BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 194.3 Islam 194.4 Branches, sects, and modifications 194.5.A-Z Shiites. ﺷﻴﻌﻲ 194.5.G45 Shiite practice -- Continued 194.5.R34 Formularies of worship, texts, etc. 194.5.S53 Ceremonies, rites, actions, etc. 194.5.T4 Special days and seasons, fasts, feasts, festivals, etc. Ghadīr. ʻId al-Ghadīr. ﻋﻴﺪ اﻟﻐﺪﻳﺮ.ﻏﺪﻳﺮ 194.6.A2 Rajab. رﺟﺐ 194.6.A3-Z Shaʻbān. ﺷﻌﺒﺎن Tenth of Muḥarram 194.7 Shrines, sacred places, etc. Collective 194.9.A-Z Individual. By place, A-Z 194.9.E3 194.9.G68 For shrines, tombs, etc. related to an individual 194.9.H34 Imam see BP193.1+ 194.9.P7 Shiite religious life 194.9.T36 Including devotional literature 195.A-Z Other special topics, A-Z 195.A3-.A32 Education. Religious education 195.A4-.A42 Government. Polity. Religious functionaries Health. Hygiene 195.A5 Hygiene see BP194.9.H34 195.A6A2 Polity see BP194.9.G68 195.A6A3 Prayer. Prayers 195.A6A5-.A6Z Religious education see BP194.9.E3 Religious functionaries see BP194.9.G68 195.A7-.A72 Taqīyah 195.A74-.A742 Branches, sects, and modifications of the Shiites see 195.A8-.A82 BP195.A+ 195.A84 Other (to 1900), A-Z Ahl-i Ḥadīth. ( ا ٴ◌ﻫﻞ ﺣﺪﻳﺚTable BP3) Ahl-i Ḥaqq. ( ا ٴ◌ﻫﻞ ﺣﻖTable BP3) Ahmadiyya. Qādiyānī. ﻗﺎدﻳﺎﻧﻲ.ا ٴ◌ﺣﻨﺪﻳﺔ Founded by Aḥmad, Gh̲ u̲ lām, 1839?-1908 General works Collective biography Works by the founder or central figure Criticism and biography of the founder or central figure Including devotional literature, cultus, etc. For other individual biography, see BP80 Akhbārīyah. ( اﺧﺒﺎرﻳﺔTable BP3) Alawis see BP195.N7+ Alevis (Table BP3) Assassins. ( ﺣﺸﺎﺷﻴﻴﻦTable BP3) Azraqites (Azāriqah). ا ٴ◌زارﻗﺔ General works 242
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 195.A85A2 Islam 195.A85A3 Branches, sects, and modifications 195.A85A5-.A85Z Other (to 1900), A-Z Azraqites (Azāriqah). ا ٴ◌زارﻗﺔ-- Continued 195.B3-.B32 Collective biography 195.D5-.D52 Works by the founder or central figure Criticism and biography of the founder or central figure 195.F37-.F372 195.H3-.H32 Including devotional literature, cultus, etc. 195.H8-.H82 For other individual biography, see BP80 195.I3-.I32 195.I8-.I82 Babism, Bahai Faith see BP300+ 195.J3-.J32 Batinites. ( ﺑﺎﻃﻨﻴﺔTable BP3) 195.K3-.K32 Dīn-i Ilāhī. ( دﻳﻦ اﻟﻬﻲTable BP3) 195.K35 Founded by Akbar, Emperor of Hindustan, 1542-1605 195.K36A2 195.K36A3 Druzes see BL1695 195.K36A5-.K36Z Farāʼizī̤ yah. ( ﻓﺮاي ٴ◌ﺿﻴﺔTable BP3) Ḥashwīya. ( ﺣﺸﻮﻳﺔTable BP3) 195.K38-.K382 Hurufis. ( ﺣﺮوﻓﻴﻴﻦTable BP3) 195.K4-.K42 Ibadites. ( ا ٕ◌ﺑﺎﺿﻴﺔTable BP3) Ismailites. ( ا ٕ◌ﺳﻤﺎﻋﻴﻠﻴﺔTable BP3) 195.M6-.M62 Jahmīyah. ( ﺟﻬﻤﻴﺔTable BP3) Karmathians (Table BP3) 195.M66 Karramites. Karrāmīyah. ﻛﺮاﻣﻴﺔ 195.M67A2 195.M67A3 General works 195.M67A5-.M67Z Collective biography Works by the founder or central figure 195.M7-.M72 Criticism and biography of the founder or central figure 195.N58-.N582 195.N7-.N72 Including devotional literature, cultus, etc. 195.N86-.N862 For other individual biography, see BP80 195.S18-.S182 Kaysāniyah. ( ﻛﻴﺴﺎﻧﻴﺔTable BP3) 195.S2-.S22 Kharijites. ( ﺧﻮارجTable BP3) Khojahs. ﺧﻮﺟﺔsee BP195.N58+ Maḥmūdīyah see BP195.N86+ Motazilites. ( اﻟﻤﻌﺘﺰﻟﺔTable BP3) Murīdīyah. Murids. ﻣﺮﻳﺪﻳﺔ General works Collective biography Works by the founder or central figure Criticism and biography of the founder or central figure Including devotional literature, cultus, etc. For other individual biography, see BP80 Murjites (Table BP3) Nizārīs. Khojas. ( ﻧﺰارﻳﺔTable BP3) Nosairians. Alawis (Table BP3) Nuqṭavīyah. Maḥmūdīyah (Table BP3) Qādiyānī. ﻗﺎدﻳﺎﻧﻲsee BP195.A5+ Salafīyah. ( ﺳﻠﻔﻴﺔTable BP3) Sālimīyah. ( ﺳﺎﻟﻤﻴﺔTable BP3) 243
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 195.S5-.S52 Islam Branches, sects, and modifications 195.S55 Other (to 1900), A-Z -- Continued 195.S56A2 Shabak. ( ﺷﺒﻚTable BP3) 195.S56A3 Shaykhī. ﺷﻴﺨﻲ 195.S56A5-.S56Z General works Collective biography 195.S6-.S62 Works by the founder or central figure 195.U78-.U782 Criticism and biography of the founder or central figure 195.W2-.W22 Including devotional literature, cultus, etc. 195.Z18-.Z182 For other individual biography, see BP80 195.Z2-.Z22 195.Z54-.Z542 Sifatites (Table BP3) Uṣūlīyah. ( اﺻﻮﻟﻴﺔTable BP3) 212 Wahhabis. Wahhābīyah. ( وﻫﺎﺑﻴﺔTable BP3) Yezidis. ﻳﺰﻳﺪﻳﺔsee BL1595 221.A1 Zahirites. Ẓāhirīyah. ( ﻇﺎﻫﺮﻳﺔTable BP3) Zaidites. ( زﻳﺪﻳﺔTable BP3) 221.A4-.Z3 Zi̲ krī. ( ذﻛﺮيTable BP3) 221.Z5A-.Z5Z Other, 1900- 222 Ansaru Allah Community 223.A-.Z5 Black Muslims 223.Z6 Periodicals 223.Z8A1-.Z8A5 History 223.Z8A6-.Z8Z 223.Z8L57 General works Local, A-Z 232 General works Doctrines, ritual, government 251.A1 Sermons Biography 251.A4-.Z3 Collective 251.Z5A-.Z5Z Individual, A-Z 252 253.A-.Z5 Little, Malcolm, 1925-1965 253.Z6 X, Malcolm, 1925-1965 see BP223.Z8L57 Moorish Science Temple of America 253.Z8A1-.Z8A5 Nurculuk 253.Z8A6-.Z8Z Periodicals History 300 General works Local, A-Z General works Doctrines, ritual, government Sermons Biography Collective Individual, A-Z Bahai Faith Periodicals 244
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 310 Bahai Faith -- Continued 320 Societies. Institutions 325 Collections. Collected works 327 Several authors 330 Individual authors 340 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias History 350 General works 352.A-.W Babism 355.A-Z For the relationship between Babism and the Bahai 360 Faith see BP378.8 360.2 By region or country 360.4 United States 360.6 General works 360.7 By state, A-W 360.8 Other regions or countries, A-Z 360.9.A-Z e.g. 361.A2 361.A3 Iran see BP330 361.A4A-.A4Z Scriptures and authoritative interpretation 361.A5-Z 361.2 Class here writings of the three central figures of the Bahai Faith (the Bāb, Baháʼuʼlláh and ʻAbduʼl-Bahá) and 362.A2 authoritative interpretation by Shoghi Effendi Collections and selections by more than one author Including prayerbooks containing solely or primarily prayers by the three central figures Works about Bahai scripture For works about the writings of specific authors of scriptural works or authoritative interpretation see BP361.2; BP362.2, etc. General works Concordances, indexes Commentaries, exegesis, etc. Study and teaching History of manuscripts, publication, etc. Special subjects, A-Z By author The Bāb Collected or selected works. By date Translations of collected or selected works English. By date Other languages. By language, A-Z, and date Separate works, A-Z Works about the Bāb's writings For works about an individual work see the work in BP361.A5-Z Baháʼuʼlláh Collected or selected works. By date 245
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 362.A3 Bahai Faith 362.A4A-.A4Z Scriptures and authoritative interpretation 362.A5-Z By author 362.A65 Baháʼuʼlláh -- Continued 362.C4 Translations of collected or selected works English. By date 362.H3 Other languages. By language, A-Z, and date 362.J39 Separate works, A-Z 362.K3 Alvāḥ-i nāzilah kitāb bih mulūk va ruʾasā-yi arz̤ 362.K57 Book of certitude see BP362.K8 362.K8 Chahār vādī 362.L2 Epistle to the Son of the Wolf see BP362.L46 362.L46 Four valleys see BP362.C4 362.L56 Gems of divine mysteries see BP362.J39 362.M35 Haft vādī Hidden words see BP362.K3 362.S87 Jawāhir al-asrār Kalimāt al-maknūnah 362.2 Kitāb al-Aqdas Kitāb-i īqān 363.A2 Lawḥ al-Aqdas 363.A3 Lawḥ-i Ibn Z̲iʾb 363.A4A-.A4Z Lawḥ-i mallāḥ al-Quds 363.A5-Z Majmūʻah-ʾī az alvāḥ kih baʻd az Kitāb-i Aqdas nāzil shudand Most Holy Book see BP362.K57 Most Holy Tablet see BP362.L2 Proclamation of Baháʼuʼlláh to the kings and leaders of the world see BP362.A65 Seven valleys see BP362.H3 Sura of the temple see BP362.S87 Sūrat al-haykal Tablet of the holy mariner see BP362.L56 Tablet to the Christians see BP362.L2 Tablets of Baháʾuʾlláh, revealed after the Kitāb al- Aqdas see BP362.M35 Works about Baháʼuʼlláh's writings For works about an individual work see the work in BP362.A5-Z ʻAbduʼl-Bahá Collected or selected works. By date Translations of collected or selected works English. By date Other languages. By language, A-Z, and date Separate works, A-Z 246
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 363.2 Bahai Faith Scriptures and authoritative interpretation 364.A2 By author ʻAbduʼl-Bahá -- Continued 364.A3 Works about ʻAbduʼl-Bahá's writings 364.A4A-.A4Z 364.A5-Z For works about an individual work see the work in 364.2 BP363.A5-Z 365 Shoghi Effendi 366 Collected or selected works 368 Translations of collected or selected works 369 English. By date 370 Other languages. By language, A-Z, and date 375 Separate works, A-Z 377 Works about Shoghi Effendi's writings 378 For works about an individual work see the work in BP364.A5-Z 378.2 378.3 General works 378.4 Juvenile literature 378.5 Apologetic literature 378.6 Controversial (Anti-Bahai) literature 378.7 General special 378.8 Addresses, essays, etc. Miscellaneous 378.9.A-Z Relation to other religious and philosophical systems 378.97 379 For polemical anti-Bahai works see BP369 380 General works 381 Specific religions 381.8 382.A-Z Hinduism Buddhism Zoroastrianism Judaism Christianity. Bible Islam. Qurʼān Babism Class here works on the relationship between Babism and the Bahai Faith For history of Babism see BP340 Other religions or philosophies, A-Z Atheism. Agnosticism Propagation of the Bahai Faith. Bahai teaching Devotional and spiritual life Including worship, meditation, prayer, etc. For scriptural prayerbooks see BP360+ Government. Administrative order Finance Messages of the Universal House of Justice. By title, A-Z Festivals. Fasts and feasts. Days and seasons 247
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 385 Bahai Faith 387.A-Z Festivals. Fasts and feasts. Days and seasons -- Continued 387.N38 General works 387.R53 Special, A-Z 388.A-Z Nawrúz 388.A35 Riḍván 388.C35 Special topics, A-Z 388.C645 African Americans 388.C65 Calendar 388.C68 Colors 388.E36 Communism. Marxism 388.E42 Covenant 388.E83 Ecology 388.E94 Education 388.F36 Eschatology 388.F88 Evolution 388.G63 Families 388.H43 Future life 388.H86 God 388.I58 Heaven 388.J87 Human rights 388.M37 International organization Justice 388.M44 Marriage 388.P43 Marxism see BP388.C65 388.P65 Medicine (388.P73) Peace Politics 388.R44 Prayer 388.R45 388.S38 see BP380 388.S42 388.S84 Race relations 388.T54 Reincarnation 388.W65 Science 388.Y68 Second Advent Suffering 390 Theological anthropology Women 391 Youth 392 Biography 393 Collective 395.A-Z Individual 420 Bāb, ʻAlī Muḥammad Shīrāzī, 1819-1850 Baháʼuʼlláh, 1817-1892 ʻAbdu ʼl-Bahá,1844-1921 Other, A-Z Temples and shrines General works 248
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 420.5.A-Z Bahai Faith 500 Temples and shrines -- Continued (509) By region or country, A-Z 510 Under each country: 510.T52 .x General works 520 525 .x2A-.x2Z Special. By city, A-Z 527 528 Theosophy 530 Periodicals 540 Yearbooks 545 550.A-Z see BP500 561.A1 Societies. Institutions 561.A5-Z 563 e.g. 565.A-Z 567 Theosophical Society, Covina, California 570 Collections 573.A5 573.A55 Several authors 573.A7 573.A8 Individual authors 573.B5 573.B7 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 573.C2 573.C5 Study and teaching. Schools 573.C7 573.D4 History 573.D5 573.E7 General works By region or country United States Great Britain Other regions or countries, A-Z e.g. India see BP530 General works Works by Helene Petrovna Blavatsky Collected works Individual works. By title, A-Z Works by Annie Wood Besant. By title, A-Z Works by other writers. By author and title, A-Z General special Addresses, essays, etc. Special topics, A-Z Angels. Angelic communion Animals Astral body Aura Blood Breath Causal body Chakras Concentration Death Discipleship Etheric double 249
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 573.E8 Theosophy 573.E9 Special topics, A-Z -- Continued 573.F46 Evolution 573.F8 Extrasensory perception 573.G4 Feminism 573.G6 Future life 573.H4 Gems 573.H5 God 573.H8 Health. Mental healing 573.I5 Hierarchies 573.K3 Human body 573.M3 Immortality 573.M4 Karma 573.N5 Man 573.P3 Memory 573.P4 Nirvana Peace 573.P7 Periodicity 573.R5 Philosophy of science see BP573.S35 573.S35 Political science 573.S4 Reincarnation 573.S47 Science. Philosophy of science 573.S6 Self-preparation 573.S95 Seven rays 573.T5 Sociology 573.W56 Sun 575 Thought Whole and parts (Philosophy) 580 Works against the Theosophists 585.A-Z Biography 585.B3 Collective 585.B6 Individual, A-Z 585.D33 Besant, Annie Wood 585.K7 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna 585.T5 Dada, 1917- Krishnamurti, Jiddu 595.A1 Tingley, Katherine Augusta Westcott 595.A2 Anthroposophy 595.A25 Periodicals. Societies. Collections 595.A26A-.A26Z Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 595.A3-Z History General works 595.S894 By region or country, A-Z General works Works by and about Rudolf Steiner Works. By title Cf. B3333 Philosophical works 250
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 595.S895 Anthroposophy 596.A-Z General works 596.A36 Works by and about Rudolf Steiner -- Continued Biography and criticism 596.B47 Special topics, A-Z 596.B56 Adolescence 596.C37 Architecture and anthroposophy see NA2543.A6 596.C4 Astrology see BP596.Z6 596.C68 Bereavement 596.E25 Biography (as a concept) Change 596.F37 Christmas. Christmas trees 596.F67 Council of Constantinople (869-870) 596.F85 Economics 596.G7 Eurythmy see BP596.R5 596.H57 Fasts and feasts. Seasonal festivals 596.I55 Forgiveness 596.I57 Future life 596.J4 Grail 596.L67 History and anthroposophy 596.M37 Imagination Interpersonal relations 596.M52 Jesus Christ 596.N43 Love 596.O73 Marxism and anthroposophy 596.P47 Medicine see RZ409.7 596.R44 Middle East 596.R45 Near-death experiences 596.R5 Organic farming Physiology 596.S4 Reincarnation 596.S54 Religion. Religions 596.S63 Rhythm. Eurythmy 596.S65 Seasonal festivals see BP596.F37 596.S66 Second Advent 596.V5 Silica 596.W38 Soul 596.Z6 Spirits 596.Z66 Spiritual life Virtues 597.A1 Water 597.A3-Z Zodiac. Astrology Zoology Biography Collective Individual, A-Z e.g. 251
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 597.B3 Anthroposophy Biography 600 Individual -- Continued 601 Bauer, Michael 602 Steiner, Rudolf see BP595.S895 603 Other beliefs and movements 604 604.2.A-Z Cf. BF1995+ Other beliefs and movements occult in nature 605.A-Z Cf. BX9998 Other beliefs and movements akin to 605.A2 605.A25 Christianity 605.A33 Periodicals 605.A4 Dictionaries Directories. Yearbooks 605.A617 General works 605.A62 Anti-cult movements 605.A67 605.A7 General works 605.A77 By region or country, A-Z Works. By movement, A-Z 605.A8 Abrahamites (Bohemia) Actualism 605.B4-.B49 Aetherius Society 605.B5 605.B52 Founded by George King, 1919- 605.B53 Ametsuchi no Kai 605.B54A-.B54Z Ananda Cooperative Village see BP605.S38A52 Aquarian Educational Group 605.B54B4 Aquarian Foundation (Brother XII) Arete Truth Center 605.B63 Arica Institute Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia 605.B64 Beach, Va. 605.B72 Astara 605.C38 Grail movement Works by Bernhardt Works by other adherents General works. History Biography Collective Individual, A-Z e.g. Bernhardt, Oscar Ernst (Abd-ru-shin) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh see BP605.R34 Black Hebrew Israelite Nation. African Hebrew Israelite Nation of Jerusalem Black Hebrews (General) For individual groups see the number for the group, e. g. BP605.B63, Black Hebrew Israelite Nation Branch Davidians Children of God (Movement). Family of Love 252
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 605.C42 Other beliefs and movements 605.C43 Works. By movement, A-Z -- Continued Christ Foundation 605.C45 Christ Ministry Foundation 605.C5 605.C53 Founded by Eleanore Mary Thedick, 1883-1973 605.C534 605.C54 Christengemeinschaft (Friedrich Rittelmeyer) Christward Ministry (Newhouse) 605.C546 Church of Creative Bio-dynamics 605.C55 Church of God Unlimited 605.C557 Church of Religious Research 605.C56 Church of Religious Science see BP605.U53 Church of the Bride of Christ 605.C57 Church of the Creator Church of the Path 605.C67 Church of the Truth 605.C68 Church Universal and Triumphant see BP605.S73 605.C74 Círculo Esotérico da Comunhão do Pensamento Course in Miracles (Movement). Foundation for Inner 605.D44 605.D48 Peace Course in miracles (Text) 605.D58 General works, commentaries, criticism, etc. Creative Initiative Foundation 605.D59 Dawn Horse Communion see BP610.B8+ 605.D66 Deendar Anjuman 605.E27 Deutschgläubige Gemeinschaft 605.E3 Dianetics see BP605.S2 605.E4 Divine Light Mission 605.E57 Divine-Love, International Society of see BP605.I55 605.E73 Divine Revelation (Organization) 605.E84 Dong fang shan dian (Organization) Echenian Church 605.F34 Eckankar 605.F36 Emissaries of Divine Light 605.F44 Entity Mission 605.F5 EREVNA (Organization) Ethical culture movement 605.G44 Family of Love see BP605.C38 Faithists. John Ballou Newbrough. Oahspe 605.G68 Falun Gong. Li, Hongzhi, 1951- Fellowship of Isis Findhorn Community Foundation for Inner Peace see BP605.C67+ Gentle Wind Retreat Including the Brotherhood (Brothers and Sisters of the Inner World) Great White Brotherhood 253
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 605.G8A-.G8Z Other beliefs and movements 605.G9A-.G9Z Works. By movement, A-Z -- Continued 605.G92 Greater Community Way of Knowledge, Society for see BP605.S58 605.G93 Gurdjieff movement. Gurdjieff Foundation, \"the Fourth 605.G94A-.G94Z Way,\" \"the Work,\" etc. Works by Gurdgieff. By title, A-Z 605.G94G87 Works by other adherents, followers, etc., A-Z 605.G94U75 General works. History 605.H36 Biography 605.H4 Collective Individual, A-Z 605.H5 605.H58 e.g. 605.H6 605.H64 Bennett, John G. (John Godolphin), 1897-1974 see 605.H85 BP610.B46+ 605.I18 Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovitch, 1872-1949 605.I44 Uspenskiĭ, P. D., 1878-1947 Heaven's Gate 605.I45 Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi 605.I5 605.I55 Founded by Gabriele Wittek, 1933- 605.I8 Ḥikmati-i nuvīn 605.K46 Hohm Community 605.K55 Holy Order of Mans Holyearth Foundation 605.K6 Human-etisk forbund (Norway) I AM Religious Activity. I AM Movement 605.K63 605.L53 Including the Saint Germain Foundation 605.L56 Institute for Research in Human Happiness see BP605.K55 605.M34 Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human 605.M36 Being International Community of Christ International Friends International Society of Divine-Love Ittōen Founded by Nishida, Tenkō, 1872-1968 Keepers of the Flame (Fraternity) see BP605.S73 Kemeticism Kōfuku no Kagaku (Organization) (The Institute for Research in Human Happiness) Koreshanity Founded by Cyrus Reed Teed, 1838-1908 Kosumomeito Light Institute Founded by Chris Griscom, 1942- Lindisfarne Association Mankind United MasterPath 254
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 605.M37 Other beliefs and movements 605.M42 Works. By movement, A-Z -- Continued 605.M44 Mazdaznan 605.M68 MeetingHouse for Aspiring Spirits 605.N3 Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy 605.N44 Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness 605.N46 Naropa Institute 605.N48 Neo-American Church Neo-paganism 605.N63 605.N89 Cf. BL432 Paganism 605.O65 New Age movement 605.O7 605.O73 Cf. BR128.N48 Relation of Christianity to New Age 605.O77 movement 605.O88 605.P46 New Universal Union see BP605.H5 605.P68 Newbrough, John Ballou see BP605.F34 605.P8 Noachide movement see BP605.N63 Noahides. Noachide movement 605.R33 Cf. BM520.73 Noahide Laws 605.R333 605.R334.A-Z Nuwaubian movement. Nuwaubians. United Nuwaubian (605.R335) Nation of Moors 605.R338 Oahspe see BP605.F34 605.R34 Order of the Lily and the Eagle 605.R342 Ordo Arcanorum Gradalis Ordo Novi Templi 605.R343 Ordre du temple solaire Oumu Shinrikyō. Asahara, Shōkō Peoples Temple Founded by Jim Jones, 1931-1978 The Power (Society) Pure Life Society Radhasoami Satsang Including Radhasoami Satsang (Agra); Radhasoami Satsang (Beas); Radhasoami Satsang (Dayalbagh); Radhasoami Satsang (Soamibagh) General works Biography Collective Individual, A-Z Sant Mat see BP605.S118 Raelian Movement Rajneesh Foundation (International). Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Works by Osho (Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree) General works Biography Collective 255
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 605.R344A-.R344Z Other beliefs and movements 605.R35 Works. By movement, A-Z 605.R37 Rajneesh Foundation (International). Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh 605.R53 Biography -- Continued 605.R56 Individual, A-Z 605.R85 Ramala Centre Ramtha School for Enlightenment 605.S113 Religious Science International see BP605.U53 Ridhwan Foundation 605.S116 Risen Christ Foundation 605.S118 Ruhani Satsang (605.S12) Founded by Kirpal Singh, 1896-1974 605.S14 Including Kirpal Ruhani Satsang (Kensington, Calif.), led by 605.S18 605.S19 Master Thakar Singh; Sant Bani Ashram (Sanbornton, 605.S2 N.H.), led by Sant Ajaib Singh; Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission, (Alexander, Va.) which recognized Sant 605.S35 Darshan Singh, son of Kirpal Singh, as his successor 605.S36 Sabian Assembly Saint Germain Foundation see BP605.I18 605.S37A-.S37Z Sangreal Sodality 605.S38A-.S38Z Sant Mat 605.S38A52 605.S38D63 Cf. BP605.R33+ Radhasoami Satsang 605.S39 Cf. BP605.R85 Ruhani Satsang 605.S4 Cf. BP605.S19 Science of Spirituality (Organization) 605.S42 Sant Nirankari Mandal 605.S43A-.S43Z see BL2018.7.N57 Sathya Sai movement Le Scarabée (Association) Science of Spirituality (Organization) Scientology. Dianetics Founded by L. Ron Hubbard, 1911- Self-Realization movement Periodicals Societies Self-Realization Fellowship. Yogoda. Sat-sanga Society Local organization, A-Z Other, A-Z Ananda Cooperative Village Doctrine of Truth Foundation History General works Cf. B132.Y6 Yoga Biography Collective Individual, A-Z 256
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 605.S43L9 Other beliefs and movements 605.S43Y6 Works. By movement, A-Z 605.S49 Self-Realization movement 605.S53 Biography 605.S55 Individual, A-Z -- Continued Lynn, James Jesse 605.S58 Yogananda, Paramhansa, 1893-1952 605.S6 Share International Foundation 605.S65 Shikōkai 605.S66 Shinri no Kai Shree Rajneesh Ashram, Pune, India see BP605.R34+ 605.S7 Society for the Greater Community Way of Knowledge 605.S73 Sōgōgaku Gakuin Solar Quest (Organization) 605.S74 Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Spiritual Inner Awareness Movement see BP605.M68 605.S8 Subud 605.S82-.S829 Summit Lighthouse (Group). Church Universal and 605.S83 Triumphant. Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet 605.S84 605.S85A-.S85Z Including Keepers of the Flame (Fraternity) 605.S85W3 Sunburst Communities 605.S86 Swami Order of America 605.S87A-.S87Z 605.T69 Periodicals 605.T78 Works by Swami Premananda Works by other adherents 605.T79 General works. History 605.U38 Local organizations, A-Z 605.U52 Washington, D.C. Self-Revelation Church of Absolute 605.U53 Monism 605.U536 Biography Collective 605.U7 Individual, A-Z 605.U71 605.U72 True Life Foundation 605.U73 Truth Consciousness Founded by Swami Amar Jyoti in 1974 TSe͡ rkovʹ Poslednego Zaveta Ukrainian Native Faith Church Unarius Educational Foundation. Unarius Academy of Science United Church of Religious Science. Religious Science International Universal Great Brotherhood Urantia Brotherhood Periodicals Official documents, governing boards, conferences Study and teaching History 257
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 605.U74 Other beliefs and movements 605.U75 Works. By movement, A-Z 605.U76A-.U76Z Urantia Brotherhood -- Continued 605.U76S3 The Urantia Book 605.U77 Text 605.U78A-.U78Z Commentary, criticism, theology Topics, A-Z 605.U79A1-.U79A19 Science 605.U79A2-.U79Z General works 605.V44 Local organizations, A-Z 605.V47 Biography 605.V68 Collective 605.W48 Individual, A-Z 605.W49 Velikoe beloe bratstvo 605.W53 Veritat Foundation Voviology movement 605.W67 White Brotherhood White Eagle Lodge 605.Y64 Wicca 610 Cf. BF1562.5+ Witchcraft 610.A32-.A322 Word Foundation 610.A33-.A332 610.A35-.A352 Founded by Harold W. Percival 610.A54-.A542 Yoga Association for Self Analysis 610.B46-.B462 Works. By author (where name of movement cannot be 610.B8-.B82 determined) (610.C48-.C482) Abubabaji (Table BP5) Adi Da Samraj see BP610.B8+ 610.C55-.C552 Ahn, Gyung-jun (Table BP5) Aïvanhov, Omraam Mikhaël (Table BP5) 610.D65-.D652 Les Amitiés spirituelles see BP610.S43+ 610.G37-.G372 Andrews, Lynn V. (Table BP5) 610.G64-.G642 Bennett, John G. (John Godolphin), 1897-1974 (Table 610.H35-.H352 610.I73-.I732 BP5) Bubba Free John, 1939- (Table BP5) 610.K8-.K82 Chidvilasananda, Gurumayi 610.L67-.L672 see BL1283.792.C45 Chinmoy, Sri (Table BP5) Da Free John see BP610.B8+ Da Love-Ananda, Avadhoota see BP610.B8+ Dōrizas, Dionysēs (Table BP5) Gaskin, Stephen (Table BP5) Goldsmith, Joel (Table BP5) Hansadutta, Swami, 1941- (Table BP5) Irani, Manija Sheriar (Table BP5) John, Bubba Free. John, Da Free see BP610.B8+ Kushi, Michio (Table BP5) Lorber, Jakob, 1800-1864 (Table BP5) 258
BP ISLAM. BAHAI FAITH. THEOSOPHY, ETC. BP 610.M42-.M422 Other beliefs and movements 610.M43-.M432 Works. By author (where name of movement cannot be 610.M65-.M652 determined) -- Continued Meera, Mother, 1960- (Table BP5) 610.S43-.S432 Meher Baba, 1894-1969 (Table BP5) Monro, Kiyo Sasaki, 1941- (Table BP5) 610.S5-.S52 Osho, 1931-1990 see BP605.R34 610.S54-.S542 Sédir, Paul, 1871-1926. Les Amitiés spirituelles (Table 610.S75-.S752 BP5) 610.V6-.V62 Sherman, Ingrid, 1919- (Table BP5) Shiloh, the Lightbringer, 1937- (Table BP5) 610.Y34-.Y342 Stone, Hal (Table BP5) Voorthuyzen, Louwrens (the man and his following) (Table BP5) Yahweh Ben Yahweh (Table BP5) 259
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1 Buddhism 2 3 Periodicals (General) 4 5 For works limited to a particular country see BQ251+ 6 8.A-Z For works limited to a sect see BQ7001+ (10) Polyglot 12 14 English 16 18 Chinese 20.A-Z French 20.A74-.A746 20.E8-.E86 German 20.I58-.I586 20.W5-.W56 Japanese 20.W6-.W66 20.W7-.W76 Other languages, A-Z 21 Yearbooks 22.A-Z 23.A-Z see BQ1+ 24 Societies, councils, associations, clubs, etc. For works limited to a sect see BQ7530 International (General) General works. History Young Buddhist associations Young men's associations Women's associations Individual associations, councils, etc., A-Z Under each: .x Periodicals. Yearbooks .x2 Congresses. Conferences. Documents. By date .x3 Directories .x4 General works. History .x5 Biography (Collective) .x6A-.x6Z National branches. By country, A-Z Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace European Congress International Buddhist Conference (International Brotherhood Association) World Buddhist Sangha Council Headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka World Buddhist Union Headquarters in Seoul, Korea World Fellowship of Buddhists Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand By region or country Asia India General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Sri Lanka General works. History 260
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 25.A-Z Societies, councils, associations, clubs, etc. 26.A-Z By region or country 27 28.A-Z Asia 29.A-Z Sri Lanka -- Continued 31 32.A-Z Local, A-Z 33.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 34 35.A-Z Burma. Myanmar 36.A-Z General works. History 37 38.A-Z Local, A-Z 39.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 41 42.A-Z Thailand 43.A-Z General works. History 44 45.A-Z Local, A-Z 46.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 47 48.A-Z Vietnam 49.A-Z General works. History 50 51.A-Z Local, A-Z 52.A-Z 53.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 54 Malaysia General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Indonesia General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z China General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Korea General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Japan General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Other Asian countries, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Individual societies, A-Z Europe Great Britain Including Sangha Sabhā (Council) of the United Kingdom General works. History 261
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 55.A-Z Societies, councils, associations, clubs, etc. 56.A-Z By region or country 57 58.A-Z Europe 59.A-Z Great Britain -- Continued 61 62.A-Z Local, A-Z 63.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 64 65.A-Z Belgium 66.A-Z General works. History 67 68.A-Z Local, A-Z 69.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 71 72.A-Z France 73.A-Z General works. History 74 75.A-Z Local, A-Z 76.A-Z 77.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 78 Germany 78.A1 78.A2A-.A2Z General works. History 78.A3-Z Local, A-Z 81 82.A-Z Individual societies, A-Z 83.A-Z Netherlands 84 General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Sweden General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Russia General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Other European countries, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Individual societies, A-Z Africa General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z America United States Including Hawaii and Alaska General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Canada General works. History 262
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 85.A-Z Societies, councils, associations, clubs, etc. 86.A-Z 87 By region or country 88.A-Z 89.A-Z America 90.A-Z Canada -- Continued 91 91.A1 Local, A-Z 91.A2A-.A2Z 91.A3-Z Individual societies, A-Z 92 92.A1 Brazil 92.A2A-.A2Z 92.A3-Z General works. History 93 93.A1 Local, A-Z 93.A2A-.A2Z 93.A3-Z Individual societies, A-Z 96 98 Other American countries, A-Z 99.A-Z Under each country: 100 102 .x General works 104 .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Individual societies, A-Z Australia General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z New Zealand General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Pacific islands For works dealing with Hawaii see BQ81+ General works. History Local, A-Z Individual societies, A-Z Financial institutions. Trusts General works. History General special By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Individual, A-Z Bibliography see Z7860+ Congresses. Conferences (General) For councils of a specific period, see the period in BQ286+ For works limited to a sect see BQ7001+ General works Organization, methods, etc. Directories (General) For individual associations see BQ12+ For directories limited to a sect see BQ7001+ International 263
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 105.A-Z Directories (General) -- Continued 107 By region or country, A-Z 109.A-Z Under each country: 115 118 .x General 120 122 .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z 124.A-Z Museums. Exhibitions 126.A-Z General works 128 By region or country, A-Z 130 133 Under each country: 135 .x General works By city .x2 General .x3A-.x3Z Individual museums, A-Z General collections. Collected works Several authors Comprehensive volumes Early works through 1800 1801- Minor collections. Collected essays. Festschriften Selections. Excerpts Individual authors For individual works other than Pāli and Sanskrit originals, see the subject For individual works of Pali and Sanskrit writers in the Tripiṭaka see BQ1170+ For works by founders (original and local) and other important leaders of sects see BQ7001+ Through 1800. By author, A-Z Under each: .x Collected works. By date .xA-.xZ Translations. By language, A-Z .x2A-.x2Z Addresses, essays, etc. By title, A- Z 1801- . By author, A-Z Under each: .x Collected works. By date .xA-.xZ Translations. By language, A-Z .x2A-.x2Z Addresses, essays, etc. By title, A- Z Encyclopedias (General) For encyclopedias limited to a sect see BQ7001+ Dictionaries (General) For dictionaries limited to a sect see BQ7001+ Terminology Questions and answers. Maxims (General) For works limited to a sect see BQ7001+ 264
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 141 Religious education (General) 142 143 Cf. BQ5251+ Education for the ministry (General) 144 145 Cf. BQ7001+ Works limited to a sect 146 148.A-Z Cf. LC921+ General education managed by Buddhist 150 152 institutions 154 156 Periodicals. Yearbooks. Societies 158 158.5 Polyglot 160 162.A-Z English 164 Chinese 166 French 167 168 German 169 Japanese 171 172 Other languages, A-Z 173 174 Conventions, conferences, etc. 175 176 Collections 178.A-Z 180 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries 182 184 Theory, philosophy, etc. 186 188 Methods of study and teaching 190 192 Aids and devices History (General) By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Biography (Collective) General works Early works through 1945 1946- General special Addresses, essays, lectures, etc. Religious education of the young. Sunday schools, etc. For works limited to a sect see BQ7001+ Periodicals. Societies. Serials Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Congresses History General works General special Methods of teaching, organization Aids and devices Textbooks for children 265
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 194 Religious education (General) 196 198 Religious education of the young. Sunday schools, etc. -- 199.A-Z Continued 200 202 Teachers' manuals 204 209.A-Z Stories, catechisms, etc. 210 Teacher training 219.A-Z By region or country, A-Z 221 222 Under each country: 223 224 .x General works. History 225 226 .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z 228.A-Z 230 .x3A-.x3Z Individual schools, including 232 236 monasteries and temples, A-Z 239.A-Z Religious education in the home General works General special History By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Research Class here works limited to methodology and programs General works. International By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Antiquities. Archaeology Class here works limited to religious points of view only For descriptive works, see Subclass DS Periodicals. Societies. Collections Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Dictionaries General works. Methodology General special By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z By province, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z By city, A-Z Literary discoveries 266
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 240 Antiquities. Archaeology 242 244.A-Z Literary discoveries -- Continued 244.G35-.G354 General works. History and criticism 244.G5-.G54 244.T8-.T84 General special 246 Individual, A-Z 248 249.A-Z Under each: 251 .x Collections 252 253 .x2 Original texts (including facsimiles). 254 255 By date 256 258.A-Z .x35A-.x35Z Translations (with or without original 260 text). By language, A-Z, and date 262 264 .x4 General works. Criticism, etc. 266 270 Dunhuang manuscripts see BQ244.T8+ 272 274 Gandhara manuscripts 276 Gilgit manuscripts Tun-huang (Dunhuang) manuscripts Inscriptions, etc. Class here works limited to religious points of view only For philological works, see Subclasses PK and PL For Aśoka inscriptions see PK1480+ General works. History and criticism General special By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Individual inscriptions, A-Z History Periodicals. Societies. Serials Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Collections. Collected works. Sources For works limited to a sect see BQ7001+ General works Early works through 1800 Including history written by Bu-ston 1801-1945 1946- General special Textbooks, compends, etc. Outlines, syllabi, chronological tables, etc. Popular works 267
BQ BUDDHISM BQ History -- Continued 277 Juvenile works 278 Addresses, essays, lectures, etc. 280 Historiography 282 Philosophy 284 Biography of historians (Collective) By period 286 Early and medieval (Early to ca. 1200 A.D.) Including Buddhist history of India to ca. 1200 A.D. 287 Early to rise of Mahayana Buddhism (ca. 100 A.D.) 288 Origin of Buddhism 289 Ca. 486 B.C.-ca. 100 A.D. (Early Buddhism and Hinayana Abhidharma to the rise of Mahayana Buddhism) Early Councils 290 General works 291 First Council (Rājagr̥ha) ca. 486 B.C. 292 Second Council (Vaiśālī) ca. 380 B.C. 293 Third Council (Pāṭaliputra) ca. 246 B.C. Fourth Council (Kaśmīra) see BQ304 295 Aśoka, Mauryan king, ca. 264-227 B.C., and Buddhism For biography see DS451.5 296 First missionaries to foreign lands (General) By country, see BQ365 etc. Inscriptions see BQ246+ 298 Menander, Indo-Greek king, fl. 150 B.C. and Buddhism Cf. BQ2610+ Milindapañhā. 彌蘭王所問經. 那先比丘經 300 Ca. 100-ca. 550 A.D. (Development of Mahayana Buddhism and the introduction of Buddhism to other parts of Asia Kaniṣka, Kushan emperor, ca. 144-170, and Buddhism 302 General works 304 Fourth Council (Kaśmīra) ca. 150 306 Ca. 550-ca. 1200 (Rise of Tantric Buddhism and the decline of Buddhism in India) 308 Harṣavardhana, King of Thānesar and Kanauj, fl. 606-647, and Buddhism Modern (ca. 1200- ) 310 General works 312 ca. 1200-1850 1850-1945 314 General works 315 Fifth Council (Mandalay) 1868-1871 268
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 316 History 317 By period Modern -- Continued 320 1945- General works 322 Sixth Council (Rangoon) 1954-1956 325 By region or country 327 Asia 328 General see BQ251+ South Asia 330 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 332 General works 334 Early through 1800 see BQ262 336 1801- 339 General special 340 Addresses, essays, lectures, etc. 342 Biography (Collective) Special regions or countries 344 India 345 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 346 General works 349.A-Z Early works through 1800 349.J35 1801-1946 349.L27 1947- 349.S57 General special 350 Addresses, essays, lectures 352 Biography (Collective) By period 354 Early to 1203 A.D. see BQ286+ 356 1204-1761 (Muslim era) 359 1761-1947 (British era) 1947- Local, A-Z e.g. Jammu and Kashmir Ladākh Sikkim Sri Lanka Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works Early works through 1800 Cf. BQ2570+ Dāthāvaṃsa. 佛牙史 Cf. BQ2580+ Dīpavaṃsa. 島史 Cf. BQ2600+ Mahāvaṃsa. 大史 1801-1947 1948- General special 269
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 360 History 362 By region or country Asia 364 South Asia 365 Special regions or countries Sri Lanka -- Continued 366 Addresses, essays, lectures 367 Biography (Collective) By period 369 Early to 1153, the end of Cholas rule 372 First missionaries to Sri Lanka, 3rd century, 374 B.C. 376 Buddhaghosa and his activities 379.A-Z Cholas invasion, 1073 380 Including Cholas rule 382 384 1153-1505 (Restoration of Buddhism) 386 1505-1850 (European era) 388 1850-1948 (Buddhist revival) 1948- 390 Local, A-Z 392 Nepal 394 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 396.A-Z General works 400.A-Z General special Addresses, essays, lectures 400.A5-.A55 Biography (Collective) 400.B3-.B35 By period 400.B5-.B55 Early to 1846 400.H542 1846-1951 (Rana period) (400.K37) 1951- Local, A-Z (400.L33) Other regions or countries, A-Z 400.P3-.P35 Subarrange each country by Table BQ10 (400.S5) Afghanistan (Table BQ10) Bangladesh (Table BQ10) 402 Bhutan (Table BQ10) Himalaya region Kashmir see BQ349.J35 Ladākh see BQ349.L27 Pakistan (Table BQ10) For history to 1946 see BQ330+ Sikkim see BQ349.S57 Southeast Asia Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 270
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 406 History 408 By region or country 410 Asia 412 Southeast Asia -- Continued 414 General works Early works through 1800 416 1801- 418 General special 420 Addresses, essays, lectures 422 Biography (Collective) 424 Special regions or countries Burma. Myanmar 426 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 428 General works 430 General special 432 Addresses, essays, lectures 434 Biography (Collective) 436 By period 438 Early to 1044 439.A-Z 1044-1287 (Pegan dynasty to Mongol invasion) 1287-1486 (Shan period) 440 1486-1752 (Toungoo dynasty) 442 1752-1885 (Alaungpaya dynasty) 444 1885-1948 (British era) 446 1948- 448 Local, A-Z Indochina 450 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 452 General works 454 General special 456 Addresses, essays, lectures 458 Biography (Collective) Special regions or countries 460 Cambodia Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 462 General works 464 General special 466 Addresses, essays, lectures 469.A-Z Biography (Collective) By period Early to 1432 Including Khmer era 1432-1864 (Thai era) 1864-1949 (French era) 1949- Local, A-Z Laos 271
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 470 History 472 By region or country 474 Asia 476 Southeast Asia 478 Special regions or countries Indochina 480 Special regions or countries 482 Laos -- Continued 484 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 489.A-Z General works General special 490 Addresses, essays, lectures 492 Biography (Collective) 494 By period 496 Early to 1885 498 1885-1946 (French era) 1946- 500 Local, A-Z 502 Vietnam 504 506 Including the former South Vietnam 509.A-Z For material concerned with the former North 509.N6 Vietnam see BQ509.N6 510 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 512 General works 514 General special 516 Addresses, essays, lectures 518 Biography (Collective) By period 520 522 Early to 939 (Chinese era) 524 939-1787 526 1787-1945 (French era) 1945- Local, A-Z e.g. North Vietnam Indonesia Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) By region Bali Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Biography (Collective) 272
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 530 History 532 By region or country 534 Asia 536 Southeast Asia 538.A-Z Special regions or countries 539.A-Z Indonesia By region -- Continued 540 Java 542 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 544 General works 546 General special 548 Biography (Collective) 549.A-Z Local, A-Z Other local, A-Z 550 Malaysia. Malaya 552 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 554 General works 555 General special 556 Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) 558 Local, A-Z 560 562 For material concerned with Singapore see BQ569.S5+ 564 566 Thailand (Siam) 568.A-Z Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 569.A-Z General works General special 569.M342 Addresses, essays, lectures 569.P5-.P55 Biography (Collective) 569.S5-.S55 By period Early to 1238 570 1238-1350 (Sukhōthai period) 572 1350-1782 (ʻAyutthayā period) 574 576 Including Thonburī period 1767-1782 1782-1932 (Rattanakōsin (Bangkok) period) 1932- Local, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table BQ10 Malay Archipelago Philippine Islands (Table BQ10) Singapore (Table BQ10) Central Asia Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures 273
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 579 History By region or country 580 Asia 582 Central Asia -- Continued 584 Biography (Collective) 586 Special regions or countries 588 Mongolia. Mongolian People's Republic. Outer Mongolia 590 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 591 General works 593 General special 595 Addresses, essays, lectures 597 Biography (Collective) 599.A-Z By period Early to 1260 609.A-Z 1260-1578 1578-1750 609.K52 1750-1924 609.K8 1924- 609.L6 Local, A-Z 609.S6 For material concerned with Inner Mongolia see 610 BQ649.I7 612 Tibet see BQ7530+ 614 Other regions or countries, A-Z 616 618 Subarrange each country by Table BQ10 619 Including ancient kingdoms of Central Asia 620 Khotan Kucha 622 Lou-lan 624 Soviet Central Asia 626 East Asia 628 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 630.A-Z General works Early works through 1800 1801- General special Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) Special countries China Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works Early works through 1800 1801-1948 1949- General special Special topics, A-Z 274
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 630.K8 History 632 By region or country 634 Asia East Asia 636 Special countries 638 China 640 Special topics, A-Z -- Continued 641 Ku-i Buddhism 643 Addresses, essays, lectures 645 Biography (Collective) 647 By period 649.A-Z Early to 581 A.D. 581-960 (Sui, Tang and Five dynasties) 649.H6 960-1368 (Song and Yuan dynasties) 649.I7 1368-1644 (Ming dynasty) 649.M3 1644-1912 (Manchu (Qing) dynasty) 649.T32 1912-1949 649.T86 1949- Local, A-Z 650 Dunhuang see BQ649.T86 Formosa see BQ649.T32 652 Hong Kong 654 Inner Mongolia 656 Manchuria 658 Taiwan. Formosa 659 Tun-huang. Dunhuang 660 Korea. South Korea Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 661 General works Early works through 1800 662 1801-1945 664 1946- 665 General special 667 Addresses, essays, lectures 669.A-Z Biography (Collective) By period 669.N6 Early to 935 A.D. 670 Including Silla Kingdom 935-1392 (Koryŏ (Koryu) period) 1392-1910 (I (Yi) dynasty) 1910-1945 (Chōsen. Japanese era) 1945- Local, A-Z e.g. North Korea Japan Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 275
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 672 History 674 By region or country 676 Asia 678 East Asia 680.A-Z Special countries 680.H6 Japan -- Continued General works 680.M65 Early works through 1800 680.S73 1801-1945 680.W65 1946- 682 General special 683 Special topics, A-Z Honji Suijaku 684 685 Cf. BL2222.23 Relations to Shinto 687 Monks as soldiers (Sōhei) 689 State Women 691 Addresses, essays, lectures 693 Biography (Collective) By period 695 Early to 794 A.D. 697 794-1185 (Heian period) 699.A-Z 1185-1600 (Kamakura through Momoyama 700 period) 702 1600-1868 (Tokugawa period) 704 1868- 706 708 General 709.A-Z 1868-1912 20th century 710 712 General 714 1945- 716 Local, A-Z 718 Europe Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table BQ10 Africa Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works. History General special Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) 276
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 719.A-Z History By region or country 720 Africa -- Continued 722 By region or country, A-Z 724 726 Subarrange each country by Table BQ10 728 America 730 732 Including both North and South America 734 736 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 738 General works 739.A-Z General special Addresses, essays, lectures 739.C2-.C25 Biography (Collective) 739.H2-.H25 Special countries 740 United States 742 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 744 General works 746 General special 748 Addresses, essays, lectures 749.A-Z Biography (Collective) By region or state, A-Z 750 752 Subarrange each state by Table BQ10 754 e.g. 756 758 California (Table BQ10) 759.A-Z Hawaii (Table BQ10) Canada 760.A-Z Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works 770 General special 772 Addresses, essays, lectures 774 Biography (Collective) 776 By region or province, A-Z Subarrange each province by Table BQ10 Brazil Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) By region or state, A-Z Subarrange each state by Table BQ10 Other American regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table BQ10 Australia Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures 277
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 778 History 779.A-Z By region or country 780 782 Australia -- Continued 784 786 Biography (Collective) 788 789.A-Z By state or territory, A-Z 790 Subarrange each state or territory by Table BQ10 792 794 New Zealand 796 798 Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources 799.A-Z General works 800 810 General special 815 820 Addresses, essays, lectures 829.A-Z Biography (Collective) 840 843 By island or district, A-Z 846 850 Subarrange each island or district by Table BQ10 855 Pacific islands Periodicals. Collections, etc. Sources General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures Biography (Collective) By island groups, A-Z Subarrange each island group by Table BQ10 Persecutions For classification with individual modifications, schools, etc. see BQ7001+ Collections General works General special History By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Biography Collective For special modifications, sects, etc. see BQ7001+ Cf. BQ164 Educators Cf. BQ284 Historians Cf. BQ900+ Gautama Buddha's disciples Cf. BQ7920+ Lamaists General works Monks. Priests. Novices. Bhikṣu. Bhikkhu Laymen see BQ840 Upāsaka (Men believers) Women General works Nuns. Bhikṣunī. Bhikkunī 278
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 858 Biography Collective 860 Women -- Continued Upāsikā (Women believers) 865 Individual Gautama Buddha 868 General works 871 For Buddhakāya see BQ4180 872 For Sakyamuni Buddha see BQ4690.S3+ 873 874 Early works through 1200 875 876 For Jātakas see BQ1460+ 878.A-Z For Avadānas see BQ1530+ 881 Gautama Buddha in the Tripiṭaka 882 History and criticism 883 Individual texts see BQ1300.A+ 884 885 1201-1800 886 1801-1945 888.A-Z 890 Polyglot 892 English 893 Chinese 894 French 895 German 897 Japanese 899 Other languages, A-Z 1946- 900 Polyglot 905.A-Z English 905.N2 Chinese French 905.N2A7 German 910 Japanese Other languages, A-Z Pictorial works Juvenile works Popular works General special Addresses, essays, lectures Historiography Chronology Disciples. Friends and associates Collective Individual, A-Z Nanda e.g. Saundarananda (by Aśvaghoṣa) His attitude toward contemporary religions or philosophies 279
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 912 Biography 915 Individual Gautama Buddha -- Continued 918.A-Z Sermons about the life of Gautama Buddha 918.G6 Selections of his sayings and teachings. Parables 920 922 Class here descriptive works only 923 For doctrinal works on his teachings see BQ4061+ 924 Special topics, A-Z 925 God 927 Cultus 929.A-Z General works 929.P7 Special topics 930 Footprints 932 Iconography. Physical attributes 933 934 Class here works limited to religious points of view only 935 Cf. N8193.2 Gautama Buddha in art 937 Relics 938 Stūpas 939.A-Z Including descriptive works on Stūpa worship For works concerned with the meaning of the Stūpa see BQ5125.S8 Cf. BQ6460+ Sacred shrines in India, etc. Symbolism Other, A-Z Prophecies Special events Former lives (mythological) Birth. Youth. Married life Family Renunciation and ascetic life Enlightenment First sermon and deliverance of teachings Including life with followers For works limited to doctrines see BQ4180+ Last years. Last illness. Death (Pari-nirvana). Cremation For works limited to doctrinal points of view see BQ4263 Other, A-Z Other individuals The number for the individual is determined by the letter following the letter or letters for which each class number stands For works limited to founders and important persons of individual sects, see the sect For works limited to the disciples of Gautama Buddha see BQ900+ 280
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 940 Biography 942 Individual 944 Other individuals -- Continued 946 A 948 B 950 Ca - Cg 952 Ch 954 Ci - Cz 956 D 958 E 960 Fa - Ft 962 Fu 964 Fv - Fz 966 G 968 H 970 I 972 J 974 K 976 L 978 M 980 N 982 O 984 P 986 Q 988 R 990 Sa - Sg 992 Sh 994 Si - Sz 995 T 996 U 997 V 998 Wa 999 Wb - Wz X 1001 Y 1002 Z 1003 1004 Buddhist literature 1005 1006 For devotional literature see BQ5535+ 1008.A-Z For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Periodicals. Societies. Serials Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z 281
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1010 Buddhist literature -- Continued 1011 Dictionaries 1012 Collections. Collected works 1013 Polyglot 1014 English 1015 Chinese 1016 French 1018.A-Z German 1020 Japanese 1029.A-Z Other languages, A-Z Individual works see BQ4000+ 1031 History and criticism 1032 By region or country, A-Z 1033 1034 Under each country: 1035 .x Collections 1036 .x2 History and criticism 1038.A-Z Juvenile works 1040 Collections 1045.A-Z Collections Polyglot 1100 English 1105 Chinese 1107 French 1110 German 1112 Japanese Other languages, A-Z Individual works see the subject, especially the special numbers for juvenile works, e.g., BQ4032 History and criticism By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x Collections .x2 History and criticism Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) Class here texts originally transmitted (though not necessarily extant) in Pali, Sanskrit, or Prakrit (including translations and commentaries) as well as anonymous sutras originally written in Tibetan, Chinese, etc. This classification schedule does not reflect the internal organization of any one version or edition, but it is rather a practical working synthesis Collections. Collected works General works General special Introductions. Popular works Addresses, essays, lectures, etc. 282
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1113 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) -- Continued 1115 1115.5 Origins and development. History 1117 Philological studies 1118 1119.A-Z Hermeneutics. Exegetics. Principles of interpretation 1120 History of publication 1122.A-Z General works 1124.A-Z General special 1126 1128 By region or country, A-Z 1129.A-Z History of translation 1130 General works 1132.A1 Bibliography see Z7862+ 1132.A2-Z 1133.A-Z By region or country, A-Z 1133.W6 1136.A-Z By language, A-Z 1136.C6 1136.N38 Preservation of manuscripts, books, etc. Kyōzō 1136.P35 1136.P56 General works 1136.S49 1136.S62 General special 1138 e.g. Mainōkyō, kyōzuka, kyōzutsu 1140-1149 1150-1159 By region or country, A-Z 1160-1169 Under each country: 1170-1179 1180-1189 .x General works 1190-1199 1200-1209 .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Dictionaries, indexes, etc. Biography in the Tripiṭaka (Collective) Dictionaries General works. Sermons on characters Special classes, groups, etc., A-Z Women Special topics, A-Z Copying Natural history Parables Plants Sex Society General collections or selections from the Tripiṭaka not related to a special piṭaka or version By piṭaka Class here general editions, commentaries, etc., covering more than one version Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 (Table BQ1) Vinayapiṭaka. 律藏 (Table BQ1) Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 (Table BQ1) By version Pali version (Tipiṭaka). 南傳大藏經 (Table BQ1) Vinayapiṭaka. 律藏 (Table BQ1) Suttapiṭaka. 經藏 (Table BQ1) Abhidhammapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 (Table BQ1) 283
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1210-1219 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version -- Continued 1220-1229 Chinese version (Da zang jing). 大藏經. 一切經 (Table 1230-1239 BQ1) 1240-1249 1250-1259 Including those works composed in Korea and Japan 1260-1269 1270-1279 Jing zang (Sūtrapiṭaka). 經藏 (Table BQ1) Lü zang (Vinayapiṭaka). 律藏 (Table BQ1) 1280-1289 Lun zang (Abhidharmapiṭaka). 論藏. 阿毘達磨 (Table 1290-1299 BQ1) 1295 Tibetan version. 西藏大藏經 (Table BQ1) 1299.5.A-Z 1299.5.P35-.P359 Kanjur. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur. 甘殊爾 (Table BQ1) 1299.5.S65-.S659 Tanjur. Bstan-ḥgyur. 丹殊爾 (Table BQ1) 1300.A-Z Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1300.A35-.A359 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1300.A45-.A459 1300.A73-.A739 Early Buddhist suttas (Table BQ1) 1300.B73-.B739 1300.C35-.C359 Class here the five Nikāyas or four Āgamas that include 1300.K88-.K889 the nine or twelve Aṅgas 1300.M33-.M339 1300.M34-.M349 The originals are mainly in Pali. As this classification is 1300.M35-.M359 based on the Pali version, individual texts in the 1300.M36-.M369 Chinese version should be converted according to the catalog by Akanuma, Chizen: Kan-Pa shibu shiagon goshōroku. The comparative catalog of Chinese Āgamas and Pāli Nikāyas. Dīghanikāya. 長部. 長阿含 General (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Sumaṅgalavilāsinī (by Buddhaghosa) Major divisions, A-Z Mahāvagga. 大品 see BQ2370+ Pāṭikavagga. 波梨品 (Table BQ3) Sīlakkhandha. 戒品. 戒聚蘊品 (Table BQ3) Individual suttas, A-Z Aggaññasutta. 起世因本經 . 小縁經 (Table BQ3) Ambaṭṭhasutta. 阿摩晝經 (Table BQ3) Āṭānāṭiyasutta. 阿吒那智經 (Table BQ3) Brahmajālasutta. 梵綱六十二見經. 梵動經 (Table BQ3) Catuṣapariṣatsūtra (Table BQ3) Kūṭadantasutta (Table BQ3) Mahānidānasutta. 大緣經. 大緣方便經 (Table BQ3) Mahāpadānasutta. 梵綱六十二見經. 梵動經 (Table BQ3) Mahāparinibbānasutta. 大般涅槃經(阿含). 般泥洹經. 遊行經 (Table BQ3) Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta. 念處經 (Table BQ3) 284
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1300.M37-.M379 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 1300.M38-.M389 By version 1300.P68-.P689 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1300.S25-.S259 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1300.S27-.S279 Early Buddhist suttas 1300.S28-.S289 Dīghanikāya. 長部. 長阿含 1300.S56-.S569 Individual suttas, A-Z -- Continued Mahāsudassanasutta. 大善見王經 (Table BQ3) 1310-1319 Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta. 愛盡大經 (Table BQ3) 1319.5.A-Z Poṭṭhapādasutta. 布吒婆樓經 (Table BQ3) 1319.5.M34-.M349 Sāmaññaphalasutta. 沙門果經 (Table BQ3) 1319.5.M84-.M849 Sampasādaniyasutta. 自歡喜經 (Table BQ3) 1319.5.U62-.U629 Saṇgītisuttanta (Table BQ3) 1320.A-Z Sing̊ alovadāsutta. 尸迦羅越六方禮經. 善生子經 1320.A42-.A429 (Table BQ3) 1320.A48-.A489 Majjhimanikāya. 中部. 中阿含 General (Table BQ1) 1320.A53-.A539 Major divisions, A-Z 1320.B53-.B539 Majjhimapaṇṇāsa. 中分五十經扁 (Table BQ3) 1320.C85-.C859 Mūlapaṇṇāsa. 根本五十經扁 (Table BQ3) 1320.I53-.I539 Uparipaṇṇāsa. 後分五十經扁 (Table BQ3) 1320.M34-.M349 Individual suttas, A-Z 1320.M36-.M369 Alagaddūpamasutta. 蛇譬喻經 (Table BQ3) 1320.S25-.S259 Ānāpānasatisutta. 入出息念經. 安那般那念經 1320.U63-.U639 (Table BQ3) 1320.V35-.V359 Aṅgulimālasutta. 指蔓經. 盎掘摩羅經 (Table BQ3) Bhaddekarattasutta (Table BQ3) 1330-1339 Cūlamālunkyasuttanta. 箭喻經 (Table BQ3) 1339.3.A-Z Indriyabhāvanāsutta. 根修習經 (Table BQ3) 1339.3.S34-.S349 Mahācattārisakasutta. 聖道經 (Table BQ3) 1339.3.S4-.S49 Mahāsīhanādasutta (Table BQ3) 1339.5.A-Z Satipaṭthānasutta. 念處經 (Table BQ3) 1339.5.A52-.A529 Upālisutta. 優波離經 (Table BQ3) 1339.5.B54-.B549 Vammīkasutta. 蟻喩經 (Table BQ3) 1339.5.B72-.B729 Saṃyuttanikāya. 相應部. 雜阿含 1339.5.D45-.D459 General (Table BQ1) Major divisions, A-Z 1339.5.N53-.N539 Sagāthavagga (Table BQ3) Saḷāytanavagga. 六處品 (Table BQ3) Individual suttas, A-Z Anattalakkhaṇasutta. 無我相經 (Table BQ3) Bhārasutta. 重擔經 (Table BQ3) Brahmāsutta. 梵經 (Table BQ3) Dhammacakkapavattanasutta. 轉法輪經 (Table BQ3) Nidānasaṃyutta (Table BQ3) 285
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1339.5.V45-.V459 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 1340-1349 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1349.5.A-Z Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1349.5.G57-.G579 Early Buddhist suttas 1349.5.K35-.K359 Saṃyuttanikāya. 相應部. 雜阿含 1349.5.K38-.K389 Individual suttas, A-Z -- Continued 1349.5.M43-.M439 Verahaccānisutta. 毘紐迦旃延婆羅門尼經 (Table BQ3) 1350-1359 Anguttaranikāya. 增支部. 增一阿含 1360-1369 General (Table BQ1) 1369.5.A-Z Individual suttas, A-Z 1369.5.M35-.M359 Girimānandasutta. 耆利磨難經 (Table BQ3) 1369.5.N48-.N489 Kālakārāmasutta. 迦羅羅摩經 (Table BQ3) 1370-1379 Kalamasutta (Table BQ3) Mettāsutta. 慈悲經. 慈念經 (Table BQ3) 1375 Khuddakanikāya. 小部 General (Table BQ1) 1380-1389 Khuddakapāṭha. 小誦經 (Table BQ1) Individual suttas, A-Z 1389.5.A-Z Maṅgalasutta. 吉祥經 (Table BQ3) 1389.5.F32-.F329 Netti (Table BQ3) 1390-1399 Dhammapada. 法句經 (Table BQ1 modified) 1400-1409 Commentaries Early 1410-1419 1419.5.A-Z e.g. Dhammapadaṭṭhakathā 1419.5.A45-.A459 1419.5.A86-.A869 Udānavarga (by Dharmatrāta). 優陀那品 (Table 1419.5.H45-.H459 BQ1) 1419.5.K48-.K489 1419.5.P36-.P369 Other versions, A-Z 1419.5.U72-.U729 Fa ju pi yu jing. 法句譬喻經 (Table BQ3) 1420-1429 1430-1439 Udāna. 自說 (Table BQ1) 1440-1449 Itivuttaka. 如是語 (Table BQ1) 1450-1459 Suttanipāta. 經集 General (Table BQ1) Individual suttas, A-Z Ālavakasutta. 曠野經. 夜叉經 (Table BQ3) Aṭṭhakavagga. 義品 (Table BQ3) Hemavatasutta. 雪山經. 夜叉經 (Table BQ3) Khaggavisāṇasutta. 犀角經 (Table BQ3) Pārāyanasutta. 波羅延那經 (Table BQ3) Uragasutta. 蛇經 (Table BQ3) Vimānavatthu. 天宮事經 (Table BQ1) Petavatthu. 餓鬼事經. 惡鬼事經 (Table BQ1) Theragāthā. 長老偈 (Table BQ1) Therīgāthā. 長老尼偈 (Table BQ1) Jātakas. 本生經. 生經 Including Jātakamāla 286
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1460-1469 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 1470.A-Z By version 1470.C34-.C349 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1470.D35-.D359 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 Early Buddhist suttas 1470.D45-.D459 Khuddakanikāya. 小部 1470.D47-.D479 Jātakas. 本生經. 生經 -- Continued 1470.G53-.G539 General (Table BQ1) 1470.K33-.K339 Individual Jātakas. By title, A-Z 1470.K53-.K539 Candakumārajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M35-.M359 Dasarathajātaka. 達薩拉塔本生經. 十車王本生 1470.M3594-.M35949 (Table BQ3) 1470.M362-.M3629 Devadhammajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M3625-.M36259 Dhanañjayajāṭaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M364-.M3649 Ghāsī Vimaladattajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M365-.M3659 Kacchapajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M367-.M3679 Khaṇḍahālajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M38-.M389 Mahāummaggajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.M85-.M859 Mahājanakajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.N32-.N329 Mahākapijātaka. 大猿本生譚 (Table BQ3) 1470.N53-.N539 Mahānāradakassapajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.N55-.N559 Mahāsukajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.P35-.P359 Mahāsutasomajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.R63-.R639 Makhādevajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S245-.S2459 Maṇicūḍajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S26-.S269 Mūgapakkhajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S27-.S279 Naccajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S58-.S589 Nidānakathā (Table BQ3) 1470.S65-.S659 Nigrodhamigajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S93-.S939 Paññāsajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S94-.S949 Rohinījātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.S96-.S969 Sāmajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.T47-.T479 Sarvānanda (Table BQ3) 1470.U45-.U459 Sasajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.V48-.V489 Sisorajātaka (Table BQ3) Sonanandajātaka (Table BQ3) 1470.V88-.V889 Sudhābhojanajātaka (Table BQ3) 1480-1489 Supriyasārthavāhajātaka (Table BQ3) 1490-1499 Suvaṇṇahaṃsajātaka (Table BQ3) Tesakuṇajātaka (Table BQ3) Ummaggajātaka (Table BQ3) Vessantarājātaka. 尾施縛多羅本生經 (Table BQ3) Vyagghajātaka (Table BQ3) Niddesa. 義釋經 (Table BQ1) Paṭisaṁbhidāmagga. 無礙解道經 (Table BQ1 modified) 287
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1495 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 1500-1509 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1510-1519 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1520-1529 Early Buddhist suttas 1529.5.A-Z Khuddakanikāya. 小部 Paṭisambhidāmagga. 無礙解道經 -- Continued 1529.5.C55-.C559 Early commentaries 1529.5.P34-.P349 e.g. Saddhammapakāsinī 1529.5.P35-.P359 Apadāna. 譬喻 (Table BQ1) Buddhavaṃsa. 佛種性 (Table BQ1) 1530-1539 Cariyāpiṭaka. 所行藏 (Table BQ1) 1540-1549 Other miscellaneous suttas, A-Z 1550-1559 1560-1569 Including non-Pali sutras 1570-1579 1580-1589 Ba da ren jue jing. 八大人覺經 see BQ1529.5.P34+ 1590-1599 Chih chʻan ping pi yao fa. Zhi chan bing bi yao fa. 1600.A-Z 1600.A23-.A239 治禪病秘要經 (Table BQ3) 1600.A53-.A539 Pa ta jen chüeh ching. Ba da ren jue jing. 1600.H74-.H749 八大人覺經 (Table BQ3) Paritta. 護經. 守護呪 (Table BQ3) 1600.K85-.K859 Zhi chan bing bi yao fa. 治禪病秘要經 see 1600.M34-.M349 BQ1529.5.C55+ 1600.P72-.P729 Avadānas. 譬喻經 1600.S28-.S289 1600.S94-.S949 The originals are mainly in Sanskrit 1600.S96-.S969 General (Table BQ1) Aśokāvadāna. 阿育王譬喻 (Table BQ1) Avadānaśataka. 百緣經 (Table BQ1) Divyāvadāna. 天譬喻 (Table BQ1) Karmaśataka (Table BQ1) Lalitavistara. 方廣大莊嚴經 (Table BQ1) Mahāvastu (Table BQ1) Other, A-Z Abhiniṣkramaṇasūtra. 佛本行集經 (Table BQ3) Anavataptagāthā. 五百弟子自説本起経 (Table BQ3) Guo qu xian zai yin guo jing. 過去現在因果經 see BQ1600.K85+ Hsien yü yin yüan ching. Xian yu yin yuan jing. 賢愚因緣經 (Table BQ3) Kuo chʻü hsien tsai yin kuo ching. Guo qu xian zai yin guo jing. 過去現在因果經 (Table BQ3) Mahajjātakamālā (Table BQ3) Pratītyasamutpādāvadāna (Table BQ3) Ṣaṭkumārāvadāna (by Jayasena) (Table BQ3) Sumāgadhāvadāna. 須摩堤女經 (Table BQ3) Suvarṇavarṇāvadāna. 金色童児因縁經 (Table BQ3) 288
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1600.T73-.T739 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 1600.V56-.V569 By version Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1603 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1606.A-Z Early Buddhist suttas 1606.B83-.B839 Avadānas. 譬喻經 1606.J53-.J539 Other, A-Z -- Continued Tsa pao tsang ching. Za bao zang jing. 雜寶 藏經 1610-1619 (Table BQ3) 1620-1629 Vimalāvatīavadāna (Table BQ3) Xian yu yin yuan jing. 過去現在因果經 see 1630-1639 BQ1600.H74+ 1635 Za bao zang jing. 雜寶 藏經 see BQ1600.T73+ 1640-1649 Poems, etc., on the life of Gautama Buddha 1660-1669 Collections. Selections 1670.A-Z Individual. By title, A-Z 1670.A63-.A639 Buddhacarita. 佛所行讚 (by Aśvaghoṣa) (Table BQ3) 1670.J52-.J529 Jinacarita (by Vanaratna Medhaṃkara) (Table BQ3) History and criticism see BQ865+ Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 General (Table BQ1) Avataṃsakasūtra. Buddhāvataṃsakamahāvaipulyasūtra. 華嚴經. 大方廣佛華嚴經 (Table BQ1) Including the 40, 60, and 80 volume Avataṃsakasūtras Daśabhūmīśvara. 十地經 (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Daśabhumivibhāṣāśāstra. 十住毘婆沙論 (by Nāgārjuna) Gaṇḍavyūha. 入法界品 (Table BQ1) Including Samantabhadracaryāpraṇidhānarāja Dhāraṇīs. 阿羅尼經. 陀羅尼咒 General (Table BQ1) Individual dhāraṇīs, A-Z Aparimitāyurdhāraṇī. Aparimitāyurjñananāmamahāyānasūtra. 大乘聖無壽 決定光明王來陀羅尼經. 無量壽陀羅尼經 (Table BQ3) Ba ji ku nan tuo lo ni jing. 拔濟苦難陀羅尼經 see BQ1670.P29+ Jñānolkanāmadhāranīsarvagatipariśdhaṇī. 智光滅一切業障陀羅尼經. 智炬陀羅尼經 (Table BQ3) 289
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1670.K85-.K859 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 1670.M35-.M359 By version Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1670.M36-.M369 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1670.N35-.N359 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 1670.P29-.P299 Dhāraṇīs. 阿羅尼經. 陀羅尼咒 1670.P35-.P359 Individual dhāraṇīs, A-Z -- Continued 1670.P37-.P379 Kuntīdevīdhāraṇī. 七俱胝佛母准提大明陀羅尼經 1670.R37-.R379 (Table BQ3) 1670.S25-.S259 Mahākāruṇikacittadhāraṇi. 大悲咒. 1670.S27-.S279 千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼經 (Table BQ3) 1670.T35-.T359 Mahāsannipātaratnaketudhāraṇī. 1670.U75-.U759 大集寶頂陀羅尼經 (Table BQ3) 1680-1689 Nakṣatramātr̥kānāmadhāraṇī (Table BQ3) 1690-1699 Pa chi kʻu nan tʻo lo ni ching. Ba ji ku nan tuo lo ni 1700-1709 jing. 拔濟苦難陀羅尼經 (Table BQ3) 1710-1719 Pañcarakṣā. 五部守護經 (Table BQ3) 1720-1729 Parnasabaridhāraṇī. 葉衣観自在菩薩經 (Table 1730-1739 BQ3) 1740-1749 Raśmivimalaviśuddhaprabhānāmadhāraṇī (Table BQ3) 1750-1759 Sarvabuddhāṅgavatīdhāraṇī (Table BQ3) 1760-1769 Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānahrd̥ ayaguhyadhātukaraṇ 1770-1779 ḍmudrādhāraṇī. 諸佛 集會 陀羅尼經 (Table 1780-1789 BQ3) 1790-1799 Tathāgatoṣṇīsaṣitātapatrāparājitamahāpratyaṅgir 1800.A-Z atparmasiddhanāmadhāraṇī (Table BQ3) Uṣṇīṣavijayadhāraṇi (Table BQ3) Fo yi jiao jing. 佛遺教經 (Table BQ1) Fu mu en zhong jing. 父母恩重經 (Table BQ1) Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka. 悲華經 (Table BQ1) Kṣitigarbhapraṇidhānasūtra. 地藏菩薩本願經 (Table BQ1) Laṅkāvatārasūtra. 楞伽經 (Table BQ1) Mahāmāyūrīvidyārājñī. Mahāmāyūrī. 孔雀明王經 (Table BQ1) Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra. 大般涅槃經 (大乘) (Table BQ1) Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. 大寶積經 General (Table BQ1) Kāśyapaparivarta. 迦葉品 (Table BQ1) Rāṣṭrapālaparipr̥cchā. 護國所問經 (Table BQ1) Ratnārāśisūtra. 廣博仙人所問經 (Table BQ1) Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra (Śrīmālāsūtra). 勝鬘經. 勝鬘師子吼一乗大方廣方便經 (Table BQ1) Other parts, A-Z 290
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1800.B45-.B459 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 1800.B63-.B639 By version Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 1800.S86-.S869 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 1810-1819 Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. 大寶積經 1820-1829 Other parts, A-Z -- Continued 1830-1839 Bhadramāyākāravyākaraṇa. 幻師跋陀羅授記經 1840-1849 (Table BQ3) 1850-1859 Bodhisattvapiṭakasūtra. 大乘菩薩藏正法經 (Table 1860.A-Z BQ3) 1870-1879 Sukhāvatīvyūha (Larger). 大無量壽經 see 1880-1889 BQ2030+ 1890-1899 Sukhāvatīvyūha (Smaller). 阿彌陀經 see 1900-1909 BQ2040+ 1910-1919 Sumatidarikapariprc̥ chā. 須摩提菩薩経 (Table BQ3) 1915 Mahāsaṃnipātasūtra. 大集經 General (Table BQ1) 1920-1929 Candragarbha. 大集月藏經 (Table BQ1) 1930-1939 Pratyutpannasūtra. Bhadrapāla. 般舟三昧經. 賢護分 1940-1949 (Table BQ1) 1950-1959 Ratnadhvaja. 寶幢經 (Table BQ1) Sūryagarbha. 日藏經 (Table BQ1) Other parts, A-Z Mahāvairocanasūtra. 大日經 (Table BQ1) Prajñāpāramitās. 般若部. 般若波羅蜜經 General (Table BQ1) Adhyardhaśatikā. 理趣經. 般若理趣經 (Table BQ1) Aṣṭādaśasāhasrikā. 一萬八千頌般若 (Table BQ1) Aṣṭasāhasrikā. 一萬八千頌般若. 小品般若經 (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Prajñāparāmitāpiṇḍārtha. 般若圓集要義論 (by Dignāga); Abhisamayālaṅkārāloka. 現觀莊嚴明 (by Haribhadra) Prajñāpāramitāratnaguṇasamcayagatha. 佛母寶德藏般若波羅蜜多經 (Table BQ1) Jen wang po je ching. Ren wang bo re jing. 仁王般若經 (Table BQ1) Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra. 大般若經. 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 (Table BQ1) Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā. 大品般若經. 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries 291
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