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หมวด R R-RJ

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-08 03:04:04

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RB PATHOLOGY RB 1 Pathology 3 Cf. R134.8+ Paleopathology 6 6.2 Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses 10 Collected works (nonserial) 15 Several authors 15.2.A-Z Individual authors Nomenclature. Terminology. Abbreviations see RB115 16 Directories 17.A-Z Museums. Exhibitions see R871+ History 24 General works 25 By region or country, A-Z 27 Biography 30 31 Cf. RA1025.A+ Forensic pathologists 32 33 Collective 35 Individual, A-Z Pathological anatomy and histology 36 General works 36.2 36.3.A-Z Through 1900 1901- 36.3.E54 General special 36.3.F55 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 36.3.P55 Problems, exercises, examinations 36.3.Q34 Outlines, syllabi, etc. 36.5.A-Z Atlases. Pictorial works Moulage. Molding and casting of anatomical models 37.A1 37.A2 Cf. NB1180 Sculpture Laboratories, institutes, etc. Cf. R860+ Medicine (General) Cf. RA428+ Public health laboratories General works Equipment Special aspects, A-Z Design see RB36.3.P55 Emergency laboratory services Finance and business management Planning and design Quality control Individual, A-Z Clinical pathology. Laboratory technique Class here works on chemical and microscopic diagnosis in general. For works on the diagnosis of individual diseases, or diseases of systems or organs, see RC, RA, etc. Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses 93

RB PATHOLOGY RB 37.A25 Clinical pathology. Laboratory technique -- Continued 37.A3-Z Dictionaries and encyclopedias 37.5 General works Study and teaching 37.6 Research. Experimentation see RB125 38 Medical laboratory technology as a profession Computer applications. Informatics 38.2 38.25 Including data processing 38.3 Cf. RA427.6 Multiphasic screening 40 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 40.7 Problems, exercises, examinations 41 Mathematics. Statistical methods 42 Chemical examination 43 Cf. QD71+ Analytical chemistry 43.5 Cf. QP501+ Animal biochemistry Cf. RB112.5 Clinical biochemistry 43.6 Cf. RS400+ Pharmaceutical chemistry 43.7 Chromatography 43.8.A-Z Electrochemical analysis 43.8.C36 Radioactive techniques in laboratory examination 43.8.D62 Microscopial examination. Cytodiagnosis 43.8.D63 43.8.F58 Cf. QM550+ Normal histology 43.8.M53 Cf. QR1+ Microbiology 43.8.N83 43.8.P64 General works 44 Electron microscopy 45 Cf. RB46.7 Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry 45.15 Microprobe analysis. X-ray microanalysis 45.2 Molecular diagnosis 45.3 45.5 Including molecular probes in general 46 General works Special methods, A-Z Capillary electrophoresis DNA microarrays DNA probes Fluorescence in situ hybridization Microfluidics Nucleic acids Polymerase chain reaction Examination of chromosomes Cf. RB155+ Medical genetics Examination of the blood Cf. RB145 Pathology of the blood Phlebotomy. Blood collection Examination of blood gases Blood coagulation tests Examination of blood groups Examination of serum 94

RB PATHOLOGY RB 46.5 Clinical pathology. Laboratory technique -- Continued 46.6 Immunological examination. Immunodiagnosis 46.7 General works Immunohistochemistry 47 Immunocytochemistry 47.5 Including electron microscopic immunocytochemistry 48 48.5 Examination of the gastric contents 49 Cf. RC803+ Gastroenterology 51 52 Examination of hair 52.5 Examination of enzymes. Clinical enzymology 52.7 Examination of hormones 52.8 53 Cf. RC648+ Endocrine diseases 54 Examination of the feces 55 Examination of the sputum 55.2 Examination of body fluids Examination of saliva 56 Examination of serous fluids 56.5.A-Z Examination of synovial fluid 56.5.A43 Examination of the urine 56.5.A45 56.5.A56 Cf. QP551+ Animal biochemistry 56.5.A58 Cf. SF773 Veterinary medicine 56.5.B45 56.5.M48 Examination of semen 57 Examination of cerebrospinal fluid Examination of bone marrow 110 Examination for drugs 111 112 Cf. RS189+ Pharmaceutical drug assay 112.5 113 General works 114 Special drugs, A-Z 115 Amiodarone Amphetamines Anti-inflammatory agents Antibiotics and anti-infective agents Benzodiazepines Methaqualone Post-mortem examination. Autopsies Cf. RA1063.4+ Forensic pathology General pathology For pathology of individual diseases, diseases of systems, or organs, see RC, RE, etc. General works Through 1900 1901- General special Clinical biochemistry Physiological pathology. Clinical physiology Comparative pathology Nomenclature. Terminology. Abbreviations 95

RB PATHOLOGY RB 118 General pathology -- Continued 119 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 120 Problems, exercises, examinations 121 Outlines, syllabi, etc. Addresses, essays, lectures 123 123.5 Study and teaching 123.5.Z9 General works 123.6.A-Z Audiovisual aids 124.A-Z Catalogs 125 By region or country, A-Z Individual schools. By name, A-Z 127 127.5.A-Z Experimental pathology 127.5.C48 127.5.H97 For experimental animals see QL55 127.5.N63 128 Manifestations of disease 129 131 For symptoms referable to individual diseases, diseases of 131.5 systems or organs, see the disease in RC, RE, etc. 132 133 For general pathology see RB110+ 135 Pain. Pain medicine 137 138 For pain referable to individual diseases, diseases of systems or organs, see the disease in RC, RE, etc. Cf. RC73+ Pain (Diagnostic significance) Cf. RD98.4 Postoperative pain Cf. RT87.P35 Nursing Pain pathology and treatment in general Special topics, A-Z Chronic pain Hyperalgesia Nociceptive pain Headache Cf. RC392 Migraine Fever Cf. RC106 Eruptive fevers Inflammation. Suppuration Granuloma Pathologic pigmentation Cf. RL790 Dermatology Necrosis. Gangrene Cf. RD628 Surgery Atrophy Cf. RL391 Dermatology Mineral infiltrates, concrements, etc. General works Calcification 96

RB PATHOLOGY RB 140 Manifestations of disease -- Continued 140.2 Disorders of growth. Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, etc. 140.3 Cf. RC648+ Endocrinology 140.5 Cf. RJ135 Pediatrics Cf. RJ482.G76 Pediatrics 144 Cf. RL401+ Dermatology 144.5 145 General works Tissue remodeling 147 Dwarfism 147.5 148 Cf. CT9992 Biography 149 Cf. GN69.3 Anthropology 150.A-Z 150.A65 Gigantism 150.A67 Cf. GN69+ Anthropology 150.A87 150.C33 Emaciation see RC627.E5 150.C6 Obesity see RC628+ 150.F37 Disorders or circulation and fluid balance 150.F52 150.L67 Including dropsy, edema, embolism, hemorrhage, hyperemia, 150.M84 infarction, ischemia, thrombosis Cf. RC630 Metabolic diseases Cf. RC666+ Diseases of the circulatory system General works Reperfusion injury Pathology of the blood Cf. QP91+ Physiology Cf. RB45 Examination of the blood Cf. RC636 Diseases of the blood Cf. SF769.5 Veterinary hematology Disorders of metabolism Cf. RC627.5+ Metabolic diseases General works Mitochondrial pathology Periodicity of diseases. Clinical chronobiology Sequelae Other manifestations of disease, A-Z Anorexia Cf. RC552.B84 Anorexia nervosa Cf. RJ399.A6 Pediatrics Anoxemia Asthenia Cachexia Coma Consciousness, Loss of see RB150.L67 Fatigue Including chronic fatigue syndrome Fibrosis Loss of consciousness Multiple organ failure 97

RB PATHOLOGY RB 150.N38 Manifestations of disease 150.S5 Other manifestations of disease, A-Z -- Continued 150.S84 Nausea 150.S9 Shock 150.T7 150.V4 Cf. RD59 Surgical and traumatic shock 151 Sudden death 152 Syncope Tremor 152.5 Vertigo 152.6 Theories of disease. Etiology. Pathogenesis 152.7 General works General special 153 Environmentally induced diseases 154 Cf. RA1226 Environmental toxicology 155 General works 155.5 Multiple chemical sensitivity Persian Gulf Syndrome 155.6 Infection and resistance to infection. Germ theory of disease 155.65 155.7 Cf. RC109+ Infectious and parasitic diseases 155.8 156 General works 157 Focal infection 158 Heredity. Medical genetics 170 171 Cf. RA1224.3+ Genetic toxicology Cf. RC268.4+ Cancer genetics Cf. RC627.8 Inborn errors of metabolism Cf. RJ47.3+ Pediatrics General works Genetic disorders. Human chromosome abnormalities Cf. RA645.G64 Public health Cf. RE661.G45 Retinal diseases Cf. RG580.G45 Genetic disorders in pregnancy General works Diagnosis General works Genetic screening Genetic counseling Gene therapy Chronic disease Cf. RC108 Internal medicine Acquired disease Acute disease Oxidation. Free radicals. Oxidative stress Maillard reaction Special factors in the production of disease Physical and chemical agents see RC91+ Physical agents see RC102+ Chemical agents see RA1190+ 98

RB PATHOLOGY RB Theories of disease. Etiology. Pathogenesis Special factors in the production of disease -- Continued Psychiatric factors see RC435+ Immunologic factors see RC581+ Allergic disturbances see RC583+ Endocrine disturbances see RC648+ Nutritional and metabolic disturbances see RC620+ 210 Influence of age Cf. RC952+ Geriatrics Cf. RJ1+ Pediatrics 212 Influence of sex Cf. RC875+ Diseases of the genital organs 214 Other factors in the production of disease 99

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 31.A-Z Internal medicine 39 Including clinical family medicine 40 For works on medicine for nurses see RT65 41 46 Periodicals, societies, serials see R5+ 48 Medical reports of hospitals. By place of hospital, A-Z 48.5 48.6 Subarranged by name of hospital 48.8 Cf. RA971.6 Hospital administrative reports Cf. RC65 Case history taking and recording 49 52 Collected works (nonserial) 55 Several authors 58 Individual authors 59 60 Dictionaries and encyclopedias 64 General works General special 65 Special aspects of the subject as a whole 66 67 Diseases of men 69 Cf. RC875+ Andrology Diseases of women Cf. RG1+ Gynecology Rare diseases Psychosomatic medicine For psychosomatic aspects of individual diseases or diseases of an organ, region, or system, see the disease Cf. RC435+ Psychiatry General works Research. Experimentation Handbooks, manuals, etc. Problems, exercises, examinations Outlines, syllabi, etc. Addresses, essays, lectures Study and teaching see R735+ Medical protocols Class here works on the design and use of protocols for patient evaluation and treatment Case history taking and recording Cf. R864 Medical records Cf. RA976+ Medical record departments and administration Clinical cases Clinical indications Practice of internal medicine see R728+ Semiology. Symptomatology 100

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 71.A1-.A19 Examination. Diagnosis 71.A2-Z For diagnosis of individual diseases, or diseases of an organ, 71.2 region, or system, see the disease 71.22 71.3 Cf. RA427.6 Multiphasic screening 71.35 Cf. RB37.A1+ Diagnosis by laboratory methods 71.4 Cf. RT48 Nursing 71.5 71.6 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 71.7 General works 71.8 Collected works (nonserial) 72 Several authors Individual authors 73 General special 73.2 Statistical methods 73.3 Periodic health examination 73.4 Differential diagnosis 73.5 Noninvasive diagnosis 73.55 Point-of-care testing 73.6 Function tests 73.7 74 Cf. RC683.5.H4 Heart function tests Cf. RC734.P84 Pulmonary function tests 75 Cf. RC804.G26 Gastrointestinal function tests Cf. RJ51.F9 Pediatrics 76 76.3 Basal metabolism 76.5 Cf. QP171+ Physiology 77 77.5 Pain (Diagnostic significance) Cf. RB127+ Pain pathology and treatment (General) General works Acupuncture points Mouth. Tongue Face. Facial expression Eye Iridology. Iridodiagnosis Hands. Fingernails Skin Pulse. Blood pressure Including sphygmographs and sphygmomanometers Cf. RC683.5.A43 Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring Temperature. Thermometry Physical diagnosis General works Auscultation and percussion Including stethoscope and phonendoscope Palpation Electrodiagnosis General works Electromyography 101

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 78.A1 Examination. Diagnosis -- Continued 78.A2 Radiography. Roentgenography 78.A3 78.A6-Z For particular applications, see the subject, e.g., RE79.R3, 78.15 Ophthalmology; RG107.5.R3, Gynecology; RJ51.R3, 78.17 Pediatrics, etc. 78.2 78.3 Cf. RM845+ Radiotherapy 78.4 78.5 Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses 78.7.A-Z Nomenclature. Terminology. Abbreviations 78.7.A7 General works Problems, exercises, examinations 78.7.B74 Outlines, syllabi, etc. 78.7.C65 Atlases. Pictorial works Accidents and complications 78.7.D35 Positioning 78.7.D53 Equipment and supplies 78.7.D83 78.7.D86 Including catalogs For radiographic contrast media see RC78.7.C65 78.7.E45 78.7.E48 Microscopic diagnosis see RB37.A1+ 78.7.E5 Chemical examination see RB40 78.7.F5 Urine analysis see RB53 Examination of the blood see RB45 78.7.L9 Autopsies see RA1063.4+; RB57 78.7.M5 Other special, A-Z 78.7.M53 78.7.N65 Arterial catheterization 78.7.N83 Blood cells, Radiolabeled see RC78.7.R43 Breath tests Contrast media Including radiographic contrast media Cytologic diagnosis see RB43+ Data processing Diagnostic imaging Dual energy CT Duplex ultrasonography Emission tomography see RC78.7.T62 Electrical impedance tomography Endoscopic ultrasonography Endoscopy Fluoroscopic diagnosis Imaging, Diagnostic see RC78.7.D53 Imaging, Microwave see RC78.7.M53 Immunoelectrophoresis see RB46.5+ Lymphangiography Microradiography Microwave imaging Nonionic contrast media Nuclear magnetic resonance 102

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 78.7.R38 Examination. Diagnosis 78.7.R4 Other special, A-Z -- Continued 78.7.R43 Radioimmunoimaging 78.7.R5 Radioisotope scanning 78.7.S65 Radiolabeled blood cells 78.7.S72 Reflex testing 78.7.T5 Spectroscopy 78.7.T6 Stable isotopes 78.7.T62 Thermography 78.7.U4 Tomography 78.7.X4 Tomography, Emission 80 Ultrasonic imaging 81.A1 81.A2 Cf. RC78.7.E48 Endoscopic ultrasonography 81.A3-Z 82 Xeroradiography Prognosis 86 Popular medicine 86.2 86.3 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 86.5 Dictionaries and encyclopedias 86.7 General works 86.8 General special 86.9 Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid 86.92 Cf. RA645.5+ Emergency medical services Cf. RA1224.5 Toxicology Cf. RC270.9 Cancer critical care Cf. RC350.N49 Neurological intensive care Cf. RC675 Cardiovascular emergencies Cf. RC684.C36 Cardiac intensive care Cf. RC735.R48 Respiratory intensive care Cf. RC874.8 Urology Cf. RC926 Musculoskeletal emergencies Cf. RD92+ Emergency surgery. Wounds and injuries Cf. RD113+ Bandaging, dressings, etc. Cf. RF89 Otolaryngologic emergencies Cf. RG158 Gynecology Cf. RJ370+ Pediatrics Cf. RT120.E4 Emergency nursing Cf. RT120.I5 Intensive care nursing Cf. TN297 Mining Cf. UH396 Soldiers' first-aid manuals Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses Communication in emergency medicine Juvenile works General works Handbooks, manuals, etc. Problems, exercises, examinations Outlines, syllabi, etc. 103

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 86.95 Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid -- 87 Continued 87.1 87.3 Moral and ethical aspects 87.5 Popular works 87.9 Heat prostration. Sunstroke 88 Hazardous substances 88.5 88.9.A-Z Including noxious gases 88.9.B6 Electric shock 88.9.C3 88.9.C5 Cf. RD96.5 Surgery for injuries 88.9.H55 88.9.H86 Artificial respiration. CPR 88.9.I5 Drowning 88.9.M35 Cold injuries 88.9.M6 88.9.O95 Including frostbite, chilblains, and immersion 88.9.P6 By activity or environment, A-Z 88.9.S94 88.9.T47 For the medical and physiological aspects of special 88.9.T7 sports and activities see RC1220.A+ 88.9.T76 88.9.W5 Backpacking see RC88.9.H55 Bioterrorism see RC88.9.T47 90 Boating. Yachting Camping 91 Civil defense Hiking. Backpacking Hunting Industry Martial arts Military medical services see UH396 Mountaineering Naval medical services see VG466 Outdoor life (General) Cf. RC88.9.B6 Boating Cf. RC88.9.C3 Camping Cf. RC88.9.H55 Hiking Cf. RC88.9.M6 Mountaineering Polar regions Survivalism Terrorism. Bioterrorism Including weapons of mass destruction Traffic Travel Weapons of mass destruction see RC88.9.T47 Winter sports Yachting see RC88.9.B6 Pastoral medicine see BV4335+ Iatrogenic diseases Cf. RJ520.I28 Pediatrics Diseases due to physical and chemical agents General works 104

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 93.A1 Diseases due to physical and chemical agents -- Continued 93.A2 Diseases due to radioactive substances 93.A3-Z 95.A-Z Cf. RA569 Public health aspects 95.A2 Cf. RA1231.R2 Toxicology 95.A42 Cf. RD96.55 Radiation burns 95.A46 Cf. RJ384 Pediatrics 95.G34 Cf. RM845+ Radiotherapy 95.I74 95.R3 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 95.U7 Dictionaries and encyclopedias General works 102 Special substances or forms of radiation, A-Z 103.A-Z 103.A4 Actinium 103.C3 Alpha particles. Alpha rays Americium 103.H4 Gamma rays 103.L5 Iridium 103.M6 Radium 103.M63 Uranium Diseases due to physical agents 106 Cf. RC955+ Arctic and tropical medicine 107 Cf. RC1050+ Aviation medicine General works Special, A-Z Altitude sickness see RC103.M63 Anoxemia Caisson disease. Decompression sickness Car sickness see RC103.M6 Cold injuries, etc. (First aid aspects) see RC88.5 Decompression sickness see RC103.C3 Heat disorders Cf. RC87.1 Heat prostration Light-induced diseases Motion sickness Including car sickness, seasickness Mountain sickness Seasickness see RC103.M6 Diseases due to chemical agents see RA1190+ Eruptive fevers. Exanthemata For individual exanthematous diseases see RC120+ Cf. RB129 Fever as a manifestation of disease Acute diseases Cf. RA644.3+ Public health Cf. RB158 Pathology 105

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 108 Chronic diseases 109 Cf. RA644.5+ Public health 110 Cf. RC1045.C4 Automotive medicine 110.2 Cf. RJ380+ Pediatrics 111 Cf. RT120.C45 Nursing 112 112.5 Infectious and parasitic diseases 113 113.2 For individual diseases, except tuberculosis see RC120+ 113.3 For tuberculosis see RC306+ 113.5 Cf. QR201.A+ Pathogenic microorganisms Cf. RA643+ Public health 114 Cf. RC678 Cardiovascular infections Cf. RC901.8 Urinary tract infections 114.5 Cf. RE96 Ophthalmology 114.55 Cf. RG218 Gynecology 114.6 Cf. RG578 Infectious diseases in pregnancy 114.7 Cf. RJ275 Newborn infants Cf. RJ401+ Pediatrics 115 Cf. RL201+ Dermatology 116.A-Z Cf. RT95+ Nursing Periodicals. Societies. Serials Collected works (nonserial) Several authors Individual authors General works General special Handbooks, manuals, etc. Popular works Atlases. Pictorial works Examination. Diagnosis Zoonoses. Diseases communicable from animals to man Cf. RA639+ Public health Virus and rickettsial diseases For individual diseases see RC120+ General works Virus diseases Cf. RC685.V57 Heart diseases Cf. RG580.V5 Virus diseases in pregnancy General works Enterovirus diseases Slow virus disease Rickettsial disease Bacterial diseases Cf. QR201.A+ Bacteria of individual diseases General works Special groups, A-Z For individual diseases see RC120+ 106

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 116.C5 Infectious and parasitic diseases 116.E6 Bacterial diseases 116.G677 Special groups, A-Z -- Continued 116.H44 Clostridium diseases 116.M8 116.M85 Cf. RC862.C47 Intestinal diseases 116.P7 Enterobacterial infections 116.S8 Gram-negative bacterial infections 116.S84 Haemophilus infections Mycobacterial diseases 117.A1 Mycoplasma diseases 117.A2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa disease 117.A5-Z Rickettsial diseases see RC114.7 118 Salmonella infections see RC182.S12 118.5 Staphylococcal infections 118.7 Streptococcal diseases Mycotic diseases 119 119.5 Cf. QK600+ Botanical works on fungi 119.7 Cf. QR245+ Medical mycology Cf. RC776.F8 Fungous diseases of the lungs 120 Cf. RL765+ Skin diseases 121.A3 121.A5 Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works Spirochetal and protozoan diseases General works Spirochetal diseases Protozoan diseases Cf. RA639+ Transmission of disease Parasitic diseases For skin diseases due to parasites see RL760+ Cf. QL99 Medical zoology (Systematic works) Cf. QL392.A1+ Helminthology Cf. QL757 Parasitology Cf. RA639+ Transmission of disease General works Diseases due to ectoparasites Diseases due to endoparasites. Intestinal parasites Individual diseases For diseases or manifestations of diseases of an organ, region, or system, see the organ, region, or system Actinomycosis African trypanosomiasis see RC186.T82 Alastrim Cf. RC183+ Smallpox Amebiasis (Amebic dysentery) Cf. RC140 Dysentery American hemorrhagic fever see RC147.H43 107

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 121.A57 Infectious and parasitic diseases 121.A6 Individual diseases -- Continued 121.A8 American trypanosomiasis see RC124.4 121.A85 Angiostrongylosis 122.B3 Ankylostomiasis see RC199.95 122.B4 Anthrax Ascariasis 123.B6 Aspergillosis Bacillary dysentery see RC140 123.B7 Balantidium coli Behcet's disease 123.C3 Bilharziasis see RC182.S24 Black death see RC171+ 124 Blastomycosis 124.4 Bornholm disease see RC179.5 124.48 Botulism see RC143 124.5 Breakbone fever see RC137 124.6 Brucellosis. Undulant fever 125 Bubonic plague see RC171+ 126 California encephalitis see RC141.E6 127 Candidiasis 131.A2 Cf. RG269.C35 Gynecology 131.A3-Z 132.A-Z Carrion's disease see RC203.5 Cerebrospinal meningitis (Epidemic, Meningococcic) 133.A1 133.A2-Z Cf. RC376 Meningitis 134.A-Z Chagas' disease. American trypanosomiasis Chancroid see RC203.C5 Chikungunya Chlamydia infections Chlamydophila infections. Chlamydophila pneumonia infections Chickenpox. Varicella Cholera General works History By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other American regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Europe General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Other regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 108

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 136.3 Infectious and parasitic diseases 136.35 Individual diseases -- Continued Clostridium diseases see RC116.C5 136.5 Coccidioidomycosis 136.7 Coccidiosis 136.8 Common cold see RF361+ 137 Coryza see RF361+ 138 Cryptosporidiosis 138.1 Cysticercosis 138.2 138.3 Cf. RC394.C87 Cerebrospinal cysticercosis 138.4 Cytomegalic inclusion 138.5.A2 Deer-fly fever see RC186.T85 138.5.A3-Z Dengue fever. Breakbone fever 138.55.A-Z Diphtheria 138.6.A-Z 138.7.A-Z General works 138.8.A-Z History 138.9.A-Z 139 General works 140 Ancient Medieval 140.5 Modern By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other American regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Europe, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Asia, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Africa, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Australia and Pacific islands, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Distomatosis Cf. RC848.F29 Fascioliasis Dysentery Cf. RC121.A5 Amebic dysentery Cf. RC182.S47 Shigellosis Ebola virus disease Echinococcosis see RC184.T6 Elephantiasis see RC142.5 109

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 141.E6 Infectious and parasitic diseases Individual diseases -- Continued 141.5 Encephalitis lethargica. Epidemic encephalitis 142 142.5 Including California encephalitis, Japanese B encephalitis, 143 Saint Louis encephalitis, and Tick-borne encephalitis 144.G3 Cf. RC186.T82 Trypanosomiasis, African. Sleeping 145 sickness 146 147.G6 Cf. RC370 Encephalomyelitis Cf. RC390 Encephalitis 147.H36 147.H43 Enterobacterial infections see RC116.E6 147.H44 Epstein-Barr virus disease 147.H6 Ergotism see RA1242.E6 147.H7 Erysipelas Filariasis 148 Including elephantiasis, onchocerciasis, etc. 150 150.1 Food poisoning (Infection and intoxication) 150.2 150.3 Including botulism Cf. RA1258+ Food poisons Cf. RC182.S12 Salmonella infections Frambesia see RC205 Gas gangrene German measles see RC182.R8 Giardiasis Glanders Glandular fever. Infectious mononucleosis Gonorrhea see RC202 Grippe see RC150+ Hansen's disease see RC154+ Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome Hemorrhagic fever, American Hemorrhagic fever, Omsk Herpes simplex see RC147.H6 Herpes zoster. Shingles. Herpes simplex Cf. RC203.H45 Herpes genitalis Histoplasmosis Cf. RE901.H5 Ocular histoplasmosis Hookworm disease see RC199.95 Hydatid disease see RC184.T6 Hydrophobia. Rabies Infantile paralysis see RC180+ Infectious mononucleosis see RC147.G6 Influenza. Grippe General works History General works Ancient Medieval 110

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 150.4 Infectious and parasitic diseases Individual diseases 150.5.A2 Influenza. Grippe 150.5.A3-Z History -- Continued 150.55.A-Z Modern By region or country 150.6.A1 United States 150.6.A2-Z General works By region or state, A-Z 150.7.A1 Other American regions or countries, A-Z 150.7.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 150.8.A1 150.8.A2-Z Europe General works 150.9.A1 By region or country, A-Z 150.9.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 152 152.5 Asia 152.7 General works By region or country, A-Z 153 153.5 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 154.A1 Africa 154.A2 General works 154.A3-Z By region or country, A-Z 154.1 154.2 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 154.3 154.4 Australia and Pacific islands General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Japanese B encephalitis see RC141.E6 Kala-azar. Visceral leishmaniasis Lassa fever Legionnaires' disease Cf. RA644.L23 Public health Leishmaniasis Cf. RL764.C8 Cutaneous leishmaniasis General works Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis Visceral leishmaniasis see RC152 Leprosy. Hansen's disease Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works History General works Ancient Medieval Modern By region or country 111

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 154.5.A2 Infectious and parasitic diseases 154.5.A3-Z Individual diseases 154.55.A-Z Leprosy. Hansen's disease By region or country -- Continued 154.6.A1 United States 154.6.A2-Z General works By region or state, A-Z 154.7.A1 154.7.A2-Z Subarrange each state by Table R5a 154.8.A1 Other American regions or countries, A-Z 154.8.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 154.9.A1 154.9.A2-Z Europe 154.95 General works 155 By region or country, A-Z 155.5 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 156.A1 156.A3-Z Asia 157 General works 158 By region or country, A-Z 159.A-Z 159.A5 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 159.A7 159.Q8 Africa 160 General works By region or country, A-Z 161.A2 161.A3-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Australia and Pacific islands General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Leptospirosis Listeriosis Lyme disease Lymphogranuloma venereum see RC203.L9 Malaria Cf. RA644.M2 Public health Cf. RC152 Kala-azar Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works General special Examination. Diagnosis Special therapies, A-Z Antimalarials. Chemotherapy Artemisinin Chemotherapy see RC159.A5 Quinine History By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z 112

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 162.A-Z Infectious and parasitic diseases Individual diseases 163.A1 Malaria 163.A2-Z By region or country -- Continued Other American regions or countries, A-Z 164.A1 164.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 165.A1 Europe 165.A2-Z General works By region or country, A-Z 166.A1 166.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 167 168.M4 Asia 168.M45 General works 168.M6 By region or country, A-Z 168.M8 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 168.M95 Africa General works 168.P15 By region or country, A-Z 168.P17 168.P2 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 168.P45 Australia and Pacific islands 171 General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Marburg virus disease Measles. Morbilli Melioidosis Miliary fever. Sweating sickness Moniliasis see RC123.C3 Morbilli see RC168.M4 Mumps Myalgia, Epidemic see RC179.5 Mycobacterial diseases see RC116.M8 Mycoplasma diseases see RC116.M85 Myiasis Oidomycosis see RC123.C3 Omsk hemorrhagic fever see RC147.H44 Onchocerciasis see RC142.5 Oroya fever see RC203.5 Papillomavirus diseases Paracoccidioidomycosis Parasmallpox see RC121.A3 Paratyphoid fever Cf. RC187+ Typhoid fever Parrot fever see RC182.P8 Pertussis see RC204 Phlebotomus fever. Sandfly fever Plague. Bubonic plague. Black death General works 113

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 172 Infectious and parasitic diseases Individual diseases 176.A2 Plague. Bubonic plague. Black death -- Continued 176.A3-Z History 177.A-Z By region or country United States 178.A1 General works 178.A2-Z By region or state, A-Z 179.A-Z Other American regions or countries, A-Z 179.5 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 180.A1 180.A2 Europe 180.A3-Z General works 180.1 By region or country, A-Z 180.2 180.3 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 180.4 180.5.A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z 180.5.K4 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 180.5.P5 180.5.R4 Pleurodynia, Epidemic 180.5.S4 Pneumonia see RC771+ 180.6 Poliomyelitis 180.7 180.8 Cf. RJ496.P2 Pediatrics 180.9 181.A-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses 182.P8 General works General special 182.Q35 Popular works Pathology Examination. Diagnosis Special therapeutic methods and apparatus, A-Z Iron lung see RC180.5.R4 Kenny method Physical therapy Respirators. Iron lung Serotherapy Research. Experimentation Clinical cases Nursing History By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Cf. RA644.P9 Immunology and other preventive measures Pseudomonas aeruginosa diseases see RC116.P7 Psittacosis. Parrot fever Pyemia see RC182.S4 Q fever Rabbit fever see RC186.T85 Rabies see RC148 114

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 182.R3 Infectious and parasitic diseases 182.R4 Individual diseases -- Continued 182.R5 Relapsing fever 182.R6 Rheumatic fever 182.R8 Rhinosporidiosis Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Tick fever 182.S12 Rubella. German measles Rubeola see RA644.R8; RC168.M4 182.S14 Saint Louis encephalitis see RC141.E6 182.S2 Salmonella infections 182.S24 182.S3 Class here infections other than typhoid and paratyphoid 182.S4 fever 182.S47 Sandfly fever see RC168.P45 183.A1 Sarcoidosis 183.A2 Scabies see RL764.S28 183.A3-Z Scarlet fever. Scarlatina 183.1 Schistosomiasis. Bilharziasis 183.2 Scrub typhus see RC186.T83 183.3 Septic sore throat. Streptococcal sore throat 183.4 Septicemia and pyemia 183.49 Cf. RG220 Toxic shock syndrome 183.5.A-Z 183.55.A-Z Shigellosis 183.6.A1 Shingles see RC147.H6 183.6.A2-Z Sleeping sickness see RC186.T82 183.7.A1 Slow virus diseases see RC114.6 183.7.A2-Z Smallpox For parasmallpox (alastrim) see RC121.A3 Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Through 1855 1856- History General works Ancient Medieval Modern By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other American regions or countries, A-Z Europe General works By region or country, A-Z Asia General works By region or country, A-Z 115

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 183.8.A1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 183.8.A2-Z Individual diseases 183.9.A1 Smallpox 183.9.A2-Z By region or country -- Continued 184.S6 Africa General works 184.S84 By region or country, A-Z Australia and Pacific islands 184.T5 General works 184.T6 By region or country, A-Z 185 Sporotrichosis Spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains see RC182.R6 186.T7 Staphylococcal diseases see RC116.S8 186.T75 Stomatitis, Ulceromembranous see RC186.T8 Streptococcal diseases see RC184.S84 186.T8 Streptococcal sore throat see RC182.S3 186.T815 Strongyloidiasis 186.T82 Sweating sickness see RC168.M6 186.T83 Syphilis see RC201+ 186.T85 Tapeworm infestation 187 188 Cf. RC136.7 Cysticercosis 189 190 General works 191 Hydatid disease. Echinococcosis Tetanus Tick-borne encephalitis see RC141.E6 Tick fever see RC182.R6 Torula infection Toxoplasmosis Cf. RE901.T69 Ocular toxoplasmosis Trachoma see RE321+ Trench mouth. Vincent's angina. Ulceromembranous stomatitis Trichinosis Trypanosomiasis, African. Sleeping sickness Trypanosomiasis, American see RC124.4 Tsutsugamushi disease. Scrub typhus Tuberculosis see RC306+ Tularemia Typhoid fever General works History General works Ancient Medieval Modern By region or country United States 116

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 192.A2 Infectious and parasitic diseases 192.A3-Z Individual diseases 193.A-Z Typhoid fever By region or country 194.A1 United States -- Continued 194.A2-Z General works By region or state, A-Z 195.A1 Other American regions or countries, A-Z 195.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 196.A1 196.A2-Z Europe General works 197.A1 By region or country, A-Z 197.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 199 199.1 Asia 199.2 General works 199.3 By region or country, A-Z 199.4 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 199.5.A2 199.5.A3-Z Africa 199.55.A-Z General works By region or country, A-Z 199.6.A1 199.6.A2-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a 199.7.A1 Australia and Pacific islands 199.7.A2-Z General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Typhus General works History General works Ancient Medieval Modern By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other American regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Europe General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Asia General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Africa 117

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 199.8.A1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 199.8.A2-Z Individual diseases Typhus 199.9.A1 By region or country 199.9.A2-Z Africa -- Continued General works 199.95 By region or country, A-Z 200.A2 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 200.A3-Z 200.1 Australia and Pacific islands 200.2 General works 200.25 By region or country, A-Z 200.3 200.35 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 200.4 200.5 Ulceromembranous stomatitis see RC186.T8 200.55.A-Z Uncinariasis. Ankylostomiasis. Hookworm disease 200.55.M64 Undulant fever see RC123.B7 200.55.S4 Varicella see RC125 200.6.A-Z Sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal diseases 200.6.P4 200.7.A-Z Cf. RA644.V4 Public health 200.7.C45 Cf. RC870+ Diseases of the genitourinary system 200.7.G38 200.7.S55 Periodicals, societies, serials see RC201.A1 200.8 Congresses see RC201.A2 201.A1 History see RC201.4+ 201.A2 General works Through 1900 1901- General special Popular works Juvenile works Addresses, essays, lectures Immunological aspects Pathology Examination. Diagnosis General works Special diagnostic methods, A-Z For prophylaxis see RA644.V4 Molecular diagnosis Serum diagnosis Special therapies, A-Z Penicillin By age group, class, etc. Children Gay men Single people Venereal disease and marriage Syphilis Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses 118

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 201.A3A-Z Infectious and parasitic diseases 201.1 Individual diseases 201.15 Sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal diseases Syphilis -- Continued 201.2 General works General special 201.3 Pathology Examination. Diagnosis 201.4 General works 201.43 Special diagnostic methods see RC200.55.A+ 201.45 Special therapies see RC200.6.A+ 201.47 Congenital syphilis History 201.5.A2 General works 201.5.A3-Z Ancient 201.55.A-Z Medieval Modern 201.6.A1 By region or country 201.6.A2-Z United States General works 201.63.A1 By region or state, A-Z 201.63.A2-Z Other American regions or countries, etc. A-Z 201.65.A1 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 201.65.A2-Z Europe 201.67.A1 General works 201.67.A2-Z By region or country, A-Z 201.7.A-Z 201.7.N4 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 201.8.A-Z Asia 201.9.A-Z General works 202 By region or country, A-Z 203.A-Z 203.C5 Subarrange each country by Table R5a Africa General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Australia and Pacific islands General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a By region, system, or organ of the body, A-Z Nervous system. Neurosyphilis Neurosyphilis see RC201.7.N4 By age group, class, A-Z By ethnic groups, A-Z Gonorrhea Other venereal diseases, A-Z Chancroid 119

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 203.H45 Infectious and parasitic diseases 203.L9 Individual diseases 203.T3 Sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal diseases 203.5 Other venereal diseases, A-Z -- Continued 203.7 Herpes genitalis 204 Locomotor ataxia see RC203.T3 205 Lymphogranuloma venereum 206 Tabes dorsalis. Locomotor ataxia 207 Verruga peruana 208 Vincent's angina see RC186.T8 209 Weil's disease 210 Whooping cough Yaws 211.A2 Yellow fever 211.A3-Z General works 212.A-Z History General works 213.A1 Ancient 213.A2-Z Medieval Modern 214.A1 By region or country 214.A2-Z United States General works 215.A1 By region or state, A-Z 215.A2-Z Other American regions or countries, A-Z 216.A1 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 216.A2-Z 251 Europe General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Asia General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Africa General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Australia and Pacific islands General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Constitutional diseases (General) Cf. RB155+ Medical genetics Cf. RX241+ Homeopathy Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology Cf. RD651+ Surgery 120

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 254.A1 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology -- Continued 254.A7-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials 254.5 General works 254.6 General special 255 Pathology Examination. Diagnosis 256 Therapeutics 257.A-Z General works 258 Special therapies, A-Z 259 Classification 260 Benign neoplasms. Paraneoplastic syndromes Unspecified neoplasms. Mixed neoplasms 261.A1 Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 261.A2 261.A7-Z Cf. RA1170.C35 Medical jurisprudence 262 Cf. RD651+ Surgery 262.5 Cf. RG580.C3 Cancer in pregnancy 263 Cf. RK651.5.C35 Prosthodontics 264 265 Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses 265.5 General works 265.6.A-Z General special Handbooks, manuals, etc. 265.7 Popular works 265.8.A-Z Juvenile literature 266 Addresses, essays, lectures 266.5 Biography of cancer patients 267 For biography of patients with cancer of a specific part 267.5 of the body see RC280.A+ 268 Collective 268.15 Individual, A-Z 268.2 Biography of oncologists Collective 268.25 Individual, A-Z Nursing Study and teaching Research. Experimentation Reporting. Registries General works By region or country see RC276+ Prevention General works Chemoprevention Endocrine aspects Cf. RC271.H55 Hormone therapy Cf. RC280.A+ Endocrine gland neoplasms Environmental aspects 121

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 268.3 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology Cancer and other malignant neoplasms -- Continued 268.4 Immunological aspects 268.415 268.42 Cf. QR188.6 Tumor immunology 268.43 Cf. RC271.I45 Immunotherapy 268.44.A-Z Genetic aspects. Cancer genes 268.44.B73 General works 268.44.C43 Proto-oncogenes 268.44.F67 Oncogenes 268.44.M93 Antioncogenes 268.44.P16 Individual marker genes, oncogenes, antioncogenes, and 268.44.R37 gene families, A-Z 268.45 BRCA genes CEA genes 268.48 Fos oncogenes Myc oncogenes 268.5 p53 antioncogene 268.52 Ras oncogenes 268.55 268.57 Nutritional aspects 268.6 Cf. RC271.D52 Diet therapy 268.65 268.7.A-Z Etiology 268.7.A23 Carcinogenesis 268.7.A42 268.7.A44 General works 268.7.A74 Cocarcinogenesis 268.7.A75 Radiation carcinogenesis 268.7.A76 Microbial carcinogenesis. Viral carcinogenesis 268.7.A78 268.7.A94 Cf. QR201.T84 Tumor microorganisms 268.7.B42 Cf. QR372.O6 Oncogenic viruses 268.7.B44 Chemical carcinogenesis. Carcinogens 268.7.C56 General works 268.7.C62 Carcinogenicity testing 268.7.C64 Special carcinogens, A-Z 268.7.C93 Acetylaminofluorene Alcohol Alkylating agents Aromatic amines Aromatic compounds Arsenic Asbestos Azo dyes Benzanthracenes Benzopyrene Chemicals (General) see RC268.6+ Chloroacetic acids Coal tar dyes Coffee Cyclamates 122

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 268.7.C95 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology 268.7.D48 Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 268.7.D5 Carcinogenesis 268.7.D53 Chemical carcinogenesis. Carcinogens 268.7.D76 Special carcinogens, A-Z -- Continued 268.7.E43 Cyclopentaphenanthrenes 268.7.F55 Dichloroethylene 268.7.F6 Dichloromethyl ether 268.7.H34 Diesel motor exhaust gas 268.7.H88 Drugs 268.7.H9 ELF electromagnetic fields Fluoride 268.7.M45 Food additives Haloethers 268.7.M5 Hydrazines 268.7.M54 Hydrocarbines 268.7.N52 Inorganic fibers see RC268.7.M54 268.7.N54 Metals 268.7.N55 Mineral fibers see RC268.7.M54 268.7.N57 Mineral oils 268.7.N58 Minerals. Mineral fibers. Inorganic fibers 268.7.N59 Nickel compounds 268.7.O72 Nitrites 268.7.P47 Nitrofurans 268.7.P5 Nitroquinoline oxide 268.7.P58 Nitroso compounds 268.7.P64 Nitrosoamines 268.7.P74 Oral contraceptives 268.7.S23 Pesticides 268.7.S7 Phenanthrene 268.7.T62 Plutonium compounds 268.7.T74 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 268.7.U73 Printing ink 268.7.V54 Saccharin Steroid hormones 269 Tobacco 269.5 Trihalomethanes 269.7 Urethane Vinyl chloride 270 Vinylidene chloride see RC268.7.D48 270.3.A-Z Pathology 270.3.C97 Metastasis Cell biology. Cytology Examination. Diagnosis General works Special diagnostic methods, A-Z Cytodiagnosis. Cytopathology 123

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 270.3.D53 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology 270.3.E43 Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 270.3.F56 Examination. Diagnosis 270.3.F58 Special diagnostic methods, A-Z -- Continued 270.3.H56 Diagnostic imaging 270.3.I44 Electron microscopy 270.3.I45 Flow cytometry 270.3.I46 Fluorescent probes 270.3.M33 Histopathology Immunocytochemistry 270.3.M65 Immunodiagnosis 270.3.N44 Immunohistochemistry 270.3.R33 Magnetic resonance imaging 270.3.R35 Markers, Tumor see RC270.3.T84 270.3.T65 Monoclonal antibodies 270.3.T84 Needle biopsy 270.4 Radioimmunoimaging 270.5 Radionuclide imaging 270.8 Tomography 270.9 Tumor markers 271.A-Z Interval cancer Spontaneous cancer regression 271.A35 Therapeutics Critical care 271.A59 Special therapies, A-Z 271.A62 271.A63 Cf. RD651+ Surgery 271.A65 271.A66 Adjuvant treatment 271.A67 Adriamycin see RC271.D68 271.A68 Aldehydes 271.A684 Alternative treatment 271.A69 Anthracyclines 271.A78 Antibiotics 271.A8 Antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy 271.A84 Antibody-toxin conjugates 271.B2 Antimetabolites 271.B4 Antimutagens 271.B45 Antisense nucleic acids 271.B53 Ascorbic acid 271.B57 Asparagin 271.B59 Asparaginase 271.B8 BCG Beet juice Bestatin Biological response modifiers Bleomycin Blood transfusion Busulfan 124

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 271.C35 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology 271.C44 Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 271.C48 Therapeutics 271.C5 Special therapies, A-Z -- Continued 271.C55 Camptothecins 271.C6 Cellular therapy 271.C7 Chemokines 271.C78 Chemotherapy 271.C9 Cisplatin 271.C95 Colchicine 271.D52 Cruzin 271.D53 Cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors 271.D534 Cyclophosphamide 271.D54 Cytokines 271.D68 Diet therapy 271.E4 Differentiation therapy 271.E43 Dimethylallyltranstransferase inhibitors 271.E68 DNA topoisomerase inhibitors 271.E7 Doxorubicin 271.E76 Electrocoagulation (Cancer therapy) Electrons (Cancer therapy) 271.F55 Essiac 271.F6 Estrogen antagonists 271.G45 Etoposide 271.G56 Fast neutrons see RC271.N48 271.G72 Fluoropyrimidines Folic acid and derivatives 271.H43 Gene therapy 271.H45 Ginseng 271.H47 Grapes 271.H53 Hatha yoga see RC271.Y63 271.H55 Heat see RC271.T5 271.I2 Hematopoietic growth factors 271.I43 Hematopoietic stem cells 271.I45 Herbs 271.I457 Holistic therapy 271.I46 Hormones 271.I47 Ibenzmethyzin 271.K54 Imatinib 271.K7 Immunotherapy 271.L3 Inositol phosphates 271.L65 Interferon Interleukin-2 Killer cells Krebiozen Laetrile Lonidamine 125

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 271.L87 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology 271.M32 Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 271.M35 Therapeutics 271.M4 Special therapies, A-Z -- Continued 271.M43 Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonists 271.M44 Marijuana 271.M5 Medroxyprogesterone 271.M53 Mental healing 271.M55 Metalloproteinase inhibitors 271.M57 Methotrexate 271.M65 Mistletoe 271.M8 Mitomycin C Mitotane 271.N46 Mitoxantrone hydrochloride 271.N48 Monoclonal antibodies 271.N56 Mucorhicin 271.N83 Natulan see RC271.I2 271.O25 Neovascularization inhibitors 271.O7 Neutrons. Fast neutrons 271.O73 Nitrosoureas 271.O93 Nucleosides 271.P33 Octreotide acetate 271.P38 Organometallic compounds 271.P4 Organotin compounds 271.P43 Oxaliplatin 271.P44 Palliative treatment 271.P45 Peroxidase 271.P54 Petroleum 271.P55 Photochemotherapy 271.P6 Physical therapy 271.P74 Pituitary extract 271.P76 Plasma exchange 271.P79 Platinum organic compounds 271.R24 Podophyllum 271.R26 Protease inhibitors 271.R27 Protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitors 271.R3 Psychotherapy 271.S55 Radiesthesia 271.S66 Radioimmunotherapy Radioisotope brachytherapy 271.T15 Radiotherapy 271.T36 Shark cartilage Somatostatin derivatives Surgery see RD651+ T cells Tamoxifen 126

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC (271.T38) Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 271.T4 Therapeutics 271.T5 Special therapies, A-Z -- Continued Taxol 271.T68 271.T7 see RC271.P27 271.V56 271.V567 Tecoma impetiginosa 271.V57 Thermotherapy. Heat Transfusion, Blood see RC271.B59 271.V58 Triazenes 271.Y63 Triethylenethiophosphoramide 271.Z55 Vindesine 275 Viruses Vitamin A 276 Vitamin C see RC271.A78 277.A-Z Vitamin M see RC271.F6 279.A-Z Vitamins Yoga. Hatha yoga 279.5 Zinostatin 279.6.A-Z History 280.A-Z By region or country 280.A2 Including hospitals 280.A26 280.A28 United States 280.A3 General works 280.A4 By region or state, A-Z 280.A66 280.B48 Other regions or countries, A-Z Biography 280.B5 Cf. RC265.5+ Biography of cancer patients 280.B56 280.B6 Collective 280.B7 Individual, A-Z 280.B8 By region, system, or organ of the body, or type of tumor, A- 280.B9 Z Abdomen Acoustic nerve Adipose tissues Adrenal gland Alimentary canal Appendix Bile ducts. Biliary tract Biliary tract see RC280.B48 Bladder Blood-forming organs see RC280.H47 Blood vessels Bones Brain Breast. Mammary glands Bronchi 127

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 280.C3 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology By region, system, or organ of the body, or type of tumor, A- 280.C4 Z -- Continued Cardia 280.C5 Central nervous system see RC280.N43 280.C6 Cerebellum Cervix uteri see RC280.U8 280.C65 Chest 280.D5 Colon 280.E2 Including colorectal neoplasms 280.E55 Connective tissues 280.E6 Digestive organs Duodenum see RC280.S8 280.E66 Ear 280.E8 Endocrine glands 280.E9 Endometrium see RC280.U8 280.F32 Endothelium 280.F66 Epiglottis see RC280.T5 280.G3 Epithelium Esophagus 280.G4 Eye 280.G5 Face 280.G52 Foot 280.H35 Gall bladder 280.H4 Gastrointestinal system see RC280.D5 280.H45 Genital organs 280.H47 280.I5 For individual organs, see the organ, e.g. RC280.P37, Penis 280.J3 280.K5 General works Female 280.L46 Male 280.L5 Hand 280.L8 Head 280.L9 Heart Hematopoietic system. Blood-forming organs 280.M35 Intestines 280.M37 Jaws 280.M4 Kidneys 280.M6 Larnyx see RC280.T5 Lips Liver Lungs Lymphatics. Lymphomas Mammary glands see RC280.B8 Mediastinum Melanoma Meninges Mouth 128

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 280.M8 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology 280.M83 By region, system, or organ of the body, or type of tumor, A- Z -- Continued 280.N35 Muscles Musculoskeletal system 280.N4 Nasopharynx see RC280.P4 280.N43 Neck 280.N58 Nervous system 280.N6 General works 280.O8 Central nervous system 280.P25 Nonchromaffin paraganglia 280.P3 Nose Ovaries 280.P35 Pancreas 280.P37 Parathyroid glands 280.P38 Parotid glands see RC280.S3 280.P4 Pelvis 280.P45 Penis 280.P5 Peritoneum 280.P6 Pharynx. Nasopharynx 280.P7 Pineal body 280.R37 Pituitary gland Placenta 280.R38 Prostate gland 280.R4 Rectum 280.S28 280.S3 Cf. RC280.C6 Colorectal neoplasms 280.S5 Respiratory organs 280.S66 Reticulo-endothelial systems 280.S7 Sacrococcygeal region 280.S72 Salivary glands 280.S75 Skin 280.S8 280.S9 Cf. RD655 Surgery 280.T4 Cf. RD677 Dermoid cysts (Surgery) 280.T5 280.T55 Soft tissue 280.T6 Spinal cord 280.T69 Spine 280.T7 Spleen Stomach and duodenum 280.U74 Synovial membrane Testicle Throat. Epiglottis. Larynx. Trachea. Vocal cords Thymus gland Thyroid gland Tongue Tonsils Trachea see RC280.T5 Urinary organs 129

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 280.U8 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology By region, system, or organ of the body, or type of tumor, A- 280.V8 Z -- Continued 281.A-Z Uterus. Cervix uteri. Endometrium 281.A34 Vocal cords see RC280.T5 281.C4 Vulva By age group, class, etc. 281.M45 Aged. Older people. Geriatric oncology Children 281.V48 Geriatric oncology see RC281.A34 281.W65 Men 282.A-Z Older people see RC281.A34 Veterans 282.B55 Women 282.H57 By ethnic group, A-Z 282.J4 African Americans see RC282.B55 282.N37 Blacks Hispanic Americans 306 Jews Navajo 306.5 306.52 Tuberculosis 307.A2 307.A4-Z Including tuberculosis of the lungs Cf. QR189.5.T7+ Bacteriology 309.A1 Cf. RA644.T7 Public health 309.A2 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 309.A5 Collected works (nonserial) 309.A6-Z Several authors 309.5.A-Z Individual authors Museums. Exhibitions 310 Congresses Hospitals, clinics, etc. 310.5 General works 311 Directories 311.1 By region or country 311.19 311.2 United States General works By region or state, A-Z Assign second cutter for author only Other regions or countries, A-Z Assign second cutter for author only History General works Through 1900 1901- General special Pathology. Pathogenesis Examination. Diagnosis 130

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 311.3.A-Z Tuberculosis -- Continued Special therapies, A-Z 311.3.C3 311.3.C45 For surgical therapeutics, see the region of the body in RD 311.3.C6 311.3.D5 Capparis moonii 311.3.I8 Chemotherapy 311.3.M4 Collapse therapy 311.3.P6 Diet 311.3.Q54 Isoniazid 311.3.R54 Methazid 311.3.S4 Pneumothorax 311.3.S7 Quinolones 311.3.T4 Rifamycins 311.3.V5 Serotherapy 311.4 Streptomycin 311.6 Thiosemicarbazones 311.8 Vitamins 312 Research. Experimentation 312.2 Home care and rehabilitation 312.5.A-Z Nursing 312.5.B6 Popular works 312.5.B7 Clinical cases 312.5.E3 By region, system, or organ of the body, A-Z 312.5.E9 Bones Breast 312.5.G4 Ear 312.5.G5 Eye 312.5.H4 Genital organs 312.5.H5 312.5.J6 General and male 312.5.K5 Female Heart 312.5.L9 Hip joint 312.5.M45 Joints 312.5.N4 Kidneys 312.5.N6 Lungs 312.5.P55 312.5.R4 see RC310+ 312.5.S5 Lymphatics 312.5.S6 Meninges 312.5.T5 Nervous system Nose Pleura Respiratory system Skin Including lupus vulgaris Spine Throat 131

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 312.6.A-Z Tuberculosis -- Continued By age group, class, etc., A-Z 312.6.A3 312.6.A4 Class here general works only 312.6.C4 For country subdivisions see RC313+ 312.6.P7 Adolescents 312.7.A-Z Aged. Older people Children 312.7.B55 Older people see RC312.6.A4 Prisoners 313.A-Z By ethnic group, A-Z 313.A1-.A16 313.A2 Class here general works only For country subdivisions, see RC313+ e.g., RC313.A55, U.S. 313.A3 313.A4 Indians; RC313.A57, African Americans 313.A5 African Americans see RC313.A57 313.A55 Blacks 313.A57 By region or country 313.A58A-.A58Z United States 313.A6-.W Periodicals. Societies. Serials 314 General works 314.23.A-Z By region 314.5.A-Z 314.5.C8 New England 315.A-Z South West 316.A1 By ethnic group 316.A2-Z Indians African Americans 317.A1 Other, A-Z 317.A2-Z By state, A-W Canada 318.A1 General works By province, A-Z West Indies, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Cuba Other American regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Europe General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Asia General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Africa General works 132

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 318.A2-Z Tuberculosis By region or country 319.A1 Africa -- Continued 319.A2-Z By region or country, A-Z 319.5 320.A1 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 320.A2-Z Australia 320.5.A1 General works 320.5.G7 By region or country, A-Z 321 New Zealand 326 Pacific islands 327 328 General works (329) By island or group of islands, A-Z 331 332 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 333 334 Arctic regions 335 General works 336 Greenland 337 337.8 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 338 Cf. QM451+ Human neuroanatomy Cf. QP351+ Neurophysiology and neuropsychology 339.A1 Cf. RJ486.5+ Biological child psychiatry. Pediatric 339.A2A-.A2Z 339.A3-Z psychiatry Cf. RM315+ Neuropsychopharmacology Periodicals. Societies. Serials Societies Congresses Hospitals, clinics, etc. Cf. RC439 Psychiatric hospitals Yearbooks see RC321 Serials. Monographic series Collected works (nonserial) Several authors Individual authors Dictionaries and encyclopedias Directories Study and teaching Research. Experimentation Documentation History Cf. RC438+ History of psychiatry General works By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z 133

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 339.5 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry -- 339.52.A-Z Continued 340 Biography 341 343 Cf. RC438.5+ Biography of psychiatrists, 343.3 psychotherapists 343.4 343.5 Cf. RD592.8+ Biography of neurosurgeons 343.6 344 Collective Individual, A-Z 346 General works 346.3 346.4 Cf. RC346+ Neurology 346.5 Cf. RC454 Psychiatry 347 347.5 Through 1900 1901- 348 General special 349.A-Z Social aspects 349.D52 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 349.E53 Problems, exercises, examinations 349.E55 Outlines, syllabi, etc. Addresses, essays, lectures 349.M34 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 349.N48 Including manifestations of diseases Cf. QM451+ Anatomy Cf. QP351+ Physiology Cf. RA1147 Forensic neurology Cf. RB127+ Pain (General) Cf. RD592.5+ Neurosurgery Cf. RG580.N47 Diseases in pregnancy Cf. RJ486+ Pediatric neurology General works Neurological errors Genetic aspects Immunological aspects Pathology Neurotoxicology Cf. RC365 Central nervous system Examination. Diagnosis Cf. RC386.5+ Diseases of the brain General works Special diagnostic procedures, A-Z Diagnostic imaging Electrodiagnosis Electroencephalography see RC386.6.E43 Electrophoresis (Neurology) Evoked potentials see RC386.6.E86 Imaging, Diagnostic see RC349.D52 Magnetic resonance imaging Neural conduction measurement 134

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 349.R3 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 349.R33 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 349.T65 Examination. Diagnosis 349.U47 Special diagnostic procedures, A-Z -- Continued Radiography 349.8 Radioisotope scanning 350.A-Z Tomography Ultrasonic imaging 350.A45 Therapeutics 350.B3 General works 350.B56 Special therapies, A-Z 350.B72 350.C54 For surgical therapeutics, see the region of the body in RD 350.D78 350.E5 Alternative treatment 350.E85 Balneotherapy 350.G45 Biofeedback training 350.G75 Brain stimulation 350.H47 Chemotherapy 350.I4 Drug infusion pumps Electrotherapy 350.I45 Exercise 350.N48 Gene therapy 350.N49 Growth factors 350.P48 Herbs 350.S73 Impletol 350.4 Intensive care, Neurological see RC350.N49 350.5 Interferon Neural stimulation 350.7 Neurological intensive care Physical therapy 351 Steroids Aftercare. Rehabilitation 355 Neurological nursing 356 357 Cf. RD596 Neurosurgical nursing 358 358.8 Neurological emergencies 359 359.5 Cf. RC350.N49 Neurological intensive care 360 Popular works 361 Cf. RA790+ Mental health Handbooks, manuals, etc. Problems, exercises, examinations Outlines, syllabi, etc. Addresses, essays, lectures Atlases Clinical cases Infections. Neurovirology Diseases of the central nervous system General works General special 135

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 361.5 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 362 Diseases of the central nervous system -- Continued 363 Examination. Diagnosis 365 For special diagnostic techniques see RC349.A+ 366 366.3.A-Z Congenital malformations. Dysraphia Inflammatory diseases (General) 366.3.A44 Metabolic, toxic, and degenerative diseases (General) 366.3.L48 Myelin sheath pathology 367 General works 368 Special topics, A-Z 368.3 370 Adrenoleukodystrophy see RJ496.A32 Alexander disease 372.A1 Leukodystrophy 372.A2 Vascular lesions (General) 372.A3A-.A3Z Central pain General works 372.A4-Z Deafferentation pain syndrome 372.2 Encephalomyelitis 372.3 Epilepsy 372.4 372.5 Cf. RA645.E64 Public health 373 Cf. RJ496.E6 Pediatrics 374.A-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials 374.A46 Congresses 374.C48 Individual institutions. By name, A-Z 374.K46 374.L35 Cf. HV3006+ Institutions for people with mental 374.M48 disabilities 374.P48 374.P75 General works 374.5 Juvenile works 375 Epilepsy literature 376 Electrophysiological aspects Pathology Examination. Diagnosis Special therapies, A-Z Cf. RD593 Neurosurgery Alternative treatment Chemotherapy (General) Ketogenic diet Lamotrigine Metindione Phenytoin Progabide Petit mal epilepsy Tourette syndrome Meningitis Cf. RC124 Cerebrospinal meningitis Cf. RC312.5.M45 Tuberculosis meningitis 136

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 376.5 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 377 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 378 Diseases of the central nervous system -- Continued Movement disorders. Basal ganglia diseases. Extra- 382 pyramidal disorders Multiple sclerosis 382.2 Myoclonus Neoplasms (General) see RC280.N43 385 Neurosyphilis see RC201.7.N4 Parkinson's disease 386 386.2 Including postencephalitic Parkinson's disease and 386.5 symptomatic Parkinson's disease 386.6.A-Z 386.6.A45 Perception disorders 386.6.A54 386.6.B46 Cf. RC394.N44 Neglect 386.6.B55 Cf. RC394.A37 Agnosia 386.6.B65 Cf. RC394.S93 Synesthesia 386.6.B7 Cf. RE91+ Vision disorders 386.6.B73 Cf. RF290 Hearing disorders 386.6.D52 386.6.E43 Tourette's syndrome see RC375 Tuberculosis see RC312.5.N4 386.6.E86 Other diseases (not A-Z) 386.6.H34 Class here diseases not limited to the brain or spinal cord Diseases of the brain Including manifestations of diseases General works General special Examination. Diagnosis General works Special diagnostic procedures, A-Z Ambulatory electroencephalography Angiography Bender-Gestalt Test Biopsy Booklet Category Test Brain mapping Brain microdialysis Diagnostic imaging Cf. RC473.B7 Psychiatry Electroencephalography Electroencephalography, Ambulatory see RC386.6.A45 Emission tomography see RC386.6.T65 Encephalography see RC386.6.R3 Encephalography, Ultrasonic see RC386.6.U45 Evoked potentials Cf. RF294.5.E87 Evoked response audiometry Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery 137

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 386.6.L87 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 386.6.M32 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 386.6.M34 Diseases of the central nervous sytem 386.6.M36 Diseases of the brain 386.6.M44 Examination. Diagnosis 386.6.N48 Special diagnostic procedures, A-Z 386.6.N83 Imaging see RC386.6.D52 386.6.P57 Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery 386.6.R3 Magnetic brain stimulation 386.6.R33 Magnetic resonance imaging 386.6.R48 Magnetoencephalography 386.6.T64 Mental status examination 386.6.T65 Neuropsychological tests 386.6.U45 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 387 Pneumoencephalography 387.5 388 Cf. RC473.P6 Psychiatry 388.5 Radiography Radioisotope scanning 389 Rheoencephalography 390 Tomography Tomography, Emission 391 Ultrasonic encephalography 392 Brain abscess Brain damage 394.A-Z Cerebral palsy 394.A37 394.A43 Cf. RA645.C47 Public health Cf. RJ496.C4 Pediatrics Cerebrovascular disease. Stroke Including carotid artery diseases, cerebral ischemia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency Chorea (St. Vitus' dance) Cf. RC394.H85 Huntington's chorea Encephalitis Cf. RC141.E6 Epidemic encephalitis Cf. RC370 Encephalomyelitis Cf. RJ496.E5 Pediatrics Hydrocephalus Cf. RJ496.H9 Pediatrics Headache. Migraine Including migraine aura Cf. RB128 Headache as a manifestation of disease Cf. RJ496.H3 Pediatrics Neoplasms see RC280.B7 Other diseases, A-Z Agnosia Akinetic mutism Alexia see RC394.W6 138

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 394.A5 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 394.A75 Diseases of the central nervous system 394.A85 Diseases of the brain Other diseases, A-Z -- Continued 394.B7 Amnesia 394.C3 Aphasia see RC425+ 394.C47 Apoplexy see RC394.H37 Apraxia 394.C64 Attention-deficit disorder in adults 394.C7 Basal ganglia diseases see RC376.5 394.C77 Brain dysfunction, Minimal see RC394.M55 Brain stem diseases 394.C83 Calcification 394.C87 Cerebellar degeneration 394.D35 Cerebrospinal cysticercosis see RC394.C87 394.D4 Chorea, Huntington's see RC394.H85 Cognition disorders 394.E3 Concussion Convulsions 394.F37 394.H35 Cf. RC372+ Epilepsy 394.H37 Cf. RJ496.C7 Pediatrics 394.H4 394.H85 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 394.I5 Cysticercosis, Cerebrospinal. Neurocysticercosis (394.J34) Degeneration (General) 394.K6 Dementia paralytica. Paresis 394.K8 Dyskinesia, Tardive see RC394.T37 394.L37 Dyslexia see RC394.W6 394.L4 Edema 394.M46 Extrapyramidal disorders see RC376.5 Fatal familial insomnia 394.M48 Hematoma 394.M55 Hemorrhage Hepatolenticular degeneration Huntington's chorea Infarction Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease see RC394.C83 Korsakoff's syndrome Kuru Learning disabilities Leucodystrophy Memory disorders Cf. BF376 Psychology Metabolic disorders Minimal brain dysfunction Cf. RJ496.B7 Pediatrics 139

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 394.N44 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 394.N47 Diseases of the central nervous system 394.O45 Diseases of the brain Other diseases, A-Z -- Continued 394.P76 Mutism, Akinetic see RC394.A43 394.R34 Neglect Neurocysticercosis see RC394.C87 394.S7 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 394.S93 Olivopontocerebellar atrophies Paresis see RC394.D4 394.S95 Presenile dementia see RC522+ 394.T37 Progressive supranuclear palsy 394.T5 Radiation damage 394.T7 Senile dementia see RC524 394.V57 Stroke see RC388.5 394.W47 Sturge-Weber syndrome 394.W6 Synesthesia 394.W63 395 Cf. BF495+ Psychology 400 Syringobulbia Tardive dyskinesia 402 Thrombosis 402.2.A-Z Transient global amnesia 402.2.E94 Visual agnosia 402.2.M94 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 402.2.R33 Word-blindness. Alexia. Dyslexia 403 Word deafness 405 Congenital anomalies Epilepsy see RC372+ 406.A-Z Diseases of the spinal cord 406.A24 406.C66 Including cerebrospinal fluid 406.F7 406.H45 General works Examination. Diagnosis General works Special diagnostic procedures, A-Z Evoked potentials Myelography Radiography Landry's paralysis Myelitis Cf. RC370 Encephalomyelitis Tabes dorsalis and locomotor ataxis see RC203.T3 Other, A-Z Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Compression Friedreich's ataxia Hemiplegia 140

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 406.P25 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 406.P3 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 406.Q33 Diseases of the central nervous system Diseases of the spinal cord 406.S9 Other, A-Z -- Continued Paralysis of upper extremities 406.V3 Paraplegia 407 Quadriplegia Spina bifida see RJ496.S74 409 Syringomyelia 410 Tetraplegia see RC406.Q33 411 Tumors see RC280.S7 412 Vascular diseases 416 Diseases of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system 418 (General) 420 422.A-Z Including the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous 422.C26 system 422.C3 422.C4 Diseases of the nerves and peripheral ganglia 422.D52 General works 422.E56 Cranial nerves 422.P4 Spinal nerves 422.P64 Neuralgia 422.R43 Neuritis Facial movement disorders. Facial paralysis 423.A1 Sciatica 423.A2-Z Other diseases, A-Z 424 Carpal tunnel syndrome 424.5 Causalgia 424.7 Cervical syndrome Diabetic neuropathies 425 Entrapment neuropathies Perineurial cysts Polyneuropathies Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Communicative disorders. Speech and language disorders Including neurological and psychoneurotic disorders Cf. RF510+ Laryngology Cf. RJ496.S7 Pediatrics Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Stuttering Cf. RJ496.S8 Pediatrics Cluttering Articulation disorders Aphasia Cf. RJ496.A6 Pediatrics General works 141

RC INTERNAL MEDICINE RC 425.3 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 425.5 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system 425.6 Communicative disorders. Speech and language disorders 425.7 Aphasia 426 Conduction aphasia 427 Agrammatism 428 Anomia 428.5 Paragrammatism 428.8 Echolalia 429 Speech clinics Study and teaching of speech therapy 435 Speech therapy as a profession 435.2 Psychological aspects (436) Other (not A-Z) 436.5 Wounds and injuries of the nervous system and foreign 437 bodies see RD593 437.2 Psychiatry 437.25 Including psychopathology 437.5 Cf. HV7936.P75 Psychiatrists in police work 438 Cf. RA790+ Mental health Cf. RA1151+ Forensic psychiatry Cf. RC967.5 Industrial psychiatry Cf. RJ499+ Child psychiatry Cf. RZ400+ Mental healing Periodicals, societies see RC321 Serials see RC331 Hospitals, clinics, etc. see RC439 Congresses see RC327 Collected works (nonserial) Several authors Individual authors Yearbooks see RC321 Nomenclature. Terminology. Abbreviations Dictionaries and encyclopedias Communication in psychiatry Directories Study and teaching see RC459+ Research, experimentation see RC337 Philosophy. Methodology History General works By region or country see RC443+ Biography Including psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and clinical psychologists For biography of patients see RC464.A+ 142

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