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Home Explore ตะลุยโจทย์-Basic-Grammar


Published by pattayawat2545, 2022-02-15 03:16:27

Description: ตะลุยโจทย์-Basic-Grammar 007


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:(s' €6 :{g' ,lt Mlr, G 6 #I @ aa :(s' :ci. t riir :(q' t LIIIF .,l, :(s' :(q' :(qt ' I @ t, l, :(s' g:Q' n a at u[onu a rJs5 uus .!r3.-i.., RclurxsouQs:nun4ouu rilnuJu rfi or nsuu nou*ur!u,o u,srrJounauouloa:loun ou.l0ulu?l,otnaussou r'ffi r I l.!l D 6@ tt qt :cg' :@' IY a tu 15 t, t, ,6, :(s' :(s' U' ia 4 :tii'O :qi' t, :@' I oa, ' g modo\\ verb t l, r, :t+i **** :(st ' :(qt '

t/ ffifUAl UYIYI I Part of Speech (rJevmrlosrir) Answen Key 1J1|l',t 2 Noun (riruru) 131 u1111 J Arllcle (riT rirrrirr+1il) 134 138 rrii 4 Ouantlfler (rirranrJ6urnr 24 142 146 I?la c Pronoun (rirdeeur+rar) 30 149 152 rnii 6 36Sublect-Verb Agreement (rJavoru-n6sriiaaonfiar) 155 Present Tenses (nr4nraoflr+rloqrh) 42 158 \\111t / Past Tenses (nrqnranflradn) 48 161 ljll?r 6 165 u1l?t I Fulure Tenses (m4n,e#lrouran) 168 rnfi 10 Passlve Volce (ila;orunnneari,r) 171 tnfi'tt Condltlonal Senlence (rartanuiou'lr) 174 177 :lrr,ii t2 Non-Ftntte Verb (nislhiufi) 180 183 urn't3 Modal Verb (niarriaa) 186 190 :r:r,ii t4 Reported Speech (ta;Taaiid,rrirln*nri.r) 194 rnii 15 AdJectlve (rir q orrl'uri) u?r11 lb Adverb (rirnSarirtur*) md t7 Comparlson (nraurJ6aurfi urL) trii 18 Preposlllon (riTrurn) unii 1g ConJunctlon (ni, d'rat+) 114 rnfr zo Questlon Tag (rirnT ufi,rarJa;tan) 120 Flnal Test 126 198 Irregular Verbs 203

Tips & Tests s$$ssssssssssssss

Port of Speech ileyunrrasFir Part of Speech 6a ilasmflrfotfintorr{rrirsl iirarlff(unrelnriorfiau trnrrr o-r nqufi nmutis rleaLnyrr as6i,r a a nrfl ur'sfr\"u 8 rlacurYt \"lfiud N ou n, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction uas I'lrI n te rj ec t i o n n-r uyuri'fl unrura-snrluuri as Fi1fi rerlrue aes fia sril$ 8 rlasmrfi\"lds{a 1) Noun o0 Fr1?l[ f,rFernpru dm{ dsros orderrH aru n-sii ol osds rir s1 ,us (rirn,u) tfl41ilil6t?El 2) Pronoun nrl - man, father, lady, John, Peter, Susan (rirdannrrer) *ni - cat, fish, bird, dolphin, buffalo, mosquito 3) Verb (drn6ar) dsras - car, pen, book, table, clock, computer 4) AdJecflve anruii - city, house, school, airport, hospital (nhqornhrri) -4ordntH love, honesty, wisdom, happiness a0 ;;dti;;il;;; tila ,f,unurirurufi'al\"trif drdsr.r\"u 6 a a J[a nfalf,ur udrd{nioufi u aqjufir utuo'ruru - I, we, you, they, he, she, it -unuiisdcir\"taif,'haaaJta Somerhing is missing utud4s)uf-rfrTanrsdoEtuttudr - IhaJ is not mv fault. aa n1fluonnmneyrimfaornra narulfluaqi n6adnmzrirrl uannmnac?ir - laugh, eat, run, read, watch ronnmrulfluoci - be, have, exist uandnmc - seem, taste, become \"\"\"\":\"\" aorirfr (fl rs1afi 6ao6ulgn\"ruru'16orirdeau*rurdal#lfi arcraur6saLfr ufl-? t)fiErrunu\"ua\"nuilvrirsl uriu qrxdur? dnru B a,rq niad'qtrnrasd*r'n1 tanqnrdnr? - James is smart. tandntl - He bought a new book. ron3 - The pencil is green. uonals - These children are young. ran#rgtr6 - That is an American girl 6 ar. 4nfoard qnuoiq

5) Adverb 6 o rirf,(flrsrarSa a6rra rirnim ri'rq rurl'ur[ t6o rirnf elrirtuof r1'r0hl (Crnisleur$ ?1fl a;m-i-genJe$ut-e1ttunganua\"nuf[ra1nm uaar t6adorufi 6) Preposltlon ilona\"ntnrc - The little boy behaves badly. (dT qlrun) ilant?a1 - I will do the work tomorrow. randnruii - I have looked everywhere for my pen. 7) ConJunctlon (rirdnoln) rl'!ittr*'l 8) InterJecllon Ar- a.*tti+rurirururaorirdaeuuruuffrnhri,rdr{utasTsn rdodrerudns (nhqnrrr) oarer#uu-ud'n6arirlfr orrrufi etrettasilasTanarur;enirlll udostaar - They met at six o'clock. -udosdnrufl He hid behind the curtain. udasfirlyns - We jumped into the pond. udasi-onre - She killed the time by watching TV. aa ffudauri, neierri, niariactetnrft fiafl n\"$ rdaurir - .John goi up and walked downstairs. rdaern{arrir - They went across the street and into a shop' -rdaur.tecleto He never worked hard but he got richer' a r-'fl {r rnn. rdaud ors orau ofrSo na.rerf?lnfl as H ilra giu 6'(e u{uAuTu mrn^.,rrLnu1iue d u#u Tnaatr6 o H n1u rrq r.u'[*i rderff asn-u 6i't6i ileg1sn6fl uas'lf,mdasfiursa'Ftrq\"?Ei (l) aruaqifira utisaonuilr+ 2 ilesmfl lfiuri anrulilurir uacafl 1r+1fi ilrlesTaFt Ur..,,t\"rr - Oh! Wow! Bravo! Oops! Ouch! qr,ulflurleetapr - What an awful noise! How cold the room is! nmfi erenati, n\"'r'ltuliluritlesu]fl1o d oa 01 , s?cuH'lerH2[a uarfios#qmnernrnri,riitasn'r#nh+r.tastfln uuerarirlu6aeri'nore{rfirirdcirsn\"$ luudasilacTserlfi uriu This train goes fast. Cttrufiu adverb malgtslelFi'lniar goes) It is a fast train. Ctf,lflu adjective utlar;flarelci'luret train) nvqaTonei BASIC GRAMMAR l

Exercise I Declde whlch parts of speech are these words. 1. _ new 6. but 11. himself 12. at 2. haooilv 7. on 13. slowly 14. - walk 3. _ read 8. _ Wow! 15. compuler 4. thev 9. _ child 5. house 10. handsome Exercise 2 Declde whtch parts of speech are the underltned words. 1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. 2. What dld she ask you to do? 3. I lefi my shoes under the kitchen table. 4. We have to fintsh our work quickly. 5. On Saturdays I work from nine to five. 6. I want lo go to a university in Canada. 7. I'm sure I have met your girlfriend before. B. tJames will be here on Monday or Tuesday. 9. My friend said, \"Oh! What a cold weather!. 10. We went to the store to buy a few things. Exercise 3 Decde whtch parts of speech are the words tn the sentences. 1) The lazy man slepl in the afternoon, and he was very tired at night 1. _ lazy 7. he man was 2. =-- slept B. --.- very tired 3. -- afternoon 9. --- ar ---in and 10. night 4. 5. 11. ------ 12. 6. _ 6 na. (nfoarl 4nroiry --

2) A red car is dangerous for policemen, but it is incredibly beautiful. 1. red 6. policemen 2. car but 3. iS 7. 4. dangerous lncredlbly 5. for 8. _it beautiful 9. - 10 Exercise 4 Declde whlch parts of speech are the underllned words. 1. tlohn never puls sugar in his coffee. b' noun a. verb d. adverb c. adjective 2. The thief ran away from the security guard. b. verb a. pnonoun d. noun c. adjective 3. She has been sick for three daYs. b. adJective a. verb d. PrePosition c. noun 4. My aunt lives here in lhis beautiful house.b' verb a. noun c. adverb d. adjective 5. Anna is getting married nexl year. b' adverb a. noun d. adjective c. pronoun 6. The hungry soldier ale four slices of pizza. b. verb a. noun d. adverb c. adjective 7. Wine is more exDensive lhan beer. b' noun a. adverb d. PrePosition c. adjective B. The compuler is having technical problems' b. Pronoun a. adverb d' adjective c. conjunction wqaTovrei BASIC GRAMMAR 9

9. Peler saw her yesterday in lhe cafeteria. a. preposition b. conjunclion c. adjective d. inlerjection 10. John is very sharp, but he is sometimes lazy. a. adJective b. noun c. preposilion d. conjunclion \"11. Do you want lo come to the playground with us? a. noun b. adjeclive c. pronoun d. adverb 12. She was quite happy to receive the prize. a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective 13. Andrew can run fasler than anyone in our school. a. adverb b. adjective c. noun d. pronoun 14. I bought this perfume in a foreign country. a. noun b. adjective c. pronoun d. adverb 15. tJudy sent me a poslcard from London. b. preposition d. conjunction a. adjeclive c. pronoun 16. Please come to my party to celebrate my birthday. a. adverb b. noun c. pronoun d. verb 17. My cousin has wriilen an interesting slory. a. adjective b. verb c. noun d. adverb 18. The children are playing outside in the garden. a. noun b. Pronoun c. verb d. adverb 19. You must answer the queslion honestly. a. adjective b. adverb c. pronoun d. preposition 1_0 oa. {ni'eanf qnrafru

20. Although she loves him a lot, she doesn\"l wanl to marry him b. Pronoun a. adjective c. preposition d. coniunction 21. Our group has been rehearsing for the show. a. verb b. adjective c. noun d. adverb 22. Mark talked lo lhem aboul the homework. b. Pronoun a. noun d. PrePosilion c. adjective 23. You will be beautiful when you grow uP' a. conjunction b. ad.lective c. preposition d. Pronoun 24. If you walk fast, you will calch the bus. b. adverb a. adjective d. noun c. verb 25. The woman whose brother works at the bar is my friend' a. noun b. adjective c. pronoun d' adverb 26. The letler was wrillen in green ink. b' noun d' verb a. adverb c. adjeclive 27. The man was badly hurt in the accident. b. verb a. noun d' adjective c. adverb 28. She has lo clean her messy room before she goes out' b' conjunction a. preposition d' Pronoun c. adjective 29. This is the quickesl way to the cinema. b' noun a. verb d' adverb c. adjective 30 David entered the room and he switched on the lighl' b' PrePosition a. conjunction d' adverb c. adjective wqalovrei BASIC GRAMMAR 11

Noun rirutu ' ;;; ffi,i.rrd; ffi ffi ; 1; + d1t'.;;;,n ; ;' i;;;;til ; ; ;' ;;; ;\",'ffi ;;' \"' v14o u--r lru [duru u o n rr fr a q r n ri a s ila s m r r a s rir u r ar ufia {uia r a\"r n eao o dr r a-n n rel u nranlSaugrJurarmnuorilfrlfl uurerumuef naoooulirna.rurffrlofi eranirfi firii rasrirumluilastgnnrera-rnqu uacnratffFr'.rurerudaudospra,wlfl uu6,rras ntniu'16' ;;il;;;;fi;sa a riruru ii r+\"r,f rur u\"lfi ufl u'lfi#sra nuorfu. *xru ri' tei n d e f i n i (Counlabl e article (a / an) m6adrueu (two, five)lfi Toaur.isaanlfl% Noun) 1) common Noun (uT *rfu'til)'leif,iaurcrerces.irrflunulnun6ods'lnr+ uriu dog, pen, student, country, books, animals, children, people 2) Proper Noun (uruua*w) rfi udoraurvuasfiifr'uffe'rsf2Tnqjrena urir Mike, Monday, .June, Bangkok, England, Toyota, Chao phraya 3) collecllve Noun (uTutraraorai) u\"ntf,erun-t common Noun *iu '\"\";;;ttd;'\" ....\"1.9P*.:1.r\"\".:rJ::.:..H\":1.9.1y.';.1 wo pairs of shoes a a rir frtridru ran u-ud,r ueu'lfi Tocnjn ooctff(uerhasmnref uashifiosfi (Uncountable article rirnrh Tocrurjsoonrflu Noun) 1) Mass Noun (r\"mqr+ru) rriu water, oil, tea, coffee, sugar, meat, go ld ri.rururfi eirfi\"arqudnsd*.lrumFailf *rnr'lfinrnilrfl rT,rfiaEl 1. nltusfifanursnranrs niu a grass of water, two slides of bread 2. rirranrlfurrx udu much coffee, little sugar, a lot of water 2) Abstract Noun (ur+raeau) 'lfiuri 1. rtatudnsdntu niu richness, pleasure, poverty 2. rretudnsqr*dntE niu beauty, happiness, kindness 3. nrerudosnlanas{1 r:in flight, camping, hiking 3) deitr rntr fiflr rdn economics, mathematics, chemistry, Thai, English, .Iapanese, football, basketball 4) nT uo'n1 rdu accommodation, advice, equipment, experience, furniture, health, homework, information, jewelry, knowledge, luck, luggage, money, music, news, progress, rubbish, traffic, travel, trouble, weather, work 72 6t? {nfoanf 4nrofrg

' ;;ffi ;;;'ii,n ;ln'til.; ;;;i;;;;;hillGi *i ;ffi ; ;;; ; ;,it' ffi \"' \" \"' \"' \"H Would you like a glass of wine? (\"\"r\"[fr = ufra) A window is made of glass. (u\"t\"[+it6'= ne;on) I've got a few grey hairs already. (u\"u\"[fi = rfiuaru) nrrHl_S)g$$'lll ....I.\":..*H.'-'.\"?P:*:\"(:\"y]*:.:.:,1]y\"t:.:),\"\"\",6..*,!!s$.!.....s.i.... . t) uAn s triu dogs, Pens, hands, books, rulers, phones, oranges uannqdtfrLfl$ i z) uAu es ru'oasfrrsfirs s, ss, sh, ch, x, z utiu buses, boxes, glasses e 3) arfrrafi'ra o uaa{tstrirufluueirgdul unu es tdu heroes, mangoes $1r{}rE}R1l 4) atfr,rerfira o uatfirsrrirlfludas unu s 6iu radios, studios, bamboos 5) asfrrafiaa y uav{rsnritfluueitgtua nt6ar+ y uilu ies trin cities, babies 6) asfrrafiru y uaaffrsrnrTrufludes tg|u s Hin days, boys, keys, monkeys 7) asfrrafiaa f, fe pl-dflil1fl$ ves tdr+ wives, lives, knives, thieves 8) urJdauda;t5a6.l6auqr.l tdn men, women, feet, teeth, geese, mice il$v1) lllo{l P).]:.'l*lp\"t.'LT.Ill:.93\"?i:.113.?P;\"3.\".rr3.1:.'.?il?l:\"3P\"?319.1 rhn1rt 1) rJatoru (Sublect) einoqifrum;Tanuaroqitrirrirnier $1rrudntn?nil Peter works verY hard. reill$. tqI1i0,$ 2) naaar (Oblect) aqjtd'srirnfarfifrasnmneeu Peter loves Jane. 3) naauta-rqurLt (Oblect of a Preposition) aqita\"srirrlmn Peter wrote to Jane. 4) dt+u6ur6at (Complement) u\"nmrufla\"s be, have, become Peter is a doctor. 1) 'lf, \"s n\"rudrta (the man\"s shop) 2) raarrfiets \" fia-{%13JLaflfls1i$6oflflilqfiiasfr1afiaer s (the kids\" book) 3) r,rnfirdrlasdasnu td 's railrsfi.rufrre (John and Peter's house) 4) trnuitunejuriTuru 'ld 's uaur;fiTufr'rs (my son-in-law's computer) 5) tf, 's Uonr?a1 ?JEtsytl{ drueuraarlaurnrsi,rsl (next week's lesson) 6) tff ,s rando*+iir6a6rudr (We will meet you at the barber's.) 7) tf, of n-ilu6.nrasdtaifiiifl (the door of the car, the gulf of Thailand) \"9).3\"t..:1.:v\"'::.1*v:\"v:::*{::l*:}::.(1*.I?v:.:.:i..\"..e::1.Y.:.r-\"1).\" lru\"\\l} \\-/ jlzif\\*f,ri\\j tu Enrqalonei BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise I complele lhe sentences wlth 'a' or 'an' for counlable nouns and 'some' for uncountable nouns. 1. She would like to have ice cream for dessert. 2. He had good idea about wniting an article for the newspaper. 3. Don\"t forget to buy tea and sugar when you go to the supermarket. 4. The children have homework to do tonighl 5. Hopefully we will have nice weather when we go to London. 6. He bought his wife beauliful jewelry from the departmenl store. 7. He cut himself bread and ate it with apple. 8. There was earlhquake in Japan. 9. I think we have made Progress with our English 10. animal needs a regular supply of food. Exercise 2 complete the sentences wlth the plural form of the nouns tn parentheses. 1. Foxes and belong to the dog family. (wolf) 2, The farmer keeps cows and (sheep) 3. Cats chase birds and (mouse) 4. The and forks are kept in this drawer. (knife) 5. My brother keeps tropical (fish) 6. Why do change color in the fall? (leaf) 7. Brush your before you go to bed. (tooth) B. S football is becoming popular (woman) (deer) 9. We saw a herd of on the hillside. (beach) 10. Scotland has many beautiful Exercise 3 Rewrlle the sentences uslng the possesslve apostrophe. 1. The tail of our cat is black and white. T4 aa. (nr\"oalf, lnroirg

2. The husband of my friend is very tall. 3. I received lhe letter of Uncle Joe last night. 4. The clothes of the boys are dirty. 5. The mother of my cousin is my aunl. 6. The head of lhal bird is yellow. 7. The house of Mr. and Mrs. Smilh is new. B. The friends of my sisler ane very pretly. 9. We saw the wife of your brother yesterday. 10. The gloves of these ladies were expensive. Exercise 4 Choose the correct answer. 1. We have moved all of the inlo our new apartmenl. a. furniture c. furnilure's b. furnitures d. furnitures' 2. The _ over lhere wanl to meet lhe manager. a. woman b. women c. womans d. womens 3. .John gave me some aboul how to start a new business. a. advice c. advise b. advices d. advises 4. He losl some of his on the way back from Canada. a. luggage b. luggages c. lhe luggage- d. the luggages 5. I clean my lhree limes a day. a. toolh b. leeth c. loolh- s d. leeths 6. Could you give on your project? a. an information b. sorne informalions c. some inf-ormation d. many informalions 7. There are more than a lhousand on this farm. a. sheep b. sheeps c. lhe sheep d. lhe sheeps m;4aTonei BASIC GRAMMAR 15

B. Sandra decided to change her slyle and bought new _. a. cloth b. clolhes c. a cloth d. some clothes 9. The _ I bought is in the fridge. a. fish b. fishes d. fishes' c. fish's 10. Thev are sendino some lo fix the roof. a. man c. men b. the man d. the men 11. They need some new for the science labor^atory. a. equip b. equipments c. equipment d. lhe equipment 12. Let's have a few rest. a. minute c. minule's b. minutes d. minutes' 13. Have you seen _? b. yesterday\"s newspaper a. yesterdays'newspaper d. newspapers\" yeslerday c. newspaper's yesterday 14. The _ are falling from the trees. It's autumn. a. leaf b. leave c. leafs d. leaves 15. She bought three _ of bread for tea. a. loaf c. loaves b. loafs d. the loaves 16. This book is lhe result of _; he is very proud of il. a. many year's work c. many years'work b. many years work d. many years'works 17. They are going to give you a lot of b. information d. informations a. inform c. informing 18. We have no not even a bed or a table. a. furnish b. furnished c. furnit-ure d. furnitures 19. Don\"t hurny. It's only walk to lhe posl offlce. a. ten minute b. len-minutes c. ten minutes' d. ten minutes E oe. (nr-oarf lnroiry

20. Mv hate eatino Dasla. a. child b. childs d. childrens c. chlldren 21. Musllms klll _ in a religious celebration. a. sheep c. sheep\"s b. sheeps d. the sheeps 22. The _ are doing the exercise right now. a. sludent b. sludent\"s c. sludenls d. studenls' 23. Most _ work more lhan len hours a day at home. a. housewife b. housewives c. housewlfes d. housewife\"s 24. Grandpa sharpened lhe _ in the kitchen. a. knife's c. knifes b. knifes' d. knives 25. When the secrelary was fired, she was glven a. two week\"s nolice b. a notice of two weeks c. lwo weeks' nolice d. a notice of two weeks\" 26. Some _ came to arresl him. a. policeman b. policemans d. policemen's c. policemen 27. These are protesting againsl the president. a. person b. people c. person's d. people's 28. I heard a oack of in lhe foresl. a. wolf c. wolves b. wolfs d. wolves' 29. The shoes I bought dld not quite fit my _. a. foot b. feet c. foots d. feets 30. Peter is alwavs lired. even thouoh he has a. a good sleep's night b. night\"s good sleep c. a good nighl's sleep d. nighl of good sleep gnrqaTorei BASIC GRAMMAR

Article oo'rt a11+1111+1%1e{ 2!,t.!.!.1.!-.!,,!.!.,:..!,t.,.*.a,.{!,!.,!f d. ilaaunr 6o rititrrlrr+o 'rrufrlJet iiht^+v u1ure1re{ (a / an) ritirrfitrrnuusaanrilu.,,,liil.GONffi FllI :..,..,; uacFi1drflfi1u'ruiif,\"raurrre'rrq{ (the) fruSsuneaqodrra-nnmtflrititrrit+reri,lrIl,r.,:r'ir,::rii::l:,.,r,r,-l,i:.rit,,,i.r:,t,,.t,r::r,ir,;.-t-.i,,..t,t..:i.,,r.r....-i.itr:..irr.irirr-\".ri.r:.,i..r.r.'iir:..,rr.t'i.i.rr.r::i.rrr,'rir,.i:-i.:.r,,.ir,,-ri.:,a.I,-r,i:i.:trx.8t*, nreirfi\"lriaern-eadt uanqrnuvuer-soaefegrffrahnreazo'rdrrfirurudT ne-tnratfl\"'r.r...i,rii' :r:tl:t ili.l :tt:t.:it:ti.iiirt,.i'r i :,t'r r :. ,r-.. rr r..r:rl!. r')-:_.rrr.rr..r.rr 1 . - r..irr..r.i.i. .! i!.. :r rr r::ti:tirt:ti:.r.ti:i tr ii:-.:. . :..:..'. ir,r. Oaav r i .r. :'r '1 :r:r,ar;i;r;i;r;,,ii ;-;r;:;\\ 1{131h{U1€fl?r}[AflA?Pr *)* e oY- e) n'a'trl r$t \"[n{u*m: i lnronilQl{F)A O1l{',]fi l.l',]il1et11 [t2',tsr{1{11{',r3J%U (lndeflnlte ; sailT a'i1ufl ilnulfl un6ods'lfi n urisaanLfl il Artlcle) 1)'a'lfl riTnrirurrufr fr\"ufr rlfi ear3srfl g-ru-{ilstasa1qfl-1rfi udacl : - ueirgtuv rdu a book, a cat, a pen, a man, a school, a building - aar (uriaanu?lasrflr+reirptur) uriu a university, a uniform, a European 2)'an' tf,r{tr rTt+rer iissrl frrr fias#fl saes (6as \" a') Toa orefufru fira - aec rdu an ant, an apple, an orange, an umbrella, an oak tree - ueirgtu; (uriaanr8aslflude;) nin an hour, an honest man ilr*ww ao riT r\"lrrritrruf(f,rtrriruru1fr1nri,r (r+iflfir6ou\"r'lu'lfr'ffld) (Deflnlte iliailrsd'rrflilerr+'lrun6ads'tru 16'uri n'r'ir \"the' {isaonutsas16' 2 urrL 6a Artlcle) 'the' (aanr8as \"mov-) ret'oritrriru, uiin*ufrufiasflssflpr-rutu; nir+ the book, ffa\"nn,lf,tt the cat, the man, the school, the university, the uniform a/an 'the' (oan6as \"a) rdarirtrriTrrudn-ilfrufirelflcrsaa; uriu the ant, the apple, the orange, the umbrella, the oak tree, the hour f1) ri'mfirurant'ulfiro nfl e il1gtq1&qs My mother bought a pencil yesterday. 2)ritrri'ruruur'onei,rfi suran+'uuilr+nfsuan(orrvssia'trl'1ff tne) There is a man at the door. ) ritr3 rir ur etnr a ud o s n-r Fil n r u #u nts of r ila n A lion is a fierce animal. 4) iltrrhu'ruiiriwanarf,u / #rgtr6 .lohn is a teacher. / He is an American. )5 ritr rh ri I u m n il e lf, rd a ud n s r lle s rl5 a a-m er n rae-a She goes to the movie twice a month. E oe. 4nr-ea,f qnuoiq

ma\"nnratf I' the l.) 1{',]r1fi1il1e.rUN0fl AmO{1+1}l}11fl 4il', mdnntr: We bought a book. The book is very cheap. artlcle 2) ritrrhuru fi fi riafi lersfi 'ra{4.r1 The dictionary near the vase is mine. 3) $.rrneruruurda! tartarur lal A eJlE o- {nfl 1lfi tilt?- odd{'l [111{ %%fi Please open the door. 4) r{T n rit+ruffi a urur+uufi ufi ersdrL6ar1uta n The earth ooes around the sun. 5 ) rirtrri'rrirudnseir o\"t fi Tom is the third son in his family. 6) ritrrirnranl-eaurfietu adjective uas adverb tit*4u4, It is the best film I have seen. 7) dmfir adject i ve ru'olffuruuT uuXuori' uasfi nerufl ilra'jrott'snrjn The rich get richer and the Poor get Poorer. 8) r\"[TrrTruruiiufluilaanruiiyrrs4fiarand uriu uairi\"r unraqfl? tuua naal rim The Chao Phrava is a ma.ior river in Thailand. /)1 r+ru rir'lulfi uru u\"ir'lfiuXm riflteiil\"ran'rs We would like to drlnk coffee. 2) doitr / nwt ,lames speaks English very well. 3) fi{r The children are playing basketball. 4) fi\"aorma I usually don't eat breakfast. 5) q4nra / tun4a / tnointa We will have dinner together on Christmas. / /6) ?\"'r{ lF'au n Please come back again on Friday. 7) anTud tdu nnu rfios ilasrflFl fg nlJ Tasfasu urriflcl'la\"s Queensland is in Australia. 8) tann\"a'lffr6u She can't go to work because of influenza. 9) ant+d d o'tt nrerq nrlaa d s 6ir asdnrr,fr rr'r,1 Gf, tn e fir'ltud ol orLesaffi'dil ) He didn't go to school today because he was sick. Ewqatorui BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise I Complete the sentences wllh'a','an' or 'the'. 1. 'ls il _ expensive picture?\" 'Yes, it is _ most expensive in the gallery.\" 2. 'Was it 3. *Was it long trip?' \"Yes, it is _ longest trip I have ever made.' 4. 'ls she 5. -Was it large house?\" *Yes, it was _ largesl house in the village.\" most beautiful gtrl in the town.' beautlful girl?\" -Yes, she is best hotel in Bangkok.- good hotel?' *Yes, it was- Exercise 2 complele the sentences wlth -a', 'an' or 'the'. If no arflcle ts needed put a dash (-). 1. He lives in small village in _ country. 2. I don'f like going to lheater. I prefer going to clnema 3. After dlnner, they went for walk. 4. I don't like watching television in mornrngs. 5. Malta is island in Medlterranean. capilal is valleila. 6. She wrole her name -at top of - Daoe. on right 7. It is nice day. sun is shining in _ sky cinema? radio.' 8. Where did you see film, on lelevision or at 9. 'Have you got radio?\" -No, I don\"t like ltstening to _ 10. The U.S.A. was _ first country to send man lo moon. 11. I had _ big breakfast and I\"m not hungry now. 12. What is longest rlver in world? 13. Why don\"t you invtte your boyfriend to dinner? 14. He is _ seaman. He spends mosl of his llfe at sea 15. When I was _ boy, I used to live near sea. Exercise 3 Choose the comect one. 1. (Women / The women) are more sensilive than men. 2. (Most / The most) people hate (violence / the violence). 3. Don't go to that restaurant. (Meals / The meals) are terrible. 20 ne. 4na\"mni 4nroiq

4. (All pictures / All the pictures) on lhal wall belong to my father. 5. My sister is very inlerested ln (the arl / art). 6. (The hunting / Hunting) is very cruel somelimes. 7. They got married last year but (the marriage / marriage) was not successful. 8. Look at (lhe fruit / fruil) on lhat stand. How nice it looks! 9. In this country (the coffee / coffee) is cheaper than (the tea / tea). 10. (The cheese / Cheese) we had after lhe meal was delicious. Exercise 4 Choose the correct answer, \"1. bench on which he is sitling is not slrong. a. A b. The - c. Black d. Big 2. Which building is hlghest in lhe city? a. much b. mosl c. the - d. an 3. I am hungry. Let's stop here and have piece of cake. a. 6 b. the c. some d. any 4. I like all food they gave us. a. of c. 6 b. lhe d. those 5. .John, man you mel yesterday, is honesl man' a. a, an b. lhe, an c. -the, lhe d. a, the 6. She invited all of her friends to have dlnner wilh her thal evening. c. the d. 7. Things are more expensive in U.S.A. than our country' c. the - d' 8. Los Angeles River seldom has waler in it' a. A.a b' A,- c. The, - -d' The' the n:,qa\\en6 BNs\\c GRNM\\^AR

9. That girl in the pink dress is _ frrend of mine. a.a c, the d. 10. He said he would be at _ home tomorrow morning. a.a c. the d. 11. When I was _ university stuoent, I had very little money to spend. d. c. the 12. It is time rich srarted thinking about poorer people rn rne world. a.a b. an C the d. 13. It was first time I l,ad been out of the country. c. lhe d. 14. He was sent to prison for eighteen months. c. the d. 15. Il is one of _ largesl planets in _ universe. a. a, a b. a, the c. the, a d. the, lhe 16. That is worsl case of violence I have ever seen c. the d. 17. His parents were so proud of him when he became lawyer, c. the d. 18. He invired me to go and play _ badminton with his friends. c. the d. 19. If was exciring film wnh good and inleresting a. a,a b. oD, a C. fhe, a p/or d. rhe, rhe o? {nfoalrf l.tnlofrU

20. I prefer to go to bed well before midnight if I can. a. a, a b. a, the c. the, a d. 21. love has been the sub;ect of numerous novels, dramas, and poems. a.A b.An c. The d. 22. Turn TV on. There's a good program slarling soon. a. a b. an C. the d. 23. His home was in United Kingdom but he spent little time there. c. the d. 24. My father succeeded in opening a new school for blind. money. door blue. c. lhe d. - 25. I very rarely go to work by bus these days. c. the - d. 26. We have plenty of time but nol enough a. a, a b. lhe, - c. the, the - d. 27. We decided, afler a lot of discussion, to paint d. c. the 28. Ot all his qualities, I think loyalty is his most outstanding. c. the d. 29. Police found the body of 80-year-old man. He has yet to be idenlified. c. the d. 30. They gave him cup of coffee but he usually only drinks tea. a. a,a b. a,- c. - d. the, lhe - flsqErTsrEi BASIC GRAMMAR Z)

Quontifier rirranrl6urnr A;; ; i ir;; ; ; ;;;;ffi ;;;;;.lffi ffi .i.,ffi ; ;,;; ;;# ;ffi iit'' rarriruruuvul frfear+nraonrila-nu$gnre'lffri,ruanrliu,rnrugiacFil Tosdsuner drfros'lf,nrufiaeuluilacmdn ??aro-{Fra1}runngilsacfl.j,rsnrr'lf,n'rranil6urnr / /dfipraruflu,efln5u6ssnil niu some any 116o many much lflufru ;\",. \"' . some / any ;' ;;;i;tni lit;;;;il ;;; il;' i =' r,il 1il#;;;;.;;\"i,{lf;i i The teacher bought some books. some tff(ulasTsnFilnlu udoradosnf arduolfi fiqanrrn.hrirnauovrfl n yes Would you like some coffee? ya n + u r u uiifivrX u e ffl 6 o u ru il\"u'tsilfi tff($ ile sTs n ri,r n.r er tr5 a rJ fr 6 o I do not have any pencils. \"';'ffiir;\" any tff(urlactsnuondr (= a\"m'lnufftfi) I can see vou anv time on Mondav. a loew + $1el$oU\\u[O14fi]lAfi (= ilAilU'lSJ a lrrtle / lrtle .John bough\"t a few flowers for her birthday. foew + u'uru\"srl1sldurnr^ref (= riaarSounril{rifira ma) f.* p.opt. visited him in hospital. a little + uruu\"n'lritff (= uofiri,rs) Susan has a little salt to cook food. I itt le + uruu\"r'ler'lfi (= rioar6aumi\"lrifi uaa) He has verv little monev. many / much ; many + uTurit't6'r\"rXrorf (= uTn) i He did not make manv mistakes. i much + uruu\"r'tri[6'(= urn) t ffuve you got much time? / /each every each (= unaz) every (= r1nd + uruuir-lfiranuorf (+ v.ranmu) Each student wants to pass the examination. each of * nrant'r'lfiuXuorf (+ v.ranued) He asked each of the students to speak English. 24 nt, {na\"oani' rlnuoirg

all/ /none no Ia I + u'ru u\"rL'ldrr4uo r[tia ururi'ulu'ld All ouestions must be answered. fIa I o + u'r u u-ulfri r4uq ffl 5 a $ru $-u't$ilfi usi fi rirti sf,\"a v -t'[5 He has spent all of his money. none tfuruurerdnaireur (= tifi) Even an old car is better than none. none of + ururl't'lfiufiflefr5oilrurit\"lu1fi None of this information is true. no + nruu-rl'tfiufi ilsffl ioil'rurirL\"lulfi There is no food left in the fridge. / /r..... t.t. r r. Iots/alotof ilots a lot of plenty of + uretuiifiuXmrf(+ v.ur4uou) plenty of : / tnere were a lot of PeoPle at the concert. 'i \"s ?i'^:lj :l1H::H1\"',$::.;\"',il:' both / \". \".....i \"... (of) * nrlu\"t'ldrr4uorf elther both nelther Both brothers work with their father. either * utruir'tfironmrf (+ v.mnuou) There are shops al either end of the street. either of + ururir.tfitXuer[ (+ v.ronueu) Could either of your friends lend me five dollars? neither * uruu\"u\"lfironuorf (+ v.mnuou) Neither company could succeed on its own. neither of + nruu\"tifiiXucrf (+ v.uanuou) Neither of the vases has water in it. .ar...rt!.... a+adJ.+n.of i a + ad;. + number of + rmunit\"ldlnunuorf (+ v.ltruou) A large number of peoPle like to play football. ia + adj. + quantity + u,uri'r'hilfi (+ v.ronmu) i amount i deal : She could give us a great deal of advice. \".....,...'.., srrqalonei BASIC GRAMMAR 25

Exercise I Complete the sentences wlth 'some'or'ant'. 1. Are there rabbits in the garden? 2. There are policemen in the police stalion. 3. There isn't milk in lhe fridge. 4. Please buy me stamps at the post office. 5. Thene were apples here a minute ago. 6. There aren't glasses on the table. 7. I have tea, but I don't have sugar. Exercise 2 Complete the senlences wlth'some','ant','much' or'mant'. 1. A: I'd like eggs, please. B: Of course. How would you like? A: Six, please. Are there lomatoes? B: Certainly. How do you need? A: A kilo, please. 2, A: I',d like olive oil. B: How do you need? A: Half a bottle. Is there flour? B: Certainly. How do you need? A: A kilo, please. Exercise 3 complete the sentences wlth'some','ant','how much','how mant','a few' or 'a llfile'. 1. A: bananas would you like, sir? please B: Just 2. A: Can I have milk? B: Sorry, we haven't gol milk. 3. A: bread would you like? please. B: Just 26 na. {nfmnd qnraeq

4. A: carrots do we have? B: We have only 5. A: oranges do we need? B: We don't need oranges 6. A: sugar would you hke in your coffee? please. B: Just 7. A: Could I have lea, please? B: Of course. Would you like biscuits, too? Exercise 4 - Choose the correct answer. 1. Henry lefi money for his daughler in the bank, but not much. a. some b. few c. any- d. more 2. I am enjoying my time here. I have friends and we get together regularly a. many b. any c. much d. a little 3. This student does not have pencils on her desk. a. some c. any b. a little d. much 4. Michael never gives his mother helP. a. some b. any c. a few - d. many 5. I don\"t think Tom would be a good leacher. He\"s got Patience. a. few b. httle c. a few d. a little 6. We bought loaves of bread to make sandwiches for the party. a. a few b. more c. a little d. plenty 7. I have seen nice Poslcards in this souvenir shop. a. some c. a liltle- b. any d. little B. Are there a. some cinemas in this city? I really want to go to the movies. b. any c. much d. many nsqnTanci BASIC GRAMMAR 27

9. How _ people did you see in the bus? a. much b. many c. much of d. many of 10. Although my brother ls very ill, he did not take medicine. a. some b. a few c. any d. a little 11. Lisa doesn'l drlnk water when she eats. a. some c. a few b. much d. many 12. I have cereal every morning. It is good for my heallh. a. some b. any c. a few d. many 13. information about a country can be gathered from ils stamps. a. Many b. Much c. A few d. All 14. There are _ students who want lo work in our school. a. a little c. little b. any d. many 15. Thls lown is not a very interesling place to visit. Very tourists come here. a. few b. little c. a few d. a httle - 16. people think he is stupid, but he\"s actually intelligent. a. A lot of b. Much c. Litle d. A little 17. How _ time do you need to ftnish the work? a. a lol of b. much c. a little d. many 18. You made mistakes. Please do this exercise again. a. very b. much c. loo many d. too much 19. Llslen carefully. I'm going to give you _ advice. a. little b. few c. a little d. a few @ na. 4na-eani Tnraaru

20. Do you have idea of how to do lhis exercise? a. some b. a few c. any - d. a little 21. I don\"t need advice from you. You don\"t understand lhe problem. a. some b. any c. a few- d. few 22. \"Do you speak English?\" \"Yes, a. liltle b. few c. a litlle d. a few -.' 23. Peter works hours every day. Thaf is why he is always tired. a. much b. many c. few - d. liltle 24. Robert says thal I have to learn words in German. a. a few b. a little c. httle d. much 25. I want to save money to buy a Presenl for my mother. a. a little c. a few b. little d. few 26. There were so people at the new bookstore lhat lhere was no sPace lo stand. a. few b' many c. little d. much 27. \"Can you bring soda lo the picnlc?\" -l don'l have a. some b. any c. much d. many -.\" 28. Do you mlnd if I ask you questlons? a. few b. little c. a few d. a little 29. We are golng to be late. There is too trafflc. a. many b. few c. much - d. little 30. People don\"t write letters nowadays. They use emails instead. a. many b. much c. a little d. a few E,rqutur6 gnslc GRAMMAR

Pronoun rirdaa?{r+'ta{ Pronoun ao riTdeauuruiirlflunuriruru uilstfln 7 rlavu\"ryr fiu5sil neefi aseo{irteUilrirdaeuuruiioeluHmrs'h{lfi uacuisuf, e1fl as6soeaun-s n\"raeirsrarrirdeeflu'ruusiavrjeyrnndrfiei'nrrxvnretf,ufingirsri'uoei1{\"h Subject Object Adjective i Pronoun I me my mine myself we US our OUTS ourselves /you you your yours yourself yourselves he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself they them their theirs themselves 1) Personal na n16?,?1,r1{1e{fl-tsl)xquTilH']SJydrlmgna'l?n{e{1[rae2 d.rrurenr.irrr-vlrnJrq{.lu Pronoun ilecoru (nrerriorfr 1) rfanaeer (n.rersriosfr 2) Toauilsoanuilm 2) Possesslve Hffi' 1 (= f,Un)'lfiuri I, we (ilevoru) uar me, us (neeer) Pronoun qfld 2 (= ffrls)'lfiuri you (r]aaoruuarneeu) 3) Reflexlve qflrd 3 (= {iiqnnrirrft) lfiud he, she , n, rhey (rta;om) uar Pronoun him, her, it, them (naeu) She is playing badminton with John. We will meet you at the library at 10 a.m. na rirdaeurruf(f,uaornmulilurd.rras Tnae&hifi Fir%1usiafr1arflars urnuurnaeiufie (nrerrriasd 4) dsunndrrirdaer+nurlesmfl fi?rse1n rirqrurl'lfudorsnalerlfl%161rosiisfr'asnrari,nrrusiafr'ra (n.rars:iasii 3) This computer is hers. (= This is her computer) It is vours. I cannot see mine. o sh n'rdaeu u r u d c fi a u n aiu ud o urTuei\",r.jr r.l e s a 1 % ?ir a Jb fiaer fi u ua ( n rar s riasii S) Tnerqsasfrls6'rer -self (ronuou) r6a -selves (uXvrou) He needs to help himself. She looked at herself in the mirror. 30 a?. fin?0ar1{ ilflla?fl

\" \" . \" ;)' ;;i,;*;. . \" \" i ; ; ;;;ffi ;; nti3il;;;,1dftd;; }.;ai.' ;'il; ;;,i; \" \" \" \" pronoun i qtnnlnrf nin this, that, such, the other, one ! gUnp,reri r{n these, those, the others, ones i These are good pens. This one is the best. : Which dresses do you want? I want the red ones. 5) Indeflnlte a0 fl rs tflur$rrrarloerndrrr'r{r] udsaanu{tu Pronoun qrJranr'nri udr+ another, each, either, everybody, someone, anything, nothing, no one, much, little, other grlnpnri udu both, few, many, others, several grluonffii/n!ilcti rdn all, any, more, most, none, some, such There isn't anybody in the house. Some of the biscuits have been eaten. 6) Interrogatlve na ri#aeur+Tuf(f,ufiurirnrn udr+ who, what, when, where, why whom, whose, which, how Pronoun Who always comes late? What do you think of my painting? 7) Relattve 6o o'rdaauuT uf,(f,riian ererulurlasTsafl a\"nn\"urlesleneiasrff{ifirfl n\"rl Pronoun uFrl'raJfianEr?1 y) r..., A a-\"u... tt oreOfelf,ralaF\" iruru-'fiaeifirutreir tlleod 'il{r..., utis\"lfi'oid li)\"o::'r.ili:l:w:h:1o :/:t.h1a.t ::.:::.t*. ....\" who came here. He is the man nT?a.l who(m) / that He is the man who my sister loves. tQ1fl 0€ whose He is the man whose house is big. 2) nmirsnfiihtrian rirtrririirfl u trcrrrrrxr:r I want a book which has pictures. I ileso'tilI which / that i n\"\"n i which / that I want a book which she bought. tfirtos ; whose/of which I wanl a book whose cover is red. I 3) nrrftrnritfinri, dnl'lfiuri [?a't when / W'rlrYr+ which We remember the dav when df|'r1{Yl Susan first arrived. tllfiHA where/qurr+ which This is the restaurant where my brother works. why I know the reason why he i was angry. Ewqatevrd BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise I Complete the sentences wlth personal or reflexlve pronouns. 1. My wife complains lhat her boss always gives too much work lo do. 2. The young bird fell from the nest and hurt _ 3. When you lwo boys go on holiday, enjoy badly careful. but make sure are 4. We were surprised when he gave _ lhe money but _ enjoyed spending il. some advice which has 5. He has an elder brother who gave never fongotten. Exercise 2 Gomplele the sentences wlth lndeflnlte pronouns. 1. John, came to see you thls morning. 2. We are nol going to do this afternoon. 3. Does have any questions to ask? I'll be pleased to answer them. 4. I've got to tell you. Il\"s imporlanl 5. \"ls interested in buying that piano?\" 'No, is interested.\" Exercise 3 Complete lhe sentences wllh lnterrogallve pronouns. 1.' ls lhal dog?' 'll's ours.' 2. were you talking to?' 'l was talking to Tom.\" 3. one do you like? 'l like the one on the left.\" 4. does she ltve?\" 'She lives in New York.' 5. was he late?\" -Because he mlssed the train.\" Exercise 4 Comblne the two sentences uslng relaflve pronouns. 1. A vegetarian is a person. HelShe does nol eat meat Z ae. {nioarf Inrseq

2. A dictionary is a book. It is used to look up words. 3. What was the name of the boy? He won lhe race. 4. The police have caught the man. He stole my car 5. The car broke down yesterday. I bought it last week. Exercise 5 Choose the correct answer. 1. They went to visit a friend of in Chiang Mai. a. us c. them b. his d. lheirs 2. 'Whose books are lhose?\" b. It's me a. Il\"s mine d. They're mine c. There're my books 3. Is thal lhe girl sister came here yesterday? a. who c. of whom b. whom d. whose 4. \"l don't like these flowers very much.\" 'Where did you get a. one b. them c. ones d. it -?\" 5. John has bouoht a book. a. herself b. himself c. yourself d. themselves 6. Mv blouse isn'l as oreltv as b. your a. her d. their c. hers 7. This is the girl painted this beautiful picture. a. who c. which b. whom d. whose B. Mike's hair is brown, but is black. a. my b. her d. your c. mine - Ewqalorui BASIc GRAMMAR

9. Is this pencil or mine? a. you c. yourself b. yours d. your 10. Don't be so lazy. Do it _. b. yours a. your d. yourself c. you\"re 11. Our work is not so good as b. his d. he\"s a. he c. him \"l,2. This is my car. Which is _? b. hers a. he d. their^ c. she's 13. The man blamed for the death of his wife. a. him c. himself b. he's d. his 14. We have had our lunch already, but Peter and Ann haven\"t had _ yet. a. lheir b. them c. theirs d. they 15. This computer is nol _. b. yours, mine d. your, mine a. your, my I was born. c. yours, my- b. whose 16. This is the place d. who a. when c. where 17. I see your name on the list but I don't see _. a. me b. my c. myself d. mine 18. Bananas are delicious and don't cosl much. a. it b. il's c. lhey d. their 19. Give me your phone number and I will give you a. me b. my c. mine d. myself g oe. (nr-oar{ 4nrei'g

20. The boy book you borrowed is in my class. a. who c. whom b. which d. whose 21. I couldn't find my calculalor but Lisa let me use _. a. her b. hers c. she's d. herself 22. The boy broke the window ran away. a. who c. whom b. which d. where 23. I cul _ with the bread knife. a. me b. my d. myself c. mine 24. The players can all feel very proud of b. their d. themselves a. them c. theirs 25. My friend and _ worked very hard on our projecl. a. I c. mine d. myself 26. Paul alwavs makes feel reallv anorv. a. they c. they're b. them d. lhemselves 27. My mother lold my sister and lo clean our rooms. a. I c. my d. myself 28. Our holidav was oreat bul was a disaster. a. they c. theirs b. their d. them 29. Nobody saw the accident will forget il. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 30. did you come?\" \"l came by train.\" a. Where b. Which c. How d. When Ewqalorei BASIC GRAMMAR

Su biect-Verb Ag reement ilas or u- nFen fi'a o o pr fra s Subj ect-Ve rb Ag ree m ent trurn-q nratf,riT n6fl 'fl fidooprfiasn\"rilecor% ftrsfasufr aseodtirilrvotra-nur*stnfr as'lff n6Eiriinlilur1nailuanr4effi 6afl nvred firrlaso'rillfl ilailmnilqf nf errovfrasLfl uuanfl qf n5ofirileroruufl ugluguori nigr ff q s fr a srfl uutruo rini u6sr n\"r.l ilec01$sfotcfla + V.nnlnrf tlohn and Sandra are moving back to New Zealand. rdaudrs and n5a both...and - Both rJapanese food and Korean food are expensive. rfi ailesarr.ldosn\"eLfl unufl 6adl6ern\"fl tnsfi the ufi ssm'rl6se + V.nnr,nri The teacher and novelist is arriving tomorrow. i rd a r]rvo'rud a s n-rrfl urueu n6 o n eju fi au6fl r n-u + V.nnrnrf Curry and rice Ls my favorite food. rltcol$rlo{da Hardail firs with, along with, logether with, accompanied by lfc,rdoro'n1 (= uiaufreer) besides, in addition to (= uonorn) including, plus (= arur,vr) as well as, like (= uriurdarn-r) but, except (= unuTr) + V.nflilegofliefeuen The ship. alono with its crew. was lost. ,lames, together with his friends, is going to Germany. by her parents, has been to Paris. ;il;:;;' ilil;;;;Sue, accompanied .' :,,\"i' \"\" rv -L,i ; ri;..\"' .:;;-'' ilfiotrslo€da i,i;i;;nil tfardaer{ + V.nrrrh:ntrgfltno\"r Peter or his brothers are going to help me. Neither her shoes nor her iag goes with the dress. / .$ \",' 1-\" N.\"\"ot only Tom but also his friends have finished the work. \" each every uua(fl everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, /some any something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, no one, nothing, no / elther each, every, either, neither, many a + V.lon}nrf Each woman wears her national costume. Everyone thinks this is a good idea. Nobody in this class chooses to become a doctor. E na. {ne\"oanf lnro6rg

c.A1$2$N$ I L2A1 + V.ronr,rerf (ufro v qnrfi a uqrJuluo rf usi ufrqisu5?qc$ilrsn-sfi $rardarwi, uvu) Fifty dollars is too much lo pay for this coat. 0 Three hours is long enough for any written exam. ?!g!r1{/tf1fl$-n r r3 r r * tr * x r dr nr{rrlr n* Five weeks is a long time to wait to hear from him. 6m/damn\"rf,o + V.ronr,nri Mathematics was my worst subject at school. Economics is a very interesting subject. Harry Polter was written by J.K. Rowling. $1erflenRflil tdu team, group, company, crowd, family, committee, cabinet, crew + V.nnlnrf / n$'nrf 81ila?'lttital'1fl iifrasnmda The family is the smallest unit in society. My family have always given me their full support. (#srnn'j, oatfl V.uXuor[udauanuarerurnna) il1rtflIilqf niu people, children, police, cattle, military, glasses, trousers + V.n$nri The pollce have many duties to fulfill. The cattle are raised on the field near the ranch. His trousers were slightly too short. dT anrl6uror any, some, half, most, all, none + of... + N.uonuqri + V.pnr'nrf A lot of curry has been eaten. any, some, half, most, all, none + of... + N.tr4torf + V.ryneri Most of the wonkers were ill. One of... + N.fltrilef + V.ranr,nri One of these books belongs to Paul. + N.unlor[ + who, whom, which, lhat + V.*:totf This is one of the books that were written by my son. ...number of A number of + N.uruori + V.rIn.nri (tanafis <irueuurntos...) A number of books are on the table. The number of + N.uXuorf + Vlanlnrf (nzurafis <fruautar...) The number of people we need to hire is fifteen. En;qaToYrri BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise I Choose the correct verb ln parentheses. 1. The employees (hope / hopes) to get medical benefits from now on. 2. Tom and his brother (spend / spends) many hours together in lhe library. 3. Either my father^ or my mother (was / were) al home. I don'l remember which one. 4. The letler I (write / writes) to my good friend doesn't reach him on time. 5. Neilher .lohn nor his brothers (is / are) coming to the match this evening. 6. Each of the parlicipants (hope / hopes) to win a prize al this competition. 7. Anybody who (is /are) qualified can apply to sludy al this college. B. Several friends of mine (has / have) lost lheir jobs recently. 9. Every sludenl (has / have) to repeat the examination because no one passed il. 10. The boss, as well as his colleagues, (enjoy / enjoys) reading. 11. A number of problems (has / have) increased since we lasl mel. 12. Someone (is / are) knocking at his door but nobody (is / are) answering. Exercise 2 Choose the correct verb ln parentheses. The first few weeks of university life can be very difficult for a new student. Firstly, lhe problem of living away from home (1 is / are) a common source of insecurily for some students. The new studenl often (2 find / finds) that life away from his family (3 is / are) difficult to begin with. Secondly, the sludent also (4 discover / discovers) lhat the new-found independence (5 is / are) dtfficult to cope with. He (6 has / have) to cook for himself and he now also (7 wash / washes) his own clothes. A student (8 is / are) responsible for living his own life perhaps for the first time and this can be a shock initially! Finally, lhe new sludent sometimes (9 face / faces) problems in the area of study. He (10 is / are) responsible for organizing his own study time and he musl ensure that he (11 do ,/ does) sufficient work lo master his subjecl and that he always (12 hand / hands) in his projects and assignments on time. E ,\". 4rrt*r 4nrse6u

On lhe other hand, a student also (13 need / needs) to have some kind of interest outside the classroom lo take his mind off the pressures of academlc llfe. The new studenr (14 has / have) many choices of clubs and societies which he (15 is / are) able to join and gain from at the universily. Once the inilial \"shock' is over, the student can settle down to one of the mosl enjoyable and rewarding times of his life. Exercise 3 Choose the correct answer. 1. Some people in my office very annoying. a. is c. was b. are d. been 2. The orice of these ieans reasonable. a. is c. are b. were d. to be 3. There special menus for children in each restauranl. a. is c. was b. are d. be 4. The number of road accidents increasing every year. a. is c. are b. was d. were 5. Everybody in lhe class done the homework well in advance. a. have b. has d. having c. to have - a lot of money for a boltle of wine. 6. One hundred dollars b. were a. are d. be c. is 7. Peter, as well as his younger brothers, going to study at that school a. be b. is c. are d. were B. Neither lhe teacher nor the studenls to understand lhis assignment. a. seem c. seeming -*adr.alo seem nvqalorei BASIC GRAMMAR 39

9. There little money left. We can't buy all we need. a. is c. be b. are d. were 10. The manager, along with the teachers, present at the meeting. a. was b. are c. were d. lo be 11. Somebody in the book club always to bring the book. a. forget c. forgets b. fongetting d. to forget 12. Either the teacher or the students on the blackboard. a. writes c. writing b. wrile d. wrilten 13. A number of people killed in noad accidents last week. a. is b. was c. are d. were 14. Two hours a long time to wait lo see a doclor. a. is c. were b. are d. been 15. Few mounlain climbers successfully reached the peak of Mount Everest. a. has c. have b. was d. were 16. Each of the children excited over the birthday party. a. is c. be b. are d. has 17. Everyone in the class _ found these exercises to be useful. a. having c. to have b. have d. has 18. The books borrowed from lhe library on my desk. a. is b. are c. was d. be 19. The number of slars in the sky _ counlless. a. seem c. to seem b. seems d. seeming g ae. {nfoani 4nrse{u

20. Nol only John bul also Susan lo go swimming. a. want c. wanls b. are wanled d. be wanted 21. Either the bus driver or the molorcycle rider responsible for the accident, a. is b. were c. are d. be- 22. A large number of counlries members of the United Nations. a. is b. are c. was d. been 23. Mathematics an easy subject for some people. a. are b. iS c. were - d. be 24. The boy who won lhe lwo medals a friend of mine. a. is b. were c. are d. have been 25. The football players five miles every day. a. ran c. running b. run d. runs 26. Not only .lulie but also all of the grandchildren _ to visit grandma. a. wanls b. wanting c. want d. to wanl 27. The weather on lhe coast to be good this weekend. a. appear b. lo aPPear c. appears - d. aPPearing 28. Twenty minutes the amount of time il lakes me to get home from work a. be b. is c. been d. are 29. Each of the students _ wearing a colorful outfit at the picnic. a. was b' be c. were d. been 30. My friend from Tokyo who has lots of dogs and cals a comPuter genius. a. is b. were c. are d. be - gHUqerTsnci BASIC GRAMMAR

Present Tenses LfiHnlan\"<i,[uflqqilh tl !.,: Tense apr arltoIrirn6s, fi udosraaruasa-nt6tryr asrr4nmnfria nrenas?ir ur-isaanrilu 3 tense ttrqj !fuuaosnarrasrrnnmnf Present Stmple tr6anranas{r lfiud Present (flqqrh), Past (adn), Future (V.1-s/es) (aurrrn) uacusiac tense ltrajfi\"'lffi nr{tu 4 rlacmfl €iael Present Contlnuous (ts/am/are + V.tng) iisudosa\"nrilsnrarfi orasufi nnrenfrianrenes{1'lfiuri S imple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous torsuFiayileymil fi a\"nrilynra'Ifl duHnsirsn\"ilaanhTurrfii6ufi ufi eanlaa6rrfl nre lf,qtrasrirn6ardudnsma,rlr+fl oqriu (P resent Te nses) 1)1ff n\"rnrqnraoirsanranarri.riiLilufi dfl fl 6aufi onsuuitilr.tasd,r aqlan. urirudnsnarud; trTanarilu aaeeil aadra rdu a I ways, usua I I y, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never, every... rlack often comes to work late. The birds return to the island every spring. n2 )'lff ri't nr 4 n re nini a n r ana y rir ii Lfl uef s a qj ua n o r'slu a 6 rll o q r-u uasaillnE 16adnrtnerar[fl%eiqnruoeaar{.rct Water boils at 100 degree Celsius. The earth moves around the sun. 3)lfl n\"rmmrsrearrSaum+n.redars'l5uasfl {-nfi : u1{ftail The concert begins at 8 p.m. The train arrives in twenty minutes. 1) lffnhrm n ilnilFl',r2',l now, right now, at the moment, at present They are watching TV now. He is jogging in the park at the moment. 2)1fr n\"rnr4nreo{trSanrenac?i1fr ri1alrfi ofrhlr+riesf usil$i,f rLfl u f-la{rf^l4fl-%Yo[%flmsy.Jtflo My son is stuOying Chinese this semester. She is working for an advertising company. g ne. {nr-oani lnuo6rg

3) 1fln-rmqnraofirSonranazri{uournnfr rrsrur+\"lSrirlvrir uac tocg Fl 1 0?1q eLfl Afl 1+U1{1{ 0?[ My friend is coming tonight. They are leaving for England tomorrow. ti...:'! nienurr er-rurairf, raro slulff(uqr] P res e n Co n t i nuo u s lfruri 1) nfarfruansnaruff,n udu smell, taste, feel, sound, hear, see, seem, appear, look, notice, recognize 2) niariiudorarauof udn love, like, prefer, wish, hate 3) n6arduaosaaruda uriu thlnk, know, understand, believe, remember, forget, mean, agree, want 4) niaT iiudosnr'ruLililtd1tas rdrr own, have, belong to Present Perfect -lrJ Otstnoilrfiqn1?o[fl?a todH ua;rdso;8\"u4oas (has/have + V.3) ru\"nfiritjr just, yet, already, finally, recently We have jusl received Your letter. The kids have just finished reading ihe book. n)2 lff n'u nr q n ra o[t6 a n r ena s ?i' r ii ufi n fl*rllu o 6 un'[eia; rla aT uu f'n u\"nfirirdr ever, never, once, twice, three times Have you ever been to Paris? This is one of the best books that I have read. )3 tff n-r m q nra nitri o n ren a s ?i't ii ufi o fl*u'lu a 6 H ua s et-s pr s o'tfi u giarfi asureufisfl oql'u u-nfi ri'r'jr si nce (+ loriufrul attaarrSo rlasTan Past Simple), for (+ *aanaT), so far, up to now She has studied Japanese for five years. Our teacher has lived in Thailand since 2009. 4)1ff n-rnr4nraolr6anranesiriiufi ofi\"ud\"rlt6amaruer#slua6cl I have seen that movie more than five times. Present Perfect We have visited the museum several times. Contlnuous {rO'[deon\"urr n nranittd o nrana g f-lj^rnafgl o1[ [1{a-ofl uauel{n{n1t1{1{ HArl{A{ (has/have been il1eHfisfl qeu'+l uasfi uilaTfiuosGirtfi usiolillil0fl1Flsl + V.tng) .Jim has been waiting for Tom for two hours. He has been rePairing this house for four years wqaTonei BASIC GRAMMAR 43

Exercise I Use the presenl slmple of the verbs tn parentheses. 1. .lohn never (go) to work late. 2. My father sometimes (watch) lelevision in the mornings. 3. It occasionally (rain) in summer, but nol very oflen. 4. We always (speak) English in the English class. 5. My parents (go) oul to dinner on Saturdays 6. Jane usually (kiss) her children good night 7. This soldier never (obey) orders. B. Mr^. Brown (go) to Paris two or lhree times a year. 9. These people (come) to this place every week. 10. The sun (rise) in lhe east and (set) in the wesl. Exercise 2 Use ellher lhe present stmple or the present contlnuous of lhe verbs ln parentheses. 1. He (go) to lhe Filness Center at least three times a week. 2. I can\"t come out tonight. I (do) my art assignmenl 3. This student (study) hard and always (get) good grades. 4. Lasl semester I sludied Chinese but this semester I (study) Japanese. 5. I (love) my brothers and sisters very much although we oflen argue Exercise 3 Add 'slnce' or'for' to the sentences below 1. This is a veny old bicycle. I\"ve had it years. 2. My father hasn't had a holiday ages. 3. I haven't had a holiday 2012. 4. It's been raining early this morning. 5. We've been learning English a very long time. 6. She's been learning French Oclober last year. 7. My parenls have been married 25 years. 44 oa. {nfoani'Inraiq

8. Mr. and Mrs. .lohnson have been married 2005. 9. I have studied lhe piano I was five. 10. These students have been reading nine o\"clock. Exercise 4 Choose the correcl answer. lhe medicine. 1. You will feel better after you b. had taken a. will take d. will have taken c. have taken 2. Whenever the old woman hears a sad slory, she a. weeps b. will weeP c. would weep d' has w-e.Pt 3. Molher Don\"t dislurb her'. a. sleeps b. has slePt c. is sleeping d. will have slePt 4. I can't go out because I mY work. a. will not finish b. have not finished c. did not finish - d. do not finish 5. I your teacher lomonrow so I will give her your note. a. saw b. am seeing -c. have seen d. have been seeing 6. This is the firsl time anybodY in climbing thal mountain. a. succeeds b. has succeeded c. succeeded - d. had been succeeding 7. Nowadays my falher to work by bus. a. goes b. went c. has gone d. used to go 8. When you your work, you may leave the room. a. do b. did c. have done d. had done 9. lhe manager yet? Now is your chance lo do so. b' Don\"t You meet a. Haven't you met c. Aren'l you meeling d. Weren't you meeting nrqatorri BASIC GRAMMAR 45

10. Eat your breakfast before you _ out a. go b. will go d. are going c. to go 11. The boy Japan many times. a. visited b. is visiting d. was visiting c. has visiled 12. The boss my application for promotion. a. consider b. considers c. is considered d. is considering 13 I _ from him since last July. a. do nol hear b. did not hear d. have nol heard c. was nol hearing 14 The moon around lhe earth. a. goes c. wenl b. is going d. was going 15. Mike's father a new house. Mike is living lhere now. a. has just bought b. had;ust bought c. will have bought d. would just buy 16. They to aerobics class lwice a week. a. go b. are going c. -were going d. have gone 17 We a lol of fun with the new video games at the moment a. have b. had c-. are having d. were having 18. Indians a lot of curry and spicy dishes. a. eal b. are eating c. are ealen d. have eaten 19 Your perfume _ rather- nice. What is il? a. smells b. will smell c. is smelling d. was smelling 20 I my work already. I'm ready to go for a walk with you. a. finish b. am finishing -c. have finished d. have been finishing 46 oa. {nfoanf InraSrU

21. Our daughler has good memory. She everything. a. remember b. remembers d. has remembered c. is remembering - 22. I breakfast right now. Can you call a little later? a. cook b. am cooking -c. have cooked d. have been cooking 23. Don\"l take those books. They lo you. a. belong b. belonged c. do not belong d. will belong 24. Susan is good at languages. She French, Spanish, and German. a. speaks b. is sPeaking c. has spoken d. has been sPeaking 25. We for their answers for lwo monlhs already. a. wait b' are waiting c-. will wait d. have been waiting 26. So far, the leacher five stories for children. a. writes c. has writlen b. is writing d. will be writing 27. \"Where is John?\" *He his car in the garage.\" a. repairs b. is nePairing c. repaired - d' has rePaired 28. I love this film. I it four or five times already. a. see b. saw c. have seen- d. had seen 29. I can\"t leave now. I for an imporlant lelephone call. a. wail b. am waiting c. was wailing- d. had been waiting 30. Up to now, I any opportunily to check this information. a. do not have b. have not had c. had no-t had d. will not have n;qaTorei BASIC GRAMMAR 47

Post Tenses LffiIHnlanit d 1,{aaFl t sP a s T e n s e fi t{ 1 el o-{ e il I a s ri1 n 6s I fi'ud o s re at ua v a-n u r* y r a s r 4nr 4 nT eofiirfi on-1'lr ad m ur.i s\"[6'ufl r]acm rej aEI lffud S i m p I e, a-r,nuou., Perfect, Perfect Continuous firicruprrafinur ilflrua s q o 6ir a\"n rx c n ratff I o s uci a y m fl fiug n Fi r s nh a a n'hj Past Slmple 1)lf, n\"rnr4nranfr6onmneyrirdufi on*uuasquasufi rTua66er-nfi (Y.2) rftjT yesterday, last night/week/month, ...dgo, in 2009 They had dinner at eight last night. When I was five, my father gave me a bicycle. 2)1fl n\"run4nreofr6onranes{riirfi ofr\"ulfl urlerritrSoLfl r.lfi #efl u a6n uac'lil'lfi?i'rufr'a1ufl oqr\"u arqfi Firudasnrrerfi uSoorruriaereru aqjfira (niuudflan\"il Present Simple) udu always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never, every... This student was always absent last semester. She usually got up early when she was here. udaudonnmnayri'r rs ago. ad qo I 2 2aa^ laun er Past Slmple (V.2) 1) nrern-u ed iifr\"reFirnisrdasfr 1 (r5an.jr Regular Verb) 2) nranJdar+qr.trirniartnei (6andr I rre gular Verb) r(4ufrarrrfi urarurfi errnhn6fl 3 riostr+trrT,r 203) f,na'nrnafi u ed iifiT s ri.rnierloe nt'alldruln qj nrer fr o )1 fi ai 1) rfru ed 16'ras niu looked, walked, called, wanted 2) asfrrad'aa e unn d'lfiuaer nir+ hoped, tasted, noticed 3) fi 1 ils1rri' 1 dtz 1 fridxna trirdugt\"aasno6n 1 n-a ufierclu ed nir+ stopped, zipped, shopped 4) asfr'rafr'aa y uarffrrtrfirrflr+ufrgtur utt6ar+ y uflr i ufietfru ed uriu flied, studied, carried 5) arfr'raA'ra y ua;frrurrirliluaes rslflr ed'[6'uae udr+ played, staved. enioved f oa. {nr-oani 4nreir.g

Past Gontlnuous -l\\J Ottsnotrllqn1?orr?afl1tn?r?11.?Jln. 1au{[f^l il snoln-lqofi${fla{ (was/were + V.lng) [?a1 OLl{0-FIn | )v te n?El ]t.nilO1usilan[2a1TXots1{?2ila_fl He was sleeping at this time yesterday. At 9 o'clock they were having breakfast. 2)'lff n-rur4nranftr6anranasf rfr rfi nflsulfi aAHmsnni'oq-sfl as drudturqnr?nlfi ?0fl 'rtnf stl.'ti-llt-n gt ae0n.1au{o1. [t{a1{09-r afl il3J1na$fl 'f f, P a s t to n ti n uous uastfl Hnl?ofiiffi ot--ufi tei's tr5autenuffrur tf, Past Simple Ineil'nfiFirtdaenlestern triu when, while, as I was washing the dishes when the phone rang. As he was walking down the road, he saw .lim. 3)lfr n-tnr4nmnit6anmnec?i1iirfi nfl*uuff aarn\"utua6cltoaectfl n6ar'tr+qrJ Past Continuous n's{ While he was watching TV, she was reading. I was jogging while they were Playing tennis. dTnrne{ + rfinurm /rfl4nmof.u?n r-fAiafiuritar+ , rha\"srirrfiuaqi = Past Continuous /rrnn,eoiefJidos rf^i9o.n-ufifla\"s uranuffiat'r = Past Simple n-Jnelottll?ollflll rrqnraoiuan = Past Continuous rflqnmofiidas = Past Continuous Past Perfect 'lf,n\"rrrqnran[n6a ua 3at a{ n 0 ila ntfi H nmf[efi4ld{ (had + V.3) tuadn u\"nfiriT'jT before, after, when, by..., by the time tosSnrfl fl nran[tSanmnasliriirfi onrilmfi trai'slfl Past Simple He had been ill for a long lime when he died. They,-had locked all the doors before they left' , a- g; Past Perfecl ilffnrfiamn\"t Past Perfect ugtrl{ldt2{t?A1Ttfl nfl 1[ag''l€a0t$a{ Contlnuous When I found her, she had been crying for hours. (had been + V.lng) i I had been cooking for two hours when he came. finrien = Past Perfecl n6o Past Perfect Continuous rfinfimt = Past Simple gnrqahrei BASIC GRAMMAR

Exercise I Use the past stmple of the verbs tn parentheses. 1. Last year I (go) to England on holiday 2. It (be) fantastic. 3. I (be) with two friends of mine 4. We (visit) a lot of inleresting places. 5. In the mornings we (walk) in the streets of London. 6. In the evenings we (go) to pubs. 7. The weather (be) slrangely fine. B. It (not, rain) a lot 9. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows. 10. Where you (spend) your last holiday? E@ Use ellher fte past slmple or lhe past contlnuous of the verbs tn parentheses. 1. I (see) my first baseball game when I (live) in New York 2. It (rain) so we (decide) to stay al home all afternoon. 3. What _ you (do) at rhe rime rhe accident (happen) ? 4. I (wrire) an email to my sister when she (call) me. 5. We (discuss) oun problems at work when Peter (loin) US. 6. Andrew (drive) recklessly when his car (hit) the tree. 7. She (be) so upset by the news that she (dr-op) her tea crying and (start) Exercise 3 Use elther the past slmple or the past perfect of lhe verbs ln parentheses. 1. By the time I (leave) universiry, I (be) to France five times 2. How many bottles of beer he (drink) before he (leave) the pub? E o?. finxG'at% ilflla?nl

3. When we (get) home, we (see) that someone (break) in to steal the DVD recorder 4. I (not, realize) that I (lose) my credit cards until I (try) to pay for dinner at the reslauranl 5. When we (arrive) at her house, we (discover) lhat she (cook) dinner for us. Exercise 4 Choose the corecl answer. 1. I a shower when you called. a. take b. was taken -c. took d. was taking 2. My brother had never been to Europe until he there last year. a. wenl b. will go c. had been d. was going 3. Sharon very sick but she decided to go out anyway. a. feels c. felt b. was feeling d. has been feeling 4. I to go swimming but the water was loo cold. a. want b. wanted -c. am wanting d. have wanted 5. When I first saw her, she on lhe balcony. a. stands b. was standing c. stood d. had been standing 6. Paul usually listens to lhe radio, but last night he a book. a. read b. reads c. had read d. was r-eading 7. Ann early when she staYed here. a. gets up b' will get uP c-. has gol up d. used to gel uP B. It was too lale. Mr. Smith when I arrived. a. already leaves b. has already left c. already left d' had alreadY left E,rqrTurri BASIC GRAMMAR

9. What _ at nine o'clock yesterday? a. were you doing b. have you done c. had you done d. have you been doing 10. When he arrived home, he found that someone his book. a. lakes b. took c. will take d. had taken 11. When you called, I _ English. a. studied b. was studying d. would be studying c. have been studying 12. The students _ their homework two hours ago. a. finished b. were finishing c. had finished d. had been finishing 13. When I television, the door bell rang. a. watched b. am walching c. was watching d. had watched 14. He _ a new car last month, but he doesn't really like it. a. bought b. was buying c. had bought d. had been buying 15. I burned my finger while I breakfast. a. cooked b. was cooking c. had cooked d. had been cooking 16. My uncle for twenty years when he finally quit smoking. a. smoked b. was smoking c. would smoke d. had been smoking 17. I _ you yesterday because my telephone was out of order. a. didn't call b. hadn'l called c. wasn't calling d. hadn't been calling 18. He was wailing for his bus when the robbers _ him. a. attacked b. were ailacking c. had attacked d. had been attacking 19. I saw that my son so I decided not to wake him up. a. slept b. was sleeping c. had slept d. had been sleeping g oe. {nr-oar[ Inraaru

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