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Jesus On Mission_SG_REV JULY 30_Low Rez

Published by jackiecretney, 2023-07-31 00:48:17

Description: Jesus On Mission_SG_REV JULY 30_Low Rez


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JESUS ON MISSION • Student Guide • Copyright © 2023 by Everyday Publications Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-88873-764-9 Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references have been taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada by

TABLE OF CONTENTS A mission of God-sized proportions... Unit One: JESUS ARRIVES (Introduction: “How To Save...A Squirrel?) 7 Lesson 1. What’s In A Name? 8 Lesson 2. Good News…At Last! 10 Lesson 3. Wise People Seek Jesus 12 Lesson 4. Herod Gets Mad! 14 Lesson 5. The Boy and His Mission 16 Unit Two: JESUS STARTS (Introduction: Motorcycles And Miracles) 19 Lesson 1. Jesus Is Baptized 20 Lesson 2. Jesus Is Tested 22 Lesson 3. Jesus Is Recruiting 24 Lesson 4. Jesus Is Invited 26 Lesson 5. Jesus Is Grieved 28 Unit Three: JESUS HELPS (Introduction) 33 Lesson 1. Jesus Helps the Confused 34 Lesson 2. Jesus Helps the Outcast 38 Lesson 3. Jesus Helps the W.E.A.K. 40 Lesson 4. Jesus Helps the Hungry 42 Lesson 5. Jesus Helps the Fearful 44 Lesson 6. Jesus Helps the Sorrowful 46

Unit Four: JESUS TEACHES (Introduction: A Good Teacher Is Like A Candle) 49 Lesson 1. The Sower Who Planted 50 Lesson 2. The Samaritan Who Helped 52 Lesson 3. The Son Who Rebelled 54 Lesson 4. The Sermon That Blesses 56 Lesson 5. The Sinner Who Got Caught 62 Unit Five: JESUS SUFFERS (Introduction: A P-rice-less Gift) 65 Lesson 1. Failed Expectations? 66 Lesson 2. Simple Symbols 68 Lesson 3. The Bitter Cup 70 Lesson 4. NOT FAIR! 72 Lesson 5. It Is Finished! 74 Unit Six: JESUS PROMISES (Introduction: Promises, Promises, Promises) 77 Lesson 1. Jesus Always Wins! 78 Lesson 2. The Great Co-Mission 80 Lesson 3. The Helper 86 Lesson 4. The King Is Coming! 88 APPENDICES 91 92 • Summative Task and Reflection • Memory Verse Tracking Chart Come join in the journey...

J URNEYING WITH JESUS YOUR HANDY REFERENCE MAP • SCALE OF MILES • PHOENICIA 0 - 15 - 30 N Mediterranean LILEE Capernaum Sea GA Sea of Galilee Cana DECAPOLIS SAMARIA Dead Sea PEREA Jericho JERUSALEM JERUSALEM IDJINNEARJYJUEESSSUAUSLS’E’M Bethlehem DAY Bethany JUDEA UCPTUPTCeiopetiopmtoypmoyplepWloepWrloefralRefaBlRolBleoloetomhtmhesedsada CCaalvlvaarryy GGaarrddeennToTommbb

7 OUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH JESUS… — Unit One — JESUS ARRIVES HOW TO SAVE...A SQUIRREL? Imagine looking out your window and seeing a Yet how could He ever do that? He is holy GOD! tall tree in an empty lot across the road. We are sinful man. The sheer blaze of His glory Comfortably nestled at the very top of that tree and majesty would surely destroy us if He came is a little family of squirrels.* But you know something down to us.“You cannot see My those squirrels do not know! face; for no man shall see Me, Down below, pitched beside and live” (Ex 33:20), God de- that tree, is a sign: clared to Moses. And so He covered (or “veiled”) “CONSTRUCTION SITE”. that glory to became one of us — a human — just like us, but And rumbling down the street without sin. is a truck. And on that truck? In this unit, we will travel back in All the tools required to take time to that miraculous mo- down that tree! ment when God came to Earth At once, you think of the squir- as a babe in the Person of the rels — they’re in danger! But Lord Jesus. His mission to save how can you warn squirrels? Shout out your us was evident in so many ways — from His window? They don’t understand your language. very Name, to the gifts brought to Him by the Write posters in big, bold letters? Squirrels wise men, to His own declaration as a 12-year- can’t read. Negotiate with the tree-cutter? He’s old boy in the temple: “I must do My Father’s just doing his job. business” (Lk 2:49). What business was that? Wait a minute! What if you could become a To win our salvation! squirrel? You could bound up that tree and warn As you journey with Jesus through this unit, be them, in true squirrel language, of the oncom- amazed that God’s Son came to us — so close ing danger. You could urge them to flee for that we could look into the eyes of a real man safety. and, at the same time, the very face of eternal Would you do that? … all for a few little squirrels? God: “For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in Isn’t that similar to what Jesus did for us — only the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our on a much grander scale? Jesus, God’s Son, hearts so we could know the glory of God that wanted to warn us of the coming judgment for is seen in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor 4:6). our sin. But even greater, He wanted to save us. * C.S. Lewis uses a similar example of a person willing to become a dog to save all dogs. There are many sim- ilar variations of this involving ants. Check them out!

8 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'1'''4.//,+1 “What’s In A Name?” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — The name of Jesus is linked to His I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have mission — to save us from our sins. not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah. (Psalm 32:5) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—


10 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'1'''4.//,+2 “Good News...At Last!” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Jesus came to deal with sin, ...Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings but we must choose to believe the of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born “good news” of the gospel. to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10,11) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

GOOD NEWS…AT LAST! U1L2Activity NAME: 4000 BC 2500 BC 2100 BC 1600 BC 1446 BC 1043 BC 722 BC 597 BC 3 BC God’s people in the northern kingdom (Israel) are taken captive by: _________ (2 KINGS 17:6) GENESIS 3:6, 23 GENESIS GENESIS 11:4, 8 EXODUS 1:8, 11 EXODUS 12:33; 1 SAMUEL 8:4,6-8 God’s people in the CHRIST IS BORN! 6:12, 14, 17 NUMBERS 14:2; southern kingdom [Eve] took of its Then they said, Now there Then all the elders (Judah) are taken And God saw JOSHUA 5:6 fruit and , the earth, and “Come, let us arose a new of Israel…said, “Give captive by: behold, it was _______ and she also ourselves king [ ] The Egyptians were us a to judge …make (2 KINGS 24:1) gave some to yourself an a city and a over Egypt, who urgent…to send us.” The Lord said… ark…I will bring God eventually her husband a of with did not know [the people of ”From the day I freed Judah. waters upon But after His [Adam] …and he the earth to its top in the Joseph…they Israel] out of brought them up destroy all flesh. message to the ate….therefore heavens, and let set taskmasters [Egypt]…And all out of Egypt even prophet Malachi (430 BC), God the Lord God us make a . over them to the people of Israel to this day, [they speaks no more for the rest of the sent him , for ourselves… them …[they ] are] forsaking me OLD TESTAMENT! from the garden So the Lord with heavy walked years and serving of Eden… dispersed them… . in the wilderness… other . Sin, iniquity, and As the world Abraham’s God delivers the God’s people The kingdom divides Sin. Failure. transgression re-populates… descendants people of Israel finally arrive in the into two; God’s Darkness. 400 spread over time… (through Joseph) through Moses. people rebel years of silence. All settle in Egypt. Promised Land. (again!). hope appears lost. ANSWER They want a king instead of God. Until… BOX grumbled • build • Babylon • afflict • corrupt • gods • burdens • flood • ate • Assyria • Pharaoh • out • name • king • tower • forty 11

12 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'1'''4.//,+3 “Wise People Seek Jesus” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — A truly “wise” person will seek, ...Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, surrender to, and serve Jesus. “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:1,2) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

NAME: The First Christmas Gifts — AND WHAT THEY REMIND US OF — When visiting a _________ This “perfume” appears at least This spice appears only three in the ancient world, 17 times* in the Old Testament times in the New Testament: and was almost always used for it was common to present him THE WORSHIP OF GOD. Once here: with spices, expensive jewels, and… Read MATTHEW 2:11 Read 1 KINGS 10:1, 10 Read EXODUS 30:34 The other two times are to see an example of this. to see an example of this. found here: The fact that this was These wise men came for this one • MARK 15:15, 23 given to baby Jesus main purpose: “For we have seen Where was Jesus when He was (Called “_______ His star in the East and have come offered this drink to help numb than Solomon”, see to .” His pain (which He refused)? Matthew 12:42) • JOHN 19:38, 39 indicates these wise (Hint: See Matthew 2:2) How were these spices men believed Jesus used in this verse? was a _______ . This incense was used for the worship This gift reminds us (Hint: See Matthew 2:2) that Jesus was born of God. It was to for us! Look what the kings of the brought to worship nations are going to bring King Jesus when He reigns Jesus. This gift on this earth: ISAIAH 60:6 reminds us that Jesus is… - * Other Examples: Leviticus 2, 5, 6, 24; 1 Chronicles 9; Nehemiah 13 U1/L3 Activity 13

14 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'1'''4.//,+4 “Herod Gets Mad!” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — God uses even the most terrible ...An angel of the Lord appeared...saying, “Arise, take things in life to accomplish His the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay good purposes. there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” (Matthew 2:13) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

15 !!\"\"####$$%%&&''##(())''!!**++!!(())##$$,,''!!$$)),,))--''##++&&))##(())**.. \"/01'2'3'45667/'8'9:10;01<''''''''''''''''''''''%=>5? Isaiah Matthew Micah Matthew 7:14 1:22-23 5:2 2:3-6 Born of a... Born in the town... Hosea Would spend Psalm Matthew 11:1 time in... 78:2 13:34-35 Matthew Teach through... 2:13-15 Zechariah Matthew Psalm John 9:9 21:1-2, 22:16 19:34, 36–37 4-5 Death by... on a Psalm Matthew Psalm Acts 22:18 27:35 30:3 2:32 People would... for His garments He would... from the dead 9%-@)*' !\"#\"$%&'( +&,-%&-&.( *435&1( A+B #)*&( /01!,( 0\".$%&( #)'&( 2)#0)3( 6#76)!8)43

16 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'1'''4.//,+5 “The Boy and His Mission” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — One of the great missions of Jesus’ And [Jesus] said to them, “Why did you seek Me? life was to show us the Father. The Did you not know that I must be about mission of God’s children is the same. My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

• The Boy and His • Write Jesus’ statement to His Father in Luke 23:46. MISSION YOU ON EARTH. John 17:4,5 Travel the path below to #6 I HAVE discover how Jesus lived out ...HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS His purpose. Read the verses SEEN THE FATHER. John 14:9 and fill in the missing letters. SEES ME SEES THE ONE WHO SENT ME. #5 I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU SO John 12:45 #4 BUT MY FATHER’S. #3 IF YOU KNOW ME, YOU KNOW MY John 5:30 John 8:19 #2 I DON’T SEEK MY #1 MY = DO MY FATHER’S WILL John 4:34 M FATHER’S BUSINESS Luke 2:49 U1/L5 Activity NAME: 17


19 OUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH JESUS… — Unit Two — JESUS STARTS MOTORCYCLES AND MIRACLES People will try almost anything to make a name Jerusalem, during the Passover. Tens of thou- for themselves. Have you ever heard of the sands would be gathered in Jerusalem during motorcycle stuntman and daredevil “Evel Passover. “Imagine every room filled, with Knievel”? Born Robert Knievel, this man had a campsites popping up on every available hillside, long and celebrated career of spectacular inhabited by Jewish people who had traveled motorcycle jumps. from throughout the world.”* That’s it — the best time and place to launch His earthly career as “JESUS — THE MESSIAH”! Sounds good. After all, even His own half- brothers didn’t believe who He was. Why should they? Up to this point, Jesus hadn’t performed any miracles at all (Jn 2:11). His brothers called As a young man in his 20s, Robert owned a Him “crazy” when He started gathering disciples motorcycle company. But he needed to drum to Himself (Mk 3:21). He would need to do up some business. What could he do to draw in something grand to impress them. a crowd? Simple! Just hop on a motorcycle and jump over several rows of parked cars, a caged But He didn’t. Though Jesus could have easily cougar, and a box of rattlesnakes! Not set the record straight once and for all only did this stunt help his business, by performing some great feat in front but it catapulted him into worldwide of thousands of people, He chose instead fame with a total of over 300 such to perform His first miracle in front of a jumps (not to mention a Guinness few lowly servants working in a kitchen. Book World Record of 433 broken That’s it — back room, small-scale, no bones, including his skull!). cameras. That hardly seems like a fitting EVEL KNIEVEL way to launch a three-year career as God Now, what about Jesus? After living 30 years on Earth, don’t you think? on Earth as “the carpenter’s son”, what spec- tacular event might we expect Him to perform But Jesus did not come to impress us. He came to launch His earthly career as Messiah, the to save us! And the lessons He teaches at the Savior who had been prophesied thousands of beginning of His earthly ministry will help you years before? see the much bigger picture of His mission — and yours. Remember, He is God. His power is unlimited. He could do anything! Should He write His name Come on, let’s go! using the stars in the sky? Or uncover the golden treasures held deep within the earth? Or *Joachim Jeremias, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus how about raise a dead person to life? Now that (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1969), p. 84. would be impressive! And He should do it where Photos (Public Domain): Evel Knievel; Bike Jump many people would see Him — let’s say, in Photographer: Patricio Sadovskis (CC BY-SA 3.0)

20 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'2'''4.//,+1 “Jesus Is Baptized” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Jesus’ baptism revealed His identity And immediately, coming up from the water... as God’s Son. Knowing who He a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son, is should impact our lives as it did John’s. in whom I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:10,11) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

NAME: THE BAPTISM U2/L1 ACTIVITY OF JESUS 1. Read Mark 1:6-11. What sign would John the Baptist 2. Fill in the blanks below. be given to reveal who was really God’s Son? See John 1:32-34. A STATEMENT CAME FROM HEAVEN, SPOKEN BY: THE STATEMENT WAS: THESE EVENTS AFFIRMED THAT JESUS IS WHO? THIS IS ONE SCENE THAT CLEARLY PRESENTS THE… FOR OUR CLASS CHAT: 21 3 LESSONS FROM JOHN the BAPTIST:

22 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'2'''4.//,+2 “Jesus Is Tested” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not proves He is God’s Son and teaches live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4) us about spiritual victory. — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

WHEN THE TEMPTER 23 1. Read Matt •STRIKES• Name: 4:1-11. “IF... MATT 2. Explain in 4:4 your own MATT words what 4:3 the devil told Jesus “IF... MATT to do in... 4:7 MATT 3. Write the 4:5-6 MATT 3 words in 4:10 all of Jesus’ “IF... responses. MATT 4:8-9 THE DEVIL KNOWS THAT GOD’S WORD IS ALL-POWERFUL AND THE ULTIMATE PROTECTION AGAINST HIS EVIL SCHEMES. THEREFORE, THE TEMPTER WILL TRY TO MAKE US DOUBT GOD’S WORD, LIKE HE DID BACK HERE, IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN... SATAN Many people believe that just fixing our circumstances will fix our struggles. But Satan tempted Adam and Eve under the JESUS most ideal circumstances — in a perfect environment. And they still failed. Why? THINK ABOUT IT: God said, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17). The devil appeared. Write the beginning of his question for Eve in Genesis 3:1. See what ‘You shall not eat of every the devil did? tree of the garden’?” U2/L2 Activity

24 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'2'''4.//,+3 “Jesus is Recruiting” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Those who belong to Jesus Then He appointed twelve [disciples], that they can learn lessons from the might be with Him and that He might send them twelve disciples. out to preach. (Mark 3:14) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

WHO AM I? JESUS’ 12 DISCIPLES ACROSS NAME: U2/L3 Activity 3. I’m known for bringing people to Christ. I brought my brother, Peter, 12 to Jesus. I brought a little boy with five loaves and two fish to Jesus. Even a group of Greeks came and asked me to bring them to Jesus. 1. Read the clue. 3 [HINT: John 6:8,9] 2. Read the Bible “Hint”. 6. I am known as “the disciple Jesus loved’’because I love to spend time 3. Figure out the answer 4 with Him! I am also the brother of James. [HINT: Matthew 17:1] 7. I have two nicknames: “Thaddaeus” means, well, \"Mama's boy”; using the names in 5 “Lebbaeus” means \"tender-hearted\" or \"gentle; sweet-spirited\". I guess yellow below. Don’t others saw me as a gentle, childlike fellow. [HINT: John 14:22] include parentheses! 9. I looked after the money. Money was really important to me. I was shocked when a woman “wasted” perfume on Jesus. I loved money so 6 much, I even“sold”Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. [HINT: John 12:4-6] 10. I was a patriotic zealot! A political hothead! I hated Rome and 7 11 anyone who worked for Rome! [HINT: Luke 6:15] 8 11. I’m such a failure. I promised I’d be there for Jesus no matter what. Then I denied Him three times with curses! I’m so glad He forgave me 9 and put me back to work for Him! [HINT: Luke 22:33,34] 10 12. My Hebrew name is Nathanael (“God has given”). I am thankful that “God has given” me my friend Philip. He’s the one who introduced 12 me to Jesus. [HINT: John 1:45-47; Mark 3:18)] MATTHEW 10:2-4 “…the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called DOWN 25 Peter, and Andrew his brother; James, son of Zebedee, and his brother, John (son of Zebedee); Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James of 1. “My brother (John) and I are called the “Sons of Thunder” — maybe Alphaeus, and Judas (not Iscariot, also called Lebbaeus whose surname was because we’re strong-minded and outspoken! [HINT: Mark 3:17] Thaddaeus); Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him.” 2. I also go by the name “Levi”, which means “joined”. Sadly, I had “joined” with the very oppressors of my people: Rome! I became a tax collector (or “publican”), which means I collected tax money from my own people, the Jews, and gave it to Rome. This made my fellow Jews hate me! [HINT: Matthew 9:9] 4. The only thing the Bible really records about me is that I am “of Alphaeus”(his son). But perhaps it’s worth noting that I was, well, present. I tried to be faithful and to be where Jesus was. [HINT: Acts 1:13] 5. Many think of me as a doubter: I refused to believe the report that Jesus rose from the dead. The fact is, before Jesus died, He warned us that \"fakes\" would come along and claim to be Jesus. I was just being careful about who I believed. [HINT: John 20:27] 8. I was quick to tell my friend, Nathanael, about Jesus, but not so quick to learn the lessons Jesus taught — like the time He asked me where we’d get food to feed a big group of people. I said we didn’t have enough money. What was I thinking? Jesus is God and could easily feed them! [HINT: John 6:5-7]

26 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'2'''4.//,+4 “Jesus Is Invited” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Jesus’ first lesson is that His mother said to the servants, He blesses OBEDIENCE. “Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:5) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

Name: From WATER To WINE 27 JOHN 2: U2/L4 Activity vv 1-3 They ran out of wine. What’s the big deal? MIRACLE! v 4 Jesus called His mother “Woman”? ILLOGICAL! RESPECT! v 5 Best advice in the world… SHAMEFUL! vv 6,7 Jesus’ instructions… OBEY! vv 6,7 The servants’ response… vv 8-10 Jesus honors obedient faith HONORABLE! What verse indicates the true blessing of this miracle? Verse What verse says that we too can experience this blessing? John : main lesson:

28 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'2'''4.//,+5 “Jesus Is Grieved” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Salvation results in God’s Spirit living And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these inside God’s child. This is both a things away! Do not make My Father’s house a privilege and a responsibility. house of merchandise!” (John 2:16) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

c. 1450 BC c. 4000 BC God “ “ with Adam and Eve in the GOD’S “HOME ON EARTH” NAME: Garden (Genesis 3:8). Sin results in being banished from God’s presence. But God desires to be with His people… Many centuries pass. God interacts with individuals. But He instructs King David says that God should have a more 1 Moses and His people to build a “tabernacle” (called the “TENT OF permanent dwelling place. So he plans the MEETING”) so that God could “ “ among them. building of a TEMPLE, built by his son, (See Exodus 25:8) (See 1 Kings 6:14). 23 960 BC - 586 BC About 70 years after the “First When the temple was built, this Temple” is destroyed, building of 4 king could hardly believe what it would be for. “Will God indeed the“Second Temple” begins, also called the on earth?” (See Ezra 3:8) This temple is destroyed (See 1 Kings 8:27). by enemies in 586 BC. 515 BC - 70 AD 5 c. 3 BC - 30 AD Instead of dwelling on earth in tents and temples, God became a Man in order to This temple is expanded and made even more (See John 1:14). Jesus dies, rises beautiful by Herod (alive at the birth of Jesus). and ascends. Jesus even referred to His body as a God’s Spirit But this temple is destroyed in 70 AD. ““ descends. 6 (See John 2:21) FOR THE WHOLE GROUP CHAT: WHERE IS GOD’S “HOME ON EARTH” TODAY? 7 29 • In buildings made by hands? Yes No (See Acts : ) TODAY! • See 1 Cor : . What does this mean for the child of God? U2L5 Activity


!\"\"#$#%&!'()*+%,)-*+ 31 @CMuFt2o@uNtEa$nOd#Ep'a#s*t#7e*tAo1g*e9t*h\"e#3r%b.o#7t-h&'s#)id1e''s%o+f=## 7-1th#'is75b/o1o+k7m'#a,r*k+t#,o5h7e#%lp57y#o*+u/r#e8m*'e7m1#7b-e1r'1## som79e%k#e,y*.p/o'in#7t%s#6fr*oAm1#*t#o!d%a%yA’s6le*.sAsPon! HOW TO GUARD THE !\"#$%&'('$)*+&$$ TEMPLE OF MY B.O.D.Y.: ,-$.-(/$0-('&1$ Be Aware: God is there! If you !\"#$%&'#()*+,-*./#0*/1'# are a child of God, remember that your body is the home of God’s Spirit: “Do you # not know that your body is the temple of 23#41'5'#,*61#7%#\"%5.#-%5'1## the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” 7%#'81+/#*#/*\"#%.#79%#:# (1 Cor 6:19). 23#;1#,*61#5+1<81,71/)\"=## 2#9%+/1.#9-*7#\"%5>/#/%?# Offer your body to God and @-=#2#A+%9#\"%5>/#B&C1#\"%5.#+&,1'7#.%%6## His service: “Idleness is the devil’s 7%#'5,-#*+#-%+%.1/#D51'7=## workshop.” If you are using your body for E+/#*))#7-1#3%%/#\"%5>/#'1.C1#7%#;&6## God’s purposes, you’ll be less likely to use it for the devil’s purposes. “Give your 9%5)/#!1#7-1#C1.\"#!1'7=## bodies to God because of all He has done E+/#\"%5#9%5)/#A118#*''5.&+B#;&6## for you. Let them be a living and holy \"%5>.1#B)*/#7%#-*C1#;&6#7-1.1#:## sacrifice — the kind He will find acceptable. F-*7#'1.C&+B#;&6#&+#\"%5.#%9+#-%61## This is truly the way to worship Him” (Rom 12:1 NLT). &'#G%\"#!1\"%+/#,%68*.1?# # Don’t play with sin: It’s been said, “At first, sin fascinates. Then it assassi- (57#9-1+#\"%5#'*9#;&6#,%6&+B=## nates.” James 1:15 says, “When desire has 9%5)/#\"%5#6117#;&6#*7#7-1#/%%.## conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, H&7-#*.6'#%57'7.17,-1/#&+#91),%61## when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” 7%#\"%5.#-1*C1+)\"#I&'&7%.J## Yield to the Spirit: “Walk in the @.#9%5)/#\"%5#-*C1#7%#,-*+B1#\"%5.#,)%7-1'## Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal 5:16). Notice the order: It’s !13%.1#\"%5#)17#;&6#&+J## not that we try our best to resist sin so @.#-&/1#'%61#6*B*K&+1'#*+/#857## that we can walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s the other way around. As soon 7-1#(&!)1#9-1.1#7-1\">/#!11+J## as God’s Spirit pokes your conscience H%5)/#\"%5#75.+#%f#7-1#.*/&%## about the sin you’re about to commit, *+/#-%81#;1#-*/+>7#-1*./J## immediately choose to obey God’s command E+/#9&'-#\"%5#-*/+>7#5771.1/#7-*7## to “flee…youthful lusts” (2 Tim 2:22). If you’re in a situation where you can’t )*'7=#)%5/=#-*'7\"#9%./J# remove the temptation, then remove your- # self from the temptation. And do it fast! H%5)/#\"%5#!1#B)*/#7%#-*C1#;&6#6117## \"%5.#C1.\"#,)%'1'7#3.&1+/'J## @.#9%5)/#\"%5#-%81#7-1\">/#'7*\"#*9*\"## 5+7&)#;&'#C&'&7#1+/'J## H%5)/#\"%5#!1#B)*/#7%#-*C1#;&6#'7*\"## 3%.1C1.#%+#*+/#%+J# @.#9%5)/#\"%5#'&B-#9&7-#B.1*7#.1)&13## 9-1+#;1#*7#)*'7#9*'#B%+1J## 27#6&B-7#!1#&+71.1'7&+B#7%#A+%9## 7-1#7-&+B'#7-*7#\"%5#9%5)/#/%## 23#41'5'#L-.&'7#&+#81.'%+#,*61## 7%#'81+/#'%61#7&61#9&7-#\"%5?


33 OUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH JESUS… — Unit Three — JESUS HELPS THE PARAKEET If you have a parakeet (aka budgie), As the runner pressed on, a man you will know how much it loves a came down from the stands and ran mirror! No, not because it’s vain. to Derek’s side, supporting him with Surprisingly, though parakeets are his strong arms. Security immedi- clever birds, they never figure out ately came and tried to whisk the that the bird in the mirror is them! stranger away, but the man, Derek’s So they will spend hours looking at, father, just spoke calmly to his son admiring, even “talking” to their very and said, “Derek, it’s me.” best friend — their own reflection When Derek realized who it was at — who is never far away! his side supporting him, he buried his Wouldn’t it be great to have a friend who is al- head in his dad’s shoulder — and the two of ways at our side? Not just a figment of our them slowly walked all the way to the finish line. imagination, but a real friend? We do! His Name This is just one of many privileges enjoyed by is Jesus. And, interestingly, guess what Jesus is every child of God. In the hardest times of life, called in the Bible? Our “Paraclete” (pro- when we feel we just can’t make it, Jesus is at nounced para-kleet). This is a fancy Greek word our side. And He says in a still, small voice, “It’s made up of two parts: para (“beside”) and kalein Me.” In this next unit, we’ll watch Jesus come (“to call”). It literally means “call to one’s side”. to the side of those who needed His help. We You will find this word translated in the Bible as will see Him come alongside someone who was “Helper”, “Comforter”, or “Counselor”. So the totally confused about spiritual issues, and then idea is that Jesus is at the side of His children to a woman who had been rejected in many ways. provide constant help, comfort, and advice. He will help someone who is disabled, those who In the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Barce- are hungry, the fearful, and a family grieving the lona, Spain, a runner named Derek Redmon, loss of a loved one. representing Great Britain, competed in the Can you relate to any of these problems? If so, 400 meter sprint. Everyone expected him to remember that parakeet who only thinks he has win. But 250 meters from the finish line, his a friend beside him. Then remember that God’s hamstrung tore. He fell to the ground in children have the true “Paraclete” in Jesus (and agonizing pain. the Holy Spirit), and God’s constant, at-your- Medics rushed to his side and were preparing to side help, comfort, and support — right until we carry him out on a stretcher. The other runners cross the finish line and enter our eternal Home. had already completed the race. But Derek refused to quit. He stood back up and hobbled * Search “Derek Redmon 1992” in YouTube to down the track toward the finish line, crying as watch this touching scene. ALSO: Google the pain pierced through his body with each step. poem titled “Footprints”!

34 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'3'''4.//,+1 “Jesus Helps the Confused” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Nothing we are or have allows us to Jesus answered and said to him, earn God’s salvation. We must be “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, “born again”, which requires a choice. he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

NICODEMUS’S DE-LIGHT-FUL JOURNEY HOW TO PLAY… Name: JOHN 1. Cut out game pieces below. U3/L1 Activity 2. Read the passage in the first box and the clue below it. 3. Find the best matching “C” word. Glue overtop the reference. 4. Save the last box for the whole group chat (glue lightly). 5. Color yellow or orange all the sections that have dots. NICODEMUS IN SPIRITUAL DARKNESS ? JESUS DECLARES: “I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.” John 2:23; 3:1,2 John 3:1,2 John 3:3,4,13 John 3:14-17 John 7:50-52 John 19:39-42 NICODEMUS STARTS HERE. BUT FOLLOW HIM AS HE LEARNS MORE AND MORE ABOUT JESUS OVER HERE. Nicodemus had Nicodemus Jesus explained to help Obviously, nicodemus first And now, seen Jesus wasn’t content the need to be nicodemus better Nicodemus truly called Jesus a The moment to just know “born again”, understand how “teacher” (3:2). We’ve all been perform miracles about Jesus. He which nicodemus to be saved, Jesus About Jesus. At But he’s now Waiting for… while he was in wanted to meet honestly… first, he secretly him personally His thinking to met Jesus. Now, Jesus is a king, Jerusalem. though he didn’t the brass serpent: nicodemus openly and he gives him Naturally, so he… understand. We must look up! defended him! a royal burial! nicodemus was… John 2:23; 3:1,2 John 3:1,2 John 3:3,4,13 John 3:14-17 John 7:50-52 John 19:39-42 CURIOUS CARED CONVINCED CONNECTED CONSIDERED CONVERTED CAME 35


• OPTIONAL: READ/THINK/SHARE • 37 Nicodemus was a well-educated man — Jesus even WHAT ABOUT YOU? called him “the teacher of Israel” (John 3:10). But he didn’t know how to get to Heaven!The secret is to Do you have a story about how come to God with childlike faith and believe what and when Jesus saved you and God says in HisWord.When you place your trust in Him, He will forgive your sins. Then it’s wise to educate yourself from the Bible to discover made you a child of God? the great things God has in store for you. This was the case of a man named David W. Gooding. Like Nicodemus, Or maybe you just have he was also a well-educated man — he was Professor Emeritus of Old questions for which you Testament Greek at Queen’s University, Belfast, and a Member of the are seeking answers. Royal Irish Academy. But his journey of faith began as a boy when he Write your testimony or OOK SUMMER BIBLE PROGRAMwas saved through simple faith. Professor Gooding died in 2019. jot your questions below. WORWDH#E7N: FIAWIATSHA BOY... ... MY FAITH. MY ANCHOR. A Word of Testimony . It is truth, be- o is the Truth.” One night—I can remember it Dr. D. Gooding clearly—I was in bed and my fa- te/alexander- ther came up and prayed by my bedside, as he did every night. I voluntary turn- can’t say I was listening; he prayed on self merit, so much I didn’t often listen. But, y toward God, as he prayed, a verse of the Bible came into my boyish head: ork based only “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in m, p. 55-56. your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom 10:9). day of Pente- ath made that I said to myself, “Yes. I do believe that Jesus is God’s Son and He both Lord and rose from the dead, and I do believe in my heart.”And in my child- anointed One, ish way, I said,“Well, Lord, I believe, and yourWord says I’m saved.” l is the Gospel no Gospel for I didn’t even remember the first bit about confessing it; I didn’t So the apostle tell anybody. I just turned over and went to sleep. is vain; ye are I want to tell you that what happened there to me, as a young boy of ten in my bed that night, has lasted sixty-four years plus. Re- And in those years I have faced criticisms about God and the Bible Web from some of the most sophisticated brains in this world, having e/896385 given myself to the study of theWord of God and the manuscripts in which it comes. And my testimony would be that, the more I have studied the Bible, the more I have found that it is the au- thentic Word of the living God. It is that which has kept my faith as an anchor throughout all my life. paration from his Creator by his spirit of self-sufficiency and positive re-

38 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'3'''4.//,+2 “Jesus Helps the Outcast” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — Deep and lasting joy can only be The woman then left her waterpot, went her way experienced when we personally into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a receive the Water of Life. Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” (John 4:28,29) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—

Name: AN OVERFLOWING HEART! Read John 4:25-30. U3L2 Activity Describe the lady’s reaction to the truth: Read John 4:5-9. Read John 4:9-18. AFTER What clues reveal this woman’s emptiness? Look at how Jesus Read V.5: “Samaria” BEFORE Guided her to truth. John 4:39-42. V.6: “Samaria…sixth hour” Fill in the blanks. WHAT WAS THE V.9: woman…man He helped her see Who he was. IMPACT ON THOSE She viewed Jesus as… (Take a quick look at v.18 too!) AROUND HER? (Take a quick look at v.18 too!) V.9 - V.11 - Oh, what joy for those whose transgression “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, V.19 - is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give V.25,29 - — psalm 32:1 — him will never thirst.” He helped her see Who SHE was. See v.18. She was a… — Jesus (john 4:13,14) What two truths must a person admit to receive the living water? 39

40 !\"#$%&'$\"&'(!%#$%& )*'+,-./'0,1'2+3-'3'''4.//,+3 “Jesus Helps the W.E.A.K.” — DESTINATION: THE BIG IDEA — — KEY MEMORY VERSE — It is impossible to earn God’s favor Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” and acceptance by keeping His law. And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked... (John 5:8,9) — NOTES ALONG THE JOURNEY—


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