BASIC School Radio STUDIO EQUIPMENTS Pro 01 04 Guest Mic Microphone Computer 02 05 Studio System Settings Audio Mixer 03 06 Broadcast System “School Radio has given students a sense of audience for developing speaking and listening skills.”
AARS-KL SCHOOL RADIO School radio station was set up with a vision Trendsetters Actor Suraj Venjaramoodu and to enhance students’ participation in creative playback singer Mridula Warrier being interviewed events and explore their capabilities. by school radio jockeys at the launch of Bhavans Programmes with equal focus on education and entertainment will be aired in multiple Radio-19.90 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Chevayur, languages, including English, Hindi, and CALICUT IN KERALA STATE Sanskrit, using a well-equipped studio. Though there will not be any real broadcasting procedures like transmission of radio waves to reach a wide audience linked to the actual radio network outside, the school radio project will literally create a similar feel for students with live programmes from their own studio. It will be straightaway reaching classrooms through loudspeakers. “School Radio has given students a sense of audience for developing speaking and listening skills.”
08 Radio Astronomy & FOSS Providing In depth practical sessions and publishing Books, Seminars and setting up regional Radio Astronomy Chaptors as well as developing and distributing Free & Open Source Software for Radio Astronomy for Amateur Radio Operators
Radio There are lots of ways to get involved in radio Astronomy & astronomy but they are rarely obvious and do FOSS for Radio not always offer immediate gratification such as when looking through an optical telescope. Most radio telescope packages involve some construction and software set-up by the user, and that can be time consuming and frustrating especially if there are no clear instructions to guide the amateur. Nonetheless, it is a very rewarding intellectual endeavor to keep you busy to the end of your life.
Radio Astronomy Radio astronomy was born in 1931, when Karl Jansky began researching the source of a faint background radio hiss with his dipole array while working for Bell Telephone. Jansky noticed the signal strength corresponded to the passage of the sidereal day, and correctly deduced that it was coming from the core of our Milky Way galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius
Radio Astronomy We have developed our Own Operating System - Frequency is the name of the game in amateur radio HAMIX- Excusivly for Radio Astronomy and astronomy, and most scopes are geared towards the 18 Amatuer Radio Community , HAMIX include megahertz to 10,000 megahertz range. A program known as hundreds of ready to use Amateur Radio Software Radio-SkyPipe makes a good graphic interface to turn your Categorized for easy Navigation. laptop into a recorder. Well, just like those astronomers of yore, you’ll be able to detect the Sun, the Milky Way Galaxy, Geostationary and geosynchronous communication satellites and more. The simple dish system described above can also detect temperature changes on the surface of the Moon as it passes through its phases. Another exciting possibility in radio astronomy is tracking satellites. HAM radio operators are able to listen in on the ISS on FM frequencies and have even communicated with the ISS on occasion. AARS KL guided by Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) to setup our Radio Astronomy Club.
Radio Astronomy This is the view of the sky at 408MHz. (No, this is NOT a standard star chart but rather an easier way to plot the night sky for radio astronomers.) You can clearly see the outline of the Milky way and you see the brightest object in our radio sky – our Sun
Radio Astronomy A radio telescope consists of an antenna that collects the incoming waves from space (corresponding to optical tube in an ordinary telescope), a mount that follow objects in the sky (such as the equatorial models that amateur astronomers usually use, but that in professional radio telescopes is usually alt-azimuthal), the receiver that amplifies the radio signal (which corresponds to the CCD camera of an amateur telescope) and the back-end that records and processes data A COMPACT RADIO TELESCOPE FOR AMATEUR RADIO ASTRONOMY: THE A COMPACT RADIO TELESCOPE FOR AMATEUR RADIO ASTRONOMY: IN THE ANTENNA INSTALLED ON THE EQUATORIAL MOUNT. CONTROL ROOM THE RECEIVER, CONNECTED TO THE EXTERNAL RADIO TELESCOPE, SENDS RECORDED DATA TO CHE CONTROL COMPUTER WITH THE RADIOUNIVERSEPRO SOFTWARE
09 ACTIVE KIDS Amateur Radio & AARS-KL Innovative Technologies in the STEM Classroom
ACTIVE KIDS AMATEUR Radio was formed by experimenters who wished to push the envelope of radio technology. That Amateur Radio & AARS-KL purpose remains at its core, which is why it fits perfectly Innovative Technologies in with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. Also known as ham radio, its emphasis on the STEM Classroom hands-on investigation and experimentation make it a perfect tool to help students understand complex technical subjects. It also aligns with both state and national learning objectives. Moreover, incorporating Amateur Radio in the classroom is a proven effective way to teach both practical applications and theory.
ABOUT ACTIVE KIDS , STEM@SCHOOL ACTIVE KIDS Program is a non-profit voluntery program by Active Hams to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education through School studens and collaboration with other Technology institutions arround the globe.ACTIVE KIDS primary goal was to lift up and inspire the youth into science and learning via instruction and exploration of radio science, Amateur Radio, and space research. AARS ACTIVE KIDS’s goals are to: Promote STEM as a resource for local schools and other educational institutions by providing funding, equipment and educational services. Promote Amateur Radio by educating the school students through interactive demonstrations. Make students familiar the Real-World Examples by assisting educational institutions to setup real time science & technologylabs, Space Labs, radio Astronomy Labsas well as provide realtime projects in computer,Engineering, radio electronics & Mathamatical skills. The students of this generation are fascinated by space exploration and robotics
AARS-KL ACTIVE KIDS STEM@SCHOOL Pojects through School Radio . This is our first amateur Radio-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) initiative at MGD HIGHSCHOOL for girls conducted on 5th October 2019. Using wireless technology literacy as a starting point, instructors can build a solid foundation across multiple subject matters and grade levels as Amateur Radio integrates math, science, engineering, and technology, as well as other content areas, such as geography, reading, and writing. As both a teaching tool and as a hobby, it has demonstrated a strong motivating influence, one that readily leads to careers in computer sciences, consumer electronics, broadcast engineering, research sciences, medicine, telecommunications, and more. ACTIVE KIDS STEM @ CLASSROOM Program MGD HIGHSCHOOL FOR GIRLS KUNDARA, in Kerala State
10 Electronics & Antenna Designs Research and Development of Communication Anteenas by AARS-KL and Provide indepth training for latest Communication Electronics with the help of External Experts for the the benifit of Amateur Radio Services.
Electronics & For those interested in wireless technology and Communication tinkering, ham radio provides a solid introduction to basic electronics theory and Antenna radio communications knowledge. The uses for Design ham radio extend far beyond emergency situations though.AARS uses for ham radio extend far beyond emergency situations though like Digital data. Ham radios aren’t just for voice communications. With some newer transmission technologies you can also send digital signal around the world to share things like pictures, without ever needing wireless internet.
AARS-KL Antenna Design When it comes to getting the most enjoyment out of Amateur Radio, there is nothing more important than your antenna system. You can purchase the best ham transceiver on the planet, but if your antenna system is poor, your investment will largely go to waste. AARS-KL condusts regular antneea building sessions for new and experienced ham radio operators. This sessions was conducted by experienced Hams. Most of the sessions are inhouse classroom sessions or with live webnars assisted by DX hams. All antenna design and building sessions have been offered by their authors and builders to share their antenna ideas. Apart from Antenna design, AARS has some interesting sessions on Antenna Analyzer too. The latest addition was an Arduino Nano plus AD9850 Antenna Analyzer/Sweeper based on K6BEZ's design. An online session based on Open Source Software and Development boards. “School Radio has given students a sense of audience for developing speaking and listening skills.”
11 Home Brew Section Homebrew sessions , ideas and promotion of communication methods by all possible means and standards with in the boundaires of Indian Rules & Regulations.
When You Want to Build, Not Buy Home Brew Now if you want to dive into the deep end and design Section & your very own ham radio circuit, then AARS got you LIVE covered with a free on-demand webinar. Here’s what WEBINAR you can expect: Learn how to design a complete DC power management system with a built-in charge meter, low voltage disconnect, and failover switch for a portable radio. Learn how to leverage everyday through-hole components to design and build your very own portable and affordable radio equipment. Learn what kind of considerations you need to make in your radio circuit design process to select the right transistor, heat sink, package types, and copper width/thickness.
Digital world of AARS-KL A List of Active Hams Amateur Radio Society and Associated Organizations AARS-kL DIGITAL An innovative way of expressing ideas, training and thoughts AARS Digital ios Managed by Biju Gopi Thilaka, Founder of Active Hams Amateur Radio Society AARS-KL
AARS-KL Digital Assets We are using the best solutions and practices to create a scientific research oriented communities for the well beings of humnanity, we are using the latest industry 4.0 practices Publications Scientific Research Connecting content to people.AARS Bridging the gap between Acadamic digital publishing assets for better research domain KPO to the storytelling and wider distribution. Interested Scientific Community F/OSS, Firmware, Hardware Online Training We combine the power of F/OSS, To widen the knowlegde spectrum, we Linux Firmware and Suitable are setting up the best online training for practical oriented technologies Hardware for the benifits of Society
Amateur Radio Operators as Community Rescue Volunteer “WHERE Technology Meets Humanity” Our innovatives products and Services are the best examples for the role of innovation for a Scientific Research Society like Active Hams Amateur Radio Society.The world and its assitive technology needs are changing. We are the first Amateur Radio Society in India, who undergone all the required training to manage an emergency situation and we have proved our ability in several natural calmities in and arround the state of Kerala.
Contact AARS-KL Team Postal Address Telephone Technology Contact MAX CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY For Activehams Amateur Radio Any Technology contact , Please call Vimpy Complex,Near Society Please Call Biju Gopi Thilaka (VU2HBI) T.K.M.Engg.College,Karicode Nishanth (VU3MOE) Founder of AARS-KL India Kollam-5 KERALA, INDIA Secretary of AARS-KL India Email : [email protected] +91 40488 48068 +91 944745 1144 Email : [email protected] Email : root at liinuxclub dor org