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3D Leisure Manager Guide

Published by LifetimeDesign, 2022-06-08 11:52:49

Description: 3D Leisure Manager Guide


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3D Leisure Apprenticeships GMuaindaeger In partnership with Lifetime

3D Leisure Manager Guide Content 3 Your Handy Guide 4 What are the Benefits? 5 Who is Lifetime Training? 6 Apprenticeships 7 Apprenticeship Funding 8 Journey to your End-point Assessment 9 Aptem 10 Employer Charter and Eligibility 11 Lifetime's Pledge 12 Apprentice Recruitment 14 FAQs 2

Your handy guide This Manager Guide has been designed as your ‘go to’ guide on apprenticeships. It includes information about all aspects of the support we can provide you. Within this guide, you will find all you need to know about our apprenticeship programme, what’s on offer to you and your team, information for those that are interested in work-based learning and Lifetime Training’s free apprentice recruitment service. What is an apprenticeship? Apprenticeships can play a significant role in workforce talent development strategies; improving retention, engagement and productivity, while delivering Return on Investment. Work-based apprenticeship training offers businesses a flexible training solution for all Team Members, from new starters to management level. Your key training contact Name: Martina Chersano Position: Partnership Lead Email: [email protected] Contact No: 07557 561 998 3

3D Leisure Manager Guide What are the benefits? Benefits for your business and Team Members include: Tailored, role-relevant Gain vital new 80% of managers see apprenticeships for skills and knowledge a significant increase Team Members in retention Large dedicated team Recognition of success LIVE Manager reporting at Lifetime Training for your apprentices app and employer portal to support all your and your site needs with key training contacts for each area/region We are incredibly excited about this new partnership and are committed to developing you and your team, which will in turn support our business growth. In the meantime, if you want to put any members of your team on a programme, contact Martina Chersano or email [email protected] 4

Who is Lifetime Training? Lifetime Training (Lifetime) is the UK’s largest apprenticeship training provider and, alongside its commercial training courses, delivers training to more than 20,000 learners a year. Founded in 1995, our team has over 20 years’ experience delivering best-in-class, bespoke training courses at both a local and national level across retail and business administration, care, hospitality and active leisure sectors. More than 400 Coaches and Tutors deliver exceptional training regionally, backed by a central support hub and superior resources. 5

3D Leisure Manager Guide Apprenticeships The following section includes an outline of all apprenticeships available to you and your site. We can offer: Team Leader/ Supervisor Level 3 (Standard) £4500 (Non-Levy Employer pays £225) Personal Training Level 3 (Standard) £4000 (Non-Levy Employer pays £200) Leisure Team Member Level 2 (Standard) £5000 (Non-Levy Employer pays £250) Leisure Duty Manager Level 3 (Standard) £5000 (Non-Levy Employer pays £250) Partnership Lead: Martina Chersano Email: [email protected] Contact No: 07557 561 998 6

Apprenticeship Funding All apprenticeships within 3D Leisure non-Levy sites are now funded through a co-investment model where 5% of the value is paid by you as employer on a monthly direct debit, and the remaining 95% is funded by the government. As there is a cost implication please speak to your regional manager before enrolling any employees on an apprenticeship. The cost of the training and will be invoiced monthly by Lifetime. It is now a requirement for all non-Levy employers to open a DAS (Digital Apprenticeship Service) Account. If you don't already have one, please speak to your Partnership Lead, who will be able to support in setting this up. The government have introduced incentives to support this funding model: A ll apprentices who are aged between 16-18 will trigger a £1,000 payment to the employer. £500 will be paid when the apprentice reaches their third month of training, and the remaining £500 will be paid at month 12. A pprentices aged between 19-24 will be exempt from Employer National Insurance contributions. 7

3D Leisure Manager Guide 8

Aptem: Quick start guide Easily track the progress of your apprenticeship programme through Aptem and upload evidence to support the End-point Assessment gateway. For further support, please request our Manager and Mentor Guide*. Watch the video* Read the guide** * ** line-manager-guide.pdf 9

3D Leisure Manager Guide Employer Charter what we expect from Managers & Mentors S upport apprentice to achieve Eligibility on-the-job skills aligning to the required standard. If you’re planning to sign up a Team Member or want to recruit an apprentice, Complete Employer Skills Endorsement always refer back to the government’s via The Portal with proof of learning. apprenticeship eligibility criteria. The most up-to-date guidance can be found Be available for pre-scheduled on Gov.UK. Lifetime programme review visits to discuss apprentice development and The government criteria for undertaking progression of skills. an apprenticeship requires§ that existing Team Members work a minimum of 30 Support apprentice and Lifetime hours per week on average (including to achieve off-the-job training any off-the-job training), and have lived through online and face-to-face within the European Economic Area learning activities. (EEA) or UK for three years, or as a non-EEA citizen who has been granted Support your apprentice with access to a permission to live in the UK by the UK technology device where possible. government and ordinarily resided in the UK for at least three years.* Provide your apprentice with access to a suitable environment in which to meet *Correct at time of printing their Coach, where possible this should be a quiet environment with internet access (Please discuss with your Lifetime Coach if your apprentice does not have access to a technology device or internet access). P rovide your apprentices with time to meet with their Coach, visits usually last two hours. Support your apprentice in meeting their Learner Charter agreements such as keeping appointments with their Coach, completing independent learning in between visits, using Fuse to access learning, treating others with respect both online and face-to-face (supporting documents, learner charter, visits with my Lifetime Coach). 10

Lifetime’s Pledge What to expect from Lifetime Training: W e will ensure that the content of any To participate in regular reviews with your Individual Learning Plan fulfils national and Team Member and your line Manager or industry criteria. suitable replacement. T o ensure all activities are undertaken by T o listen to feedback, both positive and suitably qualified Team Members and negative, from your Team Member and take place in the appropriate timescales, enable a constructive and on-going process environment and circumstances, and that of review and evaluation. these focus on the needs of the individual Team Member. To support your Team Member should they move to another brand or location T o ensure that the training meets the within 3D Leisure to continue and nationally required standards of quality complete their training. assurance, including the Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities contractual T o ensure your Team Members requirements, required by the Skills are promptly presented with their Funding Agency. completion certificate and any other certificates as appropriate. T o give your Team Members notice in writing of any variation of this agreement where they are no longer classified as an apprentice. 11

3D Leisure Manager Guide Apprentice recruitment Lifetime offers a dedicated, free apprentice recruitment service for 3D Leisure. Lifetime is now the largest recruitment service of any training provider in the UK with over 4000 recruited candidates in the last year. In short, Lifetime supports its partners with recruiting the best candidates, whilst ensuring retention through its award-winning training programmes. What you get As easy as 1, 2, 3... A tailored recruitment package. 1. Identify an apprentice vacancy – Dedicated Recruitment Manager and at least 30 hours per week. team to support apprentice recruitment. SLA and employer guidance. 2. Call or email Lifetime: Your vacancy will V acancy advertising - national, regional be advertised free of charge on a variety and industry online job boards, geo and of portals to maximise applications. demographically-targeted advertising on Lifetime will conduct a pre-screening social media platforms. telephone interview to assess eligibility P re-screening, eligibility check and and sustainability. Shortlisted candidate shortlisting of candidates. will be sent to you for consideration. Job and skills matching. CV’s sent to managers prior to interview. 3. Choose the applicants you wish to Management of interview process interview face-to-face.Lifetime will and interview support. support with interview booking, and N ational coverage with over 500 candidate preparation. Successful desk-based tutors and regional assessors. candidate offered and start date agreed . Contact Lifetime today on 0333 043 6607 or [email protected] 12


3D Leisure Manager Guide FAQs The new 3D Leisure apprenticeship programme has been designed to offer the best development opportunities for your Team Members. Alongside this, we want to support you to make sure you are getting the most out of the training we are delivering. How long does an apprenticeship programme take & how is it delivered? Depending on the Team Member, an apprenticeship programme will take at least 12 months to complete. A Lifetime Coach will arrange regular face-to-face visits with apprentices and these sessions will be supported by distance learning. This time does not need to impact on your business and will be planned around the rotas in agreement with you. The apprenticeship programme includes; Face-to-face training sessions R esources to support individual study and project work Q&A sessions Practical observations Additional remote support from Lifetime 24-hour electronic access to course content and learning resources Online multiple-choice assessments A dditional learning support Can my team do an apprenticeship if they are part-time? Employment must be for at least 30 hours per week. In the minority of cases where the apprentice cannot complete the full 30 hours, the apprenticeship duration will be extended accordingly (this also applies to any temporary period of part-time work). 14

What does Lifetime Training do to support this training programme? Lifetime provides a dedicated team so there is always someone to contact if you have any questions or issues. Coaches – trained in your specific brand requirements, values and training goals. Regular reviews – to ensure that everyone involved is getting the support they need. I have a Team Member who wants to do an apprenticeship but I’m not sure which one they should do? Don't worry! Lifetime has Course Advisors who will be able to help you. Please register your interest here and Lifetime's Course Advisors will contact you to discuss the options available. I have an employee who wants to complete an apprenticeship, what do I do now? You or your team members can register your interest here and Lifetime will get in touch to take you through the next steps. Your key training contacts Each 3D Leisure site has a dedicated Lifetime Coach. However, if you are unsure of who this is then please contact your Partnership Lead. Name: Martina Chersano Position: Partnership Lead Email: [email protected] Contact No: 07557 561 998 15

The Club Company Manager Guide Clifton Heights Triangle West Bristol BS8 1EJ 0333 0143 669 [email protected] 16

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