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VAW Magazine-1

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Page No. Contents 4 Message from CVO 5 From the desk of ED-Asset Manager 6 Vigilance starts from home… 7 Vigilant India paves way for Prosperous India 8 आओ जागरूक बने भ्रष्टाचार रोके ! 9 Prosperity at any cost?.... 10 Vigilant India - Prosperous India 11 Is Prosperous India possible without Vigi- lant India? ... 12 Poster 1 & Poster 2 13 Financial Systems & Prosperity 14 सतकक ता से सपं न्नता 15 Poster 3 16 Be Vigilant & Stifle Corruption 17 Poster 4 18 Photos of VAW-2019 3

Message From CVO Building a fairer society….. Like previous years, this year too under the guidance of Central Vigilance Commis- sion, vigilance Awareness Week is being celebrated with the theme “Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous India)”. During these times of Covid Pandemic, tis theme acquires even great relevance. In addition to the immediate and grave health concerns, the world is seeing much wider impact of this disease on the social and economic front too. Understandably, there is a great sense of unease everywhere. The whole world and we as a nation too, are effectively dealing with this pandem- ic. Governments around the world have taken impactful measures to ensure the safety of their citizens. The citizens have been asked to show alertness and take preventive measures such as social distancing, wearing of masks and ensuring hy- giene in the fight against Covid. We all are similarly required to be vigilant in our functioning to ensure a prosper- ous nation. We have to sanitize ourselves by having efficient as well as transparent procedures and keep a safe distance from corrupt practices. To achieve an equita- ble, inclusive and more prosperous future for all, we must be vigilant in our func- tioning so as to foster a culture of integrity, transparency, accountability and good governance. ONGC as a organization is committed towards achieving the prosperity for the na- tion by being vigilant in its overall functioning. Let each one of us also make our individual contribution towards Prosperous India by being vigilant in its overall functioning. Let each one of us also make our individual contribution towards Pros- perous India in our day to day functioning. Thank You. (R. C. Joshi, IAS) Chief Vigilance Officer 4

From the desk of ED-Asset Manager I am glad to know that this year, Vigilance Awareness Week is being ob- served with the theme ‘Vigilant India- Prosperous India’ and a special edition of in-house e-booklet is being published during the week. Corruption impedes the rate of economic growth, distorts competition and undermines the moral fibre of the society. Active participation of all employees who pledge to abide by the principles of Honesty and Integri- ty is of utmost importance in the fight against corruption. Greater em- phasis should be laid on generating awareness among everyone regard- ing the existence, causes and threats posed by Corruption. This is an ef- fective and sustainable means of fighting corruption. Suggestions are also invited from all employees which would help in bringing more transparency, fairness and accountability in all the spheres of our activities thereby ensuring good governance. It is heartening to note that the booklet being released by our Vigilance Department, is bringing out thought provoking articles to meet the ob- jective of spreading Vigilance Awareness in a very effective manner. I congratulate all the employees who have contributed in the publication of the e-booklet. I extend my greetings to Team Vigilance and wish the ‘Vigilance Aware- ness Week- 2020’ a great success. I appeal all to participate in all the programs arranged during Vigilance Awareness Week. Arvind Morbale ED-Asset Manager 5

Vigilance starts from home…. The theme “Vigilant India, Prosperous India”, selected by CVC for the year 2020 for vigilance awareness week is the most apt theme for our Country and is the utmost need of the hour. As such there is no second opinion that if all the citizens are vigi- lant, our country would definitely become rich and prosperous. History of our country itself speaks that we were extremely prosperous country and lot of business men flocked to India from different countries for business. But it should also be noted that at that time the Country and its people were highly Vigi- lant and had held high moral values. Ancient Raja’s period (Lord Rama, Mauryas, Cholas, Pallavas etc.) was prosperous and was filled with Honesty and Integri- ty and the entire country was vigilant. Degeneration of values started after the onset of imperialism and subsequent invasion of our country. Though Independ- ence could be achieved because of very highly honest persons like Mahatma Gan- dhi, we could not imbibe or continue to inculcate those high values. If we reflect on the development/economic progress of India post-independence, the credit goes to those sections of people who upheld values and were truly vigilant. Just think, had India been vigilant throughout, we would have been in the list of developed coun- tries by now. Mother is so honest and extremely Vigilant to child in his infancy and even during her pregnancy. Her sincerity, honesty, integrity in all the activities (nourishing, teaching etc.,) related to her Child from childhood to adolescence are right exam- ples. Like Mother to Child, everyone has to be honest in his every activity of life in- cluding one’s economic activities. I say Vigilance should start from house i.e. Par- ents should inculcate discipline, moral values. This should be supported by teach- ers. The standard poem “ Mathru Devo Bhava, Pithru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava Adithi Devo Bhava\" can be seen as regards priority for embedding strong values to Citizens. History says there were very strong values during the Vedic age and hence with stone-age technology, they could develop and build so many re- sources and it is our duty to be Vigilant and put this enormous resources of our country to proper use by imbibing Vigilance at every moment of our life. Being vigilant, timely and honest actions such as lockdown as preventive measure initiated by PM, have helped us today to almost contain to a large extent, the un- precedented COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Highly prosperous countries like USA and Eu- rope are still suffering and there have been rising of new cases and have now be- come more vigilant. At border, our army should be vigilant for protection of Our country. In our Company ONGC’s parlance, every one of us must be Vigilant in every aspect. We should be honest to follow rules and regulations. We should maintain integrity at our work place. We should make a habit to do financial probity and justice. It is thus concluded that there is no doubt that if India is Vigilant then India will be Prosperous India. P Lakshmi Narayana, GGM (M) 6

Vigilant India paves way for Prosperous India Vigilance on the part of the citizens and prosperity of every person and institution is perhaps one of the better ways to describe the desirable state of being for a na- tion, especially one as diverse and powerful as India. And although they seem un- related indeed, the subjects of vigilance and prosperity do share a common root. Vigilance is best described as a state of awareness and willingness to act against all forms of corruptions and moral deviations in order to preserve order, harmony, and justice in society. While one may argue that this remains the responsibility of the forces and institutions authorized and equipped for it, it also goes without saying that since these structures in a democracy as vibrant and diverse as that of India are instated and empowered by the will of the people, the state of vigilance in the society begins with every common citizen alone. It is through this that the govern- ments as well as any public institution may be run in the manner best suited for the interest of the people themselves – when they are under the direct command of the judgement of the people they exist for. Moreover, while the significance of this may not be so apparent, it can be inferred that through such vigilance alone, practiced by the citizens with utmost sincerity and unflinching integrity, that the road to progress can be paved, thus leading the nation to the prosperous future we expect and wish for. It must be understood that the prosperity of the nation is a cumulative of, and reflected in, the prosperity of the individual, which in turn is massively, if not entirely decided by their best and most honest efforts. With a willingness to work with honesty while also contributing the best they can to the community and the country, a citizen ensures the develop- ment and prosperity of the nation. Besides, this honesty reflects in their scrutiny of the elected governments and thus becomes a deciding factor in the kind of forces that directly shape the country. Therefore, it becomes apparent that the subjects of vigilance and prosperity, alt- hough seemingly unrelated, do share the same root: a sense of moral responsibility directing one’s actions. An individual citizen’s power to give their opinion and their judgement of the world around them a concrete shape, or at least a voice, is what truly makes India a great democracy in the most complete sense. While this power burdens the shoulder of this common citizen with an uncommon burden of respon- sibility, it also makes the common-folk active participants in the building of the fu- ture of the nation, rather than rendering them mere mute spectators. Every in- stance of a conscientious questioning of the actions of the nation and its constitu- ent structures, every instance of a deliberate and fearless effort towards the im- provement of the same; this I among the first of things that truly empower a citi- zen and a nation. It thus becomes an undeniable fact, indeed, that vigilance, and by effect, prosperity – like most good things – begin at home. Nitin Arora, CM (MM) 7

आओ जागरूक बने भ्रष्टाचार रोके ! \" एक सपना देखा था कल रात सतकक भारत हो समृद्ध विचार ना हो भ्रष्टाचार ना हो कोई अवभशाप सोने की वचव़िया विर से बने यह भारत आज \" भारत में वनरं तर िै ल रही बुराईयां अपना वशकं जा कस रही हैं वजसका एक मात्र वनिारण सतकक ता ही है। सतकक ता का अथक होता है विशेष रूप से कवमकयों और सामान्य रूप से संस्थानों की दक्षता एिं प्रभािशीलता की प्राप्ति के वलए स्वच्छ तथा त्वररत प्रशासवनक कारक िाई सुवनवित करना , क्यंवक सतकक ता का अभाि अपव्यय, हावन और अवथकक पतन का कारण बनता है । भारत प्राचीन समय मंे सोने की वचव़िया कहलाता था वकं तु अंग्रेजी शासन ने अपनी नीवतयों से हमारी धारा को वबल्कु ल खोखला कर वदया है ।आज आिश्यकता है वक हम इवतहास के कु छ पन्ों को पलटकर देखें क्यंवक इवतहास गिाह है जब जब भारत में बुराई रूप रािन आया है तब तब राम ने अितार लेकर उसका सिकनाश वकया है ।आज उसी रािन का रूप भ्रष्टाचार, घयसखोरी, कालाबाजारी , जमाखोरी इत्यावद ने ले वलया है । अतः इसका समाधान हर नागररक द्वारा राम का अितार लेकर उसका नाश करने से होगा । सिकप्रथम आिश्यक है वक हर व्यप्ति अपने अवधकारों के वलए आिाज उठाए , कु छ गलत होता देखके उसका विरोध करें क्ोवं क भारत एक ऐसा दे श है जहाँा जनता का , जनता के वलए, जनता के द्वारा शासन चलता है । अतः िास्तविक शप्ति तो हर एक नागररक मंे विद्यमान है , साथ ही हमंे अपनी िैचाररक पररितकन करने की विशेष आिश्यकता है क्ंयवक अगर विचारों को शुद्ध कर वदया गया तो कोई ताकत नहीं जो हमंे लालच का भागीदार बना सके । वकसी ने सही ही कहा है वक \" जीिन भले ही कम जीया जाए वकन्तु जो भी वजया जाए सम्मान से ही जीया जाए ।\" महामारी के इस दौर मंे जब गरीबी , भुखमरी इत्यावद अपने चरम पर है तब हमारी वजम्मेदारी और भी ज्यादा बढ़ जाती है । हमें जरूरी है वक हम अपने संस्थान ऑइल एं ड नेचरल गैस कॉपोरे शन मंे सतकक ता से काम कर देश को समृद्ध मनाने में अपना योगदान दंे। व्यिी यह संकल्प ले वक िह ना गलत करे गा ना गलत होने देगा , अपने अवधकारों के प्रवत सतकक रहेगा तभी यह भारत कोवहनयर की भांवत सिकश्रेष्ठ पद पर चमकता रहेगा और हम शान से कह सकंे गे वक - \" जहां सत्य, अवहंसा और धमक का पग - पग लगता डेरा िो भारत देश है मेरा R R Mohanthy, CM (F&A) & Surabhi Jain, F&AO 8

Financial Systems & Prosperity The major factor which comes to play when we think about the best country in the world is the country’s GDP. Wealth and comfort are closely related to the GDP. Countries take advantage of its wealth to create better public infrastructure and services to provide healthy, secure and happy life to the citizens which leads to the prosperity of the country. In the past few years Indian financial systems have been facing lot of issues like governance, bad loans, money laundering, increase in NPAs, heavy lending to business tycoons and companies etc. has resulted in closures of banks, restriction in lending and collapse of financial institutions. This led to the rise of less regulat- ed non-bank financial institutions providing risky loans to people without proper scrutiny. At present, pandemic situation has given a blow to the financial institu- tions and non-bank financial institutions as borrowers are not able to pay their dues to loss of Jobs and less economic activity. Companies are not willing to take loans as they are finding it difficult to expand their business and monetize their finished products. This has affected liquidity and the overall economy of our country. If the current issues faced by the institution are not resolved over a reasonable period of time it may lead to the collapse of the complete economy. RBI always steps in whenever any financial institution is in trouble by either taking over the management, lending capital through consortium of banks or take over by a major player. But by the time RBI comes to the rescue, enough damage would have been done to the investor deposits and wealth. The time has come for RBI to be more vigilant by introducing stringent rules and by making use of technology to detect failures in the system. RBI should make sure that the financial institutions follow good corporate governance at all levels, as in most cases the top manage- ment of the banks are linked with cover-up to meet their targets and create a good image for the shareholders and depositors whereas the middle management and lower management misuse their power for small kickbacks. The RBI should enforce stricter punishment to the top management if found reporting fraudulent financial statements. The block chain technology should be introduced in the financial sys- tems which is tamper proof and where every transaction is time stamped and vali- dated by the system. It will provide the much needed checks and balances in the financial system by having access to one’s current liabilities with other banks, re- payment history, rating of the company etc. This will also make the borrower more accountable as the same information is available with all the banks and future lend- ing depends on the credibility of the past financial history. This will also prevents the banks from providing heavy lending to a particular person or company by cover -ups as the information available regarding the borrowings are tamper proof and validated in the system. With the introduction of technology banks are in a better position in lending money to the borrowers and companies. This will also increase the much needed faith in the system. By having a healthy financial institutions which are too robust to fail, the wealth of the country and the citizens can be protected and better utilized. V A Puvivendhan, SE(Elx.) 13

सतकक ता से संपन्नता भारत एक संघीय गणतन्त्र के स्वरूप मे तथा विश्व मे एक ब़िे लोकतन्त्र के रूप मे अपना अलग एिं अग्रणी स्थान रखता है । स्वतंत्रा प्रािी के पिात से ही तेजी से विकास की ओर अग्रसर है । यह देश विवभन् त्राशदी अकाल, भयखमरी और बाढ़ के साथ ही प़िोसी देशों के आक्रमण आवद के अनुभि से आज अपने इस स्वरूप को प्राि कर चुका है और भारत इन सभी विपदाओ से वनपटने एिं िाह्य तथा आंतररक सुरक्षा , वित्तीय, स्वास्थ्य, वशक्षा तथा ढांचागत विकास पर समुवचत ध्यान दे रहा है। स्वतंत्र भारत के सामने सबसे ब़िी चुनौती रोटी, कप़िा और मकान जैसी मयलभयत सुविधाओ का तेजी से विकास करना था अत: हररत क्रांवत के रूप मे कृ वष क्षेत्र को विकवसत वकया तथा पयाकि अन्य उत्पादन के लक्ष्य को प्राि कर भंडारण व्यिस्था करना वनवित वकया तथा साथ ही स्वेत क्रांवत से दय ध उत्पादन आवद अभी क्षेत्र मे विशेष ध्यान वदया गया। लघु, मध्यम तथा ब़िे उद्योगों के स्थापना से अवधक उत्पादन के साथ ही रोजगार तथा व्यिसाय सेिा क्षेत्रों के ऊपर भी लगातार प्रत्येक पंचिषीय बजट मे ध्यान वदया गया वजसके िलस्वरूप देश मे समृप्तद्ध हो रही है। आज के समय मे भारत के सामने सबसे ब़िी चुनौवतयाँा घयसख़ोरी, बढ़ते हुए अपराध, गरीबी इत्यावद हंै। इन चुनौवतयों से वनपटने के वलए समय समय पर सरकार द्वारा बहुत सी योजनाएं चलाई जा रही हंै। इसके बािजयद भी ज़मीनी इस्तर पर अभी बहुत कवमयाँा है, यही कवमयााँ देश को आगे बढ़ाने से रोक रही हैं। सरकार को जरूरत है, वक देश के प्रगवत के वलए बनाई गई नीवतयों मे पारदवशकता रखनी चावहए वजससे अवधकाररयों की जिाबदेही बढ़े गी इससे आम जनता और अवधकाररयों मे सतकक ता बढ़े गी। इसके िलस्वरूप घयसखोरी एिं गबन जैसे अपराधों मे कमी आएगी साथ ही कायक समय से पयरे होगं े और वजससे कालाबाजारी पर भी लगाम लगेगी और भारत तेजी से विकास एिं संपन्ता की तरि अग्रसर होगा। सरकार और आम नागररक के सतकक रहने से बहुत सारी परे शावनयों से बचा जा सकता है। जैसे की िाहन चलाते समय सतकक रहने से दुघकटना से बच सकते हंै, आम नागररक एिं सरकार के सतकक रहने से घयसखोरी, गबन, और बहुत से अपराधों मे कमी आएगी। ऐसे ही छोटे छोटे प्रयासों से ब़िी से ब़िी परे शावनयों का समाधान वकया जा सकता है और यह देश को सम्पन् बनाने मे सहायक होगा। Abhai Pratap Sharma , EE(P) 14

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