RJ PEDIATRICS RJ 505.R36 Diseases of children 505.R4 Mental disorders of children and adolescents. Child 505.R43 psychiatry. Child mental health services 505.R45 Child psychotherapy 505.S44 Specific therapies and special aspects of therapy, A-Z -- 505.S64 Continued 505.S658 Recreation 505.S66 Relaxation 505.S75 Resilient therapy 505.T47 Resistance 505.T53 Self-management 505.T69 Solution-focused therapy 505.T73 Spiritual healing 505.T84 Sports therapy Storytelling. Narrative therapy 506.A-Z Termination of therapy or analysis 506.A33 Therapeutic community Touch 506.A35 Transference 506.A4 Twelve-step programs Writing. Written communication see RJ505.C64 506.A58 Specific disorders, A-Z Adjustment disorders 506.A9 Affective disorders see RJ506.D4 Aggressiveness 506.B44 Alcoholism 506.B65 Anorexia nervosa see RC552.A5 Anxiety 506.C48 Attachment disorder see RJ507.A77 506.C5 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder see RJ506.H9 506.C63 Autism. Infantile autism. Asperger's syndrome 506.C65 506.D4 Cf. HQ773.8 Child rearing. Family life 506.D47 506.D55 Behavior disorders 506.D68 Borderline personality disorder 506.D78 Bulimia see RC552.B84 Child molesting 506.D83 Childhood disintegrative disorder 506.E18 Cognition disorders Conduct disorders Depression, Mental. Affective disorders Developmental disabilities Dissociative disorders Down syndrome Drug abuse. Substance abuse Including abuse of individual drugs, e.g. heroin Dual diagnosis Eating disorders 293
RJ PEDIATRICS RJ 506.E5 Diseases of children Mental disorders of children and adolescents. Child 506.F34 psychiatry. Child mental health services Specific disorders, A-Z -- Continued 506.F73 Encopresis 506.F85 Enuresis see RJ476.E6 506.G35 Fantasy. Imagery 506.H34 Fear see RJ506.P38 Fragile X syndrome 506.H65 Fugue 506.H9 Gender identity disorders 506.H94 Hallucinations Heroin abuse see RJ506.D78 506.I55 Homicide. Homicidal behavior 506.I58 Hyperactivity. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 506.J88 Hysteria 506.L4 Infantile autism see RJ506.A9 Infantilism 506.L68 Internet addiction 506.M36 Juvenile delinquency Learning disabilities 506.M4 For neurological aspects see RJ496.L4 506.M84 Cf. LC4704+ Education 506.M87 Low self-esteem 506.N37 Memory disorders Mental depression see RJ506.D4 506.N48 Mental retardation 506.O25 Minimal brain dysfunction see RJ496.B7 506.O66 Mongolism see RJ506.D68 506.P27 Multiple personality 506.P28 Mutilation, Self see RJ506.S44 506.P32 Mutism, Selective 506.P38 Narcissism Narcotic addiction see RJ506.D78 506.P53 Neuroses 506.P55 Obsessive-compulsive neurosis 506.P63 Oppositional defiant disorder 506.P66 Parental alienation syndrome 506.P68 Pathological demand avoidance syndrome Personality disorders Phobias. Fear Cf. BF723.F4 Child psychology Pica Post-traumatic stress disorder Problem children. Problem youth Psychic trauma Psychomotor disorders 294
RJ PEDIATRICS RJ 506.P69 Diseases of children 506.P72 Mental disorders of children and adolescents. Child 506.P95 psychiatry. Child mental health services 506.R47 Specific disorders, A-Z -- Continued 506.R57 Psychoses 506.S3 Psychosexual disorders 506.S33 Pyromania Rett syndrome 506.S39 Risk-taking 506.S44 Schizophrenia 506.S46 School phobia 506.S47 Selective mutism see RJ506.M87 506.S48 Self-destructive behavior 506.S55 Self-mutilation 506.S63 Separation anxiety Sex addiction 506.S66 Sex offenses 506.S68 Sleep disorders Social phobia 506.S9 Somatization disorder see RJ506.S66 506.T75 Somatoform disorders. Somatization disorder 506.V56 Specific language impairment 506.W44 Substance abuse see RJ506.D78 507.A-Z Suicidal behavior 507.A29 Trisomy Violence 507.A34 Williams syndrome 507.A36 Specific causative factors, situations, abilities, etc., A-Z 507.A42 Abused children. Abused teenagers 507.A77 Cf. RJ375 Medical care of abused children 507.D48 507.D57 Abused teenagers see RJ507.A29 507.D59 Adolescent pregnancy Adopted children 507.E56 Alcoholic parents 507.E57 Attachment behavior. Attachment disorder 507.F33 Children with disabilities see RJ507.H35 507.F35 Developmentally disabled children 507.F47 Disasters. Child disaster victims 507.F66 Divorced parents 507.G55 Cf. RJ506.P27 Parental alienation syndrome Emotional deprivation Employed mothers Family relationships (General) Family violence Feral children Foster children Gifted children 295
RJ PEDIATRICS RJ 507.H35 Diseases of children 507.H64 Mental disorders of children and adolescents. Child 507.L53 psychiatry. Child mental health services Specific causative factors, situations, abilities, etc. -- 507.M44 Continued 507.M54 Handicapped children. Children with disabilities 507.N37 Homeless children 507.P35 Life change events Marital relations of parents see RJ507.P35 507.P37 Mentally ill parents Minority children 507.P64 Narcotic addicted parents Parent and child. Parental influences (General) 507.P84 507.R44 Including parents' marital relations 507.S43 Cf. RJ506.P27 Parental alienation syndrome 507.S44 507.S46 Parental deprivation 507.S49 Physical stimulation see RJ507.S44 507.S53 Political persecution 507.S55 507.S77 Including children of political prisoners 507.T45 507.U96 Pregnancy, Adolescent see RJ507.A34 Psychotherapists' children 511 Refugee children 516.A-Z Self 516.A86 Sensory stimulation 516.E35 Separation-individuation 520.A-Z Sexually abused children 520.A54 520.C64 Cf. RA1141.5 Forensic medicine 520.D45 Sibling abuse. Victims of sibling abuse Single parents Stress Temperament Uxoricide Victims of sibling abuse see RJ507.S53 Violence, Family see RJ507.F35 Diseases of the skin Cf. RJ51.C87 Cutaneous manifestations General works By disease, A-Z Atopic dermatitis Eczema Other diseases, A-Z Angelman syndrome Collagen diseases Cf. RJ406.R4 Rheumatic fever Cf. RJ482.A77 Rheumatoid arthritis Cf. RJ482.R48 Rheumatism Dehydration 296
RJ PEDIATRICS RJ 520.F47 Diseases of children 520.H94 Other diseases, A-Z -- Continued 520.I28 Fever 520.P6 Hypoglycemia 520.P7 Iatrogenic diseases 520.P74 Portal hypertension Prader-Willi syndrome 520.R4 Prenatal substance abuse 520.R43 Cf. RG580.S75 Substance abuse in pregnancy 520.S83 Cf. RG629.F45 Fetal alcohol syndrome. Fetal alcohol 520.T87 550 spectrum disorders 560 Reticuloendotheliosis 570 Reye's syndrome Rheumatic fever see RJ406.R4 Substance abuse, Prenatal see RJ520.P74 Sudden death Turner's syndrome Diseases of adolescence. Adolescent medicine Including manifestations of diseases For adolescent pregnancy see RG556.5 For adolescent health services see RJ101+ For specific diseases, therapies, etc. see RJ370+ Materia medica and pharmacology Cf. RJ52+ Therapeutics General works Trade publications 297
RK DENTISTRY RK 1 Dentistry 3 Cf. RA1062 Forensic dentistry and dental jurisprudence 3.2 3.5.A-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials Hospitals, clinics, etc. 4 General works 5.A1-.A5 Mobile dental clinics 5.A6-Z By region or country, A-Z Museums and exhibitions see RK68+ 6.A1-.A5 Boards of dental examination and registration 6.A6-Z General works By region or country 7.A1-.A5 7.A6-Z United States 8.A-Z General works 9.A-Z By region or state, A-Z 10.A-Z 11.A-Z Canada. British North America 12.A-Z General works 13.A-Z By region or state, A-Z 14 14.5 Mexico 15.A-Z General works (16) By region or state, A-Z 21 Central America, A-Z 24 25 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 27 28 West Indies, A-Z 28.3 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 28.7 South America, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Europe, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Asia, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Africa, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Australia New Zealand Pacific islands, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Yearbooks see RK1 Congresses Collected works (nonserial) Several authors Individual authors Dictionaries and encyclopedias Nomenclature. Terminology. Abbreviations Communication in dentistry General works Dental literature 298
RK DENTISTRY RK 29 History 30 General works 31 General special 32 Ancient 33 Medieval 34.A-Z Modern By region or country, A-Z 37 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 38 39.A-Z Directories Laboratories, institutes, etc. 41 43.A-Z General works Individual. By city, A-Z 50 Biography 51 Collective 51.5 Individual, A-Z 51.7 General works Through 1900 52 1901- General special 52.2 Hospital dental service 52.3.A-Z Public health aspects. State dentistry. Dental care 52.4.A-Z 52.45 Including statistics and surveys 52.5 Cf. LB3455 Schoolchildren's teeth 52.7 52.8 General works By region or country 53 54 United States 55.A-Z General works 55.A3 By region or state, A-Z 55.C45 Other regions or countries, A-Z 55.C5 Statistical theory, methods, etc. Social aspects Dental ethics Standards for dental care. Evaluation and quality control of dental care Psychological aspects Aesthetic aspects By age group, class, etc., A-Z Older people. Geriatric dentistry Cf. RK651.5.A44 Prosthodontics AIDS patients see RK55.H58 Cerebral palsied Children. Pedodontics Cf. RK306.C5 Oral and dental medicine Cf. RK529.5.C45 Oral surgery Cf. RK651.5.C55 Prosthodontics Children with disabilities see RK55.H3 Chronically ill see RK55.S53 299
RK DENTISTRY RK 55.H28 By age group, class, etc., A-Z -- Continued Geriatric dentistry see RK55.A3 55.H3 Handicapped. People with disabilities 55.H45 Cf. RK55.M4+ People with mental disabilities 55.H58 Cf. RK521.8.H35 Orthodontics 55.I5 Handicapped children. Children with disabilities 55.M4 55.M43 Cf. RK55.M43 Children with mental disabilities 55.S53 Hemophiliacs 55.Y68 HIV patients. AIDS patients 55.3.A-Z Inmates of institutions Mental disabilities, People with 55.3.B52 55.3.I54 General works 56 Children with mental disabilities 57 Pedodontics see RK55.C5 57.5 People with disabilities see RK55.H28 People with mental disabilities see RK55.M4+ 58 Sick. Chronically ill Youth 58.5 By race, ethnic group, etc., A-Z 58.6.A-Z African Americans see RK55.3.B52 58.7 Blacks. African Americans Indians 59 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 59.3.A-Z Problems, exercises, examinations 59.3.D45 Outlines, syllabi, etc. 59.3.G75 Practice of dentistry. Dental economics 59.3.S65 59.5 Including business methods and employment surveys Cf. HG9387.7+ Dental insurance 60 60.3 General works By region or country 60.4 60.45 United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Types of dental practice General works Special types, A-Z Dental health maintenance organizations Group practice Specialty practice. Specialization Dental records Dentistry as a profession. Dental hygiene as a profession General works Women in dentistry. Women dentists Minorities in dentistry General works Blacks in dentistry. Black dentists 300
RK DENTISTRY RK 60.5 Dentistry as a profession. Dental hygiene as a profession -- Continued 60.7 60.75.A-Z Dental hygienists. Dental assistants. Dental nurses 60.75.S27 Preventive dentistry 60.8 Including dental prophylaxis and oral hygiene 61 63 General works 66 Special techniques of preventive dentistry, A-Z 68 Scaling 69.A-Z Dental health education 71 Cf. LB3455 School hygiene 76 78 Popular works. Care and hygiene for nonprofessionals 78.5 Juvenile works 79 Addresses, essays, lectures 80 Museums. Exhibitions 86 General works By region or country, A-Z 91 96.A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5c 97.A-Z 98 Study and teaching 100 General works General special 102 Graduate dental education. Fellowships, internships, etc. 103.A-Z Continuing dental education Dental auxiliary education 105 Research. Experimentation 106.A-Z By region or country North America 111 General works 113.A-Z United States General works 114 By region or state, A-Z Individual institutions. By name, A-Z 116 Canada (Table R6) Mexico (Table R6) Central America General works By region or country, A-Z West Indies General works By island, A-Z South America General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a Europe General works Great Britain General works 301
RK DENTISTRY RK 119 Study and teaching 123 By region or country 124 Europe 127 Great Britain -- Continued 128 England (Table R6) 134 Scotland (Table R6) 137 Wales (Table R6) 141 Northern Ireland (Table R6) 144 Ireland (Table R6) 147 Austria (Table R6) Belgium (Table R6) 148 Denmark (Table R6) 151 France (Table R6) 154 Germany (Table R6) 157 161 Including West Germany 164 167 East Germany (Table R6) 171 Greece (Table R6) 174 Netherlands (Table R6) 177 Italy (Table R6) 184.A-Z Norway (Table R6) Portugal (Table R6) 184.C9 Soviet Union (Table R6) 184.C92A-.C92Z Spain (Table R6) Sweden (Table R6) 186 Switzerland (Table R6) 187 Other European regions or countries, A-Z 191 192 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 193 e.g. 193.5 194 Czechoslovakia 197 General works 207.A-Z Local, A-Z 207.T87 Asia 207.T872A-.T872Z General works China (Table R6) India (Table R6) Sri Lanka (Table R6) Burma. Myanmar (Table R6) Pakistan (Table R6) Japan (Table R6) Iran (Table R6) Other Asian regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table R5a e.g. Turkey General works Local, A-Z Africa 302
RK DENTISTRY RK 214 Study and teaching 217 By region or country 221.A-Z Africa -- Continued 227 General works 227.5 Egypt (Table R6) 231.A-Z Other African regions or countries, A-Z 240 280 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 281 Australia (Table R6) 287 New Zealand (Table R6) 290 Pacific islands, A-Z 301 Subarrange each country by Table R5a 305 306.A-Z Computer applications. Data processing 306.C5 Instruments, apparatus, and appliances see RK681+ 307 Oral and dental anatomy and physiology 308 Class here clinical works 308.3 Cf. QM306 Mouth anatomy 308.5 Cf. QM311 Teeth anatomy 309 Cf. QP88.6 Teeth physiology 309.5 Cf. QP146+ Mouth physiology 310.A-Z 310.C44 Nutritional aspects of tooth development and disease 310.E5 Oral and dental hygiene and prophylaxis see RK60.7+ Atlases. Pictorial works Oral and dental chemistry Cf. RK653 Dental metallurgy Oral and dental medicine. Pathology. Diseases Including relation of oral and dental infection to systemic diseases Cf. QR47 Dental microbiology Cf. RC815+ Diseases of the mouth General works General special By age group, class, etc., A-Z Children Oral and dental pathology Cf. RK287 Atlases. Pictorial works Examination. Diagnosis Including differential diagnosis Cf. RK522 Orthodontic diagnosis General works Interviewing in dentistry. History taking Diagnostic imaging General works Dental radiography General works Panoramic radiography Other diagnostic methods, A-Z Cephalometry Electrodiagnosis 303
RK DENTISTRY RK 310.L25 Oral and dental medicine. Pathology. Diseases 310.L3 Examination. Diagnosis Other diagnostic methods, A-Z -- Continued 318 Imaging see RK308.5+ 320.A-Z Laboratory technique 320.A2 Laser interferometry 320.A47 Therapeutics 320.B55 320.E5 Cf. RK501+ Operative dentistry 320.E53 Cf. RK527+ Orthodontic therapies and appliances 320.I5 Cf. RK701+ Materia medica, pharmacology, and 320.P4 320.T47 chemotherapy 320.U4 320.U5 General works 322 Special therapies or techniques, A-Z 325 328 Acupuncture Alternative treatment 331 Bleaching Electrotherapy 340 Enamel microabrasion 341 Iontophoresis Phototherapy 351 Tissue engineering 354 Ultrasonic therapy 356 Ultraviolet therapy Toothache and related orofacial pain 361.A1 Oral sepsis 361.A2 Dental deposits 361.A3-Z 371 Including dental calculus, dental plaque, and materia alba 375.A-Z 381 Dental caries Diseases of the enamel and dentine 401 410 General works Endemic dental fluorosis. Mottled enamel Diseases of the dental pulp, root, and periapical tissue. Endodontics General works Pulpitis Pulp necrosis Diseases of the supporting structures of teeth. Periodontics Cf. RK668 Periodontal prosthesis and splints Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works Alveolar abscesses Other abscesses, A-Z Pyorrhea Diseases of the gums General works Gingivitis 304
RK DENTISTRY RK 440 Oral and dental medicine. Pathology. Diseases 450.A-Z Diseases of the supporting structures of teeth. Periodontics -- 450.P4 Continued 470 Diseases of the alveolar process 480 Other diseases, A-Z Periodontitis 490 Diseases and dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint 493.A-Z Disorders of mastication 493.C55 Wounds and injuries General works 501 By age group, class, etc., A-Z 501.5 Children Malformations and deformities see RK520+ 503 Operative dentistry. Restorative dentistry 506 508.A-Z For crowns see RK666 508.C47 General works 510 General special 512.A-Z Operative dentistry for children see RK55.C5 512.H95 Preoperative technique 512.N55 512.S44 Including patient positioning 513 515 Asepsis and antisepsis General works 517 Special antiseptics, A-Z 519.A-Z Chlorhexidine 519.A4 519.G6 Anesthesia in dentistry 519.P55 General works 519.P65 Special anesthetics or methods of anesthesia, A-Z 519.R44 Hypnotism 519.T55 Nitrous oxide Sedatives 520 520.3 Complications 520.6 Cavity preparation and treatment 520.8 Fillings. Inlays 521 General works Types of fillings. By material, A-Z Amalgam Gold Plastics Porcelain Resins Tin Orthodontics Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses Directories History General works 305
RK DENTISTRY RK 521.8.A-Z Orthodontics -- Continued 521.8.H35 By age group, class, etc., A-Z Handicapped. People with disabilities 521.9 People with disabilities see RK521.8.H35 Practice of orthodontics 522 523 Including business methods and employment surveys 525 Examination. Diagnosis 527 Disorders of occlusion. Malocclusion 527.4 Disorders of dentition 527.5 528.A-Z Including impacted teeth, unerupted teeth, etc. 528.B43 528.E93 Therapies and appliances 528.E98 General works 528.M37 Complications 528.M4 Early treatment. Interceptive orthodontics Special methods and appliances, A-Z 528.O6 Begg appliance 528.R45 Exercise. Myofunctional therapy 528.U5 Extraoral traction appliances Maxillary expansion 529 Mechanical appliances 529.5.A-Z Myofunctional therapy see RK528.E93 529.5.C45 Oral dynamics 530 Removable appliances 530.5 Universal appliances 531 Oral surgery 531.5 533 Cf. RD523 Face surgery 535.A-Z Cf. RD526 Jaw surgery 535.A64 Cf. RK667.I45 Implant dentures 535.F53 General works 641 By age group, class, etc., A-Z 651 651.5.A-Z Children 651.5.A44 Electrosurgery 651.5.C35 Laser surgery 651.5.C55 Extraction of teeth. Exodontics General works Third molars Transplantation and reimplantation of teeth Other surgical procedures, A-Z Apicoectomy Flaps Prosthetic dentistry. Prosthodontics History General works By age group, class, etc., A-Z Aged. Older people Cancer patients Children 306
RK DENTISTRY RK 652 Prosthetic dentistry. Prosthodontics By age group, class, etc., A-Z -- Continued 652.5 Older people see RK651.5.A44 Dental technology. Laboratory technique 652.7 Dental materials 652.8.A-Z 652.8.G55 Cf. RA1270.D46 Toxicology 653 General works 653.5 Dental adhesives and cements. Bonding 655 655.3 General works 655.5 Special adhesives and cements, A-Z 656 Glass ionomer cements 658 Dental metallurgy 660 663 Including electroforming Cf. RK290 Oral and dental chemistry 664 665 Dental ceramic metals 666 Dental ceramics. Dental porcelain 667.A-Z Fibrous composites in dentistry 667.I45 Polymers in dentistry 667.P5 Dentures. Complete dentures 667.T57 General works 668 Dental impressions and casts. Waxing Preparation of vulcanite and cellullid bases 681 Preparation of other bases 685.A-Z 685.A75 Including gold, silver, cadmium, etc. 685.L37 Partial dentures 686 General works Removable partial dentures and their attachments 701 Crown and bridgework 715.A-Z Special topics, A-Z Implant dentures Pins Tissue-integrated prostheses Periodontal prosthesis. Periodontal splints Instruments, apparatus, and appliances Cf. RK309+ Dental roentgenology Cf. RK527+ Orthodontic appliances General works Special, A-Z Articulators Lasers Cf. RK310.L3 Laser interferometry Cf. RK530.5 Laser surgery Catalogs Materia medica and pharmacology Including chemotherapy General works Individual drugs and other agents, A-Z 307
RK DENTISTRY RK 715.A58 Materia medica and pharmacology Individual drugs and other agents, A-Z -- Continued Antibiotics 308
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