can be conducted interactively. Measurement code keys REPEAT INSERTF4 DELETE MACRO Multi-language support F1 DISP.F2FPIRLEINT DFIS3P. EXT1 EXT2 FILE English, German, Japanese and various other Asian PRINT DELETE EXT1 EXFTIL2E DISP. MacFro3keys DELETINESREURNT Data load key and European languages are supportedF. 1 F2 INSFE4RT INSERT DELETE F1 F2 FFIL3E PRDIINSTFP.4 RUN EXT2 EXT1 PRINT EXT1 EXT2 PRINT EXT1 EXT2 FILE DISP. F1 MeasureFc2odFe1key F3 F2 F4 F3 RFU4 N INSERT FILEDREULNEFT1E DISP. F2 code F3 X F4 RUN Macro key OTHERS RDEEPLEEATDTEisplay setting key INSERT F2MFFFO3311TFMMMH4E312XRFFS22MFfpmmCm•C[m•mC•f[Cs•eC••ORriBC32qvnooaaaaaeueeuRMLCPPeuTotiaEmlllllnetaacccccllFioFiMMMiaettnshFHnmiPttruuuuurssiiridp,pc4cioescm4uuenllllle2cEEeaaaaa423oll-tddhXtleerrtaeuratttttprmeeRAfeeeeeum/nslppedmoatTsssssaeSuciooagvipepternrtPeclmsiietlhalinneRcenoeenquitnrMosMrRttmiaditeuFctdssrFnuUdpFegepIlaOdetRrM1eofe333bNrXes1oerrNlneieelyeoTEnimfTetdApnrlFMmMtlHpePofmpoteseCrms4ommoioanEE3n4tMbeXiRiwmosentFnFtAyRenttraFtpo1tO-hf1n1tTslsrSOefsfoesr3ortreunqeiaoPo]sPmnTnrRetuRsmm]eMeMtRMtRHatsemUr-FUrIeOrIREtM2o4eN1eNew1dNNrRTdEnToATFMFtFHPSICMN442EEE4FRSM2RAXIMLFOMLETFST1RMF1FOER1111PE22RAMTMAFMRPMCU4FDFIR1EM3X2XNR11N1AEATOMTFPIICNN2EDME3XEFRFMSSADMXEEIXFIL2OMLFETLEO2OTIC•sC•SC•m[s•CtmSCtCmm•CmXLT31OwwSEC1RyyEReeaaaaaaaF1E2PTTP1TeeeeeITSDSssooRoRPFttlllllllMMnTMATFaaaaa2cccccccMFassttTH2RHReeio.ee2tmmuuuuuuusssssOsUUn33ttEuuDe2rmmEI2IEuuuuu4lllllllt3NgXNdaaaaaaaeeTpproaaNNrrrrrRRMttttttstaaeieeeeeHrxLFnTTeeeeeeenaoessidddddnSSFissssssscgEIrx2MaO4uusctNiiMepplplgPDi2trrRsiidticcEDiitMFRnnnn(nnaeeeooo3iAiSXiiiDRndDSErrEoXottstn3EeeddEILFiiiXMcceeeU(nnn2LsEtafDnssgRIOIMXRdLoTaIllXrrrLO3tttclyNSeetElSeisssRsNfnaMo3nEi1TEXuEEaasTFTeeernAPTMlttccPAteFcTnnMotmTRoo2cccMPtPHT22ue3a.esXCl.Fddcttt4epEDElmEE3ccFiiiEm)OXEaAb4ooo3FsFRoclcOooPliA3AennnRC)Tnioi4s4nnnOcrEtTMTTeoH]cttwpppRSotMIaaHArlMOoooNoeEfFedO4ccDEETriiiEFrO4eittnnnoRT3Sd3nDXXXEEnRItttmMttFTiHaSOLEhwnTRITXfffLMMSttH3rrrrSaEREewoT4eooo11ETEtEAM4PemmmReoHFTT2PR.ICRMFS4NEE4REMSEOER3RASFEAXLAPTFOCSEP4TMHTLECO4RERRMPRAMI1IOERD4RNNOAAPPTETRERRFDFAOEMEAEATSFSRURPDPRIMISIUUCCXIXLLELE4NDIIS1EENNENEETERNTRRNARMTAPAPTTF2T2OTTCO1T.TREM4EDRAEAFEEOLPTC4XLc•tIdFS[m•••tC•[kSRR••OEneeLFFReoiiPehEeuoDTDALssaaeMlRMMMRPIFRiiynOAtogennOncellDRDTcc2aTsEEMisOP2eertueewisdrUlrRaashhrssPiADEkIeaeLIItLpRuRno(nuuSestiircccSsANMtMs2URntneeNEplEeecuDtFiIrkrsorrUuLPPkomggmyrNTeDtaIat1Too1TnNk1esInrrsI.N.nLeOmcINNNeetTfeEke]EyetNEaPEtksiyhcFpTmFpORlnroaEkeeSSyAMFreeoiXeRrXoeIISusynneyeiLXLEULmEMtI3ynAXtlDuTTIgntLuEyi]ttENERtRtTOriNtb1o41cimpDEefRooTcTi1LTio)PnmlanAuRoiekTdnOacMRMtdOeeenPgpDtcUReTinsAIuy2ueoRMHN3dtmNUtsnfED4IuocsTFNaRbNDrDoorItS2iIfTefNndDDNmiEEEEIDElErFNgeFeIXSLIXESLDaFoEsXEXSSIRIMSfEcETLXLETEfIoEPTIXLPTALErTSE2PT2RETrMRoC..1E1TEEREE1fRPTATE3iTX2MOTl.TeXEL4TO1AFDIDION3NDDEDkFEEETFSDLDeESEEMEXFIHIXXLIOySLELIXELIXL1TEETTS4MASPEEERRTERTT121DP.PT2ATTES.T2E.ECEXRTRM2OAF•••DEdRRS•••SoPEAnenueweeeFcaDDOLEEFPDvtrtssCnct4iDdesfEouExxiEttieeaDaoceRcEEsirhtatnAsIrrXLustrhts12SpvvOiieIXpmLdTcpiEonTeSseeomF.PrltEkknTaspaT2oddskpkniP.2eyeeonT2urErdee.ekaiyyykncntiEyydsseeetfkupkyuysodrelLeacenuiyyfrymOtfceesotLeerAiefsnonOtsPtnDtRdaAitRnpaenUkDgoInpdNeNisFdenTiyant3tesrddming F1 F1 F2 M1 MF21 F3 M1 X F2 M2 M3 M4 CmMaelAacusCularRteeOds ppoiMticnht1sbetweeLnOmAMulDt2iple M3 X FF•Ssr44eyevDsteMstMierOsusm4p2iTpolMHanmcE4ooeRfvmleSo,ecMrnaoltAtaRcMMCtoPPEiARRoo3RXRPRnrCUUdOEIIaNRNiNNnAnTOITaTdNtFeSIOLEERTMTHE4RLLSOODAEDEEAXXDILRSMDTTEPE11TA.PECERAOTbeD•DneeeDttllewEeeEerttXeXleeeeessdTTtn2e2mfmilliekeseeatadsysiLutuuerOrrimneegmmsAfeeDilnnett X OTHERS M1 X OTHERS REPEAT C•mFFa1e1Mlaciusdula-XrtleieLndsOelminAeidsDdOleTFFHli22nEMeRf1rSom REPFE3AT M3 code and M1 M2 M3 M4 two MF23 point 3 M4 MAMC2RO control M1 LOAPDRINT EXT1 EXT2 M3 M4 MACRO X OTHERS REPEAT Retrofit UnitF1 F2 F3 To useF4DP-E1A with thReUfoNllowing models, a Retrofit Unit is required as an interface: 2 M3 M4 MACRO LOADMeasuring Microscopes MM-40/MM-60, MM-400S/SL, MM-800S/SL and Profile Projectors V-12B/V-20B X OTHERS REPEAT LOAD X OTHERS REPEAT LOAD M1 M2 M3 M4 MACRO M1 M2 M3 M4 MACRO X OTHERS REPEAT M1 M2 M3 M4 MACRO LOAD 17

Accessories Application Software for Measurement Support/Data Processing System Custom Fit QC: Report and chart generating Suitable for lot control of inspection data such as maximum value, minimum value, range, standard deviation, and process capability index. • Customization of inspection result sheets are possible, in addition to the 10 standard sheets • BMP and JPEG files can be pasted onto the inspection result sheets • Graphs can be automatically generated • Displays are adjustable between degree/minute/second • Easy to generate histograms, X-R control charts, and scatter diagrams Custom Create: Direct link to Excel worksheets Measurement data from counters and/or data processors can be transferred directly to Excel sheets. Multiple worksheets can be transferred at once, achieving efficient measurements. • Compatible measuring instruments: MM-400/800 series, DP-E1A, V-20B, V-12B • Allows data transfer to customized inspection-result sheet forms • 3 standard inspection result sheets are available Operating environment: Windows®7 or Windows®10 Microsoft Excel® 2003 or later Required memory: 512MB (min) Codevelopment: Aria Co., Ltd. 18

Counters 2-axis counter 3-Axis/2-Axis Counters Counter Remote Switch The display unit can be mounted on either side of Enables remote control of the counter's RESET and SEND. the main body. Counters can be connected with data processors and digital printers via the RS-232C port. 3-axis counter XY Reset Switch Can be attached to the main body to easily reset values while using the stage. Y-axis X-axis Digital Thermal Printer Calibration Scale 300mm TSP654II 2 Used to calibrate feeding accuracy of stage up to 300mm. The Connect to the MM-400/800 control box scale is made of low expansion glass to minimize thermal error. to print out values from the counter. Both 10mm-interval sensor patterns and calibrations are provided. Accuracy: Within 1μm against compensation values. TSP654II 2 Foot Switch Vibration Isolation Table Used to send load command to DP-E1A. Frees both hands to Provides a stable, even surface by reducing floor vibrations. enhance measurement efficiency. Compatible with measuring microscopes, data processing systems, external light modulators, and computers. Installation part (W x D) MM-400/800 Dimensions (W x D x H) 450 x 689 mm 1058 x 689 x 751 mm 19

Accessories Objectives 1x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x Direct C-mount Adapter These compact objectives feature long working distance and excellent resolution. Almost all have the same parfocal distances and come with lens adapters for quick and Used to install C-mount camera on the easy replacement. measuring microscope. • LV-TV tube is required • 3x objective is included with the measuring microscope Magnification 1x 3x 5x 10x 20x 50x 100x WD (mm) 79 75 64 49 20 15 4 Protractor Eyepieces (for MM Type only) Note: Monocular adapter is required when using these eyepieces with trinocular tubes Digital Protractor Eyepiece* 1-Minute Reading Eyepiece 10-Minute Reading Eyepiece Rotate crosshairs in the viewfield to Viewfield includes crosshairs and 60º lines. Viewfield includes crosshairs and angle indexes. measure angles. Angle indexes are read by appropriate When the knurled ring at the lower section of the Display unit: 1 minute, 10 minutes microscopes. eyepiece tube is turned, the crosshairs and the Measuring range: 360º vernier both rotate 180º. *Not available for S and SL models Illuminators Fiber-optics Illuminator Set Offers easily adjustable 8-Segment LED Ring Light brightness. The ring fiber Enables illumination from eight illuminator minimizes directions. shadows caused by any • C an be used with MM-400/800 unevenness on the sample surface. The bifurcated and E-MAX fiber enables illumination from two directions. • R S-232C cable comes standard • Cannot be used with metallurgical microscope objectives • E -BUS cable is required to • C annot be mounted when using 20x, 50x and 100x measuring control with E-MAX microscope objectives Ring Illuminator Adapter LED Ring Illuminator Can be used to mount fiber-optic, Ideal for use in a production environment as LEDs have long product fluorescent lamp, and LED ring illuminator. life. Uses white LEDs with a variable intensity control and constant • C annot be mounted with 8-segment LED color temperature. • Cannot be used with metallurgical microscope objectives Ring Light • Cannot be mounted when 20x, 50x and 100x measuring 20 microscope objectives are used

High-performance Objective Lenses Standard objective lenses CFI60-2 TU Plan Fluor Series Suitable for various research, analysis, and examination needs, while maintaining Nikon’s commitment to high NA and long working distance. Offering high resolution and ease of use, these objectives can be used for brightfield, darkfield, simple polarizing, DIC and UV epifluorescence observations. TU Plan Fluor series Objective lenses with correction ring L Plan EPI CR series of objective lenses with correction ring CFI60 L Plan EPI CR Series Objectives for use with thin cover-glass used in liquid crystal displays and highly integrated, dense devices. Coverglass correction can be continuously made from 0mm up to 1.2mm (0-0.7mm and 0.6-1.3mm for 100x). The 100x objective lens offers 0.85 high NA, while enabling high- contrast imaging of cells and patterns without being affected by the coverglass. Without correction (50x) With correction at 0.7mm (50x) CFI60/CFI60-2 Series Magnification NA W.D. (mm) Brightfield/Darkfield Magnification NA W.D. (mm) Brightfield 2.5x 0.075 8.8 Type 5x 0.15 18.0 Type 1x 0.03 4.0 TU Plan Fluor BD 10x 0.30 15.0 2.5x 0.075 6.5 20x 0.45 4.5 L Plan EPI 5x 0.15 23.5 TU Plan BD ELWD 50x 0.80 1.0 T Plan EPI 10x 0.30 17.5 TU Plan Apo BD 100x 0.90 1.0 20x 0.45 4.5 20x 0.40 19.0 TU Plan Fluor EPI 50x 0.80 1.0 50x 0.60 11.0 100x 0.90 1.0 100x 0.80 4.5 TU Plan EPI ELWD 20x 0.40 19.0 50x 0.80 2.0 50x 0.60 11.0 100x 0.90 2.0 T Plan EPI SLWD 100x 0.80 4.5 150x 0.90 1.5 10x 0.20 37.0 TU Plan Apo EPI 20x 0.30 30.0 50x 0.40 22.0 100x 0.60 10.0 50x 0.80 2.0 100x 0.90 2.0 150x 0.90 1.5 With correction mechanism Type Magnification NA W.D. (mm) Glass thickness correction range (mm) 0.45 10.9-10.0 0-1.2 CFI L Plan EPI CR 20x 0.7 3.9-3.0 0-1.2 0.85 1.2-0.85 0-0.7 CFI L Plan EPI CR 50x 0.85 1.3-0.95 0.6-1.3 CFI L Plan EPI CRA 100x CFI L Plan EPI CRB 100x 21

Accessories Tilting trinocular eyepiece tube The LV-TT2 tilting trinocular eyepiece tube with built-in reticle offers comfort to all users, regardless of their viewing positions. The optical path changeover of 100:0/20:80 allows simultaneous use of a monitor. Manual nosepieces A variety of manual control nosepieces are available to suit all needs. Brightfield Darkfield DIC ○ C-N6 ○ —— L-NBD5 ○ L-NU5 ○— ○○ ○ : Supported -: Not supported New light source for EPI illuminators A newly designed compact LED EPI lamphouse for brightfield, darkfield, and DIC observations has been added to the existing lineup. Templates Standard Concentric The following dedicated templates are available to facilitate profile comparison and measurements. Templates are designed for 3x objectives. • Standard angle templates (standard) • Concentric (diameter 0.2-4.6)* *Cannot be attached to monocular type 22

Dimensional Diagram MM-800/LM Unit: mm PS 12x8C Stage 23 Note: Dimensions will vary, depending on which stage and eyepiece tube are used. MM-400/M PS 2x2B Stage MM-400LV MM-400/LUFA PS 6x4B Stage PS 6x4B Stage MM-400/L MM-800/LU PS 4x4B Stage PS 8x6B Stage MM-800/L MM-800/LMU PS 10x6B Stage PS 12x8C Stage

MM-400/800 System Diagram MBJ99000 N EDG40105 C-mount Camera MM Camera V2 Eye Guard for MM Eyepiece Lens 10x CFWN 10x Eyepiece EDG20100 for Monocular Head N MQD42005 Eyepiece 10x N C-mount Adapter N EXA20340 MBJ20105 MBB63435 EDG20600 Monocular Eyepiece ME CFWN 10x EDB40205 LV-TV Tube T Protractor 10’ Reading Tube Adapter Binocular Tube K N EDG20701 C C EDG50700 Protractor 1’ Reading A Digital Protractor for Monocular Head L EDH40400 EDD50001 MBE60300 MBE60201 Concentric Circles LED Epi-illuminator LV-U EPI2 LV-UEPI-N Reticle (0.2-4.6mm diameters in 0.2mm EDD52001 FV FV increments) Epi-illuminator for MM400/800 Monocular UD Optical Head K M EDC50005 EDC50200 EDC51000 EDC51200 FA EDC52005 Trinocular Optical Head Trinocular Optical D Variable Magnification Variable Magnification Monocular Optical Head D FA Head Optical Head D Optical Head DM EDC54005 C U U U Bracket Mount LV L CC C H H Objective Lens H S S EXK30083 8-segment Ring Illuminator for Variable Objective Lens S S Magnification Optical Head EDF50001 Measuring Microscope EXA20411 P Objective Adapter E-BUS J Cable EDF20010 P PJ Objective Lens 1x EDF20031 A AA Objective Lens 3x EDF20052 EDA54300 EDA54400 E EE Objective Lens 5x MM-400/S 400/SL Stand F FF EDF20102 Z: Manual Motion Objective Lens 10x SL: Z-axis Scale EDF20201 H Objective Lens 20x EDF20501 MME39610 Objective Lens 50x C-FID Bifurcated EDF21001 Fiber Light Guide Objective Lens 100x MME49600 C-FID2 Double EDA54000 EDA54100 EDA54200 Arm Fiber Light MM-400 400/L Stand MM-400/LM Stand Guide MM Controller Backpack Interface MM Controller Backpack Interface Z: Manual Motion Z Motorized Control with Linear Scale L: Z-axis Scale EXA20409 E EDD51001 G Illuminator Adapter LED Dia-illuminator EXK30024 MXK60234 MNF52760 V EDD52200 8-segment LED Ring C-FLED2 LED Light Source EDD55810 Halogen Light LED Ring Light Illuminator for Fiber Illuminator MM-LL LED Intensity Lamphouse Control Cable MXA23045 MEF52251 Q F LV-HL50W TI-PS100W EDD55805 12V50W-LL Power Supply MM-U Epi Halogen Lamp P Lamphouse LV MXA 20095 J 12V50W Lamp EXA20411 E-BUS Cable 24

MBB92106 MBB63425 EDB50300 PPG40000 C-TB Binocular Tube LV-TI3 Trinocular K LV-TT2 Tilting Trinocular Eyepiece Tube Tilting Center Eyepiece Tube Fixture A with Built-in Reticle PPB27700 PXA20225 PPE50110 PS 2x2B Stage Large Stage Adjustment Knob Rotating Table Type A PPB57700 PS 8x6B Stage B EDC52200 MBE60500 LV-U EPI FA LV-EPI LED E PPE42100 G Rotating Table Type 3 R PPB37700 PPB67700 PS 10x6B Stage PS 4x4B Stage B A L-NU5 U5 Nosepiece L-NBD5 BD5 Nosepiece C-N6 Nosepiece PPB47700 PPB77700 MBP60115 MBP60125 MBP71315 PS 6x4B Stage PS 12x8C Stage A B EFH28000 TU PLAN FLUOR BD MXA23017 MM Stage Adapter for MM800 Objective Lens LU Nosepiece Adapter B MUE42050, etc. M32-25 TU PLAN FLUOR EPI Objective Lens MUE12050, etc. P PJ B BB EDA58300 EDA58400 E E E MM-800/S 800/SL Stand F F F Z: Manual Motion SL: Z-axis Scale EFB50200 EDA58000 EDA58100 EDA58200 2-axis Digital Counter MM-800 800/L Stand MM-800/LM Stand J SC2-E1 MM Controller Backpack Interface MM Controller Backpack Interface Q Z: Manual Motion Z Motorized Control with Linear Scale EFB50300 L: Z-axis Scale Power Source Unit for 3-axis Digital Counter Motorized Z-axis SC3-E1 PPL00200 Motorized Z-axis Console XY Reset Switch EFE00202 PPL00100 P PAE00102 Foot Switch 4 Counter Remote MM AC Adapter Switch P E-MAX Q PAE08210/410 EFB51500 V2 Type Desktop PC Power Cord Data Processor Console DP-E1A E-MAX R MQF52056 D Type DS AC Adapter Desktop PC 25

Suggested Configuration Chart MM-Type Model MM-400/S MM-400 MM-400/L MM-400/SL MM-400/LM MM-800/S MM-800 MM-800/SL MM-800/L MM-800/LM Z-axis Motion Manual Manual Manual Manual Motorized Manual Manual Manual Manual Motorized Z-axis Scale MM Controller Backpack Interface No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Stage – No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Head PS 6x4B PS 6x4B PS 8x6B PS 10x6B PS 10x6B PS 12x8C PS 12x8C PS 4x4B PS 2x2B PS 6x4B Trinocular Trinocular Trinocular Trinocular FA Trinocular FA Trinocular Monocular Trinocular – 8-seg. LED – White LED – 8-seg. LED 8-seg. LED – Ring – Ring – Ring Ring Illuminators – – Fiber Ring E-MAX V2 DP-E1A E-MAX V2 E-MAX V2 ✓ ✓ ✓ Product Code Data Processors – – DP-E1A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA54000 MM-400 Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ EDA54100 MM-400/L Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA54200 MM-400/LM Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Main Body Stand EDA54300 MM-400/S Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA54400 MM-400/SL Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ EDA58000 MM-800 Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA58100 MM-800/L Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA58200 MM-800/LM Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA58400 MM-800/SL Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDA58300 MM-800/S Stand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PAE00102 MM AC Adapter ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PAE08210/410 Power Cable ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDC52005 Monocular Optical Head ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDG40105 MM Eyepiece Lens 10x for Monocular ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Head ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EDC50005 Trinocular Optical Head ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Optical Head and Eyepiece Tube/ EDC50200 Trinocular Optical FA Head ✓ Lenses Illuminators ✓ EDB40205 Binocular Tube ✓ ✓ MBJ20105 CFWN 10x Eyepiece (2pcs) ✓ ✓ EDD51001 LED Dia-illuminator ✓ EDD50001 LED Epi-illuminator EDD52001 Epi-illuminator for MM400/800 Monocular Optical Head EXK30024 8-segment LED Ring Light (100-240V) EXA20411 E-BUS Cable PAE08210/410 Power Cable EXA20409 Illuminator Adapter MME39610 C-FIR Ring Fiber Illuminator Guide MNF52760 C-FLED2 LED Light Source for Fiber Illuminator MXK60234 LED Ring Illuminator (100-240V) (ESD Type only) Objective EDF20031 Objective Lens 3x Lenses EDF20102 Objective Lens 10x EDF50001 Measuring Microscope Objective Adapter PPB27700 PS 2x2B Stage Stages and Rotating Tables PPB37700 PS 4x4B Stage PPB47700 PS 6x4B Stage PPB57700 PS 8x6B Stage PPB67700 PS 10x6B Stage PPB77700 PS 12x8C Stage EFH28000 MM Stage Adapter for MM800 (PS 6x4B or smaller) PXA20225 Large Stage Adjustment Knob PPE42100 Rotating Table Type 3 PPE50110 Rotating Table Type 4 EFB50200 2-axis Digital Counter SC2-E1 EFB50300 3-axis Digital Counter SC3-E1 Data Processing System and Printer EFB51500 Data Processor Console DP-E1A PXA20218 SC-213 Z-signal Cable PPL00200 XY Reset Switch EFE00202 Foot Switch 4 EXK30314 Thermal Printer Model TSP654II 2 EXA20478 9-25 Pins RS-232C Cross Cable (2m) EXK30105 Printer Paper PAE08210/410 Power Cable EDF11000 Data Processing Software E-MAX EXA20371 E-MAX Calibration Plate EDE50100 MM Camera V2 EDE50110 MM Camera V2 Cable MBB63435 LV-TV Tube MQD42005 C-mount Adapter • MM Cable for Simultaneous Use (PXA20224) is required for simultaneous use of Foot Switch and [RESET/SEND] buttons. 26

U-Type Model MM-400/U MM-400/LU MM-400/LMU MM-800/SU MM-800/LU MM-800/SLU MM-800/LMU MM-800/LMU MM-800/SLU Z-axis Motion Manual Manual Motorized Manual Manual Manual Motorized Manual Manual Z-axis Scale No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No MM Controller Backpack Interface Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Stage PS 4x4B PS 4x4B PS 6x4B PS 8x6B PS 12x8C PS 10x6B PS 12x8C PS 12x8C PS 10x6B Head C-TB TT2 TI3 TI3 TT2 TT2 TT2 TT2 TI3 Illuminator LV-EPI LED LV-U EPI FA LV-U EPI2 LV-U EPI LV-U EPI FA LV-U EPI FA LV-U EPI FA LV-U EPI2 LV-U EPI FA Illuminators – E-MAX V2 E-MAX V2 – E-MAX V2 – E-MAX V2 E-MAX V2 – Product Code Data Processors BF BD-DIC BD-DIC-FL BF BD-DIC BD BD-DIC BD-DIC-FL BF EDA54000 EDA54100 MM-400 Stand ✓ EDA54200 Main Body Stand, U-bracket and EDA54400 MM-400/L Stand ✓ Illuminator EDA58000 ✓ EDA58100 MM-400/LM Stand EDA58200 EDA58400 MM-400/SL Stand EDA58300 PAE00102 MM-800 Stand PAE08210/410 EDC54005 MM-800/L Stand ✓ EDD51001 ✓✓ PPB37700 MM-800/LM Stand PPB47700 ✓✓ PPB57700 MM-800/SL Stand PPB67700 PPB77700 MM-800/S Stand ✓ EFH28000 ✓ PXA20225 MM AC Adapter ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ PPE42100 ✓ ✓ PPE50110 Power Cable ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓ EFB50200 ✓ 2pcs ✓ EFB50300 U Bracket Mount LV ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓ PXA20218 EFE00202 LED Dia-illuminator (used for U-FA as Epi-illuminator) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2pcs ✓ 2pcs ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ 2pcs EDF11000 Stages and Rotating Tables EXA20371 PS 4x4B Stage ✓ ✓ EDE50100 EDE50110 PS 6x4B Stage ✓ MBB63435 ✓ MQD42005 PS 8x6B Stage ✓ MBE60500 ✓ MQF52056 PS 10x6B Stage ✓ ✓✓ PAE08210/410 ✓ ✓ ✓✓ MBE60201 PS 12x8C Stage ✓ EDC52200 ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓ MBE60300 MM Stage Adapter for MM800 (PS 6x4B or smaller) ✓ MBN66750 ✓ ✓ MBN66760 Large Stage Adjustment Knob ✓ EDD55805 ✓ ✓✓ EDD55810 Rotating Table Type 3 ✓ ✓ ✓✓ EDD52200 ✓ MXA23045 Rotating Table Type 4 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ MEF52251 ✓ ✓ ✓✓ Data Processing System and PAE08210/410 2-axis Digital Counter SC2-E1 ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ Printer MBB92106 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ MBB63425 3-axis Digital Counter SC3-E1 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ EDB50300 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ MAK10110 SC-213 Z-signal Cable ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ MAK12105 ✓✓ MBP60115 Foot Switch 4 ✓✓ MBP60125 MBP71316 Data Processing Software E-MAX MUE12050 MUE12100 E-MAX Calibration Plate MUE21200 MUE21500 MM Camera V2 MUE42050 MUE42100 MM Camera V2 Cable MUE61200 MUE61500 LV-TV Tube MUE61900 MBP60170 C-mount Adapter MBN66923 U-Epi Illuminators MBN66922 LV-EPI LED ✓ MBN66921 DS AC Adapter 2 ✓ Power Cable ✓ LV-U EPI (BF DF DIC) LV-U EPI FA ✓ ✓✓✓ ✓ LV-U EPI2 (BF DF DIC FL) ✓ 2pcs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Filters and Light Sources YM-NCB25 NCB11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ YM-ND25 ND4/ND16 ✓ ✓ ✓ MM-U Epi Lamphouse LV ✓ ✓ ✓ MM-LL LED Lamphouse ✓ ✓ Halogen Light Intensity Control Cable ✓ ✓ ✓ LV-HL50W 12V50W-LL Halogen Lamp ✓ ✓ ✓ TI-PS100W Power Supply (100-240V) ✓ ✓ Power Cable ✓ Tubes and Eyepiece C-TB Binocular Tube ✓ Lenses LV-TI3 Trinocular Eyepiece Tube ✓ ✓✓✓✓ LV-TT2 Trinocular Tube with Built-in Reticle ✓ CFI 10x Eyepiece ✓ ✓ ✓✓ CFI 10x CM Eyepiece with Crosshairs ✓ ✓ ✓ Revolving L-NU5 U5 Nosepiece ESD ✓ Nosepiece ✓ L-NBD5 BD5 Nosepiece ✓ ✓ C-N6 Nosepiece (up to 5 objective lenses) ✓ ✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓ TU PLAN FLUOR EPI 5x ✓ ✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓ Objective Lenses and Accessories TU PLAN FLUOR EPI 10x ✓ ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ TU PLAN EPI ELWD 20xA ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ TU PLAN EPI ELWD 50xA ✓ ✓✓ TU PLAN FLUOR BD 5x ✓✓ ✓✓ TU PLAN FLUOR BD 10x ✓✓ ✓✓ TU PLAN BD ELWD 20x ✓✓ ✓✓ TU PLAN BD ELWD 50x ✓✓ TU PLAN BD ELWD 100x ✓ ✓ L2-DIC DIC Prism for Eclipse Microscopes LV-PO Polarizer for LV-U EPI2 (MBE60200) L-AN Analyzer for LV-U EPI2 (MBE60200) YM-PO Polarizer for LV-U EPI FA (EDC52200) 27

LED Episcopic & Diascopic Illuminator is a Class 1 LED Product CLASS 1 LED PRODUCT 8-segment LED Ring Light is a Class 2 LED Product CAUTION – CLASS 2 LED RADIATION DO NOT STARE INTO THE BEAM ISO/IEC 17025 Certified Nikon Corporation Industrial Metrology Business Unit is certified as an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory for measuring microscopes and measuring projectors (profile projectors) by the Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment. (ISO/IEC 17025: International standard, which specifies the general requirements to ensure that a laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests and/or calibrations) Date of Initial accreditation: September 8, 2006 Scope of accreditation: Measuring microscopes Accredited section: Industrial Metrology Business Unit Calibration site: Customer’s laboratory (field service) Expanded Uncertainty: X/Y-axis indication accuracy of measuring microscopes Linear scale up to 300 mm: (0.70 + 5.0 x 10–3 x L) μm Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. August 2019 ©2003-19 NIKON CORPORATION WARNING TO ENSURE CORRECT USAGE, READ THE CORRESPONDING MANUALS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR EQUIPMENT. N.B. Export of the products* in this catalog is controlled under the Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law. Appropriate export procedure shall be required in case of export from Japan. *Products: Hardware and its technical information (including software) Company names and product names appearing in this brochure are their registered trademarks or trademarks. NIKON CORPORATION ISO 14001 Certified for NIKON CORPORATION Shinagawa Intercity Tower C, 2-15-3, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6290, Japan ISO 9001 Certified phone: +81-3-6433-3703 fax: +81-3-6433-3784 for NIKON CORPORATION Industrial Metrology Business Unit NIKON METROLOGY EUROPE NV NIKON METROLOGY, INC. NIKON MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. Geldenaaksebaan 329, 3001 Leuven, Belgium 12701 Grand River Avenue, Brighton, MI 48116 U.S.A. MALAYSIA phone: +60-3-7809-3688 fax: +60-3-7809-3633 phone: +32-16-74-01-00 fax: +32-16-74-01-03 phone: +1-810-220-4360 fax: +1-810-220-4300 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] PT. NIKON INDONESIA INDONESIA phone: +62-267-864-3949 fax: +62-267-864-3950 [email protected] NIKON METROLOGY UK LTD. NIKON CANADA INC. UNITED KINGDOM phone: +44-1332-811-349 fax: +44-1332-639-881 CANADA phone: +1-905-602-9676 fax: +1-905-602-9953 NIKON SALES (THAILAND) CO., LTD. E-mail: [email protected] THAILAND phone: +66-2633-5100 fax: +66-2633-5191 NIKON MEXICO-Metrology Showroom NIKON METROLOGY SARL MEXICO phone: +52 (442) 688 5067 NIKON INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED FRANCE phone: +33-1-60-86-09-76 fax: +33-1-60-86-57-35 E-mail: [email protected] INDIA phone: +91-124-4688500 fax: +91-124-4688527 E-mail: [email protected] NIKON INSTRUMENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. NIKON METROLOGY GMBH GERMANY phone: +49-6023-91733-0 fax: +49-6023-91733-229 CHINA (Shanghai branch) phone: +86-21-6841-2050 fax: +86-21-6841-2060 E-mail: [email protected] (Beijing branch) phone: +86-10-5831-2028 fax: +86-10-5831-2026 (Guangzhou branch) phone: +86-20-3882-0551 fax: +86-20-3882-0580 NIKON INSTRUMENTS S.p.A. ITALY phone: +39-055-300-96-01 fax: +39-055-30-09-93 NIKON INSTRUMENTS KOREA CO., LTD. KOREA phone: +82-2-2186-8400 fax: +82-2-555-4415 NIKON SINGAPORE PTE LTD. SINGAPORE phone: +65-6559-3651 fax: +65-6559-3668 [email protected] Printed in Japan (1908-02)T Code No. 2CE-IHMH-7 This brochure is printed on recycled paper made from 40% used material. En

Stereo Microscopes The World Leading Stereo Microscope Range Stereo Microscopes

Image courtesy of Julie C. Canman, Ph.D., Columbia University The Next Revolution in Microscopy A Giant Step Forward in Stereo Microscopy Nikon offers a broad range of stereo microscopes and accessories, including a research stereo microscope system with the world’s highest zoom ratio, superb resolution and bright fluorescence imaging. Also features other versatile parallel-optics type models suitable for various applications and Greenough-type models that are user-friendly and affordable. SMZ25 SMZ18 SMZ1270/ SMZ800N 1270i Optical system Parallel-optics type Zoom ratio 25:1 18:1 12.7:1 8:1 0.63-15.75× 0.75-13.5× 0.63-8× 1-8× Zooming range 3.15-945× 3.75-810× 3.15-480× 5-480× Total magnification*1 (6.3-157.5X) (7.5-135X) (6.3-80X) (10-80X) (with standard set*2) 70mm 78mm Working distance*3 60mm 60mm ○ ○ ○ ○ Image capture ○ ○ ○ ○ ― ― ○ ○ System expandability Embedded use 2

Index Accessories (for SMZ1270/1270i, SMZ800N, SMZ745/745T, SMZ445/460, SMZ-2) Stereo Microscopes • SMZ25, SMZ18‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 4 • Objectives, Auxiliary Objectives‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 18 • SMZ1270/1270i, SMZ800N‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 8 • Nosepieces, Tubes, Eye-level Riser, • SMZ745/745T‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 12 • SMZ445/460, SMZ-2‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 13 Intermediate Tubes‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 19 • Stages, Observation Attachments‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 20 Accessories (for SMZ25, SMZ18) • Illumination Systems‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 21 • Base Unit, Focus Unit, Stand/Focus Mount‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 14 • Stands‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 22 • Objectives, Tubes, Nosepiece/Focus Mount Adapter, • Universal Table Stands/Focusing Mounts‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 23 Stage‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 15 Specifications/System Diagrams • Controller, Darkfield Observation Accessory, Polarizing • System Diagrams (SMZ25/18)‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 24 • Specifications (SMZ25/18)‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 25 Observation Accessory, Epi-fluorescence Set‥ ‥‥‥‥‥ 16 • System Diagrams • Fiber Illuminator Set, Coaxial Illuminator, (SMZ1270/1270i/800N, SMZ745/745T)‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 26 Ring LED Illuminator‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 17 • Specifications‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 28 SMZ745/SMZ745T SMZ445/ SMZ-2 SMZ460 Optical system Greenough type 7.5:1 4.4:1 / 4.3:1 5:1 Zoom ratio Zooming range 0.67-5× 0.8-3.5× / 0.7-3× 0.8-4× Total magnification*1 3.35-300× 4-70× (8-35X)/ 4.8-120× (with standard set*2) (6.7-50X) 3.5-60× (7-30X) (8-40X) Working distance*3 77.5mm Image capture 115mm 100mm System expandability Embedded use ○ (SMZ745T) ― ― 3 ― ―― ○ ○○ *1 Depends on the combination of eyepiece and objective lens *2 With a 10x eyepiece and a 1x objective *3 With a 1x magnification without auxiliary objective

Parallel-optics type Research Stereo Microscope Evolutionary stereo microscope Nikon has developed a stereo microscope that features a large zoom ratio of 25:1, high resolution and exceptional fluorescence transmission capability. These models meet the increasing needs for imaging systems that span spatial scales from single cells to whole organisms. World’s widest zoom range and highest Bright, high-contrast fluorescent images resolution for a stereo microscope • F irst stereo microscope to offer a 25:1 zoom range (SMZ25) • Fly-eye lens ensures uniform brightness over the entire field • B oth eye paths boast numerical apertures (NA) of up to 0.156, of view even at the lowest magnifications using the SHR Plan Apo 1x objective and SMZ25 • Breakthroughs in optical design mean significantly improved signal to noise ratio and crystal clear fluorescent images Automation and digital imaging Easy to use • Motorized focus and zoom operation (SMZ25) • User-friendly remote control (SMZ25) • Imaging Software NIS-Elements enables the use of multiple • Easy-to-operate slim LED DIA base with OCC illumination imaging, processing and analysis modalities, including z-stack capture, time-lapse imaging and EDF image • Wide range of illuminators and accessories that generation accommodate a variety of observation methods Motorized zoom model with the Manual zoom model providing advanced highest zoom ratio and resolution in optical performance and incredibly bright the SMZ series fluorescence at an attractive price Model SMZ25 SMZ18 Type Motorized zoom Manual zoom Observation Brightfield/Darkfield/Fluorescence/Simple polarizing Zoom ratio 25:1 18:1 Magnification range 0.63x - 15.75x Maximum magnification 0.75x - 13.5x 315x*1 (with 0.75/1/2/3/4/5/6/8/10/12/13.5x click stops) 270×*1 Maximum FOV ø70 mm*2 ø59 mm*2 Maximum NA of 0.312*3 0.3*3 *1: Using SHR Plan Apo 2x/ C-W10xB *2: Using SHR Plan Apo 0.5x/ C-W10xB *3: Using SHR Plan Apo 2x 4

Remarkable resolution and the world’s widest zoom range Dynamic zoom ratio of 25:1 SMZ25 0.63x 2x 5x 15.75x An innovative optical system known as “Perfect Zoom Optics” offers the world’s first zoom ratio of 25:1 (zoom range: 0.63x - 15.75x). The SMZ25 can seamlessly capture the entire dish while simultaneously delivering microscopic details. Auto Link Zoom (ALZ) supports seamless viewing at different scales SMZ25 ALZ automatically adjusts the zoom factor to maintain the same field of view when switching objective lenses. This function enables seamless switching between whole organism imaging at low magnifications and detailed imaging at high magnifications. SHR Plan Apo 0.5× SHR Plan Apo 2× zoom 6× zoom 1.5× 3Maintains FOV at total magnification of × Superior resolution never before seen on a stereo microscope SMZ25 SMZ18 Newly developed SHR (Super High Resolution) Plan Apo series Comparison of resolution and color aberration by objectives offers a resolution of 1100LP/mm (observed value, using resolution chart SHR Plan Apo 2x at maximum zoom). The 0.5x, 1x, or 1.6x lower magnification objectives deliver a bright field of view and brilliant SMZ25 Conventional model images with true-to-life colors. All the SHR lenses are parfocal with each other. When used together with the accessory nosepiece, refocusing after a lens change will not be needed. 5

Parallel-optics type Bright, high-contrast fluorescent images SMZ25 SMZ18 Enhanced brightness and uniform illumination in a low magnification range The SMZ25 series is the first stereo microscope in the world to use a fly-eye lens on New epi- uorescence attachment an epi-fluorescence attachment. This ensures bright, uniform illumination even at low magnifications across a large field of view. Lens Lens Improved S/N ratio and crystal clear fluorescent images thanks to Light source an improved optical system Nikon has succeeded in improving the signal and reducing noise in fluorescent Fly-eye lens uniformly images by using a short-wavelength, high-transmission Fluor lens. This enables illuminates the entire eld observations of cell division and samples with weak fluorescence, both of which are of view difficult to observe and record images using conventional stereo microscopes. Sample images (Brightfield) (Fluorescence) Fertilized mouse egg 2 days old Transgenic Zebrafish embryo, Board Image courtesy of Kazuo Yamagata, Ph.D., Center for Tg (isl1-GFP) Genetic Analysis of Biological Responses, Research Institute (using SHR Plan Apo 1x at zoom magnification of 6x with SMZ25) for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University Image courtesy of Hisaya Kakinuma, Ph.D., Laboratory for Developmental Gene Regulation, Developmental Brain Science Group, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Automation and digital imaging SMZ25 SMZ18 A wide range of digital imaging capabilities with the Digital Sight series and NIS-Elements imaging software Easily obtain the information required, such as Z drive position, zoom factor, objective lens, filter cube and LED DIA brightness, by using the Digital Sight series and NIS-Elements together with the microscope. Detected observation condition/available control ◎:Detection and control of observation condition possible ◯:Detection of observation condition possible SMZ25 + NIS-Elements SMZ18 + NIS-Elements • Motorized focus unit • Manual focus unit • Motorized epi-fluorescence set (control box A) • Manual epi-fluorescence set (relay box and control box B) Zoom magnification ◎◯ Focusing ◎ー Objective (with nosepiece) ◯ ◯ ◎ ◎ Diascopic LED illumination stand (ON/OFF, light intensity control) Fluorescence illuminator (light intensity control) ◎ ◎ Filter cube ◎◯ For other combinations, please confirm with Nikon. Note: With NIS-Elements L and F, functions above are not available. Use NIS-Elements D/Br/Ar. 6

Improved observation efficiency Easy-to-use OCC illumination SMZ25 SMZ18 The LED DIA Base with built-in OCC illuminator generates minimal Comparison images (film) heat, consumes little power and has a long life. The illuminator also enhances the contrast of uneven surfaces, such as those of film. Conventional diascopic illumination OCC illumination The OCC illuminator can be controlled using a slide lever. What is OCC illumination? Thanks to scales on the slide lever, the user can save and reproduce desired illumination levels. In addition, an OCC OCC stands for oblique coherent contrast, a form of oblique lighting method plate can be inserted into the illumination unit from the front developed by Nikon. Compared to conventional diascopic illumination that and rear sides, so images with different shadow direction illuminates directly from below, OCC illumination applies coherent light to can be observed. samples in a diagonal direction, adding contrast to colorless and transparent sample structures. User-friendly remote control SMZ25 The remote control provides easy access to zoom and focus controls and is designed for both right- and left-hand use. The remote control contains an LCD monitor with an adjustable backlight that provides at-a-glance information about zoom factor, objective lens, filter cube and LED DIA brightness. The brightness of the LCD monitor and LED indicators is adjustable LCD monitor with adjustable backlight provides observation information. On-axis imaging for digital images SMZ25 SMZ18 Easily switch between stereo position (stereoscopic view) and Comparison of on-axis image and stereoscopic image mono position (on-axis view) when using the P2-RNI2 Intelligent Nosepiece by simply moving the objective lens. On-axis image Stereoscopic image 7

Parallel-optics type Stereo Microscope Incredible sharpness throughout a wide magnification range These versatile stereo microscopes provide both excellent optical performance, such as high-magnification, high-zoom ratio and high-resolution images, and advanced operability. The expandability of parallel optics makes these models suitable for a wide range of applications. Highest-in-class zoom ratio Easy to get results • Highest-in-class zoom ratio of 12.7:1 (0.63 – 8x) with • Automatically detects magnification data in combination with SMZ1270/1270i the digital camera control unit (SMZ1270i only) •New WF series objectives optimized for wide viewfield • Nosepiece offers both widened magnification range and on- observation at low magnification axis imaging High-quality images • Eyepiece tubes with various inclination angles and slim-type stands minimize user fatigue during observation Expandable with a wide range of accessories • High-level chromatic aberration correction provides sharp • A wide range of accessories are available, including eyepiece images throughout the viewfield. tubes and stands that are equal to superior specification stereo microscope models Versatile stereo microscope with the The same as the SMZ1270 but equipped with Affordable model with improved highest-in-class zoom ratio intelligent functions found in superior models operability and basic performance 8 (SMZ1270i with a trinocular tilting tube and nosepiece)

Highest-in-class zoom ratio Wide zoom range The SMZ1270/1270i offers the highest- The SMZ800N comes with a 1 – 8x zoom range, with higher magnification than conventional models and enables high- in-class zoom ratio of 12.7x (0.63 – 8x). resolution observation of 640LP/mm (using ED Plan Apo 2x/WF at maximum zoom). It offers both low-magnification wide Improved resolution of SMZ800N viewfield observation of the whole of a 35 mm petri dish* during screening and high-magnification observation of minute cell structures * with 1x objective at the lowest magnification. SMZ1270/1270i enables observation of the whole of a 35 mm petri dish. Wide viewfield of SMZ1270/1270i Ampulex 0.63x zoom 8x zoom SMZ800N Conventional model Wide field objectives The WF series objectives offer uniformly bright images even at low magnification and wide viewfield observation with SMZ1270/1270i. In addition, a 0.75x objective is now available, expanding the lineup of low magnification objectives. High-quality images Apochromat optics have been adopted for the lenses in the SMZ1270/1270i zoom body and semi-apochromat optics in the SMZ800N to achieve high-level chromatic aberration correction. They provide sharp images without blur or color fringe. Apochromat optics Conventional optics (captured with SMZ1270+Plan Apo 1x/WF) 9

Easy to get results Intelligent function for status readout SMZ1270i In combination with the imaging software NIS-Elements, the SMZ1270i can detect zoom magnification data. In addition, with the Intelligent Nosepiece P-RNI2 attached, data related to the objective in use is also detected. Calibration data is automatically altered, following changes of magnification, to display the appropriate scale and measurement results on the images. Microscope Camera DS-Fi3/DS-Ri2 • D etection of zoom magnification and objective information •Calibration auto change Imaging Software NIS-Elements SMZ1270i + Intelligent Nosepiece Correct scale is always indicated Note: With NIS-Elements L and F, functions above are not available. Use NIS-Elements D/Br/Ar. Without nosepiece On-axis imaging On-axis observation with the nosepiece The double nosepiece offers easy on- axis imaging, enabling observation of the bottom of holes, accurate simple measurement and extended depth of focus (EDF) imaging without distortion. Ergonomic design On-axis view Eyepiece tubes with a range of Observation posture inclination angles are available for comfortable observation. 200mm They offer the optimum eyelevel Inclination to suit each user. In addition, angle 20° slim-type plain stands and the 434mm LED Diascopic Illumination Stand easily facilitate the presentation and removal of specimens. With the LED Diascopic Illumination Stand and Fiber Diascopic Illumination Stand, focus control during observation is possible using the dial in front of the base. 10

Expandable with a wide range of accessories In addition to conventional Semiconductor Brain of adult drosophila excited with GFP accessories, the level of accessories Image courtesy of Hokto Kazama, Ph.D., Circuit used with superior models is also Mechanisms of Sensory Perception, Brain available for the SMZ1270/1270i and Science Institute, RIKEN SMZ800N. These include trinocular tubes and slim-type LED diascopic With the LED Diascopic illumination stands. These allow Illumination Stand and various microscope configurations Fibers Fiber Diascopic Illumination to suit numerous routine inspections Stand, image contrast and a range of research and under OCC illumination can development applications. be easily adjusted. OCC illumination Diascopic brightfield illumination OCC illumination boosts the contrast of transparent sample structures. Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus in two-cell stage SMZ1270 SMZ1270i SMZ800N Optical system Parallel-optics type (zooming type) Zoom ratio 12.7 : 1 8:1 Zoom range 0.63 – 8x (0.63/1/2/3/4/6/8x stops) 1 – 8x (1/2/3/4/6/8x stops) Total magnification Tubes 3.15 – 480x (depending on eyepiece and objectives) 5 – 480x (depending on eyepiece and objectives) (with coaxial episcopic illuminator: 15 – 540x) (coaxial episcopic illuminator: 22.5 – 540x) Eyepiece inclination: 20° (P-B Binocular Tube) / 0°-30° (P-TERG100 Trinocular Tilting Tube, P-TERG50 Trinocular Tilting Tube), P-T100 Trinocular Tube Eyepieces C-W10xB (F.N. 22), C-W15x (F.N. 16), C-W20x (F.N. 12.5), C-W30x (F.N. 7) Objectives Plan Apo 0.5x/WF, Plan Apo 0.75x/WF, Plan Apo 1x/WF, ED Plan 1.5x/WF, ED Plan 2x/WF Plan Apo 0.5x/WF, Plan Apo 0.75x/WF, Plan Apo 1x/WF, ED Plan 1.5x/WF, ED Plan 2x/WF, Plan 1x, ED Plan 0.75x, Achro 0.5x Working distance 70 mm (with Plan Apo 1x/WF) 78mm (with Plan 1x) Weight (approx.) 9.8 kg (with P-B Binocular Tube + P-DSL32 11.9 kg (with P-TERG100 Trinocular Tilting Tube + 6.8 kg (with P-B Binocular Tube + C-PSN Plain Stand) LED Diascopic Illumination Stand) P-DSL32 LED Diascopic Illumination Stand) Please refer to the system diagram (P. 26-27) for accessory combinations. Dimensions SMZ1000 SMZ1270i set SMZ800N set SMZ1270 set SMZ1270i + P-TERG100 Trinocular Tilting Tube + SMZ800N + P-B Binocular Tube + Plan Apo 1x/WF + Intelligent Nosepiece P-RNI2 + C-PSN Plain Stand SMZ1270 + P-B Binocular Tube + P-DSL32 LED Diascopic Illumination Stand Plan Apo 1x/WF + P-PS32 Plain Stand Eyepoint level Eyepoint level (interpupillary Eyepoint level (interpupillary distance: distance: (interpupillary 64 mm) 64 mm) distance: 64 mm) Unit: mm 11

Greenough type Greenough Type Stereo Microscope Superior 7.5x zoom and 115 mm working distance SMZ745 Trinocular optical head type is also available SMZ745T • The SMZ745/745T boasts a 7.5x zoom that incorporates the Greenough (with Microscope Camera DS-Fi3) optical system. The zoom range of 0.67x to 5x provides a broad observation range. • As well as high zoom ratio and magnification, the SMZ745/745T offers an unrivaled 115 mm working distance. • The SMZ745T incorporates an optical path switching lever that enables easy switchover between eyepiece and camera. A microscope camera can be attached. Three “A” design (V) 2000 •Air-tight SMZ745 1000 By making joints air-tight, contamination from dust, oil, water and other contaminants is prevented. 01 2 Air-tight construction: JIS Degrees of protection provided by enclosures IPX1 (sec) • Anti-fungal design SMZ745 SMZ745T Anti-fungal design developed exclusively by Nikon ensures peace of mind when the microscope is used in environments subject to high heat or humidity. • Anti-electrostatic SMZ745 SMZ745T Static electricity built up within the microscope is discharged almost instantly, ensuring higher yields. Anti-static function: 1000–10V, discharge within 0.2 sec. Specifications SMZ745 SMZ745T Optical system Greenough type (zooming type) Greenough type (zooming type), trinocular tube Zoom ratio Zoom range 7.5 : 1 Total magnification Straight tube 0.67-5x (with 0.67/1/2/3/4/5x stops) Tubes Eyepieces (with diopter adjustment) 3.35-300x (depending on eyepiece and auxiliary objective used) Auxiliary objectives Working distance ー Built-in C-mount 0.55x magnification lens (F.N. 11), compatible with 2/3 in. or smaller CCD Airtight construction Weight (approx.) Fixed type Eyepiece inclination: 45 ° Interpupillary distance adjustment: 52-75 mm F.N.: Field Number C-W 10xB (F.N. 22), C-W 15x (F.N. 16), C-W 20x (F.N. 12.5), C-W 30x (F.N. 7) G-AL 0.5x (W.D. 211 mm), G-AL 0.7x (W.D. 150 mm), G-AL 1.5x (W.D. 61 mm), G-AL 2x (W.D. 43.5 mm), G-AL ERG 0.77–1.06x (W.D. 102–48mm) 115 mm (standard) JIS Degrees of protection provided by enclosures IPX1 ー 1.6 kg (body) 1.8 kg (body) Dimensions SMZ745T set SMZ745T + C-PSN Plain Stand/CN SMZ745 set SMZ745 + C-PSN Plain Stand/CN 164 140 45 164 150 385 Ø60 26 W.D.: 115 45° 305 325 389 26 W.D.: 115 135 325 Ø60 159 159 292 292 305 Unit: mm 12

Greenough Type Stereo Microscope Designed for excellent cost performance • The SMZ445 has a 45° eyepiece tube inclination, and the SMZ460 has a 60° eyepiece tube SMZ460 with C-FMBN inclination, which is ideal for embedded use. Focusing Mount BN • Compact design with ease-of-use and high optical performance. SMZ445 with • ESD protection guards against electrostatic damage to samples. C-PSN Plain Stand/CN Specifications Optical system SMZ445 SMZ460 Zooming ratio Greenough type (zooming type) Zooming range 4.4 : 1 4.3 : 1 Total magnification 0.8–3.5x 0.7–3x 4-70× 3.5-60× Tube Eyepiece inclination: 45° Interpupillary distance adjustment: 54–75 mm Eyepiece inclination: 60° Interpupillary distance adjustment: 54–75 mm Eyepiece diopter adjustable for both eyes Eyepiece diopter adjustable for both eyes Eyepieces SM 10xB (F.N. 21), SM 15xB (F.N. 14), SM 20xB (F.N. 12) Auxiliary objectives (option) AL5 (0.5x), AL7 (0.7x) 1.1 kg (body) Working distance 100 mm (standard) Weight (approx.) 1.0 kg (body) Dimensions SMZ445 SMZ445 + C-PSCN Compact Stand/CN SMZ460 SMZ460 + C-FMBN Focusing Mount BN 154 131 185 154 148 46 90 46 E.P 26.5 32652 330 26 100265 73 35 53 325.5 25 101 159 52100 180 76 15.8 Unit: mm Greenough Type Stereo Microscope High-resolution optics ideal for inspection, assembly, and measurement SMZ-2 (Clemmer is optional) • Compact design with horizontally positioned zooming ring (rotation: 90º) Unit: mm • Eyepiece inclination of 45° for comfortable observation 13 Specifications Dimensions Optical system SMZ-2 24.3 280 120 Zooming ratio Greenough type (zooming type) 77.5 190×144 Zooming range 5:1 Total magnification 0.8–4x Tube 4.8–120x (Depending on eyepiece and auxiliary objective used.) Eyepieces (with Eyepiece inclination: 45° Interpupillary distance adjustment: 56–75 mm diopter adjustment) SM E10xA (F.N. 23, standard), SM 15xB (F.N. 14), SM 20xB (F.N. 12), Auxiliary objectives C-W30x (F.N. 7) Working distance AL5 (0.6x), AL7 (0.8x) Weight (approx.) 77.5 mm (with standard configuration) 1.6 kg (body), 1.9 kg (stand)

Accessories SMZ25 SMZ18 Wide range of dedicated accessories for SMZ25/SMZ18 for all types of observation Base Unit, Focus Unit, Stand/Focus Mount Base Unit Nikon has improved ease of use by moving the controls to the front of the base, including the brightness adjustment dial and the on/off switch. Fiber DIA base Slim Bases The Fiber DIA base features condenser lenses that can be switched The slimmer LED DIA Base and Plain Base help increase efficiency between low and high magnifications. Furthermore, the OCC of sample manipulation by bringing the level of the sample closer to illumination system allows high-contrast illumination. the table. ❷ ❶ Conventional base ❷ P2-DBL LED Diascopic Illumination Base ❶ P2-DBF Fiber Diascopic Illumination Base ❸ Slim base ❸ P2-PB Plain Base Focus Unit Stand/Focus Mount SMZ18 The focus unit is combined with the base unit. Choose from either SMZ18 can be mounted on various compact stands using a focus a manual or motorized focus unit. mount. ❶ ❷ ❶ ❹ ❷ ❶ P2-MFU Motorized Focus Unit ❷ P2-FU Focus Unit ❹ P-DSF32 Fiber Diascopic ❶ P2-FMDN Focus Mount Illumination Stand ❷ P-PS32 Plain Stand ❸ ❸ P-DSL32 LED Diascopic Illumination Stand 14

SHR Plan Apo Objective Series The SHR Plan Apo series features higher NA, wider field of view and superior flatness and color aberration correction. These objective lenses can be seamlessly switched because all magnifications have the same parfocal distance. The bayonet mount design allows lenses to be safely and easily removed. ❸❹ SHR Plan SHR Plan SHR Plan SHR Plan Apo 0.5× Apo 1× Apo 1.6× Apo 2× ❶❷ Maximum SMZ25 0.078 0.156 0.25 0.321 NA SMZ18 0.075 0.15 0.24 0.3 Working distance 71 mm 60 mm 30 mm 20 mm Correction ring — — — 3 mm water depth Wavelength 380-700 nm ❶ P2-SHR Plan Apo 0.5x   ❷ P2-SHR Plan Apo 1x ❸ P2-SHR Plan Apo 1.6x   ❹ P2-SHR Plan Apo 2x Tubes ❸ Choose from two types of tilting trinocular tube and one type of low eyelevel trinocular tube. All tubes have a camera port for seamless integration with the Digital Sight series. ❷ ❶ ❸ P2-TL100 Trinocular Tube L (eyepiece: port 100:0 / 0:100) ❷ P2-TERG50 Trinocular Tilting Tube (eyepiece: port 100:0/50:50) ❶ P2-TERG100 Trinocular Tilting Tube (eyepiece: port 100:0 / 0:100) Nosepiece/Focus Mount Adapter Stage Both single and double nosepieces are available. The stage features an XY stroke of 6x4* inches (150 mm x 100 mm) and can be attached to any of the bases, making it ❷ effective for capturing large images when used in combination with ❶ imaging software NIS-Elements. A sliding stage and tilting stage are also available. *L imited Y travel with 32 mm column bases ❷ P2-FM Focus Mount Adapter ❶ P2-RNI2 Intelligent Nosepiece P-SXY64 XY Stage 15

Accessories SMZ25 SMZ18 Remote Control ❶❷ Nikon offers a remote control unit that can be used to ❶ AZ-PCR Photo Release operate the microscope and capture images by hand. A ❷ AZ-FSW Foot Switch footswitch is also available, allowing the user to operate the microscope and capture images by foot, freeing the hands for sample manipulation. P2-RC Remote Controller Darkfield Observation Accessory Polarizing Observation Accessory Darkfield viewing is ❷ The analyzer is attached ❶ possible simply by ❶ to the objective and the attaching the darkfield unit polarizer to the base or to the base. stand to enable polarized viewing. ❶ P-DF2 LED Darkfield Unit ❷ Shading cover ❶ P2-POL Simple Polarizing Attachment Epi-fluorescence Set ❷ ❹❼ ❸ Motorized Epi-fluorescence Set ❶ The fluorescent turret can be operated using the ❺ remote control or imaging software NIS-Elements. ❻ ❶ P2-EFLM Motorized Epi Fluorescence Attachment ❷ Light shading Plate (comes with Fluorescence Attachment) ❸ P2-EFL Filter Cube (GFP-B/GFP-L/RFP) ❹ P2-EFLBF Filter Cube (Brightfield) ❺ P2-CTLA Control Box ❻ P2-RC Remote Controller ❼ P2-CIA QL1x/0.5x 1/4λ Plate Manual Epi-fluorescence Set ❷ ❹❻ Combinations with SMZ25 An easy-to-use manual model for Nikon’s high- ❸ performance epi-fluorescence attachment. ❶ ❺ ❶ P2-EFLI Epi Fluorescence Attachment ❷ Light shading Plate (comes with Fluorescence Attachment) ❸ P2-EFL Filter Cube (GFP-B/GFP-L/RFP) ❹ P2-EFLBF Filter Cube (Brightfield) ❺ P2-CTLB Control Box ❻ P2-CIA QL1x/0.5x 1/4λ Plate Combinations with SMZ18 16

Fiber Illuminator Set Ring Fiber Illumination Set This ring fiber illumination set features an episcopic illumination Flexible Double Arm Fiber Illumination Set unit that effectively captures images (can be used with 1x and 0.5x The direction and angle of illumination can be changed to suit the objective lenses). sample by making adjustments with these double arms. The fiber holder position can also be changed to obtain the optimal position ❶ P2-FIR Ring Fiber Illumination Unit for illuminating samples. ❷ C-FLED2 LED Light Source for Fiber Illuminator ❶ C -FDF Flexible Double Arm Fiber Illumination Unit ❷ C-FIDH Fiber Holder ❸ C-FLED2 LED Light Source for Fiber Illuminator ❶ ❸ ❷ ❷ ❶ Combination with SMZ18 Combination with SMZ18 Coaxial Illuminator Ring LED Illuminator The coaxial light illuminator makes it possible to view light reflected Ring LED illuminator is equipped with high-intensity, long-life (20,000 from the surface of a sample. It is ideal for shooting shadow-less hours) LEDs. The illuminator’s dial adjusts the intensity of the white images of thick samples. LED. ❶ P2-CI Coaxial Epi Illuminator ❶ P2-FIRL2 LED Ring Illumination Unit ❷ C -FLED2 LED Light Source for Fiber Illuminator ❸ P 2-CIA QL1x/0.5x 1/4λ Plate ❶ ❷ ❸ ❶ Combination with SMZ18 Combination with SMZ25 17

Accessories A variety of accessories are available for stereoscopic observations Plan Apo WF series Objectives A wide selection with various magnifications and working distances is available, including high-NA, high-resolution and wide-viewfield Plan Apo WF series objectives with superior image flatness and chromatic aberration correction. SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N Objectives Working Zoom NA Actual FOV*1 distance (mm) magnification 69.8 5.5 0.5x/WF 82 0.63x 0.0095 46.6 3.7 8x 0.0525 34.9 2.8 Plan 0.75x/WF 107 0.63x 0.0143 23.3 Apo 1.8 8x 0.0788 17.5 1.4 1x/WF 70 0.63x 0.0190 Actual ❶❷ ❸❹ ❺ 8x 0.1050 FOV*1 44 ❶ Plan Apo 0.5x/WF ❹ ED Plan 1.5x/WF 1.5x/WF 44 0.63x 0.0285 5.5 ❷ Plan Apo 0.75x/WF ❺ ED Plan 2x/WF 2x/WF 29.3 ❸ Plan Apo 1x/WF ED 8x 0.1575 3.7 Plan 22 0.63x 0.0380 2.75 35 8x 0.2100 *1 With C-W10xB eyepiece SMZ800N Objectives Working Zoom NA distance (mm) magnification ❶❷ ❶ Achro 0.5x Achro 0.5x 1x 0.0145 ❷ ED Plan 0.75x 189 ❸ Plan 1x ED Plan 0.75x 8x 0.0525 ❸ 1x 0.0218 117 Plan 1x 8x 0.0788 1x 0.0290 78 8x 0.1050 *1 With C-W10xB eyepiece Auxiliary Objectives Microscopes Auxiliary objectives Working distance (mm) Microscopes Auxiliary objectives Working distance (mm) SMZ745/745T G-AL ERG 0.77–1.06x 102–48 SMZ445/460 AL5 (0.5x) 181 G-AL 0.5x 211 AL7 (0.7x) 127.5 G-AL 0.7x 150 SMZ-2 AL5 (0.5x) 103 G-AL 1.5x 61 AL7 (0.7x) 95 G-AL 2x 43.5 18

Nosepieces P-RN2 Nosepiece SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N Double nosepiece with two-objective switchover. Easy changeover Observations with wider zoom from stereo position (stereoscopic view) to mono position (on-axis ranges are possible by simply view) is possible by simply moving the objective lens to the right. switching between two objectives. P-RNI2 Intelligent Nosepiece SMZ1270i Enables easy switchover between two objectives. In combination with the Digital Sight series digital camera, it automatically detects the data of objective in use. Stereoscopic view On-axis view Tubes/Eye-level Riser SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N Various ergonomic tubes with different inclination angles enable suitable eye levels to be selected for observation, even when an intermediate tube or illuminator is attached. Trinocular tubes are also equipped with camera ports. P-B Binocular Tube P-TERG100/P-TERG50 Trinocular Tilting Tube 20° inclination angle allows Allows continuous adjustment of the observation without having to lean eyepiece inclination from 0° to 30°. forward and reduces fatigue during Optical path switching ratio of long-time operations. eyepiece:camera port is 100:0/0:100 with P-TERG100 and 100:0/50:50 with P-TERG50. P-TERG100 Trinocular Tilting Tube P-T100 Trinocular Tube P-IER Eye-level Riser The eyepoint height can be raised 106 mm Increases the eyepoint height 25 mm per riser for by tilting the eyepieces 180° up. a total of 50 mm. Optical path switching ratio of eyepiece:camera port is 100:0/0:100. Intermediate Tubes SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N Various intermediate accessories are available that can be inserted between the microscope zooming body and tube. P-IBSS2 Beam Splitter S2 P-THSS Teaching Head P-IDT Drawing Tube Using a beam splitter and camera adapter, Simultaneous observation of the same Drawing sample images is possible by a digital camera can be attached to the viewfield is possible between the eyepiece simply tracing observed images that are binocular eyepiece tube for imaging. lenses of both teaching head and overlaid on top of drawings within the Optical path switching ratio of left microscope, making it ideal for educational viewfield. The drawings can be removed eyepiece:right eyepiece:camera port is purposes. The pointer can indicate target from view by using the knob to block the 100:100:0/100:50:50. points in the viewfield during observation. light path. 19

Accessories Stages Stages allow smooth sample movement in order to change viewfield during observation. C-SSL Dia-sliding Stage Circular Floating Stage 2 Used for diascopic observation, Used for episcopic observation. this sliding stage can be easily Loaded with a sample, the stage moved in the desired direction can be easily moved in the desired simply with a light push. Travel direction simply with a light push range is within ø38mm. to its edges. Travel range is within ø40mm. SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ-2 Can be used with the SMZ25 and SMZ18 SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 Can be used with the SMZ25 and SMZ18 C-TRS Tilting Stage P-SXY64 XY Stage This stage has a nonslip sheet The stage features an XY stroke and can be tilted 30° from its of 150 mm x 65 mm. By attaching horizontal position. AZ100 stage adapters, it can be used for various SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N applications. It can be SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 used with both diascopic and episcopic illuminators. SMZ-2 Can be used with the SMZ25 and SMZ18 SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 Observation Attachments Various observation accessories are available that utilize diascopic and episcopic illuminations. They can be used for samples that are difficult to observe using standard illumination. P-EFL Epi-fluorescence Attachment P-DF2 LED Darkfield Unit Up to four epi-fluorescence filter cubes can be mounted. The fly- Equipped with the while light LED as the light source. Simply eye lens provides bright illumination up to the viewfield periphery. placing the unit on the stage enables darkfield observation. SMZ1270/1270i SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ800N SMZ745/745T C-POL Polarizing Attachment Simple polarizing observation is possible by placing the polarizer on the stage while the analyzer is attached to the tip of the objective lens. SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T 20

Illumination Systems Ring Illuminator Provides a cone of light from above the sample to the center, minimizing unwanted shadow. Suitable for observation of electronic substrates. C-FIR Plastic Fiber-optics Ring Illuminator Illuminator is located away from microscope. It enables bright observation with high-intensity light without damaging sample with its heat. SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 ※ SMZ-2 ※ ※ G-OBA60 Adapter is required. Arm Illuminator/Episcopic The direction and angle of the illumination can be changed with simple adjustments of the Illuminator flexible arm. Arms for LED Episcopic Illuminator SMZ-U Episcopic Arm G-EIA Flexible Arm C-FID2 Double Arm Fiber C-FDF Flexible Double Arm C-LSL2 LED Episcopic Illuminator Illuminator Fiber Illumination Unit It enables bright observation with It enables bright observation with In combination with C-PSN Plain Stand/CN and C-PSCN high-intensity light without damaging high-intensity light without damaging Compact Stand/CN, illumination angle flexibility is possible sample with its heat. The direction sample with its heat. The direction from the back of the microscope. and angle of illumination can be and angle of illumination can be By attaching arms, flexible change of direction and angle of changed using the flexible arms. changed using the fiber holder. illumination is possible. SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 SMZ445/460 SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 SMZ745/745T SMZ-2 Coaxial Illuminator Suitable for brightfield observation for high-reflectance flat surface samples such as polished metals and wafers. P-CI Coaxial Episcopic Illuminator G-ICIL LED Coaxial Episcopic Illuminator Coaxial illuminator for parallel optics-type Coaxial illuminator for Greenough-type stereo microscopes. Equipped with both coaxial stereo microscopes. Provides high-intensity episcopic and oblique illumination, which illuminates from behind the microscope. illumination for the entire view field. SMZ745/745T *1/4λ plate is required SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N 21

Accessories Stands C-PSN C-PSCN C-PSN Plain Stand/CN P-PS32 Plain Stand C-LEDS Hybrid LED Stand C-PSCN Compact Stand/CN Features a slim design with a ø180 Both episcopic and diascopic Offers a comfortable work area and mm stage plate and 160 mm width observations are possible and can allows easy handling of samples. between the pillar and optical axis to be conducted simultaneously. The C-PSCN has a small base that saves boost working efficiency. space-saving built-in illuminator can be desk space. switched and adjusted with ease. Type Episcopic Episcopic Episcopic/Diascopic - Illumination - - Epi-oblique*, brightfield method - - Built-in filter - With all objectives, at all zoom ranges SMZ445/460 - Fine focus - knob With all objectives, at all zoom ranges Observation With all objectives, at all zoom ranges magnification Microscopes SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T P-PS32 can be used with the SMZ18. * The illumination area is limited by conditions of use. C-DS Diascopic Stand S P-DSL32 LED Diascopic P-DSF32 Fiber Diascopic Illumination Stand Illumination Stand Features a hand rest for comfortable The OCC illumination system allows Light source is located away operation. Used in conjunction with colorless and transparent samples to be from microscope, enabling bright C-DSLU2 LED Unit for Dia Illumination observed in high relief. Compact slim- observation with high-intensity light Stand. type base enhances operation efficiency. without damaging sample with its heat. Type Diascopic Diascopic Diascopic Illumination Brightfield method Brightfield, OCC** Brightfield, OCC** Built-in filter - Not required NCB11, ND4/16 (ø45 mm filter slot provided) Fine focus - Included knob Included 0.5x objective is compatible with zoom Observation With all objectives, at all zoom ranges 0.5x objective is compatible with zoom magnifications higher than 1.5x. magnification magnifications higher than 1.5x. Microscopes SMZ1270/1270i SMZ800N SMZ745/745T SMZ445/460 P-DSL32 and P-DSF32 can be used with the SMZ18.  ** Conditions of use vary depending on objective in use. 22

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