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Health Science Flipbook

Published by jenna.nganga.838, 2020-09-15 13:03:49

Description: Health Science Flipbook


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Flipbook By: Jenna Nganga

Vocabulary: Integumentary System 1. SKIN layer of tissue that covers Disease/Disorder: the body Psoriasis- a disease 2. HAIR a thread like strand growing from the skin Key Terms Functions: To be a 3. NAILS the top surface of your that causes red, scaley, barrier from the finger and toes and swollen skin. outside world. The skin 4. KERATIN a protein that forms in Rosacea- the main structure of hair, hooves, A long derm disease ● derm/o, dermat/o skin also retain body fluids etc. that causes red skin and pimples on the ● kerat/o tissue and regulate body 5. DERMIS the thick layer of living face. tissue that forms under the ● xer/o dryness temperature. epidermis ● xanth/o yellow-ish Health Care Careers: ● erythr/o red 6. EPIDERMIS the surface epithelium Pemphigus- ● pedicu/o lice of the skin, overlying the dermis. ● onych/o nails Wax/Hair Removal The immune system ● myco fungus Specialist Someone who removes 7. SWEAT GLANDS small glands that attacks the healthy skin hair from the skin secretes sweat. cells on the top layer. Acne- ● pil/o hair Clinical Esthetician 8. SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER lowest Backed up skin follicles ● lip/o fatty,lipid Gives specialized layer of the integumentary system caused by oil, dead skin ● rhytid/o wrinkle procedures that improve cells, and bacteria. the appearance of the skin. 9. ECZEMA recurrent inflammatory skin disease, tiny bumps on the body ● albin/o white 10. ACNE. inflamed or infected sebaceous glands on the skin, red bumps

Musculoskeletal Vocab Diseases/ Disorders Calcium- one of the mineral Tendinitis. Acute pain that Key Terms Function constituents of bone To provide Cartilage- flexible, rubbery makes it hard to move the ● my/o muscle support, stability, connective tissue affected joint. ● myel/o marrow,of the and movement Ribs- twelve pairs of curved to the body. bones that form the chest wall carpal tunnel syndrome. spinal cord. Tendon- connective tissue that ● oste/o bone Careers binds muscles to bones. The numbness/tingling in the ● costco ribs Athletic Trainer Sinus- hollow air cavity within a hand cause by a pinched ● crani/o cranium bone nerve in the wrist. ● -pexy fixation, to put a certified and licensed Meniscus- a thin fibrous health care professional cartilage between the surface Osteoarthritis. A type of into place who practices in the field of of some joints ● chondr/o cartilage sports medicine. Flexion- decreasing the angle arthritis that occurs when ● arthr/o joint,jointed between two bones, bending a flexible tissue at the ends of ● -plegia development, Myologist limb bones wears down. A person who Collagen- dense, connective formation studies the tissue protein strands found in rheumatoid arthritis ● kinesi/o indicating muscles. bones and tissue (RA)a long-term autoimmune Bone Process- projection of motion tissue from a larger body disorder that primarily affects Rotation- circular movement joints. around an axis

Vocab Nervous System ● CNS- made up of the brain and Diseases & Disorder spinal cord Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis- ALS affects ● Somatic nervous system both the upper and lower Controls voluntary activities motor neurons, rapid loss of muscle control. Key terms Functions: ● PNS-(peripheral nervous Primary Lateral Gaining system) nerves through the Sclerosis- PLS weakness ● neur/o nerve information from body in voluntary muscle the sensory movement ● Autonomic nervous system- Progressive Bulbar Regulates the activity of Palsy- difficulty involuntary actions swallowing, weak jaw, and weak facials muscles ● encephal/o brain receptors that ● Neurons-Cells that transmit Spinal Muscular ● myel/o bone Atrophy- A genetic control the body’s electrical messages; compose disorder that affects all of both CNS and PNS the muscles in the body internal and ● ambul/o walk ● Axon-The end of the neuron external that carries the nerve impulses away from the body cells ● -esthesia sensibility conditions. ● Dendrite- End of neuron that ● psych/o mind,mental Career conducts messages toward the cell body ● concuss/o shaken Neuroanatomist ● Myelin- fat insulating sheath together that is around everything but expert in the field of the smallest nerve fibers Nerve cell body-location of the neuroanatomy ● nucleus in a neuron Neurochemist ● Stimuli- Changes inside and The study of outside of the body that affect chemicals in the the nervous system function brain

Special Senese Function Careers Diseases Key Terms -The ear uses the Otolaryngology acoustic neuroma A ● irid/o of the eye bones and fluid to is a medical noncancerous tumor on the main ● -cusis hearing transform sound specialty which nerve leading from the inner ear to ● -opia vision waves into sound is focused on the the brain. ● ot/o ear signals ears, nose, and ● tympan/o eardrum, -Chemicals in the air throat. Otosclerosis An inherited disorder stimulate signals the Oral Surgeon middle of the ear, brain interprets as that causes hearing loss due to the auditory bones can reconnect ear's inability to amplify sound. ● opthalm/o eye smell ● -metry measurement Refractive errors are vision -The eyes translate severed nerves, problems that happen when the shape light into imagine set fractured jaw of the eye keeps you from focusing well. signals for the brain toand facial bones, tongue cancer Cancer that process and repair minor develops in any part of the mouth. -The tongue is vital for to complex facial chewing and skin lacerations. swallowing food, as well as for speech -Proprioceptionenables us to judge limb movements and positions, force, heaviness, stiffness, and viscosity.

Cardiovascular System Vocabulary Disease & Disorder Key Terms Function Valves- are fibrous flaps of Cardiovascular disease conditions that involve cardi/o heart to maintain blood flow to tissue found between the heart narrowed or blocked angi/o blood vessels all parts of the body, to chambers and in the blood blood vessels that can hem/o, hemat/o blood allow it to survive. Veins vessels. lead to a heart attack, Brady--slow deliver used blood from Blood vessels- are tubes which chest pain (angina) or Tachy- fast the body back to the heart. carry blood stroke. Thromb/o blood clout Cardiac arrest Emia blood Careers Renal arteries- which takes a sudden loss of blood leuk/o white flow resulting from the erythr/o red cardiac perfusionist blood to the kidneys failure of the heart to arteri/o artery responsible for pump effectively. operating Hepatic arteries- which High blood pressure extracorporeal takes blood to the liver with circulation equipment branches going to the A condition in which the cardiovascular stomach force of the blood against surgeon Carotid arteries- which the artery walls is too high. medical doctor who take blood to the neck and specializes in surgical head Arrhythmia procedures of the Coronary Arteries- which a problem with the rate heart, lungs, take blood to the neck and or rhythm of the esophagus, and other head heartbeat. organs in the chest. Mensertic arteries- which takes blood to the intestines Femoral Arteries- which take blood to the legs Cardiac Cycle- the sequence of events that occurs in one complete beat of the heart.

Respiratory System Vocabulary Function Lungs- Organ which allows oxygen to get to the blood and helps Key Terms Absorbs oxygen from the remove waste gases. air so your organs can Oral Cavity- A pathway for oxygen, food, and liquids to enter the ● bronch/o windpipe work, and cleans carbon body. ● cyan/o blue Diaphragm- Sheet of muscle dioxide from the blood. beneath the lungs that contracts Diseases & Disorders and relaxes depending on the air pressure in the chest cavity. ● laryng/o larynx Asthma- when the airway becomes Pharynx- muscular funnel ● -oxia oxygen narrow making it hard to breath passageway used by food, liquid, Chronic Bronchitis- inflammation in and air. Bronchiole-small tube that helps ● Oxy- oxygen the lining of the bronchial tubes to transfer oxygen to the alveoli. Alveoli- walled sacs surrounded by ● pleur/o rib Lung cancer- cancer in the lungs capillaries that allow for quick ● pneum/o exchange of oxygen and carbon Pneumonia- inflammation in the dioxide lungs,air,respiration Capillaries- Small blood vessels ● pulmon/o lungs sacs in one of each lungs. through which exchanges take place between the blood and cells Careers of the body. Epiglottis- flap of tissue at the Pulmonologist base of the pharynx that covers physicians specially trained to the trachea when we swallow to prevent us from choking ● thorac/o chest, chest wall treat diseases and conditions Pulmonary- referring to the lungs of the chest. Pleural- membrane surrounding ● trache/o trachea respiratory therapist the lungs that help the organ slide smoothly against the ribs and work with patients who have muscles. breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders.

Vocab Diseases & Disorders Digestive System Gallbladder: a small ball like organ that stores bile. celiac disease the Digestive Tract: a series of tubes disease in which people cannot eat like organs that are joined end gluten ulcerative colitis Key Terms: Function: to end inflammatory bowel Large Intestine: absorbs extra disease that causes ● cholecyst/o Taking food and turning water from undigested lasting inflammation gallbladder it into energy for the materials Gastroesophageal body. Bile: green liquid used in reflux disease ● enter/o intestine Disorder when acidic ● col/o, colon/o Careers: digestion of fat stomach juices or food and fluids back colon Gastroenterologist - A Rectum: the last section of the up from the stomach ● hepat/o liver to the esophagus. ● gastr/o stomach physician specializes in large intestine short bowel ● or/o mouth syndrome when your diseases of the digestive Anus: the open at the end of the body is unable to absorb enough system large intestine nutrients because you don’t have enough Proctologist - a physician who is Esophagus: a long straight tube small intestine. specializes in diseases of the that connects the mouth and throat to the stomach rectum. Stomach: a muscular bag like organ of the digestive tract Small Intestine: a muscular tube ● -pepsia digestion about 6 m long ● chol/e bile,gall Liver: a large reddish organ that produces bile and stores ● proct/o anus nutrients

Urinary system Vocabulary Disease & Disorders Kidneys Disease- adipose capsule- fatty mass that cushions the kidney and helps Longstanding disease of the kidneys leading to renal failure. attach it to the body wall Kidney Stones- are hard masses renal cortex- the cortex of the that form in the urinary tract and may cause pain, bleeding, kidney containing the glomeruli or an infection or block of the flow of urine. Key terms Function and the convoluted tubules UTI- Infections of the urinary Apex- the highest point, tip tract. ● -cele swelling, hernia to filter blood and medullary pyramids- striped, or kidney failure- stopped ● -Lysis rupture of cell create urine as a striated, appearance of triangular waste by-product. pyramid of segments of the working well enough for you medulla to survive without dialysis or a wall, membrane Careers calyx-cup-shaped part of the renal ● cyst/o bladder pelvis through which urine passes kidney transplant. from the renal tubules ● nephr/o kidney Urology. Urologists provide renal vein- veins that accompany ● ren/o kidney renal arteries ● -urina urethra medical and surgical ● -pexy fixation oftNheapt harreonth-eaneyxcorfetthoerysumnaitlsl tubules ● -ectasis dilation management for disorders of the ● pyle/o portal vein the urinary tract in both menvertebrate kidney and women. afferent arteriole-the small artery Gynecologists that carries blood toward the a physician or surgeon qualifiedcapillaries of the glomerulus efferent arteriole-the small artery to practice in gynecology. that carries blood away from the capillaries of the glomerulus Filtration- the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium Urochrome- the yellow pigment that gives color to urine

Reproductive system Diseases & Disorder Vocabulary Amenorrhea- absence or suppression Sexually Transmitted of normal menstrual flow Diseases - Diseases that are Areola- small circular area such as that around the human nipple transferred through diseases. and a Endometriosis- A disorder in Coitus- the act of sexual Key terms Function which tissue that normally lines procreation between a man the uterus grows outside the ● cervic/o cervix To produce egg and sperm uterus. woman ● salping/o tube cells. To transport and sustain corona radiata- the egg is ● ov/o egg,embryo these cells. To nurture the ● orchid/o testicles developing offspring. Uterine Fibroids- Non surrounded by these follicle cells ● oophor/o ovary ● men/o Careers called. Cancerous growths in the uterus Dysmenorrhea- painful menstrual menstruation reproductive that can develop during a ● mamm/o breast endocrinologists- surgical flow ● gynec/o women woman's childbearing years. ● colp/o vagina subspecialty of obstetrics and epididymitis-painful inflammation ● prosta/o gland gynecology that trains physicians in reproductive medicine Interstitial Cystitis- A of the epididymis Animal Breeders- people who breed animals chronic, painful bladder fibroid tumors- benign muscle condition. tumors in the uterus Foreskin- a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis gamete-specialized cell involved in sexual reproduction infertility-incapable or reproduction

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