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Home Explore OISE PreK-12 International Program_2016

OISE PreK-12 International Program_2016

Published by continuinged, 2016-01-20 11:28:57

Description: OISE PreK-12 International Program_2016


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OISE | Continuing and Professional Learning PreK-12 Professional Development: 2015-2016 International ProgramsROLE BEGINING CONTINUING ADVANCING PROGRAM FEATURESEmergingEducators Future Educator Series Program LocationsEducation 1. Future Educator: PedagogyProfessional 2. Future Educator: English as an Additional Professional Series II Professional Series III Future Educators: (3 Years or More in Role) (3 Years or More in Role) In ClassEducation Language 4 week program offered on-siteLeader 3. Future Educator: Counselling Psychology 1. Teacher as Professional (5 Course Pack) 1. Teacher as Instructional Leader (5 Course Pack) at OISE, Univeristy of Toronto 4. Future Educator: Information, Technology (1) Leadership Styles, Self-Awareness and (1) Curriculum Development and Planning campus (June-August)Regional Leader Resilience (2) Using Large-Scale Assessment Data to Professional Series: and Communication (ICT) (2) Parent and School Community Inform Instruction Online & In Class Partnerships (3) Teacher Engagement and Partnership, 21-24 hours (7 weeks) program Professional Series I (3) Mentoring New Teachers How to Build Effective Teams offered online or 2 week intensive (Less than 2 Years in Role) (4) Participating in a Professional Learning (4) How to Be an Instructional Leader program offered onsite or Community preferred location. 1. Teacher as Innovator (5 Course Pack) (5) Understanding Large-Scale Assessment Education Leader Series III Education Leader Series: (1) Pedagogy Foundations Data (5 Years or More in Role) Online & In Class (2) Three Part Lesson Planning 21-24 hours (7 weeks) program (3) Student-Centered Teaching 2. Specialist Series (Single Course Series) 1. Principal as Regional Leader (4 Course Pack) offered online or 2 week intensive (4) ICT Fundamentals (1) Teaching English as a Second (1) Policy Development and program offered onsite or at a (5) Assessment for Learning, Assessment Language Implementation preferred location. of Learning (2) Special Education (2) Using Data to Drive Student Regional Leadership Series: (3) Guidance and Counselling Achievement and School Improvement In Class 2. Teacher as Collaborator (5 Course Pack) (4) Content Specific: Mathematics, (3) Building Leadership Capacity 1 week program offered onsite (1) Understanding the Primary & Science, Reading, Writing, Kindergarten (4) Working with Stakeholders to Ensure at OISE, University of Toronto Secondary Learner Confidence campus or at a preferred location. (2) Classroom Engagement and Inquiry- Education Leader Series II Based Learning (3 Years or More in Role) Recognition of (3) Creating Positive Classroom Cultures Achievement (4) Advanced Instructional Strategies 1. Principal as Instructional Leader II (5) Assessment as Learning (4 Day Workshop) A Certificate of Completion from (1)Teaching and Learning Walks OISE Continuing and Professional Education Leader Series I Learning, University of Toronto, (Less than 2 Years in Role) is issued upon the successful completion of each series of 1. Principal as Innovator (4 Course Pack) courses. (1) Building Effective Schools (2) Engaging Teachers (3) Stakeholders and Partnerships (4) Staff Evaluations/Appraisals 2. Principal as Instructional Leader Part 1 (3 Day Workshop) (1) What the Research Tells Us About Teaching and Learning (2) Being a Leader Regional Leader Series I (Less than 2 Years in Role) 1. Education Systems Leadership Program (1 week intensive) WITH OISE I CAN

PreK-12 Professional Development: International Program Descriptions FUTURE EDUCATOR SERIES EDUCATION LEADER SERIES IDesigned for aspiring educators, the Future Educators program allows participants to Designed to provide a foundation of innovative leadership tools and skills to be appliedchoose an academic focus to develop their skills in pedagogy, teaching English as an in the role of a new education leader.additional language, theories and techniques of counselling psychology, or informationtechnology and communication. This academic program is supported by an English Principal as Innovator Principal as Instructional Leader Part 1language development program and cultural immersion. Participants will explore the creation of Participants will explore evidence-based a vision and strategic plan, the creation research from renowned experts andPROFESSIONAL SERIES I of professional learning communities, apply that understanding to leading harnessing community resources and effective professional learning community. evaluation of new & experienced teachers.Designed to provide a foundation of innovative and collaborative pedagogical tools and EDUCATION LEADER SERIES IIskills to be applied in the role of a new education professional.Teacher as Innovator Teacher as Collaborator Designed for education leaders who wish to further their instructional leadership skills.Participants will explore research based Participants will explore characteristicsinstructional practices, differentiated and needs of learners, how to embed Principal as Instructional Leader Part 2instruction, mind-on engagement, the inquiry based learning across curriculum, Participants will explore the TIDE feedback protocol to successfully conduct a schooldevelopment of inquiry based learning how to empower student ownership of observation walk and provide feedback to teachers. This course has a practicalactivities and online learning activities as learning, experiential learning through component to be completed in the professional’s home school.well as strategies for assessment. co-construction and examine data that informs teaching. EDUCATION LEADER SERIES IIIPROFESSIONAL SERIES IISeries II and III are designed for education professionals who wish to develop leadership Designed for experienced education leaders looking to advance their professionalskills and gain additional specialized teaching qualifications. learning asregional or ministry leader.Teacher as Professional Specialist Series Principal as Regional LeaderParticipants will explore leadership Participants will explore assessment Participants will explore evidence-based research used for policy development, policyresilience strategies, the value and strategies, teaching and learning implementation, systems change, succession planning as well as marketing andmodels of parent partnership, developing strategies and technology learning communication tools used to ensure confidence within stakeholders.mentorship plans, the characteristics enhancements that are subject specificof successful professional learning such as Math, Science, Reading, Writing, REGIONAL LEADER SERIEScommunities and how to interpret large Special Education and Early Childhoodscale assessment data. Education. Designed to provide a foundation of school improvement and education reform best practices.PROFESSIONAL SERIES III Education Systems Leadership ProgramTeacher as Instructional Leader Participants will explore evidence-based research on region wide policies, self regulation,Participants will explore cross-curricular learning, the use of data to develop instructional testing as well equity policies used to develop and advance Canada (Ontario) as a topunits, building trust, school culture, visions and plans, concepts of the leader as a co- PISA performer.learner and rationale for courageous conversations. WITH OISE I CAN

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