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หมวด NK-Index

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-06 23:48:19

Description: หมวด NK-Index

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Architects and housing developers: INDEX NA7115.3 Arhats Architects, Women: NA1997 Printmaking and engraving: Architectural decoration: NA3310+ NE962.A75 Architectural decoration and ornament Sculpture: NB1912.A73 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.A73 Ariadne (Greek mythology) Architectural decoration, Interior Art: N7763.A74 Sculpture: NB163.A73 Christian architecture: NA5000 Architectural design: NA2750+ Arid regions Architectural drawing: NA2685+ Architecture: NA2542.A73 Architectural literature: NA2587 Domestic architecture: NA7117.A74 Architectural offices Arif Çelebi, d. 1561. Sulaymānnāmah Interior decoration: NK2195.O4 (Illuminated work): ND3399.A72 Architectural salvage Aristocracy Interior decoration: NK2115.5.S25 Portrait painting: ND1329.3.A74 Architectural sections: NA2775 Architectural styles: NA204 Aristotle Architectural subjects Portraits: N7587.A7 Etching and aquatint: NE2148 Arita porcelain: NK4399.A7 Silk screen printing: NE2239.5 Arkhangel Mikhail s deia͡niiam͡ i: Watercolor painting: ND2310+ Architectural tables: NA2590 N8189.6.A7 Architecture: NA1+ Arme og ben (Group) (Denmark): Picture postcards: NC1878.A73 Visual arts: N72.A75 NE683.6.A74 Architecture and motion pictures: Armed Forces and the arts: NX180.A74 NA2588 Armenia in art Architecture and painting: ND1158.A75 Architecture and sculpture: NB1137 Drawing: NC825.A63 Architecture and the senses: Armenian NA2543.S47 Architecture and the state: NA100+ Alphabets: NK3633.2 Architecture as a profession: NA1995 Armenian Church. Erusaghēmi Architecture, Classical, in art Painting: ND1460.C63 Patriarkʻutʻiwn. Manuscript. 285 Architecture in art: N8217.B85 (Illuminated work): ND3385.A77 Drawing: NC825.B8 Armor Illumination: ND3343 Decorative arts: NK6600+ Painting: ND1460.B84 Drawing: NC825.A65 Printmaking and engraving: Armorial Porcelain: NK4374 NE962.A72 Armories Arctic regions Architecture: NA4480+ Arms and armor Architecture: NA2542.A72 Decorative arts: NK6600+ Ardhanarisvara (Hindu deity) in art: Drawing: NC825.A65 Sculpture N8195.3.A73 Reliefs: NB133.7.A72 Arms and armor, Ancient: NK6607.3 Arms and armor, Early Christian: NK6607.4 Arms and armor, Gothic Medieval: NK6608.923 Arms and armor, Modern: NK6609 634

Arona (Italy) in art INDEX Printmaking and engraving: NE962.A76 Art deco Bronzes: NK7910.3.A78 Arretine Ceramics: NK3930.3.A77 Ceramics: NK3850 Commercial art: NC998.45.A7 Copperwork: NK8110.3.A78 Arretine vases: NK4654+ Costume: NK4710.3.A78 Art: N7763.M33 Cuba: N6603.5.A78 Decoration and ornament: Interior decoration: NK2115.5.A77 NK1396.A76 Pictorial humor: NC1763.A66 Decorative arts: NK789.5.A7 Psychology of: N71+ Embroidery: NK9210.3.A78 Art anatomy Firearms: NK6910.3.A78 Drawing: NC760 France: N6848.5.A77 Art and business: N72.B87 Glass: NK5110.3.A78 Art and ethics: N72.E8 Gold and silver: NK7110.3.A78 Art and mental illness: N71.5 Interior decoration: NK1986.A78 Art and meteorology: N72.M48 Ironwork: NK8210.3.A78 Art and morals: N72.E8 Italy: N6918.5.A7 Art and motion pictures: N72.M6 Japan: N7355.5.A76 Art and the state: N8700+ Jewelry: NK7310.3.A78 Art and visual disorders: N71.8 Lace: NK9410.3.A78 Art appreciation: N7477 Lettering: NK3625.A7 Art archives: N440 Metalwork: NK6410.3.A78 Art as a profession: N8350+ Needlework: NK9110.3.A78 Art auctions: N8602+ Norway: N7068.5.A77 Art brut Posters: NC1845.A68 Europe Stained glass: NK5310.3.A78 Swords: NK6710.3.A78 20th century: N6758.5.A76 Textile arts: NK8810.3.A78 Technique, composition, etc.: United States: N6512.5.A7 Wood carving: NK9710.3.A78 N7432.5.A78 Woodwork: NK9610.3.A78 Art censorship: N8740 Woven fabrics: NK8910.3.A78 Art Club (Austria): N6808.5.A77 Art crafts for children: NK70 Art exhibitions Art criticism: N7475+ Posters: NC1849.A76 Art dealers: N8610+ Art deco: N6494.A7 Art for art's sake (Movement) Great Britain: N6767.5.A3 Architecture: NA682.A78 Australia: NA1600.5.A76 Art forgeries: N8790+ Belgium: NA1168.5.A76 Art galleries: NK446+ Japan: NA1555.5.A78 Latin America: NA702.57.A78 Architecture: NA6695+ United States: NA712.5.A7 Printmaking and engraving: NE53+ Uruguay: NA925.5.A76 Art glass Decorative arts: NK5439.A77 Arms and armor: NK6610.3.A78 Art informel Arts in general: NX456.5.A7 Argentina: N6635.5.A75 Belgium: N6968.5.A77 Germany: N6868.5.A14 Brasses: NK7810.3.A78 Italy: N6918.5.A72 Brazil: N6655.5.A75 635

Art informel INDEX Painting: ND196.A25 Art nouveau Art materials: N8510+ Jewelry: NK7309.85.A7 Art movements (General) Lace: NK9409.85.A7 Lettering: NK3625.A73 19th and 20th centuries: N6447.5 Magazine covers: NC974.3.A78 20th century: N6490.4 Metalwork: NK6409.85.A7 Art museums: NK446+ Needlework: NK9109.85.A7 Architecture: NA6695+ Netherlands: N6947.5.A75 Art needlework: NK8800+ Norway: N7067.5.A75 Art nouveau: N6465.A7 Picture postcards: NC1878.5.A75 Architecture Posters: NC1845.A7 Romania: N7227.5.A7 Belgium Russia: N6987.5.A77 19th century: NA1167.5.A77 Spain: N7107.5.A7 20th century: NA1168.5.A77 Stained glass: NK5309.85.A7 Swords: NK6709.85.A7 Bulgaria: NA1388.5.A77 Textile arts: NK8809.85.A7 Europe: NA957.5.A78 United States: N6510.5.A77 Italy: NA1117.5.A7 Wood carving: NK9709.85.A7 Netherlands: NA1147.5.A78 Woodwork: NK9609.85.A7 Russia: NA1188.5.A77 Woven fabrics: NK8909.85.A7 Arms and armor: NK6609.85.A7 Arts in general Art Nouveau Bing (Firm): N6847.5.A78 19th century: NX454.5.A7 Art objects Austria: N6807.5.A7 Belgium: N6967.5.A75 Preservation, etc.: NK1127.5 Brasses: NK7809.85.A7 Reproduction: NK1128 Bronzes: NK7909.85.A7 Art povera (Art movement) Ceramics: NK3920.3.A77 Italy: N6918.5.A73 Copperwork: NK8109.85.A7 Art previews: N8601 Costume: NK4709.85.A7 Art restorers Czechoslovakia: N6830.5.A7 Training: N8560.5 Decoration and ornament: NK1380 Art schools: N325+ Decorative arts: NK775.5.A7 College architecture: NA6602.A76 Drawing: NC90.5.A7 Art studios: N8510+ Embroidery: NK9209.85.A7 Art teacher recruiting: N88+ Europe: N6757.5.A78 Art teacher training: N88+ Firearms: NK6909.85.A7 Arts in general: NX284+ France: N6847.5.A78 Art, Wearable Furniture: NK2392 Costume: NK4860+ Germany: N6867.5.A7 Arte concreta (Art movement): Glass: NK5109.85.A7 N6918.5.C65 Gold and silver: NK7109.85.A7 Arte povera Hungary: N6819.5.A75 Artists' books: N7433.38.A78 Illustration: NC963.A77 Artemis (Greek deity) Interior decoration: NK1970 Sculpture: NB163.A75 Iron work: NK8209.85.A7 Arthur, King Italy: N6917.5.A7 Arts in general: NX652.A7 Japan: N7354.6.A76 636

Arthurian romances INDEX Motion picture cartoons: NC1766.5.A78 Artists' illustrated books Printmaking and engraving: NE890+ Artificial life in the arts Arts in general: NX650.A67 Artists in art Painting: ND1329.3.A77 Artim Groep: N6948.5.A77 Artisans Artists' manuals, Technical: ND1500 Artists' marks Interior decoration for: NK2115.3.A76 Artist-architect collaboration: N72.A75 Japanese colored wood engravings: Artist couples NE1326 20th century: N6490.6 Artists' marks and monograms: N45 Russia: N6988.3 Artists' models: N7574 Artists' preparatory studies: N7433.5 Interior decoration: NK2115.3.A78 Artists' studios in art Artist-designed furniture: NK2702.3 Artist Placement Group: N6768.5.A75 Painting: ND1460.A7 Artistas del Pueblo Artists with mental disabilities: Printmaking: NE592.6.A77 N8356.M4, NX164.M45 Artistic collaboration Artists with physical disabilities: N8355 Artists' writings: N7452+ 20th century: N6490.6 Arts administration Russia: N6988.3 Arts in general: NX760+ Artistic creation: NX160 Arts administration training: NX760+ Artistic taste: N75 Artists: N8350+ Arts in general: NX760+ Arts administrators Arts in general: NX163+ Book jackets: NC1883.3.A+ Arts in general: NX760+ Dwellings: NA7195.A75 Arts and crafts Interior decoration for: NK2115.3.A78 Posters: NC1850.A+ Furniture: NK2394.A77 Psychology: N71+ Arts and crafts movement Artists and community: N72.A76 Arts in general: NX180.A77 Decorative arts: NK1135+ Artists and models Arts and crafts, Native American Arts in general: NX652.A73 Artists and models in art: N8217.A67 Drawing: NC825.I42 Painting: ND1460.A67 Arts and geography: NX180.G46 Printmaking and engraving: Arts and globalization: NX180.G56 Arts and politics: NX180.P64 NE962.A78 Arts as a profession: NX163+ Artists and museums: N72.A77 Arts audiences Artists and theater Arts in general: NX220 Arts in general: NX180.A78 Arts boards Artists' anecdotes: N7460 Artists as teachers Arts in general: NX760+ Arts centers Arts in general: NX396.5 Biography: N89+ Architecture: NA6812+ Artists' books: N7433.3+ Arts in general: NX798+ Artists, Computer: N7433.85.A+ Arts critics Artists' curiosities: N7460 Biography: NX640.2+ Arts facilities Architecture: NA6812+ Arts in general: NX798+ Arts festivals Arts in general: NX420+ 637

Arts history INDEX Arts in general: NX440+ Association \"Jeune peinture belge\": Arts in general: NX1+ N6968.5.J35 Arts in relation to other subjects: Assyro-Babylonian NX180.A+ Ancient sculpture: NB80 Arts of minority groups (General): Ceramics: NK3820 Decoration and ornament: NK1195 NX629 Decorative arts: NK640 Arts patrons Furniture: NK2295 Gems (Engraved stones): NK5563 Biography: NX701+ Arumanian folk art: NK608.A78 Astrazione oggettiva Asceticism Italy: N6918.5.A78 Arts in general: NX650.A73 Astrology Asco (Group of artists): N6512.5.A83 Arts in general: NX650.A76 Ashcan school: N6512.5.E4 Symbolism: N7745.A85 Ashtrays Astrology in art Decorative arts: NK3645 Illumination: ND3333 Asia Astronautics Landscape painting: ND1365+ Pictorial humor: NC1763.A7 Asian Americans Astronomy in art Art: N5 38.A83 Painting: ND1460.A74 Asian and Western cultural relationships Asura (Buddhist deity) Arts in general: NX628 Sculpture: NB1912.A87 Asian rugs in art Asylums Arts in general: NX650.R83 Architecture: NA6760+ Askos Athena (Greek deity) Greek vases: NK4650.A84 Art: N7763.A886 Asociacion de Artistas Independientes Sculpture: NB163.M5 del Peru: N6715.5.A75 Athens Aspekt, Gruppe: N6868.5.A85 Ancient architecture: NA280+ Assemblage Ancient sculpture: NB91.A7 Arts in general: NX456.5.A8 Athens (Greece) as a subject in the arts France: N6848.5.A87 Arts in general: NX653.A84 Italy: N6918.5.A76 Modern art: N6494.A8 Athletes in art Sculpture: NB1952.A84 21st century: N6498.A8 United States Athletic clubs Architecture: NA7960+ 21st century: N6512.75.A87 Assemblage (Art): N7433.7 Atlantes Assemblage (Visual arts) Architectural decoration: NA3683.A85 Argentina: N6635.65.A87 Atlases Assembly of gods Sculpture: NB1150 Visual arts: N7510+ Sculpture: NB133.7.A75 Assembly of gods (Greek mythology) Attached houses Architecture: NA7520 Art: N7763.A88 Assistance, Economic Attics Architectural details: NA2852 Pictorial humor: NC1763.E25 Interior decoration: NK2117.A8 638

Attis (God) INDEX Art: N7763.A89 Audiences, Theater Attribution Pictorial humor: NC1763.T48 Arts in general: NX205 Mural painting: ND2550.5 Audio-visual equipment Interior decoration: NK2115.5.A83 Attribution and reattribution Paintings: ND1637 Audiovisual materials Arts in general: NX285+ Auction catalogs Visual arts: N367+ Arms and armor: NK6605.5 Brasses: NK7805.5 Auditoriums Bronzes: NK7905.5 Architecture: NA6815 Copperwork: NK8105.5 College architecture: NA6602.A8 Costume: NK4705.5 Decorative arts Augustus, Emperor of Rome Private collections: NK570 Portraits: N7589.A8 Drawing: NC38.5 Sculpture: NB165.A9 Embroidery: NK9205.5 Firearms: NK6905.5 Augustus II, King of Poland, 1670-1733 Glass: NK5105.5 Arts in general: NX652.A78 Gold and silver: NK7105.5 Ironwork: NK8205.5 Aurelius Antonius Marcus, Emperor of Jewelry: NK7305.5 Rome, 121-180 Lace: NK9405.5 Sculpture: NB165.A95 Metalwork: NK6405.5 Needlework: NK9105.5 Aureola Portraits: N7624.5.A+ Christian art: N8160 Printmaking and engraving: NE65 Sculpture: NB35.5 Aurora (Roman deity) Stained glass: NK5305.5 Arts in general: NX652.A79 Swords: NK6705.5 Textile arts and art needlework: Auroras NK8805.5 Arts in general: NX650.A84 Wood carving: NK9705.5 Woodwork: NK9605.5 Australia in art Woven fabrics: NK8905.5 Drawing: NC825.A76 Painting: ND1460.A88 Auction sales Interior decoration: NK2138 Austrian Americans Art: N5 38.A86 Auctioneers of art: N8602+ Auctions in art Authors Arts in general: NX652.A8 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.A86 Authors as artists: N8356.A9 Authorship Auctions of art: N8602+ Audiences for art exhibitions Arts in general: NX195 Automata Visual arts: N4396.5 Audiences for the arts Decorative arts: NK3649+ Automobile drivers, Women Arts in general: NX220 Pictorial humor: NC1763.W6 Automobile factories Architecture: NA6472+ Automobile industry facilities Architecture: NA6472+ Automobile service stations Architecture: NA6370.A87 Automobiles Advertising art: NC1002.A95 Picture postcards: NC1878.A97 639

Automobiles in art: N8217.A94 INDEX Drawing: NC825.A8 Painting: ND1460.A94 Babar, Emperor of Hindustan, 1483- Pictorial humor: NC1763.A8 1530. Bābar-nāmah (Illuminated Posters: NC1849.A95 work): ND3399.B18 Autumn Bābar-nāmah (Illuminated work): Interior decoration: NK2115.5.A87 ND3399.B18 Autumn in art Babel, Tower of, in art Arts in general: NX650.A87 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.B22 Avalokiteśvara (Buddhist deity) Sculpture: NB1912.A92 Baby dolls Decorative arts: NK4894.3.B33 Avalokiteśvara (Buddhist deity), in art Painting: ND1460.A97 Baby Face dolls Decorative arts: NK4894.3.B34 Avalokiteśvara in art: N8193.3.A82 Avalokitev́ara (Buddhist deity) Bacchanalia Art: N7763.B23 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.A93 Bacchantes Art: N7763.B23 Avant-garde art Japan: N7355.5.A83 Bachelors Korea: N7365.65.A83 Interior decoration for: NK2115.3.S55 Romania: N7228.5.A93 Russia: N6988.5.A83 Bad Piggies (Fictitious characters) in art Spain Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.B33 20th century: N7108.5.A93 Badische Secession: N6868.5.B25 Awards Bagatelle, Château de (Paris) Architecture: NA2335+ Arts in general: NX411+ Architecture: NA7736.P22 Dolls and dollhouses: NK4891.5 Bags, Shopping Visual arts: N393+ Decorative arts: NK8643.3 Awards, prizes, etc. Bahai arts: NX692.B35+ Commercial art: NC1001.5 Bahai temples Awnings Architecture: NA4710 Architectural details: NA3008 Baisonqur-Handschrift (Illuminated Axonometric projection work): ND3399.B25 Architectural drawing: NA2711 Bakeries Ayasofya Müzesi: NA5870.A9 Interior decoration: NK2195.B34 'Ayyūqī, Varqah va Gulshāh (Illuminated Balance work): ND3399.A9 Drawing technique: NC745.A2+ Azuda 40 (Group): N7018.5.A97, Balance clocks N7108.5.A97 Decorative arts: NK7502 Balarāma (Hindu deity) in art: B N8195.3.B35 Baalbec Balconies Ancient architecture: NA335.B2 Architecture: NA3070 Baartman, Sarah Baldachins Arts in general: NX652.B33 Christian architecture: NA5062 Bali Island (Indonesia) in art Painting: ND1460.B35 Ballet in art: N8217.B35 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.B28 640

Balloons in art INDEX Printmaking and engraving: NE962.B3 Barmen, Ger. Ruhmeshalle Architecture: NA6755.B3 Baluchi Costume: NK4706.4.B35 Barns Rugs and carpets: NK2809.B34 Farm architecture: NA8230 Woven fabrics: NK8906.4.B35 Baroque Balustrades Architectural decoration: NA3463 Architecture: NA3060 Arms and armor: NK6609.6 Arts in general Bamboccianti (Group of artists): 17th century: NX451.5.B3 N6916.5.B25 Brasses: NK7809.6 Bronzes: NK7909.6 Bamboo Copperwork: NK8109.6 Architecture: NA4145.B35 Costume: NK4709.6 Arts in general: NX650.B34 Decoration and ornament: NK1345 Decorative arts: NK3649.3+ Embroidery: NK9209.6 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.B36 Firearms: NK6909.6 Furniture: NK2365 Bamboo fences Glass: NK5109.6 Architecture: NA8390.5 Gold and silver: NK7109.6 Interior decoration: NK1910 Bamboo furniture: NK2712.6 Ironwork: NK8209.6 Banderoles, Master of the Jewelry: NK7309.6 Lace: NK9409.6 Printmaking: NE468.B3 Metalwork: NK6409.6 Bandstands Modern sculpture: NB193 Needlework: NK9109.6 Architecture: NA8450 Painting Banjo clocks Germany: ND566.5.B3 Stained glass: NK5309.6 Decorative arts: NK7500.B35 Swords: NK6709.6 Bank containers for coins Textile arts: NK8809.6 Visual arts Decorative arts: NK4698 Austria: N6806.5.B37 bankleer (Group of artists): Woven fabrics: NK8909.6 N6868.5.B26 Baroque architecture: NA590 Banks Czechoslovakia: NA1029.5.B35 Architecture: NA6240+ Baroque art: N6415.B3 Interior decoration: NK2195.B36 France: N6846.5.B35 Banks and banking Germany: N6866.5.B3 Posters: NC1849.B35 Italy: N6916.5.B3 Baptismal fonts Portugal: N7126.5.B37 Christian architecture: NA5070 Russia: N6986.5.B37 Bar collectibles Turkey: N7166.5.B3 Decorative arts: NK3649.4 Barbie dolls Barracks Decorative arts: NK4894.3.B37 Architecture: NA4480+ Barbie dolls in art: N8217.B356 Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco Barrels, Wine Painting: ND623.B23 Decorative arts: NK9955.W56 Barbizon School France: N6847.5.B3 641 Barcelona Christian art: NK1655.B34

Barrier-free design: NA2545.P5 INDEX Bars Bayeux tapestry: NK3049.B3 Interior decoration: NK2195.R4 Beaches Bartholomaeus, Angelicus, 13th cent. Arts in general: NX650.B4 De proprietatibus rerum (Illuminated Beaches, Bathing, in art work): ND3399.B33 Bas-relief Painting: ND1460.B36 Sculpture: NB1280 Bead embroidery Basaltes, Black Ceramics: NK4340.B6 Textile arts: NK9302 Baseball in art: N8217.B36 Beads, Glass Basements Architectural details: NA2852 Decorative arts: NK5440.B34 Interior decoration: NK2117.B3 Beadwork Bases, Military Architecture: NA4480+ Decorative arts: NK3650+ Bases (of columns) Beanie Babies Architectural details: NA2873 Basilica Liberiana (Rome): NA5620.S6 Decorative arts: NK9509.95.S63 Basilicas Bear collectibles Architecture: NA4150 Baskets Decorative arts: NK3651 Decorative arts: NK5440.B27 Beard in art: N8217.B37 Basketwork Bears Decorative arts: NK3649.5+ Bath Abbey: NA5471.B3 Art anatomy: NC783.8.B43 Bath houses Bears in art: N7668.B38 Architecture: NA7010 Beatus, Saint, Presbyter of Liebana, d. Bathing beaches in art Painting: ND1460.B36 798. In Apocalipsin (Illuminated work): Bathrooms ND3361.R52.B43 Interior decoration: NK2117.B33 Beautifications Baths Architecture Roman City planning: NA9052 Ancient Italy: NA317 Beautifying cities Baths in art: N8217.B365 Architecture: NA9000+ Painting: ND1460.B364 Beauty, Feminine (Aesthetics) Batik Arts in general: NX650.F45 Textile arts and art needlework: Beauty, Feminine (Aesthetics), in art: NK9503+ N7629+ Battle of Milazzo (Italy), 1860 Beauty, Personal, in art Arts in general: NX650.M534 Posters: NC1849.B4 Battles in art: N8260 Beauty shops Painting: ND1460.B37 Architecture: NA6227.B42 Bayerische Motoren Werke Beavers in art: N7668.B42 Automobile factory architecture: Bedrooms NA6474.B39 Interior decoration: NK2117.B4 Beds Decorative arts: NK2713 Beds in art: N8217.B38 Bedsteads in art: N8217.B38 Beehives, Wooden Decorative arts: NK9955.B43 Beer bottles, Miniature Decorative arts: NK8475.B6 642

Beer cans INDEX Decorative arts: NK8459.B36 Bergen school of art Beer collectibles Netherlands: N6948.5.B47 Decorative arts: NK3651.5 Berlin faience Beer in art: N8217.B39 Ceramics: NK4340.B4 Posters: NC1849.B43 Berlin Passion, Master of the Beer signs, Neon: NK8551.25.B43 Printmaking: NE468.B47 Beer trays Berlin porcelain: NK4399.B4 Decorative arts: NK8459.B36 Berlin. Preussische Staatsbibliothek. Beggars in art: N8217.B4 Beijing (China) in art Mss. (Theol. lat. fol. 485) (Illuminated work): ND3356.5.B47 Painting: ND1460.B42 Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany, 1961-1989 Beijing-Tianjin school of painting Arts in general: NX650.B47 Berliner Dom: NA5585.B4 China: N7345.5.B45 Berliner Secession: N6868.5.B3 Belle-Ile-en-Mer (France) in art Bernese Alps (Switzerland) in art Painting: ND1460.B47 Painting: ND1460.B44 Bernward Gospels (Illuminated work): Belleek, American: NK4399.A4 ND3359.B47 Bellinzona (Switzerland)in art Bestiaries Sculpture: NB1912.B43 Printmaking and engraving: Betel chewing paraphernalia: NK3654 NE962.B44 Betel cutters Decorative arts: NK8459.B47 Bells Betsy McCall dolls Ceramics: NK4695.B44 Decorative arts: NK4894.4.B46 Decorative arts: NK3653 Beuroner Kunstschule: N6867.5.B47 Beverage paraphernalia Bells, Glass Advertising art: NC1002.B49 Decorative arts: NK5440.B37 Beverly Minster: NA5471.B47 Bhagavadgītā (Illuminated work): Belt buckles ND3385.B46 Decorative arts: NK4890.B4 Bhāgavatapurāṇa (Illuminated work): ND3385.P87 Belt toggles, Chinese Bhairava (Hindu deity) Decorative arts: NK6050+ Sculpture: NB1912.B46 Bhaiṣajyaguru (Buddhist deity) Belts Sculpture: NB1912.B48 Decorative arts: NK4890.B4 Bhaiṣajyaguru (Buddhist deity) in art Metalwork: NK8459.B4 Painting: ND1460.B53 Bhaiṣajyaguru in art: N8193.3.B53 Benches Bibendum (Advertising character) Christian architecture: NA5075 Posters: NC1849.B49 Bibendum collectibles Benedictine Decorative arts: NK3654.3 Christian architecture: NA4828 Bible Drawing: NC825.B52 Benedictionals Illuminated works: ND3362.5 643 Bengal School (Art) India: N7304.5.B46 Bengali calligraphy: NK3639.B46+ Bent iron work Decorative arts: NK8200+ Bentwood furniture: NK2712.63 Bercy, Château de (Paris) Architecture: NA7736.P23

Bible characters INDEX Christian art: N8110 Bibliotheque nationale de France. Bible illustrations: N8020+ Manuscript. Graecus 74 (Illuminated Bible moralisée of Naples (Illuminated work): ND3359.B54 work): ND3355.5.B47 Bibliothèque nationale de France. Bibles Manuscript. Nouv. acq. fr. 16251 (Illuminated work): ND3385.B58 Illuminating of manuscripts and books: ND3355+ Bibliothèque nationale (France). Manuscript. Syr. 341: ND3355.5.B52 Wood engravings 15th-17th centuries: NE1070 Bicycle collectibles Decorative arts: NK3654.5 Biblia Płocka (Illuminated work): ND3355.5.P56 Bicycles Picture postcards: NC1878.B53 Biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Manuscript. Barb. Lat. 592 Bicycles in art: N8217.B53 (Illuminated work): ND3385.B53 Posters: NC1849.B52 Biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Bidri ware Manuscript. Chigi L. VIII.296 Metalwork: NK6525 (Illuminated work): ND3399.B38 Biedermeier: N6465.B5 Biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Arms and armor: NK6609.85.B53 Manuscript. Cod. Cap. 63B: Arts in general: NX454.5.B5 ND3375.B52 Austria: N6807.5.B53 Brasses: NK7809.85.B53 Biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Bronzes: NK7909.85.B53 Manuscript. Pal. lat. 871 Copperwork: NK8109.85.B53 Illuminated work: ND3355.5.B48 Costume: NK4709.85.B53 Decoration and ornament: NK1374 Biblioteca medicea laurenziana. Embroidery: NK9209.85.B53 Manuscript. Plut. 74, cod. 7 Firearms: NK6909.85.B53 (Illuminated work): ND3399.B42 Furniture: NK2387 Germany: N6867.5.B5 Biblioteca statale di Cremona. Glass: NK5109.85.B53 Manuscript 258 (Illuminated work): Gold and silver: NK7109.85.B53 ND3385.B535 Interior decoration: NK1964 Ironwork: NK8209.85.B53 Biblioteka Czartoryskich w Krakowie. Jewelry: NK7309.85.B53 Manuscript. Czart. 2919 (Illuminated Lace: NK9409.85.B53 work): ND3385.B537 Metalwork: NK6409.85.B53 Needlework: NK9109.85.B53 Biblioteka Jagiellońska. Manuscript. 35/ Pictorial cards of greeting: 64 Acc. (Illuminated work): NC1867.B53 ND3399.B48 Stained glass: NK5309.85.B53 Swords: NK6709.85.B53 Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Manuscript. Textile arts: NK8809.85.B53 Cod. Bodmer 127 (Illuminated work): Wood carving: NK9709.85.B53 ND3385.B54 Woodwork: NK9609.85.B53 Woven fabrics: NK8909.85.B53 Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Graecus 510 (Illuminated Bieler Künstlergruppe Alibi: work): ND3385.B57 N7148.5.B53 Bibliotheque nationale de France. 644 Manuscript. Graecus 54 (Illuminated work): ND3359.B535

Bilbao Region (Spain) in art INDEX Painting: ND1460.B54 Birmingham (Ala.) in art Billheads, Tradesmen's Painting: ND1460.B55 Printmaking and engraving: NE965+ Birth control Billiards collectibles Posters: NC1849.B57 Decorative arts: NK3654.7 Biscuit ware Billy, the Kid Ceramics: NK4265.5 Arts in general: NX652.B54 Bishops' palaces Biography Architecture: NA4840 Antique dealers: NK1133.25+ Architectural critics and historians: Bison in art: N7668.B57 NA2599.7+ Bisque dolls Art critics and historians: N7482+ Arts critics: NX640.2+ Decorative arts: NK4894.4.B57 Arts in general: NX90+ Black artists: N8356.B55 Enameling, coloring, etc.: NK6512.A+ Black basaltes Etching and aquatint: NE2110+ Glass arts: NK5198.A+ Ceramics: NK4340.B6 Glass underpainting: NK5436.A+ Black dolls Lithography: NE2410+ Painting: ND34+ Decorative arts: NK4894.3.B53 Portrait painters: ND1328+ Black-figured Print collectors: NE59.5+ Greek vases: NK4648 Biology and architecture: NA2543.B56 Black glass Biology and art: N72.B5 Biotechnology and art: N72.B56 Decorative arts: NK5439.B54 Birdcages Blackboard drawing Decorative arts: NK3655 Graphic art: NC865 Birds Blackjacks, Leather Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.B57 Decorative arts: NK6210 Drawing: NC782 Blacks in art: N8232 Birds in art: N7665+ Blacks in the arts: NX164.B55 Chromolithography: NE2528 Blaue Reiter: N6868.5.E9 Color prints: NE1878 Blaue Vier (Group of artists): Decoration or design: NK1555 Etching and aquatint: NE2145 N6868.5.E9 Illumination: ND3339 Blaues Quadrat (Group of artists): Metal engraving N6868.5.B59 1820-1875: NE1728 Bleuette dolls 1875-: NE1738 18th century: NE1718 Decorative arts: NK4894.3.B58 20th century: NE1748 Blind Painting: ND1380+ Sculpture: NB1942.B57 Architecture for: NA2545.V57 Silk screen printing: NE2239.2 Bllod Watercolor painting: ND2280+ Symbolism: N7745.B55 Block printing: NE1000+ Textile arts and art needlework: NK9504 Blocks Architecture: NA9053.B58 Bloomsbury group (Art) Great Britain: N6768.5.B55 Blotting papers Advertising art: NC1002.B53 645

Blue and white transfer ware INDEX Earthenware: NK4277 Body size in art Blue and white ware: NK4399.B58 Arts in general: NX650.B634 Blue Mountains (N.S.W.)in art Bogomater' Bogoliu͡bskaia͡ s zhitiiam͡ i Painting: ND1460.B58 Zosimy i Savvatiia͡: N8189.6.B6 Blues album covers Bogomater' Donskaia:͡ N8189.6.B62 Design: NC1882.7.B58 Bohemian School Boards of trade buildings Czechoslovakia: N6828.5.B64 Architecture: NA6250+ Bohemianism Boards, Wooden, for games Arts in general: NX650.B64 Decorative arts: NK9955.G35 Bola ties Boars, Wild Decorative arts: NK4890.B62 Arts in general: NX650.W56 Bolivar, Simon Boat clubs Arts in general: NX652.B65 Architecture: NA7970+ Bologna (Italy) in art Boathouses Painting: ND1460.B65 Architecture: NA6920 Bon, Angelo del, 1898-1952 Boats Painting: ND623.B567 Drawing: NC825.B6 Bone and horn carving: NK6020+ Picture postcards: NC1878.S4 Bones in art: N8217.B57 Boats and boating in art Bonner Künstlergruppe: N6868.5.B64 Painting: ND1460.B63 Book cover design: NC973+ Bocaraca (Group of artists): Book covers N6573.5.B63 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. De Advertising art: NC1002.B65 casibus: ND3399.B615 Book jackets Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. De mulieribus claris: ND3399.B62 Advertising art: NC1002.B65 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. Drawing: NC1882+ Decamerone: ND3399.B63 Book of Durrow (Illuminated work): Bodhiṣattvas in art: N8193.3.B64 ND3359.D87 Painting: ND1460.B64 Book of Kells (Illuminated work): Bodleian Library. Manuscript. Bodley ND3359.K4 283 (Illuminated work): ND3399.B64 Book ornamentation Bodleian Library. Manuscript. Douce Decorative arts: NK3660 180 (Illuminated work): Book reviews ND3361.R52.B63 Art criticism: N7479 Bodleian Library. Manuscript. Laud Arts in general: NX645 misc. 752 (Illuminated work): Bookends ND3355.5.B62 Decorative arts: NK3662 Body art: N6494.B63 Bookkeeping in art: N8217.B58 Arts in general: NX456.5.B63 Books Russia: N6989.5.B64 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.B66 United States: N6512.5.B64 Books and reading in art Body language Decoration or design: NK1590.B66 Arts in general: NX650.B63 Painting: ND1460.B66 Body language in art: N8217.B56 Books for children Illustration: NC965+ Books, Illuminating of: ND2889+ Books in art: N8217.B6 646

Books in art INDEX Arts in general: NX650.B66 Posters: NC1849.B66 Boxes for needlework Decorative arts: NK8551 Books of hours Illuminated works: ND3363.A+ Boxes in art: N8217.B64 Boxes, Silver: NK7236.B67 Booksellers and bookselling Boxes, Tobacco Pictorial humor: NC1763.B6 Ceramics: NK4695.T53 Bookselling Decorative arts: NK9507 Pictorial humor: NC1763.B6 Boxes, Wooden Decorative arts: NK9955.B6 Bookshelves Boxing Furniture: NK2740 Arts in general: NX650.B68 Boy dolls Bookstores Decorative arts: NK4894.3.B68 Interior decoration: NK2195.S89 Boys' toys Decorative arts: NK9509.7 Bordeaux ((Aquitaine, France) in art Bracelets Painting: ND1460.B67 Jewelry: NK7422.3 Braid Border stations Decorative arts: NK4890.B67 Architecture: NA4510.B67 Brambly Hedge (Imaginary place) Decoration and ornament: Borders Illumination: ND3334 NK1590.B72 Roman alphabet: NK3630.4.B67 Brandenburg (Germany) in art Borso d'Este Bible (Illuminated work): Printmaking and engraving: ND3355.5.B65 NE962.B73 Boston school of painting: N6510.5.B67 Brandenburger Evangelistar (Illuminated Böttger, Johann Friedrich work): ND3359.B73 Ceramics: NK4210.B63 Brass rubbings Böttger ware Graphic art materials: NC915.R8 Stoneware: NK4367.B67 Brasses Bottles Decorative arts: NK7800+ Sepulchral monuments: NB1840+ Ceramics: NK4695.B67 Bottles, Glass Brassieres in art: N8217.B68 Decoration and ornament: Decorative arts: NK5440.B6 NK1590.B73 Bottles, Leather Braziers Decorative arts: NK6210 Ceramics: NK4690 Boundaries in art: N8217.B63 Bow porcelain: NK4399.B7 Brazil in art Bowls Painting: ND1460.B7 Ceramics: NK4695.B68 Bread in art: N8217.B7 Bowls, Glass Bread molds Decorative arts: NK5440.B66 Decorative arts: NK8490 Bowls, Tea Breast in art: N8217.B75 Breviaries Ceramics: NK4695.T39 Boxes Illuminated works: ND3365 Breweries Decorative arts: NK3665 Boxes for carrying lunches Architecture: NA6420+ Decorative arts: NK6213 647 Boxes for cigars Decorative arts: NK4696.5

Brick INDEX Sculpture: NB1267 Bronzes, Incised Brick and tile buildings Sepulchral monuments: NB1840+ Architecture: NA4120 Brotherhood of Ruralists: N6768.5.R85 Brick houses Brücke (Artists' group): NE651.6.B78 Domestic architecture: NA7150 Brücke, Die: N6868.5.E9 Bruges (Belgium) in art Brick, Pressed Architectural decoration: NA3703 Painting: ND1460.B79 Brunswick faience Brickwork Architectural decoration: NA3702 Ceramics: NK4340.B7 Brush stands Bridal crowns Jewelry: NK7422.4 Decorative arts: NK3667+ Brushes, Paint: ND1538 Bridge (Contract) Brutalism Pictorial humor: NC1763.C65 Architecture Bridges in art: N8217.B77 Great Britain: NA968.5.B78 Drawing: NC825.B7 Painting: ND1460.B74 Modern architecture: NA682.B7 Printmaking and engraving: Bucchero NE962.B74 Ceramics: NK4650.B83, Brigands and robbers in art NK4654.5.B83 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.B75 Buckles for belts Decorative arts: NK4890.B4 Bristol Cathedral: NA5471.B8 Bristol porcelain: NK4399.B75 Buckles for shoes Bristol School of Artists Decorative arts: NK4890.S5 Great Britain: N6767.5.B7 Buddha Britannia metal Sculpture: NB1912.B83 Decorative arts: NK8400+ Buddhism British cottages Sculpture: NB1912.B83 Interior decoration: NK2195.R87 Buddhist British Library. Manuscript. Cotton Alphabets: NK3633.5 Arms and armor Tiberius B. VIII (Illuminated work): Medieval: NK6608.7 ND3380.4.B75 Brasses Brittany in art Medieval: NK7808.7 Painting: ND1460.B76 Bronzes Broadsides Medieval: NK7908.7 Advertising art: NC1002.B7 Copperwork: NK8108.7 Bronx Printmakers Costume United States: NE508.3.B76 Medieval: NK4708.7 Bronze Embroidery: NK9208.7 Sculpture: NB1230 Glass Bronze, copper and brass Medieval: NK5108.7 Decorative arts: NK7800+ Gold and silver: NK7108.7 Bronzes Ironwork Ancient sculpture: NB134+ Medieval: NK8208.7 Decorative arts: NK7900+ Jewelry Medieval: NK7308.7 Lace: NK9408.7 648

Buddhist INDEX Metalwork Medieval: NK6408.7 Bullfights in art Needlework: NK9108.7 Painting: ND1460.B85 Painting: ND197 Periodical illustration: NC968.5.B84 Religious art: NK1676 Posters: NC1849.B84 Stained glass Printmaking and engraving: Medieval: NK5308.7 NE962.B84 Swords: NK6708.7 Textile arts and art needlework Bulls in art: N7668.B84 Medieval: NK8808.7 Bungalows Woven fabrics: NK8908.7 Architecture: NA7570+ Buddhist art: N8193 Bunkers (Fortification) in art: Buddhist arts N8217.B866 Arts in general: NX676+ Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 1475-1564 Buddhist gods (General) Architectural drawing: NA2707.B78 Sculpture: NB1912.B83 Architecture: NA1123.B9 Buddhist priests and saints Drawing: NC257.B8 Painting: ND623.B9 Sculpture: NB1912.B87 Burners for incense Builders and architecture: NA2543.B84 Ceramics: NK4685 Buildings for recreation Decorative arts: NK6078 Bus terminals Architecture: NA6800+ Architecture: NA6320+ Buildings in art: N8217.B85 Business Pictorial humor: NC1763.B8 Drawing: NC825.B8 Business community participation Painting: ND1460.B84 Preservation and restoration of Buildings in Moorish style in non-Islamic countries: NA388.A+ architectural monuments: NA110 Buildings, Industrial Business management for architects: City planning: NA9053.I53 Buildings, International NA1996 Architecture: NA4180+ Business management for designers: Buildings, Miniature Decorative arts: NK8475.B8 NK1173 Buildings, Minor Businesspeople Architecture: NA8300+ Buildings, Multipurpose Portraits: ND1329.3.B87 Architecture: NA4177+ Butchers in art: N8217.B87 Buildings, Office Butt-Ugly Martians (Fictitious Architecture characters) City planning: NA9053.O3 Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.B87 Buildings, Public Butter pats Ceramics: NK4695.B87 Architecture: NA4170+ Buttocks in art: N8217.B88 Built-in furniture: NK2712 Buttonhooks Bullfighters in art Decorative arts: NK4890.B8 Buttons Arts in general: NX650.B84 Decorative arts: NK3668.5+ Bullfights in art: N8217.B86 Metalwork: NK8459.B88 Arts in general: NX650.B84 Buttons, Clothing Decorative arts: NK3670 649

Buttons, Glass INDEX Decorative arts: NK5440.B86 Cabbage Patch Kids dolls Byzantine Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C32 Architectural decoration: NA3410 Arms and armor: NK6608.8 Cabinets of curiosities in art: Brasses: NK7808.8 N8217.C87 Bronzes: NK7908.8 Ceramics: NK3873 Cabins, camps, etc. Christian architecture: NA4829.B9 Architecture: NA8470 Cloisonné: NK5013 Copperwork: NK8108.8 Cabins, Log Costume: NK4708.8 Interior decoration: NK2195.L63 Decorative arts: NK715 Embroidery: NK9208.8 Caesar, Julius Glass: NK5108.8 Arts in general: NX652.C34 Gold and silver: NK7108.8 Illuminating of manuscripts and books: Cages for birds ND2930 Decorative arts: NK3655 Interior decoration: NK1810 Ironwork: NK8208.8 Cake pans Ivory carving: NK5872 Decorative arts: NK8459.C43 Jewelry: NK7308.8 Lace: NK9408.8 Cakrasamvara (Buddhist deity) in art: Medieval sculpture: NB172 N8193.3.C34 Metalwork: NK6408.8 Modern architecture: NA373 Calamanco Mosaics: NA3780 Woven fabrics: NK9010 Mural painting Medieval: ND2583 Calci Bible (Illuminated work): Needlework: NK9108.8 ND3356.5.C35 Painting: ND142 Religious art: NK1652.25 Calcutta (India) in art Stained glass: NK5308.8 Painting: ND1460.C32 Swords: NK6708.8 Textile arts: NK8808.8 Calendars Woven fabrics: NK8908.8 Advertising art: NC1002.C3 Byzantine architecture: NA370+ Calendars in art Byzantine art: N6250 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.C24 Christian art: N7852.5 California in art C Painting: ND1460.C34 Watercolor painting: ND2365.C35 Cabanas Architecture: NA8373 California Raisins collectibles: NK3675 Calligraphy Cabarets Interior decoration: NK2195.N55 Decorative arts: NK3600+ Calligraphy, Ancient Roman: NK3605 Calligraphy as painting: ND1454+ Calligraphy, Medieval Roman: NK3610 Calligraphy, Roman: NK3603+ Calling cards Drawing: NC1880 Camden Town Group Great Britain: N6768.5.C53 Cameo glass Decorative arts: NK5439.C33 Cameos: NK5720+ Camouflage and art: N72.C36 650

Campagna di Roma (Italy) in art INDEX Painting: ND1460.C35 Canterbury Cathedral: NA5471.C2 Campaign buttons Canvas Decorative arts: NK3669 Painting surface: ND1570+ Campaign insignia CAP (Cercle d'art prospectif) Decorative arts: NK3669 Belgium: N6968.5.C36 Campania (Italy) in art Capitals (Cities) Painting: ND1460.C353 Architecture: NA9053.C3 Camps, cabins, etc. Capitals (of columns) Architecture: NA8470 Architectural details: NA2870 Canakkale pottery: NK4340.C3 Capitols Canal, Antonio, 1697-1768 Architecture: NA4410+ Painting: ND623.C2 Capodimonte porcelain: NK4399.C27 Canaletto, 1697-1768 Caporali missal (Illuminated work): Painting: ND623.C2 ND3375.C36 Canals in art Capri Island (Italy) in art Painting: ND1460.C357 Painting: ND1460.C37 Cancer in art: N8217.C22 Card cases for visiting cards Candelabra Decorative arts: NK9560 Christian architecture: NA5090 Cardboard Candles Relief printing: NE1352.C3 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.C35 Cardboard furniture: NK2712.64 Candlesticks Cardinals (Ecclesiastics) Decorative arts: NK3685 Portraits: ND1329.3.C37 Decorative metalwork: NK8438 Cards Candlesticks, Glass Decorative arts: NK5440.C26 Advertising art: NC1002.C4 Candomble Cards, Calling Religious art: NK1678.C38 Candy containers Drawing: NC1880 Decorative arts: NK3690 Cards, Outline design Candy containers, Glass Decorative arts: NK5440.C3 Watercolor painting: ND2397 Candy dispensers Cards, Tradesmen's Decorative arts: NK3690 Canes Printmaking and engraving: NE965+ Decorative arts: NK8645 Care Canes, Wooden Decorative arts: NK9955.S72 Paintings: ND1640+ Cannibalism Care Bears Arts in general: NX650.C26 Canopies Decorative arts: NK8740.2.C37 Architectural details: NA3008 Caricature Cans, Beer Decorative arts: NK8459.B36 Drawing: NC1300+ Cantabria (Spain) in art Caricatures Painting: ND1460.C36 Painting: ND1156 Carlisle Cathedral: NA5471.C4 Carmelite art: N7414.5 Carnations Symbolism: N7745.C3 Carnival banners Decorative arts: NK5030+ Carnival glass Decorative arts: NK5439.C35 651

Carnival in art: N8217.C23 INDEX Painting: ND1460.C38 Carving on tortoiseshell: NK6060 Carnivals in art Carvings, Miniature wood Printmaking and engraving: NE962.C26 Decorative arts: NK8475.W66 Caryatids Carolingian Illuminated works: ND2950 Architectural decoration: NA3683.C3 Medieval sculpture: NB171 Casa Veilha (Group of artists): Mural painting: ND2579 Painting: ND141.5 N6655.5.C37 Casas blancas (Group of architects): Carolingian architecture: NA365 Carolingian art: N6245 NA835.5.C37 Carolingian religious architecture: Case goods: NK2712.3 Casein NA4829.C3 Carousel art Watercolor painting: ND2465 Cases Decorative arts: NK5030+ Carpets Decorative arts: NK8475.C3 Cases for visiting cards Decorative arts: NK2775+ Carpinteros (Group of artists): Decorative arts: NK9560 Cashmere shawls N6603.5.C37 Carriage factories Decorative arts: NK4890.C36 Casinos Architecture: NA6470 Carriage houses Architecture: NA6810 Caskets Architecture: NA8340 Carriages in art: N8217.C24 Decorative arts: NK3665 Cast iron work Printmaking and engraving: NE962.C3 Decorative arts: NK8200+ Cast making in plaster Carrocci in art Printmaking and engraving: Sculpture: NB1190 NE962.C32 Castles Carthaginia Architecture: NA7710+ Ancient architecture: NA230+ Castles in art: N8217.C26 Cartoon characters in art: N8217.C25 Arts in general: NX650.C29 Carts in art: N8217.C24 Cat collectibles Printmaking and engraving: Decorative arts: NK3695 NE962.C3 Cat dolls Cartularies Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C37 Illuminating of manuscripts and books: Catacombs ND3390 Christian art: N7840 Carving Catafalques Gems, hard stones, etc.: NK5500+ Christian architecture: NA5095.C37 Carving in wood Cataloging works of art: N440 Decorative arts: NK9700+ Catalogs Carving, Netsuke Christian art: N7821 Decorative arts: NK6050+ Engraved portraits: NE220+ Portrait collections: N7621+ Carving of horn and bone: NK6020+ Printmaking equipment: NE978 Carving of ice: NK6030 Sepulchral monuments United States: NB1857 Theatrical equipment: NA6828 652

Catalogs, Dealers' INDEX Visual arts: N369.A+ CD case inserts Catalogs of pictures Drawing: NC1882+ Visual arts: N373 Ceilings Catalogues raisonnés Architecture: NA2950 Christian art: N7821 Interior decoration: NK2119 Drawing: NC37 Gems (Engraved stones): NK5517 Çeladon ware Painting: ND40 Ceramics: NK4340.C44 Printmaking and engraving: NE90 Celebrities in art: N8217.C268 Cathedral (Cologne, Germany): Posters: NC1849.C43 NA5586.C7 Celebrity dolls Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C44 (Los Angeles) Sculpture: NB1287.L67 Celery vases Decorative arts: NK5440.C45 Cathédrale de Strasbourg collectibles: NK3697 Cell phones in art: N8217.C269 Celluloid collectibles: NK3698 Cathedrals Celluloid dolls Architecture: NA4830 Decorative arts: NK4894.4.C44 Catherina of Siena, Saint Celtic Arts in general: NX652.C38 Decoration and ornament Cats Medieval: NK1264 Picture postcards: NC1878.C36 Illuminating of manuscripts and books: Cats in art: N7668.C3 ND2940 Arts in general: NX650.C3 Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.C37 Celtic art: N5925 Drawing: NC783.8.C36 Celts Pictorial humor: NC1763.C35 Printmaking and engraving: Costume: NK4706.4.C44 NE962.C34 Decorative arts Cattle markets Gold and silver: NK7106.4.C44 Architecture: NA6270 Enamel: NK5003.2.C44 Swords: NK6706.4.C44 Caucasian Albania Cement Ancient art: N5899.C39 Sculpture: NB1215 Cemeteries, National Caucasian rugs Architecture: NA9325+ Decorative arts: NK2809.C3 Cemetery architecture: NA6120+ Censers Caughley porcelain: NK4399.C3 Ceramics: NK4695.C46 Cava de' Tirreni (Italy) in art Censorship Motion picture cartoons: Painting: ND1460.C39 Cave architecture: NA8455 NC1766.5.C45 Cave temples Posters: NC1815 Censorship and the arts: NX180.C44 Architecture: NA4640+ Censorship of art: N8740 Caves in art Cent-Neuf (Association) France: N6848.5.C46 Printmaking and engraving: Centaurs NE962.C35 Art: N7763.C46 Centaurs in art: N8217.C27 CAYC Group: N6635.5.C38 653

Centers for the arts INDEX Arts in general: NX798+ Champlevé Centers, Shopping Decorative arts: NK5016+ Architecture: NA6218 Chance Ceramic plant containers: NK4695.P53 Arts in general: NX456.5.C46 Ceramics Chandeliers Decorative arts: NK3700+ Christian architecture: NA5090 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.C44 Cerberus (Greek mythology) Chandeliers, Glass Art: N7763.C47 Decorative arts: NK5440.C48 Cercle et carré (Group) Arts in general: NX456.5.C45 Chang'an school of painting Modern art: N6494.C45 China: N7345.5.C48 Ceremonial art, Religious Decorative arts: NK1648+ Changqing Xian (China) in art Ceres (Roman deity) Painting: ND1460.C43 Sculpture: NB163.C47 Ceroplastic Changshu Shi (China) Decorative arts: NK9580+ Arts in general: NX653.C48 Certosa di Pavia Sculpture: NB1291.P37 Chapels Cervia (Italy) as a subject in the arts Christian architecture: NA4870 Arts in general: NX653.C47 Chai ware: NK4399.C47 Chapter houses for college fraternities Chain restaurants Architecture: NA8020+ Architecture: NA7855+ Chains Character jugs Jewelry: NK7422 Ceramics: NK4695.C518 Chairs Decorative arts: NK2715, Character steins Ceramics: NK4695.C52 NK9955.C43 Chairs in art: N8217.C275 Character toys Chakra Decorative arts: NK9509.95.C43 Religious arts, Hindu: NX680.3.C48 Character toys, Plastic Chalets Decorative arts: NK8595.2.C45 Architecture: NA7580 Characteristics, National Chalices Arts in general: NX650.N376 Decorative arts: NK7215 Characters and characteristics in art Chalk drawing Drawing: NC825.C43 Graphic arts: NC867 Characters from comic strips on clocks Chalk talks and watches Decorative arts: NK7500.C65 Graphic arts: NC865 Chambard, Château de Characters in the arts Arts in general: NX651.8+ Architecture: NA7736.C45 Chamber pots Charcoal Graphic art materials: NC850 Ceramics: NK4695.C5 Charenton-le-Pont (France) in art Painting: ND1460.C45 Charitable institutions Architecture: NA6760+ Charles V Gold and silver trophies: NK7218 Charms Decorative arts: NK4890.C47 Chasing Enameling, coloring, etc.: NK6520+ 654

Chasing INDEX Metalwork: NK6530 Children Chasitsu Arts in general: NX652.C48 Architecture: NA8306.J22 Japanese colored wood engravings: NE1326.5.C54 Château de Bagatelle (Paris) Pictorial humor: NC1763.C45 Architecture: NA7736.P22 Children and architecture: NA2543.Y6 Château de Bercy (Paris) Children and the arts Architecture: NA7736.P23 Arts in general: NX180.C45 Château de Chambard Children as artists: N351 Architecture: NA7736.C45 Children in art: N7640+ Châteaux Arts in general: NX650.C48 Architecture: NA7710+ Illustration of children's books: Chaval, 1915-1968: NC1499.L28 NC965.8.C45 Cheese dishes Painting: ND1460.C48 Portraits: ND1329.3.C45 Decorative arts: NK4695.5 Posters: NC1849.C45 Chelsea porcelain: NK4399.C5 Printmaking and engraving: Chenal (Group) NE962.C47 Arts in general: NX456.5.C47 Sculpture: NB1935 Modern art: N6494.C47 Children in the arts: NX164.C47 Chenille Children, Preschool Woven fabrics: NK9015 Dwellings: NA7195.P7 Chess in art: N8217.C28 Children with disabilities Painting: ND1460.C46 Architecture for: NA2545.C48 Chess sets Children's art: N352+ Decorative arts: NK4696 Children's art crafts: NK70 Chessmen Children's books Decorative arts: NK4696 Illustration: NC965+ Chester Cathedral: NA5471.C5 Children's drawing books: NC670 Chests Children's furniture Decorative arts: NK2725 Decorative arts: NK2750 Chests, Wooden Children's painting books Decorative arts: NK9955.C45 Watercolor painting: ND2399 Chiarismo (Art) Children's paraphernalia Italy: N6918.5.C45 Advertising art: NC1002.C46 Chicago Imagists (Group of artists): Children's popular works for self- N6512.5.C49 instruction Chicago Seven (Group of architects): Drawing: NC655 NA712.5.C48 Children's postcards Chichester Cathedral: NA5471.C6 Picture postcards: NC1878.C55 Chickens Children's rooms Pictorial humor: NC1763.C43 Interior decoration: NK2117.C4 Chickens in art: N7666.C45 Children's self-instruction manuals Child and parent Drawing: NC655 Pictorial humor: NC1763.P3 Chimera (Greek mythology) Childhood in art Art: N7763.C53 Arts in general: NX650.C48 Arts in general: NX652.C487 655

Chimney sweeps INDEX Arts in general: NX652.C49 Chirico, Giorgio de, 1888- Chimneypieces Drawing: NC257.C56 Architectural details: NA3050+ Painting: ND623.C56 Chimneys, Ornamental Chiusa (Bolzano, Italy) in art Architecture: NA3040 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.C475 China Landscape painting: ND1366.7+ Chivalry in art: N8217.C285 Chocolate collectibles China dolls Decorative arts: NK4894.4.C55 Decorative arts: NK4696.37 Choice of subject China in art Printmaking and engraving: Painting: ND1288 NE962.C472 Printmaking and engraving: NE951 Visual arts: N7560 China painting: NK4605+ Choir stalls China trade porcelain: NK4565.5 Christian architecture: NA5075 Chinese Christ among the doctors Christian art: N8066 Alphabets: NK3634 Christ and Abbot Menas: N8189.6.C47 Chinese and Japanese Christ Church Priory: NA5471.C8 Christ in art: N8050+ Cloisonné: NK5015 Christian architecture: NA4790+ Vases: NK4655 Christian art: N7810+ Chinese belt toggles Drawing: NC825.C47 Decorative arts: NK6050+ Christian art and symbolism Chinese characters in art: N8217.C284 Illustration of children's books: Painting: ND1460.C484 Chinese Communist Party NC965.7.C47 Painting: ND1460.C645 Christian arts Chinese gods Sculpture: NB1912.C45 Arts in general: NX655+ Chinese gods in art Christian, Early Printmaking and engraving: Decorative arts: NK715 NE962.G65 Illuminating of manuscripts and books: Chinese imperial ritual robes ND2930 Symbolism: N7745.C5 Interior decoration: NK1810 Chinese mythology in art Painting: ND135 Religious art: NK1652.1 Decoration and ornament: Christian religious art (Decorative and NK1590.M88 applied): NK1650+ Christian saints Chinoiserie: N7429 Sculpture: NB1912.C47 Italy: N6915.5.C48 Christian Science architecture: NA4829.C5 Chintzware Christian symbolism: N8010+ Ceramics: NK4340.C48 Christianity in the arts Arts in general: NX650.C6 Chippendale Christmas Furniture: NK2542.C5 Advertising art: NC1002.C48 Arts in general: NX650.C63 Chippendale, Thomas, 1718-1779: NK2542.C5 656 Chips Decorative arts: NK4696.35

Christmas INDEX Drawing: NC825.C49 Periodical illustration: NC968.5.C45 Cigar boxes Picture postcards: NC1878.C57 Decorative arts: NK4696.5 Christmas cards: NC1866.C5 Cigarette package labels Christmas collectibles Drawing: NC1883.5+ Decorative arts: NK4696.4 Cigarettes in art Christmas crib Posters: NC1849.T63 Christian art: N8065 Cigars Christmas decorations Arts in general: NX650.T6 Glass: NK5440.C57 Cigars in art: N8253.T6 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.C45 Posters: NC1849.T63 Silver: NK7236.C47 Christmas seals Cimmerian art: N5899.C5 Drawing: NC1895+ Cinderella (Legendary character) Chrome-plated metalwork Decorative arts: NK8030+ Arts in general: NX652.C494 Chromolithography: NE2500+ Circle Chronica majora (Illuminated work): ND3399.P35 Drawing: NC825.C53 Chroniche di Giovanni Sercambi, Círculo de Bellas Artes Lucchese, Le (Illuminated work): ND3399.S47 Venezuela: N6735.5.C55 Chronological lists Circumcision in art Arts in general: NX447.5 Painting: ND55 Printmaking and engraving: Chrysanthemums NE962.C478 Sculpture: NB1912.C49 Chungnang-gu (Seoul, Korea) in art Circus in art: N8217.C3 Painting: ND1460.C49 Drawing: NC825.C56 Church Painting: ND1460.C55 Christian symbolism: N8012.C45 Posters: NC1849.C57 Church buildings in art: N8217.C29 Printmaking and engraving: Church decoration NE962.C48 Interior decoration: NK2190+ Church doors Circus toys Christian architecture: NA4950 Decorative arts: NK9509.95.C57 Church plate Decorative arts: NK7215 Cissy dolls Churches Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C56 City beautifying: NA9053.C48 Drawing: NC825.C5 Cistercian Cigar bands Christian architecture: NA4828 Drawing: NC1883.5+ Cigar box labels Cistercian art Drawing: NC1883.5+ Christian art: N7853.5 Cities, Aesthetics of Architecture: NA9000+ Cities and towns Drawing: NC825.C57 Cities and towns in art: N8217.C35 Etching and aquatint: NE2149.C58 Painting: ND1460.C57 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.C5 Cities and towns in the arts Arts in general: NX650.C66 657

Cities, Garden INDEX Architecture City planning: NA9053.N4 Classical Jewelry: NK7307.3 Citizen participation Lace: NK9407.3 Arts in general: NX230 Metalwork: NK6407.3 Needlework: NK9107.3 Citrarāmȳaṇa: NC75.C68 Painting: ND100 City and town life Portrait sculpture: NB1296.3 Stained glass: NK5307.3 Pictorial humor: NC1763.C47 Swords: NK6707.3 City clubs Terra cotta statuettes: NB153 Textile arts: NK8807.3 Architecture: NA7920+ Woven fabrics: NK8907.3 City districts, New Classical antiquities Architecture Printmaking and engraving: City planning: NA9053.N4 NE962.C56 City halls Classical antiquities art Architecture: NA4430+ Drawing: NC825.C58 City houses Classical antiquities in art: N8217.C38 Architecture: NA7511+ Classical architecture, Greek and City planners Roman: NA260+ Architecture: NA9080+ Classical architecture in art City planning Painting: ND1460.C63 Architecture: NA9000+ Classical art: N5603+ Classical authors City walls and gates Military architecture: NA493+ Illuminating of manuscripts and books: ND3395.A+ Civil rights in art: N8217.C36 Civilization, Ancient, in art Classical realism (Art) United States: N6510.5.B67 Arts in general: NX650.C662 Classes of persons in the arts Classicism Architecture Arts in general: NX651.8+ Modern architecture: NA682.C55 Classic Oriental art: N5345 Scandinavia: NA1208.5.C55 Classical Sweden: NA1286.5.C55 United States: NA712.5.C55 Ancient sculpture: NB85 Arts in general: NX456.5.C48 Architectural decoration: NA3340+ 17th century: NX451.5.C55 Arts in general: NX448.5 Modern art: N6415.C55 Brasses: NK7807.3 Painting technique and styles: Bronze sculpture: NB135 ND1482.C5 Bronzes: NK7907.3 Pictorial humor: NC1763.C49 Cemetery architecture: NA6138+ Technique, composition, etc.: Ceramics: NK3835+ N7432.5.C6 Copperwork: NK8107.3 Costume: NK4707.3+ Classicism (Art) Decoration and ornament: NK1225+ France: N6846.5.C55 Decorative arts: NK665+ Germany: N6866.5.C55 Embroidery: NK9207.3 Portugal: N7126.5.C55 Gems (Engraved stones): NK5565+ Glass: NK5107.3 658 Gold and silver: NK7107.3 Ironwork: NK8207.3

Classicism in art INDEX Europe 17th-18th centuries: N6756.5.C55 Clubhouses Architecture: NA7910+ Classicism (Late) Interior decoration: NK2195.C58 Architecture Denmark: NA1218.5.C53 Clubs for athletics Architecture: NA7960+ Classification Architecture: NA2500 Clubs in the city Architecture: NA7920+ Classification of works of art: N440 Clay modeling Clubs, Yachting and boating Architecture: NA7970+ Sculpture: NB1180 Cleaning Cluster housing Architecture: NA9051.4 Art objects and antiques: NK1127.5 Ceramics: NK4233 Coaches in art: N8217.C24 Works of art: N8560+ Coaching in art: N8217.C24 Clement Bible (Illuminated work): Coal ND3355.5.C57 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, d. 30 B.C. Sculpture: NB1270.C63 Sculpture: NB165.C55 Coal mines and mining in art Clergy Pictorial humor: NC1763.C5 Arts in general: NX650.C665 Clichés verres: NE2685+ Coalport porcelain: NK4399.C55 Climate and architecture: NA2541 Cobalt glass Domestic architecture: NA7116+ Clockcases Decorative arts: NK5439.C62 Decorative arts: NK2720 CoBrA Clocks in art: N8217.C4 Decorative arts: NK7480+ Arts in general: NX456.5.C5 Cloisonné Modern art: N6494.C5 Decorative arts: NK5010+ Coca-Cola Company Cloisters Posters: NC1849.C63 Christian architecture: NA4940 Coca Cola (Registered trademark): Cloth dolls N8217.C462 Decorative arts: NK4894.4.C57 Cockaigne Clothing and dress in art: N8217.C63 Arts in general: NX650.C67 Illumination: ND3344 Cocktail shakers Clothing and dress in the arts Decorative arts Arts in general: NX650.C663 Clouds in art: N8217.C43 Metalwork: NK8459.C63 Decoration and ornament: Codex Aboënsis NK1590.C55 Illuminated work: ND3399.C435 Drawing: NC825.C585 Codex Amiatinus (Illuminated work): Clowns Arts in general: NX652.C5 ND3355.5.A45 Clowns in art Codex Arcerianus A. (Illuminated work): Portraits: ND1329.3.C55 ND3399.C44 Codex aureus Epternacensis (Illuminated work): ND3359.C56 Codex Gertrudianus. Egbert psalter (Illuminated work): ND3357.E4 Codex Malabayla (Illuminated work): ND3399.C46 Codex picturatus Balthasaris Behem (Illuminated work): ND3399.C47 659

Codex purpureus Rossanensis INDEX (Illuminated work): ND3359.C57 Collected designs Codex Vaticanus Rossianus 181: Brasses: NK7805 ND3375.C64 Bronzes: NK7905 Copperwork: NK8105 Codex Vindobonensis 2554 (Illuminated Costume: NK4705 work): ND3355.5.C63 Crown jewels, insignia, regalia: NK7405 Codex Vindobonensis 2722 (Illuminated Embroidery: NK9205 work): ND3380.4.C63 Firearms, guns and pistols: NK6905 Gilt bronzes: NK7905 Codex Vyšehradensis: ND3359.C63 Glass: NK5105 Codex Wenceslai (Illuminated work): Gold and silver, plate, jewelry: NK7105 ND3399.C48 Ironwork: NK8205 Codice Casanatense 1889 (Illuminated Jewelry: NK7305 Lace: NK9405 work): ND3399.C49 Metalwork: NK6405 Coffeehouses Needlework: NK9105 Pewter: NK8405 Architecture: NA7855+ Rings (Jewelry): NK7445 Interior decoration: NK2195.R4 Stained glass: NK5305 Coffeehouses in art: N8217.C464 Stencil work (Decorative): NK8655 Coffeepots Swords: NK6705 Ceramics: NK4695.C6 Textile arts and art needlework: Coffers NK8805 Decorative arts: NK2725 Upholstery: NK3197 Cofradía (Group): N6573.5.C64 Watches and clocks: NK7485 Coin banks Wood carving: NK9705 Ceramics: NK4695.C63 Woodwork: NK9605 Decorative arts: NK4698, Woven fabrics: NK8905 NK5440.C63 Collectibles Cold regions Interior decoration: NK2115.5.C58 Architecture: NA2542.C75 Collectibles, Hunting Domestic architecture: NA7117.C64 Decorative arts: NK6077.5 Coliseums Architecture: NA6880+ Collectibles, Kitchen Collage: N7433.7 Decorative arts: NK6140 Arts in general: NX456.5.C6 Australia: N7400.5.C64 Collectibles, Teddy bear Belgium: N6968.5.C62 Decorative arts: NK8740+ Czechoslovakia: N6831.5.C58 Japan: N7355.5.C54 Collectibles, Tennis Modern art: N6494.C6 Decorative arts: NK8745 Russia: N6988.5.C58 United States: N6512.5.C55 Collectibles, Turtle Visual arts Decorative arts: NK9555 21st century: N6498.C65 Collections Canada: N6545.5.C64 Book or phonorecord jackets: Spain: N7108.5.C64 NC1882.5.A+ Collagraph: NE2232+ Ceramic vases: NK4623+ Collected designs Ceramics: NK3728+ Arms and armor: NK6605 660

Collections INDEX Christian art: N7822+ Commercial art: NC997.A3A+ Collections of designs Crown jewels, insignia, regalia: Decoration and ornament: NK1530+ NK7403.A+ Gems (Engraved stones): NK5545 Crystal glass: NK5200.5.A+ Interior decoration: NK2130+ Decorative arts Ancient Collections of drawings: NC20+ Egyptian: NK635.A+ Collections of plans and designs Diamonds: NK7658 Enamel: NK4999.A+ Domestic architecture: NA7126+ Etching and aquatint: NE1945+ Collections of portrait drawings: NC772 Glass underpainting: NK5431.5.A+ Collections of portraits Icons (Eastern Church): N8186.A+ Illustration: NC961+ Catalogs: N7621+ Japanese colored wood engravings: Collections, Private NE1317+ Lithography: NE2260+ Arms and armor: NK6603.A+ Metal engraving: NE1415+ Brasses: NK7803.A+ Miniature prints: NE893.5.A+ Bronzes: NK7903.A+ Mosaics: NA3755.A+ Copperwork: NK8103.A+ Painting Costume: NK4703.A+ Restoration: ND1651.A+ Decorative arts: NK530+ Paper articles: NK8552.5.A+ Pewter: NK8403.A+ Ancient: NK615.A+ Pictorial greeting cards: NC1861.A+ Dolls and dollhouses: NK4892.5.A+ Pictorial humor: NC1313+ Drawing: NC30+ Picture postcards: NC1875.A+ Embroidery: NK9203.A+ Posters: NC1820+ Firearms: NK6903.A+ Preservation of works of art: Furniture: NK2220.A+ N8561.A+ Gems (Engraved stones): NK5515.A+ Printmaking and engraving: NE53+ Glass: NK5103.A+ Religious art: NK1658+ Gold and silver: NK7103.A+ Rings (Jewelry): NK7443.A+ Ironwork: NK8203.A+ Sculpture: NB20+ Ivory carving: NK5815.A+ Stencil work (Decorative): NK8653.A+ Jewelry: NK7303.A+ Tiles: NK4670.5.A+ Lace: NK9403.A+ Toys: NK9509.4+ Metalwork: NK6403.A+ Watches and clocks: NK7483.A+ Needlework: NK9103.A+ Watercolor painting: ND1725+ Portrait miniatures: ND1335.6.A+ Wood engraving: NE1020+ Rugs and carpets: NK2790.A+ Woodwork Stained glass: NK5303.A+ Lacquer: NK9900.5.A+ Swords: NK6703.A+ Tapestries: NK2990.A+ Collections in book form Textile arts and art needlework: Lithography: NE2295+ NK8803.A+ Collections of designs Toys: NK9509.6.A+ Ceramics: NK4250 Wood carving: NK9703.A+ Woodwork: NK9603.A+ Woven fabrics: NK8903.A+ Collectors' manuals Arms and armor: NK6604 Brasses: NK7804 Bronzes: NK7904 661

Collectors' manuals INDEX Ceramics: NK4230 Copperwork: NK8104 Colonial period Drawing: NC725 Interior decoration Embroidery: NK9204 United States: NK2003 Firearms: NK6904 Furniture: NK2240 Colonial revival Gems (Engraved stones): NK5530 Latin American architecture: Gold and silver: NK7104 NA702.57.C64 Ironwork: NK8204 United States architecture: Jewelry: NK7304 NA710.5.C65 Lace: NK9404 Metalwork: NK6404 Colonial style modern houses Needlework: NK9104 Architecture: NA7573 Printmaking and engraving: NE880+ Rugs: NK2795 Colonna, Francesco, d. 1527. Swords: NK6704 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili Textile arts and art needlework: Wood engravings: NE1075.C64 NK8804 Wood carving: NK9704 Color Woodwork: NK9604 Decoration and design: NK1548 Woven fabrics: NK8904 Interior decoration: NK2115.5.C6 Painting technique: ND1486+ Collectors' marks Art collectors and collecting: N5203 Color drawing Architectural drawing: NA2726.2 Collectors of art: N5198+ Technique: NC758 Collectors of prints Color-field painting Biography: NE59.5+ United States: N6512.5.C6 College art studies: N345+ College buildings Color in architecture: NA2795 Color in Greek sculpture Architecture: NA6600+ College fraternities Ancient sculpture: NB93 Color in sculpture: NB1275 Architecture: NA8020+ Color in the arts Colleges Visual arts: N7432.7 Architecture: NA6600+ Color prints: NE1850+ Collyrium pots Color rendering Decorative arts: NK4890.K64 Architectural design: NA2780 Cologne (Germany) in art Color standards, Plates of: ND1492 Color stencil prints: NE2240+ Printmaking and engraving: Color symbolism: ND1495.S9 NE962.C64 Color systems: ND1493.A+ Colored crayons Cologne Gospels (Illuminated work): ND3359.C78 Graphic art materials: NC870 Colored glass Colonial architecture: NA207.5 Colonial art Decorative arts: NK5206+ Colored pencil portraits Latin America: N6502.2+ Colonial period Graphic art materials: NC892 Colored pencils Architecture United States: NA707 Graphic art materials: NC892 Colored wood engravings and woodcuts: NE1300+ Colored wood engravings, Japanese: NE1310+ 662

Colorimetry INDEX Examination of works of art: N8558.2.C64 Comic, The Arts in general: NX650.C678 Coloring Metalwork: NK6510+ Comic The, in art Painting: ND1460.C64 Coloring books Printmaking and engraving: Illustration of children's books: NE962.C65 NC965.9 Commedia dell'arte in art: N8217.C478 Colors Commerce in art: N8217.C479 Arts in general: NX650.C676 Commercial art: NC997+ Commercial art as a profession: Colosseum: NA313 Columbaria NC1001 Commercial buildings Architecture: NA6117 Columbine Architecture: NA6210+ Interior decoration: NK2195.C65 Christian symbolism: N8012.A66 Commercial decorative painting: Column figures NK2140+ Commercial products in art: N8217.C48 Architectural decoration: NA3683.C65 Commercial travelers in art: N8217.C5 Column of Marcus Aurelius (Rome): Commissioning of art: N5205.5+, N5205.5, N5205.7.A+ NA9340.R4 Commissions Columns Art and the state: N8710 Commodus, Emperor of Rome, 161-192 Architectural details: NA2860+ Sculpture: NB165.C6 Combat Communication and the arts Arts in general: NX180.C65 Pictorial humor: NC1763.C58 Communication and traffic Combs, Ornamental Architecture Decorative arts: NK4890.C63 City planning: NA9053.C55 Comediants (Group) Communication of information Visual arts: N7433.38.C65 Architecture: NA62+ Comestor, Petrus, 12th century. Historia Arts in general: NX190+ Visual arts: N57+ scholastica (Illuminated work): Communism ND3385.C64 Pictorial humor: NC1763.C6 Comets in art: N8217.C47 Communist Party of China Comfort women in art Painting: ND1460.C645 Sculpture: NB1952.C66 Community and artists: N72.A76 Comic books Arts in general: NX180.A77 Drawing: NC1764+ Community centers Comic books in art: N8217.C475 Architecture: NA4510.C7 Comic books, strips, etc. Como, Gruppo di: N6918.5.C58 Posters: NC1849.C66 Como, Lake (Italy) in art Comic strip character clocks and Painting: ND1460.C646 watches Compacts Decorative arts: NK7500.C65 Decorative arts: NK4890.C65 Comic strip character toys Decorative arts: NK9509.95.C65 Comic strips Drawing: NC1764+ Comic strips in art: N8217.C475 663

Companion dolls INDEX Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C66 Conceptual art Company town architecture Brazil: N6655.5.C62 City planning: NA9053.C57 Canada: N6545.5.C66 China: N7345.5.C65 Comparative architecture: NA203.5 Europe Comparative art: N7428.5 20th century: N6758.5.C64 Competitions France: N6848.5.C66 Germany: N6868.5.C63 Architecture: NA2335+ Great Britain: N6768.5.C63 Arts in general: NX411+ Italy: N6918.5.C63 Dolls and dollhouses: NK4891.5 Japan: N7355.5.C6 Drawing: NC673+ Korea: N7365.5.C65 Printmaking and engraving: NE975+ Modern art: N6494.C63 Sculpture: NB1134+ 21st century: N6498.C66 Visual arts: N393+ Netherlands: N6948.5.C58 Composition Russia: N6988.5.C62 Architectural design: NA2760 United States: N6512.5.C64 Drawing technique: NC740 Visual arts Painting technique and styles: Spain: N7108.5.C66 Yugoslavia: N7248.5.C6 ND1475 Visual arts: N7429.7+ Concordantiae caritatis (Illuminated Composition dolls work): ND3385.U47 Decorative arts: NK4894.4.C65 Computer-aided design Concrete Architecture: NA2728 Architectural decoration: NA3695 Commercial art: NC1000.5 Domestic architecture: NA7160 Computer applications Interior decoration: NK2115.5.C65 Arts in general: NX260 Sculpture: NB1215 Computer art: N7433.8+ Computer artists: N7433.85.A+ Concrete art Computer drawing Argentina: N6635.5.C64 Graphic art: NC915.C65 Arts in general: NX456.5.C635 Computer network resources Brazil: N6655.5.C63 Architecture: NA63.5 Cuba: N6603.5.C66 Visual arts: N59 Czechoslovakia: N6831.5.C6 Computers and art: N72.C63 Europe Computers and the arts 20th century: N6758.5.C65 Arts in general: NX180.C66 Italy: N6918.5.C65 Con Safo (Group): N6512.5.C63 Japan: N7355.5.C65 Concarneau (France) in art Latin America: N6502.57.C65 Painting: ND1460.C65 Mexico: N6555.5.C66 Concentration camps Modern art: N6494.C635 Arts in general: NX650.C68 Switzerland: N7148.5.C63 Concentration camps in art: N8217.C55 Conceptual art Concrete buildings Arts in general: NX456.5.C63 Architecture: NA4125 Austria: N6808.5.C65 Belgium: N6968.5.C64 Condoms in art: N8217.C554 Confectionery in art: N8217.C56 Conference rooms Architectural details: NA2857 664

Confession in art INDEX Arts in general: NX650.C683 Conservatories Confessionals Architecture: NA8360 Christian architecture: NA5095.C66 Constance, Lake, in art Confraternities' schools Painting: ND1460.C66 Architecture: NA8050+ Constantine Arch (Rome): NA9370.R6 Congenital abnormalities in art: Construction industry and architecture: N8236.P4 NA2543.B84 Congregate housing for the aged Constructivism (Architecture): Architecture: NA7195.A4 NA682.C65 Consciousness and art: N72.C65 Russia: NA1188.5.C64 Conservation Switzerland: NA1348.5.C65 Constructivism (Art) Architecture Arts in general: NX456.5.C64 City planning: NA9053.C6 Brazil: N6655.5.C65 Chile: N6665.5.C65 Arms and armor: NK6604.5 Europe Brasses: NK7804.5 Bronzes: NK7904.5 20th century: N6758.5.C67 Copperwork: NK8104.5 Germany: N6868.5.C64 Costume: NK4704.5 Great Britain: N6768.5.C65 Drawings: NC930 Hungary: N6820.5.C64 Embroidery: NK9204.5 Latin America: N6502.57.C66 Firearms: NK6904.5 Modern art: N6494.C64 Glass: NK5104.5 Netherlands: N6948.5.C6 Gold and silver: NK7104.5 Russia: N6988.5.C64 Ironwork: NK8204.5 Sweden: N7088.5.C6 Jewelry: NK7304.5 Switzerland: N7148.5.C65 Lace: NK9404.5 Yugoslavia: N7248.5.C64 Metalwork: NK6404.5 Containers Mosaics: NA3752.5 Decorative arts: NK4698.5 Mural painting: ND2550.2+ Needlework: NK9104.5 Metalwork: NK8459.C65 Paintings: ND1630+ Containers for incense Prints: NE380 Rugs and carpets: NK2808.5 Ceramics: NK4685 Stained glass: NK5304.5 Decorative arts: NK6078 Swords: NK6704.5 Containers, Glass Tapestries and wall hangings: Decorative arts: NK5440.C65 Containers, Plant NK2997 Ceramics: NK4695.P53 Textile art needlework: NK8804.5 Contemporary, The Wood carving: NK9704.5 Arts in general: NX650.C685 Woodwork: NK9604.5 Continental Gothic Works of art: N8554+ Medieval architecture: NA447 Woven fabrics: NK8904.5 Contract bridge Conservation of artistic resources: Pictorial humor: NC1763.C65 N8849+ Convention facilities Conservation of energy Architecture: NA6880+ Domestic architecture: NA7117.3 Conventionalized forms of plants, etc. Design element: NK1565 665

Convents INDEX Christian architecture: NA4850 Copying works of art: N8580 Conversation pieces Coral art objects: NK6010 Painting Coral carving: NK6010 Portraits: ND1304 Corbels Conversion Architectural details: NA2960 Sculpture: NB1912.C66 Córdoba (Argentina) Cookie jars Drawing: NC825.C59 Ceramics: NK4695.C66 Corinth Aphrodite (Sculpture): Cooking and architecture: NA2543.C66 NB163.V62C67 Cooking in art: N8217.C6 Cork art Cooky molds Decorative arts: NK4699 Decorative arts: NK8490 Corkscrews Coop Himmelblau (Group of architects): Metalwork: NK8459.C67 NA1008.5.C65 Corner (Group of artists): N7018.5.C6 Cooperation between private and Cornices government agencies in the support of Architectural details: NA2960 art: N8798 Corporate patronage Cooperation between private foundations and government Arts in general: NX710+ Patronage of the arts: NX705 Corporate patrons of art: N5206+ Coopérative des Malassis Corps-Saints, Groupe des: France: N6848.5.M34 Copenhagen porcelain: NK4399.C6 N7148.5.C67 Copenhagen. Universitet. Bibliothek. Corrente Mss. (Arnamag. 227 fol.) (Illuminated work): ND3356.5.C66 Italy: N6918.5.C67 Copley, Royal Correspondence school textbooks Ceramics: NK4340.R78 Copper, bronze and brass Drawing: NC640 Decorative arts: NK7800+ Correspondence schools Copper engraving: NE1750+ Copper engravings Architecture: NA2303+ Printing: NE2840 Correspondence schools, Art: Copperwork Decorative arts: NK8100+ N335.A1+ Coptic architecture: NA4829.C64 Corruption Coptic art Egypt: N7382 Pictorial humor: NC1763.C66 Copy art Corvinus graduale (Illuminated work): Print media: NE3000+ Copying and reproducing of paintings: ND3380.4.C67 ND1655 Cosmetics Copying, enlarging and reduction of drawings: NC1900 Advertising art: NC1002.C68 Copying machine art Cosmology Print media: NE3000+ Christian symbolism: N8012.C57 Cosmology and architecture: NA2543.C67 Cosmology in art: N8217.C62 Cosmoramas Painting: ND2883 Costume Decorative arts: NK4700+ Costume dolls Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C67 Costume in art: N8217.C63 666

Costume in art INDEX Illumination: ND3344 Printmaking and engraving: Courthouses NE962.C67 Architecture: NA4470+ Costume jewelry Courtroom art Decorative arts: NK4890.C67 Drawing for reproduction: NC953+ Costumes Courtyard houses Drawing: NC825.C6 Architecture: NA7523 Cotentin (France) in art Courtyards Painting: ND1460.C67 Architectural details: NA2858 Cottages Covered animal dishes, Glass Interior decoration Decorative arts: NK5440.A55 Britain: NK2195.C67 Cowboys in art: N8217.C75 Cottages (British) Cows in art: N7668.C68 Interior decoration: NK2195.R87 Sculpture: NB1942.C68 Cottages, English Cracking Art (Group): N6918.5.C73 Architecture: NA7562 Crackle glass Council for Mutual Economic Aid Decorative arts: NK5439.C73 Architecture: NA4193.5 Crafts, Native American Councils and synods Drawing: NC825.I42 Christian symbolism: N8012.C6 Cranach, Hans, d. 1537. Passional Country architecture Christi und Antichristi (Wood Hotels: NA7830 engraving): NE1075.C73 Cranes (Birds) Country clubs Arts in general: NX650.C73 Architecture: NA7930+ Crating works of art: N8585 Crayon Country estates Graphic art materials: NC855 Metal engraving Crayon and charcoal 18th century: NE1714 Graphic art materials: NC850 Crayon portraits Country homes Graphic arts: NC860 Architecture: NA7560+ Crayons, Colored or Waxed Graphic art materials: NC870 Country homes in art Cream pots Painting: ND1460.C678 Ceramics: NK4695.C73 Creamware Country houses Earthenware: NK4278 Architecture: NA7600+ Creation in art Christian art: N8038.3 Country life in art: N8217.C65 Creation in the arts: NX160 Arts in general: NX650.C69 Crèches Painting: ND1460.C68 Christian art: N8065 Crematories Country music album covers Architecture: NA6117 Design: NC1882.7.C68 Crespina (Italy) in art Painting: ND1460.C74 Country seats Architecture: NA7600+ 667 County buildings Architecture: NA4428+ Couples in art Sculpture: NB1935.5 Courage in art: N8217.C7

Crete INDEX Decorative arts Ancient: NK685.C8 Crypts Architecture: NA2880 Creussen pottery Stoneware: NK4367.C7 Crystal glass Decorative arts: NK5200+ Cricket clubs Architecture: NA7950+ Crystal Palace (New York) Architecture: NA6750.N5C7 Cricket in art: N8217.C78 Printmaking and engraving: Crystals in art: N8217.C794 NE962.C7 Cube in art: N8217.C8 Cube teapots Crissy dolls Decorative arts: NK4894.3.C75 Decorative arts: NK8730.2.C83 Cubism Criticism (Art): N7475+ Criticism in the arts Architecture Czechoslovakia: NA1031.5.C83 Arts in general: NX640+ Europe: NA958.5.C83 Critics, Architecture Arts in general Biography: NA2599.7+ 20th century: NX456.5.C8 Critics, Art Canada: N6545.5.C83 Biography: N7482+ Czechoslovakia: N6831.5.C8 Critics, Arts Drawing Biography: NX640.2+ 20th century: NC95.5.C83 Critics, Women France: N6848.5.C82 Modern architecture: NA682.C83 Visual arts: N7482.5 Modern art: N6494.C8 Crosses Spain: N7108.5.C82 United States: N6512.5.C82 Jewelry: NK7422.2 Cubism (Art) Metalwork: NK8428 Europe Crosses in art Posters: NC1849.C75 20th century: N6758.5.C82 Crowds in art: N8217.C79 Cult films in art: N8217.C85 Crown jewels Cultivation and protection of art Decorative arts: NK7400+ Crowns for brides Art and the state: N8750+ Jewelry: NK7422.4 Cultural centers Crucifixes Art: N8053 Architecture: NA6811+ Crucifixion of Christ Cultural relationships Art: N8053 Cruelty in art: N8217.C792 Arts in general: NX627+ Cruets, Glass Cultural relationships between Asia and Decorative arts: NK5440.C75 Crusades and art: N72.C78 the West Crusoe, Robinson (Fictitious character) Arts in general: NX628 Arts in general: NX652.C78 Culture and architecture: NA2543.S6 Crustacea Culture and art: N72.S6 Pictorial humor: NC1763.C78 Culture and the arts: NX180.S6 Cryptoportici Cup lids, Plastic Roman architecture: NA325.C7 Decorative arts: NK8595.2.C85 Cup plates, Glass Decorative arts: NK5440.C8 Cupboards Furniture: NK2727 668

Cupid (Roman deity) INDEX Art: N7763.C86 Cyprus Cupids in art Ancient architecture: NA230+ Decoration and ornament: NK1590.C84 Cyrene Sculpture: NB163.C9 Cups Ceramics: NK4695.C8 Cyrillic Alphabets: NK3635 Cups, Egg Ceramics: NK4695.E4 D Cups, Mustache Dacia Ceramics: NK4695.M8 Ancient architecture: NA252.D32 Cups, Plastic Dacian art: N5899.D23 Decorative arts: NK8595.2.C85 Dada Curiosities Commercial art: NC998.45.D33 Art and artists: N7460 Dadaism Curiosities and wonders in art: Arts in general N8217.C87 20th century: NX456.5.D3 Curtains, Theater Modern art: N6494.D3 Paintings: ND2885+ Daggers Custard glass Decorative arts: NK6805 Decorative arts: NK5439.C85 Dairies Customhouses Farm architecture: NA8250 Architecture: NA4460+ Daiweixiang (Group of artists): Cut glass N7345.5.D33 Decorative arts: NK5200+ Damascening Cutlery Metalwork: NK6525 Decorative arts: NK8430 Damask weaving: NK9020 Dance in art: N8217.D3 Cutters for betel Decorative arts: NK8459.B47 Drawing: NC825.D36 Posters: NC1849.D35 Cuzco school of painting: N6713.5.C95 Sculpture: NB1952.D35 CVA (Group of artists): N7108.5.C83 Dance of death in art: N7720.A1A+ Cybernetics Arts in general: NX650.D34 Dancers in art Modern art: N6494.C93 Painting: ND1460.D34 Cybernetics and the arts Pictorial humor: NC1763.D2 Dancing in art Arts in general: NX180.C93 Arts in general: NX650.D35 Cyborgs Painting: ND1460.D34 Pictorial humor: NC1763.D2 Arts in general: NX650.C92 Printmaking and engraving: Cyborgs in art: N8217.C93 Cycladic NE962.D3 Daphne Ancient sculpture: NB130.C78 Cycladic art: N5899.C9 Arts in general: NX652.D25 Cyclopean Darning eggs Ancient architecture: NA265 Decorative arts: NK4890.3 Cylix 669 Greek vases: NK4650.D8 Cypriot Ancient sculpture: NB130.C8

Dāstān-i Amīr Hamzah (Persian INDEX romance) (Illuminated work): ND3399.Q5 Dealers' catalogs Arms and armor: NK6699 Data processing Audiovisual materials Architecture: NA2728 Arts in general: NX287.A+ Arts in general: NX260 Brasses: NK7899 Business management for architects: Bronzes: NK7999 NA1996.5 Christian art: N7828.A+ Commercial art: NC1000.5 Copperwork: NK8199 Interior decoration: NK2114 Costume: NK4799 Decorative arts: NK1133+ Dau al set (Group of artists): Embroidery: NK9299 N7108.5.D38 Etching and aquatint: NE1960.A+ Firearms: NK6999 Dauphiné Alps (France) in art Furniture: NK2265 Painting: ND1460.D38 Gems (Engraved stones): NK5520 Glass: NK5199 Davenport Gold and silver: NK7199 Ceramics: NK4340.D3 Ironwork: NK8299 Ivory carving: NK5820 David, King of Israel Jewelry: NK7399 Arts in general: NX652.D3 Lace: NK9499 Lithography: NE2280.A+ Dawn dolls Metalwork: NK6499 Decorative arts: NK4894.3.D38 Needlework: NK9199 Portraits: N7624.A+ Day care centers Printmaking and engraving: NE70 Architecture: NA6768 Rugs: NK2799 Stained glass: NK5399 Daylight Swords: NK6799 Painting technique: ND1484 Tapestries: NK2999 Textile arts: NK8899 Daylighting Upholstery: NK3199 Architecture: NA2794 Visual arts: N369.A+ Wallpapers: NK3399 De Chirico, Giorgio, 1888- Wood carving: NK9799 Drawing: NC257.C56 Woodwork: NK9699 Painting: ND623.C56 Woven fabrics: NK8999 De Pisis, Filippo, 1896-1956 Dealers in art: N8610+ Painting: ND623.P69 Death De Ploeg (Association): N6948.5.P55 Allegories in art: N7725.D43 De proprietatibus rerum (Illuminated Sculpture: NB1912.D42 Death and architecture: NA2543.D43 work): ND3399.B33 Death, Dance of, in art De rerum naturis (Illuminated work): Arts in general: NX650.D34 Death in art: N8217.D5 ND3399.H79 Arts in general: NX650.D4 De sacro altaris mysterio: ND3385.I56 Painting: ND1460.D45 De Stijl 670 Architecture: NA1148.5.D42 Netherlands: N6948.5.D42 De universo (Illuminated work: ND3399.H8 Deadly sins in art: N8217.D48 Painting: ND1460.D44 Printmaking and engraving: NE962.D4 Deaf artists: N8356.D43

Death in art INDEX Pictorial humor: NC1763.D26 Printmaking and engraving: Decorative painting (Commercial and NE962.D42 industrial): NK2140+ Death masks Decorative plaster Portrait sculpture: NB1310 Architectural decoration: NA3690 Decalcomania Decorator showhouses Decorative arts: NK9510 Interior decoration: NK2195.D43 Decanters Decoupage Ceramics: NK4695.P6 Decorative arts: NK8552.5+ Decanters, Glass Decoys Decorative arts: NK5440.D4 Decorative arts: NK4890.5 Decembrio, Pier Candido, 1399-1477. Decoys, Wood-carved: NK9700+ De omnium animalium natura Decretum (Illuminated work): (Illuminated work): ND3399.D43 ND3399.G68 Decembristerne (Society): Dedham N7018.5.D43 Ceramics: NK4340.D4 Decks Deer in art: N7668.D44 Architecture: NA8375 Defacement of architectural Décollage monuments: NA104 Modern art: N6494.D43 Defacement of paintings: ND1632 Defacement of sculpture: NB1198 Deconstructivism Defacement of works of art: N8557 Modern architecture: NA682.D43 Dehua ware Decorated graffito Porcelain: NK4399.D37 Earthenware: NK4280 Del Bon, Angelo, 1898-1952 Decorated paper Painting: ND623.B567 Decorative arts: NK8552.5+ Delft school Decoration and ornament: NK1+ Netherlands: N6946.5.D45 Decorative arts: NK1160+ Delft ware Decoration, Architectural: NA3310+ Earthenware: NK4295+ Decoration in relief Delphite glass Architectural decoration: NA3680+ Decorative arts: NK5439.D4 Decoration, Interior Demeter (Greek deity) Drawing: NC825.I45 Sculpture: NB163.C47 Decoration, Interior architectural Demoniac possession in art: Christian architecture: NA5000 N8217.D57 Decoration of pottery: NK4600+ Demonology in art Decorations for holidays Arts in general: NX652.D48 Decorative arts: NK6077 Printmaking and engraving: Drawing: NC825.H65 Decorations on Greek vases: NK4645+ NE962.D48 Decorative arts: NK1+ Demoulins, François, 16th cent. Arts in general: NX650.D43 Decorative furniture painting: NK2703 Speculum principis (Illuminated work): Decorative lettering specimens ND3399.D46 Roman: NK3630 Den Haag (Netherlands) in art Painting: ND1460.H34 Dental offices Interior decoration: NK2195.O4 671

Dentistry INDEX Picture postcards: NC1878.D45 Design collections Dentistry in art: N8217.D6 Jewelry: NK7305 Pictorial humor: NC1763.D3 Lace: NK9405 Needlework: NK9105 Department stores Pewter: NK8405 Architecture: NA6227.D45 Rings (Jewelry): NK7445 Stencil work (Decorative): NK8655 Depression glass Swords: NK6705 Decorative arts: NK5439.D44 Textile arts and art needlework: NK8805 Derby porcelain: NK4399.D4 Watches and clocks: NK7485 Descent from the cross in art: N8053.2 Woven fabrics: NK8905 Descent into hell Design theory: NC703 Art: N8053.7 Designers Description of famous paintings: Pictorial greeting cards: NC1868.A+ ND1145 Designers, Advertising: NC999.4+ Desde la Tierra (Artists' group): Designers, Women N6502.57.D48 Decorative arts: NK1174 Desert animals Designs Art anatomy: NC783.8.D47 Christian architecture: NA4810+ Deserts in art: N8217.D63 Sepulchral monuments Design: NC1+ United States: NB1857 Decorative arts: NK1160+ Designs, Collected Design and drawing Domestic architecture: NA7126+ Sepulchral monuments: NB1851 Glass: NK5105 Design and plans Metalwork: NK6405 Stained glass: NK5305 Cemetery architecture: NA6125 Upholstery: NK3197 Design by special artists Wood carving: NK9705 Woodwork: NK9605 Decorative painting: NK2180.A+ Designs for sculpture: NB1160 Design cards, Outline Designs for stage settings Paintings: ND2885+ Watercolor painting: ND2397 Desire Design collections Arts in general: NX650.D45 Desire in art Arms and armor: NK6605 Painting: ND1460.D465 Brasses: NK7805 Desks Bronzes: NK7905 Furniture: NK2740 Ceramics: NK4250 Desserts in art Copperwork: NK8105 Painting: ND1460.D47 Costume: NK4705 Destruction art: N6494.D47 Crown jewels, insignia, regalia: Detached houses Architecture: NA7530 NK7405 Detailing Embroidery: NK9205 Architectural drawing: NA2718 Firearms, guns and pistols: NK6905 Details, Architectural: NA2835+ Furniture: NK2260 Gems (Engraved stones): NK5545 672 Gilt bronzes: NK7905 Gold and silver, plate, jewelry: NK7105 Interior decoration: NK2130+ Ironwork: NK8205

Detective and mystery stories INDEX Illustration: NC961.7.D46 Diners (Restaurants) Deterioration Picture postcards: NC1878.D55 Costume: NK4704.3 Ding ware Deterioration of art works: N8558.5 Porcelain: NK4399.T55 Deterioration of mosaics: NA3752 Deterioration of murals: ND2551 Dining rooms Deterioration of paintings: ND1638 Interior decoration: NK2117.D5 Detroit (Mich.) as a subject in the arts Dinners and dining in art: N8217.D67 Arts in general: NX653.D48 Dinosaurs Detroit. Scott Memorial Fountain: Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.D56 NA9410.D6 Drawing: NC780.5 Developers (Housing) and architects: Dinosaurs in art: N7663 Diomedes NA7115.3 Sculpture: NB163.D5 Devětsil (Society): N6831.5.D48 Dionysus (Greek deity) Deviant behavior in art: N8217.D64 Art: N7763.D56 Devices in art: N7690 Devil in art Arts in general: NX652.D56 Reliefs: NB133.7.D56 Arts in general: NX652.D48 Sculpture: NB163.D53 Christian art: N8140 Diorama artists: ND2882.5.A+ Printmaking and engraving: Dioramas Painting: ND2882+ NE962.D48 Dioscuri (Greek mythology) Sculpture: NB1912.D48 Sculpture: NB163.D54 Devīmāhātmya (Illuminated work): Diplomacy and the arts ND3385.P88 Arts in general: NX180.D57 Dewey arch (New York): NA9380.N6 Diplomats in art Dialogue in art: N8217.D65 Painting: ND1460.A543 Diamond Mountains (Korea) in art Dirce Painting: ND1460.D5 Sculpture: NB163.D56 Diamonds Directoire style Decorative arts: NK7658+ Decoration and ornament: NK1365 Diana Furniture: NK2382 Sculpture: NB163.A75 Interior decoration: NK1940 Dictionaries Disappeared persons in art: N8217.D68 Christian art: N7825 Posters: NC1849.D57 Dido (Legendary character) Disasters in art: N8217.D683 Arts in general: NX652.D53 Arts in general: NX650.D57 Dieppe (France) in art Disco album covers Painting: ND1460.D53 Design: NC1882.7.D57 Difference (Philosophy) Discotheques Arts in general: NX650.D54 Interior decoration: NK2195.D57 Digimon (Fictitious characters) in art Dishes for salt Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.D54 Decorative arts: NK8640 Digital art: N7433.8+ Disk of Theodosius Digital libraries Decorative arts: NK7233 Visual arts: N59 Disney characters Decorative arts: NK4894.3.D57 673

Display techniques INDEX Costume: NK4704.2 Domestics in art Dissident art: N7429.3 Painting: ND1460.D65 Distaffs Don Juan Decorative arts: NK4891 Arts in general: NX652.D64 Distemper Don Quixote (Fictitious character) in art Watercolor painting: ND2465 Posters: NC1849.D66 Distilleries Don Quixote in art Architecture: NA6420+ Arts in general: NX652.D65 Distress (Psychology) in art: Donald Duck (Cartoon character) in art: N8217.D684 N8217.D69 Districts of cities Donauschule Architecture Austria: N6805.5.D6 City planning: NA9053.N4 Germany: N6865.5.D6 Diversity in the workplace in art Donkeys Posters: NC1849.D58 Arts in general: NX650.D66 Divisionism Doodles Modern art: N6465.N44 Graphic arts: NC915.D6 Dock buildings Doodling: NC915.D6 Architecture: NA6330+ Door County (Wis.) in art Documentary mass media and the arts Painting: ND1460.D66 Arts in general: NX180.D63 Door knockers Documentation of art: N3998 Decorative arts: NK4894.5 Dog collectibles Doorknobs Decorative arts: NK4891.2 Decorative arts Dogs Metalwork: NK8459.D64 Arts in general: NX650.D63 Doors Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.D64 Architecture: NA3010 Dogs in art: N7668.D6 Interior decoration: NK2121 Drawing: NC783.8.D64 Sculpture: NB1285 Printmaking and engraving: Doors and windows NE962.D64 Architecture: NA3000+ Sculpture: NB1942.D64 Dollhouses Doors, Church Decorative arts: NK4891.3+ Christian architecture: NA4950 Dolls Decorative arts: NK4891.3+ Doors in art: N8217.D695 Picture postcards: NC1878.D6 Doorstops Dolls in art: N8217.D687 Dom (Cologne cathedral): NA5586.C7 Decorative arts: NK4894.6 Dome houses, Geodesic Doorways Architecture: NA7532 Domes Architecture: NA3010 Architecture: NA2890 Dormers Domestic animals Drawing: NC783.8.D65 Architecture: NA2917 Domestic architecture: NA7100+ Dormitories College architecture: NA6602.D6 Dortmunder Gruppe: N6868.5.D67 Dortmunder Künstlerbund: N6868.5.D67 Douarnenez (France) in art Painting: ND1460.D68 674

Double houses INDEX Architecture: NA7525 Dreams Doubles Pictorial humor: NC1763.D7 Arts in general: NX650.D68 Dreams and the arts Doulton Arts in general: NX180.D74 Stoneware: NK4367.D7 Dreams in art: N8217.D74 Dovecotes Arts in general: NX650.D74 Architecture: NA8370 Dresden (Meissen) Doves Porcelain: NK4380 Religious art: N7793.D68 Dress (Clothing) in art: N8217.C63 Doves in art: N7666.P53 Driftwood Dragons Sculpture: NB1250 Arts in general: NX650.D72 Drinking cups Comic book drawing: NC1764.8.D72 Symbolism: N7745.D73 Greek vases: NK4650.D8 Dragons in art Drinking glasses Decoration and ornament: Decorative arts: NK5440.D75 NK1590.D73 Drinking in art Drawing: NC825.D72 Draperies in art Printmaking and engraving: Painting: ND1460.D73 NE962.D7 Drapery Decorative arts: NK3175+ Drinking vessels Interior decoration: NK2115.5.D73 Decorative arts: NK4895+ Drapery in art: N8217.D73 Painting: ND1460.D73 Drivers, Women Sculpture: NB1952.D73 Pictorial humor: NC1763.W6 Drapery on the human figure Drawing: NC775 Drug abuse in art: N8217.D78 Drawing: NC1+ Drug paraphernalia Drawing and design Sepulchral monuments: NB1851 Decorative arts: NK4897 Drawing, Architectural: NA2685+ Drugs and the arts Drawing books for children's amusements: NC670 Arts in general: NX180.D78 Drawing for reproduction: NC950 Drugstores in art: N8217.D784 Drawing history: NC50+ Dry markers Drawing, Measured Architectural drawing: NA2712 Graphic art materials: NC878 Drawing rooms Dry point: NE2220+ Interior decoration: NK2117.D7 Dualism in art: N8217.D83 Drawings albums: NC52 Dubrovnik (Croatia) in art Drawings, Presentation Architectural drawing: NA2714 Painting: ND1460.D82 Drawings, Working Duck calls Architectural drawing: NA2713 Decorative arts: NK4898 Duck collectibles Decorative arts: NK4898.5 Dummy board figures, Wooden Decorative arts: NK9955.D8 Duomo (Milan): NA5621.M6 Duplessis, Marie, 1824-1847 Arts in general: NX652.D86 Durgā (Hindu deity) Sculpture: NB1912.D85 Durgā (Hindu deity) in art: N8195.3.D87 Durham Cathedral: NA5471.D9 675

Düsseldorf (Germany) in art INDEX Painting: ND1460.D87 Early Christian Düsseldorfer Malerschule: N6867.5.D8 Illuminating of manuscripts and books: Dust in art: N8217.D87 ND2930 Dutch delft ware Interior decoration: NK1810 Ironwork: NK8207.4 Earthenware: NK4295 Jewelry: NK7307.4 DVD case inserts Lace: NK9407.4 Metalwork: NK6407.4 Drawing: NC1882+ Mosaics: NA3780 Dvizhenie (Group of artists): Needlework: NK9107.4 Painting: ND135 N6988.5.D85 Religious architecture: NA4817 Dwarf ale glasses Religious art: NK1652.1 Stained glass: NK5307.4 Decorative arts: NK5440.D85 Swords: NK6707.4 Dwarfs (Folklore) in art: N8217.D9 Textile arts: NK8807.4 Dwarfs (Folklore) in the arts Woven fabrics: NK8907.4 Arts in general: NX652.D88 Early Christian architecture: NA360+ Dwarfs (Persons) in art: N8217.D92 Early Christian art: N7832 Early Gothic art: N6316 Arts in general: NX652.D89 Earrings Dwellings Jewelry: NK7423.5 Architecture: NA7100+ Earth sheltered houses Pictorial humor: NC1763.D85 Dwellings for the working class Architecture: NA7531 Architecture: NA7550+ Earthenware Dwellings, Greek Ancient architecture: NA277 Ceramics: NK4260+ Dwellings in art: N8217.D94 Earthenware stoves Painting: ND1460.D94 Dynamic symmetry Ceramics: NK4670+ Visual arts: N7431.5 Earthquakes in art: N8217.E2 Dyson Perrins Apocalypse (Illuminated Earthworks (Art): N6494.E27 work): ND3361.R52.D95 Arts in general E 20th century: NX456.5.E27 E. S. of 1466, Master Europe Printmaking: NE468.E2 20th century: N6758.5.E34 Eagles in art: N7666.E33 Germany: N6868.5.E33 Sculpture: NB1942.E34 21st century: N6868.65.E27 Early Christian Netherlands: N6948.5.E27 Architectural decoration: NA3400 Spain: N7108.5.E33 Brasses: NK7807.4 United States: N6512.5.E34 Bronzes: NK7907.4 East Haddam, Conn. Goodspeed Opera Copperwork: NK8107.4 House Costume: NK4707.4 Architecture: NA6835.E23G6 Decorative arts: NK715 East-West cultural relationships Embroidery: NK9207.4 Arts in general: NX628 Glass: NK5107.4 Easter eggs Gold and silver: NK7107.4 Ceramics: NK4695.E37 Decorative arts: NK4900 676

Eastern Shore (Md. and Va.) in art INDEX Watercolor painting: ND2365.E37 Eclecticism in architecture Eccentricity in Tokugawa art 20th century Japan: N7353.6.E33 Argentina: NA835.5.E26 Brazil: NA854.5.E26 Ecclesiastical embroidery United States: NA710.5.E25 Textile arts: NK9310+ Ecole de Nice (Group of artists) Ecclesiastical furniture France: N6848.5.E27 Christian architecture: NA5050+ École de Paris: N6850 Ecclesiastical plate École militaire (Paris) Decorative arts: NK7215 Architecture: NA6610.P2E3 Ecclesiastical vestments Ecology Costume: NK4850 Modern art Eclecticism 21st century: N6498.E26 Architecture France: NA1047.5.E34 Ecology in art: N8217.E28 Germany: NA1067.5.E35 Economic aspects Arms and armor: NK6609.85.E24 Arts in general: NX454.5.E25 Architectural preservation: NA111 Hungary: N6819.5.E25 Art as a profession: N8353 Brasses: NK7809.85.E24 Commercial art: NC1001.6 Bronzes: NK7909.85.E24 Interior decoration profession: Copperwork: NK8109.85.E24 Costume: NK4709.85.E24 NK2116.2 Decorative arts: NK775.5.E25 Printmaking: NE62 Embroidery: NK9209.85.E24 Economic assistance Firearms: NK6909.85.E24 Pictorial humor: NC1763.E25 Glass: NK5109.85.E24 Economics of art: N8600 Gold and silver: NK7109.85.E24 Economics of the arts Ironwork: NK8209.85.E24 Arts in general: NX634 Jewelry: NK7309.85.E24 Eden in art Lace: NK9409.85.E24 Printmaking and engraving: Metalwork: NK6409.85.E24 Modern architecture: NA682.E25 NE962.E34 Modern art: N6465.E25 Edo period (1600-1868) Needlework: NK9109.85.E24 Stained glass: NK5309.85.E24 Art: N7353.5+ Swords: NK6709.85.E24 Ceramics: NK4167.5 Textile arts: NK8809.85.E24 Porcelain: NK4567.5 Wood carving: NK9709.85.E24 Wood engravings: NE1321.8+ Woodwork: NK9609.85.E24 Education buildings Woven fabrics: NK8909.85.E24 Architecture: NA6600+ Education departments Eclecticism (Art) Architecture: NA6590+ Austria: N6807.5.E24 Education in art: N8217.E3 France: N6847.5.E34 Edwardian architecture Germany: N6867.5.E35 Great Britain: NA968.5.E38 United States: N6510.5.E25 Edwardian art: N6465.E35 Arts in general 19th century: NX454.5.E35 Australia: N7400.5.E35 Great Britain: N6767+ 677

Effigies INDEX Sepulchral monuments: NB1820 Egyptian Egbert psalter (Codex Gertrudianus) Ironwork (Illuminated work): ND3357.E4 Ancient: NK8207.15 Jewelry Egg tempera Ancient: NK7307.15 Watercolor painting: ND2468 Lace Ancient: NK9407.15 Eggcups Metalwork Ceramics: NK4695.E4 Ancient: NK6407.15 Needlework Eggs in art: N8217.E43 Ancient: NK9107.15 Egypt Painting Ancient: ND75 Ancient architecture: NA215+ Portrait sculpture Art Ancient: NB1296.2 Stained glass Drawing: NC825.E38 Ancient: NK5307.15 Drawing Swords Ancient: NK6707.15 Ancient: NC65.E53 Terra cotta statuettes: NB159.E3 Egypt in art Textile arts and art needlework Ancient: NK8807.15 Painting: ND1460.E35 Woven fabrics Egyptian Ancient: NK8907.15 Ancient sculpture: NB75 Egyptian art, Ancient: N5350+ Architectural decoration: NA3335 Egyptian portraits, Ancient: N7582 Brasses Egyptian revival (Architecture) Ancient: NK7807.15 Europe: NA957.5.E35 Bronze sculpture: NB142.8.E48 Modern architecture: NA603 Bronzes United States: NA710.5.E48 Egyptian Revival (Art) Ancient: NK7907.15 Arts in general Ceramics 19th century: NX454.5.E48 Ancient: NK3810 Great Britain: N6767.5.E48 Copperwork: NK8107.15 Italy: N6916.5.E35 Costume Jewelry: NK7309.2.E38 Modern art: N6465.E48 Ancient: NK4707.15 United States: N6510.5.E48 Decoration and ornament Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou (Art): N7343.53.E35 Ancient: NK1190 Eight, The: N6512.5.E4 Decorative arts Eikona tēs Agriōtissas: N8189.6.E54 Einblattdruck series Ancient: NK630+ History of printmaking Embroidery 14th-17th centuries: NE445 Ancient: NK9207.15 Einmal Sechs (Group): N6868.5.E37 Furniture 678 Ancient: NK2290 Gems (Engraved stones) Ancient: NK5559+ Glass Ancient: NK5107.15 Gold and silver Ancient: NK7107.15 Interior decoration Ancient: NK1740

Ejmiatsni Avetaran (Illuminated work): INDEX ND3359.E37 Elves in art El Greco, 1541?-1614 Painting: ND1460.F32 Painting: ND813.T4 Ely Cathedral: NA5471.E5 El Paso (Group of artists): N7108.5.E48 Embassies Elamite Architecture: NA4440+ Ancient sculpture: NB130.E43 Embassy buildings Elbe River (Czech Republic and Interior decoration: NK2195.E43 Germany) in art Emblematic art: N7740+ Painting: ND1460.E43 Emblems Electric fountains Architecture: NA9425 Design elements: NK1585 Electric insulators, Glass Metal engraving Decorative arts: NK5440.E4 Electric power plants 17th century: NE1683 Architecture: NA6589.E44 Emblems, Heraldic Electricity Arts in general: NX456.5.E43 Drawing: NC825.H4 Modern art: N6494.E43 Embroidery Electronic information resources Visual arts: N59 Textile arts: NK9200+ Electronic surveillance in art: N8217.E5 Embroidery, Ecclesiastical Electronics Arts in general: NX456.5.E43 Textile arts: NK9310+ Modern art: N6494.E43 Emeraude Coast (France) in art Electronics and art: N72.E53 Electronics and the arts: NX180.E44 Painting: ND1460.E52 Elementary and secondary school Emigration and immigration in art: instruction Drawing: NC610+ N8217.E52 Elementary school instruction Emotions Drawing: NC630 Elementary schools Drawing: NC825.E55 Visual arts: N350+ Emotions in art: N8217.E53 Elephant collectibles Decorative arts: NK4994 Arts in general: NX650.E46 Elephants in art: N7668.E44 Sculpture: NB1952.E46 Arts in general: NX650.E35 Emperors Élesdi Művésztelep: N6820.65.E44 Japanese colored wood engravings: Elevations Architectural design: NA2775 NE1326.5.E47 Elevators, Grain Empire (1st) style Architecture: NA6350 Elgin marbles: NB92 Decoration and ornament: NK1372 Elizabeth I, Queen of England Furniture: NK2386 Portraits: N7639.E4 Interior decoration: NK1962 Ellipse (Group of artists): N6868.5.E44 Empire (2d) style Decoration and ornament: NK1376 Furniture: NK2388 Interior decoration: NK1966 Empire State Building Architecture: NA6233.N5E5 Employee service buildings Architecture: NA6588 Empty nesters Dwellings: NA7195.E56 Enamel Decorative arts: NK4997+ 679

Enameled and glazed ware INDEX Earthenware: NK4270 Engraving, Wood: NE1000+ Enameled glass Engravings on glass: NE2690 Decorative arts: NK5439.E5 Enlarging and reduction of drawings: Enameled ware NC1900 Earthenware: NK4290+ Enne, Gruppo: N6918.5.E55 Entertainers in art: N8217.E55 Enameling Metalwork: NK6510+ Arts in general: NX652.E56 Entertaining Encaustic Watercolor painting: ND2480 Pictorial humor: NC1763.E5 Entombment of Christ End of the world Symbolism: N7745.E53 Art: N8053.5 Entrance halls Endangered species Drawing: NC780.7 Interior decoration: NK2117.E5 Entrances Endesa, Grupo: N7108.5.E53 Energy conservation and architecture: Architectural details: NA2853 Environment (Art): N6494.E6 NA2542.3, NA7117.3 Engadine (Switzerland) in art Arts in general: NX456.5.E6 Belgium: N6968.65.E58 Painting: ND1460.E53 Canada: N6545.5.E58 Engineering schools Germany: N6868.5.E58 United States: N6512.5.E58 College architecture: NA6602.E6 Environmental aspects Engineers and architecture: Architecture: NA2542.35 Domestic architecture: NA7117.5 NA2543.E54 Environmental factors English City planning: NA9053.E58 Environmentalism Mosaics: NA3840 Motion picture cartoons: English cottages NC1766.5.E58 Architecture: NA7562 Epergnes Engraved glass Glass: NK5440.E83 Decorative arts: NK5200+ Ephemera, Printed Engraved portraits: NE218+ Engraved stones Drawing: NC1280+ Ephesus Glyptic arts: NK5505+ Engravers, Anonymous: NE468.A+ Architecture: NA285.E6 Engravers' marks, monograms, etc.: Epilepsy in art: N8217.E57 Epistles of Paul NE820 Engravers, Wood: NE1200+ Illuminated works: ND3361.E57 Engraving: NE1+ Epternacensis, Codex aureus Enameling, coloring, etc.: NK6520+ (Illuminated work): ND3359.C56 Gems, hard stones, etc.: NK5500+ Equestrian statues: NB1312+ Engraving, Metal: NE1400+ Equipment Engraving, Metal and wood Color print engraving: NE1865.E6 Museums: N460 Engraving on copper: NE1750+ Equipment catalogs Engraving on lucite: NE1849.L8 Engraving on shelf fungi: NE2740 Architecture Engraving on steel: NE1400+ Theaters: NA6828 Engraving on zinc: NE1849.Z5 Equipo/57: N7108.5.E68 680

Equipo Crónica: N7108.5.E66 INDEX Equipo Realidad: N7108.5.E72 Erechtheum (Athens) Ethics and art: N72.E8 Ethics and the arts: NX180.E8 Architecture: NA283.E7 Ethiopia in art Erfurter codex aureus (Illuminated Drawing: NC825.E79 work): ND3359.E62 Ethnic art: N7429.4 Eros (Greek deity) Interior decoration: NK2115.5.E84 Art: N7763.C86 Ethnic embroidery Erotic art: N8217.E6 Textile arts: NK9200+ Decoration or design: NK1590.E76 Ethnic groups in the arts Printmaking and engraving: Arts in general: NX651.8+ NE962.E6 Ethnic jewelry: NK4890.E86 Erotic drawing Etiquette in art Drawing: NC825.E76 Posters: NC1849.E84 Erotic painting: ND1460.E75 Etretat (France) in art Erotic sculpture: NB1952.E76 Erotica Painting: ND1460.E87 Etruscan Arts in general: NX650.E7 Picture postcards: NC1878.E7 Architecture: NA300 Eroticism Arms and armor: NK6607.2 Ceramic decoration or design: Brasses: NK7807.2 Bronze sculpture: NB141 NK4252.E76 Bronzes: NK7907.2 Eroticism in art Cemetery architecture: NA6140 Ceramics: NK3845 Posters: NC1849.E76 Copperwork: NK8107.2 Escuela de Altamira (Group of artists): Costume: NK4707.2 Decoration and ornament: NK1235 N7108.5.E82 Decorative arts: NK675 Eskimos in art: N8217.E75 Embroidery: NK9207.2 Espaço N.O. (Group of artists): Furniture: NK2310 Glass: NK5107.2 N6655.5.E77 Gold and silver: NK7107.2 Esprit nouveau (Art) Ironwork: NK8207.2 Jewelry: NK7307.2 France: N6848.5.P8 Lace: NK9407.2 Essay collections, Historical Metalwork: NK6407.2 Mural painting: ND2565 Visual arts: N5303 Needlework: NK9107.2 Essays on exhibitions Painting: ND130.E8 Sculpture: NB110 Visual arts: N4397 Sculptured monuments: NB1350 Esther, Queen of Persia Stained glass: NK5307.2 Swords: NK6707.2 Arts in general: NX652.E75 Terra cottas statuettes: NB158.7 Estridentismo (Art movement) Textile arts: NK8807.2 Vases: NK4654+ Mexico: N6555.5.E76 Woven fabrics: NK8907.2 Estrie (Québec) in art 681 Painting: ND1460.E79 Etching: NE1940+ Color print engraving: NE1865.E8 Etching on copper: NE1750+ Ethical aspects Interior decoration profession: NK2116.3

Eucharist INDEX Art: N8054 Exhibitions Eulenspiegel Arts in general Arts in general: NX652.E8 Christian arts: NX657+ Brasses: NK7801+ Europa Bronzes: NK7901+ Arts in general: NX652.E85 Caricature: NC1310+ Ceramic vases: NK4621+ Europa (Greek mythology) Ceramics: NK3710+ Art: N7763.E87 Christian art: N7824.4+ Commercial art: NC997.A4A+ European Federation in art Copperwork: NK8101+ Pictorial humor: NC1763.E9 Costume: NK4701+ Crown jewels, insignia, regalia: Euston Road School of Painting: NK7401+ N6768.5.E87 Crystal glass: NK5200.5.A+ Decorative arts: NK510+ Evangelaries Ancient: NK613+ Illuminated works: ND3359.A3+ Egyptian: NK633.A+ Dolls and dollhouses: NK4892.A+ Evangeliar Heinrichs des Löwen Drawing: NC15+ (Illuminated work): ND3359.H44 Embroidery: NK9201+ Enamel: NK4999.A+ Eve (Biblical character) Engraved portraits: NE219+ Printmaking and engraving: Etching and aquatint: NE1950+ NE962.A43 Firearms: NK6901+ Furniture: NK2210+ Evil in art: N8217.G66 Gems (Engraved stones): NK5505+ Evolution of decorative ornament Glass: NK5101+ Glass underpainting: NK5431.5.A+ (Primitive ornament): NK1177 Gold and silver: NK7101+ Examination Icons (Eastern Church): N8186.A+ Illuminating of manuscripts and books: Architects: NA120+ ND2893 Mural painting: ND2550.2+ Illustration: NC961+ Paintings: ND1630+ Ironwork: NK8201+ Works of art: N8554+ Ivory carving: NK5800+ Examinations Japanese colored wood engravings: Study of the history of art: N382 NE1314+ Examinations, questions, etc. Jewelry: NK7301+ Drawing: NC599 Lace: NK9401+ Exchange buildings Lithography: NE2270+ Architecture: NA6250+ Metal engraving: NE1410+ Executions and executioners in art: Metalwork: NK6401+ N8217.E85 Miniature prints: NE893.5.A+ Executive mansions Mosaic: NA3755.A+ Architecture: NA4510.E7 Needlework: NK9101+ Executives in art Pictorial humor: NC1763.E96 682 Exeter Cathedral: NA5471.E9 Exhibition buildings Architecture: NA6750.A+ Exhibitions Architecture: NA2430+ City planning: NA9015+ Arms and armor: NK6601+ Arts in general: NX420+

Exhibitions INDEX Painting Portraits: ND1301+ Exoticism in art Restoration: ND1651.A+ Printmaking and engraving: Paper articles: NK8552.5.A+ NE962.E96 Pewter: NK8401+ Sculpture: NB1952.E79 Pictorial greeting cards: NC1861.A+ Picture postcards: NC1878.F25 Experimental methods Portrait miniatures: ND1333+ Arts in general Portraits: N7623+ 21st century: NX460.5.E95 Posters: NC1805+ Preservation of works of art: Experiments in Art and Technology N8561.A+ Arts in general: NX456.5.E87 Printmaking and engraving: NE40+ Modern art: N6494.E87 Religious art: NK1660+ Rings (Jewelry): NK7441+ Expertising Rugs and carpets: NK2780+ Paintings: ND1635 Sculpture: NB16+ Works of art: N8558+ Stained glass: NK5301+ Stencil work (Decorative): NK8651+ Expositions Swords: NK6701+ Book or phonorecord jackets: Tapestries: NK2980+ NC1882.5.A+ Textile arts and art needlework: NK8801+ Expressionism, Abstract: N6494.A25 Tiles: NK4670.5.A+ Austria: N6808.5.A25 Toys: NK9509.2+ Germany: N6868.5.A14 Upholstery: NK3180+ Italy: N6918.5.A25 Visual arts: N4390+ Japan: N7355.5.A2 Wallpapers: NK3380+ Sculpture Watches and clocks: NK7481+ United States: NB212.5.A27 Watercolor painting: ND1731+ United States: N6512.5.A25 Women in art: N7629+ Wood carving: NK9701+ Expressionism (Architecture): Wood engraving: NE1010+ NA682.E9 Woodwork: NK9601+ Europe: NA958.5.E93 Lacquer: NK9900.5.A+ Woven fabrics: NK8901+ Expressionism (Art): N6494.E9 Arts in general Exhibitions of art 20th century: NX456.5.E9 Posters: NC1849.A76 Austria: N6808.5.E9 Belgium: N6968.5.E9 Exhibitions of art, Sidewalk: N8665 Brazil: N6655.5.E85 Exile (Punishment) in art: N8217.E86 Czechoslovakia: N6831.5.E95 Exoticism France: N6848.65.E97 Germany: N6868.5.E9 Architecture: NA595 India: N7304.5.E94 Exoticism in art: N8217.E88 Italy: N6918.5.E94 Netherlands: N6948.5.E96 Arts in general: NX650.E85 Painting: ND196.E9 Painting: ND1460.E95 Germany: ND568.5.E9 Painting technique and styles: ND1482.E9 Russia: N6988.5.E94 Spain: N7108.5.E94 Sweden: N7088.5.E95 Switzerland: N7148.5.E94 683

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