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หมวด NK-Index

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-06 23:48:19

Description: หมวด NK-Index

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N1 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (100 N1 NUMBERS) 71.C9 71.E88 Europe 71.F5 Other regions or countries, A-Z -- Continued 71.H8 Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic 71.L38 Estonia 71.L57 Finland 71.M32 Hungary 71.M35 Latvia 71.M64 Lithuania 71.M66 Macedonia (Region) 71.M67 Malta 71.P6 Moldova 71.S54 Monaco 71.S56 Montenegro 71.U47 Poland 71.Y8 Slovakia Slovenia 71.5 Ukraine Yugoslavia 72 Including former Yugoslav republics treated collectively 73 73.6.A-Z Mediterranean Region 73.6.A68 Asia. The Orient 73.6.A7 General 73.6.B33 Southwestern Asia. Middle East 73.6.C9 73.6.I7 General 73.6.J6 By region or country, A-Z 73.6.K8 73.6.L4 Arabian Peninsula 73.6.O45 Armenia (Historical region) 73.6.Q36 73.6.S2 For Armenia (Republic) see N1 75.7.A7 73.6.S9 73.6.U54 Bahrain 73.6.Y4 Cyprus Iraq 73.7 Jordan 74 Kuwait Lebanon 75 Oman 75.6 Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria United Arab Emirates Yemen. Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) see N1 73.6.Y4 Israel. Palestine Iran. Persia Central Asia General Afghanistan 534

N1 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (100 N1 NUMBERS) 75.67.A-Z 75.67.K3 Asia. The Orient 75.67.K9 Central Asia -- Continued 75.67.T3 Former Soviet Central Asian republics, A-Z 75.67.T8 Kazakhstan 75.67.U9 Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan 75.69 Turkmenistan 75.7.A-Z Uzbekistan Caucasus. Transcaucasia 75.7.A7 General Individual republics, A-Z 75.7.A9 75.7.G4 For republics of the Russian Federation see N1 56 75.8 Armenia (Republic) 76 76.6 For historical Armenia see N1 73.6.A7 76.7 76.8.A-Z Azerbaijan Georgia (Republic) 77 Southern Asia 77.6 General India 78 Sri Lanka. Ceylon 78.6.A-Z Pakistan 78.6.C3 Other countries, A-Z 78.6.L3 Southeast Asia 78.6.V5 General Burma. Myanmar (78.6.V55) French Indochina General 78.7 By country, A-Z 79 Cambodia (Khmer) 80 Laos Vietnam 81 81.7.A-Z Including North and South Vietnam 81.7.S55 81.7.T56 Vietnam (Democratic Republic) see N1 78.6.V5 Thailand. Siam Malaysia Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya are treated as locals of Malaysia here Indonesia. Dutch East Indies Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and West Irian are treated as locals of Indonesia here Philippines Other regions or countries, A-Z Singapore Timor-Leste. East Timor. Timor-Timur. Portuguese Timor Eastern Asia 535

N1 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (100 N1 NUMBERS) 82 83 Asia. The Orient Eastern Asia -- Continued 84 General 84.6 China 84.7 86.A-Z Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau are treated as locals of China in this table 87 Japan 87.6 Korea 87.65 Korea (Democratic People's Republic) 87.7 Other countries, A-Z 87.75 Africa 87.8 General 87.85 North Africa General 88 Algeria 88.3 Libya 88.6.A-Z Morocco 88.6.I3 Sudan 88.6.S6 Tunisia 88.7 Egypt 88.75 General 88.8 Coptic 88.9.A-Z Other North Africa, A-Z 88.9.B8 Ifni 88.9.C6 Spanish Sahara. Western Sahara 88.9.F7 Ethiopia 88.9.K4 Sub-Saharan Africa 88.9.M3 Eastern Africa 88.9.M6 General 88.9.R8 By country, A-Z 88.9.S6 Burundi 88.9.T3 Comoros 88.9.U33 French Somaliland 88.9.Z3 Kenya Madagascar 89 Mozambique 89.3 Rwanda 89.6.A-Z Somali Republic 89.6.A5 Tanzania Uganda Zanzibar Western Africa General French-speaking West Africa By country, A-Z Angola 536

N1 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (100 N1 NUMBERS) 89.6.B87 89.6.C3 Africa 89.6.C4 Western Africa 89.6.C5 By country, A-Z -- Continued 89.6.C6 Benin see N1 89.6.D3 89.6.C7 Burkina Faso. Upper Volta 89.6.D3 Cameroon 89.6.G25 Central African Republic 89.6.G3 Chad 89.6.G5 Congo (Democratic Republic). Belgian Congo. Zaire 89.6.G8 Congo (Brazzaville) 89.6.I8 Dahomey. Benin 89.6.L5 Gabon 89.6.M3 Gambia 89.6.M4 Ghana Guinea 89.6.N4 Ivory Coast. Côte d'Ivoire 89.6.N5 Liberia 89.6.P6 Mali 89.6.R5 Mauritania 89.6.S4 Namibia see N1 89.8.N3 89.6.S5 Niger (89.6.S6) Nigeria Portuguese Guinea 89.6.T6 Rio Muni Senegal 89.7 Sierra Leone 89.8.A-Z Southwest Africa. Namibia 89.8.B6 89.8.L4 see N1 89.8.N3 89.8.M3 89.8.N3 Togo 89.8.R5 Upper Volta see N1 89.6.B87 89.8.S6 Zaire see N1 89.6.C6 89.8.S8 Southern Africa 89.8.Z3 General By country, A-Z 89.83 Botswana 89.84.A-Z Lesotho Malawi Namibia Rhodesia, Southern. Zimbabwe Republic of South Africa Swaziland Zambia Zimbabwe see N1 89.8.R5 Indian Ocean islands General Individual islands and island groups, A-Z 537

N1 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (100 N1 NUMBERS) 89.84.M38 89.84.R48 Indian Ocean Islands Individual islands and island groups, A-Z -- Continued 89.9 Mauritius 90 Réunion 93 95 Australasia. Pacific Area 96.A-Z 96.3 Including coastal regions of Asia and America General Australia New Zealand Pacific islands General Special, A-Z Developing countries 538

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 1 America 2 General 3 Latin America 5 6 General 7 8 By region or country see N2 31+ 8.2 8.5 North America 8.7 10 General 10.5 11 United States 14 17 General 18 18.6 Colonial period; 18th (and early 19th) century 19 25.A-.W 19th century 27.A-Z 20th century 27.5 28.A-Z 21st century 28.2 Northeastern States 28.3.A-Z 28.3.A35 Atlantic States 28.3.A4 New England 28.3.A83 Middle Atlantic States 28.3.H57 28.3.I85 South 28.3.J32 28.3.L3 Central 28.3.L35 28.3.M4 West Northwestern States Southwestern States Pacific States States, A-W Each state may be subarranged: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local (other than cities), A-Z Cities, A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Including families and firms Ethnic groups General works Special, A-Z African Americans. Negroes. Blacks American Indians For traditional art and crafts, see Classes E-F Asian Americans Blacks see N2 28.3.A35 Hispanic Americans Italian Americans Japanese Americans Latin Americans Latvian Americans Mexican Americans 539

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) (28.3.N4) 28.3.P64 America 28.3.S82 North America 29-30.3 United States 29 Ethnic groups 30.A-Z Special, A-Z -- Continued 30.2 Negroes 30.3.A-Z 30.3.G47 see N2 28.3.A35 30.3.I55 Polish Americans 31 Spanish Americans see N2 28.3.H57 32.A-Z Swedish Americans 33 Canada 35 General 36.A-Z Local, A-Z 37 Ethnic groups 38.A-Z General works 39 Special, A-Z 40.Z-Z Germans 41 Inuit 42.A-Z Latin America 43 General works see N2 2+ 44.A-Z By region or country 45.A1 Mexico 45.A2-Z General 46.A1 Local, A-Z Central America General Belize. British Honduras General Local, A-Z Costa Rica General Local, A-Z Guatemala General Local, A-Z Honduras General Local, A-Z Nicaragua General Local, A-Z Panama General Local, A-Z El Salvador General 540

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 46.A2-Z 47 America 49 Latin America 50.A-Z By region or country 51 Central America 52.A-Z El Salvador -- Continued 53 Local, A-Z 54.A-Z West Indies 55 General 56.A-Z Bahamas 57.A1 General 57.A2-Z Local, A-Z 58.A-Z Cuba General 59 Local, A-Z 61 Haiti 62.A-Z General 63 Local, A-Z 64.A-Z Jamaica 65 General 66.A-Z Local, A-Z 67 Puerto Rico 68.A-Z General 69 Local, A-Z 70.A-Z Other, A-Z 71 72.A-Z Subarrange each by Table N17 South America General Argentina General Local, A-Z Bolivia General Local, A-Z Brazil General Local, A-Z Chile General Local, A-Z Colombia General Local, A-Z Ecuador General Local, A-Z Guyana (British Guiana) 541

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 73.A1 73.A2-Z America 73.2.A1 Latin America 73.2.A2-Z By region or country 73.4.A1 South America 73.4.A2-Z Guyana (British Guiana) -- Continued 75 General 76.A-Z Local, A-Z 77 Suriname (Dutch Guiana) 78.A-Z General 79 Local, A-Z 80.A-Z French Guiana 81 General 82.A-Z Local, A-Z 83 Paraguay General 85 Local, A-Z 87.A-Z Peru 89 General 90.A-Z Local, A-Z 91 Uruguay 92.A-Z General 93 Local, A-Z 94.A-Z Venezuela General 95 Local, A-Z 96.A-Z Europe General Class here general works and also works on Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, etc., with no area Cutter subarrangement Great Britain. England General England. Local, A-Z Scotland General Local, A-Z Ireland General Local, A-Z Wales General Local, A-Z Austrian, German, and Swiss see N2 98.6 Austria General Local, A-Z 542

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 97 98.A-Z Europe -- Continued 98.A47 France 98.6 General Local, A-Z 99 Alsace-Lorraine 100.A-Z German, Austrian, and Swiss (Collectively) 100.6 German, Flemish, and Dutch see N2 104.6 101 Germany 102.A-Z 103 Including the former West Germany 104.A-Z 104.57 General 104.6 Local, A-Z 105 107 Alsace-Lorraine see N2 98.A47 108.A-Z Former East Germany 109 Greece 110.A-Z 110.6.A1 General 110.6.A2-Z Local, A-Z Italy 111 General 112.A-Z Local, A-Z Vatican City 113 115 Do not apply subarrangements for countries or cities 116.A-Z Dutch, Flemish, and German (Collectively) Low countries General Holland (Netherlands) General Local, A-Z Belgium General Local, A-Z Luxembourg General Local, A-Z Russia. Soviet Union. Russia (Federation) Including Russia and Soviet Union in Asia General Local, A-Z Class Siberia as a local here For former Soviet Central Asian republics see N2 149.7.A+ For former Transcaucasian republics see N2 150.A+ Scandinavia General Denmark General Local, A-Z 543

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 117 Europe 118.A-Z Scandinavia -- Continued Iceland 119 General 120.A-Z Local, A-Z Norway 121 General 122.A-Z Local, A-Z Sweden 123 General Local, A-Z 124.A-Z Spain General 125 126.A-Z Class here also works on both Spain and Portugal 127 Local, A-Z 128.A-Z Portugal 129 General 130.A-Z Local, A-Z Swiss, Austrian, and German see N2 98.6 131 Switzerland General 133 Local, A-Z 134.A-Z Turkey (135) General Local, A-Z 137 Balkan States 138.A-Z General (139) Bulgaria 141.A-Z General 141.A4-.A42 Local, A-Z 141.B34 Montenegro 141.B44-.B442 141.B67-.B672 see N2 141.M67+ 141.C76-.C762 141.C9-.C92 Romania 141.E88-.E882 General 141.F5-.F52 Local, A-Z Serbia see N2 141.Y8 Other regions or countries, A-Z Albania (Table N17) Baltic States. Baltic Sea Region Belarus (Table N17) Bosnia and Hercegovina (Table N17) Croatia (Table N17) Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic (Table N17) Estonia (Table N17) Finland (Table N17) 544

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 141.H8-.H82 Europe 141.L38-.L382 Other regions or countries, A-Z -- Continued 141.L57-.L572 Hungary (Table N17) 141.M32 Latvia (Table N17) 141.M35-.M352 Lithuania (Table N17) 141.M64-.M642 Macedonia (Region) 141.M66-.M662 Malta (Table N17) 141.M67-.M672 Moldova (Table N17) 141.P6-.P62 Monaco (Table N17) 141.S54-.S542 Montenegro (Table N17) 141.S56-.S562 Poland (Table N17) 141.U47-.U472 Slovakia (Table N17) 141.Y8-.Y82 Slovenia (Table N17) Ukraine (Table N17) 142 Yugoslavia. Serbia (Table N17) 143 Including former Yugoslav republics treated collectively 145 Mediterranean Region 146.A-Z Asia. The Orient 146.A68 146.A7 General Southwestern Asia. Middle East 146.B33-.B332 146.C9-.C92 General 146.I7-.I72 By region or country, A-Z 146.J6-.J62 146.K8-.K82 Arabian Peninsula 146.L4-.L42 Armenia (Historical region) 146.O45-.O452 146.Q36-.Q362 For Armenia (Republic) see N2 150.A7+ 146.S2-.S22 146.S9-.S92 Bahrain (Table N17) 146.U54-.U542 Cyprus (Table N17) 146.Y4-.Y42 Iraq (Table N17) Jordan (Table N17) 146.6.A1 Kuwait (Table N17) 146.6.A2-Z Lebanon (Table N17) Oman (Table N17) 147 Qatar (Table N17) 148.A-Z Saudi Arabia (Table N17) Syria (Table N17) United Arab Emirates (Table N17) Yemen. Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) (Table N17) Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) see N2 146.Y4+ Israel. Palestine General Local, A-Z Iran. Persia General Local, A-Z Central Asia 545

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 149 Asia. The Orient Central Asia -- Continued 149.6.A1 General 149.6.A2-Z Afghanistan 149.7.A-Z General 149.7.K3-.K32 Local, A-Z 149.7.K9-.K92 Former Soviet Central Asian republics, A-Z 149.7.T3-.T32 Kazakhstan (Table N17) 149.7.T8-.T82 Kyrgyzstan (Table N17) 149.7.U9-.U92 Tajikistan (Table N17) Turkmenistan (Table N17) 149.9 Uzbekistan (Table N17) 150.A-Z Caucasus. Transcaucasia General 150.A7-.A72 Individual republics, A-Z 150.A9-.A92 For republics of the Russian Federation see N2 112.A+ 150.G4-.G42 Armenia (Republic) (Table N17) 150.6 For historical Armenia see N2 146.A7 151 152.A-Z Azerbaijan (Table N17) Georgia (Republic) (Table N17) 152.6.A1 Southern Asia 152.6.A2-Z General India 153.A1 General 153.A2-Z Local, A-Z 153.6.A-Z Sri Lanka. Ceylon General 154 Local, A-Z Pakistan 154.6.A1 General 154.6.A2-Z Local, A-Z Other countries, A-Z 155 156.A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N17 156.C3-.C32 156.L3-.L32 Southeast Asia 156.V5-.V52 General Burma. Myanmar General Local, A-Z French Indochina General By country, A-Z Cambodia (Khmer) (Table N17) Laos (Table N17) Vietnam (Table N17) Including North and South Vietnam 546

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) (156.V55-.V552) Asia. The Orient Southeast Asia 156.6.A1 French Indochina 156.6.A2-Z By country, A-Z -- Continued 157 Vietnam (Democratic Republic) 158.A-Z see 156.V5+ 159 160.A-Z Thailand. Siam General 161 Local, A-Z 162.A-Z 162.7.A-Z Malaysia 162.7.S55 General 163 Local, A-Z 165 166.A-Z Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya are treated as locals of Malaysia here 167 168.A-Z Indonesia. Dutch East Indies 168.6.A1 General 168.6.A2-Z Local, A-Z 168.7.A1 168.7.A2-Z Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and West Irian are treated as 172.A-Z locals of Indonesia here 173 Philippines 174 General Local, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Singapore Eastern Asia General China General Local, A-Z Taiwan and Hong Kong are treated as locals of China in this table Japan General Local, A-Z Korea General Local, A-Z Korea (Democratic People's Republic) General Local, A-Z Other countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N17 Africa General North Africa General 547

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 174.6.A1 Africa 174.6.A2-Z North Africa -- Continued Algeria 174.65.A1 General 174.65.A2-Z Local, A-Z Libya 174.7.A1 General 174.7.A2-Z Local, A-Z Morocco 174.75.A1 General 174.75.A2-Z Local, A-Z Sudan 174.8.A1 General 174.8.A2-Z Local, A-Z 175 Tunisia 175.3 General 176.6.A-Z Local, A-Z 176.6.I3 Egypt 176.6.S6 Coptic Other North Africa, A-Z 176.7.A1 Ifni 176.7.A2-Z Spanish Sahara. Western Sahara 176.75 Ethiopia General 176.8 Local, A-Z 176.9.A-Z Sub-Saharan Africa 176.9.B8-.B82 Eastern Africa 176.9.C6-.C62 General 176.9.F7-.F72 By country, A-Z 176.9.K4-.K42 Burundi (Table N17) 176.9.M3-.M32 Comoros (Table N17) 176.9.M6-.M62 French Somaliland (Table N17) 176.9.R8-.R82 Kenya (Table N17) 176.9.S6-.S62 Madagascar (Table N17) 176.9.T3-.T32 Mozambique (Table N17) 176.9.U33-.U332 Rwanda (Table N17) 176.9.Z3-.Z32 Somali Republic (Table N17) Tanzania (Table N17) 177 Uganda (Table N17) 177.3 Zanzibar (Table N17) 177.6.A-Z Western Africa 177.6.A5-.A52 General French-speaking West Africa By country, A-Z Angola (Table N17) Benin see N2 177.6.D3+ 548

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 177.6.B87-.B872 Africa 177.6.C3-.C32 Western Africa 177.6.C4-.C42 By country, A-Z -- Continued 177.6.C5-.C52 Burkina Faso. Upper Volta (Table N17) 177.6.C6-.C62 Cameroon (Table N17) Central African Republic (Table N17) 177.6.C7-.C72 Chad (Table N17) 177.6.D3-.D32 Congo (Democratic Republic). Belgian Congo. Zaire (Table 177.6.G25-.G252 N17) 177.6.G3-.G32 Congo (Brazzaville) (Table N17) 177.6.G5-.G52 Dahomey. Benin (Table N17) 177.6.G8-.G82 Gabon (Table N17) 177.6.I8-.I82 Gambia (Table N17) 177.6.L5-.L52 Ghana (Table N17) 177.6.M3-.M32 Guinea (Table N17) 177.6.M4-.M42 Ivory Coast. Côte d'Ivoire (Table N17) Liberia (Table N17) 177.6.N4-.N42 Mali (Table N17) 177.6.N5-.N52 Mauritania (Table N17) 177.6.P6-.P62 Namibia see N2 178.6.N3+ 177.6.R5-.R52 Niger (Table N17) 177.6.S4-.S42 Nigeria (Table N17) 177.6.S5-.S52 Portuguese Guinea (Table N17) (177.6.S6-.S62) Rio Muni (Table N17) Senegal (Table N17) 177.6.T6-.T62 Sierra Leone (Table N17) Southwest Africa. Namibia 178 178.6.A-Z see N2 178.6.N3+ 178.6.B6-.B62 178.6.L4-.L42 Togo (Table N17) 178.6.M3-.M32 Upper Volta see N2 177.6.B87+ 178.6.N3-.N32 Zaire see N2 177.6.C6+ 178.6.R5-.R52 Southern Africa 178.6.S6-.S62 General 178.6.S8-.S82 By country, A-Z 178.6.Z3-.Z32 Botswana (Table N17) Lesotho (Table N17) 178.83 Malawi (Table N17) 178.84.A-Z Namibia (Table N17) Rhodesia, Southern. Zimbabwe (Table N17) Republic of South Africa (Table N17) Swaziland (Table N17) Zambia (Table N17) Zimbabwe see N2 178.6.R5+ Indian Ocean islands General Individual islands and island groups, A-Z 549

N2 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (200 N2 NUMBERS) 178.84.M38-.M382 Indian Ocean Islands 178.84.R48-.R482 Individual islands and island groups, A-Z -- Continued Mauritius (Table N17) 178.9 Réunion (Table N17) 179 Australasia. Pacific Area 180.A-Z Including coastal regions of Asia and America 181 182.A-Z General Australia 183 184.A-Z General 185 Local, A-Z New Zealand General Local, A-Z Pacific islands General Special, A-Z Developing countries 550

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 1 America 2 General 3 Latin America 5 6 General 7 8 By region or country see N3 44+ 8.2 8.5 North America 8.7 10 General 10.5 11 United States 18 23 General 24 24.6 Colonial period; 18th (and early 19th) century 25 35.A-.W 19th century 38.A-Z 20th century 38.5 39.A-Z 21st century 39.2 Northeastern States 39.3.A-Z 39.3.A35 Atlantic States 39.3.A4 New England 39.3.A83 Middle Atlantic States 39.3.H57 39.3.I85 South 39.3.J32 39.3.L3 Central 39.3.L35 39.3.M4 West Northwestern States Southwestern States Pacific States States, A-W Each state may be subarranged: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local (other than cities), A-Z Cities, A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Including families and firms Ethnic groups General Special, A-Z African Americans. Negroes. Blacks American Indians For traditional art and crafts, see Classes E-F Asian Americans Blacks see N3 39.3.A35 Hispanic Americans Italian Americans Japanese Americans Latin Americans Latvian Americans Mexican Americans 551

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) (39.3.N4) America 39.3.P64 North America United States 39.3.S82 Ethnic groups 41-43 Special, A-Z -- Continued Negroes 43.2 43.3.A-Z see N3 39.3.A35 43.3.B52 Polish Americans 43.3.G47 Spanish Americans see N3 39.3.H57 43.3.I55 Swedish Americans Canada 44-46 Ethnic groups General 47 Special, A-Z 50-52 Africans see N3 43.3.B52 53-55 Blacks. Africans 56-58 Germans 59-61 Inuit 62-64 Latin America 65 General works see N3 2+ 67 By region or country Mexico 68 Central America 71-73 General 74-76 Belize. British Honduras 77-79 Costa Rica 80-82 Guatamala 83-85 Honduras 86.A-Z Nicaragua Panama 89 El Salvador 92-94 West Indies 95-97 General 98-100 Bahamas 101-103 Cuba 104-106 Haiti Jamaica Puerto Rico Other, A-Z South America General Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia 552

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 107-109 America 110 Latin America 110.2 By region or country 110.4 South America -- Continued 113-115 Ecuador 116-118 Guyana (British Guiana) 119-121 Suriname (Dutch Guiana) 122-124 French Guiana Paraguay 125 Peru Uruguay 128 Venezuela 131.A-Z Europe 134 General 135.A-Z 136.A-Z Class here general works and also works on Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, etc. with no area Cutter 137 subarrangement 138.A-Z 139.A-Z Great Britain. England General 140.A1 England. Local, A-Z 140.A3A-.A3Z Scotland 140.A5-Z General 142.A-Z Special regions, districts, etc., A-Z Special cities, A-Z 143-145 Ireland 146-148 General 148.6 Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z 149-151 Special cities, A-Z Wales 151.6 General 152-154 Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z 155-157 Special cities, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Including individuals, families, or firms of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales Austrian, German, and Swiss see N3 148.6 Austria France German, Austrian, and Swiss (Collectively) Germany Including the former West Germany For Alsace-Lorraine see N3 146+ Former East Germany Greece Italy 553

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 157.57 157.6 Europe -- Continued Vatican City 158 Dutch, Flemish, and German (Collectively) 161-163 Low countries 164-166 General 166.4 Holland (Netherlands) 167-169 Belgium Luxembourg 170 Russia. Soviet Union. Russia (Federation) 173-175 176-178 Class Siberia as a local here 179-181 Including Russia and Soviet Union in Asia 182-184 For former Soviet Central Asian republics see N3 224.7.A+ 185-187 For former Transcaucasian republics see N3 225.A+ 185 Scandinavia 188-190 General Denmark 191-193 Iceland 194-196 Norway Sweden 197 200-202 Spain (203) General 206-208 Class here also works on both Spain and Portugal (209) Portugal 212.A-Z Swiss, Austrian, and German see N3 148.6 212.A4 Switzerland 212.B34 Turkey 212.B44 Balkan States 212.B67 212.C76 General 212.C9 Bulgaria 212.E88 Montenegro 212.F5 212.H8 see N3 212.M67 212.L38 212.L57 Romania Serbia see N3 212.Y8 Other regions or countries, A-Z Albania Baltic States. Baltic Sea Region Belarus Bosnia and Hercegovina Croatia Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic Estonia Finland Hungary Latvia Lithuania 554

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 212.M32 212.M35 Europe 212.M64 Other regions or countries, A-Z -- Continued 212.M66 Macedonia (Region) 212.M67 Malta 212.P6 Moldova 212.S4 Monaco 212.S54 Montenegro 212.S56 Poland 212.S65 Serbia 212.U47 Slovakia 212.Y8 Slovenia Spiš (Poland and Slovakia) 214 Ukraine Yugoslavia 215 For Serbia see N3 212.S4 218 219.A-Z Mediterranean Region 219.A68 Asia. The Orient 219.A7 General 219.B33 Southwestern Asia. Middle East 219.C9 219.I7 General 219.J6 By region or country, A-Z 219.K8 219.L4 Arabian Peninsula 219.O45 Armenia (Historical region) 219.Q36 219.S2 For Armenia (Republic) see N3 225.A7 219.S9 219.U54 Bahrain 219.Y4 Cyprus Iraq 220 Jordan 221-223 Kuwait Lebanon 224 Oman 224.6 Qatar 224.7.A-Z Saudi Arabia 224.7.K3 Syria 224.7.K9 United Arab Emirates 224.7.T3 Yemen. Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) see N3 219.Y4 Israel. Palestine Iran. Persia Central Asia General Afghanistan Former Soviet Central Asian republics, A-Z Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan 555

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 224.7.T8 224.7.U9 Asia. The Orient Central Asia 224.9 Former Soviet Central Asian republics, A-Z -- Continued 225.A-Z Turkmenistan Uzbekistan 225.A7 Caucasus. Transcaucasia General 225.A9 Individual republics, A-Z 225.G4 For republics of the Russian Federation see N3 167+ 226 227-229 Armenia (Republic) 230 231 For historical Armenia see N3 219.A7 231.6.A-Z Azerbaijan 232 Georgia (Republic) 232.6 Southern Asia General 233 India 234.A-Z Sri Lanka. Ceylon 234.C3 Pakistan 234.L3 Other countries, A-Z 234.V5 Southeast Asia General (234.V55) Burma. Myanmar French Indochina 235 General 236-238 By country, A-Z Cambodia (Khmer) 239-241 Laos Vietnam 242-244 244.7.A-Z Including North and South Vietnam 244.7.P26 244.7.S55 Vietnam (Democratic Republic) 245 see 234.V5 Thailand. Siam Malaysia Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya are treated as locals of Malaysia here Indonesia. Dutch East Indies Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and West Irian are treated as locals of Indonesia here Philippines Other regions or countries, A-Z Papua New Guinea Singapore Eastern Asia General 556

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 248-250 Asia. The Orient 251-253 Eastern Asia -- Continued 253.6 China 253.7 259.A-Z Taiwan and Hong Kong are treated as locals of China in this table 260 Japan 261 Korea 261.6 Korea (Democratic People's Republic) 261.65 Other countries, A-Z 261.7 Africa 261.75 General 261.8 North Africa 263-265 General 265.6.A-Z Algeria 265.6.I3 Libya 265.6.S6 Morocco 265.7 Sudan 265.75 Tunisia Egypt 266 Other North Africa, A-Z 266.6.A-Z 266.6.B8 Ifni 266.6.C6 Spanish Sahara. Western Sahara 266.6.F7 Ethiopia 266.6.K4 Sub-Saharan Africa 266.6.M3 Eastern Africa 266.6.M6 General 266.6.R8 By country, A-Z 266.6.S6 Burundi 266.6.T3 Comoros 266.6.U33 French Somaliland 266.6.Z3 Kenya Madagascar 267 Mozambique 267.3 Rwanda 267.6.A-Z Somali Republic 267.6.A5 Tanzania Uganda 267.6.B87 Zanzibar 267.6.C3 Western Africa General French-speaking West Africa By country, A-Z Angola Benin see N3 267.6.D3 Burkina Faso. Upper Volta Cameroon 557

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 267.6.C4 267.6.C5 Africa 267.6.C6 Western Africa 267.6.C7 By country, A-Z -- Continued 267.6.D3 Central African Republic 267.6.G25 Chad 267.6.G3 Congo (Democratic Republic). Belgian Congo. Zaire 267.6.G5 Congo (Brazzaville) 267.6.G8 Dahomey. Benin 267.6.I8 Gabon 267.6.L5 Gambia 267.6.M3 Ghana 267.6.M4 Guinea Ivory Coast. Côte d'Ivoire 267.6.N4 Liberia 267.6.N5 Mali 267.6.P6 Mauritania 267.6.R5 Namibia see N3 268.6.N3 267.6.S4 Niger 267.6.S5 Nigeria (267.6.S6) Portuguese Guinea Rio Muni 267.6.T6 Senegal Sierra Leone 268 Southwest Africa. Namibia 268.6.A-Z 268.6.B6 see N3 268.6.N3 268.6.L4 268.6.M3 Togo 268.6.N3 Upper Volta see N3 267.6.B87 268.6.R5 Zaire see N3 267.6.C6 268.6.S6 Southern Africa 268.6.S8 General 268.6.Z3 By country, A-Z Botswana 268.83 Lesotho 268.84.A-Z Malawi 268.84.M38 Namibia 268.84.R48 Rhodesia, Southern. Zimbabwe Republic of South Africa Swaziland Zambia Zimbabwe see N3 268.6.R5 Indian Ocean islands General Individual islands and island groups, A-Z Mauritius Réunion 558

N3 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N3 NUMBERS) 268.9 269-271 Australasia. Pacific Area 272-274 275 Including coastal regions of Asia and America 276.A-Z 277 General Australia New Zealand Pacific islands General Special, A-Z Developing countries 559

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 1 America 2 General 3 Latin America 5 6 General 7 8 By region or country see N4 44+ 8.2 8.5 North America 8.7 10 General 10.5 11 United States 18 23 General 24 24.6 Colonial period; 18th (and early 19th) century 25 35.A-.W 19th century 38.A-Z 20th century 38.5 39.A-Z 21st century 39.2 Northeastern States 39.3.A-Z 39.3.A35 Atlantic States 39.3.A4 New England 39.3.A83 Middle Atlantic States 39.3.D66 39.3.H57 South 39.3.I85 39.3.J32 Central 39.3.L3 39.3.L35 West Northwestern States Southwestern States Pacific States States, A-W Each state may be subarranged: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local (other than cities), A-Z Cities, A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Including families and firms Ethnic groups General Special, A-Z African Americans. Negroes. Blacks American Indians For traditional art and crafts, see Classes E-F Asian Americans Blacks see N4 39.3.A35 Dominican Americans Hispanic Americans Italian Americans Japanese Americans Latin Americans Latvian Americans 560

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 39.3.M4 (39.3.N4) America North America 39.3.P64 United States 39.3.R65 Ethnic groups Special, A-Z -- Continued 39.3.S82 Mexican Americans 39.3.S85 Negroes 41-43.3 41 see N4 39.3.A35 43.2 Polish Americans 43.3.A-Z Romanian Americans 43.3.G47 Spanish Americans see N4 39.3.H57 43.3.I55 Swedish Americans Swiss Americans 44-46 Canada General 47 Ethnic groups 50-52 General 53-55 Special, A-Z 56-58 Germans 59-61 Inuit 62-64 Latin America 65-66 General works see N4 2+ 67 By region or country Mexico 68 Central America 71-73 General 74-76 Belize. British Honduras 77-79 Costa Rica 80-82 Guatamala 83-85 Honduras 86.A-Z Nicaragua Panama 89 El Salvador 92-94 West Indies 95-97 General 98-100 Bahamas Cuba Haiti Jamaica Puerto Rico Other, A-Z South America General Argentina Bolivia Brazil 561

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 101-103 104-106 America 107-109 Latin America 110 By region or country 110.2 South America -- Continued 110.4 Chile 113-115 Colombia 116-118 Ecuador 119-121 Guyana (British Guiana) 122-124 Suriname (Dutch Guiana) 125 French Guiana Paraguay 128 Peru 131.A-Z Uruguay 134-136 Venezuela 137-139 Europe 140-141 General 142.A-Z Class here general works and also works on Northern Europe, 143-146 Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, etc., with no area Cutter 147-150 subarrangement 150.6 Great Britain. England 151-154 General England. Local, A-Z 154.6 Scotland 155-158 Special artists see N4 142.A+ 159-162 Ireland 162.57 Special artists see N4 142.A+ 162.6 Wales Special artists see N4 142.A+ Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Including individuals, families, or firms of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales Austrian, German, and Swiss see N4 150.6 Austria France German, Austrian, and Swiss (Collectively) German, Flemish, and Dutch see N4 162.6 Germany Including the former West Germany For Alsace-Lorraine see N4 147+ Former East Germany Greece Italy Vatican City Dutch, Flemish, and German (Collectively) Low countries 562

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 163 167-170 Europe 171-174 Low countries -- Continued 174.6 General 175-178 Holland (Netherlands) Belgium 179 Luxembourg 183-186 Russia. Soviet Union. Russia (Federation) 187-190 191-194 Class Siberia as a local here 195-198 Including Russia and Soviet Union in Asia 199-202 For former Soviet Central Asian republics see N4 244.7.A+ 199 For former Transcaucasian republics see N4 245.A+ 203-206 Scandinavia General 207-210 Denmark 211-214 Iceland Norway 215 Sweden 219-222 (223) Spain General 227-230 (231) Class here also works on Spain and Portugal collectively 235.A-Z Portugal 235.A4 Swiss, Austrian, and German see N4 150.6 235.B34 Switzerland 235.B44 Turkey 235.B67 Balkan States 235.C76 235.C9 General 235.E88 Bulgaria 235.F5 Montenegro 235.H8 235.L38 see N4 235.M67 235.L57 235.M32 Romania 235.M35 Serbia see N4 235.Y8 Other regions or countries, A-Z Albania Baltic States. Baltic Sea Region Belarus Bosnia and Hercegovina Croatia Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic Estonia Finland Hungary Latvia Lithuania Macedonia (Region) Malta 563

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 235.M64 235.M66 Europe 235.M67 Other regions or countries, A-Z -- Continued 235.P6 Moldova 235.S54 Monaco 235.S56 Montenegro 235.U47 Poland 235.Y8 Slovakia Slovenia 236 Ukraine Yugoslavia. Serbia 237 Including former Yugoslav republics treated collectively 238 239.A-Z Mediterranean Region 239.A68 Asia. The Orient 239.A7 General 239.B33 Southwestern Asia. Middle East 239.C9 239.I7 General 239.J6 By region or country, A-Z 239.K8 239.L4 Arabian Peninsula 239.O45 Armenia (Historical region) 239.Q36 239.S2 For Armenia (Republic) see N4 245.A7 239.S9 239.U54 Bahrain 239.Y4 Cyprus Iraq 240 Jordan 241-243 Kuwait Lebanon 244 Oman 244.6 Qatar 244.7.A-Z Saudi Arabia 244.7.K3 Syria 244.7.K9 United Arab Emirates 244.7.T3 Yemen. Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) 244.7.T8 Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) see N4 239.Y4 244.7.U9 Israel. Palestine Iran. Persia 244.9 Central Asia General Afghanistan Former Soviet Central Asian republics, A-Z Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Caucasus. Transcaucasia General 564

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 245.A-Z Asia. The Orient 245.A7 Caucasus. Transcaucasia -- Continued Individual republics, A-Z 245.A9 245.G4 For republics of the Russian Federation see N4 175+ 246 Armenia (Republic) 247-249 250 For historical Armenia see N4 239.A7 251 251.6.A-Z Azerbaijan 251.6.B3 Georgia (Republic) 251.6.N35 Southern Asia General 252 India 252.6 Sri Lanka. Ceylon Pakistan 253 Other countries, A-Z 254.A-Z Bangladesh 254.C3 Nepal 254.L3 Southeast Asia 254.V5 General Burma. Myanmar (254.V55) French Indochina General 255 By country, A-Z 256-258 Cambodia (Khmer) 259-261 Laos Vietnam 262-264 264.7.A-Z Including North and South Vietnam 264.7.S55 Vietnam (Democratic Republic) 265 268-270 see 254.V5 271-273 Thailand. Siam 273.6 Malaysia 273.7 Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya are treated as locals of Malaysia here Indonesia. Dutch East Indies Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and West Irian are treated as locals of Indonesia here Philippines Other regions or countries, A-Z Singapore Eastern Asia General China Taiwan and Hong Kong are treated as locals of China in this table Japan Korea Korea (Democratic People's Republic) 565

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 279.A-Z Asia. The Orient -- Continued 280 Other countries, A-Z 281 Africa 281.6 General 281.65 North Africa 281.7 General 281.75 Algeria 281.8 Libya 283-284 Morocco 283.3 Sudan 285.6.A-Z Tunisia 285.6.I3 Egypt 285.6.S6 Coptic 285.7 Other North Africa, A-Z 285.75 Ifni Spanish Sahara. Western Sahara 286 Ethiopia 286.6.A-Z Sub-Saharan Africa 286.6.B8 Eastern Africa 286.6.C6 General 286.6.F7 By country, A-Z 286.6.K4 Burundi 286.6.M3 Comoros 286.6.M6 French Somaliland 286.6.R8 Kenya 286.6.S6 Madagascar 286.6.T3 Mozambique 286.6.U33 Rwanda 286.6.Z3 Somali Republic Tanzania 287 Uganda 287.3 Zanzibar 287.6.A-Z Western Africa 287.6.A5 General French-speaking West Africa 287.6.B87 By country, A-Z 287.6.C3 Angola 287.6.C4 Benin see N4 287.6.D3 287.6.C5 Burkina Faso 287.6.C6 Cameroon 287.6.C7 Central African Republic 287.6.D3 Chad 287.6.G25 Congo (Democratic Republic). Belgian Congo. Zaire Congo (Brazzaville) Dahomey. Benin Gabon 566

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 287.6.G3 287.6.G5 Africa 287.6.G8 Western Africa 287.6.I8 By country, A-Z -- Continued 287.6.L5 Gambia 287.6.M3 Ghana 287.6.M4 Guinea Ivory Coast. Côte d'Ivoire 287.6.N4 Liberia 287.6.N5 Mali 287.6.P6 Mauritania 287.6.R5 Namibia see N4 288.6.N3 287.6.S4 Niger 287.6.S5 Nigeria (287.6.S6) Portuguese Guinea Rio Muni 287.6.T6 Senegal Sierra Leone 288 Southwest Africa. Namibia 288.6.A-Z 288.6.B6 see N4 288.6.N3 288.6.L4 288.6.M3 Togo 288.6.N3 Upper Volta see N4 287.6.B87 288.6.R5 Zaire see N4 287.6.C6 288.6.S6 Southern Africa 288.6.S8 General 288.6.Z3 By country, A-Z Botswana 288.83 Lesotho 288.84.A-Z Malawi 288.84.M38 Namibia 288.84.R48 Rhodesia, Southern. Zimbabwe Republic of South Africa 288.9 Swaziland 289-291 Zambia 292 Zimbabwe see N4 288.6.R5 Indian Ocean islands 293 General Individual islands and island groups, A-Z Mauritius Réunion Australasia. Pacific Area Including coastal regions of Asia and America General Australia New Zealand Pacific islands General 567

N4 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (300 N4 NUMBERS) 294.A-Z 294.5 Australasia. Pacific Area Pacific Islands -- Continued Special, A-Z Developing countries 568

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 1 America 2 For American Indians, see classes E-F 2.2 2.3.A-Z General Latin America 2.4 2.45.A-Z General Colonial period (16th-18th centuries) 2.5 2.57.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 2.6 19th century 2.65.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 3 20th century General works 5 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 5.5.A-Z 21st century General works 7 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 7.5.A-Z By region or country see N5 50+ North America 10 United States 10.5.A-Z General Special aspects or movements, A-Z 12 Colonial period; 18th (and early 19th) century 12.5.A-Z 12.5.A66 General works 12.5.M63 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 12.5.N35 19th century General works 12.7 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 12.75.A-Z 20th century 13 General works 14 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 15 16 Appropriation 17 Modernism 20 Neo-geo 22 21st century 25 General works 26 Special aspects or movements, A-Z Northeastern States Atlantic States New England Appalachian region Middle Atlantic States South Central West Northwestern States 569

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 27 28 America 30.A-.W North America 35.A-Z 36 United States -- Continued 37.A-Z Southwestern States 37.5 38.A-Z Pacific states 38.A4 States, A-W 38.A73 Each state may be subarranged: 38.A83 38.A86 .x General works 38.C37 .x2A-.x2Z Local (other than cities), A-Z 38.C48 38.C83 Cities, A-Z 38.F54 38.G47 Collective biography 38.G74 38.H58 Special artists, A-Z 38.I8 38.J32 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 38.J4 38.K67 Ethnic groups (Collectively) 38.L3 38.M4 Special races and ethnic groups, A-Z 38.N5 38.P64 African Americans see N5 38.N5 38.S32 American Indians 38.S82 38.U34 For traditional art and crafts, see Classes E-F 38.V54 Arab Americans 40 40.5.A-Z Asian Americans 43 Austrian Americans Blacks see N5 38.N5 Caribbean Americans Chinese Americans Cuban Americans Filipino Americans German Americans Greek Americans Hispanic Americans Italian Americans Japanese Americans Jews Korean Americans Latin Americans Mexican Americans Negroes. African Americans. Blacks Polish Americans Scandinavian Americans Spanish-Americans see N5 38.H58 Swedish Americans Ukrainian Americans Vietnamese Americans Canada General Special aspects or movements, A-Z Before 1800 (New France) 570

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 44 44.5.A-Z America North America 45 Canada -- Continued 45.5.A-Z 19th century General works 45.6 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 45.65.A-Z 20th century 46.A-Z General works 47.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 48 21st century 49.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 49.3 Special divisions, A-Z 49.5.A-Z Special cities, A-Z 49.5.A54 Collective biography Special artists, A-Z 49.5.A74 49.5.B53 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 49.5.C55 Ethnic groups (Collectively) 50 Individual races and ethnic groups, A-Z 53 American Indians 54 54.5.A-Z For traditional art and crafts, see Classes E-F 55 Arabs 55.5.A-Z Blacks Chinese 55.6 Latin America 55.65.A-Z General see N5 2+ 56.A-Z By region or country 57.A-Z Mexico 58 General 59.A-Z Before 1800 19th century 60 General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Central America General 571

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 70 71.A-Z America 72.A-Z Latin America By region or country 73 Central America -- Continued 74.A-Z Belize. British Honduras 75.A-Z General Local, A-Z 76 Special artists, A-Z 77.A-Z 78.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 79 Costa Rica 80.A-Z General 81.A-Z Local, A-Z Special artists, A-Z 82 83.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 84.A-Z Guatemala 85 General 86.A-Z Local, A-Z 87.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 88 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 89.A-Z 90.A-Z Honduras General 91 Local, A-Z 100 Special artists, A-Z 101.A-Z 102.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Nicaragua General Local, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Panama General Local, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 El Salvador General Local, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 West Indies General Bahamas General Local, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 572

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 103 104.A-Z America 105.A-Z Latin America By region or country 106 West Indies -- Continued 107.A-Z Cuba 108.A-Z General Local, A-Z 109 Special artists, A-Z 110.A-Z 111.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 112 Haiti 113.A-Z General 114.A-Z Local, A-Z 115.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 120 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 130 Jamaica 133 General Local, A-Z 134 Special artists, A-Z 134.5.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 135 135.5.A-Z Puerto Rico General 135.6 Local, A-Z 135.65.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 136.A-Z 137.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 138 139.A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange by special artist or main entry South America General Argentina General Before 1800 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Bolivia 573

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 140 143 America Latin America 144 By region or country 144.5.A-Z South America Bolivia -- Continued 145 General 145.5.A-Z Before 1800 19th century 145.6 General works 145.65.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 146.A-Z 20th century 147.A-Z General works 148 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 149.A-Z 21st century General works 150 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 153 Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z 154 Collective biography 154.5.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 155 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 155.5.A-Z Brazil 155.6 General 155.65.A-Z Before 1800 156.A-Z 19th century 157.A-Z General works 158 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 159.A-Z 20th century General works 160 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 163 21st century General works 164 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 164.5.A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z 165 Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Chile General Before 1800 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works 574

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 165.5.A-Z America 165.6 Latin America 165.65.A-Z By region or country 166.A-Z South America 167.A-Z Chile 168 20th century -- Continued 169.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century 170 General works 173 Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z 174 Special cities, A-Z 174.5.A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z 175 175.5.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 175.6 Colombia 175.65.A-Z General 176.A-Z Before 1800 177.A-Z 19th century 178 General works 179.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century 180 General works 183 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century 184 General works 184.5.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z 185 Special cities, A-Z 185.5.A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z 185.6 185.65.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 186.A-Z 187.A-Z Ecuador General Before 1800 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z 575

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 188 189.A-Z America Latin America 190 By region or country 195 South America 196 Ecuador -- Continued 197 Collective biography 198.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 199.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 200 203 Guiana General 204 Guyana (British Guiana) 204.5.A-Z Suriname (Dutch Guiana) French Guiana 205 Special cities, towns, etc., A-Z 205.5.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 205.6 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 205.65.A-Z 206.A-Z Paraguay 207.A-Z General 208 Before 1800 209.A-Z 19th century General works 210 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 213 20th century General works 214 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 214.5.A-Z 21st century General works 215 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 215.5.A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z 215.6 Collective biography 215.65.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 216.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Peru General Before 1800 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z 576

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 217.A-Z 218 America 219.A-Z Latin America By region or country 220 South America 223 Peru -- Continued Special cities, A-Z 224 Collective biography 224.5.A-Z Special artists, A-Z 225 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 225.5.A-Z Uruguay 225.6 General 225.65.A-Z Before 1800 226.A-Z 19th century 227.A-Z General works 228 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 229.A-Z 20th century General works 230 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 230.5.A-Z 21st century 233 General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 234 Special divisions, A-Z 234.5.A-Z Special cities, A-Z Collective biography 235 Special artists, A-Z 235.5.A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 235.6 235.65.A-Z Venezuela 236.A-Z General 237.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 238 Before 1800 239.A-Z 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities, A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 577

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 250 (252) Europe (253) Class general works and also works on Northern Europe, Eastern 254 Europe, Southern Europe, etc., in N5 250 or if more appropriate (255) in N5 253+ with no area Cutter arrangement 256 General 256.5.A-Z Ancient 257 257.5.A-Z see Ancient art in general period divisions, N5315+ etc. 258 258.5.A-Z Medieval 258.6 258.65.A-Z see the general period divisions 261 262 Modern 263 General works Renaissance 264 see the general period divisions 265 265.5.A-Z 17th-18th centuries General works 266 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 266.5.A-Z 19th century 267 General works 267.5.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 268 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z Great Britain. England General Ancient Anglo-Saxon. Gothic. Medieval In Class NA, includes general architectural antiquities Modern General works 14th-16th centuries Including the Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan periods General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 17th-18th centuries Including the Stuart, Caroline, Georgian periods General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 19th century Including the Regency, Victorian, Edwardian periods General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works 578

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 268.5.A-Z Europe 268.6 Great Britain. England 268.65.A-Z Modern 20th century -- Continued 269.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 270 21st century 271.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 272 England - Local 273 English counties, A-Z 274 London Other English cities, A-Z 275 Scotland General 276 Ancient 276.5.A-Z Medieval 277 In Class NA includes general architectural antiquities 277.5.A-Z Modern 278 General works 278.5.A-Z 14th-16th centuries General works 279 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 279.5.A-Z 17th-18th centuries General works 279.6 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 279.65.A-Z 19th century 280.A-Z General works 281.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century 282 General works 283 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 284 21st century General works 285 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 286 Special counties, A-Z 286.5.A-Z Special cities, A-Z Ireland General Ancient Medieval In Class NA, includes general architectural antiquities Modern General works 14th-16th centuries General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 579

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 287 287.5.A-Z Europe Great Britain. England 288 Ireland 288.5.A-Z Modern -- Continued 17th-18th centuries 289 General works 289.5.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 19th century 289.6 General works 289.65.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 290.A-Z 20th century 291.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 292 21st century General works 292.6 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 292.65.A-Z Special counties, A-Z Special cities, A-Z 292.7 Wales 292.75.A-Z General Modern 292.8 19th century 292.85.A-Z General works 293.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 294.A-Z 20th century 295.A-Z General works 295.W6 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 296 21st century 297.A-Z General works 298.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special counties, A-Z 301 Special cities, A-Z 302 Other local, A-Z 303 e.g. Isle of Wight Collective biography. British artists Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Special works, by name (artists unknown), A-Z Austrian, German, and Swiss see N5 359 Austria Including the former Austro-Hungarian empire General Ancient Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque Modern 580

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 304 Europe 305 Austria 305.5.A-Z Modern -- Continued General works 306 14th-16th centuries. Renaissance 306.5.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 307 17th-18th centuries 307.5.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 308 19th century 308.5.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 308.6 20th century 308.65.A-Z General works 309.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 310.A-Z 21st century 311 General works 311.5.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z Special divisions of Austria, A-Z 311.6.A-Z Special cities of Austria, A-Z Collective biography 312 Special artists, A-Z 314 315 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 316 Special works, by name (artists unknown), A-Z Hungary 317 317.5.A-Z General Ancient 318 Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque 318.5.A-Z Modern 319 General works 319.5.A-Z 14th-16th centuries 320 General works 320.5.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 17th-18th centuries 320.6 General works 320.65.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 21st century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 581

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 321.A-Z 321.5.A-Z Europe 322 Hungary -- Continued 322.5.A-Z Special divisions, A-Z Special cities of Hungary, A-Z 322.6.A-Z Collective biography Special artists, A-Z 323 325 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 326 Special works, by name (artists unknown), A-Z 327 Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic 328 General 328.5.A-Z Ancient Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque 329 Modern 329.5.A-Z General works 330 14th-16th centuries 330.5.A-Z General works 331 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 331.5.A-Z 17th-18th centuries General works 331.6 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 331.65.A-Z 19th century 332.A-Z General works 333.A-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 334 20th century 334.5.A-Z General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z (335) 21st century (336.A-Z) General works (337) Special aspects or movements, A-Z (338.A-Z) Special divisions, A-Z Special cities of the Czech Republic, A-Z 341 Collective biography 342 Special artists, A-Z 343 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 344 Special cities of Austria-Hungary Vienna Others, A-Z Collective Austro-Hungarian biography Special artists of Austria-Hungary, A-Z France General Ancient Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque Modern General works 14th-16th centuries 582

N5 TABLE OF REGIONS OR COUNTRIES (1000 N5 NUMBERS) 345 345.5.A-Z Europe France 346 Modern 346.5.A-Z 14th-16th centuries -- Continued General works 347 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 347.5.A-Z 17th-18th centuries General works 348 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 348.5.A-Z 19th century General works 348.6 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 348.65.A-Z 20th century 349.A-Z General works 349.A4 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 350 21st century 351.A-Z General works 352 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 353.A-Z Special divisions, A-Z 353.3.A-Z 359 e.g. 361 Alsace-Lorraine 362 Paris 363 Other special cities, A-Z Collective biography 364 Special artists, A-Z 365 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 365.5.A-Z Special works. By name (artists unknown), A-Z 366 German, Austrian and Swiss (Collectively) 366.5.A-Z German, Flemish, and Dutch see N5 425 Germany 367 367.5.A-Z Including the former West Germany General Ancient Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque Modern General works 14th-16th centuries General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 17th-18th centuries General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 19th century General works Special aspects or movements, A-Z 20th century 583

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