contents general colour genetics interior/exterior 03 an overview about 06 colour genes 13 interior the breeding 07 coat colours 16 interior effects sequence 08 allels 17 exterior 09 base colours 21 KO-values 04 general tips for 10 spottings 22 expert estimate breeding 11 lightenings 23 EP-calculator 12 colour inheritance 24 incest 05 papers 25 negative effects potential inheritance type inheritance disease inheritance 26 27 28 height inheritance 27
an overview about the breeding sequence The most complicated topic at EquinePassion is breeding horses. To give an overview for newcomers, we created this special edition, which only concentrates to this topic. birth of a foal pregnancy: 11 ingame-months naming of the foal breed mares application for papers by an own stallion or a stallion of the stallion station Attention: without inspection/licensing you can only breed with own horses best time for breeding: foal show (end of June) 2 years old: adult skin Beginning of February to Middle of July 3-4 years old: adult stallions: stallion licensing (end of September) mares: mare inspection (end of October) beginning of training breedable
general tips for breeding 1.Pay attention to WHEN you are breeding! Foals are more valuable, if they pass the foal show. This is only possible, if they are born at this ingame-year. That means: breed your horses soonest at the beginning of February and not later than the middle of July - your mare will be pregnant for 11 months and you need one real-life-day to get papers - they are necessary for signing up to the foal show. 2. Pay attention to WHAT you are breeding! To get a good horse, you should inform yourself before breeding horses. Each breed has its own guidelines to get papers. It is important to breed thoroughbred horses or horses which include breeds that are allowed for the requested breed. Altough your new horse has also to meet guidelines about its heigh. The expected final height may not be more than 5cm over or under the guidelines for this breed. There are also restrictions to coat colour and type of the horse. So have a look at the breeding association before you start breeding!
papers Each new born foal needs papers to pass the foal show. These papers refer to the foal's breed. To get papers, the foal has to meet the requested condition of the requested breed (colour, talent, patterns, height). All information can be found at EquinePassion at the menu - just select \"breeders alliance\" and choose the requested breed. This is important if you have bred a foal with different breeding parts. Example: A foal with 50% Trakehner blood and 50% Thoroughbred blood is able to get papers as German Riding Horse. foal mother 50% father 50% The percentages are calculated as follows: mother-mother mother-father father-mother father-father 25% 25% 25% 25% example: foal 25% Trakehner, 25% Hannoverian, 50% German Riding Pony mother father 50 % Hannoverian, 50% Trakehner 100% German Riding Pony mother-mother mother-father father-mother father-father 100% Trakehner 100% Hannoverian 100% GRP 100% GRP
colour genes There are a lot of different coat colour genes at EP's horses. We created an overview about them: Here you can find the hole document: *CLICK*
coat colours The explained colour genes determine the coat colour of each horse and can be tested by the veterinarian (at your mobile phone next to your horse's box). Each horse has various colour genes (for example extension, agouti, etc.). Each gene consists of two parts - so-called allels (for example E/e or E/E). example:
allels There are two types of allels: dominant (written in upper case letters) allels and recessive (written in lower case letters) allels Mostly dominant allels are visible and recessive allels are invisible. This gene-parts are extremely important for colour breeding. More information later on.
base colours At EquinePassion we distinguish between four groups: base colours: sorrel, bay, seal bay, black lightenings: creme, dun, silver, flaxen patterns: tobiano, sabino, roan, dominant white, white spotting, overo, leopard- complex, splashed white, rabicano others: greying
patterns The following patterns are at the KIT area: tobiano roan sabino dominant white white spotting
lightenings Lightenings change the base colour of a horse and can be combined with others.
colour inheritance If you breed a mare with a stallion, each horse transmits one allel per gene to the foal:
interior Interior is the inside of a horse - it's character/personality. At EP are 7 different interior values: * temperament * charism * attention span * mind * handling * nerves * intelligence Each of this value can be one of 7 different conditions: * very low / very poor * low / poor * moderately low / somewhat poor * good / average * moderately high / satisfying * high / much * very high / a lot of / very good
interior But there is more to it than meets the eye. Each condition can be one of three point scores: This means that a horse with a \"moderately low\" temperament can have between -4 and -2 points. The exact value only knows the system of EP ;) You can see that green would be the best case and dark orange the worst. The best score at the interior would be +10 and the worst would be -10. Attention: the temperament is an exception - it is calculated like the exterior.
interior The point scores can be converted to grades of mare inspection/stallion licensing: internal values grades An EP gamer has explained that by an example: 4,5 At column \"internal values - bad\" you can see the worst value for this interior condition. Next to it you can find the converted grade for mare inspection/stallion licensing. At column \"internal values - good\" you can find the best value for this interior condition. Next to it are the converted grades. Now you can calculate the average of all grades: worst case: (4,5 + 9 + 7,5 + 0 + 3 + 6 + 6) : 7 = 5,1 (rounded) best case: (10 + 10 + 8,5 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 7) : 7 = 6,8 (rounded) That means, the interior of this horse is between 5,1 and 6,8.
interior effects The interior can cause positive and negative effects for training and competitions: * horses with very poor attention span or very high temperament cause more faults at competitions * horses with very poor nerves are in bad mood more often than others * horses which are very poor to handle or have very poor nerves, need more education at the age of a foal * very poor intelligent horses learn slower * very intelligent horses learn faster
exterior The exterior means all parts of the body. At EP are 6 different exterior-values: * head * base of the neck * neck * back * front legs * rear legs These values can have one of seven conditions - front legs and rear legs can have twice as much conditions.
exterior So the exterior contains a lot of conditions, like the interior - each condition can cause one of three points: This means that a horse with \"slightly camped-out\" rear legs can have between -4 and -2 points. The exact value only knows the system of EP ;)
exterior You can see that green would be the best case and dark orange the worst. The best score at the exterior would be 0 and the worst would be -10 and +10. You can easily convert the points into grades for inspection/licensing: external values grades
exterior An EP gamer has explained that by an example: At column \"external values - bad\" you can see the worst value for this exterior condition. Next to it you can find the converted grade for mare inspection/stallion licensing. At column \"external values - good\" you can find the best value for this exterior condition. Next to it are the converted grades. Now you can calculate the average of all grades: worst case: (6 + 6 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 0 + 0) : 10 = 4,2 (rounded) best case: (8 + 8 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 2 + 2) : 10 = 6,0 (rounded) That means, the interior of this horse is between 4,2 and 6,0.
KO-values KO-values (= \"knock out\" values) prevent a mare inspection/stallion licensing. Furthermore, your horse is not able to reach its full potential, if it has KO-values at its exterior. You can identify KO-values at the \"negative numbers\" behind the horses potentials at \"training\". The potential reduces for 10 percent per KO-value. A horse can have KO-values at the interior and the exterior. these are all ko-values
expert estimate It is also possible to ask an expert for the exact interior/exterior grade. Herefore, you click at your horse and select \"breeding\" - there you can find an expert. The expert can be wrong but only for 0.1 points. If he tells you that the exterior of your horse will be at 6.0, it could also be 5.9 or 6.1. The final grade is given at a mare inspection/stallion licensing/foal show.
EP calculator It is very exhausting to calculate all interior and exterior values for each horse. Therefore you can also use an EP calculator. English EP-calculator Some users also created fanbased calculators: excel calculator by Chowa calculator program for download by pumpkinlemma For download just click at the green \"code\" button and select \"Download ZIP\". After download you can copy the horses personality and conformation at the programm and press \"enter\".
incest Incest can influence the interior or exterior of a foal. It could have positive or negative effects. The risk of KO-values is very high. At EquinePassion incest is breeding: child x father/mother child x full siblings (mother AND father are the same) Half siblings ( = horses with only one same parent) can be bree without any incest effects. You can also breed foals with their grand-parents.
negative effects Not only incest is a problem for breeding horses. Also other pairings have negative effects to the foal: LP + LP = CSNB - night-blind [only trainable until 18:00 or in a riding hall] DW + DW = foals die after a few days (unlivable) O + O = foals die after a few days (unlivable) Z + Z = MCOA = blind = not trainable, breeding is possible GBED + GBED = foals unlivable -> western breeds & their mixes JEB + JEB = foals unlivable -> cold blood horses & their mixes LFS + LFS = foals unlivable -> arabic horses & their mixes SCID + SCID = foals unlivable -> arabic horses & their mixes WFFS +WFFS = foals unlivable -> warm blood horses & German Riding Ponies
potential inheritance Each foal gets the average potential of its parents. If you breed two horses, you can calculate the approximate potential of the foal: 1. calculate the average of mother and father for each value example: value A: 32 + 24 = 56 / 2 = 28 2. for the minimum potential: deduct 3 points example: value A: 28 - 3 = 25 3. for the maximum potential: add 5 points example: value A: 28 + 5 = 33 4. sum all minimum-values -> that's the worst case of your foal's potential eqample: 25 + 28 + 25 + 24 + 29 = 131 5. sum all maximum-values -> that's the best case of your foal's potential example: 33 + 36 + 33 + 33 + 32 + 37 = 171 But you can also use this potential calculator: *KLICK* ATTENTION - Do not mess up ability with potential! ability potential
type inheritance The type of a horse is its figure. A foal can get the type of its mother or its father. If both parents have the same type, the foal will get At EP there are: arabian type the same type, otherwise it is a chance of 50% to iberian type 50%. icelandic type shetland type draft horse type thoroughbred type warmblood type western type hight inheritance A foal gets the approximate average hight of its parents. The parents may not have a difference in size of more than 50cm.
disease inheritance Diseases will be inherited like colour genes. The foal gets one allel of each parent - both together show the disease of a foal. n/n means that the foal is completely healthy. examples: father: N/N foal: mother: HYPP/N HYPP/N: 50% N/N: 50% mother: PSSM/N father: PSSM/N foal: PSSM/PSSM: 25% PSSM/N: 50% N/N: 25%
SPECIAL EDITION ALL ABOUT INHERITANCE AT EP Copyright: This issue contains parts of the browsergame www.equinepassion.de. The pictures of this issue are from a public domain (https://pixabay.com/) and can be used without permission. fonts : Canva.com Logo EquPaper: self made Texts: Copyright by editorial members of EquiPaper background: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/bauernhof-l%C3%A4ndlich-haus-landschaft-768496/ The other pictures are from canva.com or cutouts of my own tables or tables of EquinePassion.
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