D (Computer program language) RT Jitterbug (Dance) D. J. Randall (Fictitious character) [QA76.73.D138] Swing (Dance) USE Randall, D. J. (Fictitious character) BT Object-oriented programming languages D.C. hand dancing D.K.W. motorcycles D & D (Game) USE D.C. hand dance USE DKW motorcycles USE Dungeons and Dragons (Game) D.C. Metropolitan Area D.L. LOGO (Computer program language) D & E abortion, Intact USE Washington Metropolitan Area [QA76.73.D] USE Dilatation and extraction abortion BT Programming languages (Electronic D.C. Stadium (Washington, D.C.) computers) D & H Heritage Corridor (N.Y. and Pa.) USE Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium USE Delaware and Hudson Heritage Corridor (N.Y. (Washington, D.C.) D layer and Pa.) USE D region D.C.-style swing (Dance) D & H Rail-Trail (Pa.) USE D.C. hand dance D-modules UF D & H Trail (Pa.) BT Modules (Algebra) D and H Rail-Trail (Pa.) D.C. swing (Dance) D and H Trail (Pa.) USE D.C. hand dance D. R. Miller Farm (Md.) Delaware and Hudson Rail-Trail (Pa.) UF Miller Farm (Md.) BT Rail-trails—Pennsylvania D.C. World War Memorial (Washington, D.C.) BT Farms—Maryland USE District of Columbia War Memorial D & H Trail (Pa.) (Washington, D.C.) D region USE D & H Rail-Trail (Pa.) [QC881.2.D2] D Class (Destroyers) UF D layer D & O liability insurance USE Type 45 (Destroyers) BT Lower ionosphere USE Executives' liability insurance D-Day, 1944 (Normandy invasion) D/s (Sexual behavior) D & S (Sexual behavior) USE World War, 1939- USE Sexual dominance and submission USE Sexual dominance and submission 1945—Campaigns—France—Normandy D-saccharic acid D & X abortion D-Day National Remembrance Day (May Subd Geog) USE Glucaric acid USE Dilatation and extraction abortion BT Special days D.T.'s (Delirium tremens) D-5 Trident (Weapons systems) D document (Biblical criticism) USE Delirium tremens USE Trident (Weapons systems) [BS1181.17] UF Deuteronomist document d twenty modern (Game) d 20 modern (Game) BT Bible. Old Testament—Criticism, USE d20 modern (Game) USE d20 modern (Game) interpretation, etc. Bible. Deuteronomy—Criticism, interpretation, D.U.I. (Drugged driving) D.21 (Fighter plane) etc. USE Drugged driving USE Fokker D.XXI (Fighter plane) RT Deuteronomistic history (Biblical criticism) D.U.I. (Drunk driving) D.250 (Fighter plane) D.F. Buchmiller Park (Pa.) USE Drunk driving USE Dewoitine D.520 (Fighter plane) USE Buchmiller Park (Pa.) D.U.I.D. (Drugged driving) D.500 (Fighter plane) D factor (Leukemia inhibitory factor) USE Drugged driving USE Dewoitine D.500 (Fighter plane) USE Leukemia inhibitory factor D.V (Fighter plane) D/1770 L1 (Comet) D-glucaric acid USE Albatros D.V (Fighter plane) USE Lexell comet USE Glucaric acid Fokker D.V (Fighter plane) D/1894 F1 (Comet) D.H. 61 Giant Moth (Transport plane) D.velop Digital Art Award USE Denning comet USE Giant Moth (Transport plane) UF DDAA (Award) Develop Digital Art Award D/1937 D1 (Comet) D.H. 75 (Transport plane) BT Art—Awards—Germany USE Wilk comet USE Hawk Moth (Transport plane) D.VI (Fighter plane) D/1993 F2 (Comet) D.H. 83 Fox Moth (Transport plane) USE Fokker D.VI (Fighter plane) USE Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet USE Fox Moth (Transport plane) LFG Roland D.VI (Fighter plane) D-amplifiers D.H. 84 Dragon (Transport plane) D.VII (Fighter plane) USE Distributed amplifiers USE Dragon (Transport plane) USE Fokker D.VII (Fighter plane) D and E abortion, Intact D.H. 85 (Transport plane) D.VIII (Fighter plane) USE Dilatation and extraction abortion USE Leopard Moth (Transport plane) USE Fokker D.VIII (Fighter plane) D and H Heritage Corridor (N.Y. and Pa.) D.H. 86 (Transport plane) (Not Subd Geog) D. W. (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Delaware and Hudson Heritage Corridor (N.Y. UF D.H. 86 Express Air Liner (Transport plane) UF Dim Wit (Fictitious character) and Pa.) De Havilland D.H. 86 (Transport plane) Dora Winifred (Fictitious character) De Havilland Express (Transport plane) Read, D. W. (Fictitious character) D and H Rail-Trail (Pa.) Express Air Liner (Transport plane) Read, Dora Winifred (Fictitious character) USE D & H Rail-Trail (Pa.) BT De Havilland aircraft W., D. (Fictitious character) Transport planes D and H Trail (Pa.) D.W.I. (Drugged driving) USE D & H Rail-Trail (Pa.) D.H. 86 Express Air Liner (Transport plane) USE Drugged driving USE D.H. 86 (Transport plane) D and S (Sexual behavior) D.W.I. (Drunk driving) USE Sexual dominance and submission D.H. 125 (Jet transport) USE Drunk driving USE Hawker (Jet transport) D and X abortion D.XII (Fighter plane) USE Dilatation and extraction abortion D.H.1 (Fighter plane) USE Pfalz D.XII (Fighter plane) USE DH.1 (Fighter plane) D Asterisk (Computer program language) D.XXI (Fighter plane) USE D* (Computer program language : Simplified D.H.2 (Fighter plane) USE Fokker D.XXI (Fighter plane) Version of C) USE DH.2 (Fighter plane) D* (Computer program language) D-branes D.H.5 (Fighter plane) USE D* (Computer program language : Simplified UF Dirichlet p-branes USE DH.5 (Fighter plane) Version of C) BT Branes D.H.10 (Bomber) D* (Computer program language : Simplified Version of D.C. Convention Center (Washington, D.C. : Mount USE DH.10 (Bomber) C) Vernon Place) [QA76.73.D14] USE Washington Convention Center (Washington, D.H.89 (Transport plane) UF D Asterisk (Computer program language) D.C. : Mount Vernon Place) USE DH.89 (Transport plane) D* (Computer program language) [Former heading] D.C. Convention Center (Washington, D.C. : Ninth D.H.90 (Transport plane) BT Programming languages (Electronic Street) USE DH.90 (Transport plane) computers) USE Washington Convention Center (Washington, D.C. : Ninth Street) D.H. Dragon Moth (Transport plane) D&C Red No. 19 (Chemical) USE Dragon (Transport plane) USE Rhodamine B D.C. Employment Security Building (Washington, D.C.) USE Employment Security Building (Washington, D. H. Osborne House (Victor, N.Y.) D&H Heritage Corridor (N.Y. and Pa.) D.C.) USE Osborne House (Victor, N.Y.) USE Delaware and Hudson Heritage Corridor (N.Y. and Pa.) D.C. hand dance D.I (Fighter plane) [GV1796.D33] USE Albatros D.I (Fighter plane) D9 bus UF African American swing (Dance) Aviatik D.I (Fighter plane) USE BMMO D9 bus Capitol City swing (Dance) Hansa Brandenburg D.I (Fighter plane) D.C. hand dancing D11 (Private plane) D.C.-style swing (Dance) D.I (Military aircraft) USE Jodel D11 (Private plane) D.C. swing (Dance) USE Rumpler D.I (Military aircraft) DC hand dance d20 modern (Game) DC hand dancing D. I. Mariner (Fictitious character) UF d 20 modern (Game) DC-style swing (Dance) USE Mariner, Tom (Fictitious character) d twenty modern (Game) DC swing (Dance) BT Fantasy games Fast dance (D.C. hand dance) D.II (Fighter plane) Hand dance, D.C. USE Albatros D.II (Fighter plane) DA (Interpersonal communication) Hand dancing, D.C. LFG Roland D.II (Fighter plane) USE Dialogue analysis Queenstown (D.C. hand dance) S.E.-style (D.C. hand dance) D.III (Fighter plane) Da Barca family SE-style (D.C. hand dance) USE Albatros D.III (Fighter plane) USE Barca family BT African American dance Pfalz D.III (Fighter plane) Siemens-Schuckert D.III (Fighter plane) Da Barco family USE Barca family D.IV (Fighter plane) USE Siemens-Schuckert D.IV (Fighter plane) D-1
BT African American dance Daalac Chebir Island (Eritrea) Dabida dialect (May Subd Geog) USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) [PL8707.95.D] Da Carrara family UF Kidawida dialect USE Carrara family Da'an gong yuan (Taiwan) BT Taita language USE Da'an sen lin gong yuan (Taiwan) Da Cemmo Hall (Conservatorio \"Luca Marenzio,\" Dabie Mountains (China) Brescia, Italy) Da'an sen lin gong yuan (Taiwan) UF Dabie Shan (China) USE Salone \"Da Cemmo\" (Conservatorio \"Luca UF Da'an gong yuan (Taiwan) Huaiyang Mountains (China) Marenzio,\" Brescia, Italy) Ta-an kung yuä n (Taiwan) Ta-pieh Mountains (China) [Former heading] Ta-an sen lin kung yüan (Taiwan) [Former Tapieh Mountains (China) Da guan yuan (Shanghai, China) heading] BT Mountains—China This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT National parks and reserves—Taiwan NT Tianzhu Mountain (Anhui Sheng, China) subdivision. Daasanach language Dabie Shan (China) USE Dasenech language USE Dabie Mountains (China) UF Daguanyuan (Shanghai, China) Grand View Garden (Shanghai, China) Daase family Dabney family (Not Subd Geog) Shanghai Da guan yuan (Shanghai, China) USE Doss family Dabob Bay (Wash.) Shanghai Daguanyuan (Shanghai, China) Shanghai Grand View Garden (Shanghai, Daashi (African people) UF Dabop Bay (Wash.) China) USE Burji (African people) BT Bays—Washington (State) Dābod̄ , Temple of (Egypt) BT Gardens—China Dab, American USE Temple of Dābūd (Egypt) Da He (China) USE American plaice Daboecia (May Subd Geog) [QK495.E68 (Botany)] USE Shiyang River (Gansu Sheng, China) Dab, Lemon [SB413.D (Culture)] Da Hinggan Ling (China) USE Lemon sole UF Irish heath BT Ericaceae USE Greater Khingan Range (China) Dab, Long rough Dabop Bay (Wash.) Da Lao Ling Forest Park (Yichang Shi, China) USE American plaice USE Dabob Bay (Wash.) Dabossa language USE Dalaoling guo jia sen lin gong yuan (Yichang DAB (Broadcasting) USE Toposa language Shi, China) USE Digital audio broadcasting Dabosse language USE Gawwada language Da ming gong guo jia yi zhi gong yuan (China) Dabʻa, Tell el- (Egypt) Dabous Site (Niger) UF Daming Palace National Heritage Park (China) USE Ḍabʻah, Tall al- (Egypt) BT Niger—Antiquities Daminggong guojia yizhi gongyuan (China) Dab̨ rowa Basin (Poland and Czech Republic) BT National parks and reserves—China Daba (African people) (May Subd Geog) UF Dab̨ rowa Basin (Poland and Czechoslovakia) [DT571.D33] Da Montegarullo family UF Dabba (African people) [Former heading] USE Montegarullo family BT Ethnology—Cameroon Dab̨ rowa Coal Basin (Poland and Czech Republic) Đà Năñ g Bay (Vietnam) Daba (Papua New Guinean people) Górnosĺ ąskie Zagłeb̨ ie Weg̨ lowe (Poland and UF Vinh Đà Nã̆ng (Vietnam) USE Samo (Papua New Guinean people) Czech Republic) Vǔng Đà Năñ g (Vietnam) Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland and Czech BT Bays—Vietnam Daba language Republic) USE Daba language (Cameroon and Nigeria) Zagłębie Dab̨ rowskie (Poland and Czech Đà Nan̆̃ g Harbor (Vietnam) Republic) UF Danang Harbor (Vietnam) Daba language (Cameroon and Nigeria) Zagłębie Ślas̨ ko-Dab̨ rowskie (Poland and Danang Port (Vietnam) (May Subd Geog) Czech Republic) Tourane Harbor (Vietnam) [PL8117-PL8117.95] Zaglembie (Poland and Czech Republic) Turan Harbor (Vietnam) UF Daba language [Former heading] Zaglembyeh (Poland and Czech Republic) BT Harbors—Vietnam Dabba language BT Coal basins—Czech Republic BT Cameroon—Languages Coal basins—Poland Da-̈ njong-ka language Chadic languages Dab̨ rowa Basin (Poland and Czechoslovakia) USE Dan̈ jong-kä language Nigeria—Languages USE Dąbrowa Basin (Poland and Czech Republic) Dab̨ rowa Coal Basin (Poland and Czech Republic) Da Polenta family Daba language (Papua New Guinea) USE Dąbrowa Basin (Poland and Czech Republic) USE Polenta family USE Samo language (Western Province, Papua Dab̨ rowski family (Not Subd Geog) New Guinea) Dabson family Da Porto Rigo Villa (Grumolo delle Abbadesse, Italy) USE Dobson family USE Villa Chiericati (Grumolo delle Abbadesse, Daba Mountains (China) Dabsu Formation (China) Italy) UF Daba Shan (China) USE Iren Dabasu Formation (China) Jiulong Mountains (China) Dabu-dong, Battle of, Korea, 1950 Da Porto Villa (Grumolo delle Abbadesse, Italy) Jiutiao Mountains (China) USE Tabu-dong, Battle of, Korea, 1950 USE Villa Chiericati (Grumolo delle Abbadesse, Kiulung Mountains (China) Dabu language Italy) Kiutiao Mountains (China) USE Agob language Ta-pa Mountains (China) [Former heading] Dābūd (Egypt) Da Rio family (Not Subd Geog) Ta-pa Shan (China) USE Temple of Dābūd (Egypt) Da Sala family (Not Subd Geog) Tapa Shan (China) Dabudong, Battle of, Korea, 1950 BT Mountains—China USE Tabu-dong, Battle of, Korea, 1950 RT Sala family Kunlun Mountains (China and India) Đắc Tô (Vietnam), Battle of, 1967 Da Shi Jie (Shanghai, China) USE Dak To, Battle of, Vietnam, 1967 Daba-Musgoy language D'Accursio, Palazzo (Bologna, Italy) UF Great World (Shanghai, China) USE Mazagway language USE Palazzo comunale (Bologna, Italy) BT Theaters—China Dace, Big Smoky Valley Da Silva, Jane (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Daba Shan (China) USE Rhinichthys lariversi UF Jane da Silva (Fictitious character) USE Daba Mountains (China) Dace, Blacknose USE Rhinichthys atratulus Jane Silva (Fictitious character) Dạ bʻah, Tall al- (Egypt) Dace, Desert Silva, Jane da (Fictitious character) [DT73.D25] USE Desert dace Da tong (May Subd Geog) UF aḍ Dạ bʻah, Tall (Egypt) Dace, European [MT335.T3 (Instruction)] Dabʻa, Tell el- (Egypt) USE European dace UF Ta tʻung [Former heading] Tall al-Dạ bʻah (Egypt) Dace, Finescale BT Er hu Tell el-Dabʻa (Egypt) USE Finescale dace Musical instruments—China BT Egypt—Antiquities Dace, Horned Dá Vách language USE Creek chub USE Hrê language Dabakala (African people) Dace, Longnose Da Varano family USE Dyula (African people) USE Longnose dace USE Varano family Dace, Moapa Da xian Dabasu Formation (China) USE Moapa dace USE Ban hu USE Iren Dabasu Formation (China) Dace, Pearl Da Yunhe (China) USE Pearl dace USE Grand Canal (China) Dabba (African people) Dace, Speckled Da zu shi ku (China) USE Daba (African people) USE Speckled dace USE Dazu Caves (China) Dacelo (May Subd Geog) Da-zu shih kʻu (China) Dạ bba (Arab tribe) (May Subd Geog) [QL696.C72 (Zoology)] USE Dazu Caves (China) UF Ḍabbah (Arab tribe) DA20 Katana (Training plane) BT Arabs USE Katana DA20 (Training plane) Ethnology—Arabian Peninsula Daa language (May Subd Geog) UF Pekawa language Dabba language BT Indonesia—Languages USE Daba language (Cameroon and Nigeria) Toraja languages Daakaka language (May Subd Geog) Dạ bbah (Arab tribe) [PL6228.7] USE Dạ bba (Arab tribe) UF Baiap language Dakaka language Dabbling ducks South Ambrym language USE Anas BT Melanesian languages Vanuatu—Languages Dabbs family (Not Subd Geog) Daalac Archipelago (Eritrea) Dabchick, New Zealand USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) USE New Zealand grebe Dabell family USE Debell family Dabeshan pine USE Pinus dabeshanensis Dabida (African people) USE Taita (African people) D-2
BT Kingfishers Dacian pottery Rimu NT Kookaburra USE Pottery, Dacian BT Dacrydium (Plants) Dacelo gigas Dacrydium excelsum USE Kookaburra Dacian War, 1st, 101-102 USE Dacrycarpus dacrydioides Dacelo novaguineae [DG59.D3] Dacrydium franklinii USE Kookaburra BT Dacia—History USE Huon pine Daceton (May Subd Geog) Rome—History—Trajan, 98-117 Dacryoconarida (May Subd Geog) [QL568.F7] [QE899.2.D32] BT Ants Dacian War, 2nd, 105-106 UF Dacryoconarids NT Daceton armigerum [DG59.D3] BT Mollusks, Fossil Daceton armigerum (May Subd Geog) BT Dacia—History Dacryoconarids [QL568.F7] Rome—History—Trajan, 98-117 USE Dacryoconarida BT Daceton Dacryocystitis (May Subd Geog) Dacha family Dacians (May Subd Geog) [RE212] USE Deshay family [DR239.2] UF Dacrycystitis Dachau Castle (Dachau, Germany) BT Ethnology—Romania BT Lacrimal apparatus—Diseases USE Schloss Dachau (Dachau, Germany) RT Getae Dacryocystorhinostomy (May Subd Geog) Dachau Trial, 1946 NT Carpi (Dacian people) UF Dacryocystorhinotomy USE Dachau Trial, Dachau, Germany, 1946 BT Eye—Surgery Dachau Trial, Dachau, Germany, 1946 — Civilization UF Dachau Trial, 1946 [Former heading] USE Civilization, Dacian Nose—Surgery BT War crime trials—Germany Dacryocystorhinotomy Dachden (Estonia) Dacians in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) Dacians in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Dacryocystorhinostomy Dachen Archipelago (China) Dacite (May Subd Geog) Dacryodes (May Subd Geog) USE Taizhou Liedao (China) Dachen Dao (China) UF Quartz andesite [QK495.B8 (Botany)] USE Taizhou Liedao (China) BT Igneous rocks BT Burseraceae Dachen Islands (China) Dack family (Not Subd Geog) NT Eben tree USE Taizhou Liedao (China) DACL (Psychological test) Dacryodes edulis Dacheng jiao (Sect) USE Depression Adjective Check Lists USE Eben tree USE Wuwei jiao (Sect) Dacnidae Dactiloctenium (May Subd Geog) Dachengjiao (Sect) USE Erotylidae [QK495.G74 (Botany)] USE Wuwei jiao (Sect) Daco-Mysian language BT Grasses Dachet River (Ark. and La.) USE Dacian language Dactylanthus (Plants) (May Subd Geog) USE Dorcheat, Bayou (Ark. and La.) [QK495.B23 (Botany)] Dachsel family Mysian language BT Balanophoraceae USE Daechsel family Daco-Romanian dialect NT Dactylanthus taylorii Dachser family (Not Subd Geog) Dactylanthus taylorii (May Subd Geog) UF Doxer family USE Romanian language [QK495.B23 (Botany)] Dachshund Dacoits (May Subd Geog) UF Flower of Hades USE Dachshunds Dachshunds (May Subd Geog) [HV6453.I6] Hades, Flower of [SF429.D25] UF Dakoits Rose, Wood UF Badger dogs, German BT Brigands and robbers Wood rose Dacoits in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Dactylanthus (Plants) Dachshund [Former heading] Dacomb shorthand Dactylethra Doxies USE Shorthand—Dacomb USE Xenopus German badger dogs DACOR Bacon House (Washington, D.C.) Dactylethra laevis Short-haired dachshunds UF Bacon House (Washington, D.C.) USE Xenopus laevis Shorthaired dachshunds BT Dwellings—Washington (D.C.) Dactylifera Smooth dachshunds Dacqueboose River (Wash.) USE Rhabdocoelida Standard dachshunds USE Duckabush River (Wash.) Dactylis (May Subd Geog) Standard shorthaired dachshunds D'Acquin, Josse (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [QL495.G74 (Botany)] Standard smooth dachshunds UF Josse d'Acquin (Fictitious character) BT Grasses BT Hounds Dacre Castle (Dacre, Cumbria, England) NT Orchard grass NT Miniature dachshunds BT Castles—England Dactylis glomerata Wirehaired dachshund Dacre family (Not Subd Geog) USE Orchard grass Dachstätter family (Not Subd Geog) Dacron (May Subd Geog) Dactylocladus (May Subd Geog) UF Dachstättor family BT Textile fibers, Synthetic [QK495.M514] RT Dockstader family Dacron dyeing BT Melastomataceae Dachstättor family USE Dyes and dyeing—Dacron NT Dactylocladus stenostachys USE Dachstaẗ ter family Dacryberry, New Zealand Dactylocladus stenostachys (May Subd Geog) Dachstein Gebirge (Austria) USE Dacrycarpus dacrydioides [QK495.M514 (Botany)] USE Dachstein Mountains (Austria) Dacrycarpus (May Subd Geog) [SD397.D24 (Forestry)] Dachstein Gruppe (Austria) [QK494.5.P73 (Botany)] BT Dactylocladus USE Dachstein Mountains (Austria) BT Podocarpaceae Dactylography Dachstein Mountains (Austria) NT Dacrycarpus dacrydioides USE Fingerprints UF Dachstein Gebirge (Austria) Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (May Subd Geog) Dactylology Dachstein Gruppe (Austria) [QK494.5.P73 (Botany)] USE Finger spelling Hoher Dachstein (Austria) UF Dacryberry, New Zealand Dactylometra quinquecirrha BT Mountains—Austria USE Sea nettle NT Grosser Grimming (Austria) Dacrydium excelsum Dactylomyces (May Subd Geog) Dacia Kahika [QK623.T54] — History Kahikatea BT Thermoascaceae Nageia dacrydioides NT Dactylomyces thermophillus NT Dacian War, 1st, 101-102 Nageia excelsa Dactylomyces thermophillus (May Subd Geog) Dacian War, 2nd, 105-106 New Zealand dacryberry [QK623.T54] New Zealand white pine BT Dactylomyces Dacia automobile (Not Subd Geog) Podocarpus dacrydioides Dactylopagrus BT Automobiles Podocarpus excelsus USE Nemadactylus Podocarpus thujoides Dactylopagrus macropterus Dacian art White pine, New Zealand USE Nemadactylus macropterus USE Art, Dacian BT Dacrycarpus Dactylopiidae (May Subd Geog) Dacrycystitis [QL527.D3 (Zoology)] Dacian calendar USE Dacryocystitis BT Homoptera USE Calendar, Dacian Dacrydium Scale insects USE Dacrydium (Plants) NT Dactylopius Dacian civilization Dacrydium (Plants) (May Subd Geog) Dactylopius (May Subd Geog) USE Civilization, Dacian [QK494.5.P73 (Botany)] [QL527.D3 (Zoology)] UF Dacrydium [Former heading] BT Dactylopiidae Dacian gods BT Podocarpaceae NT Cochineal insect USE Gods, Dacian NT Dacrydium cupressinum — Host plants (May Subd Geog) Huon pine Dactylopius adonidum Dacian language (May Subd Geog) Dacrydium cupressinum (May Subd Geog) USE Longtailed mealybug UF Daco-Mysian language [QK494.5.P73 (Botany)] North Thracian language UF New Zealand red pine BT Extinct languages Pine, New Zealand red Thracian language Pine, Red (Dacrydium cupressinum) RT Mysian language Red pine (Dacrydium cupressinum) Red pine, New Zealand D-3
Dactylopius calceolariae BT Dadaism Dadju language USE Pseudococcus calceolariae Literature USE Dar Daju Daju language Dactylopius citri NT Dadaist poetry Dad̄ rās (May Subd Geog) USE Citrus mealybug Dadaist literature, French (May Subd Geog) BT Hindustani music Vocal music—India Dactylopius coccus UF French Dadaist literature Vocal music—Pakistan USE Cochineal insect BT French literature Dadaist literature, German (May Subd Geog) Dads Dactylopius hoyae UF German Dadaist literature USE Fathers USE Longtailed mealybug BT German literature Dadaist poetry (Not Subd Geog) Dads River (Morocco) Dactylopius longifilis UF Dada poetry USE Dadès River (Morocco) USE Longtailed mealybug BT Dadaist literature Dadswell family (Not Subd Geog) Dactylopius longispinous Poetry UF Dodswell family USE Longtailed mealybug Dadalto family (Not Subd Geog) Dowdeswell family Dadam Das Site (Pakistan) Dactylopius longispinus Dādūpanthis̄ (May Subd Geog) USE Longtailed mealybug BT Pakistan—Antiquities [BL1285.5-BL1285.592] Dadarawa (Australian people) BT Hindu sects Dactylopius maritimus USE Pseudococcus maritimus USE Bandjalang (Australian people) Dăduru Oya (Sri Lanka) Dadasaheb Phalke Award USE Deduru River (Sri Lanka) Dactylopius nipae USE Nipaecoccus viridis UF Phalke Award Dady family (Not Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures—Awards—India UF Deady family Dactylopius perniciosus D'Adda family (Not Subd Geog) USE Nipaecoccus viridis UF Adda family Daë (Estonia) Daddona Memorial Post Office (Allentown, Pa.) USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) Dactylopius pteridis USE Mayor Joseph S. Daddona Memorial Post USE Longtailed mealybug Daebu Island (Korea) Office (Allentown, Pa.) USE Taebu Island (Korea) Dactylopius sequoiae Daddy long-leg spiders USE Redwood mealybug Daebudo (Korea) USE Pholcidae USE Taebu Island (Korea) Dactylopius vastator Daddy long legs (Insects) USE Nipaecoccus viridis Daecheong Reservoir (Korea) USE Crane flies USE Taechʻŏng Lake (Korea) Dactylopius viridis Daddy long-legs spiders USE Nipaecoccus viridis Daechsel family (Not Subd Geog) USE Pholcidae UF Dachsel family Dactylopodite Daddy longleg spiders Dexel family USE Pretarsus Dexelius family USE Pholcidae Dactylorchis Daddy longlegs Daedalea (May Subd Geog) USE Dactylorhiza [QK629.P7] USE Opiliones BT Polyporaceae Dactylorhiza (May Subd Geog) Pholcidae NT Daedalea quercina [QK495.O64 (Botany)] UF Dactylorchis [Former heading] Daddy longlegs (Insects) Daedalea quercina (May Subd Geog) BT Orchids USE Crane flies [QK629.P7] BT Daedalea Dactylortyx (May Subd Geog) Daddy longlegs spiders [QL696.G259 (Zoology)] USE Pholcidae Daedalus (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) BT Odontophoridae [BL820.D25] NT Singing quail Dade Massacre, Fla., 1835 BT Mythology, Greek UF Dade's Battle, 1835 [Former heading] Dactylortyx thoracicus BT Seminole War, 2nd, 1835-1842—Campaigns Daehakro (Seoul, Korea) USE Singing quail USE Taehangno (Seoul, Korea) Dade's Battle, 1835 Dactyloscopidae (May Subd Geog) USE Dade Massacre, Fla., 1835 Daehangno (Seoul, Korea) [QL638.D35] USE Taehangno (Seoul, Korea) UF Sand stargazers (Fishes) Dades̀ River (Morocco) BT Perciformes UF Assif-n-Dades (Morocco) Dael family (Not Subd Geog) Dads River (Morocco) UF Daels family Dactyloscopy Dodes River (Morocco) D'Hael family USE Fingerprints Oued Dadès (Morocco) RT Dale family BT Rivers—Morocco Dactylosparus Daels family USE Nemadactylus Dadès River Valley (Morocco) USE Dael family BT Valleys—Morocco Dactyls, Double Daemonorops (May Subd Geog) USE Double dactyls DADGAD (Guitar tuning) (May Subd Geog) [QK495.P17] BT Guitar—Tuning BT Palms Dactynotus USE Uroleucon Dadia (African people) Daemorops (May Subd Geog) USE Tula (African people) BT Rattan palms Dacus (May Subd Geog) [QL537.T42] Dadia Reserve (Greece) Dǣng, Phā (Fictitious character) BT Tephritidae USE Dasos tes̄ Dadias (Greece) USE Phā Dǣng (Fictitious character) Dacus cucurbitae Dadian family Dænuvuodna (Norway) USE Melon fly USE Dadiani family USE Tana Fjord (Norway) Tatian family Dacus dorsalis Daeochaeta USE Oriental fruit fly Dadiani family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bessa UF Dadian family Dacus ferrugineus Daepyeong Site (Korea) USE Oriental fruit fly Dadias, Dasos tes̄ (Greece) BT Korea (South)—Antiquities USE Dasos tēs Dadias (Greece) Dacus latifrons Daewoo Group USE Malaysian fruit fly Dadibi (Papua New Guinean people) USE Taeu Group USE Daribi (Papua New Guinean people) Dacus oleae Daewoo television/video combinations USE Olive fly Dadibi language (Not Subd Geog) USE Daribi language BT Television/video combinations Dacymba USE Pomadasys Dadio (African people) Daewoo televisions (Not Subd Geog) USE Daju (African people) BT Television—Receivers and reception Ḍad̄ (The Arabic letter) BT Arabic alphabet Dadishkeliani family Daf USE Dadiškʻeliani family USE Dạ ph Dada USE Dadaism Dadiškʻeliani family (Not Subd Geog) DAF (Antigen) UF Dadishkeliani family USE CD55 antigen Dada literature USE Dadaist literature Dadjo (African people) DAF (Water purification) USE Daju (African people) USE Water—Purification—Dissolved air flotation Dada poetry USE Dadaist poetry Dadjo language (Dar Daju Daju) Daf automobile (Not Subd Geog) USE Dar Daju Daju language BT Automobiles Dadabhai Naoroji Road (Mumbai, India) USE Doctor Dadabhai Naoroji Road (Mumbai, India) Dadjrignoa dialect Daf trucks (Not Subd Geog) USE Dadjriwalé dialect BT Trucks Dadaism (May Subd Geog) UF Dada Dadjriwalé dialect (May Subd Geog) Dafadnu (Extinct city) Tabu-Dadaism UF Dadjrignoa dialect USE Tebetny (Extinct city) BT Arts, Modern—20th century Dagli dialect NT Assemblage (Art) Dajriwali dialect Ḍaff Dadaist literature BT Côte d'Ivoire—Languages USE Ḍaph Letter-pictures Godié language Pop art Ḍaffah al-Gharbiȳ ah Dadju (African people) USE West Bank Dadaism in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Daju (African people) Dadaism in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Daffodil (Horse) USE Spurs (Horse) BT Motion pictures Dadaist literature (Not Subd Geog) Daffodil breeders (May Subd Geog) BT Plant breeders UF Dada literature D-4
Daffodil fly Dagari language [Former heading] Dagdae (Celtic deity) USE Narcissus bulb fly Dagarti language USE Dagda (Celtic deity) Dagati language Daffodils (May Subd Geog) Dagatsi language Dagden Island (Estonia) [QK495.A484 (Botany)] Degati language USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) [SB413.D12 (Culture)] Dogaari language UF Narcissus pseudonarcissus BT Burkina Faso—Languages Dagė Sala (Estonia) Trumpet narcissus Ghana—Languages USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) BT Narcissus (Plants) Oti-Volta languages NT Miniature daffodils NT Wule dialect Dageida (Estonia) — Names USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) USE Names, Dagaare — Varieties (May Subd Geog) Dagaare names D'Agelet family Daffron family (Not Subd Geog) USE Names, Dagaare USE Daigle family D'Affry family (Not Subd Geog) Dagaare proverbs USE Proverbs, Dagaare Dagelet Island (Korea) UF D'Avrie family Dagaare riddles USE Ullun̆ g Island (Korea) D'Avrye family USE Riddles, Dagaare De Avrie family Dagaare songs Dagenhart family (Not Subd Geog) De Avrye family USE Songs, Dagaare UF Dagerhardt family [Former heading] Dagaari language Deganhart family Dafi (African people) USE Dagaare language Degenhard family [Former heading] USE Marka (Burkinabe and Malian people) Dagaba language Degenhardt family USE Dagaare language Degenhart family DAFIN (Computer system) Dagada language [HF5548.4.D17] USE Fataluku language Dagerhardt family UF Datenbank fur̈ Haushaltsdaten und Dagaga language USE Dagenhart family Finanzplanung USE Fataluku language Dagaithi (Estonia) Dagestan languages Dafing (African people) USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) USE Dagestanian languages USE Marka (Burkinabe and Malian people) Dagan (Semitic deity) (Not Subd Geog) [BL1605.D33] Dagestanian authors Dafla (Indic people) (May Subd Geog) UF Dagon (Semitic deity) USE Authors, Dagestanian [DS432.D3] BT Gods, Semitic UF Bangani (Indic people) Dagara (African people) Dagestanian children's literature Bangni (Indic people) USE Dagaaba (African people) USE Children's literature, Dagestanian Daflas [Former heading] Dagara language Daphla (Indic people) USE Dagaare language Dagestanian folk literature Dofla (Indic people) Dagari (African people) USE Folk literature, Dagestanian Duffla (Indic people) USE Dagaaba (African people) Nishing (Indic people) Dagari (African tribe) Dagestanian folk poetry Nissi (Indic people) USE Dagaaba (African people) USE Folk poetry, Dagestanian Nyising (Indic people) Dagari language Sing (Indic people) USE Dagaare language Dagestanian languages (May Subd Geog) Singi (Indic people) Dagarti language [PK9051-PK9051.95] BT Ethnology—India USE Dagaare language UF Dagestan languages Tibeto-Burman peoples Dagat Timog Tsina Daghestan languages [Former heading] USE South China Sea East Caucasian languages Dafla folk songs Dagati (African people) BT Azerbaijan—Languages USE Folk songs, Dafla USE Dagaaba (African people) Nakho-Dagestanian languages Dagati language Russia (Federation)—Languages Dafla language (May Subd Geog) USE Dagaare language NT Agul language [PL4001.D2] Dagatsi language Andi languages UF Bangni language USE Dagaare language Archi language Daphla language Dagbamba (African people) Avaric language Lel language USE Dagbani (African people) Bezhta language Nishang language Dagbamba language Budukh language Nishi language USE Dagbani language Caucasian Albanian language Nissi language Dagbane (African people) Dargwa language Nyising language USE Dagbani (African people) Dido language BT Tibeto-Burman languages Dagbane language Ginukh language USE Dagbani language Hunzib language Dafla songs Dagbani (African people) (May Subd Geog) Khinalugh language USE Songs, Dafla [DT510.43.D34 (Ghana)] Khvarshi language UF Dagbamba (African people) Kryts language Dafla women Dagbane (African people) Lak language (Russia) USE Women, Dafla Dagomba (African people) [Former heading] Lezgian language Ngwana (African people) Rutul language Daflas BT Ethnology—Ghana Tabasaran language USE Dafla (Indic people) — Kings and rulers Tsakhur language Dagbani language (May Subd Geog) Udi language Dag-Chufut [PL8119] USE Mountain Jews UF Dagbamba language Dagestanian literature (May Subd Geog) Dagbane language [PK9051.5-PK9051.9] Dag-Tsʻufuṭ Dagomba language [Former heading] UF Daghestan literature [Former heading] USE Mountain Jews Ngwana language BT Azerbaijan—Literatures BT Ghana—Languages Russia (Federation)—Literatures Daga language (May Subd Geog) Oti-Volta languages NT Children's literature, Dagestanian [PL6621.D32] Dagbani proverbs Dagestanian poetry UF Dimuga language [Former heading] USE Proverbs, Dagbani Dagestanian prose literature Nawp language Dagboksromans Folk literature, Dagestanian BT Papua New Guinea—Languages USE Diary fiction Papuan languages Dagda (Celtic deity) (Not Subd Geog) Dagestanian manuscripts UF Dagda Mor (Celtic deity) USE Manuscripts, Dagestanian Dagaaba (African people) (May Subd Geog) Dagdae (Celtic deity) [DT510.43.D33 (Ghana)] Daghda (Celtic deity) Dagestanian periodicals (May Subd Geog) [DT555.45.D35 (Burkina Faso)] Daghdha (Celtic deity) BT Periodicals UF Dagara (African people) Eochaid Ollathair (Celtic deity) Dagari (African people) [Former heading] Ruad Rofhessa (Celtic deity) Dagestanian poetry (May Subd Geog) Dagari (African tribe) [Former heading] BT Gods, Celtic UF Daghestan poetry [Former heading] Dagati (African people) Dagda Mor (Celtic deity) BT Dagestanian literature Lodagaa (African people) USE Dagda (Celtic deity) NT Folk poetry, Dagestanian BT Ethnology—Burkina Faso Ethnology—Ghana Dagestanian poets NT Wala (African people) USE Poets, Dagestanian Dagaaba law Dagestanian prose literature (May Subd Geog) USE Law, Dagaaba UF Daghestan prose literature [Former heading] BT Dagestanian literature Dagaaba mythology USE Mythology, Dagaaba Dagestanian proverbs USE Proverbs, Dagestanian Dagaaba sculpture USE Sculpture, Dagaaba Dagestanians USE Dagestanis Dagaaba women USE Women, Dagaaba Dagestanis (May Subd Geog) UF Dagestanians Dagaare language (May Subd Geog) Daghestanians [PL8118.D35] Daghestanis UF Dagaari language BT Ethnology—Caucasus Dagaba language Ethnology—Russia (Federation) Dagara language Dagestạ niyim USE Mountain Jews D-5
Dagestansky Zapovednik (Russia) Dagobas Dahalach Grande Island (Eritrea) USE Gosudarstvennyĭ prirodnyi zapovednik USE Stup̄ as USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) \"Dagestanskii\"̆ (Russia) Dagobert family (Not Subd Geog) Dahalach Island (Eritrea) Dagett family UF Dagoubert family USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) USE Doggett family Dagoda language Dahalach Islands (Eritrea) Dagg Sound (N.Z.) USE Fataluku language USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) BT Sounds (Geomorphology)—New Zealand Dagoe (Estonia) Dahalo language (May Subd Geog) Dagga USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) [PJ2554] USE Hashish UF Sanye language (Dahalo) Dagoi language BT Cushitic languages, Southern Daggart family USE Pay language Kenya—Languages USE Doggett family Dagomba (African people) Dahating language Daggatuns USE Dagbani (African people) USE Gwahatike language [DT346.D] Dagomba language Dahceie language Dagger, Chase (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dagbani language USE Tucano language UF Chase Dagger (Fictitious character) Dagon (Semitic deity) Dahdayla (Wash.) Dagger, Spanish (Plant) USE Dagan (Semitic deity) UF Cake Rock (Wash.) USE Yucca schidigera Dahdayla Island (Wash.) Dagoǫ ̨ language Dahdayla Rock (Wash.) Dagger nematodes (May Subd Geog) USE Gwich'in language BT Islands—Washington (State) [QL391.L64 (Zoology)] UF Xiphinema Dagoubert family Dahdayla Island (Wash.) BT Longidoridae USE Dagobert family USE Dahdayla (Wash.) Dagger Thrust, Operation, 1965 Dagsexe language Dahdayla Rock (Wash.) USE Operation Dagger Thrust, 1965 USE Tucano language USE Dahdayla (Wash.) Daggers (May Subd Geog) Dagu (African people) Daher family (Not Subd Geog) [NK6805 (Art)] USE Daju (African people) Dahia dynasty BT Weapons NT Saxes Dagu Forts (China) USE Dahiya dynasty USE Taku Forts (China) Dahiya dynasty (Not Subd Geog) Daggers, Malay (May Subd Geog) UF Kerises Dagua River (Colombia) UF Dahia dynasty Krises UF Rió de Dagua (Colombia) BT India—Kings and rulers BT Rivers—Colombia Dah̄ iyah (The Arabic word) Daggers, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) [PJ6599.D34] UF Prehistoric daggers Daguanyuan (Shanghai, China) BT Arabic language—Etymology USE Da guan yuan (Shanghai, China) Dahl family (Not Subd Geog) Daggers in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Dahle family Daggertooth (Fish) Dague family (Not Subd Geog) RT Deg family Dahlen family USE Anotopterus pharao Dall family [Former heading] Daggertooths (Fish) Daguerreotype (May Subd Geog) RT Doll family [TR365] Dahl Playfield (Seattle, Wash.) USE Anotopteridae BT Photography This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dagget family subdivision. Daguerreotype photographers USE Doggett family USE Daguerreotypists BT Athletic fields—Washington (State) Daggets Creek (Wis.) Dahla Archipelago (Eritrea) Daguerreotypers BT Rivers—Wisconsin USE Daguerreotypists USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) Daggets Creek Watershed (Wis.) Dahlac Archipelago (Eritrea) Daguerreotypists (May Subd Geog) BT Watersheds—Wisconsin UF Daguerreotype photographers USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) Daggett family Daguerreotypers Dahlac Chebir Island (Eritrea) BT Photographers USE Doggett family USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) Daggot family Dagui language Dahlac Islands (Eritrea) USE Pay language USE Doggett family USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) Daghda (Celtic deity) Dagur (Chinese people) (May Subd Geog) Dahlach Archipelago (Eritrea) UF Daghor (Chinese people) USE Dagda (Celtic deity) Daghou (Chinese people) USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) Daghdha (Celtic deity) Daghur (Chinese people) Dahlach Island (Eritrea) Dahur (Chinese people) USE Dagda (Celtic deity) Daor (Chinese people) USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) Daghestan languages Daur (Chinese people) Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) Daurian (Chinese people) USE Dagestanian languages Dawoer (Chinese people) UF Archipelago Dahlac (Eritrea) Daghestan literature Ta-hu-erh (Chinese people) Arcipelago Daalac (Eritrea) Ta-wo-erh (Chinese people) Arcipelago Dahlac (Eritrea) USE Dagestanian literature BT Ethnology—China Arcipelago delle Isole Dahlac (Eritrea) Daghestan poetry Daalac Archipelago (Eritrea) Dagur drama (May Subd Geog) Dahalach Islands (Eritrea) USE Dagestanian poetry [PL431.D374 (Collections)] Dahla Archipelago (Eritrea) Daghestan prose literature BT Dagur literature Dahlac Archipelago (Eritrea) Dahlac Islands (Eritrea) USE Dagestanian prose literature Dagur fiction (May Subd Geog) Dahlach Archipelago (Eritrea) Daghestanians BT Dagur literature Dahlak Islands (Eritrea) Isole Dahalach (Eritrea) USE Dagestanis Dagur language (May Subd Geog) Daghestanis [PL431.D3] BT Archipelagoes—Eritrea UF Daghur language NT Dahlak Island (Eritrea) USE Dagestanis Dahur language Dahlak Island (Eritrea) Daghöe (Estonia) Daur language UF Daalac Chebir Island (Eritrea) BT Mongolian languages USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) Dahalach Grande Island (Eritrea) Daghor (Chinese people) Dagur literature (May Subd Geog) Dahalach Island (Eritrea) [PL431.D35-PL431.D39] Dahlac Chebir Island (Eritrea) USE Dagur (Chinese people) BT Mongolian literature Dahlach Island (Eritrea) Daghou (Chinese people) NT Dagur drama Dahlak Kabir̄ Island (Eritrea) Dagur fiction Dahlak Kebir Island (Eritrea) USE Dagur (Chinese people) Dagur poetry Dehalakʹ Deset̄ (Eritrea) Daghur (Chinese people) Dagur prose literature Dehalakʹ Island (Eritrea) [Former heading] Dehlac Island (Eritrea) USE Dagur (Chinese people) Dagur poetry (May Subd Geog) Isola Daalac Chebir (Eritrea) Daghur language [PL431.D37 (Collections)] Isola Dahlac Chebir (Eritrea) BT Dagur literature BT Islands—Eritrea USE Dagur language NT Prose poems, Dagur Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) Dagi language Dahlak Islands (Eritrea) Dagur prose literature (May Subd Geog) USE Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea) USE Chinali language [PL431.D376 (Collections)] Dahlak Kabīr Island (Eritrea) Dagit family (Not Subd Geog) BT Dagur literature USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) NT Prose poems, Dagur Dahlak Kebir Island (Eritrea) RT Doggett family Reportage literature, Dagur USE Dahlak Island (Eritrea) Dagley family (Not Subd Geog) Dahlberg family (Not Subd Geog) Dagli dialect Dagur prose poems UF Dalberg family USE Prose poems, Dagur USE Dadjriwalé dialect Dagmar automobile (Not Subd Geog) Dagur reportage literature USE Reportage literature, Dagur BT Automobiles Dagner family Dagus (May Subd Geog) [QL537.E7] USE Degen family BT Ephydridae Dago (African people) USE Daju (African people) Dago family USE Daigle family Dechow family Dagö Island (Estonia) USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) D-6
Von Dahlberg family Dahyeon gayageum Daihai Lake (China) Von Dalberg family USE Kayagŭm USE Dai Lake (China) Dahle family USE Dahl family Dai (African people) Daihu Tō (Korea) Dahlem family (Not Subd Geog) USE Day (African people) USE Taebu Island (Korea) Dahlen family USE Dahl family DAI (Artificial intelligence) Daiichi Kangin Group Dahlen Heath (Germany) USE Distributed artificial intelligence BT Conglomerate corporations—Japan UF Dahlener Heide (Germany) Dahlener Wald (Germany) Dai (Asian people) Daiichi Tōgyō Kabushiki Kaisha Strike, 1970-1975 BT Heathlands—Germany USE Lü (Asian people) [HD5427] Dahlenborg family BT Strikes and lockouts—Sugar industry—Japan USE Dahlenburg family Dai (Southeast Asian people) Dahlenburg family (Not Subd Geog) USE Tai (Southeast Asian people) Daijōsai UF Dahlenborg family [BL2224.25.D34] Dahlener Heide (Germany) Dai family (Not Subd Geog) UF Feast of kingship (Shinto rite) USE Dahlen Heath (Germany) UF Tai family [Former heading] On̄ ie no Matsuri [Former heading] Dahlener Wald (Germany) BT Shinto—Rituals USE Dahlen Heath (Germany) Dai Hai (China) Dahlgaard family USE Dai Lake (China) Daikakuno Kaidō (Japan) USE Dahlsgaard family UF Ani Kaidō (Japan) Dahlgren family (Not Subd Geog) Dai Kong language BT Roads—Japan Dahlgren's Raid, Va., 1864 USE Tai Nüa language USE Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid, Va., 1864 Daikoku (Japanese deity) Dahlheimer family (Not Subd Geog) Dai Lake (China) USE Daikokuten (Japanese deity) Dahlia mosaic caulimovirus UF Dai Hai (China) USE Dahlia mosaic virus Daihai Lake (China) [Former heading] Daikoku-machi Iseki (Shiota-chō, Japan) Dahlia mosaic disease (May Subd Geog) Dakhay, Lake (China) USE Daikoku-machi Site (Shiota-chō, Japan) BT Dahlias—Diseases and pests Lake Dakhay (China) Mosaic diseases Ozero Taykhi-nor (China) Daikoku-machi Site (Shiota-cho,̄ Japan) Dahlia mosaic virus (May Subd Geog) Ta Hai Nuur (China) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Dahlia mosaic caulimovirus Ta-yeh Hai-tzu (China) Dahlia virus 1 Tai hai (China) subdivision. DMV (Plant virus) Tai-hai Lake (China) [Former heading] BT Caulimoviruses Taykhi-nor Lake (China) UF Daikoku-machi Iseki (Shiota-cho,̄ Japan) Mosaic viruses BT Lakes—China BT Japan—Antiquities Dahlia virus 1 Daikokuten (Japanese deity) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dahlia mosaic virus Dai language [BL2211.D33] Dahlias (May Subd Geog) USE Li language UF Daikoku (Japanese deity) [SB413.D13] BT Seven gods of fortune — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) Dai language (Chad) RT Mahak̄ āla (Buddhist deity) USE Day language (Chad) [SB608.D3] Ok̄ uninushi no kami NT Dahlia mosaic disease Dai Le (Asian people) Daikokuya Jut̄ aku (Kaminoyama-shi, Japan) Dahlias in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Lü (Asian people) Dahlquist family (Not Subd Geog) UF Awano-ke Jut̄ aku (Kaminoyama-shi, Japan) Dahlsgaard family (Not Subd Geog) Dai Lue language Kyū Awano-ke Jut̄ aku (Kaminoyama-shi, UF Dahlgaard family USE Lü language Japan) [Former heading] Dalgaard family Dahm family Dai Mountain (Japan) BT Dwellings—Japan USE Damm family USE Daisen (Japan) Dail family Dahoff family USE Dehoff family Dai Na language USE Dale family Dahoman language USE Tai Nuä language Dailamite language USE Fon dialect Dahomans (African people) Dai Noi (Huế, Vietnam) USE Daylami language USE Fon (African people) USE Kinh thaǹ h Huế (Hue,̂́ Vietnam) Dailey, Lark (Fictitious character) Dahomeans (African people) USE Fon (African people) Đại Phố Chaû (Vietnam) USE Dodge, Lark (Fictitious character) Dahomeen (African people) USE Phố Island (Vietnam) Dailey family USE Fon (African people) Dahomeen dialect Dai-sen (Japan) USE Daly family USE Fon dialect USE Daisen (Japan) Dailies (Motion pictures) Dahomey (African people) USE Fon (African people) Dai Toā Kyoē iken USE Rushes (Motion pictures) Dahomeyans USE Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere Dails family USE Fon (African people) Dạ hr al-Shuwayrah, Tall (Syria) Daiaks USE Dale family USE Shuwayrah, Tall (Syria) USE Caïques (Boats) Daily activity cycles Ḍahr Oualat̂ a (Mauritania) USE Oualat̂ a Cliffs (Mauritania) Daibutsuden (Tod̄ aiji, Nara-shi, Japan) USE Circadian rhythms Dahri (Nepalese people) UF Great Buddha Hall (Tōdaiji, Nara-shi, Japan) Daily biological clocks USE Darai (Nepalese people) Kondō (Tod̄ aiji, Nara-shi, Japan) Dahuff family BT Rooms—Japan USE Circadian rhythms USE Dehoff family Tod̄ aiji (Nara-shi, Japan) Daily family Dahur (Chinese people) USE Dagur (Chinese people) Daic languages USE Daly family Dahur language USE Tai-Kadai languages Daily irrigation and salinity analysis model USE Dagur language Dahuria glorybind Daidairi (Kyoto, Japan) USE DISA hydrosalinity model USE Calystegia dahurica USE Heiangū (Kyoto, Japan) Daily Mail Transatlantic Air Race, 1969 Dahurian larch (May Subd Geog) [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] Daieiji Iseki (Notogawa-cho,̄ Japan) UF New York-London Air Race, 1969 [SD397.D3 (Forestry)] USE Daieiji Site (Notogawa-chō, Japan) BT Transatlantic flights UF Gmelin larch Daily Mirror World Cup Rally, 1970 Larix cajanderi Daieiji Site (Notogawa-cho,̄ Japan) UF London-Mexico City World Cup Rally, 1970 Larix dahurica This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Larix gmelini World Cup Rally, 1970 Larix gmelinii subdivision. BT Automobile rallies BT Larches Daily News Building (New York, N.Y.) Dahurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve (Russia) UF Daieiji Iseki (Notogawa-chō, Japan) UF New York Daily News Building (New York, USE Gosudarstvennyĭ biosfernyĭ zapovednik BT Japan—Antiquities \"Daurskiĭ\" (Russia) Daifu-tō (Korea) N.Y.) USE Taebu Island (Korea) BT Newspaper buildings—New York (State) Daigahara Iseki (Japan) Daily offices USE Daigahara Site (Japan) USE Divine office Daigahara Site (Japan) Daily readings (Spiritual exercises) UF Daigahara Iseki (Japan) USE Devotional calendars BT Japan—Antiquities Daily vacation Bible schools Daigansan (Korea) USE Christian vacation schools USE Taeam Mountain (Korea) Daim (African people) Daigel family USE Mekan (African people) USE Daigle family Daimabad Site (India) Daigle family (Not Subd Geog) [DS486.D17] UF D'Agelet family UF Dalimabad Site (India) Dago family Dalimb Bag Site (India) Daigel family BT India—Antiquities Daigles family Daime, Santo (Cult) Deger family USE Santo Daime (Cult) Daigles family Daimiel, Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de (Spain) USE Daigle family USE Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel Daigneau family USE Daigneault family (Spain) Daigneault family (Not Subd Geog) Daimio UF Daigneau family Deniau family USE Daimyo Daigo family (Not Subd Geog) Daimios USE Daimyo D-7
Daimler automobile (Not Subd Geog) Dair al-Bahṛ ī Site (Egypt) Here are entered works dealing with the design, BT Automobiles USE Deir el-Bahri Site (Egypt) construction, and use of dairy machinery and NT Daimler SP250 automobile buildings. Dair Mountains (Sudan) Daimler buses (Not Subd Geog) USE Dayr Mountains (Sudan) BT Agricultural engineering BT Buses RT Dairy plants NT Fleetline bus Dairel family USE Dorrell family Dairying—Equipment and supplies Daimler Chrysler automobiles Dairy engineers USE DaimlerChrysler automobiles Dairi (Indonesian people) USE Pakpak (Indonesian people) USE Dairy scientists Daimler Dart automobile Dairy Farm Site (Ellingham, Norfolk, England) USE Daimler SP250 automobile Dairi Batak (Indonesian people) USE Pakpak (Indonesian people) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Daimler Fleetline bus subdivision. USE Fleetline bus Dairi Pakpak dialect (May Subd Geog) [PL5297] BT England—Antiquities Daimler Shaw (Fictitious character) UF Pakpak dialect Dairy farmers (May Subd Geog) USE Shaw, Daimler (Fictitious character) BT Batak language Indonesia—Languages BT Farmers Daimler Sovreign automobile NT Women dairy farmers USE Jaguar XJ6 automobile Dairi Pakpak folk literature Dairy farming (May Subd Geog) USE Folk literature, Dairi Pakpak [SF221-SF240] Daimler SP250 automobile (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the care, breeding, UF Daimler Dart automobile Dairi Pakpak literature (May Subd Geog) feeding, and milking of dairy cattle. Works on the Dart automobile (Daimler) BT Indonesia—Literatures production, processing, and manufacture of milk and S.P. 250 automobile NT Folk literature, Dairi Pakpak its products are entered under Dairying. Works on the SP250 automobile processing and manufacture of milk and its products BT Daimler automobile Dairies are entered under Dairy processing. Works on the Sports cars USE Dairy farms quantity of milk produced by a cow or herd are Dairy plants entered under Milk yield. Daimler XJ40 automobile Milk plants USE Jaguar XJ40 automobile UF Dairy husbandry Dairies, Ornamental BT Dairying DaimlerChrysler automobiles (Not Subd Geog) USE Pleasure dairies NT Organic dairy farming UF Daimler Chrysler automobiles Dairy farms (May Subd Geog) BT Automobiles Dairies, Pleasure UF Dairies NT Chrysler automobile USE Pleasure dairies BT Livestock farms Mercedes automobiles — Alaska Sterling trucks Dairy USE Dairy plants NT Alaska Dairy (Juneau, Alaska) DaimlerChrysler Award Milk plants — Colorado BT Art—Awards—South Africa Dairy alternative products NT Windsor Farm (Denver, Colo.) Daimon̄ (The Greek word) USE Dairy substitutes — Kenya BT Greek language—Etymology Dairy bacteriology NT Kambiti Farm (Kenya) Daimon Iseki (Kiryu-̄ shi, Japan) USE Dairy microbiology — Maine USE Daimon Site (Kiryū-shi, Japan) Dairy barns (May Subd Geog) NT Cole Farm Dairy (Me.) Daimon Iseki (Moriyama-shi, Japan) [NA8230 (Architecture)] — Vermont USE Daimon Site (Moriyama-shi, Japan) [TH4930 (Building)] UF Cow barns NT Cutting Hill (Shoreham, Vt.) Daimon Site (Kiryu-̄ shi, Japan) Dairy cattle—Housing Elgin Spring Farm (Vt.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Cattle—Housing NT Milking parlors — Washington (State) subdivision. NT Black River Ranch (Wash.) — Odor control (May Subd Geog) Carnation Farm (Carnation, Wash.) UF Daimon Iseki (Kiryu-̄ shi, Japan) BT Odor control BT Japan—Antiquities — Zambia Daimon Site (Moriyama-shi, Japan) Dairy cattle (May Subd Geog) NT Mpika Dairy Settlement Scheme (Zambia) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [SF208] subdivision. UF Milch cattle Dairy farms in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Cattle Dairy-free diet UF Daimon Iseki (Moriyama-shi, Japan) BT Japan—Antiquities — Breeding (May Subd Geog) USE Milk-free diet Daimonie (The Greek word) UF Dairy cattle breeding [Former heading] Dairy goats BT Greek language—Etymology Daimyo (May Subd Geog) — Breeds USE Goats UF Daimio USE Dairy cattle breeds Dairy husbandry Daimios — Feeding and feeds (May Subd Geog) USE Dairy farming Daimyos UF Cows—Feeding and feeds Dairy industry BT Feudalism—Japan NT Hatamoto — Housing USE Dairy products industry Samurai USE Dairy barns Dairying — Genealogy — Milk yield Dairy inspection (May Subd Geog) [CS1304] USE Milk yield [SF255] BT Genealogy UF Milk inspection — Succession (May Subd Geog) — Milking BT Dairy laws — Wives USE Milking Public health USE Daimyos' wives NT Milk hygiene Daimyo in literature (Not Subd Geog) — Showing (May Subd Geog) Daimyos Dairy cattle breeding Dairy journalism USE Daimyo USE Agricultural journalism Daimyos' wives (May Subd Geog) USE Dairy cattle—Breeding UF Daimyo—Wives [Former heading] Dairy cattle breeds (May Subd Geog) Dairy laws (May Subd Geog) BT Wives UF Dairying—Law and legislation Dainava (Lithuania) [SF208] Milk—Law and legislation USE Dzuk̄ ija (Lithuania) UF Dairy cattle—Breeds Milk hygiene—Law and legislation Daine Sarrasri (Fictitious character) BT Cattle breeds Milk trade—Law and legislation USE Sarrasri, Daine (Fictitious character) NT Australian Friesian Sahiwal cattle BT Food law and legislation Daines family (Not Subd Geog) NT Cheese industry—Law and legislation Daingatti (Australian people) Ayrshire cattle Concentrated milk—Law and legislation USE Dhungutti (Australian people) Brown Swiss cattle Dairy inspection Daingatti language Dexter cattle Ice cream, ices, etc.—Law and legislation USE Dhungutti language Guernsey cattle Dainggati (Australian people) Holstein-Friesian cattle Dairy machinery USE Dhungutti (Australian people) Illawarra Shorthorn cattle USE Dairying—Equipment and supplies Dainggati language Jersey cattle USE Dhungutti language Jeverland cattle Dairy manufacture Dainggatti language Kerry cattle USE Dairy processing USE Dhungutti language Milking Shorthorn cattle Daintree (Qld. : Region) Nantaise cattle Dairy microbiology (May Subd Geog) UF Greater Daintree Region (Qld.) Red Danish cattle [QR121] Dainu parks (Latvia) Red Sindhi cattle UF Dairy bacteriology [Former heading] USE Tautasdziesmu parks (Latvia) Tharparkar cattle Dairy products—Microbiology Dainzú Site (Mexico) Dairy cooperatives BT Food—Microbiology BT Mexico—Antiquities USE Dairying, Cooperative NT Cheese—Microbiology Dairy cow testing Milk—Microbiology USE Cow testing Dairy Creek (Washington County, Or.) Dairy plants (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Oregon [SF247] Dairy Creek Watershed (Washington County, Or.) UF Dairies BT Watersheds—Oregon Dairy Dairy engineering (May Subd Geog) Dairy products plants [SF247] BT Food processing plants D-8
RT Dairy engineering Dairy products plants Dai-sen (Japan) NT Cheese factories USE Dairy plants BT Mountains—Japan Daisetsu Mountains (Japan) Creameries Dairy research UF Daisetsu-zan (Japan) Dairying—Equipment and supplies USE Dairying—Research Milk plants Hon̄ o-yama (Japan) — Equipment and supplies Dairy rheology Nutakkamuushupe-yama (Japan) — Maintenance and repair USE Dairy products—Rheology Taisetsu Mountains (Japan) — Germany Taisetsu-zan (Japan) Dairy schools (May Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Japan NT Milchhof (Nuremberg, Germany) [SF241-SF245] Daisetsu-zan (Japan) Dairy processing (May Subd Geog) BT Agricultural education USE Daisetsu Mountains (Japan) Schools Daisetsu-zan National Park (Japan) [SF250.5] USE Daisetsuzan Kokuritsu Kōen (Japan) Here are entered works on the processing and Dairy scientists (May Subd Geog) Daisetsuzan Kokuritsu Koē n (Japan) manufacture of milk and its products. Works on the UF Dairy engineers UF Daisetsu-zan National Park (Japan) care, breeding, feeding, and milking of dairy cattle are BT Agriculturists Daisetsuzan National Park (Japan) entered under Dairy farming. Works on the Animal scientists BT National parks and reserves—Japan production, processing, and manufacture of milk and Daisetsuzan National Park (Japan) its products are entered under Dairying. Works on the Dairy substitute products USE Daisetsuzan Kokuritsu Koē n (Japan) quantity of milk produced by a cow or herd are USE Dairy substitutes Daisey Mountain (Ariz.) entered under Milk yield. USE Daisy Mountain (Ariz.) Dairy substitutes (May Subd Geog) Daisies (May Subd Geog) UF Dairy manufacture UF Dairy alternative products [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Milk—Processing Dairy product substitutes [SB413.D (Ornamental plants)] Dairy substitute products BT Compositae BT Agricultural processing BT Food substitutes NT Gerbera Dairying Leucanthemum vulgare Food industry and trade Dairy waste (May Subd Geog) Daisies, Tree UF Creamery waste USE Olearia NT Cheesemaking BT Agricultural wastes Daisies (Girl Scouts) Milk—Heat treatment Factory and trade waste USE Daisy Girl Scouts Milkfat fractionation Daiso language Dairy workers (May Subd Geog) USE Dhaiso language — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) [HD8039.D3] Daisu language Dairy product substitutes BT Agricultural industries—Employees USE Dhaiso language NT Cheese carriers (Persons) Daisy, Butter USE Dairy substitutes Cheesemakers USE Ranunculus repens Dairy products (May Subd Geog) Wages—Dairy workers Daisy, Dalmatian USE Pyrethrum (Plant) [SF250.5-SF275] Dairying (May Subd Geog) Daisy, Gardner's tree UF Milk products [SF221-SF275] USE Olearia gardneri Here are entered works on the production, Daisy, Kachina Products, Dairy USE Kachina fleabane BT Animal products processing, and manufacture of milk and its products. Daisy, Ox-eye NT Amul (Trademark) Works on the quantity of milk produced by a cow or USE Leucanthemum vulgare herd are entered under Milk yield. Works on the Daisy, Oxeye Butter processing and manufacture of milk and its products USE Leucanthemum vulgare Buttermilk are entered under Dairy processing. Works on the Daisy, Painted Cheese care, breeding, feeding, and milking of dairy cattle are USE Florist's pyrethrum Cheese products entered under Dairy farming. Daisy, Pyrethrum Cream USE Florist's pyrethrum Cultured milk UF Dairy industry Pyrethrum (Plant) Honey cream BT Animal industry Daisy, White Lactose products NT Cow testing USE Leucanthemum vulgare Milk Daisy (Fictitious character : Kopper) (Not Subd Geog) Whey products Dairy farming Daisy (Fictitious character : Niece of Dig and Dug) — Contamination (May Subd Geog) Dairy processing (Not Subd Geog) Plastics in dairying Daisy (Fictitious character : Simmons) (Not Subd Geog) BT Food contamination Radioisotopes in dairying Daisy (Fictitious character : Theobalds) NT Milk contamination — Accounting (Not Subd Geog) — Cooperative marketing Daisy (Giraffe) BT Cooperative marketing of farm produce [SF261] USE Daisy Rothschild (Giraffe) — Drying (May Subd Geog) — Apparatus and supplies Daisy bush — Flavor and odor (May Subd Geog) USE Olearia gardneri UF Dairy products—Odor USE Dairying—Equipment and supplies Daisy bushes BT Flavor — Collective labor agreements USE Olearia Daisy Creek (Park County, Mont.) Odors USE Collective labor agreements—Dairying BT Rivers—Montana — Handling (May Subd Geog) — Economic aspects (May Subd Geog) Daisy Girl Scouts (May Subd Geog) — — Research (May Subd Geog) [HS3359] BT Materials handling — Equipment and supplies UF Daisies (Girl Scouts) — Marketing Daisy Scouts — Microbiology [SF247] BT Girl Scouts UF Dairy machinery Daisy Gumm Majesty (Fictitious character) USE Dairy microbiology USE Majesty, Daisy Gumm (Fictitious character) — Odor Dairying—Apparatus and supplies Daisy Miller (Fictitious character) [Former heading] USE Miller, Daisy (Fictitious character) USE Dairy products—Flavor and odor RT Dairy engineering Daisy Morelli (Fictitious character) — Products liability BT Dairy plants USE Morelli, Daisy (Fictitious character) NT Churns Daisy Mountain (Ariz.) USE Products liability—Dairy products Cream-separators UF Daisey Mountain (Ariz.) — Rheology Milking machines BT Mountains—Arizona Milking stools Daisy Rothschild (Giraffe) (Not Subd Geog) UF Dairy rheology Whey-separators UF Daisy (Giraffe) BT Rheology — Law and legislation BT Giraffe — Sensory evaluation (May Subd Geog) USE Dairy laws Daisy Scouts BT Sensory evaluation — Research (May Subd Geog) USE Daisy Girl Scouts — Tariff UF Dairy research [Former heading] Daisybushes USE Tariff on dairy products — Strikes and lockouts USE Olearia — Use in cooking USE Strikes and lockouts—Dairying Daitō Island (Japan) USE Cooking (Dairy products) — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) USE Daitō Islands (Japan) Dairy products in human nutrition (May Subd Geog) [SF241-SF245] [QP144.M54 (Physiology)] — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) [TX556.M5 (Food compostion)] UF Dairying as a profession [Former heading] [TX377-TX382 (Food supply)] Dairying, Cooperative (May Subd Geog) BT Nutrition [SF246.C65] Dairy products industry (May Subd Geog) UF Cooperative dairying [HD9275-HD9283.7] Dairy cooperatives UF Dairy industry BT Agriculture, Cooperative BT Animal industry Cooperative societies Food industry and trade Dairying as a profession NT Butter trade USE Dairying—Vocational guidance Cheese industry Dais (Antarctica) Cream industry BT Mesas—Antarctica Dried milk industry Plains—Antarctica Ice cream industry Daisen (Japan) Milk trade UF Dai Mountain (Japan) Sour cream industry Yogurt industry D-9
Daitō Islands (Japan) Daju Mongo (African people) Dakhini poetry (May Subd Geog) UF Daitō Island (Japan) [Former heading] USE Daju (African people) UF Dakhini Hindustani poetry [Former heading] Daitō Jima (Japan) BT Dakhini literature Daitō Shima (Japan) Daju Mongo language NT Elegiac poetry, Dakhini Daitō Shotō (Japan) USE Dar Daju Daju language Ghazals, Dakhini Daitō Sima (Japan) Sufi poetry, Dakhini Magelhaes Archipelago (Japan) Daju Oum Hadjer (African people) Oā gari shima (Japan) USE Daju (African people) Dakhini satire BT Islands—Japan USE Satire, Dakhini Ryukyu Islands Daju Oum Hadjer language NT Kitadaitō Island (Japan) USE Dar Daju Daju language Dakhini Sufi poetry USE Sufi poetry, Dakhini Daitō Jima (Japan) Dak To, Battle of, Vietnam, 1967 USE Daitō Islands (Japan) UF Đăć Tô (Vietnam), Battle of, 1967 [Former Dakhini Urdu language heading] USE Dakhini language Daitō Shima (Japan) BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975—Campaigns USE Daitō Islands (Japan) Dakhini wit and humor (May Subd Geog) Daka language BT Dakhini literature Daitō Shotō (Japan) USE Chamba Daka language NT Satire, Dakhini USE Daitō Islands (Japan) Dakaka language Dakhistan (Turkmenistan) Daitō Sima (Japan) USE Daakaka language Dakhl al-daʾ̄ im USE Daitō Islands (Japan) Dakakari (African people) (May Subd Geog) USE Perpetual income contracts Daitokuji Kita Iseki (Notogawa-cho,̄ Japan) UF Clela (African people) Dakhla Basin (Egypt) USE Daitokuji Kita Site (Notogawa-chō, Japan) Dakarawa (African people) Dakarkari (African people) BT Basins (Geology)—Egypt Daitokuji Kita Site (Notogawa-cho,̄ Japan) Dakkakarri (African people) Dakhla Oasis (Egypt) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Lela (Nigerian people) BT Ethnology—Nigeria UF al-Dakhilah (Egypt) subdivision. Dakhilah Oasis (Egypt) Dakan family Dakhleh Oasis (Egypt) UF Daitokuji Kita Iseki (Notogawa-cho,̄ Japan) USE Dakin family ed Dakhla (Egypt) BT Japan—Antiquities el Dakhla (Egypt) Daiton Mountain (Taiwan) D'Akanda, Parc national (Gabon) USE Datun Volcanoes (Taiwan) USE Parc national d'Akanda (Gabon) BT Oases—Egypt Daiṭsh family Dakhleh Oasis (Egypt) USE Deutsch family Dakani language Daivadnya Brahmans (May Subd Geog) USE Dakhini language USE Dakhla Oasis (Egypt) [DS432.D32] Dakhmas UF Daivajnã Brah̄ manạ s Dakar, Battle of, 1940 BT Brahmans USE Dakar, Battle of, Dakar, Senegal, 1940 USE Dokhmas Dakhni language Caste—India Dakar, Battle of, Dakar, Senegal, 1940 Ethnology—India UF Dakar, Battle of, 1940 [Former heading] USE Dakhini language Sonars (Indic people) BT Operation Menace Dakin family (Not Subd Geog) Daivajnã Brah̄ maṇas World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Senegal USE Daivadnya Brahmans UF Dakan family Daivers Dakar, Eć ole de (Group of artists) Dakins family USE Devas USE École de Dakar (Group of artists) Daiweixiang (Group of artists) Dakini language UF Big-Tail Elephant (Group of artists) Dakarawa (African people) USE Dakhini language RT Art, Chinese—20th century USE Dakakari (African people) Daja Kisubo (Fictitious character) Dakins family USE Kisubo, Daja (Fictitious character) Dakarkari (African people) USE Dakin family Dajak language USE Dakakari (African people) USE Dayak language Dakkakarri (African people) Da'janiya Site (Jordan) Dakhani language USE Dakakari (African people) USE Daʻjan̄ iȳ ah Site (Jordan) USE Dakhini language Daʻjan̄ iȳ ah Site (Jordan) Dakkalas (Not Subd Geog) UF Ad Daʻjan̄ iȳ ah (Jordan) Dakhay, Lake (China) [DS432.D35] Da'janiya Site (Jordan) USE Dai Lake (China) UF Dakkaligas Kharabat ad Daʻjānīyah (Jordan) Dakkalis Khirbat ed Daʻjānīya (Jordan) Dakhilah Oasis (Egypt) Dakkals Kirbat ad Daʻjan̄ iȳ ah (Jordan) USE Dakhla Oasis (Egypt) Dakkalwars BT Jordan—Antiquities Dokkalas Dajo, Mount, Battle of, 1906 Dakhini authors Dokkaligas USE Mount Dajo, Battle of, Philippines, 1906 USE Authors, Dakhini BT Caste—India Dajo (African people) Ethnology—India USE Daju (African people) Dakhini elegiac poetry Dajo language USE Elegiac poetry, Dakhini Dakkaligas USE Dar Daju Daju language USE Dakkalas Dajou (African people) Dakhini ghazals USE Daju (African people) USE Ghazals, Dakhini Dakkalis Dajou language (Dar Daju Daju) USE Dakkalas USE Dar Daju Daju language Dakhini Hindi language Dajriwali dialect USE Dakhini language Dakkals USE Dadjriwalé dialect USE Dakkalas Daju (African people) (May Subd Geog) Dakhini Hindustani dialect UF Dadio (African people) USE Dakhini language Dakkalwars Dadjo (African people) USE Dakkalas Dadju (African people) Dakhini Hindustani imprints Dago (African people) USE Dakhini imprints Dakkani language Dagu (African people) USE Dakhini language Dajo (African people) Dakhini Hindustani literature Dajou (African people) USE Dakhini literature Dakkhani language Daju Mongo (African people) USE Dakhini language Daju Oum Hadjer (African people) Dakhini Hindustani philology Dar Daju Daju (African people) USE Dakhini philology Dakoits Tagu (African people) USE Dacoits BT Ethnology—Chad Dakhini Hindustani poetry Ethnology—South Sudan USE Dakhini poetry Dakota, Fort (S.D.) Ethnology—Sudan USE Fort Dakota (S.D.) Daju language (Dar Daju Daju) Dakhini imprints (May Subd Geog) USE Dar Daju Daju language UF Dakhini Hindustani imprints [Former heading] Dakota (Transport plane) Daju languages (May Subd Geog) USE Douglas DC-3 (Transport plane) BT Chad—Languages Dakhini language (May Subd Geog) Eastern Sudanic languages [PK1970.5-PK1970.595] Dakota aged women South Sudan—Languages UF Dakani language USE Older Dakota women Sudan—Languages Dakhani language NT Dar Daju Daju language Dakhini Hindi language Dakota Apartments (New York, N.Y.) Dakhini Hindustani dialect [Former heading] USE Dakota, The (New York, N.Y.) Dakhini Urdu language Dakhni language Dakota Aquifer Dakini language BT Aquifers—Great Plains Dakkani language Dakkhani language Dakota art (May Subd Geog) Deccan language UF Art, Dakota Dehlavi language Dakota Indians—Art [Former heading] Gujari language (Dakhini) BT Art, American Hindavi language NT Dakota painting BT India—Languages Urdu language Dakota artists (May Subd Geog) UF Artists, Dakota Dakhini literature (May Subd Geog) BT Artists—United States UF Dakhini Hindustani literature [Former heading] BT Indic literature Dakota arts (May Subd Geog) NT Dakhini poetry UF Arts, Dakota Dakhini wit and humor Dakota Indians—Arts [Former heading] BT Arts, American Dakhini philology (May Subd Geog) [PK1970.5] Dakota astronomy (May Subd Geog) UF Dakhini Hindustani philology [Former heading] UF Astronomy, Dakota BT Astronomy—Great Plains D-10
Dakota beadwork (May Subd Geog) — Wars (May Subd Geog) Dakota textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) UF Beadwork, Dakota NT Blue Water Creek, Battle of, Neb., 1855 UF Textile fabrics, Dakota BT Beadwork—Great Plains Lake of the Woods Massacre, 1736 BT Textile fabrics—Great Plains Red Cloud's War, 1866-1867 Dakota calendar (May Subd Geog) Spirit Lake Massacre, Iowa, 1857 Dakota, The (New York, N.Y.) UF Calendar, Dakota Wagon Box Fight, Wyo., 1867 UF Dakota Apartments (New York, N.Y.) Dakota Indians—Calendar [Former heading] The Dakota (New York, N.Y.) BT Calendar — Wars, 1862-1865 (Not Subd Geog) BT Apartment houses—New York (State) [E83.86] Dakota children (May Subd Geog) BT Indians of North America—Wars—1862- Dakota toad UF Children, Dakota 1865 USE Canadian toad BT Children—Great Plains NT Dakota War, Minnesota, 1862 Powder River Expedition, 1865 Dakota truck (Not Subd Geog) Dakota Conflict, Minnesota, 1862 Red Buttes, Battle of, Wyo., 1865 UF Dodge Dakota truck USE Dakota War, Minnesota, 1862 Sibley Expedition, 1863 BT Dodge trucks Sully Expeditions, 1863-1865 Pickup trucks Dakota dance (May Subd Geog) Whitestone Hill, Battle of, N.D., 1863 UF Dakota Indians—Dances [Former heading] Dakota Uprising, Minnesota, 1862 Dance, Dakota — Wars, 1876 USE Dakota War, Minnesota, 1862 BT Dance—Great Plains USE Black Hills War, 1876-1877 Dakota War, Minnesota, 1862 Dakota dolls (May Subd Geog) — Wars, 1876-1877 [E83.86] UF Dakota Indians—Dolls [Former heading] USE Black Hills War, 1876-1877 UF Dakota Conflict, Minnesota, 1862 Dolls, Dakota Dakota Uprising, Minnesota, 1862 BT Dolls — Wars, 1890-1891 (Not Subd Geog) Great Sioux Uprising, Minnesota, 1862 [E83.89] Little Crow's War, Minnesota, 1862 Dakota folk songs BT Indians of North America—Wars—1866- Minnesota Sioux Uprising, Minnesota, 1862 USE Folk songs, Dakota 1895 Sioux Outbreak, Minnesota, 1862 NT Wounded Knee Massacre, S.D., 1890 Sioux Uprising, Minnesota, 1862 Dakota Formation United States-Dakota War, Minnesota, 1862 UF Dakota Sandstone — Women BT Dakota Indians—Wars, 1862-1865 BT Formations (Geology)—Great Plains USE Dakota women Minnesota—History—1858- Geology, Stratigraphic—Cretaceous NT Birch Coulee, Battle of, Minn., 1862 Dakota Indians in art (Not Subd Geog) Wood Lake, Battle of, Minn., 1862 Dakota Hogback (Colo.) Dakota Indians in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Cuestas—Colorado Dakota language (May Subd Geog) Dakota women (May Subd Geog) NT Dinosaur Ridge (Colo.) UF Dakota Indians—Women [Former heading] [PM1021-PM1024] Women, Dakota Dakota hymns UF Nadoway language BT Women—United States USE Hymns, Dakota NT Older Dakota women Sioux language Dakota Indians (May Subd Geog) BT Great Plains—Languages Dakota youth (May Subd Geog) [E99.D1] UF Youth, Dakota UF Nadowessioux Indians Siouan languages BT Youth—United States Naudowessie Indians NT Assiniboine dialect Nawdowissnee Indians Dakotornis (May Subd Geog) Sioux Indians Lakota dialect [QE871] Wahpakoota Sioux Indians Santee dialect BT Dakotornithidae BT Indians of North America—Great Plains Yankton dialect NT Dakotornis cooperi Siouan Indians — Dictionaries NT Assiniboine Indians Dakotornis cooperi (May Subd Geog) Older Dakota Indians [PM1023] [QE871] Oneota Indians (Great Plains) NT Picture dictionaries, Dakota BT Dakotornis Santee Indians — Names Saone Indians USE Names, Dakota Dakotornithidae (May Subd Geog) Sisseton Indians Dakota law [QE871] Wahpeton Indians UF Law, Dakota [Former heading] BT Birds, Fossil Yankton Indians BT Customary law—Great Plains NT Dakotornis Yanktonai Indians Dakota literature (May Subd Geog) BT Canada—Literatures Dakpo (Sect) — Antiquities United States—Literatures USE Dwags-po (Sect) — Art NT Dakota poetry Dakota mythology (May Subd Geog) Daksh Kheda Site (Farmāna Khās, India) USE Dakota art UF Mythology, Dakota USE Farmana Site (Farmāna Khās, India) — Arts Dakota names USE Names, Dakota Daksh Khera Site (Farman̄ a Khās, India) USE Dakota arts Dakota older people USE Farmana Site (Farmāna Khās, India) — Calendar USE Older Dakota Indians Dakota older women Dakshin Gangotri (Drifting ice station) USE Dakota calendar USE Older Dakota women This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Dances Dakota orations USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Dakota subdivision. USE Dakota dance Dakota painting (May Subd Geog) — Dolls UF Painting, Dakota BT Drifting ice stations—Antarctica BT Dakota art Daktarisǩ ės Site (Lithuania) USE Dakota dolls Painting, American — Folklore Dakota philosophy (May Subd Geog) BT Lithuania—Antiquities — Government relations UF Philosophy, Dakota Dakwah (Islam) BT Philosophy, American NT Alcatraz Island (Calif.)—History—Indian Dakota picture dictionaries USE Daʻwah (Islam) occupation, 1969-1971 USE Picture dictionaries, Dakota Dakyū Dakota poetry (May Subd Geog) — Land tenure (May Subd Geog) BT Dakota literature USE Japanese polo UF Dakota Indians—Land transfers [Former Dakota quilts (May Subd Geog) Dal heading] UF Quilts, Dakota BT Quilts—Great Plains USE Pigeon pea — Land transfers Dakota River (N.D. and S.D.) Dal Borgo family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dakota Indians—Land tenure USE James River (N.D. and S.D.) Dal family (Not Subd Geog) Dakota Sandstone Dal grass — Missions (May Subd Geog) USE Dakota Formation — Names Dakota skipper (May Subd Geog) USE Hymenachne amplexicaulis [QL561.H5 (Zoology)] Dal Lake (India) USE Names, Dakota UF Hesperia dacotae — Poetry BT Hesperia UF Bod Dal (India) — Politics and government Dakota speeches Lokut Dal (India) USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Dakota UF Dakota Indians—Tribal government Dakota Tallgrass Prairie Wildlife Management Area BT Lakes—India [Former heading] (N.D. and S.D.) Dal Pos family (Not Subd Geog) BT National parks and reserves—North Dakota — Religion National parks and reserves—South Dakota UF Dal Poz family — Treaties Wildlife management areas—North Dakota Pos family Wildlife management areas—South Dakota Poz family UF Dakota Indians—Treaties, 1805 [Former heading] Dal Poz family Dakota Indians—Treaties, 1841 [Former USE Dal Pos family heading] Dakota Indians—Treaties, 1851 [Former Dal Pozzo family (Not Subd Geog) heading] Dal River (Sweden) — Treaties, 1805 USE Dalälven (Sweden) USE Dakota Indians—Treaties Dal Verme family (Not Subd Geog) Dala Chhath (Hindu festival) — Treaties, 1841 USE Dakota Indians—Treaties USE Chhath (Hindu festival) Dala to krīʺ tanʻʺ (Burma) — Treaties, 1851 USE Dakota Indians—Treaties BT Forest reserves—Burma National parks and reserves—Burma — Tribal government USE Dakota Indians—Politics and government Dalabon language (May Subd Geog) [PL7101.D23] UF Bouin language D-11
Dalabon language (Continued) Ecastaphyllum Dales Way (England) Boun language Miscolobium BT Trails—England Buan language Rosewood Buin language (Australia) Rosewood trees D'Alessandro family (Not Subd Geog) Buwan language Rosewoods UF Alessandro family Dangbon language Triptolemea Gundangbon language BT Legumes Daley, Mike (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Nalabon language NT African blackwood UF Mike Daley (Fictitious character) Ngalabon language Dalbergia latifolia Ngalkbon language Dalbergia sissoo Daley, Ryan (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Ngalkbun language Dalbergia stevensonii UF Ryan Daley (Fictitious character) Dalbergia tucurensis BT Australia—Languages Dalbergia cubilquitzensis Daley family Gunwingguan languages USE Dalbergia tucurensis USE Daly family Dalbergia latifolia (May Subd Geog) Dalai Lake (China) [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Dalfopristin (May Subd Geog) USE Hulun Lake (China) [SD397.D33 (Forestry)] UF Streptogramin B UF Amerimnon latifolium Synercid (Trademark) Dalai lamas Black rosewood BT Streptogramins [BQ7930-BQ7935] Blackwood BT Lamas Bombay blackwood Dalgaard family Bombay rosewood USE Dahlsgaard family Dalai Nor (China) East Indian rosewood USE Hulun Lake (China) Indian blackwood Dalgari language Indian rosewood USE Tharrkari language Dalaihu (China) Malabar rosewood USE Hulun Lake (China) BT Dalbergia Dalhousie (S.A.) Dalbergia melanoxylon UF Dalhousie (S. Aust.) [Former heading] Dalal̈ ven (Sweden) USE African blackwood UF Dal River (Sweden) Dalbergia sissoo (May Subd Geog) Dalhousie (S. Aust.) BT Rivers—Sweden [QK495.L52 (Botany)] USE Dalhousie (S.A.) [SD397.D34 (Forestry)] Dalaman River (Turkey) UF Amerimnon sissoo Dalhousie, Isabel (Fictitious character) BT Rivers—Turkey Indian rosewood (Not Subd Geog) Shisham UF Isabel Dalhousie (Fictitious character) Dalaman River Watershed (Turkey) Sissoo BT Watersheds—Turkey Sissoo of India Dali Er Hai (China) Sissu USE Er Lake (China) Dalan Qudalci (Legendary character) Sisu USE Balgȧ nsang (Legendary character) BT Dalbergia Dali Er Lake (China) Dalbergia stevensonii (May Subd Geog) USE Er Lake (China) Dalane (Norway : Region) [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Dalaoling guo jia sen lin gong yuan (Yichang Shi, China) UF Hagaedwood Dali Erhai Lake (China) Honduran rosewood USE Er Lake (China) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Honduras rosewood subdivision. Nogaed Dali He (China) BT Dalbergia USE Dali River (China) UF Da Lao Ling Forest Park (Yichang Shi, China) Dalbergia tucurensis (May Subd Geog) Dalaoling National Forest Park (Yichang Shi, [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Dali River (China) China) UF Dalbergia cubilquitzensis UF Dali He (China) Guatemalan rosewood Ta-li Ho (China) BT Forest reserves—China BT Dalbergia Ta-lin Ho (China) National parks and reserves—China Dalbey family Talikhe (China) USE Dolby family BT Rivers—China Dalaoling National Forest Park (Yichang Shi, China) Dalby family USE Dalaoling guo jia sen lin gong yuan (Yichang USE Dolby family Dali River Valley (China) Shi, China) Dalby Forest (England) UF Dali Valley (China) BT Forests and forestry—England BT Valleys—China Dalar Mountain (Georgia and Russia) Dalceridae (May Subd Geog) UF Dalar Mountain (Georgian S.S.R. and [QL561.D25] Dali Valley (China) R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading] BT Lepidoptera USE Dali River Valley (China) BT Mountains—Georgia (Republic) Moths Mountains—Russia (Federation) Dale (Fictitious character : Disney) (Not Subd Geog) Daliaohe (China) Dale family (Not Subd Geog) USE Liao River (China) Dalar Mountain (Georgian S.S.R. and R.S.F.S.R.) UF Dail family USE Dalar Mountain (Georgia and Russia) Dails family Dalías, Campo de (Spain) Dales family UF Almeriá , Llanos de (Spain) Dalarna (Sweden) RT Dael family Campo de Dalías (Spain) UF Dalecarlia (Sweden) Dale Hollow Lake (Tenn. and Ky.) Llanos de Almeriá (Spain) UF Dale Hollow Reservoir (Tenn. and Ky.) BT Plains—Spain Dalatias (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Kentucky [QL638.95.D3 (Zoology)] Lakes—Tennessee Daliès family (Not Subd Geog) UF Pseudoscymnus Reservoirs—Kentucky Dalim̄ (Arab tribe) Scymnorhinus [Former heading] Reservoirs—Tennessee Scymnus (Fish) Dale Hollow Reservoir (Tenn. and Ky.) USE Awlad̄ Dalīm (Arab tribe) BT Dalatiidae USE Dale Hollow Lake (Tenn. and Ky.) Dalimabad Site (India) NT Kitefin shark Dalebele (African people) USE Kulebele (African people) USE Daimabad Site (India) Dalatias licha Dalecarlia (Sweden) Dalimb Bag Site (India) USE Kitefin shark USE Dalarna (Sweden) Dalemain Garden (England) USE Daimabad Site (India) Dalatiidae (May Subd Geog) BT Gardens—England Daling Group [QL638.95.D3 (Zoology)] D'Alembert equation BT Squaliformes USE Lagrange equations UF Daling Series NT Dalatias D'Alembertian operator BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Precambrian Euprotomicrus UF Alembertian operator Sleeper sharks Operator, D'Alembertian Groups (Stratigraphy)—Himalaya Mountains Somniosus BT Differential equations, Partial Region Daleo (African people) Daling Series Dalazak (South Asian people) USE Kulebele (African people) USE Daling Group USE Dilazak (South Asian people) D'Ales̀ family (Not Subd Geog) Dalip Singh Saund Post Office Building (Temecula, USE Dale family Calif.) d'Albenson family UF Saund Post Office Building (Temecula, Calif.) USE Arbenz family BT Post office buildings—California Dalit Site (Israel) Dalberg family UF Khirbet Ras ed-Daliyya Site (Israel) USE Dahlberg family Ras ed-Daliya (Israel) Ras el-Aqra (Israel) Dalberg Hof (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) Tel Dalit (Israel) USE Dalberger Hof (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, BT Israel—Antiquities Germany) Dalit women (May Subd Geog) BT Women Dalberg Palace (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) Dalits (May Subd Geog) USE Dalberger Hof (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, [DS422.C3 (India)] Germany) [DS493.9.D24 (Nepal)] UF Depressed classes (South Asia) Dalberger Hof (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) Harijans UF Dalberg Hof (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Scheduled castes (India) Germany) Untouchables [Former heading] Dalberg Palace (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, BT Caste—South Asia Germany) Ethnology—South Asia Jüngerer Dalberger Hof (Mainz, Rhineland- RT India—Scheduled tribes Palatinate, Germany) NT Bhangis BT Palaces—Germany Caṇdạ ̄las Ghasis Dalbergia (May Subd Geog) Jatavs [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Kamar (Indic people) UF Amerimnon Coroya D-12
Musahars Dalles, The (Wis. : Gorge) Fire dog Panos USE Saint Croix Dalles (Wis.) BT Dog breeds Pariahs Dalmatian dogs Pulayas Dalles Dam (Or. and Wash.) USE Dalmatian dog — Education (May Subd Geog) BT Dams—Oregon Dalmatian drama (May Subd Geog) — — India Dams—Washington (State) BT Dalmatian literature NT Dalmatian drama (Comedy) RT Ashram schools Dalles Dam Reservoir (Or. and Wash.) Dalmatian drama (Comedy) (May Subd Geog) — Political activity (May Subd Geog) USE Celilo, Lake (Or. and Wash.) BT Dalmatian drama — Suffrage (May Subd Geog) Dalmatian dramatists — India Dalles de verre USE Dramatists, Dalmatian Dalits in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Dalle de verre Dalmatian frog USE Rana dalmatina UF Untouchables in literature [Former heading] Dalles Mountain buttercup Dalmatian insect flower Dal̂ iyeh Wadi (West Bank) USE Ranunculus triternatus USE Pyrethrum (Plant) Dalmatian insect flowers UF Wad̂ ī Dâliyeh (West Bank) Dalles of the Wisconsin (Wis.) USE Pyrethrum (Insecticide) BT Wadis—West Bank USE Dells of the Wisconsin (Wis.) Dalmatian insect powder Dalkeith House (Dalkeith, Scotland) USE Pyrethrum (Insecticide) USE Dalkeith Palace (Dalkeith, Scotland) Dalles Reservoir (Or. and Wash.) Dalmatian language (Romance) (May Subd Geog) Dalkeith Palace (Dalkeith, Scotland) USE Celilo, Lake (Or. and Wash.) [PC890] UF Dalkeith House (Dalkeith, Scotland) UF Dalmatico language BT Palaces—Scotland Dalley family BT Croatia—Languages Dalkey Island (Ireland) USE Dally family UF Dheilginse, Oileán (Ireland) Romance languages Dalli NT Vegliote dialect Oileá n Dheilginse (Ireland) USE Virola (Genus) Dalmatian language (Slavic) BT Islands—Ireland USE Serbo-Croatian language Dalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive) Dallia (May Subd Geog) Dalmatian literature (May Subd Geog) UF Shield, Dalkon (Intrauterine contraceptive) [QL638.U5 (Zoology)] [PG1640-PG1658 (Croatian)] BT Intrauterine contraceptives BT Mudminnows BT Croatia—Literatures Dall family NT Dallia pectoralis NT Dalmatian drama USE Dahl family Dall Island (Alaska) Dallia pectoralis (May Subd Geog) Dalmatian poetry BT Islands—Alaska [QL638.U5] Dalmatian prose literature UF Alaskan blackfish Pastoral literature, Dalmatian Alexander Archipelago (Alaska) Arctic blackfish Dalmatian manuscripts Dall porpoise (May Subd Geog) BT Dallia USE Manuscripts, Dalmatian Dalmatian painting [QL737.C434] Dalliidae USE Painting, Dalmatian UF Dall's porpoise USE Mudminnows Dalmatian pastoral literature USE Pastoral literature, Dalmatian Phocoenoides dalli [Former heading] Dallin family Dalmatian poetry Phocoenoides truei USE Darling family [PG1650-PG1650.5 (History)] True porpoise [PG1654-PG1654.5 (Collections)] Whiteflank porpoise Dalling family BT Dalmatian literature BT Phocoenoides USE Darling family Dalmatian poets Dall Seamount USE Poets, Dalmatian BT Seamounts—Alaska, Gulf of Dallison family Dalmatian prose literature (May Subd Geog) Dall sheep (May Subd Geog) USE Dolson family BT Dalmatian literature [QL737.U53 (Zoology)] Dalmatian pyrethrum UF Dall's sheep Dallo Bosso (Niger) USE Pyrethrum (Plant) Ovis cowani USE Bosso Wadi (Niger) Dalmatian toadflax (May Subd Geog) Ovis dalli [QK495.S43 (Botany)] Ovis fannini Dallol Bosso (Niger) [SB615.D29 (Weed)] Ovis kenaiensis USE Bosso Wadi (Niger) UF Linaria dalmatica Ovis liardensis Toadflax, Dalmatian Ovis niger Dall's porpoise BT Linaria Ovis stonei USE Dall porpoise Dalmatians (May Subd Geog) Thinhorn sheep BT Croats BT Mountain sheep Dall's sheep Ethnology—Croatia Ovis USE Dall sheep Dalmatico language Dall sheep hunting (May Subd Geog) USE Dalmatian language (Romance) [SK305.D34] Dallson family Dalo BT Mountain sheep hunting USE Dolson family USE Taro Dall sheep populations (May Subd Geog) Dalophia (May Subd Geog) BT Mammal populations Dallund (Denmark) [QL666.L193 (Zoology)] Dall'Agnese family (Not Subd Geog) BT Manors—Denmark BT Amphisbaenidae Dall'Agnol family (Not Subd Geog) NT Dalophia angolensis Dall'Alba family (Not Subd Geog) Dally family (Not Subd Geog) Dalophia angolensis (May Subd Geog) Dall'Ara Stadium (Bologna, Italy) UF Dalley family [QL666.L193 (Zoology)] USE Stadio Dall'Ara (Bologna, Italy) Dolly family BT Dalophia Dallas, Fort (Miami, Fla.) RT Darley family Dalpada brevis USE Fort Dallas (Miami, Fla.) Darling family USE Brown marmorated stink bug Dallas, Eve (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dalpada remota UF Eve Dallas (Fictitious character) Dallzall family USE Brown marmorated stink bug Lieutenant Eve Dallas (Fictitious character) USE Delzell family Dalrimple family Dallas, Operation, 1967 USE Dalrymple family USE Operation Dallas, 1967 Dalmā (United Arab Emirates) Dalrymple, Port (Tas.) Dallas Cowboys Stadium (Arlington, Tex.) UF Dalmah Island (United Arab Emirates) USE Port Dalrymple (Tas.) USE AT&T Stadium (Arlington, Tex.) Dilma,̄ Jazir̄ at (United Arab Emirates) Dalrymple Crescent (Edinburgh, Scotland) Dallas family (Not Subd Geog) Jazir̄ at Dalmah (United Arab Emirates) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dallas Henry (Fictitious character) Jazir̄ at Dilmā (United Arab Emirates) subdivision. USE Henry, Dallas (Fictitious character) BT Islands—United Arab Emirates Dallas O'Connor (Fictitious character) BT Streets—Scotland USE O'Connor, Dallas (Fictitious character) Dalmah Island (United Arab Emirates) Dalrymple family (Not Subd Geog) Dall'Ava family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dalmā (United Arab Emirates) Dalle de verre (May Subd Geog) UF Dalrimple family UF Dalles de verre Dalmanella (May Subd Geog) Darumple family Faceted glass BT Dalmanellidae Dilrimple family Slab glass BT Glass painting and staining Dalmanellidae (May Subd Geog) Dals Fjord (Norway) Dalle family (Not Subd Geog) BT Orthida UF Dalsfjorden (Norway) Dällenbach family NT Dalmanella BT Fjords—Norway USE Dillenbeck family Heterorthina Dallery family (Not Subd Geog) Dalsace House (Paris, France) Dalles, Fort (Dalles, Or.) Dalmanites (May Subd Geog) USE Maison de verre (Paris, France) USE Fort Dalles (Dalles, Or.) [QE823.P5] BT Dalmanitidae Dalseno family (Not Subd Geog) NT Dalmanites oklahomae Dalmanites oklahomae (May Subd Geog) [QE823.P5] BT Dalmanites Dalmanitidae (May Subd Geog) [QE823.P5] BT Phacopida NT Dalmanites Dalmatian art USE Art, Dalmatian Dalmatian cooking USE Cooking, Dalmatian Dalmatian daisy USE Pyrethrum (Plant) Dalmatian dog (May Subd Geog) [SF429.D3] UF Coach dog Dalmatian dogs [Former heading] Danish dog D-13
Dalsfjorden (Norway) Daly Post Office Building (Lakeview, Or.) Dama (May Subd Geog) USE Dals Fjord (Norway) USE Dr. Bernard Daly Post Office Building [QL737.U55 (Zoology)] (Lakeview, Or.) BT Cervidae Dalsheimer family (Not Subd Geog) Deer Dalsland (Sweden) Daly River (N.T.) NT Fallow deer Dalton, Micah (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Langdan River (N.T.) BT Rivers—Australia Dama (Ethiopian and Kenyan people) UF Micah Dalton (Fictitious character) USE Dasenech (African people) Dalton, Patrick (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Daly River Watershed (N.T.) BT Watersheds—Australia Dama (Ethiopian people) UF Patrick Dalton (Fictitious character) USE Murzu (African people) Dalton, Smokey (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Daly West Mine (Utah) BT Mines and mineral resources—Utah Dama dama UF Smokey Dalton (Fictitious character) USE Fallow deer Dalton Ellis Hall (Manchester, England) Dalyell family USE Delzell family Dama hemionus UF Dalton Hall (Manchester, England) USE Mule deer Ellis Llwyd Jones Hall (Manchester, England) Dalyellia (May Subd Geog) [QL391.P7] Dama language (Ethiopia and Kenya) BT Dormitories—England BT Dalyelliidae USE Dasenech language Dalton family (Not Subd Geog) NT Dalyellia triangulata Dama language (Khoisan) UF Dolton family Dalyellia triangulata (May Subd Geog) USE Nama language Dalton Hall (Manchester, England) [QL391.P7] BT Dalyellia Dama virginiana USE Dalton Ellis Hall (Manchester, England) USE White-tailed deer Dalton Highway (Alaska) Dalyelliidae (May Subd Geog) [QL391.P7] Dama wallaby UF Haul Road (Alaska) BT Neorhabdocoela USE Macropus eugenii James Dalton Highway (Alaska) NT Dalyellia North Slope Haul Road (Alaska) Damagaram (Niger : Region) Prudhoe Yukon Highway (Alaska) Dalyiel family USE Damagarim (Niger) Yukon Prudhoe Highway (Alaska) USE Delzell family Damagarim (Niger) BT Roads—Alaska Daly's Theatre (New York, N.Y.) UF Damagaram (Niger : Region) Dalton Keys (Fictitious character) UF Banvard's Museum (New York, N.Y.) Broadway Theatre (New York, N.Y. : 1221 Damage, Cyclone USE Keys, Dalton (Fictitious character) Broadway) USE Cyclone damage Dalton laboratory plan Wood's Museum and Metropolitan (New York, N.Y.) Damage, DNA [LB1029.L3] BT Theaters—New York (State) USE DNA damage UF Dalton plan BT Teaching Dalzel family Damage, Earthquake Dalton plan USE Delzell family USE Earthquake damage USE Dalton laboratory plan Dalton Trail (Alaska and Yukon) Dalzell family Damage, Flood UF Dalton's Trail (Alaska and Yukon) USE Delzell family USE Flood damage BT Trails—Alaska Dalzellia ramosissima Damage, Hurricane Trails—Yukon USE Indotristicha ramosissima USE Hurricane damage Dalton's law Dalziel, Andrew (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Damage, Tornado UF Law of partial pressures, Dalton's UF Andrew Dalziel (Fictitious character) USE Tornado damage BT Gas laws (Physical chemistry) Chief Inspector Dalziel (Fictitious character) Detective Chief Dalziel (Fictitious character) Damage, Tsunami Pressure Inspector Dalziel (Fictitious character) USE Tsunami damage Dalton's Trail (Alaska and Yukon) Superintendent Dalziel (Fictitious character) Damage, Wind USE Dalton Trail (Alaska and Yukon) Dalziel family USE Wind damage Daltzell family USE Delzell family Damage control (Warships) USE Delzell family Dam (The Hebrew word) [V810] Dalu Shenxian Chi (China) BT Hebrew language—Etymology UF Battle damage repair (Warships) Warships—Damage control USE Immortal Pond (China) Dam breaches Warships—Emergency repair Dalum family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dam failures RT Ships—Maintenance and repair Daluoxian (Chinese deity) NT Ships—Fires and fire prevention Dam failures (May Subd Geog) USE Nezha (Chinese deity) [TC550.2] Damage controlmen (United States Navy) Dalva (Belarus : Memorial) UF Breaches of dams USE United States. Navy—Damage controlmen Collapse of dams USE Memaryi︠a︡lʹny kompleks Dalʹva (Belarus) Dam breaches Damage mechanics, Continuum Dalvay-by-the-Sea National Historic Site (P.E.I.) Dams—Failure USE Continuum damage mechanics BT Disasters BT Historic sites—Prince Edward Island Structural failures Damaged mail National parks and reserves—Prince Edward USE Postal service—Damaged mail Island — Investigation (May Subd Geog) BT Investigations Damages (May Subd Geog) Dalʹverzin Steppe (Uzbekistan) UF Damages—Law and legislation UF Dalʹverzinskai︠a︡ stepʹ (Uzbekistan) — Colorado Injuries (Law) Dalʹverzinskaya stepʹ (Uzbekistan) NT Castlewood Dam Failure, Colo., 1933 Measure of damages BT Steppes—Uzbekistan BT Accident law — Idaho Compensation (Law) Dalʹverzin-Tepe DT25 Site (Shŭrchi, Uzbekistan) NT Teton Dam Failure, Idaho, 1976 Obligations (Law) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Personal injuries Dam family (Not Subd Geog) Set-off and counterclaim subdivision. RT Dam Høeg family Torts RT Negligence BT Uzbekistan—Antiquities Dam Høeg family (Not Subd Geog) NT Civil penalties Dalʹverzinskai︠a︡ stepʹ (Uzbekistan) RT Dam family Diminished-value damages Exemplary damages USE Dalʹverzin Steppe (Uzbekistan) Dam Lake (Oneida County, Wis.) Hedonic damages Dalʹverzinskaya stepʹ (Uzbekistan) BT Lakes—Wisconsin Indemnity Reservoirs—Wisconsin Liquidated damages USE Dalʹverzin Steppe (Uzbekistan) Lost earnings damages Daly, Carroll John, 1889-1958 Dam of the Gods (Or. and Wash.) Lost profits damages USE Bridge of the Gods (Or. and Wash. : Natural Moral damages (Civil law) — Characters bridge) Negligence, Contributory — — Race Williams Penalties, Contractual — — Satan Hall Dam removal Structured settlements Daly family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dam retirement — Conflict of laws UF Dailey family Dam retirement (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Damages Daily family UF Dam removal Daley family Dams—Retirement — Law and legislation Dayley family Removal of dams USE Damages Dayly family Retirement of dams O'Daly family — Taxation (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Income tax Daly Lake (Upper Foster Lake, Sask.) Dam safety (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Saskatchewan Damages, Exemplary [TC550] USE Exemplary damages Daly languages (May Subd Geog) BT Dams [PL7101.D25] Damages (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) BT Australia—Languages Industrial safety BT Islamic law Australian languages — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Ami language (Australia) Dam Tay (Vietnam) Damages (Jewish law) Malak Malak language USE Tam Giang Lagoon (Vietnam) BT Jewish law Maranunggu language Dam-tshig-rdo-rje (Buddhist deity) (Not Subd Geog) Marri Amu language Damages (Roman law) Marringarr language [BQ4890.D33-BQ4890.D334] BT Roman law Murrinhpatha language BT Buddhist gods Ngangikurunggurr language D-14
Damages for diminished value BT Chibchan languages Damask weaving (May Subd Geog) USE Diminished-value damages Colombia—Languages [NK9020 (Decorative arts)] BT Weaving Damages for lost earnings Damanganga River Bridge (India) USE Lost earnings damages BT Bridges—India Damaskini BT Bulgarian literature Damages for lost profits Damanski Island (China) Macedonian literature USE Lost profits damages USE Zhenbao Island (China) Damasonium (May Subd Geog) Damai (South Asian people) (May Subd Geog) Damansky Island (China) [QK495.A4 (Botany)] [DS493.9.D36 (Nepal)] USE Zhenbao Island (China) UF Starfruit (Fruit) UF Charmarla (South Asian people) BT Alismataceae Dami (South Asian people) Damant family (Not Subd Geog) NT Damasonium alisma Darjee (South Asian people) D'Amanzé family (Not Subd Geog) Darzo (South Asian people) Damaqua language Damasonium alisma (May Subd Geog) Dhamai (South Asian people) [QK495.A4 (Botany)] Dhami (South Asian people) USE Nama language BT Damasonium Dhamin (South Asian people) Damara (African people) (May Subd Geog) Dholi (South Asian people) Damastes (Greek mythology) Dosad (South Asian people) [DT1558.D35] USE Procrustes (Greek mythology) Goparia (South Asian people) UF Bergdama (African people) Gorkha (South Asian people : Damai) Damastes á Cimabue (Fictitious character) Karigarh (South Asian people) Bergdamara (African people) (Not Subd Geog) Karoria (South Asian people) Hill Damaras [Former heading] UF Cimabue, Damastes á (Fictitious character) Kurenor (South Asian people) BT Ethnology—Namibia Damastes of Ghazi (Fictitious character) Kurerior (South Asian people) Khoikhoi (African people) Madhukatta (South Asian people) RT Herero (African people) Damastes of Ghazi (Fictitious character) Master (South Asian people) Damara Belt (Namibia) USE Damastes á Cimabue (Fictitious character) Shilpakar (South Asian people) USE Damara Mobile Belt (Namibia) Shilpkar (South Asian people) Damara dik-dik Damata (Timorese people) BT Caste—Bhutan USE Madoqua kirkii USE Mambae (Timorese people) Caste—India Damara language (Bantu) Caste—Nepal USE Herero language D'Amato United States Courthouse (Central Islip, N.Y.) Ethnology—Bhutan Damara language (Khoisan) USE Alfonse M. D'Amato United States Courthouse Ethnology—India USE Nama language (Central Islip, N.Y.) Ethnology—Nepal Damara Mobile Belt (Namibia) UF Damara Belt (Namibia) Damāvand, Kuh̄ -e (Iran) Damal (Indonesian people) Damara Orogen (Namibia) USE Damavand, Mount (Iran) USE Uhunduni (Indonesian people) BT Formations (Geology)—Namibia Geology, Stratigraphic—Proterozoic Damav̄ and, Kūh-i (Iran) Damali Richards (Fictitious character) Orogenic belts—Namibia USE Damavand, Mount (Iran) USE Richards, Damali (Fictitious character) NT Rehoboth Basement Inlier (Namibia) Damara Orogen (Namibia) Damavand, Mount (Iran) Damalichthys vacca USE Damara Mobile Belt (Namibia) UF Damav̄ and, Kuh̄ -e (Iran) USE Pile perch Damaraland (Namibia : Region) Damāvand, Kūh-i (Iran) UF Herreroland (Namibia) Damāvand, Qolleh-ye (Iran) Damalis (Alcelaphus) Damariscotta Lake (Me.) Demav̄ end Kuh (Iran) USE Alcelaphus BT Lakes—Maine Demavend, Mount (Iran) Reservoirs—Maine Donbavand (Iran) Damalis (Damaliscus) Damariscotta River (Me.) Kūh-e Damāvand (Iran) USE Sassabies BT Rivers—Maine Kūh-i Damav̄ and (Iran) Damariscove Island (Me.) Mount Damavand (Iran) Damaliscus UF Damriscove Island (Me.) Qolleh-ye Damāvand (Iran) USE Sassabies BT Islands—Maine BT Mountains—Iran Damas family (Not Subd Geog) Volcanoes—Iran Damaliscus albifrons Damascene cumin USE Damaliscus pygargus USE Love-in-a-mist Damāvand, Qolleh-ye (Iran) Damascene steel USE Damavand, Mount (Iran) Damaliscus dorcas USE Damascus steel USE Damaliscus pygargus Damascene work Damayantī (Hindu mythology) (Not Subd Geog) USE Damascening BT Hindu mythology Damaliscus dorcas dorcas Damascening (May Subd Geog) USE Bontebok [NK6676] Damayantī (Hindu mythology) in literature UF Damascene work (Not Subd Geog) Damaliscus hunteri BT Art metal-work USE Beatragus hunteri Damasco, Gloria (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Damba (Dance drumming) UF Gloria Damasco (Fictitious character) USE Damba (Drum) Damaliscus phillipsi Damascus (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog) USE Damaliscus pygargus BT Horses Damba (Drum) (May Subd Geog) Damascus black cumin UF Damba (Dance drumming) [Former heading] Damaliscus pygargus (May Subd Geog) USE Love-in-a-mist BT Drum [QL737.U53 (Zoology)] Damascus Gate (Jerusalem) Musical instruments—Ghana UF Damaliscus albifrons UF Bab̄ al-ʻAmūd (Jerusalem) Damaliscus dorcas Column Gate (Jerusalem) Dambala Damaliscus phillipsi Gate of the Column (Jerusalem) USE Winged bean BT Sassabies Gate of the Pillar (Jerusalem) NT Blesbok Nablus Gate (Jerusalem) D'Ambel family Bontebok Pillar Gate (Jerusalem) USE Ambel family Shaʻar ha-ʻAmudim (Jerusalem) Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi Shaʻar Shekhem (Jerusalem) Dambo farming (May Subd Geog) USE Blesbok Shechem Gate (Jerusalem) [S604.4] BT Gates—Jerusalem BT Wetland agriculture Dạ mān (Islamic law) Damascus steel USE Warranty (Islamic law) UF Damascene steel Damborg family (Not Subd Geog) Damask steel Dambos (May Subd Geog) Daman and Diu (India) BT Steel — History Damask fennel BT Valleys—Africa — — Siege, 1539 USE Love-in-a-mist Dąmbski family (Not Subd Geog) BT India—History—1526-1765 Damask rose (May Subd Geog) Dame Beatrice Bradley (Fictitious character) Sieges—India [QK495.R78 (Botany)] — — Siege, 1545 [SB411.65.D35 (Ornamental plant)] USE Bradley, Beatrice Lestrange (Fictitious BT India—History—1526-1765 UF Damask roses [Former heading] character) Sieges—India Rosa damascena BT Old roses Dame Bradley (Fictitious character) Daman family Roses USE Bradley, Beatrice Lestrange (Fictitious USE Damon family Damask roses character) USE Damask rose Damana language (May Subd Geog) Damask steel Dame Democracy (Symbolic character) [PM5923] USE Damascus steel (Not Subd Geog) UF Arosario language BT National characteristics, American Arsario language United States—Symbolic representation Guamaca language Guamaka language Dame family (Not Subd Geog) Malayo language [Former heading] UF Dames family Maracasero language Marocasero language Dame schools (May Subd Geog) Marokasero language Here are entered works on 18th- and 19th-century Sanha language Sanja language schools that were run by elderly women in their own Sanka language (Colombia) homes for a small weekly fee and that provided Wiwa language young children with a rudimentary introduction to reading, writing, and sometimes arithmetic. BT Private schools Damedi language USE Dameli language Damel language USE Dameli language Dameli language (May Subd Geog) UF Damedi language D-15
Dameli language (Continued) Damodar River Watershed (India) Dampier Strasse (Papua New Guinea) Damel language BT Watersheds—India USE Dampier Strait (Papua New Guinea) Damia language Damiabaasha language Damodar Valley (India) Dampierre family Gidoji language BT Valleys—India USE Dampier family Gudoji language Damon (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) Dampierre-sur-Boutonne Castle (Dampierre-sur- BT Dardic languages UF Damon and Phintias (Greek mythology) Boutonne, France) Pakistan—Languages Damon and Pythias (Greek mythology) USE Château de Dampierre-sur-Boutonne BT Mythology, Greek (Dampierre-sur-Boutonne, France) D'Amelio family (Not Subd Geog) Damerel family (Not Subd Geog) Damon and Phintias (Greek mythology) Damping, Landau Damerin family USE Damon (Greek mythology) USE Landau damping Phintias (Greek mythology) USE Dameron family Damping, Radiation Dameron family (Not Subd Geog) Damon and Pythias (Greek mythology) USE Radiation damping USE Damon (Greek mythology) UF Damerin family Phintias (Greek mythology) Damping (Mechanics) Dammeron family [QA935 (Mathematics)] Damron family Damon family (Not Subd Geog) [TA355 (Engineering)] UF Daman family BT Oscillations Dameron Rockshelter (Ky.) Dammon family Vibration BT Caves—Kentucky Dammons family Waves Kentucky—Antiquities Dammun family NT Electric waves—Damping Damond family Internal friction Damery family (Not Subd Geog) Damons family Seismic waves—Damping Dames family Dayman family Shock (Mechanics) Deman family Sound-waves—Damping USE Dame family Demen family Vibration (Aeronautics)—Damping Damgaard family (Not Subd Geog) Demman family Damholt family (Not Subd Geog) Demmans family — Equipment and supplies Dami (South Asian people) Demmen family NT Tuned mass dampers Demmins family USE Damai (South Asian people) Demmon family Damping-off diseases (May Subd Geog) Dami family (Not Subd Geog) Demon family [SB741.D3] Dami language RT Deming family BT Fungal diseases of plants USE Ham language Damona (Celtic deity) (Not Subd Geog) Damping rings (Nuclear physics) (May Subd Geog) Damia language [BL915.D] [QC787.D35] BT Gods, Celtic UF Rings, Damping (Nuclear physics) USE Dameli language BT Nuclear physics—Instruments Damiabaasha language Damond family USE Damon family Dampness in basements (May Subd Geog) USE Dameli language UF Basement dampness D'Amico family (Not Subd Geog) Damons family Basement humidity D'Amico Station (South Euclid, Ohio) USE Damon family Basement moisture Damp basements USE Arnold C. D'Amico Station (South Euclid, Ohio) Damont family Humid basements Damietta (Egypt) USE Dumont family Moist basements Wet basements — History D'Amore family BT Basements — — Siege, 1218-1219 USE D'Amours family Dampness in buildings BT Crusades—Fifth, 1218-1221 Damour family [TH9031] Sieges—Egypt USE D'Amours family UF Buildings, Dampness in Condensation control in buildings Damigella di Scalot (Legendary character) D'Amours family (Not Subd Geog) Moisture control in buildings USE Elaine of Astolat (Legendary character) UF Amore family RT Air conditioning Amours family BT Buildings—Protection Damilowski family D'Amore family Exterior walls USE Danilowski family Damour family RT Ventilation Des Amours family BT Waterproofing Daming Palace National Heritage Park (China) NT Humidity—Control USE Da ming gong guo jia yi zhi gong yuan (China) Damp basements USE Dampness in basements Dampwood termites Daminggong guojia yizhi gongyuan (China) USE Hodotermitidae USE Da ming gong guo jia yi zhi gong yuan (China) Damp Cave (Tex.) BT Caves—Texas Damriscove Island (Me.) Damkina (Sumerian deity) Texas—Antiquities USE Damariscove Island (Me.) USE Ninhursag (Sumerian deity) Damp gardens (May Subd Geog) Damron family Damkjær family (Not Subd Geog) [SB423.3] USE Dameron family Damm family (Not Subd Geog) UF Wet gardens BT Gardens Damrosch family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dahm family RT Water gardens Dams (May Subd Geog) Dammar, White Damp inelastic collisions [TC540-TC558] USE White dammar USE Deep inelastic collisions BT Diversion structures (Hydraulic engineering) Dammar pines Dampeer family Earthwork USE Agathis USE Dampier family Hydraulic structures Dammara River engineering Dampelas language RT Barrages USE Agathis USE Dampelasa language SA subdivision Effect of dams on under individual Dammara alba animals and groups of animals, e.g. Fishes-- Dampelasa language (May Subd Geog) Effect of dams on USE Agathis alba [PL5298.5] NT Buttress dams Dammara pine, White UF Dampelas language Cofferdams Dian language Concrete dams USE Agathis alba BT Indonesia—Languages Dam safety Dammarpine, Big Malayan languages Earth dams Fishways USE Agathis robusta Dampers, Tuned mass Flood dams and reservoirs Dammarpines USE Tuned mass dampers Sluice gates Tailings dams USE Agathis Dampfkraftwerk Neuhof (Hamburg, Germany) Trashracks Damme Stadthuis (Damme, Belgium) USE Kraftwerk Neuhof (Hamburg, Germany) Weirs — Design and construction BT City halls—Belgium Dampford family Dammeron family USE Danforth family [TC540] — Drawings USE Dameron family Dampforde family — Earthquake effects (May Subd Geog) Dammert family (Not Subd Geog) USE Danforth family Dammon family [TC542.5] Dampier Archipelago (W.A.) — Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog) USE Damon family BT Archipelagoes—Australia Dammons family [TD195.D35] Dampier cockatoo NT Nitrogen supersaturation USE Damon family USE Cacatua tenuirostris — Failure Dammprisen USE Dam failures Dampier family (Not Subd Geog) [Z1037.5] UF Dampeer family Dammsmuḧ le Castle (Schon̈ walde, Barnim, Germany) Dampierre family USE Schloss Dammsmühle (Schon̈ walde, Barnim, Dampier Island (W.A.) Germany) USE Burrup Peninsula (W.A.) Dammun family Dampier Strait (Papua New Guinea) USE Damon family UF Dampier Strasse (Papua New Guinea) BT Straits—Papua New Guinea Damn (The English word) [PE1599.D36] BT English language—Etymology Damned (May Subd Geog) BT Persons RT Hell Damodar River (India) BT Rivers—India D-16
— Foundations (May Subd Geog) Puddingstone Dam (Calif.) — Indonesia BT Foundations Saint Francis Dam (Calif.) NT Kedung Ombo Dam (Indonesia) San Luis Dam (Calif.) Mangili Dam (Indonesia) — Inspection (May Subd Geog) Shasta Dam (Calif.) Watugede Sabo Dam (Indonesia) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Sly Park Dam (Calif.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Whittier Narrows Dam (Calif.) — Iowa — Models (May Subd Geog) — China NT Red Rock Dam (Iowa) NT Gezhou Dam (China) BT Hydraulic models Huairou Dam (China) — Iran — Modification (May Subd Geog) Huangbizhuang Dam (China) NT Cyrus the Great Dam (Iran) San Xia Dam (China) Doroodzan Dam (Iran) UF Modification of dams — Colombia — Retirement NT Urra Dam (Colombia) — Iraq (Not Subd Geog) — Colorado NT Mosul Dam (Iraq) USE Dam retirement NT Cascade Lake Dam (Colo.) Hydroelectric power plant retirement Castlewood Dam (Colo.) — Italy Dillon Dam (Colo.) NT Genzano Dam (Italy) — Surveying Echo Park Dam (Colo.) Gleno Dam (Italy) BT Surveying Green Mountain Dam (Colo.) Molare Dam (Italy) John Martin Dam (Colo.) — Alabama Lawn Lake Dam (Colo.) — Japan NT Holt Lock and Dam (Ala.) Morrow Point Dam (Colo.) NT Bodai Dam (Japan) Lake Tuscaloosa Dam (Ala.) Ruedi Dam (Colo.) Gojur̄ i Dam (Japan) Oliver Dam (Ala.) — Connecticut Ichinosaka Dam (Japan) NT Colebrook River Dam (Conn.) Ikumigawa Dam (Japan) — Alberta — Delaware Iwasaka Dam (Japan) NT Bassano Dam (Alta.) NT Wagamon's Pond Dam (Milton, Del.) Kakizakigawa Dam (Japan) Oldman River Dam (Alta.) — Egypt Kakkaku Dam (Japan) Paddle River Dam (Alta.) NT Aswan Dam (Egypt) Kasegawa Dam (Japan) Aswan High Dam (Egypt) Kotogawa Dam (Japan) — Angola — Ethiopia Kurobe Dam (Japan) NT Mabubas Dam (Angola) NT Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Nakasujigawa Dam (Japan) (Ethiopia) Okumiomote Dam (Japan) — Argentina — Florida Samegawa Dam (Japan) NT San Roque Dam (Argentina) NT Eureka Dam (Fla.) Sameura Dam (Japan) Rodman Dam (Fla.) Shimakawa Dam (Japan) — Arizona — France Takizawa Dam (Japan) NT Adobe Dam (Ariz.) NT Guerled́ an Dam (France) Tsubayama Dam (Japan) Bartlett Dam (Ariz.) Serre-Ponçon Dam (France) Urayama Dam (Japan) Bridge Canyon Dam (Ariz.) — French Guiana Yamada Dam (Japan) Buttes Dam (Ariz.) NT Petit Saut Dam (French Guiana) Yanba Dam (Japan) C.C. Cragin Dam (Ariz.) — Georgia Cave Buttes Dam (Ariz.) NT Buford Dam (Ga.) — Kansas Cave Creek Dam (Ariz.) Hartwell Dam (Ga. and S.C.) NT Arlington Dam (Kan.) Coolidge Dam (Ariz. : Dam) Richard B. Russell Dam (Ga. and S.C.) Cunningham Dam (Kan.) Davis Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) — Germany Fall River Dam (Kan.) Dreamy Draw Dam (Ariz.) NT Bigge Dam (Germany) Glen Canyon Dam (Ariz.) Mauthaus Dam (Germany) — Kentucky Granite Reef Dam (Ariz.) Moḧ ne River Dam (Germany) NT Barkley Dam (Ky.) Hoover Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) — Germany (West) McAlpine Locks and Dam (Ky.) Horse Mesa Dam (Ariz.) — Ghana Olmstead Locks and Dam (Ill. and Ky.) Horseshoe Dam (Ariz.) NT Akosombo Dam (Ghana) Laguna Dam (Ariz.) Bui Dam (Ghana) — Korea (South) Lyman Dam (Ariz.) — Idaho NT Andong Dam (Korea) Marble Canyon Dam (Ariz.) NT Albeni Falls Dam (Idaho) Hapchʻon̆ Tamokchŏk Dam (Korea) McMicken Dam (Surprise, Ariz.) American Falls Dam (Idaho) Imha Dam (Korea) Mormon Flat Dam (Ariz.) Anderson Ranch Dam (Idaho) Pʻyŏnghwa uĭ Dam (Korea) New River Dam (Ariz.) Arrowrock Dam (Idaho) New Waddell Dam (Ariz.) Black Canyon Dam (Idaho) — Lesotho Orme Dam (Ariz.) Brownlee Dam (Idaho and Or.) NT Katse Dam (Lesotho) Parker Dam (Ariz. and Calif.) C.J. Strike Dam (Idaho) Stewart Mountain Dam (Ariz.) Deadwood Dam (Idaho) — Maine Theodore Roosevelt Dam (Ariz.) Dworshak Dam (Idaho) NT Upper Dam (Oxford County, Me.) Walnut Grove Dam (Ariz.) Hells Canyon Dam (Idaho and Or.) Island Park Dam (Idaho) — Malawi — Arkansas Lucky Peak Dam (Idaho) NT Mpira Dam (Malawi) NT Colonel Charles D. Maynard Lock and Milner Dam (Idaho) Dam (Ark.) Minidoka Dam (Idaho) — Mali Emmett Sanders Lock and Dam (Ark.) Palisades Dam (Idaho) NT Manantali Dam (Mali) Remmel Dam (Ark.) Ririe Dam (Idaho) Seĺ ingué Dam (Mali) Shores Lake Dam (Ark.) Teton Dam (Idaho) — Illinois — Maryland — Australia NT Glen D. Palmer Dam (Yorkville, Ill.) NT Conowingo Dam (Md.) NT Harding Dam (W.A.) Olmstead Locks and Dam (Ill. and Ky.) Harris Dam (W.A.) Spaulding Dam (Ill.) — Massachusetts Little Para Dam (S.A.) — India NT Birch Hill Dam (Mass.) Ord River Dam (W.A.) NT Bhakra Dam (India) Charles River Dam (Mass.) Ord River Irrigation Scheme (W.A.) Farakka Dam (India) Lynde Brook Reservoir Dam (Mass.) Waroona Dam (W.A.) Hirakud Dam (India) Merrimack River Dam (Mass.) Khadakwasla Dam (India) Wallace Pond Outlet Dam (Mass.) — Botswana Koyna Dam (India) NT Gaborone Dam (Botswana) Malampuzha Project — Mexico (May Subd Geog) Mogobane Dam (Botswana) Malaprabha Dam (India) NT Netzahualcóyotl Dam (Mexico) Mullaperiyar Dam (India) — Brazil Myntdu Leska Dam (India) — Minnesota NT Castanhaõ Dam (Brazil) Panshet Dam (India) NT New London Dam (New London, Minn.) Machadinho Dam (Brazil) Periyar Dam (India) Sobradinho Dam (Brazil) Pong Dam (India) — Missouri Sholayar Dam (India) NT Bagnell Dam (Mo.) — British Columbia Tanakpur Dam (India) Clarence Cannon Dam (Mo.) NT Mica Dam (B.C.) Tehri Dam (India) Harry S. Truman Dam (Mo.) Revelstoke Project Tungabhadra Dam (India) — Montana — California D-17 NT Black Eagle Dam (Mont.) NT Auburn Dam (Calif.) Box Elder Creek Dam (Mont.) Box Canyon Dam (Calif.) Bynum Reservoir Dam (Mont.) Coyote Dam (Calif.) Canyon Ferry Dam (Mont.) Folsom Dam (Calif.) Fort Peck Dam (Mont.) Friant Dam (Calif.) Glacier View Dam (Mont.) Indian Valley Dam (Calif.) Hauser Dam (Mont.) Keswick Dam (Calif.) Hebgen Dam (Mont.) Loveland Dam (Calif.) Holter Dam (Mont.) Monticello Dam (Calif.) Hungry Horse Dam (Mont.) Nimbus Dam (Calif.) Kerr Dam (Mont.) Oroville Dam (Calif.) Knowles Dam (Mont.) Parker Dam (Ariz. and Calif.) Libby Dam (Mont.) Pine Flat Dam (Calif.) Madison Dam (Mont.) Prado Dam (Calif.) Morony Dam (Mont.) Noxon Rapids Dam (Mont.) Paradise Dam (Mont.)
Dams Oukloof Dam (South Africa) Howard A. Hanson Dam (Wash.) — Montana (Continued) Vaal Dam (South Africa) Indian Creek Dam (Wash.) Rainbow Dam (Mont.) Wolwedans Dam (South Africa) Keechelus Dam (Wash.) Ryan Dam (Cascade County, Mont.) Zaaihoek Dam (South Africa) Lake Margaret Dam (Wash.) Snake Butte Reservoir Dam (Mont.) — South Carolina Landsburg Dam (Wash.) Tongue River Dam (Mont.) NT Hartwell Dam (Ga. and S.C.) Leader Lake Dam (Wash.) Yellowtail Dam (Mont.) J. Strom Thurmond Dam (S.C.) Leader Lake Saddle Dam (Wash.) — Mozambique Neal Shoals Dam (S.C.) Libby Lake Dam (Wash.) NT Cahora Bassa Dam (Mozambique) Richard B. Russell Dam (Ga. and S.C.) Lower Granite Lake Dam (Wash.) — Nebraska Saluda Dam (Lexington County, S.C.) Masonry Dam (Wash.) NT Gavins Point Dam (Neb. and S.D.) Stevens Creek Dam (S.C.) Meadow Lake Dam (Wash.) — Nevada — South Dakota Mud Mountain Dam (Wash.) NT Davis Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) NT Fort Randall Dam (S.D.) Priest Rapids Dam (Wash.) Hoover Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) Gavins Point Dam (Neb. and S.D.) Prosser Dam (Wash.) — New Jersey Oahe Dam (S.D.) Reba Lake Stormwater Detention Dam NT Union Lake Dam (N.J.) Pactola Dam (S.D.) (Wash.) — New Mexico — Spain Rock Island Dam (Wash.) NT Abiquiu Dam (N.M.) NT Penã Dam (Spain) Rocky Reach Dam (Wash.) Cochiti Dam (N.M.) — Sudan Ross Dam (Wash.) Galisteo Dam (N.M.) NT Khashm al Qirbah (Sudan : Dam) Serenity Lake Dam (Wash.) Navajo Dam (N.M.) Merowe Dam (Sudan) Southwest Myrtle Street Reservoir Dam — New York (State) Roseires Dam (Sudan) (Seattle, Wash.) NT Arkport Dam (N.Y.) Sennar Dam (Sudan) Stevenson Dam (Wash.) Muscoot Dam (N.Y.) — Syria Tolt River Dam (Wash.) New Croton Dam (N.Y.) NT Euphrates Dam (Syria) Trout Creek Dam (Wash.) — New Zealand Tishrin Dam (Syria) Upper Elwha Dam (Wash.) NT Opuha Dam (N.Z.) — Taiwan Volunteer Park Reservoir Dam (Seattle, — North Carolina NT Feicui Dam (Taiwan) Wash.) NT B. Everett Jordan Dam (N.C.) Jianshanpi Dam (Taiwan) Wanapum Dam (Wash.) Fontana Dam (N.C. : Dam) Liyutan Dam (Taiwan) Wells Dam (Wash.) W. Kerr Scott Dam (N.C.) Shimen Dam (Taiwan) West Seattle Reservoir Dam (Seattle, — North Dakota — Tanzania Wash.) NT Baldhill Dam (N.D.) NT Stiegler's Gorge Dam (Tanzania) Wynoochee Dam (Wash.) Dickinson Dam (N.D.) — Tennessee Zintel Canyon Dam (Wash.) Garrison Dam (N.D.) NT Columbia Dam (Tenn.) — West Virginia — Ohio Hales Bar Dam (Tenn.) NT Sutton Dam (W. Va.) NT Michael J. Kirwan Dam (Ohio) Nickajack Dam (Tenn.) — Wisconsin Milton Dam (Ohio) Tellico Dam (Tenn.) NT Kilbourn Dam (Wisconsin Dells, Wis.) — Oklahoma — Texas — Wyoming NT Arbuckle Dam (Okla.) NT Granger Dam (Tex.) NT Boysen Dam (Wyo.) Lawtonka Dam (Okla.) Medina Dam (Tex.) Buffalo Bill Dam (Wyo.) Mountain Park Dam (Okla.) O.C. Fisher Dam (Tex.) Corbett Dam (Wyo.) Quanah Parker Lake Dam (Okla.) — Thailand High Savery Dam (Wyo.). W.D. Mayo Dam (Okla.) NT Bhumiphol Dam (Thailand) — Zambia — Oregon Choan River Dam (Thailand) NT Itezhi-Tezhi Dam (Zambia) NT Big Cliff Dam (Or.) Kæn̄ g Sūa̛ Ten Dam (Thailand) Kariba Dam (Zambia and Zimbabwe) Bonneville Dam (Or. and Wash.) Pak Mun Dam (Thailand) — Zimbabwe Brownlee Dam (Idaho and Or.) — Turkey NT Kariba Dam (Zambia and Zimbabwe) Cougar Dam (Or.) NT Atatur̈ k Dam (Turkey) Dams, Arch Dalles Dam (Or. and Wash.) Ilisu Dam (Turkey) USE Arch dams Detroit Dam (Or.) Keban Dam (Turkey) Dams, Gravity Elk Creek Dam (Or.) Seyhan Barajı (Turkey) USE Gravity dams Hells Canyon Dam (Idaho and Or.) Tahtakop̈ rü Project Dams, Landslide Lake Oswego Dam (Or.) — Utah USE Landslide dams Lost Creek Dam (Or.) NT Arthur V. Watkins Dam (Utah) Dams, Lava McKay Dam (Or.) Flaming Gorge Dam (Utah) USE Lava flows McNary Lock and Dam (Or.) Jordanelle Dam (Utah) Dams, Rubber (Dentistry) Wallowa Lake Dam (Or.) Logan River First Dam (Utah) USE Dams (Dentistry) Wickiup Dam (Or.) Settlement Canyon Dam (Utah) Dams (Dentistry) (May Subd Geog) Willow Creek Dam (Morrow County, Or.) Soldier Creek Dam (Utah) UF Dams, Rubber (Dentistry) Winchester Dam (Or.) Tusher Wash Diversion Dam (Utah) Dental dams — Pakistan — Venezuela Dental rubber dams NT Ghazi Barotha Dam (Pakistan) NT Guri Dam (Venezuela) Rubber dams (Dentistry) Kalabagh Dam (Pakistan) — Vermont BT Dental instruments and apparatus Mangla Dam (Pakistan) NT Peterson Dam (Vt.) Dams (Horses) Tarbela Dam (Pakistan) — Virginia USE Mares — Panama NT Haxall's Dam (Va.) Dams in art (Not Subd Geog) NT Gatun Dam (Panama) John H. Kerr Dam (Va.) Damsel bugs (May Subd Geog) Madden Dam (Panama) — Washington (State) [QL523.N3 (Zoology)] — Pennsylvania NT Beacon Hill North Reservoir Dam (Seattle, UF Damselbugs NT Alvin R. Bush Dam (Pa.) Wash.) Nabidae [Former heading] Davis Island Dam (Pa.) Beitey Lake Dam (Wash.) BT Hemiptera Foster Joseph Sayers Dam (Pa.) Bonneville Dam (Or. and Wash.) Damsel flies Kinzua Dam (Pa.) Boundary Dam (Wash.) USE Damselflies Lake Warren Dam (Pa.) Bumping Lake Dam (Wash.) Damselbugs South Fork Dam (Pa.) Casad Dam (Wash.) USE Damsel bugs — Portugal Chief Joseph Dam (Wash.) Damselfishes NT Barragem de Alqueva (Portugal) Cushman Dam (Wash.) USE Pomacentridae Castelo do Bode Dam (Portugal) Dalles Dam (Or. and Wash.) Damselflies (May Subd Geog) — Québec (Province) Diablo Dam (Wash.) [QL520-QL520.42] NT Daniel-Johnson Dam (Queb́ ec) Dryden Diversion Dam (Wash.) UF Damsel flies [Former heading] — Singapore Electron Diversion Dam (Wash.) Zygoptera NT Marina Barrage (Singapore) Elwha Dam (Wash.) BT Odonata — South Africa Enloe Dam (Wash.) NT Calopterygidae NT Doornhoek Dam (South Africa) Gorge Dam (Wash.) Chlorocyphidae Driekoppies Dam (South Africa) Grand Coulee Dam (Wash.) Coenagrionidae Flag Boshielo Dam (South Africa) Greenwood Reservoir Number One Dam Hemiphlebiidae Grootdraai Dam (South Africa) (Wash.) Lestidae Hartebeespoort Dam (South Africa) Greenwood Reservoir Number Two Dam Platycnemididae Inanda Dam (South Africa) (Wash.) Synlestidae Injaka Dam (South Africa) Hiram M. Chittenden Locks (Seattle, Damselflies, Narrow-winged Ntshongweni Dam (South Africa) Wash.) USE Coenagrionidae D-18
Damselfly, Scarce blue-tailed Dan literature (May Subd Geog) Dana Point Harbor (Calif.) USE Scarce blue-tailed damselfly [PL8123.5-PL8123.9] BT Harbors—California BT Ivoirian literature Damstra family (Not Subd Geog) Liberian literature Dana Reserve (Jordan) Dan (Extinct city) USE Dana Nature Reserve (Jordan) Dan masks UF Laish (Extinct city) USE Masks, Dan Dana-Thomas House (Springfield, Ill.) Layish (Extinct city) USE Dana House (Springfield, Ill.) Tel Dan (Israel) Dan no Ura (Japan), Battle of, 1185 Tell el Qadi (Israel) USE Dannoura, Battle of, Japan, 1185 Danachil (Region) USE Danakil (Region) BT Extinct cities—Israel Dan Pardoe (Fictitious character) Israel—Antiquities USE Pardoe, Dan, Inspector (Fictitious character) Danaco family USE Danico family Dan, Desperate (Fictitious character) Dan Patch (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog) USE Desperate Dan (Fictitious character) BT Horses Danaë (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) BT Mythology, Greek Dan, Farmer (Fictitious character) — Collectibles (May Subd Geog) USE Farmer Dan (Fictitious character) Dan Reles (Fictitious character) Danagla (African people) (May Subd Geog) [DT155.2.D36] Dan (African people) (May Subd Geog) USE Reles, Dan (Fictitious character) UF Dongolawi (African people) [DT545.45.D34 (Côte d'Ivoire)] Dan Republike (Yugoslavia) (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Sudan UF Gio (African people) Nubians Gyo (African people) UF Republic Day (Yugoslavia) Yacouba (African people) BT Holidays—Yugoslavia Danahon Bank (Philippines) Yakuba (African people) — Exercises, recitations, etc. USE Danajon Bank (Philippines) BT Ethnology—Côte d'Ivoire Ethnology—Liberia BT Recitations Danaidae Dan Rhodes (Fictitious character) USE Milkweed butterflies — Funeral customs and rites (May Subd Geog) UF Funeral rites and ceremonies, Dan USE Rhodes, Dan (Fictitious character) Danaididae (African people) [Former heading] Dan Richards (Fictitious character) USE Milkweed butterflies — Games (May Subd Geog) USE Manhunter (Fictitious character) Danaids (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) — Masks Dan River (Va. and N.C.) UF Suppliants (Greek mythology) BT Mythology, Greek USE Masks, Dan BT Rivers—North Carolina Dan (Burkinabe people) Rivers—Virginia Danaids (Greek mythology) in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Dyan (African people) Dan River Watershed (Va. and N.C.) Dan (Tribe of Israel) BT Watersheds—North Carolina Danajon Bank (Philippines) Watersheds—Virginia UF Danahon Bank (Philippines) BT Twelve tribes of Israel BT Banks (Oceanography)—Philippines Dan art Dan Roman (Fictitious character) Coral reefs and islands—Philippines USE Roman, Dan (Fictitious character) USE Art, Dan Danakil (Region) Đàn bâù (May Subd Geog) Dan Ryan Expressway (Chicago, Ill.) UF Afar (Region) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Danachil (Region) UF Đàn đoĉ̣ huyè̂n Dancal (Region) BT Musical instruments—Vietnam subdivision. Dancali (Region) Dancalia (Region) Zither UF Ryan Expressway (Chicago, Ill.) Dankalē (Region) Đàn baû ̀ music (May Subd Geog) BT Express highways—Illinois Dankali (Region) Dan shen Dankalia (Region) Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Salvia miltiorrhiza Dannakil (Region) form or of a specific type for solo đàn bâu,̀ and Dan Shepherd (Fictitious character) Dauachil (Region) collections of compositions in several forms or types USE Shepherd, Dan (Fictitious character) Denakil (Region) for solo đaǹ baû .̀ Dan-shui River (Taiwan) USE Danshui River (Taiwan) Danakil (African people) SA headings for forms and types of music that Dan Sinh, Operation, 1968-1969 USE Afar (African people) include \"đàn bâù\" and headings with USE Operation Cochise, 1968-1969 medium of performance that include \"đaǹ Dan songs Danal language baû ̀\" USE Songs, Dan USE Dangaleat language Dan Starkey (Fictitious character) Dan-blo dialect USE Starkey, Dan (Fictitious character) Danan, Elora (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Blowo dialect Dan Tam 81, Operation, 1966-1967 UF Elora Danan (Fictitious character) USE Operation Dan Tam 81, 1966-1967 Dan Canyon Burial Site (Utah) Đaǹ tranh (May Subd Geog) Danan family USE Dan Canyon Site (Utah) [ML1015.D36 (History)] USE Abendanan family BT Musical instruments—Vietnam Dan Canyon Site (Utah) Danan Island (Qld.) UF Dan Canyon Burial Site (Utah) Zither USE Dauan Island (Qld.) BT Utah—Antiquities Đàn tranh music (May Subd Geog) Danang Harbor (Vietnam) Dan Claiborne (Fictitious character) Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Đà Nẵng Harbor (Vietnam) USE Claiborne, Dan (Fictitious character) form or of a specific type for solo đàn tranh, and collections of compositions in several forms or types Danang lung Dan Dare (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) for solo đàn tranh. USE Respiratory distress syndrome, Adult UF Dare, Dan (Fictitious character) Dan Valentine (Fictitious character) Danang Port (Vietnam) Đàn đoĉ̣ huyền USE Valentine, Dan (Fictitious character) USE Đà Năñ g Harbor (Vietnam) USE Đaǹ baû ̀ Dan xia Mountains (China) Danan'gou Site (China) Dan family (Not Subd Geog) USE Danxia Mountains (China) UF Ta-nan-kou Site (China) [Former heading] UF Dann family BT China—Antiquities RT Dandashi family Dan xia Shan (China) Danon family USE Danxia Mountains (China) Danastris River (Ukraine and Moldova) USE Dniester River (Ukraine and Moldova) Dan Fortune (Fictitious character) Dāna (Buddhism) USE Fortune, Dan (Fictitious character) USE Buddhist giving Danau Ayamaru (Papua New Guinea) USE Ayamaru, Lake (Papua New Guinea) Dan Gordon (Fictitious character) Dāna (Jainism) USE Gordon, Dan (Fictitious character) USE Jaina giving Danau Kerinci (Indonesia) USE Kerinci Lake (Indonesia) Dan-gouet̀ a dialect Dana Arts Center (Hamilton, N.Y.) USE Gweetaawu dialect UF Creative Arts Center (Hamilton, N.Y.) Danau Kerintji (Indonesia) BT College buildings—New York (State) USE Kerinci Lake (Indonesia) Dan Kruger (Fictitious character) USE Kruger, Dan (Fictitious character) Dana family (Not Subd Geog) Danau Matana (Indonesia) UF Danee family USE Matano, Lake (Indonesia) Đan Lai (Vietnamese people) Daner family USE Thổ (Vietnamese people : Nghệ An) Danna family Danau Matano (Indonesia) Danor family USE Matano, Lake (Indonesia) Dan language Danow family USE Dan language (Côte d'Ivoire) RT Danner family Danau Semayang (Indonesia) USE Semayang Lake (Indonesia) Dan language (Burkina Faso) Dana Girls (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dyan language Dana House (Springfield, Ill.) Danau Sentani (Indonesia) USE Sentani, Lake (Indonesia) Dan language (Cot̂ e d'Ivoire) (May Subd Geog) UF Dana-Thomas House (Springfield, Ill.) UF Dan language [Former heading] BT Dwellings—Illinois Danau Sentarum National Park (Indonesia) Gio language Dana language USE Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum (Indonesia) Mebe language USE Sara Kaba Náà language Yabuba language Dana Library Public Relations Award Danau Toba (Indonesia) Yacouba language USE John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations USE Toba Lake (Indonesia) Yakuba language BT Côte d'Ivoire—Languages Award Danau Tondano (Indonesia) Liberia—Languages Dana Nature Reserve (Jordan) USE Tondano Lake (Indonesia) Southern Mande languages NT Blowo dialect UF Dana Reserve (Jordan) Danaus (May Subd Geog) Gweetaawu dialect BT Natural areas—Jordan [QL561.D3] BT Milkweed butterflies Dan Lenson (Fictitious character) NT Monarch butterfly USE Lenson, Dan (Fictitious character) Queen butterfly Danaus archippus USE Monarch butterfly D-19
Danaus berenice Flamenco Swing (Dance) USE Queen butterfly Folk dancing Sword-dance Foxtrot (Dance) Tambú (Dance) Danaus gilippus Frevo (Dance) Tamunangue (Dance) USE Queen butterfly Gaudiya nritya Tango (Dance) Gender identity in dance Tap dancing Danaus glippus German (Dance) Tarantella USE Queen butterfly Gesture in dance Tarantism Heroines in dance Tough dance Danaus plexippus Hip-hop dance Triunfo (Dance) USE Monarch butterfly Homosexuality and dance Turas (Dance) Homosexuality in dance Turnout (Dance) Danazol Huella (Dance) Violence in dance UF Pregnadienynoisoxazolol Hula (Dance) Voguing (Dance) BT Pregnane Ice dancing Waltz Icila (Dance) Wedding dances Danbolt family (Not Subd Geog) Improvisation in dance Yankee Doodle (Dance) Danbury (Conn.) Indian dance Zydeco dance Jarabe (Dance) — Anthropological aspects (May Subd Geog) — Burning by the British, 1777 Jazz dance USE Danbury (Conn.)—History—Burning by the Jewish dance BT Anthropology British, 1777 Jig (Dance) — Auditions (May Subd Geog) Jitterbug (Dance) — History Jive (Dance) UF Dance auditions — — Burning by the British, 1777 Jössehärad polska (Dance) BT Auditions Kalinda (Dance : Trinidad and Tobago) — Biography UF Danbury (Conn.)—Burning by the Kathak (Dance) [GV1785] British, 1777 [Former heading] Kordax (Dance) BT Biography Kos̄ hū ondo (Dance) — Competitions (May Subd Geog) BT Connecticut—History—Revolution, Krumping NT Dance marathons 1775-1783 Kuchipudi (Dance) — Criticism United States—History—Revolution, Lamb, lamb (Dance) USE Dance criticism 1775-1783—Campaigns Lambada (Dance) — Direction Lap dancing USE Dance—Production and direction Danca̧ do Lelê Lindy (Dance) — Equipment and supplies USE Lelê (Dance) Line dancing [GV1735] Lion dance NT Dance floors Dancal (Region) Literature and dance — Federal aid USE Danakil (Region) Mambo (Dance) USE Federal aid to dance Manzai (Dance) — Finance Dancali (Region) Margamkali (Dance) NT Federal aid to dance USE Danakil (Region) Matachines (Dance) — Folklore Maxixe (Dance) UF Dancing (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) Dancalia (Region) Mechanization in dance USE Danakil (Region) Media caña (Dance) [Former heading] Minuet (Dance) — Javanese influences (Not Subd Geog) Dance (May Subd Geog) Modern dance [GV1580-GV1799.4] Mohiniyattom (Dance) BT Java (Indonesia)—Civilization UF Dances Montonero (Dance) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Dancing [Former heading] Moods (Dance) BT Amusements Moshing BT Law and art Performing arts Movement notation — Origin RT Balls (Parties) Music and dance Eurythmics National socialism and dance UF Origin of dance NT Aerobic dancing Negritos (Dance) — Philosophy Aires (Dance) Novelty dances Allemande Nudity in dance [GV1588-GV1588.6] Alsharqi (Dance) Odissi dance — Production and direction (May Subd Geog) Art and dance Ori Tahiti (Dance) Ay-bo-le (Dance) Orientalism in dance [GV1782] Ball de bastons (Dance) Pajarillo (Dance) UF Dance—Direction Ballade (Dance) Palm (Anatomy) in dance Ballet Pamperruque (Dance) Dance production [Former heading] Ballroom dancing Paso doble (Dance) — Religious aspects Bambuco (Dance) Pavan (Dance) Baseball in dance Pole dancing UF Dancing (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) Belly dance Polka (Dance) [Former heading] Bharata natyam Polska (Dance) Bible and dance Postmodern dance RT Religious dance Bolero (Dance) Purpose (Dancing) NT Dance in religious education Bossa nova (Dance) Quickstep (Dance) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Boston (Dance) Religious dance — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Bowery waltz Resbalosa (Dance) — — Catholic Church Break dancing Rock and roll dancing — — Christianity Cakchikel dance Rooms (Dance) Calandria (Dance) Round dancing NT Dance in Christian education Cancan (Dance) Royal middies (Dance) — — Shinto Candombe (Dance) Rumba (Dance) — Reviews Caranguiyo (Dance) Sajuriana (Dance) Caroço (Dance) Salsa (Dance) Here are entered collections of dance reviews. Carole (Dance) Samba (Dance) Works on the technique of dance criticism are Casino (Dance) Sattriya (Dance) entered under Dance criticism. Cha-cha (Dance) Sega (Dance) Chamarrita (Dance) Serimpi (Dance) — Semiotics (May Subd Geog) Charleston (Dance) Sex in dance BT Semiotics Chhau (Dance) Shag (Dance) Chinlon (Game) Shishimai (Dance) — Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Choreography Sit-down dancing [GV1588.6] Clog dancing Skirt dancing UF Dance and society Condición (Dance) Square dancing Dancing and society Conga (Dance) Step dancing Society and dance Country dancing Swan lake (Choreographic work) Court dancing — Sociological aspects Cuarteto (Dance) D-20 Here are entered works on sociological theories Cumbia (Dance) Dance parties applied to dance. Danza de las tijeras Danzón (Dance) UF Sociology of dance Deserts (Dance) BT Sociology Devil dance — Stage-setting and scenery (May Subd Geog) Disco dancing [GV1782] Dragon dance BT Theaters—Stage-setting and scenery Ecstatic dance — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Emotions in dance [GV1589-GV1589.4] Feminism and dance — — Finance Firmeza (Dance) NT Government aid to dance education — — Government aid USE Government aid to dance education — Teacher training USE Dance teachers—Training of
— Therapeutic use — Indonesia — Thailand USE Dance therapy NT Baris (Dance) NT Lakhō̜n chātrī Gambuh Nor̄ ā (Thai dance drama) — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) Jaipong (Dance) [GV1597] — United States UF Dance as a profession — Iran NT African American dance — Japan Asian American dance — Africa — Kansas Cakewalk (Dance) NT Kalela (Dance) Mexican American dance NT Pawnee dance Ring shout (Dance) — Alabama — Korea NT Creek dance — Louisiana — Venezuela — Virginia — Alaska NT Caddo dance NT Gwich'in dance — Malaysia NT Tutelo dance Inuit dance — Wisconsin Yupik dance NT Makyung (Dance drama) — Mauritius NT Fox dance — Andes — Mediterranean Region Menominee dance — Andes Region NT Moros y Cristianos (Dance) — Wyoming NT Quechua dance — Mexico NT Crow dance — Arctic regions NT Aztec dance — Zambia NT Eskimo dance Cora dance Dance, Aboriginal Australian (May Subd Geog) — Argentina Huastec dance — Arizona Huichol dance UF Aboriginal Australian dance Maya dance BT Dance—Australia NT Hopi dance Mayo dance Dance, Achi Tewa dance Nahua dance USE Achi dance Tohono O'odham dance Tarahumara dance Dance, African American Yaqui dance Totonac dance USE African American dance Yaqui dance Dance, Apache — Australia USE Apache dance NT Dance, Aboriginal Australian — Michigan Dance, Asian American NT Fox dance USE Asian American dance — Bolivia Menominee dance Dance, Aymara NT Aymara dance USE Aymara dance Huari dance — Middle East Dance, Aztec — Missouri River Valley USE Aztec dance — Brazil Dance, Black (May Subd Geog) NT Kaingang dance NT Osage dance UF Black dance Tambor de Crioula (Dance) — Montana Wayampi dance Blacks—Dancing [Former heading] NT Crow dance — Argentina — British Columbia Salish dance Dance, Caddo NT Cowichan dance USE Caddo dance Kwakiutl dance — Mozambique Dance, Cakchikel NT Mapiko (Dance drama) USE Cakchikel dance — California Dance, Cherokee NT Chumash dance — Nebraska USE Cherokee dance Hupa dance NT Pawnee dance Dance, Choctaw Miwok dance USE Choctaw dance Pomo dance — Nepal Dance, Chumash Wintun dance NT Soraṭhī (Dance) USE Chumash dance Dance, Cora — Canada — New Mexico USE Cora dance NT Cree dance NT Taos dance Dance, Cowichan Inuit dance Tewa dance USE Cowichan dance Zuni dance Dance, Cree — Canada, Northern USE Cree dance NT Gwich'in dance — New York (State) Dance, Creek NT Iroquois dance USE Creek dance — Central America Dance, Crow NT Maya dance — North America USE Crow dance NT Ojibwa dance Dance, Dakota — China Shoshoni dance USE Dakota dance NT Cham (Dance) Tinne dance Dance, Dogrib USE Dogrib dance — Colombia — North Carolina Dance, Eskimo — Congo (Brazzaville) NT Tutelo dance USE Eskimo dance Dance, Fox NT Kébe-́ kébé (Dance) — Northwest Territories USE Fox dance — Ecuador NT Dogrib dance Dance, Guarani USE Guarani dance NT Shuar dance — Oklahoma Dance, Gwich'in — France NT Cherokee dance USE Gwich'in dance — French Guiana Kiowa dance Dance, Hopi USE Hopi dance NT Wayampi dance — Ontario Dance, Huanca — Georgia NT Iroquois dance USE Huanca dance Dance, Huari NT Creek dance — Peru USE Huari dance — Great Plains NT Aymara dance Dance, Huastec Huanca dance USE Huastec dance NT Crow dance Huari dance Dance, Huichol Dakota dance Wamani dance USE Huichol dance Kiowa dance Dance, Hupa Lakota dance — Prairie Provinces USE Hupa dance Mandan dance NT Sarsi dance Dance, Indian Oglala dance Siksika dance USE Indian dance Omaha dance Dance, Inuit Ponca dance — Puerto Rico USE Inuit dance Siksika dance NT Bomba (Dance) Dance, Iroquois USE Iroquois dance — Greenland — Russia (Federation) Dance, Jewish NT Inuit dance NT Yupik dance USE Jewish dance Dance, Kaingang — Guatemala — South Africa USE Kaingang dance NT Achi dance NT Pantsula (Dance) Quiché dance — South America — Hawaii NT Guarani dance — Idaho — Southern States NT Salish dance NT Cherokee dance — India Choctaw dance Yuchi dance NT Ghum̄ ara (Dance) Giddhā (Dance) — Southwest, New Kathakali NT Apache dance Krishnanattam Kiowa Apache dance Mussoll (Dance) Navajo dance Nac̄ anī (Dance) Pueblo dance Ottanthullal Padayani (Dance) — Spain Ras̄ a līlā (Dance) NT Moros y Cristianos (Dance) Theyyam (Dance) Yaksạ gan̄ a — Sri Lanka NT Ves (Dance) — Texas NT Caddo dance D-21
Dance, Kathryn (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works intended for use with Dance family (Not Subd Geog) UF Kathryn Dance (Fictitious character) dance class instruction. Dance festivals (May Subd Geog) Dance, Kiowa UF Ballet dance music [Former heading] UF Ballet festivals USE Kiowa dance BT Dance music BT Performing arts festivals Dance aerobics Dance floors (May Subd Geog) Dance, Kiowa Apache USE Aerobic dancing BT Dance—Equipment and supplies USE Kiowa Apache dance Dance and art USE Art and dance Floors Dance, Kwakiutl Dance and conflict management (May Subd Geog) Dance for children (May Subd Geog) USE Kwakiutl dance UF Conflict management and dance BT Conflict management [GV1799] Dance, Lakota Dance and feminism UF Children's dances USE Lakota dance USE Feminism and dance Dance and globalization (May Subd Geog) Dancing and children [Former heading] Dance, Mandan [GV1588.6] Dancing for children [Former heading] USE Mandan dance UF Globalization and dance BT Children BT Globalization Dance for children with disabilities (May Subd Geog) Dance, Maya Dance and homosexuality UF Dance for handicapped children [Former USE Maya dance USE Homosexuality and dance heading] Dance and literature Dancing for handicapped children [Former Dance, Mayo USE Literature and dance heading] USE Mayo dance Dance and music BT Children with disabilities USE Music and dance Dance for handicapped children Dance, Menominee Dance and race (May Subd Geog) USE Dance for children with disabilities USE Menominee dance UF Race and dance Dance for older people (May Subd Geog) BT Race [GV1799.3] Dance, Mexican American Dance and society UF Dance for the aged [Former heading] USE Mexican American dance USE Dance—Social aspects Dancing for the aged [Former heading] Dance and technology (May Subd Geog) BT Older people Dance, Miwok [GV1588.7] Dance for people with disabilities (May Subd Geog) USE Miwok dance UF Technology and dance [GV1799.2] BT Technology UF Dance for the handicapped [Former heading] Dance, Nahua Dance and the Bible Dancing for handicapped persons [Former USE Nahua dance USE Bible and dance heading] Dance and the Internet (May Subd Geog) BT People with disabilities Dance, Navajo UF Internet and dance NT Wheelchair dance sport USE Navajo dance BT Internet Dance for people with mental disabilities Dance and transnationalism (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Dance, Oglala UF Transnationalism and dance BT People with mental disabilities USE Oglala dance BT Transnationalism Dance for the aged Dance and violence (May Subd Geog) USE Dance for older people Dance, Ojibwa Here are entered general works on the relationship Dance for the handicapped USE Ojibwa dance between violence and dance. Works on the depiction USE Dance for people with disabilities of violence in dance are entered under Violence in Dance for women (May Subd Geog) Dance, Omaha dance. [GV1799.4] USE Omaha dance BT Women UF Violence and dance NT Break dancing for women Dance, Osage BT Violence Dance gesture USE Osage dance Dance archives (May Subd Geog) USE Gesture in dance [GV1587.8] Dance-hall (Music) Dance, Pawnee BT Archives USE Dancehall (Music) USE Pawnee dance Dance as a profession Dance halls (May Subd Geog) USE Dance—Vocational guidance UF Dance pavilions Dance, Pomo Dance auditions Dancehalls USE Pomo dance USE Dance—Auditions BT Recreation centers Dance band music — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Dance, Ponca USE Dance orchestra music Dance improvisation USE Ponca dance Dance bands USE Improvisation in dance USE Big bands Dance in art (Not Subd Geog) Dance, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) [N8217.D3] UF Prehistoric dance Dance orchestras UF Dancing in art [Former heading] Dance cards (May Subd Geog) Dance in Christian education (May Subd Geog) Dance, Pueblo UF Dancing in Christian education [Former USE Pueblo dance UF Ball-books heading] Cards, Dance BT Christian education Dance, Quechua Dance programs Dance—Religious aspects—Christianity USE Quechua dance Dance in education (May Subd Geog) BT Programs BT Education Dance, Quiché Social stationery Dance in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Quiché dance UF Dancing in literature [Former heading] Dance companies (May Subd Geog) Dance in motion pictures, television, etc. Dance, Salish UF Companies, Dance (May Subd Geog) USE Salish dance Dance ensembles [GV1779] Dance troupes Here are entered works on professional dance in Dance, Sarsi Ensembles, Dance motion pictures, television, etc. Works on telecast USE Sarsi dance Troupes, Dance dance parties are entered under Television dance BT Associations, institutions, etc. parties. Dance, Shoshoni NT Ballet companies USE Shoshoni dance Second companies (Dance) UF Dance in television Dance on television Dance, Shuar Dance costume (May Subd Geog) Dancing in motion pictures, television, etc. USE Shuar dance UF Dancers—Costume [Former heading] BT Costume Dancing in moving-pictures, television, etc. Dance, Siksika NT Ballet—Costume [Former heading] USE Siksika dance Dance criticism (May Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures Dance, Taos [GV1600] Television USE Taos dance Here are entered works on the technique of dance Dance in opera (Not Subd Geog) Dance, Tarahumara criticism. Collections of dance reviews are entered Here are entered works on dance as an aspect of USE Tarahumara dance under Dance--Reviews. opera performances. Dance, Tewa UF Dance—Criticism USE Tewa dance BT Criticism BT Opera Dance critics (May Subd Geog) Dance in religious education (May Subd Geog) Dance, Tinne BT Critics USE Tinne dance Dance ensembles UF Dancing in religious education [Former USE Dance companies heading] Dance, Tohono O'odham Dance etiquette (May Subd Geog) USE Tohono O'odham dance [BJ2043] BT Dance—Religious aspects BT Etiquette Religious education Dance, Torres Strait Islander (May Subd Geog) UF Torres Strait Islander dance Dance, Totonac USE Totonac dance Dance, Tutelo USE Tutelo dance Dance, Wamani USE Wamani dance Dance, Wayampi USE Wayampi dance Dance, Wintun USE Wintun dance Dance, Yaqui USE Yaqui dance Dance, Yuchi USE Yuchi dance Dance, Yupik USE Yupik dance Dance, Zuni USE Zuni dance Dance-a-thons USE Dance marathons Dance accompaniment music (May Subd Geog) [MT950] D-22
Dance in television Rumbas Dance on postage stamps USE Dance in motion pictures, television, etc. Saltarellos [HE6183.D34] Sarabands UF Dancing on postage stamps [Former heading] Dance libraries (May Subd Geog) Schottisches BT Postage stamps BT Performing arts libraries Sicilianas Sousedskás (Music) Dance on television Dance lodges, Indian Square dance music USE Dance in motion pictures, television, etc. USE Indian dance lodges Tangos Tap dance music Dance orchestra Dance marathons (May Subd Geog) Tarantellas USE Dance orchestras UF Dance-a-thons Twist (Music) Marathon dancing Waltzes Dance orchestra music (May Subd Geog) Marathons, Dance — History and criticism [M1356-M1356.2 (Music)] BT Dance—Competitions [ML3518 (History and criticism)] [ML3400-ML3451] [MT733.7 (Instruction)] Dance mixes NT Instrumentation and orchestration (Dance Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Remixes orchestra) form or of a specific type for dance orchestra, and Dance movement therapists — Middle Eastern influences collections of compositions in several forms or types USE Dance therapists for dance orchestra. BT Middle East—Civilization Dance movement therapy — Africa, West UF Dance band music USE Dance therapy BT Orchestral music NT Gahu RT Big band music Dance museums (May Subd Geog) Highlife (Music) SA headings for forms and types of music that BT Museums Kpegisu include \"dance orchestra\" and headings with Dance music (May Subd Geog) — Argentina medium of performance that include \"dance Here are entered collections of miscellaneous NT Candombes (Music) orchestra\" Cuarteto (Music) Dance orchestras (May Subd Geog) dance music. Music for individual dances is entered Zamba (Music) Here are entered works on instrumental groups under dance form, e.g., Polkas; Waltzes. generally of seven or more instruments that perform — Brazil music for social dancing. If the work is for a specific medium, a second NT Choros heading is assigned, e.g. 1. Dance music. 2. Piano Forró UF Dance bands music. Frevos Dance orchestra [Former heading] Sambas For an individual dance which is assigned a BT Bands (Music) heading that is not qualified by medium, a second — Bulgaria Orchestra heading is assigned if the work is for a specific NT Rachenitsas medium, e.g. 1. Mazurkas. 2. Piano music. NT Big bands — Caribbean Area Instrumentation and orchestration (Dance For works consisting of dance music of an NT Chutney (Music) orchestra) individual ethnic group, additional subject entry is made under the heading [ethnic group]--[place]-- — Colombia Dance parties (May Subd Geog) Music. NT Bambucos (Music) [GV1746-GV1750] Porros (Music) Here are entered works dealing with informal BT Instrumental music Music — Cuba dances. Works concerned with formal dances are NT Danzones (Music) entered under Balls (Parties). NT Allemandes Guaguancós (Music) Ballets Guarachas (Music) UF Dances Beguines (Music) Pachangas (Music) BT Dance Belly dance music Boleros (Music) — France Parties Boogaloos (Music) NT Zortzikos (Music) RT Balls (Parties) Bourrées NT Gay and lesbian dance parties Cancans — Ghana Cha-chas — Hawaii Sock hops Chicken scratch music Television dance parties Clog dance music NT Hulas (Music) Dance pavilions Cosaques — Hungary USE Dance halls Cotillions Dance photography (May Subd Geog) Country-dances (Music) NT Czardas [TR817.5] Courantes — Italy Here are entered works on the technique of Court dances (Music) photographing dancers and the dance. Dance accompaniment music NT Monferrinas Disco music — Madagascar BT Photography, Artistic Electronic dance music Dance posters (May Subd Geog) Electronica (Music) NT Tsapiky Estampies — Panama [NC1849.D35] Fandangos UF Dancing—Posters Folias (Music) NT Tamboritos BT Posters Folk dance music — Peru Dance production Foxtrots USE Dance—Production and direction Furiants NT Marineras Dance programs Galliards — Scotland USE Dance cards Galops Dance psychotherapy Gavottes NT Strathspeys USE Dance therapy Habaneras — Spain Dance recitals (May Subd Geog) Hornpipes [GV1589.45] Industrial music UF Dance music, Spanish [Former heading] UF Recitals, Dance Jigs NT Flamenco music BT Concerts Kolos Dance schools (May Subd Geog) Krakowiaks Zortzikos (Music) [GV1589.4] Lan̈ dler (Music) — Sri Lanka UF Dance studios Mambos (Music) Mazurkas NT Bailā (Music) Dancing schools Merengues — United States BT Schools Minuets — Uruguay (May Subd Geog) Dance sport, Wheelchair Modern dance music USE Wheelchair dance sport Morris dances NT Candombes (Music) Dance studios Pasillos Dance music, Electronic USE Dance schools Pasodobles Dance teachers (May Subd Geog) Passamezzos USE Electronic dance music UF Ballet masters Passepieds Dance music, Spanish Pavans Ballet mistresses Polka-mazurkas USE Dance music—Spain BT Teachers Polkas Dance music, Underground NT Hula teachers Polonaises Polskas (Music) USE Electronic dance music Tap dance teachers Quadrilles Dance notation (May Subd Geog) — Training of (May Subd Geog) Quicksteps Redowas [GV1587] UF Dance—Teacher training Reels (Music) BT Choreography — United States Rigaudons Movement notation NT African American dance teachers NT Labanotation Dance teachers, African American Dance of death [N7720] USE African American dance teachers [Z241.D17 (Block-books)] Dance teams (May Subd Geog) UF Danse macabre UF Teams, Dance Death, Dance of Dance therapists (May Subd Geog) BT Death in art Dance of death in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Dance movement therapists Dance of death in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dance of the conquest of Guatemala USE Conquista (Dance) Dance of the scissors USE Danza de las tijeras D-23
Dance therapists (Continued) NT Deaf dancers Dandawa language BT Alternative medicine specialists Wheelchair dancers USE Dendi language Dancers Psychotherapists Dances Dandelion (Expo, International Exhibitions Bureau, USE Balls (Parties) 2010, Shanghai, China) Dance therapy (May Subd Geog) Dance USE Yingguo guan (Expo, International Exhibitions [RC489.D3 (Psychotherapy)] Dance parties Bureau, 2010, Shanghai, China) [RM931.D35 (Rehabilitation therapy)] UF Dance—Therapeutic use Dances with Grasshoppers Site (Mo.) Dandelion, Common Dance movement therapy BT Missouri—Antiquities USE Common dandelion Dance psychotherapy BT Movement therapy Dancing Dandelion, False NT Authentic movement (Dance therapy) USE Dance USE Hypochaeris radicata — Accidents and injuries Dance therapy for children (May Subd Geog) USE Dancing injuries Dandelion powdery mildew (May Subd Geog) [RJ505.D3] — Jews [SB733] BT Physical therapy for children USE Jewish dance — Posters Dandelions (May Subd Geog) Dance therapy for older people (May Subd Geog) USE Dance posters [QK495.C74 (Botany)] BT Physical therapy for older people UF Blowballs Dancing, Ballet Taraxacum Dance troupes USE Ballet dancing BT Compositae USE Dance companies NT Common dandelion Dancing (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) Kok-saghyz Danceflies USE Dance—Folklore USE Empididae Dance—Religious aspects — Use in cooking USE Cooking (Dandelions) Dancehall (Music) (May Subd Geog) Dancing and children UF Dance-hall (Music) USE Dance for children D'Andelot family (Not Subd Geog) Dancehall reggae music Dandenong, Mount (Vic.) Digital dancehall (Music) Dancing and society Ragamuffin (Music) USE Dance—Social aspects UF Corhanwarrabul (Vic.) Raggamuffin (Music) Mount Dandenong (Vic.) Reggae dancehall music Dancing for children BT Reggae music USE Dance for children BT Dandenong Ranges (Vic.) Mountains—Australia Dancehall reggae music Dancing for handicapped children USE Dancehall (Music) USE Dance for children with disabilities Dandenong Creek (Vic.) BT Rivers—Australia Dancehalls Dancing for handicapped persons USE Dance halls USE Dance for people with disabilities Dandenong Ranges (Vic.) UF Dandenongs (Vic.) Dancer, Vivid (Insect) Dancing for the aged BT Mountains—Australia USE Vivid dancer (Insect) USE Dance for older people NT Dandenong, Mount (Vic.) Dancers (May Subd Geog) Dancing improvisation Dandenongs (Vic.) BT Artists USE Improvisation in dance USE Dandenong Ranges (Vic.) Entertainers NT Ballet dancers Dancing in art Dandie (Dog) Ballroom dancers USE Dance in art USE Dandie Dinmont terrier Belly dancers Bharata natyam dancers Dancing in Christian education Dandie Dinmont terrier (May Subd Geog) Break dancers USE Dance in Christian education [SF429.D33] Child dancers UF Dandie (Dog) Dance therapists Dancing in literature Pepper and mustard terrier Exiled dancers USE Dance in literature BT Terriers Flamenco dancers Folk dancers Dancing in motion pictures, television, etc. Dandie family Hoop dancers USE Dance in motion pictures, television, etc. USE Tandy family Hula dancers Ice dancers Dancing in moving-pictures, television, etc. Dandies (May Subd Geog) Indian dancers USE Dance in motion pictures, television, etc. [CT9985-CT9986 (Biography)] Kathak dancers [GT6720 (Manners and customs)] Lap dancers Dancing in religious education UF Beaux Male dancers USE Dance in religious education Dudes Tap dancers Fops Women dancers Dancing injuries (May Subd Geog) BT Men [RC1220.D35] NT Musicians as dandies — Costume UF Ballet dancing—Accidents and injuries USE Dance costume [Former heading] Dandies in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dancers—Wounds and injuries SA subdivision Characters--Dandies under names — Economic conditions Dancing—Accidents and injuries [Former of individual literary authors, e.g. UF Dancers—Socioeconomic conditions heading] Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-- [Former heading] BT Wounds and injuries Characters--Dandies — Social conditions Dancing mania Dandini family (Not Subd Geog) [GV1597] USE Chorea, Epidemic Dandini Research Park (Reno, Nev.) UF Dancers—Socioeconomic status [Former heading] Dancing mice (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL737.R6] subdivision. — Socioeconomic conditions UF Waltzing mice USE Dancers—Economic conditions BT Mice BT Research parks—Nevada Dandolo family (Not Subd Geog) — Socioeconomic status Dancing on postage stamps Dandridge family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dancers—Social conditions USE Dance on postage stamps Dandruff (May Subd Geog) — Wounds and injuries Dancing rooms [RL91] USE Dancing injuries USE Ballrooms BT Scalp—Diseases — India Dancing schools Skin—Diseases NT Devadāsis̄ USE Dance schools Dandurand family (Not Subd Geog) Dandy, James P. (Fictitious character) — Italy Dancing with dogs (May Subd Geog) — United States [SF425.85.D36] (Not Subd Geog) BT Dog sports UF Dandy, Jim (Fictitious character) NT African American dancers James P. Dandy (Fictitious character) Dancers, African American D'Ancona family (Not Subd Geog) Jim Dandy (Fictitious character) UF Ancona family USE African American dancers Dandy, Jim (Fictitious character) Dancers, Exotic Dand Korwa (Indic people) USE Dandy, James P. (Fictitious character) USE Korwa (Indic people) USE Stripteasers Dandy family Dancers, Indian Dandagsrags (Latvia) USE Tandy family USE Kolkasrags (Latvia) USE Indian dancers Dandyism (May Subd Geog) Dancer's Image (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog) Dandakaranya (India) BT Fashion UF Danḍ ̣akar̄ anỵ aṃ (India) Manners and customs UF A.T.'s Image (Race horse) BT Horses Danḍ ạ kāraṇyaṃ (India) Dandyism in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dancers in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Dandakaranya (India) Dandyism in music (Not Subd Geog) Dancers in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dancers with disabilities (May Subd Geog) Dandalle family (Not Subd Geog) BT Music [GV1799.2] Daṇdạ r̄ a (May Subd Geog) Dandzongka language UF Disabled dancers [Former heading] BT People with disabilities BT Theater—India USE Dan̈ jong-kä language Dandash family Dane family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dandashi family UF Danes family Dandashi family (Not Subd Geog) Dane John Gardens (Canterbury, England) UF Dandash family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dandashli family subdivision. RT Dan family BT Gardens—England Dandashli family USE Dandashi family D-24
Dane particle Dangadi (Australian people) Dangerous Davies (Fictitious character) USE Hepatitis B virus USE Dhungutti (Australian people) USE Davies, Dangerous (Fictitious character) Danė River (Lithuania) Dangadi language Dangerous dogs (May Subd Geog) UF Akmena River (Lithuania) USE Dhungutti language BT Dangerous animals Danės upė (Lithuania) Dogs Dange River (Lithuania) Dangagla dialect Danija River (Lithuania) USE Dongola-Kenuz dialect Dangerous fishes (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Lithuania [QL618.7] Dangal language BT Dangerous aquatic animals Dane-zaa Indians USE Dangaleat language Fishes USE Tsattine Indians NT Poisonous fishes Dangaleat (African people) (May Subd Geog) Daneau family (Not Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Chad Dangerous goods Danebury Ring Site (England) USE Hazardous substances Dangaleat language (May Subd Geog) USE Danebury Site (England) [PL8125-PL8125.95] Dangerous Ground (Spratly Islands) Danebury Site (England) UF Danal language USE Spratly Islands Dangal language UF Danebury Ring Site (England) Dangla language Dangerous Islands (French Polynesia) Dunbury Site (England) BT Chad—Languages USE Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia) Chadic languages BT England—Antiquities Dangerous marine animals (May Subd Geog) Danee family Dangar family (Not Subd Geog) BT Dangerous aquatic animals Daṅgariā Kandha (Indic people) Marine animals USE Dana family NT Poisonous marine animals Daneford family USE Dongria Kondh (Indic people) Sea wasps Dangarik language USE Danforth family Dangerous materials Daneh language USE Phalura language USE Hazardous substances Dangati (Australian people) USE Geba Karen language Dangerous mental patients Daner family USE Dhungutti (Australian people) USE Dangerously mentally ill Dangati language USE Dana family Dangerous occupations Danes (May Subd Geog) USE Dhungutti language USE Hazardous occupations Dangawada Site (India) UF Danish people Dangerous offenders BT Ethnology—Denmark BT India—Antiquities USE Violent offenders Dangbe language Scandinavians Dangerous plants (May Subd Geog) — United States USE Adangme language BT Botany Dangbon language RT Plant defenses NT Danish Americans BT Plants Danes Camp (England) USE Dalabon language NT Poisonous plants Dangdut (May Subd Geog) USE Conderton Camp (England) Dangerous reptiles (May Subd Geog) Danes family UF Dang dut [QL645.7 (General)] Dhandhut BT Dangerous animals USE Dane family Reptiles Dane's Pad (England) BT Popular music—Indonesia Dange River (Lithuania) Dangerous spiders BT Roads, Roman—England USE Poisonous spiders Danės upė (Lithuania) USE Danė River (Lithuania) D'Angela family Dangerous substances USE Danė River (Lithuania) USE Hazardous substances Danese family (Not Subd Geog) USE Angelo family Daneu family (Not Subd Geog) D'Angeli family Dangerously mentally ill (May Subd Geog) Danevirke (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) UF Dangerous mental patients USE Angelo family Insane, Criminal and dangerous [Former USE Danewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) D'Angelico guitar (Not Subd Geog) heading] Danewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) BT Mentally ill BT Guitar UF Danevirke (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) D'Angelis family Danggadi language Danewirk (Schleswig-Holestein, Germany) USE Dhungutti language Dannevirke (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) USE Angelo family Dannewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) D'Angelo family Danggetti (Australian people) USE Dhungutti (Australian people) BT Fortification—Germany USE Angelo family Danewirk (Schleswig-Holestein, Germany) Danger (Law) (May Subd Geog) Danggetti language USE Dhungutti language USE Danewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) UF Hazard (Law) Danford family Peril (Law) Danggogae Martyrs' Shrine (Seoul, Korea) USE Tanggogae Sun'gyo Sŏngji (Seoul, Korea) USE Danforth family BT Law Danforde family Negligence, Criminal Danghetti (Australian people) Personal injuries USE Dhungutti (Australian people) USE Danforth family Threats—Law and legislation Danfort family Torts Danghetti language USE Dhungutti language USE Danforth family Danger Guys (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) Danforth, Abigail (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Danger Island (Line Islands) Dangi language (Dhanki) USE Dhanki language UF Abigail Danforth (Fictitious character) USE Kingman Reef (Line Islands) Miss Danforth (Fictitious character) Danger Islands (Cook Islands) Dangla Kette (China) USE Tanggula Mountains (China) Danforth family (Not Subd Geog) USE Pukapuka Atoll (Cook Islands) UF Dampford family Danger perception (May Subd Geog) Dangla language Dampforde family USE Dangaleat language Daneford family [BF323.D36] Danford family BT Perception Dangla Range (China) Danforde family Danger signs USE Tanggula Mountains (China) Danfort family USE Hazard signs Danforthe family Dangerous animals (May Subd Geog) Dangla Shan (China) Darnford family [QL100-QL100.5] USE Tanggula Mountains (China) Darnforde family BT Animals RT Animal attacks Dangler family (Not Subd Geog) Danforthe family NT Dangerous aquatic animals UF Dengler family USE Danforth family Dangerous birds Dangling participle (Grammar) Dan̆̉ g (Asian people) Dangerous dogs USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Absolute USE Giay (Asian people) Dangerous reptiles constructions Poisonous animals Dang (Southeast Asian people) Dangerous aquatic animals (May Subd Geog) Dangme (African people) USE Sedang (Southeast Asian people) [QL100] USE Adangme (African people) BT Aquatic animals Dang dut Dangerous animals Dangme language USE Dangdut NT Dangerous fishes USE Adangme language Dangerous marine animals Đặng family (Not Subd Geog) Dangerous Archipelago (French Polynesia) Dangri language (Dhanki) Dang-getti (Australian people) USE Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia) USE Dhanki language Dangerous birds (May Subd Geog) USE Dhungutti (Australian people) [QL677.75] Dangu languages Dang-getti language BT Birds USE Dhangu languages Dangerous animals USE Dhungutti language Dangerous chemicals Danguillaume family (Not Subd Geog) Dang language (China and Vietnam) USE Hazardous substances Dangxiang (Chinese people) Dangerous criminals USE Bouyei language USE Violent offenders USE Tangut (Chinese people) Dang language (Papua New Guinea) Dangzai Dao (China) USE Lavongai language USE Taipa Island (China) Dang language (Sedang) Danhauer family (Not Subd Geog) Dani (Fictitious character : Whybrow) USE Sedang language Danġ adas̄ ars USE Harry (Fictitious character : Whybrow) Dani (New Guinea people) USE Dombidasas USE Dani (New Guinean people) D-25
Dani (New Guinean people) (May Subd Geog) Daniel Jacquot (Fictitious character) Danielsen family [DU744.35.D32] USE Jacquot, Daniel (Fictitious character) USE Danielson family UF Dani (New Guinea people) [Former heading] Ndani (New Guinean people) Daniel-Johnson Dam (Queb́ ec) Danielson family (Not Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Indonesia UF Manic 5 (Québec) UF Danielsen family [Former heading] Ethnology—Papua New Guinea Manicouagan 5 (Queb́ ec) Danielsson family Papuans BT Dams—Queb́ ec (Province) RT Daniels family — Missions (May Subd Geog) Daniel Kaine (Fictitious character) Danielson Provincial Park (Sask.) UF Missions to Dani (New Guinea people) USE Kaine, Daniel (Fictitious character) BT Parks—Saskatchewan [Former heading] Daniel Kearny Associates (Imaginary organization) Danielsson family Dani Barat language (Not Subd Geog) USE Danielson family USE Western Dani language UF DKA (Imaginary organization) BT Imaginary organizations Daniely family Dani language USE Daniyeli family USE Dani language (Papuan) Daniel Kind (Fictitious character) USE Kind, Daniel (Fictitious character) Danija River (Lithuania) Dani language (Brazil) USE Danė River (Lithuania) USE Dení language (Brazil) Daniel Klingel Farmhouse (Pa.) USE Daniel F. Klingel Farm House (Pa.) Danilewski family Dani language (Papuan) (May Subd Geog) USE Danilowski family [PL6621.D35] Daniel L. Fedder Post Office (Pine City, Minn.) UF Dani language [Former heading] USE Master Sergeant Daniel L. Fedder Post Office Danilo culture (May Subd Geog) BT Papuan languages (Pine City, Minn.) [GN776.2.D3] BT Neolithic period Dani Lembah language Daniel M. Ferguson Post Office (Mulberry, Fla.) USE Mid Grand Valley Dani language USE Sergeant First Class Daniel M. Ferguson Post Danilov, Dimitri (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Office (Mulberry, Fla.) UF Dimitri Danilov (Fictitious character) Dani Ross (Fictitious character) USE Ross, Danielle (Fictitious character) Daniel Nathan Deyarmin, Jr., Post Office Building Danilowski family (May Subd Geog) (Tallmadge, Ohio) UF Damilowski family Dania Indian Reservation (Fla.) USE Lance Corporal Daniel Nathan Deyarmin, Jr., Danielowska family USE Hollywood Indian Reservation (Fla.) Post Office Building (Tallmadge, Ohio) Danielowski family Danilewski family Dania Reservation (Fla.) Daniel P. Riordan Post Office (Saint Louis, Mo.) USE Hollywood Indian Reservation (Fla.) USE Lieutenant Daniel P. Riordan Post Office (Saint Danin family (Not Subd Geog) Louis, Mo.) Daning He (Sichuan Sheng, China) Danico family (Not Subd Geog) UF Danaco family Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse USE Daning River (Sichuan Sheng, China) Denico family (New York, N.Y.) Daning He Xiao Sanxia (China) Dennico family UF Moynihan United States Courthouse (New Dinico family York, N.Y.) USE Daning River Gorges (China) Dinnico family BT Courthouses—New York (State) Daning River (China) Daniel, Mount (Wash.) Daniel Royer House (Pa.) USE Daning River (Sichuan Sheng, China) UF Daniels, Mount (Wash.) USE Springfield Furnace Mansion (Pa.) Daning River (Sichuan Sheng, China) Mount Daniel (Wash.) Mount Daniels (Wash.) Daniel Spoerri Garden (Seggiano, Italy) UF Daning He (Sichuan Sheng, China) BT Cascade Range USE Giardino di Daniel Spoerri (Seggiano, Italy) Daning River (China) [Former heading] Mountains—Washington (State) Ta-ning Ho (Sichuan Sheng, China) Daniel Winter (Fictitious character) Ta-ning River (China) [Former heading] Daniel, Judah (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Winter, Daniel (Fictitious character) UF Judah Daniel (Fictitious character) BT Rivers—China Daniell family Daning River Gorges (China) Daniel, Vic (Fictitious character) USE Daniels family USE Daniel, Victor (Fictitious character) UF Daning He Xiao Sanxia (China) Danielle Barnea (Fictitious character) Lesser Three Gorges (China) Daniel, Victor (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Barnea, Danielle (Fictitious character) Ta-ning Ho Hsiao San-hsia (China) UF Daniel, Vic (Fictitious character) Ta-ning River Gorges (China) [Former Vic Daniel (Fictitious character) Danielle Ross (Fictitious character) heading] Victor Daniel (Fictitious character) USE Ross, Danielle (Fictitious character) Three Small Gorges (China) Daniel (Fictitious character : Poulin) (Not Subd Geog) Daniells family BT Gorges—China Daniel Agami Post Office Building (Coconut Creek, Fla.) USE Daniels family Danio (May Subd Geog) USE Army SPC Daniel Agami Post Office Building Daniells Island (S.C.) [QL638.C94] (Coconut Creek, Fla.) USE Daniel Island (S.C.) BT Cyprinidae Danio, Indian Daniel Boone Homestead Site (Birdsboro, Pa.) Danielopolina (May Subd Geog) USE Zebra danio This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL444.O8] Danio, Zebra BT Thaumatocyprididae USE Zebra danio subdivision. NT Danielopolina styx Danio rerio USE Zebra danio UF Boone Homestead Site (Birdsboro, Pa.) Danielopolina styx (May Subd Geog) Danis family (Not Subd Geog) BT Historic sites—Pennsylvania [QL444.O8] Danish abbreviations Daniel Boone National Forest (Ky.) BT Danielopolina USE Abbreviations, Danish UF Boone National Forest (Ky.) Danish adventure stories BT Forest reserves—Kentucky Danielowska family USE Adventure stories, Danish USE Danilowski family Danish agricultural assistance National parks and reserves—Kentucky USE Agricultural assistance, Danish Daniel F. Klingel Farm House (Pa.) Danielowski family Danish almanacs USE Danilowski family USE Almanacs, Danish UF Daniel Klingel Farmhouse (Pa.) Danish altarpieces Klingel Farm House (Pa.) Daniels, Mount (Wash.) USE Altarpieces, Danish Klingel Farmhouse (Pa.) USE Daniel, Mount (Wash.) Danish American literature (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works of literature in Danish by BT Dwellings—Pennsylvania Daniels, Amir (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Danish Americans. Daniel family UF Amir Daniels (Fictitious character) UF American literature (Danish) USE Daniels family Daniels, Charmian (Fictitious character) Danish literature—United States Daniel Guggenheim Medal (Not Subd Geog) UF Charmian Daniels (Fictitious character) BT Danish literature UF Guggenheim Medal Chief Superintendent Daniels (Fictitious United States—Literatures BT Aeronautics—Research—Medals—United character) Daniels, Chief Superintendent (Fictitious Danish-American National Park (Denmark) States character) USE Rebild Nationalpark (Denmark) Daniel H. Wells Building (Provo, Utah) Daniels, Superintendent (Fictitious character) Superintendent Daniels (Fictitious character) Danish American newspapers (May Subd Geog) UF Daniel H. Wells ROTC Building (Provo, Utah) BT American newspapers Wells Building (Provo, Utah) Daniels, Chief Superintendent (Fictitious character) Danish newspapers Wells ROTC Building (Provo, Utah) USE Daniels, Charmian (Fictitious character) Danish American women (May Subd Geog) BT College buildings—Utah Daniels, Jacqueline (Fictitious character) UF Women, Danish American Daniel H. Wells ROTC Building (Provo, Utah) (Not Subd Geog) BT Women—United States UF Jacqueline Daniels (Fictitious character) USE Daniel H. Wells Building (Provo, Utah) Danish Americans (May Subd Geog) Daniel Island (S.C.) Daniels, Kate (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [E184.S19] UF Kate Daniels (Fictitious character) UF Danish Americans—United States UF Daniels Island (Berkeley County, S.C.) BT Danes—United States Daniells Island (S.C.) Daniels, Superintendent (Fictitious character) Ethnology—United States Ittywan Island (S.C.) USE Daniels, Charmian (Fictitious character) Mawan (S.C.) — United States Mitchells Island (S.C.) Daniels family (Not Subd Geog) USE Danish Americans UF Daniel family [Former heading] BT Islands—South Carolina Daniell family Danish architecture Daniel J. Evans Wilderness (Wash.) Daniells family USE Architecture, Danish RT Danielson family UF Evans Wilderness (Wash.) O'Daniel family Olympic Wilderness (Wash.) Daniels Island (Berkeley County, S.C.) BT National parks and reserves—Washington USE Daniel Island (S.C.) (State) Wilderness areas—Washington (State) D-26
Danish art Danish essays (May Subd Geog) — Written Danish (May Subd Geog) USE Art, Danish Here are entered collections of essays by several UF Written Danish BT Written communication Danish art pottery authors. USE Art pottery, Danish Danish letters (May Subd Geog) BT Danish literature [PT7866 (History)] Danish arts Danish etching [PT8030 (Collections)] USE Arts, Danish BT Danish literature USE Etching, Danish Danish authors Danish experimental poetry Danish linoleum block-printing USE Authors, Danish USE Linoleum block-printing, Danish USE Experimental poetry, Danish Danish autobiographical fiction Danish fables Danish literature (May Subd Geog) USE Autobiographical fiction, Danish [PT7601-PT8260] USE Fables, Danish BT Denmark—Literatures Danish ballads Danish fantasy fiction NT Children's literature, Danish USE Ballads, Danish Christian literature, Danish USE Fantasy fiction, Danish Danish American literature Danish ballads and songs Danish fiction (May Subd Geog) Danish drama USE Ballads, Danish Danish essays Folk songs, Danish [PT7835-PT7862 (History)] Danish fiction [PT8022-PT8024 (Collections)] Danish letters Danish Bible stories BT Danish literature Danish poetry USE Bible stories, Danish NT Adventure stories, Danish Danish prose literature Danish wit and humor Danish bookplates Autobiographical fiction, Danish Devotional literature, Danish USE Bookplates, Danish Children's stories, Danish Dialogues, Danish Christmas stories, Danish Erotic literature, Danish Danish bronze sculpture Detective and mystery stories, Danish Folk literature, Danish USE Bronze sculpture, Danish Fantasy fiction, Danish Historical fiction, Danish Ghost stories, Danish Peasants' writings, Danish Danish carols Humorous stories, Danish Prisoners' writings, Danish USE Carols, Danish Nature stories, Danish Religious literature, Danish Noir fiction, Danish Travelers' writings, Danish Danish ceramic sculpture Romance fiction, Danish Working class writings, Danish USE Ceramic sculpture, Danish Science fiction, Danish Young adult literature, Danish Short stories, Danish Danish chapbooks Young adult fiction, Danish — To 1500 USE Chapbooks, Danish Danish folk dancing [PT7721-PT7737] USE Folk dancing, Danish Danish children's literature Danish folk literature — 18th century USE Children's literature, Danish USE Folk literature, Danish — 19th century Danish folk poetry — 20th century Danish childrens periodicals USE Folk poetry, Danish — United States USE Children's periodicals, Danish Danish folk songs USE Folk songs, Danish USE Danish American literature Danish children's plays Danish Fort (Tranquebar, India) Danish love poetry USE Children's plays, Danish USE Fort Dansborg (Tranquebar, India) Danish genre painting USE Love poetry, Danish Danish children's poetry USE Genre painting, Danish Danish Lutherans USE Children's poetry, Danish Danish ghost stories USE Ghost stories, Danish USE Lutherans, Danish Danish children's songs Danish historical fiction Danish manuscripts USE Children's songs, Danish USE Historical fiction, Danish Danish historical poetry USE Manuscripts, Danish Danish children's stories USE Historical poetry, Danish Danish marine painting USE Children's stories, Danish Danish humanitarian assistance USE Humanitarian assistance, Danish USE Marine painting, Danish Danish Christian literature Danish humorous stories Danish miniature painting USE Christian literature, Danish USE Humorous stories, Danish Danish hymns USE Miniature painting, Danish Danish Christmas stories USE Hymns, Danish Danish missions USE Christmas stories, Danish Danish imprints (May Subd Geog) Danish investments USE Missions, Danish Danish civics USE Investments, Danish Danish monarchy USE Civics, Danish Danish Jewish sermons USE Jewish sermons, Danish USE Monarchy—Denmark Danish coins Danish Jews Danish monologues USE Coins, Danish USE Jews, Danish Danish landscape painting USE Monologues, Danish Danish cooking USE Landscape painting, Danish Danish mural painting and decoration USE Cooking, Danish Danish language (May Subd Geog) [PD3001-PD3929] USE Mural painting and decoration, Danish Danish corporations UF Dansk language Danish mystery stories USE Corporations, Danish Rigsdansk language BT Scandinavian languages USE Detective and mystery stories, Danish Danish Creole languages — To 1500 Danish narrative poetry USE Creole dialects, Danish [PD3771-PD3778] USE Narrative poetry, Danish Danish detective stories UF Danish language—Old Danish Danish national characteristics USE Detective and mystery stories, Danish Old Danish language USE National characteristics, Danish Danish devotional literature — Abbreviations Danish nature stories USE Devotional literature, Danish USE Abbreviations, Danish USE Nature stories, Danish Danish dialect poetry — Business Danish Danish newspapers (May Subd Geog) USE Dialect poetry, Danish UF Business Danish [PN5281-PN5289 (History)] Danish dialogues — Dictionaries BT Newspapers USE Dialogues, Danish NT Danish American newspapers NT Picture dictionaries, Danish — Sections, columns, etc. Danish diplomatic and consular service — Etymology — — Reviews USE Diplomatic and consular service, Danish NT Ajle (The Danish word) BT Criticism Danish dog Forligelse (The Danish word) Danish noir fiction USE Dalmatian dog Forsoning (The Danish word) Velsigne (The Danish word) USE Noir fiction, Danish Danish drama (May Subd Geog) Danish novelists [PT7800-PT7832 (History)] — Old Danish [PT7999-PT8020 (Collections)] USE Danish language—To 1500 USE Novelists, Danish BT Danish literature Danish occasional verse NT Children's plays, Danish — Scientific Danish One-act plays, Danish USE Danish language—Technical Danish USE Occasional verse, Danish Political plays, Danish Danish one-act plays Puppet plays, Danish — Technical Danish Television plays, Danish UF Danish language—Scientific Danish USE One-act plays, Danish Scientific Danish Danish orations — 20th century Technical Danish Danish dramatists BT Technology—Language USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Danish Danish painting USE Dramatists, Danish D-27 Danish drawing USE Painting, Danish Danish panel painting USE Drawing, Danish Danish economic assistance USE Panel painting, Danish Danish parodies USE Economic assistance, Danish Danish educational assistance USE Parodies, Danish Danish part songs USE Educational assistance, Danish Danish encyclopedias and dictionaries USE Part songs, Danish USE Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Danish Danish erotic literature USE Erotic literature, Danish Danish erotic poetry USE Erotic poetry, Danish Danish espionage USE Espionage, Danish
Danish peacekeeping forces Danish seines Danks family (Not Subd Geog) USE Peacekeeping forces, Danish USE Seines Dankwarderode Castle (Braunschweig, Germany) Danish peasants' writings Danish self-portraits USE Burg Dankwarderode (Braunschweig, USE Peasants' writings, Danish USE Self-portraits, Danish Germany) Danish people Danish sermons Danler family (Not Subd Geog) USE Danes USE Sermons, Danish Danlos syndrome Danish periodicals (May Subd Geog) Danish Settlements, Ghana, 1659-1850 USE Ehlers-Danlos syndrome [PN5281-PN5290 (History)] USE Ghana—History—Danish Settlements, 1659- danMARC BT Periodicals 1850 NT Children's periodicals, Danish USE MARC formats—Denmark Women's periodicals, Danish Danish short stories Danmarks Radio Film Collection USE Short stories, Danish Danish philology (May Subd Geog) BT Motion picture film collections BT Scandinavian philology Danish Sign Language (May Subd Geog) Dann, Peaches (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF DSL (Danish Sign Language) Danish philosophy BT Denmark—Languages UF Peaches Dann (Fictitious character) USE Philosophy, Danish Sign language Dann family Danish picture dictionaries Danish songbooks USE Dan family USE Picture dictionaries, Danish USE Songbooks, Danish Danna family Danish poetry (May Subd Geog) Danish songs USE Dana family [PT7770-PT7795 (History)] USE Songs, Danish Dannakil (Region) [PT7975-PT7994 (Collections)] BT Danish literature Danish speeches USE Danakil (Region) NT Children's poetry, Danish USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Danish Dannan family Dialect poetry, Danish Erotic poetry, Danish Danish students (May Subd Geog) USE Danon family Experimental poetry, Danish BT Students Dannelly, Lake (Ala.) Folk poetry, Danish Historical poetry, Danish Danish teachers (May Subd Geog) USE William \"Bill\" Dannelly Reservoir (Ala.) Love poetry, Danish Here are entered works on teachers who teach the Dannelly Reservoir (Ala.) Narrative poetry, Danish Occasional verse, Danish Danish language and/or Danish literature. USE William \"Bill\" Dannelly Reservoir (Ala.) Religious poetry, Danish Danner Award BT Language teachers — 17th century Danish technical assistance USE Danner-Preis — 18th century Danner family (Not Subd Geog) Danish poets USE Technical assistance, Danish USE Poets, Danish Danish television plays RT Dana family Danish political plays Donner family USE Political plays, Danish USE Television plays, Danish Downer family Danish political posters Danish terra-cotta sculpture Getzendanner family USE Political posters, Danish Danish political satire USE Terra-cotta sculpture, Danish Danner-Preis USE Political satire, Danish Danish travelers' writings UF Danner Award Danish porcelain BT Decorative arts—Awards—Germany USE Porcelain, Danish USE Travelers' writings, Danish Danish portrait miniatures Danish watercolor painting Dannevirke (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) USE Portrait miniatures, Danish USE Danewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Danish portrait painting USE Watercolor painting, Danish USE Portrait painting, Danish Danish wit and humor (May Subd Geog) Dannewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Danish portrait sculpture USE Danewerk (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) USE Portrait sculpture, Danish BT Danish literature Danish portraits NT Humorous stories, Danish Danning family USE Portraits, Danish USE Danon family Danish posters Parodies, Danish USE Posters, Danish Political satire, Danish Dannoura, Battle of, Japan, 1185 Danish pottery Satire, Danish UF Dan no Ura (Japan), Battle of, 1185 [Former USE Pottery, Danish Danish wit and humor, Pictorial (May Subd Geog) heading] Danish prints Danish women authors BT Japan—History—Gempei Wars, 1180- USE Prints, Danish USE Women authors, Danish 1185—Campaigns Danish prisoners' writings Danish women's periodicals USE Prisoners' writings, Danish USE Women's periodicals, Danish D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 1863-1938 Danish property (May Subd Geog) Danish working class writings — Homes and haunts (May Subd Geog) USE Working class writings, Danish UF Property, Danish Danish young adult fiction D'Annunzio family (Not Subd Geog) BT Alien property USE Young adult fiction, Danish Danny (Fictitious character : Hoff) (Not Subd Geog) Danish prose literature (May Subd Geog) Danish young adult literature Danny Chaisson (Fictitious character) [PT7835-PT7862 (History)] USE Young adult literature, Danish [PT8021-PT8024 (Collections)] Danishmandi family (Not Subd Geog) USE Chaisson, Danny (Fictitious character) BT Danish literature Danites (May Subd Geog) Danny Clover (Fictitious character) NT School prose, Danish BT Ethnology—Mediterranean Region — 19th century Ethnology—Palestine USE Clover, Danny (Fictitious character) — 20th century Danites (Mormon Church) (May Subd Geog) Danny Dragonbreath (Fictitious character) Danish puppet plays UF Danites (Mormon theology) [Former heading] USE Puppet plays, Danish BT Mormon Church—History USE Dragonbreath, Danny (Fictitious character) Danish quotations Danites (Mormon theology) Danny Ketch (Fictitious character) USE Quotations, Danish USE Danites (Mormon Church) Danish religious literature Daniyel (Fictitious character : Pétigny) USE Ghost Rider (Fictitious character) USE Religious literature, Danish USE Camille (Fictitious character : Pet́ igny) Danny O'Flaherty (Fictitious character) Danish religious poetry Daniyeli family (Not Subd Geog) USE Religious poetry, Danish UF Daniely family USE O'Flaherty, Danny (Fictitious character) Danish romance fiction Dänjong-kä language (May Subd Geog) Danny One (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Romance fiction, Danish [PL3651.D2] Dano language Danish satire UF Bhōtic̄ of Sikkim USE Satire, Danish Da-̈ njong-ka language USE Asaro language Danish scene painting Dandzongka language Dano-Norwegian language USE Scene painting, Danish Danjongka language Danish school prose De-́ jong ké language USE Norwegian language USE School prose, Danish Den̄ jong-ké language Dano-Swedish War, 1643-1645 Danish school songbooks Denjonka language USE School songbooks, Danish Denjonke language [DL190] Danish science fiction Sikami language UF Denmark—History—Dano-Swedish Wars, USE Science fiction, Danish Sikkim Bhotia language Danish sculpture Sikkim-Bhutia language 1643-1660 USE Sculpture, Danish Sikkimese language Sweden—History—Dano-Swedish Wars, 1643- BT China—Languages 1660 India—Languages — Campaigns (May Subd Geog) Tibeto-Burman languages — — Denmark Danjongka language USE Dan̈ jong-kä language NT Fehmarn, Battle of, 1644 Dankalē (Region) — — Germany USE Danakil (Region) Dankali (Region) NT Fehmarn, Battle of, 1644 USE Danakil (Region) Dano-Swedish War, 1675-1679 Dankalia (Region) USE Danakil (Region) USE Scanian War, 1675-1679 Dano-Swedish Wars, 1657-1660 [DL192] UF Denmark—History—Dano-Swedish Wars, 1643-1660 Sveco-Danish Wars, 1657-1660 Sweden—History—Dano-Swedish Wars, 1643- 1660 Swedish-Danish Wars, 1657-1660 NT Roskilde, Denmark, Peace of, 1658 Sound, Battle of the, 1658 Swedish-Dutch War, 1658-1659 — Campaigns (May Subd Geog) — — Denmark NT Copenhagen D-28
(Denmark)—History—Siege, 1658- Dantya (May Subd Geog) Danville (Va.) 1660 [QL444.O85] — History Danoa (African people) BT Sarsiellidae — — Civil War, 1861-1865 USE Haddad (African people) Danon family (Not Subd Geog) Dantzler family (Not Subd Geog) Danwei UF Dannan family UF Danzler family Here are entered works on the system prevalent Danning family RT Abendanan family Danube Bend (Hungary) under the Communist social organization of post- Dan family UF Duna-kanyar (Hungary) 1945 China that assigns individual Chinese, Danor family Dunakanyar (Hungary) particularly in urban areas, to work units such as USE Dana family communes, factories, universities, etc. Danos family (Not Subd Geog) Danube-Black Sea Canal (Romania) Danow family UF Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră (Romania) UF Tanwei USE Dana family BT Canals—Romania BT Communism—China Danrin School BT Haikai Danube Delta (Romania and Ukraine) Industrial sociology—China Japanese poetry—Edo period, 1600-1868 USE Danube River Delta (Romania and Ukraine) Sociology, Urban—China Dansaekhwa (Art movement) Danxia Mountains (China) USE Tansaekhwa (Art movement) Danube Island (Austria) UF Dan xia Mountains (China) Dansborg, Fort (Tranquebar, India) USE Donauinsel (Austria) Dan xia Shan (China) USE Fort Dansborg (Tranquebar, India) Danxia Shan (China) Danse family (Not Subd Geog) Danube National Park (Austria) BT Mountains—China Danse macabre USE Nationalpark Donauauen (Austria) Danxia Shan (China) USE Dance of death USE Danxia Mountains (China) Danseuses Danube River Danyi-Piilo USE Ballerinas UF Danubius River USE Donyi-Polo Danshen Donau River Danz family (Not Subd Geog) USE Salvia miltiorrhiza Duna River (Germany-Romania) Danza de las tijeras (May Subd Geog) Danshui Dao (Singapore) Dunai River [GV1796.D34] USE Bukom Island (Singapore) Dunaj River UF Dance of the scissors Danshui River (Taiwan) Dunar̆ ea River Scissors, Dance of the UF Dan-shui River (Taiwan) Dunav River Tijeras, Danza de las Tanshui River (Taiwan) BT Rivers—Europe BT Dance Tan-shui River (Taiwan) [Former heading] Danzas family (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Taiwan — Alluvial plain Danzen Dansi (Music) (May Subd Geog) — Delta USE Serratiopeptidase BT Popular music—Africa, East Danzig, Bay of (Poland and Russia) Dansk Amerikansk National Park (Denmark) USE Danube River Delta (Romania and USE Gdańsk, Gulf of (Poland and Russia) USE Rebild Nationalpark (Denmark) Ukraine) Danzig, Gulf of (Poland and Russia) Dansk language USE Gdanś k, Gulf of (Poland and Russia) USE Danish language — Regulation Danzig-Westpreussen (Germany) Danskammer Point (N.Y.) Danube River Delta (Romania and Ukraine) USE Prussia, West (Poland) BT Capes (Coasts)—New York (State) Danziger Bucht (Poland and Russia) Danson Hill (Bexley, London, England) UF Danube Delta (Romania and Ukraine) USE Gdańsk, Gulf of (Poland and Russia) USE Danson House (Bexley, London, England) Danube River—Delta [Former heading] Danzler family Danson House (Bexley, London, England) Delta Dunării (Romania and Ukraine) USE Dantzler family UF Danson Hill (Bexley, London, England) Danzón (Dance) (May Subd Geog) BT Dwellings—England BT Deltas—Romania [GV1796.D36] Dantan, Alphonse (Fictitious character) Deltas—Ukraine BT Dance (Not Subd Geog) Danzones (Music) (May Subd Geog) UF Alphonse Dantan (Fictitious character) Danube River Valley This heading is not qualified by medium of Dantas family (Not Subd Geog) UF Danube Valley [Former heading] performance. For danzones for a specific medium, an RT Ribeiro Dantas family BT Valleys—Europe additional heading is assigned for the medium of Dante, Joe (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) NT Wachau (Austria) performance. UF Joe Dante (Fictitious character) Lieutenant Joe Dante (Fictitious character) Danube River Watershed BT Dance music—Cuba Dante Castle (Rovereto, Italy) BT Watersheds—Europe Popular music—Cuba USE Castello di Lizzana (Rovereto, Italy) Dante Fascell Biscayne National Park Visitor Center Danube school of art Dao (Dao Besar Island, Indonesia) (Fla.) UF Danubian school of art USE Dao Besar Island (Indonesia) USE Dante Fascell Visitor Center (Fla.) Donauschule Dante Fascell Visitor Center (Fla.) Donaustil Dao UF Biscayne National Park Visitor Center (Fla.) RT Art, Austrian—16th century USE Tao Dante Fascell Biscayne National Park Visitor Art, German—16th century Center (Fla.) Dao (Southeast Asian people) Fascell Visitor Center (Fla.) Danube Swabian women USE Yao (Southeast Asian people) BT Visitors' centers—Florida USE Women, Danube Swabian Dante Mancuso (Fictitious character) Dao Besar Island (Indonesia) USE Mancuso, Dante (Fictitious character) Danube Swabians (May Subd Geog) UF Dao (Dao Besar Island, Indonesia) Danten family (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on emigrants from the Ndao, Pulau (Indonesia) UF Danthen family Ndau, Pulau (Indonesia) Dantes Subject Standardized Tests former German-speaking colonies located along the Palau Dao Besar (Indonesia) UF DSSTs (Achievement tests) Lower Danube River Valley. Pulau Ndao (Indonesia) BT Achievement tests Pulau Ndau (Indonesia) Danteum (Rome, Italy) UF Donauschwaben BT Islands—Indonesia BT Public buildings—Italy Germans of the Lower Danube River Valley Danthen family Đaỏ Cát Bà (Vietnam) USE Danten family BT Germans—Danube River Valley USE Cat́ Bà Island (Vietnam) Danthonia (May Subd Geog) Ethnology—Danube River Valley [QK495.G74] Đào family (Not Subd Geog) BT Grasses Danube Valley Dao Hoang Sa D'Antoine family (Not Subd Geog) USE Danube River Valley D'Antongil Baie (Madagascar) USE Paracel Islands USE Antongil Bay (Madagascar) Danubian I culture Dao-in Dantrolene (May Subd Geog) USE Bandkeramik culture UF Nitrophenylfuranylmethyleneaminoimidazolidin USE Dao yin edione Danubian school of art Đaỏ Lý Sơn (Vietnam) BT Hydantoin USE Danube school of art Muscle relaxants USE Ré Island (Vietnam) Danture, Battle of, Sri Lanka, 1594 Danubius River Đaỏ Phú Quoć̂ (Vietnam) BT Sinhalese-Portuguese War, 1527-1658 USE Danube River USE Phú Quoĉ́ Island (Vietnam) Danum River (Sabah) Dão River (Portugal) USE Danum River (Sabah, Malaysia) UF Rio Dão (Portugal) Danum River (Sabah, Malaysia) BT Rivers—Portugal UF Danum River (Sabah) [Former heading] Dao Tay Sa Sungai Danum (Sabah, Malaysia) USE Paracel Islands BT Rivers—Malaysia Dao Truong Sa USE Spratly Islands Danum Valley Conservation Area (Sabah) Dao Vallis (Mars) USE Danum Valley Conservation Area (Sabah, This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Malaysia) subdivision. Danum Valley Conservation Area (Sabah, Malaysia) BT Mars (Planet) UF Danum Valley Conservation Area (Sabah) Dao yin (May Subd Geog) [Former heading] BT Natural resources conservation [RA781.85 (Personal health)] areas—Malaysia UF Dao-in Natural resources management areas—Malaysia Daoyin Danuwar Rai language (May Subd Geog) [PK1834] UF Denwar language Dhanvar language Dhanwar language Donwar language BT India—Languages Indo-Aryan languages, Modern Nepal—Languages D-29
Dao yin (Continued) Daphnia pulex (May Subd Geog) UF Dadjo language (Dar Daju Daju) Tao yin [Former heading] [QL444.B83] Dadju language BT Daphnia Dajo language BT Taoist hygiene Dajou language (Dar Daju Daju) Daoism Daphniidae (May Subd Geog) Daju language (Dar Daju Daju) [QL444.B83 (Zoology)] Daju Mongo language USE Taoism BT Cladocera Daju Oum Hadjer language Daoist . . . NT Daphnia Tailless water fleas BT Chad—Languages USE subject headings beginning with the word Daju languages Taoist, e.g. Taoist ethics Daphnis (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) BT Mythology, Greek Dar-el-Kouti (Central African Republic) Daonella (May Subd Geog) USE Dar-al-Kuti (Central African Republic) [QE812.H] Daphnis (Greek mythology) in literature BT Halobiidae (Not Subd Geog) Da̲ r̲-i-Korangal (Afghanistan) USE Korangal River (Afghanistan) Daor (Chinese people) Daphnite USE Dagur (Chinese people) USE Chamosite DAR shell chair, Eames USE Eames plastic armchair Daoyin Dapi Mountain (China) USE Dao yin UF Dapi Shan (China) D̲ara̲ -i-Korangal (Afghanistan) Do-in Mount Dapi (China) USE Korangal River (Afghanistan) BT Mountains—China Dapdune Wharf (England) Darabuke BT Wharves—England Dapi Shan (China) USE Darabukka USE Dapi Mountain (China) Dapeng Bandao (China) Darabukka (May Subd Geog) USE Dapeng Peninsula (China) Dapicosique Indians [MT725.D37 (Instruction)] USE Toba Indians UF Darabuke Dapeng Peninsula (China) Darboukka UF Dapeng Bandao (China) Dapicosique language Darbuga BT Peninsulas—China USE Toba language (Indian) Darbuka Darbukka Dapeng Wan (China) Dapp family (Not Subd Geog) Derabucca USE Mirs Bay (China) Dapping (Fishing) (May Subd Geog) Derbouka Derbuga Dạ ph (May Subd Geog) [SH456.12] Derbukka [ML1038.D (History)] BT Fly fishing Dumbek UF Daf Dapple salamander BT Goblet drum Dạ ff USE Plethodon cinereus Musical instruments—Africa, North Duff Daps Musical instruments—Middle East BT Frame drums USE Sneakers Musical instruments—India Dapsang (Pakistan) Daraee (Nepalese people) USE K2 (Pakistan : Mountain) USE Darai (Nepalese people) Ḍaph and kaman̄ che music (May Subd Geog) Dapsone (May Subd Geog) UF Kaman̄ che and ḍaph music UF Diaminodiphenylsulfone Daragon, Amos (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Amos Daragon (Fictitious character) Dạ ph and piano music Diaphenylsulfone UF Piano and ḍaph music Diphenylsulfone Daragon family (Not Subd Geog) Disulone UF Déragon family Ḍaph music (May Subd Geog) Sulfonyldianiline RT Aragon family [M146] BT Folic acid—Antagonists Here are entered compositions not in a specific Leprostatic agents Darah-ye Kor̲angal (Afghanistan) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents USE Korangal River (Afghanistan) form or of a specific type for solo dạ ph, and Sulfones collections of compositions in several forms or types Daptomys Darah-ye Shōk (Afghanistan) for solo dạ ph. USE Neusticomys USE Shok River (Afghanistan) Daptomys venezuelae SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Neusticomys venezuelae Darai (Nepalese people) (May Subd Geog) include ḍaph and headings with medium of Daqing (Heilongjiang Sheng, China) [DS493.9.D38] performance that include ḍaph — In art UF Dahri (Nepalese people) Daraee (Nepalese people) Dāphā (Music) (May Subd Geog) UF Ta-chʻing shih (China) in art [Former Daree (Nepalese people) BT Buddhist music heading] Daroe (Nepalese people) Hindu music Darwai (Nepalese people) Daqing Mountains (China) BT Ethnology—Nepal Daphla (Indic people) USE Daqing Mountains (Inner Mongolia, China) USE Dafla (Indic people) Darai language (May Subd Geog) Daqing Mountains (Inner Mongolia, China) [PK1835] Daphla language UF Daqing Mountains (China) [Former heading] BT Indo-Aryan languages, Modern USE Dafla language Daqing Shan (Inner Mongolia, China : Mountains) Darambal language Daphne Ta-chʻing Mountains (China) [Former heading] USE Darumbal language USE Daphnes Ta-chʻing shan (Inner Mongolia, China : Mountains) Darand family Daphne Grimm (Fictitious character) Ta-tsing shan (China) USE Darron family USE Grimm, Daphne (Fictitious character) Tatsing Mountains (China) BT Mountains—China Darasa (African people) Daphne Martin (Fictitious character) USE Gedeo (African people) USE Martin, Daphne (Fictitious character) Daqing Shan (Inner Mongolia, China : Mountains) USE Daqing Mountains (Inner Mongolia, China) Darasa language Daphne Matthews (Fictitious character) USE Gedeo language USE Matthews, Daphne (Fictitious character) Dar (The Portuguese word) BT Portuguese language—Etymology Darassa (African people) Daphne mezereum USE Gedeo (African people) USE Mezereon Dār al-hạ rb UF Abode of war (Islam) Darawal language Daphne Street (Perth, W.A.) Ḥarb, Dār al- USE Dharawal language This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Home of infidels (Islam) Home of unbelievers (Islam) Darazis subdivision House of war (Islam) USE Druzes Infidels, Home of (Islam) BT Streets—Australia Unbelievers, Home of (Islam) Darbay family Daphneceae War, House of (Islam) USE Darby family BT Islam USE Thymelaeaceae Darbe family Daphnes (May Subd Geog) Dār al-Islām USE Darby family UF Abode of Islam [QK495.T48 (Botany)] God, House of (Islam) Darbey family [SB413.D25 (Ornamental plants)] House of God (Islam) USE Darby family UF Daphne [Former heading] House of submission (Islam) BT Thymelaeaceae Land of Islam Darbie family NT Mezereon Submission, House of (Islam) USE Darby family Daphnia (May Subd Geog) BT Islam [QL444.B83-Zoology] Darbison family (Not Subd Geog) BT Daphniidae Dar-al-Kuti (Central African Republic) D'Arbonne Lake, Bayou (La.) NT Daphnia ambigua UF Dar-el-Kouti (Central African Republic) USE Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (La.) Daphnia magna Dar Daju Daju (African people) D'Arbonne National Wildlife Refuge (La.) Daphnia melanica USE Daju (African people) Daphnia pulex BT National parks and reserves—Louisiana Daphnia ambigua (May Subd Geog) Dar Daju Daju language (May Subd Geog) Wildlife refuges—Louisiana [QL444.B83] [PL8126.D37-PL8126.D3795] BT Daphnia Darboukka Daphnia magna (May Subd Geog) USE Darabukka [QL444.B83] BT Daphnia Darboux transformations Daphnia melanica (May Subd Geog) UF Transformations, Darboux [QL444.B83 (Zoology)] BT Differential equations, Partial BT Daphnia Transformations (Mathematics) Darboven family (Not Subd Geog) D-30
Darbuga Dardanelli (Turkey) River Darent (England) USE Darabukka Dardanellia (Turkey) River Darenth (England) Elles̄ pontos (Turkey) BT Rivers—England Darbuka Hellespont (Turkey) Darent, River, Valley (England) USE Darabukka BT Straits—Turkey USE Darent Valley (England) Turkish Straits (Turkey) Darent Valley (England) Darbukka Dardanelli (Turkey) UF Darent, River, Valley (England) USE Darabukka USE Dardanelles Strait (Turkey) BT Valleys—England Dardanellia (Turkey) Darenth, River (England) Darby Buckingham (Fictitious character) USE Dardanelles Strait (Turkey) USE Darent, River (England) USE Buckingham, Darby (Fictitious character) Dardani (Illyrian people) (May Subd Geog) Darffner family UF Dardanians (Illyrian people) USE Dorfner family Darby Creek (Logan County-Pickaway County, Ohio) Dardanoi (Illyrian people) Darfield Earthquake, N.Z., 2010 USE Big Darby Creek (Ohio) Dardans (Illyrian people) USE Canterbury Earthquake, N.Z., 2010 BT Ethnology—Balkan Peninsula Darfur Conflict, Sudan, 2003- Darby family (Not Subd Geog) Illyrians USE Sudan—History—Darfur Conflict, 2003- UF Darbay family Dardanians (Illyrian people) Darfur Genocide, Sudan, 2003- Darbe family USE Dardani (Illyrian people) USE Genocide—Sudan—Darfur Darbey family Dardanoi (Illyrian people) Sudan—History—Darfur Conflict, 2003- Darbie family USE Dardani (Illyrian people) Darfur War, Sudan, 2003- Derbe family Dardans (Illyrian people) USE Sudan—History—Darfur Conflict, 2003- Derbey family USE Dardani (Illyrian people) Dargah̄ Shāh-i Mardan̄ ̲ (Delhi, India) Derby family Dardel family (Not Subd Geog) UF Shāh-i Mardān̲ Mausoleum (Delhi, India) Darden family (Not Subd Geog) BT Mausoleums—India Darby Mountains (Alaska) UF Dardon family Dargan family BT Mountains—Alaska Dearden family USE Dorgan family Durden family Darʹganga (Mongolian people) Darby Prairie National Wildlife Refuge (Ohio) Dardi (South Asian people) USE Dariganga (Mongolian people) USE Little Darby National Wildlife Refuge (Ohio) USE Dard (South Asian people) Darʹganga dialect Dardic (South Asian people) USE Dariganga dialect Darby River (Ohio) USE Dard (South Asian people) Dargari language USE Big Darby Creek (Ohio) Dardic languages (May Subd Geog) USE Tharrkari language [PK7001-PK7075] D'Argent Lafrance family (Not Subd Geog) Darby Talon, Operation, 1970 UF Dardu languages RT Lafrance family USE Operation Darby Talon, 1970 Kafir languages (Kafiristan) Darghi language Pisacha languages [Former heading] USE Dargwa language Darbys Creek (Ohio) BT Afghanistan—Languages Darghins (May Subd Geog) USE Big Darby Creek (Ohio) India—Languages UF Darghis Indo-Aryan languages, Modern Dargint︠s︡y Darbyshire family (Not Subd Geog) Pakistan—Languages BT Ethnology—Russia (Federation) Darbytown, Battle of, Va., 1864 NT Dameli language Darghis Gawar-bati language USE Darghins USE Deep Bottom, 1st Battle of, Va., 1864 (July 27- Indus Kohistani language Dargin language 29) Kalami language USE Dargwa language Kalash language Dargint︠s︡y D'Arcais family (Not Subd Geog) Kashmiri language USE Darghins UF Arcais family Khowar language Dargle (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa : Farm) RT Flores d'Arcais family Pashayi languages BT Farms—South Africa Phalura language Dargwa folk literature D'Arcangelo family (Not Subd Geog) Shina language USE Folk literature, Dargwa Darcheat Bayou (Ark. and La.) Torwali language Dargwa folk songs Wotapuri-Katarqalai language USE Folk songs, Dargwa USE Dorcheat, Bayou (Ark. and La.) Dardis family (Not Subd Geog) Dargwa imprints (May Subd Geog) D'Arco family (Not Subd Geog) Dardistan (Pakistan) Dargwa language (May Subd Geog) Darcy, Lord (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dardon family [PK9201.D3-PK9201.D395] USE Darden family UF Darghi language UF Lord Darcy (Fictitious character) Dards (South Asian people) Dargin language Darcy, Meg (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dard (South Asian people) BT Dagestanian languages Dardu languages Russia (Federation)—Languages UF Meg Darcy (Fictitious character) USE Dardic languages NT Kubachi dialect Darcy, Tess (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dare, Dan (Fictitious character) Megeb dialect USE Dan Dare (Fictitious character) — Dialects (May Subd Geog) UF Tess Darcy (Fictitious character) Dare, Madeline (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) — Names Darcy Cavanaugh (Fictitious character) UF Madeline Dare (Fictitious character) USE Names, Dargwa Dare, Susan (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dargwa literature (May Subd Geog) USE Cavanaugh, Darcy (Fictitious character) UF Susan Dare (Fictitious character) [PK9201.D35-PK9201.D39] Darcy Cole (Fictitious character) DARE (Information retrieval system) BT Russia (Federation)—Literatures BT Information storage and retrieval NT Dargwa poetry USE Cole, Darcy (Fictitious character) systems—Social sciences Folk literature, Dargwa Darcy family Dare Coast (N.C.) Dargwa names USE Outer Banks (N.C.) USE Names, Dargwa USE Dorsey family Dare family (Not Subd Geog) Dargwa poetry (May Subd Geog) Darcy Lott (Fictitious character) Dare Valley Country Park (Wales) BT Dargwa literature UF Cwm Dâr, Parc Gwledig (Wales) Darha (Indonesian people) USE Lott, Darcy (Fictitious character) Cwmdar, Parc Gwlad (Wales) USE Tause (Indonesian people) Darcy's law Parc Gwlad Cwmdar (Wales) Darhad (Mongolian people) Parc Gwledig Cwm Dâr (Wales) USE Darkhat (Mongolian people) BT Fluid dynamics BT Parks—Wales Dari (Tibeto-Burman people) Groundwater flow Dareau family USE Kadu (Asian people) Seepage USE Dariau family Dari fiction (May Subd Geog) Daredevils (May Subd Geog) BT Dari literature Dard (South Asian people) (May Subd Geog) [GV1839] NT Short stories, Dari UF Dardi (South Asian people) BT Adventure and adventurers Dari language (May Subd Geog) Dardic (South Asian people) Stunt performers [PK6871-PK6879] Dards (South Asian people) NT Women daredevils UF Kabuli language BT Ethnology—Afghanistan Daree (Nepalese people) Kabuli-Persian language [Former heading] Ethnology—India USE Darai (Nepalese people) BT Afghanistan—Languages Ethnology—Pakistan Dareing family (Not Subd Geog) Iranian languages Darek (Fictitious character : Koller) (Not Subd Geog) Dari language (Chad) Dardanelle Lake (Ark.) Darent, River (England) USE Day language (Chad) UF Dardanelle Reservoir (Ark.) UF Darenth, River (England) Dari language (India) Lake Dardanelle (Ark.) Dartford Creek (England) USE Deori language BT Lakes—Arkansas Reservoirs—Arkansas Dardanelle Reservoir (Ark.) USE Dardanelle Lake (Ark.) Dardanellen (Turkey) USE Dardanelles Strait (Turkey) Dardanelles, Battle of the, 1656 USE Dardanelles, Battle of the, Turkey, 1656 Dardanelles, Battle of the, Turkey, 1656 [DR534.5.D3] UF Dardanelles, Battle of the, 1656 [Former heading] BT Turkey—History—1453-1683 Venice (Italy)—History—Turkish Wars, 17th century—Campaigns Dardanelles Campaign, Turkey, 1915 USE World War, 1914- 1918—Campaigns—Turkey—Gallipoli Peninsula Dardanelles Strait (Turkey) UF Bahr Sefıd (Turkey) Boghazlar (Turkey) Ca̧ nakkale Bogă zı (Turkey) Chanaq Qalʼe Bŏghzai (Turkey) Dardanellen (Turkey) D-31
Dari literature (May Subd Geog) Dariganga dialect (May Subd Geog) Dark psyllium BT Afghanistan—Literatures UF Darʹganga dialect USE Plantago psyllium NT Dari fiction Darigȧ ngg-̇ a dialect Dari poetry Darigangga dialect Dark rooms Dari prose literature BT Mongolian language USE Photography—Studios and dark rooms Dari newspapers (May Subd Geog) Dariġangġ-a (Mongolian people) Dark Seed II (Game) UF Kabuli-Persian newspapers [Former heading] USE Dariganga (Mongolian people) [GV1469.35.D37] BT Newspapers UF Darkseed II (Game) Darigȧ ngg-̇ a dialect BT Video games Dari periodicals (May Subd Geog) USE Dariganga dialect BT Periodicals Dark shrimp Darigangga dialect USE Penaeus subtilis Dari poetry (May Subd Geog) USE Dariganga dialect BT Dari literature Dark-spotted frog Darigangha (Mongolian people) USE Pelophylax nigromaculatus Dari prose literature (May Subd Geog) USE Dariganga (Mongolian people) BT Dari literature Dark-spotted pond frog Darina Lisle (Fictitious character) USE Pelophylax nigromaculatus Dari short stories USE Lisle, Darina (Fictitious character) USE Short stories, Dari Dark Star (Drone aircraft) Daring Class (Destroyers : 1952-2007) USE DarkStar (Drone aircraft) Dari songs (Not Subd Geog) USE Songs, Dari BT Destroyers (Warships) Dark Star (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog) BT Horses Daria Daulat Bagh (Śrir̄ anġ apatṭ ̣aṇa, India) Daring Class (Destroyers : 2009- ) UF Daria Daulat Palace (Sŕ īranġ apatṭ ̣aṇa, India) USE Type 45 (Destroyers) Dark Thunder Canyon (N.M.) BT Palaces—India BT Canyons—New Mexico Dario Palace (Venice, Italy) Daria Daulat Palace (Śrīraṅgapaṭṭaṇa, India) USE Palazzo Dario (Venice, Italy) Dark tourism (May Subd Geog) USE Daria Daulat Bagh (Śrīranġ apaṭtạ nạ , India) [G156.5.D37] Darius III, King of Persia, -330 B.C. Here are entered works on tourism centered on Darian (Fictitious character : Lackey) (Not Subd Geog) — Art UF Darian Firkin k'Vala k'Valdemar (Fictitious sites of tragic events. character) Darius (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Darjee (South Asian people) UF Black tourism (Dark tourism) Darian Firkin k'Vala k'Valdemar (Fictitious character) Grief tourism USE Darian (Fictitious character : Lackey) USE Damai (South Asian people) Thanatourism Dark, Fear of the Dariau family (Not Subd Geog) BT Tourism UF Dareau family USE Fear of the dark Dark wave (Music) Dariaud family Dark adaptation (Vision) Darreau family USE Darkwave (Music) Darreaux family USE Night vision DarkBASIC (Computer program language) Darriaux family Dark Ages UF DarkBASIC Classic (Computer program Dariaud family USE Europe—History—392-814 language) USE Dariau family Middle Ages DarkBASIC Pro (Computer program language) DarkBASIC Professional (Computer program Daribi Dark Ages: Inquisitor (Game) language) USE Daribi (Papua New Guinean people) [GV1469.62.D365] DBPro (Computer program language) BT Fantasy games Daribi (Papua New Guinea people) BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Daribi (Papua New Guinean people) Dark Ages: Mage (Game) computers) [GV1469.62.D367] Daribi (Papua New Guinean people) (May Subd Geog) BT Fantasy games DarkBASIC Classic (Computer program language) UF Dadibi (Papua New Guinean people) USE DarkBASIC (Computer program language) Daribi [Former heading] Dark Ages: Vampire (Game) Daribi (Papua New Guinea people) [Former BT Fantasy games DarkBASIC Pro (Computer program language) heading] USE DarkBASIC (Computer program language) Migaru Page Daribi (Papua New Guinean Dark Ages: Werewolf (Game) people) [GV1469.62.D373] DarkBASIC Professional (Computer program language) Mikaru (Papua New Guinean people) BT Fantasy games USE DarkBASIC (Computer program language) BT Ethnology—Papua New Guinea Papuans Dark attractions Darkfin sculpin (May Subd Geog) USE Haunted houses (Amusements) [QL638.C8 (Zoology)] Daribi language (May Subd Geog) UF Malacocottus zonurus UF Dadibi language Dark Canyon Rancheriá Apache/Military Battle Site BT Malacocottus Elu language (N.M.) Karimui language BT New Mexico—Antiquities Darkhad (Mongolian people) Makarub language USE Darkhat (Mongolian people) Mikaru language Dark Continent, Busch Gardens (Tampa, Fla.) BT Papuan languages USE Busch Gardens (Tampa, Fla.) Darkhat (Mongolian people) (May Subd Geog) [DS798.422.D37] Darien, Isthmus of (Panama) Dark crime films UF Darhad (Mongolian people) USE Panama, Isthmus of (Panama) USE Film noir Darkhad (Mongolian people) Darxad (Mongolian people) Darien (Panama and Colombia) Dark Domain (Imaginary place) BT Ethnology—Mongolia Here are entered works on the region of Spanish USE Ravenloft (Imaginary place) Darkhat folk songs colonial territory comprising at its greatest extent the Dark energy (Astronomy) USE Folk songs, Darkhat easternmost part of the Isthmus of Panama and the BT Astrophysics eastern side of Urabá Gulf in the departments of Force and energy Darkhat language (May Subd Geog) Antioquia and Chocó of Colombia. Works on the UF Darxad language present Panamanian province of Darien are entered Dark-eyed junco (May Subd Geog) Tarqat language under the name heading Darien (Panama : Province). [QL696.P2438 (Zoology)] BT Mongolia—Languages UF Junco hyemalis Mongolian languages — History BT Juncos Darien, Peter (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Darkie charlie (Fish) Dark eyeglasses USE Kitefin shark UF Peter Darien (Fictitious character) USE Sunglasses Darien del Norte (Colombia) Darkling beetles Dark family (Not Subd Geog) USE Tenebrionidae USE Urabá, Gulf of (Colombia) Dark glasses (Sunglasses) Darien Gap Highway (Colombia and Panama) Darkman (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Sunglasses UF Peyton Westlake (Fictitious character) BT Pan American Highway System Dark-haired people Westlake, Peyton (Fictitious character) Roads—Colombia Roads—Panama USE Brunettes Darknall family (Not Subd Geog) Dark humor UF Durtnell family Darien Harbor (Panama) UF Puerto Darién (Panama) USE Black humor Darkness and light BT Harbors—Panama Dark Island (N.Y.) USE Light and darkness Darien Railroad Station (Darien, Conn.) UF Chrisler Island (N.Y.) Darkover (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) BT Railroad stations—Connecticut Crysler Island (N.Y.) BT Imaginary places Jorstadt Island (N.Y.) Dariena Indians Lawrence Island (N.Y.) Darkroom technique in cinematography USE Embera Indians Lone Star Island (N.Y.) USE Cinematography—Processing Darier disease BT Islands—New York (State) Darkroom technique in color cinematography USE Keratosis follicularis Dark Lake (Calif.) USE Color cinematography—Processing Darier's disease BT Lakes—California Darkroom technique in color photography USE Keratosis follicularis Dark matter (Astronomy) USE Color photography—Processing Dariganga (Mongolian people) (May Subd Geog) [QB791.3] Darkroom technique in medical radiography UF Darʹganga (Mongolian people) UF Nonluminous matter (Astronomy) USE Radiography, Medical—Processing Dariġangġ-a (Mongolian people) Darigangha (Mongolian people) Unobserved matter (Astronomy) Darkroom technique in photography BT Ethnology—Mongolia Unseen matter (Astronomy) USE Photography—Processing BT Interstellar matter Dark night of the soul Darkroom technique in radiography USE Mysticism USE Radiography—Processing Purgative way to perfection Dark northern spring wheat Darkrooms, Photographic USE Hard red spring wheat USE Photography—Studios and dark rooms D-32
Darkseed II (Game) Darmstädter Jugendstilbad (Darmstadt, Germany) Darreaux family USE Dark Seed II (Game) USE Jugendstilbad Darmstadt (Darmstadt, USE Dariau family Germany) DarkStar (Drone aircraft) (Not Subd Geog) Darreh-ye Korangal (Afghanistan) UF Dark Star (Drone aircraft) Darmstädter Stadtbad (Darmstadt, Germany) USE Korangal River (Afghanistan) RQ-3 DarkStar Unmanned Aerial Vehicle USE Jugendstilbad Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Tier III Minus DarkStar High Altitude Germany) Darreh-ye Show̄ k (Afghanistan) Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle USE Shok River (Afghanistan) BT Drone aircraft Darmstadtium (May Subd Geog) Reconnaissance aircraft UF Ununnilium Darren Shan (Fictitious character) BT Superheavy elements USE Shan, Darren (Fictitious character) Darkwave (Music) (May Subd Geog) UF Dark wave (Music) Darnal family Därrenfeldt family BT Gothic rock music USE Darnell family USE Dornfeld family Industrial music Darnall family D'Arrest comet Darkwood (Game) USE Darnell family [QB723.D37] BT Fantasy games This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Darnel Darla Jean Randall (Fictitious character) USE Ryegrasses subdivision. USE Randall, D. J. (Fictitious character) Darnel family UF 6P/d'Arrest (Comet) Darley Abbey Mills (Derby, England) USE Darnell family Arrest's comet [Former heading] USE Boar's Head Mills (Derby, England) Comet 6P/d'Arrest Darnell, John (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Comet d'Arrest Darley family (Not Subd Geog) UF John Darnell (Fictitious character) D'Arrest's comet UF Derley family Dorley family Darnell family (Not Subd Geog) BT Comets RT Dally family UF Darnal family D'Arrest's comet Darling family Darnall family Darnel family USE D'Arrest comet Darling, Fort (Va.) Darrian automobile (Not Subd Geog) USE Fort Darling (Va.) Darner family USE Dorn family BT Automobiles, Racing Darling, Annie Laurance (Fictitious character) Sports cars (Not Subd Geog) Darners UF Annie Darling (Fictitious character) USE Darning eggs Darriaux family Annie Laurance Darling (Fictitious character) USE Dariau family Laurance, Annie (Fictitious character) Darners (Insects) USE Aeshnidae Darro family Darling, Jessica (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Darrow family UF Jessica Darling (Fictitious character) Darnford family USE Danforth family Darro River (Spain) Darling, Max (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Rió Darro (Spain) UF Max Darling (Fictitious character) Darnforde family BT Rivers—Spain USE Danforth family Darling dialects Darroch family (Not Subd Geog) USE Darling River dialects Darning, Huckaback UF Daroch family USE Huckaback darning Durroch family Darling family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dallin family Darning eggs (May Subd Geog) Darron family (Not Subd Geog) Dalling family [NK4890.3 (Decorative arts)] UF Darand family Darlington family UF Darners Darrand family Dorling family Eggs, Darning Durling family BT Sewing—Equipment and supplies Darrough family RT Dally family USE Darrow family Darley family Daroch family Durland family USE Darroch family Darrow family (Not Subd Geog) UF Darough family Darling peas Daroe (Nepalese people) Darragh family USE Swainsona USE Darai (Nepalese people) Darrah family Darro family Darling Range (W.A.) Daroga Park (Wash.) Darrough family BT Mountains—Australia USE Daroga State Park (Wash.) Darryl Billups (Fictitious character) Darling River (Qld. and N.S.W.) Daroga State Park (Wash.) USE Billups, Darryl (Fictitious character) BT Rivers—Australia UF Daroga Park (Wash.) BT Parks—Washington (State) Darsey family Darling River Basin (Qld. and N.S.W.) USE Dorsey family USE Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.) Daroji Bear Sanctuary (India) USE Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary (India) Darsigny family (Not Subd Geog) Darling River dialects (May Subd Geog) Darss Peninsula (Germany) [PL7101.D33] Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary (India) UF Bagandji dialects UF Daroji Bear Sanctuary (India) BT Peninsulas—Germany Darling dialects BT Wildlife refuges—India Darst family BT Australia—Languages Pama-Nyungan languages Daroji Valley (India) USE Durst family BT Valleys—India Dārṣṭāntikas Darling River Valley (Qld. and N.S.W.) UF Darling Valley (Qld. and N.S.W.) Darough family USE Sautran̄ tikas BT Valleys—Australia USE Darrow family Dart, River (England) Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.) DARPA Internet UF River Dart (England) UF Darling River Basin (Qld. and N.S.W.) USE Internet BT Rivers—England BT Watersheds—Australia Dart (Computer program language) (Not Subd Geog) Darqāwā (May Subd Geog) [QA76.73.D23] Darling Valley (Qld. and N.S.W.) [BP189.7.D37-BP189.7.D372] BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Darling River Valley (Qld. and N.S.W.) UF Darqāwīyah BT Sufism computers) Darlington family Dart automobile (Daimler) USE Darling family Darqaw̄ iȳ ah USE Darqāwā USE Daimler SP250 automobile Darlington Provincial Park (Ont.) Dart automobile (Dodge) UF Parc national Darlington (Ont.) Darquesse (Fictitious character : Landy) BT Parks—Ontario USE Cain, Valkyrie (Fictitious character) USE Dodge Dart automobile Dart boards Darlingtonia Darr family USE Darlingtonia californica USE Derr family UF Boards, Dart BT Darts (Game) Darlingtonia californica (May Subd Geog) Darra Dart family (Not Subd Geog) [QK495.S24 (Botany)] USE Ayo (Game) Dart Herald (Transport planes) (Not Subd Geog) UF California pitcher plant [TL686.H] Chrysamphora Darrach Store Site (Smyrna, Del.) UF Handley Page Herald (Transport plane) Darlingtonia USE John Darrach Store Site (Smyrna, Del.) BT Pitcher plants Herald (Transport planes) Sarraceniaceae Darracott family (Not Subd Geog) BT Handley Page airplanes Darragh family D'Armand family Transport planes USE DeArmond family USE Darrow family Dart players Darrah family D'Armond family USE Darts players USE DeArmond family USE Darrow family Dart River (Ga.) Darrah-ʼi Bulaḡ hī (Iran) Darmstadt artists' colony USE Broad River (Franklin County-Elbert County, USE Darmstadt Kun̈ stler-Kolonie USE Bolāghī Valley (Iran) Ga.) Darrahe Šok (Afghanistan) Darmstadt Künstler-Kolonie Dart River (Otago, N.Z.) UF Darmstadt artists' colony USE Shok River (Afghanistan) USE Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu (N.Z.) Kun̈ stlerkolonie Mathildenhöhe Darran Valley (Wales) BT Artist colonies—Germany Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu (N.Z.) UF Cwm Darran (Wales) UF Awa Whakatipu, Te (N.Z) BT Valleys—Wales Dart River (Otago, N.Z.) [Former heading] Darrand family Te Awa Whakatipu (N.Z.) USE Darron family BT Rivers—New Zealand Darras family (Not Subd Geog) Darreau family Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu Valley (N.Z.) USE Dariau family UF Dart River Valley (Otago, N.Z.) [Former D-33
Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu Valley (N.Z.) (Continued) Darwin (N.T.) Daryl R. Pierson Memorial Post Office Building (East heading] — History Rochester, N.Y.) Dart Valley (Otago, N.Z. : Valley) — — Bombardment, 1942 USE Officer Daryl R. Pierson Memorial Post Office BT Bombing, Aerial—Australia Building (East Rochester, N.Y.) BT Valleys—New Zealand World War, 1939- Dart River Valley (Otago, N.Z.) 1945—Campaigns—Australia Darʺyoi Amu USE Amu Darya USE Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu Valley (N.Z.) Darwin D. Martin House (Buffalo, N.Y.) Dart Valley (Otago, N.Z. : Valley) UF Darwin Martin House (Buffalo, N.Y.) Darzens reaction Martin House (Buffalo, N.Y.) BT Chemical reactions USE Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu Valley (N.Z.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) Darter, American Darzo (South Asian people) Darwin family (Not Subd Geog) USE Damai (South Asian people) USE Anhinga anhinga Darwin Glacier (Antarctica) Darter family DAS (Cognition test) BT Glaciers—Antarctica USE Differential Ability Scales USE Tarter family Darwin Information Typing Architecture Darters (Fishes) (May Subd Geog) DAs (District attorneys) UF DITA (Standard) USE Public prosecutors [QL638.P4 (Zoology)] BT Software architecture—Standards BT Percidae Darwin Island (Galapagos Islands) DAS (Psychological test) NT Etheostoma UF Culpepper Island (Galapagos Islands) USE Draw-A-Story Percina Isla Culpepper (Galapagos Islands) Das (South Asian people) Sand darters Isla Darwin (Galapagos Islands) USE Chamar̄ (South Asian people) Dartford Creek (England) BT Islands—Ecuador USE Darent, River (England) Galapagos Islands Das Almas, Pico (Brazil) Darth Maul (Fictitious character) Darwin Martin House (Buffalo, N.Y.) USE Almas, Pico das (Brazil) USE Maul, Darth (Fictitious character) USE Darwin D. Martin House (Buffalo, N.Y.) Dartmoor (England) Darwin Mountains (Antarctica) Das Island (United Arab Emirates) UF Dartmoor Forest (England) BT Mountains—Antarctica UF Jazir̄ at Dās (United Arab Emirates) BT Moors (Wetlands)—England Darwinia (May Subd Geog) BT Islands—United Arab Emirates Mountains—England [QK495.M9 (Botany)] Dartmoor Forest (England) BT Myrtaceae Das-Naglieri CAS (Intelligence test) USE Dartmoor (England) Darwinian fitness USE Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System Dartmoor National Park (England) USE Biological fitness BT National parks and reserves—England Darwinism Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (Computer system) USE Evolution (Biology) (May Subd Geog) UF DTSS (Computer system) Natural selection [BF432.5.D37] BT Time-sharing computer systems Darwinism, Social UF CAS (Intelligence test) Dartois family (Not Subd Geog) USE Social Darwinism Cognitive Assessment System Darts (Clothing) Darwinneon (May Subd Geog) Das-Naglieri CAS (Intelligence test) BT Clothing and dress [QL458.42.S24] BT Children—Intelligence testing Sewing BT Jumping spiders Darts (Game) (May Subd Geog) NT Darwinneon crypticus Dasa (African people) [GV1564-GV1565] Darwinneon crypticus (May Subd Geog) USE Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) BT Games [QL458.42.S24] NT Dart boards BT Darwinneon Dasa language Darts players (May Subd Geog) Darwin's barberry (May Subd Geog) USE Dazaga language UF Dart players [QK495.B45 (Botany)] Players, Darts UF Berberis darwinii Dasaga language Daru family (Not Subd Geog) Darwin's berberis USE Dazaga language Darug (Australian people) BT Barberries USE Dharug (Australian people) Darwin's berberis Dasah family Daruk (Australian people) USE Darwin's barberry USE Dassa family USE Dharug (Australian people) Darwin's finches Darul Islam Movement USE Ground finches Dasahara BT Indonesia—Politics and government—20th Darwin's rhea USE Dasara century USE Lesser rhea Islam and politics—Indonesia Darwinsky Reserve (Russia) Dasanetch (African people) Islam and state—Indonesia USE Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (Russia) USE Dasenech (African people) Daruma dolls Darxad (Mongolian people) USE Bodhidharma dolls USE Darkhat (Mongolian people) Dasanetch language Darumbal language (May Subd Geog) Darxad language USE Dasenech language UF Darambal language USE Darkhat language Dharumbal language Daryā-ye Kab̄ ul (Afghanistan and Pakistan) Dasara (May Subd Geog) Tarumbal language USE Kabul River (Afghanistan and Pakistan) UF Dasahara Tarumbul language Darya-̄ ye Konar (Pakistan and Afghanistan) Dasehra BT Australia—Languages USE Kunar River (Pakistan and Afghanistan) Dassora Waka-Kabic languages Darya-̄ yi Khazar Dussehra Darumple family USE Caspian Sea Dussera USE Dalrymple family Darya-̄ yi Māzandarān BT Fasts and feasts—Hinduism D'Arusmont family (Not Subd Geog) USE Caspian Sea Darveau family (Not Subd Geog) Daryā-yi ʻUman̄ Daśaratha Darvin Reserve (Russia) USE Oman, Gulf of Dasavatar USE Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (Russia) Daryac̄ hah-i Paris̄ han̄ (Iran) Darvinskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ zapovednik (Russia) USE Parishan Lake (Iran) USE Yakṣagan̄ a USE Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (Russia) Daryācheh-i Fam̄ ūr (Iran) Daśav̄ atar̄ a Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (R.S.F.S.R.) USE Parishan Lake (Iran) USE Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (Russia) Daryacheh-i-Rizaiyeh (Iran) USE Yaksạ gāna Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (Russia) USE Urmia, Lake (Iran) Dascher family UF Darvin Reserve (Russia) Daryācheh-i-Shāhī (Iran) Darvinskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ zapovednik USE Urmia, Lake (Iran) USE Dasher family (Russia) Daryacheh-i-Urumiyeh (Iran) Dascyllus (May Subd Geog) Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former USE Urmia, Lake (Iran) heading] Daryac̄ heh-ye Fam̄ ūr (Iran) [QL638.P77 (Zoology)] Darvinsky Reserve (Russia) USE Parishan Lake (Iran) BT Pomacentridae Darwinsky Reserve (Russia) Daryācheh-ye Orum̄ iȳ eh (Iran) NT Hawaiian dascyllus BT National parks and reserves—Russia USE Urmia, Lake (Iran) Dascyllus albisella (Federation) Daryācheh-ye Parīshān (Iran) USE Hawaiian dascyllus Natural areas—Russia (Federation) USE Parishan Lake (Iran) Dascyllus edmondsoni Darvinsky Reserve (Russia) Daryācheh-ye Rezaʼ̄ īyeh (Iran) USE Hawaiian dascyllus USE Darvinskiĭ zapovednik (Russia) USE Urmia, Lake (Iran) Dase language Darwai (Nepalese people) Daryācheh-ye Shah̄ ī (Iran) USE Tucano language USE Darai (Nepalese people) USE Urmia, Lake (Iran) Dasehra Darwell family Daryāye Morghab̄ (Afghanistan and Turkmenistan) USE Dasara USE Dorrell family USE Murgab River (Afghanistan and Turkmenistan) Dasen Darwen salmon USE Serratiopeptidase USE Spiny dogfish Dasenech (African people) (May Subd Geog) [DT380.4.D3 (Ethiopia)] UF Dama (Ethiopian and Kenyan people) Dasanetch (African people) [Former heading] Daseneck (African people) Dassanetch (African people) Dathanaic (African people) Geleba (African people) Marille (African people) Marle (African people) Merile (African people) BT Ethnology—Ethiopia Ethnology—Kenya Dasenech language (May Subd Geog) [PJ2523] UF Daasanach language Dama language (Ethiopia and Kenya) Dasanetch language D-34
Dassanetch language Dasi Site (China) Dasyatidae (May Subd Geog) Dathanaic language UF Ta-ssu Site (China) [Former heading] [QL638.85.D3 (Zoology)] Dathanaik language BT China—Antiquities UF Trygonidae Dathanik language BT Rajiformes Dhaasanac language Dasia (May Subd Geog) Stingrays Gallab language [QL666.L28] Galuba language BT Skinks Dasybasis (May Subd Geog) Gelab language [QL537.T25] Geleb language Dasinger family (Not Subd Geog) BT Horseflies Geleba language UF Dasengar family Gelebinya language Dassinger family Dasychiridae Gellaba language USE Lymantriidae Gelubba language Dasiola Marille language USE Vulpia Dasycladaceae (May Subd Geog) Marle language [QK569.D33] Merile language Dasiphora fruticosa BT Dasycladales Merille language USE Bush cinquefoil NT Acetabularia Reshiat language Russia language (Ethiopia and Kenya) Dasmann family (Not Subd Geog) Dasycladaceae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) BT Cushitic languages Daśnāmis̄ (May Subd Geog) [QE955] Ethiopia—Languages BT Dasycladales, Fossil Kenya—Languages [BL1275.2-BL1275.292] NT Archaeobatophora Daseneck (African people) BT Hindu sects Connexia USE Dasenech (African people) Dasos tes̄ Dadias (Greece) Korkyrella Dasengar family UF Dadia Reserve (Greece) USE Dasinger family Dasycladales (May Subd Geog) Dash (Detergent : Trademark) (Not Subd Geog) Dadias, Dasos tēs (Greece) [QK569.D34] BT Detergents BT Forest reserves—Greece BT Green algae Dash (Fictitious character) Dasras (Hindu deities) NT Dasycladaceae USE Dash (Fictitious character : Benjamin) USE Asv́ ins (Hindu deities) Dash (Fictitious character : Benjamin) (Not Subd Geog) Dass (The German word) Dasycladales, Fossil (May Subd Geog) UF Dash (Fictitious character) [Former heading] BT German language—Etymology [QE955] Dashiell (Fictitious character : Benjamin) Dassa (African people) BT Algae, Fossil Dash (Punctuation) USE Idaca (African people) NT Dasycladaceae, Fossil BT Punctuation Dassa family (Not Subd Geog) Dash-8 (Transport plane) (Not Subd Geog) UF Dasah family Dasylirion (May Subd Geog) UF Bombardier Dash-8 (Transport plane) Dassanetch (African people) [QK495.L72 (Botany)] Bombardier Q Series (Transport plane) USE Dasenech (African people) UF Sotol De Havilland Canada Dash-8 (Transport plane) Dassanetch language BT Liliaceae De Havilland Canada DHC-8 (Transport plane) USE Dasenech language DHC-8 (Transport plane) Dassault airplanes (Not Subd Geog) Dasyneura (May Subd Geog) Q Series (Transport plane) BT Airplanes [QL537.C33] BT Bombardier aircraft NT Dassault Falcon (Jet transport) BT Gall midges De Havilland aircraft NT Dasyneura leguminicola Dash 8-C (Diesel locomotive) Mirage 5 (Jet attack plane) Dasyneura tetensi USE Dash-8 Series (Diesel locomotives) Mirage 2000 (Jet fighter plane) Dash-8 Series (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Mirage III (Jet fighter plane) Dasyneura leguminicola (May Subd Geog) UF Dash 8-C (Diesel locomotive) [Former Mirage IV (Jet bomber) [QL537.C33] heading] Rafale (Jet fighter plane) UF Clover-flower midge GE Dash 8-C (Diesel locomotive) Super Etendard (Jet fighter plane) Clover seed midge GE Dash-8 Series (Diesel locomotives) Dassault Breguet airplanes (Not Subd Geog) BT Dasyneura BT Diesel locomotives NT Alpha Jet (Training plane) Dash Point State Park (Wash.) Atlantic (Reconnaissance aircraft) Dasyneura tetensi (May Subd Geog) BT Parks—Washington (State) Mirage (Fighter planes) [QL537.C33] Dash Reeves Site (Ill.) Dassault-Breguet/Dornier Alpha Jet (Training plane) UF Black currant leaf midge BT Illinois—Antiquities USE Alpha Jet (Training plane) BT Dasyneura Dasha (African people) Dassault Falcon (Jet transport) (Not Subd Geog) USE Idaca (African people) UF Dassault Mystère Falcon (Jet transport) Dasypodidae Dasha Vasilʹeva (Fictitious character) Falcon (Jet transport) USE Armadillos USE Vasilʹeva, Dasha (Fictitious character) BT Dassault airplanes Dashavathara Ata Jet transports Dasyprocta USE Yakṣagāna Dassault Mirage (Fighter planes) USE Agoutis Dashboards (Management information systems) USE Mirage (Fighter planes) (May Subd Geog) Dassault Mirage 5 (Jet attack plane) Dasyprocta punctata [HD30.213] USE Mirage 5 (Jet attack plane) USE Central American agouti UF Business dashboards Dassault Mirage 50 (Jet attack plane) Corporate dashboards USE Mirage 5 (Jet attack plane) Dasyproctidae (May Subd Geog) Digital dashboards (Management information Dassault Mirage III (Jet fighter plane) [QL737.R644] systems) USE Mirage III (Jet fighter plane) BT Rodents Enterprise dashboards Dassault Myster̀ e Falcon (Jet transport) NT Agoutis BT Management information systems USE Dassault Falcon (Jet transport) Dasheen Dassenko family (Not Subd Geog) Dasyproctinae USE Taro Dassier family (Not Subd Geog) USE Agoutis Dasher automobile (Not Subd Geog) Dassies BT Volkswagen automobiles USE Hyraxes Dasypterus Dasher family (Not Subd Geog) Dassinger family USE Hairy-tailed bats UF Dascher family USE Dasinger family Dashiell (Fictitious character : Benjamin) Dassler family (Not Subd Geog) Dasypus (May Subd Geog) USE Dash (Fictitious character : Benjamin) Dassora [QL737.E23] Dasht-e Kavīr (Iran) USE Dasara UF Long-nosed armadillos USE Great Salt Desert (Iran) Dassy family (Not Subd Geog) BT Armadillos Dasht-e Lut (Iran) Dastgah̄ (May Subd Geog) NT Nine-banded armadillo USE Lut Desert (Iran) Here are entered works on the modes of Persian Dasht-e Moghan̄ (Iran) classical music. Musical compositions are entered Dasypus novemcinctus USE Mughān Steppe (Iran) under Dastgah̄ s. USE Nine-banded armadillo Dasht-i-Kavir̄ (Iran) USE Great Salt Desert (Iran) BT Melody Dasystephana Dasht-i Lut (Iran) Music theory—Iran USE Gentiana USE Lut Desert (Iran) Musical intervals and scales Dasht-i Mughān (Iran) Dasytidae USE Mughān Steppe (Iran) Dastgāh-hā USE Soft-winged flower beetles USE Dastgāhs Dasyuridae (May Subd Geog) Dastgāhs (May Subd Geog) [QL737.M33 (Zoology)] Here are entered musical compositions. Works on UF Dasyurids BT Dasyuromorphia the modes of Persian classical music are entered NT Antechinus under Dastgāh. Dasyurus Sarcophilus UF Dastgah̄ -hā Sminthopsis BT Music—Iran Dasyaceae (May Subd Geog) Dasyurids [QK569.D3] USE Dasyuridae BT Ceramiales NT Dictyurus Dasyuriformes USE Dasyuromorphia Dasyuroidea USE Dasyuromorphia Dasyuromorphia (May Subd Geog) [QL737.M325-QL737.M336 (Zoology)] UF Dasyuriformes Dasyuroidea Dasyuromorphians BT Mammals Marsupials D-35
Dasyuromorphia (Continued) BT Data transmission systems—Equipment and Data flow, Transborder NT Dasyuridae supplies USE Transborder data flow Myrmecobiidae Remote sensing—Equipment and supplies Thylacinidae Data flow, Transboundary Data collection services USE Transborder data flow Dasyuromorphia, Fossil (May Subd Geog) USE Information services [QE882.M32] Statistical services Data flow, Transnational BT Mammals, Fossil USE Transborder data flow Marsupials, Fossil Data collection systems, Automatic USE Automatic data collection systems Data flow across national borders Dasyuromorphians USE Transborder data flow USE Dasyuromorphia Data communication systems USE Data transmission systems Data flow computing (May Subd Geog) Dasyurops maculatus UF Dataflow computing USE Spotted-tailed quoll Data compression (Computer science) BT Electronic data processing (May Subd Geog) Dasyurus (May Subd Geog) [QA76.9.D33] Data fusion [QL737.M33 (Zoology)] UF Compression of data (Computer science) USE Multisensor data fusion UF Australian native cats Compression of files (Computer science) Marsupial cats Compression of text (Computer science) Data fusion (Statistics) Native cats, Australian File compression (Computer science) USE Statistical matching Quolls Text compression (Computer science) Satanellus BT Coding theory Data governance BT Dasyuridae Database management USE Data protection NT Dasyurus geoffroii File organization (Computer science) Spotted-tailed quoll RT Data compression (Telecommunication) Data highway USE Information superhighway Dasyurus geoffroii (May Subd Geog) Data compression (Telecommunication) [QL737.M33 (Zoology)] UF Compression of data (Telecommunication) Data input design UF Chuditch RT Data compression (Computer science) USE Input design, Computer Native cat, Western BT Data transmission systems Quoll, Western NT Coding theory Data integration (Computer science) (May Subd Geog) Western native cat Image compression [QA76.9.D338] Western quoll Pulse-code modulation BT Database management BT Dasyurus Television bandwidth compression Vocoder Data integrity (May Subd Geog) Dasyurus gracilis UF Data screening USE Spotted-tailed quoll Data curation BT Electronic data processing UF Data curation services Dasyurus macrourus Data libraries—Collection management Data libraries (May Subd Geog) USE Spotted-tailed quoll Data services (Data curation) UF Data archives Digital curation Data centers Dasyurus maculatus Services, Data curation Libraries, Data USE Spotted-tailed quoll BT Curatorship BT Databases Electronic data processing RT Information storage and retrieval systems Dasyurus ursinus USE Spotted-tailed quoll Data curation in libraries (May Subd Geog) — Collection management BT Public services (Libraries) USE Data curation DAT (Aptitude tests) USE Differential Aptitude Tests Data curation services Data loggers (May Subd Geog) USE Data curation [TK7895.D28] DAT (Dental Admission Test) UF Dataloggers USE Dental Admission Test Data dictionaries (May Subd Geog) Electronic data loggers UF Dictionaries, Data Loggers, Data DAT (Immunohematology) BT Database management Logging equipment, Data USE Direct Coombs' test NT Data Traffic Management System (Computer Logging systems equipment, Data system) BT Automatic data collection systems—Equipment DAT recorders and recording Electronic data interchange—Data dictionaries and supplies USE Digital audiotape recorders and recording Stock price indexes—Data dictionaries Recording instruments NT Automotive event data recorders Data, Circular Data disk drives (May Subd Geog) Flight recorders USE Circular data [TK7887.8.D37] UF Disk drives, Data Data logging (May Subd Geog) Data, Geospatial BT Computer input-output equipment [QA76.9.D3385] USE Geospatial data Magnetic memory (Computers) UF Event logging (Electronic data processing) Logging (Electronic data processing) Data, Linked Data disk drives industry (May Subd Geog) BT Electronic data processing USE Linked data [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] BT Computer industry Data marts (May Subd Geog) Data, Missing (Statistics) [QA76.9.D341] USE Missing observations (Statistics) Data display systems UF Marts, Data USE Information display systems BT Data warehousing Data, Random (Statistics) USE Random data (Statistics) Data downloading Data matching (Statistics) USE Downloading of data USE Statistical matching Data, Spherical USE Spherical data Data editing Data merging (Statistics) UF Editing, Data USE Statistical matching DATA 620/i (Computer) BT Electronic data processing USE Varian Data 620/i (Computer) Quality control Data mining (May Subd Geog) Statistics [QA76.9.D343] Data about data NT Debugging in computer science UF Algorithmic knowledge discovery USE Metadata Outliers (Statistics) Factual data analysis KDD (Information retrieval) Data analysis, Failure time Data encoding (Computer science) Knowledge discovery in data USE Failure time data analysis USE Data encryption (Computer science) Knowledge discovery in databases Mining, Data Data analysis (Quantitative research) Data encryption (Computer science) (May Subd Geog) BT Database searching USE Quantitative research UF Data encoding (Computer science) NT Association rule mining Encryption of data (Computer science) Attribute focusing (Data mining) Data archives BT Computer security Classification rule mining USE Data libraries RT Cryptography Contrast data mining SA subdivision Code words under topical Multimedia data mining Data banks subdivisions, e.g. Computers--Access OLAP technology USE Databases control--Code words Sequential pattern mining NT Check digit schemes Web usage mining Data base design Digital signatures USE Database design Digital watermarking Data mining in law enforcement (May Subd Geog) BT Law enforcement Data base industry — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Database industry Data entry design Data networks, Computer USE Computer networks Data base management USE Input design, Computer USE Database management Data entry in electronic data processing Data preparation in electronic data processing USE Electronic data processing—Data preparation Data base marketing USE Electronic data processing—Data entry USE Database marketing Data envelopment analysis (May Subd Geog) Data processing USE subdivision Data processing under subjects for Data base searching [HA31.38 (Statistics)] comprehensive works on the recording and USE Database searching UF DEA (Data envelopment analysis) handling of information about a subject by BT Linear programming means of mechanical or electronic Data base security equipment, e.g. English language--Data USE Database security Multivariate analysis processing; Universities and colleges--Data processing Data base selection USE Database selection Data bases USE Databases Data capturing in electronic data processing USE Electronic data processing—Data entry Data centers USE Data libraries Data collection platforms (May Subd Geog) UF DCPs (Data collection platforms) D-36
USE Electronic data processing Structures, Data (Computer science) — Simulation methods Punched card systems Structures, Information (Computer science) NT Queuing networks (Data transmission) BT Electronic data processing Data processing centers File organization (Computer science) — Standards (May Subd Geog) USE Data processing service centers RT Abstract data types (Computer science) NT Open Document Architecture (Computer NT Cookies (Computer science) network standard) Data processing service centers (May Subd Geog) Frames (Information theory) UF Computer centers Input design, Computer — Testing Computer service centers Machine-readable bibliographic data formats — — Equipment and supplies Data processing centers Ontologies (Information retrieval) Data types (Computer science) (May Subd Geog) Electronic data processing service centers PLEXIS (Computer system) BT Computer service industry Data superhighway BT Programming languages (Electronic Electronic data processing departments USE Information superhighway computers) RT Computer leases Data systems technicians (United States Navy) NT Time-sharing computer systems USE United States. Navy—Data systems NT Abstract data types (Computer science) technicians Data uploading — Energy conservation (May Subd Geog) Data tape drives — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [TK7887.55] USE Uploading of data — Management UF Tape drives Data visualization Tape transport NT Electronic data processing—Backup BT Computer input-output equipment USE Information visualization processing alternatives Data tape drives industry (May Subd Geog) Data warehousing (May Subd Geog) [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] Data processing systems BT Computer industry [QA76.9.D37] USE Information storage and retrieval systems Data tapes UF Information warehousing UF Magnetic recordings (Data storage) Data processing technicians (United States Navy) Magnetic tape files Warehousing, Data USE United States. Navy—Data processing Magnetic tape recordkeeping BT Database management technicians Punched tapes Tape files Management information systems Data protection (May Subd Geog) Tape recordings (Data storage) RT Multidimensional databases Here are entered works on measures taken to RT Magnetic tapes NT Data marts — Catalogs prevent the accidental or deliberate loss of, damage Storage area networks (Computer networks) to, or unauthorized access to data within electronic SA subdivision Data tape catalogs under Databanks data processing systems. subjects USE Databases UF Data governance Data terminals (Computers) Database design (May Subd Geog) Data regulation USE Computer terminals Personal data protection [QA76.9.D26] Protection, Data DATA-TEXT (Computer program language) UF Data base design [Former heading] Data Traffic Management System (Computer system) BT System design BT Electronic data processing Database errors, Bibliographic NT Computer security UF DTMS (Computer system) USE Cataloging errors BT Data dictionaries Database industry (May Subd Geog) Electronic data processing—Backup Data transmission equipment industry [HD9696.D36-HD9696.D364] processing alternatives (May Subd Geog) UF Data base industry [Former heading] Electronic data processing [HD9696.D38-HD9696.D384] departments—Security measures BT Computer industry Database producers Microcomputers—Access control Data transmission system testing equipment industry Database publishers — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Database vendors [HD9696.D38-HD9696.D384] BT Information services industry UF Habeas data BT Testing equipment industry Database interrogation RT Privacy, Right of Data transmission systems (May Subd Geog) USE Querying (Computer science) — — Conflict of laws UF Data communication systems Database management (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Data protection [QA76.9.D3] Data reconstruction (Computer science) Transmission of data UF Data base management [Former heading] USE Data recovery (Computer science) BT Digital communications Data services (Database management) Data recorders, Flight Database management services USE Flight recorders Electronic data processing DBMS (Computer science) Data recovery (Computer science) (May Subd Geog) Electronic systems Generalized data management systems [HF5548.37 (Business)] Information theory Services, Database management [QA76.9.D348 (Computer science)] Telecommunication systems Systems, Database management UF Data reconstruction (Computer science) NT Automatic data collection systems Systems, Generalized database management Reconstruction, Data (Computer science) Automatic picture transmission BT Electronic data processing Recovery, Data (Computer science) Bit error rate NT Burroughs ISAM (Computer system) BT Electronic data processing Broadcast data systems Data compression (Computer science) NT Rollback recovery (Computer science) Computer networks Data dictionaries Data reduction Data compression (Telecommunication) Data integration (Computer science) UF Reduction of data Downloading of data Data warehousing BT Automatic data collection systems Electronic data interchange DataFlex (Computer system) Statistics Electronic mail systems DAVID (Information retrieval system) — Computer programs Facsimile transmission DBS/R (Computer system) Data regulation Flow control (Data transmission systems) File organization (Computer science) USE Data protection Instant messaging GPLAN (Electronic computer system) Data Resources, Inc. U.S. Central Data Bank Integrated services digital networks IDMS (Computer system) (Information retrieval system) Library information networks IDMS/R (Computer system) USE DRI U.S. Central Data Bank (Information Microcomputers—Buses IMAGE/3000 (Computer system) retrieval system) Modems IMS (DL/I) (Computer system) Data retrieval Museum information networks IMS/VS (Computer system) USE Information retrieval National Geographic Society Kids Network Input design, Computer Data Retrieval Language (Computer program language) (Computer network) KOMPAS (Computer system) USE DRL (Computer program language) Packet switching (Data transmission) MARNES (Computer system) Data rollback (Computer science) Packet transport networks Materialized views (Computer science) USE Rollback recovery (Computer science) Radio—Packet transmission Metadatabases—Management Data screening Streaming technology (Telecommunications) MICROBOOK (Computer system) USE Data integrity Synchronous data transmission systems MIND (Computer system) Data services (Data curation) Telecommunication—Switching systems Omnidata (Computer system) USE Data curation Telemeter Reporting (Computer science) Data services (Database management) Teletype RISS (Computer system) USE Database management Uploading of data SEDAN (Computer system) Data sets, Large Video telephone System 2000 (Computer system) USE Big data Videotex systems Text processing (Computer science) Data smoothing filters — Equipment and supplies View Creation System (Computer system) USE Digital filters (Mathematics) Database management in libraries (May Subd Geog) Data storage NT Data collection platforms BT Public services (Libraries) USE Information retrieval ROLMphone 244PC Database management services Data storage and retrieval systems USE Database management USE Information storage and retrieval systems — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Database marketing (May Subd Geog) Data storage devices, Holographic (Computer science) [HF5415.126] USE Holographic storage devices (Computer Here are entered works on a form of direct science) marketing whereby a constantly updated database is Data structures (Computer science) (May Subd Geog) used to develop customer relations and marketing UF Information structures (Computer science) strategies. D-37
Database marketing (Continued) Dat̄ āra family (Information retrieval system) UF Data base marketing [Former heading] USE Datar family USE DAVID (Information retrieval system) BT Direct marketing Datenbankbetriebssystem Robotron (Computer system) Dataran-tinggi Dieng (Indonesia) USE DBS/R (Computer system) Database producers USE Dieng Plateau (Indonesia) Dates, Blind USE Database industry USE Blind dates Dataran-tinggi Dijeng (Indonesia) Dates, Books of Database publishers USE Dieng Plateau (Indonesia) USE Calendars USE Database industry Dates (Chronology) Dataran-tinggi Diyeng (Indonesia) USE Chronology, Historical Database quality, Bibliographic USE Dieng Plateau (Indonesia) Dates (Fruit) (May Subd Geog) USE Machine-readable bibliographic data—Quality DataTimes (Information retrieval system) [SB364 (Culture)] Database search strategies (May Subd Geog) [TX558.D35 (Food)] USE Database searching BT Information storage and retrieval UF Date [Former heading] systems—Business BT Date palm products Database searching (May Subd Geog) [ZA4460] Datche, Bayou (Ark. and La.) Fruit UF Data base searching [Former heading] USE Dorcheat, Bayou (Ark. and La.) — Tariff Database search strategies Search strategies in databases Datchett Street (London, England) USE Tariff on dates Searching databases USE Dorset Street (London, England) — Use in cooking BT Electronic information resource searching NT Data mining Date USE Cooking (Dates) Querying (Computer science) USE Dates (Fruit) Dates (Social engagements) Database security (May Subd Geog) Date, Chinese USE Dating (Social customs) [QA76.9.D314] USE Jujube (Plant) Dathanaic (African people) UF Data base security [Former heading] Databases—Security measures Date, Desert USE Dasenech (African people) BT Computer security USE Balanites aegyptiacus Dathanaic language NT Blockchains (Databases) Date abuse USE Dasenech language Database selection (May Subd Geog) USE Dating violence Dathanaik language UF Choice of databases Data base selection [Former heading] Date-beating USE Dasenech language Selection of databases USE Dating violence Dathanik language BT Selection of nonbook materials Date conversion problem (Computer systems) USE Dasenech language Database systems USE Year 2000 date conversion (Computer Dather family (Not Subd Geog) USE Databases systems) Dati family (Not Subd Geog) Datil Well BLM Recreation Site (N.M.) Database systems, Federated Date Creek, Camp (Ariz. USE Federated database systems USE Camp Date Creek (Ariz.) USE Datil Well Campground (N.M.) Datil Well Campground (N.M.) Database vendors Date Creek Mountains (Ariz.) USE Database industry BT Mountains—Arizona UF Datil Well BLM Recreation Site (N.M.) Datil Well Recreation Area Campground (N.M.) Databases (May Subd Geog) Date family (Not Subd Geog) [QA76.9.D32 (Computer science)] Date Line, International BT Camp sites, facilities, etc.—New Mexico [ZA4450-ZA4460 (Information resources)] Datil Well Recreation Area Campground (N.M.) UF Data banks USE International Date Line Data bases [Former heading] Date marking of food USE Datil Well Campground (N.M.) Databanks Dating, Argon-argon Database systems USE Food—Shelf-life dating BT Computer files Date of authorship of the Bible USE Argon-argon dating Electronic information resources Dating, Bi-racial SA subdivision Databases under subjects for USE Bible—Authorship—Date of authorship actual databases and works on databases in Date of birth USE Interracial dating those subjects Dating, Biracial NT Acquisition of databases USE subdivision Birth under names of individual Cataloging of databases persons USE Interracial dating Constraint databases Dating, Cosmological Data libraries Date-of-birth effect (Academic achievement) Deductive databases USE Birth date effect (Academic achievement) USE Cosmochronology Distributed databases Dating, Electron spin resonance DNA data banks Date of conception Machine-readable bibliographic data USE Conception—Date of USE Electron spin resonance dating Metadatabases Dating, Hydration rind Multidimensional databases Date of delivery (Obstetrics) Non-relational databases USE Delivery date (Obstetrics) USE Hydration rind dating Object-oriented databases Dating, Interethnic Online databases Date palm (May Subd Geog) Portable databases [QK495.P17 (Botany)] USE Interethnic dating Probabilistic databases [SB364 (Culture)] Dating, Interfaith Relational databases UF Phoenix dactylifera Temporal databases BT Phoenix palms USE Interfaith dating Web databases Dating, Interracial Date palm fiber (May Subd Geog) — Copyright BT Date palm products USE Interracial dating USE Copyright—Databases Plant fibers Dating, Luminescence — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Date palm fiber industry (May Subd Geog) USE Luminescence dating — Security measures [TS1747.D3] Dating, Optically stimulated luminescence BT Plant fiber industry USE Database security USE Optically stimulated luminescence dating Datache, Bayou (Ark. and La.) Date palm products (May Subd Geog) Dating, Potassium-argon BT Palm products USE Dorcheat, Bayou (Ark. and La.) NT Date palm fiber USE Potassium-argon dating DataFlex (Computer system) Date sugar Dating, Radioactive Dates (Fruit) BT Database management USE Radioactive dating Dataflow computing Date rape (May Subd Geog) Dating, Radiocarbon BT Acquaintance rape USE Data flow computing Dating violence USE Radiocarbon dating Datalog (Computer program language) Dating, Radiometric Date rape drugs (May Subd Geog) BT Programming languages (Electronic Here are entered works on drugs that make people USE Radioactive dating computers) Dating, Rubidium-strontium more susceptible to sexual assault and/or that Dataloggers facilitate nonconsensual sexual intercourse. USE Rubidium-strontium dating USE Data loggers Dating, Samarium-neodymium BT Tranquilizing drugs DataPlan (Computer program language) RT Drugs and sex USE Samarium-neodymium dating BT Object-oriented programming languages Date rape victims (May Subd Geog) Dating, Thermoluminescence BT Acquaintance rape victims DATAPLOT (Computer program language) Date stone USE Thermoluminescence dating [QA76.73.D] USE Datolite Dating, Tritium BT Programming languages (Electronic Date stones (Building) (May Subd Geog) computers) BT Building stones USE Tritium dating Date sugar (May Subd Geog) Dating, Uranium-lead Datar family (Not Subd Geog) BT Date palm products UF Dātāra family USE Uranium-lead dating Sugar Dating, Uranium-thorium Datebooks USE Uranium-thorium dating USE Appointment books Dating (Social customs) (May Subd Geog) Daten family UF Dates (Social engagements) USE Dayton family BT Interpersonal relations Datenbank fur̈ Haushaltsdaten und Finanzplanung Manners and customs USE DAFIN (Computer system) NT Blind dates Datenbank- und Auskunftssystem mit virtueller Interethnic dating Speicherungstechnik und initiierter Datenverarbeitung Interfaith dating Interracial dating Marital dating Mate selection D-38
Online dating Tatoga (African people) Datura laevis Speed dating Taturu (Nilotic people) USE Datura stramonium — Religious aspects BT Ethnology—Tanzania — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Nilotic peoples Datura metel — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] NT Barabaig (African people) USE Datura inoxia Dating (Social customs) in literature (Not Subd Geog) Datooga language (May Subd Geog) Dating agencies UF Datog language Datura meteloides USE Dating services Datoga language USE Datura inoxia Dating game shows (Television programs) Tatog language Datura wrightii USE Dating shows (Television programs) Tatoga language Dating in archaeology Taturu language (Nilotic) Datura stramonium (May Subd Geog) USE Archaeological dating BT Nilotic languages [QK495.S7 (Botany)] Dating in marriage Tanzania—Languages UF Apple of Peru USE Marital dating Datsun automobile (Not Subd Geog) Datura bertolonii Dating of art BT Nissan automobile Datura inermis USE Art—Dating NT Bluebird automobile Datura laevis Dating of astrophysical ages Datsun truck Datura tatula [Former heading] USE Cosmochronology Fair Lady automobile Jamestown weed Dating of farmhouses Stanza automobile Jimpson weed USE Farmhouses—Dating Datsun Fair Lady automobile Jimpsonweed Dating of fossils USE Fair Lady automobile Jimson weed USE Geochronometry Datsun Stanza automobile Jimsonweed Dating of manuscripts USE Stanza automobile BT Datura USE Manuscript dating Datsun truck (Not Subd Geog) Dating of meteorites BT Datsun automobile Datura tatula USE Meteorites—Age Nissan trucks USE Datura stramonium Dating of milk Dattāreya (Hindu deity) USE Milk dating USE Dattat̄ reya (Hindu deity) Datura wrightii (May Subd Geog) Dating of porcelain Dattātreya (Hindu deity) (Not Subd Geog) [QK495.S7 (Botany)] USE Porcelain—Dating [BL1225.D3-BL1225.D34] UF Datura inoxia quinquescuspida Dating of pottery UF Dattar̄ eya (Hindu deity) [Former heading] Datura meteloides [Former heading] USE Pottery dating BT Hindu gods Sacred datura Dating of rocks Dattatreya (Sect) (May Subd Geog) Sacred thorn-apple USE Geochronometry [BL1275.5-BL1275.592] Sacred thornapple Dating of sound recordings BT Hindu sects Thorn-apple, Sacred USE Sound recordings—Dating Datton family Thornapple, Sacred Dating of stemware USE Dayton family BT Datura USE Stemware dating Dätuana Indians Dating of tephra USE Tanimuca-Retuama Indians Dau al set (Group of artists) USE Tephrochronology Dätuana language [N7108.5.D38] Dating reality shows (Television programs) USE Tanimuca-Retuama language UF Seven on the die (Group of artists) USE Dating shows (Television programs) Datun Huoshan (Taiwan) RT Art, Spanish Dating services (May Subd Geog) USE Datun Volcanoes (Taiwan) UF Agencies, Dating Datun Huoshanqun (Taiwan) Dauachil (Region) Dating agencies USE Datun Volcanoes (Taiwan) USE Danakil (Region) Matchmaking services Datun Shan (Taiwan) Services, Dating USE Datun Volcanoes (Taiwan) Dauan Island (Qld.) BT Service industries Datun Volcanoes (Taiwan) UF Bauan (Qld.) Dating shows (Television programs) (May Subd Geog) UF Daiton Mountain (Taiwan) Cornwallis Island (Qld.) UF Dating game shows (Television programs) Datun Huoshan (Taiwan) Danan Island (Qld.) Dating reality shows (Television programs) Datun Huoshanqun (Taiwan) Tauan Island (Qld.) Reality dating shows (Television programs) Datun Shan (Taiwan) BT Islands—Australia BT Reality television programs Ta-tʻun Shan (Taiwan) Torres Strait Islands (Qld.) Television game shows Ta-tʻun Volcanoes (Taiwan) [Former heading] Dating violence (May Subd Geog) Tatun Volcano Group (Taiwan) Dauʻan Wadi (Yemen) UF Date abuse Tatun Volcanoes (Taiwan) USE Dawʻan Wādī (Yemen) Date-beating BT Mountains—Taiwan BT Intimate partner violence Volcanoes—Taiwan Daub family (Not Subd Geog) NT Date rape Datura (May Subd Geog) UF Daube family Victims of dating violence [QK495.S7 (Botany)] Dauber family Dating violence victims BT Solanaceae Doup family USE Victims of dating violence NT Datura inoxia RT Doub family Datini Palace (Prato, Italy) Datura stramonium Tauber family USE Palazzo Datini (Prato, Italy) Datura wrightii Datio in solutum Datura bertolonii Daube family USE Accord and satisfaction (Roman law) USE Datura stramonium USE Daub family Dation in payment Datura fastuosa USE Accord and satisfaction USE Datura inoxia Daubed shanny (May Subd Geog) Datiscaceae (May Subd Geog) Datura guayaquilensis [QL638.S84 (Zoology)] [QK495.D33] USE Datura inoxia UF Blenny, Spotted snake BT Violales Datura inermis Clinus aculeatus Datog (African people) USE Datura stramonium Clinus maculatus USE Datooga (African people) Datura innoxia Ctenodon maculatus Datog language USE Datura inoxia Langbarn USE Datooga language Datura inoxia (May Subd Geog) Leptoclinus maculatus Datoga (African people) [QK495.S7 (Botany)] Lumpenus aculeatus USE Datooga (African people) [SB295.D3 (Culture)] Lumpenus maculatus Datoga language UF Angel's trumpet (Plant) Plectrobranchus diaphanocarus USE Datooga language Datura fastuosa Shanny, Daubed Datolite (May Subd Geog) Datura guayaquilensis Snake blenny, Spotted [QE391.D3] Datura innoxia [Former heading] Spotted snake blenny UF Date stone Datura metel Stichaeus maculatus Dystome spar Datura meteloides [Former heading] BT Leptoclinus Humboldtite Desert thornapple BT Silicate minerals Prickly datura Daubeney family (Not Subd Geog) Daton family Pricklyburr UF Daubeny family USE Dayton family Sacred datura Daubigni family Datooga (African people) (May Subd Geog) Thornapple, Desert Daubney family UF Datog (African people) BT Datura Dawbney family Datoga (African people) Datura inoxia quinquescuspida De Albini family Mangati (African people) [Former heading] USE Datura wrightii Tatog (African people) Daubeneys (Colerne, England) BT Dwellings—England Daubentonia (May Subd Geog) [QL737.P935 (Zoology)] UF Chiromys BT Daubentoniidae NT Aye-aye Daubentonia madagascariensis USE Aye-aye Daubentonia punicea USE Sesbania punicea Daubentoniidae (May Subd Geog) [QL737.P935 (Zoology)] UF Chiromyidae BT Lemurs D-39
Daubentoniidae (Continued) Daughters in literature (Not Subd Geog) Daurer family (Not Subd Geog) Primates SA subdivision Characters--Daughters under UF Taurer family names of individual literary authors, e.g. Thaurer family NT Daubentonia Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-- Daubeny family Characters--Daughters Daurian (Chinese people) USE Dagur (Chinese people) USE Daubeney family Daughters of the king Dauber family USE Filles du roi Daurian partridge (May Subd Geog) [QL626.G27] USE Daub family Daughters of Zelaphchad (Biblical figures) UF Perdix dauuricae Daubert family USE Daughters of Zelophehad (Biblical figures) BT Perdix USE Dipert family Daughters of Zelophehad (Biblical figures) Daurian Range (R.S.F.S.R.) D'Aubeterre family UF Daughters of Zelaphchad (Biblical figures) USE Daurian Range (Russia) Zelaphchad's daughters (Biblical figures) USE Aubeterre family Zelophehad's daughters (Biblical figures) Daurian Range (Russia) Daubigni family UF Daurian Range (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading] Daughtrey family Daurskiĭ khrebet (Russia) USE Daubeney family USE Dougherty family BT Mountains—Russia (Federation) Daubin family Daughtry family Daurskiĭ khrebet (Russia) USE Dobbin family USE Dougherty family USE Daurian Range (Russia) Daubings family D'Augustine Post Office Building (Waldwick, N.J.) Dauson family USE Dobbin family USE Staff Sergeant Joseph D'Augustine Post Office USE Dawson family Daublebsky von Sterneck family (Not Subd Geog) Building (Waldwick, N.J.) Daubney family Daut family (Not Subd Geog) Daugyvenė River (Lithuania) UF Daudel family USE Daubeney family UF Daugyvenės upė (Lithuania) Daudelin family Dauchie, Bayou (Ark. and La.) BT Rivers—Lithuania Dautel family USE Dorcheat, Bayou (Ark. and La.) Daugyvenės upė (Lithuania) Dautel family Dauchite Bayou (Ark. and La.) USE Daugyvenė River (Lithuania) USE Daut family USE Dorcheat, Bayou (Ark. and La.) Daul D'Auterive family (Not Subd Geog) Daucus (May Subd Geog) USE Tupan UF Auterive family Autriche family [QK495.U48 (Botany)] Daulatabad Site (India) Dautrich family BT Umbelliferae UF Devagiri Site (India) D'Autriche family NT Carrots BT India—Antiquities D'Autry family Daucus carota D'Hauterive family USE Carrots Daule Hauterive family Daudebardiidae USE Dholi RT Autry family USE Zonitidae Daudel family Daule River (Pichincha-Guayas, Ecuador) Dauthendey family (Not Subd Geog) USE Daut family UF Rió Daule (Pichincha-Guayas, Ecuador) Dautrich family Daudelin family BT Rivers—Ecuador USE Daut family USE D'Auterive family Daudet family (Not Subd Geog) Dauni (Italic people) D'Autriche family Daufuskie Island (S.C.) USE Daunii (Italic people) BT Islands—South Carolina USE D'Auterive family Daunii D'Autry family Sea Islands USE Daunii (Italic people) Daugaard-Jensen Land (Greenland) USE Autry family Daunii (Italic people) (May Subd Geog) D'Auterive family UF Jensen-Daugaard Land (Greenland) [DG225.D3] Daugava River UF Dauni (Italic people) Dauve family Daunii [Former heading] USE Dove family USE Western Dvina River BT Ethnology—Italy Daugavgriva Fortress (Rīga, Latvia) Italic peoples D'Auvergne family (Not Subd Geog) UF Auvergne family USE Daugavgriv̄ as cietoksnis (Riḡ a, Latvia) Daunomycin RT La Tour d'Auvergne family Daugavgriv̄ as cietoksnis (Riḡ a, Latvia) BT Anthracyclines Dauwe family (Not Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dauntless, Operation, 1944 d'Auxais du Mesnil-Vèneron family (Not Subd Geog) subdivision. USE Operation Martlet, 1944 DAV (Standard) UF Daugavgriva Fortress (Rīga, Latvia) Dauntless (Dive bomber) (Not Subd Geog) USE WebDAV (Standard) Dun̈ amünde, Festung (Rīga, Latvia) [UG1242.A28] Davach language Dynemunt (Rīga, Latvia) UF A-24 (Dive bomber) Festung Daugavgriv̄ a (Riḡ a, Latvia) Douglas Dauntless (Dive bomber) USE Hrê language Festung Dünamünde (Riḡ a, Latvia) Douglas SBD (Dive bomber) Davaineidae (May Subd Geog) Ustʹ-Dvinsk (Riḡ a, Latvia) Douglas A-24 (Dive bomber) SBD (Dive bomber) [QL391.P7] BT Fortification—Latvia BT Dive bombers BT Cyclophyllidea Dauge family Douglas airplanes NT Raillietina Davak language USE Dodge family Dauntless (Transport plane) USE Hrê language Daugh family USE Douglas DC-3 (Transport plane) Davalliaceae USE Dryopteridaceae USE Dawes family Dauntlessness Dav́ alos family (Not Subd Geog) Daugharty family USE Courage Davalt family USE Duvall family USE Dougherty family Dauphin County Courthouse (Harrisburg, Pa.) Davant family (Not Subd Geog) Daughdrill family BT Courthouses—Pennsylvania Davanzati family (Not Subd Geog) Davao Gulf (Philippines) USE Dodrill family Dauphin family BT Bays—Philippines Daugherty family USE Doffing family Davar (The Hebrew word) BT Hebrew language—Etymology USE Dougherty family Dauphin Lake (Man.) RT Dbr (The Hebrew root) Daugherty's Cave (Va.) UF Lake Dauphin (Man.) Dave (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Manitoba Dave Boyer Lake (Okla.) BT Caves—Virginia UF Boyer Lake (Okla.) Virginia—Antiquities Dauphin Plantation (Haiti) UF Plantation Dauphin (Haiti) Walters Lake (Okla.) Daughter of Jairus, Raising of the (Miracle) BT Plantations—Haiti BT Lakes—Oklahoma USE Raising of Jairus' daughter (Miracle) Dauphiné (France) Reservoirs—Oklahoma Daughters (May Subd Geog) — History Dave Brandstetter (Fictitious character) BT Families NT Varey, Battle of, Varey, France, 1325 Women USE Brandstetter, Dave (Fictitious character) NT DES-exposed daughters Dauphiné Alps (France) Dave Creegan (Fictitious character) Fathers and daughters UF Alpes Dauphinoî se (France) First-born daughters Alpes du Dauphiné (France) USE Creegan, Dave (Fictitious character) Mothers and daughters BT Mountains—France Dave Garrett (Fictitious character) Stepdaughters Alps, French (France) NT Belledonne Mountains (France) USE Garrett, Dave (Fictitious character) Daughters and fathers Chartreuse Mountains (France) Dave Gurney (Fictitious character) USE Fathers and daughters Vercors (France) USE Gurney, Dave (Fictitious character) Daughters and mothers Dauphine Plaza (Paris, France) Dave Riley (Fictitious character) USE Mothers and daughters USE Place Dauphine (Paris, France) USE Riley, Dave (Fictitious character) Daughters family Daur (Chinese people) Dave Robicheaux (Fictitious character) USE Tarter family USE Dagur (Chinese people) USE Robicheaux, Dave (Fictitious character) Daughters-in-law (May Subd Geog) Daur language Dave Smart (Fictitious character) BT Families USE Dagur language Women USE Smart, Dave (Fictitious character) NT Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law Daurada Coast (Spain) USE Costa Dorada (Spain) Daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law USE Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law D-40
Dave Strickland (Fictitious character) David, King of Israel David Hennen and Alice Morris House (New York, N.Y.) USE Strickland, Dave (Fictitious character) — Art USE 19 East 70th Street House (New York, N.Y.) — In rabbinical literature Davel family UF David, King of Israel, in rabbinical David Hunter (Fictitious character) USE Duell family literature [Former heading] USE Hunter, David (Fictitious character) BT Rabbinical literature Davelle family David Island USE Duell family David, King of Israel, in the Koran USE Easter Island USE David, King of Israel—In the Qurʼan D'Avelluy family David J. Wheeler Federal Building (Baker City, Or.) USE Daveluy family David, King of Israel UF Wheeler Federal Building (Baker City, Or.) — In the Qurʼan BT Public buildings—Oregon Davelouis family [BP133.7.D38] USE Daveluy family UF David, King of Israel, in the Koran [Former David John Donafee Post Office Building (Cleveland, heading] Ohio) D'Avelu family David, King of Israel—In the Koran UF Donafee Post Office Building (Cleveland, Ohio) USE Daveluy family [Former heading] BT Post office buildings—Ohio Dāwud̄ , King of Israel (Qurʼanic character) D'Aveluis family — Tomb David K. Fribley Post Office (Atwood, Ind.) USE Daveluy family USE Tomb of David (Jerusalem) USE Lance Corporal David K. Fribley Post Office (Atwood, Ind.) D'Avelus family David, Cenotaph of (Jerusalem) USE Daveluy family USE Tomb of David (Jerusalem) David L. Nord Post Office (Ferdinand, Ind.) USE Staff Sergeant David L. Nord Post Office Daveluy family (Not Subd Geog) David, Hurricane, 1979 (Ferdinand, Ind.) UF D'Avelluy family USE Hurricane David, 1979 Davelouis family David Latourette House (New York, N.Y.) D'Avelu family David, King of Israel, in rabbinical literature USE Latourette Park Golf Course Club House (New Davelu family USE David, King of Israel—In rabbinical literature York, N.Y.) D'Aveluis family D'Avelus family David, King of Israel, in the Koran David Lentz House (New Harmony, Ind.) Davelus family USE David, King of Israel—In the Qurʼan BT Dwellings—Indiana D'Aveluy family D'Aveluys family David, Tomb of (Jerusalem) David Mapstone (Fictitious character) Daveluys family USE Tomb of David (Jerusalem) USE Mapstone, David (Fictitious character) USE Daveluy family David (Fictitious character : Gravel) (Not Subd Geog) David McNerney Post Office Building (Crosby, Tex.) D'Aveluys family David (Horse) (Not Subd Geog) USE Army First Sergeant David McNerney Post Office Building (Crosby, Tex.) USE Daveluy family UF Bordeaux (Horse) Davenport, Lucas (Fictitious character) BT Horses David Meredith (Fictitious character) DAVID (Information retrieval system) USE Meredith, David (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Datenbank- und Auskunftssystem mit virtueller UF Lieutenant Davenport (Fictitious character) David Middleton-Brown (Fictitious character) Lieutenant Lucas Davenport (Fictitious Speicherungstechnik und initiierter USE Middleton-Brown, David (Fictitious character) character) Datenverarbeitung (Information retrieval Lucas Davenport (Fictitious character) system) David O. McKay Building (Provo, Utah) BT Database management UF McKay Building (Provo, Utah) Davenport family (Not Subd Geog) Information storage and retrieval systems BT College buildings—Utah UF Deavenport family David (Name) Debenport family BT Names, Personal David Scott House (Ridgefield, Conn.) Devanport family David Alvarez (Fictitious character) UF Scott House (Ridgefield, Conn.) Devanporte family USE Alvarez, David (Fictitious character) BT Dwellings—Connecticut Devenport family David and Gladys Wright House (Phoenix, Ariz.) Devensport family UF David Wright House (Phoenix, Ariz.) David Small (Fictitious character) Devinport family Wright House (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Small, David (Fictitious character) Devonport family BT Dwellings—Arizona RT Bromley-Davenport family David B. Champagne Post Office Building (R.I.) David Stark (Fictitious character) UF Champagne Post Office Building (R.I.) USE Stark, David (Fictitious character) Davenport Municipal Stadium (Davenport, Iowa) BT Post office buildings—Rhode Island USE John O'Donnell Stadium (Davenport, Iowa) David B. Gamble House (Pasadena, Calif.) David Strickland (Fictitious character) UF Gamble House (Pasadena, Calif.) USE Strickland, Dave (Fictitious character) Davenport porcelain BT Dwellings—California UF Porcelain, Davenport David-Bastien family (Not Subd Geog) David Thompson Highway (Alta.) BT Porcelain, English RT Bastian family BT Express highways—Alberta David family Davenport pottery David Bernstein (Fictitious character) David Valentine (Fictitious character) [NK4340.D3] USE Bernstein, Ali Baba (Fictitious character) USE Valentine, David (Fictitious character) UF Pottery, Davenport David Bliss (Fictitious character) BT Pottery, English USE Bliss, David (Fictitious character) David W. Dyer Federal Building and United States David Brock (Fictitious character) Courthouse (Miami, Fla.) Davenport Range (N.T.) USE Brock, David (Fictitious character) UF David W. Dyer Federal Courthouse (Miami, BT Mountains—Australia David Bruce Schumacher (Fictitious character) Fla.) USE Blue Avenger (Fictitious character) Dyer Federal Building and United States Davenport-Schinzel sequences David Bybee Post Office Building (Moline, Ill.) Courthouse (Miami, Fla.) BT Sequences (Mathematics) UF Bybee Post Office Building (Moline, Ill.) BT Courthouses—Florida BT Post office buildings—Illinois Public buildings—Florida Davenports (Sofas) David Callan (Fictitious character) USE Sofas USE Callan, David (Fictitious character) David W. Dyer Federal Courthouse (Miami, Fla.) David Chan (Fictitious character) USE David W. Dyer Federal Building and United Davenports Island (N.Y.) USE Chan, David (Fictitious character) States Courthouse (Miami, Fla.) USE Davids Island (N.Y.) David de Morrissey (Fictitious character) USE De Morrissey, David (Fictitious character) David Webb (Fictitious character : Fraser) Daventry Country Park (England) David elm USE Webb, David (Fictitious character : Fraser) BT Parks—England USE Japanese elm David family (Not Subd Geog) David Wright House (Phoenix, Ariz.) Daverson family UF Davids family USE David and Gladys Wright House (Phoenix, USE Davison family RT David-Bastien family Ariz.) Davidson family Daves Airport Traffic Control Tower (Spokane, Wash.) David Fyfe (Fictitious character) David Youngblood (Fictitious character) USE Ray Daves Airport Traffic Control Tower USE Fyfe, David (Fictitious character) USE Youngblood, David (Fictitious character) (Spokane, Wash.) David Georgians USE Davidists Davida (African people) Daves family David Gérald (Fictitious character) USE Taita (African people) USE Davis family USE Gérald, David (Fictitious character) David H. Pryor Post Office Building (Camden, Ark.) Davide Segre (Fictitious character) Davewakeum (May Subd Geog) UF Pryor Post Office Building (Camden, Ark.) USE Segre, Davide (Fictitious character) [QL666.L28] BT Post office buildings—Arkansas BT Skinks David H. Sharrett II Post Office Building (Oakton, Va.) Davideni Site (Romania) NT Davewakeum miriamae USE Private First Class David H. Sharrett II Post BT Romania—Antiquities Office Building (Oakton, Va.) Davewakeum miriamae (May Subd Geog) Davidists (May Subd Geog) [QL666.L28] UF David Georgians BT Davewakeum BT Christian sects Davey, River (Wales) Davị dof family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dovey, River (Wales) RT Davidoff family Davey family (Not Subd Geog) Davidoff family (Not Subd Geog) UF Davi family UF Davidov family Davie family Davidow family Davy family Davydoff family Davydov family Davey Goldman (Fictitious character) Davydow family USE Goldman, Davey (Fictitious character) RT Davị dof family Davi family Davidov family USE Davey family USE Davidoff family Davia family (Not Subd Geog) Davidow family Davice family USE Davidoff family USE Davis family Davids and Rozanski Memorial Post Office (Dublin, Ohio) USE Lance Corporal Wesley G. Davids and Captain D-41
Davids and Rozanski Memorial Post Office (Dublin, Davis Bend (Miss.) Davisstraedet Ohio) (Continued) BT Dwellings—Mississippi USE Davis Strait Nicholas J. Rozanski Memorial Post Office Plantations—Mississippi (Dublin, Ohio) Davits Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant (Ohio) [VM801 (Boat lowering)] Davids family BT Nuclear power plants—Ohio [VM831] USE David family UF Anchor davits Davis Canyon (Otero County, Colo.) Boat davits Davids Island (N.Y.) USE Vogel Canyon (Colo.) Hatch davits UF Davenports Island (N.Y.) BT Cranes, derricks, etc. BT Islands—New York (State) Davis Creek (Bear Lake County, Idaho) Ships—Equipment and supplies USE Montpelier Creek (Idaho) David's shield Davol family USE Magen David Davis Creek (Polk County, Neb.) USE Duell family USE Prairie Creek (Polk County, Neb.) David's Tomb (Jerusalem) D'Avout family USE Tomb of David (Jerusalem) Davis Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) USE Avout family BT Dams—Arizona Davidson, Fort (Mo.) Dams—Nevada Davrian automobile (Not Subd Geog) USE Fort Davidson (Mo.) BT Automobiles, Racing Davis family (Not Subd Geog) Sports cars Davidson, Mount (Nev.) UF Daves family UF Mount Davidson (Nev.) Davice family D'Avrie family Mount Pleasant (Nev.) Davies family USE D'Affry family Pleasant Hill (Nev.) Davise family Sun Mountain (Nev.) Daviss family D'Avrye family Sun Peak (Nev.) RT Llewelyn Davies family USE D'Affry family Sunrise Peak (Nev.) BT Mountains—Nevada Davis family (Fictitious characters : Oke) Davul (Not Subd Geog) USE Dholi Davidson Canyon (Ariz.) BT Canyons—Arizona Davis Federal Building (Overland, Mo.) Davy (Fictitious character : Weninger) (Not Subd Geog) USE Sammy L. Davis Federal Building (Overland, UF Fenouil (Fictitious character : Weninger) Davidson family (Not Subd Geog) Mo.) Pauli (Fictitious character : Weninger) RT David family NT Davison family Davis Gulch Rockshelter (Utah) Davy Byrnes Short Story Award BT Caves—Utah BT Literary prizes—Ireland Davidson Inlet (Alaska) Utah—Antiquities BT Inlets—Alaska Davy Crockett, Operation, 1966 Davis Island Dam (Pa.) USE Operation Davy Crockett, 1966 Davidson-Probasco Fountain (Cincinnati, Ohio) BT Dams—Pennsylvania USE Tyler Davidson Fountain (Cincinnati, Ohio) Davy Crockett National Forest (Tex.) Davis Island Lock (Pa.) BT Forest reserves—Texas Davidson Seamount BT Locks (Hydraulic engineering)—Pennsylvania National parks and reserves—Texas BT Seamounts—North Pacific Ocean Davis Mountains (Tex.) Davy family Davie family BT Mountains—Texas USE Davey family USE Davey family Davis Mountains State Park (Tex.) Davy Watson (Fictitious character) Davies, Dangerous (Fictitious character) BT Parks—Texas USE Watson, Davy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Dangerous Davies (Fictitious character) Davis Peak (Nev. : Wheeler Peak) Davydoff family USE Wheeler Peak (Nev.) USE Davidoff family Davies family USE Davis family Davis pepper cress Davydov family USE Davis' peppergrass USE Davidoff family Davies House (New Haven, Conn.) USE John M. Davies House (New Haven, Conn.) Davis' peppergrass (May Subd Geog) Davydow family [QK495.C9 (Botany)] USE Davidoff family Davies Manor (Brunswick, Tenn.) UF Davis pepper cress USE Davies Plantation (Brunswick, Tenn.) Lepidium davisii Davy's naked-backed bat Lepidium montanum davisii USE Pteronotus davyi Davies Plantation (Brunswick, Tenn.) Pepper cress, Davis This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Peppergrass, Davis' Daw family BT Lepidium USE Dawes family subdivision. Davis Post Office (Gloucester, Va.) Daŵ language (May Subd Geog) UF Davies Manor (Brunswick, Tenn.) USE Congresswoman Jo Ann S. Davis Post Office [PM5924] BT Dwellings—Tennessee (Gloucester, Va.) UF Kamã language Kamã Macú language Plantations—Tennessee Davis Post Office (Lubbock, Tex.) BT Brazil—Languages Davies' wax flower USE Sergeant Chris Davis Post Office (Lubbock, Indians of South America—Brazil—Languages Tex.) USE Phebalium daviesii Daw Mill Colliery (England) Daviesia Davis Post Office Building (Brookfield, Mo.) BT Coal mines and mining—England USE Admiral Donald Davis Post Office Building USE Bitter peas (Brookfield, Mo.) Dawa (Islam) Dav́ ila family (Not Subd Geog) USE Daʻwah (Islam) Davis Post Office Building (New York, N.Y.) RT Avila family USE James E. Davis Post Office Building (New Daʻwā (Islamic law) DaVinci technology (Not Subd Geog) York, N.Y.) USE Actions and defenses (Islamic law) [QA76.76.D344] Davis Post Office Building (Saint Ignace, Mich.) Daʻwah (Islam) BT Signal processing—Equipment and supplies USE Bob Davis Post Office Building (Saint Ignace, [BP170.85] Davinroy family (Not Subd Geog) Mich.) UF Dakwah (Islam) Davinson family Dawa (Islam) USE Davison family Davis Sea (Antarctica) Evangelistic work (Islam) Davis, Cape (Me.) BT Seas—Antarctica Islam—Evangelistic work USE Elizabeth, Cape (Me. : Cape) Proselytizing—Islam Davis, Fort (N.C.) Davis Site (Ill.) BT Islam—Missions USE Fort Davis (N.C.) BT Illinois—Antiquities Davis, Fort (Tex. : Fort) Daʻwah (Islam) in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Fort Davis (Tex. : Fort) Davis Site (Tex.) Dawal̄ ī Mountains (Syria) Davis, Lake (Plumas County, Calif. : Lake) USE George C. Davis Archeological Site (Tex.) UF Lake Davis (Plumas County, Calif. : Lake) Keven Davis Site (Tex.) UF Doual̂ i (Syria) BT Lakes—California Jabal Dawālī (Syria) Davis State Park (Lewiston, N.Y.) Jébel Doueili (Syria) Reservoirs—California USE Joseph Davis State Park (Lewiston, N.Y.) Davis, Norbert BT Mountains—Syria Davis Straede Dawalt family — Characters USE Davis Strait — — Max Latin USE Dayvault family Davis, Larry (Fictitious character) Davis Strait Dawan (Indonesian people) USE Funnyman (Fictitious character) UF Davis Straede Davis, Maya (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Davisstraedet USE Timor (Indonesian people) BT Straits—North Atlantic Ocean Dawan language UF Maya Davis (Fictitious character) Davis and Horton Federal Building (Memphis, Tenn.) Davise family USE Timor language USE Davis family Dawʻan Wad̄ ī (Yemen) USE Clifford Davis and Ordell Horton Federal Building (Memphis, Tenn.) Davison family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dauʻan Wadi (Yemen) UF Daverson family Doʻan Wadi (Yemen) Davis Archeological Site (Tex.) Davinson family Duʻan Wādī (Yemen) USE George C. Davis Archeological Site (Tex.) Davisson family [Former heading] Wadi Dauʻan (Yemen) Deverson family Wad̄ ī Dawʻan (Yemen) Davis Avenue (Mobile, Ala.) Dividson family Wadi Doʻan (Yemen) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Davidson family Wādī Duʻan (Yemen) subdivision. Daviss family BT Wadis—Yemen (Republic) USE Davis family Dawana language UF Stone Street Road (Mobile, Ala.) BT Streets—Alabama Davisson family USE Dawawa language USE Davison family Dawas̄ ir (Saudi Arabia) USE Dawas̄ ir Wadi (Saudi Arabia) D-42
Dawāsir (Arab tribe) (May Subd Geog) Dawson Historical Complex National Historic Site — — Wages [DS219.D38] (Dawson, Yukon) USE Wages—Day care center employees BT Arabs This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Ethnology—Saudi Arabia subdivision. — Federal aid USE Federal aid to day care centers Dawāsir Wadi (Saudi Arabia) UF Lieu historique national du Canada du UF Ad Dawas̄ ir (Saudi Arabia) Complexe-Historique-de-Dawson (Dawson, — Finance Dawas̄ ir (Saudi Arabia) Yukon) NT Federal aid to day care centers Wadī ad Dawāsir (Saudi Arabia) Wadi Dawasir (Saudi Arabia) BT Historic sites—Yukon — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) National parks and reserves—Yukon — Information services Dawawa language (May Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Dawana language Dawson Island (Chile) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Melanesian languages UF Isla Dawson (Chile) — Management Papua New Guinea—Languages BT Islands—Chile USE Day care centers—Administration Dawbney family Dawsonite (May Subd Geog) — Taxation (May Subd Geog) USE Daubeney family BT Hydroxide minerals — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Day care centers and industry Dawe family Dawson's encephalitis USE Employer-supported day care USE Dawes family USE Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Day care centers for alcoholics (May Subd Geog) Dawes family (Not Subd Geog) Dawu (Taiwan people) BT Alcoholics UF Daugh family USE Yami (Taiwan people) Day care centers for children with mental disabilities Daw family Dawe family Daw̄ ūd, King of Israel (Qurʼanic character) (May Subd Geog) Daws family USE David, King of Israel—In the Qurʼan [HV891-HV901] Dawse family UF Day care centers for mentally handicapped Daxophone (May Subd Geog) children [Former heading] Dawes House (Evanston, Ill.) BT Percussion instruments BT Children with mental disabilities USE Charles Gates Dawes House (Evanston, Ill.) Daxophone music (May Subd Geog) Day care centers for mentally handicapped children Dawhạ h Harbor (Qatar) Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Day care centers for children with mental UF Ad Dawhạ h Harbor (Qatar) disabilities Ad Dawhạ h Harbour (Qatar) form or of a specific type for solo daxophone, and Al Bida (Qatar) compositions in several forms or types for solo Day care centers for older people Doha Bay (Qatar) daxophone. USE Adult day care centers Doha Harbor (Qatar) BT Harbors—Qatar BT Percussion music Day care centers for people with disabilities SA headings for forms and types of music that (May Subd Geog) Dawida (African people) [HV1568.7-HV1568.8] USE Taita (African people) include \"daxophone\" or \"daxophones\" and UF Day care centers for the handicapped [Former headings with medium of performance that heading] Dawkins family (Not Subd Geog) include \"daxophone\" or \"daxophones\" Day care centers for the physically Dawkins Post Office Building (Fayetteville, N.C.) Daxsea language handicapped [Former heading] USE Tucano language BT People with disabilities USE J.L. Dawkins Post Office Building (Fayetteville, Daxue Mountains (Yunnan Sheng, China) N.C.) UF Daxue Shan (Yunnan Sheng, China) Day care centers for people with mental disabilities BT Mountains—China (May Subd Geog) Dawlearn family Daxue Shan (Yunnan Sheng, China) UF Day care centers for the mentally handicapped USE Dowland family USE Daxue Mountains (Yunnan Sheng, China) [Former heading] Day BT People with mental disabilities Dawley family (Not Subd Geog) BT Chronology Dawlish Warren (England) Time Day care centers for the aged NT Midnight USE Adult day care centers BT Spits (Geomorphology)—England Morning Dawn, Operation New, 2010-2011 Night Day care centers for the developmentally disabled Noon (May Subd Geog) USE Iraq War, 2003-2011 Day, Carla (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [HV3004-HV3009] Dawn blind snakes UF Carla Day (Fictitious character) BT Developmentally disabled Day, Edward (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Anomalepididae UF Edward Day (Fictitious character) Day care centers for the handicapped Dawn Bosco (Fictitious character) Day, Jane (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Day care centers for people with disabilities UF Jane Day (Fictitious character) USE Bosco, Dawn (Fictitious character) Day (African people) (May Subd Geog) Day care centers for the mentally handicapped Dawn chorus (Radio meteorology) UF Dai (African people) USE Day care centers for people with mental Sara Dai (African people) disabilities [QC973.4.C4] BT Ethnology—Chad UF Chorus, Dawn (Radio meteorology) Day airglow Day care centers for the physically handicapped BT Atmospherics USE Airglow USE Day care centers for people with disabilities Day camps (May Subd Geog) Radio noise [GV197.D3 (Outdoor recreation)] Day care for dogs Dawn dolls (Not Subd Geog) BT Camps USE Dog day care Day care, Employer-supported [NK4894.3.D38] USE Employer-supported day care Day care in hospitals BT Character dolls Day care, Family USE Day hospitals — Clothing (May Subd Geog) USE Family day care Day care, School-age Day care surgery BT Doll clothes USE School-age child care USE Ambulatory surgery Dawn horse Day care aides (May Subd Geog) UF Childminders Day centers (Corrections) USE Hyracotherium BT Child care workers USE Day reporting centers (Corrections) Dawn in literature (Not Subd Geog) Day care centers—Employees Dawn Madison (Fictitious character) Day care centers (May Subd Geog) Day-cho-lah (Wis.) [HQ778.5-HQ778.7] USE Green Lake (Green Lake County, Wis. : Lake) USE Madison, Dawn (Fictitious character) UF Child care centers Dawn redwood (May Subd Geog) Children's day care centers Day dreams Crèches (Day nurseries) USE Fantasy [QK494.5.T3 (Botany)] Day nurseries [Former heading] [SD397.D37 (Forestry)] Daycare centers Day family (Not Subd Geog) UF Metasequoia disticha Foster day care [Former heading] UF Daye family BT Child care services Days family Metasequoia glyptostroboides Children—Institutional care Deay family Sequoia disticha RT Employer-supported day care Dey family BT Metasequoia Nursery schools Deye family Dawn songs (Poetry) NT Adult day care centers RT O'Dea family USE Albas Play groups Dawnamah Play schools Day-fine system USE Don̈ meh — Activity programs (May Subd Geog) USE Day fines Dawoer (Chinese people) USE Dagur (Chinese people) UF Activity programs for day care centers Day fines (May Subd Geog) Dawro (African people) (May Subd Geog) — Administration Here are entered works on fines that are assessed [DT380.4.D37] UF Kullo (African people) UF Day care centers—Management for less serious offenses and that are based on the Omete (African people) — Employees daily income of the offender. BT Ethnology—Ethiopia Daws family NT Day care aides UF Day-fine system USE Dawes family Day fines—Law and legislation Dawse family Structured fines USE Dawes family Variable fines Dawsey family USE Dorsey family BT Fines (Penalties) Dawson family (Not Subd Geog) — Law and legislation UF Dauson family Dorsen family USE Day fines Dorson family Day flowers USE Dayflowers Day Fossil Beds National Monument (Or.) USE John Day Fossil Beds National Monument (Or.) D-43
Day geckos Day reporting facilities (Corrections) Kendayan Dayak language USE Phelsuma USE Day reporting centers (Corrections) Kendayan language [Former heading] Land Dayak language Day hikers Day reporting programs (Corrections) BT Indonesia—Languages USE Hikers USE Day reporting centers (Corrections) Malayan languages Malaysia—Languages Day hiking (May Subd Geog) Day residues (Psychology) (May Subd Geog) NT Bau Bidayuh language UF Dayhiking UF Residues, Day (Psychology) Bidayuh Biatah language BT Hiking BT Psychology Bukar Sadong language Dayak Kantuk language Day hospitals (May Subd Geog) Day River (Wyo.) Dayak literature (May Subd Geog) [RA974] USE Greys River (Wyo.) UF Dyak literature [Former heading] UF Day care in hospitals BT Indonesia—Literatures Hospital day care Day surgery Malaysian literature Hospitals—Day care [Former heading] USE Ambulatory surgery NT Folk literature, Dayak BT Hospitals Dayak Ngaju language Day trading (Securities) (May Subd Geog) USE Ngaju language Day in literature (Not Subd Geog) [HG4515.95] Dayak songs Day Island (Wash.) Here are entered works on the electronic buying USE Songs, Dayak Dayak Taman language (Indonesia) UF Days Island (Wash.) and then selling of a stock within one trading day or a USE Taman language (Indonesia) BT Islands—Washington (State) brief period of time. Dayak textile fabrics Day laborers (May Subd Geog) USE Textile fabrics, Dayak [HD5854-HD5854.2] UF Daytrading (Securities) Dayak women UF Day workers BT Electronic trading of securities USE Women, Dayak BT Temporary employees Day treatment, Psychiatric Dayak wood sculpture Day language (Chad) (May Subd Geog) USE Psychiatric day treatment USE Wood sculpture, Dayak UF Dai language (Chad) Day United States Post Office Building (Alexandria, Va.) Dayan family (Not Subd Geog) USE Helen Day United States Post Office Building UF Dayyan family Dari language (Chad) Dayan-qan family (Not Subd Geog) Sara Dai language (Alexandria, Va.) UF Tai-yen family BT Chad—Languages Day workers Dayang Bunting (Kedah, Malaysia) Chadic languages USE Tuba Island (Kedah, Malaysia) Day language (Kadai) USE Day laborers Dayanidhi (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Li language Daya Bay (China) Daybills (May Subd Geog) Day lilies UF Australian daybills USE Daylilies UF Bias Bay (China) BT Advertising—Motion pictures Day-lily Daya Wan (China) Film posters, Australian USE Daylilies Ta-ya Bay (China) [Former heading] Daybreak Star Art and Cultural Center (Seattle, Wash.) Day-lily family (Plants) Ta-ya Wan (China) USE Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center (Seattle, USE Hemerocallidaceae Taya Bay (China) Wash.) Day Mine Lease (Nev.) Daybreak Star Center (Seattle, Wash.) USE Bristol Silver Mines (Nev.) BT Bays—China USE Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center (Seattle, Day Mountain (Idaho) Daya Wan (China) Wash.) USE John Day Mountain (Idaho) Daybreak Star Cultural Center (Seattle, Wash.) Day nurseries USE Daya Bay (China) USE Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center (Seattle, USE Day care centers Dayak (Indonesian people) (May Subd Geog) Wash.) Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday) Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center (Seattle, Wash.) USE Yom Kippur [DS597.367.D93 (Malaysia)] UF Daybreak Star Art and Cultural Center (Seattle, Day of Jehovah (Not Subd Geog) [DS646.32.D9 (Indonesia)] Wash.) [BS1199.D3] UF Bidayuh (Indonesian people) Daybreak Star Center (Seattle, Wash.) UF Day of the Lord Daybreak Star Cultural Center (Seattle, Wash.) Day of Yahveh Bideyu (Indonesian people) BT Multipurpose buildings—Washington (State) Jehovah, Day of Dyak (Indonesian people) Daybul (Extinct city) Lord, Day of the Dyaks [Former heading] USE Debal (Extinct city) Yahveh, Day of Kendayan Dayak (Indonesian people) Daycare centers BT Judgment Day—Biblical teaching Land Dayak (Indonesian people) USE Day care centers Kingdom of God—Biblical teaching Land Dyak (Indonesian people) Daye family Day of Judgment Landak (Indonesian people) USE Day family USE Judgment Day Tayan (Indonesian people) Daye Povohi (Togo) Day of Portugal, Camoẽ s, and the Portuguese BT Ethnology—Indonesia USE Daye River (Togo) Communities Ethnology—Malaysia Daye River (Togo) USE Portugal Day NT Benuaq (Indonesian people) UF Daye Povohi (Togo) Day of Remembrance (Canada) Iban (Bornean people) BT Rivers—Togo USE Remembrance Day (Canada) Kedayan (Bornean people) Daye River Watershed (Togo) Day of Repentance and Prayer Kelabit (Malaysian people) BT Watersheds—Togo USE Global Day of Prayer Lara (Indonesian people) Dayflower Day of the African Child (May Subd Geog) Maanyan (Bornean people) USE Dayflowers UF African Child, Day of the Maloh (Indonesian people) Dayflower in literature BT Special days Manyuke (Indonesian people) USE Dayflowers in literature Day of the Community of Madrid (Spanish holiday) Ngaju (Indonesian people) Dayflowers (May Subd Geog) USE Dos de Mayo (Spanish holiday) Pitap (Indonesian people) [QK495.C73 (Botany)] Day of the Dead Taman (Bornean people) UF Athyrocarpus USE All Souls' Day Tundjung (Indonesian people) Commelina Day of the Lord — Missions (May Subd Geog) Commelinopsis USE Day of Jehovah Day flowers Day of the Lord (Judgment Day) UF Missions to Dyaks [Former heading] Dayflower [Former heading] USE Judgment Day Dayak art Phaeosphaerion Day of the Wren BT Commelinaceae USE Saint Stephen's Day USE Art, Dayak NT Asiatic dayflower Day of Yahveh Dayak Bentian (Indonesian people) Dayflowers in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Day of Jehovah UF Dayflower in literature [Former heading] Day release (Great Britain) USE Bentian Dayak (Indonesian people) Dayhiking USE Education, Cooperative Dayak Deah dialect USE Day hiking Day report facilities (Corrections) Dayhoff family USE Day reporting centers (Corrections) USE Dusun Deyah dialect USE Dehoff family Day reporting centers (Corrections) (May Subd Geog) Dayak folk literature Dayhops (College students) Here are entered works on an intermediate USE Commuting college students correctional sanction that provides more supervision USE Folk literature, Dayak Dayhuff family than traditional probation but less than incarceration Dayak folk songs USE Dehoff family and may offer parolees intensive supervision and Daykin family (Not Subd Geog) treatment programs to help them reintegrate with the USE Folk songs, Dayak community. Dayak hymns UF Day centers (Corrections) USE Hymns, Dayak Day report facilities (Corrections) Dayak Kantuk language (May Subd Geog) Day reporting facilities (Corrections) Day reporting programs (Corrections) [PL5298.7] UF Kantuk, Dayak language BT Community-based corrections BT Dayak language Indonesia—Languages Malaysia—Languages Dayak Kenyah (Southeast Asian people) USE Kenyah (Southeast Asian people) Dayak Krio language (May Subd Geog) [PL5298.93] BT Indonesia—Languages Malayan languages Dayak language (May Subd Geog) [PL5301-PL5304] UF Bidayuh language Bideyu language Dajak language Dyak language [Former heading] D-44
Daylami language (May Subd Geog) Jabal ad Dayr (Sudan) Dayvault family (Not Subd Geog) [PK6996.D39] Jebel ed Dair (Sudan) UF Dawalt family UF Dailamite language BT Mountains—Sudan Daywalt family Daylamite language Dayr Site (West Bank) Daywatt family Deilami language [DS110.D374] Dewalt family Deylami language UF Deir Site (West Bank) RT Dewald family BT Extinct languages Ed-Deir Site (West Bank) Iran—Languages Khirbat ad Dayr (West Bank) Daywalt family Iranian languages Khirbet Ed Deir (West Bank) USE Dayvault family BT West Bank—Antiquities Daylamite language Dayrel family Daywatt family USE Daylami language USE Dorrell family USE Dayvault family Dayrell family Daylamites (May Subd Geog) USE Dorrell family Dayyan family BT Ethnology—Iran Days USE Dayan family NT Buwayhids [GR930 (Folklore)] Ziyarid dynasty UF Days of the week Daza (African people) BT Calendar USE Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) Dayley family Horology USE Daly family RT Anniversaries Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) (May Subd Geog) NT Birthdays [DT346.D38 (Sahara)] Daylight, Island of (Estonia) Fasts and feasts UF Dasa (African people) USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia) Festivals Daza (African people) [Former heading] Friday the thirteenth Dazaga (African people) Daylight Holidays Dazagada (African people) RT Daylighting Leap year Dazza (African people) BT Light sources Special days Dazzaga (African people) Lighting Sunday Gor'an (African people) Days family Kreda (African people) Daylight (Steam locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) USE Day family Tebu (Dazaga-speaking people) BT Steam locomotives Days in art (Not Subd Geog) Tibbu (Dazaga-speaking people) Days in literature (Not Subd Geog) Toubu (Dazaga-speaking people) Daylight in art (Not Subd Geog) Days Island (Wash.) Tubu (African people) Daylight saving (May Subd Geog) USE Day Island (Wash.) BT Ethnology—Chad Days of '47 Ethnology—Niger [HN49.D3] USE Pioneer Day (Mormon history) BT Hours of labor Days of Blood, Turin, Italy, 1864 Daza family (Not Subd Geog) USE Turin Massacre, Turin, Italy, 1864 Daza language Time—Systems and standards Days of Remembrance — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the USE Dazaga language Daylighting (May Subd Geog) Holocaust Daza language (Nilo-Saharan) Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust [NA2794 (Architecture)] (May Subd Geog) USE Dazaga language [TH7791-TH7799 (Engineering)] Here are entered works on the United States Daza women BT Lighting national civic commemoration of Holocaust victims. RT Daylight Works on the international day of commemoration of USE Women, Daza Daylilies (May Subd Geog) Holocaust victims are entered under Holocaust Dazaga (African people) [QK495.H38 (Botany)] Remembrance Day. [SB413.D3 (Ornamental plants)] USE Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) UF Day lilies [Former heading] UF Days of Remembrance Dazaga language (May Subd Geog) Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Day-lily Holocaust—United States [PL8127-PL8127.4] Daylily Days of Remembrance of Victims of the UF Dasa language Hemerocalis Holocaust Hemerocallis Dasaga language Lilies, Day BT Holocaust, Jewish (1939- Daza language [Former heading] BT Hemerocallidaceae 1945)—Anniversaries, etc. Daza language (Nilo-Saharan) NT Hemerocallis fulva Dazagada language — Use in cooking RT Holocaust Remembrance Day Dazza language USE Cooking (Daylilies) — United States Dazzaga language Daylily Tebu language (Dazaga) USE Daylilies USE Days of Remembrance of the Victims of Tibbu language (Dazaga) Daylily family (Plants) the Holocaust Toubou language (Dazaga) USE Hemerocallidaceae Tubu language (Dazaga) Dayly family Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust BT Chad—Languages USE Daly family USE Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Niger—Languages Dayman family Holocaust Nilo-Saharan languages USE Damon family Dazagada (African people) Daymarks (May Subd Geog) Days of the week USE Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) BT Aids to navigation USE Days Dazagada language Transportation markings USE Dazaga language Daynawar (Extinct city) Days River (Wyo.) D'Azeglio, Piazza (Florence, Italy) USE Din̄ avar (Extinct city) USE Greys River (Wyo.) USE Piazza D'Azeglio (Florence, Italy) Dayr al-Bahṛ ī Site (Egypt) D'Azeḿ ar family USE Deir el-Bahri Site (Egypt) Daytime youth curfews USE Azémar family Dayr al-Ballas Site (Egypt) USE Youth curfews Dazhuoshui Xi (Taiwan) USE Deir el-Ballas Site (Egypt) USE Heping River (Taiwan) Dayr al-Barshā Site (Egypt) Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park (Ohio) Dazu Caves (China) [DT73.D44] USE Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical UF Da zu shi ku (China) UF Deir el-Barshā Site (Egypt) Park (Ohio) Da-zu shih kʻu (China) BT Egypt—Antiquities BT Buddhist cave temples—China Dayr al-Jabrāwī Site (Egypt) Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park (Ohio) Caves—China USE Deir el-Gebrawi Site (Egypt) UF Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park Dazuizi Site (China) Dayr al-Madin̄ ah Site (Egypt) (Ohio) BT China—Antiquities USE Deir el-Medina Site (Egypt) BT Historic sites—Ohio Dazza (African people) Dayr al Qamar, Lebanon, Massacre of, 1860 National parks and reserves—Ohio USE Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) UF Deir el-Qamar, Massacre of, 1860 [Former Dazza language heading] Dayton-Covington Pike (Ohio) USE Dazaga language BT Maronites USE Ohio State Route 48 (Ohio) Dazzaga (African people) Dayr al-Shalwit Site (Egypt) USE Daza (Dazaga-speaking people) USE Deir el-Shelwit Site (Egypt) Dayton family (Not Subd Geog) Dazzaga language Dayr al-Shelwit Site (Egypt) UF Daten family USE Dazaga language USE Deir el-Shelwit Site (Egypt) Daton family D'Azzià family (Not Subd Geog) Dayr ʻAllā, Tall (Jordan) Datton family Dazzlem, Operation, 1966 UF Deir ʻAlla,̄ Tell (Jordan) USE Operation Dazzlem, 1966 Tall Dayr ʻAllā (Jordan) Dayton Street (Cincinnati, Ohio) DB-7 (Bomber) Tell Deir ʻAllā (Jordan) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE A-20 (Bomber) BT Jordan—Antiquities d'Bait Mar Shimun Dayr Mar̄ Sab̄ ā Site (West Bank) subdivision. USE D'Mar Shimun family USE Deir Mar Saba Site (West Bank) Dbal-gsas (Bon deity) (Not Subd Geog) Dayr Mountains (Sudan) BT Streets—Ohio [BQ7981.4.D322] UF Dair Mountains (Sudan) Dayton Wright aircraft (Not Subd Geog) UF Dbal-gsas (Bonpo deity) [Former heading] J. Ed Dair (Sudan) BT Bon gods BT Airplanes Daytona automobile USE Dodge Daytona automobile Daytrading (Securities) USE Day trading (Securities) D-45
Dbal-gsas (Bonpo deity) DCI Jim Ashworth (Fictitious character) Ti (The Chinese word) [Former heading] USE Dbal-gsas (Bon deity) USE Ashworth, Jim (Fictitious character) BT Chinese language—Etymology De (The French word) DBCAND (Information retrieval system) DCI John Anderson (Fictitious character) BT French language—Etymology UF DRI Canadian Primary Source Data Base USE Anderson, John (Fictitious character) De (The Spanish word) (Information Retrieval System) BT Spanish language—Etymology BT Information storage and retrieval DCI John Blizzard (Fictitious character) DE 52 (Del.) systems—Economic indicators—Canada USE Blizzard, John (Fictitious character) USE Delaware Route 52 (Del.) De-adhesion of focal adhesions DBCANM (Information retrieval system) DCI Lorimer (Fictitious character) USE Focal adhesions—Formation UF CANSIM Mini Base (Information retrieval USE Lorimer, William (Fictitious character) De Ahumada family system) USE Ahumada family BT Information storage and retrieval DCI Merlin Parry (Fictitious character) De Albey family systems—Economic indicators—Canada USE Parry, Merlin (Fictitious character) USE Dolby family De Albini family DBCP (Chemical) DCI Roper (Fictitious character) USE Daubeney family USE Dibromochloropropane USE Roper, Ian (Fictitious character) De Alsop family USE Alsop family DBL (Computer program language) DCI Vallance (Fictitious character) De Alsopp family [QA76.73.D] USE Vallance, Anthony (Fictitious character) USE Alsop family BT Programming languages (Electronic De Anda family computers) DCI William Lorimer (Fictitious character) USE Anda family USE Lorimer, William (Fictitious character) De Angelo family DBMS (Computer science) USE Angelo family USE Database management Dciriku (African people) De Angelus family USE Diriku (African people) USE Angelo family DBPro (Computer program language) De Araújo, Ribeiro family USE DarkBASIC (Computer program language) Dciriku language USE Ribeiro de Araújo family USE Diriku language De Armado, Don Adriano (Fictitious character) Dbr (The Hebrew root) USE Armado, Don Adriano de (Fictitious character) UF Dvr (The Hebrew root) DCL (Computer program language) De Avrie family BT Hebrew language—Roots [QA76.73.D] USE D'Affry family RT Davar (The Hebrew word) UF Digital Command Language (Computer De Avrye family program language) USE D'Affry family DBS/R (Computer system) BT Programming languages (Electronic De Baen family UF Datenbankbetriebssystem Robotron (Computer computers) USE DeBaun family system) De Baggerley family BT Computer systems DCL (Electronic computer system) USE Baggarly family Database management UF Demographic Computer Library De Bane family Robotron (Computer)—Programming USE DeBaun family DCM (Dining chair metal) De Barre family DBT (Psychotherapy) USE Eames dining chair metal USE De La Barre family USE Dialectical behavior therapy De Bassu family DCNA (Fungicide) USE Del Balzo family DC-1 (Transport plane) USE Dicloran De Bastiani family (Not Subd Geog) USE Douglas DC-1 (Transport plane) UF Bastiani family DCOM (Computer architecture) DC-2 (Transport plane) UF Distributed COM (Computer architecture) Debastiani family USE Douglas DC-2 (Transport plane) Distributed Component Object Model De Bats family (Computer architecture) DC-3 (Transport plane) BT Computer architecture USE Bats family USE Douglas DC-3 (Transport plane) Middleware De Baucio family Object-oriented methods (Computer science) DC-4 (Transport plane) USE Del Balzo family USE Douglas DC-4 (Transport plane) DCP (Dichlorophenol) De Baun family USE Dichlorophenol DC-7 (Transport plane) USE DeBaun family USE Douglas DC-7 (Transport plane) DCPs (Data collection platforms) De Baus family USE Data collection platforms DC-8 (Jet transport) USE Del Balzo family USE McDonnell Douglas DC-8 (Jet transport) DCTs (Discrete cosine transforms) De Baux family USE Discrete cosine transforms DC-9 (Jet transport) USE Baux family USE McDonnell Douglas DC-9 (Jet transport) DCU Center (Worcester, Mass.) Del Balzo family UF Centrum, The (Worcester, Mass.) DC-9 Super 80 (Jet transport) The Centrum (Worcester, Mass.) De Bazel (Amsterdam, Netherlands) USE McDonnell Douglas MD-80 (Jet transport) Worcester Centrum Centre (Worcester, Mass.) USE Bazel, De (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Worcester's Centrum Centre (Worcester, DC-10 (Jet transport) Mass.) [Former heading] De Beaufort family USE McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (Jet transport) BT Arenas—Massachusetts USE Burford family Convention facilities—Massachusetts DC hand dance De Beaune family USE D.C. hand dance DCV systems (Ventilation) USE DeBaun family USE Demand controlled ventilation systems DC hand dancing De Beckford family USE D.C. hand dance DCW (Dining chair wood) USE Bickford family USE Eames dining chair wood DC Laura McGanity (Fictitious character) De Beelen family (Not Subd Geog) USE McGanity, Laura (Fictitious character) DDAA (Award) De Beke family USE D.velop Digital Art Award DC-style swing (Dance) USE Beeks family USE D.C. hand dance DDAVP (Drug) De Bengy family USE Desmopressin DC swing (Dance) USE Bengy family USE D.C. hand dance DDLCN (Computer system) De Berchem family UF Distributed double-loop computer network DC-to-DC converters (Computer system) USE Berchem family UF Direct current to direct current converters BT Computer networks De Berkel River (Germany and Netherlands) BT Electric current converters Electronic data processing—Distributed NT On-chip charge pumps processing USE Berkel River (Germany and Netherlands) Fault-tolerant computing De Beseno family DC War Memorial (Washington, D.C.) USE District of Columbia War Memorial DDN (Computer network) (Not Subd Geog) USE Beseno family (Washington, D.C.) [TK5105.875.D37] De Biandrate family UF Defense Data Network (Computer network) DC World War Memorial (Washington, D.C.) MILNET (Computer network) USE Biandrate family USE District of Columbia War Memorial BT Wide area networks (Computer networks) De Biré family (Washington, D.C.) DDoS attacks USE Biré family DCD (Developmental coordination disorder) USE Denial of service attacks De Bisschop family USE Apraxia DDs (Psychology) USE Bisschop family Dchanbuled family USE Dissociative disorders De Blier family USE Djoumblatt family DDT (Insecticide) (May Subd Geog) USE Blier family DCI Ashworth (Fictitious character) [SB952.D2 (Pesticide)] De Blocq van Kuffeler family USE Ashworth, Jim (Fictitious character) [TD427.D34 (Water pollutant)] BT Ethanes USE Blocq van Kuffeler family DCI Blizzard (Fictitious character) Insecticides De Bock family (Not Subd Geog) USE Blizzard, John (Fictitious character) Organochlorine compounds UF De Boeck family DCI Brock (Fictitious character) — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) Deboeck family USE Brock, David (Fictitious character) NT Plants—Effect of DDT on De Boeck family DCI Ed Swift (Fictitious character) DDVP (Dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate) USE De Bock family USE Swift, Ed (Fictitious character) USE Dichlorvos DCI Frank Burnside (Fictitious character) De (African people) USE Burnside, Frank (Fictitious character) USE Dewoin (African people) DCI Hannah Scarlett (Fictitious character) De (The Chinese word) USE Scarlett, Hannah (Fictitious character) UF Di (The Chinese word) [Former heading] Te (The Chinese word) DCI Hennessey (Fictitious character) USE Hennessey, George (Fictitious character) DCI Jacobson (Fictitious character) USE Jacobson, Frank (Fictitious character) D-46
De Boer family De Camondo family BT Constitutional law USE DeBoer family USE Camondo family RT Recognition (International law) De facto doctrine (International law) De Boham family De Candolle family USE De facto doctrine USE De Bohan family USE Candolle family Military occupation De Bohan family (Not Subd Geog) De Capua family Recognition (International law) UF De Boham family USE Capua family De facto expropriation RT Bowen family USE Inverse condemnation De Carolis Palazzo (Rome, Italy) De facto government de Bohun family USE Palazzo de Carolis (Rome, Italy) USE De facto doctrine USE Bohun family Recognition (International law) De Carpentier family De facto holding companies (May Subd Geog) De Boigne family USE Carpenter family BT Holding companies USE Leborgne family De facto school segregation (May Subd Geog) De Carteret family (Not Subd Geog) [LC212.6-LC212.63] De Boisadam family (Not Subd Geog) De Castello family UF Token integration UF Du Boisadam family BT Discrimination in education USE Castello family School integration De Bold family De Cata (Micronesia) Segregation in education USE DeBolt family De Faudoas family (Not Subd Geog) USE Puluwat Atoll (Micronesia) de Fayet family De Bolt family De Cauna family USE Fayet family USE DeBolt family De Fégely family USE Cauna family USE Fegley family De Bonis family (Not Subd Geog) De Celer family De Fenne family UF DeBonis family USE Fenn family USE Sellers family De Fer family De Bonnaire family De Cendrecourt family USE Defer family USE Debonair family De Ferrari, Piazza (Genoa, Italy) USE Cendrecourt family USE Piazza De Ferrari (Genoa, Italy) De Bord family (Not Subd Geog) De Cepeda family De Feydeau family UF De Borde family USE Feydeau family Deboard family USE Cepeda family De Feypo family Debord family De Chamblin family USE Feypo family RT Board family De Figueroa family USE Chamblin family USE Figueroa family De Borde family De Chazal family (Not Subd Geog) De Filippi family USE De Bord family USE De Filippo family UF DeChazal family De Filippis family De Bordieu family De Checchi family USE De Filippo family USE DuBourdieu family De Filippo family (Not Subd Geog) USE Checchi family UF De Filippi family De Boton family De Chevening family De Filippis family USE Button family Di Filippo family USE Chewning family Filippi family De Bourdieu family De Chevry family Filippis family USE DuBourdieu family Filippo family USE Chevry family RT Flippo family De Brandery (Colombo, Sri Lanka) De Chute River (Wash.) De Flers family USE Araliyagaha Mandiraya (Colombo, Sri Lanka) USE Flers family USE Deschutes River (Wash.) De Fleur family De Brandis family (Not Subd Geog) De Clérambault syndrome USE Fleury family De Brazey, Catherine (Fictitious character) De Fleury family USE Erotomania USE Fleury family USE Legoix, Catherine (Fictitious character) De Clerc family De Floriana family De Brazza's monkey (May Subd Geog) USE Floriana family USE De Clerck family De Floriani family [QL737.P93] De Clerck family (Not Subd Geog) USE Floriana family UF Cercopithecus neglectus De Forest family (Not Subd Geog) BT Cercopithecus UF De Clerc family UF De Forrest family De Bresser family De Clerk family Defforrest family USE Bresser family DeClerck family Deforist family De Britannici family DeClerk family De Forrest family USE Britannico family DeKlerck family USE De Forest family De Bröe-Ferguson family (Not Subd Geog) Deklerk family De Fortia family UF Bröe-Ferguson family Düclerk family USE Fortia family RT Ferguson family De France family De Broglie family (Not Subd Geog) RT Clark family USE France family UF Broglie family De Clerk family De Franceschi family USE Franceschi family DeBroglie family USE De Clerck family De Frees family De Bruin family De Clerque Wissocq de Sousberghe family USE De Vries family De Freese family USE De Bruyn family (Not Subd Geog) USE De Vries family De Brux family (Not Subd Geog) De Cloudt family De Fremery family (Not Subd Geog) UF Fremery family UF Brux family USE Cloudt family De Fries family De Bruyn family (Not Subd Geog) De Cock (Fictitious character) USE De Vries family De Friez family (Not Subd Geog) UF De Bruin family USE DeKok, Inspector (Fictitious character) De Frodesham family DeBruyn family De Coigniers family USE Frodsham family Du Bruyn family De Furia family (Not Subd Geog) USE Conyers family UF Defuria family RT Bruins family De Colleville family Furia family De Buade, Fort (Saint Ignace, Mich.) De Gaest family (Not Subd Geog) USE Colvin family UF Gaest family USE Fort de Buade (Saint Ignace, Mich.) De Corneillan family De Ganahl family De Buck family USE Ganahl family USE Corneillan family De Garmo family (Not Subd Geog) USE DeBeck family De Cou family (Not Subd Geog) UF Garmo family De Budos family De Courcy family De Gaudio family USE Gaudio family USE Budos family USE Corse family De Buor family de Crayencour family USE Buor family USE Cleenewerck de Crayencour family De Burca family De Crecy family USE Burke family USE Crease family De Burcht Site (Londerzeel, Belgium) De Creissi family USE Burcht Site (Londerzeel, Belgium) USE Crease family De Burgh family De Croix family (Not Subd Geog) USE Berg family UF Croix family De Burgo family De Cruquius (Netherlands) USE Burke family USE Cruquius (Netherlands) De Burza family De Derneford family USE Van der Beurse family USE Durnford family De Cadbiri family de Diesbach family USE Cadbury family USE Diesbach family De Cadbury family De Dion-Bouton automobile (Not Subd Geog) USE Cadbury family BT Automobiles De Cadeberi family De Durneford family USE Cadbury family USE Durnford family De Cadebury family De Eresby family USE Cadbury family USE Willoughby de Eresby family De Caillavet family De facto condemnation of land USE Caillavet family USE Inverse condemnation De Camois family De facto corporations (May Subd Geog) USE Kemeys family BT Corporations De facto doctrine UF De facto doctrine (International law) De facto government D-47
De Gaulle family DH.6 (Training plane) De Havilland Hawk Moth (Transport plane) USE Gaulle family DH.9 (Bomber) USE Hawk Moth (Transport plane) DH.10 (Bomber) De Generes family (Not Subd Geog) DH.89 (Transport plane) De Havilland Hornet (Fighter plane) UF Generes family DH.90 (Transport plane) USE Hornet (Fighter plane) DH 108 (Research plane) De George family Dragon (Transport plane) De Havilland Leopard Moth (Transport plane) USE Saint George family Fox Moth (Transport plane) USE Leopard Moth (Transport plane) Giant Moth (Transport plane) De Geurink family Hawk Moth (Transport plane) De Havilland Moth (Training plane) USE Geurink family Hawker (Jet transport) USE Moth (Training plane) Hornet (Fighter plane) De Gilestro family Leopard Moth (Transport plane) De Havilland Sea Hornet (Fighter plane) USE Celestre family Mosquito (Military aircraft) USE Hornet (Fighter plane) Moth (Training plane) De' Giudici family Otter (Transport planes) De Havilland Sea Vixen (Jet fighter plane) USE Giudice family Sea Venom (Jet fighter plane) USE Sea Vixen (Jet fighter plane) Sea Vixen (Jet fighter plane) De Gladwyshe family Trident (Jet transport) De Havilland Swallow (Research plane) USE Gladwish family Vampire (Jet fighter plane) USE DH 108 (Research plane) Venom (Jet fighter plane) De Goddes de Varennes family De Havilland Amiens (Bomber) De Havilland Vampire (Jet fighter plane) USE Goddes family USE DH.10 (Bomber) USE Vampire (Jet fighter plane) De Havilland Canada Dash-8 (Transport plane) De Goddes family USE Dash-8 (Transport plane) De Havilland Venom (Jet fighter plane) USE Goddes family De Havilland Canada DHC-8 (Transport plane) USE Venom (Jet fighter plane) USE Dash-8 (Transport plane) De Godoi family De Havilland Canberra (Transport plane) De Herbigny family USE Godoi family USE Giant Moth (Transport plane) USE Herbigny family De Havilland Comet De Graaf family USE Comet (Jet transports) De Hoff family USE De Groff family De Havilland D.H. 75 (Transport plane) USE Dehoff family USE Hawk Moth (Transport plane) De Graafschap (Netherlands) De Havilland D.H. 84 Dragon (Transport plane) De Hoge Veluwe, Nationale Park (Netherlands) USE Graafschap (Netherlands) USE Dragon (Transport plane) USE Nationale Park De Hoge Veluwe (Netherlands) De Havilland D.H. 85 Leopard Moth (Transport plane) De Graf family USE Leopard Moth (Transport plane) De Hoghton family USE De Groff family De Havilland D.H. 86 (Transport plane) USE Hoghton family USE D.H. 86 (Transport plane) De Graffenried family De Havilland D.H.2 (Fighter plane) De Hoopvlei Formation (South Africa) USE Graffenried family USE DH.2 (Fighter plane) BT Formations (Geology)—South Africa De Havilland D.H.61 Giant Moth (Transport plane) Geology, Stratigraphic—Pliocene De Grauw family USE Giant Moth (Transport plane) USE De Graw family De Havilland DH.1 (Fighter plane) De-icing USE DH.1 (Fighter plane) USE Ice prevention and control De Graw family (Not Subd Geog) De Havilland DH.4 (Bomber) UF De Grauw family USE DH.4 (Bomber) De Impey family De Havilland DH.5 (Fighter plane) USE Impey family De Gray Lake (Ark.) USE DH.5 (Fighter plane) USE De Gray Reservoir (Ark.) De Havilland DH.6 (Training plane) De-inking (Waste paper) USE DH.6 (Training plane) USE Deinking (Waste paper) De Gray Lake Resort State Park (Ark.) De Havilland DH.9 (Bomber) UF De Gray State Park (Ark.) USE DH.9 (Bomber) De Jong, Jade (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Parks—Arkansas De Havilland DH.10 (Bomber) UF Jade de Jong (Fictitious character) USE DH.10 (Bomber) De Gray Reservoir (Ark.) De Havilland DH 60 (Training plane) De Jong family UF De Gray Lake (Ark.) USE Moth (Training plane) USE De Young family BT Lakes—Arkansas De Havilland DH 60G (Training plane) Reservoirs—Arkansas USE Moth (Training plane) Dé-jong ké language De Havilland DH 60G Gipsy Moth (Training plane) USE Dänjong-kä language De Gray State Park (Ark.) USE Moth (Training plane) USE De Gray Lake Resort State Park (Ark.) De Havilland DH.61 Giant Moth (Transport plane) De Jonge family USE Giant Moth (Transport plane) USE De Young family De Greene family DE Havilland DH.89 (Transport plane) USE Green family USE DH.89 (Transport plane) De Jongh family De Havilland DH.90 (Transport plane) USE De Young family De Grez family (Not Subd Geog) USE DH.90 (Transport plane) UF Grez family De Havilland DH 103 (Fighter plane) De Jonghe family USE Hornet (Fighter plane) USE De Young family De Groff family (Not Subd Geog) De Havilland DH 108 (Research plane) UF De Graaf family USE DH 108 (Research plane) De Jur motion picture camera (Not Subd Geog) De Graf family De Havilland DH 110 (Jet fighter plane) UF De Jur moving-picture camera [Former USE Sea Vixen (Jet fighter plane) heading] De Groot family (Not Subd Geog) De Havilland DH 112 (Jet fighter plane) BT Motion picture cameras UF De Groote family USE Venom (Jet fighter plane) Groot family De Havilland Dominie (Transport plane) De Jur moving-picture camera Groote family USE DH.89 (Transport plane) USE De Jur motion picture camera De Havilland Dragon (Transport plane) De Groote family USE Dragon (Transport plane) De Jussieu family USE De Groot family De Havilland Dragon Rapide (Transport plane) USE Jussieu family USE DH.89 (Transport plane) De Grove family De Havilland Dragonfly (Transport plane) De Kamp, Binky Van (Fictitious character) USE DeGrove family USE DH.90 (Transport plane) USE Van de Kamp, Binky (Fictitious character) De Havilland Express (Transport plane) De Gruchy family (Not Subd Geog) USE D.H. 86 (Transport plane) De Kay family (Not Subd Geog) De Guerrico family De Havilland Fox Moth (Transport plane) UF De Key family USE Fox Moth (Transport plane) RT Kay family USE Guerrico family De Havilland Giant Moth (Transport plane) De Guzman Post Office Building (Chula Vista, Calif.) USE Giant Moth (Transport plane) De Kemeys family De Havilland Gipsy Moth (Training plane) USE Kemeys family USE Jonathan \"J.D.\" De Guzman Post Office USE Moth (Training plane) Building (Chula Vista, Calif.) De Key family USE De Kay family De Harbigny family USE Herbigny family De Kimbre family USE Kimber family De Hart family USE Dehart family De Kleine family (Not Subd Geog) De Knevett family De Hart House (New York, N.Y.) USE Theodore F. and Elizabeth J. De Hart House USE Knyvet family (New York, N.Y.) De La Barre family (Not Subd Geog) De Hautefeuille family UF De Barre family USE D'Hautefeuille family La Barre family De Havilland 83 Fox Moth (Transport plane) RT Barr family USE Fox Moth (Transport plane) LaBar family De Havilland 121 (Jet transport) De la Bat family (Not Subd Geog) USE Trident (Jet transport) RT Bates family LaBatte family De Havilland 125 (Jet transport) USE Hawker (Jet transport) De la Buelga family USE Buelga family De Havilland aircraft (Not Subd Geog) [TL686.D4] De La Buscagne family BT Airplanes USE Labuschagne family NT Beaver (Transport planes) Caribou (Transport plane) De la Chaumette family Chipmunk (Training plane) USE Chaumette family Comet (Jet transports) D.H. 86 (Transport plane) De la Costa (Sesbania punicea) Dash-8 (Transport plane) USE Sesbania punicea DH.1 (Fighter plane) DH.2 (Fighter plane) De la Cour family DH.4 (Bomber) USE LaCour family DH.5 (Fighter plane) De la Cruz Beach, Barra (Mexico) USE Barra de la Cruz Beach (Mexico) De la Fuente family USE Fuentes family D-48
De la Fustaye family De Laney family De Mattia family USE Le Fustec family USE Delaney family USE Mattia family De la Gardelle family De Laneys Creek (Ind.) De Maya, Mesa (Colo.) USE Delagardelle family USE Delaney Creek (Ind.) USE Maya, Mesa de (Colo.) De la Garza family De Lange's syndrome (May Subd Geog) De' Medici, Palazzo (Rome, Italy) USE Garza family BT Abnormalities, Human USE Palazzo Firenze (Rome, Italy) Mental retardation De la Garza Federal Building (McAllen, Tex.) De Meer (Amsterdam, Netherlands : Stadium) USE Kika de la Garza Federal Building (McAllen, De Langet family USE Meer (Amsterdam, Netherlands : Stadium) Tex.) USE Langet family De Mel family (Not Subd Geog) De la Garza United States Border Station (Pharr, Tex.) De language UF Mel family USE Kika de la Garza United States Border Station USE Dewoin language (Pharr, Tex.) De Meneses family De Lap family (Not Subd Geog) USE Menezes family De la Higuera family De Laquier̀ e family (Not Subd Geog) USE Higuera family De Lara family (Not Subd Geog) De Menten de Horne family De Larue family USE Menten de Horne family De la Madrid Market (Colima, Mexico) USE Mercado de la Madrid (Colima, Mexico) USE Larue family De Merle family De Lascy family USE Merrill family De La Mare family USE Lamar family USE Lacy family De Merson family De Latre family (Not Subd Geog) USE Merson family De la Miller family USE Miller family UF Latre family De Micoud family De Laubier family USE Micoud family De La Motte-Geffrard family (Not Subd Geog) De la Penã family (Not Subd Geog) USE Laubier family De Mieulle family De Lavalette family USE Mieulle family UF Pena family De la Peyre family USE Lavalette family De Mille family De Lavenay family USE DeMille family USE Pierre family De la Pierre family USE Delavenay family De Milly family (Not Subd Geog) De Lavonay family UF Milly family USE Pierre family De la Pole family (Not Subd Geog) USE Delavenay family De Monbreun family De Lay, Joslin (Fictitious character) USE De Montbrun family UF Delapole family La Pole family USE Lay, Joslin de (Fictitious character) De Monceaux family Pole, De la family De le Bourse family USE Muncy family RT Paul family USE Van der Beurse family De Moncy family De la Porta family De Lega family USE Muncy family USE Della Porta family USE Lee family De Montbrun family (Not Subd Geog) De la Renta family De Legh family UF De Monbreun family De Munbreun family USE Renta family USE Lee family De Munbrun family De la Resurección family De Leigh family Demonbreun family Montbreun family USE Yan family USE Lee family Montbrun family De La Rochefoucauld family De Lestapis family RT Boucher de Montbrun family USE La Rochefoucauld family USE Lestapis family De Monte family De la Rokele family De Lestoille family USE Monte family USE Rockwell family USE Lestoille family De Montfort family (Not Subd Geog) De La Ruë family De Ley family UF Montfort family USE Larue family USE Lee family De Montluzin family (Not Subd Geog) De La Selle family De Ligne family De Montpezat family USE La Selle family USE Ligne family USE Montpezat family De la Tour-du-Pin family De Littera family De Montsalvy, Catherine (Fictitious character) USE Tour-du-Pin family USE Littera family USE Legoix, Catherine (Fictitious character) De la Tranche family (Not Subd Geog) De Loche family De Monzie, Villa (Garches, France) UF Tranche family USE Deloche family USE Villa Stein-de Monzie (Garches, France) RT Trench family De Locquenghien family (Not Subd Geog) De Morrissey, David (Fictitious character) De la Vergne family (Not Subd Geog) De Loet ('s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands) RT Dillivan family (Not Subd Geog) De la Zouche, Anastasia Ashby (Fictitious character) USE Loet ('s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands) UF David de Morrissey (Fictitious character) USE Ashby de la Zouche, Anastasia (Fictitious De Long family Morrissey, David de (Fictitious character) character) USE DeLong family De Moss family De l'Aage (Name) De Long Mountains (Alaska) USE DeMoss family USE DeLage (Name) UF DeLong Mountains (Alaska) De Moya family De Lacey family BT Brooks Range (Alaska) USE Moya family USE Lacy family Mountains—Alaska De Munbreun family De Laci family De Longe family USE De Montbrun family USE Lacy family USE DeLong family De Munbrun family De Lacie family De Longeaux family USE De Montbrun family USE Lacy family USE Longeaux family De Muth family De Lacy family De Longvialle family USE Demuth family USE Lacy family USE Longevialle family De Myll family De Lagardelle family De Lorenzi family (Not Subd Geog) USE Mills family USE Delagardelle family RT Lorenzo family De-na-zin Wilderness (N.M.) De Lage (Name) De Lorgeril family USE Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness (N.M.) USE DeLage (Name) USE Lorgeril family De-na-zin Wilderness Study Area (N.M.) De Laguiche family De Lugo Federal Building (Charlotte Amalie, United USE Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness (N.M.) USE Laguiche family States Virgin Islands) De Nava family (Not Subd Geog) De Laine family (Not Subd Geog) USE Ron de Lugo Federal Building (Charlotte De Neufville family (Not Subd Geog) De Neui family (Not Subd Geog) UF Delain family Amalie, United States Virgin Islands) De Nevers family Delaine family De Lugo Post Office (United States Virgin Islands) Delaisne family USE Nevers family USE Alvaro de Lugo Post Office (United States De Nice family RT Lane family Virgin Islands) De Lajudie family (Not Subd Geog) USE Nice family De luxe bindings De Noceto family (Not Subd Geog) RT Judy family USE Fine bindings De Lamar family UF De Nucito family De Maayer family (Not Subd Geog) Noceto family USE Lamar family UF Maayer family Nocito family De Lamar Mansion (New York, N.Y.) Nucito family De Malfam family UF DeLamar Mansion (New York, N.Y.) USE Malfant family De Nooij family Joseph R. De Lamar House (New York, N.Y.) USE De Nooy family Joseph Raphael De Lamar House (New York, De Malfant family N.Y.) USE Malfant family De Nooy family (Not Subd Geog) UF De Nooij family BT Dwellings—New York (State) De Mari family Noij family De Lancey family USE Mari family Nooij family Nooy family USE Delancey family De Marisco, Skye O'Malley (Fictitious character) Ver Nooy family [Former heading] De Lancy family USE O'Malley de Marisco, Skye (Fictitious character) USE Delancey family de Marramauro family USE Maramaldo family De Martinengo family (Not Subd Geog) D-49
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