EUNOIA INTERIOR DESIGN CONTACT : 0813 8744 9792 0821 5380 8080 EMAIL : [email protected]
WHO WE ARE Are you planning to decorate, renovate or build your dream home or project? Eunoia Design can help you create interior design that are a true reflec�on of you. We focus on designing spaces represen�ng your style or business needs in a crea�ve, trendy approach. Our goal is to guide you through this process smoothly and enjoyably. Who we are 2
3 Our solu�ons
OUR SOLUTIONS - Interior and Exterior Design - Realis�c 3D visualiza�on - Architectural produc�on drawings - Commercial and residen�al furniture - Landscape - Graphic Design - Signages - Canopy Design Our solu�ons 4
HOW IT WORKS! DISCOVERY Phase 1 We do this process to find out the needs of clients by understanding their backgrounds and desires, either it is a commercial, house or an apartment project. Site surveys are conducted to make effec�ve use of the area while represen�ng the client's preferred style. LAYOUT & DESIGN Phase 2 Layout or floor plan plays an important role as it is a basic step for all projects. It is used to arrange the placement of furniture and divide the area of the building for a more useful purpose whether it is a house, apartment or commercial. 5 How it works!
BUDGETING Phase 3 For budge�ng, we focus on serving projects with upper middle budgets. Reason being is because we learned that the budget will determine the materials used in the design. Based on research done in the past, Asians tend to live for more than 10 years. Therefore, using durable materials for furniture is indispensable. 3D RENDER Phase 4 A�er layout plans and sketches have been made, the next step will be 3D drawing. The purpose of 3D drawing is to provide a clearer and more realis�c percep�on of the designs for the clients. BUILD & CONSTRUCT Phase 5 Without a great execu�on, our designs are meaningless. We provide a complete range of interior services which are project management, design management, and manufacturing resources in order to meet clients' expecta�ons. How it works! 6
7 Turnkey solu�on
TURNKEY SOLUTION From the designing process to Mentality Interiors execu�on, provide turnkey solu�ons to every architectural aspect of your project. No ma�er the scale of your project, we assign a dedicated Project Manager (PM) to ensure the flawless and �mely execu�on of your project construc�on. We are \"on-call\" to make daily, weekly, and monthly site visits and work very closely with our vendors, traders, and sub-contractors during the project partnership. Turnkey solu�on 8
OUR WORK . Residen�al . Apartment .Cafe .Bou�que Hotel - We meet you to know your design requirements and direc�on - We offer you a FREE of charge mood board illustra�ng suggested decora�on style and color scheme - We present our best offer in detail for your approval - A�er one to two weeks, you can see your original home design live 9 Our work
Our work 10
11 Residen�al
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Residen�al 16
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Residen�al 20
21 Apartment
Apartment 22
23 Apartment
Apartment 24
25 Apartment
Apartment 26
27 Restaurant
Restaurant 28
29 Bou�que hotel
Bou�que hotel 30
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Bou�que hotel 32
33 Bou�que hotel
Bou�que hotel 34
35 Bou�que hotel
Bou�que hotel 36
WE DELIVER THE QUALITY YOU DESERVE Thank you for your �me. 37
EUNOIA INTERIOR DESIGN For inquiries please contact : CONTACT : 0813 8744 9792 0821 5380 8080 EMAIL : [email protected] 38
EUNOIA INTERIOR DESIGN CONTACT : 0813 8744 9792 0821 5380 8080 EMAIL : [email protected]
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