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Home Explore Healthcare Homes Learner Guide

Healthcare Homes Learner Guide

Published by LifetimeDesign, 2022-05-10 09:19:28

Description: Healthcare Homes Learner Guide


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Learner Guide to Apprenticeships

Contents 04 Your handy guide 05 What are the benefits 06 Who is Lifetime Training 07 Apprenticeships available 08 Training delivery 09 Functional Skills 10 Journey to End-point Assessment 12 Apprenticeship support 13 Aptem 14 Learner charter, Lifetime’s pledge and eligibility 16 FAQs 2

Welcome We typically think apprenticeships are only applicable to young people but the reality is very different. Today, apprenticeships suit a range of people and purposes, from supporting new recruits fresh out of formal education into employment, through to upskilling existing staff and supporting senior management. They promise valuable development opportunities, both personally and professionally. The training on offer is aligned to job roles within Healthcare Homes, meaning you can put your knowledge into practice at work every day, whilst simultaneously gaining an industry- recognised apprenticeship that has been accredited by the Institute for Apprenticeships. 3

Your handy guide This apprenticeship guide has been designed to Within this guide, you will find information provide you with everything you need to know for those that are interested in work-based about the apprenticeship opportunities available learning, what’s on offer to you and what the at Healthcare Homes in partnership with our apprenticeship journey looks like. apprenticeship provider Lifetime Training. What is an apprenticeship? Apprenticeships combine practical on-the-job training alongside study, with a focus on developing new knowledge, skills and behaviours. They can play a significant role in workforce talent development strategies; improving retention, engagement and productivity, while delivering return on investment. Work-based apprenticeship training offers businesses a flexible training solution for all Team Members, from new starters to management level. 4

What are the benefits? Nationally recognised and Gain vital new skills industry endorsed programmes and knowledge Earn while you learn Offer development opportunities for all ages and levels Recognition of success Builds confidence and supports long term career progression Supports retention across Student discount (NUS Apprentice Extra) our services for all learners 5

Who is Lifetime Training? Lifetime Training (Lifetime) is the UK’s largest apprenticeship training provider and, alongside its commercial training courses, delivers training to more than 20,000 learners a year. Founded in 1995, our team has over 25 years’ experience delivering best-in-class, bespoke training courses at both a local and national level across a wide range of sectors. More than 400 Trainers and Tutors deliver exceptional training regionally, backed by a central support hub and superior resources. 6

Apprenticeships The below apprenticeships are available to you If you would like to find out more details about to support you in your development. Lifetime’s the programmes below, please click on the Course Advisors and Coaches will talk to you to programme name. identify the best pathway to support you. Click on the course title for more information Adult Care Worker L2 Lead Adult Care Worker L3 Lead Practitioner in Adult Care L4 Leader in Adult Care L5 Healthcare Support Worker L2 Senior Healthcare Support Worker L3 Team Leader/Supervisor L3 Operations/Departmental Manager L5 Associate Project Manager L4 Coaching Professional L5 Customer Service Practitioner L2 Customer Service Specialist L3 Business Administration L3 Hospitality Team Member L2 – Housekeeping Production Chef L2 Hospitality Supervisor L3 – Housekeeping Senior Production Chef L3 Hospitality Manager L4 – Housekeeping 7

Training delivery All Team Members work towards an Institute for Apprenticeships accredited standard. Depending on your role, Level 2 programmes will generally take 12-15 months to complete. Levels 3, 4 and 5 apprentices should allow approximately 18 months. A Lifetime Coach will meet with you remotely or face-to-face at your place of work every 4-6 weeks throughout the apprenticeship. You will be required to complete ‘20% off-the-job training’ throughout your apprenticeship. This is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and helps towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. Each visit will be planned around your rota, and will involve a series of micro-teaching sessions, research activities, professional discussions and coaching activities to prepare you for End-point Assessment. You and Line Manager will receive helpful feedback and development activities after each visit. You will be given tasks to complete between visits, requiring two to three hours of your own study time. The Lifetime Coach, Manager and you formally review progress every eight weeks. In months 10-12, you will be guided through mock assessments to ensure you are End-point Assessment ready. Following a readiness discussion with Line Managers, months 13-15 should see you complete End-point Assessment (EPA) activities. EPA consists of several different types of external assessment, typically: multiple-choice tests, professional discussions and an observation of the apprentice at work. 8

Functional Skills There is a requirement for learners to hold a maths and English qualification by the end of the programme, to achieve the full apprenticeship. If Learners already hold a Grade A-C GCSE (or above) qualification in each subject then they will just need to present their certificates to the Learning Coach during the first visit. If Learners do not hold a Grade A-C GCSE (or above) qualification in either subject then Lifetime Training will support them to achieve Functional Skills alongside the delivery of the apprenticeship. 9

Journey to your End-point Assessment Apprentice Manager/mentor and Lifetime Coach The instructors – providing apprentices with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed in their role through teaching and learning. Assessment practice provided along the way. Gatew Towards the end ‘gateway’ discussion Manager, Lifetime where it will be dec is ready for their E Manager Trainer Learner Teaching Assessment Assessm and learning practice entry Months 1-12 10

End-point Assessor daenldivSmeerpaFtauhrnastcCetoioEanncgahlleisSshkwillisll A separate, independent Result issued! assessor will conduct the final Apprentices can receive a pass or distinction! For those EPA with the apprentice. who don’t pass first time, they’ll have the opportunity to take their EPA gain. way discussion d of the apprenticeship, a n will take place between the e Trainer and the apprentice cided whether the apprentice End-point Assessment (EPA). ment End-point Outcomes y Assessment Months 13-15 11

The apprentice journey On-programme training The Lifetime Learning Coach is the delivery expert who plans skills development, trains, coaches and assesses readiness for EPA. English and maths Coaches (EMC’s) are specialist tutors who will support an apprentice alongside the main Coach to ensure they get the best possible learning experience where maths and English need to be achieved. Learning Support Coaches are experts in supporting apprentices who have additional learning needs and may find the programme challenging for various reasons. They will support the achievement of Functional Skills in place of the EMC. All of our Tutors and Coaches are responsible for health & safety, safeguarding of the apprentice and any prevent training which needs to take place. Managers and Mentors are usually the Line Manager or allocated Team Member who plans and supports the training and skills development of the apprentice so they can effectively perform their job role. End-point Assessment The End-point Assessor is allocated to an apprentice at the end of the programme ‘gateway’ discussion. They will complete the assessment tests and tasks with an apprentice, ultimately deciding if the apprentice has met the criteria to pass their apprenticeship programme. 12

Aptem: quick start guide Aptem is Lifetime’s learner management system which you will have access to for your apprenticeship. It displays your learning plan, contains all of the topics covered and the progress you’ve made against them. You’ll manage your learning, submit work and track progress at every step. You can also view notifications from your coach regarding completed and upcoming activities and you’ll be able to message them directly from the system. Your learning journey will all be personalised to you, providing you with accessible, engaging content suited for any device. 13

Learner charter What we expect from you • Keep and regularly attend your • Be prepared to work hard and push appointment with your Coach forward your development • Complete independent learning • Keep your Coach updated with key in between visit information and give 48hr notice to reschedule appointments • Use Lifetime’s systems to access learning • Treat others with respect both online and face-to-face Lifetime’s pledge What to expect from Lifetime Training • We will ensure that the content of any • To listen to feedback, both positive and individual learning plan fulfils national and negative, from you and enable a constructive industry criteria and on-going process of review and evaluation • To ensure all activities take place in the • To support you should you move to another appropriate timescales, environment and location within Healthcare Homes to continue circumstances, and that these focus on and complete training your needs • To ensure you are promptly presented with • To ensure that the training meets the your completion certificate and any other nationally required standards of quality certificates as appropriate assurance, including the Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities contractual requirements, • To give you notice in writing of any variation required by the Skills Funding Agency of this agreement where they are no longer classified as an apprentice • To participate in regular reviews with you and your Line Manager or suitable replacement 14

Eligibility In order to be eligible for a government-funded apprenticeship you must fit the below criteria: • Need to be aged 16+ • Must not be in full-time government-funded education • Live in the EEA/UK for a minimum of 3 years and have the indefinite right to remain • Work a minimum 30 hours per week and have a permanent contract of employment* *If you work between 16-30 hours per week, you may still be eligible however the duration of the apprenticeship may be extended 15

FAQs The Healthcare Homes apprenticeship programme has been designed to offer the best development opportunities for our Team Members. Alongside this, we want to support you to make sure you are getting the most out of the training we are delivering. How long does an apprenticeship programme take and how is it delivered? An apprenticeship programme will take a minimum of 12 months to complete. A Lifetime Coach will arrange regular face-to-face/online visits with you and these sessions will be supported by distance learning and self study using Lifetime’s online resources. Can I do an apprenticeship if I work part-time? Employment must be for at least 30 hours per week. In the minority of cases where you cannot complete the full 30 hours, the apprenticeship duration will be extended accordingly (this also applies to any temporary period of part-time work). What if I don’t have the English or maths skills necessary to start an apprenticeship? We have specialist English and maths Coaches who will support you alongside your usual Coach to help you achieve the Functional Skills qualifications. We also provide support for additional learning needs. I want to do an apprenticeship, but I’m not sure which one to do? Lifetime’s Course Advisor Team will be able to help you find the right apprenticeship to support you and aid your development. 16

What is 20% off-the-job training and how will it fit into my apprenticeship? It is a government requirement that 20% of the Learner’s paid hours, over the planned duration of the training period within the apprenticeship must be spent on off-the-job training (OTJT). 20% OTJT is additional learning which develops Learners towards their apprenticeship. This is not necessarily ‘off-the-job’, however, is ‘off their normal job’ or in addition to their job role or duties. ✓ It can include training which is delivered in D oes not include English and maths the workplace, but must not be delivered as study/assessment or progress reviews part of normal working duties with the Coach ✓ Examples of OTJT activities include D oes not include training which takes place shadowing a team member, learning how outside the Learner’s paid working hours to complete a risk assessment or learning about new legislation ✓ OTJT provides an opportunity for individuals to develop new knowledge, skills and behaviours in the workplace I want to complete an apprenticeship, what do I do now? Please speak to your Line Manager in the first instance as they will need to support you throughout your apprenticeship. Your Line Manager will express your interest to the Head of Learning and Development. 17

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