BQ BUDDHISM BQ 1955 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 1960-1969 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 1970-1979 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 1980-1989 Prajñāpāramitās. 般若部. 般若波羅蜜經 1990-1999 Pañcavimśatisāhasrikā. 大品般若經. 2000.A-Z 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 2000.D37-.D379 Commentaries -- Continued 2000.E53-.E539 Early 2000.S24-.S249 2000.S36-.S369 e.g. Abhisamayālaṅkāra. 現觀莊嚴論 (by Asaṅga); Mahāprajñapāramitāśāstra. 2010-2019 大智度論 (by Nāgārjuna) 2020-2029 2030-2039 Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasūtra. 般若心經. 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經 (Table BQ1) 2035 2040-2049 Ren wang bo re jing. 仁王般若經 see BQ1930+ 2049.5.A-Z Śatasāhasrikā. 十萬頌般若 (Table BQ1) 2049.5.A63-.A639 Suvikrāntavikrāmipaṛiprcchā. 善勇猛般若經 (Table 2050-2059 2060-2069 BQ1) Vajracchedikā. 金剛經. 金剛能断般若波羅蜜經 (Table BQ1) Other Prajñāpāramitā sūtras, A-Z Daśasāhasrikā. 一萬頌般若 (Table BQ3) Ekaviṃśatistotra. 聖救度佛母二十一種禮讃經 (Table BQ3) Sañcayagāthā (Table BQ3) Saptaśatikā. 文殊師利所說摩訶般若波羅密經. 七百頌般若 (Table BQ3) Pure Land sūtras. 淨土經典 Including Jing tu san bu jing (Jōdo sambukyō). 浄土三部經 General (Table BQ1) Guan wu liang shou jing. Amitāyurdhyānasūtra. 觀無量壽經 (Table BQ1) Sukhāvatīvyūha (Larger). 大無量壽經. 大阿彌陀經 (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Sukhāvatīvyūhopadeśa. 淨土論. 往生論 (by Vasubandhu) Sukhāvatīvyūha (Smaller). 阿彌陀經 (Table BQ1) Other Pure Land sūtras, A-Z Aparamitāyurjñānadh rd̥ ayasūtra (Table BQ3) Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. 法華經. 妙法蓮華經 (Table BQ1) Avalokiteśvarasamantamukhaparivarta. 觀音經. 普門品 (Table BQ1) 292
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2070-2079 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 2080-2089 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2090-2099 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 2100-2109 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 2110-2119 Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. 法華經. 妙法蓮華經 -- 2120-2129 Continued Amitārthasūtra (Wu liang yi jing). 無量義經 (Table 2130-2139 BQ1) 2140-2149 Samādhirājasūtra. 月燈三昧經 (Table BQ1) 2150-2159 Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra. 解深密經 (Table BQ1) 2160-2169 Shan e yin guo jing. 善惡因果經 (Table BQ1) 2170-2179 Si shi er zhang jing. 四十二章經 (Table BQ1) 2180.A-Z Śūraṅgamasamādhisūtra. Sūraṅgamasūtra. 2180.A24-.A249 首楞嚴三昧經楞嚴經 (Table BQ1) Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra. 金光明經 (Table BQ1) 2180.A53-.A539 Tantras. 密教經典 2180.B53-.B539 General (Table BQ1) 2180.B57-.B579 Guhyasamājatantra. 祕密集會軌 (Table BQ1) Hevajratantra. 大悲空智金剛大敎王儀軌經 2180.C35-.C359 喜金剛怛特羅 (Table BQ1) 2180.D73-.D739 Kālacakramūlatantra. Kālacakratantra. 2180.D74-.D749 時輪根本儀軌 (Table BQ1) 2180.G93-.G939 Other individual tantras, A-Z 2180.J47-.J479 Abhidhānottaratantra. 現説無上怛特羅 (Table 2180.J54-.J549 BQ3) 2180.K54-.K549 Anantamukhanirhāradhāraṇī. 一向出生菩薩經 2180.M32-.M329 (Table BQ3) 2180.M34-.M349 Bie xing jing. 别行經 (Table BQ3) 2180.P82-.P829 Birushana bussetsu Kongōchōkyō kōmyō shingon giki. 毘盧遮那 佛說 金剛頂經 光明 眞言 儀軌 2180.S23-.S239 (Table BQ3) Cakrasamvāratantra. 勝樂輪怛特羅 (Table BQ3) Dravidavidyaraja (Table BQ3) Dri ma med paʼi bśags rgyud (Table BQ3) Guhyagarbhatantra (Guhyamūlatantra) (Table BQ3) Jin gang ding lian hua bu xin nian song yi gui. 金剛頂蓮華部心念誦儀軌 (Table BQ3) Jñānodayatantra (Table BQ3) Kīlayadvāśatantramahāyanasūtra (Table BQ3) Mahākālatantra (Table BQ3) Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa. 文殊師利根本儀軌經 (Table BQ3) Pu ti chang suo shuo yi zi ding lun wang jing. 菩提 塲所説一字頂輪王経 (Table BQ3) Sampuṭanāmamahātantra (Table BQ3) 293
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2180.S24-.S249 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 2180.S25-.S259 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 2180.S26-.S269 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 2180.S28-.S289 Tantras. 密教經典 Other individual tantras, A-Z -- Continued 2180.S44-.S449 Samvarodayatantra. 三跋羅陀耶怛特羅 (Table 2180.S94-.S949 BQ3) 2180.T35-.T359 Sarvadharmamahāśāntibodhicittakulayarāja 2180.V34-.V349 (Table BQ3) 2180.V3496-.V34969 Sarvadurgatipariśodhanatantra (Table BQ3) Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṅgraha. 真實攝經 2180.V35-.V359 (Vajraśekharasūtra) (Table BQ3) Sekoddeśa (Table BQ3) 2180.Y83-.Y839 Svarodaya (Table BQ3) 2190-2199 Tārātantra (Table BQ3) (2200-2209) Vajrabhairavatantra (Table BQ3) Vajraśekharavimānasarvayogayogisūtra. 瑜祇經. 2210-2219 金剛峯樓閣一切瑜伽瑜祇經 (Table BQ3) 2220-2229 Vajravidāraṇāmadhāraṇī. 金剛摧破陀羅尼. 2230-2239 壊相金剛陀羅 (Table BQ3) Yuddhavijayatantra (Table BQ3) 2240.A-Z Tathāgatagarbhasūtra. 如來藏經 (Table BQ1) 2240.A24-.A249 Vajraśekharasūtra (Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṅgraha). 2240.A33-.A339 金剛頂經 2240.A35-.A359 2240.A54-.A549 see BQ2180.S28+ 2240.A58-.A589 Vimalakīrtinirdeśa. 維摩詰經 (Table BQ1) 2240.A77-.A779 Yu lan pen jing. 盂蘭盆經 (Table BQ1) 2240.A85-.A859 Yuan jue jing 2240.B49-.B499 2240.B53-.B539 (Mahāvaipulyapūrnabuddhasūtraprasannārthsūtr a). 圓覺經 . 大方廣方圓覺修多羅了義經 (Table 2240.B63-.B639 BQ1) Other individual Mahayana sūtras, A-Z Adbhutadharmaparyāya (Table BQ3) Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra. 阿差末菩薩經 (Table BQ3) Akṣobhyatathāgatavyūha. 不動如來會 (Table BQ3) Anityātasutra. 無常經. 諸行有爲經 (Table BQ3) Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta. 不增 不減經 (Table BQ3) Arthaviniścayasūtra. 決定義經 (Table BQ3) Aśōkarājasūtra. 阿育王經 (Table BQ3) Bhadrakalpikasūtra. 賢劫經 (Table BQ3) Bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabharājasūtra. 藥師琉璃光王經. 藥師如來經 (Table BQ3) Bodhisattvagocaropāyavisạyavikurvāṇanirdeśa (Table BQ3) 294
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2240.B82-.B829 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2240.B83-.B839 By version 2240.C35-.C359 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 2240.C37-.C379 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 2240.C39-.C399 Other individual Mahayana sūtras, A-Z -- Continued Buddhabhūmisūtra. 佛地經 (Table BQ3) 2240.C43-.C439 Buddhapiṭakaduḥśīlanigraha. 佛藏經 (Table BQ3) Candraprabhakumārasūtra. 月光童子經 (Table 2240.C45-.C459 BQ3) Caturdharmoddānasūtra (Table BQ3) 2240.D33-.D339 Chan chʻa shan o yeh pao ching. Zhan cha shan e 2240.D35-.D359 ye bao jing. 占察善惡業報經 (Table BQ3) 2240.D36-.D369 Chang shou mieh tsui hu chu tʻung tzu tʻo lo ni 2240.D53-.D539 ching. Zhang shou mie zui hu zhu tong zi tuo ni 2240.D54-.D549 jing. 長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經 (Table BQ3) 2240.D56-.D569 Chu fen shuo jing (Table BQ3) Da fang bian fo bao en jing. 大方便佛報恩經 see (2240.D58-.D589) BQ2240.T313+ Da sheng li qu liu bo lo mi duo jing. 2240.D78-.D789 大乘理趣六波羅密多經 see BQ2240.T32+ Damamūkanidānasūtra. 賢愚經 (Table BQ3) 2240.F32-.F329 Daśacakrakṣitigarbha. 地蔵十輪經 (Table BQ3) 2240.G52-.G529 Daśadigandhakāravidhvamsana (Table BQ3) 2240.H76-.H769 Dharmasamuccaya. 諸法集要經 (Table BQ3) 2240.I55-.I559 Dharmaśarīrasūtra. 法身經 (Table BQ3) Dharmatrātadhyānasūtra. 逹摩多羅 禪經 (Table 2240.K34-.K349 BQ3) 2240.K36-.K369 Dīrghāgama 2240.K42-.K429 see BQ1290+ 2240.K93-.K939 2240.M27-.M279 Drumakinnararājaparip r̥cchāsūtra. 大樹緊那羅王所問經 (Table BQ3) 2240.M33-.M339 2240.M343-.M3439 Fa mie jin jing. 法滅盡經. (Table BQ3) Ghaṇavyūhasūtra. 大乘密嚴經 (Table BQ3) Hsiao tzu ching. Xiao zi jing. 孝子經 (Table BQ3) Insadi-sūtra (Table BQ3) Jin gang san mei jing. 金剛三昧經 see BQ2240.V35+ Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra. 大乘荘厳寶王經 (Table BQ3) Karmavibhaṅga (Table BQ3) Kha mchu nag po źi bar byed pa źes bya ba theg pa chen poʼi mdo (Table BQ3) Kujō shakujōkyo. 九條錫杖經 (Table BQ3) Mahābalasūtra. 出生一切如來法眼徧照大力明王經 (Table BQ3) Mahāmokṣasūtra (Table BQ3) Maitreyavyākaraṇa. 彌勒來時經經 (Table BQ3) 295
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2240.M345-.M3459 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 2240.M35-.M359 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 2240.M37-.M379 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 Other individual Mahayana sūtras, A-Z -- Continued 2240.M84-.M849 Mañjuśrībuddhakṣetraguṇavyūhalaṅkārasūtra. 2240.P73-.P739 文殊師利授記経. 文殊師利佛土嚴浄経 (Table BQ3) 2240.P87-.P879 Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgīti. 文殊師利一百八名梵讚 (Table BQ3) 2240.R38-.R389 Manshushili zhou zang zhong jiao liang shu zhu gong de jing. 曼殊室利咒藏中校量數珠功德經 2240.S33-.S339 (Table BQ3) Mulian jing. 目蓮經 (Table BQ3) 2240.S35-.S359 Pratyutpannabuddhasammukhāvasthitasamādhisūt 2240.S36-.S369 ra. 大方等大集經賢護分 (Table BQ3) 2240.S3695-.S36959 Pūrṇapramukhāvadānaśataka. 選集百縁經 (Table 2240.S37-.S379 BQ3) Ratnajālipariprc̥ chānāmamahāyānasūtra. 寶網經 2240.S3793-.S37939 (Table BQ3) 2240.S3795-.S37959 Saddharmasm r̥ṛtyupasthānasūtra. 正法念處經 (Table BQ3) 2240.S38-.S389 Śālistambasūtra. 稻稈經 (Table BQ3) San shi yin guo jing. 三世因果經 (Table BQ3) 2240.S39-.S399 Saṇghāṭasūtra (Table BQ3) Saptatathāgatapūrvapraṇidhānaviśeṣavistaranāma 2240.S54-.S549 mahāyānasūtra. 薬師瑠璃光七佛本願功徳経, 2240.S85-.S859 七仏薬師経 (Table BQ3) 2240.T313-.T3139 Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna. 摩鄧女經 (Table BQ3) Sarvabuddhaviṣayāvatārajñānālokālaṅkārasūtra 2240.T32-.T329 (Table BQ3) Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra. 2240.T37-.T379 集一切德三昧經 (Table BQ3) 2240.T74-.T749 Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānasatvāvalokanabuddhakṣet 2240.U47-.U479 rasandarśanavyūha (Table BQ3) 2240.V33-.V339 Śīlasamyuktasūtra. 戒三昧經 (Table BQ3) Su yao jing. 宿曜経 (Table BQ3) Ta fang pien fo pao en ching. Da fang bian fo bao en jing. 大方便佛報恩經 (Table BQ3) Ta sheng li chʻü liu po lo mi ching. Da sheng li qu liu bo lo mi duo jing. 大乘理趣六波羅密多經 (Table BQ3) Tārābhaṭṭārikānāmāṣṭaśataka (Table BQ3) Triratnānusmr̥tisūtra (Table BQ3) Ugraparipr̥cchā (Table BQ3) Vaipulyasūtra (Table BQ3) 296
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2240.V35-.V359 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2240.V55-.V559 By version Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2250-2259 Sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 2255 Mahayana Buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 2260-2269 Other individual Mahayana sūtras, A-Z -- Continued 2270-2279 Vajrasamādhisūtra. Jin gang san mei jing. 2280-2289 金剛三昧經 (Table BQ3) 2290-2299 Viśeṣacintabrahmapariprc̥ chāsūtra (Table BQ3) 2300-2309 Xiao zi jing. 孝子經 see BQ2240.H76+ 2309.5.A-Z Zhan cha shan e ye bao jing. 占察善惡業報經 see 2309.5.A7-.A79 BQ2240.C39+ Zhang shou mie zui hu zhu tong zi tuo ni jing. 2310-2319 長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經 see BQ2240.C43+ 2315 Vinayapiṭaka. 律藏 Sarvāstivāda School Vinaya. 說一切有部律 2320-2320.9 General (Table BQ1 modified) 2322-2322.9 Commentaries 2324-2324.9 Early 2330-2339 2340-2349 e.g. Ḥdul-baḥi mdo (by Guṇaprabha) 2350-2359 2360-2369 Karmavācanā. 羯摩 (Table BQ1) 2370-2379 Prātimokṣa. 波羅提木叉 General (Table BQ1) Bhikṣuprātimokṣa. 比丘波羅提木叉 (Table BQ1) Bhikṣuṇīprātimokṣa. 比丘尼波羅提木叉. 比丘尼戒 (Table BQ1) Skanda. 犍度 (Table BQ1) Other individual texts. By title, A-Z Āryamūlasarvāstivādiśrāmaṇerakārikā (by Nāgārjuna) Theravāda School Vinaya. 上座部律 (Pali originals) General (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Samantapāsādikā. 善見律毘婆沙 (by Buddhaghosa); Vinayaninicca (by Buddhaghosa) Pātimokkha. 波羅提木叉 General (Table BQ2) Bhikkupātimokkha (Table BQ2) Bhikkuṇīpātimokkha (Table BQ2) Suttavibhaṅga. 經分別 General (Table BQ1) Mahāvibhaṅga. 大分別 (Table BQ1) Bhikkhuṇīvibhaṅga. 比丘尼分別 (Table BQ1) Khandhaka. 犍度部 General (Table BQ1) Mahāvagga. 大品 (Table BQ1) 297
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2380-2389 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2390-2399 By version 2399.3.A-Z Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2399.3.K36 Vinayapiṭaka. 律藏 Theravāda School Vinaya. 上座部律 (Pali originals) 2400-2409 Khandhaka. 犍度部 -- Continued 2410.A-Z Cullavagga. 小品 (Table BQ1) 2420-2429 Parivāra. 附隨 2429.8.A-Z General (Table BQ1) 2429.8.A32-.A329 Individual texts. By title, A-Z 2429.8.B48-.B489 Kammavagga (Table BQ3) 2429.8.P73-.P739 Dharmagupta School Vinaya. 法藏部律. 曇無德部律. 2429.8.S75-.S759 四分律 2429.8.V52-.V529 2430-2439 Cf. BQ8780+ Ritsu (Lü) Sect 2439.8.A-Z 2440.A-Z General (Table BQ1) Individual texts. By title, A-Z 2450-2459 Mahāsāṃghika School Vinaya. 摩訶僧祇律. 大眾部戒律 2460-2469 General (Table BQ1) 2470-2479 Individual texts. By title, A-Z 2480.A-Z 2480.U57-.U579 Abhisamācārikā (Table BQ3) 2480.U62-.U629 Bhiksunivinaya (Table BQ3) Prātimokṣasūtra (Table BQ3) 2490-2499 Śrīghanācārasaṅgraha (Table BQ3) 2495 Vinayakārikā. 戒論 (Table BQ3) 2500-2509 Mahīśāsaka School Vinaya. 化地部戒律 General (Table BQ1) Individual texts. By title, A-Z Vinaya of other special schools. By school, A-Z Mahāyāna Bodhisattva Vinaya. 大乘菩薩戒 For Bodhisattvaprātimokṣa. 菩薩地持善戒經 see BQ3060+ For works on the discipline see BQ7442 General (Table BQ1) Fan wang jing. 梵網經 (Table BQ1) Pu sa ying lo ben ye jing. 菩薩瓔絡本業經 (Table BQ1) Other Mahāyāna Vinaya texts, A-Z Upālipariprc̥ chāsūtra. 優波離問佛經 (Table BQ3) Upāsakaśīlasūtra. 優婆塞戒經 (Table BQ3) Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 Theravāda Abhidhamma texts. 上座部論藏 (Pali originals) General (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha (by Anuruddha) Dhammasaṅgaṇi. 法集. 法聚論 (Table BQ1 modified) 298
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2505 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2510-2519 By version 2515 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2520-2529 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 2525 Theravāda Abhidhamma texts. 上座部論藏 (Pali 2530-2539 originals) 2540-2549 Dhammasaṅgaṇi. 法集. 法聚論 -- Continued 2545 Commentaries Early 2550-2550 2560-2569 e.g. Aṭṭhasālinī (by Buddhaghosa) 2570-2579 2580-2589 Vibhaṅga. 分別. 分別論 (Table BQ1 modified) 2590-2599 Commentaries 2600-2609 Early 2610-2619 2620-2629 e.g. Sammohavinodanī (by Buddhaghosa) 2630-2639 Dhātukathā. 界論. 論事 (Table BQ1 modified) 2635 Commentaries 2640.A-Z Early 2640.C85-.C859 2640.D37-.D379 e.g. Pañcappakaraṇāṭṭhakathā (by Buddhaghosa) 2640.D48-.D489 2640.N45-.N459 Puggalapaññatti. 人施設. 人施論 (Table BQ1) 2640.T45-.T459 Kathāvatthu. 論事. 界論 (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Kathāvatthuppakaraṇāṭṭhakathā (by Buddhaghosa) Yamaka. 雙論 (Table BQ1) Paṭṭhāna. 發趣論 (Table BQ1) Other miscellaneous Pali texts Dāṭhāvaṃsa. 佛牙史 (Table BQ1) Dīpavaṃsa. 島史 (Table BQ1) Mahābodhivaṃsa. 大菩提樹史 (by Upatissa) (Table BQ1) Mahāvaṃsa. 大史 (by Mahānāma) (Table BQ1) Milindapañhā. 彌蘭王所問經. 那先比丘經 (Table BQ1) Vimuttimagga. 解脫道論 (by Upatissa) (Table BQ1) Visuddhimagga. 清淨道論 (by Buddhaghosa) (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Paramatthamañjusā (by Dhammapāla) Other texts, A-Z Cūlavaṃśa. 小史 (Table BQ3) Dasabodhisattuppattikathā (Table BQ3) Dhammanīti (Table BQ3) Nettipakaraṇa. 導論 (Table BQ3) Thūpavaṃsa. 舍利塔史 (by Vācissara) (Table BQ3) 299
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2650-2659 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2660-2669 By version 2670-2679 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2680-2689 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 -- Continued Hinayana Abhidharma texts. 小乘部論藏 (non-Pali 2685 originals) 2690-2699 Including the works of the Mahāsāṅghika (大眾部) 2700-2709 School, the Sarvāstivāda (Vaibhāṣika) (說一切有部) 2710-2719 School, the Sautrāntika School(經量部), etc. 2720-2729 2730.A-Z For works on the Abhidharma philosophy see 2730.A35-.A359 BQ4195+ 2730.A36-.A369 2730.A3697-.A36979 General (Table BQ1) 2730.A37-.A379 Abhidharmadīpa. 阿毗達磨燈論 (Table BQ1) 2730.A39-.A399 Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra. 阿毘達磨發智論 2730.A44-.A449 (by Kātyāyanīputra) (Table BQ1) 2730.A46-.A469 Abhidharmakośa. Kārikā and bhāṣya. 2730.C37-.C379 阿毘達磨俱舍論. 俱舍論 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Sphuṭārthā abhidharmakośavyākhyā. 阿毘達磨藏註疎 (by Yaśomitra) Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra. 阿毘達磨大毘婆論 (Table BQ1) Abhidharmanyāyānusarīśāstra. 阿毘達磨順正理論 (Table BQ1) Samayabhedoparacanacakra. 異部宗輪論 (by Vasumitra) (Table BQ1) Satyasiddhiśāstra. 成實論 (by Harivarman) (Table BQ1) Other texts, A-Z Abhidharmahr̥dayaśāstra. 阿毘曇心論 (by Dharmaśreṣṭhi) (Table BQ3) Abhidharmāmr̥tarasaśāstra. 集異門足論 (Table BQ3) Abhidharmaprakaraṇabhāsya (Table BQ3) Abhidharmaprakaraṇapāda. 阿毘達磨品類足論 (by Vasumitra) (Table BQ3) Abhidharmasaṃgītiparyāyapāda. Samgītiparyaya. 阿毘達磨集異門足論 (by Mahākauṣṭhila) (Table BQ3) Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra. 入阿毘達磨論 (by Skandhila) (Table BQ3) Abhidharmavijñānakāyapāda. 阿毘達磨識身足論 (Table BQ3) Catuḥsatyanirdeśa. 四諦論 (by Vasuvarman) (Table BQ3) 300
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2730.D43-.D439 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2730.D53-.D539 By version 2730.L52-.L529 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2730.N83-.N839 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 Hinayana Abhidharma texts. 小乘部論藏 (non-Pali 2740-2749 originals) Other texts, A-Z -- Continued 2750-2759 Dharmaskandha. 法蘊足論 (Table BQ3) 2760-2769 Dhātukāya (Table BQ3) 2770-2779 Li shi a Pi tan lun. 立世阿毗曇論 (Table BQ3) 2780-2789 Nyāyānusāra. 阿毘達磨順正理論 (by Saṅghabhadra) (Table BQ3) 2790-2799 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 2800-2809 General (Table BQ1) Mādhyamika School texts. 中觀論書 2810-2819 2820-2829 Including the works of the Prāsaṅgika School and the 2830-2839 Svātantrika School 2840-2849 2850-2859 Class here works by individual authors. By title. 2860-2869 2870-2879 General (Table BQ1) 2880-2889 Catuḥśatakaśāstra. 四百論. 廣百論 (by Āryadeva) 2890-2899 2900-2909 (Table BQ1) Dharmasaṅgrahaḥ. 法集名數經 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ1) Dvādaśanikāyaśāstra. 十二門論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ1) Madhyamakakārikā. 中論頌. 中論 (by Nāgārjuna) General (Table BQ1) Akutobhaya mūlamadhyamakavr̥tti. 無畏根本中論. 無畏註根本中論頌 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ1) Mādhyamakaśāstra. 中論 (by Piṅgala) (Table BQ1) Madhyāntānugamaśāstra. 順中論 (by Asaṅga) (Table BQ1) Mahāyānamadhyamakaśāstravyākhyā. 大乘中觀釋論 (by Sthiramati) (Table BQ1) Mūlamadhyamakavrt̥ ti. 根本中論 (by Buddhapālita) (Table BQ1) Prajñāpradīpamūlamadhyamakavr̥tti. 般若燈論釋 (by Bhāvaviveka) (Table BQ1) Prasannapadā. 中論釋. 明句論 (by Candrakīrti) (Table BQ1) Ratnāvalī. 寶行王正論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ1) Śataśāstra. 百論 (by Āryadeva) (Table BQ1) Vajrasūcī. 金剛針論 (by Aśvaghoṣa) (Table BQ1) Vigrahavyāvarttanī. 迴諍論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ1) 301
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2910.A-Z Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2910.B63-.B639 By version 2910.C38-.C389 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2910.D48-.D489 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 2910.H38-.H389 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 2910.J38-.J389 Mādhyamika School texts. 中觀論書 -- Continued 2910.M34-.M349 Other texts, A-Z 2910.M345 Bodhisaṃbhāraśāstra (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) 2910.M3494-.M34949 Catuḥstava. 四讚歌 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) 2910.M35-.M359 Dharmadhātustava. 讚法界頌 (by Nāgārjuna) 2910.M36-.M369 (Table BQ3) 2910.M42-.M429 Hastavālanāmprakaraṇavr̥tti. 掌中論. 解捲論 (by 2910.M85-.M859 Āryadeva) (Table BQ3) 2910.N56-.N569 Jñānasārasamuccaya (Table BQ3) 2910.P69-.P699 Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā. 中觀心頌. 中觀心論 2910.P72-.P729 (by Bhāvaviveka) (Table BQ3) 2910.P73-.P739 Early commentaries 2910.S94-.S949 2910.T35-.T359 e.g. Madhyamakahṛdayavṛttitarkajvālā. 2910.V34-.V349 Tarkajvāla. 中觀心頌註 (by Bhāvaviveka) 2910.Y84-.Y849 Mādhyamakāhṛdayavṛttitarkājvālā (by Bhāvaviveka) (Table BQ3) Madhyamakaratnapradīpa. 中觀寶燈論 (by Bhāvaviveka) (Table BQ3) Madhyamakāvatāra. 入中論 (by Candrakīrti) (Table BQ3) Mahāyānaviṃśaka. 大乘二十頌論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Mūlamadhyamikavr̥ttyakutobhaya (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Nītīśāstrajantupoṣaṇabindu. 修身書生者養育滴 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Prajñādaṇḍa (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Prajñāśataka. 一百智慧論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Pratītyasamutpādahrd̥ ayakārikā. 因緣心論頌 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Śūnyatāsaptatikārikā. 空七十論. 七十頌空性論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Talāntāntarakaśāstra. 掌珍論 (by Bhāvaviveka) (Table BQ3) Vaidalyasūtra. 廣破論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) Yuktiṣaṣṭikākarika. 六十如理論 (by Nāgārjuna) (Table BQ3) 302
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 2920-2929 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 2930-2939 By version 2940-2949 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 2950-2959 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 2960-2969 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 -- Continued 2965 Yogācāra School texts. 瑜伽行唯識論書 2980-2989 Class here works by individual authors. By title 2990-2999 Including the works of the Anākāra School and the 3000-3009 (3010-3019) Sākāra School 3020-3029 3030-3039 General (Table BQ1) 3035 Ālambanaparīkṣā. 觀所緣論. 無相思塵論 (by 3040-3049 Dignāga) (Table BQ1) 3050-3059 Buddhagotraśāstra. 佛性論 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ1) Karmasiddhiprakaraṇa. 成業論. 大乘成業論 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ1) Madhyāntavibhāgasūtra. 中邊分別論頌. 辯中邊論頌 (by Maitreyanātha) (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Madhyāntavibhāgabhāṣya. 中邊分別論 (by Vasubandhu); Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā. 中邊分別論釋疏 (by Sthiramati) Mahāyānasaṅgraha. 攝大乘論 (by Asaṅga) (Table BQ1) Mahāyānaśraddhotpādaśāstra. 大乘起信論 (by Aśvaghoṣa) (Table BQ1) Mahāyānasūtrālaṅkāra. 大乘莊嚴經論 (by Asaṅga) (Table BQ1) Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra see BQ3020+ Ratnagotravibhāga. Mahāyanottaratantrāśāstra. Ratnagotravibhāgamahāyanottaratantraśāstra. Uttaratantra. 究竟一乘寶性論 (Table BQ1) Triṃśikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi. 唯識三十論頌 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ1 modified) Commentaries Early e.g. Vijñaptimātratāsiddhiśāstra. 成唯識論 (by Dharmapāla); Triṃśikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhibhāṣya. 唯識三十頌釋論 (by Sthiramati) Viṃśatikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi. 唯識二十論 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ1) Yogācārabhūmi. 瑜伽師地論 General (Table BQ1) 303
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 3060-3069 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 3070.A-Z By version 3070.S36-.S369 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 3070.S7-.S79 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 3080.A-Z Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 3080.A25-.A259 Yogācāra School texts. 瑜伽行唯識論書 Yogācārabhūmi. 瑜伽師地論 -- Continued 3080.A255 Bodhisattvabhūmi. 菩薩地 (Table BQ1) 3080.D53-.D539 Including Bodhisattvaprātimokṣa. 菩薩地持善戒經 3080.G37-.G379 3080.M32-.M329 Other parts, A-Z Samāhitābhūmi (Table BQ3) 3080.M34-.M349 Śrāvakabhūmi. 聲聞地 (Table BQ3) 3080.P72-.P729 3080.P73-.P739 Other texts, A-Z 3080.S55-.S559 Abhidharmasamuccaya. 3080.S97-.S979 Mahāyānābhidharmasamuccaya.大乘阿毗達 3080.T75-.T759 磨集論 (by Asaṇga) (Table BQ3) 3090-3099 Early commentaries 3100-3109 e.g. Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā. 3110-3119 大乘阿毗達磨雜集論 (by Sthiramati) 3120-3129 3130-3139 Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga. 法法性分別論 (by Maitreyanātha) (Table BQ3) Gāthāsaṅgraha (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ3) Mahāyānaśatadharmaprakāśamukhaśāstra. 大乘百法明問門論 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ3) Maitreyapraṇidhāna (by Sthiramati) (Table BQ3) Prakaraṇāryavācaśāstra. 顯揚 聖教論 (by Asaṅga) (Table BQ3) Pratītyasamutpādavyākhyā. 緣起經釋. 大乘破有論 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ3) Śīlaparikathā. 戒譚 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ3) Sūtrālamkāra.經莊嚴頌. 大乘莊嚴經論頌 (by Maitreyanātha) (Table BQ3) Trisvabhāvanirdeśa. 三性論偈 (by Vasubandhu) (Table BQ3) Later (5th-12th century) Indian texts (Table BQ1) Including those works of the Mādhyamika-Yogācāra School, and Buddhist logic (Hetu-vidyā, Pramāṇa, Nyāya, etc.) Class here works by individual authors. By title. For general works on Buddhist logic see BC25+ Antaryāptisamarthana (by Ratnākaraśanti) (Table BQ1) Apohasiddhi (by Ratnakīrti) (Table BQ1) Avayavinirākaraṇa (by Paṇḍita Aśoka) (Table BQ1) Bhāvanākrama, Parts I-III. 廣釋菩提心論修習次第 (by Kamalaśīla) (Table BQ1) 304
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 3140-3149 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 3150-3159 By version 3160-3169 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 3170-3179 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 3180-3189 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 3190-3199 Later (5th-12th century) Indian texts -- Continued Bodhicaryāvatāra. 入菩提行論 (by Śāntideva) 3195 (Table BQ1) Hetubindu. 正理滴論 (by Dharmakīrti) (Table BQ1) 3200-3209 Hetutattvopadeśa. 因真性說示 (by Jitāri) (Table 3210-3219 BQ1) 3220-3229 Jātinirākṛti (by Jitāri) (Table BQ1) 3230-3239 Madhyamakālaṅkāra. 中觀莊嚴 (by Śāntarakṣita) 3240-3249 (Table BQ1) 3250-3259 Nyāyabindu. 正理一滴論 (by Dharmakīrti) (Table 3260-3269 BQ1 modified) 3270-3279 Commentaries 3280-3289 Early 3290-3299 3300.A-Z e.g. Nyāyabinduṭīkā. 正理一滴論註釋 (by 3300.B62-.B629 Dharmottara); Nyāyabinduṭīkā. 正理滴廣註 3300.C47-.C479 (by Vinītadeva) 3300.G35-.G359 3300.H47-.H479 Nyāyapraveśa. 因明入正理論 (by Śaṅkarasvāmin) 3300.K72-.K729 (Table BQ1) Pramānāntarbhāva (Table BQ1) Pramāṇasamuccaya. 集量論 (by Dignāga) (Table BQ1) Pramāṇavārttika. 量釋頌 (by Dharmakīrti) (Table BQ1) Śikṣāsamuccaya. 大乗集菩提學論 (by Śāntideva) (Table BQ1) Sūtrasamuccaya. 大乘寶要義論 (by Śāntideva) (Table BQ1) Tarkabhāṣā. 思擇說 (by Mokṣākaragupta) (Table BQ1) Tarkasōpāna (by Vidyākaraśānti) (Table BQ1) Tattvasaṅgraha. 攝真實論 (by Śāntarakṣita) (Table BQ1) Vādanyāya. 諍正理論 (by Dharmakīrti) (Table BQ1) Other texts, A-Z Bodhisattvamaṇyāvali. 菩薩摩尼鬘 (by Atīśa) (Table BQ3) Chan yao jing. 禪要經 (Table BQ3) Gaṇḍīstotragāthā (Table BQ3) Hetucakranirnaya. 因輪決擇頌 (by Dignāga) (Table BQ3) Kṣaṇabhaṅgādhyāya (by Jñānaśrīmitra) (Table BQ3) 305
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 3300.K73-.K739 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 3300.L34-.L349 By version 3300.M33-.M339 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 3300.N93-.N939 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 3300.P37-.P379 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 3300.P73-.P739 Later (5th-12th century) Indian texts 3300.S22-.S229 Other texts, A-Z -- Continued 3300.S24-.S249 Kṣaṇabhaṅgasiddhi. 剎那消滅成就 (by Ratnakīrti) 3300.S26-.S269 (Table BQ3) 3300.S74-.S749 Laghuprāmāṇyaparīkṣā (by Dharmottara) (Table 3300.T37-.T379 BQ3) 3300.T75-.T759 Madhyamakāloka (by Kamalaśīla) (Table BQ3) 3300.T77-.T779 Nyāyamukha. 因明正理門論 (by Dignāga) (Table 3300.V37-.V379 BQ3) 3300.V54-.V549 Pāramitāsmāsa. 波羅密多集 (by Āryaśūra) (Table 3300.V57-.V579 BQ3) Pramāṇaviniścaya. 量抉擇 (by Dharmakīrti) 3320-3329 (Table BQ3) 3340.A-Z Sāmānyadūṣaṇādikprasāritā (by Paṇḍita Aśoka) 3340.A24-.A249 (Table BQ3) 3340.A25-.A259 Sambandhaparīkṣā. 相屬觀察隨順 (by 3340.A34-.A349 Dharmakīrti) (Table BQ3) Santānāntarasiddhi. 他相續成就論 (by Dharmakīrti) (Table BQ3) Śrījñānaguṇabhadranāmastuti (by Vajravarman) (Table BQ3) Tarkarahasyam (Table BQ3) Trikālaparīksā. 三時觀察 (by Dignāga) (Table BQ3) Trisaṃvaraprabhāmālā.三律儀光明鬘 (by Vibhūticandra) (Table BQ3) Varṇārhavarṇastotra (by Mātr̥ceṭa) (Table BQ3) Vimalaratnalekha. 無垢寶書簡 (by Atīśa) (Table BQ3) Viśeṣastava. 殊聖讚 (by Mtho-btsun-grub-rje) (Table BQ3) Tantric Buddhist texts (Sanskrit originals only). 密教論書 General (Table BQ1) Individual texts, A-Z Abhisamayamañjarī. 現觀苞 (by Śubhākaragupta) (Table BQ3) Ācāryakriyāsamuccaya. 不二成就法 (by Jagaddarpana) (Table BQ3) Advayasiddhi. 無二成就法 (by Lakṣmīṅkarā) (Table BQ3) 306
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 3340.A55-.A559 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) 3340.B63-.B639 By version 3340.C35-.C359 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 3340.C55-.C559 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 3340.D34-.D349 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 3340.G85-.G859 Tantric Buddhist texts (Sanskrit originals only). 3340.G87-.G879 密教論書 3340.H38-.H389 Individual texts, A-Z -- Continued 3340.J65-.J659 Ājñāsaṃyakpramāṇa-nāma-ḍākinyupadeśa. 3340.K33-.K339 說正量荼枳尼 (by Tillopāda) (Table BQ3) 3340.K35-.K359 Bodhicittavivaraṇa. 菩提心釋 (by Nāgārjuna, 9th 3340.K75-.K759 cent.) (Table BQ3) 3340.K77-.K779 Caṇḍamahāroṣana. 大忿怒兇暴成就法 (Table 3340.L33-.L339 BQ3) 3340.N57-.N579 Cittaviśuddhiprakaraṇa (by Āryadeva) (Table 3340.P74-.P749 BQ3) 3340.P75-.P759 Ḍākinījālasaṃvararahasya (by Anaṅgayogī) 3340.S34-.S349 (Table BQ3) 3340.S35-.S359 Gunavatī Ṁahāmāya (Table BQ3) 3340.S93-.S939 Gurupañcāśikā. 事師法五十頌 (by Aśvaghoṣa) 3340.T38-.T389 (Table BQ3) 3340.V33-.V339 Hastapūjāvidhi (by Śāśvatavajra) (Table BQ3) 3340.V35-.V359 Jñānasiddhi. 智慧成就法 (by Indrabhūti) (Table BQ3) Kakṣapuṭa (by Nāgārjuna, Siddha) (Table BQ3) Kālacakrāvatāra. 入時輪 (by Abhayākaragupta) (Table BQ3) Kriyāsaṅgraha. 所作集 (by Kuladatta) (Table BQ3) Krṣ̥ namāritantra (Table BQ3) Laghukālacakratantra (by Mañjū śrīyaśa) (Table BQ3) Niṣpannayogāvali. 究竟瑜珈鬘 (by Abhayākaragupta) (Table BQ3) Prajñopāyaviniścayasiddhi. 般若方便決定成就法 (by Anaṅgavajra) (Table BQ3) Pratipattisāraśataka (by Āryadeva) (Table BQ3) Sādhanamālā. 成就法集 (Table BQ3) Sahajasiddhi. 俱生成就法 (by Dombī-heruka) (Table BQ3) Subhāṣitaratnakaraṇḍakakathā. 善說寶筴譚 (by Āryaśūra) (Table BQ3) Tatvajñānasamsiddhiḥ. 吉祥真性智慧成就 (by Śūnyasamadhipāda (Table BQ3) Vajraśekharayogānuttarasamyaksambodhicittopā daśāstra (Table BQ3) Vajrāvalī (Table BQ3) 307
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 3340.V38-.V389 Tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (Canonical literature) By version 4000 Divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version 4005 Abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 Mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 4011 Tantric Buddhist texts (Sanskrit originals only). 4012 密教論書 4013 Individual texts, A-Z -- Continued 4014 Vasantatilakā (Table BQ3) 4015 Modern continuations of the canon 4016 4018.A-Z Modern continuations of the canon are to be developed as needed 4020 General works 4021 Early through 1800 4022 1801-1945 4023 1946- 4024 Polyglot 4025 English 4026 Chinese 4028.A-Z French 4030 German 4032 Japanese 4034 Other languages, A-Z 4036 4040 Introductions see BQ4021+ 4045 Textbooks. Compends. Manuals, outlines, syllabi, etc. 4050 Popular works. Introductions 4055 4060 Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Pictorial works Juvenile works General special Essence, genius, and nature Philosophy of Buddhism. Philosophy and Buddhism Cf. B162 Buddhist philosophy Controversial works against Buddhism Cf. BQ7001+ Special modifications, schools, sects, etc. Apologetic works Cf. BQ7001+ Special modifications, schools, sects, etc. Addresses, essays, lectures Miscellanea. Anecdotes, etc. Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism Periodicals. Societies. Serials 308
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4061 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4062 Periodicals. Societies. Serials -- Continued 4063 Polyglot 4064 English 4065 Chinese 4066 French 4068.A-Z German 4070 Japanese 4075 Other languages, A-Z Collections. Collected works. Festschriften 4080 Several authors 4085 Individual authors 4090 General works see BQ4131+ 4095 History 4100 Including history of doctrinal controversies 4105 For works limited to a particular country see BQ251+ 4110 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 4115 4120 General works 4125 Early works through 1800 1801-1945 4131 1946- 4132 4133 General special 4134 By period 4135 4136 Early Buddhism (Primitive Buddhism) 4138.A-Z Including Original Buddhism (Gautama Buddha era) through to the split of the Hinayana schools Cf. BQ915 Sayings of Gautama Buddha Collections. Collected works General works Early works through 1800 1801-1945 1946- General special Addresses, essays, lectures Hinayana Sthavira schools era see BQ7100+ Mahayana Buddhism see BQ7300+ Tantric Buddhism era (Vajrayāna Buddhism) see BQ8900+ By region or country see BQ286+ Introductions Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z 309
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4140 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism -- Continued 4145 Formal treatises 4150 Early works through 1800 4155 1801-1945 4160 1946- 4165 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 4170 General special Addresses, essays, lectures 4175 Creeds and catechisms. Questions and answers Systematization of Buddhist teachings. Methodology of 4180 classification of doctrines 4185 General works. History 4190 For works limited to individual modifications, schools, sects, etc. see BQ7001+ 4195 4200 Special doctrines 4205.A-Z Buddha. Tathāgata. Threefold Buddhakāya 4205.T5 Including the development of the concept of Buddha 4210 4215 Worlds of Buddhas 4220 For Sukhāvatī see BQ4535+ 4230 4235 Individual Buddhas see BQ4690.A+ Dharma and dharmas 4240 4245 Abhidharma. Abhidhamma 4250.A-Z General works 4250.D5 General special 4250.S6 Special subjects, A-Z 4250.T9 Time 4255 Dharmatā. Dharmadhatu. Tathatā, etc. General works General special Two realms in Tantric Buddhism (Garbhakośa and Vajrakosá) Cf. BQ5125.M3 Mandala Four Noble Truths General works Suffering. Pain. Unsatisfactory quality of existence. Duḥkha (Dukkha) Causes of suffering see BQ4425+ Cessation of suffering see BQ4263 Eightfold Path see BQ4320 Pratītyasamutpāda. Causation. Relativity General works General special Special, A-Z Dharmadhātu Origination Six Great Origination (in Tantric Buddhism) Twelve-linked Chain of Dependent Origination Truth. Paramārtha-satya. Saṃvṛti-satya 310
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4260 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4261 Special doctrines -- Continued 4262 Seal of Three Laws 4263 General works Anitya. Impermanence 4270 Anātman. Non-self 4275 Nirvana. Vimokṣa. Cessation of suffering 4280 Cf. BQ4398+ Enlightenment 4285 Cf. BQ4570.I5 Immortality 4287 Absolute mind 4289 Sunyata. Emptiness. Non-attachment 4290 Madhyamā pratipad. Middle Way 4293 Gotra. Religious instinct 4297 General works Śrāvaka 4301 4302 General works 4303 Arhat 4304 Pratyekabuddha 4305 Bodhisattva 4306 4308.A-Z Including the development of the concept of Bodhisattva 4310 For individual Bodhisattvas see BQ4710.A+ 4315 4320 Icchantika 4324 Religious life. Religious practice. Perfection 4327 For works limited to practice see BQ5360+ 4330 General works 4336 Polyglot English 4340 Chinese 4345 French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z General special Awakening Eightfold Path Four pairs of stages in Hinayana Buddhism Cf. BQ4195+ Abhidharma Cf. BQ5595+ Meditation Nirodhasamāpatti Ten stages in Mahayana Buddhism. Bodhisattva stages General works Six paramitas For individual virtues see BQ4420.A+ Cf. BJ1289 Buddhist ethics Faith. Śraddhā. Prasāda. Adhimukti. Bhakti, etc. General works General special 311
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4350 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism Special doctrines 4355 Religious life. Religious practice. Perfection 4358 Faith. Śraddhā. Prasāda. Adhimukti. Bhakti, etc. -- Continued 4359 Threefold Refuges (Buddha, Dharma, and Saṃgha) 4360 4363 For general works on the Three Jewels see 4365 BQ4000+; BQ4131+ 4370 4375 For Triratna ceremony see BQ5000 For confirmation of faith in Buddhism see BQ5005 4380 4385 Praṇidhāna. Vows 4394 Reward. Blessings in the present life 4398 For prayer for temporal benefits, rewards, blessings, 4398.5 etc. see BQ5633.T4 4399 Love 4401 4402 Cf. BQ4570.L6 Love (nondoctrinal) 4403 4404 Karunā. Maitrī (Mettā). Compassion. Loving kindness 4405 Guṇa. Merit 4406 Parināma. Merit transference 4408.A-Z Upāya 4410 No-mind (principally in Zen Buddhism) 4415 Wisdom. Jñāna. Prajñā. Mati Cf. BQ4336 Six paramitas General works General special Four types of wisdom (principally in Yogācāra Buddhism) Including Five Wisdoms in Trantic Buddhism Bodhi. Enlightenment Cf. BQ4263 Nirvana General works Bodhicitta Thirty-seven requisites (Bodhipakkhiyadhammas) to enlightenment Virtues and vices Cf. BJ1289 Buddhist ethics General works Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Ten cardinal virtues and ten capital vices Virtues General works 312
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4420.A-Z Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4420.G6 Special doctrines 4420.M6 Virtues and vices 4425 Virtues -- Continued 4430.A-Z Individual virtues, A-Z 4430.A53 Giving (dāna). Buddhist stewardship 4430.H38 4435 Cf. BQ5136+ Temple finance 4440 4443 Moderation 4445 Kleśa. Vices. Illlusions, etc. 4450 General works 4453 Ten capital vices see BQ4410 4455 Individual vices, A-Z 4460 4465 Anger 4475 Hate 4480 Karma 4485 Theory of knowledge. Buddhist epistemology 4487 Three Svabhāva theory (in Yogācāra Buddhism) 4490 Citta. Bīja. Vijñāna. Ālayavijñāna. Vijñaptimātratā Buddhatā. Buddhahood. Tathāgatagarbha 4500 Salvation. Other Power (principally in Pure Land Buddhist 4506 doctrines) General works 4508 Original vow of Dharmākara Bodhisattva. Forty-eight 4510 Vows Nembutsu. Myōgō For practice of Nembutsu see BQ5630.N4 Nine grades of life Eschatology General works Saddharmavipralopa. End of the world Transmigration. Reincarnation. Rebirth, etc. Saṃsāra General works Death Intermediate existence Ten worlds Including the worlds of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, Śrāvakas, and Six gatis General works Six worlds (gatis) General works Including works dealing with two or more worlds Individual worlds Deva-gati. Heaven. World of devas Cf. BQ4735+ Devas Manuṣya-gati. Sahā. World of men. This world Including the relationship with the other shore, the ideal land 313
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4513 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4515 Special doctrines 4520 Eschatology 4525 Transmigration. Reincarnation. Rebirth, etc. Saṃsāra Ten worlds 4530 Six worlds (gatis) Individual worlds -- Continued 4535 Asura-gati. World of Asuras 4540 Cf. BQ4790+ Asuras 4545 4550 Tiryañ-gati. World of animals 4555 Preta-gati. World of hungry spirits 4560 4565 For Ullambana ceremony see BQ5720.U6 4570.A-Z 4570.A34 Naraka-gati. Hell 4570.A35 4570.A37 Including the eight kinds of hells, and Yamma, the 4570.A4 King of Hell 4570.A5 4570.A52 Future life 4570.A53 General works 4570.A54 Sukhāvatī. Western Paradise. Pure Land (Amitābha 4570.A7 Buddha's Land) 4570.A72 General works 4570.A77 Rebirth in Western Paradise (Pure Land) 4570.B63 Saṃgha Class here works limited to doctrinal points of view only General works Bhikṣu and Bhikṣunī General works Meaning of renunciation Upāsaka and Upāsikā General works Lay Buddhism Special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, A-Z Aesthetics Agriculture AIDS (Disease) Amrt̥ a see BQ4570.I5 Amulets. Charms. Talismans Ancestor worship Anger Animals. Speciesism Cf. BQ4515 World of animals Animism Art The arts Attitude (Psychology) Astrology see BF1714.B7 Body, Human 314
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4570.B86 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4570.C25 Special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special 4570.C27 subjects, A-Z -- Continued 4570.C3 Business 4570.C45 Capitalism 4570.C46 Caring 4570.C47 Caste. Social classes 4570.C58 Charities 4570.C586 Child care 4570.C588 Children 4570.C59 Clairvoyance 4570.C6 Communication Conflict management 4570.C73 Contentment 4570.C8 Cosmogony. Cosmology 4570.D35 4570.D43 Including Jambu-dvīpa and Mt. Smeru 4570.D47 4570.D73 Courage 4570.D78 Culture. Civilization 4570.E23 Dance 4570.E25 Death 4570.E34 Desire 4570.E54 Dreams 4570.E58 Drugs 4570.E85 Ecology. Human ecology 4570.F3 Economics. Labor 4570.F525 Education 4570.F53 Enemies 4570.F56 Environmental protection 4570.F6 Evolution 4570.F67 Faith cure. Spiritual healing 4570.F7 Filial piety 4570.F74 Firearms 4570.G56 Flowers 4570.G66 Food 4570.H43 Forests and forestry 4570.H5 Freedom Friendship 4570.H65 Globalization Good and evil Healing History Class here general works on the three periods in the Buddhist doctrine For works concerned with the end of the world or the third period (Saddharmavipralopa) see BQ4480 Homosexuality Human body see BQ4570.B63 315
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4570.H78 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4570.H8 Special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special 4570.H85 subjects, A-Z -- Continued 4570.I5 Human ecology see BQ4570.E23 Human rights 4570.I53 Humanism 4570.I55 Humor 4570.I58 Immortality. Amrt̥ a 4570.I78 4570.J69 Cf. BQ4263 Nirvana 4570.K5 4570.L3 Incest Information technology 4570.L37 International relations 4570.L5 Introspection 4570.L6 Joy King (Buddhist concept). Cakravartin 4570.M3 Language. Writing 4570.M34 Including Siddham alphabet 4570.M36 Cf. BQ5125.B5 Bijas 4570.M365 4570.M37 Law 4570.M39 Life, Meaning of 4570.M4 Love 4570.M45 4570.M5 Cf. BQ4359 Love (doctrinal) 4570.M68 4570.M97 Magic 4570.N3 Man. Pudgala. Buddhist anthropology 4570.N48 4570.O3 For gotra (religious instinct) see BQ4285+ For manuṣya-gati (world of man) see BQ4510 4570.P37 4570.P4 Marriage 4570.P45 Masculinity Matter. Atoms 4570.P65 Mediation 4570.P7 Medicine. Nursing. Health. Hygiene Metaphor 4570.P75 Miracles Mountains Music Natural history. Nature Neurosciences Occultism. Spiritualism Cf. BQ4900+ Spirits, angels, demons, etc. Patriarchy Peace Physics Popular faith see BQ5633.T4 Postmodernism Prophecies. Prophets Cf. BQ929.P7 Gautama Buddha Psychical research. Parapsychology 316
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4570.P755 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism 4570.P76 Special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, A-Z -- Continued 4570.R3 Psychoanalysis 4570.R4 Psychology. Consciousness. Status of religious 4570.R44 experiences, etc. 4570.R47 4570.S3 Cf. BQ4195+ Abhidharma 4570.S45 Cf. BQ4445 Citta. Bīja. Vijñāma, etc. 4570.S48 4570.S5 Race 4570.S55 Reform and renewal Relics 4570.S59 Responsibility 4570.S6 Science Self-perception 4570.S7 Sex 4570.S77 Shamanism Siddhas 4570.S83 Social problems see HN40.B8 4570.S9 Social sciences 4570.T42 Sociology 4570.T47 Speciesism see BQ4570.A53 4570.T49 Spiritual healing see BQ4570.F3 4570.T5 State. Politics and government 4570.T6 Stress (Psychology) 4570.T85 Stūpa worship see BQ925 4570.V43 Success 4570.V5 Superstition 4570.V6 Technology 4570.W27 Terrorism 4570.W3 Thought and thinking 4570.W4 Time and space 4570.W55 Tolerance 4570.W6 Twelve-step programs 4570.W64 Vegetarianism Violence and nonviolence Votive offerings Walking War Wealth Will Woman World. Buddhism and the world Relation of Buddhism to other religious and philosophical systems 317
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4600 Relation of Buddhism to other religious and philosophical systems -- Continued 4605 4610.A-Z General works 4610.B7 Including comparative studies of Buddhism and other religious 4610.C3 and philosophical systems 4610.C6 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 4610.H6 General special 4610.J3 Special, A-Z 4610.J8 Bahai Faith see BP378.3 4610.T3 Bon see BQ7654 4610.T46 Brahmanism 4610.Y63 Cao Daism (Vietnam) 4610.Z6 Christianity see BR128.B8 Confucianism 4620 Hinduism 4625 Islam see BP173.B9 4630 Jainism Judaism 4635 Shinto see BL2222.23 4640 Taoism 4645 Theosophy 4648 Yoga 4650 Zoroastrianism Buddhist pantheon 4655 Dictionaries 4660.A-Z Collections General works 4670 Class here descriptive works on the natures, representations, 4680 etc. of the pantheon 4685.A-Z 4690.A-Z General special 4690.A6-.A64 e.g. Comparative studies with deities of other religions Popular works. Introductions Juvenile works Addresses, essays, lectures Doctrinal development of Buddhist deities Cultus General works. History By region or country, A-Z Special deities Buddhas. Tathāgatas For doctrinal works on Buddhas see BQ4180 General descriptive works on various Buddhas Cultus General works By region or country, A-Z Individual Buddhas, A-Z Akṣobhya (Table BQ11) 318
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4690.A7-.A74 Buddhist pantheon Special deities 4690.B5-.B54 Buddhas. Tathāgatas 4690.D5-.D54 Individual Buddhas, A-Z -- Continued 4690.K36-.K364 Amitābha. Amitāyus (Table BQ11) 4690.M3-.M34 4690.M36-.M364 Cf. BQ4453+ Pure Land Buddhist doctrines 4690.P36-.P364 4690.R3-.R34 Bhaiṣajyaguru (Table BQ11) 4690.S3-.S34 Dīpaṃkara (Table BQ11) 4690.U75-.U754 Kassapa (Table BQ11) 4690.V3-.V34 Maitreya (Metteyya) (Table BQ11) Man Núóng (Table BQ11) 4695 Parnasabari (Table BQ11) Ratnasambhava (Table BQ11) 4700 Śākyamuni (Table BQ11) 4705.A-Z Uṣṇīṣavijayā (Table BQ11) 4710.A-Z Vairocana (Table BQ11) 4710.A35-.A354 Bodhisattvas 4710.A8-.A84 For doctrinal works on Bodhisattvas see BQ4293 4710.C85-.C854 4710.K7-.K74 Descriptive works on various Bodhisattvas 4710.M3-.M34 Cultus 4710.M4-.M44 General works 4710.S3-.S34 By region or country, A-Z 4710.T3-.T34 Individual Bodhisattvas, A-Z 4710.V32-.V324 Ākāśagarbha (Table BQ11) 4710.V34-.V344 Avalokiteśvara (Table BQ11) 4718 Including the six types of Avalokiteśvara: Amoghapāśa, 4720 Ārya, Cintāmaṇicakra, Ekadaśamukha, Hayagrīva, and Sahasrabhūja 4725 4730.A-Z Cundī (Table BQ11) Kṣitigarbha (Table BQ11) Maitreya (Table BQ11) Cf. BQ4690.M3+ Maitreya as the future Buddha Mañjuśrī (Table BQ11) Samantabhadra (Table BQ11) Tārā (Table BQ11) Vajrapāṇi (Table BQ11) Vajrasattva (Table BQ11) Eight kinds of mythological beings in Hinduism who protect Buddhism Cf. BL1216+ Special deities in Hinduism (who have become protectors in Buddhism) General works General special Cultus General works By region or country, A-Z Devas 319
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4735 Buddhist pantheon Eight kinds of mythological beings in Hinduism who protect 4740 Buddhism 4745.A-Z Devas -- Continued General works 4750.D33-.D334 Cultus 4750.G35-.G354 General works 4750.I6-.I64 By region or country, A-Z Individual Devas, A-Z 4750.M35-.M354 Ḍākinī (Table BQ11) 4750.M37-.M374 Gaṇeśa (Table BQ11) 4750.S27-.S274 Indra (Table BQ11) 4750.Y35-.Y354 Cf. BL1225.I6+ Indra, Hindu deity 4760 4765 Mahākāla (Table BQ11) Marici (Table BQ11) 4770 Sarasvatī (Table BQ11) 4775 Yama (Table BQ11) Nāgas 4780 General works 4785 Cultus Yakṣas 4790 General works 4795 Cultus Gandharvas 4800 General works 4805 Cultus Asuras 4810 General works 4815 Cultus Garuḍas 4820 General works 4825 Cultus Kiṃnaras 4830 General works 4835.A-Z Cultus Mahoragas 4840 General works 4845 Cultus Deities in other religions who protect Buddhism 4850 General works Individual deities, A-Z Vidya-rājas Class here works on the Tantric Buddhist guardians General works General special Cultus General works 320
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4855.A-Z Buddhist pantheon Vidya-rājas 4860.A4-.A44 Cultus -- Continued 4860.C35-.C354 By region or country, A-Z 4860.H47-.H474 Individual Vidya-rājas, A-Z 4860.K8-.K84 Acala (Table BQ11) 4860.R3-.R34 Cakrasamvara (Table BQ11) 4860.T7-.T74 Hevajra (Table BQ11) 4860.V3-.V34 Kuṇḍalī (Table BQ11) 4860.Y3-.Y34 Rāgarāja (Table BQ11) Trailokyavijaya (Table BQ11) 4865 Vajrayakṣa (Table BQ11) 4870 Yamāntaka (Table BQ11) Arhats 4875 4880.A-Z Including principally the saints in Hinayana Buddhism 4890.A-Z Cf. BQ900+ Buddhist disciples 4890.A42-.A424 Cf. BQ4289 Doctrinal works 4890.B35-.B354 4890.D33-.D334 General works 4890.D45-.D454 General special 4890.H37-.H374 Cultus 4890.K95-.K954 4890.K96-.K964 General works 4890.M56-.M564 By region or country, A-Z 4890.R37-.R374 Others, A-Z 4890.S26-.S264 A-phyi Chos-kyi-sgrol-ma (Table BQ12) 4890.S76-.S764 Baijie (Table BQ12) 4890.S78-.S784 Dam-tshig-rdo-rje (Table BQ12) 4890.V32-.V324 Dgra-lha ʼYe-brdzu (Table BQ12) 4890.V33-.V334 Hārītī (Table BQ12) 4890.V336-.V3364 Kun-dgaʼ-gźon-nu (Table BQ12) 4890.V339-.V3394 Kurukullā (Table BQ12) 4890.V34-.V344 Mgon-po Bse-khrab-can (Table BQ12) 4890.V57-.V574 Rdo-rje-śugs-ldan-rtsal (Table BQ12) Saman (Table BQ12) 4900 Srog-bdag-a-bse-chen-po-gdug-pa-sñiṅ-'byin (Table BQ12) 4905.A-Z Srog-bdag Rdo-rje-dpa'-bo-rtsal (Table BQ12) 4907.A-Z Vajrabhairava (Table BQ12) 4907.B83 Vajrakīla (Table BQ12) Vajrakīlaya (Table BQ12) Vajravārāhi (Table BQ12) Vajrayoginī (Table BQ12) Viśrāvaṇa (Table BQ12) Spirits, angels, demons, etc. General works By region or country, A-Z Individual spirits, angels, demons, etc., A-Z Buddhist Boy Attendants (Buddhist deities) 321
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 4911 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 4912 4913 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 4914 4915 Periodicals. Yearbooks. Societies 4916 4918.A-Z Polyglot 4920 English 4925 4930 Chinese 4935 French 4940 German 4945 4950 Japanese 4953 4955 Other languages, A-Z 4960.A-Z Collected works 4965 4967 Several authors 4970 Individual authors 4972 4975 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries 4980 4985 History 4990.A-Z General works 4995 4998 Addresses, essays, lectures 5000 By period see BQ286+ 5005 5010 General works Early works through 1800 1801- General special Addresses, essays, lectures By region or country, A-Z Ceremonies and rites. Ceremonial rules For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Collections Dictionaries General works Early works through 1800 1801-1945 1946- General special Ritualism (General) By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Service books for priests Books for laymen. \"Buddhist Bible\" Special rites and ceremonies Class here those works or rites and ceremonies that are applicable throughout Buddhism Triratna Service (100th day after birth) Confirmation. Jukai Initiation of novices e.g. Shinbyu 322
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5015 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5020 5025 Ceremonies and rites. Ceremonial rules 5030.A-Z 5030.B63 Special rites and ceremonies -- Continued 5030.C6 Marriage 5030.C62 Funeral service. Wakes. Burial service. Cremation 5030.C64 5030.D4 Memorial services for the dead 5030.F47 Other, A-Z 5030.H6 Bodhi tree worship 5030.O43 5030.P73 Confession 5030.Y66 Class here works principally for priests, monks, and nuns 5035 5040 Cf. BQ5720.U7 Uposatha 5042.A-Z 5045 Consecration of Buddhist images 5050 5055 Including rites for consecration of new Buddha images, 5060.A-Z etc., for solemn enshrinement 5065 Laying of cornerstones 5070 Dedication Including rites for blessing a new temple, a new house, a new family altar at home, for utensils that are no longer serviceable, and last respect rites for deceased pets, animals, fishes, etc. Fetal propitiatory rites Hōjōe Class here works concerned with the ceremony for the release of captured birds, animals, or fish Omizutori Pretas, Offering to Yŏngsanjae Hymns. Chants. Recitations. Śabda-vidyā. Shōmyō. Goeika For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ For Buddhist music (General) see ML3197 Periodicals. Societies. Serials Collections of hymns General By region or country, A-Z Dictionaries. Indexes. Concordances, etc. History and criticism General works Addresses, essays, lectures By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Individual texts. By author or title Altar, liturgical objects, ornaments, memorials, etc. Class here works limited to religious aspects Cf. NK1676 Buddhist decoration and ornament General works 323
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5075.A-Z Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5075.A6 Altar, liturgical objects, ornaments, memorials, etc. -- Continued 5075.B4 Special objects, A-Z 5075.C25 Altars 5075.C3 5075.D7 Including both temple and home altars 5075.F36 5075.F6 Bells 5075.G6 Caityas 5075.I6 Candles 5075.M36 Drums 5075.M4 Fans Flowers 5075.P3 Gongs 5075.P72 Incense 5075.P73 Mani pills 5075.R7 Memorial tablets 5075.S4 5075.S8 Including Ihai, Sotōba, etc. 5075.W6 Pagodas Prayer flags 5080 Prayer wheels 5085.A-Z Rosaries 5085.H3 Sepulchral monuments Stūpas 5090 5095.A-Z For Gautama Buddha stūpas see BQ925 5100 Wooden fish (Mokugyo) 5105 Vestments, altar cloths, etc. 5110 5115.A-Z General works 5120 Special, A-Z 5125.A-Z Habit (Kesa) 5125.B5 Liturgical functions 5125.D4 General works Special functions, A-Z Symbols and symbolism Cf. N8193 Buddhist art (Visual art) Cf. ND197 Buddhist paintings Cf. NK1676 Buddhist decoration and ornament Cf. NX676+ Buddhist arts (General) General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures By region or country, A-Z Liturgical symbolism Including colors, lights, etc. Special symbols, A-Z Bijas (Letters) Dharmacakra (Wheel of the Buddha's teachings) 324
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5125.F6 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5125.H4 5125.M3 Symbols and symbolism 5125.M8 5125.P3 Special symbols, A-Z -- Continued 5125.S8 5130 Flags, pennants, banners, etc. 5133 Including poles 5133.3.A-Z Hensō 5136 5136.3.A-Z Principally in Pure Land Buddhism 5136.5 Mandala. Thang-ka 5136.6 5136.7 Principally in Tantric Buddhism 5137 Mudrās (gestures of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, etc.) 5140 5145 Padma (Lotus). Puṇḍarīka (White lotus) 5150 5155 Stūpas 5160.A-Z 5165 Temple. Temple organization 5170 5175 General works 5180 5185 Membership For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ General works By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Temple finance For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ General works. History By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Buddhist giving Cf. BQ4420.G6 Buddhist virtues General works Special types of gifts (not A-Z) Fund raising Temple property Buddhist ministry. Priesthood. Organization For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Cf. BQ6140+ Monastic life Periodicals. Societies. Serials Collections History General works By region or country, A-Z Sermons, addresses, essays Part-time ministry Ethics and etiquette Spiritual development. Religious life Professional development 325
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5190 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5195 5200 Buddhist ministry. Priesthood. Organization -- Continued 5210 5213 Ministerial work in cities 5215 5220 Ministerial work in rural areas 5225 Popular works, anecdotes, etc. 5230 5235 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 5240.A-Z Communication, correspondence, mass media, etc. 5251 5252 Election, selection, succession, appointment, etc. 5253 5254 Ordination 5255 5256 Hierarchical offices 5258.A-Z 5260 Heresy trials (General) 5265 5270 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5275.A-Z General works 5280 5285.A-Z History 5290 By region or country, A-Z 5295 Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Education and training for the ordained ministry Including monasteries, Buddhist departments or schools in universities For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Periodicals, societies, etc. Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z General works Addresses, essays, lectures History of the study of Buddhism By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z By institution, A-Z Training for lay workers General works. History By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Kinds of ministries General works. History General special 326
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5300.A-Z Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5305.A-Z Buddhist ministry. Priesthood. Organization 5305.C4 Kinds of ministries -- Continued 5305.C6 By region or country, A-Z 5305.P8 Special ministeries, A-Z Chaplains 5310 Counselors 5315 Public relations 5320 Preaching 5325.A-Z 5330 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5335 5336 Periodicals. Societies. Serials Collected works 5340 History 5345 By region or country, A-Z 5350.A-Z General works. Treatises, etc. Addresses, essays, etc., on preaching 5350.M4 Illustrations for sermons 5355.A-Z Sermons 5355.B8 5355.L43 Classify sermons on a particular canonical text with the 5355.M37 text; classify sermons on a particular subject with the subject 5360 5365 For sermons limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5370 5375 General collections 5380 Several authors Individual authors Sermons on and/or for special occasions, A-Z Including collections by one author or several authors and individual sermons Memorial service sermons Including funerals, wakes, etc. Other topics, A-Z Buddhist name. Precepts-name Leadership Marriage Religious life For doctrinal works see BQ4301+ For works limited to the minister's religious life see BQ5180 For monasticism and monastic life see BQ6001+ For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Cf. BJ2019.5.B8 Buddhist etiquette Periodicals Societies Dictionaries Collections History General works 327
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5385 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5390 Religious life 5395 General works -- Continued 5400 Early works through 1800 5405 1801-1945 1946- 5410 General special Popular works, stories, anecdotes, etc. 5415 5420 Including both collections and monographs 5425 5430 Addresses, essays, lectures Religious duties 5435 5436 General works 5440 Religious leadership Duties of lay members 5445 Religion of the family 5450 Cf. BQ200+ Religious education in the home 5455 5460 Religious life of special groups Older people 5465 Children 5470 Parents 5475 5480.A-Z Including works for mothers and fathers 5480.D5 5480.F37 Men 5480.G39 Women 5480.I58 5480.P75 General works 5480.S53 Widows 5480.S6 Young adults. Young married couples Youth. Students 5485 General works 5490 Young men and boys 5495 Young women and girls 5500 Other groups, A-Z 5505 Divorced people Farmers Gays Internet users Prisoners Sick Soldiers Precepts for laymen Including the Five Precepts collectively General works Early works through 1800 1801-1945 1946- General special Addresses, essays, lectures 328
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5510.A-Z Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5521 Religious life 5522 5523 Precepts for laymen -- Continued 5524 5525 By region or country, A-Z 5530.A-Z Under each country: 5535 .x General works 5538 .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z 5541 5542 The Five Precepts 5543 5544 For works on the Five Precepts collectively see 5545 5546 BQ5485+ 5548.A-Z The Five Precepts individually 5551 5552 First (Not to take life) 5553 5554 Second (Not to take what is not given to one) 5555 5556 Third (Not to commit adultery) 5558.A-Z Fourth (Not to tell lies) 5560 Fifth (Not to drink intoxicants) 5561 5562 Other precepts, A-Z 5563 5564 Devotional literature. Meditations. Prayers 5565 5566 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ History and criticism Collections by two or more authors Early works through 1800 1801-1945 Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z 1946- Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Works by individual authors Early works through 1800 1801-1945 Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese 329
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5568.A-Z Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship Religious life 5571 Devotional literature. Meditations. Prayers 5572 Works by individual authors 5573 1801-1945 -- Continued 5574 Other languages, A-Z 5575 1946- 5576 Polyglot 5578.A-Z English Chinese 5579 French 5580 German 5585.A-Z Japanese 5585.A5 Other languages, A-Z 5585.C4 Selections for daily reading. Devotional calendars 5585.F3 Several authors 5585.M3 Individual authors 5585.M4 Selections for special groups of readers, A-Z Aged. Older people 5585.P3 Children Families 5585.P7 Married people 5585.S5 Men 5585.S6 Older people see BQ5585.A5 5585.W6 Parents 5585.Y5 5585.Y6 Including works for mothers and fathers 5585.Y7 5585.Y8 Prisoners 5590.A-Z Sick 5590.W3 Soldiers. Armed forces. Veterans Women 5592.A-Z Young adults. Young married couples Youth. Students 5592.A44 5592.A45 Young men and boys 5592.A8 Young women and girls 5592.M3 Selections for special occasions and times, A-Z 5592.M35 Wartime 5592.T35 Special prayers and devotions 5592.U75 Prayers and devotions to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, etc., 5593.A-Z A-Z Akṣobhya Amitābha Avalokiteśvara Maitreya Mañjuśrī Tārā Uṣṇīṣavijayā Prayers and devotions to Buddhist saints, A-Z 330
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5593.P3 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5593.S55 Religious life 5594.A-Z Devotional literature. Meditations. Prayers 5594.C65 Special prayers and devotions 5594.W4 Prayers and devotions to Buddhist saints, A-Z -- Continued 5595 Padma Sambhava Shōtoku Taishi 5601 Other, A-Z 5602 Confession (Prayer) 5603 Western Paradise (Pure Land). Rebirth in Western 5604 Paradise 5605 Devotion. Meditation 5606 5608.A-Z For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5611 General works 5612 Early works through 1800 5613 1801-1945 5614 Polyglot 5615 English 5616 Chinese 5618.A-Z French 5620 German 5625 Japanese 5630.A-Z Other languages, A-Z 5630.A6 1946- 5630.D4 Polyglot 5630.K6 English 5630.N4 Chinese French 5630.P6 German 5630.P7 Japanese 5630.R6 Other languages, A-Z 5630.S16 5630.S2 General special 5630.V5 Addresses, essays, lectures Special topics, A-Z Ānāpānasmrt̥ i. Breathing Contemplation on death. Maraṇānusmrt̥ i Koan Nembutsu Cf. BQ4460 Buddhist doctrine Postures Psychoanalysis of meditation Rosary Samadhi Satipaṭṭhāna. Smṛty-upasthāna Vipaśyanā Prayer 331
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5631 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5632 5633.A-Z Religious life 5633.T4 Prayer -- Continued 5635 General works 5640 5650 General special 5660 5670 Special topics, A-Z 5675 5680.A-Z Temporal benefits, rewards, blessings, etc. 5680.C6 5680.M85 Spiritual life. Mysticism. Enlightenment. Perfection 5680.S45 For doctrinal works see BQ4301+ 5700 5705 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5710 5715.A-Z Collections 5720.A-Z General works 5720.A8 Early works through 1800 5720.B6 1801-1945 5720.D5 5720.E6 1946- 5720.E7 5720.K3 General special Addresses, essays, lectures Other special religious practices or topics, A-Z Copying of scriptures Mummy cult Self-immolation Festivals. Days and seasons For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ General works General special History By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Special, A-Z Including international, national, and/or local celebrations For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Āsāḷha Pūjā. Dharmacakra Day Class here those works concerned with the celebration (in July on the day of the full moon) of the Gautama Buddha's first sermon; observed principally in Sri Lanka Birthday of Gautama Buddha. Hanamatsuri Dhammasetkya Observed in July; principally in Burma Enlightenment Day of Gautama Buddha. Jodo-e Equinox (Spring and Autumn). Higan-e Kandy Esala Perahera Class here those works concerned with the celebration of Gautama Buddha's Sacred Tooth Relic of the Dalada Maligawa Temple in Kandy (Sri Lanka) 332
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5720.K37 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship 5720.M2 Festivals. Days and seasons Special, A-Z -- Continued 5720.M28 Kathina 5720.N6 Māgha Pūjā 5720.P7 Class here those works concerned with the celebration (in 5720.T4 February on the day of the full moon) of the Gautama 5720.T5 Buddha's discourse; observed principally in Sri Lanka 5720.U6 5720.U7 Mani Rimdu 5720.U75 Nirvana Day of Gautama Buddha. Nehan-e Poson. Dhamma Vijaya 5720.W4 Class here those works concerned with the celebration (in 5720.Y66 June on the day of the full moon) of the sending out of missions to foreign lands by King Asoka; observed 5725 principally in Sri Lanka 5730 5735.A-Z Thadingyut. Festival of Lights Observed in October at the end of the rainy season; principally in Burma Thingyan. Water Festival Observed in April before the rainy season; principally in Burma Ullambana. Ollambana. O-bon (Memorial season) Uposatha. Full moon night confession ceremony Observed principally by monks and nuns in the Theravāda Buddhist countries Chai. Ubonei. O-toki Class here those works concerned with the abstention from food at certain periods for purification; observed principally by the laity Wesak. Wisakha. Vesak. Vesākhā. Vaiśākha Class here those works concerned with the combining of festivals venerating Gautama Buddha based on the Theravāda Buddhist traditions Yŏndŭnghoe Folklore For works limited to a sect see BQ7001+ Cf. GR1+ Folklore Collections History and criticism By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x Collections .x2 History and criticism Mythological tales Cf. BQ1460+ Jātakas Cf. BQ1530+ Avadānas Collections 333
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5741 Folklore 5742 Mythological tales 5743 Collections -- Continued 5744 Polyglot 5745 English 5746 Chinese 5748.A-Z French 5750 German 5755.A-Z Japanese Other languages, A-Z 5761 History and criticism 5762 By region or country, A-Z 5763 5764 Under each country: 5765 .x Collections 5766 .x2 History and criticism 5768.A-Z 5770 Legends 5775.A-Z Collections Polyglot 5780 English 5785 Chinese 5790.A-Z French German 5791 Japanese 5792 Other languages, A-Z 5793 History and criticism 5794 By region or country, A-Z 5795 5796 Under each country: 5798.A-Z .x Collections 5800 .x2 History and criticism Parables Cf. BQ1530+ Avadānas Collections History and criticism By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x Collections .x2 History and criticism Proverbs Collections Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z History and criticism 334
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5805.A-Z Folklore Proverbs -- Continued 5810 By region or country, A-Z 5815 Under each country: 5821 .x Collections 5822 .x2 History and criticism 5823 5824 Miscellaneous stories (Collected) 5825 Individual legends, stories, etc. 5826 Miracle literature 5828.A-Z 5830 Collections 5835.A-Z Polyglot English 5840 Chinese 5845.A-Z French German 5851 Japanese 5852 Other languages, A-Z 5853 5854 General works. History and criticism 5855 By region or country, A-Z 5856 5858.A-Z Under each country: 5860 .x Collections 5865 .x2 History and criticism 5868 5870 Addresses, essays, lectures 5880 Special texts. By title or author, A-Z 5882 Benevolent work. Social work. Welfare work, etc. 5884 5886 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5888 5890 Periodicals (General) Polyglot 5892 English 5894 Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Societies. Associations (International) Congresses. Conferences (International) Directories. Yearbooks Museums. Exhibitions Collections Encyclopedias. Dictionaries Study and teaching History (General) Statistics. Theory and method Biography (Collective) General works. Treatises Early works through 1800 1801- 335
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5896 Benevolent work. Social work. Welfare work, etc. -- Continued 5897 5898 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 5899.A-Z General special 5901 5902 Addresses, essays, lectures 5903 5904 By region or country, A-Z 5905 5906 Under each country: 5908.A-Z 5910 .x Periodicals. Societies. Collections 5912 5914 .x2 Congresses. Conferences 5916 5918 .x3 Directories. Yearbooks, etc. 5920 5925 .x4 History. General works. Statistics 5930.A-Z 5935 .x5 Biography (Collective) 5938 .x6A-.x6Z By province or state, A-Z 5940 5942 .x7A-.x7Z By city, etc., A-Z 5945 5950 Missionary work 5960.A-Z For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 5970 Cf. BV2618+ Christian missions to Buddhists Periodicals. Societies. Serials Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z Conferences, conventions, etc. Directories. Yearbooks Museums. Exhibitions Collections Encyclopedias. Dictionaries Study and teaching History (General) Special methods and problems, A-Z Biography (Collective) For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ General works. Treatises Early works through 1800 1801-1945 1946- General special Addresses, essays, lectures By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works. History .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Converts to Buddhism Cf. BV2618.3+ Converts to Christianity from Buddhism Collective 336
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 5975.A-BZ5975.Z Missionary work 5975.Z9 Converts to Buddhism -- Continued Individual, A-Z 6001 Anonymous 6002 6003 Monasticism and monastic life. Saṃgha (Order) 6004 6005 For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ 6006 6008.A-Z Periodicals 6010 Polyglot 6015 English Chinese 6020 French 6025 German 6030 Japanese Other languages, A-Z 6040 6045 Collections 6050 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries History 6065 General works 6071 Early works through 1800 6072 1801-1945 6073 1946- 6074 6075 By period 6076 Early to 1200 6078.A-Z 1200-1850 1850- 6081 6082 General works 6083 Early works to 1800 6084 1801-1945 6085 Polyglot 6086 English 6088.A-Z Chinese 6100 French 6105 German 6110 Japanese Other languages, A-Z 1946- Polyglot English Chinese French German Japanese Other languages, A-Z General special Addresses, essays, lectures Origins Monastic life. Vows. Discipline. Rules. Śīla 337
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 6115 Monasticism and monastic life. Saṃgha (Order) 6121 Monastic life. Vows. Discipline. Rules. Śīla -- Continued 6122 6123 General works 6124 6125 Early works through 1800 6126 6128.A-Z For collections or individual texts of Vinayapiṭaka (by 6135 piṭaka) see BQ1150+ 6140 6145 For collections or individual texts of Vinayapiṭaka (by 6150 version) see BQ2250+ 6155 6160.A-Z 1801- 6200 Polyglot 6210 6220 English 6230 6240.A-Z Chinese 6300 French 6305 6310 German 6315 6320 Japanese 6325 Other languages, A-Z General special Monks. Priests. Bhikṣu. Bhikkhu General works Novices. Śrāmaṇera Nuns. Bhikṣunī. Bhikkhunī General works Novices. Śrāmaṇerikā By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x History. General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Asceticism. Hermits. Wayfaring life History Biography (Collective) General works General special By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Monasteries. Temples. Shrines. Stūpas. Sites, etc. For works limited to a particular sect see BQ7001+ Collected works Directories For directories limited to a particular country, see BQ6330+ History General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures By region or country Asia 338
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 6330-6331 Monasteries. Temples. Shrines. Stūpas. Sites, etc. 6332-6333 6334-6335 By region or country 6336-6337 6336.A1 Asia -- Continued 6336.A3-Z 6337.A-Z General works see BQ6315 6338-6339 India (Table BQ13) 6340-6341 6342-6343 Sri Lanka (Table BQ13) 6344-6345 6346-6347 Burma. Myanmar (Table BQ13) 6348-6349 6350-6351 Thailand 6352-6353 6354.A-Z Directories 6355 General works 6356-6357 6358-6359 Local, A-Z, or individual, A-Z, if location is unnamed 6360-6361 6362-6363 For individual temples, etc., whose name begins with the 6364-6365 6366-6367 word \"wat,\" the cutter for the temple, etc., is 6368-6369 6370.A-Z determined by the second word of the name, e.g., for 6372-6373 Wat Phrapathommačhēdī, base the Cutter on the word Phrapathommačhēdī Under each locality: .x General works Including directories .x2A-.x2Z Individual, A-Z Vietnam (Table BQ13) Malaysia (Table BQ13) Including Singapore Indonesia (Table BQ13) China (Table BQ13) Mongolia (Table BQ13) Tibet (Table BQ13) Korea (Table BQ13) Japan (Table BQ13) Other, A-Z Under each: .x General .x2A-.x2Z Individual, A-Z Europe General works Great Britain (Table BQ13) Belgium (Table BQ13) France (Table BQ13) Germany (Table BQ13) Netherlands (Table BQ13) Sweden (Table BQ13) Soviet Union (Table BQ13) Other, A-Z Under each: .x General .x2A-.x2Z Individual, A-Z Africa (Table BQ13) 339
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 6374 Monasteries. Temples. Shrines. Stūpas. Sites, etc. 6376-6377 6378-6379 By region or country -- Continued 6380-6381 6382.A-Z America 6383 General works 6384-6385 6386-6387 United States (Table BQ13) 6388.A-Z Canada (Table BQ13) 6400 6410 Brazil (Table BQ13) 6420 6430 Other, A-Z 6440 6450.A-Z Under each: 6460 .x General 6470 6480 .x2A-.x2Z Individual, A-Z 6490 Oceania 6495 General works 7001 7002 Australia (Table BQ13) 7003 New Zealand (Table BQ13) Other, A-Z Under each: .x General .x2A-.x2Z Individual, A-Z Pilgrims and pilgrimages Collections General works General special Addresses, essays, lectures History By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z By province or state, A-Z Sacred shrines of Gautama Buddha in India General works Lumbinī (Rummindei, Nepal) Birthplace of Gautama Buddha Buddhagayā (Bodh-Gayā, Bihar) Site of Gautama Buddha's Enlightenment Isipatana (Sārnāth, near Benares or Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh) Site of Gautama Buddha's first sermon Kusinārā (Kusinagara, Uttar Pradesh) Site of Gautama Buddha's death and cremation Other individual places see BQ6330+ Modifications, schools, etc. For Original and Early Buddhism see BQ4100+ Periodicals Polyglot English Chinese 340
BQ BUDDHISM BQ 7004 Modifications, schools, etc. 7005 Periodicals -- Continued 7006 French 7008.A-Z German 7010 Japanese 7015 Other languages, A-Z Societies 7020 Congresses 7022 Collections 7025 Several authors 7030 Individual authors 7035 Encyclopedias (7040) Dictionaries Directories 7050 Yearbooks 7055 7060 see BQ7001+ 7070 7080 General works Early works through 1800 7085 1801-1945 7090 1946- 7100 History 7110 Miscellaneous works 7120 Including works concerned with two or more sects, etc. 7125 7130 General special 7135 Addresses, essays, lectures 7140 By region or country see BQ286+ 7145 Theravāda (Hinayana) Buddhism 7150 Periodicals 7160 Societies 7165 Congresses 7170 Collections 7175 Several authors 7180 Individual authors 7185 Dictionaries Encyclopedias Terminology Study and teaching History For particular regions or countries, see BQ320+ General works Early works through 1800 1801-1945 1946- General works Early works through 1800 1801-1945 1946- 341
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