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OISE_WLD_ALDP LeafletDigital

Published by continuinged, 2015-06-01 14:26:40

Description: OISE CPL Workplace Learning and Development Program


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ALDPAdult Learning & Development ProgramWorkplace Learning & DevelopmentOISE Continuing and Professional LearningWITH OISE I CAN |

WORKPLACE LEARNING & DEVELOPMENTOISE Continuing and Professional Learning Workplace skills are a newrecognizes that in order to meet the learning form of economic currency andand development needs of today’s workplace, both employers and employeeseducation professionals are advancing their own are recognizing the needskills and knowledge by exploring new concepts and commitment required forof how adults learn, the impact of social continuous learning in thetechnologies that support collaboration and the workplace.need for solutions that integrate readily into theworkplace context of learners.To support education professionals in theirchosen professional learning journey, we’reevolving our learning programs to reflectworkplace realities. Effective Fall 2015, ourAdult Learning and Development Program willbegin its introduction of a new suite of courseswhich includes new content and online learningmodalities.BENEFITS OF WORKPLACE LEARNING “ In a knowledge driven economy, the continuous updating of skills, attitudes and the development of lifelong learning will make the difference between success and failure, and between competitiveness and decline” – David Blunkett, former UK Secretary of State for Education and Employment Workplace Benefits Employee Benefits„„ Improved productivity & growth „„ Higher income & lower incidence of„„ Improved revenue per employee unemployment„„ Improved product cycle times „„ Increased job security and„„ Cost savings through improved enhanced job opportunities efficiencies and reduction in errors „„ Improved self-confidence„„ Improved sales „„ More professional development-„„ Improved product quality individuals with higher literacy skills„„ and education are more likely to„„ Improved health and safety records receive further development„„ Improved employee retention „„ Broader benefits - skills/knowledge Improved knowledge transfer are applied to life outside of work among employees Source: Conference Board of Canada, 2001WLD OISE CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL LEARNING

PROGRAM DETAILS (Open Enrolment) ABOUT THE PROGRAMThe Adult Learning and Development Program is designed for education professionalswho wish to advance their knowledge and skills of workplace learning methods andpractices. The program achieves this professional learning need by providing thebest balance of adult learning and development theory with existing and emergingworkplace learning practices.Education professionals who participate in this program will complete fourcompulsory course offerings and one elective course offering to achieve an OISEContinuing and Professional Learning Certificate of Completion.„„ 4 Compulsory „„ 1 Elective„„ Introduction to „„ Presentation +Adult Learning = Skills„„ Needs Assessment „„ Online Learning & Evaluation„„ Instructional EnvironmentsDesign „„ Workplace Learning„„ Facilitation InitiativePROGRAM FEATURES � Designed with the busy education professional in mind, ALDP provides flexible learning options: on-campus and online � You can fast track your learning and be completed in less than six months � Successful completion of this program is a credit towards the CTDP certification provided by the accredited association Canadian Society for Training and Development � Develop your professional network by engaging with colleagues in the program who are learning consultants, program administrators, instructional designers, facilitators, teachers, HR, Sales and IT professionals from across diverse industries WLD OISE CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL LEARNING

WITH OISE I CANCONTACT USOISE | Continuing and Professional LearningOntario Institute for Studies in EducationUniversity of Toronto5-103 252 Bloor Street WToronto, ON, M55 1V6 Canada [email protected] 1-416-978-2474

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