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OISE PSE Leaflet_digital

Published by continuinged, 2016-01-20 11:54:20

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POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION OISE | Continuing and Professional Learning WITH OISE I CAN

RISE OF THE GLOBALKNOWLEDGE SOCIETYThe rise of the Knowledge Society, influenced by the rapid growth Knowlege = Economicand accessibility of modern information and communication Competitive Advantagetechnologies, is bringing about a fundamental reshaping of theglobal economy. Economic growth is increasingly based in the Knowledge accumulation anddevelopment of human capital, toward a knowledge society that application have become majorpromotes cultural diversity, equal access to education, universal factors in economic developmentaccess to knowledge and freedom of expression. and are increasingly at the core of a country’s competitive advantageThe Role of Post-Secondary Education (PSE) in the global economyAs knowledge producers, post-secondary institutions (PSIs) are Knowledge Producersthe most important vehicles we have for transforming knowledge & Promoters ofinto wide reaching social and economic benefits. Traditionally, Lifelong LearningPSIs have led in Education and Research – two vital streamswhich have steadily contributed to societal and economic Tertiary education is central to theadvancement. Now, community and corporate outreach and creation of the intellectual capacityknowledge transfer have become essential activities, helping to on which knowledge productionstimulate economic development and prosperous societies. and utilization depend and to the promotion of the lifelong-learningChanges and Challenges for PSE Institutions practices necessary to update individual knowledge and skills.Over the past few decades, there have been major changesin Post-secondary education systems. They are becomingincreasingly internationalized, with extensive networking andresearch collaborations among institutions, scholars, studentsand industries. Post-secondary leadership and organizationaldecision-making structures have also changed significantly.Academic leaders are now increasingly required to be managers,coalition-builders or entrepreneurs.Among the biggest challenges for PSE institutions will be Holistic Systemdeveloping the capacity for change, and removing the constraintsthat prevent them from responding to societal demands. There is a recognized need forPost-secondary systems need to focus efforts on learner-centricity, a balanced and comprehensiveequity and inclusion, quality and learning outcomes within a view of education as a holisticlifelong-learning paradigm in order to remain relevant and prepare system that includes not only thetoday’s students for the 21st century knowledge society. human capital contribution of tertiary education but also its roleSOURCES: UNESCO World Report: Towards knowledge societies (2005), as an important global public good GAPS: Global Access to Postsecondary Education, (2008), CMEC, UNESCO World Education Forum – Report of the Canadian Delegation, (2015), Source: World Bank, Constructing Knowledge Societies, 2002 J Duderstadt, The Future of Higher Education in the Knowledge-Driven, Global Economy of the 21st Century, (2002)OISE Continuing and Professional Learning

40% CANADA’S KNOWLEDGE ECONOMYUniversities conduct Post-Secondary institutions in Canada play a critical role in driving40% of Canada’s total creativity, innovation, knowledge, and community engagementResearch & Development through effective teaching practice and research. Colleges and universities are tasked with providing the best possible learningUniversities performed over experience in an affordable and financially sustainable way to$12 billion in research and ensure high quality and globally competitive outcomes for bothdevlopment in 2014, accounting students and Canada’s economy.for 40 percent of Canada’s totalresearch and development. EDUCATION AT OISESource: Statistics Canada, 2014 As a global-leader in research and graduate studies in education, OISE is committed to partering with schools, communities, the 53% non-profit sector and governments to develop and understand education and human development.Educated Labour Market SOLUTIONS FORMore than half of Canadians POST-SECONDARY PROFESSIONALSaged 25 to 64 have completeda college or university Our Post-Secondary Continuing and Professional Learning solutionseducation – the highest share provide development support for education professionals andamong OECD Countries. organizations serving colleges, polytechnic and university education sectors. With leadership, quality and development challenges facingSource: Stats Canada, PCEIP the broader sector, our learning solutions are specifically designedInternational Report, 2014 to help post-secondary educators and administrators: INNOVATE DEVELOP & LEAD DELIVERGraduates in Colleges Innovate Develop and Lead within your deliver quality entrepreneurialThe number of university post-secondary teaching, learning and experientialgraduates enrolled in colleges organization to and services learning for youras adult learners has increased drive system students, yourmore than 40% over five years. transformation outcomes colleagues andThe OECD says Canada leads your institutionthe world in post-secondaryattainment rates because of theaccessibility of college educationSource: Colleges Ontario Fact Sheet, 2014

WITH OISE I CANCONTACT USOISE | Continuing and Professional LearningOntario Institute for Studies in EducationUniversity of Toronto5-103 252 Bloor Street WToronto, ON, M55 1V6 [email protected] @OISENews1-416-978-2474 OISE Alumni and

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