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Home Explore Harcourts Bluebook - Southland

Harcourts Bluebook - Southland

Published by admin, 2021-10-08 04:04:33

Description: 8 October 2021 | Current listings


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differenceTHEHARCOURTS You can be confident you’re working with the best. Whether you’re buying, selling, renting or looking for a property manager, it’s the people that make all the difference. When you work with Harcourts, you’re working with people that consistently deliver award-winning levels of service year after year. 9 4 No.1 years years Top real estate brand in Nielsen Online Ratings Voted NZ’s Most Trusted Reader’s Digest Real Estate Brand QualityService Award winner The difference that is Harcourts. 018 - 2021 • Voted by New Zealan When it comes time to choose a real estate company, start with the one that has been deerrss •• 2018 - 202 voted New Zealand’s Most Trusted Real Estate Brand for almost a decade and has won 2013-2021 ★ 1★ the Reader’s Digest Quality Service Award four years in a row. It’s a testament to the Real Estate Agencies 2 quality of the service you’ll receive and the expertise of the people you’ll be entrusting with your property. You’ll also have industry leading technology and New Zealand’s Real Estate Sales most visited real estate company website,, behind you. Contact Harcourts today 0800 HARCOURTS | *More unique visits than any other real estate group, Nielsen Online Ratings, March - May 2021 Harcourts Group Ltd Licensed REAA 2008

PBGYRETOMYPOOERRUETRPYESOEPELNE had more unique visitors on average than any other real estate group for April to June 2021.* 207K 173K Bayleys 147K 132K Ray White Barfoot & Thompson 69K Property Brokers *Figures based on the average number of unique visitors over a three month period. Source: Nielsen Online Ratings Average Unique Audience April-June 2021. Harcourts Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008.Chart not to scale.